#it is 2:30 am now guys
ravio-the-cabinet-man · 10 months
accidentally stayed up past the 'sleepy med make sleepy' threshold and now ive watched 50 minutes of the movie Spirit (Stallion of the Cimarron) (one of my fav childhood movies) and then decided "i should try to sleep" then couldnt fall asleep in 5 minutes and then decided "well if i finish the movie thats too late at night. ill watch youtube instead" and proceeded to watch the equivalent of the rest of the movie in shorter videos.
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delulluart · 7 months
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30 min sketch of the Cardinal as a treat for surviving the past 2 weeks at work. It's a bit messy but I kind of like it (really regretted the no eraser rule for this one).
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My birthday was full of unexpected interactions
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themanwhowouldbefruit · 2 months
my doctor was sooooo fucking worthless and unhelpful im going to masturbate and i hope it fucking kills me
#“no need for follow up”#“yeah you did have several cysts we scrapped off your remaining ovary but. dw about it. idk why they were there. dw about it. oh also your#ovary on that side was freakishly huge but. dw about it. it might go away. dw about it#*doctor shrug emoji* “#“go see a gyno next year maybe. but not me im too important for that. go find and onboard a gyno to your situation. next year maybe idk lol”#he barely even looked at my incision like#this fucking appointment could have been an email. or a phone call. or they just could have let me start driving again. also i forgot to ask#if i can stop drinking ensure now or after the 6 weeks? cause that shit cost $$$$. but he probably would have been super unhelpful if i had#fr fr this guy only wanted to give me the time of day when he thought i might have fun cancer inside and now he's like gtfo!!!! get your#fugly cancerless ass out of here!!!! recover from a major surgery on your own you swagless cancerless loser 🤣 we arent helping your#swagless ass!!!#anyway it seems weird and fucked up that im was never offered to see a physical therapist and i guess am going to have to blindly trust my#abs they sliced thru are healing or whatever and to rawdog my own physical recovery of my muscles? even just dumb shit like. my center of#gravity has drastically changed since the mass removal and my back hurts like shit all the time because all my posture muscles were built up#for when i had an extra 30 pounds of cyst hanging in the front and my posture and walking reflected that. and i lowkey don't know how#hard i am able to be with my healing incision because its really tight and makes me hunch forwards still. like i would really like to know#how much i can safely or maybe should be forcing my skin and incision to stretch. without damage? is that crazy#am i crazy???#this shit is why i didnt see a doctor for 2 years until my problems had snowballed into a 30 pounds ovarian cyst that was crushing my other#organs and had one of my kidneys all backed up with piss. and even getting emergency treatment for it everyone was like. how did you like it#get this bad?? how could you not know you needed to seek medical treatment???? like. bro. seeking medical treatment isnt even a guarantee to#get medical treatment.#anyway he said my “remaining ovary seemed low key polycystic but dw about it. don't quote me on that im not dealing with it.”#bro i dont want to doctor google it i wanted an actual doctor to deal with it. fuck you.#like. maybe even a doctor who knows my situation so i dont have to struggle with getting someone to believe me and take me seriously.#but whatever. back to trying to figure out the daily protein and extra calories my body needs for recovery via doctor google i guess.#its fine 🚬🚬🚬🚬🚬🚬🚬🚬🚬🚬🚬🚬🚬🚬🚬🚬🚬🚬🚬🚬
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fiepige · 6 months
WOOO chapter 3 is up!!!
“HOLY SH-” Miles and Gwen simultaneously turned to cover Pav’s mouth so as to not alert the creature in the middle of the carnage below them. The creature either didn’t hear him or it was too preoccupied with whatever it was doing. To his regret Miles soon realized what that was, as another wet snapping noise broke the silence once more. The creature was crouched down on all fours over what Miles assumed was the body of an officer, though it was so mutilated that it was hard to tell for sure. Its head was buried into the chest of the body beneath it, another wet snapping noise emerging as it pulled out a couple of ribs between its bloodied jaws... Or The Spider-Gang goes looking for Hobie. They don’t like what they find.
Chapter 3 of my Venom!Hobie fic is here! 💜💜💜
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gayrogues · 11 months
there is no fucking way that tom king's shitty oneshot, featuring the most out-of-character riddler known to man and a batman who breaks his no kill rule and waterboards people, got nominated for an eisner award...
#i hate the riddler issue of one bad day so much it's unreal#1. why write a riddler comic if you're gonna be like 'actually he HATES riddles and puzzles and won't be using them anymore'#now he's just some guy who kills people#2. i don't think i need to explain why i hate the concept of batman breaking the no kill rule or waterboarding people#3. trying to make the killing joke relevant again after 30 years? to say that ed was the mastermind behind it?#4. the plot is just. incredibly silly and not in a good way like you're telling me once the riddler stops using riddles he#becomes powerful enough to take over the entire city and batman can't do anything about it except kill him?#and i'm not talking taking over the city like in zero year where there was an actual plan#in one bad day everyone just gets sooo scared of him and his massive brain that they fall in line#5. that is not his fucking backstory#that's like. the complete opposite of it. keeping only the part about him having a shitty dad#he was never a prestigious prep school kid under immense pressure to be the smartest#he was just some kid who went unnoticed by everyone and that's why winning that puzzle contest was so important to him#and then his dad refused to believe he was smart enough to win the contest without cheating and you know the rest#he has a very ordinary backstory that explains a lot about him#meanwhile i feel like tom king was like 'oh shit this series is called one bad day'#'i need to give ed a pivotal moment in his life that made him fucked up and evil'#'how bout i write all this stuff leading up to him brutally killing his teacher at the age of like 15'#and it just sucked ass#i feel like there was more stuff i hated that i'm forgetting but i am not gonna re-read this comic to remember! at least the art was good#oopsie daisy these tags turned out to be much longer than i was expecting - i don't even care about the eisner awards i just saw the#category pop up on the library app that i use and i was like Why is This in here#ransom.txt
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sentientstump · 1 year
something something traffic series
something something crosswalks
something something cyclical nature of different people performing one objective - crossing the road - only every now and then doing it differently than others but in the end they are still crossing the road
or something
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deus-ex-mona · 7 months
it’s that time of week again…
#and M A N today’s getsuyoubi was extra yuuutsu#first i dropped 2 cup things filled with water. cool. a mess was made. nice.#t h e n my workstation shook by itself and one of the cup things toppled down again. only it was filled with (diluted) acid this time!!!!#i wish it fell onto me bc at l e a s t my bad day would’ve ended with just an acid burn instead of getting worse#bc *then* we found out that we were near-out of [insert reagent here] that we need to run blanks for [test thing] yay!!!!! joy!!!!!!!!!#so we had to use a substitute solvent (sadge)#if only it ended there aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa#i left work on time -> waited forever for the delayed bus -> decided to get some coffee or sth as a pick me up t h e n…#the coffee place happened to run out of single bags so i decided to put it into my bag instead (mistake)…#…a n d dropped my phone while trying to prop the stupid drink upright so it wouldn’t spill.#unfortunately for me though... some rando picked up my phone some time within the 30s-1 min wherein i realised that my phone was gone…#…and took it home with him instead of handing it to the customer service counter at the nearby train stations. ha.#called my phone a couple of times with the phone from a customer service counter but he~~ didn’t~~ pick up~~~~~~~~~#and so. long story short. i had to leave the house an extra time to go to this guy’s place to pick up my bb (read: my phone)#bc the dude~~~ can’t~~~~ speak~~~ english~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ so he didn’t understand me when i told him my location~~~~~~~#and now it’s almost 8.30 in the pm. im waiting for the delayed bus to go home from wherever tf i am now. and i haven’t eaten all day :))))#(aside from a small cake thing but it’s negligible tbh)#aND HOLY FK I HATE THIS I FLAGGED DOWN THE BUS BUT IT SKIPPED THE STOP HELP ME I JUST WANNA GO HOME#.am i allowed to cry yet. i. just. i just wanna eat my dinner.#…come to think of it my drink ended up spilling in my bag while i was hunting for my phone. so. there’s that to clean up ig.#ughhhhhhhhh i wish that guy had just left my phone where he found it. s o b s#so yeah. if you read this i hope you had a good monday at least…#this truly is my ✨t r a g i c c o m e d y✨
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gregmarriage · 3 months
succ/brba crossover, where jesse and greg meet because greg goes to score drugs for kendall. then, he starts going to score pot for himself, bc jesse is nicer than a lot of other dealers, even if greg thinks he’s weird, and vice versa, but also, he’s a relaxing change of pace from the roys, and feels more akin to his old life, when he wants to go outside of himself and all the stress of his job and current life. he never has any idea what jesse gets up to, and neither does jesse of greg. one day, jesse disappears… and greg has to find a new dealer, and starts to forget about the weird fucking guy he used to smoke pot with sometimes.
#they also fuck nasty#yeah yeah the timelines and geography don’t match up#stop ruining my beautiful world <3#could also be greg spends some time in new mexico pre canon and he met jesse then#and one day he tells tom about a guy who used to deal him pot and they were sort of friends until he disappeared#could also be slightly pre brba canon or at least early into the canon#greg would have been about 17/18 in 2008 right?#if he’s supposed to be between 27 and 30#i always lean more towards 27 but if succ passes at least 2 years then he’s closer to 30 then#do i have to write this now?#is succ even set in 2018? bc it never really says and you can kinda twist shit bc the timeline makes no fucking sense so i can honestly say#anything and it’s not necessarily false#either way tho#it’s only a silly crossover and we can pretend and ignore if things aren’t correct <3#also they both have it in common that they have 4 and 5 seasons respectively but only take place over the span of two years like#that’s crazy#jesse in s1 is the same age i am now#well he turns 25 in and amongst the pilot and i’m not yet 25 but same thing#and is barely 26 at the end of the show#he’s so young!!#which kinda makes everything worse#bc obviously the thing about jesse is he may be a grown man but he’s also secretly soft and childish in his ways#and 26 isn’t old in any way#like he’s a child in my eyes#i always think he’s younger#like 19/20#he tells walt high school was a long time ago but i would also say that even if i’d just got out of high school imaoooo#anyways he and greg are both my baby boys is the point of this post imaooooo#gwen rambles#gwenposting
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dimitrscu · 1 year
i love pride month but at the same time it always makes me feel so bad about myself. just knowing that i’ll never be able to properly come out because my family will turn on me and because of that i will never be able to have a relationship just makes me feel really awful
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katierosefun · 1 year
riding public transportation doing my laundry buying things from cvs studying along to the minecraft music to help me perform my tasks
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neurofaggot · 1 year
I'm up too early. I went to a friend's party and by god I stayed too long talking and doing drugs fjdkfhjf (ITS 5AM!!! Hell on earth) BUT. I do want a little record of like. How absolutely nice these people were - I'd never met them before, and they were so like. Nice and accepting and we had soooo many chats about being transgender (this was like. All 40yr old cis men) and they were just great. Like yes I stayed wayyyyy too long but by god were they some of the nicest people ever. I love my job (I get to meet cool af people and do free drugs and have fun. Like it's perfect)
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yavoid · 9 months
SCREAMING RN Worst night of my life
I was successful for almost 2 years from prevening my brain from being a piece of shit and splitting but I guess this weekend we're getting 2 fictives because Fuck me Ig
Tbh could care less about Shadow bc yk what he's fine. I don't have to worry about his ass being feral and being completely reckless
Spamton Fucking NEO on the other hand I- I hate this I hate everything rn I wish system hoping was real GET ME OUT OF HERE
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arr-jim-lad · 2 years
at this point im so mentally worn out that it genuinely feels like im about to have a minor breakdown in face of the smallest possible inconvenience
i've been so consistently feeling so miserable that i feel like my hair being pink is the only thing keeping me within any semblance of sanity
#2 days ago i almost cried bc i really wanted to make a paperdoll for my DIO zine but i hated everything i drew#i spent 3 hours almost finishing one just to realize i fucking hated it#so i decided to drop the entire thing because i physically and mentally just Couldn't Do It Anymore#i'm so exhausted at this point. this project has completely drained me. im so tired im so tired im so tired#i thought to myself like ok so the special edition zine won't have a paperdoll i still have other stuff#i thought the paperdoll was a really fun idea and i felt so fucking upsetting to let it go but y'know there's the other things#....... so today i got the prototype keychains.#which i needed to make promotional photos on monday#so that people who want to order the special edition zine would know exactly what they're buying#and of course: Vograce Printed The Keychains Wrong#the design was supposed to have some see-through layers which were even clearly included on the design proof THEY sent me#but the keychains just... don't have it. there are no see-through layers. they are just normal coloured layers.#so now i have keychain prototypes that don't look as they should and ok sure i CAN technically still do the photos with these#but the keychain won't look as it should and that bothers me#and i dont want to wait anymore bc i really want to open preorders next week#but i'll have to order prototypes AGAIN bc i still really need to see how the actual keychain would look when it's done right#i'm so tired i am so fucking tired i am so exhausted#i am just. fully expecting to see my printer on monday just to be told he hasn't even opened my email and hasn't printed anything#i was waiting all day for a guy to install better internet for me#i was told he will come today at 11:30#at 1PM i call my internet provider to ask them where the fuck he is#they tell me. 'oh did you not get a message that his visit was rescheduled to 21st?'#i did not. i received no such message. i've already been waiting A MONTH for this faster internet. and now i'll be waiting another 10 day#btw these keychains? i was also waiting all day for the postman to call me and let me know he's at my building#so that i could go get the package#bc our postmen decided that actually they don't want to deliver packages anymore YOU have to go out and get them#he did not call me. he had my number btw. he just didn't call me. he just left a note in my mailbox#meaning that i had to go to the post myself like 5 hours later because that's when packages return to the post office#there were like two more vents in the tags but tumblr nerfed me#bitching about all this in the tags made me feel a little better tbh
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woahajimes · 1 year
why am i crying outside the donut shop
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sudoscience · 1 year
I woke up from a dream just now that I had gone to see a movie with two guys I'd met on the bus, and as they were leaving the theater, I realized I never got their numbers. So, I'm waking up and thinking, "If I hurry, I can still catch them in the lobby. Wait, no. That was a dream. Well, maybe I'll meet up with them later? No. They don't exist at all."
Anyway, it's funny what details your mind fills in and what it leaves out. Neither of those guys have a name, but I know I met them on the 801 bus going north from downtown. Except, I have a car. How did I get downtown? Also, I'm pretty sure the movie we saw was Spider-Man, but I can't tell you anything else about it. Was it live action or animated? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ But I remember someone in the audience mentioned Aunt May. And also there was a time skip in between when I met them and when we went to the movie. Like, I think one or both of them came over to my house, but then one of them had to leave because he had to... go sing at a party?
Anyway, I don't usually remember my dreams at all, so that one stood out.
#dreams#getting cockblocked by the nature of reality now smh#weird dream. definitely one of those ones where the more you think about it the less it makes sense#i met them on the bus? i don't take the bus#and it was two of them. were they already a couple? was i just third wheeling and completely oblivious?#or was it a love triangle sort of deal? i kinda remember liking one of the guys more than the other#but at the same time i'm like. cool! i'm going to be part of a throuple#but maybe there was a reason they were trying to leave me behind#oh and my shoes were off for some reason. and they were untied.#but 1) i am NOT the kinda guy who takes his shoes off in the theater (gross) and 2) i usually wear boots that don't have laces#maybe it was more of a love triangle thing and the other guy was trying to sabotage me?#of course the other weird thing is that i generally don't give two shits about dating#yet here i am spending 30 minutes telling y'all about this dream in which i fail to get someone's number#also had another dream about building a detached mother in law suite at my friend's dad's house?#maybe guest house would be a better term#but that one wasn't as interesting. it wasn't like actually building anything. it was more just planning it out#how are we going to wire it up to electricity? is it going to have running water? what about a kitchenette?#what are we going to use for the walls? we probably need a permit from the city for this don't we?#and because i don't know the answer to most of these questions irl i also don't know them in my dreams#except for the permit one. i'm pretty sure we'd definitely need a permit#anyway. i'm going to hit post now because i need to get ready for work
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