#it been nearly eight years…………………
therealcocoshady · 16 hours
Recovery - Chapter 35
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Eminem x Female Reader Fanfiction
Synopsis : Reader is mad at Em after their heated argument and he does everything he can not to lose her.
Y/N’s POV 
You had decided to sleep in one of the guest rooms after your argument with Marshall. He had tried to reason with you, apologize for the millionth time and tell you he loved you but you just needed to be in a different room and not see or hear him. With him begging and pleading, it was impossible to process your feelings. After you locked yourself in the guest room, you heard him knock and apologize for a while but he eventually went away when he understood that you would not open the door, let alone talk to him. To say you were hurt would be the understatement of the year. How did he dare accuse you of lying ? How did he dare imply that you would not deserve to raise children when he knew full well that it was all that you wanted for yourself ? You understood that he might have said that out of anger, fear or whatever extreme emotion he might have felt in the moment but that was no excuse. And it did prove one thing : after knowing you for nearly two years, having witnessed you work towards recovery, he still saw you as an addict. This made you feel worthless, like everything you had done, all the meetings, the therapy sessions had done no good and that you would always be seen as the stupid girl who made a couple of bad decisions because she had a hard time handling trauma. Before messing with your anxiety prescription and eventually overdosing, you had never done a lot of drugs. You had never been the party type, drinking too much and experimenting with substances. The heaviest thing you had ever tried was smoking weed during trips to Amsterdam with your friends from college. You were not a crackhead, for crying out loud ! Looking at the bigger picture, your experience with drugs was limited and represented a few months. It could have been worse. You did not want to minimize your mistakes, but you also did not want them to be held against you for the rest of your life. You were twenty-eight, you still had a lifetime ahead of you. Three months messing with Xanax should not earn you a life sentence. And if Marshall thought different, to hell with him. 
Having him throw all these things in your face hurt on so many different levels and you cried yourself to sleep. Out of anger, sadness and frustration. And on top of that, you had to deal with the guilt of feeling unable to truly rejoice for Talia. You were feeling more lonely than ever. The last time you had felt this lonely was after you lost your baby. Simon was there physically but nowhere to be found on an emotional level and your friends, despite trying their best, did not really understand what you were going through. Now, things were different but also similar in a way : you couldn’t really talk to your friends and it was painfully obvious that your partner would not be of any support. All you had wanted for the night was to have some peace, some alone time and, eventually, Marshall’s arms to fall asleep in. Instead, you had an argument that led you to sleep in a guest room and a possible breakup on your mind. 
You didn’t want to break up with Marshall. Even after the awful things he threw in your face, you were still in love with him. It didn’t make sense. If anything, you should hate him. And in a way, you did. But you still loved him. The perspective of breaking up was making you sick to your stomach but what choice did you have, when the person you loved the most, the one who was supposed to protect you, be there for you and have your back did not respect you and thought of you as a failure ? Yes, he had apologized countless times and professed his love for you, but what good did it do if he saw you as an addict and a charity case ? 
The only reason you managed to sleep at all was from the exhaustion from crying. You had sobbed so much that your head was hurting when you woke up, your vision still blurry. That’s when you felt a presence in bed, next to you. You rubbed your eyes and saw Marshall laying there, staring at you intently with bloodshot eyes. You had locked the door behind you. What the hell was he doing here ? How long had he been staring at you for ? 
What are you doing here ? You asked in a raspy voice. How did you even get here ? 
Masterkey. Baby… I can’t sleep without you, he said. I don’t want to sleep without you. Not tonight. Not ever. 
So you thought you’d stare at me in my sleep like some sicko ? 
Y/N, I… Please don’t do this, he sighed. Don’t leave me. 
He was staring into your eyes, as if he were trying to read into your soul. He was wearing a white tank top and gray sweatpants. He knew full well that was the clothes you liked the most on him. You had told him countless times how sexy he was in them. And you had to admit that, laying on top of the covers, icy blue eyes and muscles on full display, he was a vision. Even when you were mad at him, he had you drooling and it was painfully unfair. 
Marshall…, you began. 
I can’t lose you, he pleaded. I don’t want to lose you. I can’t live without you. 
You hurt me, you said as you swallowed dryly. You really hurt me. 
I know, baby, I-
No you don’t ! You interjected. You have absolutely no idea how bad it hurts. This is worse than the time you told me I should have overdosed before we met. Losing this baby, it’s the worse thing that ever happened to me. How dare you tell me I shouldn’t get to be a mother ?! How dare you tell me that when it was my biggest dream and the reason for our breakup ? How dare the man I told everything about my miscarriage to, the one who consoled me when I was hurting, say something so mean when I gave up on this dream in order to be with him ?! 
I’m so sorry, he sobbed. I don’t deserve you. I know it. I fucked up. 
And I don’t deserve you either ! You spat.  I deserve better. You said you had my back. You said you were here for me. You were supposed to be my best friend in the world. You were supposed to protect me. You had me believing that I could recover. The man who gave me this fucking sobriety pendant and told me I wasn’t alone doesn’t believe in me and thinks I’m basically a crackhead ! 
No, Y/N, it’s not true, he said. I don’t think that at all. You’re so strong. I know it. I see it. 
Then why would you say what you said ? You cried. What good reason can you possibly have for hurting me this bad ? 
I… It’s hard to explain. 
The both of you were crying, laying in bed, staring at each other. Seeing Marshall in tears broke your heart but, hell, he had broken yours. You were mad at yourself for having so much empathy for him. He reached for your hand and, with the other, wiped his tears. 
Look, I know it’s no excuse, but… When I saw the tests, I freaked out, he said. Because it’s not even that I don’t want kids. I mean, I don’t, because I’ve had three beautiful daughters, I feel like my family is complete and, who wants to change diapers in their fifties anyway ? Or be mistaken for their child’s grandpa ? But really… When I thought you were pregnant, I was terrified. Because there is no fucking way I can be chill with the idea of having another baby when I put mine through so much. I traumatized my daughters. Their mom traumatized them too. Their parents were fucking zombies. They saw us struggle. No child should ever, ever see that. No kid should have to call 911 because their dad is dying on the bathroom floor, or have to wait for their mom to call them from jail. They should not have to say “Mom is in rehab. Again. She was sober for years but she relapsed and now she’s a mess”. I can’t even begin to tell you all about the times my kids didn’t have their parents with them for important events. Or the times when we were there but not mentally present. 
You stared at him in silence as he spoke. He had already told you about his addiction, how he had struggled, but he had never really spoken about the impact it had on his daughters, on his family. Tears were falling down his cheeks as he spoke and you could tell the memories were still vivid. 
And when I say that addicts are shitty parents, I’m just talking from my experience, he continued. No matter how much I’m trying now, no matter how long I’ve been sober, it doesn’t erase everything the girls have been through. And I can’t, in good conscience, have another child. Being an addict doesn’t mean you don’t love your kids to death. But it means that they have to put up with a lot and might end up having to care for you when, really, you’re the one who should take care of them. And I won’t even get into the bad genetics they might inherit. When I got back from the hospital, the girls had to take care of me. And throughout the years, they’ve had to take care of Kim, too. 
I know, you said. And I’m so sorry you had to go through this but… You were mean to me. You were cruel. 
I never meant to say you wouldn’t be a loving mother, he explained. Because there is absolutely no doubt in my mind about this. And I know it’s a sensitive subject for you. What I really meant to say is that, even though you’ve worked so hard, even though you’re doing so good, there is no certainty you won’t relapse at one point or another. It doesn’t mean I don’t trust you, it doesn’t mean that I wouldn’t be there for you if something happened. It means that it’s scaring the living shit out of me. I wouldn’t be able to handle having a kid with anyone, but if I’m being honest, I couldn’t handle the pressure of having one with you especially, because I’d be even more scared. 
You nodded sheepishly. When he put it in these words, it made more sense. You were still hurt but, in a way, you would see where he was coming from. 
But I realize that… It’s a me issue, for the most part, you know ? He finally said. And I guess that, just because it’s the way I see things doesn’t mean it has to be true for you. I know we’re in different situations. 
Yes, you said with tears in your eyes. Because for me… It was three months, Marshall. I only used for three months. And it doesn’t change the fact that I made mistakes. But I don’t want to be thought of as an addict for the rest of my life. Because that’s not who I am. It shouldn’t have to define who I am. And I will not have you think of me as a charity case.
I know, he agreed. I fucked up. I’m sorry. But I don’t want to lose you. I can’t lose you. For the record, I don’t think of you as an addict. And you are not a charity case. You have never been. Even at the beginning, we bonded over the topic of addiction and I wanted to be there for you, but it was never about charity or whatever. Or maybe it was, but with me being the damn charity case. 
I never saw you like that, you said. 
Before I met you, I was a fucking mess, you know ? He said. I was sober for fifteen years, I was doing good on paper, but I wasn’t… I wasn’t happy. I never really thought I could be. Content, maybe. But happy ? No. You’re the one who showed me what true happiness looks like. You were never a fucking charity case, Y/N. You’re the air I breathe. 
You could see the sincerity in his eyes. He was holding your hand in his and staring at you. Things seemed a bit clearer now but you weren’t ok. Maybe he didn’t actually mean all the things he’d said, but you still took them to heart. You stared back at him, not saying much. And if you weren’t pushing him away, you weren’t exactly making a move in his direction either. You were just sitting in bed, feeling emotionally drained. 
I’m really sorry, you know, he reiterated. I know I’ve said that a hundred million times tonight, but I mean it. Can you forgive me ? 
I… I don’t know, you said blandly. 
I’ll do whatever it takes, Y/N, he said. I swear to God, all you have to do is tell me what to do and I’ll fucking do it. I’ll jump in front of a train, I’ll sell a kidney, I’ll take my heart out of my chest and offer it to you. Anything. 
Can you… Leave me alone ? You asked. 
He looked absolutely heartbroken and you didn’t want to hurt him but, at the same time, you didn’t want a sacrifice. What you wanted, what you really needed was time and space. You looked at him as he swallowed dryly. There was a hint of panic in his eyes. 
Please don’t leave, he pleaded. 
I need time, Marshall, you explained. I need space. 
Please, he begged. 
He cupped your face and whispered to you how much he loved you, how much he needed you. “I can’t lose you”, he kept on saying. He then proceeded to kiss your forehead, your cheeks, your lips… He seemed virtually unable to let go of you. You burst into tears as soon as his lips touched yours and he held you as you sobbed in his arms, repeating how sorry he was. Your tears were getting his tank top wet but he didn’t seem to care. He kept on spilling soft kisses on your face, holding you close. You let him kiss you as you clutched his top. His hands slowly started to wander, gently stroking your thighs. “Let me show you how much I love you”, he whispered before kissing you. You enjoyed his touch, the warmth of his embrace… But something was still off. You didn’t feel in the right headspace. You knew he loved you, but you didn’t feel safe on an emotional level. 
Marshall… No, you simply whispered. 
Are you alright ? He asked. What can I do ? 
Please, just leave, you asked with tears in your eyes. 
He bit his lower lip but eventually nodded. He stroked your cheek with a worried look before getting up and walking towards the door. He took one last look at you as you muttered an apology. After he closed the door, you let your head fall onto the pillow. 
After leaving Y/N alone in the guest bedroom, Marshall was unable to sleep. He had fucked up big time, he knew it. And now, she might leave his sorry ass. For good, this time. The perspective of her walking away from him again was making him sick to his stomach. He kept on thinking he’d done everything wrong in their relationship, perhaps from the start. All he wanted was to give her the very best in life but he kept on fucking up, on saying the wrong things, on letting his anger and past trauma take over. Perhaps he was right when he said he’d end up alone. He was consumed by self-loathing and self-hatred, with absolutely no clue as to how he could possibly make things right (assuming it was even possible). His mind kept on going to the darkest places. He’d always been prone to weird, dark and intrusive thoughts but it’d been a long time since he had felt this way. Ever since they had gotten back together, life had been sunshine and candy. Now, it was the contrary. He kept on filling pages upon pages in his notebook with words, rhymes, schemes, phrases… If anyone ever found this, they would probably call a psych ward to have him committed. His lyric sheets had always resembled the scribblings of a mad man - something a lot of people made fun of him for - but these pages were something else. They were deeply disturbing. Probably because that’s exactly what his thoughts were. Disturbing. After a night alone in the living room, staring at the ceiling and writing, he decided not to go to the studio. Whenever he was having a bad day, going to work and keeping up with his rigorous 9 to 5 schedule usually helped but, this time, he didn’t have it in him to get ready, get in his car and go to work like nothing happened. Not when Y/N might be gone by the time he would come back. So much for their first holiday as a family. For the perfect future he had planned for them. For all the places he wanted to take her. All the plans he wanted to make. He couldn’t imagine facing his family and telling them that he had fucked up. He could already see the look of disappointment on his daughters’ faces. They had managed for Y/N to get back to him only for him to ruin everything. 
He was laying on the couch when he heard her come down. He immediately went to see her. 
Hey, he said. 
Good morning, she replied. 
Did you sleep well ? He asked in a sad attempt to make small talk and connect with her. 
Not really, she admitted. Aren’t you late for work ? 
I’m not going, he said. Not today. Look… Can we talk ? 
I came to talk to you, actually, she said. I have made up my mind. About leaving. 
For a few seconds, she didn’t say anything and time seemed frozen. He found himself unable to breathe as he stared at her, waiting for her to elaborate and put him out of his misery. He needed to know. These few seconds were absolute torture. The nine circles of hell. 
So ? He asked nervously. 
I don’t want to leave, Marshall, she said. I want to give us a chance. 
Thank God, he sighed as he went for an embrace. 
But, she said intently as she put distance between the two of them, I need time. 
O-ok, he said. Sure. Whatever you need, baby. Whatever you want. I told you, I’ll do anything, I’ll give you whatever you ask for. 
Would you consider therapy ? She asked carefully. 
I already do therapy, he replied with a puzzled look on his face.
You haven’t been to therapy since we came back from Europe, she pointed out. And I know that it’s mostly addiction counseling. With everything you told me yesterday, it’s clear that you have unresolved trauma that you should work on. So that you don’t take it out on me. And so that you can move on. 
I-I don’t think it’s something you can move from, he said honestly. But yeah, sure. If that’s what it takes, I’ll do it. 
Ok, she said. Thank you. 
Is that all ? He asked nervously. 
And I’m taking over the guest bedroom, she added. 
You want to sleep apart ?! He blurted out. 
I told you I need time, she said. Marsh, I… I love you. With all my heart. And I know you’re sorry. But I’m still hurt. And I have a lot to process. I’ll still be in the house, I’m not moving out. 
Ok, he sighed. 
He wasn’t happy about the prospect of spending more nights away from her, but at least she wasn’t moving out and that was enough for him to be able to breathe properly again. He would just have to suffer through it and do his best not to fuck things up. Y/N went to her appointment and he waited patiently, not too sure what to do. When she came back, she informed him that Talia would be coming over. No offense to Y/N’s best friend, but he had absolutely no wish to see anyone, so he simply decided to retreat in his home studio, trying to at least do something with all the lyrics he had written. Putting together tracks and getting the words out of his head was therapeutic, more so than any amount of time he would spend in a shrink’s office. He’d seen therapists before. When he started addiction counseling, he’d been advised to seek help regarding his childhood trauma, but he wasn’t too keen. So therapy had mainly been focused on his anger issues, his anxiety regarding work and addiction. He wasn’t a big fan of therapy, but if that’s what it took for Y/N to forgive him, he would bite the bullet. When he went back to the living room, at the end of the day, he was spent and his voice was raspy. He had been yelling in the mic a bit more than he usually did but, at least, his mind was a bit clearer. He found Y/N and Talia on the couch, drinking tea and looking at bridal magazines. 
Hi Em, Talia said with a huge smile before hugging him. 
Hey, he said. How’s wedding planning going ? 
Lots to do, she said as she gestured to the pile of notebooks and magazines on their coffee table. By the way… Are you free two months from today ? 
I’d have to check with Tracy about my schedule, he shrugged. Why ? 
Because I’m getting married, she shrieked ! We have a date ! 
That’s… soon, he pointed out. 
Well, I told Y/N not to tell you, and we’re not telling people yet, but you’re Jamal’s best man so you might as well know… We’re having a baby ! 
He looked at Y/N who was standing behind Talia, gesturing to him not to say anything. Obviously he wasn’t supposed to know. He smiled and congratulated her. He could see a sullen expression on his girlfriend’s face while Talia was talking about how Jamal took the news. Apparently, he was surprised but overjoyed and they decided to get married before she started showing. Y/N was smiling but he could see that she was not doing too well. Given everything he knew about how hard losing her own baby had been for her, it wasn’t too surprising. 
So, anyway, we’re going to need all the help we can get, Talia said. Can we count on you, Em ? 
Sure, he sighed. But don’t count on me to help pick flowers or stuff like that… 
Can you at least hook Jamal with one of your stylists so that he has a decent tux ? Oh, and if you know a venue we can use, too… I mean, I bet you’ve visited a few between Hailie’s engagement and Alaina’s wedding. 
None that can fit your guest list, he chuckled. Jamal has told me about it. Nothing that’s available two months from now can accommodate 350 guests ! 
Believe it or not, they have actually agreed to shrink it down, Y/N said with a slight grin. We’re down to 50 guests. 
Only because we’re having a second wedding after the baby is born, Talia warned. This is basically eloping. With a few guests, a party and an actual ceremony. 
So it’s an actual wedding, he said. 
Y/N and Talia went back to their wedding planning. From what he gathered, his girlfriend would have her hands full for the next two months. He went to chill in his office for a bit, listening to some music. When it was dinner time, he went to see Y/N and ask if she wanted to have dinner but found her on the couch, curled into a ball. She was crying and seemed in pain. Talia was gone. 
Baby, what’s wrong ?! He asked as he checked on her. 
Nothing, she mumbled. I got an IUD inserted this morning and I’m having contractions and cramps. They said it’s normal, though. 
I’m sorry, he said. Is there anything I can do ? 
Don’t worry about it, she said. 
She tried to move and pick her phone from the table but even that seemed too hard to do for her. 
You seemed fine, earlier, he commented. 
They gave me pain medication immediately after but it’s starting to wear off, she explained. Plus, I didn’t want to worry Talia, you know ? 
Right, he said. Don’t you have any pain meds you can take ? 
They prescribed some for me but they warned me it was pretty strong so I didn’t pick up the prescription. 
Oh, he said. Do you want me to take you to the doctor ? ER ? 
It’s fine, she said. Don’t worry about it. 
Maybe you should have taken the prescription, he commented. I don’t like seeing you in pain. 
I still don’t fully trust myself, you know ? She said as she nervously played with her sobriety pendant.
You’re stronger than you think, Y/N, he replied. I mean it. 
No you don’t, she huffed. 
Yeah I do, he insisted. Remember, when we started hanging out, when I told you nothing would happen between us ? I thought your sobriety was too new and I was scared But you proved me wrong. You’re doing so good. It’s impressive. 
Thanks, she said sheepishly. 
You never cease to amaze me, you know ? 
She blushed and smiled a little. Watching her act so shy made him realize what an asshole he’d been for failing to protect that smile. She was too precious and she had absolutely no idea about it. All he wanted to do was to take care of her. And that was exactly his plan. 
I wanted to know if you were hungry. Do you want to eat dinner ? He asked. 
Sure, why not, she said as she started to get up. 
Stay here, he said. I’ll cook. 
I can do it, she assured him. 
You’re not in the state to cook, he pointed out. Let me take care of you, ok ? 
Before she got a chance to protest, he went to get her hot water bottle, her favorite blanket, a hoodie and the book on her bedside table and brought them to her before heading to the kitchen and preparing something to eat. They ate in relative silence. He couldn’t speak for her but he wasn’t too sure what to say. At that point, he’d apologized enough times that she knew for a fact how sorry he was. She was a bit distant but, at this point, she didn’t seem too mad either. Ever since they started dating, it was the first time they had an argument that wasn’t solved in the next hour. With anyone else, he wouldn’t have cared too much but with Y/N, he hated it, probably because he realized it was his first serious, loving relationship with someone who had a rather healthy outlook on relationships. No shade to Kim, he had truly loved her but, looking back, he knew they’d been doomed from the beginning, always scheming and playing games. Y/N, on the other hand, had always been brutally honest, when she made it clear that she was attracted to him, or when she broke up with him to stay true to her dreams. He’d always been used to his partners bending their own rules in order to be with him, wanting to be with him at all costs even if it meant that the whole thing would be unhealthy and disingenuous, but Y/N was not like that. She was honest and true. She would rather leave than take bullshit and, even for his fifty-two year-old self, it was intimidating. 
Thank you for taking care of me, she said softly. 
I take my job seriously, he said with a slight smile. I promised to care for you and I fully intend to stick to the plan. 
You don’t have to, you know ? 
I want to, he replied. How’s the pain ? 
The water bottle helps, she shrugged. I think I’ll go to bed, though. I’m tired. 
Before she could get up, he wrapped his arms around her and lifted her up before carrying her up the stairs. She gasped in surprise but let him. She was securing herself with her arms around his neck. 
You know… I could have walked, she pointed out. 
Oh. Too late, he said innocently - enjoying the contact with her far too much. 
He let her down on the bed in the guest bedroom. For a split second, he considered bringing her to their bedroom but he wanted her to see he respected her decision, however strongly he might disagree with it. He wasn’t sure how he could be expected to sleep well without her. Last night had been a nightmare, just like any night without her. In retrospect, it was a miracle he hadn’t ended up in the hospital in the six months they’d been apart. He had gotten so little rest. To be fair, he had Talia and Jamal to thank for keeping him somewhat sane and healthy. He wouldn’t have been able to release the album and tour otherwise. Hopefully, this time, he wouldn’t have to sleep without her for the next six months. 
So, do you need anything ? He asked as he tried to hide his nervosity. 
I think I’ll be fine, she replied with a soft smile. 
Look, I saw the look on your face, earlier, when Talia was here, he said. Are you sure you’re alright ? 
I’m triggered, that’s all, she said as she looked down. These contractions are bringing memories. So does Talia’s pregnancy. If I’m being honest, I’m having a bit of a… hard time rejoicing for her. 
Tears were welling in her eyes and he could not resist the urge to hold her. He sat on the bed and pulled her in his arms. She looked at him with a sad look on her face. 
I’m a terrible person, she muttered under her breath. My best friends are having a baby and I’m thinking about myself. 
You’re not, he assured her. Considering what you’ve been through, it’s absolutely understandable. And I guess I didn’t really help last night, with my shitty remarks…
Not really, she admitted.
You’re a great friend, Y/N, he said reassuringly. You just need a little time. 
I guess, she shrugged. Plus, they deserve to have a happy family life, you know ? That’s everything Talia’s ever wanted. They’re going to be amazing parents. 
They are, he nodded. And they’re pretty lucky to have you, too. 
You think ? She sighed. 
Of course, he said. You’re always there for people. Look, you’re even putting together their wedding at the last minute. 
That’s the least I can do, you know ? They’ve always been so good to me. I just want to make them happy. 
He pressed a kiss to her temple and she gave him a weak smile. 
I think I should sleep, she said softly. 
Ok, he replied. Call me if you need anything ? 
Sure. Thanks, Marshall. 
They stared at each other in silence. Sleeping in separate rooms felt unnatural and he could tell she felt it too. He reluctantly left her and went to their room, though he knew for a fact he wouldn’t be able to sleep. 
In the following days, things seemed to ease up a little. Y/N was still a little distant and keeping to herself but, from the looks of it, she could see he was making efforts. He tried not being too obvious and not sucking up to her too much but he also wanted her to see that he was serious when he said he would do whatever it takes. They managed to have small talks and ate dinner together in front of the TV before going to sleep - still in separate rooms. As for physical intimacy, it was sparse. The only thing he got away with was holding her hand. It was incredibly frustrating - having her so close but so far away at the same time while trying his best to get her to forgive him. He was nervously beating around the bush, avoiding the topic but it was driving him crazy. In all of his previous relationships, it would have led to angry sex and the matter would have been settled and buried only to be dug up for the next argument. Not very healthy but, at least, he wouldn’t have to sleep alone. Thankfully, the evening before Thanksgiving, the universe seemed to be on his side. When he got back from the studio, he found Y/N in the home theater, preparing to watch a movie. 
Hey, he said. Mind if I join you ? 
Sure, she replied with a smile. How was your day ? 
It was alright, he said. What are we watching ? 
You can choose, she offered. I just wanted to get my mind off flower arrangements for a minute. 
Horror movie ? He suggested. I bet we can find one where a bridezilla gets killed, that might comfort you. 
Hey, Talia’s not that bad, she giggled. But yeah, let’s go for horror ! 
She seemed in a good mood, which was a good sign. They settled on a movie and he joined her on the couch. In all honesty, he couldn’t care less about the movie - all he wanted was to be with her. And the only reason he had suggested watching a horror movie was because he knew she was chicken-hearted and, at that point, he would take any excuse and opportunity to hold her. If that implied relying on a jumpscare scene, so be it. He usually had better moves than that with the ladies, but this felt like a last resort. Sure enough, a scary scene came up and he saw her jump up a bit. He tried to hide a smile and he wrapped an arm around her shoulders. She muttered a “thank you” and focused on the movie. Every time the atmosphere got tense in the movie, he could feel her squirming and nervously bite her lip. And every single time, he pulled her a bit closer to him, until her legs were practically over his. He was almost brought back to the times when they were just friends and every brush against her took his breath away. Being with her, he had gotten used to the proximity, but now that she had deprived him of her touch, it felt the same as before. She took him by surprise by reaching for his hand and interlocking their fingers. He was feeling like a teenager on his first date at the movies. Should he try and kiss her ? Or would it ruin the moment ? It was stupid how much power she had over him. How nervous she could make him, and her ability to make him fall for her all over again just by holding hands. Another jumpscare scene occurred and she let out a small scream before hiding her face in his neck. God bless horror movies. He couldn’t contain a small laugh. 
You’re enjoying this, aren’t you ? She whispered accusingly. 
I missed this, he admitted. I missed you. 
I missed you too, you know ? 
She looked at him and he could not resist the temptation to capture her lips with his own. She immediately kissed him back, her lips feeling softer than ever. Four days without her touch was way too long. He could feel his heart rate increasing as her lips parted and their tongues found each other. He ran his fingers through her hair while she traced his shoulders with her fingers. Her touch was electrifying and he simply couldn’t get enough. He kissed her over and over again. 
I love you, he whispered. I love you so much. 
I love you too, she said emotionally. 
I need you, he pleaded. Let me make love to you. 
Ok, she whispered, her breath accelerating. 
As soon as she spoke, he did not waste time and got up before taking her hand and leading her to the bedroom. Their bedroom. He closed and locked the door behind them, making it clear that she was not going anywhere. Thankfully, she didn’t seem to want to. She was looking at him in anticipation. He went back to her and kissed her passionately before pushing her on the bed. He took his time making love to her, enjoying her soft moans and the sensation of her legs around his waist. Her nails scratched his back as she cried his name when they both reached their apex. He wrapped his arms around her and nuzzled her neck as they caught their breath. 
You’re incredible, he said lovingly. And I’m never letting you out of this room ever again. 
Really ? She giggled. 
Try me, he said with a grin. 
She gave him a playful look and tried to get out of bed but he held her even closer, causing her to struggle a little. She tried wrestling him, but to no avail. Eventually, she gave in to his warm embrace and let her head roll onto his chest. 
So… I guess I have no choice but to sleep here tonight ? 
Don’t tell me you were seriously thinking about sleeping in the other room ? He groaned. 
Not really, she confessed with a small smile. I don’t like sleeping apart. I hate being mad at you, you know ? 
And I hate it when you’re mad at me, he replied. I’ll do better. I promise. 
I know, she shrugged. Sorry it took me a while to cool off. 
I really hurt you, he said. I understand. But just so you know, I want to do everything I can to deserve you. 
In all fairness, it wasn’t just you, you know ? She explained. It was a lot to process in very little time. I was triggered and brought back to some tough memories. I needed a little time on my own… 
I get it, he said. I missed you, though. 
I missed you too, she said. 
I don’t want to lose you, Y/N, he said in all seriousness. 
I know, she said. I’m still here. 
He nodded and closed his eyes, relaxing a bit as she traced the outline of his tattoos with her index. She let out a small giggle as she looked at his stomach tattoo. 
What ? He asked as he opened an eye. 
I just remembered I’m meeting the woman whose name I see every time I go down on you, she said with a smirk. 
He was a bit taken aback by the comment. She was smiling but it was the first time she commented on Kim’s name being tattooed on him. He’d had these for so long that he tended to forget about them anyway. Now that she mentioned seeing the tattoo every time she went down on him, though, he was feeling a bit self-conscious about it.
Is that a problem ? He asked with a raised eyebrow. The tattoo ? 
Not really, she shrugged. I don’t really see it, most of the time, you know. It’s just kind of funny, when you think about it. 
Right, he hummed. So… You’re not too stressed out about tomorrow ? 
I don’t know, she said. It’s still weird but, realistically speaking, I don’t have anything to worry about, right ? 
Of course not, he said. 
I’ll be fine, then, she replied. I guess I’m curious, though. 
About what ? He asked with his eyebrows furrowed. 
About her, she said. You had a complicated relationship with her. 
That’s one way to put it, he said. But, you know, as far as I’m concerned, she’s more like an old friend, and I know it’s the same for her. I’m just good old annoying Marshall. So, really, you have nothing to worry about. 
I know, she said with a smile. And when I start freaking out about it, I remember that you’re not married to her anymore. 
She was smiling softly, visibly at peace with the situation. That was encouraging and a good sign for the next day’s celebrations. However, he was starting to feel his anxiety rise once again. Right when he thought everything was getting back to normal and that he could enjoy Thanksgiving in peace, his past had to come and bite him in the ass. Y/N was looking at him lovingly and he could not find it in himself to contradict her. The only problem was, by saying nothing, he was lying to her face. He was still very much married to Kim.
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The C2 Reinvents the Corvette  
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Well into its eight generation, the Chevrolet Corvette has long been “America’s sports car” and a halo car for the bowtie brand for over 60 years. With all that success in the rearview mirror, it’s easy to forget how rocky the Corvette’s initial generation was or how pivotal the second-generation proved to be. The C1 Corvette was high on style, thanks to GM’s legendary designer Harley Earl, but it took a full two years and the advocacy of engineer Zora Arkus-Duntov to get the car the V8 it needed. Even with the boost in horsepower, the Corvette was more show than go. 
Duntov, however, was determined to change that with the next generation Corvette. The new car debuted in late 1962 as a nearly complete overhaul. The 1963 Corvette was reimagined as more modern and comfortable while also being a quicker and more formidable performance car. The C2 brought the Corvette into its own, setting the stage for decades of future success. Today, the second-generation Corvette, and the 1963 model especially, has graduated into iconic status, and yet there’s plenty about this legendary car that you might not know. Below we highlight some of the 1963 Corvette’s unique features and lesser-known bits of history. 
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lambcurl · 7 months
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redraw (loosely)
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chiropteracupola · 2 months
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And you would not believe me if I tried / To tell you all the things I've seen / And all the places that I've been / So pour the hall another cup of wine...
[a cei for @mortiscausa’s ’march to camelot,’ for the prompt ‘kinship’]
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todayisafridaynight · 1 month
@ your tags about akiyama: no but he must’ve been so fucked up over that though??? 8 years. He was ghosted for 8 years and he knew it was bullshit the entire time but Date kept pushing him away and Kiryu never said anything to him. 8 fucking years. I’ve been turning that “guess I didn’t matter since I wasn’t part of your little gang” line in my head for WEEKS that shit HURTS (in both a good and bad way fuck you rgg but also mmmm good angst). justice for aki man he don’t deserve that shit though
it's the most cathartic feeling in the world whenever someone yells at or tells kiryu in one way or another how selfish his actions are or how his actions have hurt them or others... like thank you so much akiyama kiryu really deserves to get clocked out sometimes...
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cozylittleartblog · 7 months
here's the speedpaint btw! i would appreciate it if you watched it, i don't upload youtube videos very much
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yashley · 1 year
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“I’m really sorry.” “So am I.”
#critical role#imogen x fearne#imogearne#long post#ygifs#but they were literally insane for this are you kidding me#you have Laura Lauraing up a Laura with that imogen emotion work she's pulling and then you have Ashley Ashleying up an Ashley At Her WHAT#like I JUST WANT THEM TO TALK ABOUT IT I JUST WANT AN ACTUAL TALK SHOW TO TALK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#WHATS GOING ON THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#YOU LITERALLY have Imogen People-Pleaser-Or-Death actually saying So Am I and Actually Acknowledging In EVEN That Small Way#And it's like fearne is Actually So Heartbroken she's Stunned And Yet All She Can Think To Do Is Look At Imogen and Say She’s So Sorry#FEARNE???? we literally did not see THAT magnitude of emotional vulnerability with fearne since she Met Her Lost Mom Ok#and she’s There At The Mercy Of Her Emotions. because of imogen. because of how much she Empathizes with Imogen#and Imogen Wonderful Wonderful Imogen Literally Cannot Look At Fearne More ThanA Second After What She Did*#girls y'all are just insane for this this was The Moment that made me Break Down And Uproot my Not Making Gifs Thing after EIGHT YEARS it's#I know this campaign is so fast paced and plot driven but like it's been nearly 10 episodes and they've not Talked About This Okay#also obsessed with the stilted way imogen thanks fcg for bringing fearne back like it is SOO detached I'm chewing it#she literally spoke as if she wasn't there when you could see imogen relating to fearne by touching her shoulder and saying brought Her back#they literally already Went Through Much with fearne's parents reveal and the way imogen Allowed herself to Be Present in That Situation#no but literally I Think About Fearne Combating How She Regrets Orym Being Brought Back like Thats the gravity of it#imogen says Thank You Fearne and fearne just stands there nearly wanting nothing more than for the reality imogen Meant It
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iwantyoursexmp3 · 2 months
bitches with emetophobia will be like omgggg time to convince myself with no basis or evidence or symptoms that i have food poisoning
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reading my drafts like damn this is so good i should really finish it and post it as i am actively closing the window
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mysticarcanum · 7 months
genuinely fucked up that the tiebreak on taskmaster involved learning pi because now ive been given profoundly niche evidence that there is a practical application to memorizing pi, and now im filled with the urge to memorize another 10 digits and shoot for 60
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"You're not the man I fell in love with." vs "I still love you."
(Main Range 50: Zagreus // Main Range 63: Caerdroia)
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It's strange that you'll listen to a song or smell a scent and remember something that is really a reminder of something from the past that was objectively terrible and yet it socks you in the chest and makes you cry for... for what?
Something something toxic nostalgia and knowing it was horrible but wishing you could go back anyway
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maintitle · 9 months
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Rogue joined the team two issues ago and is already cooler than every member of the team. Look at that LEAN, the CONFIDENCE, ICONIC.
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queenofbaws · 1 year
i’m not usually a thanksgiving person for a whole host of reasons, but this year’s got me feeling a certain kind of way, so if i haven’t said it recently, i’m so, so thankful for all you out there - my buddies who live in the computer. even when i’m feeling down and out, all y’all out there in internetland always find a way to make me smile. idk what life would be like without you guys, and i don’t want to find out! <3
if you celebrate, i hope you had a good one, and if you don’t, i hope you had a good one too <333 gobble gobble or whatever ;P
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hoochieblues · 10 months
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【vicious beast】
Pep's learning about bite control, and what is and is not appropriate to put in her facehole.✨ just undersocialised juvenile things ✨
However, she's got 'sit,' 'look,' 'ah-ah' and 'good job!' down, so that's a huge set of first steps.
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oldblackpeacoat · 1 year
don’t reblog. sorry for going a bit haywire and hazy and all over at the minute at the minute. i don’t know what i’m doing other than trying to stay alive. but then again do any of us?
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