harlivylove · 9 months
This is fun 🤩
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atsushis-fangs · 2 months
Hamish: you see, none of these required an intervention, Killough's just a bitch North: okay, but consider, it was really funny
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incorrect-licanius · 1 year
Ishelle: Imagine if someone handed you a box full of all the things you lost throughout your life
Davian: Oh wow, my childhood innocence! Thanks for finding it!
Caeden: My will to live! I haven’t seen this in centuries.
Asha: I knew I lost that potential somewhere
Wirr: Mental stability, my old friend
Ishelle: Sheesh, could you guys lighten up a little?
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0poolesketch · 1 year
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Buff goth knight lady and the scrawny rich white boy she has to protect
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soppes my phone in ger bath she is not oint well
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DnD party in mini gifs! They’re called Ishel’s Angels hehe (Ishel is my DMPC on the top left)
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roxanne-loves-luffy · 2 months
the world is fucked up, Palestine being bombed, forcibly starved by IsHell..
Just help him please
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sarlaros · 6 months
LFC: Sarlaros Brodeur
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(Art by @nehku)
● AGE: Adult (300+) ● RACE: Shal'dorei ● PRONOUNS: Male He/Him/They ● SEXUALITY: Bisexual ● ALIGNMENT: Neutral Good ● AURA/DIETY: Celestial
● HAIR: White with a couple strands of dulled silver ● EYES: Silver with blue around the edges ● HEIGHT: 7'2'' (221cm) ● BUILD: Slender with wide shoulders. Long fingers and big feet. ● DISTINGUISHING MARKS: Dark blue skin with shimmering arcane lines which are connected by white tattoo dots as if stars keeping together a constellation. ● COMMON ACCESSORIES: Trusted lantern, dagger, and a metal and wood scroll case with a purple silk ribbon.
● PROFESSION: Soap Maker & Tailor ● BUSINESS: Ross | Soap Boss ● HOBBIES: Studying stars, exploring creepy places, collecting novelty items where he's been, and wine tasting. ● LANGUAGES: Shalassian (Fluent), Orcish/Common (Conversational) ● RESIDENCE: Currently staying at his established spa in Pandaria ● BIRTHPLACE: Suramar ● FEARS: Idea of no afterlife, falling to his death from a flying object or creature, making speeches.
● MARITAL: Widower ● SPOUSE: Randei Brodeur (deceased) ● CHILDREN: None ● PARENTS: Arialah & Thealaes Ishel (MIA) ● OTHER RELATIVES: Two sisters, one brother. Multiple cousins and a niece
● SOCIAL LEVEL: Ambivert ● ONE POSITIVE PERSONALITY TRAIT: Very giving/generous ● ONE NEGATIVE PERSONALITY TRAIT: Willingly oblivious. Bad judge of character. ● ONE PERSONALITY WARNING: He doesn't understand feuds - he'll expect people to get along if they are near each other no matter what ● RANDOM QUIRK: Everything he is doing will be dropped if he can try a new food. ● ADDICTIONS: Wine and bubble baths ● HABITS: Keeps notes on anything and giving people soap as gifts for every holiday (even not gift giving holidays)
● Brodeur was a well respected tailoring family in Suramar ● He's got trade deals with many spas to carry his soaps and towels ● Works with relief efforts to help displaced peoples have cleanliness needs ● Frequents astronomy towers and observatories - his aura is that of celestial magics.
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( Face reference: Vengo Gao)
OoC Contact Info
Discord - Lynx#3745 Tumblr - Likes/Follows/Asks come from @kavtari​ Bnet - please message me privately for this one In Game - Sarlaros-Wyrmrestaccord (Horde)
About the Player
I am in EST (Michigan) so I’m 3-hours ahead of WrA and 1-hour ahead of MG. Age 35 with more than half my life in roleplaying experience. I will interact with all RPers 13+, but no romantic or sexual interactions with anyone under 18. I recommend messaging me on discord if you’re interested in some RP - which can be in-game or on discord!
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fancylala4 · 25 days
It’s so annoying when people compare a movie to real life event all the time. Saying that celebrities going on to a glamorous event while millions of people are being killed by ishell is just like the hunger games is stupid. This isn’t some kind of easter egg or anything, it’s real life and millions are struggling!
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blackacre13 · 11 months
Next part of killing eve au pleasee
Part 12 linked below:
Here's Part 13!
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“New team,” Amita sighed. “Two men. We have some images of what they look like but nothing too clear. They’re good at staying mostly underground.”
“Yuri Ishel. And Guillermo something.”
“Got it. And Knave?”
“Debbie,” Amita spoke, exhaling loudly. “Debbie, I don’t relish having to tell you this, but I—“
“Just tell me. I don’t think anything can scare me anymore, Amita.”
“Okay,” she sighed. “Okay.”
Debbie clicked the pen under her thumb repeatedly, gritting her teeth, waiting for the woman to finally speak.
“It’s you,” Amita finally spoke. “The new mission. The new hit? It’s you, Debbie. There’s a hit out on you and they don’t trust Knave to behave. They’re watching her. And they’re watching you. They want you dead. Knave—Knave needs you dead. Or she fails her mission.”
This, Knave had decided, was the absolute worst. She should have been tailing Debbie. Figuring out where she went. What she liked. What she did. Who meant something to her. What meant anything to her.
She wanted to know her coffee order. If she loved a lavish breakfast or ran on an empty stomach until it grumbled around noon.
She wanted to see her wardrobe beyond the luggage she’d gotten her hands on. She wanted to see her reading the note.
Sorry, baby. Her little mouse she’d come to love hunting. Chasing. She wanted to smell that perfume on Debbie’s skin.
And instead, here she was. Stuck. Instead—
“Pass me that paper, Knife.”
“It’s Knave,” the blonde hissed, gritting her teeth as she shoved the newspaper towards Yuri. “Get your own Fucking paper. You have hands. I’m not your bloody waitress. And get your muddy ass shoes off the table.”
“You have boots on the table, Knife,” Guillermo unhelpfully provided.
Knave raised an eyebrow at him before swinging her legs off and facing the other man with a glare.
“I’ll give you the choice. I take my knife and I make things slow, or I use my gun and we finish this quick.”
“We are team,” he growled, his accent thick with something Knave couldn’t quite distinguish. It’s like he had been going place to place for so long that they’d all started to blend together into an accent of their own.
“I work alone,” Knave huffed, knowing the statement was fruitless. She hated this. She hated Yuri and Guillermo. She hated John for putting her in this situation. And she hated the idea of being any sort of partner or family or team to anyone.
She was a tracker. An assassin. That’s what she did best. And she did it best alone. Her own way. Her own style.
She wanted to do the job solo. And she wanted to do the job somehow without doing the job.
Her mission? Kill Debbie Ocean. Her goal? Make Debbie Ocean disappear for certain enough to get a job well done while still keeping her alive for herself. There was something about her. She still didn’t know what. But she knew it was special. Debbie was like her. And if Knave worked alone best, then Debbie worked alone best. She didn’t trust this haphazard trio. She had to make this work on her own. She had to get to Debbie alone.
She could run, but that left the possibility that those two morons would get the job done leaving her with zero credit and zero Debbie. The best way to bring a trio down? Well, that was to put two against one. But the best way for her to get to Debbie was to put one man against another man, but playing the in between and slowly turning them against each other.
Leave men angry and boiling enough at each other and they’d murder each other for her. Then she could wipe her hands of it all and get back to her mission: hunting Debbie. Studying Debbie. Killing Debbie.
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grayintogreen · 1 year
LitMoR Original Character Guide
FINALLY a guide to the massive amount of OCs featured in LitMoR. Despite how big this is, this doesn't contain every goddamn character in my expanded universe, just the ones that have appeared multiple times, have a significant impact on the narrative/world, or because I just wanted to throw them in because you've probably seen them in OTHER works of mine and maybe you'd like to know a bit more about them.
This list doesn't include characters like Ishel, Nima, the Jagentoths, and any other character I took straight from the Explorer's Guide to Wildemount. Those are Canon OC's and while I have thoughts on all of them that goes beyond little blurbs in a book that doesn't make them mine.
I have also avoided MOST spoilers for the entirety of LitMoR but there still are some.
Narcissa “Agee” Ageratum Female firbolg, Rogue (Thief) After exhibiting a series of troubling unchildlike behaviors when she was six that she can’t fully remember but were considered ill omens by her tribe, Agee was left in the care of a shopkeeper in Nogvurot and was “communally raised” by various locals who looked after her for ten years before she began to have strange dreams that exacerbated a sense of anxiety around the Righteous Brand. Fighting off her own growing anxiety with kleptomania, she began to alienate her adopted family and when she was all set to run away, she was approached by members of a Kryn party looking for their own people in the Empire. Believing that she might finally understand her strange dreams, she went with them but panicked and robbed them in the night.
Ashley Allard Male human, Paladin (Oath of Treachery) The youngest child of Yves Allard of Nicodranas and his late wife, Ashley was born into privilege and immediately found it to be a complete bore. Through a series of cutthroat victories, he stole the Blade of Broken Mirrors and the title of Champion of Tharizdun from his uncle Alder. As a paladin, Ashley has a strong personal code, despite the atrocities he’s willing to commit to get what he wants, and believes very strongly in his objectives to the point of playing long games for years to reach what he believes to be his magnum opus.
Yves Allard Male human, noble Ashley’s father and a founding member of the Court of Nightmares, alongside Rinna Pathan and her patron. As the eldest member of the Allard family, he maintains the family’s massive shrine to Tharizdun in the basement of his manor in Nicodranas, though he has no particular interest in the Epoch of the Ends and prefers to use his family’s old money to feed his obsession with the Calamity and indulge his own cruelty. He uses his considerable connections to gather members of the Court for Rinna.
Calpurnius Amabilia Male aasimar, Bard (College of Whispers) Cal is an immigrant into Aeor from the floating island of Zemniaz, who managed to excel quickly through the ranks in Cognouza by being extremely good at finding and keeping secrets. Using his quick wit and charm, he maintained personal relations between Cognouza and the other wards as “Cognouza’s voice,” but when Cognouza was shut out, he turned his attentions to spycraft, instead. Cal is known more for his compassionate nature and easy-going charisma more than anything, but he is absolutely ruthless when that which he loves is threatened.
Levitica Arrenhall Female elf, Cleric (Twilight Domain) The High Priestess of the Midnight Vertex and one of the Dawn Marshalls of Vasselheim. It is said she saw the construction of the first Moonweaver temple in Vasselheim and will not die until it crumbles to dust. She considers herself a mother to all those who find themselves in her temple and guides them like a shepherd as an extension of Sehanine’s will.
Seneca Candidus Male elf, Wizard (Order of Scribes) A vocal philosopher who developed a reputation among the wards of Aeor for outlandish ideas on the belief of manifestation and higher achievement through dreams, which were considered particularly backwards in a city on the cutting age of advancements in arcane sciences. After becoming the head of Cognouza, he gathered like-minded debaters and scholars and scientists who were outcasts in their own right and formed the Somnovem.
Tacitus Camillus Male human, Wizard (School of Enchantment) Before coming to Aeor, Tacitus was lord over a small community on an island in the Lucidian Ocean that he attempted to manipulate into a perfect society where everyone lives up to their exact potential, after becoming disillusioned with the majority of societies within Domunas. When his attempts to mind control the masses led to a series of misfortunes, he covered up his mistake and fled to Aeor where he was readily accepted into Cognouza as a Lorekeeper, leaving nothing behind but his guilt. Calculated and manipulative as well as charming, Tacitus often assuages his own guilt by placing the blame on others, instead. It’s often said that he cares more about preserving history and leaving something behind that future generations will find pleasing than he cares about the present.
Gertrude Blakenship Female aasimar, Bloodhunter (Order of the Mutant) The current head of the Order of the Mutant in Wildemount. Gertrude is an anxious, spacey woman who compensates for her shortcomings by crafting elaborate mutagens, preferring ones that increase her strength and make her a menace in hand to hand combat.
June Blessedthane Female dwarf, Bloodhunter (Order of the Lycan) A boisterous werewolf who runs the Order of the Lycan compound in Trostenwald. Primarily jovial and easy to get along with she has no patience for any lycanthrope who gives her Orders a bad name and has mercilessly killed her own students for even showing the potential to go rogue.
Melancholia Cheveron Female human, Druid (Circle of Spores) Huron Stahlmast’s childhood friend and eventual lover. Despite coming from two entirely different worlds, Melancholia’s devotion to Stahlmast allowed her to overlook his obsession with industrializing Wildemount, which he often promised her would be used towards reclaiming the land for her and her people, long wiped out by Hupperdook’s advancement and constant encroaching upon the mountain. Whether or not it was true, Melancholia believed it wholeheartedly and therefore supported him in everything he chose to do, often defending him publicly when the rest of Hupperdook shunned his ideas, which further othered her as an outsider and left her with no one else but her long time friend.
Wake Dashwood Female dwarf, Ranger (Horizon Walker) A follower of Sehanine and friend/daughter figure to Levitica, Wake acts as a go-between for the Midnight Vertex and the rest of Vasselheim as the clergy rarely, if ever, come down off the mountain. She knows the Vesper Timberlands like the back of her hand and runs with a group of rangers called the Riftkeepers who keep an eye out for extraplanar threats to Vasselheim.
Balbus Delphina Male human, Wizard (School of Divination) A former member of the Hall of Prophecy in Avalir, Balbus washed out when his visions became too much for him to handle and he no longer wished to serve as an oracle. Knowing this would bring shame to his family, he fled to Aeor where he studied under Seneca in dream-based magic, at first, and then eventually turning to astronomy after discovering a love of the stars, though he could never properly escape his visions.
Antioch Dodger Male elf/halfling, Bard (College of Glamour) The “Beggar Lord” of Shadycreek Run, Dodger developed a reputation among the Tribes when he created his own tribe consisting of the cast-off children of the working girls, which he eventually expanded into various other orphans that the slavers couldn’t catch. Thanks to his skill with illusions, he managed to obtain enough blackmail material on the tribes to keep himself in enough standing to provide his own form of service, until he was as much a staple in the Run as anything else. It’s said that he makes deals with things far more dangerous than simple crime lords.
Heather Dougal Female human, commoner A staple of Shadycreek Run, Heather Dougal has been surviving on sheer grit and kindness for sixty years, despite the town trying to drag her down. She saved Ophelia Khar from succumbing to injuries and illness when she first came to the Run and helped her eventually become Jack Mardoon’s heir. In return, Ophelia left her infant son Lucien in her care.
Fergus Dougal Male human, commoner Heather’s deaf-mute husband and a talented fisherman and woodcarver.
Eda Female human, Artificer (Artillerist) No one in Hupperdook can exactly tell you where Eda came from, only that she turned up as Nima Cinnarid’s protege some years ago and has been building more and more terrifying cannons ever since. When Lance, Fayne, and Obsidian settled in town, she declared herself a member of their group. The trio have accepted her over time, even going as far as to call themselves the Clockwork Hounds after her automaton dog, Auto.
Faint Chance Male tabaxi, Bard (College of Eloquence)/Rogue (Thief) A member of the Rifenmist Jungle-based Briskmist Clan, Chance believed he was born for more than simply languishing in the trees and spent considerable amounts of time taking risks by engaging travelers who came through the jungle for stories- risks that earned him his name. His love of a good gamble and a better yarn led him to Byroden where he developed a lust for both card games and music. A wandering bard trained him up enough that he felt capable of taking his skills on the road and he left his home to see the world and seek out more stories.
Gabriel Ferreira Male black dragonborn, Warlock (Pact of the Talisman) A member of the mysterious "Seven" along with Ashley Allard and Jayne Merriweather and captain of the Feywild Delight. Gabriel originally hailed from the Rifenmist Peninsula to a nomadic tribe until his pirate father returned to claim the son that one of the women had borne, slaughtering them all when she refused to give him up. His father taught him piracy, which he continued long after his father died, eventually taking on a ship staffed entirely by fey after an encounter in the Feywild no one really knows the truth about.
Augusta Felice Trans female half-elf, Wizard (School of Conjuration) A former Genesis Ward arcane scientist, Augusta became the Architect Arcane of Cognouza after being humiliated at a conference by Laerryn Corramar-Seelie who held many of the same theories as she did about extraplanar travel. Unable to prove whether or not her work came first, Augusta was laughed out of the Genesis Ward and taken in by Seneca Candidas where he allowed her room to build a machine capable of transporting Cognouza to the Astral Sea.
Claudia Felice Female half-elf, Artificer (Armorer) Augusta’s twin sister and the meeker of the two Felice twins, Claudia prefers to exist in her sister’s shadow, though she is a considerable scientist in her own right, having been responsible for the Aeormaton sleeper assassins that the Genesis Ward took full credit for after she was banished to Cognouza with her sister because she refused to denounce her. Claudia is one of the only Somnovem who is well-liked by nearly every single one of her peers due to her lack of guile and ambition, though her inability to ever see when Augusta might be wrong about something has led her to butt heads with Balbus, specifically, quite often. She prefers the company of her Aeormaton “babies” more than she does other people besides Augusta.
Fayne Hart Female elf, fighter (gunslinger) Born in Syngorn, Fayne left after robbing the home of a minor lord and spent the next several years of her life as a casual cat burglar. She met Lance and Obsidian in Kymal by insisting they help her with a casino heist that would mutually benefit all three of them, but when the plan went sour and not a one of them got what they wanted, she tagged along with them, much to their immediate disdain.
Stasya Hydriss Female tiefling, Druid (Circle of the Moon) Daughter of Kashaw Vesh and Zahra Hydriss. Stasya acts as an acolyte and “assistant” for the Voice of the Tempest of the Air Ashari in Zephrah, offsetting Keyleth’s kindness with her bossy, brash nature. She is her father’s favorite even if he insists he doesn’t pick favorites.
Tasya Hydriss Female tiefling, Monk (Way of the Cobalt Soul) Daughter of Kashaw Vesh and Zahra Hydriss and younger twin of Stasya. Despite having a vested interest in the arcane, Tasya has no inherent magical talent nor any real knack for picking it up and therefore has devoted her life to the study of it. Her ability to see through deceptions and understand magic has made her an asset in detaining illegal arcane magic users in Vasselheim and because of this, she was made the personal warden of Gulliver Thurston. Unlike her grumpier sister, she is bubbly and excitable, which comes as a surprise to anyone who knows her solely by reputation.
Spurius Juventus Male elf, Artificer (Alchemist) As an alchemy savant, Spurius was one of the first to be picked as a member of the Somnovem with Seneca Candidas citing his skill with potions as a necessary part of his plans to achieve power through manifestation and dreams. On top of numerous other advancements in alchemy, Spurius created a potion that helped promote lucid dreaming that helped the Somnovem learn to harness the aether of the Astral Sea long before they ever planned to set foot there. Despite his skills, Spurius is considered off-putting to anyone outside of the Somnovem due to his poor social skills and intensity about his work.
Tyne Kerthis Female dragonborn, cleric (Knowledge Domain) The High Curator of the Cobalt Vault in Vasselheim. Tyne runs a tight ship despite her gregarious and jovial nature, though some question her desire to rehabilitate criminals such as Gulliver Thurston out of a desire to not waste their knowledge. On top of being a dedicated to the preservation of knowledge, she is a loving wife and aunt to her sister-in-law’s multiple children.
Bastian Klinger Male human, Wizard (School of Necromancy) A nobleman from Nogvurot, Bastian Klinger attended the Academy while Delilah Briarwood was still Archmage of Antiquity and became one of her star pupils. Delilah’s casual interest in necromancy inspired him and after she was cast out, he left the Academy and began to pursue his own necromancy experiments, which eventually attracted the attention of Rinna Pathan who was building up the Court of Nightmares. At the suggestion of her patron Ira Wendagoth, Rinna encouraged Klinger to create creatures that were a fusion of living and dead flesh that could withstand divine magic. The task became his obsession, squandering a chunk of his fortune in the pursuit of it.
Cassia Livio Female human, Wizard (School of Necromancy) An arcane scientist of considerable clout and even more considerable attitude, Cassia was shunned in her home ward for her violent outbursts and extremely outspoken beliefs in the science of divinity and how precisely one could extract essence of Fate from those who were said to be Fate-Touched. Her cruel methods and outlandish theories and philosophies led her to be scouted by Seneca Candidas to become one of the Somnovem, though she admits to only being part of the cabal out of a lack of any choice, as Seneca is more than willing to support her extremely brutal experiments.
Lydas Male halfling, Warlock After being shipwrecked on the island of Rumblecusp as a teenager, Lydas quickly rose to the ranks of leadership through cuttthroat ambition and a not insignificant amount of prodding from the corrupting forces of the island.
Miriam Marchen Female human, Wizard (School of Divination) Trent Ikithon’s annex and one of the first Volstrucker and the longest surviving member of Trent’s original experiments, Miriam earned the nickname Dornroschen after she killed her parents in her sleep as part of her initiation. She is considered an “imperfect” experiment due to lacking some of the refinement of the later Volstruckter, though she makes up for it in sheer loyalty and tenacity.
Joni Mennolly Female tiefling, Bard (College of Lore) An archivist for the Cobalt Soul in Vasselheim who performs in the Lady Luck tavern. Her interests lie primarily in Betrayer god and Calamity mythology.
Sparrow Mistral Female air genasi, Wizard (School of Illusion) Vess DeRogna’s annex. Initially stoic and serious, after Vess took the Somnovem tome, she became increasingly nervous about her superior’s behavior and threatened to take the matter to Ludinus. When Vess attempted to modify her memory, she resisted it, resulting in a fight leading to Vess using her newly acquired Somnovem gifts on her. Sparrow survived the attack, but between the Rend Mind and the successful Modify Memory, she was left mentally shattered leaving her unable to regulate her emotions to the point of seeming vapid and empty.
Obsidian Noire Male dwarf, fighter (gunslinger) A former member of the Public Defense in Kymal, Obsidian’s entire life was destroyed when he began to suspect a member of his team was acting against the margrave by feeding information to Clasp and Myriad members. In an attempt to expose them, he teamed up with Lance Veidrodis and Fayne Hart to uncover the truth, but the resulting catastrophe left him exiled from Kymal as a wanted man- his arrest ordered by the very margrave he sought to protect. Disillusioned, he now works as a bounty hunter as the de facto leader of the Clockwork Hounds.
Gorazm Pathan Male human, noble Gorazm Pathan rose to power in Marquet as a drug lord, running one of the most successful residuum smuggling empires in Exandria and using it to manufacture suude, which he then smuggled back into Tal’Dorei to be sold at high prices by the Clasp. After the Clasp began to fall apart, he began to expand his business by selling to the Myriad, the tribes of Shadycreek Run, and even to the margrave of Kymal to be distributed in her casinos. On top of being a successful businessman, he dotes and fawns over his only child Rinna, though due to his lifestyle he remains professionally paranoid of losing her, keeping her under tight scrutiny to make sure nothing ever happens to her. When his daughter was five, he purchased a tabaxi kitten from the Jagentoths to raise alongside her as a companion and protector- a kitten he named Creek, eventually shortened to Cree.
Rinna Pathan Female human, Warlock (Pact of the Chain) As Gorazm Pathan’s only child, Rinna was raised like a hothouse flower, kept in a gilded cage with only her tabaxi servant Cree for company. Over the years, Rinna became resentful of her father’s overprotective nature and took her anger out on Cree by bullying her. After Cree fled, she became extremely lonely and desperate, eventually attracting the attention of Ira Wendagoth who made a pact with her- power in exchange for helping him sow chaos and gather fodder for his experiments. Together, they formed the Court of Nightmares, a group of like-minded individuals who sow discord and cause harm for the sake of it.
Phaedra Quavein Female drow, Rogue (Thief) The head of den Quavein, nearing status as a Umavi, Phaedra gained a reputation in the Dynasty by being their most dedicated and talented spy- earning her the title of Queen's Blade- before eventually settling into a life of running her den and training up the next generation of spies and rogues for the Bright Queen. Despite the Bright Queen’s protests, she demanded to be sent out to seek the lost beacons sixteen years ago and was captured by the Righteous Brand near Pride’s Call. To avoid interrogation, she slit her own throat knowing that a beacon was nearby and would eventually be reborn as Narcissa Ageratum.
Valerius Severna Male human, Sorcerer (Draconic Bloodline) The latest in the long line of Cognouza wardens from the Severna family, Valerius is unique in being the first of his family line to have inherited magic (which gained him a position as a member of the Somnovem), but with the cost of some of his humanity, due to his red dragon blood. Though he tries to be tolerant and kind, the dragon blood leaves him with a nasty temper, which is exacerbated by his fellow Somnovem not quite jiving with his particular morals.
Beagan Starhollow, the Luna Moth Non-binary archfey The former Solstice Sentinel of Sehanine Moonbow's court before she ascended into godhood. After the dissolution of the Moonweaver's court, Beagan fell into a deep melancholy and decided to shirk any and all responsibilities going forward by taking the form of a child (calling themself Luna) and running wild through the Feywild. This behavior allowed them to be geased by the hag Granny Nightshade, who was then captured and brought to the Material Plane by Isharnai. From there, they remained bound to the woods surrounding Mount Mentiri, desperate to get someone to destroy the hags and break their geas so that they can finally be free again .
Malachi “Doc” Stursk Male human, Cleric (Tempest Domain) A surgeon who served under Vandran while he was in the Revelry with an incurable genetic lung disorder that left his faith in the Wildmother wavering. When Avantika and Vandran agreed they needed a third person to help them release Uk’otoa from his prison and divide the seals up evenly, they went to Malachi, appealing to his waning faith and his desire to be strong enough to fight off the disease claiming him. When Vandran left, he and Avantika disagreed on how best to proceed (Avantika wanting to continue and Malachi wanting to take Uk’otoa’s granted power and simply leave him be) and split ways shortly after, with the two of them both ending up captaining their own ships.
Maira Thistleeyes Female halfling, Cleric (Blood Domain) The High Priestess of the Wildemount Claret Orders and Cree’s previous mentor. She and Derrin Zacrux have been friends for years and, as such, have a similar mindset about the Orders and the necessity of them. She was extremely dedicated to Cree’s tutelage and was the first to point out her prodigal gifts with blood and had attempted to groom her to become the next High Priestess before she abandoned the Orders entirely.
Sir Gulliver Thurston Male human, Druid (Circle of the Land)/Wizard (School of Transmutation) Thurston started out as minor nobility from a druid clan from deep within the wilds of Issylra and left that life to come to Vasselheim, changing his name (the “Sir” he tacked on to make himself noble without being overblown about it) and most of his nature, preferring books to the land he’d once been raised to tend. He spent a great deal of time in the Slayer’s Take where he developed an interest in arcane pursuits and developed himself as a powerful transmutation wizard up until he was caught for trafficking in illegal transmutation potions by the Cobalt Soul. He was able to plead a case for himself to become an asset rather than face the Dawn Marshalls and the Soul have kept him on ice ever since.
Lance Veidrodis Male human, Bard (College of Whispers)/Monk (Way of the Drunken Master) A former member of Thordak’s Tongue, an order of spies that began to operate out of Emon following the Clasp falling apart, Lance left the order after being betrayed by his partner and turned to alcohol and pit fighting to ease the sting. After discovering his partner and his ex were both in Kymal, he teamed up with a guardsman trying to find evidence that the guards in Kymal were corrupt and a thief trying to rob the place in the hopes of settling the score. When the plan went tits up, however, the three of them fled Tal’Dorei together.
Victoria Female human, shopkeeper The daughter of Victor the Black Powder Merchant from Vasselheim. She built her father’s business into a franchise by expanding into Wildemount and opening a shop in Nogvurot. Her intention was to open several others, but her lack of ambition hasn’t allowed her to progress very far.
Werner Vogel Male human, noble After meeting a beautiful tiefling woman in his home of Odessloe named Ophelia, freshly released from a Dawnfather chantry, he pursued a meaningless relationship with her to balance the boredom of his nobleman’s life, finding her to be both naive and exotic. Knowing that his indiscretion would soon be found out, he tricked her by offering her some of his wife’s jewelry and asked her to come by his home and they would run away together. When she arrived, he summoned the Crownsguard, labeling her a thief and had her chased out of town. This would have been enough to cover his tracks had Ophelia not been inclined to vengeance and carrying his child. He allegedly has sired two other children with tiefling lovers.
Derrin Zacrux Male human, Bloodhunter (Order of the Ghostslayer) A no-nonsense Bloodhunter who was chosen to head the Ghostslayers in Wildemount by Elias de Corvo, himself. After gaining horrific scars and losing his eye in a fiend attack some years prior to his promotion, he’s developed a completely intolerant few of anything that comes from the Hells, including tieflings, which led him to often push his tiefling acolytes much harder and much more unfairly than the rest.
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lunawlw · 8 days
literally truly and honestly without an ounce of sarcasm or of it being a joke: if you find enjoyment of this genocide or support ishell in any way, block and unfollow me and locate the nearest pit to hell. May the murders of these people haunt you for every second of your life and into your grave for all eternity
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nekobeatrice · 1 month
I need ishell to burn
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Fuck ishell
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the-firebird69 · 7 months
CSI NY (All Cast Intro) - YouTube
and i wrestled with him. he is unstoppable when in shape just a little. i saw his brother beat him saw it. and three times and once lost hit theyellow cabinets thought little of it now i dont. this ishell robots will come switched and yeh could be them. easily. ad we see it. but dont know. and huge ships did leave antarcitca we nneed help.tons of it. and he said it crush your nuts no. it is in p roportion he is now no his shoulders are way too wide about four inches in width not diameter two a side. nnow this is huge he is a giant adn abig one. strong as hell shortly. but ok. one of me and twnety and out. so it is like that. attracts it and he had too much. is gone. sadly soon we thing. out and hit. wont last was all of our nightmeres. cant blame him no can blame morlock this is horror. but htey finid it shortly. the robots hunt them always. and to extinction he wont share his plan
Arnold Schwarzenneger
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444names · 8 months
Names generated from Tolkienesque forenames, excluding the letter "A" and including the letter "H"
Belephel Beleth Belethil Berecth Beredh Beredher Bereth Berethor Beronthôr Beropher Berophor Berothorl Berth Berufthir Bervedh Berveneth Berúthôr Bifurth Bifurthir Bifurthor Boldoher Bolfhel Bolloroth Bollothor Borthrór Brecth Bredh Bredhen Bregoth Brendilkh Breth Brielbêth Brodrecth Brohir Broth Brothéod Bóredh Bóreth...
Celbêth Celch Celecth Celecthin Celeglúth Celegoth Celethel Celethôr Celfher Celmoth Celothir Celrothôr Cilkhîm Cothel Cothil Cothor Cothos Cothróg Cothôn Cothôr Curthor Curufthôr Deleth Dohir Drecthir Dredhel Déodherin Déoth Dírilbêth Ecthelen Ectheredh Ecthir Ecthiris Ecthmo Ecthor Ecthoriën Ecthostel Egothrod Elbelfhil Elbêth Elebredh Electho Elegolch Elephil Elephoron Eleth Elethir Elethmo Elethor Elethéod Elfhen Elfhir Elfinedh Elithôr Ellothiel Elmoroth Eloth Elrophorn Elserthôr Elvedhed Endugloth Endurth Eredhel Erestohed Erethôn Estoher Estrethor Eärecth Eäredh Eärenedh Eäreth Eärethine Eärethir Eäretho Eärethróg Eärneneth Felbêth Fimbereth Folch Forth Frecth Fredherin Freth Frethir Fretho Frethor Frethorn Fílionth Fílithil Ghânbreg Ghânbrion Gilkhâd Gilkhîm Gilúth Gimithmo Glimloth Glithmor Glorophen Gloth Glothelm Glothen Glothor Glúth Glúthir Glúthéomë Golch Golfher Gontoher Gornhír Gothin Gothir Gotho Gothor Gothos Gothrór Gothéowyn Grohir Grophedus Grothil Gwingerth Hedhróg Helbel Heldil Heleb Heleg Helegil Helegorl Helen Helend Helendion Helendur Helephir Heleth Helfwin Hellui Helmo Helmoron Helob Helrod Helron Helserund Helug Helumbor Helwë Helyë Hendir Hendor Herendil Herestë Hereth Heriel Herilútho Herin Hering Herken Herkene Hernuin Herohelin Heron Herondur Heros Herostel Hertius Herum Heryonur Herúthor Hiendir Hildo Hilimo Hinel Hinelmo Hinzimen Hirin Hirion Hirish Hiryon Horin Horion Horlin Hornieldë Hornim Horomilg Hundenwë Hundil Hundir Hundirin Hundor Hundorn Hundredh Hundur Hungwin Hungwë Hunínimir Huníriel Hunúmene Huolgerië Huollor Huolori Huorl Huormoth Huorn Huornur Huoro Huoron Huorontho Hámog Hámon Hámor Húrien Húrik Húrimbulë Húring Húrinyë Húrion Húris Idervedh Idufthôr Ilrohir Imith Imlith Imothoron Imrophorn Imrother Ineth Ingothost Inrodreth Ishel Isheregin Isheron Ishnámor Khânbor Khânbren Khânbrion Khânbro Khânbur Kílith Lecth Lepherth Lethiel Lethráin Linethin Lothil Lothor Lugloth Lurthor Léoth Léotheleg Lúthili Lúthôn Lúthôr Melfhedh Melfhir Meredh Mereth Minroth Mithin Mithir Mothelmë Mulkhâl Mulkhîm Mundush Nedhel Nethir Nethéoth Nielbêth Nieleth North Northôr Nákhîm Nákhôn Nínimlith Ohelegil Ohelenwë Oherumbor Ohiel Ohing Ornhel Ornhír Orohel Oroth Orothéod Orthin Peloth Pendoroth Peredher Pereth Perethel Pernhír Perophel Peroth Perothéod Perúth Pherecth Phervegon Philkhîm Phirger Phirion Phirmo Phorn Prineth Rúthil Rúthor Shelmë Shereth Shergong Shern Shnáin Shnámo Shnámog Shnárin Shnárine Shnárinel Silkh Silúth Siongoth Snorth Steleth Telephed Telephel Telephor Teleth Telether Telimroth Tellothir Telmothmo Telroth Theldomir Thello Theredh Theridur Theriel Therthorl Thertin Thiel Thieldur Thilúk Thinelen Thing Thingon Thirin Thirië Thiriën Thirë Thmog Thmon Thmor Thorion Thorl Thorm Thormo Thorn Thort Thorwend Thost Throndir Throth Thráindil Thráindor Thráing Thráingor Thróf Thróg Théod Théodrimë Théomë Théorn Théothôn Théowyn Tingoth Tiush Tuoroth Turth Túrionth Ufthielen Ufthir Ufthôr Ugdush Ugloth Uglothôn Ulfherdis Ulfhil Ulfhing Ulfhir Ulkhâd Ulkhîm Ulkhôn Ulkhôr Uolch Uoroth Urgoroth Viondilkh Vorthel Vorthor Woropher Éodhelyë Éodhros Éodrethôr Éomeleth Éomitho Éorthir Éothil Éothir Éothorli Éothos Éothôr Írilbêth
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