#is the universe REWARDING me for it
sparring-spirals · 16 days
me in tags of posts i am reblogging with no context: haha delilah being ominous? sure. go for it
me, glancing at other posts in the CR tag immediately after that reblog: OH. OH SO LAUDNA DID GO FOR IT. IT BEING. ORYM.
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mwagneto · 6 months
rtd brought back the most important thing to doctor who (the doctor getting so upset he starts screaming and crying and punching things and throwing his entire body around)
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glittergoats · 2 months
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the good doctor
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midnight-mismanagement · 10 months
No one:
Zero Escape character during a high-stress situation: Let us take this opportunity to ponder at length a logic paradox as we contemplate our imminent doom.
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maxsix · 2 months
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DAY6 | Park Sungjin
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redwinterroses · 5 months
headcanon that Scar is the only one we don't see die after winning a Life series because time is a loop and he moved on alone in the world, which then became the start of his The Crafting Dead series.
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bulkhummus · 1 year
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do you understand how this rewired my fucking brain ….. they were grad students together…….carlos cant remember decades…we were both trying to prove ourselves… lubelle will march over anything and anyone…… cecils swiss cheese brain ….
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jaaisofficial · 1 month
I win
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mildy-vibing · 3 months
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Part 2/2 for Chapter 1 of Trapped Crown
Line art, backgrounds, and character design by Mildly Vibing
Coloring and rendering by WhinnytheBear on Insta
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theflyingfeeling · 1 month
I hate it here sm
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the thing about buffy is that as much as i make dumb jokes about divorce or old man yaoi or whatever my fixation of the week is, first and foremost i'll always love it as a juggernaut of episodic/serial television that prioritized storytelling and its character's emotional arcs over all else, and it did so with endless creativity, humor, sincerity, and a willingness to take big swings. there'll always be individual gripes to be had with certain episodes or plot points, not to mention the (much bigger issue of) bullshit that was going on behind the scenes, but as a whole it really was extremely good television. i'm generally uninterested in white knighting for any particular character or ship, but the one thing i WILL consistently go to bat for is the show as a whole and the themes/metaphors it tried to explore
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velidewrites · 1 year
Picture this:
You’re velidewrites, fresh out of a 10-hour journey, hungry and waiting for your dinner a restaurant. Sitting at the table next to you is a real-life version of Cassian but somehow even better.
Your breath is stolen from your chest; this is the most BREATHTAKING man you’ve ever seen. You’re embarrassed because 1) You look like a mess (understandable), and 2) You’re simping for a man (unacceptable).
He’s sitting with a woman, sipping from a glass of red wine. It better be his mother or I’m going to cry, you think. You consider your options: admire him from a few feet away or shoot your shot.
What do you do?
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spacejellyfish3 · 1 year
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philgbtqochs · 5 months
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despertara · 4 months
Irene bro if you see this I want you to know I've been podcasting (talking loudly and emphatically to myself) abt that Grammy Gun post for Hours. I started ranting in the rb tags and then I got so mad I started a spreadsheet on my phone Yes I have the Excel app. No I did not finish my tags
#Pacing around my house ''IN LIEU OF A PERSONALITY TAYLOR HAS A MARKETING STRATEGY AND THAT'S WHY WHITE AMERICANS LOVE HER''#''BC SHE'S A WHITE GIRL NEPOBABY & THEREBY PERFECTLY EMBODIES WESTERN IDEALS: MARTYR COMPLEX + ARYAN PROFIT + QTY>QUALITY + CENTRIST + MID'#''AND IT'S PROBABLY TOO GENEROUS TO CALL HER A CENTRIST WHEN SHE'S NEVER REBUKED THE PPL WHO CLAIM HER AS THEIR ARYAN PRINCESS''#''THE VENN DIAGRAM OF PPL WHO ARE SICK OF HEARING ABT PALESTINE AND PPL WHO CAPE FOR TAYLOR IS ALMOST CERTAINLY A SINGLE PERFECT CIRCLE''#''IN WHAT WORLD IS SHE A TORTURED POET HER WRITING IS ON PAR WITH RUPI KAUR AND— WHO'S EMAILING ME FUCK OFF''#In the shower ''AND ANOTHER THING''#She's the physical manifestation of privileged ppl's desire to be oppressed bc they can't stand when the convo isn't abt them lmfaooooo#''it's hard for skinny white conventionally attractive cishet ppl whose fathers were bankers too!!! Don't erase my truth!!! 😭''#''Taylor is the number one most streamed/whatever artist in the world''#Popularity or notoriety? Bc the US is also well-known for Trump + Texas + public shootings + genocide + wasting money on football stadiums#But again! She's the Western/American Ideal Made Flesh! It's Punk To Have Money And Connections!#And Being White Is The Punkest Of ALL!#Oh my Christ I say this all the time but if university classes have to be offered on her they should be in Marketing and Ethics#She should be a business school case study and that is NOOOT a. Compliment#She couldn't even stick with country bc how truly country of an experience could she have had when her daddy was rich like#She doesn't have the range like idc if you like her just don't act like she's revolutionary when all her movements are calculated + LATERAL#It's not art it's business acumen please she is rewarded by the Grammies bc they respect her for upholding Capitalism I'm so tired#Remember when they gave AOTY to HARRY last year when Beyoncé and Benitito were RIGHT THERE#It's propaganda just like the news plzzzzzzzzzzzz you are all lemmings and she know it which is why she is so good at CONNING YOU#ME N BRO TAG#These are not the comments I wrote on that post you tagged me in btw I got out of the shower to write these FRESH#You know Kacey Musgraves is coming out w a new record too and even tho she got cut out of the CMAs last time she's still proudly country...#I am never drying my hair at this rate#Too busy explaining to you - in complete detail -..........
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in-tua-deep · 6 months
You know those posts that talk about doing work now as a favor for “future you”?
Apparently I am immune to that! My stupid adhd ass is like a border collie! Has to have a job and be doing stuff! So I have been doing my work promptly. I have been proactively doing my stuff that needs done before winter!
This is apparently not a favor. Now I am a border collie who has finished all the jobs and is starting to look at the furniture very speculatively…
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