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you got the time?
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blogkhross · 1 year
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#IRH-1C-D12S#ILOSAM#일오삼릴레이(Khross electronics co.크로스전자에서) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cpt0b2AJHqE/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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baliportalnews · 1 year
Kembali Raih Penghargaan Nasional, Pemkab Buleleng Terbaik Dalam Indeks Reformasi Hukum 2022
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BALIPORTALNEWS.COM, BULELENG - Pemerintah Kabupaten (Pemkab) Buleleng kembali meraih penghargaan nasional. Kali ini Pemerintah Kabupaten dianugerahi sebagai Pemerintah Daerah Terbaik dan berhak atas Penghargaan Indeks Reformasi Hukum (IRH) Tahun 2022. Pemkab Buleleng berhasil mencapai indeks IRH 92,2 dengan predikat AA (istimewa). Nilai ini membawa Buleleng menduduki peringkat pertama nasional, diikuti dengan dengan Kabupaten Belitung Timur dan Kota Depok pada peringkat kedua dan ketiga. Penghargaan diserahkan langsung oleh Menteri Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia Republik Indonesia, Yasonna H. Laoly, dan diterima oleh Sekretaris Daerah (Sekda) Kabupaten Buleleng, Gede Suyasa mewakili Pemkab Buleleng, di Kampus Poltekip dan Poltekim Tangerang, Banten, Kamis (15/12/2022). Penghargaan ini merupakan bagian dari serangkaian kegiatan Refleksi Akhir Tahun 2022 oleh Kementerian Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia Republik Indonesia (Kemenkumham). Ditemui usai menerima penghargaan, Suyasa menyatakan dengan bangga bahwa Pemkab Buleleng bisa meraih nilai IRH terbaik dari seluruh pemerintah daerah di Indonesia. "Kali ini Pemkab Buleleng meraih peringkat pertama pada penilaian indeks reformasi hukum tahun 2022 dari Kemenhumkam RI," tegasnya. Lebih lanjut, Suyasa memaparkan ada beberapa kriteria mendasar harus dipenuhi pemda yang menjadi fokus penilaian Kemenhumkam dalam penilaian IRH. Diantaranya adalah tingkat koordinasi dalam melakukan harmonisasi regulasi, dan kompetensi sumber daya manusia yang mengelola produk hukum dan terkait. Dua komponen lain yang dinilai adalah kualitas re-regulasi atau deregulasi berbagai peraturan perundang-undangan berdasarkan hasil reviu, dan penataan database peraturan perundang-undangan. "Jadi semuanya harus ada harmonisasi dari kita kepada Kemenkumham," ungkapnya. Penilaian IRH Tahun 2022 ini dilaksanakan dengan menilai data dari Tahun 2020 s.d. 2022. Pada penilaian ini, Bagian Hukum Sekretariat Daerah Kabupaten Buleleng terlebih dahulu melakukan penilaian secara mandiri. Pelaksanaan penilaian mandiri dilakukan melalui website IRH dengan melakukan input data dukung yang menjadi variabel penilaian. Demi memperlancar pelaksanaan penilaian IRH, telah dibentuk Tim Kerja Indeks Reformasi Hukum dan Tim Asesor yang telah ditetapkan dengan Keputusan Sekretaris Daerah Kabupaten Buleleng. Tim tersebut bertugas mengumpulkan dan melakukan input data dukung. Menkumham RI, Yasonna H. Laoly dalam sambutannya mengucapkan selamat kepada pemerintah daerah yang memperoleh penghargaan pada Refleksi Akhir Tahun 2022. Reformasi hukum menurutnya, sesuai dengan arahan presiden, nantinya akan mempermudah pelayanan publik, mempercepat proses pengambilan keputusan, hingga mempercepat proses pemberian izin di seluruh kementerian dan jajaran. Ia juga mengucapkan terimakasih atas kerja keras dan kerjasama pemerintah daerah dalam membangun daerahnya melalui reformasi hukum. "Saya sampaikan selamat kepada Kementerian PUPR, Wakil Wali Kota Depok, Wakil Bupati Belitung Timur, dan Sekda Kabupaten Buleleng, atas capaian prestasinya yang tinggi di bidang reformasi," jelasnya.(bpn) Read the full article
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dlyarchitecture · 10 months
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amaierak · 1 year
I don't appreciate slow days at work
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salanaii · 1 month
Learn Korean with me - Week 12
Day 1: Let’s Speak Korean Ch 6 – At the Airport (26 – 50)
좌석이지정되어있나요? Jwa seog I ji Jeong doe eo iss nay o Are the seats pre-assigned?
제좌석은어디죠? Je joa seog eun eo di jyo Where is my seat?
좌석변경이가능한가요? Joa seog byeon Gyeong I ga neung han ga yo Can I change the seat?
창가쪽/복도쪽/가운데좌석있나요? Chang ga jjog/bog do jjog/ ga un de joa seog iss nay o Do you have a(n) widow/isle/middle seat available?
창가쪽/복도쪽/가운데좌석부탁합니다 Chang ga jjog/bog do jjog/ ga un de joa seog bu tag hab ni da A(n) widow/isle/middle seat, please.
정시에출발하나요? Jeong si e chur bar ha nay o Does it depart at the scheduled time?
동반자가있나요? Dong ban ja ga iss nay o Do you have a companion?
비자가있나요? Bi ja ga iss nay o Do you have a visa?
신분증을보여주세요. Sin bun jeung eur bo yeo ju se yo Show me (your) card, please.
몇시에탑승시작하죠? Myeoch si e tab seung si jag ha jyu At what time does the boarding start?
만석입니다. Man seog ib ni da All seats are filled. = We have a full flight.
탑승권을보여주세요. Tab seung gwan eur bo yei ju se yo Show me (your) boarding pass, please.
한국항공카운터는어디죠? Han gug hang gong ka un teo neun eo di jyo Where is the counter for Hanguk Airline?
짐은어디에서찾나요? Jim eun eo di e seo chaj nay o (From) Where do I find (=pick up) (my) baggage?
짐을잃어버렸어요. Jim eur irh eo beo ryeoss eo yo I lost (my) baggage.
면세점은어디죠? Myeon se jeom eun eo di jyo Where is the duty free shop?
애완동��도탑승이가능한가요? Ae wan dong mur do tab seung I ga neung han ga yo (Literal) Can pets come aboard, too? = Can pets fly, too?
환승게이트는어디죠? Hwan seung ge I teu neu neo di jyo Where is the transfer gate?
연착되었나요? Yeon chag doe eoss nay o Is it delayed?
다음비행기편에늦었습니다. Da eum bi haeng gi pyeon e neuj eoss seub ni da (I’m) late to the next flight. = I’m late for (my) connecting flight.
비행기를놓칠것같아요. Bi haeng gi reur noh chir geos gat a yo I think I’m going to miss (my) airplane (=flight).
제가먼저가도될까요? Je ga meon jeo do doer gga yo May I go first?
줄이기네요. Jur I gi ne yo (Literal) The line is long. = It’s a long line.
여행자보험을구입하고싶은데요. Yeo haeng ja bo heom eur gu ib ha go sip eun de yo I’d like to purchase a traveler’s insurance.
면세품을주문하고싶은데요. Myeon se pum eur ju mun ha go sip eun de yo I’d like to order duty free items.
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thescienceofequus · 1 year
Chronicle of the Horse | 6 December, 2022
The Virgina Tech Helmet Lab has released its much-anticipated equestrian helmet ratings. Taking the top spot in the rankings is the $460 Champion Revolve X-Air MIPS helmet, but in good news for riders who are both frugal and safety conscious, the rest of the top three slots were filled by sub-$60 helmets, the Tuffrider Carbon Fiber ($58) and the IRH Equi-Lite ($50)
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Read the full article at the link above.
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justjensenanddean · 2 years
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Jensen Ackles irh fans today in Paris (May 23, 2022) (x) (x) (x)
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anewkindofme · 2 months
Your gremlin theorist has returned with more weird questions. It genuinely makes me so happy when you reply to my dumb questions, it always brightens my mood, so I thank you for that :)
My weird question is- what would happen if IRH, M2D and FASFTS Stefan’s met? Because while IRH and M2D are from the same branch, FASFTS is completely different. IRH Stefan still has Damon as his “Big Brother”, No Enzo, hasn’t fully accepted his little space and is still getting adjusted to stuff. M2D Stefan accepted his little space, Calls Damon ‘Dad’ and has Enzo (Papa). FASFTS Stefan is human, from a more modern AU, has a vampire older brother (who is much older than Stefan than other versions of Damon’s and Stefan’s), still has Lily alive and obviously- isn’t a little.
They all have such different personalities is almost interesting. I imagine M2D and IRH Stefan’s would get along better since their from the same branch, I can see IRH Stef questioning him and M2D wondering why his life is still a mess (it kinda is compared to m2d) while FASFTS Stef is just in the corner staring at this vampire version of himself (who may be older depending on what age he is-) who live in a world where vampire are knows and are also age regresses? My dude is either impressed or traumatized-
Oh god imagine the Damon’s meeting?- M2D Damon would definitely have something to say to IRH Damon but can also understand his still working on things? And FASFTS Damon would just wish to be them because then he’d have a Stefan who is always young and clings to him.
Again- random question that will probably keep me up thinking now-. Again you answering this dumb questions always makes my day, the fact that you take a moment from your time to do those makes me smile. I sent you virtual hugs and thanks
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Ohhhh, I love this question so much.
IRH!Stefan would be mistified at how comfortable M2D!Stefan is with being a baby. He wishes he could be that carefree, but M2D!Stefan would assure him that he used to be the same way. It just takes time.
Meanwhile, lil human Stefan (picturing him 12) would just be like "So wait...you guys are teenagers...but you're also still little kids..." I think he'd be both a little horrified by the idea of never truly growing up while also a little jealous that they still get to be little kids and tended to, no matter what. (Despite the fact that Damon will always view him as a little boy and treat him as such)
IRH!Damon and FASFTS!Damon are the most alike in terms of still sorting out their anger and putting revenge second to caring for their brother. M2D!Damon would be sympathetic but also ream them out for putting their chances at raising their brothers at risk. And M2D!Denzo would probably lock FASFTS!Denzo in a room until they agreed to get married and settle down, because really they're being dumb.
FASFTS!Damon would stare at M2D & IRH! Stefans for hours, seeing just what his baby brother will look like when he's a teenager. Feeling both bittersweet and proud.
IRH & M2D!Damons would absolutely melt at the chance to see and interact with a younger version of Stefan. They'd just want to cuddle him and pinch his cheeks and not let go. He'd definitely be carried around the entire time. If IRH & M2D!Stefans are toddlers, he'd truly be the baby. The other Stefans would feel a little jealous but they'd also have the other Damon fussing over them.
One of the biggest things to emerge would definitely be IRH!Stefan realizing that IRH!Damon doesn't have a partner like the other two. He's raising Stefan alone. Damon is okay with that as he's not ready for a relationship. But I think it'd finally make Stefan realize that if the other two can be in a relationship and still love the other versions of himself...maybe one day he'll be okay if Damon met Enzo in their timeline.
This was such a fun question and not dumb at all! Please always feel free to ask me for headcanons and what have you. I appreciate how much you love my verses. <3
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TIRH, The Imperial Duchess and Duke of Lassiter
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It has been revealed the couple, now both their IRH, have been granted the Imperial Title of TIRH The Imperial Duchess and Duke Lassiter.
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What is special about this particular Title is that it is the Title bestowed upon HIRM Prince-Consort Ngata when he was ennobled before his marriage to HIRM Empress Sheva.
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The Title seems fitting, as just like the newly minted Imperial Duchess and Duke of Lassiter, TIRM were met with resistance to their marriage, although to a greater extent. HIRM Prince-Consort Ngata was the first commoner to marry into the Imperial Royal Family, when HIRM Empress Sheva broke with the tradition of arranged marriages to the other Noble Families in the Realm and married for love. It caused at least five years of strife (at least publicly) between the Family, until they finally relented and allowed the pair to marry. 
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The Title is very fitting indeed.
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TIRH, The Imperial Duchess and Duke of Lassiter exited the Cathedral to a Royal Salute, to the awaiting carriage, where the newlyweds will travel back down the Marasean Mile, towards Khartoum House, where the Reception will be held.
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Congratulations to TIRH, The Imperial Duchess and Duke of Lassiter.
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you are the sun and i am just the planets spinning around you.
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friskebits · 4 months
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I dunno what Donnie got you but it’s probably better than anything I could think of. 😅
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skyetenshi · 11 months
Schrottplatzkinder.... Ich habe heute mit einer Freundin über "Der letzte Song" geredet und dabei ist etwas aufgefallen. Peter trägt zu dem Abend bei Lenny ein Shirt seiner Lieblingsband, Black Prints, durch Lennys Verschwinden übernachten sie ungeplant in Lennys Haus, werden durhc die Einbrecher gestört und am frühen morgen durch Cotta zum Schrottplatz gefahren. Da gehen sie in irhe Zentrale, ruhen sich zwei Stunden aus und dann macht sich Peter auf um Debbie Peterson zu befragen, und anschließend zu Surfen. Peter wird aber entführt und Peters Shirt wird von seinem Freund Ray, der Badeaufsicht, mit seinen Sachen (Rucksack, Handtuch, SCHUHE) am Strand gefunden, Ray sagt explizit, dass das eins von Peters Lieblingsshirts ist udn er es ncht einfach so in den Sand knüllen würde, sondern sonst immer seine Shirt zusammen legt. Nach und nach kommen sie dann Peters Entfürhern auf die Spur und Peter wird natürlich gerettet. Meine Frage: Was hat Peter an? Der arme Junge liegt halt später in einer Höhle in den Bergen! Ohne Shirt? Und ohne Schuhe? Und das wird mit keinem Wort erwähnt.
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i cant belives i found mosses acerwt acgoutnw irh no help at sll wowz
I'm killing all of you
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dawnleaf37 · 1 year
irhs ok. explodes
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sawtelghad · 20 hours
السعودية والإمارات تتوغلان في سوق “المعادن الحرجة” على غرار الصين وأمريكا.. لماذا الآن؟ https://sawtelghad.net/74546?feed_id=451&_unique_id=662f953e6ded0
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