antonio-a-huelgas · 1 month
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Cartas de locura y muerte desde el vacío - Rechinaba sus manos contra la ventana (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1432317701-cartas-de-locura-y-muerte-desde-el-vac%C3%ADo-rechinaba?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=NecropolisAlfaOmega Relatos de horror de diverso tipo, legados escritos de seres condenados, recuerdos de ninguna parte o de lugares que no deberían existir. Aquí dejamos estos pliegos perdidos, a la espera de volver a existir. Lea, si cree estar preparado.
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sydneyman2020 · 4 months
オーストラリア建国記念日。 オーストラリア デー Australia Day。アボリジニから見れば侵略の日?
こんばんは、シドニーマンです。 日本に建国記念日として祝日があるのと同様に、オーストラリアにも建国記念日があり、 「オーストラリア デー Australia Day」 と呼ばれております。 この日は毎年1月26日に制定されており、パブリックホリデー(祝日)となっています。 *ただし、こちらのパブリックホリデー公式サイトでは、2011年12月31日以降、このオーストラリア デーが土曜日もしくは日曜日になるのであれば、次の週の月曜日が振替休日として扱われるとあります。  From 31.12.11 when Australia Day (26th of January) falls on a Saturday or a Sunday, there will be no public holiday on that day, as the following Monday will…
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HIII just followed u i have pronouns n shit in my bio but im kinda questioning these ideas and such... so i hope U dont see me as trying to overstep boundaries or anything srry just wanted to put out there incase it seemed weird * posing like anime character with elbow up and everything * 💧
its ok !!! i wont out you or anything, or think youre invasine or weird. anyone can follow me tbh ^-^
i like to keep it that way bcs i like to think that everyone should be allowed to just explore gender critical feminism ideas if they want to
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the-firebird69 · 4 months
and he does it to make hte money he gets as extra work and to use his in concert and lean on them defeat them using it and the invasin has stuff to do with it as they bought things still do
Zues Hera
and we see it disgruntled and this guy we all sat and ok so we sit your fired then there. and ok you say so you dont hire me lol and we get it ok this blows hes right we are shit now.
fn bad but ok
we do this now and take over and start over
Zues Hera
and we see it. the empire forgienrs his dont want it we suck are mean and hateful losers fags low lifes. and it is true our stuff is rancid motif is nothing. we need out of this though and how. cant stand it we are terrible to him. cheapskates and no we dnt skate iether stuck here and rot and die for real thisb lows
true all of it
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(Opinions on fish? Most and least favourite?)
(To what eat? Big fan of salmon but also red drum is really good what the fuck are the neighbors doing up there. Pike's great too.
Raw tuna or seared is good, grilled is awful. But the worst fish I ever had was some badly overcooked bluefish, bluefish are bastards anyhow.
In terms of fishyness idk gars and sturgeon are cool I guess so's sharks fuck lionfish damn invasine shits and there was thta guy I knew once after we were spearfishing lionfish in like 2011? 2012? anyway he dried to blend one into a mixed drink after yeeting it into a blender with some vodka fuck that guy)
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scienza-magia · 1 year
Batteri ibridi con materiali sintetici per la cura del cancro
I batteri cyborg che sopravvivono in un ambiente ostile. Potrebbero combattere tumori e risolvere problemi ambientali. Ottenute in laboratorio le prime cellule ‘cyborg’: sono batteri ibridi, a metà tra naturale e artificiale, cioè cellule in cui sono stati introdotti materiali sintetici. La trasformazione mantiene intatte tutte le funzioni principali e le caratteristiche di una cellula vivente, ma permette ai batteri di acquisire nuove capacità e di resistere a condizioni altrimenti mortali. Il risultato, pubblicato sulla rivista Advanced Science, è stato ottenuto da un gruppo di ricercatori guidati dall’Università della California a Davis e apre la strada ad applicazioni in moltissimi campi: da nuove cure anti-cancro ai problemi ambientali, da trattamenti per il microbioma intestinale ai biosensori.
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Ottenuti i batteri cybord capaci di sopravvivere in condizioni ostili (fonte: Pixabay) © ANSA/Ansa Per realizzare le cellule-cyborg, i ricercatori guidati da Luis Contreras-Llano hanno assemblato una rete di idrogel all’interno delle cellule batteriche, rendendole incapaci di dividersi e moltiplicarsi ed eliminando quindi ogni rischio. Le cellule ibride hanno dimostrato di avere ancora molte funzioni di base attive, come quelle metaboliche, la capacità di produrre proteine e di mantenere fluida la propria membrana esterna, ma allo stesso tempo hanno acquisito molte nuove abilità: in particolare, sono state in grado di sopravvivere ad alti livelli di pH, ad alte concentrazioni di perossido di idrogeno (noto anche come acqua ossigenata) e all’attacco da parte di antibiotici, tutte condizioni che avrebbero ucciso un batterio normale.
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A sinistra le cellule batteriche naturali, al centro e a destra quelle 'cyborg' (fonte: Contreras-Llano et al, 'Engineering Cyborg Bacteria Through Intracellular Hydrogelation', Advanced Science) Secondo gli autori dello studio, le cellule-cyborg potrebbero diventare una nuova classe di terapie, a metà tra quelle basate su cellule e quelle basate su sostanze artificiali. I ricercatori, infatti, hanno dimostrato che le loro cellule ibride sono in grado, grazie a particolari proteine chiamate invasine, di attaccare e invadere cellule tumorali del neuroblastoma (un tumore del sistema nervoso) e dell’adenocarcinoma, un tumore maligno che si sviluppa dalle ghiandole e può interessare diversi organi. Read the full article
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24deltaideas · 1 year
Las 12 campanadas del deporte espaol en 2022
Las 12 campanadas del deporte espaol en 2022
En el artículo de hoy, compartimos el artículo sobre Las 12 campanadas del deporte espaol en 2022. Puede encontrar detalles sobre Las 12 campanadas del deporte espaol en 2022 en nuestro artículo. Lleg la hora de despedir el ao 2022. Dejamos atrs el ao del Mundial de Qatar, pero tambin el ao en el que Rusia inici la invasin de Ucrania o el ao de la muerte de la reina Isabel II. Momentos histricos…
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doctorespecialistas · 2 years
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¿Qué es y cuáles son los procedimientos de mínima invasión? - Disponible en Podcast En este episodio de @medtalk_podcast platicamos con el Dr. Ricardo García, Cardiólogo Intervencionista con más de 5 años de experiencia y que tiene su práctica en la ciudad de Monterrey, N.L. Conoceremos más sobre los procedimientos de mínima invasión que se realizan en el corazón, así como las condiciones que se tratan por medio de la cardiología intervencionista. - Recuerda suscribirte a nuestro canal y activar las notificaciones para que no te pierdas ningún episodio. - Escucha la entrevista: https://anchor.fm/medtalk-podcast/episodes/Cardiologa-intervencionista-Qu-es-y-cules-son-los-procedimientos-de-mnima-invasin-e1ppnr3/a-a8ojhj0 - Ve la entrevista: https://youtu.be/2Yd9--9q5xY
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oroble24-com · 3 years
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24 horas en la Tierra... (on Wattpad) 
¡Postulada para los premios Watty 2021!!!
Cuatro autómatas provenientes de Xinebia, un planeta gemelo al nuestro ubicado en el mismo sistema solar de manera fantasma, llegan en su nave a la Argentina persiguiendo a Lhexia, la humana xinebiana enviada a la Tierra por los Esplenders, una cofradía científica liderada por sus padres. Lhexia sale de su planeta por primera vez, ya que los viajes interplanetarios están prohibidos por disposición del LYS, la entidad suprema que rige toda Xinebia, no obstante la emisaria logra su cometido y finalmente llega a la Tierra, pero con un plazo permitido de 24 horas... La persecución espacial finaliza, cuando la nave de Lhexia colapsa debido a una gran tormenta sobre el Río de la Plata, lindero a la Ciudad Universitaria de Buenos Aires, ello provoca una interrupción en la rutina del joven vigilador nocturno Nícolas Cerwensky, quien no puede creer la situación que se le presenta ante sus ojos. La xinebiana llega con intenciones de ayudarnos a descubrir unos humanos impostores llamados Tirrens quienes portan un terrible gen y mezclados entre nosotros planean la conquista de la Tierra para colonizarla. Estos cuatro seres robotizados tienen un solo objetivo y es el de atrapar a la muchacha fugada y regresarla a Xinebia antes que se cierre el portal de transferencia entre ambos planetas, pero estas acciones son mal interpretadas por las fuerzas militares argentinas, pues comienzan a atacarlos y a combatirlos con consecuencias inesperadas para los soldados y también para los ciudadanos próximos. Además, la población debe soportar el hostigamiento de los maléficos Tirrens y sus aliados que se valen de la situación para generar mayor caos en su beneficio y en tanto esto ocurre, la emisaria xinebiana intenta contactarse con pares de buena voluntad que le ayuden a cumplir su valiosa misión, sin traicionarla.
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The Books I Read in 2020
Frankenstein educador, por Pilippe Meirieu (1996) [tr. Emili Olcina 1998]
Searching for Sunday. Loving, Leaving and Finding the Church, by Rachel Held Evans (2015)
Breve historia de Japón, por Mikiso Hane (2000) [tr. Esther Gómez Parro, 2003]
Los griegos, por H.D.F. Kitto (1951) [tr. Delfín Leocadio Garasa, 2004]
El desconcert de l’educació, per Salvador Cardús (2000)
How to Be Here, by Rob Bell (2016)
Salmos (v. Reina Valera, 1960)
La primera Grecia [Paideia: los ideales de la cultura griega, #1], por Werner Jaeger (1942) [tr. Joaquin Xirau]
Epístola univeral del apóstol Judas (v. Reina-Valera, 1960)
The Road, by Cormac McCarthy (2006)
Under the Dome, by Stephen King (2009)
El Último Refugio, por Roberto Innocenti y J. Patrick Lewis (2002) [tr. Andrea Fuentes Silva, 2003]
El hombre que confundió a su mujer con un sombrero, por Oliver Sacks (1985) [tr. José Manuel Álvarez Flórez, 2002]
La insoportable levedad del ser, por Milan Kundera (1984) [tr. Fernando Valenzuela Villaverde, 1985]
Sobre el mal, por Terry Eagleton (2010) [tr. Albino Santos Mosquera]
The Idolatry of God. Breaking Our Addiction to Certainty and Satisfaction, by Peter Rollins (2012)
Anotaciones sobre Hitler, por Sebastian Haffner (1978) [tr. Richard Gross, 2002]
Diario, por Ana Frank (1947) [tr. Diego J. Puls, 1993]
Los primeros faraones (ca. -3.200 a -1152). Del Reino Antiguo a la invasin de los hicsos [Historia National Geographic, #1], VVAA (2013)
Rurouni Kenshin. El guerrero samurai  [Rurouni Kenshin, #1], por Nobuhiro Watsuki (1994) [tr. Albert Agut, 1999]
Los dos asesinos [Rurouni Kenshin, #2], por Nobuhiro Watsuki (1994) [tr. Albert Agut, 1999]
Un motivo para actuar [Rurouni Kenshin, #3], por Nobuhiro Watsuki (1994) [tr. Albert Agut, 1999]
Los dos destinos [Rurouni Kenshin, #4], por Nobuhiro Watsuki (1994) [tr. Albert Agut, 1999]
El futuro del Kenjutsu [Rurouni Kenshin, #5], por Nobuhiro Watsuki (1994) [tr. Albert Agut, 1999]
Sin preocupación [Rurouni Kenshin, #6], por Nobuhiro Watsuki (1994) [tr. Albert Agut, 1999]
Un día de mayo [Rurouni Kenshin, #7], por Nobuhiro Watsuki (1994) [tr. Albert Agut, 1999]
De camino a Kioto [Rurouni Kenshin, #8], por Nobuhiro Watsuki (1994) [tr. Albert Agut, 1999]
La llegada [Rurouni Kenshin, #9], por Nobuhiro Watsuki (1994) [tr. Albert Agut, 1999]
Maestro y discípulo [Rurouni Kenshin, #10], por Nobuhiro Watsuki (1994) [tr. Albert Agut, 1999]
Preludio a la caída [Rurouni Kenshin, #11], por Nobuhiro Watsuki (1994) [tr. Albert Agut, 1999]
Incendio en Kioto [Rurouni Kenshin, #12], por Nobuhiro Watsuki (1994) [tr. Albert Agut, 1999]
Una noche magnífica [Rurouni Kenshin, #13], por Nobuhiro Watsuki (1994) [tr. Albert Agut, 2000]
La hora de mantener las promesas (1) [Rurouni Kenshin, #14], por Nobuhiro Watsuki (1994) [tr. Albert Agut, 2000]
La hora de mantener las promesas (2) [Rurouni Kenshin, #15], por Nobuhiro Watsuki (1994) [tr. Albert Agut, 2000]
La providencia [Rurouni Kenshin, #16], por Nobuhiro Watsuki (1994) [tr. Albert Agut, 2000]
De él depende el destino de la nueva era [Rurouni Kenshin, #17], por Nobuhiro Watsuki (1994) [tr. Albert Agut, 2000]
Contes Zen. Petites històries per despertar, per Marta Millà [ed.] (2012)
Zen and the Beat Way, by Alan Watts (1997)
¿Sigue teniendo una cicatriz en la cara con forma de cruz? [Rurouni Kenshin, #18], por Nobuhiro Watsuki (1994) [tr. Albert Agut, 2001]
La ilusión y la realidad [Rurouni Kenshin, #19], por Nobuhiro Watsuki (1994) [tr. Albert Agut, 2001]
Reminiscencia [Rurouni Kenshin, #20], por Nobuhiro Watsuki (1994) [tr. Albert Agut, 2001]
Y el tiempo pasó... [Rurouni Kenshin, #21], por Nobuhiro Watsuki (1994) [tr. Albert Agut, 2001]
Batalla triple [Rurouni Kenshin, #22], por Nobuhiro Watsuki (1994) [tr. Albert Agut, 2002]
La consciencia del crimen y del castigo [Rurouni Kenshin, #23], por Nobuhiro Watsuki (1994) [tr. Albert Agut, 2002]
Final del sueño [Rurouni Kenshin, #24], por Nobuhiro Watsuki (1994) [tr. Albert Agut, 2002]
La verdad [Rurouni Kenshin, #25], por Nobuhiro Watsuki (1994) [tr. Albert Agut, 2002]
Los Salmos. Himnario de los hijos del Pacto #1, por Frans van Deursen (1996) [tr. Juan-Teodoro Sanz Pascual, 2003]
La espalda de un hombre [Rurouni Kenshin, #26], por Nobuhiro Watsuki (1994) [tr. Albert Agut, 2003]
Carta a un estudiant d’humanitats, per Norbert Bilbeny (2005)
La respuesta [Rurouni Kenshin, #27], por Nobuhiro Watsuki (1994) [tr. Albert Agut, 2003]
Epicuro, el libertador, por Carlos García Gual (1974)
Hacia una nueva generación [Rurouni Kenshin, #28], por Nobuhiro Watsuki (1994) [tr. Albert Agut, 2003]
The Two Cultures and the Scientific Revolution, by C.P. Snow (1959)
The Blue Parakeet. Rethinking How You Read the Bible, by Scot McKnight (2008)
Vint-i-dos contes, per Mercè Rodoreda (1958)
Sobre la libertad, por John Stuart Mill (1849) [tr. Pablo de Azcárate, 1970]
Los Estados Unidos desde 1816 hasta el final de la Guerra Civil, por Isaac Asimov (1975) [tr. Néstor Míguez, 1983]
Escucha la canción del viento y Pinball 1973, por Haruki Murakami (1979) [tr. Lourdes Porta, 2015]
Los Estados Unidos desde el final de la Guerra Civil hasta la Primera Guerra Mundial, por Isaac Asimov (1977) [tr. Néstor Mínguez, 1984]
V for Vendetta, by Alan Moore & David Lloyd (1989)
See other year’s reading lists.
Follow me on Goodreads.
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antonio-a-huelgas · 3 months
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Cartas de locura y muerte desde el vacío - Matando gatos (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1419069180-cartas-de-locura-y-muerte-desde-el-vac%C3%ADo-matando?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=NecropolisAlfaOmega Relatos de horror de diverso tipo, legados escritos de seres condenados, recuerdos de ninguna parte o de lugares que no deberían existir. Aquí dejamos estos pliegos perdidos, a la espera de volver a existir. Lea, si cree estar preparado.
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pt1 absolutely not excusing marks behaviour and absolutely not trying to diagnose other people based on minimal information, but i've had suspicion for quite a while that he's not mentally well. he acts.. odd. the twins don't live with him, but their grandparents, he posts weird, invasine things like? i remember a couple of years ago all the girls one day posted "i'm so proud of you" stories about him, and idk my first thought was rehab or something along those lines (it'd explain why the twins
pt2 don't live with him) and i mean we obviously don't know shit, but i sincerely doubt he's going to ACTUALLY write a tell all book about them. maybe that's just wishful thinking though. if he's actually planning to do it, i really hope all of them talk him out of it because yikes, the last thing louis needs is someone so close to him exploiting his life even more than it already is.
My guess is that Louis wants to preserve the family peace, and he also cares a lot for his sisters’ well-being, since their guardians are their grandparents. Hence Louis’ paying for their schooling. The more reason for his family to respect his privacy.
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Superviviente - Capítulo 2: El plan (on Wattpad) http://my.w.tt/UiNb/Qh2cLGS6rC Las ansias de sobrevivir te hacen mas fuerte. Una chica diferente, que quiere sobrevivir cueste lo que cueste.
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ujjinatd · 3 years
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Fortnite: Misiones y desafíos filtrados de la Semana 11 (17/08/2021) Con la Temporada 7: Invasin de Fortni... https://ujjina.com/fortnite-misiones-y-desafios-filtrados-de-la-semana-11-17-08-2021/?feed_id=150708&_unique_id=611c7c9344886
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the-firebird69 · 3 years
we see this corkis themost heious nd then macs and then jesus and then bg and round and round and hiding what your up to here no.  not at all but we foud tons of stuff here...adn others do.  and it was the secret.  and you kept it spinning keep it spinning and ruins it...still making it weaker weaker less profit andlsess stuff and you more and more angry desperate ad animals adn we apply mor ad more pressure and invaded while he sat waiting chatting to ke and about mundane stuff...on occasion this issomesh here the loserson camerabieng losres. and wondered what washappedinthen mac invasin and assholes...adn ten nothing the car...tons saw the carappear...get him backin..and they want to see why checked yes holdhim there hostage...and see it.  huge huge crowds now appear from fog countries we cut yo udown yo ucome backwhy...ad we see bunkers and tonsof them huge huge supplies in them all over and we see them invadenow and you are horrified but continu your ass miusicand talk and so on asif uyou are free won and lall as you said for years here. so we look deeper and found you two blabbing it we cannot afford to lethim say stuff at all the blab it all...and the say horses ass is whatyou are and they foughtand then this...tons seeit and he says stop instigating..nad you owntlet me.  and then this you want a stpuid tower in your lap or head he says no this sucks ourstuff gone and weheard this we use ai and tech adn we do it too..and then we are finished talking tlakinng and talking do sutff to you rdirty boyand his and i hit you now using an Army your too dumb tokonw about fool..wehit himhe fell and you said comeon getup fatboy..and nope.  up...and he said this sucks comeon up pow he fell..and you want to go huh and we take the towers use yuo as an excuse now retard...you cant say this stupid sh or him and ruin my personal life daily wo paying this is the usa..you pay up or die...and htey said this you cant sy it uhhhh no i cant lol...or do it nah ...and then fine we get it and srue you do and the wek trad almost gone normacs no longer cover you tey took tos of  sauchers and we had to intercept...so blab continue....hte stoppe dsid what..and checked all on course...oh you cant figure it out yet wiat until theend...the saidok w blame you good...start...they said it hundreds of times.. we thanked them they left tired diszzy nd form winn dixie.  were there stinking itu p the whole time...all herdit you suck billium are losers too.   and we say we are doing that defending vs immediat enemies you and your dead next...he sys it to her...the say wht enemies careful i pack lots of heaters...tons..here...and your all out ofline asking forgienrs to ocomehere d hurt one person dialy htey hurt you faggots.  hey say sorry and mov eon hahahaha losers this is fun your so dumb.  they say this we are dumb huh..your dumb....and he says  bjah blah blah blah blah like jon gallagher....and hey mockhim not getting it....htey say back why...you blab you die it is a scam losers. you still dontgeti t.  htey laughed ok it is so..it is whti  need not you faggots...they got mad said you need it you complain  wow i complain so what.  i alwaysdo so one peosn here complainig satiated you all how droll lolhow funny...and man i am famous due to it you all dead in three years and cant see...they laughe dno more thi isidiotcy  he says no no cointinue lets see the dead count tonight..ok...up it goes...farts and stupid comments ridiculous gtards and more thepiles arehigh the highest i guess your war doesnt count as a truceonone person you idiotic morons. so htey dodldedoffsaid this we dont care want revenge and then caa for what you idiotyou dont know  thing...and genrted noises have us do it idiot...and he says for callingu idiots,,,so ..you wotn getit you only blab likedilip and mikey and die. he said so what we blb ok caa says you little kid retard, oyou blab it isannoying and you fallformy scam and chinas and russias dontyou not wantto..fall for my stuff linemy pockets nd china and not bestoped yuo pieceo f poop. oh....we get it now  nah whenyou do i turn u the heat ok. and they laugh ou do and no it is the elephant under the table...lol the scarecrow....and lauhg we are dense...your idiots.  i use you up.onw ok caa says asnd we do. go home write your wills and bucket lists...your all done. Thor
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