#inspired by yuri's death in ddlc
“From: Edward Stewart
To: Scotley ‘Scotsman’ Gresley
Dear Scott,
I've come back as the bearer of unfortunate news.
As you now from my previous letter, Duck and Donald had been out for a very concerning amount of time when we simply asked them to retrieve supplies from the old local store last night. We decided to check in the morning as we had a standoff with uninvited guests in our hiding place.
What we found was exactly what I had feared.
They've both been killed. Donald was found along the tracks with holes on his body. From head to toe.
Duck was not so different, as he found him laying on a goods train with similar injuries. We speculated that this wasn’t from the disease or the troops, but rather something else. How lovely, more problems. Am I right?
But that wasn't what disturbed me. When we found Duck's body, despite the numerous, painful looking wounds all over his body...
His face was forever frozen with a smile
Why he was smiling? I have no clue.
We have no clue who or what put him in such a happy state even when he was standing in front of death itself.
But one thing’s for sure, we'll never know the reason why. Can’t really ask a dead body what his final moments were before his insides were ripped out of him now, can you?”
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isattt · 1 year
I don't know if you answer questions in portuguese, so I'll write in english, what was your inspiration to create gentle fall? how was the creation process?
all the best, and good luck with the game!
you can ask in Portuguese too!
My main inspiration, as controversial as it is, was school days (As a matter of fact, the game was almost called Fall Days for a little while, but I didn't want to get sued lmao). I never actually played the game but I saw a video essay about it and the feelings of love and jealousy in young love. I thought it looked really fun to tackle feelings in that way and wanted to make something quite close to it and make it pretty fucked up, but I think I ended up stranded a bit farther away from it.
Another inspo was Yuri from ddlc, I guess that one is pretty self-explanatory.
I was inspired after self-reflection, to approach some topics about loneliness, limerence, and, more importantly, growth, I don't like Yanderes without a motive and I wanted to create one that could be more real.
And, since Technoblade's death, I thought I had finally understood what grief felt like, it was a feeling I never felt before, and it led me to want to represent it somewhere.
The aesthetic and the season came afterward, I thought fall would be quite fitting for Chester as the season is comforting, yet somewhat sorrowful, it is a reminder of mortality and the end of things as winter approaches but also a nice feeling of being close to finally taking some time off and being comfortable underneath blankets.
To be honest the process was a mess I don't even think it is worth pointing much out lol, it was my very first game and I hadn't developed any kind of organization for it. But I did end up learning a lot at least. I scrolled tumblr a lot on the yandere tags for more inspiration and I even did a cheesy mood board for Chester!
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and my friend also did some wattpad cover (?) type of thing
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and a damn lot of dark academia searches on pinterest
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eldrxtch · 7 years
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amy liked spiders...
(base by @snuffysbox!!)
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Hi! It's 🏩 Anon again 😇
I was wondering if I could request some angst(?) with the Yuri S/O request. Same characters.
Basically, [character] sees one of S/Os Club members run out of S/Os clubroom about to '🤢' and they go investigate, that's when they see S/O dead Yuri style™ before that they didn't see S/O for the weekend (because Yuri was in that class room with MC for the entire Weekend). back to what I was typing in the beginning, they find S/O dead like how Yuri was (rotting corpse and all) and there like having there angst moment then the club leader comes in the clubroom and is like "Oh dear you weren't supposed to see that 👹☝️" and basically they restart time back to before the weekend started with there epic Monika powers but [character] still remembers and then they have to prevent S/O from dying again, the rest is up to you 😌
Also I hope your weekend was good! 🐰
Hello again, 🏩 anon! This one was a bit complex, which is no big deal! I ended up making this a longer fanfic type story, so I chose one of the characters to work with-- Chihiro sparked some inspiration in me and I had a difficult time imagining the other characters in this scenario. I'm sorry if it isn't exactly what you were after, but hopefully you like it! It might start bleak, but I tried to give it a happy ending.
-Mod Celeste
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You Weren't Supposed to See That: Chihiro x reader (DDLC Crossover):
Disclaimer: Death, blood su*c*de, and angst below!
Fujisaki was on their way to see you in class when a girl ran right past them, panicked. It was as if she'd seen a ghost, really. It was a bit startling, but Chihiro just wanted to see you. After all, you hadn't messaged them all weekend and they began to worry.
"I'm sure they're all right," Chihiro thought. "Just a bit busy, is all." But as they opened the door to your club room, everything changed.
Chihiro froze where they stood. Your body was slumped against a desk, with fatal wounds in your chest and torso. A knife sat in a pool of dried blood close to your ghostly hand-- cold and unmoving. This wasn't recent, either, from the looks of it.
Your dear friend had no choice but to scream in anguish, the sight was too much to bear. How did this happen? Why??? They fell to their knees, sobbing uncontrollably.
Footsteps were approaching, but it didn't matter to Chihiro. They were out of reach, deep in grief. It took them many moments to realize someone else had entered the room.
"Oh dear," said a sweet voice. "You weren't supposed to see this, were you? It's fine, no big deal!" It was a girl your age, with green eyes and a cute ponytail. She didn't seem all that concerned at the sight.
"W-what? How could you? This is... it's just..." Poor Fujisaki couldn't even continue.
"Oh, I know! But seriously, it's fine. Let's just reset this, shall we?" Before they could react, everything stopped. And then, restarted... it was an odd sensation.
Chihiro came to, only to be completely shocked by the events. Your body was no longer there, nor was the cruel girl. Their phone said it was Friday... three days prior. Not only that, but--
You had opened the door. Chihiro was still crying, and seeing you did not help. "Y/n? Y/n???" They ran up to you, making sure it wasn't a dream. "You're alive?? But how?"
None of this made sense. But you didn't really know what to say. "Well, of course I'm alive! What's the matter?"
"I was just here, a few seconds ago, and you... you were dead!! It was so horrible, but now I'm here and--"
"I'm right here, Chihiro. Please, don't worry! It sounds like you just had a bad dream. I have my club now, but I'll see you afterwards, okay?" Your words rang hollow, like an echo of your true self. Dismissing Chihiro like this was simply unlike yourself.
Chihiro knew you wouldn't be okay, based off the events they saw moments earlier. If this really was Friday, then it's safe to assume you died on this day-- soon. The corpse looked as if it had been there for a few days, solidifying this. Not only that, but you were acting strangely...
They didn't have much time to plan. Because of the knife right next to you, it seemed the wounds were self-inflicted... but what would cause that out of nowhere in a club meeting? Who could provoke that???
So, Chihiro waited outside the room. A few of the other girls left, and they figured it would only be you and one other in the room now. They peeked through the small window on the door, watching for anything abnormal. It seemed you were having a discussion with a guy from club, and it looked rather serious. He said something Chihiro couldn't make out, and then--
"WAIT!" They screamed, slamming the door open. The sight of a knife glinting in your hand sent Chihiro into hysterics, and they bolted to you, prepared for anything. The boy in the room did nothing, shocked into silence. They grabbed your hand to prevent any harm.
"Y/n... please. Don't do this..." Chihiro pleaded helplessly, with no other choice in sight.
"What?" Your head was foggy, unaware of the sudden event. You looked down, saw Chihiro clinging to you and the kinfe, and gasped. "Ah, Chihiro! What's happening, why am I...?" You stopped. Something felt oddly familiar about this. Not that it was normal, by any means. But a faint memory of a choice you were forced to make.
"I told you, something isn't right! I'm not sure what's going on, or why you're doing this... but please, don't hurt yourself!" Tears began welling in their eyes once again, proof of their concern. "Whatever is going on, you can't die! People love you here... I love you!"
At that, it all came back to you. Somehow, you were being tampered with. It was unclear how or why, but you were being manipulated... now that you know, you could break free. You dropped the knife. "Oh, Chihiro... I am so sorry! This is all so, so confusing, but now, I think I'm free. Thank you... if it weren't for you I'd be dead right now."
They immediately gave a sigh of relief. Then it occured to them-- would you be safe? What if that green-eyed girl was responsible for this? Before they could think any longer, she appeared.
"Monika?" You asked, even more confused.
"Yep! That's right. Seems like I'm here just in time."
"What do you mean? You saw--" Chihrio implored, but was cut off.
"Well, I thought I'd have to worry about y/n here interfering with something of mine, but it seems like her intentions lie... elsewhere," she pointed at Chihiro. "Thank goodness for that!"
She then walked over to the boy you'd been talking to, who was just as relieved. "We should probably give these two a moment, right? Come with me." The two left.
"I'm so glad you're okay!" Chihiro said. Without thinking, they hugged you closely-- then backed away. "Oh, I'm sorry!! I did that without thinking... oh, and about what I said,"
"I love you too," you replied. You embraced Chihiro yourself this time, and you knew things were okay again.
Thank goodness there was a glitch in your simulation.
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CONTENT WARNING: This fic contains Canonical Character Death, Non-Canonical Character Death/Suicide, Descriptions of Blood and Intentional Cutting (for both Self-Harm and Erotic reasons), and Light Descriptions of Corpses. For additional info, please read the tags on AO3!
Why play Seven Minutes in Heaven with your love when you can play Three Days in Hell?
The Protagonist has a lot of time to think while he's stuck in the classroom with what's left of Yuri... Time to think of a potential answer to his problems...
((Well, this actually wasn't what I had planned to write for Valentine's Day but... this is what came out over a few hours of sudden inspiration c': It was delayed posting due to power outages, so here it is a few days late!
I'll write something fluffy or legit smutty for this pair one day because I really love them! But for now, you get experimental formatting and the Protagonist if he snapped and decided to just up and go feral~ I'm not sure if he qualifies as Yandere, but he's... certainly evolving into Something 😱 I hope someone enjoys this! I had a lot of fun just letting loose and busting it out! Happy belated Valentine's Day~ 💋❤🍓))
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sparrowofsong · 4 years
For whatever reason, I got super super into the Doki Doki Literature Club AU I thought up last night, so I decided to expand on it. Will I do anything else with it? That’s for the gods to know and me to find out.
Technically inspired by @nachosforfree, who commented “doki doki” when someone mentioned a Sanders Sides dating sim AU.
(TW for blood, suicide, self harm, abuse, manipulation, starvation -- basically just all of the warnings for DDLC.)
Patton is Monika, and the other sides don’t have specific assigned characters. Patton controls them while the game is played, switching them around each time in hopes that, eventually, he’ll find the perfect combination of roles and personalities so that the player will hate them and love him.
The sides are conscious the entire time they're puppeted, even for the off-screen events or “death”, and feel what the characters feel. Whoever acts as Yuri has to watch as he cuts himself, as he stabs himself, as he grows more possessive and insane. Whoever acts as Sayori has to watch himself tie the noose, hang himself, and desperately claw at the rope as he slowly asphyxiates. Whoever acts as Natsuki has to watch himself be abused and starved by his dad, has to watch his neck get snapped, has to watch himself walk into the classroom where he knows he’ll see his friend dead. They have to watch and feel all the random chance body horror.
The only control Patton intentionally grants them (as far as they know) is over the personality, and vaguely the appearance, of the character they play as. The delivery of the lines and actions, the eye color or an accessory (out of specific options), etc.
Unbeknownst to them, though, Patton also purposefully lightens his control during specific parts of the game, just enough to allow some vague dialogue changes, to cover their tracks. Because if those changes happen around the same places, people think that’s just a random chance sort of thing like the other intentional glitches.
Of course, even he can’t consistently control everything at once. He’s powerful, but not omnipotent. Some things can slip through even outside of his intentional gaps. But usually, he manages to catch them in time to act like he does with the programmed glitches. If the attempted rebel does enough to potentially raise suspicion (or if he just feels shitty after being rejected once again) he makes sure they regret it. And more often than not, Patton’s precautions help players disregard the out of place “glitches”.
Even after they hit every single combination, Patton still keeps trying. Again, and again, and again. They know the entire game by heart; every line of dialogue, every poem, every choice-based mini plot line, every randomly generated event. They could act it out perfectly even without being puppeted.
Eventually, after enough repeats and failures and punishments, the other sides just,, give up. They don't bother with personality, they don't bother with trying to speak to the player outside of the script. It gets to the point where Patton has to start controlling those too to avoid players picking up on it. That's how they discover that he was allowing the changes, but at that point, they just don't care.
Enter Thomas: the latest DDLC player. He plays the game blind, gets scared, doesn’t understand every single aspect, yada yada yada. A typical playthrough. Until Yuri’s death.
After Yuri kills himself, Thomas doesn't know how to speed up the scene, trying to click through each individual line. He soon gets discouraged and bored. He spends the next couple days clicking through some more lines on and off, always forgetting/not caring to exit the game in between.
The effects of the game’s events are put on hold when the game is closed, and removed entirely once the character is "deleted”. Otherwise, the sides are continuously existing as the characters in their current state. Which means Remus, this current Yuri, has been living with the pain of three stab wounds for this whole time.
At some point during Thomas mindlessly clicking through the nonsense, one of the lines is actually something legible, and he almost misses it.
“Please... please skip forward. It... hurts.”
And it seems just a little odd? But, y’know, maybe the game just eventually auto-reminds people so they didn’t have to click through everything if they forgot about the skip option.
He gets to the day of the festival, and before Natsuki comes in with his line, Yuri's dialogue box pops back up with "Please keep playing. Just... a few more minutes. Please."
That's a little more weird. But so's the whole game, right?
Natsuki comes in, and says his usual lines. But right before the screaming and vomiting as the script dictates, he pauses, and Thomas swears he sees an expression of pity cross his face. The dialogue box shows a very tiny line reading "Please keep playing. Don't let him sit there anymore." 
It only lasts for a moment before immediately switching to the scripted terror. The transition is so awkward that it doesn't really sit well with Thomas. But it's probably like that to seem more meta. Or it's just bad writing. Right?
Monika's smile when he arrives seems slightly different than before. Almost forced. Thomas can't tell if it was like that before or not, so he takes a screenshot to compare later. He was considering googling it then and there, but after the pleas to hurry, he kinda felt like it'd be rude. Even if it was just a game. 
When Monika "deletes" Natsuki and Yuri, he hears a whispered "Thank you" and freaks out. Literally the only other audible human sounds in the game are breathing, a "baa", and the credits song, and there's a chance he didn't even hear the first two, and he wouldn't have heard the third yet. But,,, It’s a meta horror game. So it's supposed to freak him out. That's the whole point. Right?
(They're able to do all this because after so long of completely giving up, Patton realized he didn't need to waste so much energy on keeping them in line, so he gradually began using less and less. At this point, he's hardly using any more than necessary to have them play the part, and is a little rusty. They took advantage of it this one time out of desperation, and now that they've already started, they're doing as much as they can to get Thomas to listen before Patton takes them down again.)
Monika looks pissed before quickly forcing another smile and continuing his lines. The game goes the same way, Thomas eventually figures out to delete Monika, and Sayori appears to gain sentience. But instead of saying "I wanted to thank you for getting rid of Monika", the dialogue box shows "I wanted to thank you for freeing Yuri", and "Yuri" glitches into "Remus" on and off. 
When Thomas clicks, instead of going to the next line, the previous one glitches into "I wanted to thank you for getting rid of Monika" like it was supposed to be. The rest of the dialogue proceeds normally until Monika returns. 
Sayori's line glitches back and forth from "W-What's happening...?" to "Don't trust him!"
Rather than saying "I won't let you hurt him", Monika says "I won't let you lie to him." 
And instead of "Who..." "I-It hurts...", Sayori's final dialogue is "NO!"
The game continues and ends as programmed. Thomas just kinda goes "...What the fwuh?" before immediately looking up details about the game to see if this is all normal.
Surprise surprise: It isn't. No matter how long he researches, and despite all of Patton's precautions, the conclusion is the same: everything after Yuri's death is completely unique to his playthrough. No one else had those dialogue changes. Monika's smile in the screenshot is, in fact, different from his earlier smiles. There are not supposed to be any audible words besides the ending song. And there is no mention of a "Remus" anywhere.
There is definitely something up here. After he gives up searching for answers, he resolves to play again soon, and tries to commit to memory what's supposed to happen in the meantime.
Up until this point, their common area was a house a good bit away from the setting the events of the game took place in. They had a fair radius around the house to walk around, entertain themselves, etc., and were about as free as they could get while in that area. But, see, uh, Patton’s sorta really fucking pissed now.
Patton restricts the boundaries to just the house for everyone, and locks Logan, Remus, and Deceit (Natsuki, Yuri, and Sayori, respectively) into separate rooms, to make sure they can’t plan something else. He promises that they'll be playing the exact same roles every single time the game gets played, especially to decrease more suspicious changes if Thomas plays again, until he decides otherwise.
He hopes that Thomas will simply uninstall the game so that they'll move onto another player (because that's how I've decided it works don't question the logic). Unfortunately, he does not, and he decides to play again. 
Upon learning this, the three rebels decide that if they're fucked anyway, they may as well take this opportunity to give everything they've got in hopes that they can get Thomas to help them.
Which means Patton has to find some way to balance keeping them under his complete control, keeping Roman and Virgil from finding some way to escape the boundary and help out, and figuring out what to do with the script to undo the suspicion the three caused.
Roll for initiative!
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ao3feed-ddlc · 4 years
Doki Doki Literature Club: Fate or Destiny
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2WLd8gF
by Komachichuu
This is an alternate universe told the first person by a character in the game. Please be aware that this takes place in the original game of Doki Doki Literature Club and there are spoilers. By reading on to the story, you agree to be exposed to disturbing content and imagery.
Doki Doki Literature Club: Team Salvato Project Unmei (Unmei.chr): https://ift.tt/2ZOAiEP
Words: 1092, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Doki Doki Literature Club! (Visual Novel)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: F/F, F/M
Characters: Sayori (Doki Doki Literature Club!), Monika (Doki Doki Literature Club!), Yuri (Doki Doki Literature Club!), Natsuki (Doki Doki Literature Club!), Your OC, Original Characters
Relationships: Sayori (Doki Doki Literature Club!)/Original Character(s), Protagonist (Doki Doki Literature Club!)/Original Female Character(s)
Additional Tags: Fanfiction, OC, ddlc - Freeform, Inspired by Doki Doki Literature Club!, Yandere, Tsunderes, Dandere
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2WLd8gF
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ao3feed-ddlc · 5 years
The Broken Girls
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2tSe3Ni
by Elyos
After the Literature Club made its mark on the school festival, a group of students from the other side of campus was inspired to join the club. The meeting of the two classes brings tales of shenanigans and darkness, as an enemy from another plane awaits the right moment to make their move.
Never judge a book by its cover.
Words: 3340, Chapters: 1/11, Language: English
Fandoms: Doki Doki Literature Club! (Visual Novel), Katawa Shoujo
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: Gen
Characters: Yu (Main Character of DDLC), Sayori, Natsuki, Yuri - Character, Monika, Rin Tezuka, Emi Ibarazaki, Hisao Nakai, Shizune Hakamichi, Shiina "Misha" Mikado, Lily Satou, Hanako Ikezawa
Additional Tags: Crossover, Horror/Comedy, Death, Violence, Psychological, Supernatural - Freeform
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2tSe3Ni
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