#in a fix it where she lives eddie is like ya i was flirting with you haha and chrissy is glaring at vickie and robin and just goes
findafight · 1 year
Actually the funniest and my personal favourite way to interpret Eddie's scenes with Chrissy is that he was DEFINITELY flirting with her like a motherfucker but she was a raging lesbian in a terrible comphet relationship and looked at this bonkers weirdo and went "Funky little queer friend? Nonthreatening gayboy bestie for me, mayhaps?" Completely misreading Eddie's intentions but also clocking him as a fellow queer in a wicked one-two punch of oblivious and accurate observation.
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backtothestart02 · 3 years
Hazy - 12/? | westallen fanfiction
A/N: Enjoy! 
Commissioned by Patricia H.
Chapter 12 -
Joe was awake, stable, and in his own room by the time Barry and Linda returned to the hospital. He also had a couple of police in his room interrogating him when they arrived as well. Barry hated it. No matter how many times the nurse at the station told him they were just taking his statement, he didn’t like it. Anything that looked like an interrogation was one in Barry’s eyes. Especially since Eddie was also a cop and could turn things in his favor if need be.
“Hey,” Linda said, standing beside him as they waited in the hall. “It’s gonna be okay.”
She ran her hand down his arm briefly, and he knew it was supposed to be comforting, but it just irritated him. He didn’t want any more explanations. He just wanted to see Joe, to see with his own eyes that he was okay, and to get some guidance on what they should do next. Whether he’d grown up in his house or not, they still clearly had a connection. Barry needed to use that to figure out just exactly what this timeline entailed, and how he could fix things, if he could fix them at all.
His hands clenched into fists at his sides, and Linda stopped touching him. He wished he could feel bad for pushing her away, but she had to understand. Right?
The two cops emerged from Joe’s room moments later, and he breathed a sigh of relief.
“You can go in now, son,” one of the two officers said.
Barry let Linda be the one who smiled politely and said her thanks. He dashed in immediately and sped-walk over to Joe, hugging him gently.
“Oh, my God, I’m so glad you’re alright.”
Joe chuckled and patted Barry’s back lightly.
“Of course I am. I can’t be taken down that easily.”
Barry sighed, kneeling beside the bed.
“It should’ve been me.”
“Bear, no. I won’t hear you talking like that. You were already in the hospital due to Eddie beating the living daylights out of you. The last thing you needed was to get shot. None of us deserved any of this. Eddie is just…out of control. A jealous maniac. Not that it came out of thin air, of course. But he could’ve tempered his feelings in a way other than kidnapping and attempted murder.”
Barry swallowed.
“Have you heard anything?” he asked gently. “About Iris?”
He shook his head sadly.
“Nothing. I was somewhere else, trying to find another way to…fix all this.”
Joe’s brows furrowed in confusion.
“Where were you at, son?”
Barry hesitated.
“STAR Labs,” he finally said.
“The museum?” Joe asked, thoroughly confused now. “Don’t they close kind of early today?”
Barry winced. “Yeah…”
“What are you not telling me?”
Barry sighed and sank back onto his haunches.
“I don’t…think you’d believe me even if I told you.”
Joe was about to pursue his questions further when he saw movement in the doorway.
“Linda? Honey, is that you?”
She popped in.
“Yeah, it’s me. I was just giving…giving you two some privacy. I know you don’t really know me. I’ve just…been here for Barry, in case he needs me. Which he often does, without realizing it.”
Joe managed to chuckle. Barry actually appeared annoyed.
“Well, I appreciate that you’ve been taken care of him, dear.”
“Of course.” She smiled, her hands folded together in front of her. “Can I…get you anything, Mr. West?”
“Joe, please. And um, a cup of water would be great. Thank you.”
“Of course.”
She turned and scurried out the door, likely headed for the nurse’s station down the hall.
Barry fixed Joe with a confused look.
“Why’d you do that?”
“I wanted to make sure we were alone for a few minutes.”
Barry tilted his head in curiosity.
“Does that girl like you?”
“What…do you mean? Like, as friends? Because we were barely acquaintances three days ago.”
“That’s…not what I meant.”
It took a few more seconds for Barry to connect the dots. When he did, his eyes bulged.
“Whoa. Like like, like…like-like as more than friends like?”
Joe waited.
Barry burst out laughing.
“No way! She likes Scott. She spent the entire gala drunk-flirting with him. She used me to try and get him jealous.”
“Maybe things have changed.”
Barry was in disbelief. He couldn’t believe he was hearing this. Sure, Linda had been really clingy today, but she was just being a good friend. Right? That was it… Right?
“You don’t want me to…ask her, do you?”
Joe shook his head, smiling.
“Just be on the look-out for signs, son. Okay? And be careful how you respond to her, so she doesn’t get the wrong idea.”
Doubt still wrote itself straight across Barry’s forehead.
“Yeah, sure, okay.”
“Water is here!” Linda announced, coming through the doorway.
The two men looked and saw she’d brought a tray of 6 cups full of water. Barry blanched and met Joe’s amused gaze.
“Thank you, Linda,” Joe said as she set each cup on his mobile tray. “That’s very kind of you.”
“Should keep you hydrated for a while.” She fixed her gaze to Barry. “Don’t you think?”
“Well, yeah. Mhmm.”
He didn’t look at Joe, who he had a feeling was smiling smugly. Instead he got to his feet and crowded Linda off to the side.
“Linda, uh, do you think…you might want to go home? I mean, you really don’t have to stay here. I’m probably going to stay until he gets let out and then maybe go home with him.”
“Oh. Uh…but what about your pain meds? Are you feeling pain right now? Do you want to sit down?”
A smile tugged at Joe’s lips over on the bed. He couldn’t help but overhear.
“No, no, I’m good,” Barry assured her.
Linda’s shoulders slumped.
“I was kind of looking forward to taking care of you this week,” she admitted, and he swallowed.
“It could just be the adrenaline from running all over the place. You could drop off the meds at Joe’s house tomorrow. I could give you the address.”
“Oh. Right. That…that sounds good. Probably the uh…best course of action.”
Barry forced a smile.
“Great. Thanks. I appreciate everything you’ve done, Linda. And when this all blows over and Iris is back, if you need to make Scott jealous again…within reason, I’ll be right there for ya.”
“Right. Scott. I…kind of forgot about him with everything that’s been going on.”
Joe stifled a snort, but it came out as a couch, and Barry knew the man was laughing at him behind his stoic face.
“If you need anything, you’ll call me?” she asked hopefully.
His lips had thinned, but he nodded to assure her.
“I promise. Thank you. Again.”
She nodded and took a step back, looking over at Joe who seemed to have recovered from his coughing fit.
“I hope you get better soon…Joe.”
“Thank you, Linda,” Joe said. “We’ll keep you in touch about Iris…and Barry,” he added after a beat.
Barry shared a wide-eyed stare with Joe, but Linda was oblivious. She took a few steps back and then went out the doorway and out of the hospital, presumably to call a cab home.
“Well? Do you believe me now?” Joe asked.
Barry shook his head in awe.
“How did you know?”
“I’m a detective, Barry. How else do you think I picked up that you were in love with my daughter at such a young age?”
Barry wandered back over to his bedside and pulled a chair over to sit on.
“I can’t even imagine how tough it was to move in with us having that crush.”
And there it was. Barry tried not to look too relieved. At least that piece to the puzzle was the same. But what about his dad then? If he wasn’t the Flash… That meant no Zoom, and no Zoom meant he might still be alive. But no evil Wells making a confession, that might mean he was still in jail. It might also mean Joe still 100% believed he was guilty of Nora Allen’s death.
Barry licked his lips. His heart was pounding away at the thought of seeing his dad again. His real dad.
He looked up into Joe’s searching eyes.
“What’s going on in that head of yours?”
“Nothing,” he said quickly. “I’m just…thinking about Iris and this whole, messy situation.”
“Ah. Yeah, I don’t know how to save her, Bear. Especially when…when I’m like this.”
“You’ll be out by tomorrow,” Barry said. “I’m sure of it.”
“And then?” He looked up at him hopefully.
If he was the Flash, he would tell him everything would be all right. He would speed through the city until he found Iris and Eddie and put the latter in custody. Everything would be put right then. He could even go back in time to fix this whole mess and set things right.
As soon as he knew what had been changed to begin with.
“I’m glad you’re here,” Joe said, when he saw Barry frowning without an answer.
Barry met his eyes.
“Yeah. Me too.”
It was just after midnight when the call came. Joe was fast asleep in his hospital bad, but Barry, strung across three armless chairs in an attempt to get some shut-eye was more than half-awake when his phone started to buzz.
Still, he had to blink more than a few times to read the name correctly that was blaring across his screen.
“Iris?” he whispered into the void.
Falling off the chairs in the process of trying to sit up, he answered the call as quickly as he could.
“Iris? Is that you? Where are you? Are you okay? How are y-?”
“It’d be nice if it was that easy, wouldn’t it?” a snarling voice cut him off.
A chill ran down Barry’s spine.
“Eddie.” Anger flooded his body. “Where is she?”
“She’s safe,” he answered. “With me. At a hotel. We’ve decided to start fresh. Give this marriage another shot.”
Barry scoffed. “Somehow I find that hard to believe when you shot her dad.”
There was a pause.
“He shouldn’t have stepped in front of-”
“Iris?!” He was standing now. “The woman you’re now claiming wants to start fresh with you? I don’t buy it.”
Barry could practically hear Eddie grinding his teeth on the other end.
“It’s not your job to buy it,” he finally said. “It’s your job to not come looking.”
“Over my dead body.”
“I would’ve taken that,” Eddie spat back. “But you’re too damn resistant.”
Barry’s eyes narrowed.
“You want to know Iris is alright?”
“I’ll send you a video of her an hour ago, but then I’m throwing out this phone, so don’t bother trying to track it. You’ll never find us. You’ll never have her. She’s mine.”
Eddie cut the call before Barry could finish saying his name. Seconds later the video came through. Barry watched it immediately.
It showed Iris, looking a little worse for wear but she wasn’t bound or crying. When he squinted though, he could make out what looked to be duct tape marks across her face over her mouth. It had clearly been ripped off right before filming the video.
“Go,” Eddie said in the background of the video.
“Hi, Barry,” she said, managing the tiniest of hopeful smile. “Dad…I hope.” She sniffled.
“Don’t cry,” Eddie snarled.
She looked down to regain her image, then started up again.
“I hope both of you are fine. I want you to know I’m okay. I’m fine. And…”
“Say it,” Eddie muttered under his breath. “Say it,” he said again, louder when she didn’t say anything.
“I’m fine,” she said through a strangled breath. She swallowed hard. “Don’t come looking for me. I’m happy with Eddie. We’re going to start over somewhere else. I’m…happy.”
The video froze on her tear-streaked face.
End of video.
Barry scoffed as his hand clenched hard around the phone.
She was not happy.
She was terrified for her life.
And he had to act quickly before they left wherever they were at. Iris’ life depended on it.
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snarkwrites · 4 years
sprung spring | milf is not a bad word | eddie brock {m}
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“Milf isn’t a bad word.” + Neighbors / friends with benefits + single mom au + “Did you just slap my ass?” / “Actually, I firmly grasped it.” / “Did you just quote Spongebob?” + heavy flirting / teasing + “Apparently all our friends have a bet going that we end up together. + on the kitchen table + quickie
Okay, warning here... I haven’t really ever... written Eddie before. So, this is just the way I kinda see him and my thirst combined... Nobody kill me pls?
Also, if enough people bother me, I miiight be tempted to make a fic of this at some point bc I do have some ideas...
Uhh.. almost sex on a table, bad humor ( Eddie, ftw ), sappy moments (Eddie... again.) unprotected sex, 69 / oral sex and body fluids.. Oh and a nosy sentinent who pops in and out at the beginning ( lookin at you, Venom, you lil shit.) 
Eddie Brock x OFC, Maya
@micolegg​ | @missjenniferb​ | @cabotcoves​ | @kyleoreillysknee​ | @chasingeverybreaking wave bc they asked / are into Eddie and/or are on my taglist. If you wanna be tagged in my multifandom stuff, please go [here] and add yourself. 
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Hunk ← Lucy is spending the night with my sister, so… If you wanted to come by…
Hunk ← There’s something we need to talk about. If that’s okay with you?
Hunk ← Also, you realize you don’t play fair, right? That voice of yours on the radio this morning… I have not been able to get it out of my head all day.
Maya almost deleted the texts and didn’t send them, but she took a deep breath and hit send instead. Rita was right. She needed to stop dancing around it and go for what she wanted. The longer she waited, the more reason she gave herself to chicken out. And Eddie Brock made her happier than she’d been in a really long time. Eddie and Lucy got along well, he doted on her. Lucy loved Eddie to death, even when Venom decided to crop up in the middle of storytime some nights. Things just felt right with Eddie.
Tonight, Maya thought to herself with a silly grin, tonight is the night I tell him I’m done keeping us low key. I know that’s been bothering him and I need to fix that. She placed her phone on the counter and stripped down, stepping beneath the warm water. By the time she’d finished her shower, her cell phone was ringing.
She stepped out of the shower and grabbed for it, thinking it would be Eddie. When she realized it was Randy, another neighbor who’s relentless pursuit as of late was growing tiresome, she frowned at the phone and answered.
“Randy, hi.” “Hey, I was wondering…Are you busy tonight?”
… Hopefully… Maya thought to herself as she bit her lip and listened to Randy’s idea for a date, his pleading with her to give him one chance as she dug around in her closet, trying to settle on an outfit for the night, … I should just answer the door naked… that’ll really throw Eddie for a loop…
“So.. about that date?” Randy finished up, pacing his living room, scowling to himself when Maya offered up an excuse for a third time, “I’m real busy. Trying to finish remodeling Lucy’s big girl bedroom… Maybe later?”. He took a deep breath, reminded himself that if he wanted her, he had to keep trying and he offered to come over later and help out, frowning when he heard dial tone and realized that Maya had abruptly ended the call before he even got the offer out. Maya put her phone back down, rolling her eyes. Randy wasn’t fooling anyone. He was irritated and frankly, coming off a little pushy with his advances lately and honestly, Maya didn’t care because she’d made her mind up and she was over Randy’s attempts. Taking herself off the market.
She hadn’t clicked with him like she’d clicked with Eddie. Putting the conversation out of her mind, she stared anxiously at her cell phone. Eddie hadn’t texted back yet and it wasn’t like him. Just as she was about to sit down the phone again, it lit up.
She bit her lip as she realized that Eddie was texting back.
Eddie stared intently at the cell phone in her hand. Bumping into his ex and her new fiance earlier had him really thinking about his own thing with Maya. And apparently, it wasn’t just him thinking about it, because as he tried to come up with a response, Venom butted in ,, Tell her how you feel, Eddie Brock. Tell her that you no longer wish to keep things private.”
“But I don’t wanna make her uncomfortable, either. There’s a way to do shit, buddy.” Eddie muttered as he took a deep breath, biting back a quiet groan at her slightly suggestive second text. By the time he reached the third one, he was torn between anxious and horny. Anxious because she hinted that they needed to talk and in his past, that had never been a good thing and horny because the whole tone of the string of texts was… Somewhat racier than normal for her. He was getting mixed feelings here and he wasn’t sure how to respond.
Kitten → On my way now. Too bad Luce is at Rita’s. Venom was gonna share these chicken nuggets with her. ;P Kitten → Oh? What about, hm? Kitten → Hey, listen… If my voice was stuck in your head all day, consider it payback because I have not been able to stop thinkin about you all day either.
“I’m a fuckin sap, that’s what I am.” Eddie shoved the phone back into his pockets, slipping the motorcycle helmet down over his head and straddling his motorcycle, revving the engine. The drive across town seemed to both fly by and take hours and by the time he was parking his motorcycle at the curb in front of the 2 story townhouse next door to his own, he’d already started to brace himself in preparation of what she might want to talk to him about.
By the time he was standing in front of her door, she was opening it, pulling him through the door and into the house by the collars of his leather jacket. Her body molded against his and she rose to tiptoe, crashing glossy and soft red lips against his mouth almost hungrily. His hands moved down her back, stopping on her ass, squeezing and rubbing. It made her rub against him and she gave a needy little whimper as Eddie muttered amused into the kiss, “Thought you said ya needed to talk to me, hm?”
,, Let it be, Eddie Brock” Venom piped up. But naturally Venom would be in favor of… whatever was happening right now, because Venom had apparently ‘bonded’ with the two females in question.
,, So have you, Eddie Brock.” Venom took joy in reminding him. Eddie cleared his throat as a warning for Venom to pipe down and thought his answer, ,, yeah well, you know how the whole we gotta talk thing goes, buddy”.
Once Venom was silent again, amusing himself within, Eddie turned his attention back to waiting on Maya to say something. Instead, she seemed to be distracted, her hands resting against his jacket, working it down and off his body, tossing it at the bench next to the door where her purse and keys sat. Eddie chuckled against her mouth as he muttered again, “Not gonna answer me, kitten?”
Maya pouted up at him, pulling away to catch her breath, heavily distracted at the moment. Her heart was racing in her chest and she knew that he’d be curious and that she couldn’t just show him how she truly felt about their current arrangement, she’d actually have to tell him too, but for some reason, it all seemed so much easier in her head.
… because if I keep the words in my head just a little longer, then this can’t go badly… He can’t just decide that this is too serious for him and end it… the thought had her frowning a little and trying to shove it out as quickly as it came. She pressed into him a little more, Eddie’s back meeting the door frame with a soft smack as his arms wrapped around her and he gazed down at her, slightly panicked look in those blue green eyes of his.
Again, she took a deep breath, locking eyes with him this time. “Well, I’ve been thinking and I… I can’t keep on like this…”
His face fell and Maya swore, giving a soft laugh as she shook her head. “I’m not breaking it off, you dork. Will you let me explain? Please?”
Eddie took a deep breath, preparing himself. ,, Sure, she’s sayin she’s not endin things. Means nothin.” he thought as he gave a nod. “I’m listenin, kitten.”
“Well, all our friends have a bet going on...And earlier, me and Rita were talking… And it made me realize something… I don’t want to keep this just between us. I don’t want this to just be hooking up all the time or spending nights at each other’s place.. I mean I love it, don’t get me wrong but I… I want more, okay? I want you. And me.. Together.” Maya finished rambling, gazing down at the front of his tee shirt intently, walking her fingers up and down his chest as she held her breath.
Was she about to lose him? Why was it taking so long for him to answer?
Eddie’s jaw dropped, because he hadn’t been expecting her to say that,  at all. He’d been expecting her to end things.
,, Well? Are you going to answer her, Eddie Brock?” Venom roared to life, almost insistent. Eddie cleared his throat in warning again and after a second or two, his mouth opening and closing as he dragged his palm over the back of his head, it hit him.
The whole reason he’d been feeling antsy and restless lately was because she seemed to be in favor of keeping this between the two of them. She didn’t want more and he did. Rather than waste even more time, because he could see it in those big brown eyes of hers, she was starting to panic a little, he slid her up his body, stepping across the hall and into her kitchen and dining room, sitting her on the counter as his mouth attacked her own hungrily, messy and biting sloppy kisses, the soft smacking sound of mouth against mouth filling the quiet and sexually charged tension between the two of them.
“Fuckin awesome.” he breathed against her neck, the warmth of his breath tickling her skin as she wrapped her legs around his hips and laughed softly. He was leaning in closer, nearly pressing her back against the table, muttering almost distractedly, “I was going to take you to bed but I just don’t think we’re gonna make it.”
The knock on her patio door had the pair springing apart and Eddie scowling as he glanced back. Randy, Maya’s neighbor on the opposite side stood there, gaping, giving Eddie a glare that had Eddie rolling his eyes. Maya swore to herself and muttered against Eddie’s neck breathlessly, “What the fuck made him think I wanted him to come over, I wonder?”
“Well, to be fair, kitten… you’re kinda passive. Took you five minutes of dancing around it to tell me to get lost that night I came by.”
“Yeah, but I didn’t want you to get lost. I want him to get lost.” Maya nodded to the patio, giving a sarcastic wave of sorts at Randy, who was still outside knocking.
“Maybe we should give him a show, huh?” Eddie teased, but Maya rubbed herself against him, her arms wrapping tighter around his neck as she mumbled lazily against his lips, “Don’t you dare tempt me, Eddie.”
“Maybe I want to tempt you.” Eddie laughed, the corner of her mouth connecting with his mouth lazily as he went in for another kiss. She pouted and cleared her throat, nodding to the door and reluctantly, Eddie pried himself away from her, walking over to the patio door, sliding it open long enough to say, “Hey Randy… Maya’s busy right now. Try not coming back, yeah?” and sliding the door shut, locking it behind him because something about the guy just screamed creepy as hell and frankly, Eddie wasn’t in the mood to let Venom out to play, ruining his own current fun for the night.
He scooped Maya off her kitchen table, carrying her up the stairs, kicking the door to her bedroom open with his foot and stepping inside. After sweeping the top of the dresser free of the clothes on top of it, he was stepping between her legs, his mouth latching onto her bottom lip, sucking as his hands went straight for the tie in the leopard print silk robe.
The robe pooled around her and Eddie gave a quiet growl as his eyes roamed over her body and he smirked. “Well shit, kitten.” he raked a hand over his head, flashing her a teasing smirk, “You know tearing off your clothes is the fun part, right? The hell am I supposed to do now?” as he tilted her head to the side, pushing her hair out of the way, his mouth moving down the side of her neck, littering soft skin with bite and suck marks as his hands moved up and down her body. Her legs wrapped around his hips, squeezing tight and Eddie groaned quietly when she rubbed herself against him again, more urgently.
“Well, you could fuck me.” Maya managed to whimper as her mouth moved down the front of his throat, leaving marks of her own behind on him, smirking as she did so. Her hands went down to the hem of his tee shirt and she started to tug it upward and throwing it onto her bedroom floor as soon as she had it over his head, lowering her mouth and  settling it sporadically on his chest and abdomen in various spots after slipping off the top of the dresser, stepping so that she stood in front of him. His eyes fluttered open and shut as the blunt of her teeth scraped at his chest, her mouth latching onto a patch of skin, sucking. Fingertips dug into her body and he stared down at her, muttering quietly, “ Oh no, kitten. What I’m about to do to you is more than fuckin you. We’re past fuckin you now, kitten. This is making love.” as she stared back up at him, biting her lip, her hand hovering over the button on his favorite pair of jeans.
She gave a soft smile and a giggle, working the button out of the buttonhole and then slowly unzipping his jeans, giving a tug to jeans and underwear so that they hit the floor. As her lips moved in a line over his abdomen, he tensed and a growl slipped out of his mouth, his fingers catching in her hair as she hit her knees in front of him. Her tongue danced over the tip of his cock and as she took more of him into her mouth, he groaned, thrusting carefully against her mouth, his head falling back as his fingers curled, gripping the edges of the dresser, pressing his back into it just a little more in an attempt to stay on his feet. “Fuck.” his toes curled against hardwood flooring and the hand tangled in her hair tugged at it as he thrust his hips against her mouth a little faster and she took him deeper in her throat, teasing her tongue over the vein that ran the length of his cock.
“Kitten, look up at me.” Eddie coaxed, staring down at her intently, an adoring and oh so hungry look in his eyes as they locked on her.
Maya pulled away, wiping at her mouth, biting that lip. Eddie nodded to the queen sized bed behind her and leaning down, he gripped her chin, pulling her mouth against him as he muttered into a deep and almost bruising kiss, “On the bed, kitten. Right now. On your knees...”
Maya swallowed hard, slinking over to the bed, settling on it on all fours and Eddie made his way over, flopping down, the mattresses giving a slow creak at the sudden motion. Once he’d settled in, he reached up, gripping Maya’s hips and pulling her up his body, his nose bumping against her cunt as he inhaled deep and growled quietly. “ Wanted to make this fair, kitten.” Eddie muttered as his tongue traveled up the inside of her thighs, and her mouth wrapped around his cock all over again, her head bobbing up and down. As his tongue worked over her clit and then his lips latched on, she whimpered aloud, her body tensing a little, the humming sound she made vibrating through his length and making him grip her hips tighter, rocking them back against his face as he continued to suck at her clit. Maya’s hands gripped his thighs and for a few seconds, it felt so good that she almost forgot to breathe, the bobbing of her mouth as she took him deeper into her throat. The sucking sounds of his mouth latching onto her clit over and over shattered through the silence, competing with the sound of her tongue lapping greedily at his cock. His grip on her hips tightened and he growled, feeling her starting to drip, his tongue darting down her inner thigh to clean up the mess, smirking against soft skin as he did so.
“So fucking sweet. Like candy.” Eddie mused, his teeth scraping against her thigh, latching on erratically, littering up the insides with bite and suck marks, starting the slow and torturous journey back up, his nose bumping against her cunt, Eddie inhaling deep and latching his teeth onto dripping folds as the suction from her mouth tightened around his cock. “Fuck. That’s it, kitten.” his voice came out more of a growl than anything, and he plunged his tongue deep into her dripping sex, slurping and licking her clean as he felt her legs starting to shake. “Get on your back, kitten. Let me take care of you, hm?” his breath tickled the insides of her thighs and her cunt as he muttered the words quietly against.
All Maya could do was nod, let him pull her down onto the bed. As he settled himself on top of her, she went to wrap her legs around him but instead, she bent them at the knee, resting a leg on either side of his body as he lined himself up, his face lowering, his mouth crashing against her own hungrily as his teeth tugged at her lips, kissing until she felt her lips aching and swelling on impact.
Tonight felt different. There wasn’t any rush, they weren’t just tearing each other’s clothes off and going at it like they’d gone mad. Eddie caught her gaze as his cock sank into her, inch by inch. He bit his lip and gave her that crooked grin, leaning down to mutter lazily against her mouth, “Ah, this was better than a quickie on the kitchen table anyway, right kitten?”
“Fuck.. Oh god yes.” Maya breathed against his neck as she dug her fingers into his shoulders and tugged at his hair, rocking her hips upward to meet his slow and deep drives, the smack of skin against skin competing with the quiet creaking of the bed beneath them with every little move they made. His hips connected with her body hard; almost enough to leave bruising behind. His mouth latched onto her neck, dancing across her throat, littering her skin with more bite marks and bruises and when it met her mouth again, she was almost breathless. She held on tighter, a muffled sigh soft against his neck, sending a shiver racing through him as he chuckled and stopped, planting noisy and playful kisses on her face. “That sigh was a good thing right, kitten?”
“A very good thing, Eddie.” Maya crashed her mouth against his, softly smiling into the kiss. He tilted her hips upward slightly, driving into her deep and slow, over and over, almost as if he were hell bent on fucking her deep into the mattress on her bed, that goofy smirk on his face as his gaze settled on her, pinned below. “Good.” he muttered softly against the shell of her ear as he buried his cock inside her even deeper, panting against her ear, “Because all I wanna do is make ya happy, kitten. You know that, yeah?”
“Yes.” Maya moaned, her head tilting, her eyes fluttering open and shut. Her orgasm was building at almost a blinding speed and she was literally almost seeing stars, her body tense, her grip on Eddie tight and only getting tighter, “Oh fuck.. Yeah baby, c’mon.. Faster. Please?”
Eddie chuckled, shaking his head no. “We got all night, you and me.” “But… ah fuck… I’m so close, please.” Maya whimpered out, her teeth grazing against the edge of his ear as her legs gripped his hips tighter and she rocked herself up against him, trying desperately to get her own way, pouting when Eddie’s hips pinned her in tighter. Eddie growled against her mouth, his teeth tugging at her lower lip, his lips clenching around it as he muttered with a dark chuckle, “Not yet, kitten. You gonna be good for me?”
“Yes.” Maya said it quickly, because he was starting to slow to a full stop and she wanted him to keep going, keep fucking into her like he was because it felt too good for him to stop now. And she knew what a tease he could be.
“So wet, kitten. Feels so good, burying my cock inside you.” Eddie grunted against her throat as his mouth danced over it, his teeth latching sporadically in different spots. Oh, he was making it his mission to leave her completely covered in his marks.
He wanted it obvious whose woman she was now. If he could, he’d hire a skywriter and have them fly over the city, advertising it. His heart raced at the reminder that she wanted to be with him. He still hadn’t fully gotten his head around it.
“You’re mine. Right, kitten?” Eddie breathed against her skin, catching her gaze, flashing her that smirk she loved so much. Maya bit her lip and nodded, no hesitation. “All yours, baby.” she clung to him as he continued to fuck into her, slow and deep. His cock slammed into her G spot over and over and all she could do was moan and whimper, begging for her release.
Eddie groaned as he felt himself getting even closer. He tried stopping again, it didn’t work. Staring down at her, he bit his lip. “You gonna cum for me, kitten?”
“Yes.. Fuck yes.” Maya moaned out, digging her nails into his shoulders and dragging them down his back, making him buck into her harder and faster, so fast that the smack of skin against skin echoed through the room and almost overpowered the sound of her headboard hitting the wall at a steady pace. HIs hips stammered and she rocked herself against his thrusts eagerly, her orgasm ripping through, leaving her shaking and moaning, whimpering his name even louder, Eddie joining in when he felt her walls vise his cock, milking him of his seed, his mouth crashing against her mouth, deep and heavy kisses, the soft sound of their smacking lips and heavy breathing filling the air as he fucked them both through their orgasm.
Spent and sated, Maya pulled Eddie down on top of her and Eddie rolled onto the mattress, pulling her into his arms, kissing the bridge of her nose as she nuzzled against him. “Fuck. I know I say this every time, kitten, but that was amazing.” Eddie muttered, raising a hand to brush hair out of her eyes.
“It always is, baby. Are you thirsty? I can go get us some water.” “A little, yeah. Don’t want you to move though.” Eddie pouted as Maya pried herself out of his embrace and stood, tugging his tee shirt down over her head. Eddie reached out, lightly smacking her ass and Maya turned, poking out her tongue. “Did you just smack my ass?”
“Actually, I firmly grasped it.” Eddie chuckled, pulling her back down onto the edge of the bed. Maya laughed against his mouth, “You totally just quoted Spongebob… This isn’t getting us water, baby.”
“Okay, fine.. But hurry back, kitten. A guy gets lonely up here without ya.” Eddie planted a noisy kiss on her lips and let her loose so that she could go downstairs and get them both a glass of water...
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camoolla · 7 years
Okay, but I can’t stop thinking about Eddie and Richie in university. 
So it’s a few years later after Pennywise and the Loser Club have carried on with their lives, real life doesn’t stop for anyone ya know, paranormal clown killers or not. And for real-life reasons, everyone goes to different universities in and out of the state. 
For this reason, of course, Eddie makes new friends, who are a little surprised at first when he reveals he’s taken as he’s flirted with at a party one night. It becomes a game among these friends to imagine what this guy significant other would be like. Obviously, she would be some girl with straight A’s and neatly parted hair who wears summer dresses and probably wears glasses - the stereotypical image of a good Christian girl. 
One afternoon Eddie had mentioned his ‘significant other’ was coming to visit and they all took this as the opportunity to finally see this put-together, pure, Puritan girl. 
So you can imagine their shock when a boy, with straggly black hair to his jaw, covered in freckles and moles, wearing a faded (only slightly stained) Nirvana shirt and ripped jeans clambers out of an old pickup truck with a shout of, “EDS MOTHERFUCKING KASPBRAK, HAVE I MISSED YOU!” 
Maybe this boy was just his friend? Maybe he was just dropping her off as well? Would Eddie Kaspbrak, the boy who starts his essay’s the night he gets them, goes to every morning lecture and who is never seen without brushed hair, trouser pleats and a pressed shirt be with the guy with the massive smudged glasses and broken converse?
But then Eddie doesn’t answer him, just kisses him so hard the boy is slammed back into the door of the truck, and his friends give up. 
Alternatively, at his university, Richie’s friends think similarly to Eddie’s. I mean. Richie Tozier, the boy who burnt down the dorm kitchen trying to make goddam pasta, got thrown out of Target for climbing on the checkout counter to dance to the Macarena, and has never been seen wearing a clean shirt in his life - would he be really interested in some preppy clean-cut girl?
Nah, his friends guessed she would be a punk girl with dyed red, no GREEN, hair and wore fishnets and had loads of piercings and got expelled from loads of schools. Yeah, that’s who Richie Tozier would like. 
Oh, how naive and wrong they were. 
Because one day Richie took a shower longer than 5 minutes, ran a brush through his hair, and was even spotted walking into a laundromat. So either he’d finally snapped, or his significant other was visiting. 
They came with him to the park where they expected to find the cyber-punk girl sat under a tree to escape the sun that would tan her perfect porcelain skin or that could melt the random plastic shit she had attached to her crazy clothes and in her hair. 
But then they see Richie walking towards a park bench next to a lake and they are gobsmacked. Sat there was the most conforming, suburban-looking boy they’d ever seen, wearing a dress shirt tucked into pleated trousers with a belt that matched his smart shoes which were the same shade of brown as his round eyes and impeccable hair, throwing handfuls of bread into the pond like a young elderly man. 
They watch how as soon as he approaches the boy stands up with a glare before starting to fix his collar from the nice polo shirt under his freshly clean Star Wars shirt and running his fingers gently through his hair he had attempted to tame, clicking his tongue beratingly and saying something they couldn’t hear. 
Maybe he was another friend trying to make him look good for the girlfriend on her way? 
Then Richie grabs the hand in his hair further into the thick mess and tugs him closer to kiss him deeply, wrapping his lanky arms around the doll-like shorter boy. It’s when the boy stretches onto his toes and flings his arm around Richie’s neck to hold him tighter against him that his friend’s stop trying to pretend they can predict who Richie Tozier is. 
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skeletonscribbles · 6 years
At Least It’s Not Sports (Part Four - Senior Year, First Semester)
okay I am SO sorry about this but I thought I posted this yesterday and then I looked and it...wasn’t there? so if you’re getting tagged twice in this, I’m sorry. either tumblr ate this last time, or I’m a big idiot. (well...I’m always a big idiot.)
anyways. I decided to break up senior year, so here’s that sweet part 1 for ya <3
Title: At Least It’s Not Sports (High School Drama Club AU)
Pairings: Reddie, Stanlon, Benverly, Bill x Audra
Rating: they’re 18! it’s explicit now whoops
Summary: “Things will be different this year, mama,” he said softly, looking at his Keds. “Can I go?” Things would be different. Things were already different, but she didn’t know that yet. Hopefully, she wouldn’t have to know that at all.
Warnings: sexual situations, some cliche Reddie tropes (window climbing etc)
Freshman Year / Sophomore Year / Junior Year /  Senior Year Pt. 2
Read on Ao3!
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(sorry for the Crucible Cast Party joke with myself but it’s relevant to the content I swear) Sonia kept Eddie pretty much confined to his room all summer, which was kind of a blessing, but mostly a curse.
The curse part was pretty straightforward. Eddie finished his summer work at the beginning of the third week, and from then on had absolutely nothing to do but daydream and (God forbid) spend time with his mother. Time with Sonia usually started with the television and ended with the bible, so on most days, Eddie picked the first option. He curled up on his bed with a book or a notepad and lost himself thinking and drawing and dreaming of thick glasses, freckled shoulders, and big hands. It would have been sweet and romantic, except that it was a far, far cry from the real thing.
The blessing part came in the form of the real thing, by way of the drainpipe.
On a hot night in the middle of July, Eddie was laying on his bed, Pride and Prejudice folded open on his stomach (it was his fifth readthrough - Lizzie Bennett was up there with Elle Woods on his list of role models) and Whitney Houston playing on his small alarm clock radio. He was in the middle of one of his favorite daydreams - the one where he and Richie ran away together to New York - when he heard it.
Something was tapping against his window.
Eddie, figuring it was a squirrel or some other annoying form of New England wildlife, tried to pull himself back into the daydream. He focused on the shade of Richie’s eyes and the slow, easy stretch of Richie’s mouth, and was just about back to the fantasy when the tap came again.
Cursing under his breath, he set Jane Austen aside and went out to see what was making noise.
When he drew back the curtains, the sight he was met with made him trip over his own feet and fall backwards onto his pink rug.
Richie Tozier was trying to curl his whole body around the frame of Eddie’s window, hanging on with his fingertips and looking terrified as shit.
Once Eddie wrapped his mind around what was happening, he jumped up to open the already cracked window the rest of the way up.
“You could have let yourself in, dumbass,” Eddie chastised him breathlessly, smiling in spite of himself.
“It didn’t seem polite,” Richie replied, gently uncoiling himself and gingerly hoisting his way into the room. He wasn’t very good at it - it took him a couple of different tries to fit his long, stickbug legs through the window in a way that made sense. Eddie did his best to stifle his laughter, but he wasn’t strong enough to choke it back, so he settled for giggling under his breath.
“To what do I owe the displeasure?” Eddie asked, still smiling as he watched Richie try and regain his bearings on the floor of his room. “And how did you know where I live? You’ve never been over here before.”
“I asked Bill.” Richie didn’t seem embarrassed about that in the slightest. “Anyway. I figured you were lonely up here in your prison, and no one else was confident in their drainpipe shimmying skills, so…voila.”
“Voila,” Eddie echoed, drinking in the details of Richie’s face like a man starved. (It had been almost two months; Eddie supposed he was starved, in a way.) “I…uh. I don’t know what to say.”
“Well, I do,” Richie said, and launched into a spirited soliloquy about Bev’s most recent Target shoplifting excursion like they were at the lunch table at school rather than in the middle of Eddie’s dimly lit bedroom that Richie had, within the last five minutes, effectively broken into. Eddie was having trouble listening…not because the story wasn’t interesting, but rather because he wasn’t quite sure if Richie was real or not. After about five minutes, he held up a hand.
“Richie, why did you come here?”
Richie stopped mid-sentence, obviously thrown off. “Huh?”
Eddie squirmed a little. “This isn’t…we don’t see each other except at school. We don’t hang out in the summer. I don’t understand.”
Richie fidgeted with his glasses, obviously embarrassed. “I told you…I figured–”
“Richie,” Eddie said, not interested in putting up with bullshit, “I know what you said.”
Richie huffed out a breath. “I…thought things were different, this year.”
Eddie’s heart leapt. Different?
“Different how?” he asked, searching Richie’s expressive face for any sign of…well, anything.
Richie was truly a consummate actor. He gave Eddie absolutely nothing. “Just…different.”
“Oh.” Eddie willed himself not to feel disappointed. “Carry on.”
Richie did.
He was right, in a way. It was different, one hundred percent different, but not in a way that either of them had to talk about. In fact, talking about it would have ruined whatever electricity was in the air.
Richie talked to him almost all night, and only left because the birds were beginning to sing. After that, his visits became a weekly ritual, and whatever was crackling between them grew stronger and stronger every time. Nothing ever happened, they just sat and talked and stared and smiled, but there was a promise in it - an understanding that it wasn’t ‘if’ something was ever going to happen, but ‘when’.
Even with that being the case, the summer wound down without Eddie’s relationship with Richie escalating at all…except for the fact that they were finally on good enough terms that Eddie wasn’t dreading seeing Richie in school in September.
This year, Sonia had taken up the mantle of dreading Eddie seeing Richie in school in September.
“What are you to do if you see him in school, Eddie Bear?” She had gone all out for his last first day of school - made him a full breakfast, took one million photos, the whole shebang - and now she was trying to use all of her “kindness” to her advantage.
“Avoid him, ma, I know.” Eddie rolled his eyes, itching to get out the door.
“And if he–”
“I won’t touch him, I won’t talk to him, I’ll make friends with girls.” Eddie rattled off all the things he knew she wanted to hear, biting back a long, tortured sigh.
“Good.” Sonia seemed satisfied. Well, almost satisfied. “I still don’t know if it would be wise to let you rejoin that club…”
“The drama club needs me, ma,” Eddie insisted. “I’m the only one who can run their backstage stuff. It’s important.”
Sonia fixed him with her most intimidating stare. “If things start to go back to the way they were, Edward, I’ll have to make some phone calls to doctors. Do you want me to make phone calls to doctors?”
Eddie felt nauseous. There was no question what kind of doctors she’d send him to - in fact, he was pretty surprised he hadn’t been shipped off there already.
“Things will be different this year, mama,” he said softly, looking at his Keds. “Can I go?”
Things would be different. Things were already different, but she didn’t know that yet. Hopefully, she wouldn’t have to know that at all.
“Yes.” She tapped her cheek, and he quickly stepped forward and kissed it, stomach still churning. “Have a wonderful first day, sweetheart. Senior year!”
“Senior year,” he repeated, numbly pushing his way out the door.
Richie was waiting for him by the side entrance to the school, where all the drama kids snuck in to hang in the band room before classes started. Eddie thought of his mother…and pushed the thought aside, instead choosing to smile as he approached Richie, heart thrumming in his chest.
“All right, Eds?” Richie smiled back, and Eddie noticed with a little jolt that the remnants of the little bug-eyed kid that flirted with him at their first ever drama workshop were still visible in the crinkles around his eyes; the stretch of his lips. So much had changed, so much was different…but it was the same, too. Eddie kind of liked that it was both. Different and the same.
“Don’t call me Eds,” he said warmly. “Are you ready?”
“Senior year?” Richie laughed, loud and full. “Are you kidding? I’ve been waiting for this my whole life.” He slung an arm around Eddie’s shoulders and began to drag him inside. “Let’s go ruuuuule the schooooool.”
Eddie followed. He was ready, too.
The fall was…tense.
For once, it wasn’t Eddie’s fault. He and Richie fell back into old habits, to the point where Eddie wondered sometimes if he’d imagined whatever spark he was feeling over the summer…but it was okay; it was probably better that they were being professional about their working relationship.
(Eddie didn’t want to be professional about their working relationship…but how was he supposed to tell Richie he didn’t want to be professional when he, the stage manager, was meant to be the apex of professionalism?)
“You’ve got to stop calling me about this,” Stan had told him exasperatedly, after Eddie had called him for the forty-sixth time asking about how he’d managed his relationship with Mike.
“I’m dying, Stan,” Eddie whined, curling into himself on his bed.
“Please do that on your own time.” Stan hung up.
Even with that being the case, the drama club tension was still concentrated hard on Bev, Bill, and Audra. Bill and Audra were still together, and while Bev was pretty solidly over Bill, she was still annoyed by the whole thing.
She was also playing opposite Bill in the fall play. Eddie had groaned upon seeing the cast list - it was clearly one of Ms. Starrett’s reconciliation techniques, and it was absolutely doomed to fail. Offstage, Bill and Bev were more separate than ever, and onstage, their animosity was bleeding into their acting. Richie was all but tearing out his hair over having to share the stage with them.
The worst day of it came in early October, when Bill came to the lunch room from a study-hall meeting with Ms. Starrett with capital ‘N’ News.
“She liked my puh-play!” Bill said excitedly, sliding a copy of the piece he’d been working on in creative writing for the last three years across the table. “She wants to do it this winter!”
They all gaped back at him, astonished. “She wants to put on your student play? As like…a school thing?” Eddie asked, not sure if he’d heard him correctly.
Bill nodded. “She does.”
There was another moment of stunned silence at the table, and then Bev broke it by getting up to leave.
“Bev, seriously?” Bill asked incredulously, clearly fed up with her attitude.
“Seriously what, Bill?” Bev whipped around, glaring daggers at him. “When’s the other shoe gonna drop, huh?”
Bill furrowed his brow. “I don’t follow.”
Bev threw up the arm that wasn’t clutching her stuff. “Oh, I don’t know. You cheat on me - no repercussions, you’re still in a relationship, I’m left out to dry. You write a play, we’re doing it, no questions asked. What about us, huh? What about me?” Her voice broke, and she looked away. Ben reached out a hand to her, but she recoiled from it, clinging so hard to her things that her knuckles turned white.
“I’m sorry,” Bill said, soft and open. “I’m really sorry, Bev. I didn’t do any of it right.”
“You didn’t,” Bev agreed hotly.
“We should have broken up months before,” he continued, “but I didn’t know how to tell you that, because I wanted so badly to be your friend.”
“Well now what?” Bev asked, softer now. “We’re not friends.”
“You’re right. We’re not.” Bill looked at her, unwavering, and Eddie found himself impressed by the way that Bill was handling things. In another life, Bill might have served as a good leader for the group…but they were beyond that, now. “I want to try again.”
Bev turned her gaze to Audra, who had kept mercifully quiet though the whole argument. “And what do you think?”
“I think it’s a good idea.” Audra’s eyes remained on her tray of food. “He wants you to be his costume designer, and I think it’s a good idea, Beverly.”
Bev snapped her eyes back up to Bill in surprise. “Is that true?”
Bill nodded. “And I was hoping Ben could do sets and luh-lights, if that’s of interest to him.”
Ben looked at Bev. “I’ll think about it.”
There was a silence as they waited for Bev to speak, and then:
“Me too,” Bev said, almost inaudibly. “I’m….me too.”
Eddie and Richie looked at each other, hopeful and amazed.
They were right to have hope. Things slowly started to improve after that. The anger seeped out of Bill and Bev’s acting, first, and then out of their time at rehearsal, and finally it dissipated altogether. Lunch was suddenly a much more comfortable and inclusive experience. Ben in particular was smiling more than Eddie had ever seen him smile before in his life.
The only downside to the reconciliation was that it meant that Eddie and Richie’s not-relationship was back to being the group’s Big Shitty Feelings Thing. Bev specifically would not shut up about it, and so Eddie was forced to rehash every single Richie encounter to her in horrifying detail. He wasn’t really sure why she wanted to know, but he indulged her anyway (because he felt like he had to…definitely NOT because he enjoyed it at all in any way, shape, or form).
“He keeps leaning up against me at the lunch table.” Eddie and Bev had set up a little arrangement of chairs in a corner backstage for themselves during the weekend of the fall play, and when Bev wasn’t on stage, that space was their new gossip headquarters. “One of these days, I’m just going to fall over and die, I swear to God.”
“I was thinking, actually,” she said, picking at her manicure.
“Dangerous,” Eddie replied, arching an eyebrow.
“Definitely.” She looked over at him and smirked. “What about the cast party?”
Eddie stared back. “What about the cast party?”
“That’s when you should make your move,” she said, like it was the simplest thing in the world.
Was it the simplest thing in the world…?
His responsibilities to the fall play would be over, so he wouldn’t have to worry about professionalism, he’d be surrounded by friends, so he wouldn’t have to worry about comfort, and as for courage…
“Your Aunt is hosting, right? Will there be substances?”
“Wine and beer,” she confirmed.
To his excitement and mild horror, the beginnings of a plan were already starting to form in Eddie’s mind.
“That might not be such a bad idea,” he conceded to Bev as she got up to listen for her cue. “I guess we’ll see.”
The plan in its finished form was simply to get absolutely blitzed and find Richie, and within his first hour of being at Bev’s, Eddie was most of the way finished with step one.
“I just really miss you, Stanny,” he slurred into his phone, slipping across the kitchen in his socks. (He’d taken his shoes off by the door like a proper houseguest.) “I wanna…you’re just such a good friend! Such a good friend. Best friend.”
“Is there a way to record phone conversations?” Stan, on the other end, was entirely sober, and apparently bitter about it. “I want to tape this one so I can play it back to you the next time you insist you’re not annoying.”
“Bev wants me to find Richie,” Eddie continued, undeterred, “but I can’t do that r’now.”
“Why?” Stan asked, without any real interest.
“No control,” Eddie said, rolling his eyes because wasn’t it obvious? “Dunno what I’d do. Might be dangerous.”
“What you’d do, huh?” Without warning, hands appeared on either side of Eddie, boxing him in against the counter island. Eddie knew exactly who it was, but he made a show of turning around anyway, all the while pretending that his heart wasn’t trying to escape his chest.
Richie was looking down at him with the most intense expression Eddie had ever seen him wear - and he’d seen Richie do basically the whole spectrum of human emotion onstage.
Boldly, Eddie reached up and balled his fist in the front of Richie’s black show t-shirt. He felt Richie’s breath hitch, and felt powerful. “You wanna find out, Rich?”
“For fuck’s sake, you two,” Eddie had dropped his phone on the counter, so Stan was yelling to get their attention, “stop dragging this out and get to it. I’m leaving.”
The phone went silent, and they were left to stare at each other. The crackling feeling from the summer was back, and it was so fucking thick that it was hard to move…
…but Richie managed to, somehow. He fastened a hand around Eddie’s left wrist and pulled him away from the counter, out of the kitchen, up the stairs…into a bedroom.
Holy shit.
Eddie was too drunk to really feel or understand the gravity of the situation, but he knew that whatever happened was about to be momentous, so as soon as Richie closed the door, he crowded his space, not wanting to miss a single second of whatever was coming next.
“Eds?” Richie whispered, somehow both tentative and desperate, and that was it for Eddie. He surged forward, grabbing the fabric around the collar of Richie’s shirt and sinking his teeth into the skin between Richie’s neck and the slope of his shoulders.
“Fuck,” Richie breathed, burying his hands in the fabric of the back of Eddie’s drama sweatshirt while Eddie worked to kiss down his neck. “Eddie Kaspbrak, holy shit, holy fucking shit.”
He pulled Eddie’s head away and moved to kiss Eddie on the lips, but Eddie dodged out of the way. (He’d seen Pretty Woman. He knew what would happen if he let himself get too emotionally invested in what they were doing. Richie was a notorious horndog, and the more Eddie concentrated on that, the easier this would be.) “What do you want, Rich?”
Richie ran his fingers down and under Eddie’s sweatshirt, digging his fingers into the flesh of Eddie’s back. “So much, sweetheart, but I don’t want to scare you.”
Eddie couldn’t help but smile at that. He took a step backwards and took stock of Richie’s wrecked expression, marveling at how different it was from the cocky, lead-actor front that Richie usually put up, and felt a warm sort of pride blooming in his chest. He’d been the one to shake up the otherwise unflappable Richie Tozier. He had that power.
More than that, he planned to exercise it - starting by slowly sinking to his knees.
Richie looked down at him, beet red, like he couldn’t quite believe what he was seeing. “Dressing practice?” he joked, but he was too nervous for his words to hold any real humor.
“I want this,” Eddie said, sliding his hands up Richie’s legs slowly - more to steady himself than to be sensual, but Richie seemed affected nevertheless. “I’m not afraid.”
“Gonna dirty talk like you call light cues, huh? Short and sw–” Richie began to say, but Eddie effectively shut him up by going for the button on his pants. “Oh, fuck, fuck, fuck. Eddie, holy fuck, I…you don’t have…hhhnnn…”
Eddie ignored him in favor of unzipping his pants and pulling them down around his thighs. He huffed out a little laugh at Richie’s lucky Aquaman boxers…and earned himself a soft, high whimper from Richie.
He tore his eyes from Richie’s crotch and turned them up to Richie’s face, trying to gauge how he was doing. He was met with an expression that was equal parts lust and panic.
“Are you sure?” he asked, eyes huge in the reflection of his still-terrible glasses. “I didn’t bring you up here to–”
Eddie, drunk and confident, moved his hand up to grope at the very, very prominent outline of Richie’s dick in his boxers. It was bigger than Eddie had registered it being when he’d come in almost-contact with it backstage…or was that just the alcohol distorting things?
Anyway, he had his hand on it, which was fucking awesome and awkward and everything in between. Richie made a noise like a wounded animal and jerked his hips forward.
“Okay?” Eddie asked, head swimming. “I didn’t…I don’t know what I’m doing, really, so if it’s bad–”
“Not bad,” Richie said quickly, reaching down and burying a hand in Eddie’s hair. “Really, really not bad.”
“Good,” Eddie whispered, leaning forward to mouth over Richie’s still-clothed erection. Richie let out a stream of expletives above him, which was encouraging, so Eddie pressed a final little kiss to Richie’s confined dick and moved his hands up to the waistband of Richie’s boxers. “We never got this far backstage.”
“No, but Jesus…you don’t know how many times I’ve looked down and thought…I thought…” Richie tugged at Eddie’s hair a little bit, obviously still nervous.
“Tell me you want me,” Eddie asked, hazily recognizing Richie’s nerves. “Richie.”
“Fuck, Eds, I’m…I’ve never done this either, I don’t mean to…yes, I want you, yes, yes, yes.”
Eddie filed the ‘never done this before’ factoid away as something to bring up with him later, and pulled down Richie’s boxers in one deft tug. Richie’s dick was right there to greet him; in fact, it all but hit him in the face as it sprang free, which made Eddie laugh a little bit. Classic Richie - even his genitals were overenthusiastic.
Richie, for his part, was looking down at Eddie like Eddie had personally handed him a million dollars in cash. Eddie preened at that a little bit, and used it as encouragement to lean forward and take the tip of Richie’s dick in his mouth.
The rest of it was sort of a blur.
He remembered having as much of Richie in his mouth as he could possibly hold - practically choking - and being thankful for years of practice dry-swallowing pills. He remembered the bitter taste of skin, strong and all-consuming. He remembered Richie mumbling what Eddie assumed was nonsense above him and stroking feverishly through his hair.
It was over in less than five minutes. Eddie was too lost in the spin of the world and his mind to register Richie’s attempts to get him to come up off of his dick, so he ended up with a mouthful of jizz. That would have really freaked Sober Eddie out, but Drunk Eddie didn’t care. He found a box of tissues on the nightstand nearby, took one out, and spit.
After he was finished, Richie sat on the bed and gestured for Eddie to join him. He was flushed and sweaty and there was a huge grin on his stupid fucking face and Eddie loved him, loved him, loved him so much that he could practically already feel his heart breaking with the knowledge that this wasn’t permanent.
Against his better judgement, Eddie crossed to the bed and flopped over onto it, painfully aware of his proximity to Richie.
“Hey.” Eddie heard and felt Richie sink down beside him. “Hey. Look at me.”
Eddie picked his head up to look. Richie was peering over at him, practically close enough to kiss.
“That was fucking incredible,” he whispered, and Eddie felt his insides freeze, because wasn’t that usually a lead into ‘but let’s stay friends’ or ‘no homo’ or whatever?
Richie didn’t keep talking, though. Instead, he tried for a kiss again…and Eddie rolled over, chest clenching painfully. He couldn’t handle intimacy with Richie if it was just going to be like this. He could handle what they’d just done, but some things were…too much.
Richie pulled him back over again. “Are you okay? Did I do something wrong?”
Eddie squeezed his eyes shut and shook his head. “Everything’s fine.”
“Obviously not, dumbass.” He felt Richie’s hand under his jaw, and shuddered. “Jesus, Eds…are you drunk?”
Eddie opened his eyes at that, peering confusedly back up at Richie. “We’re both drunk.”
Richie looked like he was about to throw up. “No…no, I’m not, I…oh, fucking FUCK, Eddie.”
“Are you mad at me?” Eddie whispered, watching Richie’s hands moving from his lap to his hair and back again and feeling like he was somehow disconnected from what was happening in his own life.
“No, not you, never you.” Richie yanked his pants back up shakily. “Mad at myself, mad for taking advantage of you and getting my hopes up and just…fuck, Eddie.”
He was leaving. Eddie must have done something wrong, because Richie was leaving. Shit, shit, shit.
“I love you,” Eddie called weakly, feeling like it was the last weapon he had at his disposal.
Richie looked back at him from the doorway, face twisted up in hurt and grief. “No, you don’t.”
Eddie was too woozy to protest.
--- :( Tag List: @nymphadora @sun-nugget @reddieaddict @peonyromance @should-i-gay-or-should-i-go @its-stranger-than-you-think @forever-a-lonely-valentine
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derryhawkins · 7 years
trick or treat
summary: the losers go trick or treating for the last time. warning: fake blood mention, swearing, Eddie walks around with “1 arm”. a/n: pennywise never happened, Georgie is alive, and they’re all happy (up until the end bc it gets sad). enjoy!! also ignore any mistakes, I’ll fix them later.
The night air was cool on October 31st with a slight breeze but no clouds in the sky, giving a beautiful view of the stars and the waxing moon. Kids and young teenagers were running around with bags or buckets in their hands, different costumes over their bodies. But among the younger kids stood seven high school seniors, possibly the only seniors who weren’t at some crowded party or helping their families with trick or treaters. None of them really cared, though. They just wanted to feel younger again before college started in a year.
They of course got odd looks from the few parents walking with their kids, but the seven losers didn’t care. They were getting free candy after all. Richie fixed the backwards cap on his head that sat on top of a white sheet that covered him from head to toe; he was a ghost, simple as that, with sunglasses over his face despite the setting sun. Stan was a vampire; fake blood on his chin, fake fangs in his mouth, a black cape -- he had everything. Beverly had used pale foundation to make him look paler, dead.
The redhead had dressed up as the Black Widow from the Marvel comics; thankfully she didn’t need a red wig and she easily showed off a few self-defense moves on Richie a half hour ago. Ben went as Frankenstein, and with the help of Mike and Beverly, he looked the part pretty well. Eddie was doctor who had his arm cut off; the sleeve of the doctor’s white jacket was cut off and covered in fake blood, his actual arm out of the sleeve and just resting behind the white jacket. Mike was a zombie; he kept scaring Eddie by grabbing his shoulder and mumbling ‘brains’ in his ear. Finally, Bill was dressed up as a the devil. He wanted to go as a baseball player and just wearing his baseball uniform but none of the losers let him.
Georgie would have be with them, going as a bat, but the poor kid had caught a bad cold and the Denbrough parents weren’t letting him go anywhere.
“Who knew a ghost could look like a douche bag,” Stan said as they walked down the street, obviously talking about Richie’s ghost costume.
“Because maybe the guy under the sheet is a douche bag,” Beverly laughed, earning a hi-five from Stan.
Richie gaped at them both under the white sheet, more because of the fact that Stan didn’t hesitate to hi-five Beverly when he’s been trying to get a one from him for years. “Rude,” he said. “If anything, Bill’s the douche bag -- Mr. Popular Baseball Player.”
“Th-that makes n-n-no sense,” Bill said.
“C’mon, guys, lets just go to the next house,” Mike spoke. He motioned a hand towards one of the houses near the end of the street. A bunch of kids were already at the house’s door. “Seems like they got some good shit.”
“Race ya, Richie!” Eddie shouted. Without a second thought, the armless doctor ran off.
“You didn’t say when, cheater!” Richie yelled and raced after him.
The sheet flowed in the wind, hiking up at Richie’s ankles, and a few of the other losers laughed at the sight. Beverly was the next to start running, and then Ben and Bill, then Stan, and Mike chased after them all. Richie ran ahead of Eddie eventually and turned around just in time to wrap his arms around the smaller boy and pick him up over his shoulder.
“Damn, I love it when you shout my name- hey, no hitting!”
Bill was the next to catch up and rolled his eyes. “P-P-Put Eddie duh-down, Rich,” he said just as Beverly and Ben ran up behind him.
Beverly laughed once again and hurried Mike and Stan over. “Get the camera out, Mike!” She shouted.
“What?!” Eddie shrieked.
“Smile for the camera, Eds!”
Mike chuckled and pulled out the polaroid he had with him and snapped a quick picture of Richie facing sideways. The ghost didn’t face the camera, just laughed as Eddie put an elbow on Richie’s back and his chin up with his hand, glaring at Mike. After Mike put up the camera and the picture, Richie finally set Eddie down. He shrugged at the fake blood now on his ghost sheet but was distracted from as someone flicked his forehead.
“Fuck,” he grumbled and glared at his boyfriend.
“You’re an ass, Tozier,” Eddie grumbled as he continued the rest of the walk up to the house’s door.
Richie smirked and threw an arm around Eddie’s shoulders. “You love my ass-.”
“Beep beep, Richie.”
Together, the group of seven made it to the door and Bill leaned between Richie and Eddie to knock at the door. The old woman who opened the door laughed at them, finding amusement in such older kids out trick or treating. She let them grab more pieces than the other kids and gave them a little talk about being safe before letting them leave. They then went to the next house, where Stan got flirted with by the teenager who opened the door. Bill subtly glared at her as he took some candy, making sure to old the other boy’s hand as they left.
It went on for hours. Up until their buckets were filled to the brim; up until Beverly got tired of walking and Ben gave her a piggy back ride all the way back to Richie’s house since his parents (surprisingly) weren’t home and because Bill didn’t want to bother his sick brother. Mike took some more pictures -- Ben giving Bev a piggy back ride; Richie and Bill doing their handshake; Stan, Bev, and Mike took a selfie; Richie kissing Eddie in the middle of the street with the sheet in the way; Stan acting like he was biting Bill’s neck -- and he pulled them all out and labeled them once they got inside.
By the time midnight rolled around, more pictures had been taken and they’ve all grown full from eating so much candy with a random horror show on the living room’s TV. Stan was pretty they were all going to be sick the next day because of it, but in that moment he didn’t care. The group of them were tiredly and lazily sitting in random spots in the living room. None of them wanted to move, but they all had to go home eventually -- other than Richie, it was his house after all.
“Hey,” Beverly spoke up after staring at the gruesome scene on the TV. Everyone turned to look at her. “Promise me we’ll hang out like this again next Halloween.”
A chorus of ‘promise’ went around the room, mixed with a ‘fuck yeah’ from Richie. They were best friends, who else would they hang out on Halloween next year? Certainly no one else, they believed.
But they didn’t hang out next Halloween. Eddie and Richie got stuck in California and were in a middle of a fight anyway. Stan was in a different state, too, with a new boyfriend because he broke up with Bill last summer. Apparently the distance wouldn’t work for them. Bill was in New York getting over Stanley, and writing multiple essays for college classes. Beverly was with her aunt in Pittsburg, going to school for make up, and happily dating Ben who lived only a few hours away; both got stuck studying for trimester finals. Mike was stuck in Derry, though. After getting calls from his friends saying their excuses, he made copies of the previous year’s pictures and sent them all to every single loser.
It wasn’t until four years later when they all spent Halloween together again. Things were different though, and certainly not the same, but they still had fun nonetheless.
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homo-bois · 6 years
"Deja Vu-"
A Losers Fanfic 《Part 1》
Warnings: Use of Drugs, NSFW, Drama, Romance. Kink.
Pairings: Mainly ( Reddie, Stanbrough ) Slight: / Riverly, Billverly, Benverly /
Summary: Some of the seven losers are in their senior year of High School,
Bill is Nineteen,
Mike is Nineteen,
Stanley is Nineteen,
Eddie is Seventeen,
Richie is Eighteen,
Beverly is Eighteen,
Ben is Seventeen,
They all miraculously and unexpectedly find eachother again, unable to discover who eachother are at first before they meet all in one group and put two and two together that the dreams and deja vu episodes they all have been having have made them realize they were all Reincarnations of The Losers Club back in 1989.
Honestly, This is kind of like an Epilogue, if you dont want to read a repetitive "Deja Vu" experience. Oh and when they All meet eachother one by one.
Then just skip to Part 2! ♡
Bill Denbrough:
1 P. M
It was January.1st.
New years day.
Me and my little brother went out to a movie, and we had fun, when we left the theatre, I accidentally bumped into a tall male, "Oh- Im so s-sorry, I wa-wasnt watching where I was going" the male turned around, he was about. 6'8, and he smiled down at me "Its alright man. Dont worry about it." His heritage was african american by it seems. And he was with a group of friends "Hey, I-I'll help you clean this up." I spoke as I told my little brother to go to the vehicle before me. I gave him the keys and I helped the other male clean up the mess "Hey man, Do I know you?" He spoke while throwing away garbage as we had a small conversation "Heh, I d-d-dont think so." I shrugged as he narrowed his eyebrows "I could swear I met someone like you before." He sipped his drink as I fiddled and smiled "M-My name is B-B-Bill." I paused before continuing with a smile, "Bill Denbrough." And he widened his eyes, before giving a bright smile "I could swear I heard that name before too. Were you at a festival few years back?" "Hmm. I dont think so. I dont go to f-festivals." I gently scratched the back of my head before he introduced himself this time "Well, Im Mike." He held out his hand for me to shake as I gladly took the offer "Mike Hanlon." And a sudden burst of Deja Vu came to my mind. "Mike?" I gave a confused stare but brushed it off "Nice to m-me-meet you." We shook hands and he glanced back at his friends who were calling him over, "Hey you seem like a pretty chill guy. We should hang sometime." He nudged my shoulder as we exchanged phone numbers "I'll text ya after the movie." "Haha, al-right man, I'll chat w-with ya later then." I saluted him and walked away to catch up with my brother as I kept glancing back at him ~He looks so fucking familiar.~ I got in my vehicle and drove us back home.
Stanley Uris:
1 : 3 0 P. M
Trapped in a Jewish temple is not fun. Especially, on new years day. I sighed heavily and finished reading from the Torah as I groaned and flopped on my bed. "Stanley!" I heard my father call as I groaned loudly and went downstairs "I need you to run to the convinence store. We need some more milk and bread." He sighed heavily and continued "And get some more Wine." He gave me the money as I headed off, bundling up in a thick patterned scarf, baggy jeans and some thick working boots. I headed out and when I arrived at the store, I seen a boy, about the same age as me, but shorter. He looked younger, Im nineteen years old. And I sighed when this boy took forever trying to pick out a pack of medicine. He was very specific. And I rolled my eyes and placed my stuff on the counter, Gazing around the antibiotics and chose his best option. I placed it in front of him as he flinched and looked at me in confusion, "Its your best option. I know what you are talking about" I spoke softly as the clerk rolled his eyes and tried to get the money from the boy "Are you sure?" He raised an eyebrow and I nodded slowly. He sighed heavily and payed for the antibiotic as he huffed in frustration and walked away, I payed for my stuff and I noticed and inhaler that was unattended, I sighed and picked it up, that boy mustve left it here. I read the name on the label "Eddie...Kaspbrak...?" That name sounded extremely familiar, I grabbed my things and decided to run after the boy, looking around to where he was as I placed my groceries in my car as I locked the doors and ran after the boy, I tapped his shoulder and he spun around immediately "Jesus!" He held onto his chest and breathed heavily "Are you a robber? I spent all my money on the medicine-" "What? No. I just came to return this to you." I sighed and handed him his inhaler "Oh..Ah. Thank you" he took it and turned around to run but I held him back "Hey, You look familiar. Do I know you?" "what?" He halted "No. I dont think so at least." He took a good look at me, staring at my hair "On second thought." He faced me and blew into his hands "You look familiar as well." He narrowed his eyes "Whats your name?" He asked with a smile as I fixed my toque and smiled back "Stanley. Stanley Uris." I held my hand out and he took it "Eddie Kaspbrak." He introduced himself as we both shared a small giggle, and I offered him a ride back to his house, him being unsure because I am just a stranger whos offering. I chuckled "Dont worry. Im not some murderer." He laughed at that, and we drove off.
Richie Tozier:
2 : 4 5 P. M
New years day, And I was at the bar with my buds, I chugged as much alcohol as I can bear.
Making a scene as some fucking old dude tried to fight me. My friends held me back and I sighed heavily, spotting a beautiful ginger across the bar counter as I smirked and pushed my glasses up, standing up to walk over to her as I sat right beside her "Bad idea champ." Her only words to me as I flipped my hair and chuckled "Why is that beautiful?" I flirted as she glanced at me and then turned away, "My man is tryna start shit with me. Hes a mean drunk." She chuckled as I stared at her "Well. Im hilarious when Im drunk." I laughed as she joined "I dont doubt you." She looked at me fully and took a sip from her drink, her hair was long, and it looked so beautiful. I gently raised my hand to grasp onto one of her hair locks, and I smiled at her and held my hand out to shake hers "Richie Tozier." I giggled, she looked at me up and down, examining me, Me in my muscle shirt, a flannel long-sleeve wrapped around my waist, dog tag necklace, torn up black jeans as I smirked at her "Checking me out I see?~" I giggled and she nodded with a smirk, I didnt expect that kind of reaction. She scooted closer to me and spoke "Im Beverly Marsh." I flinched, where have I heard that name before? I shrugged it off and scooted closer to her, "Hey you wanna say, fuck your man and lets get outta here?" I winked at her and she giggled, winking back seductively "Love to darling~" she flirted as we shared a good laugh. Suddenly I felt a pull on my shoulder, The girl frowned and gave a frightened stare. I was turned around and pushed back, "Yo, what the fuck man?" I fixed my glasses as the girl tried stepping in "Henry, wait, he didnt do anything." Her boyfriend pushed me again, I laughed "Bev. Its fine." I winked at her as the man raised his fist, ready to land a hit on me as I raised mine first, hitting him in the jaw, he stumbled back and I stretched my shoulders back, putting my fists in the air, ready to fight. And we fought.
There were alot of gasps and screams, he would punch me, and I would punch back, I would dodge some hits. He would dodge mine. Back and forth until, I grabbed him by the shirt and threw him against a table, getting on top as I pinned his wrists down with my knees, I punched him repeatedly in the jaw, until he grew unconscious, I got off and looked around "Wow. What a day." I laughed and spat out some blood, the ginger ran up to me and wiped my face with a napkin "Come on. Lets go to your place." She smiled as I nodded and guided her. There was something familiar about that man too. When we were in my old truck. We went back to my place and had a little humorous fun, exchanging numbers for later, maybe we can hangout more? I chuckled at that thought. Bev seems cool.
Ben Hanscom:
2 : 5 4 P. M
New years day and Im sitting in a Library gathering poetry books for the day.
What a happy day.
When I exited the library. I was walking down back to my place, then a bike came rushing down the street "Georgie!! Look out!" I heard a voice yell out as I gasped and jumped back in time before the bike collided with my bag, my books falling all over the cement sidewalk as I panicked "No, no no no!" I scurried to pick them up as the other two males did as well, "Im sorry sir, I wasnt watching where I was going." The little one shyly smiled as I gathered all of my books and placed them back in the bag "Thats okay Bud." I looked at the older male and raised a brow "your little brother?" I smiled at the older male as he helped me stack the books nicely and helped me up "Yeah. H-hes a t-roublemaker." He stuck his tongue out as I giggled a little, "Arent we all?" I sighed and lifted the heavy bag "Hey. Do you need help with those?" He smiled at me and I thought about it for a bit and soon gave in to the need. "Yeah..my mom made me get so many books. I just live up the street here." And the older male's face lit up and he helped grab some books and we had a conversation, "Im Bill." He smiled at me and I replied "Ben. Ben Hanscom." I smiled back as I couldnt shake the feeling of that name, it sounded familiar. "Georgie watch for the ice!" They both were wearing flannel. And this Bill guy was huddled in warm black and red clothing. I giggled and noticed myself, covered in a hoodie and a fur hooded jacket. Some really thick sweatpants and worker boots. When we arrived at my place we put the books down on the front deck and I held my hand out to shake his "Nice to meet you Bill. Thanks for the help." I smiled brightly as he giggled and shook my hand "Anytime Ben. It was nice to meet you as well." He began to turn around as I suddenly felt weird, like I knew this scenario before.. "Hey Bill. Wanna hangout sometime? Get to know eachother? I dont have many friends since I moved here a year ago." I frowned as he gladly turned to face me and gave me his phone number "Sure thing pal. I dont bite." He waved at me and I waved back "Bill. Bill. Bill. Bill." I repeated "Where have I heard that name?" I placed him in my contact list. I needed to know his last name. I sighed heavily and went to my room. Thinking hard about this whole thing.
Mike Hanlon:
3 P. M
After the movie I had left with my friends, dropping them off as I went for a ride, stopping beside a liquor store as I got out and went inside.
I spotted this male, around 6'2, not that much shorter than me. Curly brown hair. And he was buying a lot of wine "Hey. Do you need help carrying those out?" I offered as he smiled softly and gave a sad smile "Sure." And I helped him "Party?" I smirked as he chuckled "Sort of. If Family counts." "Ooo. Im sorry about that man." I nudged his shoulder and smiled brightly "Hey. I might get some friends gathered later for a nightly party. I got my own fireworks and farm house. We can all go and set them off later. Drinks and all sorts of fun stuff." And he held a blank expression for a while before nodding along with "I could see why not?" He laughed "Im Stanley." He held his hand out and I gladly took it in mine "Mike Hanlon." I nodded as we exchanged numbers and went on our own ways, Im gonna have to get friends to gather friends if its gonna be a party. Better send them the address. I chuckled and went on my way as I got the alcohol for the boot and I went into deep thought while driving "Stanley huh?" I bit my lip and couldnt shake the feeling I seen him before. Ive been recognizing alot of people today. I sighed heavily and brushed it off as nothing. I hope.
Eddie Kaspbrak:
3 : 2 7 P. M
This day had only started a few hours ago and I already am a huge panicky mess.
My mom had sent me back out to pick up a perscription for her.
I walked into the pharmacy and seen a man that was taking his time picking out some meds or something.
I sighed heavily and rolled my eyes "Excuse me." I huffed out with an agitated tone as he stood up straight and looked at me. He stared at me up and down and faced me, I gulped back a glob of saliva as I felt my nerves rush.
He fixed his glasses as he stared me down and I immediately felt uncomfortable "Hi!" He blurted out as I flinched "You seem dorky enough. Can you help me pick the perfect meds for my lil sis?" He asked. More like, demanded. I glared at him and shook my head "Dude, Im not a worker." "Oh. I thought you were." He stuck his tongue out as I rolled my eyes again and tried to walk past him, he raised his arm and pinned it to the shelf next to me, blocking my path, "Can you help me though?" He asked innocently as I halted..taking in the others scent, he smelt like cigarettes. I raised my hand and covered my nose and sighed heavily, growling out
"I dont like talking to strangers." "Oh pal, I aint no stranger. Im known far and wide in this city-" "Nope." I cut him off as I spoke blankly "Never heard of you." "I havent even said my name!" He interrupted as I groaned and just decided to help him pick out the best option for him.
He smiled brightly and held his hand out to me, I shuddered in disgust, god knows where that hand has been in the likes of this guy. Hes probably a hobo, or some fuckboy. Maybe a player? Jock? Bad boy? You get the point. I stepped back a little and he spoke with a bright smile "Im Richie." I slowly pulled down my sweater sleeve and covered my hand in it, as I took his hand and shook it, he gave me a confused stare as I introduced myself too "Eddie." Ugh I really wanted to just pick my moms percription up and get out of here. I dont have time for-
My thoughts were cut short by a force pulling me towards the older male, he pinned me to the shelf behind him as he lifted my chin and leaned very close to my face, WAY BEYOND MY COMFORT ZONE.
I gasped and was forced to gaze into the hazel iris' in front of me. Now that hes extremely close. He had freckles splattered all over his face. His glasses made his eyes bulge out a little. And his hair was wavy, almost curly, and a nice shade of black as well. It looked soft. His hand that was gripping onto my chin was long and slender. And cigarettes werent the only thing he smelt like, the scent of cologne rose off him as well and- Wait- why am I pointing these things out?
I regained my composure as he leaned in closer as I stomped on his foot and yelled at him "Dont molest me! You-" I paused and blushed, the way he looked at me. Dominantly. And he was smirking. "Pervert!" I finished as I stormed away and got my moms perscription. Rushing out of the store as I sighed heavily and was relieved that I wasnt in a situation like that again, Until a car pulled up right next to me as the window rolled down "Heya sir!" I recognized that voice, I growled as glared, "What do you want?" I snapped as he backed up a little "Tiger. I only wanna know if you'd wanna ride to wherever you're off to?" He paused and before I was able to decline the offer, he spoke again. "The weathers gonna get real bad soon. So I want you to be alright and not freeze to death." K but I have to admit..it was getting colder. And I shouldnt've gone back out without my moms vehicle. This is the second time I had gotten a ride somewhere today..But I could complain, because I only have my learners. Ugh. I halted and so did his car. I pouted and snarled "Im only doing this for my own good. I do NOT. Like jerks like you." I hopped into his car as he smirked and looked back at the road "Ouch. A thank you would do just fine-" "Thanks." I replied cockily as he sighed and drove off, I gave him my address, and we arrived. He grabbed my shoulder before I left "Have I met you before?" He stared at me closely and I felt my face flush "Doubt it." I yanked my shoulder away as he smirked and drove off. When I went inside I placed my moms perscription on the kitchen table and retreated to my room, taking off my hoodie as I glanced at a piece of paper that fell out.
Picking it up and reading it as it said:
--Text Me Love~
587 ••• •••• --
I growled and threw the paper in my trash and went to take a nap immediately. Trying to get that handsome yet fucking stupid face out of my mind.
Beverly Marsh:
4 : 1 0 P. m
I got alot of alcohol preparing for the new years day party held at my friend Ashley's place.
I texted the boy Richie about it and he replied with
--Fuck yeah I'll come, if your gorgeous ass will be there~ See ya later--
He really knows how to be a jackass yet make a girl swoon. I giggled and packed my vehicle with alcohol, Driving over to her place immediately to set the party up.
When I arrived and got things set up. It was rolling onto 5.
I sighed heavily and heard the doorbell ring, I went to open it. "Hey this Is where the New years Party is right?" A tall african american male stood before me as I smiled and brushed a lock of hair behind my ear, "Ah yes. Come on in." "Thanks, Im part of the Boot." I laughed and we set the alcohol on the kitchen table "Im Mike." He held his hand out to me and I gently took it in mine, shaking it lightly "Im Beverly. Beverly Marsh." I couldve sworn he felt familiar. And looked familiar as well. I sighed lightly and we got the alcohol ready. Soon enough my friend Richie came up behind me and grabbed me by my waist, lifting me in the air "Kyah!" I cried out and soon laughed "Richie! Put me down!" He obeyed and giggled a little "You're only going to be a trouble maker I bet!" I stuck my tongue out and layed eyes on this hot specimen that entered the house. I stared at him and Richie turned around to see who I was staring at. A man...dark brown hair. Undercut. Red and black flannel shirt wrapped around his waist, his t-shirt was a shade of grey, and he was wearing a zip up black sweater. Topped it off with red jeans. He glanced around with his friend he was with "Bill you sure this is the place?" The other male asked shyly as he spotted me, both of them did. And I smiled at the older male, the african american male walked up to the Brunette "Bill! My man!" They laughed "Mike?" They shook hands and smiled "Bro thanks for i-inviting m-m-me. I h-hope you dont mind but I brought a friend. His n-names Ben." He smiled softly as I blushed "Richie...whos that..?" "I dunno." Richie shrugged as Mike shook the other boys hand "Mike Hanlon." He introduced himself as I turned around and got a drink ready and took a sip. When I turned back around all three of them were just a few feet away from me. "Fuck-" I cussed, startled. I let out a laugh as Richie joined "How Jumpy Babe~" he whispered huskily as I giggled and brushed him off, "Hi." The younger yet taller brunette spoke as I smiled at him and shook his hand "Im Ben." He smiled at me with a dazed look and I gently held my hand out to the other male "Im Beverly Marsh." I introduced myself to the other male. The darker brunette, He took my hand gladly and smiled back at me "B-Bill Denbrough." And I felt a rush of an electric shock flow through me. I heard that name before. And not only that. I felt it.
Deep down. I felt it. I knew who he was. And it seemed Ben did as well cause he stared at Bill in shock "Denbrough?" Richie spoke "Oh ya, dont think Ive introduced myself either." He winked and smirked "Im Richie." He paused and Ben took his hand, then Mike, then Bill. "Tozier." He finished as They stared at Richie with shock this time, "I could swear I know you." Bill spoke up as Richie stuck out his finger guns "I dont think so Boss Man." He laughed but halted, we all did. "Boss man.." Richie whispered "Why did I call you that?" He asked curiously as we all shrugged "Hey look-"
Leaves this off with a cheesy and cringey cliffhanger but eh Im lazy to change it...
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