#imperial aquila
leo-fie · 11 months
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Made an Imperial Aquila cross stich, because why not? Actually made the pattern quite a while ago, but didn't test it until now. Now I did while procrastinating other projects.
Pattern is here
I also have a smaller version here
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alphamecha-mkii · 1 month
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Aquila Lander by Jeremy Klein
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dameracrystmon · 5 months
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Warhammer 40k Imperial Aquila, Gold Cross stitch Christmas gift Commission
Share and Like=Thank you💜 Commission and Ko-fi Shop Open https://ko-fi.com/dameracrystmon
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praetorianxxiv · 1 year
I lost my gold Aquila pin about 3 or 4 weeks ago.
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I could not find it anywhere. I thought it was gone forever!
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But today I found it. It turned up in a place I had previously searched.
The Emperor Protects =v=
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teecupangel · 2 years
Alamut!Nonnie here. I, for one, accept our feathered overlord. May he and his human reign long. Thank you for the lovely reply! It was... I have little words but I enjoyed it. A lot
Our Great Feathered Overlord Aquila is pleased with such displays of loyalty and has... uh...
"Human! I will agree to a 'fistbump' that Des has taught me! BE IN AWE!"
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Yeah. That... apparently...
Anyway, I'm so glad you enjoyed my reply :)
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PIC INFO: Spotlight on Firstborn Space Marine Brother Kalius of the Raptors Chapter, 3rd Company, 2nd Tactical Squad, deployed during the Taros Campaign, wearing a modified suit of Mark VII Aquila Power Armour.
Source: https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Kalius.
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ms--lobotomy · 1 month
I wanna smoke with Angron so we can get high and he eats me out
This one's for you and @undeaddream. I can fix him, (puts a bong in his hands) (sorry this came out on 4/21, the edible was sensational though)
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Summary: You smoke a bowl with Angron to try to get the nails to stop hurting him.
Word Count: 1865 (oops)
Content Warnings: drug use, sploinkin' (nsfw), this is my first time writing Angron so I tried, blood, more "good girl" talk because I go absolutely apeshit over it, what I assume is rough sex, female reader so sorry if one of my lovely requesters is not a girl, I can write another version where you smoke him out and it doesn't get wild (like this at least)
Image Credit: @squishyowl (doubly tagging you because you did want an Angron fic at some point. Teehee!)
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There wasn't much outdoor space in the Imperial Palace. You were situated on a bench big enough for Primarch or human, on the terrace at the top of your client's wing. It was far overgrown and untrimmed, it was clear that not many visited this area. The single moon of the planet was out tonight, tinged slightly yellow. There was a slight breeze, and you closed your eyes as you felt it on your skin. You had a job to do, the largest one you've ever had at that, but it was nice to be outside tonight.
"You here?" you heard someone bark from behind you. You snapped your head around to see none other than your client, a man--no, demigod-- by the name of Angron. Steel implements extruded from his head, and he bore a pained expression. Scars adorned his face and neck; the rest of his body was obscured underneath brass armor. He was accompanied by a few of his sons, helmed men equipped with bloodstained armor.
"I'm here," you replied, shrinking back into your flesh. He was large, very large. You'd heard of his temper; if you were to mess up even once, you would likely be ripped in half.
No matter. You pulled out your equipment. You had a bottle of water, a funny-looking glass implement, a fancy little lighter with an imperial Aquila on it, and a grinder full of a green flower cultivated on ancient Terra. You were one of the only researchers on the planet that dealt with ancient botany. You were told sometimes that you were one of the best, but if you were to come into contact with Angron, you were clearly more disposable than the others had let on.
He stared at your materials, coming in closer. "What's that."
"Oh!" you exclaimed. "The glass thing is a bong, and--"
"What kind of name is that."
"It's..." you started, your face going warm. Oh no. "It's just what the ancient Terrans called it."
"Do you think it'll help?"
You paused, and looked up at him. His eyes were garnet red, and he stared with an intense expression. He fiddled with his gauntlets a little bit.
"I'm not sure, to be quite honest," you replied. "But it's safe, and trying it will at least not hurt. Unless..." you paused, looking at him. "On second thought, you might need to take bigger hits than me."
"...You're supposed to hit it?" he asked, looking at the glass tool. As he wound up to throw a punch, you put yourself between it and him.
"Not like that!" you exclaimed. "It's how you inhale the smoke. See, you're supposed to mash up the flowers, put them in the bowl and burn them while you inhale."
"And this is supposed to make me feel better?"
"Well... maybe," you said. "It's not going to hurt you to try, at least!"
"If you say so," he sighed, rubbing his temples as you prepared the first bowl. You ground up more of the bud. When it was finally shredded, you put it in the bowl. You felt his stare at your side, but you didn't know whether it was at you or your equipment.
"Here's how you do it," you said. "You put it up to your lips, and inhale..." your voice became muffled as you put it to your lips. You stroked the lighter a few times before a flame came out, lighting the shredded flower on fire. As you inhaled, you felt smoke filling your mouth. When you felt like you couldn't bear it anymore, you exhaled.
"And... exhale," you said, a substantial cloud of smoke leaving your lips.
"Just like that?" he asked.
"You may need to inhale for longer, but yeah," you said, handing off the bong. "Here. Take a hit while it's still burning."
He put his scarred lips to the mouthpiece and inhaled, far longer than you could. He exhaled, a cloud more befitting of a man of his statue escaping him. His furrowed brows raised, and he nodded a little bit.
"Can you light it up again?"
You lit the bowl up as he inhaled again. This time he held it in a little bit before he let it out. You'd debated on telling him whether holding it in would do anything, but he would probably be okay... okay as he could be, at least.
"I..." you started as the pungent cloud hit your face. "I think we need to put more in the bowl." You gestured to the bowl, which was beginning to deplete. You looked up at Angron, whose expression was starting to relax further. After you'd taken a hit, you passed it to him.
The next few hours became a blur. You'd passed the bong between the two of you, getting higher with each puff. At some point, he'd pulled you in next to him, putting a heavy arm around you while you were smoking. You leaned your head on him, the metal cool against your flesh. Soon, one of you put the bong down between you.
"Leave now," he barked at his sons. They immediately turned around and went through the door at the other end of the terrace.
"How are you feeling?" you asked, one of his hands running through your hair.
"Not great," he admitted, "but better."
You looked up at him. His sclera were reddened, but yours didn't feel much. Despite how high you were, you'd been smoking long enough that this wasn't an issue anymore. He was looking down at you with something you hadn't seen in him before. Something you couldn't quite put your finger on. You saw him lean down to your level and plant a kiss to your lips. You put a hand to his armor and leaned in as he added his tongue, barely fitting in your mouth. He was rough, unpracticed. After a while, he pulled away, grasping for your hands. His expression was still stern, but there was a reverence in his eyes that you hadn't seen before.
"My Lord?" you asked, shivering in your seat.
"Angron," he corrected you. Even his voice bore the scars of his previous life, something you've all but heard of. He got up and knelt in front of you, still towering over you. He then went in again, his large hands grabbing at the fabric of your shirt. You let out a pitiful moan as you lifted your arms, letting him take it off of you along with your bra.
He bit your bottom lip, and you let out a little cry, grabbing for his shoulders. He wasn't gentle, and you knew that it was going to leave a mark later. He pulled back. A little bit of blood fell out of your skin, and he smirked. He pushed your hands back with his, pushing them behind your head as he bit you lower and lower, sometimes drawing blood.
"Be careful," you cautioned as he stopped at your nipple. He swirled it in his mouth as he looked up at you, grinding it with his teeth, but thankfully he did not draw blood there. He did the same thing on your other side, and you cried out, your hands tightening around his armored ones.
He bit your on your stomach a few times before he tugged at your pants. He shifted a little bit, hitting the bong with his knee and knocking it over. You looked down there for a moment. It wasn't broken, praise the Emperor. You raised your hips, and he pulled them off roughly, ripping them in some areas along with your underwear. He leaned over to snarl in your ear, giving you goosebumps.
"Good girl," he said, prying your legs open. Moans led to shrieks as he began to feast, roughly rubbing your apex as he held you down by the waist. He explored you as you came on him for the first time, trembling under his touch.
"Nngh... Angron..." you moaned, grabbing at the sides of the bench. As you were working your way up to your second climax, he pulled away.
"I may need to pull off my armor for this one," he said, peeling his gauntlets off first. You watched as each piece came off, falling to the grass with a loud thud each time. He ripped off his bodysuit, leaving the tattered fabric on the dirt. He was just as scarred over the rest of his body, scars trailing along everywhere. As he knelt down in front of you again, you absentmindedly touched one of them rippling across his chest. He grabbed your wrist, and your heart stopped in your throat.
"I'm sorry--" you started before he led your hand along the scar.
"This one was from right after the nails," he said, an almost-grimace on his face. He trailed your hand to another one. "And this one was--"
"Are you sure you want to get into this?" you asked, your other hand shakily finding its way to his face. He leaned into it, not unlike a cat would, and closed his eyes.
"You may be right," he said, his hands finding their way onto your shoulders. His grip was tight and rough, even this was going to scar you. "Let's finish the job then." He had a smirk on his lips as he moved his hands to open your legs again. You whined as he rubbed himself against you, before finally slipping himself in.
He immediately went in as far as he could, eliciting a little scream from you. "A-Angron!" you exclaimed as he pulled himself out before ramming himself into you again. Your face scrunched up in pleasure, and you grasped for anything you could reach before your hands trailed towards his chest.
He grabbed your waist, pulling you off of the bench and onto his lap. He sat up as you straddled him, pushing you on and off of him. Your eyes rolled back in your skull and your face lay against him. He wasn't gentle, you knew that you were going to feel it the next day. You came on him a second time, shivering as he sped up with you. He started grunting as well, a deep, guttural noise.
Not long after he came in you as well, twitching inside of you. You felt each twitch as he filled you up. He remained in you, but there was a little bit of white liquid coming out of you. He wrapped his arms around you, pressing your head into his chest as he panted. You wrapped your arms around him as well, but you couldn't reach your way around him. He ran a hand through your hair as you spoke.
"Are you doing okay?" you asked, your voice small and tired.
"Please, let's do this again," he rumbled.
You had done your job somewhat, but you weren't going to tell your higher-ups that you had relations while on the job. In fact, you might lose your place if they found out. Sure, you had the backing of a Primarch, but your superiors might still have a problem.
You ran your hands along his back. "Of course."
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cawyden-gaming · 4 months
Rogue Trader - warp event - Heinrix, Argenta and Abelard
So again, I was checking the localization file and there in one of the warp events you can get some companions got visions and dreams about a future that never was....
Strange phantoms drift through the crew's minds. The voidsmen discuss the fantastic visions that haunt their sleep and fill their dreams, the visions of a future that never was. A strange melancholy holds sway over the ship's company.
Sister Argenta, one of the Lord Captain's personal retinue, was found in her cabin — pale, crying, and caught up in a waking dream. She didn't seem to notice anyone around her. Instead, she clutched a fragment of a burnt Aquila in her hand and kept calling for her mother. It took an hour to bring her round.
Seneschal Abelard Werserian was found in his quarters in a trance-like state. He was pacing the room and talking to an unseen interlocutor, asking the same questions over and over:
"Why won't the fever break?" and
"Does the esteemed chirurgeon have the faintest idea what he is doing?"
Then he sat by the bed for a long time, clutching the sleeve of a void suit, and repeating, "Everything will be all right, son."
With great difficulty, the enforcers managed to return the Seneschal to his senses. By the order of Seneschal Werserian, the report on this incident has been erased from the ship's logs.
Interrogator Heinrix van Calox did not leave his cabin for 24 hours, after which he went to the medicae facility for help, weakened by blood loss and exhaustion.
There were open and bleeding wounds at his nape, neck, and back. A chirurgeon remarked that the location of the stigmata resembled the placement of neural connectors on the bodies of Imperial Knight pilots, and van Calox forcefully and most indecorously suggested the man keep his idle fantasies to himself.
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aylinvail · 2 months
Tanna Talk: This Week in the Rogue Trader (Video Game) AO3 fandom (March 24- 30 2024)
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"Oh, yes, a dance was never just a dance. It was also a display of the soul. It was love, and war, and didn’t they say that all was fair in love and war ?" - Tapestry of Fate, Ch. 34.
Lots of new plot bunnies this week in the trenches. Anyway, this is user aylinvail reporting to you live over vox caster from the Starseeker Bridge.
Cool new fics
Maybe the fic did something new. Maybe it innovated. Maybe it's an entirely new concept we haven't seen yet. A non-comprehensive list.
Two sides of the same Aquila - An AU where the Warrant of Trade is held by two most incompatible individuals in the Koronus Expanse. A series of pivotal moments of their relationship where they need to learn to share the power, space and an Interrogator in order to make it out alive. BOY THAT IS FRESH @vitanithepure.
Eliminate - A fic about Epitaph and Calcazar telling Heinrix to kill you. Told in 500 brilliant bittersweet words. @pycnolite's masterclass in how to keep it short and sweet.
Omega von Valancius - OMG @pallysuune has finally brought us the first A/B/O RT fic. As an omega, Violet von Valancius wasn't fit to be the Rogue Trader, and everyone around her seemed to know it too. But no one was more vocal about it than her so-called-peer. Can her actions ever earn his respect, or will she forever be lesser in his eyes?
The First Engagement - I know, I know, but listen. Have you seen a Lord Captain Heinrix x Interrogator RT yet? No. Fits here. Anyway, if you wanted to see what Heinrix is like as a jackass who "summers" in Janus, here ya go.
Who updated?
Here are the longfics that updated this week.
Starseeker - Heinrix/RT intrigue rewrite of game events with Kunrad-related canon divergence. And a shoujo romance.
gossamer of starlight - RT/Yrliet. Yrliet watches her elantach's dynasty fall apart in slow motion. Non chronological.
Predator & Prey - RT/Marazhai. Aurelia von Valancius has a secret. Marazhai Aezyrraesh has a craving. They're perfectly matched opposites, so long as as they can overcome their differences.
Theatre of Hearts - RT/Nocturne of Oblivion arranged marriage. And from what I hear, getting really cultural difference-flavor of interesting.
Much ado about the Lord Captain - A Comedy of Terrors - RT/Heinrix. A retelling of Rogue Trader with tons of pining. A forest of pine trees. And smut.
Immortalium - RT/Heinrix. NEW! From @cawyden-gaming. The story follows Venria von Valancius on her journey of coming to terms with her past and present.
Iron Maidens - Multiship. An Iron Widow x Rogue Trader crossover.
Omnissiah Forgive Me - RT/Pasqal. Pasqal Haneumann owes his life to the Lord Captain, Kassard. When he joined the Lord Captain's retinue, Pasqal found he had got more than he had bargained for. For the Lord Captain was enough for Pasqal's faith to be shaken to its core.
My Knight So Daring - An Imperial Knight!Heinrix x noble!RogueTrader arranged marriage AU. And from what I hear, getting really hot.
Into Temptation - RT/Marazhai/Heinrix. Former Ministorum Priest now Rogue Trader Cassius Von Valancius must contend with his heretical desires for Marazhai. Matters become even more complicated as his feelings for Heinrix Van Calox deepen.
Edge of Daybreak Unbroken - RT/Heinrix. Heretic Rogue Trader gets brought back to the start of the game. Time travel shenanigans ensue.
Once we were - RT/Heinrix. A story following the events of the game, in which Imogene von Valancius allied her dynasty with Xavier Calcazar and brought peace and prosperity to the Koronus Expanse. But neither last long, and the line between hero and heretic is always blurred.
Domino Effect - Multi. Betrayal is terrible. It never comes from one's foes. But instead from those closest. It comes from a place of safety. Of love.
they go here. for in case there are late night updates. im out of spoons bros.
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samselo · 9 months
A really big thing in 40k when we look at the primarchs is the amount that seem to mirror each other or are two sides of the same coin.
Fulgrim and Sanguinius
Dorn and Perturabo
Corvus and Konrad
These are primarchs that share aesthetics, personality, or upbringing and then change a few crucial aspects that end up putting them down a different path.
It's by no coincidence that each pair has its Loyalist and it's Traitor. So I'd like to take about why these pairings are so interesting(each with their own post) and hopefully cover why they mirror each other in the first place starting with the two brightest brothers, Fulgrim and Sanguinius.
In both Fulgrim and Sanguinius we see quite literally the brightest of all the Primarchs. They are both beautiful, they are wonderful artists, charismatic, fantastic duelists, and very empathetic. Sanguinius had angelic wings and could do no wrong, he was seen as the Emperors perfect Son and the best choice for warmaster, his return to his legion turned the blood angels from hated vampiric berserkers to lovers of art and poetry. He was friends with the most difficult of primarchs such as Khan and Magnus. But Sanguinius had one major flaw. His Geneseed. It left his sons with an addiction to carnage and he felt wholly responsible, he was deathly insecure and guilty and wasted no effort in finding a cure, and it's why he was only one step away from falling to chaos if meros had not sacrificed himself. Sanguinius wasn't the greatest tactician, he wasn't the most intelligent, nor was he ever free from his insecurity but he was the Imperiums Angel. The imperfect God.
Fulgrim on the other hand was brilliant in every aspect. He was a tactical genius, brutally intelligent and cultured, the most beautiful of the primarchs ahead of Sanguinius, and the most well liked. Cultivating a friendship with ferrus manus that was deeper then perhaps any relationship in the setting. Like sanguinius however, his greatest flaw was his geneseed. But instead of giving his soldiers a curse. It decimated his legion, for instead of returning to Terra to a legion of many thousands of sons, he only found 200. It is said that when he saw his sons there was no trace of disappointment. It is said he gave a speech so inspiring that the Emperor cried and gave the 3rd legion the Imperial Aquila and the title "The Emperors Children". Fulgrim spent many years playing second fiddle to his brothers, and when he finally rebuilt his legion he burst ahead brilliantly. The marines of the third legion were among the best duelists, tacticians, and artists of the imperium unlike the blood angels, were extremely well disciplined, and their father was a man who grew in a hellish planet and knew the struggles of the common man intimately. But he pushed himself too far to perfection. Which allowed Fabius bile to prey on his insecurity and mutate his legion over time. Instead of the instantaneous fall to chaos Sanguinius would have had. Fulgrims was slow and drawn out. Instead of Meros sacrificing himself to keep his father from succumbing to chaos. A marine in Fulgrims legion kept him from shooting Horus's fleet and ending the heresy by giving him the Laer blade and damning him completely.
Sangunius was the God who wanted to be a man and Fulgrim was the man destined to be a God.
It's funny how they never really interacted in lore. I think they would have gotten along very well.
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themakeupbrush · 8 months
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Miss Grand Spain 2023 National Costume
The Iberian imperial eagle, Aquila adalberti, is one of the rarest and most endangered birds in the world. That's why we want to pay tribute to this animal as a symbol of resilience and raise awareness about the need to care for our planet and its inhabitants. Celia wears a costume inspired by this unique species in Spain, honoring one of the most powerful raptors. This ensemble is a harmonious blend of craftsmanship and symbolism, its distinctive white shoulders and practically golden plumage make the Iberian imperial eagle a symbol and icon of Spanish biodiversity. The image of this eagle reminds us of the uniqueness and strength of Spanish women, who, like this extraordinary bird, are guardians of Spain's cultural and social diversity, playing an essential role in the nation's history and future.
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crippledgiraff · 4 months
Sticker Drop 01/27/2024
Happy Birthday to me, we've got two new stickers up on the shop today by The Graffiti Soul! crippledgiraffdecals.etsy.com
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The Emperor of Mankind has a Posse. 14'11" 836 Lbs Swear fealty here! https://crippledgiraffdecals.etsy.com/listing/1652680830/graffiti-souls-obey-the-emperor-of
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You know you're in trouble when RTJ starts blasting out of the Vox... https://crippledgiraffdecals.etsy.com/listing/1666853339/graffiti-souls-rtj-imperial-aquila
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shumercury · 25 days
I know people just don't engage with 40k critically but how do people actually think the Sign of the Aquila is unironically cool.
you walk up to an imperial guardsman and he locks his thumbs over his chest and makes a lil flappy bird. a true symbol of strength and fealty.
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dameracrystmon · 5 months
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Warhammer 40k Imperial Aquila, Gold Cross stitch pattern WIP Christmas gift Commission
RT and Like=Thank you💜 Commission and Ko-fi Shop Open
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praetorianxxiv · 1 year
The Skull Eagles of the Imperial Guard =💀=
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All of these are Army badges for your Astra Militarum.
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blogbirdfeather · 1 month
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Spanish IMperial Eagle - Águia-imperial-ibérica (Aquila adalberti): adult
Mértola/Portugal (23/04/2024)
[Nikon D500; AF-S Nikkor 500mm F5,6E PF ED VR with Nikon AF-S TC-14E III; 1/2500s; F8; 640 ISO]
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