#immigration just fucking sucks honestly
dykekakashi · 5 months
i genuinely don't think most people understand how lonely immigrating to this fucking country is
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unforth · 9 months
I. Hurt.
And I was hurting anyway, I'm pretty down this morning, but this hurt came from an outside source, and affected me in a way I'd honestly not have expected.
See, we bought Nimona last week. After seeing the movie, my kids wanted to read it. And I ended up reading ahead, and I just finished it.
Bonus content at the end, it said, and I was like, oh, an epilogue to the epilogue maybe? That'd be nice. I don't love bittersweet endings, I'd rather...
...no, it's not the conclusion.
In a book that'd had no religion that I noticed up to that point, BOTH bonus extras...were Christmas.
Ya know, usually it doesn't bother me. Usually I just suck it up. I think it helps that I was raised around mostly Jews and people who, if Christian, it didn't matter much to them. I'm from the Upper West Side of Manhattan, the descendent of Lower East Side immigrants, and while the world outside was brutal - my grandfather was a World War 2 veteran and among the soldiers who liberated Dachau, I can't remember a time when I didn't know that most people would look the other way if people like me were slaughtered wholesale - my bubble was safe, we were accepted, we were insiders.
I honestly can't think of another time I've interacted with a piece of media and felt so immediately, instantly knocked across the face by OUTSIDER as I just did when I excitedly turned the page to see what these fun extra bonuses were...and it was fucking Christmas.
I didn't even read them.
I'm honestly. So disappointed.
I don't have a thick armor for this kind of hurt. I'm Jewish, and as an adult living outside my old UWS bubble, that's often meant I've felt like an outlier, but I've hardly ever had this feeling where I was welcome to something only to be suddenly, violently shoved out the door.
And I've heard nothing, n.o.t.h.i.n.g. but praise for this book. And on another day, it might not have bothered me. I've never really felt like I had to fight to be seen, especially since I'm tremendously secular. I mean, I've celebrated Christmas my entire life, for starters.
But why. Why was this fantasy setting suddenly Christian? Why was this the touted extra content? Why is THIS special, when the areligious world established to that point was apparently not special enough?
I can't say yet if this ruined the story for me. It's far too soon. But I'm *intensely*, viscerally let down, and...I hurt.
Christians...maybe stop doing this shit.
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fernsnailz · 8 months
I honestly love your rants, your elemental rant was very funny as someone who's never seen it (I dont think I will, the movie looked bland to me anyway). "I want to use wade as bong water"? top tier line. I honestly didnt know it was even supposed to be an allegory for immigrants either, so thank you for that enlightenment. I kind of want to see what you think about julie su or scourge from the sonic archie comics. you dont have to though.
thank you i appreciate it!! you're not missing a lot with elemental imo, but it might be fun to watch with friends on a night you're feeling a little Silly.
i'll keep my thoughts on julie su and scourge short for now but gist of it is i like both of them a lot! i love telling friends who don't know anything about archie sonic who julie su is. like "hey have you heard about pink knuckles who is also kind a acyborg who used to be evil and has purple dyed hair and is also knuckles' girlfriend tho her and rouge also kinda have a thing going on." haven't read many issues with her in a while, but i always liked her dynamic with the chaotix. as with most of the girl characters in archie i wish she had more to do beyond romantic subplots, but i've always liked her presence
and man i LOVE scourge. that guy fucking sucks. absolute irredeemable scum and it's great to watch everyone beat the shit out of him. not much more to it, i just like the idea of an alternate evil sonic who's green.
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sekritjay · 8 months
I did the thing I normally do when I experience a big setback and recoil in on myself and lie to everyone whilst I "figure it out" and by figure it out I mean alternate between vacillation and despair. Because I'm a indecisive coward. Because I loathe leaning on others for help because they have better things to be doing then helping out a 35 year old loser. Because frankly I've never known what I've wanted in life, only that I don't want whatever I have now
I started typing out this post two weeks ago and I got my rejection message a week before that. And it's been sitting unfinished since because that's just how much I hate asking for help. But current events and personal events outside of my control means that if I don't act I'm going to be stuck again with nothing to cushion my fall.
The restaurant is failing. I thought I'd have another six to twelve months to get out on my own terms on my own schedule but looking at the finances... I'll be lucky to see Christmas, if I'm lucky. If my electricity company finds out they've fucked up their billing and start sniffing for what I ACTUALLY owe them I could be out by tomorrow. And I can't keep throwing good money after bad when I've lost any enthusiasm to carry on anyway. 60 hours, seven days a week for ten years yet no savings is no way to live
And... thinking about it, I'm honestly getting more and more worried about the state of the world, especially here in Europe. Lockdown drained my mental resources. Post-lockdown inflation and Ukraine sucked up the money I made during Covid. And the anti-immigration sentiment that I had to tolerate won't diminish because Europe's back garden is on fire. I... I need to get out
Despite all the setbacks I still want to go to Canada I think. I'm whatever about expensive housing despite what people keep trying to tell me. I'm not trying to be lazy, I AM searching for a job in Canada myself who... may? support a work permit. But all I've ever done is run a restaurant, and I've worked in one since I was twelve and knowing that I don't want to stay in catering means that I don't know what I'd be good at. Hell I'm not really convinced I did a good job at that
So... this is me... asking for help. Deciding where to go and what to do. And swallow my pride and ask others if they can get me a look-in by an employer instead of jealously guarding it. Just got to... rehash my CV
And take my anti-depressants. God knows how long I'll have to stay on those...
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boreal-sea · 6 months
Israel is less than 80 years old and is a coloniser state. I'm sick of people saying Israel existing as a settler colonial state is only bad because of the genocide of its natives. Dissolve the nation of israel now, invasion is NOT the same as 'moving in jewish citizens where they want to have a home uwu' moving in doesn't involve all the shit israel does
If you disagree with any of that, you're fucked up. If you agree, thank you.
Sick of seeing posts on tunglr that are like "well i may believe the state of israel has the right to literally invade and displace but i don't like bombs uwu" anyone can feel free to call me anything u want because of that and put words in my mouth because of that
Btw while I'm at it, fuck right wingers fuck america fuck the uk and fuck colonialism. Fuck anyone who blames israels colonialism on jews and not geopolitics and imperialism. No tolerance for antisemitism or conspiracy shit. No tolerance for Free Palestine and stuff being called antisemitic. No tolerance for "free palestine from the evil (((jews)))" either
Ok im done
Free Palestine
Everyone learn the difference between "Israel are twisted colonisers" and "Jews suck" now pls
It's fascinating timing that you sent me this and I saw it literally seconds after I made a post stating I openly support the Palestinian Right to Return.
I do honestly think that the way the modern state of Israel was created was wrong. I understand the complex sociopolitical influences behind it - and I also understand some of the more emotional logic behind it including, "the Holocaust just happened and no one wanted to save us by taking us in, so could we please have a place where we'll be safe?". So I get why some people are still really pro-Israel existing in some way, because it is promoted as the only place in the world Jewish people are safe.
But going in, evicting hundreds of thousands of Palestinians from their homes and saying "this is Israel again and you're not allowed to come back", that wasn't the way to do things, and I can't honestly understand why anyone today, looking back on that, would agree it was the right choice.
At the end of the 1800's and early 1900's, Palestine was controlled by the Ottoman Empire. Jewish immigrants to Palestine prior to WWI were not particularly welcomed by the Ottoman Empire, even though their numbers were well below 100,000 individuals. After WWI, the region was controlled by a mix of the British and the French. Britain, at that time, declared a wish to create a Jewish state in the region for a multitude of reasons. Dislike of Jews in Palestine continued, even though no state of Israel had even been adopted yet. But that declaration by Britain paved the way for the eventual forcing of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians from their homes in 1948 and continuing thereafter.
Even though I'm converting, I don't have any desire to visit Israel as it is right now. The actions its government are taking right now is, to me, unconscionable and I could not support it by visiting. The government of Israel has become the oppressor in the region.
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cowboylikedean · 5 months
im so fucking sick of the online discourse even - and especially - in left-leaning spaces lately and seeing the last few posts on your blog has honestly made me feel better. im not alone! yes! a nuanced take aboit what’s happening in middle east!! it exists!!! and while biden might suck big time, he’s still no trump! and there are no other viable alternatives right now!! does no one else remember 2016? clinton wasn’t the “perfect candidate”, sure, but remember where that got us? remember the wave of anti-immigration laws? remember charlottesville? jan 6? how we lost Roe? how the SCOTUS is heavily conservative-leaning? like thank FUCK not everyone has completely lost their minds yet.
I am also so sick of it!!! I have been for years tbh. and here's the thing, too... I actually think Biden has been pretty damn incredible. His record on domestic social issues has been really great. There's a lot I've disagreed with. I think he really could have done more in the beginning with covid relief and him leading the charge on dropping the $15 minimum wage really was fucked. I think the way he's handled Israel has been abhorrent. You can't claim to be against a war you're supplying! But I also think he's done a lot of things right. Not rushing us into war with Russia, for one thing. How many people begged him to do that, on both sides of the political spectrum?? How many people still are? Like there's plenty that Biden has done that is good!! And honestly, he's the best president of my lifetime BY FAR. He is in no way perfect, but the online left's biggest trap is the perfect solution fallacy.
Perfection is fake, it simply doesn't exist. And if perfection is the standard of your advocacy, it will be ineffective and pointless because perfection simply is not real. There will never be a perfect president or a perfect candidate. So waiting for one will always end up in letting the right take control. What we've seen where the right has skewed center more and more is a direct result of this!!
What happens quite often, too, is that this fallacy of perfection leads to black and white thinking that ignores nuance and intersections of oppressive forces. It's what leads to the oppression olympics and weird declarations that some forms of oppression are "higher" and "more valuable" than others. This tends to weaponize oppression and ends up in pitting oppressed groups against each other. This is something we see a lot in the Israel/Palestine discussion. Whereby antisemitism is completely invalidated as an oppressive force... Which isn't helpful and creates pain and suffering instead of alleviating it. I also think there's a lot of arrogance from Internet Lefties who like to think that 75 years of conflict is actually something that can be summed up in a quick twitter thread or a 5 minute tiktok. It's not.
But yeah, I'm here to be a voice of reason!!! Not all of us have lost our minds!! Most of us, even, are collected people... Online discourse is just that. Online. In most real world spaces, there's a lot more nuance. You just have to be willing to stand up and say something.
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cephalopodvictorious · 9 months
I just saw this post
and that's so cool! I never knew y'all came up with it! I've lived at the Swiss border (and for a bit also in Switzerland itself) for most of my life and they're obsessed with it. And so am I tbh, it's my second favourite cake after cheesecake. I think it's easily the most popular cake in Switzerland (at least the German speaking part) although I don't have statistics on it. You can get it just about anywhere!
The Swiss version is a bit different, eg it doesn't have raisins (which I'm glad about, I only started liking those last december) and I actually looked up who "invented" the Swiss carrot cake and when and it (allegedly) was the people of Aargau in the 19th century so I'm gonna assume they cribbed the idea, especially given that both versions use ground nuts instead of flour (although the Swiss one is sometimes made with hazelnut instead of almond)
And like... I'm kinda glad they did steal it or I wouldn't have my second favourite cake, but obviously it fucking sucks that the origins aren't as known as they should be. I think I'll try and bring it up whenever it's mentioned from now on, y'all deserve recognition. Yes, cultural exchange is good and enriches all our lives but if it comes with the erasure of other cultures' contributions, that's really yikes, especially since y'all's contributions to the world are already erased so frequently
It's so funny that you said cheesecake is your #1 because we don't have a monopoly on that one (I honestly couldn't say who does, there's just a lot of types in the world, we have a bounty of cheesed cakes) but "New York style cheesecake" is also called Jewish cheesecake because it was the way that Jewish immigrants made it when they came to New York (as opposed to like, Italian style or Basque style, which are both delicious and valid)
I think that with foods, they trade hands so often that people just kinda forget? Like how pretzels and hamburger and frankfurters are from Germany (literally in the name) but we associate them hardcore with America, and how General Tso's Chicken is actually from New York (it's a Chinese-American dish, not a traditional one), and so we just kinda run on vibes about it. Like I think we all tend to forget that dishes all came from somewhere, and run it as an open source situation across the board? So I'm not like, too pressed about the carrot cake, because there's so many versions and it's escaped containment, and I think most people are just not thinking about where this might have come from, or that it might be that old to begin with (though I hold hard about challah and bagels and a handful of holiday confections)
But I appreciate you adding it to your "fun fact" repertoire, because that IS a cool thing to know, and yeah, I appreciate that people who might not be familiar with my culture except for like, political or upsetting things will also be able to go "oh and that really good cake, they make great cakes too". It's small, but it's humanizing, and I really appreciate you doing that <3
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bellysoupset · 7 months
SOUP‼️‼️ RAHHH THIS FIC THO😭😭😭 i cannot explain to you how excited i was about this one AND GOSH IT WAS SO FREAKING AMAZING AS ALWAYSSSS 😩 you’re so freaking talented bro the POWER your writing and your OCs have over me is INSANE i think i’m hyperfixated on them bc i’ve been rereading so many of your old fics but i’ve also been daydreaming about your OCs like everyday when i walk to class djcvnfdvndfjvnsfjv sorry if thats weird gosh i just love them so much ahhhh <3333
wen’s parents are so awful ugh but also in such a particular way?? like the way they were just so emotionally distant and then managed to bombard poor vin w so many awkward questions while remaining kinda respectful? but they were also so passive aggressive the whole time?? like i started side eyeing them from the start when they were introducing themselves😤 but also this passive aggressiveness + the distant (too) formal vibes they gave off is so fitting given the backstory you gave for wendy a while ago!!! like it made so much sense!! OH and omg the AUDACITY to ask vince about immigration and then saying “legally?” like MA’AM???????? and AGH the way he kept trying to ignore how bad he was feeling and the way he kept trying to impress them and omfg how upset he was when he was in the bathroom like the TEARS goshhhh i can’t 😭 he was so miserable and omg THE TOWEL and then wen being so careful and respectful and SWEET like baby girl is so freaking PRECIOUS i love her sm 😭😭😭😭
and then vince bringing up the ED and wen just telling him everything 😩🫶🏽 even the attempt omfg SOB i wanna hug little wen and tell her she’s so loved and nothing’s wrong w her bc baby was HURTING 🥺 PLS AND THEN THE “you’re a football player, Vince, i was expecting to get hate crimed” SHE WAS SO REAL FOR THAT KANCJSJSJDJWJWB 💀 and AYEEE the end was ADORABLEEEEE
ALSO going back to the parents, i was SO curious as to how you were gonna approach her relationship with them!! like i didn’t know if you were gonna make her be super “submissive” i guess or more outspoken and i honestly LOVED the way you wrote her in this context‼️ like clearly quieter and less outspoken/goofy/bubbly than she normally is, but still very much herself. like it didn’t seem like she was letting the comments get to her too much? and the way she called her mom out whenever she asked that insane question!!!!! and not caring about her parent’s reactions/thoughts after what happened and literally just worried/concerned about vin!!! just focusing on calling the car and getting the fuck outta there!!!!! like YAS that’s my girl and ESPECIALLY given all her backstory i’m SO PROUD OF HER and her growth and how much healing she’s done to get to where she is now😭🫶🏽
THANKS FOR MAKING ME FEEL SO MANY FEELINGS WITH YOUR WRITING❤️‍🩹 you’re insanely talented and i will never stop saying it‼️🫶🏽
Otter, I can never answer to your comments except for just staring at them in awe. Please never change, these gotta be half the reason I write nowadays.
I know Wendy is your girl and I was sooo nervous about the backstory fic, so I'm happy all the emotional beats came through!
I like to imagine Wendy's parents don't see themselves as bad people and, worst of all, they really wouldn't come across as bad people on paper! Which made Wendy sound very "complaining just to complain" during her teen years, because what do you mean your parents suck?
I really enjoyed working through their mundane shade of being sucky people. And man, pooor Vince!! He's such a stronghold, I broke my own heart making him cry.
And LOL at the "hate crimed" comment, I had that line written since I decided I was gonna pair up Wendy/Vin. I think I wrote and rewrote a fic multiple times where she worried about him being a transphobe or not, but eventually I scrapped it all. Glad I could save the line! I imagine it took some prodding from Jonah, vouching for Vince, to actually get them together. Not that Jon will ever own up to it.
!! Finally, eternally happy to have you commenting on these fics, you caught up on all of Wendy's little tells, on how she's outgrown her parents and she's like "over them". I feel so blessed to have people so invested in these characters 😭
Have THE best day Otter!
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binalakai · 8 months
🍅🧅🍏🥑 wahoo fruit party!!
How misunderstood is your OC? In-universe or IRL. oh god. okay. okay Hue Man on Earth is a story that is. REALLY hard for me to share, despite how much I do try to talk about it publicly (or at least update my toyhouse as much as possible when i feel like doing that), there's always that sense of. people either boiling my characters down to Tropes/who's the Bad one and who's the Good One. whos the character thats meant to be a personal attack on someone (none of them are) n whos the character that is meant to be relatable (none of them are PURPOSELY written to be that way) n it just. really goddamn sucks sometimes. i could talk about specifics with my main trio specifically, over the course of time that i've had Hue, Magni, and Clyde, theyve all been weirdly misunderstood in their own way that i have gotten to the point of having to reevaluate those folks n look inward into seeing if that perception of themselves can be weaved into the plot. but honestly i think ill catch myself in a bad mood atm if i think about it too hard. tldr on that; i try to microdose my story when sharing it to others, n even then i get really nervous about the idea that my story wont be valued/understood as a whole, which is partially of my own doing as well bc i do have a tendency to Put a Lot into characters once i get super attached to them. ..so nowadays im too burned out to do that :"P once i make that pitch bible, it probably still wont fix that, but its still a project im committing to nonetheless! 🧅 [ONION] What is surefire to make your OC cry? Who knows of this information? Hue) hard to answer with a creature like him. objectively, he doesnt cry. its not needed for him to release emotion the same way it does for Earth-things. but he does it anyway, or at least the equivalent (letting go of parts of his body in droplets from his eyes, just for them to crawl back to his body) it's less about "am i sad right now and do i have to cry" and more like "is crying appropriate for this situation.". after his Human arc in arc 5, its something he actually stops doing as a whole because experiencing the feeling of crying in a human body like. Actually Fucks him up REAL bad NJWKEFNAJKWFNAKWEF Magni) the "sillier" or "unrelated to themselves" the issue is, the more theyll have a tendency to genuinely cry over it. they cry when they know no one else is there to mourn over the problem they're crying about, which is why they'll have a very Stone Flat Face when Witnessing the horrors, but will have an absolute meltdown over dropping their favorite cup Clyde) Honestly that motherfucker will cry over. like....anything? Honestly? to the point where it can be unpredictable. Clyde's emotions are based less on the Cause of Crying and more about the intensity of its emotions. any time it gets overwhelmed, it will cry, and its been labeled a crybaby inuniverse because of that 🍏 [GREEN APPLE] How do they differ from the norm and how are they punished for it? answering this all together, and honestly without having to like. explain the whole plot of HMoE in one setting. Hue seen as different from the norm not because he's an alien but because he's technically an illegal immigrant, Magni and Clyde are autistic PoC that also Do Not Fit Well into their hometown whatsoever. may i need to say anything else. 🥑 [AVACADO] What will they never back down about, even if it makes them seem bad?
Hue) trying to be seen as a good person, even if it means doing the most heinous shit possible (as long as he's able to hide it/insist on good intentions) Magni) trying to be seen as the Right Person, even if it means twisting things in their favor SPECIFICALLY to be right (though will admit to it redhanded if theyre caught, more out of being impressed if anything) Clyde) trying to be seen as the Truthful Person, even if it means ruining everyone's day/life about it (it''ll try to seem like it doesnt care about being "bad", but it very much actually eats away at it. every single damn day)
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ocalaghan · 9 months
I just spent like 2 months watching Desperate Housewives FOR IT TO END LIKE THAT?????????????
I wasn't expecting amazing things but oh my God. Mike's dead, Karen's dead, Tom's NOT dead, they're not even implied to be BFFs forever?!!!!!! I REJECT THAT ENTIRELY.
I appreciated the little look into their futures showing how their lives work out and everything BUT THEY ALL NEED TO STAY BESTIES. REGULAR VISITS. GIRLS' TRIPS. PHONE CALLS AND ZOOM MEETS. THAT'S HOW IT GOES.
I honestly cannot believe Mike died. Like, we watched, painstakingly, waiting for Susan and Mike to get together... and finally they do... and he is basically THE ONLY REDEEMABLE MAN ON THAT STREET... and they fucking KILL HIM. That was honestly so fucking annoying. I think Susan started off as my second fave lady on the lane but by the end she was really annoying me. Then Mike died and she was okay again, more likeable, and I like how they ended her story (her and MJ moving to be with Julie and help her raise the baby so she can finish her PhD and maybe meet someone). You know, other than Mike fucking DYING, it was a nice end for her. Although it did confuse me as to how she was supposed to keep visiting Mike's autistic sister if she was moving away? I don't remember exactly where Julie was living though so I'm just envisioning Susan goes back for regular visits. Also, they never really touched on what happened to Susan's mom's cancer? I'm just gonna assume she recovered lmao.
And another little addition, is obviously... Zach Young? We never really got a resolution on that? He was Mike's biological son and he was in rehab and that was the last we heard of him. I feel like Susan would want to help Zach? Keep visiting him? Try to have a relationship with him? That was annoying that he never got mentioned.
Gaby and Carlos' ending was ideal for them, I guess. Gaby sort of learned to be less selfish? Ish? And her ending up being the breadwinner of the family and having a job in fashion that she loved was quite cool. I knew they were going to be endgame for sure after they got back together early in the show but my feelings about Carlos are so complicated because the writers had him all over the place. One moment, he's an abusive, neglectful, controlling husband who fucking sucks, then he's a good guy, then he's blind so he's the victim and also a good guy because he's seeing life in a new way, then he gets his sight back and gets shitty again, then he's good again, it's like I HAVE FUCKING WHIPLASH HERE. He was just their scapegoat for when they needed a bad guy to do something to shake things up. But it made it hard to know how to feel about him because I didn't like him at the beginning at all. Like okay cool he's nice now but he sucked for so long lmao. So whatever he and Gaby are happy I guess with their annoying kids and their cat. Gaby was also possibly the worst of all the girls in some ways? But she was also probably the most fun and interesting character with the most heartbreaking backstory? She probably overtook Susan as my second fave after Susan started annoying me lmao.
As for Bree. I never vibed with her even though she was a really interesting character. But they made it clear even until the very end of the show that she held archaic views on relationships, sex, immigrants, overall politics (even though we did see character development such as her coming to accept her son as gay and no longer seeing it as a bad thing) so I just didn't like her. However I was glad to see she got with that lawyer at the end and got some kind of happy ending because oh my god she went through some shit. AND even though I didn't like her, I was mad as fuckkkkkkk about Rex's lovechild entering the picture, stealing her business, and then she just never gets it back????! That was such an infuriating plotline. She basically had an empire, she was a national celebrity? And this guy just steals it all and I was expecting there to be some wild scheme for her to get the business back later but it just never happened. So, in my head, her lawyer husband gets it all back for her somehow down the line because that was her hard work and it made me so mad that story just ended there.
And then Tom and Lynette... byeeeeee. I wanted to root for them but Tom just fucking sucked. He got worse and worse and then when they were separated, he was telling Lynette he wanted to make it work while taking another woman out to dinner? And the whole premise of their marriage falling apart made no sense because Tom was pissed she couldn't just let him have the spotlight but he had the spotlight for like half their fucking marriage? She gave up her job that she loved to have a gaggle of kids she didn't even seem to really want while he worked. And then later she let him live out his pizzeria dream. Like he was in the spotlight and being the breadwinner a LOT. So it just made no sense. And they breezed on past the fact Tom had a brief affair with Renee before they were married REALLY quickly. I didn't even want them to get back together but I knew they were going to. Lynette was my fave from the start and she did some absolutely batty shit during the show so she wasn't that great but I really didn't want her to stay with Tom BECAUSE HE FUCKING SUCKEDDDDD but whatever of course they're together. At least they went to NYC so Lynette could become a CEO of Katherine's business, I was glad about that. Because she was supposed to go back to work for Carlos' company after her maternity leave and then just... never did? Even though she loved that job? Just started up a random interior design business with Renee? So, yeah, take the CEO job baby, you deserve it. They can be happy and rich in New York City with their kids/grandkids/whatever. Although they never mentioned Tom's older daughter Kayla again after she went to live with her maternal grandparents (which is weird because Tom was supposedly visiting her frequently) and I think that would've been cool if we'd seen her come back as an adult and like... less of a vindictive wee cow. Like it would be nice to envision she can have a relationship with not just her dad but also Lynette and all her half-siblings.
Speaking of Katherine. I fucking hated her. What a lunatic. I know she supposedly recovered and everything but that woman literally killed her own aunt to stop her secret getting out to her daughter and that was NEVER ADDRESSED??? WHAT DID HER AUNT EVER DO OTHER THAN SUPPORT HER. Fucking weirdo. I was glad when she left the show but it was pretty cool they had her realise she was gay... only to bring her back in the finale and she's no longer gay. What??? Fucking dumb as hell JUST LET THE GAYS BE GAY.
I would've been pissed if they did that permanently with Andrew too because he almost married that woman at the end but then Bree talked him out of it. Although it was weird, because he moved back in with her and then we just didn't see him again? Where was he during all the drama with the trial? Did he move with her and Trip when they left the lane? I like to think yes because I enjoyed the closeness of their relationship after it was so terrible in the early seasons. Andrew was so fucking evil and I hated him and then he kinda turned into my fave character later? I needed more Andrew content for sure. It was really frustrating that they had him have an affair and then ultimately his husband left him. What's with not letting the gays be happy on this show! I wanted to see Andrew meet someone else nice and see more scenes/more of him and Bree together. Didn't care at all for his sister Danielle but it was nice that her and Bree's relationship was somewhat repaired too in the end I guess.
Karen dying also sucked. Extra sad that the actress herself died from cancer just weeks after her character did too, that was such a sad detail to learn. Why couldn't Karen and Roy just stay old and alive and happy on the lane at the end!!! But honestly such a great twist for Karen to be the one to own up to Alejandro's murder and make sure they all got off the hook. She definitely went out with a bang. I always loved that she kept Ida's cat for her and that they didn't kill the cat off because I hate when they do that in shows. I guess Roy took care of him after she passed away.
Bob and Lee being in it 'til the end was nice, I thought they were going to end up fading into the background eventually but they were there and they were happy and they are the only gays on this show that can say that about themselves.
I also really didn't care for Renee. Didn't like her attitude, just wasn't vibing with her. It felt like she was brought in to be an Edie 2.0 but we really didn't need another Edie type character, I don't think. Good for her and that Aussie guy and everything but I just wasn't bothered about her at all.
There were too many friggin' characters on this show but I guess that's all the consistent people that mattered by the end. Overall it was a really good watch. I didn't love the ending obviously but it kept me hooked from the get-go; even the parts I found a bit boring were still watchable and I was engaged to the very last episode. Like rarely a day has went by in the past couple months where I didn't watch at least one episode. I always wanted to see it because I remember I would watch Friends on E4 as a child and I would see this show get advertised. It wasn't exactly how I thought it would be but it was really good and I'm glad to have finally seen it.
Although I have to say, with the title being Desperate Housewives, I feel like the term housewives was super loose for the vast majority of it. Even when the show started, sure, we had Bree, housewife. Lynette, housewife. Gaby, housewife. Susan, in my opinion, was never a housewife. She was literally an artist, illustrating and publishing books. She worked from home and was sort of her own boss??? But then very quickly Lynette became a working woman again and I would say she did that the majority of the show. Bree later had her own business unfairly snatched away from her!!! and then, obviously, Gaby had some odd jobs but she was probably the most consistent in housewife status until the end.
Also what was with everyone dating underage boys!!! Gaby banging John, Katherine slept with Susan's younger cousin, I'm sure there was something else like that that happened? It was ick. AND THERE WERE SO MANY PLOT HOLES.
Whatever I'm going to stop venting. It was a good show, I enjoyed it a lot, outright gasped at my TV so many times. I probably won't rewatch it but I did really like it.
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uselessheretic · 2 years
sorry i hate that stupid twitter thread about how baby gays dont understand how its actually good that corporations do gay pride things bc i feel like its indicative of exactly whats wrong with rainbow capitalism
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like oh? wells fargo gave you a mortgage? thats cool except wells fargo is constantly in lawsuits over their discriminatory practices towards black people. like they're in one right now! they had to pay 175 million for one in 2012! and 7.8 million for hiring discrimination in 2020! and another 10 million to philadelphia in 2019!!
wells fargo was also a major funder for the dakota access pipeline
and only stopped funding prisons and immigration detention centers in 2019
and it's just admittedly a bit frustrating because this is honestly pretty well known because wells fargo is infamous for just really fucking sucking. and it's frustrating that the concern over rainbow capitalism is swept away as children not knowing what they're talking about because the world used to be so much more homophobic when 1. lgbt teens are currently right now under attack and i wish people would stop pretending like they are not??? and 2. just because things are better for white gays doesnt mean it's better for everyone else
like congrats! you can get a loan from the bank! but do you know how fucking bad the black-white wealth gap is in america?
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housing discrimination is one of the most crucial pieces to the disenfranchisement of black americans. redlining has crippled black americans ability to own wealth and it's getting worse.
it's not just an issue of "there's no ethical consumption under capitalism" it's an unwillingness to acknowledge the brutality poc are facing from these corporations where it's then brushed away as childish complaints instead of centuries worth of violent oppression.
we can't just say "well things were worse and even though it's not perfect at least things are better" because that's only true for some people. a refusal to confront the harm of rainbow capitalism is an expression of apathy. it's an admittance of "i got mine so fuck y'all" demonstrating once again how many white lgbt people don't want to end oppression, but instead want to be elevated into the same positions of power as the rest of their white class.
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fromjannah · 10 months
What else would you like to see coming out of Unburied aside from the second season and spin off, if there is anything? Personally I just want a comic adaptation of Unburied that takes the casting choices into account so that it becomes actual canon that the characters aren't white, because there is another official Batman podcast where multiple VAs are poc that confirmed the characters as being white anyways in its comic adaptation and uhhhh that sucked
i agree completely!!! i feel bruce being black in unburied is Kind Of Fucking Important to the central message so i'd really hope a comics adaptation would explore that. there's also this fantastic winston duke interview where he calls the riddler an immigrant story because there's this idea of speaking in your own language and the world trying to figure you out (something along those lines) so of course i'd really love to see brown eddie as well!!
honestly anon beyond comics i just want a lot more thoughts on the creation process i want to hear about how the riddles were written i want INTERVIEWS!!! WITH WINSTON AND HASAN TOGETHER!!!!!!!!!!! as that one from last year is only available for like 5 min on a weird spotify podcast. i loveee behind the scenes shit like a little recording from inside the booth... i would go stupid go crazy.
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mogai-sunflowers · 2 years
Maybe im too meh about alot of things and this is kind of a vent
but i honestly hate that nowadays (mostly white) people wont reblog an important post about privilage in society or a post with links about a crisis cause the op dosent 100% align with someone elses opinions despite the fact that post has nothing to do with it. Like awhile back i saw a black person's post spreading around a bunch of super important links regarding the buffalo shooting and how to help the families just to see some white mogai individual refuse to mess with the post and yell at their other (white and poc) muturals for reblogging it cause op didnt specfically support emojipronouns. Like i understand that that makes them nbphobic and emoji pronouns are important but there is a bigger issue here that is very important. They refuse to support people unless they can slide themselves into their perfect image of a perfect progressive person which is why it takes so long for news to meet this community.
Im not saying you should never vet your sources and you should give notes to bigots but when it comes down to huge issues like racism, mysogny and communally-external lgbtphobia, wether or not that one person likes mspec lesbians, endogenic systems or neopronouns dosent really matter. Its about information reaching as many people as possible, the rest is infighting smaller issues that are very niche and dont matter in comparison. Im a poc, i use neopronouns, im an mspec lesbian and im a collective but im not gonna pretend someone whose only exclusionary view is not liking pnc gays/lesbians to a raging racist. Our community needs a bit of reality check concerning what is big issues and what is small issues and the mogai/liom communities are an echo chamber wether we like it or not. Internet discourse and national law are 2 very different problems and i see alot of abled white people conflating the 2 because they get all their news and live their lives on tumblr. I know because i used to do that, once tumblr wasnt my main app anymore, i learned alot more about the world around me.
I'm not saying you or anyone else is over-reacting btw, im just tired of seeing people comparing xenogenderphobes locking people out of nonbinary servers to anti-immigration laws and Trump's walls. There significantly more damage from one than the other and the comparison is always done by someone who only faces the lesser issue.
Ill just sign myself off as 🌿
i completely agree. i've seen this before too and it pisses me the fuck off, like I saw a Black person talking about fandom racism and how to support Black people in fandoms, and people were like "but they dont support bi lesbians" and it's like??? okay yeah that sucks but that's not relevant to the actual issue here and it's very disrespectful to ignore someone's input on their own oppression just because they have one opinion you don't like. like, just the other week, a bunch of white queer people started attacking a Native Two-Spirit trans guy who was talking about what's currently going on regarding the ICWA, and this person was reblogging the post saying not to listen to him because he asked not to be called queer because he thought it was a slur and im like. get out of your fucking ASS jesus fucking CHRIST. and im not like, saying that to try and distance myself from whiteness, i've caught myself having that kind of chronically online mindset before and had to evaluate myself. just agreeing with you anon, it's massively stupid the way people, especially in the mogai community, prioritize interneet discourse over things like structural racism and queerphobia. it's bullshit.
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vaas · 1 year
honestly just likr. I feel really grateful that my parents were both immigrants/child of immigrants cus its like. i see a lot of like white people Entrenched in the culture and the like. Canadian culture kind of sucks. like my parents not knowing what Disney was when i was a kid and not having an opinion on Canadian bacon or maple syrup or whatever the fuck and not giving a shit about Canadian nationalism or anything is genuinely. the Relief i feel
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into-the-loidverse · 1 year
hey, I don't usually reach out to artists like this but I want to thank you for those culturally appropriate masa redesigns. I was a fan of his for a while and admittedly always found those designs he made to be extremely questionable (especially the GANESHA designs... if you have to TELL your audience what real-world God the character is supposed to be then you really messed up when designing them). Like you said, it goes to show that he did enough research to know what they were supposed to look like, but chose to go against it and hypersexualize the designs anyway because horny. Your redesigns proved that he not only could have done better from a cultural standpoint but that these characters would have still been beautiful even if they were wearing more than a yard of fabric lol. Masa has been doing this stuff for a VERY long time and I'm truly surprised that nobody said anything before. I really hope he learns something from this mess but from the way he's been reacting... well, I sort of doubt it. U dont have to respond to this, its just something i wanted to get off my chest, hope u have a good holiday mate
haha anon thank u so much !!!!!!!!!!!! i rly do appreciate this 😆😆💜💜 [long rant below oops soz anon]
oh yeah i definitely agree !!!! ive always had an issue and been pretty vocal [on insta] about his design choices in general bc…. this is a personal ick but i just hate hornybait art [esp from men] bc 90% of the time it looks uncanny that i dont understand how its hot…. this is especially seen in masas newer art - his clothing is vacuum sucked booby pocket that looks plasticky / nonsensical and the faces r just … yknow ? [doesnt help his woman anatomy hasnt improved much w the boobs being super high 2 the collarbone that it makes everything look off - and i always excused it bc i think it was when he drew the soap lagoon tribute image ? he said how he knows his artstyle is not how it was during onibi series and wishes 2 not return 2 it + the art is not the biggest priority over music which makes sense ! idk his art is always the best when not sexualised [or at least u cannot tell at 1st glance] like his avicii tribute / cappuccino pv or literally anything non human like guns / skulls etc]
edit: i just remembered the existence of patriot balalaika [hate that song sm as a russian immigrant] and i lied that song is the *best* researched song bc there is no sexualisation and it bases it true on the life of a war zone - WHICH FUCKING SUCKS that out of all songs it is that gets proper treatment .... what the fuck i get the dude likes military stuff but boooooooo so uninteresting [props 2 him removing the pv tho !]
im very happy that my redesigns served its purpose !! it was honestly quite easy after looking at multiple pictures + articles / blogs about said topic…. his la catrina is the best one only because it matched a cheap outfit i saw while researching so yknow thats something… his defence 4 ganesha also pretty much confirms what u said w hypersexualisation:
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funny thing is during this whole situation i wrote an essay about fetishisation of women in comics 4 uni and he fits all the criteria of that so yay…. go cishet men 🥳🥳/s
i am so sorry anon 4 the long rant 😭😭 i too wish u a happy holiday !!!!!!!!!!!!! 🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳
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kael-writ · 3 months
I honestly think (some) Irish citizens' gatekeeping of the right of people descended from Irish immigrants to associate with our heritage is kinda fucked up.
I've thought about it a lot and like, I get hating Americans in particular. I hate being American. I think mocking Americans is a great activity I myself enjoy.
But like, there just is something fucked about the idea that people should assimilate when they immigrate, right? The degree to which Irish-Americans (that hated term!) assimilated into whiteness is actually a really bad thing. The forgetting of history and debasement of culture sucks. It's kinda a good thing for people to rediscover our roots, particularly connecting with anti-colonialism and learning Irish Gaelic.
Americans who arent Native Americans (also Latines generally, who are migrants that tend to have some indigenous heritage) are all immigrants. With the exception of the descendants of slaves, these immigrants, particularly white people, are also colonizers, settlers.
Yet at the same time, people who came over from the famine (a genocide) in particular were desperate, they didnt necessarily wanna have to leave home, there's so many Irish immigrant songs and writing about not wanting to leave home, missing home, wanting to connect with "The Old Country". & while comparing it to Black American oppression is ridiculous, they did face hate.
Connecting with your heritage isnt about race. Whiteness is nothing. Irish people weren't even White at first because White Supremacy is made up bullshit. I dont think it's cool to wanna link your ethnicity as a white person to Irish roots you dont know shit about or whatever. And I will call out all day Irish-Americans and Irish-anyones who are racist, of which there are plenty on both and all sides of the oceans (Australia included ie).
But like, finding out who my great-(however far back it may or may not be) grandparents were, that's something, even if my ancestors were pricks. That tells me about my family, which tells me about myself.
I get hating the plastic patty shit. I hate it too. As an alcoholic I particularly hate Pattys Day being a drinking day. (eta Shit, I personally hate Catholicism. Fuck St Patrick).
Ive heard the same from Mexican-Americans about Cinco de Mayo. And btw heard the same about having their connection to their heritage dismissed from at least one friend.
idk how common this is to the second gen on immigrant experience in general but Ive certainly read lots from Asian people in particular about wanting to connect with a disconnected heritage, and how painful it is for Black folks to have had theirs stripped from them. Which is different for us with white privilege.
Also here worth noting being Irish is NOT about being White, many Black Americans and Black Irish citizens and in general people of color have Irish citizenship and/or Irish immigration heritage. Obviously for Black Americans that can have roots in slavery and that's fucked up and complex and not something I can tell you about.
Anyway, at the end of the day, talk shit (and better yet make jokes, lots to work with) all you want, a little shit talk is something I try to take in good humor, I dont wanna argue too much, I just wanted to put this out there.
I have a loud voice and I come from a family of obnoxious fucks, but I am sober and poor, and if I ever do get to go to Ireland I promise to do my best to not be tooo fucking obnoxious at the very least.
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