#imma reblog with the song lyrics hang on
yveni · 1 year
The @postinglockwood prompt for the 6th is songs right??
There’s a song I’ve loved for years, and it has morphed in the last few months from “I’m going to use this song in my wedding if I ever get married” to “this is Locklyle from Lockwood’s perspective”.
Anyway the song is Days Go By by Sawyer Fredericks.
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tag game
thanks for tagging me @princessleiaqueen , my love
1. Why did you choose your url?
Mother Natures Son is a baller song
2. Any side blogs? if you have them, name them and why you have them.
@classicrockwillkillme for all of my other classic rock loves and @remember-now-beherenow for witchy stuff and also imma post some photography stuff there one day
3. How long have you been on tumblr?
i used it a bit when i was a baby teen then set it aside until like three years ago
4. Do you have a queue tag?
whatever gets you queue the night
5. Why did you start your blog in the first place?
as a writing blog
6. Why did you choose your icon/pfp?
just look at Pattie Boyd man. question no longer needed
7. Why did you choose your header?
it looks pretty with the rest of the aesthetic
8. What’s your post with the most notes?
honestly no clue. maybe the Johnny Johnny lyrics one? or some random ass ringo tweet i reposted
9. How many mutuals do you have?
never enough
10. How many followers do you have?
almost 1,000!
11. How many people do you follow?
About 400
12. Have you ever made a shitpost?
my fav pass time
13. How often do you use tumblr each day?
Omfg. like all day???? unless i'm actively hanging out with people irl i'm scrolling tumblr
14. Did you ever have a fight/argument with another blog once? who won?
some blog got mad at me for using the Bob Dylan tag when i meantioned something about having a dream where Dylan and George Harrison were being cute or something. completely harmless post but they went out of their way to get mad.
15. How do you feel about "you need to reblog this" posts?
hate them. i usually don't reblog the post. or i'll find a reblog that doesn't include the guilt trip.
16. Do you like tag games?
yessssssss. especially picrews
17. Do you like ask games?
fuck yeah
18. Which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
no one??? if one of y'all is lemme know skjfblaskbfajlbf
19. Do you have a crush on a mutual?
20. Tags
@pleasepleasedontbotherme @pronetoidiocy @shesaidshesaid @moreofthatdrowse @johns-diqi
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herondaleholly31 · 5 years
That’s My Girl Chris Evans X Reader
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Overview: You and Chris are going to see your daughter perform in her first talent show. Chris helped with her performance and its a little different from what you would’ve expected...
AN: Another Chris one for you guys! Now that Knives Out is coming out, I’ve had people desperate for more Chris, and this idea melted my heart. This is inspired by a scene from one of my favourite TV shows if you know it message me ;) Thank you for the support as always!
Like and Reblog!
 Word count:2300
"nononono" you panicked as you felt you ankle wobble dangerously. Running on cobblestones In heels was dangerous, and a broken ankle was the last thing you needed right now. You slowed down to an uncomfortable fast walk-jog, willing for your ankles to not snap like sticks. It had started to snow, the first time this winter, and you buried your chin into your scarf so to keep your teeth from chattering. The clock in the local church chimed 7:30 causing your head to whip up in alarm and your heel to skid across a particularly icy cobble. You felt your whole body move back and that gut-wrenching shot of panic flashed through your brain as you saved yourself at the last minute from falling. You felt your phone buzz in your pocket, the third time in the past half an hour. You fished it out and shoved it between your ear and shoulder, rounding the corner to beams of saturated yellow light "I'm here, I'm literally outside…… I'm fine love…..yes there was an issue at work that I had to stay for, but I'm here now……okay……I'll see you in a second." 
Oak-field catholic school came looming out the darkness, brightly lit up with banners already hanging limply from the steady fall of snow. You skidded up the steps, taking two at a time, to almost trip and fall on the last one. You bag swung around on your shoulder and almost took out a grandfather walking behind you.
"I am SO sorry, Sir!" You gasped "Honestly If I've hurt you-"
"Swinging for the elderly?" A voice joked "I thought we said you wouldn't do that anymore." Chris was standing by the open door, smiling. He walked over, apologised once more to the old man and his wife, before turning back to you, shaking his head. He was wrapped up in a dark jacket over his favourite blue shirt, and his shoes had been cleaned, so they gleamed; he had obviously dressed up the occasion. His hair was still a little messy from a day of running his hands through it, and the sight alone caused you to sigh with joy.
"I'm an addict I couldn't help it," You joked. "Hi."
"Hello." He grinned. He pulled you in for a quick hug, planting a soft kiss by your ear. "How was your day?"
"I don't want to talk about it." 
"Duly noted. Come on," Chris kept his arm hooked around your waist as you both walked into the school "the show hasn't started yet." 
"I thought I was going to miss her." 
"And that would've made you a terrible parent." 
"It would've." It was good to relax and joke around after the day you'd just had, you could already feel the knot in your shoulders start to loosen. You said hi to Lina's mum as you passed and nodded to Sister Margret, who jerked curtly back. The pair of you was just quickly catching up about to head into the hall when a small voice could be heard just behind to you. 
Connie had poked her head out the backstage door. She looked like she was going to be sick; pale skin, sweaty forehead, her nails bitten down to the surface. Her eyes were wide and desperate, and this caused Chris to run over and lean down on one knee. You watched from a distance; Connie didn't like being nervous in front of you because she knew it caused you to become overprotective. You saw Connie shake her head and the words "I can't do it," be said before Chris lightly put a hand over her mouth. He shook his head and spoke soft words, moving the hand to then to bring her head forward so he could kiss the top of her head. Chris said something that caused your daughter to laugh weakly before she said something that caused a belt of laughter from him. He then pulled her in briefly, their cheeks squishing together as he hugged her tight before chivying her lightly towards the door. One last high five and then she slipped backstage again, leaving her Dad to run back over to you smiling.
"Everything okay?"
"yea she's fine. Last-minute nerves. We've been rehearsing all day though so she knows what she's doing."
"I'm just looking forward to FINALLY seeing this secret performance," you said as you entered the auditorium where rows of creaky chairs were set up facing the stage. The sound of a generic TV show single was on a loop through the speakers on either side of the stage, buzzing slightly with the increase of base every few seconds. The air of you headed to two seats in the third row on the inside end, meaning you had the perfect view without having to crane your necks. There was a pause while you both flicked through the programme and said hi to parents of friends and to say hi to that one hysterical fan (there was always one) before you couldn't resist any more.
"Are you going to give me ANY hints about what she's doing." 
'Nothing at all?"
"It's a surprise." 
"Should I film it?" 
"Oh absolutely," there was a glint in your husband's eye that for some reason caused you to become suspicious "we're never going to want to forget this." 
You wanted to ask more, but then the lights went down and a thunder of applause. One of the sisters was standing just by the stage with a microphone in one hand and a notebook in the other, from which she read out "Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to Oak-field's Talent Extravaganza. Now, please put your hands together for Alice and her jumping juggling friends." 
"She's next, she's next!" You squired in your seat with impatience, excitement starting to bubble in your chest. Chris handed you his phone, and you set up the camera, propping it up on your bag so the performance could be filmed. "I'm nervous, why am I nervous she's doing the show not me. Oh gosh, I'm panicking-"
"Hon she's going to be fine!" But he still reached out and grabbed your hand, squeezing it in reassurance. His jiggling knee also gave it away that he too was feeling a little nervous, and that oddly calmed you a little. 
The lights went down once more, and there was a smattering of polite applause. Lina walked out first, her smile full and confident, strutting over to her spot with rehearsed purpose before standing with her hand on her hip, poised. Connie, with her smaller physique and her curly hair already coming loose from her ponytail, gave the image of someone who was more reserved and shy. You watched her eyes rake the crowd before she caught your eye. You gave her a small wave; Chris lifted his arm so his thumbs up could be seen over the group. This reassurance caused Connie to nod in determination, before gripping her hand onto her hip, smiling widely. A click of the stereo and the slightly tinny sound of an old Judy Garland song started to play. This granted a nod of approval from Sister Margret. A very devout woman of the church who before the show had sent a list of songs and artists that were "recognised as inappropriate and would therefore not be tolerated." She was also a massive Judy Garland fan and had, therefore, lacked hesitation when putting the girls into the show. The CD stuttered, then the tinny backing track to "somewhere over the rainbow" rang out through the old speakers. The girls started their routine, slowly swaying back and forth, little voices sweet and nervous but to you the loveliest sound. You beamed widely, tears already clogging your eyes and pride burst through your chest. Everyone else saw the charm in it too; the grandparents in front of you cooed at each other about how cute she was. You wanted she lean over and say "she's my daughter," but that would distract you from the show. 
A couple lines in, however, the music scratched, stuttered, and then stopped. The hall was silent. Both girls stood in stage, looking at each other and then back out into the audience. Your heart lept into your mouth. You tried to catch Connie's eye, but this was causing you to panic more. "We have to do something," you hissed to Chris. 
"Just wait." 
BAM! Bass blasted out of the speakers, shuddering the ground. Both girls grinned widely before throwing off the big jumpers they both wore, to reveal t-shirts decorated with flashing stars to match the socks they both pulled up to their knees. Horrified, you heard the lyrics to an all too familiar song.
'I was like
Good gracious- ass is bodacious 
Flirting to show my patience 
I'm waiting for the right time to shoot my steez….'
And without hesitation, both girls started dancing perfectly in time, jumping, sliding and turning, never missing a note as they lip-synced along. There was a roar of noise from the audience, a mixed response of anger and howling laughter. You turned to Chris, who was roaring with laughter, rolling back and forth on his chair, clapping loudly. 
"You taught our daughter the lyrics to Hot in Here by NELLY?"
"But," Chris had to collect himself for a second he was laughing so hard "but doesn't she look great!"
"It's a great song! Look, they're just coming up to the chorus." You turned back in time to see you, daughter, mouth the lyrics I am getting so hot right now, imma take my clothes off before throwing herself into a cartwheel. You were so shocked you burst out laughing, and then you couldn't stop. It was brilliant, they'd obviously spent hours on it. The audience was loving it too, most of their classmates cheering them in next to their slightly shell shocked but amused parents. The Sisters, on the other hand, looked horrified, Sister Margret was shaking in her seat, her face so stern it looked as if her forehead was about to crack in two. She started to feverishly whisper to the sister next to her. She jumped out of her seat and scurried behind the speakers, desperately trying to unplug them. Connie and Lina kept going, never missing any lyrics or steps. The speakers were eventually cut off, and the hall erupted into thundering applause. Chris stood up, whopping and pointing proudly at his daughter. "That's my girl! That's my daughter!" You laughed at his yells of pride and stood up with him, clapping widely. The lights went up, and Connie's eyes went straight to the pair of you. She was blushing, but when she saw you, she beamed and waved. A sister grabbed both of them by the shoulder and frog-marched them off stage to a waiting Sister Margaret. She beckoned Chris over too, and for the first time, Chris's jubilation faltered. 
"I think I'm about to get told off." 
"Again," Chris said for the fourth time "I am so sorry for getting you into trouble honey." Connie poked her head up from her giant bowl of ice cream.
"It's only a week of no break times Dad. Besides, it gives us time to learn our next dance."
"Next dance?" You frowned.
"Lina's older sister wants us to do another dance for her birthday, to a song called s&m?" Connie shrugged "should be fun." 
Chris's eyes widened, but you shook your head. Maybe not tonight. Instead, he went up and refilled all your ice cream pots, putting on so many reeses pieces the ice cream was lost. It was Connie's favourite though, and she squealed in delight before tucking in once more. 
"But I'm proud of you." Chris threw his arm over his daughter and brought her into his side, her head barely reaching his shoulder. He kissed her head and smiled proudly towards you "didn't she do amazing?" 
"You did amazing," you smiled. 
Connie blushed once more. "Lina was better at the dancing than me." 
"Are you kidding? You got moves, kid! Just like your mother," Chris winked, this time causing your cheeks to tinge pink. Praise and jokes were exchanged until it was time for them to go, the streets cold and icy with snow. Although she was nearly 9, Chris hooked Connie by her armpits and swung her onto his shoulders, one hand holding onto her wriggling foot, so she didn't fall off. The other handheld yours, making sure he kept close to you as you gingerly walked in your heels to the car. The snow was still falling in from the sky, and it stuck to your coat and to Chris's beard and made Connie look like a little old woman, her hair was so white. She squealed in delight not caring, sticking her little pink tongue out, trying to catch any snowflakes. It was the perfect image, and you feel your heart warm, seeing your small family together. 
'I haven't done something yet today," Chris suddenly said. 
Chris stopped you for a second to lean in and give you a quick kiss, his lips warm and slightly cracked. He broke then there was another, and then he brought your intertwined hands up to his lips to kiss your hand, where your matching wedding bands knocked against each other. There were flecks of white clinging to his eyelashes, and his eyes glittered from the string of lights everywhere. "I love you both so much."
"I love you too." 
"Love you three times !" Connie smiled. You both chuckled and continued to walk towards the car "Love you four times" Chris retorted. 
"Love you five times." 
"Six times."
"Ten times."
"A hundred times." 
"One Gazillion and three!" Connie yelled, her smile triumphant. 
"Wow. One Gazillion and three," Chris smiled to you "we're pretty damn lucky." 
You squeezed his hand. "We really are." 
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i-am-not-anon · 5 years
Helping a stranger out: part 9
Summary: Roman is working at a bookstore and his customer needs help. But how much would he do for a stranger?
Author's note: This time it's the other way around: first angst and then fluff. Also Patton is grinning stupidly through the whole singing, he kinda knows what's up. But most importantly: Thanks for taking the time to read my work and I appreciate every like, comment and reblog!
The songs Roman sang: Sanctuary Everything's alright
And don’t hesitate to message me if you want to be added to the taglist
Pairings: Anxceit (they broke up), eventual prinxiety
Other parts: Part 1 (-) Part 8 (-) part10
Warnings: Deceit by name Famian, cursing, abusive relationship mentioned, breakup, crying, panic attack, mild angst, manipulative s/o, kissing, possibly mentions of smut but no n/sfw will appear
“I know it's not exactly my business how your relationship ended and such, but it would help me to understand you better and answer him if he's trying to contact you through me in the future,” Roman spoke quietly as they were sitting on the couch and watching something boring from the TV.
Virgil was quiet for a moment before sighing. “Okay. I hadn't actually realized how unhealthy our relationship was before I talked with my therapist yesterday. I won't blame everything on him, but he definitely has been doing stuff like denying me from visiting certain friends and persuaded me to stop going to therapy. He kept saying he was what I needed to get better and presented himself as some kind of hero while I was supposed to seem like a pathetic case he had all glory for helping.” Virgil saw Roman's horrified expression, raising his hand in defense.
“I was all very subtle and he actually helped me to get through the worst days, but now I understand that I'm better off alone,” he finished.
“I'm so sorry that you had to go through all of that,” Roman apologized wholeheartedly, clenching his fists. That is disgusting. I wish I could've gotten the door yesterday.
“It's okay,” Virgil shrugged.
“No it isn't,” Roman argued. “You didn't deserve that kind of man. Nobody does.”
Virgil gave the other man a lopsided smile. “Thanks.”
“Anything for you, sunshine,” Roman grinned.
Virgil made a face at that nickname, but smiled nonetheless.
“Hi Patton,” Roman greeted as he entered the shop with Virgil.
“Hi Ro and Virge!” the cheery man greeted. “We just ran out of receipt paper. Would either one of you like to go and buy some new?”
“I can,” Virgil volunteered and went on his way after getting a twenty from Patton.
“Did Famian visit you yet?” Patton asked Roman who was already arranging some new books to the shelves.
“What! Did you give him the address?” Roman exclaimed, turning to look at the other man with disgust.
“Yes, why?” Patton asked, not looking up from where he was trying to get the empty receipt roll out of the cash register.
“Didnt you know he had been abusing Virgil?” Roman was shocked.
“OH NO!” Patton screamed, slapping his forehead. “I didn’t! I'm a terrible person, this is awful!” he panicked.
“I mean you didn't know, but he still gave Virgil a panic attack by appearing at my door,” Roman noted with a pained expression.
“I can't believe I let that happen!” Patton held his head in his hands. “I should've known! I need to apologize to him!”
“That's for the best,” Roman nodded, patting his stressed coworker’s shoulder.
Virgil walked in, holding a box of receipt rolls. He frowned at the tension in the room, placing the box on the counter.
“Thanks Virgil,” Patton smiled but it didn't reach his eyes.
“What are you two up to?” Virgil asked, as Patton began to fidget nervously with his hands.
“Virgil, I'm so sorry. I gave Famian your address. I-I didn't know what was going on..” the poor man looked wrecked, not daring to look up.
Virgil's eyes turned dark, but he breathed deeply and tried to calm down. “It's okay, you didn't know. I just don't want to see him again.”
“Understood,” Patton nodded.
Roman wanted to hug Virgil so bad, to comfort him but he didn't. Instead he went back to work. “Want to help me, Virgil? It's easy, just put the books in their right shelves by the genre and writer's name.”
They began to work. Virgil soon got the hang of it, putting a book or few to the side to get repaired or if he found them interesting. Roman also noticed how the other man glanced at the door repeatedly, always seeming to be ready to hide whenever a customer entered the shop. He felt bad for him. Soon Roman seemed to brighten up, however, and he carried his new idea out.
“When the darkness won't let you sleep
Imma hold you close
And when space is all you need
I can let you go”
Virgil looked at Roman who had began singing. It seemed like the man was singing for him, from the way the beautiful-voiced man glanced at Virgil before putting more books on the shelf.
”I see you're hurt, I feel your pain
All of our dirt is washed in the rain
I've walked that road, I've felt that shame
No place is home but times, they are changin'”
Virgil smiled to himself. It was calming to listen to his voice, a reminder that he wasn't alone.
”This is our sanctuary
We can find shelter and peace
This is our sanctuary
You are, you are safe with me”
Roman sang, and Virgil looked away. Why are the lyrics like that? Well dummy, he can't choose the lyrics himself. It's just one song.
”Short steps, deep breath
Everything is alright”
But still, there was something in his tone and voice that told Virgil it was different than if Roman was singing to someone else.
”He said, 'I'm sad,'
Somehow without any words.
I just stood there
Searching for an answer”
And Virgil didn't really know why or how, but he was at peace with it.
”When this world is no more
The moon is all we'll see
I'll ask you to fly away with me
Until the stars all fall down
They empty from the sky
But I don't mind
If you're with me,
then everything's alright”
Taglist: @the-unrealistic-dreamer @selectivereality @metaphoricalpluto2 @sherlock-lives-on-bakerstreet
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MEME:   share five lyrics / songs / pieces of music that represent your muse. ( repost. don’t reblog. )
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We don’t deal with outsiders very well They say newcomers “have a certain smell” Yea, trust issues, not to mention They’re saying they can smell your intentions
chosen for its tie-ins to the suicide squad movie, which deals with criminals that have been locked away and are now needed to save the world, this song reflects prim’s jarring experiences living among the insane --- clinically and criminally. it represents the underbelly of prim’s truly dark nature, and the fact that she lives as a real monster among men and those who’ve been lost to the infection. frightful as it might sound, prim also handles within it locking away her past, which is riddled with abuse, experimentation and loss. and when you live with others facing their locked away traumas as well, aren’t you all heathens?
Why’d you come? You knew you should have stayed I tried to warn you just to stay away But now they’re outside, ready to bust It looks like you might be one of us
When they days are cold, and the cards all fold And the saints we see are all made of gold When your dreams all fail and the one we hail are the worst of all And the blood’s run stale
next selection is picked from the crop for its deep rooting in seeing the world and its evils, and letting those evils poison your veins. at least, that’s what it means to prim. this song talks about knowing the world is filled with sin and misery, and such sin has destroyed her life via her own bleeding hands. the mentioning of demons and darkness resonates with prim’s destructive habits and massacre-level acts, and the guilt that it burns into her soul, forcing her to shut the monster within her away.
I wanna hide the truth I wanna shelter you But with the beast inside There’s nowhere we can hide
Another head hangs lowly Child is slowly taken And the violence causes silence Who are mistaken?
another gut-wrencher in the tracklist, this specific cover of the cranberries’ zombie is the deepest rooted song in who prim is as a character, as well as what her story has entailed since that fateful night in october of 1996. the song’s title, being “zombie”, is a bit of irony in and of itself, considering the hell prim is experiencing living through the zombie apocalypse. mostly played when witnessing the undoing of primrose grimm, this track is hard hitting, deeply sorrowful, and represents how prim can become a mindless creature, screaming and sobbing over her losses, and attacking anyone who dares disturb. leaves you to wonder, though; why did she mutate into a hunter instead of a witch?
In your head, in your head, they’re still fighting With their tanks, and their bombs And their guns, and their drones In your head, in your head, they’re dying.
Will the faithful be rewarded when we come to the end? Will I miss the final warning from the lie that I have lived? Is there anybody calling? I can see the soul within And I am not worthy, I am not worthy of this
to be taken by the title literally and metaphorically, ashes of eden is the epitome of prim’s misery. it strikes her when she least expects it, and it hits her the hardest when she’s alone. while the claimed “ashes of eden” could represent the fact that prim sees herself as a damned soul, unsaveable by anyone and she’s one of the sinners who forced the now burned and destroyed heavens above to rain to Earth in the form of the Green Flu, it mostly represents the falling of her sister’s love and memories, as she died at age 4 due to a house fire that prim started. to top it all, her sister was named Eden.
Are you with me after all? Why can’t I hear you? Are you with me through it all? Then why can’t I feel you? Stay with me, don’t let me go. Because there’s nothing left at all Stay with me, don’t let me go Until the ashes of Eden fall
First things first, Imma say all the words inside my head I’m fired up and tired of the way that things have been Second things second, don’t you tell what you think that I can be I’m the one at the sail, I’m the master of my sea
the epic finale to the setlist, believer is prim’s acceptance of what she’s done and forgiving herself for the past transgressions. it’s her way of saying “fuck you” to the world that broke her, but showing she’ll still try to fix it and be a hero in her own right, all while looking badass. it also speaks to her opening up to new friends and finding love in one of the most unexpected places, and allowing her little sister’s voice to guide her in the right direction, representing her being a “believer” in love, friendship, care and trust --- the very things she had cast aside at a young age because they caused her pain.
You made me a believer, you made me a believer, believer You break me down, you build me up, believer, believer Oh let the bullets fly, oh let them rain My luck, my love, my God, they came from Pain
+ BONUS ROUND: for songs that are Prim related, but didn’t make the cut
-  What Lies Beneath (Breaking Benjamin), Crossfire (Stephen), Ain’t No Rest for the Wicked (Cage The Elephant), The Pretender (Foo Fighters), Iris (Goo Goo Dolls), Counting Stars (OneRepublic), The Bird and The Worm (The Used), Through The Fire and Flames (DragonForce), Don’t Threaten Me With A Good Time (Panic! At The Disco), Control (Halsey), Everybody Knows (Sigrid)
TAGGED BY:  @cf-isclation TAGGING:  @deadmans-flush, @anoldsoldier, @devotedbryce, @forsakentyler, @ask-rochellle and pretty much anyone else who wants to do this
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