imaginesappho · 17 days
I Was Victim, I Was Quarry
Fandom: Mean Girls
Pairing: Regina George x Fem!Reader
Summary: Regina was an apex predator who preyed on you for four years, but when you run into her a few years later, she seems to have had a change of heart—and you finally understand why.
Warnings: Mentions of bullying, eating disorders, fat-shaming, low self-confidence, and implied homophobia
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Social hierarchy existed wherever you went. You knew this growing up—you saw it on the streets, on television, and even in your own neighborhood—but nothing had prepared you for the power structure of high school.
The food chain was brutal. Prey fell victim to predators left and right. You could always pick them out from a crowd. Everybody flocked to the higher in command, the ones who starred in athletics or whose parents had the most money. They were both feared and admired by their peers and even some of their teachers.
But there was one predator at North Shore High School that sat at the top of the pyramid—the apex predator.
Regina George’s name could be heard whispering down the halls at any time. Somebody was always talking about her. The boys all wanted her and the girls wanted to be her.
Even when they all fell victim to her.
You had been a target for all four years of high school. Even after she recovered from her fractured spine after being hit by a bus, she reigned as the Queen Bee. Cady had tampered out the cliques for a little while, but as graduation rolled around, they migrated back together.
Regina had mocked you for anything she could find—and even some things she fabricated herself. You had been shoved to the bottom of the food chain as soon as you set foot in North Shore. She hadn’t even tried to be welcoming like she usually did. No, the Plastics immediately zeroed their predatory gaze on you and pounced.
The sad part is you listened to them.
They called you fat, so you starved yourself. They called you obnoxious, so you were silent. They called you nerdy, so you started failing your classes. They called you ugly, so you changed everything about how you looked. They called you a dyke, so you pretended to be interested in boys—and it still wasn’t enough for them to leave you alone.
Regina George alienated you from the entire student body. Not only were you her prey, everyone else was your predator, too. That was why, when you spotted her at the little cafe near your apartment, you tried to sneak out the door.
A call of your name prompted you to pause. You shut your eyes, took a deep breath, and turned around to the last person you ever wanted to see again. She stood from her laptop and smiled.
“I thought that was you,” she said. “It’s been, what, five years?”
Your fingers tightened around your coffee. “Regina,” you greeted tightly. “I thought you moved to New York.”
I thought I’d never have to see you again.
She seemed to understand the message without hearing the words. Her smile faltered a bit as she adopted a more somber expression.
“I did. I just moved back to help my mom. She, uh… She’s not doing well.” She gestured towards the empty seat in the other side of the table. “Come sit with me.”
You looked at her warily. “You want me to join you?”
“Please,” she said gently. “I think… There’s some things I need to say.”
Now, even years later, you couldn’t help but think this was another way to humiliate you. A public coffee shop would be the perfect place for it. You weren’t falling for it again.
“What do you want, Regina?”
Regina seemed to understand your apprehension. She sighed and locked her gaze with yours. Her eyes were just as striking as you remembered, but instead of being icy and full of entitlement, they appeared warm and earnest.
She cleared her throat. “I owe you an apology,” she said. “I know saying sorry won’t fix anything, and we can’t change the past, but I still want to apologize for how I treated you in high school.”
The words sounded foreign coming from her. Regina George never apologized for anything. You knew the surprise had etched itself onto your face with little restraint because she gained back a fraction of the smile she’d lost.
“You know how people say when we put people down, it’s because we’re not happy with ourselves? That was me. I… couldn’t be who I was, and you could, and… Well, honestly, I was jealous.”
Your eyebrows drew tight. Regina had always seemed so confident and sure of herself. She had known where she stood. She used her privileges to her advantage and never thought twice about manipulating the people around her.
Could it be possible that she was actually just compensating for something deeper?
Slowly, you pulled out the chair and sat down at the round table. “What do you mean?”
She sat across from you. Her teeth worried her bottom lip as she thought about how to put it into words. Really it was quite simple, but at the same time, it was one of the most difficult things she’d had to admit. She had waited for this day—the day when she could start to make amends, a time to explain why she was such a bitch. The day she could finally open up and offer the vulnerability that came with telling the truth.
After a pregnant pause, Regina sucked in a breath. “I’m gay,” she admitted, her eyes peering into yours. “I’ve always known it, but my mom… Well, I couldn’t be. That’s why I was so hard on you and Janis, because you had the freedom to be yourselves when I had to hide.”
“Wow. Uh, I don’t… I don’t really know what to say.” You tried digging in your brain to find the right words but came up empty. “I’m sorry, I guess, that you had to deal with that. But it doesn’t erase four years of torment,” you said.
“I don’t expect you to accept my apology, but I owed you an explanation. It doesn’t excuse anything I’ve done—and I’ve done a lot that I’m ashamed of now. I just hope you can walk away with some closure.”
You nodded your head slowly, trying to process everything. This wasn’t the Regina you know. It wasn’t the girl who would spread rumors about you sneaking photos of girls in the gym locker room. It was a young woman who was baring her heart to you and taking accountability for her actions.
Regina reached out to you, her fingertips brushing against your hand. “I really am sorry,” she said. “Nothing I ever did or said had anything to do with you. I’ve actually always thought you were very pretty.”
“Wait, really?” You blinked rapidly. Even with the odd conversation, you never thought you’d hear a compliment from her.
“That’s another reason why I was such a bitch to you.” She chuckled a bit shyly and tucked some hair behind her ear. “I… had feelings for you, and I didn’t know how to deal with them, so I took them out on you,” she confessed.
“You… had feelings for me?”
It was like a smack in the face. Regina George, the most gorgeous woman you had ever laid eyes on, used to feel something for you other than contempt. She seemed earnest about it—her cheeks even seemed to be a bit flushed at the confession.
She nodded her head. “Even the girls knew. I guess I wasn’t very good at hiding it.”
“Could’ve fooled me.”
Regina sighed and continued, “Look, I know nothing I say or do can make up for the past. I know I’ve hurt you a lot. But,” she paused to dig something out of her purse, “I would like to start trying.”
She handed you a business card. Curious, you took it, reading over the print. Regina George, fashion consultant. Unable to stop it, you felt a small smile come to your face. It was such a fitting job description for her. She’d always had the best designer clothes.
Her contact information was printed on the bottom of the card. You glanced back up at her.
“Only if you want. I understand if you’d rather wash your hands of me,” she said, “but, if you let me, I’d like to take you out sometime—I want to show you I’m not that insecure girl anymore who has to put others down to feel good about herself.”
Your heart soared. Seeing Regina so vulnerable and sincere called to you. The girl had made you miserable for four years—so why did your heart feel like it wanted to jump from your chest?
You silently shook the conflicting thoughts from your mind. “I’ll think about it,” you said quietly. “I should probably get going.”
Regina nodded as you stood from the stool. Her eyes glinted with dispirit, but she managed to put on a smile anyway. She understood why you were hesitant and had expected you to be. Well, she hadn’t expected you to let her talk at all and had been certain you’d just ignore her when she’d called your name—or yelled at her, insulted her, lay into her and let her know how awful she was for how she had treated you.
You had always been kind, though. You’d always been sweet and considerate, always tried to hear people out when things went sideways. She used to think you were naive for that—and maybe you were a little bit—but she realized it took strength to always see the good in people after being hurt over and over again.
It was one of the things she loved about you.
“Just shoot me a text if you decide you want to,” she said. “It’s completely up to you.”
You nodded and stuck the card in your pocket. Before you left, you paused to look at her. “Thank you for, you know, apologizing and trying to help me make sense of everything. I do appreciate it.”
“Thank you for letting me,” she chuckled. “I honestly didn’t think you would give me the chance.”
“Yeah, well, I always did listen to you.”
The double meaning didn’t fail to hit Regina. Her heart sank a little knowing how seriously you’d taken all those nasty words. None of them had been true.
Your lips pulled into a tight smile as you turned away. Her card felt heavy in your pocket, hot like it was burning a hole through to your skin.
Regina watched you leave the coffee shop and turn down the sidewalk. She let out a wistful sigh and hoped—oh, God, did she hope—she wasn’t too late.
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imaginesappho · 15 days
Now I Shake My Mane
Second part to I Was Victim, I Was Quarry
Fandom: Mean Girls
Pairing: Regina George x Fem!Reader
Summary: After running into Regina years after graduation, you decide to take her up on her offer of a night out. Old feelings resurface with a vengeance and lead to new experiences.
Warning: Low self-confidence, reader gets a little tipsy
Tagging: @l1lass @fadering @autorasexy
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Bass pounded in your ears. Flashing lights blinded your vision into dancing spots you tried to blink away. You squeezed past bodies and a few stools to reach the bar. Why you agreed to come out on a Friday night, you didn’t know. Crowds weren’t really your thing.
The bartender checked your ID and took your drink order. A simple Malibu with orange juice and grenadine—your comfort drink. You stayed close to the bar and sipped on your cocktail as your gaze swept the floor looking for her.
She hadn’t left your mind since running into her at the coffee shop. You mulled over what to do for the next week. Part of you wanted to throw her card out and put it all behind you while the other part yearned to see her again. All of your feelings resurfaced and muddled together—including the ones you’d found she reciprocated.
Her statuesque figure finally sauntered past the bouncer to enter the club. She still walked like she owned the place, like wherever she went was her domain—like an apex predator. She paused and scanned the dance floor before spotting you sitting at the bar.
You lifted your hand in a small wave to make sure she saw you. She grinned, and you swore it was genuine excitement from the way her eyes crinkled at the corners and the sparkle in her eye when she got close enough to see.
“You made it,” she said before greeting the bartender by name. She ordered a strawberry margarita without having to show her ID for verification of her age.
They probably knew her. Everybody in Evanston knew Regina George.
You gave a small smile. “I made it,” you repeated. “Wasn’t sure if I was going to, to be honest.”
“I wouldn’t have blamed you if you stood me up.”
Regina slid onto the stool next to yours. It still felt strange to you, hanging out with your high school bully. You still found yourself on edge like it was all just a ruse and she was just waiting for the right moment to pounce. Even if she did appear to be sincere, the fear lingered in the back of your mind.
She turned towards you. “So, catch me up,” she said. “What have you been doing the past five years?”
You kept your story short and simple. You glanced over your higher education and your new job, how you finally had a place of your own, and how you had broken up with your boyfriend just within the last couple of months.
“Oh.” For a moment, you swore you could see a glimmer of disappointment, but it was swiftly masked with a laugh. “Yeah, boys are awful. They can never appreciate what’s right in front of them.”
“Yeah…” You couldn’t tell if she meant that as a compliment or just a general statement. Even after all these years, she was still hard to read. She’d been an expert at hiding her true intentions five years ago—there was no reason for you to think she’d lost that talent.
Regina touched your arm briefly. “Still, I’m sorry to hear that. It must have been hard for you.”
Trying to ignore the way your skin tingled beneath her hand, you shook your head. “No. I mean, not exactly. I cared for him, but…” You paused briefly to think of how to put it into words. “It just didn’t feel right, you know? We weren’t meant to be together.”
“Yeah, I know what you mean.” She sighed a bit in exaggeration, holding her head up with her palm. “I had my first girlfriend a couple years ago. Met her in New York. It was the same thing. She just wasn’t… It just didn’t work out,” she said.
She just wasn’t you.
You chuckled a bit and finished off the last of your drink. “Relationships suck,” you complained.
“Not if you find the right person.”
Her eyes stared into yours like she could see down to your deepest thoughts and darkest desires. Heat bloomed in your cheeks. You turned back to the bar and cleared your throat, calling the bartender over for another drink.
Regina smiled as you shied away from her advances. She could read you like a book—you were flattered that she was complimenting you. At the same time, you were still unsure about her, still had your guard up. The liquor would help take the walls down. Her goal wasn’t to get you drunk, but she did want you to feel more comfortable around her.
Your name fell from her lips like golden honey. You were almost appalled at how appealing it sounded to your ear and the way your body reacted. You turned back to her warily, trying desperately not to let it show on your face.
“I know this probably doesn’t mean much coming from me right now,” she said gently, “but you look beautiful tonight—you always have.”
A chuckle awkwardly burst its way out of you before you could think of a more appropriate response. “I look like a troll next to you, Regina,” you said. “I mean, look at me. I’m not anything special—not like you.”
You didn’t mean to say that last part out loud. The cocktail in your hand suddenly became much more interesting as you swirled your straw around the colorful liquor.
Regina huffed a laugh. “I’m not special,” she denied. “I’m just like any other mean girl who peaked in high school.”
“Mean girls don’t go out of their way to apologize.” You looked up at her through your lashes. “You’ve grown a lot, Regina. Me…” Sighing, you trailed off and took a sip of your drink before continuing. “I’m your typical victim-type who can’t move past stuff that happened when we were stupid teenagers,” you said.
She looked like she wanted to say something. Instead, she sighed and ordered two new drinks—one for her and one for you—when you both ended up finishing your current ones at the same time. Her eyes drifted over to the dance floor before she turned back to you with renewed energy.
“We should go dance.”
“Hell no,” you laughed, shaking your head. “I’m not gonna embarrass myself like that.”
“Oh, come on, babe. Everyone’s drinking, nobody cares. Trust me, you’ll be fine.”
Your heart fluttered when she called you that. You were certain it had just slipped out and that she didn’t realize what she had said. But you wanted to hear it more—you wanted her to say it again.
The straw found purchase between your lips as you tried to drown out the growing allure radiating from Regina George. Your head was beginning to lighten the more liquor you consumed. Normally you didn’t drink so fast, but your nerves were on fire and you wanted to quell the flames.
Regina groaned. “Then will you do some shots with me? Just a few,” she clarified when you gave her a look. “I just think it’ll help you relax and allow yourself to have a good time.”
She pouted, pursing her berry-colored lips out playfully. You tried standing your ground but ended up groaning in defeat. She grinned when you reluctantly agreed to the shots and flagged down the bartender.
As it went, one shot turned into three, and you were feeling pretty good. The spirits no longer burned your throat and just warmed you up like a furnace from your stomach. You could definitely feel the effect—you loved it. Your head swam pleasantly and you no longer felt like Regina was out to get you or that you had to walk on eggshells around her.
Maybe you should have started drinking in high school.
Regina and you threw back another Vegas Bomb drop shot. A grin worked its way to your face as you then finished off what was left of your double-shot tequila sunrise in a single gulp.
The blonde at your side laughed and moved the glass away from you before you knocked it over. “Let’s slow down a bit, baby. I want you to remember tonight.”
“I’m still not dancing.” You pointed a finger at her.
She waved down the bartender for two waters. “I actually have something else in mind,” she said, “but you need to sober up a bit first.”
“I’m plenty sober.”
“You just did three shots, baby. It’s time for some water.”
Your teeth dug into your bottom lip. Maybe you weren’t completely sober, because as soon as the thought skittered across your mind, you blurted, “I like when you call me that.”
Regina raised a brow. Her lips pulled into a sly smirk as your eyes traveled there. You wanted to know how they would feel against your own. They looked like they’d be soft. Maybe they’d taste like the berry they’re colored after, or maybe there would be some sugar lingering from the lemon drop.
She shifted, and you quickly snapped your gaze back up. Maybe you were more under the influence than you thought. You took a long sip of water to help clear your head.
Her hand landed on your thigh. You nearly choked on your water at the touch. Your eyes glanced from her hand to her face. She watched you intently with a dark gleam in her eyes that stoked a small flame in your belly. You bit back a small noise at the overwhelming sensation.
“I need you to drink the water, baby,” she said, leaning in so her sweet breath hit your face, “because I don’t want us to feel like I’m taking advantage of you.”
“You’re not.”
Slowly you raised your hand until your fingertips grazed her cheek. Her skin felt supple against yours, just as smooth and soft as you’d imagined it would be. She kept her eyes on you, watching carefully, not wanting to make a move that might potentially scare you off.
You sucked in a breath. “I’m sober enough to know what I want,” you murmured, “but tipsy enough to finally go through with it.”
Regina pressed forward until her lips fell onto yours. The kiss electrified your nerves. You slid your hand into her hair, wrapping your fingers at the roots to hold her close. A low noise came from the back of her throat before she made herself pull away—she wouldn’t have been able to stop if she didn’t.
“How do you feel?” Her gentle voice prompted you to open your eyes.
You let out an airy laugh. “Like I just lived out a childhood fantasy.”
Regina smiled and pulled away. Her hand remained on your thigh as she took a sip of her water. You followed suit, unable to downplay the elation gripping your heart. You’d been wanting to know what that would feel like for almost ten years. Now that you had, you had to laugh at yourself for being one of the oldest cliches.
You were in love with your high school bully.
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imaginesappho · 20 days
She Is a Mess, but She Is a Masterpiece
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Hermione Granger x Slytherin!Fem!Reader
Summary: As if crushing on a Muggleborn wasn’t enough to slander your family name, having a crush on a female Muggleborn was infinitely worse. You’d tried so hard to squash the feelings down for the sake of your family, but when you see her crying on what was supposed to be her perfect night, you realized you didn’t care. The only thing that mattered was her.
Note: I wrote this while horrendously sleep-deprived. Enjoy my gay delirium.
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Growing up, you were taught that balls and formal events were a thing for only the most prestigious families. You couldn’t count how many you’d been forced to attend—how many hands you’d had to shake, how many fake smiles you’d pretended were real, how many listless tales you’d had to endure to help make a good impression.
You’d never liked them. The women were always so conceited and the men pompous, all having been born with a silver spoon in their mouth and contempt in their hearts. Not to mention the horrid gowns your mother would force you to wear or the company your father would threaten you to keep.
You were their perfect little porcelain doll. They played with you while they had company and then they shoved you back into the closet until the next time.
If only they knew…
The Yule Ball proved to be just as boring as you’d imagined. None of those ballroom lessons seemed to have stuck with your peers as they’d bumbled their way through the horrid music. Watching the champions take the first dance had been more exciting than your date. Some older Durmstrang boy named Stoyan—he was about as interesting as grinding up lacewing flies.
You were finally rid of him after he grew annoyed at your lack of engagement. He’d thrown a small fit about how you were lucky for him to have asked you and how it was only a pity date—you were quick to cast him aside and wish luck to the next girl who fell victim.
The long walk back to your dorm had never seemed so tempting. You itched to strip the dress from your body and replace it with your lounge pants, curl up next to the fire, and lose yourself in another world written in ink. No more socializing for the night.
Unfortunately your plan was thwarted the moment you rounded the corner for the staircase. Sat at the bottom was a Gryffindor you had come to know all too well. Her hair fell from its sleek updo like the tears tracking down her face. Thank Merlin for magic—her makeup surely would have been ruined otherwise.
You hesitated for a moment before approaching her.
“Those tears are wasted, you know.”
Hermione sniffed in surprise and lifted her head. She roughly wiped at her face as though to hide the evidence. Your name slipped from her lips with a suspicious lack of apprehension.
“What do you want?” Her voice, low in exhaustion, cracked. She’d had quite the night from the looks of it.
You followed up with, “Boys aren’t worth crying over. Especially not the bellends around here.”
Her glassy gaze lowered back down to her hands. She mumbled something. You assumed it was a request for you to leave her be. She probably expected the usual malice from the generational rivalry. Even if you wanted to, you couldn’t find it in your heart to live up to the stereotype.
“Look, Granger, whoever made you cry is not worth your tears.” And you wanted to find who did it. “Not to mention the depressing image you’ve painted of yourself,” you added.
Whoever caused those tears deserved what would come to him if she ever found out who it was. It was a pity for such a fair face to be streaked with despair. But even rimmed in red, those charming eyes captivated you.
Your parents would disown you…
You stuck your hand out. “Come with me.”
Hermione glanced from your proffered hand and up to your face. That apprehension crept onto her features as you’d expected. It usually wasn’t wise for a Gryffindor to go with a Slytherin of different blood.
You rolled your eyes before letting your mouth curve into a small smile—your first genuine one of the evening. “I don’t bite, Granger,” you said. “Unless you want me to, that is.”
It took the young witch a few minutes to trust you had no ill will towards her. The walk down to the kitchens was mostly silent save for the occasional couple enjoying each other’s company after the ball. Your finger tickled the pear on the painting, allowing you to slip inside once the entrance revealed itself.
She rubbed at her eyes again. “Why did you bring me here?”
In lieu of answering, you called for a house elf with whom you had come to adore greatly. Mila eagerly conjured up the hot cocoa and cookies you’d requested.
You nudged her mug and the plate towards her. “Eat,” you encouraged. “You’ll feel better.”
Hermione finally cracked a small smile at your words, like they’d stirred up a fond memory. She slowly took a sip of the drink, noticeably careful not to let the marshmallow stick to her upper lip.
You watched as the warmth started to take its effect.
“Mila makes the best cocoa here,” you commented lightly. “It’ll lift anyone’s spirits.”
She hummed and gingerly grabbed a cookie. Instead of eating it, though, she played with it between her fingers a second. Her eyes sought yours curiously.
“Why are you being so nice to me?”
Because you’re I hate seeing you cry.
“You’re a good person, Granger. You don’t deserve to feel the way you do.”
Because I want you to be happy.
Because I think I love you.
Hermione Granger had been on your radar since first year. You’d admired her intelligence and resilience, her courage and empathy. It was only last year when you’d looked at her and realized how beautiful she was. You were entranced with the way her eyes sparkled when she laughed and how bright she smiled when praised by a professor.
And tonight, in that periwinkle dress that hugged her slender frame, you realized just how much she’d blossomed.
You’d always been able to tamper down the festering feelings towards her. Their worlds weren’t meant to collide—you were a Slytherin from a noble line of Purebloods, and she was a Gryffindor with Muggle parents. But you could feel that nova collapsing the longer you spent in her company.
You didn’t care what your parents thought or how your peers would react. Hermione Granger was what you wanted, in whatever way she was willing to give, so long as she was in your life.
Rosy blotches colored her cheeks. She averted her gaze shyly, like she wasn’t used to such compliments. Maybe it was just she wasn’t used to them coming from someone like you.
“You know, Granger,” you continued when she didn’t say anything, “there’s always been something about you. Something that… that I can’t stay away from.”
Her eyes darted back to yours. “What do you mean?”
“I’ve admired you since our first year. At first I thought I was just jealous—I mean, you’ve the best grades in our year, and you weren’t even raised with magic.”
“And now…?”
“And now…” You took a deep breath, suddenly feeling your chest clench with something you weren’t incredibly familiar with. “And now I realize it was never the grades I wanted.”
You held her gaze to convey the deeper meaning behind your words. Her lips parted slightly, and you could see when her breath quickened, her chest rising and falling a bit more rapidly than before.
She swallowed. “Oh… I, well…” She chuckled quietly, biting down on her lip as she thought of how to respond. “I-I never realized…”
“No one else does, either,” you admitted. “I’ve tried to ignore it because of, well, who I am—what I am. But I don’t think I can anymore.
“When I saw you come down those stairs, all I could think was how you were the prettiest one in the room.” The words kept tumbling from your mouth of your own accord. It was a dam that had been unleashed, years of pent up secrets dying to finally be free. “Then I saw you crying, and all I wanted to do was hold you. I wanted to take that pain away. I wanted… Well, I wanted you.”
Hermione’s fingers curled into her fist nervously. “Wanted?” she whispered.
You leaned over and tucked some hair behind her ear. Her breath hitched as your palm then rested against her cheek. Your thumb stroked the soft skin, admiring the way it felt beneath your touch.
“Want,” you clarified softly. “I want you, Hermione. Whatever that means to you. Acquaintances, friends… something more…”
She looked down and, afraid you’d scared her off, you started to pull back. To your surprise, she reached up and laid her hand on yours, keeping her cheek pressed into your palm.
“I… I wasn’t crying over a boy.” Her quiet voice might have been missed if you weren’t so close to her. “I mean, Ron did upset me, but… I was crying because I wanted to talk to you and I couldn’t because…” She trailed off.
“Because why, darling?”
“Because you’re the most beautiful girl I’ve seen, and I’m just… I’m me. I can’t compare to you.”
“Don’t compare yourself to anyone, Hermione.” You weren’t sure who leaned in first, but now you were mere inches away. If you just tilted your head… “Nobody can compete with you, love.”
She made a small noise in the back of her throat before her lips touched yours. They were soft, their pressure gentle and unsure, but it was the best thing you’d ever felt. It left you almost empty when she pulled back.
She smiled softly before running her fingers down the side of your face. “I… I’ve wanted to do that for a long time,” she confessed. “But… what are we going to tell people if they ask?”
“We can tell them whatever you want.” You grabbed her fingers before lacing them with yours. “But I know it would ruin Krum and Weasley,” you smirked.
“I don’t care about them. Not when I’m with you.”
“Then stay with me for as long as you’re happy—and I promise, sweetheart, I’ll do whatever it takes.”
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imaginesappho · 19 days
Imagine Rosalie Braiding Your Hair
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Her fingers moved deftly through the strands. She could have finished quicker than you could blink, but she enjoyed the action so much she wanted to savor it—and she knew how the feeling of having your hair played with relaxed you.
Your back leaned against the sofa as you sat on the floor between her legs. Every so often you would release a hum when she’d bring her nails back up to gently scratch your scalp. Your eyes had long since drifted closed.
She smiled softly as she undid the braids and started all over again.
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imaginesappho · 18 days
With Ice-Cold Hands Takin’ Hold of Me
Fandom: Until Dawn
Pairing: Sam Giddings x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Death, blood, so much angst
Note: I totally did not cry while writing this. I’m sure the scene I envisioned was not appropriately depicted here—but I totally did not cry.
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The past had a way of coming back to haunt you.
A year had gone by, and yet, the memories continued to plague your mind. The nightmares wouldn’t stop. Therapy didn’t help. It was a burden you carried heavily on your shoulders with no one to help bear the weight.
You didn’t know why you had participated in that stupid prank. How could you do that to Hannah? She had always been so sweet and had never been anything but kind to you—and this was how you repaid her. It was how you repaid the Washington family for always welcoming you into their home whenever you needed a place to stay.
It was only right that you were now facing the same fate as Hannah and Beth. Your lungs gasped for any air they could take in past the metal spike lodged through your chest. The fall from the cliff hadn’t been far, but the sharp debris left from miners years ago made sure you wouldn’t survive it.
You could feel the blood filling your lungs. It traveled up your throat and gurgled into your mouth. Crimson stained your lips.
Sam gasped out your name. She raced over and slid down onto her knees. The jagged rocks sliced through her leggings, but she didn’t mind. Her hands floundered for a moment until they found purchase in your face.
“It’s okay, it’s gonna be okay.” Tears welled in her eyes—those eyes you could lost in, the deep pools of a mystical pond filled with life. You knew she was lying to you, but you didn’t care. Having her with you, her palms soft against your cheeks, as you faced karma was all you could ask for.
You tried to speak but got interrupted by more blood expelling from your airways. Sam shushed you and moved so your head rested on your lap. Her fingers swept away the errant strands of hair knocked loose by the night’s horror.
“Oh, baby,” whispered Sam. Her touch trembled against your paling skin. You kept your eyes focused on her—you wanted her to be the last thing you saw.
The tears started to fall. A few drops hit your face as she bent her head to put her forehead to yours. She knew you weren’t going to survive. There was no hope left for you. You just hoped whatever met you on the other side might be a bit merciful.
You wanted to tell her. You wanted to let her know how sorry you were, how you wanted her to make it until dawn… how much you loved her. The words left unspoken never hurt so much.
Again, you tried to speak. Blood continued to drown your lungs. You couldn’t—you tried, but you couldn’t. Your body wouldn’t let you as it struggled to fight the increasing weakness. Darkness had just started to fade into the edges of your vision.
It wouldn’t be much longer.
Sam shook her head, telling you not to speak. Your arm slowly tried to lift up to her but felt too heavy to move. She noticed and reached down to hold your hand tightly.
“I know, baby. I know,” she cried. She squeezed her eyes shut and took a shaky breath to try to compose herself for you. “It’s okay. I’m here.”
You barely had the strength to squeeze her hand, managing a light pressure with her fingers. She held on tighter.
“I’m so sorry I brought you here. I shouldn’t have pushed. If I hadn’t…” Sam trailed off. She shook her head and finally let out a sob that broke your slowing heart. “This is my fault,” she whispered.
Your head weakly moved from side to side. It wasn’t her fault. Yes, she had convinced you to come up to the mountain when you felt you shouldn’t after what you had done, but none of it was because of her. This was just what you deserved. Nature always has a way of remaining in balance.
You had aided in Hannah’s death and had inadvertently caused Beth’s. Both of the Washington sisters had lost their lives because of a stupid prank you had agreed to participate in. Now your friends were in danger—and some of them had already fallen victim to the monsters roaming the mountainside.
Your eyelids felt heavy. They started to close, unable to stay open for much longer. Sam gripped your cheeks and shook her head.
“Please don’t leave me,” she begged between heart-wrenching sobs. “Please, baby, stay with me.”
Her voice started to echo like you had entered a tunnel. A tear tracked down the side of your face as you realized this was the last time you’d see her.
Sam continued to plead with you to stay, but you couldn’t.
“I love you,” were the last words you could make out before the darkness took hold.
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imaginesappho · 17 days
hiii, do u take requests? i like your writing ! could you do sam x fem reader? just domestic things would be nice :)
also if you feel comfortable with it, could you write the reader to be socially awkward? like, often missing social ques, not really speaking out loud unless sam is there with her, habit of latching onto her when she’s nervous in crowds, things like that? no pressure, it would mean alot to me if you wrote anything at all
thank you! <3
Domestic!Sam with Anxious!GF HCs
Hi, thank you so much! My requests are always open, sweetheart. It may take a bit for me to get to them, but I will always work on them when I can!
I’m so sorry if you were looking for a one shot. I did try to write one but I couldn’t get it to where I felt good about it, so I decided to play it safe with a set of HCs. If you want, I can absolutely work on a one shot with this premise.
Fandom: Until Dawn
Pairing: Sam Giddings x Fem!Reader
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❥ Sam knew about your social anxiety not too long after meeting you. You were a lot more reserved when she was around compared to how she saw you with your friends. At first she thought you didn’t like her, but then she started noticing different things tied in with it.
❥ You would fidget with your fingers or play with your hair when you went quiet. You also tended to avoid eye contact. She had heard some people saying it was rude, but she would always defend you—once she figured out you had bad anxiety in social situations, she knew you weren’t doing it on purpose.
❥ Her persistent kindness, patience, and willingness to stand up to you was what drew you to her. It also helped that you thought she was the prettiest girl you’d ever seen—which also contributed to your shy demeanor when she first came into your life.
❥ Sam took care to watch you anytime there were other people around. Especially people you didn’t know well or if there was a crowd. She started gravitating towards you to give you a sense of comfort and to distract you from the situation.
❥ Sam became your person. You would seek her out if she didn’t come to you first. When things got too overwhelming, you would hold onto her sleeve or grab her hand. It took her by surprise the first time you did it because you had never initiated contact with you until then.
❥ The more she paid attention to you, the more quirks she picked up on. She noticed you had some difficulty with gauging the atmosphere. Sometimes people would make a joke at your expense and it would go right over your head. Sometimes you would dare to make a joke when it wasn’t the right time.
❥ You would always get embarrassed if you realized you had missed the social cues that everyone else seemed to understand. Sam would be right there to offer reassurance. Even if it wasn’t verbal, she would place her hand on your back or take your hand—and she would scold anybody who gave you grief.
❥ You couldn’t tell when Sam flirted with you. You thought she was just being nice. At this point, you considered her your best friend and never thought anything of it. Sam tried to make it as obvious as possible without being crass, but eventually she had to tell you bluntly how she felt. You were both surprised and elated when she said she wanted you to be her girlfriend.
❥ “I’ve been trying to tell you for months—I just didn’t want to make you uncomfortable.”
❥ Sam tried to take the relationship slow because she didn’t want to overwhelm or scare you off. It was you who wanted to move things to the next level only a couple of months after you started dating.
❥ She would always take you out on cute little dates. She would take you on nature walks to the river, picnics at the flower gardens, or a lookout area. Very rarely would she try to take you out to a public place, and she would always ask your opinion before doing it. She knew some days were better than others.
❥ You weren’t allowed to go shopping on your own. Sam never wanted to control you, but she didn’t want you to get overwhelmed and potentially sink into a panic attack. The attention it would earn you would only make it worse.
❥ Most of your time was spent either inside the house or enjoying nature. Your favorite nights together were when you would cook dinner—Sam is practically useless around a stove—and watch movies. The quiet nights in were the ones you cherished most.
❥ Sam was always gentle with you. She knew how to be just the right amount of firm to help bring you out of a panic attack but was never stern or rough with you. She asked what best helped you in your anxiety and did some research on her own time. Sam wanted to make sure she always did right by you.
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imaginesappho · 18 days
Poly Sam & Jess HCs
Fandom: Until Dawn
Pairing: Sam Giddings x Fem!Reader x Jessica Riley
Warning: Brief mention of sexual activity but nothing explicit
Note: I love the idea of Sam and Jess together. They complement each other in such beautiful harmony.
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❥ Sam loves taking you and Jess out on nature walks. She finds that being closer to the world also makes her feel closer to you.
❥ Jess is more the type to take you to get your nails done or get pampered at a spa. She loves to spoil you with self-care trips to make sure you’re taking care of yourself.
❥ They are both touch-oriented when it comes to love language. Jess is definitely clingier than Sam, but Sam will never pass on an opportunity to rub your legs or hold your hand.
❥ Date nights are usually spent in more private areas. They’ll be set up at home or somewhere secluded like a lookout. Special occasions are some of the only times where you will all go out to a restaurant—they treasure quality time with you and each other and feel being in public takes away some of the attention they want to give.
❥ Both Sam and Jess are animal lovers. They are both inclined to bring home a stray or make an impromptu trip to a shelter. You could expect a house full of pets at some point in your relationship.
❥ Sam is more dominant than Jess. While Jess is more of a pillow princess, Sam likes to take charge and make her girls feel good. She is a gentle dom and does not like to get rough but will try if either you or Jess want to try.
❥ Neither of them are the type to stay at home. They both prefer to stay busy or go on adventures. You’re always being dragged to one place or another.
❥ Jess always buys you gifts. She’ll surprise you with a new outfit, new home decor, or little trinkets she thinks you’ll like. Sam is more known for homemade crafts. She will bake cookies or weave a wreath for you out of flowers she picked herself.
❥ They know you better than you know yourself. You can’t hide your feelings from them—they can tell when you’re upset even when you’re putting on a smile.
❥ While they both are heavily involved in special events, Jess is more of the planner. She loves putting together surprise dates or parties for you.
❥ Sam is usually the one who comforts you best when you’re upset or not feeling well. She tends to have more of a mothering instinct and intuitively knows how to take care of you.
❥ Pride events are one of their favorite things to do with you. They love celebrating their love with the community. Having you at their side is one of their greatest joys in life.
❥ Arguments and fights never last long. They cherish the value of communication, so most disagreements are settled fairly quickly. Even while they’re upset, though, they’ll still take care of each other and you—just a little more passive aggressively.
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imaginesappho · 20 days
✧*̥˚ MASTERLIST *̥˚✧
🌸 Oneshots 🦋 Headcanons 🍄 Imagines 🔮 Multichapter
🍒 Character x Reader 💋 Character x Character ❄️ Poly
Fluff ❤️ Light smut 💞 Heavy smut ❤️‍🔥 Angst 🩸
Works in Progress
Harry Potter
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🌸🍒 She Is a Mess, but She Is a Masterpiece ❤️
Mean Girls
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🌸🍒 I Was Victim, I Was Quarry 🩸
🌸🍒 Now I Shake My Mane ❤️
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🍄🍒 Braiding Your Hair ❤️
Until Dawn
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🦋❄️ Poly Sam & Jess ❤️💞
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🦋🍒 Domestic!Sam with Anxious!GF ❤️
🦋❄️ Poly Sam & Jess ❤️💞
🌸🍒 With Ice-Cold Hands Takin’ Hold of Me 🩸
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imaginesappho · 16 days
Okay, but hear me out.
Hermione Granger x Bella Swan
That will be all.
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imaginesappho · 16 days
Content will not always be published in the order they were sent in. I will work on them as my mind allows.
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Harry Potter
❥ Chasing Colors - Chapter 5
Resident Alien
❥ GF!Asta HCs
Until Dawn
❥ Domestic!Jess and/or Domestic!Ashley with Anxious!GF HCs
❥ Part 1 of Sam and/or Jessica multichapter fic
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imaginesappho · 19 days
✧*̥˚ ABOUT *̥˚✧
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Welcome to the dark side of the woods!
Katie ❀ 25F ❀ ADHD Lesbian ❀ Sagittarius
❥ You can also find my works on Quotev & Wattpad. I might post to Ao3 at some point, but until then, these are the only places I am posting. If you see my works listed anywhere else, even in a different language, please do let me know. Those are plagiarized and have not been posted by my consent.
❥ Requests are always open, but only GxG requests will be filled. There are no rules as to what I won’t write, but if you request something I am uncomfortable with, I will let you know. I write for Fem!Reader as well as Character x Character and am open to poly situations so long as the characters are female.
❥ My inbox and messages will always be open to anyone who wants to chat. Don’t be afraid to pop in. I promise I don’t bite too hard.
❥ Negativity has no place on this blog. Any form of bigotry, bullying, discrimination, etc. will be tolerated. Do not abuse the anon feature for hate. Any such messages, comments, or reblogs will earn you an immediate block—and maybe even a report if you’re feeling especially spicy.
❥ I would prefer for this to be an 18+ blog. However, the content you choose to consume is of your own discretion. You are responsible for your own experience.
❥ What I write has no reflection on my personal views or beliefs. Do not judge my character by my content. Fiction is fiction and has no basis in reality.
❥ We uplift women on this blog. Girl code never stops.
❥ “Gold Star” lesbians are not any more valid than other lesbians. Every lesbian deserves a gold star.
❥ And remember, trans women are women and mspec lesbians are still lesbians.
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imaginesappho · 4 days
I miss writing for my boys so I’m considering making a secondary writing page for my favorite male characters. I would just update this one but I like having a blog dedicated solely to my lesbian delusions.
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imaginesappho · 10 days
I have done a lot of thinking and have decided to keep this blog focused on reader-inserts. That being said, I have deleted my multichapter stories with an OC as the main character. You can still find those up on my Quotev and Wattpad.
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imaginesappho · 16 days
Sorry if this doesn’t make much sense or there are spelling errors. I’m a little tipsy and very pissed.
So I’m on a date with my girlfriend and this guy approaches us. He asks if I smoke weed and I tell him I can’t because of the medications I’m taking. He starts telling me to stop taking my meds and start doing shrooms and smoking weed and cigarettes and that it’s all in my head.l and how he doesn’t have any mental issues and he’s always refused meds.
I fucking hate men so much (wild generalization). He even asked what I was taking meds for like it’s none of your fucking business. Pissed me off so much I just sucked down my drink and went inside to grab a shot and another cocktail
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