#imagine digimon
imgaine-it-all · 2 years
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anon request 
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zeroarmsgrani · 2 months
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scrapped huecember piece! really liked the idea of alphamon looking upon a stained glass imperialdramon mural, but wasn't happy w the approach. hope one day i can come back to this idea with a fresher composition! really wanted to highlight their dynamic of founder and leader, which has always intrigued me 🥹 but future me will have to make it better! i know the rk's headquarters is usually depicted as gold 01 binary wallpaper like in x-evo, i like to think they have a snazzy castle haha
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fluffasqueak · 27 days
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i literally had to draw this thing my friend mentioned in vc while we were watching digimon you dont understand
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neorukixart · 7 months
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Digimon Adventure 02: THE BEGINNING countdown! Day 4: Ken and Wormmon
02beginning x Digimon Survive
More for @digimon02countdown uwu I still have no idea how to draw Wormmon OTL but I tried ;w;
Also, at this point I think that I might not have nailed the Survive coloring style but I already came this far drawing everyone with the same process so, bear with me :3
The next episode of Digimon Adventure 02, "THE BEGINNING" hits japanese cinemas this October 27th 2023. The gate for a new adventure opens now!
Static version below ;3
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I think I made Ken-chan more ikemen, what do you think? Also, still funny how he has the "ahoge" XDD
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puppetmaster13u · 7 months
Prompt 83
Danny… might have done an oopsie. It wasn’t a big oopsie, probably! He had panicked, it wasn’t his fault! It was their first time in Gotham seeing as his parents were banned for some reason or other, and he was on two hours of sleep after the plane ride! 
It’s not his fault the three of them and this tiny child in traffic-light colors are now stuck in this uh, what did you call it again, digital world? It’s not his fault they’re stuck in this digital world with digital monsters! What was that reapmon? Oh, digimon, not digital monsters? Alright cool. 
Of course Sam has already befriended the giant goth plant, that’s… not surprising actually. Tucker, you can be in heaven later, what is he supposed to do with this, how old are you? What is he supposed to do with this human ten year old whose adult-vigilante (wow did he wish he had one of those) is probably going to be freaking out?
No he can not just open up a portal back home, infinite realms, remember?! He has to figure out where they are and calculate how to get home! 
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seventeenlovesthree · 1 month
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Going thoroughly insane over how on completely different ends Sora's and Koushirou's roles and relationships with their mothers (and in extension their parents in general) are portrayed in Adventure. And once again, it was ALL based on miscommunication:
Sora is perceived as the tradition-defying "tomboy" who is "loud" and plays football; Koushirou is perceived as the "good boy" who is always "polite and correct" and never acts spoilt or out of line. The key word here is "perceived", because we see both of them display traits in front of their peers that go beyond the "role" their parents witness (and that both of them are willingly or subconsciously displaying in front of them); Sora is actually the caring mom/big sister friend who literally and figuratively takes everyone under their wing, Koushirou is opinionated, forward and outspoken when things are dire and at stake.
Sora's mother wants her to act more like "the daughter of an ie-moto", more feminine, less out of line - at least, that is the message that reaches Sora, since her mother asks her to quit her beloved football. Her polite and aloof attitude appears to be rather cold and dismissive to Sora, which is basically what makes her rebel against the whole flower arrangement business. She feels unloved and misunderstood, as if she cannot be appreciated if she isn't "perfect" in her mother's eyes. Thus she is unable to understand that her mother may just worry about her hurting her injured leg even more. Furthermore, Sora has a very poor grasp on the fact that she herself is acting towards her friends and partner in the exact same way, albeit in a more gentle way most of the time.
Koushirou's mother wants him to be more selfish, to tell her what he dislikes and what bothers him, to stop being perfect at all times - but that is exactly what he physically cannot do, as he himself is doubting his whereabouts and simply tries to just shove all doubts and worries aside. Instead of acting "normal", he is hiding behind that barrier and mask of perfection towards his parents - and has to realize that this attitude is worrying them even more.
In the end, it all gets (mostly) resolved through them realizing that they're still loved regardless of what happened; they don't necessarily HAVE TO change, but it is up to them whether they want to or not. Meaning, their respective arcs of self-discovery have not ended yet, but the foundation for better relationships has been established here. Sora will start playing tennis (a.k.a changing her hobby) in an attempt to move towards her mother more, choosing to do so for her own sake. Koushirou will try to act more open and casual towards his parents, even though he is actively being reassured that his hobby (being into computers) is exactly what he is all about and that he doesn't have to change that.
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smokbeast · 6 months
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poe thoughts and scribbles for my aching soul
#He’s a really old oc#based off my plush rabbit when I was 10 so my first oc ever next to Craig and hope who were made at the same time.#i used to draw him as any thing I was obsessed with as a kid like digimon or Pokémon and still call him poe#cause I was also obsessed with Calvin and Hobbes and I would imagine him like Hobbes for fun and bring him everywhere and make comics of#poe hanging out with me as a scary cool monster who secretly turned into a plush rabbit like Barney the dinosaur#and that’s like his origin story LMAo I didn’t do imaginary friends or anything like that#I’d just grab a plush toy or poe and pretend I was in an adventure with them. But poe was my personal comfort one causw my abuela got him#for me and he would be gripped allot when I was sad or upset so he was my coping toy#another would be a big red dragon I have since I was five too. And I would be silly and be like that’s poes girlfriend and she is PFGN#and now with my eclipse toy hehe :) but yeah poe origin lore from my backyardigan kid times#GOD THAT SHOW ALSO MADE ALLOT OF INFLUENCE TOO LOL DOKFJF I was a massive daydreamer lol#but now poe has his own insane story now it was silly when I was a kid but it’s cool now I swear I prommy im not cringe (disclaimer I am PF#anyway that’s crazy#art#my art#my ocs#poe#monster#monster oc#furry#kinda#creature#wife ocs#harbinger#hope#Craig#hes their dad dadadada#Tired dream guardian monster raising to literal eldritch entity children in a summary pretty much
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flamemons · 11 months
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nyamcattt · 11 months
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pt. 2 of "ok blizz hear me out!" (on Twitter)
edited: added Ladydevimon Moira and Leomon Doomfist
pt. 1 is Katamari Wrecking Ball
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laugtherhyena · 4 months
You know i think the funniest thing about me playing Digimon story cyber sleuth so far is that Linuj used a lot of songs from this game in Sdra2 so sometimes I'll be playing and get Another series jumpscared when a song i recognize starts playing
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bagerfluff · 30 days
Closet Kiss
Older Takaishi Takeru x Male Reader
Prompt - First Kiss
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This was not how Takeru thought he would spend his weekend.
It had started out fine. Daisuke wanted everyone to hang out and everyone agreed. So you all gathered at Daisuke’s house for a sleepover.
It started fine, eating, talking, games, yelling, until Daisuke wanted to play a game. The game, truth or dare, nothing out of the ordinary. It was fun too.
Daisuke had to shower with his clothes on, Miyako had to drink hot sauce, Hikari had to do a handstand for as long as possible.
So it was all fun and games till Takeru got picked.
He picked dare and Miyako had dared Takeru to spend seven minutes with you in a closet. Takeru glared at Miyako and she looked back with a knowing and teasing look.
She knew Takeru had a crush on you, and she was milking it.
At first Takeru declined, but somehow he still ended up in a closet with you. It was small and clothes were everywhere so you and Takeru were pressed against each other.
Takeru tried to keep your gaze away from you, but that was hard. Takeru could see you though the light coming in through the crack in the door.
You had showered about an hour ago, so your hair looked perfect. Your eyes reflected the small amount of light. “Why did Miyako look at you like that?” You asked and Takeru looked away from you.
A slight blush forming on his face, Takeru hoped you couldn’t see it. Takeru knew why, Miyako, and maybe a few others, were trying to help Takeru confess to you.
Takeru was a bit too scared to, what if you didn’t like him. Did you even like guys? Takeru knew he was gay, but did you like guys, did you like him?
Takeru might have flirted with you a bit, but nothing ever came from it. So now your friends have taken things into their hands. “I don’t know”, Takeru said quietly.
You made a noise and leaned back.
You couldn’t go far, but Takeru felt his heart hurt a bit at the action. Were you angry that you were here? It was quiet for the next few minutes till you leaned closer to Takeru.
“You know, you're really pretty”, you said, making Takeru blush and turn his head to you. “I’ve never noticed before, but now that I’m seeing you close, you look good”, you leaned back forward and never took your eyes off Takeru.
Takeru didn’t really know what to say, but his palms got sweaty and his heart beat got faster. “You look good too”, Takeru said with a dry throat. You smirked, “really”, you asked in a teasing tone
Takeru nodded, which made your smirk turn to a smile. “I think I know why Miyako looked at you like that”, you said and that made Takeru nervous.
“I thought it was true, but now I’m sure”, this confused Takeru. You moved forward, your face was closer to Takeru. Your nose brushed against Takeru’s and you both shared the air in the closet.
“You like me”, you said, your breath ghosting over Takeru’s lips. Takeru blushed, his heart beat going even faster. You stared into Takeru's eyes and he started back.
Takeru noticed your eyes glance at his lips and Takeru would be lying if his eyes didn’t glance at your lips. You smirked and leaned forward, still staring at Takeru's lips.
"Can I kiss you?" You asked.
Takeru flushed and started to stutter. "but where friends", Takeru stuttered out, making you lean closer. "Come on", your breathe ghosted over Takeru's lips.
"A kiss won't ruin our friendship", you said, your breathe still ghosting Takeru's lips. Takeru whined at the feeling of your breath on his lips. "Okay', Takeru said.
"Please kiss me", Takeru whined out.
You smiled and pressed your lips on Takeru's. Takeru let out a moan as you kissed him, his arms going to wrap around your neck. Your arms went to Takeru’s waist, you pulled him closer to you.
The kiss was soft and quick. You lead the kiss with care a passion. Takeru loved it. You and Takeru kissed till Takeru pulled away, breathing heavily from the kiss. You still held Takeru, your thumb rubbing circles on Takeru’s waist.
Takeru kept his eyes closed for a few seconds before he opened them. Takeru looked up at you to see that you were already looking at him. Takeru could tell that you were happy, your eyes showed it.
“Do you like me?” Takeru asked breathlessly. You let out a little laugh, “of course, why do you think I kissed you”, you said. Making Takeru realize how stupid of a question that was.
“How did you know I liked you?” Takeru asked, his voice quiet. You looked up, “I mean, you flirt with me almost every day, plus, Hikari said somethings that helped me realize that I liked you”, Takeru was going to have to thank Hikari.
Takeru nodded and looked back down. Takeru smiled and hugged you. You hugged Takeru back, placing a kiss on Takeru’s head. Takeru wanted to stay like that forever but the doors to the closest open.
“Times up!” Miyako yelled. When Takeru looked around he saw that everyone had a smile on their face. Like they knew that happened. Except for Daisuke, he was pouting while Ken tried to cheer him up.
You let go of Takeru and walked out of the closet. But not before whispering something in Takeru’s ear. “We’ll finish this later”, you said with a wink and a smirk.
Takeru blushed, well, now everyone knows what happened in the closet.
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imgaine-it-all · 2 years
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Anon request Here you were, once again explaining another human holiday to your digi-friends. They always find it fascinating that humans will celebrate from what they say “about anything”. The holiday you are talking about now is 4th of July. You did mention to them that not everywhere and everyone celebrates this holiday, like how not everyone celebrate Christmas. Some of your digi-friends like the idea of celebrating freedom cause they know how it feels to be in a constant fight, a war that never seems to end. They also find it interesting that other places have their own version of this holiday. However a small bunch of the digimon only focused in on when you said fireworks. See they don’t really see those in the digi-world, some didn’t even know what those were. So when you said colorful explosion in the sky, oh did that strike some of their fancies. After having to explain this holiday and dealing with the odd questions that usual follow after. Your focus zoomed in on a small group trying to separate from the rest with what looks like explosives. You had to take a moment before taking a deep breath and calling out to the bunch with a strong “Where Do You Think You’re Going”. Making the bunch stop dead in their tracks. They didn’t want to look at you in the eye, cause they knew they got caught. 
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zeroarmsgrani · 6 months
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digimon huecember no. 16 — beelzebumon
your honor he did kill those digimon (not necessarily tamers beelzebumon but hey, your interpretation!)
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bellafragolina · 5 months
Idk if you want to do it but, train twins get their digi eggs out of the computer. Either they both get a single egg with terriermon and lopmon or they get 2 separate with the tailmon. If they are separate then I imagine one getting it at home while the other at work and trying to hide it so the other doesn't get jealous, not knowing the other has an egg.
So much research I did! I hope it’s relatively correct?? I did my best for you!
Ingo was not expecting to have an egg bleb out of his computer at the start of his early work day. Judging by the surprised squawk Emmet gave across the room from him, his twin wasn’t expecting it either. This wasn’t something that normally happened, but here they were.
Ingo ran his thumb over the pale egg, tracing the edge of a brownish splotch on the shell. Emmet flitted around him, jabbering in staggered, unfinished sentences that he couldn’t finish in his excitement. Ingo, too caught up in his own shock, hardly heard his brother, too busy cradling his little egg.
It was decently heavy, no doubt full of something, something living and breathing. It was nice and warm too, like a ball left in the sun. Ingo huddled the little thing closer to his chest, using his jacket to shield it from the AC winds.
“Perhaps it’s a Porygon.” He said, resting his cheek on the tapered tip.
“Ingo!” Emmet squawked again, fists lightly bopping on his head. “You are not listening! It is! Not! A Pokémon!”
“Not a Pokémon?” Ingo echoed. He twisted, smacking away Emmet’s fists. Emmet, with the new opening, reached to run his own hands over the egg, practically beaming. “What else would it be?”
“A Digimon!” Emmet yelled, best he could. He danced, swinging side to side, as he tapped his fingers to the egg’s shell. “A Digimon for us! Remember, Ingo? Digimon!”
“I heard you.” Ingo said, amused by how joyous Emmet was. But thinking about it, this was something to be extremely excited about. Ingo knew not of any other Digimon sighting, or plain existence outside of this moment he was sharing with Emmet. To think, a childhood wish could come true this way. “We can’t be sure, however-”
“I am sure!” Emmet swept egg up into his own hands, holding it up like something to be worshiped. It was Ingo’s turn to squawk as he immediately began to chastise his brother for being so reckless with something so fragile. “I wonder what Digimon we got. I want an Agumon! But I will need a Koromon first. We will battle well! I will train him-”
Ingo took the egg back, to Emmet’s displeased huff. Ignoring his twin, Ingo took his cap off, stuffing with his gloves and Emmet’s when passed them. With that on his desk, he tucked the egg into the makeshift nest.
Now that the egg was safe, he turned to Emmet with a snarl. “It is not yours! It came out of my computer!”
“You didn’t even know it was a Digimon!”
“That is irrelevant!”
“You neglected its identity!”
“Don’t you start that-!”
The twins froze. Slowly, Ingo turned around, shocked to see the egg broken and a tiny green slime poking out of the broken shell. The little creature chirped and cooed, tail wagging. It easily leaped into the hands Ingo offered, snuggling against his skin.
Emmet, ignoring the tears rolling down Ingo’s cheeks, beelined to the other slime hidden into the shell. He peeked inside, and a little brown slime peered back at him. He beamed.
“Hello!” Emmet sang. The little beast perked up some. “Hello, Conomon!”
“Zerimon!” Ingo sobbed, rubbing his cheek to the twittering slime’s.
Any argument laid forgotten in the face of two cute new friends.
Weird as fuck that digimon can talk. Anyway, Appa is a parental term. I thought it was cuter than them saying papa ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Hope you like it!
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ran-orimoto · 9 days
He made it…Now He can officially join Fairymon like he was supposed to in ep 4. HOLD HER HAND AND JOIN THE WIND.
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Good luck to Green Izumi becoming Blitzmon🙏🏻.
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trashyvanillabean · 2 months
Does anyone else think about how Miyuki staying so young from being trapped in the other world means she might outlive her little brother, who is now an elderly man?? And (aside from the other kids and Renamon) she really will be on her own when he finally dies of old age???
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