#im not even a jensen girl
Anyone else done this?
Me while watching Big Sky: *distracted AF and only half paying attention*
Beau Arlen: *appears on screen*
Me: *full undivided attention*
Also, is it just me or is his dialogue just like Dean's. Just a thought.
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Also, in his first scene, he literally said Dean's catchfrase! Like, WHAT?! And, um, his nicknaming scheme? Tell me that's not something Dean would do. I dare you, tell me it isn't. That hair is sexy AF, thpugh. Okay, I'm going off-topic. *hits post before I embarrass myself any more than I already have* (Screw you, Jensen. NO!)
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narrynukezankielover · 3 months
If you are a Sam or Jared fan don’t read this. The beginning of season 7 (im on ep 8) is extremely hard to watch. I’ve read people saying that when Cas dies Dean gets depressed and suicidal but I wasn’t prepared for how bad it gets. I thought he just went into certain situations before thinking about it or something but the fact he’s drinking way more then he usually does, he had to give himself a pep talk to go home with a girl (clearly he didn’t want to do it he just thought it’s what he does so he had to do it but I’m glad he didn’t since he’s not in a good place) haveing nightmares and not reacting to certain things the way he normally would is bad enough but then telling Bobby that if he is dead he was going to put him and Sam in the car and drive into the water (can’t remember his exact words and considering I bawled when I heard it I’m not going back to find out his exact words) but then when he seen that Bobby was alive he wasn’t even overly happy he just said “oh you’re alive” and then he was just going to let the god guy kill him without even trying to help Sam come up with a way to stop him is just heartbreaking. They try to say it’s a combination of Cas dying, Sam’s hallucinations and killing misses but he has done stuff behind Sams back before so killing her wouldn’t cause that much guilt on him. He has dealt with Sam not haveing a soul which he said just creeped him out and Sam being addicted to demon blood and that didn’t effect him so I don’t think he’d get that depressed over Sam hallucinating the only new thing is Cas being dead. After the end of season 6 it makes a lot of sense for him to act that way now.
I hate that the show makes Dean seem like the asshole self centred one but it’s Sam who’s those things. Dean is always looking out for Sam (and now Cas), protecting Sam and now even though he’s going through so much he’s still worried about Sam and asking him how he’s doing. Sam is watching Dean go through one of the hardest times in his life and yet the only time so far he asks Dean how he is it’s about the friend of his Dean killed. Seriously? He was standing right next to Dean when Cas trench coat washed up and yet Sam never said a thing about the whole thing to Dean. I actually really hate Sam for this.
Now that I know a bit more about season 7 then I originally did (Misha being fired) I now see the scene of Cas trench coat a bit differently and in fact I see a bunch of scenes a bit differently. I now see that first scene as more the actors real feelings. Dean is so upset because Jensen is upset of Misha not going to be around anymore and Sam basically not caring (he literally just stood there and didn’t have any reaction to what happened) because Jared probably wasn’t overly upset about Misha. I’m not saying they’re not friends but they are definitely not as close as Misha and Jensen and he was probably happy that the spotlight would be back on him again instead of Destiel. I think this is also shown in the other eps. I understand Sam is going through his own stuff but if Cas and him were friends I would think he would at least be sad that Cas is dead.
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anurst · 10 months
Girl Bradshaw
Summary: the moment of truth. Can you and Bradley work out your differences?
A/n: oml im so sorry for the long wait. i just kind dropped off the face of the earth. i didnt really have any motivation to write but now i'm back! this chap is kinda short but another will be posted on Tuesday :D
Warning(s): angst, estranged family
Part 9: Sometimes I wish I was 10
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Before Jake, you never really fully believed in cloud nine. Now though, as you giddily walk through the halls of camp, your body tingles with newfound excitement. Electricity practically flows through your veins.
"I take it the date went well?" Amy's voice comes from behind you. Normally, you would have chastised her for sneaking up on you, but for now, you just smile as your cheeks slightly redden. Amy's smile widens even more as she latches onto your arm. "Oh my gosh! You have to tell me everything! And, I MEAN everything!" The both of you giggle as you push open the door to the gym.
The rest of your team turns to the pair of you and it's no secret that they're curious about your date. Carlos certainly isn't subtle as he wiggles his eyebrows at you. Jensen's the only one (besides Amy) who vocally asks you how you went. Just as you're about to recount last night's events, the doors swing open and a panting Bradley stands there.
Silence spreads for a couple seconds as Bradley gathers his breath. Offering a shaky smile, he rubs at the back of his neck. "Sorry for, uh, barging in, but I'm here to talk to Braidy."
When Nolan clears his throat, you roll your eyes and turn to face Jensen again. "We'll give you two a minute," he says and your eyes widen. No way he was actually going to leave you alone with Bradley?
Jensen gives you a small pat on the shoulder as your team shuffles by and out of the gym. The door closes behind them and each step that Bradley takes towards you seems to get louder.
Your fists clenched tightly together as you will yourself not to turn around. Turning around means acknowledging that Bradley's standing less than five feet away from you. The brother who abandoned you and seemingly forgot your existence bites his lip as he tries to find the right words. "(y/)– Braidy, please just hear me out."
"What if I don't want to?" 'Idiot, why'd you respond?'
"I'll keep finding you and repeating what I'm going to say. I'll keep apologizing until the world stops spinning. I know that sorry doesn't make up for the years of pain I put you through. That sorry won't just magically fix us. That it won't undo all the words I said. But, please Braidy, at least let me make it up to you."
Make it up to you? What if there's nothing that can be done? What if you're finally done with Bradley and that painful chapter of your life?
"I don't care Bradley. I don't want to fix us."
"Braidy, you're my sister–"
"SO I WASN'T YOUR SISTER BACK THEN?" you yell before you can properly think. There's a heavy burn in your chest and a part of you think it'll burst any moment. Every breath you take feels as though you're inhaling smoke. Your eyes meet Bradley's and the suffocating feeling vanishes.
You feel like you're ten again. A fifteen-year-old Bradley wipes the fat tears that roll down your cheeks. One hand comes up to ruffle at your hair and he quietly cooes at you to stop crying. Soft reassurances of 'everything is gonna be okay' repeat after one another as more tears fall.
The calm and warm reassurance that Bradley constantly provided for you returns and it scares you. It scares you that after so much pain and heartbreak, Bradley can still make you feel so warm with just a simple look.
It's almost as though nothing has changed and time hasn't past. And if you're completely honest, that thought doesn't invoke any fear. Because right now, in this moment as you stare into your brother's eyes, you wish you were ten again.
Bradley slowly lifts a hand to wipe at the tear that rolls down your cheek. His other hand wrap around the back of your head and brings you closer. Soft whispers come from Bradley's lips but you hardly hear them over your sobs.
"Everything's going to be okay. Just let me make it up to you."
"…You can’t…” you whisper as you push yourself out of Bradley's arms. Furiously wiping at your cheeks, your arms wrap around your torso as you direct your gaze to the floor. "I can't even look at you, Bradley. Every time that I do, I'm just reminded of the worst event of my life. I don't think you can make it up to me, so just, please, leave me alone." You take a step back and swallow the lump at the back of your throat. "I'm happy with the life I've made. I'm happy with my friends and family. I appreciate you apologizing, but I don't accept it."
Before Bradley can say anything, you quickly turn and walk out of the gym. Weirdly enough, the weight returns and it feels like you can't breathe. Walking away from Bradley might be the wrong decision, you think. But, that doesn't stop you from continuing down the halls.
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Taglist: @potato-girl99981 @callsign-cacti @caitsymichelle13 @darhk-angel @madkill44 @cherrycola27 @hotch-meeeeeuppppp @clockworkballerina @krismdavis @phantomxoxo @piceous21 @laneyspaulding19 @multifandomfangirll @moron-says-what @rhirhikingston @startrekfangirl2233 @mightiestheroes @gizmodear @meritxellao @adaydreamaway
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jamneuromain · 6 months
Allright my sweet Jam, listen about this. How about a reader who is new at her work and Meet our dear nerdy boy Jensen, Who happens to be in a very bad relationship with a mean girl. He doesn’t leave her because he thinks nobody would date him again , however there comes our reader girl being a badass, sort of friendsxlovers cuties🤭.
Im loving thiiiis!!!! 🙈
Hi nonnie😌❤️
😩soft boi Jakey is always going to have a special place in my heart - the golden retriever look on his face is so damn adorable-
Bad B*tch
Jake Jensen x Reader (you)
Summary: Jake is in a tough spot with a terrible person around. You choose to be the bitch and snap him out of it.
Warning: Swear words.
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"I'm so fed up!" Hush-yells Clara, who shoved Jake away from her close proximity, "Leave me alone!"
Storming off from the coffee room, she didn't look back.
If anyone other than people from your department is seeing this, they would think that Jake, who had been pushed and shoved, must have done something wrong to piss off the pretty lady who ran away.
From your point of view?
Clara was obviously manipulating her boy toy again.
It was unfair to call Jake "boy toy", however, with his weirdly cute goatee and the round spectacles on the bridge of his nose, you understood why Clara would want him around. He was undoubtedly good-looking, and practical regarding computers, phones, and anything linked to the power strip.
In fact, your laptop was what connected you and him in the first place. On the first day in your office, you were completely bewildered by the complicated authorization process to make amendments to some files. After some help from the only guy at IT - Jake - you were lucky to gain the authorization from the IT department twice as fast. You had been friends since.
Now, after two years working for your company, you knew too well of your co-workes, Jake included, but especially Clara from the same department where you came from.
Clara was the notorious slayer of hearts, keeping a few men around the tips of her fingers, and manipulate them to do her work for her, occasionally rewarding them by blowing a kiss (or screw them in an empty office, you had the unfortunate experience of walking in Clara and another men fucking each other's brain out) and making their sanity scrambled into mush.
Jake, as it seemed, has fell into the hands of Clara since six months ago.
Jake met your eyes from where he was standing. He managed a small smile, which looked sad rather than happy.
"What is it with this time?" You asked quietly.
It has happened so many times after Jake was determined that Clara was willing to be his girlfriend. Clara would scream and yell whenever something didn't work out the way she expected to, and Jake would hastily apologize for something that wasn't his fault.
"I ... got upset when she got too close with Felix." Jake scratched the back of his head, stepping out of the coffee room and gesturing towards the terrace, where he'd be more open to conversation without eyes and ears close by, "It's ... it's my fault, though, I'm insecure, I'm ..." Jake repeated what Clara had hissed at him, shutting his eyes, he could still hear her words ringing in his ears.
"Sorry about dumping this on you." He hastily apologized. He noticed that you were awfully quiet, probably because that you didn't want to hear about his yet-to-be relationship drama.
"It's okay." You shrugged.
It was not. But last time when you told Jake that Clara was manipulating him into doing her biddings, Jake broke into a large fight with you.
Even though he apologized the next day, but stating the fact that Clara was nothing like you imagined her, you realized some topics were better staying in the dark.
Topics like Clara and her ways with men.
However, it didn't mean that you couldn't wiggle your opinion into his mind.
You turned to him, your voice flooded with sympathy, "You must feel that you are out of her league, I get that a lot."
Yeah sure, Clara didn't deserve him.
Jake took a deep breath, before continuing, "It's just that ... none of the girls finds me attractive." He casted a small glimpse in your direction, "I'm the nerdy IT guy, and they are always ... hot. " Licking his lower lip nervously, Jake huffed, "Clara is different. She has a bad temper, but I think she likes me. She really does."
You were not going to dwell on the case of Clara, because you knew no matter what you say, he was going to defend her. So you changed your approach, "Rewind to the last thing you said - you're not a nerd."
Jake pouted, blinking his puppy eyes.
His whole demeanor was expressing one simple idea. He knew you were trying to sneak by with a white lie.
You laughed. "Okay! Okay, you are. But you're cute. Don't girls dig the cute nerd type?"
"You'd be surprised." He sagged his shoulder, looking depressed, mumbling, "Thank you, anyways. You must have something better to do, and yet you chose to stay and listened to my miserable love life-"
"Don't." You instinctively stopped him from saying more, "Look, Jake, you've been my friend ever since I got to this place, and I know you. I chose to stay because my friend is in need because of a-" You swallowed the B-word, with difficulty, "a really bad person broke his heart, over, over and over again. Not because of anything else, and certainly not because my dear friend 'doesn't deserve' some comforting when he needs it."
Jake stretched his arms over the terrace railing, looking into the city's concrete walls and iron jungles.
"Jake, look at me." You whispered.
He gave no reply, simply letting out a long sigh.
"Jake." You raised your voice, only by a little, and he still did not answer you.
"Jake-" You squished his cheek between your palms, finally made him turn your way, with his adorable lips protruding, "You're better than this - sulking over that bitch - okay?"
A pit of fire rolled in your stomach.
Why couldn't he see the truth? That Clara was playing him, that she never meant to be his girlfriend, not to mention the new boytoy she had, Felix, who was in the accountant and that she needed Felix to check the books for five dozen purchases in your department - on top of, the purchase checks were supposed to be Clara's work, because she messed up with her data entries.
"She wants me." Jake repeats stubbornly. If he had puppy ears, they'd be dangling to the floor, "She likes me."
God, enough with Jake and his bullshit-
You stood on your tiptoes quickly, and smothered Jake with a kiss. The hands on either side of his cheek helps. The fire in your stomach fueled to the kiss, urging you to nibble on his lips, regardless that you were on the terrace of the company building, that you could be seen by almost anyone who stepped foot into the second floor, while the only thing that separated you from the building was see-through glass doors.
"Jake, I need you to help me with-" Clara rushed over, pulling the glass door open, was stunned at her spot, and then, "YOU BITCH!" She screamed at you.
"Guess I am." You smiled coyly, letting go of Jake's reddened lips, "need anything?"
Clara turned to Jake, stomping like a teenager, "Jake, please, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have yelled. I really need your help."
"I-" Jake hesitated.
"Jake pleaaaaase, you can't help her like that." You mocked her voice, fingers exploring his chin and his stupidly cute goatee, "Oh wait - sorry, forgot I was a bitch. Now why don't I live up to that name - " You made the most impressive bitch face in your entire life, not that you did it before, but with you narrowing your eyes, and twitching your lips, and the "Fuck off from my boyfriend", you made Clara scatter.
You were crossing your arms in contempt, satisfied with your tactics, when a small gasp from Jake made you aware of his presence.
"For the record, I'm not saying sorry." You pursed your lips into a thin line, "Even if you don't want me to be your friend anymore."
Jake gulped, and gulped again, and calling your name hesitantly. Thin sheet of sweat emerged from his forehead, before the goofy grin curled up onto his lips.
"No. No." He murmured. Cheeks pink, biting the inside of his lip, staring into the ground so hard as if studying tile patterns, he added, "You're not asking me for help at work, are you?"
You huffed out a laugh. You could not believe his first concern of your announcement.
"Yes." You cleared your throat.
His eyes looked up in disbelief.
"And asking you to come to our house for New Year's dinner. And asking you to teach me how to play Overwatch. And asking you to be my date at my cousin's wedding. And such and such." Your hand sneaked to his side, secretly interlacing his fingers with yours, "What'd you say?"
"Yeah." He breathed, "Yeah that sounds ... great. As long as I get to be Sombra."
"Who?" You quirked your eyebrows.
Jake giggled, holding your hand tightly in his, "You have so much to catch up on Overwatch! Sombra is the most badass one of them all - well, not as badass as you, it seems..."
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Questions? Comments? Requests? 👉Send them to my inbox 👂
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lol-jackles · 8 months
It’s an honest question no trolling at all , I’m just wondering were you ever a fan of jensen ?
when did you realize that you dislike him why did you become his anti ?
same goes with jared and gen , why did you choose to be their fan ? I know when we love someone we never see their flaws same goes when we hate someone we never see anything good about them.
when did it all start for you?
I don't dislike any actors, they don't bother me, even the dumbass ones. For example, I think Mark Sheppard's political opinions are wrong and garbage, but that never gets in the way of me enjoying the characters he plays or his public persona. Jensen's lack of business acumen entertains me, it's not the same as disliking him. It is his stans, the Ackles Army, that I dislike. I have a rather long history with the AAs going back to IMDb and Television without Pity 's defunct message boards. The Soap Opera fandom tried to warn us about the AAs ahead of Supernatural's debut, and boy were they right!
I love comic book superheroes and Supernatural was the precursor to the superhero movies and tv shows saturating the big and small screens for the past 15 years. I participated in several superhero discussion boards and stupidly went to the SPN IMDb boards. Big mistake, it was run by Ackles Army and their protégées, the Destiel hellers. When I corrected their misconception about the show, like first billings, rules of protagonist, and superhero themes, they completely lost their shit, to put it lightly. The board moderators allowed AAs to abuse others with "they had a difficult childhood" excuse. Whatever, so I left. Boy that pissed off the AAs even more because to them indifference was far worse than hate. They chased me all over IMDb boards (Superman Return, The 300s, Hellboy, The Other Boleyn Girl, Dark Knight, Noah, and Black Swan) while relentlessly shrieking,  “IM TRIGGERED YOURE TRIGGERING ME I’M TRIGGERD DON’T YOU DARE IGNORE ME WHILE I’M TRIGGERED DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND THAT I'M TRIGGERED WHY ARE YOU TRIGGERING ME!”.   In the midst of their triggered meltdowns, AAs accuse everybody who are not hate-bashing Sam/Jared 24/7 as “Jared stans”, even normal Dean girls and nice Destiel shippers and chased them and Sasm girls off the IMDb board, and when IMDB got rid of the boards, the homeless AAs ran to SPN_gossip and Tumblr.
If you haven't guessed by now, half the reason this blog exist is to annoy the AAs now that they no longer have moderators covering their flat entitled asses.
As for Jared and Gen, they don't annoy me, not even Gen's occasional performative social activist shticks because it's not obnoxious. They don't look like they're trying hard whenever they're together in front of the screen or on stage, their interactions run more natural with genuine vibe.
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sapphyreopal5 · 2 months
Wait, Ive only just heard about Gen and Daneel possibly using black magic...Now, I have never liked Daneel Ackles, she just gives bad vibes but I thought Gen was okay. Now that Im reading more into this whole conspiracy, I'm starting to think this is maybe true. Could you explain some reasons why you think Jensen and Jared's wives would be using black magic? Thank you so much.
Hello Anon thank you for stopping by. So I see you recently came across my posts about them doing black magic and perhaps some other posts. Well, I am aware Gen and Danneel both have fibbed about their personal history or at the very least exaggerated things.
Danneel lied about which Christian branch she was part of growing up and from what I've heard where she grew up too. Also, in a video Danneel did, she admitted the hardest thing she's ever done in her life was getting the abortion she did years ago. Based on what others have speculated, this was when she was with her ex Riley and assumingly so was his. Really, with Danneel what you see is what you get. She has barely ever hidden who she is, which is clear in how many more anti Danneel bloggers used to be on Tumblr and how many notes anti Danneel posts get on here still (mine included) compared to Anti Gen posts. According to several stories I've heard and past posts of hers, she was extremely territorial of Jensen and has apparently made some fans cry in the past.
Gen on the other hand tends to play nice with social rules and this is why she tends to fly under the radar a lot more easily. Gen I think exaggerates things like how horrible it was transitioning from California to Montana when she was like 12 years old or so. Also, "Oh what a HUGE mistake it was going to boarding school with my brother", I'm sorry but give me a break girl, you made that choice. She did admit she's not troubled like her Wildfire character Kris Furillo was however. Gen generally flies under the radar because people don't really look into her podcasts or even her blog she used to post on a lot NowandGen.
Now, onto why the wives would partake in black magic. Let's be honest here, a vast majority of their followers on social media damn well follow them because of who they're married to. Funny timing of me getting this ask this morning, as just yesterday I took the liberty of looking at some statistics regarding how many of Gen's followers follow Jared and vice versa as well as with Danneel and Jensen. Interestingly enough, all 4 of them joined Instagram August 2015, which can be found in the "About Account" tab after hitting the 3 dots on the upper right hand corner of the profile in question.
For some reason, the following statistics info wasn't available on Jensen's page but was on Jared, Danneel and Gen's profiles on Instagram.
As you can see below, 88% of Gen's followers also follow Jared and 90% of them follow Jensen. I know this is not an exact figure but Gen has approximately 1.4 million followers. To put some of these numbers into perspective, 88% of 1.4 million equals about 1,232,000 or 1.2 million.
For Danneel, about 55% of her approximately 1.2 million followers also follow Gen and 92% of her followers also follow Jensen. Gen has a little more followers than Danneel, thus why it says 50% of Gen's followers also follow Danneel. 92% of 1.2 million is 1,104,000 which also reads in short as 1.1 million. Now Jensen has 11.6 million followers on Instagram. Taking the 1,104,000/11.6 million and you see that 10.34% of Jensen's followers also follow Danneel.
You go on Jared's and you won't see Gen on there. You will see that 54% of his followers also follow Misha and 85% follow Jensen. Taking this 1.2 million/6.5 million, this makes it so that about 18.9% of Jared's followers also follow Gen.
If we want to look at Jared vs Jensen just for shits and giggles, 85% of 6.5 million gives us 5,525,000. This means about 48.04% of Jensen's followers also follow Jared.
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So just what the hell do these numbers above mean? With my playing with numbers here, it can be deduced that what people say about Gen and Danneel with the whole "if it weren't for their husbands, no one would know who they are" sentiment critics have seems to hold water based on the Instagram statistics. I mean I could've told you all this was true but you know, people like numbers so let's give it to them. Make it so they shut up, go outside and touch grass to "ground" themselves as Gen might say 😂 Sorry couldn't resist! As for the big difference between Jared's 6.5 million versus Jensen's 11.5 million is for multiple reasons but also at this point Jensen and Jared have some different audiences now also.
Danneel I think saw Jensen at some point before he ever stepped foot on the set of Supernatural. If you believe what other seers on here have said about Danneel, it's been said she used her tarot deck to determine if she should be with Riley or with Jensen as far as who is going to be wealthier or something like that. It's been said the cards told her she will live a more extravagant life with Jensen than with Riley. For Danneel, it was more or less wanting a handsome husband who also is wealthy. Who doesn't?
As for Gen, she supposedly never watched Supernatural prior to auditioning according to this Rise Together podcast she did with Dave Hollis back in Nov 2020. However, I have this inkling she has done witchcraft also for a long time like Danneel has but just doesn't outwardly say it. I think the black magic actually started with Peggy Rometo, the childhood psychic who told Gen when she was younger that her husband will be a producer one day, is intuitive, etc. (or should I say "Intuitive Expert"). Kinda interesting that Jared doesn't follow her on Instagram but Gen and Charlie both do. I get we're not all obligated to follow whoever our significant other does, but shouldn't Jared be more curious about this psychic friend of Gen's mother who Gen says was so right about her husband?
Honestly, I think Jared can be perspective at times but I will agree with this Anon who brought the Bathroom Chronicles Episode 11 podcast to my attention, where Gen and Peggy talked about Peggy's predictions of who Gen would marry one day that he seems more naïve and trusting than he should be. If you ask me, truly intuitive people do not trust a good chunk of people and often can sense when things are "amiss" but what do I know, right? I'm sorry but as much as I adore Jared as a person, he really trusts people too easily and the wrong people in that too.
Bottom line, why would these 2 do black magic on their husbands? It boils down to greed and because let's just face it, Gen built her little empire piggybacking on her husband and her "family image", just as Danneel's career these days mostly consists of riding her husband's coattails. It's much easier to ride on someone else's behind to live an easy life of luxury you didn't earn than it is to earn it yourself like their husbands did. It takes drive, motivation, ambition, and enough intelligence and at times charisma to achieve that kind of lifestyle if you aren't born into it. Gen from my understanding is from a wealthier background than Danneel is, which makes this more interesting. Both of them however come from easy backgrounds and have had relatively little struggles (and in my opinion even less talent, brains, and skill) in their lives.
I will say that based on how things have played out and are still, I believe that it's more likely Gen is trying harder to make it so her husband dies younger (multiple times getting COVID and generally getting sick a lot, car accident he was in, etc.) than Danneel is who seems to be trying harder to keep her husband around. Outwardly Gen is trying to make it look like she cares about him a whole lot as I and others talked about.
As an added bonus, I find it funny as hell how JUST last night also one of my best friends and I were talking about how we don't think Gen and Jared are having much sex anymore and then this morning this Mamoosh libido supplement shows up as yet another one of Gen's advertisements this morning. Honey, we know you two are probably not getting it on much anymore for multiple reasons so who are you taking it this supplement for? Trying to keep your easy cushy lifestyle with Jared by promising him more sex? "See honey yet another supplement but this one specifically to make me want sex more, let's try to stick this out longer". Gen honey your and Peggy's, as well as Danneel and her mom's black magic ain't gonna last much longer. Get over it....
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tiktaalic · 1 year
Can u please analyse the lingering homosexuality in that gif set I want to hear more
heres the thing. i am a staunch disbeliever in #let men and women be friends. if you, tv show writer, say this is hannah and mark they are BEST friends and 100% platonic they have never experienced sexual or romantic tension between the two of them im stealing something out your house!! because you're a liar. because i can see with my eyes that they love each other that the cord between them is pulled tight and they are one ill advised night away from going "hope this doesnt awaken anything in me" far too late. this is not. the case with jensen ackles. jensen ackles has been limping his way through chemistry reads with women for 25 chaste chaste years. which. i cant stress enough that i chronically champion the cause for certain m/f that no one else champions because i am seeing chemistry while everyone else is like you're insane they're just friends . so if i. me. guy who is consistently seeing not only the purposeful on purpose romantic chemistry between men and women but also made up chemistry that no one else sees. im tuned into not just the visible spectrum of m/f chemistry but the uv waves of m/f chemistry as well. and jensen ackles. aughts women in miniskirts are always THROWING themselves at him. and he's always having a nonreaction. i yhink what it is is that he always plays it So so seriously that it comes off as wooden. but when his costars are like. Bubbly and Acting against his Wooden. its very lea michele and her gay boyfriend. bubbly v wooden is about that last gifset in particular but my bloody valentine another one where its like I Don't Believe This Man Has Ever Kissed A Woman. and theres not a bubbly costar hes just so aw shucksy against a woman who is giving her ALL to unhappily married with surfacing feelings for her high school boyfriend who has just reappeared. but back 2 devour the gifset has several momentz that ARE intimate! shes on his lap with her skirt flipped up! but theres no lecherous wow hot lady. theres no goofy wow hot girl who's into me. there's no. nothing. shes laying in his lap arm around his neck and hes not even looking at her just doing an over the top put upon grimace. she kisses him and he pulls back. but she hugs him and he spins her .because. hes gay. i say this all the time. but. look at him
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charlesleclerc2003 · 2 months
All I want! Jared X Reader (Jensen X Reader)
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Summary: After the sudden death of your husband, his best friend helps you through the grief.
Warnings: Death of a major character, suicidal thoughts, depression.
A/N: I'm sorry I haven't written anything in a while, my life has been hectic recently, but hopefully I'll be posting more often now things have calmed down.
My Masterlist
If you ever want a request my inbox is always open. I will try and get any done as soon as possible. Always looking for more inspiration, hopefully you guys can help.
You were sat at your desk, flicking through your emails when your phone rang. You happily picked it up since your husband usually called you after he finished filming a scene
You had met your husband, Jared after being a guest star it one of the episodes for his show Supernatural. You two had immediately hit it off and he had asked you out. You had been dating from two years even whilst you lived in the uk and he was filming in Vancouver, when he asked you to marry him.
He made it extremely romantic and not long after you found out you were pregnant with your first child. You moved out to the states to live with him. That was when you met Jensen, his best friend and co-star in Supernatural. Little did you know how much he would help you in the coming months.
After your first child was born Jared, regrettably, went back to work with Jensen. He didn't want to leave you so soon after giving birth but both you and Jensen assured him that everything would be okay, and that you had Jensen's wife Daneel to help you if you needed it.
He made sure to call you whenever he wasn't filming just to check in on you and your son, Ash. It became a habit and he calls you every day just to check in whilst he's away.
You found out you were pregnant again shortly after the boys started filming season 10. Jared was so happy, and all the crew threw him a party to celebrate.
It was that night that you got the call you were never hoping to receive. Your phone rang at 2 in the morning waking you and your sleeping toddler.
Answering it, you didn't even look at the caller ID.
You didn't recognise the voice on the other end. Then your heart dropped, "I'm afraid to say your husband has been in a road traffic collision."
"Is he okay?" You question.
There is silence on the other end before they say "I'm very sorry for your loss Mrs Padalecki."
Your phone drops from your hand and you let out a few quiet no's.
You start to shake and sob uncontrollably.
You hear footsteps coming up the stairs before Daneel rushes in, engulfing you in a hug and letting you scream and cry on her shoulder.
The sound of your toddler screaming breaks through, and you reach for him. You pull him onto your lap and cry into his long hair. He is an exact copy of Jared.
You look up at Daneel, and her heart breaks for you, "it's gonna be okay." She says giving both of you a hug.
"He's gone." You whisper, Dani, barely able to hear you.
The next few days were blurry, everything happened so quickly.
You all flew out to vancouver, Jensen met you all at the airport. As soon as he saw you he hugged you tight. You broke down again.
"It's gonna be okay." He mumbled into your hair.
Your hand immediately went to your stomach where your unborn baby girl was certainly very active.
You had the funeral back in Texas, and Jensen didn't want to leave you on your own, so they invited you to stay at theirs. You could stomach staying in your own home. Everything of his was still there.
You found you really struggled with day to day things, even seeing your son shattered your heart. He looked so much like Jared, your heart couldn't take it.
One night, it got too much. You found your self in the bathroom surrounded by pills. You didn't want to do it but your heart couldn't take it anymore.
You sent a quick text to Jensen, 'Im sorry'
A few seconds later your phone rang. You answered put it on speaker and laid it down on the floor.
"Y/N, are you there? What's with the text? Are you okay?"
You burst into tears, and you hear rustling and voices on the other end of the phone.
"It's okay stay on the phone with me, me and Dani are coming round. Where are you sweetheart?"
You manage to croak out "Bathroom, upstairs."
You hear the door unlock, all of a sudden glad they had a spare key to your room. The bathroom door opens and what Jensen sees breaks his heart.
He crouches down and pulls you into a hig whilst Dani gets rid of the pills.
He pulls away, his hands still on your shoulders, and looks you in the eyes.
"I need you to be honest with me, have you taken any?" He asks as his thumb rubs your arms softly.
You start to cry again and shake your head no.
He lets out a breath, glad you hadn't done anything.
A few months later, you're finally doing better. It still hurts, and it always will. But Jen and Dani have done so much to make it easier for you. You've started therapy, and you're on medication for your depression. They were even there when you went into labour with your baby girl.
You decide to name your daughter Elouise Ross Padalecki after Jensen.
Years down the line you're finally in a better place and you visit his grave every week. Telling your children stories of their father. Jensen and Misha love to tell them all the goofy things he used to do on set.
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daenystheedreamer · 8 months
Are you RPF positive? How do you feel about ships like Gaylor or Phan or Larry? Phan actually turned out to be true LOL
short answer its funny and harmless long answer below the cut tldr its funny and feel free to be cringe but also everyone has a line they draw in the sand and even if you think you dont, you do. and me personally my line is further than others, nearer than some. if the rpf is fanfic where harry styles bottoms for louis tomlinson thats mostly just teenagers being silly and harmlessly cringe and if the rpf is AI deepfake of them its bad. also sometimes the rpf is real. and also phan is a can of worms im not touching with a ten foot pole. again long answer below the cut ^_^ rambling
ok so celebrities in general i roll my eyes at the thought of caring about them. everyone is just a regular human being who is kind of stupid and lame. everyone has positives and negatives etc. so to me when i see someone act parasocial about some youtuber/singer/actor etc im like thats just a guy. so already rpf is simply not for me.
secondly i think it is mostly harmless. if you are writing gay porn about frank iero and gerard way well that is between you and god and the ao3 staff. gets cringe and weird if you go up to jensen ackles at a con and say heh so which of you is the seme 😏 that is a socially insane thing to do sorry
thirdly it is super funny. gaylor is hilarious to me its like a bunch of generally progressive young girls who feel the need to morally justify why its okay to like taylor swift. Oh she dates weird men oh she has a bad carbon footprint Well actually she is a queer woman oppressed by her management and her conservative family. thats hilarious to me i love how there is no one on earth who isnt a little conspiratorily minded. tbc im not gaylorphobic i have gaylor friends.
fourthly i have seen the moral depravity of man. you can find genuinely deeply morally and ethically disgusting content about real life minors. 'its fiction its just writing they wont see it' grow up go talk to a therapist. AI deep fake porn is disgusting. its weird and socially inept to bother actual human beings about your kink. again fine to have that kink but dont go asking random people if theyre secretly in love with their friend.
hmmm fifthly and lastly i think often people just dont have a holistic view of the world they dont understand cultural/social context. there is a social barrier between you the audience and the people on your screen. also when you get into fandoms like kpop, you need to understand that its a product. these arent authentic human beings they are products they are actors they are selling you an idea. its yaoi in a way! its playing on homosocial/homoerotic tropes that female fans tend to enjoy. im sorry but seokjin and taehyung arent secretly boning they are coworkers. sorry.
that being said i think ben affleck IS in love with matt damon and i think theyve jerked off together or had sex by proxy via threesome. nothing will change my mind on this.
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how is the first episode so stupid and so iconic lololol
4 year old dean running with his infant brother and reassuring him even if Sam can't even speak or understand? Wow
They are so small jfc? 22 and 26??? Oh my
They really had to do Everything they could to make Jensen look more macho with that pretty face of his
Acknowledgement of terrible childhood from Sam and complete disregard of it from Dean, interesting indeed. I also find it very interesting how they both have fond memories of childhood despite the trauma. It feels quite common, nostalgic
Wife says "Can you believe we watched this first episode with the mum burning to death and everything and we kept watching???"
I lowkey see why people ship wincest lol
Love these goth girls
It is surprisingly nicely lit? Even if it's a little dark
They are so violent with each other?
Dean is so fucking cheeky
Missed the samulet and jacket so much i almost cried when i saw em
WHY did Dean kick in the door one milisecond after Sam yelled no and why is it so funny
All the manpain
Im not dreading this as much anymore lol
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cuttingedge708 · 2 years
Tyler bate x female reader
Warning: none the fluffiest fluff ever
Tags : @sldghmmr
Y/N= ❤️
Other NXT roster members =🧡
Summary: when worlds collide and lovers reunite
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Y/N is waiting for her match against Fallon Henley, when a set of hands wrapped around her waist “hi bab” her eyes lit up and she spun around, she got so excited that she didn’t care who saw as she pulled Tyler into a loving kiss.
“Oh Ty I’ve missed you so much” he smiled whilst cupping her face “I’ve missed you too darling” her heart melted as she heard those words fall from his lips, they walked back stage together and were met with Briggs and Fallon. To say she was nervous was an understatement Y/N smiled at Fallon “If pretty deadly and lash get involved Fallon honey I got your back” Fallon pulled Y/N into a hug “thanks girl now are you ready to kick some ass” y/n smiled and nodded.
The match was insane blow after blow, shot after shot, but that didn’t come without their mishaps of course lash legend and pretty deadly had to get involved and caused a scene lash rag dolled Fallon out of the ring which cause the bell to go and give Y/N the win via Outside interference which is something she didn’t want happening to her on her first night in NXT so she marched out and slammed lash into the ring post without hesitation.
Briggs and Jensen going after Elton and Kit when all of a sudden all four men went flying as Gallus made there grand entrance, along with diamond mine All hell broke loose as the girls focused on lash who was trying to get to Elton and kit to scurry away “Nuh uh honey bun you did this and now it’s our payback” she hit lash with a drop kick before Y/N Picked her up and power bombed her through a table that’s when everyone else stop fighting and looked as they were getting broken up rather than shouting and screaming At each other Fallon went with Briggs and Jensen as Y/N Grabbed a mic.
“Well GALLUS BOYS ON TOP imma right, anyway this is not how I wanted my first match here in NXT to go but hey I’ll take it but let this be a warning lads I won’t hesitate to do the old punch first ask questions later if you don’t stay out of my way as for you lash I won’t hesitate to kick your skull in if you dare get involved in my matches again so with that being said carry on”
Y/N went to the back as Diamond mine and Gallus went toe to toe again afterward she did backstage interview before heading to her locker room to wait for Tyler as he was doing an interview of his own, after 20 minutes the door goes and she answered it with a big grin on her face “come here” she giggles as he gets pulled onto the couch “god I’ve missed that laugh of yours love” she pulled him into a tight hug and buried her head into his shoulder and planted small kisses on his neck “I’ve missed you calling me darling” the two laughed as they returned to the comfortable silence wrapped around each other cherishing every moment. “After worlds collide im definitely going after whoever wins that triple threat because I deserve this” Tyler nods “you deserve everything and more darling” the two stayed cuddled up for the remainder of the evening and stayed the same when they got home.
She was and forever will be the sun to his moon
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sapphyreopal5 · 2 months
Do you think Jared Padalecki is some some shape or form part of the LGBT but in denial? I do remember him talking about loving freely. Also I promise this is a legit ask, im not joking lol
Hello Anon, thank you for the ask. I see you are asking a tinhatters related question, which I am not one of them. I'm sure you've seen one of my tarot reading related posts where I said I don't believe Jensen is of the straight orientation and therefore am going to guess this is related to why you're asking me this in particular. With this being said, I believe at best Jared is "bicurious" and is to me not a huge stretch to say slightly bisexual but definitely leans more towards women. He has a bromance with both Milo and Jensen (probably Jensen more because he does more con panels with him and worked with him longer type of deal).
I've said this to multiple people via private messages and maybe in a post or 2 I have reason to believe at least some of the SPN former cast read the blogs, Jared being one of them. I've said this before to others via PM more or less that I believe that J2 have been more or less "feeding" people with certain statements that some say imply they are secretly lovers. I recently read a post from someone who said they came across one of Jared's former teachers who years ago apparently said "he's married to her [Gen]?" with her eyebrows raised when seeing photos of them together, and laughed apparently when seeing Jensen and him together but kept her mouth shut. Can't seem to find this post at the moment but I saw it not too long ago.
Looking at Jared's younger photos and even hearing his voice in some older clips where he was in high school, I get the impression that he may have started puberty more or less on the later side of the normal range if not slightly later (say between 15 and 16 is what my guides say). According to Kidshealth.org, boys often start puberty between the ages of 9 and 15. I believe that when boys start puberty a little later based on what my educational background and science says, this puts guys at higher risk of bullying and perhaps when they show less sexual interest in school they are assumed to be gay, even if they have had girlfriends prior to really hitting puberty like he did. He was said to have dated while he was class President in 8th grade dating the class Secretary. As someone on Reddit said "Mr. President dated Ms. Secretary. How scandalous." Priceless LOL. Apparently the OP who posted these photos on multiple subreddits had a crush on him back then while in 6th grade, oh the things that you can find on Reddit at times....
I understand Jared has some prom photos floating around like on Reddit of him with a girl who might be the same girl as he was seen with in a couple photos where they were what looks like a basketball court (high school girlfriend I am assuming), and also one in middle school with a middle school girlfriend. Some might say he was "pressured" to marry Gen and was "pressured" to hide his sexual orientation being raised Catholic and whatnot. I've also seen multiple movies and TV shows where he kisses women and can tell he does not mind and even enjoys kissing women. He has somewhat open sexual energy in my opinion which makes him more comfortable with things like a "surprise kiss" from Milo which seems more and also walked up to Jensen and air kissed him to which Jensen said "bro get away from me" in 2006.
My impression overall is that if Jared were to be LGBT, it would be technically bi but leans towards women a lot more if not is merely "bicurious" if this makes sense. Certainly not gay by a long shot ha ha. With the said like that Sandy gave for a post talking about no longer being a beard for someone, I do not think she would publicly acknowledge being a beard and believe this should not be taken as a literal confirmation she was "Jared's beard". I'm not going to talk about the disrespect the tinhatters have for the wives because I think everyone is going to be subject to criticism and questioning at times, it's just part of life (but not gonna lie, some of them definitely don't respect either Danneel or Gen at all despite their claims they just want them to be happy). I have my criticisms of everyone and praises for some ha ha. However, I will say it is also is disrespectful of both Jensen and Jared saying they're unfaithful, dishonest men living double lives but I don't feel like getting started here.
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shelfwar · 2 years
Jensen Ackles X Reader ~Its Gonna Be Okay~
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⚠⚠Mentions of sucide and depression!!!
Thunder awoke me from my sleepy state, so I got up and checked the time. 9:30 AM. I let out a loud groan as I uncovered myself from the blankets and got up from the bed.
I headed over to my closet and got out a AC/DC shirt along with some under armor shorts. I then grabbed my glasses and not even bothering how my facial features looked and headed on out of my trailer to go to the makeup trailer. While walking over to the trailer a black SUV stopped in front of Jensen's trailer and went into park.
"Thanks for the ride man." "Anytime Jensen." I heard a male voice say to him. "Morning y/n!" I ignored him as I continued to walk until I made it to the makeup trailer. I opened the door and saw Misha sitting in a chair while occasionally sipping on his coffee.
"Good morning y/n!" Nat my makeup artist chirped. "Morning." I sighed. "Hey good morning y/n, how are you?" "Good, just need coffee." I sighed as I sat down.
"Girl, you have extreme dark circles under your eyes." "Yeah, so." "When was the last time you slept?" She said as she put her hand on her hip. "About an hour ago, but hey that's alright." As I let out a sarcastic laugh "You don't look good y/n." "I'm fine really Misha." I said as Nat started to apply the makeup on my face.
Just then the makeup door opened and in came Jensen. "Morning Jensen." Nat and Misha exclaimed. "Morning guys. Hi y/n." "Hi." I sighed. "Are you okay y/n, you look like shit." "Gee thanks Jensen." I yelled, as I stormed out of the trailer with tears threatening to spill.
Jensens POV "She's not okay guys, she just seems unhappy lately." Nat said. "I know I noticed that to." Misha chimed in. "Well, I'm gonna figure it out right now. Because that wasn't usually her mood." "Good idea Jensen!" Misha said before he sipped on some of his coffee
I got up from my seat and headed out to her trailer. When I arrived the rain had stopped, but I heard crying. It was y/n crying. I climbed up the two stairs as i comtitplanted knocking on the door. So going with my heart i did so. "Leave me alone!" She sobbed. "Its just me y/n, please let me in." after a while of silence she opened the door and what i saw made my heart sink.
I found her on the couch silently crying with her hands on her face. It honestly broke me to see her so upset, I've had a crush on her since she started working on the show.
"Y/n, hey what's wrong." "Its nothing Jensen really." "Bullshit y/n." She looked up at me amazed. "I don't like seeing you in this much pain." "Jensen, just stop." "No, im not gonna stop." "Why, Jensen." "Because I care for you God damnit! Your my best friend y/n." "Your just saying that."
"No, im not. I want to help you y/n. Just please let me help you." I said as I knelt down in front of her and I took her hands in mine. She looked down at our hands as I rubbed my thumbs over hers. "Just please let me help you, I don't like seeing you like this way."
She looked up at me and nodded her head as a tear rolled down her face. I caught the tear and rolled it away from her face. I gently kissed her forehead before standing up.
"I'll be right back okay?" "Ok" she said softly. I headed out of her trailer and straight to Jared's trailer, with him knowing how to deal with kind of things. I knocked on it a couple of times before he answered it. "Hey, Jensen. What's up?" "Its y/n she looks like shit, i mean she was just crying when i left." "What do you mean Jensen?" "Look what i mean is that she looks like she hasn't had enough sleep and she constantly looks sad and well tired like i said." "Yeah i noticed that to Jensen. I think she needs medical help as in a therapist." "Got any good suggestions up here?" "Yeah i do, let me make some calls"
The next morning i walked over to her trailer as i softly knocked on it. "Y/n, are you decent?" "Yeah, just hang on." After what seems like forever, she opened the door. "Hey can we go for a little drive, i wanna help you.
Your POV The next thing i knew was i sitting in a car looking at the scenery as Jensen drove us to my appointment with a therapist. Hell I was scared, but having Jensen around rather soothed me.
When we arrived, I felt him set the car and park as he looked over at me. "You okay?" I looked over at his concerned face. "Yeah, just nervous Jensen." "Okay" We both got out of the car and headed into the hospital where a nice lady helped us.
"Hello, how can I help you?" "Appointment for y/f/n." "Ah yes, here have her fill out this paperwork and I'll call you when shes ready." "Okay thank you." Jensen said as he took the clipboard and handed it to me.
I felt him place his hand on my lower back guiding us to some chairs. Once he found a spot we both sat down as I started to fill out the paper work. "Ever been depressed? Yep all the time." I sighed as I checked the box. I could see besides me Jensen looking at me with sympathy. -- Around 15 minutes later a nurse called us back. I felt Jensen squeeze my hand as we followed the nurse to a small room. "I can take that clipboard from ya." I handed her the clipboard as I took a seat. "Okay, im gonna ask you some personal questions is that okay with you y/n?" "Yes."
"Okay, when was the last day of your period?" "Yesterday." "Alright, are you sexually active?" "No." The nurse raised her eyebrow and looked at Jensen.
"Oh. No, we're not dating." "Okay. I'm gonna take your blood pressure." I rolled up my sleeve of my shirt as the nurse put the cuff around my arm. I felt the pressure build as she pumped air into it. "Alright (whatever numbers over whatever number.)" "Is that good?" "Yes, it's perfectly fine y/n."
"Okay." "Dr Miller will be here in a bit." "Thank you." Me and Jensen said. "You okay y/n?" I looked over at him and nodded. I leaned my head onto his shoulder as I took a deep breath in.
I felt my phone start to vibrate so I dug my phone out of my pocket to see missed texts from my sister. "Stop hanging out with Jensen, he's mine you stupid whore." "Just stop, he took me to a therapist." "A therapist, you faker."
I felt a single tear rolled down my face. "Lemme see your phone y/n." "No." "Yes, now give me your phone." I reluctantly gave him my phone as a sad face appeared. "Who is this?" "My sister." "Block her." "Why?" My phone vibrated again. "You better not be at the Texas Con Thursday." " Because here's why. She's controlling your life y/n."
I let out a sad sigh as a knock interrupted us. "Hi, im Dr Miller. Hey y/n what's wrong." By now I was full blown crying. "This is why." Jensen handed the doctor the phone as a soft gasp came from her. "Is this why you've been acting this way?"
I let out a loud sob as I felt Jensen rub my back. "That's a yes, well that's why you came and I'm glad you did because Jensen here was very worried about you." "I know, im sorry if I made you and the rest of the crew so frustrated with me." "Its fine, y/n. Your human." Dr Miller said.
"I know but ever since I started there on set my sister kept on sending me bad texts, one especially the suicide one." "Wait I didn't get that far y/n. Why- Why would someone want to ruin someone else's life." Jensen said.
"Because that's my sister." ----- One month later.... "Don't worry about her baby girl just focus on the crazy shit is gonna happen." Jensen said as I sat in his lap. Since that appointment me and him got closer and closer. Hell the day before we got onto the plane yesterday he asked me to be his girlfriend and of course I said yes. I felt him nuzzle his beard into my neck knowing damn well I don't like it.
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sunglassesmish · 2 years
my problem with the alma misha thing is, that it's so obvious and i would think misha wouldn't be that obvious because what's the fucking point? i agree with all the coincidences and similarities and all but somehow if i really think hard enough about it, i do not see why he would pretend to be a) someone else b) a girl/woman c) make it so obvious d) even follow and like some things. i know he likes to play around but with his intelligence i would imagine him to do it much better than that. 🤷🏻‍♀️
yeah there are many things i don’t get. my thoughts vary from day to day but if he was alma, it would be a way to not be on his official account looking things up about him or whatever. to see what people are saying and to look up things and reply to posts that he wouldn’t typically do without being scrutinised.
the twitter thing is suspicious because it started after bishagate (in may) but they only linked their account by instagram story in almost october?? and had gone back and searched for alma related things and liked a post that connected alma to cockles. so either alma (misha) is keeping it in their likes to troll us or they found it funny because they follow misha, and want to add momentum to their poems because people believe it’s this famous guy that likes their poetry. so more people read their poems.
sorry i went on a tangent completely unrelated to everything you were saying but i hadn’t typed out my thoughts yet. but i agree. it is a bit obvious and kinda weird to pretend to be someone completely different but then again, if you’re famous enough and every tiny thing you do and like is being scrutinised and you just went through that whole bi thing in april. i’d get it.
yet alma started this account in like … 2018. so way before bishagate. but then that’s when jensen and misha moved in together…. oh im connecting dots that you are the complete opposite to what you are saying im sorry my brain is fried
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ldrmas · 2 years
So I did it as one big post like I used to do for Spn episodes so here it is
.Okay here we go!!
.Oh my goodness this is already cute
.What the heck is oh no no no no
.No no no toss the bag outside!!!
.Oh gawd oh no noooooo!!!
.I luv hearing Jensens voice every episode
.Her eyebrows are getting better
.Aww she ships it
.This box can only kill one demon, its a one hit wonder im telling you!
.Oooh pretty friend betty
.John teaches dean how to use the radio because of this episode!!!
.he dream to be a baseball player and took Adam to a baseball game
. Oh this is creepy, they said this is the scariest creature... OHMYGAWD oh hell no
.oh my gawd thats stupid scary
.tapestry!!! Oooh pretty
.we're a monster club!!!
. First rule of monster club is dont talk about monster club heheh
. Bonsai tree!!
. Oh Carlos i luv you so much
.ada baby your scaring me
.very weird yes
.im so sorry, you didn't know... same old same old
.didnt Mary say dont open the door and stay in the house ... And he's gone
. He's gone girl
. Big exam aka big hunt heheh
. Oh he went out the back door i didn't even think about that
. Oh betty dear he aint going be with you but you very pretty <3
. Oh Mary honey please
. Oh man this is intense
.dont let go of the bag itll disappear
. Waky waky Mary
. Ada is an amazing witch!! You are the lady!!
. the akrida is a group not a single thing
. Oh the akrida is Deana Campbell! Calling it now
.that was fucking badass!!!! I love Ada!
. Try silver alot of monsters are hurt by silver
. Please take the shot Lata
. Oh so no go on silver
. Are those lighters
. Turn off the lighter
. Oh Lata baby
.fingers crossed... oh come on that so shouldn't have worked
.good girl!
. Mary let it go, Stomp on it like stomping on a heart
.say it!!
.you can be anyone
.oh gawd this fucking hurts gawd damn you Robbie
.oh that's right out of the bag, and yasss girl yass badass girl
.oh wow wow wow wow didnt see that coming
.they are so cute, lets go to a movie <3
.you can't flirt with her!
. How is Gabe/Loki gonna fit in all this
. Oh so the redhead is the Akrida and she isn't Rowena
.Ah the monkeyspider!!!!!
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meatmandean · 2 years
girls (gn) and gays of the spn fandom didn't spend the past decade fixing jackles just for cishet men to try to take him away from us now i'm so mad
im not mad about it actually i find it endearing that all these straight men have a lil crush and are willing to be open about it. some of them might even be realizing for real that they're bi and that's even better! i think jensen being released from containment might make the world a better place.
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