#im mexican so
royalarchivist · 2 months
Phil: So apparently, me talking about Tajín the other day got the attention of Roier's girlfriend, and she messaged Kristin and was like, "Oh, if Phil really likes Tajín, he might try this!" and it's called "Miguelito" I think? It's like a sweeter version of Tajín, almost. So I ordered some, it wasn't cheap, and- here you go– [Phil holds the small orange packet up to the camera] I haven't tried it yet. Gonna try it. It might my new favorite.
Sabi (Roier's girlfriend) recommending new Mexican treats and spices to Phil is so sweet 🥺💕
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venting402 · 1 year
when photographers and stylists understand dark skin tones>>>>>
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I’m sure there’s more/better examples but I’m just using all that’s in my camera roll
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strawbbz · 8 months
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BEEN TOO LONG SINCE LAST DOODLE DUMP here's some shitposts hehehehe
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2129888 · 3 months
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noemí & francis :)
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skitskatdacat63 · 8 months
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"Sometimes you learn more things from the difficulties than from the celebrations"
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dragxnflxwer · 9 months
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buttdumplin · 2 months
Thinking self-indulgent thoughts regarding the 141 boys and their little quirks with a spanish speaking reader. Some stumbling through their accents, some begging for more, some keeping their own knowledge of the language secret. I might come back to this later...
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kanrix · 3 months
Ooh, does that mean deer man would be a deer in the pony universe?
Also, now that he's truly yours, are there any changes to his personality and origing that you have in mind?
Oh, obviously.
Personality? I don't believe so, maybe. Still haven't thought about it
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Origin? I basically made it up already with alas.tor so i don't see the point in changing it- but I can keep adding stuff.
He's still a cannibal (I really liked that part) he does like to smile a lot but he drops it from time to time, he's a very clean guy until it comes to guts. A Mamma's boy......art obsessed, he's a bit of an asshole, has a distaste for other men (most of the time at least), he will NOT!!!! eat anything low-quality (despite being willing to eat human meat)
He doesn't tend to get very attached and does not see the necessity of forming bonds with other people unless he is benefited from it. But for the strange occasion that he *does* like someone he will get Disgustingly obsessed and he gets very. Overwhelmed. Do I make sense
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duchezss · 10 months
All my favorite moments in blue beetle: a very long and silly list because this is my new fav movie ever (latinos on top fr)
The fact that the entire movie is low key a representation of how lost people can feel after they finish college and don't know what to do with their life.
How celebrated it is that Jaime is a first gen college student
As much as I loved him being from el paso, I love that he now gets his own city that it still deeply rooted in latino culture
How despite the fact that everything is going bad for the family, Jaime still tries to keep moral up and be positive
Jaime stands up for Jenny without thinking
How his persistence is what ends him landing up with the scarab, and subsequently keeping it out of victorias hands
Am I allowed to say his entire family? The scene where they're all pushing him to open to the box was so funny. Their dynamic felt so real, and it makes even more sense because apparently any time they were bickering it was improv.
How well the movie handled micro-aggressions against latinos. Like the receptionist didn't even attempt Jaime name, and how Victoria would never get her scientist's name right. They are subtle, but very real problems.
Maybe this was just me, but from the trailers I thought Jenny and Jaime already new each other, but I liked that they just met. It made their story more interesting.
The body horror route they decided to take with the suit was so cool.
The suit in general. I missed practical suits so much, and it just looked so amazing.
Another thing, that has already been talked about a lot but idc, is that I still am so in love that his family knows from the get go. Of course it wasn't really his choice, but I love how there is never any big secret, and they are constantly in the picture.
I know the Khaji-Da doesn't have as much personality compared to the comics, but the whole sequence where Jaime first gets the suit was so funny.
Notoriously in the comics the beetles were sent out to worlds to be the harbingers for their creator species to invade said world. I loved the small detail in the intro of the blue beetle crashing into the green beetle and then having a flash of electricity. I wonder if that was to hint at a malfunction, since the Khaji-Da never goes to evil with Jaime.
I love Rudy's truck. It's stupid but that's why it's so good.
The whole family debrief was was funnier than it should've been, and the beetle on Jaime spine looked wicked as well.
I thought it was interesting how much of a presence Ted Kord had on the movie, mainly because. of Jenny, but it was still there.
Every. Single. Latino. Reference. I could barely keep up there were so many good ones omg, the details were amazing.
For Jenny being an original character I thought she was done very well
I love how Rudy was useful and basically got them into kord industries.
I love the way we only see Jaime eyes in the suit. It's a different approach to what we've seen with masked heroes so far and I love it
How much they talked about the first two blue beetles, I thought adding that context made it better
They made it very evident how lonely Jenny feels, and I think her small emotional moments really paid off in the end.
I love how Jaime was so openly affectionate with both Rudy and his father, it's something uncommon with men in latino cultures and I loved seeing it.
The entire sequence where Jaime's house was being raided was so uncomfortable. And it was in moments like this were I thought Soto did a great job of weaving real world problems latinos face within a superhero movie.
The moment when Jaime's father had a heart attack, and Jaime was being dragged away, and his sister was screaming was just so heartbreaking and powerful. All of them were hurting so much.
I loved how active his family was, and how all of them immediately went to go rescue him.
Side note: the bug ship looked so cool and goofy and I loved it so much
How Jose was actually very curious about Jaime's connection to the beetle, but Victoria didn't care
The whole dream scene with Jaime and his father. I thought it perfectly mirrored their conversation from the beginning of the movie, and I thought it was incredibly moving. Not to mention I loved the detail of Jaime wearing the last outfit he saw his father in.
I loved that Jaime saved himself, but that his family greatly aided him. I thought it was a great metaphor for the fact that you can do things on your own, but having support can really make the difference
I thought it was so funny that Jaime absolutely refused to kill, and his family members did it was a smile on their face lmaoo.
I know it's cheesy, but I always love it in superhero movies when the main character finally accepts their destiny and it was a very cool moment for Jaime too. But I will say I think they did it with an interesting approach. For most superhero movies the big moment is the superhero finally deciding to go out of their way and fight the big bad, but in this movie he just finally fights what's right in front of him.
How once Jaime accepted himself as the Blue Beetle, Khaji-Da started speaking to him in spanish and adopted his ideologies, further proving their relationship is a two way street.
I loved that Khaji-Da stopped Jaime from killing Carapax, because he was justifiable angry, but he would've regretted it at some point
The low key plot twist of the locket Carapax had not being his wife and child, but being him and his mother. That was genius tbh.
I loved that Jaime had the iconic 2000s superhero half masked fight. This movie felt so 2000's but in the best way possible.
How the entire final act was circling back to the point of loving his family making him weak, but throughout everything we've seen, it's clearly the opposite.
I liked how once Jaime bonded with Khaji his mask would come on and off on command.
How Jaime started wearing his father's necklace in the ending :(
I loved the entire score so much, the synth wave vibe they decided to take was fantastic. I also love how iconic and recognizable they made blue beetle's main theme. Like the bum bum bummm that kept showing up was so good.
I really loved how they aged Jaime up to 22 as a newly college grad. I feel like superheros are always either 16 or 40 and there's never any in between, so it was nice to see.
And for my last point to a very long list: I loved that in the end Carapax helped Jaime and Jenny. Because the real villain was Victoria making them fight each other, and in my opinion that was such a powerful metaphor for latinos and any pocs
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royalarchivist · 1 year
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alondrathegiraffe · 4 months
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Noemi and Francis in the style of the Archie comics
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iguessricciardo · 8 months
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@.alphataurif1 excited to hit the track
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finnitesimal · 6 months
Since missa cubito's mom is la catrina, missa could be a demigod...
oh kinda sick. Lo siento querido I can't come home I'm undergoing the trials to ascend to godhood rn
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bitchfitch · 5 months
Sometimes people are intentionally swinging bats at wasps nests on this site, and other times someone accidentally trips into a pit of hornets and gets swarmed. and it's. Extremely funny when you see a post that the op clearly doesn't know is about to summon every single Mexican on this website to come yell at them
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skitskatdacat63 · 7 months
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pumpkinbxtch · 1 month
Leo was taught several customs from his roots at an early age, among them that May 5th is not celebrated like the United States does.
— Happy MAY 5TH! — Her neighbor says to her mother and Leo knits his eyebrows together seeing that he wears a charro hat and the supermarket bags full of ingredients for guacamole or tacos. He knows it very well because they are common ingredients in his house.
— yeah, Happy May 5th, Pete— Esperanza says with a slightly crooked smile. He shakes the bags and they exchange a few more words, including a polite invitation to stop by his house later.
— Mum, but you said that we don't celebrate any independence until September 15 — Leo whispers once his neighbor continues walking. His mother looks at him and nods.
— And don't forget it, mijo — She says sweetly. — Cinco de Mayo is actually not celebrated in that way... Effusive, but it's a date to remember a that helps us not forget where we come from. Our resistance here— But the real one with parties is until September.
She said that last bit more lightly and her usual soft expression returned. Leo nods and continues walking hand in hand with his mother.
Now Leo looks out the window while on that day he sees people celebrating and sharing. Also take advantage and enjoy the food but he knows the truth, his mother told him and he will not forget it.
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