#ilya novikov
card-queen · 1 year
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Some characters of mine and my sisters’ ... and Kei Okazaki from Collar X Malice.
This is the style I want to use for my detective game (thus the detective game characters) but I want to really get to grips with it before I start planning out proper art for the game.
I set up a page on my Ko-Fi for cheapo commissions of this style: You get art, I get practice. Perfectly balanced as all things should be! https://ko-fi.com/gemstar
I also set up a poll on my Twitter for what kind of things I should talk about first: https://twitter.com/card_queen/status/1660101272379224064
I intend to talk much about characters, story and world-building, especially for fantasy worlds but I’d like to hear what you want to hear me talk about first!
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juangusamungus · 1 year
The Spark from ZHEESHEE on Vimeo.
Produced by ZHEESHEE Written and directed: Artem Shcherbakov and Otar Berov Art Director: Maks Trofimov Executive producers: Artem Shcherbakov, Aleksei Novikov Lead Animator: Anton Chistiakov CG Supervisor: Mikhail Dmitriev Producer: Evgenia Arkhipova Directors of Photography: Nail Gaynullov, Maks Trofimov Concept artists: Maks Trofimov, Maxim Shagovikov, Pavel Vophira, Olga Kononenko, Natalia Chistiakova Visual development: Maks Trofimov, Olga Kononenko, Artem Kazakhunov, Denis Hebi Character artists: Alex Korshakov, Robert Kubus, Nikita Veprikov, Vadim Kosarev, Ilya Dyadyura, Assembly, Lighting and compositing artists: Artem Kazakhunov, Andrey Bibartsev, Nail Gaynullov, Danila Korniltsev, Petr Shkolny Props artist: Alex Lutai, Alex Korshakov, Ivan Demenkov, Katya Suleymanova, Ivan Podorozhkin Storyboard artist: Denis Hebi, Olga Kononenko Costume modeling & dynamics: Alena Kapustina, Sergey Karaulov, Mikhail Dmitriev Edit: Dmitrii Sebrov, Artem Shcherbakov Music and Sound-design: Ilia Shibanov Animation artists: Ekaterina Shvedova, Aleksey Romashov, Alexandra Limina, Vladimir Hakobyan, Liubov Tcimbaliuk, Mariya Kravtsova, Ian Aghavelian, Elena Marchenko, Oleg Zhukov, Jack Stollery Rigging artists: Oleg Nechaev, Alexander Gushin, Ravshan Gaziev, Alexander Smirnov Faccial Rigging Artist: Artem Dubina, Ravshan Gaziev 2dfx: Margarita Shalynina, Dasha Skripka, Olga Kononenko Motion-graphics: Vlad Bratkevich Previs artists: Nail Gaynullov, Andrey Bibartsev, Alexander Sokolov, Slava Dmitriev Logo Design and animation: Evgeniy Starov, Alexey Dubnichenko Titles: Eugene Seleznev
"A young boxer enters the ring. Pressure from the stands, the opponent and fear make him start doubting his abilities and strength"
All rights reserved. It is forbidden to broadcast, reproduce this video in whole or in part without the explicit permission of the authors. © ZHEESHEE 2022
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bessamanu1986 · 1 year
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Los tres niños rusos de South Park Evgeniy Novikov, Vasiliy Morozov y Davey Solokov (Evgeniy y Vasiliy son OCs mios, pero Vasiliy es un personaje de fondo sin nombre que ha aparecido en el capitulo 8 de la temporada 22 "Caja de Buda" y en el capítulo 3 de la temporada 14 "Pollo Frito Medicinal" mientras que Davey es canon y fue protagonista con Butters en el capítulo 4 de la temporada 25 "De Vuelta a la Guerra Fria") junto con sus respectivos padres Sergei Novikov, Ilya Morozov y Dan Solokov (Sergei es un OC, mientras que Ilya (que es un personaje que aparece en la serie pero representado solamente con el nombre de "taxista ruso" en el capitulo 4 de la temporada 18 "Handicar", así que le decidí ponerle nombre y trasfondo a su personaje y Dan aparece en el anteriormente mencionado "De Vuelta a la Guerra Fria") y Dan son personajes canon de South Park. Sergei "Seryosha" Novikov es un Teniente Coronel ruso que ha servido a la URSS y actualmente sirve a Rusia, ha tenido una amplia trayectoria como soldado y es muy orgulloso de su hijo menor Evgeniy "Zhenya" Novikov, que quiere que siga sus pasos, ya que proviene de una familia de soldados héroes de la Unión Soviética. Ilya Morozov es un ex cantante de los años de la Perestroika y taxista ruso alcohólico, es el mejor amigo de Sergei, mientras que es viudo ya que su esposa y madre de su unico hijo Vasiliy murió en un accidente automovilístico. Dan Solokov es un trabajador ferroviario y ex deportista ruso que es muy amigo de Ilya y Sergei, mientras que quiere ayudar a su hijo Davey a cumplir su sueño de ser un gran equitador y llevarlo a Londres. Obviamente al igual que sus padres de jovenes, Evgeniy, Vasiliy y Davey forman un muy buen trio de amigos.
The three Russian kids from South Park Evgeniy Novikov, Vasiliy Morozov and Davey Solokov (Evgeniy and Vasiliy are my OCs, but Vasiliy is an unnamed background character who has appeared in Season 22 Episode 8 "Buddha Box" and in episode 3 of season 14 "Medicinal Fried Chicken" while Davey is canon and starred with Butters in episode 4 of season 25 "Back to the Cold War") along with their respective parents Sergei Novikov, Ilya Morozov and Dan Solokov (Sergei is an OC, while Ilya (who is a character that appears in the series but represented only with the name "Russian taxi driver" in episode 4 of season 18 "Handicar", so I decided to name him and background to his character and Dan appears in the aforementioned "Back to the Cold War") and Dan are South Park canon characters. Sergei "Seryosha" Novikov is a Russian Lieutenant Colonel who has served the USSR and currently serves Russia, has had a long history as a soldier and is very proud of his youngest son Evgeniy "Zhenya" Novikov, who wants him to follow in his footsteps, as he comes from a family of Heroes of the Soviet Union soldiers. Ilya Morozov is a former singer of the Perestroiska years and alcoholic Russian taxi driver, he is Sergei's best friend, while he is a widower since his wife and mother of his only son Vasiliy died in a car accident. Dan Solokov is a Russian railway worker and former sportsman who is close friends with Ilya and Sergei, while he wants to help his son Davey fulfill his dream of being a great horseman and take him to London. Obviously like their fathers when they were young, Evgeniy, Vasiliy and Davey make a very good trio of friends.
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parallelwcrlds · 5 years
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nitewrighter · 4 years
Gency Week Day 7: “Forest”
GOOOODDD Remember how I said this fic was passing like a kidney stone? I just needed to get this fic out of my system but I couldn’t write anything other than shitposts and chatfics for DAYS. So sorry for any sloppiness. The Russian Taiga, Lone Wolf Hanzo, Pregnancy-detecting wolves, and abusive childhoods making unreliable narrators of us all.
The four of them had been driving for several hours. The sky was gray and the trees whipped by the van’s windows in a seemingly endless whirl of dark-blue green and gray. It was a cool summer in the Taiga, the air dense with oxygen and the moisture of the pines, drenching the interior of the lungs with a clean cold freshness with every breath.
“So these guys aren’t part of the Hanzo spy network?” said McCree, rolling his fingers on the steering wheel.
“Must you call it a spy network?” said Hanzo.
“It is sort of a spy network,” Mercy piped up from the backseat.
“Not everyone I came into contact with in my travels is some... master of espionage,” said Hanzo, “I just... promised I would return here someday and well, so long as we’re still in this area of Russia--”
“For the other spies in the spy network,” McCree cut in.
“...as long as we’re still in Russia, I should make good on that promise,” said Hanzo.
“And?” said Genji, expectantly. Mercy and McCree exchanged glances. Genji at this point had made it a frequent habit to pull Hanzo off to the side and converse-slash-bicker with him in Japanese, but it seemed to be getting Hanzo to open up more to them.
“And... I thought... it might be enjoyable,” said Hanzo.
“And it’s going to be great--” Genji half-overlapped with Hanzo as he spoke.
 Hanzo lifted his chin sightly at the sight of one sign in Russian, “The next turn,” he said, and McCree nodded. The next turn was onto an unpaved road, and the whole van rumbled with what was clearly an overly weathered mag-lev cable underneath the dirt. The road twisted deep into the pines, and Genji’s visor brightened.
“You know what this reminds me of?” said Genji as the van rumbled.
“Mm?” Hanzo looked over his shoulder at him.
“The back roads Father took into Shirakami Sanchi back when he was training us--do you remember?” said Genji.
Hanzo snorted a little, “Don’t worry, this won’t be that bad,” said Hanzo.
“...‘That bad?’” Genji tilted his head but Hanzo perked up as they pulled up to a large sign arching over the road.
“We’re here,” the slight smile in Hanzo’s voice was unmistakeable as McCree parked the van. The four of them stepped out and stretched, Mercy pulling on a jacket in the chilly forest air. She gave a glance up to the sign.
“Tsarapatsosna Gray Wolf Reserve,” Mercy read the arching sign, she looked back at Hanzo, “Wolf reserve?” but Hanzo was already walking under the sign towards a log-cabin styled office with several fenced areas branching off of it. Mercy looked to McCree and McCree just shrugged.
 A bell rang on the door of the office as Hanzo stepped into it. There was a late 20-something woman with short-cropped periwinkle dyed hair and oversized noise-cancelling headphones scrolling through a tablet at the desk. McCree examined the office--it was about what you would expect from a remote conservation outpost--outdated technology, disheveled filing, a musky smell of taxidermy emanating from a stuffed mink looking down at them from atop a filing cabinet. The girl with the massive headphones didn’t even look up until Hanzo rang the bell on the desk. She pushed her headphones up off of one ear but then her eyes brightened at the sight of a familiar face.
“Hanzo?” one corner of her mouth quirked up in a grin, “Is that you?”
Hanzo gave a smiling nod and a high pitched, “Ha!” escaped her as she pushed up from her desk and brought her headphones down around her neck like a torc. “It’s been too long! Ilya’s going to go crazy!”
“I like the new color, Kira,” said Hanzo, motioning to his hair.
“And I love this!” said Kira, stepping around the desk and pointing at Hanzo’s undercut, “So ‘cool guy,’ yeah?” Her Russian accent was just thick enough for her to hit her consonants in an appealingly hard way.
Hanzo chuckled. “I learned from the best,” said Hanzo.
Kira scoff-laughed and gave him a playful punch in the arm. Her glance trailed over to McCree, Genji, and Mercy. “Your friends?” 
“This is my brother, Genji, and my friends, Angela, and Jesse,” said Hanzo, gesturing at them.
“Howdy,” McCree gave an awkward wave. 
“Brother?” Kira repeated and looked over at Genji, “You had a brother this whole time!?”
“He is hard to keep in contact with!” quipped Genji.
Kira snorted. “Da, at least my idiot brother sticks around, but Ilya’s been mooning over Hanzo ever since he left, I think he’s the one starting half the howls around here.”
“Leaving a trail of broken hearts everywhere you go, huh Hanzo?” said McCree
“We never---” Hanzo started but the door opened and a man looking a bit older than Kira with a nose bridge piercing and his hair piled in a chestnut bun briskly stepped in.
“Kira, чей фургон снаружи? У нас не было--” the man caught himself off as he made eye contact with Hanzo. “HANZO!” he lunged forward and caught Hanzo in a big bear hug which Hanzo was, shockingly, receptive to.
“It’s good to see you too, Ilya,” said Hanzo, patting him on the back.
“You barely write anymore! You spend 2 months here and then disappear! We worry so much and all I have is postcards!” said Ilya, bracing his hands on Hanzo’s shoulders.
“Postcards?” McCree mumbled under his breath.
Ilya gasped, “Your hair!”
“That’s what I said!” said Kira.
“Is a good look!” said Ilya.
“I hope my friends and I aren’t causing too much of a disturbance dropping in unannounced like this--” Hanzo started.
“Eh, no, it’s slow today,” said Ilya. He looked over at McCree, Genji and Mercy, “Your friends?”
“Jesse, Genji, and Angela,” said Kira, gesturing at each of them to fill him in, “Genji’s his brother.”
“You have a brother!” Ilya clapped his hands together but his sights trailed over to Genji’s scarred face. Hanzo’s stomach tightened for a minute, but Ilya quickly switched gears back to his jovial self rather than ask about the origins of the scars. He cleared his throat. “Ilya Novikov. You’ve already met my charming sister, Kira.” 
Kira gave a wave from where she was leaning against the desk.
 “You and your friends want to see the boys? They missed you.” said Ilya.
“We would love to,” said Hanzo.
“Waivers,” said Kira, holding up several papers completely in Russian.
“Ah, yes, waivers,” said Ilya catching himself.
After about three minutes of winging some Russian-to-English translations and Ilya feverishly promising that the wolves would not, in fact, “eat their faces,” the four of them had their waivers signed.
Ilya clapped his hands together, “Good! Good! Come! They will be so excited!”
He rushed out the door and Hanzo gave a glance back to McCree, Genji, and Mercy. “Sorry, I should have let you answer as well.”
“No, this is great!” said Genji, “I’d love to meet the wolves you worked with!”
“I’d like to,” said Mercy, “But I’m still... processing all this.”
“Yeah--Okay, okay, okay--back up,” said McCree, taking his hat off as they walked out the door after Hanzo, “You... you spent 2 months in a Russian wolf reserve!?”
“Much of their permanent residents are actually wolfdogs,” said Hanzo, walking briskly to keep up with Ilya.
“A Russian wolf reserve,” McCree repeated, walking after him.
“...remote location, heated cabins, just enough plumbing to get by, work to keep me occupied,” Hanzo looked over at McCree and Mercy, who were looking at him completely dumbfounded, “You didn’t think I was spending the whole time sleeping under bridges and quietly disposing of the bodies of my would-be assassins?!”
“Well, this is a side of you I’m glad to see,” said Mercy, folding her arms with a smile.
“Who doesn’t like a dog person?” said McCree with a grin as they caught up with Ilya, who was standing outside a chain-link fence that spanned a large area dotted with pines, but where the duff of pine needles had clearly been packed down more with both human and wolf footsteps.
“Lots of wolfdogs with the Crisis,” Ilya explained as they walked along the fence of the enclosure, “Omnics displace people, pets run away, nature reclaims abandoned towns, dogs fuck with the wolves, make wolfdogs. This enclosure is all the older ones. More used to people. Good for kids. Good for bringing funding.”
“Ah, we’re getting the fluffy tourist treatment,” said McCree.
“Is still big animals!” said Ilya. He suddenly perked up and pivoted back at them, walking backwards. He seemed to give a quick glance over at everyone’s outfit. “Good clothing. Yes. No danglies--not too tight--Jesse, your name was?”
“Yes?” said McCree.
“No hats,” said Ilya, and McCree took off his hat and set it on a supply locker near the enclosure, “The wolves. They like to steal things. And then tear them apart. Then bury them,” Ilya suddenly perked up. “Ah! Miss Angela! Important question: You are pregnant?” said Ilya, looking at Mercy.
“Excuse me?!” said Mercy reddening.
“My apologies, my English is ehhh....” Ilya made a ‘so-so’ motion with his hand, “What I’m saying is--The wolves, they know when you are pregnant. They act weird. They bring you food. They always know.”
Mercy’s mouth drew to a thin, crooked line with her bemusement, “No, I’m not pregnant,” she said with a slight chuckle.
“No hats and pregnancy detection. Got it,” said McCree, putting his hands on his hips.
A large brown wolfdog with three legs hop-walked in from the trees. It spotted Hanzo and suddenly bound towards the chain-link fence, rising up on its back legs and rattling the fence as it put one paw on it.
“Shoko!” said Hanzo, putting his hand to the chain-link and letting the wolf-dog sniff it, “She’s still here?”
“Of course!” said Ilya, “This is her home!”
The wolfdog whined and rattled the chain-link, drawing the attention of her pack, who all slowly padded in from the various tree and shrub covered areas they were sniffing about. 
“Hanzo, you should go in first, get them warmed up to people, yeah?” said Ilya.
“Of course,” said Hanzo, stepping in. The gate was constructed in sally-port fashion, with another gate inside a fenced off area so that Hanzo could have the gate shut behind him before entering the enclosure. As soon as he stepped through that second gate he was beset on all sides by massive barking, sniffing bodies, roiling around him and yipping and some even prancing and rearing on their hind legs playfully at him. Mercy and Genji and McCree watched as Hanzo’s expression melted into pure warmth and even sputtered bouts of laughter as the wolves and wolfdogs sniffed and whined and butted into him. Hanzo, apparently well practiced in maneuvering with the pack’s attention on him, managed to shift the mass of furry bodies away from the sally port and he chatted to them, slipping between English and Japanese and even some Russian he had presumably picked up in working in this place. McCree honestly could have just watched him all day but Ilya elbowed him and gestured into the enclosure with a thumb. Mercy looked over at Genji, a slight smile on his scar-notched lips. 
“We never got to have dogs, growing up,” said Genji, very quietly.
“Come on! Come on!” said Ilya, gesturing them in one at a time. 
McCree entered and instantly a section of the pack swarming Hanzo broke off to sniff him. McCree nearly lost his balance as a wolf with splotchy-patterned fur knocked into him from the side.
“Oh they like you!” Ilya shouted from outside the fence.
Because he smells like Hanzo, thought Genji, stepping in to the enclosure after McCree. The wolves ears pricked up with the screech of the metal gate swinging, and a dozen brown, black, and yellow eyes regarded Genji with some curiosity. Genji moved to hold out his prosthetic hand, caught himself, then extended his organic hand. One silver wolf gave his hand a wary sniff before pushing his muzzle against Genji’s palm. Once the four of them were thoroughly sniffed, the pack broke apart slightly, several wandering off to resume sniffing or scratching at pines indifferent to their human visitors, but a good portion of them hung around, eager for pets and roughhousing.
“They are a lot bigger than they seem in the documentaries, aren’t they?” said Mercy as a cream-colored wolf stuck its full muzzle into the monopocket of her hoodie while a black wolfdog sniffed at her heels. The wolves seemed to be warming up to Genji as well, in spite of his prosthetics, sniffing at his jawline where his skin ended and cybernetic neck began. They were like dogs and yet not like dogs, sometimes remembering an aloof pride midway-through being pet and briskly walking away, but then coming back when they realized that that very distance they created was being respected. I can see why Hanzo would like you, thought Genji, scratching a wolf that wanted to be scratched, but didn’t want Genji to make eye contact while he was doing it. He glanced up at Hanzo, half-wrestling with Shoko, and the words Hanzo had said earlier hung in Genji’s mind like a loose thread off a sweater.
This won’t be that bad.
This won’t be that bad.
This won’t be that bad.
Genji glanced over to Mercy and McCree, still well-occupied with the wolfdogs swarming them, and walked over to Hanzo.
“Hanzo?” said Genji, dropping to a squat next to Hanzo as he rubbed Shoko’s belly.
“Yes?” said Hanzo, scratching the three-legged wolfdog under her chin.
“Sorry, I’m just... trying to clear something up--What you said back in the van... you didn’t like Shirakami-Sanchi?” said Genji.
“You’re not supposed to like it. Survival isn’t a game,” said Hanzo, glancing up at Genji. Shoko rolled herself back onto her stomach and pushed up under Hanzo’s arm to try and get his attention.
“I thought we did pretty well,” said Genji.
“Well you got to go play at being the agile hunter charging after squirrels and I had to actually find fresh water and build a fire for us,” said Hanzo, digging his hands into the ruff of fur at Shoko’s neck.
“...I thought you were okay with that,” said Genji.
“Well in a sense, yes, it kept you out of my hair, but I was also worried you’d do something stupid and hurt yourself and Father wouldn’t be there to rush to your rescue, so it would just be me, and---” Hanzo caught himself and his hand paused, still half-sunken into wolf fur. He looked up at Genji. “I’m sorry,” said Hanzo.
“No, I--I get it,” said Genji, glancing off.
 He sighed and pulled his hand away, prompting Shoko to make a protesting growl-whine, “It’s wasn’t your fault. You were too young for it anyway. Father was mostly testing me.”
“...I thought it was the first time Father thought I could do something,” said Genji. I thought, I thought, I thought, the more Genji said the words the stupider he felt.
“He probably thought it would build character,” Hanzo conceded, “Of course it was just a fun adventure in the woods for his favorite.”
“But you didn’t like it,” said Genji.
Hanzo looked at Genji for a few seconds. “You, Genji. You were his favorite.”
A sputter of laughs escaped Genji but quickly faded as he read Hanzo’s face. “Oh you... you actually think that,” said Genji.
“Think that?! It was obvious!” said Hanzo, “Father always liked you better because you took after Mother more--that’s why he went easier on you.”
“Went easy on-- He just thought he couldn’t trust me with anything! He thought I was a failure! You were the perfect first-born!” said Genji.
“I wasn’t his son, I was his heir! He was only ever... molding me to be like him! He actually smiled with you! He called you ‘Sparrow!’”
“Sparrow was an insult,” said Genji, plainly.
Hanzo’s brow crinkled and his eyes pinched with confusion. “What? No it wasn’t.”
“‘Genji, you never apply yourself to anything. You’re always flitting between meaningless distractions. This way and that. Like a sparrow,’” Genji imitated Sojiro’s tone almost perfectly.
Hanzo glanced down, “No, no, that can’t be right,” he muttered, “Sparrows are lucky!”
“Sparrows are pests,” said Genji. 
“You were always laughing!”
“Well, yes,” said Genji, he rubbed the back of his neck, “I... got very good at laughing things off. I’m--I’m still good at it.”
Hanzo felt a shudder linger between his shoulder blades when he thought about how easily Genji had laughed at him saying he was the favorite. Both now realized that the rest of the wolves were giving them a wide berth. Three still crowding Mercy and one getting a vigorous belly rub from McCree. 
“I’m sorry,” said Hanzo, “I...had not known.”
“I didn’t know either,” said Genji, “I always assumed you and father got along because you did everything right. You even won every sparring match.”
“Because I was bigger,” said Hanzo, “Those weren’t fair to you, either.”
Shoko pushed her muzzle against the back of Hanzo’s shoulder for attention.
“Perhaps we should...” Hanzo trailed off.
“Talk about this when we’re not surrounded by wolves?” said Genji.
“Yes,” said Hanzo, glancing off.
Genji pushed himself up from his squat and walked off, giving Hanzo his space. Upon seeing whatever tension between them was dissipating, several wolves immediately swarmed Genji for attention. Just running his hands through their fur was a relief. He watched as McCree chatted with Hanzo quietly. McCree apparently comforting Hanzo over the newest revelation.
I thought you knew, thought Genji, I thought I was a joke to you, too...
I thought. 
I thought.
I thought.
“Genji?” Mercy stepped next to him as Genji was absentmindedly scratching the side of an older, sleepy wolfdog’s face, “Were you and Hanzo just arguing?”
“It’s fine,” said Genji, “We’re fine.”
“Are you sure?” said Mercy. One corner of Genji’s mouth tugged up in a not-smile. She really was so protective of him when it came to Hanzo.
“It was... just about this trip we took when we were younger,” said Genji.
“The Shirakami trip you mentioned back in the van?” said Mercy.
“It wasn’t really  a trip, it was part of our training,” said Genji, “Wilderness survival. Standard stuff. 5 days of just me and Hanzo roughing it in the woods, making our own lean-tos, that sort of thing...” Genji trailed off.
“How old were you?” said Mercy.
“Hanzo was twelve,” said Genji.
“...so you were nine,” said Mercy, her brow was crinkling.
“Are you okay?” said Genji.
“Just you and Hanzo?” Mercy, “Not your father?”
“Of course,” said Genji with a shrug, and he noticed the color drain from Mercy’s face, “What?”
“Genji, you were a 12 year old and a 9 year old left alone in the woods for five days, that’s horrific,” said Mercy.
“Every generation of the Shimada did it in some capacity,” said Genji, “And I already had plenty of training before---” he caught himself as he looked up into Mercy’s eyes, “...Oh. That’s... that’s not something families do with their kids, is it?”
“No,” said Mercy, “No it isn’t.”
“Right...” Genji looked down.
“So the argument was about the trip?” said Mercy.
“It... it turned into being more about father,” said Genji, “I guess...we both assumed he was amazing to the other when the truth was, he was terrible to both of us in different ways.”
Mercy touched his shoulder, “You were both children...”
Genji huffed a little. “I think we both wanted to believe he was good, deep down. He was strong, certainly. He made the world feel like it had a certain... order to it. That the clan’s way was the truth of the world.”
“It takes time,” said Mercy, “Even when you get enough space and perspective, it still takes a while to figure out who you are outside of a situation like that.”
Genji brought his hand over hers. “It still scares me, sometimes, like, what do I accept as normal that’s nightmarish for other people?” He glanced off, “And... and I want to remember good things about our childhood--I want to believe there are some... some strings of family love that were always there. Maybe father did love us... but he only knew how to show it in the way it was shown to him...he may not have even known--I may not even know--Am I--?” he cut himself off as he looked into her eyes.
Mercy stooped over him put her free hand against the side of his face, and gently kissed his forehead. “Genji,” she said, “You are one of the kindest, strongest, and most patient people I’ve ever met. And you know yourself. And you’re constantly working to be a better version of yourself. That’s one of the reasons why you tried so hard to bring Hanzo back into your life--would it be easier if Hanzo wasn’t in your life? Yes, but... I think for you, it’s not about wanting what’s easy.”
“Maybe I’m just dwelling on this because I’m scared, no matter how hard I worked to get here, to get better, I’m so scared of repeating that cycle,” said Genji.
“You won’t,” said Mercy, sitting down next to him,“This is happening because you want to break a cycle, and... learning things like this is a part of it. This is new ground for everyone. Of course it’s scary.”
Genji looked over at Hanzo, kneading his knuckles into the the thick fur of a wolf-dog’s neck with his face scrunched at the wolf licking his face. McCree walked up and helped haul him to his feet before both of them nearly tripped over another wolf butting into them from behind.
“He has gotten a lot better,” said Genji.
“And it’s going to keep getting better, sure there will be hiccups, but you both want this,” said Mercy, “That’s what’s important.”
Genji just quietly smiled at that. “We’re going to talk about it more when we get back,” said Genji.
“I think that’s a good idea,” said Mercy, “And if it’s any consolation, the wolves confirmed I’m not pregnant.”
Genji looked at her oddly, with one thick eyebrow arched with amusement.
“So we don’t have to worry about that yet, at least,” said Mercy, folding her arms.
“Yet?” said Genji.
Mercy just gave him a smile and a shrug, and Genji snorted and leaned his head on his shoulder. He kept his fingers dug into the wolf’s fur, breathing in the pine-cooled air.
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drawinkscom · 4 years
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Day top tattoo from drawinks.com Masters: Artem Novikov tattoo № 1 Deniza Tyunyaeva tattoo № 2 Vladislav Dudko tattoo № 3 Tanya Zelenaya tattoo № 4 Andrey Smolyaninov tattoo № 5 Ilya Fominyh tattoo № 6
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sergeant-morozov · 4 years
Random ideas.
Ilya would be 100% mage and Luka probably a warrior. He gets his mage fiance pissed off by constantly getting injured and needing some healing. It's also his bad way to get attention.
Unicorn helping Novikov to like his own image and gets so far that the officer doesn't care to flip any mirrors and is fine seeing himself on one. Then he tries to get Novikov more comfortable to improve his way of thinking (from negative to more positive).
Gecko being unable to sleep without Bat snoring near him. He thought he could be fine sleeping alone but nope, he stays up all night and in the morning finds Bat and Owl. The next day goes by normally but with Bat having to carry around sleepy/sleeping Gecko on his back.
Danila and Clown fight a lot but if Clown gets hurt or into trouble, Danila does his best to rescue his only friend. Alexey doesn't understand the two but even he gets nervous if Clown or Danila goes missing. He helps because if Danila goes missing, Clown gets very attached to Alexey and is scared and if Clown goes missing then Danila vanishes soon after or becomes very annoyed and stressed out.
Ghoul bringing Nikita and Fighter back to the cave he and Nikita build a small hideout in before the monolithian took off. For some reason both feel more comfortable around Ghoul and rarely get bothered by their C-consciousnesses. Also, Fighter is a big cuddle buddy despite the cold, mean look, he's always up for some cuddles. Unless his C-consciousness is up.. then he'll beat up anyone for getting too close to him or Reznikov.
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saigang · 5 years
Bully OCs Families (Part 2)
Bairre Máirtín McDevitt / @bullworthsspice
Sean (Father)
Colleen (Mother)
Siobhan (Sister)
Niklas / @bullworthseverything & Matai / @bullworthssugar (Spouses)
Ludwig (Father-in-law)
Monika (Mother-in-law)
Luka (Brother-in-law)
Gilbert (Brother-in-law)
Erik (Brother-in-law)
Choi Seo-yeong / @bullworthsbrat
Jungho (Father)
Yeona (Mother)
Min-jee / @bullworthsbitch​ (Sister)
N/A (Spouse)
Clyde Allen-Scott / @railwaybuff
Alastair (Father)
Emma (Mother)
Benjamin / @bullworthssunshine​ (Brother)
N/A (Spouse)
Atticus Frederick Grayson / @t-renchcoats
Information withheld
Dmitry / @b-loodyknives & Gavin / @i-nsvmnia (Spouses)
Fionn (Father-in-law)
Teagan (Mother-in-law)
Siobhan (Sister-in-law)
Liam (Brother-in-law)
Ewan Cartwright / @carnelivn
Ervin (Father)
Leane (Mother)
Jack (Brother)
N.A (Spouse)
Ilya Novikov / @politsiya
Mischa (Father)
Natalya (Mother)
Sasha (Brother)
Vanya (Brother)
Rhys / @gvnplaay (Spouse)
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card-queen · 1 year
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Ilya, Lilah, Pippa & Stella practice. Trying to really get the style nailed down and the poses looking bold!
I've got about 100 characters to design and that doesn't even get into all the expressions I'll need to do! But none of that scares me! I just want things looking consistent!
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stardxstsouls · 2 years
some small headcanons that won't get their own posts:
Ilya Novikov and Eli Ford are officially two separate characters. Ilya is a Yobuko enforcer and Eli is a SHIELD agent who retired after being shot in the back during the Triskelion Incident.
Kyoshi trains and spars blindfolded.
Elara's tessen are golden.
On her maternal grandmother's side of the family, Elara has an older cousin, Tuya, whose power influences nature. This presents mainly as power over flora, though she is technically capable of some terraforming.
Idulara possesses the only portal to the pocket realm Atera-Idulara. Though the archipelago's islands are large enough to host entire villages, Atera is nearly another world.
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parallelwcrlds · 5 years
interest check before i actually add him: would anyone want to write against ilya novikov,,,,, he was orphaned at 8 after his parents were killed, and ended up getting "adopted” by the head of a spy agency, where he was given a new core identity and raised in russia. he now works a lot of undercover missions, and spends more of his time going by alias names rather than his own and he doesn’t know it yet but his parents weren’t killed in an accident, it was very much intentional by the agency that raised him
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divyabhashkar · 2 years
Russian court shuts down Memorial Human Rights Center, day after sister organization ordered to close
Russian court shuts down Memorial Human Rights Center, day after sister organization ordered to close
The center was charged with multiple violations of Russia’s “foreign agent” law and “justifying terrorism and extremism” in its publications, a lawyer for the center, Ilya Novikov, told CNN. The decision comes a day after Russia’s Supreme Court decided to close its sister organization Memorial International. Novikov said they would launch an appeal. This is a developing story. Check back for…
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johnboymoulton · 3 years
Volvo S90 China Launch from Denis Astakhov on Vimeo.
In December 2016 we were commissioned to create a choreographed performance for the launch of the all-new Volvo S90 in China. In the stunning short show two dancers created a universe of minimalistic design and architecture that were inspiring Volvo designers and engineers while they were working on this flagship car.
Project details on Behance: behance.net/gallery/49910499/Volvo-S90-Chinese-Launch
Director & Creative Producer — Denis Astakhov
Executive Producer — Olga Valitova
Choreographer — Tatyana Chizhikova
Performers: Ilya Karpel, Yuri Chulkov
Lighting Designer — Stepan Novikov
Costume Designer — Leila Erdman
Production by Wireframe Studio
Producer — Mosquito Project Manager — Royalty Concept Artist — Danil Rusanov On-site Supervisor — Denis Uzdyaev Motion: Design Philipp Pavlov, Philipp Belov, Viktor Zabrutski, Evgeniy Evsutin Rendering — Ho
Original music & sound design by Hyperboloid Studio Idea, Composition, Production — Dmitry Garin Composition, Production, Sound Design — Gleb Raumskaya Composition — Oleg Krokhalev Sound Design Alexey Devyanin
Filming & Editing: Evgeny Arkhipov, Anton Arkhipov
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drawinkscom · 4 years
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Day top tattoo from drawinks.com Masters: Darya Pirozhenko tattoo № 1 Ilya Cvetkov tattoo № 2 Konstantin Novikov tattoo № 3 Darya Pirozhenko tattoo № 4 Ilya Cvetkov tattoo № 5 Ilya Cvetkov tattoo № 6
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sergeant-morozov · 4 years
Full on repair-mode, good thoughts.
Metal!AU, normal life but add piercings, tattoos and metal music.
-After Saturn passed away due to the nasty lung disease, Ilya closed up and started doing some self-harming things; Drank a lot, didn't eat well and neglected his hygiene. Bat however was the only one to sometimes pop into Ilya's apartment to help take care of him; bringing food, reminding Ilya of taking a shower or reminding him to shave his beard and taking away the booze. Then he dragged Ilya to come with him to a weekend long metal festival where he basically paired Luka with Ilya and after that everything got better for both and Bat could focus on his own things.
Metro OCs
-Nika getting seriously injured during a tunnel conflict with the reich, Ivan drops his gun and runs to grab the injured sniper. While running away from the battle in bullet rain, Nika keeps whimpering of how he's afraid to die, he passes out right as Ivan gets him onto a train cart that's transporting other badly injured reds back to red station. He sneaks onboard the cart while acting as he'd be internally bleeding. In the station Ivan is constantly guarding the bed Nika is laying on, he hates the sniper but he's his only friend and Ivan is actually afraid that Nika would pass away. Few days after the conflict is over, Nika awakens and sees Ivan sleeping on the hospital floor right next to the bed. The nurse who comes occasionally to check Nika's vitals chuckles and tells the sniper that "He's been here since you got here."
Stalker universe
-Alexey suddenly hearing drunk Novikov's voice through his radiophone. He's crying about his old friend again and how things were better before when they were still the 5 man squad hunting mutants and collecting money into the empty AK magazine. Alexey pays a visit to the Duty's communications office and sees Novikov laying on the table with vodka bottles near him. Alexey shakes gently Novikov's shoulder and the officer wakes up still drunk. The officer starts weeping again, saying he's sorry but Alexey stays quiet while helping Novikov out of the office and walking him back to his dorm. "What would you do if your best friend from BEFORE the zone got killed by a tiny fucker you thought was your squad mate?! Huh?!" Novikov keeps growling at the merc until they get to Daniil's room. "Your best friend turned nasty and even abusive towards you after dealing with bandits, my best friend wants to rip my intestines out and choke me with them. Yet you make me go after him to avenge your dead two-faced college friend." Alexey lightly pushes Novikov down onto his bed before sitting down to a chair near his work desk. The merc keeps making the officer weep and yell back at him until he passes out, he knows Novikov will be fine after he pours everything out from his heart. The next day both act like nothing happened.
-Luka wearing Ilya's jacket, it's oversized for him and it looks cute. It's warm so that's why he put it on in the first place.
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saigang · 5 years
which emojis represent each of your charas ?
Daniel James Attaway: 👑
Dmitry Sokolov: 🔪
Atticus Frederick Grayson: 💉
Antonio Ricci: 🔧
Pavel Kozlov: 📞
Cillian Byrne:  ⚰️
August Whitfield: 💳
Choi Seo-yeong: 💎
Choi Chin-mae: 🥣
Alex Ramírez: 🍀
Ilya Novikov: 🔫
Ralph Willis: 📷
Clyde Allen-Scott: 🚅
Judas Dechambeau-Sinclair: 🏆
Brandon Winters: 💊
Vincent Lamberti: 🚬
Ewan Cartwright: 💅
Arthur Godfrey: 📚
Patricia Flores: 🌺
Dustin Chandler: 🐂
Ryan Chapman: 💡
Nicholas Haywood: 🕹️
Everett Vaughn Crane: 💌
Raven Gardiner: 🦇
Dana Fremont: 🎭
Ambrose Graham: ✝️
Léonide Rayne: 🍓
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