#if you saw this earlier no you didn't. pictures formatted weird at first
shorthaltsjester · 10 months
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Vex'ahlia de Rolo || On Goodness, Self, and Longing
“Kith & Kin” - Marieke Nijkamp // “con la frente marchita” - Dante Émile // “Campaign 1, Episode 63: The Echo Tree” - Matthew Mercer // “White Oleander” - Janet Fitch // “Campaign 1, Episode 64:  The Frigid Doom” - Liam O’Brien & Taliesin Jaffe // “Pig” - Hieu Minh Nguyen // “Campaign 1, Episode 63: The Echo Tree” - Laura Bailey & Liam O’Brien // “Recollections of my Nonexistence” - Rebecca Solnit // “The Archer” - Taylor Swift // “Campaign 1, Episode 65: The Streets of Ank’Harel” - Laura Bailey & Liam O’Brien // “So We Must Meet Apart” - Jennifer S. Cheng // “Campaign 1, Episode 72: The Elephant in the Room” - Laura Bailey & Liam O’Brien // “Shocker” - Taylor Steele // “Campaign 1, Episode 104: Elysium” - Sam Riegel // “Tell the Wolves I’m Home” - Carol Rifka Brunt // “4-Sided Dive Episode 9: That’s Just Right” - Laura Bailey and Taliesin Jaffe // “Infinite Jest” - David Foster Wallace
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Journal #1
Author note: Welp! I wrote it anyways!
*10h Wii music video*
This is my first time writing for this fandom and in this format. I thought it would be a nice change from what I usually write / read! I'm planning to write this whole thing like a journal and am reserving some entries for my character's notes (inventory, ressources, informations they might need to survive, herbarium, bestiary, etc). Not sure how it'll turn out or even if I can make it work, but I'll never know if I don't try ^^
I've never done anything like this so I hope you'll enjoy! Notes will be added at the end of the chapters if a previous entry has been updated!
Also, I will only update the entries on tumblr, the "ressources" or "information" chapters will all be on Ao3 ^^
Summary: This book is the property of Samael Ledeuil. I wrote down what happened, different informations and some helpful tips for the person who may find this. If you're lost like me, some of the informations depicted in this book will be essential to your survival. I hope you won't have to use it. Please, if you can, return this journal to my family. If I'm lucky, you won't find this and I'll be able to give them myself, but seeing where this is going, I don't think I'll be able to.
They deserve to know what happened.
Entry #1
16th April, 2018
Welp. Guess I'm making this. If not to leave a mark, at least for my sanity.
 My name is Samael Ledeuil. I bought this book from a guy who calls himself 'The Duke'. I'm in a small village in the middle of Romania, and I have no idea how I'm going to go home. If I'm going back home.
I don't know what's going on here, but I'll use this book to write down what I can find about it. I'm a bit forgetful and I think I'm gonna need to remember most of what I come accross here. Every little detail will be important!
I got attacked on my first night and haven't been able to leave since. Here's what happened; I was supposed to roadtrip on my bike, I had provisions, change of clothes, money. As I was riding almost two weeks ago, I didn't get to the next village before dark, and I still had my torchlight back then, so I thought I'd keep going (at least until I found a clear spot). Good thing I didn't have my headphones on, because as soon as the sun set, I heard rustling leaves and cracking branches.
And I knew it wasn't just me.
I was already scared of the dark before, but this shit was honestly terrifying. I tried to find my way out of the forest or go back on the main road, but I got lost. It was too dark to turn back. So I kept going.
And then, I heard howling. Lots of howling. I don't think it was a wolf. It sounded nothing like a wolf. It was all around me, and I knew I was making too much noise with my bike. So I left it. And I also left my other traveling bag, (the one with most of my clothes, my phone, a few books, etc) because it was way too big to carry discretly. And it's a good thing I did! I wasn't even 20 meters away that something jumped on it and tore it to pieces. I think I cried a little. I know I ran a lot (probably more than my asthma could've handled if adrenaline didn't carry me all this way). I couldn't seen the beasts clearly, it was too dark for that, but I know it's nothing I've seen before. It's not a bear, or a pack of wolf. But it's strong and extremely agressive, and there's a lot of them.
I don't know how long it took me to find shelter, but when I did, I broke in and hid in the nearest closet for the rest of the night after barricading the door and windows. And boy, was this a long night. It took me one hour and a lot of help from my inhaler to go back to a steady heartbeat, but once I did, I could hear the... creatures? Monsters? Things out there. They were... kind of everywhere at once. And what I also noticed, is that no one was in the house I broke into. The owners probably moved out a long time ago.
I would too, if I could.
Once I could see the light crack through the closed doors of my hiding place and didn't hear anything else than the birds squaking outside, I got out. This house is super dusty, and aside from a few furnitures, there's nothing here. Not any personal stuff, no clothes, framed pictures, not even bowls and stuff in the pantries. I checked every room, and it really seems like this place has been abandonned for a while. It's a wooden house and looks like it's going to fall on itself any time. But it did the job for the night, and I gathered my stuff after drinking the last of my water and eating a bit of what I had left. I got out, and saw a dust road leading farher into the forest. I was already lost, so I thought I'd at least reach civilisation.
I ignored the endless, huge footprints all around the house.
I made my way to what is called the 'Village of Shadows'.
Dope name.
Horrible place.
These people really don't know how to handle traumatized tourists. They're bitter and clearly don't like outsiders. Anytime I tried to ask a question about this place, they either ignored me or straight up closed their doors in my face. They said outsiders were herethics and were going t obring death upon their village. They kept going on about a black god and... what was it? Mother Melissa Melinda Miranda. Who the fuck is she? Some kind of cult guru? What did I get myself into? I'll have to be extra careful around here.
I tried asking where I could find food and clothes, and they vaguely gestured to what seems like the town center. That's where I found the guy I mentioned earlier, the Duke. The friendliest face in this wretched place. He's a weird guy, but I like him. I don't know if I trust him, but I know he knows more than he lets on. And he doesn't have any bad intentions, it seems. Good thing I kept most of my money in my backpack, because this guy has a ton of stuff I'm going to need here. Also, when I asked him about the house I broke into last night, he said no one has been seen here in years. So I'm crashing here for now.
I think it's important for whoever might find this journal that I tried leaving multiple times. The third time almost cost me an arm, so I'm laying low and preparing for my next attempt. Which is why I haven't left yet. Please, don't think I already gave up.
I've only been here for 10 days, but I'm sure there's something more about this place than the beasts in the woods. And the cult. I promised my mom I'd never join one, but it looks like if I ever want to go home, I'll have to play the part (at least for a bit).
Anyway! Here's what I should write down:
Important tips
My inventory The content of my backpack
The content of my first aid kit
A map of this place
Maybe a part about the beasts of the forest (need to investigate)
Others? A list of ressources?
I'll most likely add more, but I think it's good enough for now.
Hopefully, I won't have time to write more before I find my way out.
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an1m3ru1n3dmyl1f3 · 6 years
Well hello friends! So, I have brought to you, a rather interesting blog! WARNING: Contains spoilers from Season 5!
Season Six Theories!! 
God, I'm so excited to present my thoughts! So! Let's get started!
So, to start off, I have a few different topics to discuss! First off, this blog is Sheith centered!! SO, all theories here, will revolve around Sheith!
For starters, let's talk about Season 5 and how it ended! So, I know there was a lot of questions answered, but there are so many new ones. First off, the weird format. And when I say format, I mean how they displayed the characters and story line. Unlike all the other seasons, Season 5 really focused on lore, more so than action. With that in mind, it was really well in the Lore department. However, when it comes to character development, it did very well; although it was very odd. For example, Allura and Lance got expanded upon, including Lotor and Haggar! So that was quite exciting! However, Shiro, Keith, Hunk, and Possibly Pidge, didn't get much screentime or development. Not that this is a bad thing, but, it was odd. I know we're used to Shiro and Keith being on screen and interacting, but this season, it was just... Weird. Also, a lot of things we saw in the trailer, didn't actually appear in this season. Including Romelle, and Blake Michael's new character. (Yes, he's a new voice actor, if you want proof, just message me!) But, veering away from that, there's a lot of new questions to be asked in the upcoming season! So, another thing to mention about Season 5, is KEEFER'S MOMA!! God, I love her so much. She's so beautiful and gahh-- She's so flippin adorable! Anyways! Now that we got her, I feel like her role is going to intensify in the upcoming seasons! But, let's move away from Season 5. Now were going to be heading into Season 6, and here's some of my Theories!
Season 6 Theories! (List Version!)
* Major hints at Sheith being Canon. 
* Sheith Backstory
* Kuron Revealed
* Keith returning to Voltron?
* Keith turning Galra?
* Parallels
* Conclusion/Side proof
Alright, so that's all the topics I've come up with! So, let's jump into the Sheith! So, for starters, we DID get some Sheith content in Season 5! It was Season 5, Episode 4! (FUN FACT: Chris Palmer, the one who drew 'Shiro Loves you Baby' #He's looking at Keith, Directed this Episode!) In that episode, Keith LITERALLY, tries to defect a thousand implanted bombs, undoing the work of the blades, just to save Shiro and Lotor, when in reality, it was for Shiro's sake. I personally don't think Keith really cares for Lotor, but he knew Shiro was up there and couldn't let anything happen to him. So, moving on, I think that's a very important scene, because even though Keith and Shiro are very far apart, Keith will still do anything in his power to keep Shiro from harms way, even if it compromises his life, and the mission. 
Next, we have the Promo for Season 6. So, this picture:
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Has some very obvious pointers. Keith, Shiro, Allura, and Lotor. That, alone, says A LOT. First, the most obvious. Shiro and Keith. We have yet to see Keith in a promo yet far, because he's been with the Blades, but LOOK. He is there, and Shiro is too. So, I know that doesn't say much, obviously, but these are just theories. So, moving on, what does this mean? Well, I don't have exact evidence or proof for this quote, but I heard rumor that for "whoever didn't get much screentime this season, will be getting it next season," (Unknown Source, possibly a producer! I will post the evidence once I find it!) So where does that take me? It takes me to this; Keith and Shiro, will be on screen, over 50% of the time, in Season 6. Don't take my word for it, these are entirely opinions and thoughts! 
Where do I come up with that? Well, from seeing other tumblr accounts get in on the theory train, there's something we all have in common. Shiro and Keith involvement in Season 6. But, if we also look back on earlier seasons, Keith and Shiro, are literally connected in one way or another. Season 1, "It's good to be back," Season 2, "Your friend desperately wants to see you," Season 3, "Shiro is the one person who never gave up on me," Season 4, "As many times as it takes," Season 5, "Shiro is up there!". All those quotes, they are either near or far from one another, yet their name is still mentioned by one or the other. They are connected by a deep bond, that is unbreakable. But, going back to the picture above. They COULD HAVE, put any other paladin up there, to give an insight of the upcoming season. But no; It's Shiro and Keith. I have no doubts in their relationship, that they will be interacting over 50% of the time. 
Next, let's move onto one of the more exciting theories. Sheith Backstory! Personally, I was a bit disappointed that it wasn't this season, in which it wasn't shown, but after seeing Season 5, it is COMPLETELY understandable, as to why it wasn't shown, and I'm glad they're holding it off. Why do I say that? Because I have this strong feeling, that Shiro and Keith, will most likely become canon in Season 6. Now, I will get to that later on in this post as to why I think that. But, look at these pictures here:
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So, looking at those pictures, it is very obvious, that Shiro and Keith, have come a very long way. Very long way. And they're only going farther. So, as I mentioned above, Shiro and Keith are the primary characters in that promo, so I feel that the Sheith backstory, will be revealed in Season 6! And I'm glad, they're waiting until it's THEIR season, because it'll make everything fall in place. 
Moving on, we have the Kuron theory. So, I have this theory, that many other people have as well. Haggar controlling Shiro. Now, I strongly think this is true, and that Kuron isn't a seperate person entirely. Because going back a few seasons, in which my memory has phased me, I believe it was in Season 2, in which Hunk was mentioning that the Galra had technology strong enough to alter peoples memories. So, with that in mind, let's jump to the present. In season 5, we saw the REAL Shiro, call out to Lance, when they were all in the Astral Plane. And I believe, that Haggar, has done something to Shiro's memory. Now, another scene that presents this, is in Season 3, The Journey, we see 'Kuron' watching as they work on him; Now, we don't entirely know if there is two separate people, but from what I can see, it looks more like a memory of that room, and Kuron is experiencing it like a flashback. That, could be, where they are altering his memories, and storing 'Shiro' away from his conscious. So, with Season 6 coming, what does this mean? 
If Haggar, looses any grip she has of control on Kuron, she will lose it entirely. So I think, at some point in Season 6, this will happen, and Shiro will be revealed to the rest of the team, more importantly, Keith. Keith will notice ultimately, that Shiro isn't himself. And I think that'll play into the on screentime theory as well. 
Going back to the Promo Picture for Season 6, You will notice, that Keith, is in, PALADIN ARMOR! Is he returning to Voltron? That alone remains a mystery until the season comes out, but I think it's safe to say, it's very well possible. But Queef, what does this mean?! It means more time together, of Shiro and Keith. Shiro and Keith will be closer than ever once again, and I think it won't be a shocker, if there's going to be a Sheith hug! But, you'll also notice another thing in that picture about Keith. He has a mark, on his right cheek. Very similar to his mother's. But, this could prove to be either a scar, or an actual galra marking. Either way, I don't think it's possible, that he will turn full galra. My explanation for that, is that Lotor, who is half altean, acquires the mark of "The Chosen One", but doesn't actually posses entire altean qualities. So I think he'll be gaining some features, but not entirely. 
Now, this final theory, is one of my personal favorites! It also eliminates the Bro//ganes argument (I'm not here to argue, but simply inform!). So, A lot of K//antis, like to say their related because Shiro looks almost exactly, like Keith's father. BUT, Look at this picture below!
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Krolia x Keith's Father = Keith x Shiro
Don't they look EXACTLY alike?? It's hard to dismiss when Keith is a literal spitting image of his mother, as well as Shiro is of his father. Like mother, like son. But, where I'm going with this is, Krolia x Keith's father, actually happened, to create Keith. So could it be possible that Shiro and Keith are following the same path? And it's very possible too, because Galra x Human? Half!Galra x Human? See the similarities? Alright, moving onto the conclusion and side proof, this Ted Talk is almost done! LOL
So, for the conclusion of this, All of these, are just theories. None of these are actually proven to be true, but it is just some simple thoughts running through my head. Shiro and Keith, have the strongest bond of all characters in the show. Producers and Staff of the Show have continuously showed their support for the Ship as well, and honestly, I don't see any reason for it to not become canon, whether it's on screen, or confirmed at a panel. But with all these in mind, please go about carefully with thinking it over. There is no harm in having theories, but PLEASE, do not point the blame at me, if none of these happen. These are just some theories that I've had in my head after watching Season 5, and I wanted to share them all with you. So please, heed with caution, I am not a time teller, but from what I can see, is that Shiro... He Loves Keith. 
DISCLAIMER: None of these images belong to me! All credit goes to origins!
Below, will be some side proof for these theories! 
Going with the 50% Theory, on screen time! I think Lotor will personally address to the group IF Keith returns to Voltron, and then Shiro will have a 1 x 1 Talk with Keith about it!
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Next, the Staff, whole heartedly, supports Sheith!! That alone, is so great to hear!
Also, this picture, I feel gives some strong Sheith vibes, and not to reach or anything.. But-- Shiro and Keith's heart is right next to each other-- ;)
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Me after writing all these theories lmfao vvvv
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