#if not its own language entirely
bambiraptorx · 2 months
One of the things that I didn't quite get to work into Donnie's big chapter of going to a college with Draxum (because it was a long chapter and I didn't want to bloat it anymore) is that I originally wanted to introduce Poppy's mom there. She's a deaf linguist who studies sign languages and is the reason that Poppy is somewhat familiar with ASL (it's not common in the Hidden City, but it is a language Poppy's mom is familiar with from studying it).
The way it worked out in the fic was that Poppy gave Donnie some translation spells so they could actually talk, but the original plan was to have her mom as part of the conversation too to act as a translator. I hope I can bring her back in the fic at some point because she's a fun oc, and also because since I'm writing Donnie as HOH for this fic I'd like to be able to give him a way to connect to a Deaf community.
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deadqueernoldor · 18 days
Thinking thoughts about those from Cuivienen and how they later treated the Valar, especially after Cuivienen was destroyed.
I imagine a foundation of sorrow and a layer of betrayal and pettiness. They had promised safety. And how did it turn out? Kin of Tata and Tatie their first leaders, slain in Valinor by the Dark Hunter from which the Valar promised protection in Valinor.
And then, the War of Wrath comes and with it the destruction of Cuivienen.
If any of those were re-embodied in Aman, I wonder if they make it a point to always turn their back to Valar and Maiar. I wonder if they only speak in the tongue they had first devised all those millennia ago and spoke in Cuivienen before time and different kindreds changed the tongue, not Sindarin or Quenya from the Great Journey's time or later. I wonder if they sing songs in their ancient tongue, songs about the beauty and unsullied health of Cuivienen every time any of the Ainur are near.
I wonder if the Valar feel any shame when those who they once looked upon in wonder and love gaze back at them with indifference or disgust.
#i am so normal about the elves of cuivienen feeling the betrayal worse than anyone in aman including feanor and co#they PROMISED safety from Morgoth and orcs. they PROMISED beautiful lands without sorrow. they PROMISED all that and down the line#decided Mogoth had played pretend well enough to warrant him probation during which he immediately killed again#returns to the east and sullies what beauty had been left. and then even from afar he manages to hurt those from cuivienen with the WoW#dont get me wrong i think the cuivienen elves knew there had to be war against Morgoth for him to be defeated. but the fact that the valar#decided not to only abandon those of beleriand for over 5 centuries before that AND once the war is won also abandon#those of cuivienen to watch their beloved lands drown without as much a warning must sting.#i want there to be a concious decision of 'you abandoned your promise to us twice why should we ever trust you again even in your own lands'#a 'you promised our people who folowed you safety. you didnt deliver. you promised us freedom from morgoth. you didnt deliver. in fact your#inadequacy and decision to let him loose made everything worse for us in the east. why should we ever listen to anything you say'#and thus a concious effort to shed association with Aman as the Valar govern it. they cant leave. the way is shut. but they can establish#a sticking to their own tongue and traditions without the interference of the Ainur. they've done enough. not enough and yet quite enough.#the avari are welcome should some be reborn.#i never know if i want those of cuivienen to be reborn in aman or fade into unexistence entirely both have merit and sexy hcs#but if any were reborn i think they would get along fairly alright with the exiles. kinslaying exiles? 50/50 depending on repentance#but anyone who does not believe the valar's words and respects their decision to not ever be associated with them is welcomed neutral-warmly#they teach them songs about cuivienen. the sweet waters. beautiful meadows. the birdsong that sounds extra cheerful. fish in abundance#and in turn they get taught songs about beleriand. bewitched forests. victorious battles. wild rivers. frothy shores.#it is seen as an honour to be taught a song about Cuivienen by the people who sat by its shores once. in their language/dialect/whatever#instead of in sindarin or quenya. some millenia into the 4th age tou have a surge of ppl speaking cuivienen dialect#it becomes a clear distinction of who still has fondness left for the valar and who would feel indifferent if they vanished suddenly.#this tag essay has gotten way too long again. sorry besties it will happen again.#tag essay longer than the fucking post???? help#tolkien headcanons
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eonars · 26 days
um. tfw your life is about to change massively very very soon and it still doesn't even feel real yet and still feels like somethings gonna pop up and it won't actually happen and also you're scared as fuck that you're too stupid to actually do it and it'll all be for nothing
#like what do you mean full time salaried w benefits and paid vacation just to do. school.#what made you so enthusiastically think i was the perfect one to do this#when the last approx 20something other guys were like ummmm no you cannot do it#tbf like all that other shit up there aside#this did actually come at the perfect time#i look back on who i was during my masters and i legit do not recognize that person#i barely even remember it i have to look at pictures to think back on who i was#in a strange roundabout way being forced home to stay for a while#kind of re centered me and gave me time to come back to myself in a big way. i was really lost before#and chaining something like this directly after my masters would have been disasters#even like this time last year i did not have this level of mental clarity#and i think thats why i didn't get any of the other positions i was just in a fog and i think people could tell#so as much as like im super scared and nervous about this big change and big exit from my comfort zone#and a little sad and mournful that im leaving my family and wont hear my native language all day every day anymore#im the most ready ive ever been#2019 me was NOT ready im scared of her tbh!! idk what wave i was on but it was weirdo shit!#im also proud that i essentially rawdogged and brute forced a lot of introspection and improvement#entirely on my own#like i really can only just describe it as clarity i feel like i matured 10 years in 4 and cleared all the fog#i feel so good about the way i handle things and react to things now vs then#im like 500x more unbothered and actually know how to put myself first now#anyway uh this prob could have been its own post in and of itself#but woteva innit im proud of how much internal repairs i did on myself over the last few years#became a stable genius as it were#whos a lot more clearly defined and present#but fuck man! i am still scared of being 2stupid
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specialmouse · 5 months
lgbt people need to stop thinking in terms of black and white and by that i mean stop thinking our oppression as directly analogous to the oppression of black people by white people it's not the same !
#fuck dave chapelle hope he dies broke and alone . that being said. i think this line of thinking is the reason why black and other nonwhite#people associate transness specifically with whiteness#part of the reason why anyway. because when we're trying to make direct parallels between something that is not institutional and something#that has been for hundreds of years and is ingrained into basically every facet of culture (transphobia vs antiblackness tbc)#then youre going to have cis(het) black and nonwhite people be like oh these people have no idea what theyre talking about#it's real oppression but talk about it on its own terms...#this isn't to say the two can't intersect OFC THEY DO they do very hard and very violently#i think that we pull from black liberation politics and language in the west particularly in the usa because when we say civil rights that'#the struggle we think of . The Struggle. so we try to pull from that history and current battle. and while parallels absolutely can be#formed esp because so much of lgbt history and liberation in the west is propelled by the work of black and brown trans women..#as white lgbts we need to be able to talk about our struggle in context with that without pulling unnecessary and unapplicable takeaways#from a distinct intersectional struggle that we don't face. does that make sense.#to be clear again the reason dave chapelle thinks transness is a white construct also has to do with just plain ole transmisogyny. i'm not#placing the blame entirely or even mostly on us here that would be ridiculous
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toastytoaster22 · 2 months
Ooh is there anything you can tell us about your original work? Or is it fully a secret for now :3c
Ahhhhh I have kept this story so hush hush for such a long time, it feels weird to even mention it online. I've been working on it since 2017, and its a work of fantasy, so the first few years was near exclusively spend worldbuilding. And its me, so i mean I built everything from the ground up, literally. I spent so much time watching geology micro-documentaries. Gathered info on ecology. Weather systems. Volcanology. Birds. Weasels. What would happen to the food chain if certain animals never evolved. if other kinds did. I made a whole planet and drew it and my husband framed it for me for Christmas three years ago. The characters are most of the way there, as are their growing bonds and dynamics. Its been fun to make OCs and really dig into them in a way I don't have time for in fanfic. I love them all very very much. To no one's surprise there are lots of children. The story will be much like Issho and Nightjar in that the story is child-centric, but not necessarily a children's novel. It'll be a bit long and a bit too in depth on some sensitive topics for it to be "for kids" specifically, but I'd never stop a kid from reading it. The plot is... still very much in construction mode. I make wild changes nearly every day and my friends who are in the know about the story can barely keep up. But they all feel like changes in the right direction! So its a very exciting time. I'm soaking in the spring air and going wild with creativity. Its been YEARS since I made progress like this. Maybe unprecedented amounts of work being done.
Would you believe its Gay Dads and their Three Adopted Children With Issues?
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taikanyohou · 1 year
ughhhh if only discovering new music could be classed as a professional hobby 😔.
#its one of my faaaave hobbies to indulge in if only i could talk about it and make it sound all professional like 'yeah i have an entire#blog dedicated to sounds i love and like and wish to encapsulate and store in one place that then becomes my happy go to place#and says so much about my personality and what i listen to and the energy it gives me and how discovering new music#has made me listen to so much of different cultures and countries and languages#that i couldnt ever do so before and even within my OWN cultures (indian and pakistani) ive LEARNT SO MUCH!!!#such as how sound changes overtime throughout history but some elements stay the same#how good folk music can be if you just pay attention to it and are willing to give it a try#how the east mix elements of the west into their music but still keep it sounding eastern#but v modern too so that its a relatable listen for a westerner but still firm to its eastern roots#how multilingual songs have become! how much that says about an artist trying to express themselves and their identities!#how stories are told how concepts are explored how religion is used as a way to devote something to someone close to you#how much you learn just by opening up yourself to new music and sounds!!!! how you can build entire playlists around fictional media#and characters based on the songs you hear and how you can make the two things crossover and overlap.#how that enhances your experience of consuming media!!! and makes the song and piece of media even more symbolic to you.'#ughhhhhhhh 😔😔😔😔😔.#faiza talks
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j-esbian · 2 months
frustrating how so many craft books have a section about "how to sell what you've made"
like on one hand i get it because the person writing the book has obviously made their craft a full-time job. and they might have some tips and tricks that might be useful, and there are people out there who might be trying to start a small business out of it
but on the other hand it's just exhausting and feels like another voice saying "what's the point of having a hobby if you're not going to monetize it"
#the one of those that rly boils my blood. that i still think about all the time. almost ten years later#the art of language invention by david peterson lmao. fuck that. it is NOT actually a helpful resource if youre trying to get into conlang#in the intro he pretty explicitly was like 'yeah i'm only writing this bc the publishing house approached me bc#i made up some languages for the game of thrones show and that's popular so they thought it would sell'#the meat of the book itself is pretty rudimentary stuff iirc. 'here's the ipa chart. this is what a morpheme is.'#some cool stuff in there about how to build your own font and mess with the kerning to make cursive but it was a program i dont have so#and at the end. hoooooo boy. this is where u can tell they told him to put in this kind of section bc he basically straight up said#'if you're reading this because you want to learn how to build a fantasy conlang dont bother :)#if you weren't on this specific forum in 2002 youll never get it. just hire a Real Conlanger instead'#like. that absolutely colored the rest of the book preceding it bc the entire thing was stuff i had literally just learned#in the intro to linguistics class that inspired me to want to learn how to make a language. so it was nothing new#and the added antagonism of basically saying 'if you dont already know how to do this IM not gonna help bc you'd be competition'#again i understand why he had that attitude bc that's probably how the publisher pitched it in the first place#'this is going to be a book for the average joe who knows nothing about language mechanics and might have aspirations#of writing a story with its own language (because obviously gameofthrones was the first to do that /s) and is wondering how to do it'#but just a very weird attitude to have#mine
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When British writers come up with an American character’s dialogue and give them the most painfully British things to say with their American accent and inflection and it makes the actor come off as stiff. :P
#The Oxford Murders (2008)#I mean it was a very well-done movie visually (that flowy choreographed camera work in the beginning WOW)#The plot was apparently hard to follow and it’s not just my lack of spoken dialogue comprehension and attention working against me#I always have to check reviews to make sure I’m not the only person having a hard time following a story#because I’ve been trained through life not to trust my own mind due to its faultiness…#Anyway: When Seldom said something like “…only mathematics can be proven. Basic statements like two plus two equals four#are the only things sure in this world” I— 💀 HELP no no no… one of the previous characters you played#would like to kiss this new character of yours on the mouth for what he just said— ashsisksnsksjjsjdjdmsksk#That is until you elaborated on it and then basically took the side of his persecutor… THAT sucked#And I know my speech right now does not come off as naturally as it once did (or is it) I have no idea#if this is my real voice or the absorption’s afterglow causing me to speak in such an uptight manner#but I don’t mind it#but I do mind it#because no matter what combination of words I use it doesn’t sound or feel as if I am the one speaking — I stitch together what I hear#or have I only been conditioned to think the way I speak isn’t natural because nobody in my immediate life speaks like this#Who says stitching together words into a gigantic quilt isn’t natural for me?#But that still leaves me with no soul. I’m Pete the Parrot. Or Bumblebee.#Maybe I shouldn’t speak or write; maybe I need to master visual telepathy#or a language comprised entirely of touch and eye movement#I always feel the need to create languages so I can express myself without falling into cliches and dialects#I want to be free of stereotypes#I’m tired of speaking this language… EXHAUSTED#I speak in predictable patterns and when I think I’m not using a pattern by being unpredictable; the unpredictability becomes a trend
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aeide-thea · 10 months
have been reading fic & thinking abt my relationship to fic, which is of course also among other things a mirror of my relationship to my own psyche, and like—i think all the discourse abt its being ~internalized misogyny~ to mostly/entirely read m/m is not ultimately, whatever the truth of it, all that helpful, either to readers or to Women! but of course that doesn't stop me from feeling weird guilt abt the fact that i don't read more f/f than i do, because if there's anything i love to do, it's feel unhelpfully bad abt myself on the slimmest of pretexts…
however! i did end up reading some f/f earlier, specifically transfem f/f, and it got me thinking—basically what i'm usually mostly reading fic for is the romance/sex, right? like, don't get me wrong, i love when a fic gives me a gorgeous double helix of, like, casefic and romance twisted together, that's ideal, but fundamentally most of the time the feeling up is what i sat down at the table to eat. so in a complex aegosexual way it's a fantasy i'm—not projecting onto, exactly, i don't want to be one of the people in it; but, like, lurking in the wings of with eyes big love-crumbs, to steal a phrase from a relevantly-named poet. :) and so it's no wonder that mostly i don't want to read cisfemme4cisfemme stuff, because that's not a dynamic that feels like it has any room for me, or even like i'm particularly welcome in the room. but like. if it's trans women? i'm there, i love that for them and for me. if there's a butch? i might get tripped up by our differing lenses on gender feelings and stub my toe a little but even so i'm probably here for it. (thinking here abt that one butch/femme geraskier ~cisswap which is, like, a gorgeous bruise i keep periodically pressing. <3)
so really it's just like. shocker: i'm not personally moved by fantasies abt romance which feature conventionally feminine cis women whom i don't personally find relatable or sexually desirable! and when i put it like that, it really instantly dissolves the weird useless discourse-induced guiltgunk. like. give me a woman who's, idk, tall and charismatic and strong and clever and talented at something (though honestly it's like that siken revised tweet, a lot of those characteristics are ultimately negotiable!), like women i've historically crushed on irl, and then give me a pairing for her that's like. another woman who's also enough of those things, or a man who's—honestly the kind of m/f i'm open to would be its own whole post bc holy shit am i fussy, it very much does exist but for now let's just stick a pin in that one—or somebody nonbinary, which… idk that i've ever actually seen nb/f in fic? i'm sure it exists! but i'm not sure it exists in any fandoms i've been into. pondering the question did get me really thirsty for a good 'farmgirl (of the luke skywalker variety) is absolutely stunned-and-ringing-like-a-struck-bell captivated by confident flamboyantly genderqueer love interest (example wanted)' dynamic, though…
#(this is entirely unrelated to the actual topic but every time i use a possessive to modify a gerund bc it's a verbal noun it's like#pls hold‚ time 2 decide whether i'd rather do the esoteric thing—'its being'—and have most ppl think i'm getting it wrong#or do the demotic thing—'it being'—and *know* in my own secret heart i'm getting it wrong#and both scenarios feel Bad! so it really is just lose-lose every time it comes up… a sad situation for a gerund lover like yrs truly. 😔)#(also yes what is 'wrong' when it comes 2 language anyway but like. you know what itches your ears and i know what itches mine.#…& obvs what itches mine somehow does NOT include (mis)using 'itch' as a transitive verb for comedically colloquial effect. shrug emoji!!)#anyway none of this is remotely groundbreaking or even unusual but. soothing 2 me to lay it out like this.#fannish things#i guess also#aut fieri uolo aut futuere#and no‚ the world definitely did not need >500 words retreading the same ground many other ppl have already trodden#however. what is a blog for if not to house long-winded unnecessary posts no one but the author (if that) really needed.#in conclusion anything i say abt My Relationship 2 Fic is really always a diptych with that anecdote abt the woman who called up queer bars#just to know there was a space out there where freedom and joy existed‚ and brush the edge of it‚ just a little#like am i personally embodying/visible as much of what i'm deeply emotionally bound up with? no.#is it nonetheless/therefore hugely important to me to see those possibilities stretched out before me like a far green field? sure is!!
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alongtidesoflight · 1 year
i haven't talked trans stuff with irl people in a while so when i tell you today was exhausting
#sat in my class minding my own business when the entire class started shitting on trans women#how to argue with these ppl without breaching stealth#i don't pass well as a woman anymore so i'm assuming these people think i'm a very butch lesbian or whatever#no one's uncomfortable with me being in the women's toilets but as soon as a trans woman steps in there all hell breaks loose#hypothetical trans woman in this case btw because there aren't any trans girls in my class but my language recently started using a#more gender-neutral approach to speaking and added an nb gender marker to job descriptions and passports#so of course every language teacher under the sun has to complain about it#and that turned into an unhinged 30 minutes of my teacher pretending to be a trans woman but actually acting like a very flamboyant#drag queen getting ready to bother some ladies in the women's bathroom#and i have never been more uncomfortable in my life#lucky for ME i don't have to attend that class often so i think i'll only head in there for any exams that might come up#transphobia tw#adding this one for the girlies following me#rant time sorry#this is the second time a teacher tried to get some kinda anti-trans approval out of me and i don't know what they're trying to achieve#here but they're barking up the wrong tree here#the m/f/nb gender marker does exactly what it says btw whatever marker's in your passport dictates where you can go and nb bathrooms are#kinda welcoming to anyone men and women included#and all of this is a discussion on its own#but the starting point of this argument for these people was that trans women and trans men can only use nb bathrooms because#they're not 'real' men or women and where to even start here you know#in the end while i was arguing my teacher told me that i don't know what i'm talking about but 'every other man' in this class#knows exactly what he means#cut me off and that was that#it's not about winning or losing here but i think he realised that i was using arguments that he just didn't feel like talking about rn#so i just ended getting cut off and talked over and i wasn't feeling like#raising my voice but it's just uncomfortable to know what this class would have been thinking of me if i hadn't#decided to go by my agab in this evening course#by the way the very first day i attended this course i showed another guy to the women's bathroom because the men's bathroom was closed for#repairs
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its-chips-main · 5 months
genuinely considering rewatching the majority of bojackhorseman just for judah. the healing aura of that man's unapologetic category 7 autism could fix me in minutes
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angrboda007 · 5 months
you guys are so weird about deaf people
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oatbugs · 2 years
i am actually terrified xoxo
#ok yk how i ended up going to sweden to a family friends house and staying in an empty w a futon in it#the family friend in question is actually a really ridiculously clever translator/linguist/author/journalist/etc#genuinely shes so smart . but also shes like . super introverted and the whole house is constantly silent i can hear someone sighing#through a closed door . and the door to my containment cube TM is in the living room and i am constanrly living in fewr#of making any noise . also forgot to take UK-EU adapter w me so i literally cpuld not study which is the entire reason#i came here . to run away from my parents constantly screaming at each other etc. anyway theyre actually lovely ppl but i am so afraid of#like . using up their food etc . that i rejected it for a while . which is dumb as fuck bc straight up rejecting to eat smns cooking#is actually rly rude in my culture . but i still feel guilty. and like im not even here w my own money (i dont have any of that left xoxo)#anyway we had a convo abt languages and i realised my persian is so shit rn its so . shameful of me. she also told me to learn german#(bc philisophy) and i told her i kind of am kind of and she said do u find it a mathematical langauge ? WHAT DOES THAT MEAN#WHAT DO U MEAN . LIKE IK ROUGHLY WHAT SHE MEANT BUT LIKE WHAT WAS THE RIGHT ANSWER#when i responded she just smiled and said nothing for 10 seconds i feel like my whole personality was being judged for that response#anyway @swedes ur consensus culture is actually so fascinating#empty cube** first tag#every moment i am living in fear . still 100x better than being home lmao#the way i didnt sleep for 3 days . xoxo#anyway linköping bitches r like lets do smth crazy and go to a pub at 7pm order 2 entire beers chat cordially and split the bill before 8pm#heart emoji everyone here js rly sweet
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poisonouspastels · 9 months
actually im kind of thinking abt how all the main players in the AU are probably way more mentally Not Great than it may appear at first
#like Alex is constantly worrying she isn't doing enough for her family and pushes herself way too hard physically and mentally bc of it#no one expects it out of her but she kind of just got herself into that mindset and ends up hurting herself by pushing too hard usually#(Rana is working with her to help break the habit)#Herobrine lived in caves for like 7 (I think. im too lazy to go check the rough timeline rn) years straight#like i already dont have to explain why thats bad on its own but hyperfixating on a dead civilization that long#to the point where you almost entirely forgot your first language is Worse.#he's had so many spider bites and eaten parts of spiders that he's literally just immune to the venom now#Rana you'd think would be better off since she's like the traditional happy cheery character but I guess that's also why she's Not#being happy is a choice to her. she's lived through some of the worst shit but she keeps persisting because the world needs more love in it#she's going to be happy out of spite despite all the odds and she wants to give that to others as much as she can#this girl walks in and out of the Nether every other month for potion ingredients like how 'okay' can she actually be really#Steve is probably like the most normal by comparison#but im not really sure how sane you can realistically qualify yourself to be when you've previously done DIY top surgery with a sword#that was not a fun day for neither Steve nor (pre transition) Rana but it worked! please dont do that again#no one else do it either neither of them would recommend it#he's not traumatized from that or anything but ill be damned if the gender dysphoria didnt win that day#but at the same time so did he. via the use of like 20 healing potions#thanks Rana#minecraft au mastertag
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rebelband · 2 years
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#scc log#|| tiny reasons I get to give my cap'n heterochromia exhibit A an outright fix & replacement because aesthetics are important#that being said since he (and cks in later following) were recruited for the sake of decreasing swt's workload#inevitably swt and manager has had their own relationship and she gets to know swt's the stupidest about its own state - thoughts of#inferiority and all that. which she keeps confidential but there's at least one point in time cpn accidentally stumbles across it in a#vulnerable state so... huh! warming up to and/or respecting your partner through weird circumstances over time#|| on a semi-related note. manager has also had to deal with q5u and palette and many more#(in which she can manage it because of course she can but this is to note that queen's also helped her out since she's... vital ? (and also#a friend). do you feel me)#something something... handling audio services & having assisted in voice speech & language -> devices such as say...#a player and a speaker especially would not be entirely out of her range#if anything there's always the web search too so like -#getting too into it but maybe you get the point#my timeline is stretched unreasonably but I'm a sucker for friendship dynamics that are also a little complicated and increasingly so after#conflict and - (mutes myself.)#you? trying to hide your insecurities and flaws? manager will straighten that out for you <3#truth be told BOTH of these short dumbasses have gotten into their fair share of fights
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falinscloaca · 1 year
considering unfollowing/blocking a bunch of people i like just bc my stress levels at slight disagreements (or ‘disagreeing more strongly on discourse opinions that i don’t even really think i’m in the RIGHT for’) have gotten unbearable. already let someone go. wish i could leave a goodbye letter stating my reasoning but that’d be fucking wierd
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