#if it wasn't such a twisting of the face (which we see plenty on the PC as well)
eorzeashan · 8 months
ok so. I know everyone has their opinion on how whiny Koth is and that's a beaten dead horse but I think a huge under-looked part of it is how the game engine animates anger. take a look at Koth's face here, the famous frown which regularly puts players off-- including me at one point, because he looked absolutely livid over the news of a breakup, which startled me at the intensity of his expression.
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makes you think wow this guy's emotional, doesn't it? and as a reaction to a few small conflicts, it doesn't feel good.
but then take a look at how KOTXX animates a frown on Lana and Theron:
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SWTOR tends to make anger appear as a bulging of the eyes, which is a little terrifying, since it signifies extreme rage. Case in point:
I think a huge part of why Koth appears so abrasive to the playerbase is his expressions: he is overanimated and frowns with his entire face in a way that is almost comical in the same way the other companions frown *far* too much to the point of looking like TF2 caricatures, which makes him seem far pettier than he actually is.
I really believe his delivery would be helped if expressions weren't so strong and made subtler in SWTOR's engine, but he already was at a disadvantage with being made to disagree more often and therefore use that frown more than the others, which made his image worsen in player eyes. (Though his popularity shouldn't hinge on whether he agrees or not).
The point is, even as someone who likes the character even I was thrown off by how furious he looked to innocuous lines. His voice delivery was fairly neutral. His face wasn't. Would the same vehement dislike towards him exist if he wasn't animated in the same way?
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beamtori · 6 months
𝟓-𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐞𝐰
nonidol!jacob bae x afab!reader
you've heard plenty of things about certified campus crush jacob bae, but when you finally meet him, you decide to find out if the rumors are true.
6.0k words (ITS ONLY THIS LONG BC OF THE PLOT), strangers 2 lovers, tutor!jacob, mentions of physics (yuck), swearing (not from jacob 💀), SMUT (minors dni), penetrative sex, oral sex (f.receiving)/face riding (m.receiving), cum eating, fingering, kind of sweet..., kissing, this was kind of tame ngl, pet names (smart girl, angel, baby, beautiful), barely proofread i am up past my bedtime 🤣
a/n: there is hope for me yet o7 @winterchimez here's the thing 💀, @zzoguri @snowflakewhispers to the jacob stans...
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Your friend Ronnie's voice drew you out of your bubble, and you ripped the earbud out from your ear without looking up from your laptop screen. “Yeah, babe.”
“Jacob Bae just walked in—” Her hushed squealing was paired by an insistent tapping on your arm from across the table inside the café.
You made a face, taking the other earbud out. “Who?”
Ronnie's face flattened into incredulity. “The guy I have literally been talking your ear off about for the past month.”
Jacob… Jacob Bae… ah, Jacob. The name echoed something familiar in your near-empty noggin. Sometimes names just didn't stick when you were busy with other things like the torque and force mechanics you were trying to nail for your physics midterm in two weeks. “Oh right.”
“Damn,” she swore, twisting over her shoulder toward the entrance. She turned back to face you with a pout. “He just left.”
“He didn't get anything?”
“No,” Ronnie sighed. She twirled her pen around between her fingers, then tapped the top edge of your laptop screen. That was what pulled your eyes away from it. “I feel like I haven't seen your eyes in the last ninety minutes, Yn.”
You huffed a laugh, scribbling a note on your scratch notepad about how you performed the last exercise incorrectly. Just like the last one. “We are here to study, Ron.”
Ronnie gave a small smile, but the edges were down turned. “Yeah, I know we said that, but it was kind of an excuse for me to get you out of your apartment.”
“I go out of my apartment,” you protested.
Her eyebrow lifted as she reached for her iced coffee. “Besides for food or class.”
You opened your mouth, then snapped it closed after giving it more than a moment's thought. “Listen,” you ended up with as a response.
Ronnie snorted. “See? I haven't hung out with you ever since your last physics midterm, Yn. It's normal to worry about your friends, you know?” She nudged you teasingly from across the table.
You finally set your pen down to massage the pulsing headache beginning to form between your eyes. You wrinkled your nose up. “I guess you're right.”
“I know I am,” she mused. “Hey, if physics is overwhelming you, then you should totally go check out their tutoring center. I'm sure they have one.”
Your shoulders immediately slumped. Just the thought of the physics student center sent a queasy churn to your stomach. It wasn't that the people there weren't nice, it was just the fact that you hadn't had the best track record with tutors. No matter how hard they tried, no matter what method was used, you could never seem to get it down. Most of the time, you just forced yourself to buckle down until some miracle got you to get the correct answer. (Awful learning strategy, but you would take luck over skill at this point. Your GPA needed the luck.)
“You're probably right,” was what you said to her anyway. You knew she was just trying to help.
Shaking the negative thoughts away, you lowered your laptop screen to swap your pen for your untouched beverage. “Tell me about this Jacob guy again. How do you know him?”
Ronnie's eyes lit up, and you found yourself slowly relaxing again. “I'm pretty sure he's everybody's campus crush or something. Every time I bring him up with my other girl friends, they also seem to know about him? Which is crazy.”
You nodded. “Yeah, this is a pretty big uni.”
“Right? But—” Ronnie groaned, slumping back in her sleep. “He's so hot, Yn-ie. I swear to god, his smile makes my fucking panties melt.”
You nearly snorted your drink up and out of your nose, and your friend slapped a hand over her mouth when you realized she said that out loud. “Please,” you wheezed, swiping your thumb at the corner of your lips. “So he's that attractive? Is he a good guy though? Like does his physical traits overcompensate for a… uh, an awful personality or something?”
“That's the best part—”
Your eyes narrowed. “No way.”
“He's literally the nicest person on Planet Earth, I swear to god, Yn.”
“You've talked to him?”
She paused. “No…”
You sent her a pointed look. “Then you can't say that unless you've talked to him, Ronnie. That's just how it works.”
Ronnie pursed her lips, gesturing vaguely with her hands. “It's just something you have to trust me on! Everybody knows he's super cool and handsome and just a top notch, cream-of-the-crop—”
“Not me,” you pointed out with a laugh.
“That's because your head is where your calculator is.”
You gasped, pressing your beloved scientific calculator to your chest as if hiding it from your friend's words. “You take that back! She's been more loyal than any man, thank you very much.”
Ronnie rolled her eyes. “Okay, that's probably true, but Jacob's gotten five-star reviews from everybody!”
“On what account?” You scoffed.
“You just have to trust me,” Ronnie repeated, emphasizing her words with a cheeky smile.
Your face contorted into one that clearly gave away your disbelief. “Okay, sure.”
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Despite your reluctance to go in the first place, you found yourself walking down the hallway of the physics department building toward the student center. There were usually TA office hours held here throughout the week, and a couple of the physics professors even came here to hold their own help sessions, but the hour you chose was none of those. Frankly, you had zero faith you were going to be able to learn this from someone else successfully; there was just something weird about how your brain worked.
Nonetheless, you were desperate.
The room was rather bustling when you arrived with nearly all of the group tables filled up with students helping each other work through the problems. Anxiety settled in your gut like a parasite, and you meandered toward the side of the room where there was an open single desk. Maybe if you just sat here and worked on your problems by yourself, you could technically still say you came to the student center like a coward.
With a sigh, you began pulling your materials out from your bag to get to work. Immediately, you realized that you had last stopped working on an awful problem you didn't even know how to start.
You startled, head whipping upward fast enough to give you whiplash. Heat swarmed up to your neck and ears.
There was a guy standing in front of you with a boyish smile and wearing a deep purple Laker's hoodie. With a sweater paw, he gave a wave, repeating his greeting. “Hi, I'm sorry I snuck up on you. I was wondering if I could be of any assistance?”
The way his dark brown hair curled over his forehead and the way his molten brown eyes shone so warmly in the fluorescent lights was throwing you off your mark. And that was only when you weren't already stunned by the absolute beautiful smile adorning his—you snapped out of it.
A sheepish smile wormed its way onto your face, and you cupped the back of your neck. “Oh, that's okay, I tend to get kind of oblivious with my surroundings,” you laughed nervously. Why was the way he looked at you making you so clumsy with your words? “Uhm, I guess maybe? I've kind of been stuck on this torque problem for a while.”
You swallowed, spinning your laptop around to show him the practice problem on the screen. His eyes skimmed over the words, tongue jamming into the side of his cheek.
“Oh, I see,” he said kindly. “This problem is notoriously awful, but I have a trick for getting through these ones if you'd like.”
“Oh, really?” You couldn't help the hopeful tilt in pitch at the end of your question, and you watched him drag over a spare chair to sit adjacent to you.
He settled next to you, his knees knocking against yours, and you both blurted out apologies to each other. “Sorry,” he murmured. “May I?” He gestured to your writing utensil and notepad.
“Yeah, of course.”
He twirled the pen between his fingers. “Ooh, these ones are nice to write with. Super smooth.”
You nodded. “Yeah, for sure! They also last really long, too.”
There was an interesting gleam in his eyes as he peered over at you. “That's also true.” He shook his head, a sheepish chuckle falling from his mouth. “I'm sorry, I just realized I completely butted into your study session, and didn't even introduce myself.”
You couldn't help the small flutter in your chest. Oh, the bare minimum of chivalry, and yet, here you were feeling so woozy from it. “It's no worries,” you assured him, “I really would have just stared at this thing before giving up, so.”
He brushed a hand through his hair. “I totally get that. Physics isn't for the faint of heart, so you're already doing great by coming here for help in the first place. I'm Jacob, by the way.” He accompanied the latter with an outstretched hand toward yours.
You licked your lips, managing a small smile and clasping his hand in a shake. “Nice to meet you, Jacob—” That name sounded familiar, “—I’m Yn.”
But there were probably hundreds of Jacobs who went to this school. There was no way that the one time you happened to come to the student help center, the Jacob Bae that Ronnie gushed to you about just happened to be the guy to help you.
It was ridiculous.
“Yn,” he repeated, as if trying the way your name tasted on his tongue. “Nice to meet you, too,” he beamed. You realized how your heart stuttered every time he smiled.
His eye contact lingered, and then he cleared his throat. “Sorry, shall we?” He motioned to the problem, and you nodded eagerly.
“Yeah, let's do it,” you said. You subtly brought your hand up against your cheek and felt your skin. It definitely was hot to the touch; why did this guy have to be so attractive? If you weren't going to learn anything because of your weird learning quirk, you weren't going to learn jackshit because the man teaching you was just that distracting.
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It turned out miracles did exist.
“You would not believe what happened to me this afternoon.”
You paced about the bedroom in your apartment with your phone on speaker and broadcasting Ronnie's voice. You had just gotten home from the physics student center, your heart rate still over the speed limit and your skin warm. There was a giddiness and adrenaline making your fingers twitch, and frankly, you couldn't sit down for this.
“Why? What happened?” Your friend asked in earnest.
You massaged your lips together. “Okay, you know the other day when you were telling me about that Jacob Bae guy?”
You could hear the excitement creeping into her voice. “Yes…”
“Do you know what his major is?”
“I'm pretty sure it's physics...”
You had to stop and slap your hands to your face. The sound was loud enough for Ronnie to hear on the other side, and she began barking out the standard “What happened? What happened? Tell me what happened!”
“Okay, so I went to the physics student center to try and get help, right?” When you heard Ronnie's hum of acknowledgment, you continued on, “And there's this one problem I've been stuck on for an illegal amount of time. And this guy comes up to me and asks if he can help me, and Ronnie—Ronnie, he was so—”
“Hot! Panty-meltingly attractive?”
You nearly bursted into laughter at how ridiculous all of this sounded. “He was just so cute. Like fine-cute. And he actually helped me, dude. You know my weird schtick about people teaching me—”
“Oh my gosh, for real? He was actually able to help you out?”
You flopped onto your bed, grinning at the ceiling in pure relief and accomplishment. “Yes! If he's the Jacob Bae you were talking about…” You sighed, shaking your head, “He gets my stamp of approval.”
Rather than coming back to your apartment defeated as you thought you would, you left with a newfound confidence in your abilities to understand physics, new tips and tricks from Jacob, and… you were probably going to frame the little “You did well today, Yn! Super lovely meeting you. x, Jacob” note he left for you in the corner of one of the notepad leaflets. It was his faith in you and unrelenting patience that got you through your practice problems today.
Maybe you weren't a lost cause after all? Crazy.
“I told you!” Ronnie exclaimed.
You drew an arm over your eyes. “Yeah, yeah. Gloat all you want.” You were still proud of yourself, and way too satisfied with how the day went.
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“Well, hello hello,” Jacob chuckled as he sidled up by your desk with a white lollipop stick hanging out from his lips. His eyes were crinkled in amusement as he peered down at you with his hands shoved into his pockets, hair tucked beneath a black baseball cap.
“Hey,” you chirped. “How're you?”
He smiled around the sweet in his mouth, stepping over to drag a chair beside you as he always did. It had been about a week since you first met him, and you had yet to fail to come to the tutoring center once. “I'm great. How about you? Ready for the exam tomorrow?”
Your hand met your forehead, and your expression coaxed a chuckle from him. “I definitely feel more prepared than a week ago, but it's still nerve-racking. The horror stories I've heard, Cobie…”
Something appeared in your view. You blinked, surprised, when you realized Jacob was holding out a little lollipop in front of you bundled in a standard paper wrapper.
“Encouragement,” he said simply, giggling at your doe-eyed expression.
You broke out into a smile and accepted the lollipop from him, eagerly twisting the wrapper off to pop the great into your mouth. “Thanks, man.”
“Yeah, no worries. I had extras and thought you might need the extra boost.”
“That's really sweet of you,” you said in earnest. “I haven't had a lollipop in forever.” Your lips pursed around the head as you took the strawberry flavored pop out of your mouth to look at the glistening surface in the tutoring center lights.
You licked your lips of the juices, not catching how his eyes darted to watch you do so.
He cleared his throat, shifting his lollipop from one cheek to the other. “So, what did you wanna go over today?”
It had been a little over a week since you first met Jacob and came under his tutelage. It seemed the chemistry-turned-physics major always happened to be free to cater to your needs every time you walked in for help. Everything Ronnie had told you that day in the café had been true—not only was Jacob an absolute stud, he was also a perfect angel. You couldn't believe such a divine human being even existed, let alone continued to find your company amusing enough to still tutor you one on one without payment.
(And you couldn't believe you were even able to focus around him. There were always gentle brushes of his hand against yours, lingering glances that made your neck heat, and the like. Your heart cartwheeled in your chest with more agility and frequency than your physical body could.
By the time the physics midterm exam rolled around, you were feeling much more prepared for the material you would be tested on. The exam flew by in the blink of an eye, and before you knew it, you were breaking out of the examination hall and into the cool autumn evening. Your stomach growled as you wandered down the street toward the university district to find dinner.
Adrenaline still pumped through your veins from the exam, but your mood was substantially higher than it was after the first exam.
You stood outside one of the ramen shops in the district, head cocked to the side as you contemplated the menu plastered on one of the windows.
You broke out from your food-searching daze, your lips pulling into a smile as you greeted Jacob coming down the sidewalk toward you. “Hey, Cobie. What's good?”
Jacob grinned as he sidled up beside you, one of his hands carding through his hair before sticking itself back into the pocket of his dark bomber jacket. “I'm just looking for dinner," he chuckled. “Did you just come from the exam?”
“I did,” you confirmed with a bob of your head.
“And? How'd it go?”
Your smile widened, and you ducked your head for a second. “I think it went pretty alright,” you admitted. “I don't wanna jinx myself though. But I think I do deserve a reward for making it through, don't you think?”
Jacob nodded. “Oh, for sure. You've been so good for m—I mean,” he coughed, amending his words, “You've worked really hard these past couple weeks and so it deserves a little celebration. Are you… are you here with anyone?”
“Definitely not,” you winced sheepishly, “since I just got out of the exam and all—I don't usually make plans right after tests.”
“I see; I get that.” He rubbed the back of his head, tongue ghosting over his bottom lip. “Well, I'm not really here with anyone either. Would you mind some company?”
You met his eyes and your heart did the little hop-n-skip it always did when you made eye contact with him. “Yeah, I'd love some company, actually. I'd love to repay you for all the help you've given me recently.”
He chuckled, swinging the door to the shop open for you. “Trust me, it was my pleasure, Yn.”
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If there was one thing you knew for sure, Jacob was a gentleman through and through. If chivalry was dead, then Jacob Bae was dead—okay, maybe that was a little morbid to think about on your way home, especially when the man in question walked right beside you, hands tucked into his jacket pockets with a wistful little smile on his face.
Dinner had gone splendidly—except for the fact he had a feeling you would want to pay for his meal and subtly slipped the waiter his card before you could. The cherry on top was his offer to walk you home—only if you were comfortable—and though you knew that definitely wouldn't even out the ledger, you accepted his offer. More time with him? Yes, please.
“This is my building here,” you murmured, worrying your bottom lip between your teeth as reluctance for this evening to end worked its way up your throat. You inclined your chin to the apartment complex coming up just a few hundred feet ahead.
“Ah,” he said under his breath.
The two of you stopped in front of the entrance to the lobby, facing one another. “Thanks for dinner,” you said for what seemed like the fifth night.
He beamed. “Anytime, Yn. I loved hanging out with you.”
If you wore a heart rate monitor, it probably would have been screaming at you right about now. “Uhm… would you… like to continue hanging out with me? I mean, like, coming up?” You nudged your thumb behind you in the direction of the doors. Was that too forward of you?
His eyes widened a smidge, and his smile softened at the corners. “I'd love to.”
A giddy sort of feeling bubbled up in your chest as you and he shared wide grins, and you led him up to your apartment. Your hands shook slightly as you arrived at your door, your keys jingling against one another as you sorted through them for the right one.
“I wasn't expecting company, so I hope you don't mind the mess,” you laughed nervously, fingers pinching the right key to insert into the lock.
He gave a kind smile. “Oh, it's no worries at all. Actually, can I—I should probably say something before we go in.”
Your movements stopped short and you turned to face him, wide-eyed. “Uh oh,” you mused half-heartedly, “this is the moment you tell me you're a serial killer.” Please don't be a serial killer…
That coaxed a bright laugh from his mouth, and your heart melted a little bit. He shook his head, “No, no. Nothing of that sort, I swear! I just…” His lips pressed into a smile again and he confessed, “I'm attracted to you, Yn. Ah, there it is; I said it.”
He released a nervous giggle, cupping the back of his neck.
Starstruck, you lost the key in your hand. “Me?” You stammered. Were your ears deceiving you? “Like… in a not-just-friends way?”
Jacob nodded. “Yeah, in a not-just-friends way.” Then quickly added, “I mean, if that makes you uncomfortable, I can totally leave. We can be just friends, too, if you're okay with that. I just think you're gorgeous, and smart, and—”
“Can I kiss you?” You blurted.
“Please do—I need to shut up.”
And you gladly shut him up.
You stepped forward and closed the gap between you, his hands coming up to cup your face as your lips met. He tasted like spearmint from the gum he offered right after tonight's meal—always thinking of everything, this one. His mouth was soft against yours, something tender and gentle, giving you enough space to pull away if you wished.
But you didn't. Good lord, you wanted more.
Your eyes fluttered open just as he did, his nose bumping against yours.
“Inside?” He murmured.
You nodded. “Yeah, inside.”
You fumbled with the keys into your apartment, hand blindly flipping the light switch on as Jacob found your lips again, hands grappling onto your waist. His foot kicked the front door shut behind you both as shoes came off.
Your back met the wall just as you slid a hand into his curls. The sound of keys hitting the floor echoed in your ears, but your other senses were far too overwhelmed with Jacob right now—the smell of the cologne clinging to his clothes, the soft earnestness of his mouth against yours, his hard body pressed up—
“So sweet,” he groaned, squeezing your sides. “Could eat you up.”
You whimpered at his words, his mouth breaking away from yours so you could both shove your jackets off your shoulders. “You shouldn't say things like that,” you breathed, pressing your hands against his chest.
The corners of his lips curled upward. “Actually,” he drawled, dropping his mouth near your ear, “that's not a bad idea.”
Your knees nearly buckled. “Huh?”
Your mind went fuzzy as he attached his lips to the side of your neck, suckling sweetly against your pulse, your skin, your collarbone.
“You're a smart girl,” he chuckled warmly, the vibrations sending something just as warm to your panties. “You can figure it out.”
He smiled against your throat, feeling your pulse skip. “There you go,” he purred.
You knocked your head back against the wall at the thought of what he was insinuating—planning—to do to you. When you turned your gaze down, you nearly whimpered again at the sight of him sinking down to his knees before you with a wicked grin on his face.
Forget angelic—this man could be the Devil if he so wished.
“I have a bedroom, you know,” you attempted to joke, but you were also dead serious. Was he seriously about to…?
His hands—large, warm, veiny, and studded with rings—smoothed over the fabric of your skirt, not daring to venture under until you gave him the go-ahead. “We'll get to that,” he promised. “May I?”
You wrestled down a swallow, blood hammering in your ears. “Yeah,” you croaked.
Jacob licked his lips, then pressed a featherweight kiss to the side of your knee. He glanced up at you in silent question. Was that okay?
You nodded in approval, moving your hands into his hair and to cup the back of his head.
He continued on, kissing his way up your inner thighs, until his head dipped beneath the hem of your skirt and you could feel his hot breath fan over your clothed cunt.
Your breath hitched when you felt him blow cool air at the wet spot that collected at the bottom of your underwear.
Jacob's warm laugh met your ears. “You're so cute,” he murmured. His nose nudged you through the damp fabric, and he marveled, “You're so wet for me—can’t wait to taste you.”
Your fingers tightened in his hair. “Please, Cobie.”
“Almost there, angel. You've been so good for me.”
A whine fell from your lips at that, and you slapped a palm against your mouth. God, you sounded so desperate, and maybe you were.
He slowly tugged your underwear down, and you stepped out of them. With the barrier out of the way, Jacob went right to work, licking a broad stripe up your slit and sensing you careening against his face.
“Shit,” you swore, one hand grappling onto his shoulder.
Jacob held you upright with one of his arms looped under your thigh to anchor you into place. His nose bumped against your clit as he wormed his tongue through your folds.
You grounded your hips against his tongue, his mouth, his face, begging for more.
His lips latched onto your puffed up clit next, and your head knocked back against the wall again. “Jacob, please—”
He teased your opening with one of his fingers, then dipped it into your weeping cunt. The metal ring was cool against your pussy lips, the sting delicious, as he thrusted his fingers in and out of you as his mouth sucked on your clit mercilessly.
“Jacob, right there—please, please, please—” You tugged the strands of his hair and he groaned into your pussy, the vibrations going straight to your sensitive nub. You rocked your hips against him, desperately chasing after your own high.
You felt a second finger enter you, and the two digits curled and jammed against the soft, gummy spot inside you.
He licked your clit, replacing his tongue with his thumb for a second. “Close, angel?”
“Mhm,” you bit your lip. “Please, I'm so close.”
You moaned as he reattached his lips to your clit, vigorously suckling it until it was bruised, his fingers ramming up into you in tandem. His arm tightened around you as you cried out, your fingers clawing into the meat of his shoulder—your knees buckled, your vision went white for a split second, and fire erupted in your belly as you went over the edge.
Jacob's tongue lapped up all of the slick that had collected, and you sucked in a breath when his tongue dove through your folds and made you clench around the appendage.
When his head came out from under your skirt, his hair was a ruffled mess (thanks to you), and his face gleamed in your arousal and his sweat. He met your eyes, sticking his two fingers in his mouth to clean them.
You nearly went over again at the sight. “Fucking hell,” you exhaled, curling an arm around him as he clambered up to his feet.
Jacob smiled, swooping in to kiss you again so you could taste yourself on him. His hands smoothed down the sides of your body before coming down to cup the backs of your thighs. “You feeling okay?” He murmured into you, coaxing you to wrap your legs around his waist, thumb grazing the skin on your leg.
“Mmh,” you hummed against him, breath hitching when your bare pussy brushed against the rough hardness in his jeans. “Definitely better than okay. What about you?”
“Same here.” He cradled your head with one hand, and held you up with his other. “Do you want more?” He asked you breathlessly, pulling away.
His hand smoothed over the top of your head fondly. You nodded. He seemed to always be wanting to give. “Only if you want more.”
“Yeah, baby. Where's your bedroom?”
He had scooped you up and laid you out over your bed sheets like his own personal feast—and to be so very honest, you wouldn't mind being his meal every single day.
“This is cute,” he said cheekily with his knee pressed into the mattress as he climbed over you onto the bed.
You cupped the side of his face to draw him down to you. “You didn't even look at the room,” you mused into his mouth.
He hummed deeply, maneuvering your head back to deepen the kiss. He pressed his tongue into your mouth, the rough surface massaging against your own and making you forget your own name. “Anything you—” he said at last, “—I find unabashedly cute.”
“Unabashedly, you say?” You teased.
Jacob broke away only to tear his shirt over his head and to give you space to do the same. You pulled your shirt over your head and swiftly undid the clasp of your bra, your eyes fixing on the carved muscle flexing on his stomach as he settled back over you.
His tongue darted out of his lips. “Like what you see?”
You couldn't deny it; who were you trying to fool anyways? “I do.”
Maybe he was surprised by your forwardness. A bit of pink brushed his cheekbones and he leaned over you to press a kiss to your lips. “I can say the same about you, beautiful.”
He trailed one of his knuckles down the valley between your breasts, your chest rising and falling with your every breath. Goosebumps rose upon your flesh as he went, and you were itching to feel his mouth on your skin again.
“Can I touch you some more?” He murmured, eyes darting up to yours.
You nodded earnestly.
Jacob bracketed his arms next to your body and lowered his mouth over one of your nipples. Your fingers found his hair again with a gasp, arching yourself into his mouth and relishing the feeling of his skilled tongue swirling around your perked nub. His other hand gently massaged your other breast, squeezing the mound affectionately.
You covered his hand with yours, urging him to fondle you harder, rougher. The way his skin felt against yours was heavenly.
You sighed his name, wrapping one of your legs around his waist to grind your pelvis against his hardness.
He groaned around you, “Ugh, Yn.” He popped his mouth off your breast, lips trailing down to your belly, all while he grinded into you to chase some form of relief.
“Jacob, please,” you rasped, urging him with a harsh thrust. “Wanna feel you.”
You were tugging your skirt down your legs next, accompanied to the sound of his belt buckle clinking and the denim falling to the floor beside your bed. His erection tented his boxers, and his face looked flushed, but he dug around in his wallet for a spare condom before coming back to you.
When he yanked his boxers down, his heavy cock sprung up and slapped against his stomach. You pushed yourself up onto your elbows to watch him tear the condom packet open with his teeth before sliding the rubber over his throbbing cock.
He groaned softly under his breath, a muscle in his jaw feathering as he wrapped his fist around the head and squeezed himself lightly.
“You're really hot,” you said then, catching him off guard and making him grin boyishly.
He laughed, leaning down to find your lips in a sweet kiss. “Yeah?” He murmured. “You walked into the tutoring center and I knew I was gone, I thought you were so pretty.”
Your chuckle was muffled against him. “Trying to one-up me, Jacob?” Your mirth sobered slightly as he rubbed the tip of his cock between your slickened folds.
Jacob nipped at your bottom lip. “You’ve always been a fast learner.”
As he pushed himself into you, stretching you out inch by inch, you melted into him, fingers digging into his shoulders and his face burying itself into the hollow of your neck.
Your stomach rose and fell with your quick breaths. “Holy shit,” you moaned, mouth falling open as you clung onto him. You could feel him filling you up, the condom doing nearly nothing to hide the ridges of the veins along his shaft. They rubbed against your walls, and you clenched desperately around him.
Jacob moaned loudly, his hips twitching against yours. “Baby, please," he choked out. “You're so—god, you're so tight.”
“You can move now,” you told him softly, cupping the back of his head.
You felt him nod, and with a groan, he pulled his hips back and pushed them into you again. The first thrust was delicious, the second and all the rest were sublime. With every drag of his cock against your walls, you could feel your stomach clench, the pressure building inside you.
His hips slammed against yours desperately, the bed rocking with your movements beneath you and knocking against the wall—thunk, think, thunk—a steady rhythm. He seemed to be consistent in everything he did.
Jacob pressed his body weight against yours as he moved against you. The room filled with the sounds of both of your bliss, and the lewd squelching noises every time he fucked himseld in you. You could feel the wetness and sweat dribbled to your thighs and your ass; barely comprehending just how messy this would be.
“You feel so good, angel,” he groaned, reaching down between your bodies to flick his thumb over your clit.
You yelped, the sensation nearly tipping you over. “Jacob, oh my god—”
“So good for me,” he murmured, sweat dripping down the curve of his sculpted nose. “Gonna come again for me? Nice and pretty as always?”
Your head nodded vigorously, your hips rising to meet his, pelvic bones smashing against each other, his balls slapping against your ass. “Shit, I'm so close!”
You could feel yourself being cranked and wound up like a jack in the box—the precipice was in sight and just in your reach.
Jacob's thrusts grew sloppy, but rougher as he reached his own high. He grunted against your skin, and you both came at once, his hips stilling inside you as you clenched down hard around him.
“Jacob,” you cried out for what seemed like the thousandth time tonight, while his own voice hoarsely grunted your name by your ear.
For a moment, you let your breathing and heart rate steady. You gently brushed your hand against the back of his head as his arms wrapped around your body and he littered your skin with kisses.
“How was that, angel?” He murmured to you, voice husky. He raised his head up to meet your lips with his.
You kissed him back. “It was really good.”
Jacob gave a warm chuckle, eyes crinkling with a smile. “Yeah?”
“Five stars,” you joked.
That drew a slightly louder laugh out of him, and he carefully pulled his softened cock out of you. Swiftly tying the condom off, you directed him to the waste bin beneath your desk.
Jacob settled onto the edge of bed next to you and one of his hands cupped the side of your face, his thumb trailing over your cheekbone. “I meant it—you’re really, really gorgeous. And I know this kind of moved fast, but I'd really like to see where this goes.”
You bit your lip around a smile and met the twinkle in his eye. “I feel the same way.”
You slowly sat up and draped yourself around him, one of his hands holding your forearm to return the gesture. “How's a bath sound?” You asked. You wanted to do something for him now.
He grinned, pressing a kiss to the side of your head. “I would love that.”
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a/n: abrupt endings are my weakness 💀 someone remind me how to write a conclusion
tbz m.list
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vioartemis · 10 months
Admiring from afar
(Tara Carpenter x fem! reader)
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Summary: Just me trying a new concept, you'll have to read to know what it is 👀 a/n: I'm not dead, just had a strong writers block (which is still here), here's a little thing :)) Warnings: light angst (?) (English isn't my first language, I'm sorry if there are mistakes or if something doesn't make sense TvT)
You were not supposed to meet, not supposed to ever talk to each other, let alone falling in love with each other. But here you were, seeing each other in secret, deeply in love.
You knew it was wrong. You knew you shouldn't feel that way, that it wasn't 'normal'. That's what everyone would say if they knew.
But you couldn't help it; she was so perfect.
Before meeting her, you had seen her a few times with her sister and her friends, and were already simping for her. She was so pretty, with her cute freckles and her big brown eyes...
You wanted to meet her, get to know her, give her a hug, knowing what she went through. You were tired of admiring from afar.
For a long time, you thought it wasn't possible; the barrier between you was too difficult to bypass.
Until one day you found something. Something that might work.
You were determined to try and succeed.
The first times you tried, you failed miserably. Something always ruined everything. After a couple of fail, you started to think you would never be able to actually meet her.
You decided to try one more time, just one more.
And this time, it worked. You were so nervous when her gaze met yours. And also a bit confused.
But the moment was magical. Like a dream.
You were getting along so well; way better than what you imagined. You had a lot in common, the same humor, and felt really comfortable with each other.
You both agreed you needed to meet again, as often as possible; You were already addicted to each other.
It had been months since you met now, or at least that's what it felt like. You couldn't wait for the night to come so you could see her again. She had become your world, your light.
You wished you could tell your friends and family about her; about how happy she made you. But they wouldn't understand. None of them would.
As soon as you saw her, she was running into your arms, before her soft lips met yours.
"I missed you so much..." she whispered once she had pulled away
"I missed you too... I'm sorry I couldn't make it last night..."
She shook her head at your apology.
"It's okay, don't apologize. We have plenty of time now"
She took your hand with one of these smiles that made you melt, and pulled you towards a blanket on the floor.
"I thought a picnic would be romantic... What do you think?"
"I love it, Tara. Thank you"
You didn't really know if you thanked her for the picnic, or just for being here, with you, and for all that she did for you.
After a while of eating, cuddling, and enjoying each other's company, you said:
"I want to stay here forever, with you..."
"Me too, Y/n... me too... But we both know we can't..."
"I know, I... I'm just... ... What if you find someone else...? Someone with who you can be all the time, someone that you wouldn't be forced to keep a secret, someone-"
"Hey hey...! Stop, please. I don't want anyone else, okay?"
"... what about Chad?"
She frowned, confused by your question.
"Chad? I don't care about him, you know it baby..."
You don't say anything to that, not sure you should tell her.
"Y/n, are you saying that Chad and I...?"
You looked away and nodded slightly, your stomach twisting at the thought.
She grabbed your face and made you look at her.
"It won't happen. Not after meeting you. You're the only one for me, I couldn't dream of someone better. You're perfect, you understand me, I understand you... We're meant to be, Y/n... I'm convinced we are"
"Even if we're from different worlds...?"
She nodded.
"Even if we are from different worlds"
She pulled you in for a soft, yet passionate kiss, whispering sweet nothings to you after pulling away.
Both of your watches suddenly rang, letting you know it's time to say goodbye.
"I don't want to go back, Tara..."
"Me neither, but we have to..."
She kissed you one more time.
"If you miss me, you know what to do... I'll do it too, because I always miss you" she chuckled slightly, trying to lighten up your mood
You cracked a little smile at her comment.
"I love you" you whispered in her ear as you hugged her, closing your eyes
"I love you too"
When you opened your eyes, your room was lightened by some sunrays filtering through your curtains.
You stayed still for a few minutes, laying in your bed, reviewing your meeting with Tara in your head. You couldn't hold back a few tears that rolled down your cheeks.
You already missed her...
You sat up on your bed and lifted your pillow to grab the sheet of paper hidden under it. You looked at it, reading the few lines written on it, before putting it in the drawer of your bedside table.
You would need it tonight too.
You took a moment to think about everything, about how you met Tara in the first place, especially.
The excitement when you saw her, the confusion as you noticed you were not where you were supposed to be, the shock as you understood what happened...
It did not go as you expected, that's for sure.
I mean... How could you have imagined that she would shift for you too?
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static-fucking-mess · 3 months
A dull buzzing thrummed through Billy's head as he pushed his palms into his eyes. The explosion of color there brought on by the pressure could almost be grounding, but it felt like the whole room was spinning. His ears rang, and his stomach felt cold. Was he shaking?
The voice came to him like a dull roar from above water. God it felt like he was drowning. The pressure closing in on his ribs made each breath like labor pain. He was going to be sick, God he was sure of it. Was he crying?
Billy nearly jumped out of his skin when impossibly gentle hands grazed the outsides of his arms. Wide eyed and alarmed, Billy flinched into himself with his hands balled into fists, like he was getting ready to defend against a strike. A cornered animal with fangs ready to bite.
All at once that voice from above water came crashing in on him like a soothing balm. Eddie's dark eyes filled with so much love Billy almost feared he would overflow from it. He had to close his eyes again. It felt like salt in a raw wound to be treated so softly when all Billy felt like he was made of violence and razor wire.
"There he is; hey sweetheart. You had a nightmare," Eddie whispered to him. Billy registered that he was in fact crying, as Eddie's calloused thumbs were brushing the tears off his cheeks. Billy clenched his jaw until it creaked, trying not to fall to pieces. But how could he not when his boyfriend's arms encircled him and cared for each little piece like it was precious?
"I know," Eddie soothed, his palm spreading between Billy's shoulders, rubbing down his back and up again in large, soothing circles. "Which one?" He asked with gentle concern.
"S... seeing them m... melt away. The cold... the..." the sauna dream... where the walls of melted faces would echo back to him the things that vecna had told him. The helpless feeling of screaming for anyone to believe him. Believe him. It wasn't his fault. It wasn't. That monster made him, he didn't WANT to hurt people.
"It's 2:16 am, we're in our apartment in Chicago. It's Saturday morning. We had— do you remember what we had for dinner? I totally forgot," there was a gentle humor in Eddie's voice. "Remind me, sweetheart."
Billy wrinkled his nose and stopped to think about what a bizarre question that was, his stuttering breaths coming just a little easier as he thought back to earlier in the evening when Eddie had the radio cranked, singing along to My Sharona in weird ass voices, just to make Billy laugh. He'd made—
"Macaroni and cheese. Right from scratch... with hotdogs in it."
His favorite.
"With lactose free milk and cheese," Billy added quietly. Because those things mattered to Eddie. Billy's preferences and health. The things that would make him sick.
"You said I added too much pepper," Eddie teased, pressing sweet kisses to his cheek, his temple, the top of his head. Each one felt like a tiny 'I love you'.
"You did," Billy grouched, fingers twisting and untwisting in the ends of Eddie's curly hair. "See...? Gave me nightmares," he accused, allowing himself that small edge of humor.
Eddie laughed, but covered his heart with his hand as he pulled back to look at Billy, his whole expression lit with affection. Like he was searching for all the little broken parts of Billy to piece back together and love.
"Well you have my sincerest apologies, Sir Hargrove. Next time I will pluck each pepper from thy noodles until it is unto your standard," he snickered, and stole a tender kiss off Billy's reluctant smile.
"You better, Munson. And I expect the hot dogs more plentiful next time too."
"Of course, of course," Eddie smiled, rocking them both back and forth until Billy was laughing in his arms.
"I love you," Billy blurted, before he realized he'd said it. And then it was out there, and he tensed for the blow to come. The one that would wrench all that comfort away. He waited for Eddie to react more profoundly than he did.
"I love you too."
Like it was as easy as breathing. Because to Eddie, it was. Billy Hargrove was easy to love. Every jagged piece of him. And more than any conversation about grief, or dinner, or comfort Eddie could spin, those three words did more to comfort away the remnants of the nightmare than anything else. Because someone who didn't love you wouldn't see him the way Eddie did. Eddie loved like it was in short supply and he had an unlimited amount to give. Every gentle touch and action spoke to it. Especially when he squeezed Billy right to him to try and sink those words into his bones.
"I love you too."
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qphiltits · 4 months
we are shaking hands (also ace with a deadline for my horny posting) BUT for valentines drabbles… thoughts on missa getting all dressed up to surprise phil? ive been thinking a lot about maid dresses but thats standard stuff, how about missa only wearing ribbons or something like that? (even better if he tried to do it but ended up failing so hard when phil finds him hes like a kitten tangled in yarn) (phil laughs but guides him out of it and then ties him properly <3)
God that's so real andksjd we really do have a time limit huh? Anyway I hope you enjoy!! I might write a continuation of this later if I can <3
It was supposed to be a special day, or at least Missa wanted it to be. It was their first Valentines day together, and since they were officially a couple (much to Missa's disbelief) he... Wanted to do something for his partner.
His goal had been to entice him. They'd had sex plenty but Missa always worried he wasn't pretty enough, he wasn't deserving, so he wanted to be deserving.
Except he clearly wasn't because he'd messed up.
He made a distressed sound as he stumbled around the bedroom, red ribbon wrapped around him. There was a bow somewhere in the mess of twists and tangles, but it was lost as he tried to untangle himself.
The idea had been that he'd be Phil's gift, wrapped up nice for him.
He jumped when he heard his partners voice and fell on his ass. "Oh nooo, no you can't be in here yet."
His face flamed and he was grateful his arms were stuck above his head so he couldn't see Phil's face. Surely it was disgust, or annoyance at how he'd failed.
When he heard soft laughter, his heart plummetted.
"Awww, what's this?" Phil cooed, crouching down. "Were you trying to tie yourself up for me?"
"... Si." Missa squeaked, face going redder.
Phil helped unwrap him, which took a few minutes by how terribly he'd managed to tangle himself. He was grinning the entire time, because it was adorable.
Missa finally lowered his arms and looked down, ashamed and embarrassed. "I was going to be your ah... Gift." He tried to explain.
"Yeah?" He smiled and caressed Missa's cheek, making him whimper. "Well, it'd be a shame to let this ribbon go to waste. So on the bed."
Missa looked at him with wide eyes and then scrambled to do as he was told. "How should I... Should I sit? Lie down?" He asked helplessly.
"You stay right there." Phil crawled into bed after him, eyes half lidded and a bit predatory. "Sit still for me like a little doll and I'll wrap you up for me."
Missa shuddered and nodded.
The ribbon felt a lot nicer on his skin when it wasn't pulled taut due to being tangled. He let his partner move and adjust him however he needed to tie him up beautifully.
His arms were behind his back, his calves and thighs tied together to keep his legs spread, and the bow was right over his belly button.
He felt flushed and he knew his cunt was dripping as Phil looked at him. Just his eyes wandering him like he was beautiful, like he deserved to be ravished, it made his head spin.
"I'm going to take my time unwrapping you." He said, positioning himself between Missa's thighs. "And you'll let me, won't you? I can use you as much as I want, because you're my gift."
Missa blushed and nodded enthusiastically. "Yes, yes Philza, whatever you want. I will stay like this forever if you wanted."
He chuckled and pressed a kiss to Missa's clit, making him jump. "Good. I'm going to enjoy this."
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rewritethisstxry · 10 months
May I request just some fluff, just Karl Heisenberg and female reader hanging out and maybe talking about their futures…brownie points if they mention kids? Some tooth rotting fluff were two love bugs just laugh and joke around and talk?
Thank you for this request! Sorry about the delay. I had it written up and felt that it just wasn't fluffy enough at first, ya know? I'm still not sure it is, but I hope you enjoy!
How it Feels to Feel at All
Pairing: Karl Heisenberg x female character
Word count: 1054
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The sky was clear for once. Not a cloud in sight, which made for perfect viewing. The temperature was cool but not cold. The sort of evening where it was easy, to forget the outside world and everything that they had going on. Nights like this, it was easy to get caught up in talking, in the potential plans for the future. It was in these moments that Karl allowed himself that sliver of hope that there was actually a future for him, for them. There was a chance of something beyond all of this, outside the control of Miranda. It was almost easy to fall into the discussion when he could see it all. The way she spoke, the hope in her voice, the happiness that flashed across her face at the prospects of what could come, What was to come. She hadn't lost that hope yet. Then again. She hadn't been here nearly as long as Karl had or seen half of the shit that Miranda was capable of. Thoughts for another time.
There was no stopping the genuine smile that crossed his lips as he listened to the random ramblings coming from his companion.
"You sound very sure of that Cupcake," he murmured, the words tinged with a deep fondness. The only good thing in his miserable life was the woman sitting beside him.
"Because I know it's true," she laughed softly. "Because it's what you deserve after all of this." She leaned back further against the section of roof they were currently resting on. There was a brief pause where her eyes moved along the sky overhead, taking in the stars. 
 "I guess," he offered in return, unable to tear his eyes from her. She was gorgeous no matter what situation she was in. Concentrated, she scrunched up her nose. Worried, there was a slight furrow to her brow that just accented her eyes. Hell, even angry Karl was able to see her beauty. Maybe even a little more so in those moments as She was a force to contend with. But It was these moments where she was relaxed, genuinely enjoyed a moment without the weight of their shared task hanging so heavily on their shoulders that Karl found his twisted heart wanting to beat out of his chest. The gentle curl of her lips that hinted at a smile, the way that there seemed to be just the softest hint of promise that shore in her eyes, even when her attention was focused on the sky above. She was a masterpiece. No matter what she thought.
"Well, I'll just have to have enough confidence for the both of us then," she teased as she nudged his shoulder lightly with her own. "Besides, maybe it's a secret dream of mine to see you in something besides the trench coat and suspenders." At that, he laughed outright. 
"And what would you have me in?" Her head cocked to the side as she turned her attention to him. Kal had a moment where his breath caught, though he hid it well.
"I wouldn't mind seeing you in some jeans and a flannel. Think it would look good on you." For a second time, she paused, though this time, her eyes squinted as she took him in. Her imagination clearly was working overtime as She pictured what she had said she wanted to see him in. It was enough to bring another laugh out of him as he threw an arm around her shoulders, pulling her closer. "A proper garage. I'm sure that we can find plenty for you to do. There's a lot to catch upon. And I'm sure that with your little metalworking gift, you would have a blast in a proper garage. Hell, with your talent, custom work would be simple. And a huge money maker. If you wanted that. Once we are out of here, the choices are all yours. Anything you wanna do or not do." 
"You know, that shit is hard to imagine. Actual freedom. Wanted it for so long." Now it was so close that he could taste it. It had been hard work, and a lot of it had been driven by him, but he wouldn't be as far along as he was without her. She had helped kick everything into high gear. "Wouldn't be here without you, though." She reached across his body to grab ahold of his other hard, fingers gently intertwining. The barest of squeezes given, an unspoken promise for a moment that didn't need words.
"You know, you haven't told me what you want once we are out of here. You always stay quiet as I imagine what we will do. I know you are focused on the here and now." Sometimes it was easier that way. Not to focus on what may never come. Distractions were far too dangerous. But, he couldn't deny that the further they got, the more those sorts of thoughts leaked into his consciousness. What harm was there in sharing?
"Well, shit. Probably because I haven't given it a lot of thought. Really, none before you, sweetheart. The only thought I could focus on was finishing the bitch. Everything else after didn't matter much. Especially since I wasn't even sure I would survive the final push. I was okay with that if it meant that she was dead." Karl paused, thinking carefully on how he wanted to word himself next. He wasn't so sure that he was one who could have some sort of life in the world outside of this, Notafter so many years. She made him second guess all of that though, made him more than willing to give it a go. "A quiet place just for us, not too big but not too small that it feels confining. Maybe a bit out of a city, a space that is just ours. Enough room to have that library I know you dream about. I don't really know what I want for myself outside of this. Just know that I want you there with me to figure it out." He felt the warmth of her lips against his scruffy cheek before realizing she had moved.
"I'm not going anywhere, ever. I'm with you now and forever, Karl. I love you."
"I love you too, Cupcake."
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fountainpenguin · 2 months
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"When they see us coming, the birdies all try and hide... but they still go for peanuts when coated with cyanide~" (x)
New Dog's Life chapter today! ~ 3rd Life series fan-season
Chapter 27 - “Boil Over (Bdubs, Scar)”
❤️ Read on AO3
💛 Start from Chapter 1
💚 More Pixels Imperfect fics
Bdubs and Grian dance around each other while planning their jungle temple base design. Meanwhile, Scott comes out to Scar about his allay hybrid side. Scar, fearing his glitchy vex code will corrupt his friend, debates cutting ties. Honest conversations are had.
(First 1,000 words under the cut)
BdoubleO100 - Phantom
Status: Yearning
Captain of New Star Station's phantom hybrid flock
💙  🧡  💚
By the time Grian swings open the door, wings perky and smile bright, it's too late to deny they're both gunning for something more than "casual roleplay dynamic chat" this evening. Bdubs went and stuck the scarlet feather on a gold clasp, which now hangs from a string at his neck. What are we? is a syrupy-sweet red herring overlaying the actual question of the evening, which is, of course… What are we? Or 'What are we gonna be?' if you wanna get technical.
Grian's face is flushed like he's been swooping laps around New Star all night. His eyes flick low enough to glance off the feather necklace, then bounce up again like he didn't see it. He totally did. There's too much mischief in his eyes. "Whoa," he says. He's fighting back a laugh or grin. He's losing both attempts. "You're really glittery."
"So are you," Bdubs points out.
"Mine's a squeaky clean skin," Grian tosses back. "My plumage would always look like this if I wasn't gathering messy resources and building all the time. What's your excuse?"
"Look at you! Coming on strong, poultry boy." Bdubs pushes through then, knocking Grian with his shoulder. Grian's apartment opens with the sitting area on the left - couch unoccupied - and the kitchen to the right. The floor's so shiny, it must've been freshly mopped. Or licked? Is there a mob that licks the floor? Maybe sniffers do that, though he's pretty sure there aren't any in New Star Station.
Grian's wearing socks striped red and white like candy canes. He shuts the door with a huff, then quips over his lifted wing muscle, "It's Poultry Man. But actually, it's not Poultry Man- Who's he?"
"Yeah, yeah…"
"You got a new lip scar."
"Wait- For real? It crossed over?" Bdubs' fingertips jump to his mouth. Sure enough, the vertical gash Impulse made with his sword curls from his upper lip across his bottom. Yikes. It glows white against his hand. "Well… This'll all blow over soon."
"It looks like a soul wound. Did you get-"
"It's fine!"
There are places to sit at both the bar counter and in the living area. Grian didn't specify a preference. Bdubs realizes in that moment he's never been invited to Grian's place as a proper guest before. He's glimpsed it. But usually when someone's way down at the end of phantom hour and squirreled away in a building, he sends Martyn to handle it. Bdubs hunts the streets on raw wing power, but Martyn's a specialist. When it comes to twisting through little gaps, he's the best they've ever had.
He makes a split-second decision and walks towards the living area. There's a white rug, a nice coffee table, and plenty of room to sprawl. "Hey, did'ya ever find out why we're playing early next session?"
"What?" Grian mutters, tapping after him on socked feet. Then, "Oh, no… I've no idea. It's my birthday, though. Maybe that's why?"
"Hm," says Bdubs. Back in 3rd Life, he sat out a session once for birthday-related reasons. Grian seems like he's thinking the same thing, because he pauses between the couch and an armchair, hands resting on them both.
"… You think I'll miss next week?"
"I mean, if it were my birthday, I'd prob'ly write a list of things I wanted my basing buddy to do. I'm just saying."
"Well, just because it's my birthday, it doesn't mean it's his birthday. And he's not really one to miss a recording."
Yeah, that's true. One time in Limited Life, Grian tried his best to cover when his boss wasn't feeling well enough to focus. It must've really wrecked their sync-cord too, 'cuz Grian kept coughing and lilting sideways like emotions and viruses were dogpiling from above.
Honestly, Grian jumped online long enough to establish a bare-bones presence, then crawled into free-cam and flew off to take a nap. Took ages to find him when the session wrapped up, but there was this whole other side to the map where no one was really basing, and eventually they found his purple parrot soul tucked in a tree with his head under one wing. Figures. Hopefully he'll just stay offline next time, or else call someone in to wear his skin for a day like Cleo and Pearl did when they knew they couldn't make it.
Anyway, Bdubs cocks his head. "Weird day to run the session early though, right? You might wanna write a list of materials or something I can grab in case you're gone. Maybe we need to move base."
Grian frowns, wandering his eyes across the sitting area. His cheeks look full and flushed in the lantern light. "I'd still like a break from building bases that'll just be exploded or burned. I think I'd know if he wasn't going to play, though… Although, Season 9 is ending. What if he's quitting Hermitcraft?"
"Oh, I'm sure that's not-"
The glow of Grian's eyes dims in panic, his energy needed elsewhere as his soul starts to squirm. "What if he's quitting the Life series? I mean, maybe he had a fight with someone. Maybe he yelled at his friend?" He takes to pacing. Bdubs follows with ticking eyes, not breathing a word. Grian always paces when he can't settle down. His fingers fold in front of his mouth. "Maybe he doesn't want me anymore. Bdubs, this might be it. If he's walking out on Minecraft for good, this could be the last night I ever come off AFK."
"I'm sure that's not true, G." He keeps his tone as kind as he can, hands resting in his pockets. At least he doesn't have to concentrate on keeping his wings down. It's just the tail, and that's easy to curl away so it doesn't flicker or misdirect. "It's the middle of a Life series. He's not gonna ditch you. I mean, think of the viewers!"
"I mean, he could. He could just walk out. Maybe he's dying. Or maybe he wants Two to jump in and cover for me." Grian looks down at his body then and rubs his palms across his chest. A pulse of purple sparks darts across his wings, then fizzles out. Bdubs tilts his head, but doesn't jump in. Grian's not gonna want someone baby-talking him while he's flickering. "You know, I… I think he's probably moving bases out there. And he's been playing a lot of Phasmophobia. Maybe New Star's not going to recognize me as a Minecraft player much longer. I mean, that's what happened to Netty, right? Except for her, it was Sims."
"He's prob'ly just wrapping up obligations so he can say good-bye to Season 9 and plan for Season 10. We have meetings and paperwork down here. I bet they have do that kind of stuff out there too. He's got friends and a wife. You wanna talk? I mean, I'm not gonna have solutions, but maybe you can walk me through your feelings."
"He has a wife." Grian sounds… dazed. Shell-shocked. Like he's been clinging to a rope for a little too long and someone just came through and sliced it clean with a Sharpness II netherite sword. Uh. This isn't news to him, right? "He's married. Do you think he has a kid? Maybe I'm a dad. Well, maybe he's a dad… I guess I won't be one unless I want to be. Maybe that's why it's been a struggle to focus on Season 9. Bdubs, you have kids, right?"
Bdubs blinks. "Huh? Yeah. I mean… yeah, my beloved does." You guys all know that, right? His beloved's kids don't have their own accounts yet. Probably someday will, and then Bdubs will do what Impulse and Jewel did and request the newbie to move to New Star, like they did with the other two. They're expecting a third pretty soon, I think. He shrugs. Golly, it's weightless without his wings. "I get emotion bleed from 'em sometimes; they play on my account. I can tell 'em apart. They're sweet."
[Full chapter on AO3 - Link at top]
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soshadysoquiet · 9 months
Grace Thoughts
Grace's transformation in tua is fantastic, and I'd like to talk about it, so I will.
S1. She's obviously created to be a specific image, but comes across as a well-loved doll, if a stereotypical doll nonetheless. She's clothed and pressed neatly and finely, respected and loved by the children she cares for, viewed as a member of the "management triangle" by Pogo and Reggie. She's kept limited (Lord knows Reggie loves to suppress) and not given free will that she's clearly capable of, but there's the sense that she's cared for and respected in her own problematic way, probably as much as Reggie is capable of (again, weird seeing S2, but we'll get there)
S2. Reggie clearly Does respect and value this Grace, they talk about sharing lives and he looks genuinely emotional. But in the original timeline he... remakes her as not a scientist, but a mother? Along with changing her accent which is a hilariously pretentious choice. Question is; did Reggie value her Scientific mind, or value her Nurturing one? She was able to form a strong bond with Pogo, teach him to do incredible things. Perhaps Reggie is so scientifically advanced that her scientific intelligence wasn't what impressed him, but her ability to nurture and teach was, a skill set Reggie decidedly does not possess.
OG Timeline: Did he construct Grace into Mother of the Year Every Year Ad Infinitum (in his mind, I actually don't think she's a perfect mom, but thank christ the kids had her.) because of respect for her natural nurturing ways as he saw her? It's still wrong that he created her at all in plenty of senses and removed bits of her personality to suit, but that is very Regginald of him. Also, what happened to OG Grace? We may never know...
Now, in the timeline spawned by the 60s: Grace grows to question Reggie, she never might have without Diego tipping her off, and also giving her some likely not-common-for-the-time-period respect. Her and Reggie face a fallout point, and we all know Reggie doesn't like to be questioned, disobeyed or not have things go his way and resorts to drastic measures.
So that leads us to, S3: For Starts: this Grace seems to have a very different physical appearance; compared to S1 and S2 her hair is less lustrous and more plainly kept, her clothes are less flattering and more basic. She seems less like an upheld stereotypical ideal and more like the slave that she truly is, negating any respect for her 'nurturing' or 'scientific' mind. Even the children have no love or respect for her. She's sidelined and the kids are actively cruel to her often.
So Reggie was so pissed off about Real Grace getting a reality check about him in S2 that he did her an even greater disservice when recreating her as a robot. Did he create her out of cruelty rather than misguided affection this time around, and spare her little other resources? Either way he was still obsessed enough with her to create her, even when we know there were other nannies (did these ones get offed by the Sparrow kids like the Brelly ones did? R.I.P the nannies). Either way, Grace was always going to be made.
Grace's transformation really shows us in yet another way just how sick, twisted and cruel Reginald's mind is. If they try to make him 'nice' and 'redeemable because it was all for love' in S4 I will flip a table.
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mosylufanfic · 8 months
Rebelcaptain Whumptober Day 18
Today we're going with the prompt "tortured for information." With a tinge of Lab Rat from the alternate prompts list. Bwahaha.
Feeding the Bite
Jyn floated at the very top of sleep, like oil on water. Her thoughts pulled apart and then together again, twisting and tangling around themselves . . . 
With a hard thunk, light slammed through the dark. She snapped awake, with a jolt that rattled her bones, and blinked up at the ceiling, cold and grey except for the hard white beam of the lights. 
Shadows approached, and she jerked. Restraints at her wrists, her ankles, her midsection, her forehead, held her hard in place. 
"Is she awake?"
But the mechanical beeps of monitors and machines would have given her away in any case. She twisted her head, trying to work out the limits of the restraints. She had some field of vision, enough to see that there was a uniformed figure on either side of her bed.
She stared at the uniforms and let her lip curl in seething hate. 
"Test four," said a voice, and a hypospray pressed to her neck 
She thrashed, but the hypospray emptied into her veins before retreating. 
"Does she have to be restrained?" said a second voice. 
Clearly they were playing Good Imp and Bad Imp. It was an old game. She knew it well. 
"That much, though?  It just doesn't seem - "
"Don't underestimate this one. There's a reason she's tied down like that."
She caught her breath, bracing against whatever drug they'd injected her with. Heat and cold crawled after each other down her veins, her stomach pitched and flipped. She breathed against it. 
Faces hovered over her, blurred by whatever drug they'd injected her with. She blinked hard until they swam into focus again. 
"That's ninety seconds. Plenty of time for her to start feeling it," Good Imp said. 
"Go ahead, then," Bad Imp said. 
"Sergeant Erso."
Her stomach rolled. They knew her name. Her rank too. Fuck. 
Good Imp's voice was gentle, like he actually cared. "Do you know where you are?" 
Specifically? No. In general? She was clearly in enemy hands. 
She stared stonily, and yanked at her wrists, her ankles. The cuffs yanked back.
If possible, her thoughts were cloudier. They slipped and slid like frantic fish, impossible to catch hold of.
Good Imp said, "It doesn't have to be like this. Just calm down and we can undo the restraints."
"That wouldn't be a good idea," Bad Imp muttered. "Sergeant, do you remember when you woke up before?"
She didn't. Everything before a few minutes ago was a blur. 
Further back - before before - there was a place, warmth and laughter and family and love - 
That place was clearly not here. 
"You broke a nurse's arm and an orderly's nose."
She smirked.
"Sergeant Erso, do you know where you are?" Bad Imp said. 
She clamped her jaws shut. Fuck if she was going to tell them anything.
"You're among friends," said Good Imp. "We're not your enemy. Please, help us and we can help you."
She stared up at the lights, which were bright enough to push tears from the corners of her eyes. But she wasn't going to look at either one of her captors. 
Bad Imp said, "Where were you before this?"
Wanted her to give up the base, did they? Hah. They'd have to work a lot harder to pry that out of her.
"We're on the same side," said Good Imp. "You have information we need. There are other prisoners still back there. Please, Sergeant."
She spat.
A door whooshed open, somewhere off to the side. Murmuring. 
"What is it?" Good Trooper said. 
"The husband's here," Bad Trooper said. "Just arrived."
"Bring him in," Good Trooper said. "Maybe that'll do the trick."
It was a good word, both soft and sturdy, a word she could reach out and brace herself on.
The swish of a door, and footsteps, and then - 
"Jyn," said a hoarse, tired voice, and she managed to turn her head in that direction. 
That uniform. She hated it with a loathing that boiled up her throat like bile. 
The man in it had dark hair, and dark eyes, and dark shadows under the eyes, but there was a spark in them, a way he looked at her . . .
A name hovered just out of reach. 
"Jyn?" he said. "You know me," he said. "I know you know me."
She stared at his face, tracing the lines of it. The familiar lines of his mouth and nose, the angle of his jaw. 
He reached out, and Bad Trooper hissed a warning that he paid no mind to as he brushed his knuckles down her cheek. 
The world slipped and slid around her. That touch - that voice. They belonged to before . . . the other place she barely, dimly recalled.
Then everything snapped into place.
"Jyn," he said coaxingly, his hand opening to tenderly cup her face. "Jyn, look at me."
She turned her cheek into his palm, and his face relaxed. "Yes," he said. "You remember, don't you?"
"Yes," she whispered back.
Then she twisted her head and sank her teeth in the meat of his hand.
He let out a howl of shock and pain, but she clamped her jaws tighter and tighter until the skin parted under her teeth and her mouth flooded with the metallic taste of blood. The room rang with shouts, and hands tried to grip her jaw, but she kept her gaze focused just on him, letting him see the hate burning inside her.
He met her gaze and pushed his hand harder into her mouth, grinding her head back into the headrest, until she had to let go. Then he yanked his hand free and cradled it to his shirt. Blood began to spread in a lurid patch on the fabric.
She coughed and gagged and then spat her mouthful, spattering him with more bright red droplets, and snarled, "That's nothing compared to what you did to me."
When the door to the med wing opened, Bodhi leapt to his feet. They'd had to argue for almost half an hour to let Cassian see her, and Bodhi had been left to worry himself into a tailspin out here.  "Cassian! What - how is she?" 
He braced himself for horrific injuries, traumatic mental effects, maybe even - 
"She doesn't recognize me," Cassian said. 
"What do you mean?" Bodhi looked down at Cassian's hand, swathed in bandages that hadn't been there an hour ago. "Wait, what happened? Is that blood on your shirt?"
"I mean, she doesn't know who I am."
To anyone else, his voice would have sounded flat and informational. Bodhi heard the depths of despair in it. He set his hand on his friend's shoulder. "I'm sure it's temporary. How long did they have her? Probably confused - still thinks she's a prisoner - "
Cassian shook his head, the ever-present lines on his face carved as deep as a canyon. "She doesn't - anything. She doesn't recognize anything."
"Amnesia of some kind?" Bodhi ventured.
"No, different. She thinks this is an Imperial base, that we're her captors. She sees Rebel uniforms and thinks they're Imperial, sees me and thinks I'm her torturer. And nothing I say can make a dent. It's like - " He blew out a breath. "It's like a switch got flipped and turned everything opposite for her."
Bodhi almost fell back into the chair. The old scars from Bor Gullet, buried in his psyche, seemed to throb. "How?"
Cassian lowered himself to the chair next to him, moving like an old man. "There's some kind of unknown compound in her system. They caught it on the scans."
"A drug?"
"Yeah. Not one we know. They're working on synthesizing an antidote, but back engineering those is always hard. And we don't know what kind of conditioning went with it, what kind of scars it'll leave - "
"I - I'm sure it's temporary," Bodhi said again. "You know Jyn. She'll fight her way out."
Cassian looked at his bandaged hand, and shadows moved over his face. "That's what I'm afraid of."
A/N: I know this is like the third RCWhumptober story with this trope! Why is this such a good trope??
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ouatsnark · 2 years
What happened to Emma Swan? DEBUNKED
Ever so often the Swan Queen fandom gets it in their heads to try & tear down Emma Swan's look and character development simply because she married a man… a man who treated Emma far better than their Queen. Their arguments prove that they lack the will to understand the writing as they blatantly twist canon to fit their narrative.
"What happened to season one Emma Swan? She went from happy to miserable because of Killian Jones" - Regina Apologists
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This is a prime example of how Regina Apologists are so dishonest. The two pictures on the left are promotional shots from the show. The two pictures on the right are moments from Season 6 when Emma is in distress. The first image she is watching her parents sacrifice themselves for the good of Storybrooke (while Regina, who is at fault, does nothing). The second one is when Emma was having visions of her own death. These instances have NOTHING to do with Killian Jones! However, I can find plenty of times when Emma was in distress due to Regina Mills!
I have found so many examples of them pulling this crap. I would be here all day screen capping their dishonesty.
The truth: Emma Swan wasn't happy in Season 1 & that Emma wasn't the real Emma
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Yes, you heard me. Season 1 Emma wasn’t the real Emma. The real Emma was hiding behind an armor of red leather jackets, fake eye-lashes and a chip on her shoulder to keep everyone at arms length. She put on a tough bravado as an armor to protect herself from the world because she'd been hurt too many times.
But as a time passed, Emma needed less and less armor. She became more trusting and more open to love, family and happiness. When she shed that armor she let herself be more vulnerable. She became more caring toward others. Which is about the bravest thing you can do.
The more and more we saw Emma opening up to love the less armor she used. And the less armor she used, the more we hear from the Anti-CaptainSwan crowd that...
How do you go from THIS to this??? - Regina Apologist
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GASP! A woman didn’t put on a bunch of make up & doll herself up for you SO SHE MUST BE MISERABLE & has no agency because she’s at the mercy of everyone!!!
Imagine degrading a woman for not wearing make up or curling their hair? You have got to be kidding me.
Also, if you really believe this, then you should be looking more favorably on Killian Jones. He obviously loved Emma for who she was and not how much make up she is wearing unlike like you fools.
Never mind that once again they grab a screen cap of when Emma is going through a tough time...and why is she going through a tough time? BECAUSE OF REGINA MILLS! Yeah, Regina's other half is trying to hurt her parents and possibly kill everyone all because Regina can't stop wanting to be evil!
The Truth: Killian Jones made Emma Swan happy
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It's literally in her wedding vows. And you can see it on her face whenever she looks at him. Killian Jones helped her trust in love and not be afraid of the future.
The truth: Regina is the cause of 99% of Emma's problems
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I've seen Regina stans try to say that Emma looked miserable during her vows but they fail to actually listen to what she is saying. She is not only fighting tears but when she looks away, apparently sad, she is remembering her life before Henry. She is thinking about when Henry came to get her which wasn't a happy time at all really. She was thinking about what Regina did to her and her family.
But she looks at Killian with all the happiness in her heart.
"Emma went from a badass in Season 1 to a Stepford Wife" - Regina Apologist
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I love how they continue to use promo shots and bts pictures.
It’s like the Anti-CaptainSwan crowd believes that there is only one way to be a strong woman: having a chip on your shoulder, being sarcastic to everyone, never needing anyone (especially a male) and being single (unless its w|w). They just don’t like the fact that Emma not only chose her own path but fights for everyone and not just their precious queen.
I have actually heard Rumple stans call Emma a Stepford wife as well because she chose Hook over Rumple's cowardly son Neal. Which is just hysterical since Belle is literally a Stepford wife. She ignores all of his abuse, his bad deeds and his manipulation and stays with him.
The Truth: Emma Swan was still a badass after getting together with Killian Jones:
S4 taking down dragon Lily
S4 telling grumpy to back off before she turns him into stumpy (hey you thought sarcasm was badass? there you go!)
S4 taking on the darkness to save the town
S4 defeating Cruella to save Henry
S5 going up against Nimue
S5 confronting Rumple about him being the Dark One again
S5 doing what she had to do and knowing she had to destroy Dark Hook
S5 telling Regina to fix her own damn problems for once cause Emma was done doing it for her
S6 going up against Wish Hook.
S6 going up against the Serum Queen
S6 sacrificing herself for Gideon and destroying the dark fairy
Furthermore, if Emma was that dependent on Killian Jones then she would not have left the Underworld without him. But she did leave him for the sake of Henry and others who needed her.
Emma is complex but SQers fail to accept Emma’s evolution because it didn’t involve her becoming Regina’s doormat in every aspect of her life.
I know it's hard for Regina Mills stans to spot character growth, since their queen didn't have one, but Emma Swan and Killian Jones are where the most character growth happened. They evolved into much better people as the series came to a close.
Here are some things I've seen when talking about Emma's evolution or about her being worse off with Killian Jones than she would have been with Regina or Neal. And lets be real here, Emma was worse off with Regina as a friend. That is just a fact.
I will see them talk circles around Regina's role in Emma's life to avoid putting blame where it should be and that is directly on Regina Mills. They will say things like "The Charmings abandoned Emma" but The Charmings didn’t just abandon Emma. THEY SAVED HER LIFE with the hope that Emma would return to save the entire kingdom FROM REGINA. Regina was going to murder infant Emma.
They will also go on about how Killian and Emma were enemies at first. Killian Jones was never as much of an enemy to Emma like Regina Mills was. Regina emotionally and physically hurt Emma and destroyed her life.
As mentioned above, they prefer closed off and alone Emma. However, Emma was at her best when she let down her walls & allowed herself to love. A heart full of love is beautiful. But love to Regina apologists only looks like Emma bowing to Regina. Well. Emma was closed off, negative, sarcastic & willing to overlook all of Regina’s shit for the sake of Henry. Allowing someone to put you down the way Emma allows Regina is NOT someone at their best.
Emma at her best understands sacrifices for the greater good, forgiveness, mercy & the strength of love. That was Emma during all 7 seasons. Actually, Emma showed Regina way too much mercy (Rumple too, in fairness).
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Anyone who says that Emma was forced to be with Hook because Killian & her parents "pressured her" or "made her" is hating Emma Swan. This is a bunch of fanon nonsense & not canon. No one was forcing Emma. You can’t point to a single scene or dialog that suggests that. Quite the opposite in fact.
You don’t fight for something as hard as Emma fought for her happy ending if it’s not what you want. Remember that Snow & David were against saving Hook in Camelot. They were more concerned about Emma. Hell, Killian Jones was more concerned about Emma's future than living! He wanted her to choose her life over his! It was Emma’s idea to go get Hook in the Underworld & everyone was against it at first (cause who just walks into the Underworld??). If Emma's parents were pushing her towards anyone it was Neal. So, no, no one was forcing Emma to be with Hook. When Charming gives his blessing to Hook he says that the final decision is up to Emma.
If you truly believe that Emma was forced to be with Hook then you don't understand Emma Swan. Emma didn't do anything that Emma didn't want to do. Remember when Emma was dead set on running back to New York in season 3? No one was going to change her mind. She had to find out on her own that life with Henry and her parents in Storybook was indeed home. Emma was perfectly capable of making her own decisions.
Says who!? When did Emma say this? Emma didn’t want a family? GTFOH with that BS. More fanon that isn’t backed up by canon. She THOUGHT she wanted that life with Neal (re-watch Tallahassee). But after his betrayal she packed that side of her away for fear of being hurt again. You’re mistaking her protective armor for who she really is.
And furthermore proving that you don't know what character growth looks like. People change so characters should as well. Well written characters evolve.
Putting those you love first is a sign of unconditional love. I know that’s hard to understand since your queen is a self-centered bitch who never put anyone first… but Emma is different. And just because she wanted to be with her family doesn’t mean she wasn’t putting what she wanted first.
Emma being a shell of herself is a personal opinion. Emma evolved. She had many more layers by the time S6 rolled around. As I said above, her personality in S1-2 was a part of her armor as much as that jacket was. And to say she still wasn’t kicking ass in S6 is a lie. She sacrificed her life so a child would get his life back. Being a hero & putting others first is a strength of character. It’s honorable. Again, I know that’s hard seeing that Regina was 100% focused on her own happy ending but Emma was different. She is a character worth emulating because of her goodness, love and willingness to fight for others.
You just don’t like that she wanted Hook & not Regina. It’s also complete fanon that Emma’s acceptance depended on her being the savior & loving a man. The Charmings were too cautious about her relationship with Hook to be forcing that on her. They wanted her to be happy & when they saw she was, they accepted him. Also Hook’s love wasn’t dependent on her being the savior. Remember the scissors? Hook kept those suckers because her life meant more to him than her title.
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humanoidalien27 · 1 year
Chapter list: One. Two. Four. Five. Six. Seven. Eight.
Chapter 3
Meeting the family
The fireplace felt warmer than you remembered. The embers stirring the remaining bits of emotion that hadn't been toyed with today.
You were relieved it was passed curfew and most of your fellow Slytherins had already gone to bed, but you could have done without the attention of both boys, who had been patiently waiting for you to say something.
Shifting after what felt like centuries, Sebastian broke the silence. "Are you okay?"
He shifted to the edge of his seet to see your face better, not that it seemed to appease him.
"What happened?" He looked to Ominis who sighed softly for the hundredth time. "Everything was strained this morning, but nowhere near this level. Then you come back from Professor Black's office- you're not getting expelled, right?"
"I wish," you mumbled, before pressing your fingers into your temples.
Sebastian nearly fell off the sofa and looked to Ominis for clarification.
"My parents were here," he started slowly, the words had more venomous than before. "They wanted to let me know they were happy I was becoming friends with the newest Slytherin pureblood whose already made a name for herself."
You grimaced as a shiver ran through you. The underlying end game was all too clear for your taste.
"They called you both to meet your parents?"
I sneered his way, getting him to scootch away.
"If meeting the family that tortured Ominis and I wasn't enough," you clarified sharply, earning an apologetic look from both boys. "My parents were there too. To inform me that I was once again part of the family and then both of sides began to get increasingly interested in our friendship and wondered just how close we were getting."
Sebastian's face screwed up into half sympathy and a scowl. "They do remember who you are, right?"
You scoffed, but pressed your fingers to your mouth to stop more from slipping out. At the moment, your filter was broken.
Noticing, Ominis spoke. "They didn't recognize her."
Of course they wouldn't recognize me, they tortured plenty of people in their time, one face wouldn't stand out.
"Your lives are getting pretty twisted," Sebastian mumbled.
You sent him a look as your hand dropped onto the armrest, making Ominis jump slightly.
"Don't get mad at me because you two are in this mess. I didn't drag you into it...this time."
Sighing, you stood and started pacing behind the couch, ignoring Sebastian as he continued to press Ominis.
You wouldn't be in this situation if it wasn't for that dragon attacking the carriage. If it wasn't for some rare magic you couldn't run away from. If you had kept a low profile, maybe your wizard parents wouldn't have found out about you being accepted into Hogwarts. Maybe you could still escape, get away before their claws dig further into your skin.
No, you couldn't do that to Fig, the answers he needed were ones only you could give him.
"You're going to wear a hole in the stone," Sebastian's voice said, drawing your gaze, seeing both of them following your movements. "Come on, they were just checking in right?"
You narrowed your eyes, getting a smirk before you realized he was just trying to lighten the mood.
"I don't know about their parents, but mine don't randomly check in unless they want something."
Exhaling softly, you rested your weight on the couch. "I haven't spoken to mine since they dropped me in the middle of nowhere. But, I know them, they wouldn't have come here unless they were after something."
Ominis nodded as he tapped his leg uncomfortably. "I think they're going to try to pair us."
You noticed the glance Sebastian sent you both as you ran a hand through your hair, your stomach twisting. "The last thing I want is being related to those people."
"Which? His parents, yours or Ominis?" Sebastian teased.
"Our so called parents."
Sliding closer, Sebastian smirked. "You're defending Ominis now?"
You spared him a glance before your eyes met Sebastian's. "You can't fake what I saw tonight."
Ominis knew what you meant, but seemed grateful for your avoidance.
"What does that mean?"
"It means we have to find a way out of this mess before it escalates," you answered as you began to pace again.
You knew you and Ominis couldn't avoid each other now, not when both sets of parents knew the two of you were friends, even if you were still unsure you could call it that.
"There's nothing we can do to change their minds," Ominis mentioned louder than he needed, as if knowing your mind would take over. "We'll just have to hope they let this go."
"To be honest, they could be against the idea of you two hanging around together too. Right now, there are just assumptions. We have to wait for more to go on."
You grumbled, but you knew he was right. Anything you do now could just make things worse for the both of you and better for them.
You tried to continue classes like normal, but you felt eyes on you everywhere and given how jumpy Ominis was being, he felt it too.
It got so bad that everyone began to avoid the both of you, save Sebastian who mostly seemed uncomfortable.
It reached the breaking point just after dinner.
"We can't go to the undercroft, they know about it."
Ominis just stared forward, you didn't know if he was just getting used to it or slipping into his head to escape.
"I might know a place actually, follow me."
You knew it was meant to help your homework with no distractions, but this whole situation turned into a hellscape.
The boys followed you up to the seventh floor, confused as to why you were leading them to the astronomy tower, but instead you stopped in the hallway as a door slowly started to materialize on the wall.
"Quickly," you hissed, practically shoving Sebastian in first, though you were a careful with Ominis so you wouldn't shove him into the wall.
"Ah, you're back," Deek said moving around the corner, seeing the two boys with you. "And you brought company."
You'd forgotten Deek was here, you'd only focused on wanting a place no one else seemed to know about.
"Uh, yeah, we have to study and it's nearly curfew and our common room is noisy for the next couple hours."
Nodding Deek smiled at the boys. "Let Deek know if you need anything."
Sighing, you lead the boys further into the room, moving through a hall and into the area you turned into a living room, with plants on one side and potions on the other.
"What is this place?" Sebastian mumbled as he plucked a book off one of the nearest bookcases.
"The room of requirement," you admitted as you sat down on the couch. "Professor Weasley showed it to me so I could get caught up on school work."
Ominis took a seat as the prickly sensation of being watched faded.
"I guess it's safe to say neither knows about this place?" Sebastian asked, after watching your expressions relax.
"All day," Ominis whispered. "They've been watching all day."
Sebastian placed the book on the shelf before moving to sit. "You two look like you're about to pass out."
Almost immediately, three beds appeared in the middle of the floor, making the boys jump, before their attention turned to you.
"The room can change to accommodate the needs of those inside it."
"Then apparently, even the room agrees," he replied.
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fcundaticnsofdecay · 9 months
closed for: @darkwants
pairing: billie & ezra
based: thingssss we plotted lol
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truly billie didn't understand how it was possible.at first she had assumed that her eyes had been playing tricks on her. after all she had merely been helping her neighbor. ezra had managed to hurt himself while working on something in his garage. she had been bringing the trash cans in when she had heard something crash and then ezra yelling. she had rushed to see what was going on only to see he needed to be patched up. thankfully since her dad was an klutz she had plenty of experience. what had struck her about that day was the mark that she had seen on his arm. everyone knew the stories about how matching marks. she had never put much thought into the stories because to her that was what they were. they were just fairytales meant to comfort people.
at least that had been her way of thinking until she had seen that. the mark on his arm resembled the one that was on her lower back. something that no one ever saw and as far as she was concerned, no one would. she knew the legal ramifications and doubted it would go over well. plus she remembered hearing ezra at one of the poker games saying how soulmates were pure bullshit. she had been doing her best to avoid being alone with him because she wasn't sure that he would take one look at her and see it written all over her face. that had been her solid plan up until that very night at the bar. the place was packed and all the usual suspects were there.
she had stepped out from behind the bar in order to just check the tables. the servers were just as busy as she was but there was a slight lull. she didn't like just standing there and not doing anything. which is why she was going to grab the empty beer bottles. suddenly she found herself being yanked towards someone. a cry of shock escaped from her as she felt grubby hands yanking her shirt up. only to drop the bottles in her hold as she tried to twist away. she heard ezra's voice, telling the guy to back off but she realized her left side was exposed. instantly she went to yank it down but she had felt eyes seared into her flesh. quickly she scrambled to grab the bottles, relieved none of them broke," i just-i need a minute." she doubted anyone was listening as she tried to scurry off.
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thefuzzzz · 4 months
Jasico Bingo Challenge #7!!
Prompt: Sharing a Bed
The Argo II was cramped, to say the least.
They only had eight rooms, one for each of the seven and Coach Hedge. The rooms themselves were practically broom closets.
Still, when Nico arrived they had no clue where to put him. Hazel offered many times to let him sleep in her bed, but he always declined.
The beds were tiny, and he wasn't fond of being touched while he slept.
Most nights, he crashed on the couch. He liked it, it was quiet and no one bothered him. He could stay up as late as he wanted and just blame it on the couch being uncomfortable or having to listen to someone being too loud all night.
Also, he got free rein on the TV. It only had demigod shows on it, but Aphrodite's dating show quickly became a guilty pleasure of his.
It all changed the night after the Cupid incident.
For once, that couch felt lonely. Nico curled in on himself, seeking something. Anything.
For a moment, he felt tears run down his cheek. He wiped them away, the feeling foreign. They glided against his cheeks like they did when he was young. When he still cared.
As soon as any evidence of tears had dispersed from his suddenly aloof face, he heard a knock on the doorway.
He didn't need to turn to know who it was. It was the only person who would bother to knock on an open doorway, Jason Grace.
Nico sat up and turned to him. For a second, there was a pass of hostility in his back eyes, but it faded upon seeing Jason.
Nico didn't know why, but he was scared. He felt like a rabbit being hunted by a wolf.
Jason was intimidating, like a wild wolf. Nico was pretty sure he'd heard Jason growl at least once.
At the same time, he was the least intimidating person on the planet to Nico.
The prince of the sky stalked over, pajama bottoms and tank top illuminated by the muted TV Nico needed to sleep these days.
"You ok?" Jason asked. He didn't need to say more, Nico knew what he meant.
"Yeah, better."
A silence passed. Nico felt his face twist with discomfort. He felt like a little kid toying with the hem of his school uniform's sweater.
Jason couldn't relate. He stood tall, glasses pressed to his face. It was obvious he hadn't lied down to sleep yet. Nico wondered if he had been up thinking about Cupid.
Jason broke the silence with his strong yet soft voice. "I've...been worried about you," he said. His words tumbled in the air like a rushing river, pulling Nico unfairly into the undertow.
"Yeah..." Nico said. He felt the familiar lump in his throat and the tears in his eyes build up. He pretended to look at something on the ceiling to keep them from pouring over like Jason's words.
"You can come in my room, by the way," Jason mumbled. He elaborated upon seeing Nico's furrowed eyebrows. "I mean, if you want company, my room is plenty big. I imagine the couch isn't the best."
Nico nodded. He wanted to say yes, but "No thanks, I'm ok," tumbled out of his mouth before he could stop it.
Jason sighed. "Nico, I want you to join me. You're my friend. I want you around right now," he said, a little sterner but still soft.
Nico opened his mouth, but the words died on his tongue fast. He stood silently and followed Jason to his room.
Normally, he'd jump off a bridge at the thought of being in a room with any other the seven other than Annabeth or Hazel, but something in him made him follow Jason. He was almost under a spell. He briefly wondered if Cupid had done something to him, but the idea scared him too much. He had to let it leave his mind to be at ease.
Jason's room was slightly bigger than Hazel's, Nico observed.
"We drew straws for bigger rooms," Jason explained. "Leo got biggest automatically because he built the ship, Annabeth cheated or something and got second largest, and I got third based on the straws."
Nico nodded as he looked around. He tried not to be creepy about it, but the room was very different than Hazel's.
He had very little decoration, which didn't surprise Nico too much. Most of his things were either blue or purple. Nico decided those must be his favorite colors, but winced at the blue. Not again.
He sat down in the little rolling desk chair by the table. A few notebooks were scattered on the surface, but he didn't look at them. He knew too well what it was like to have your privacy invaded.
"So, I know we just met...and all that Cupid stuff happened. I'd like to get to know you better, besides that. I feel weird to know something so personal to you and nothing else about you," Jason stumbled. Nico had never heard his voice before so unsteady.
Nico thought for a second. "Hazel told me a bit about everyone. She said you were nice. That you were from Camp Jupiter. That's about all she said."
Jason smiled. "What do you do? Like, for fun," he asked, adjusting his glasses and leaning forwards a little.
Nico was reminded of all the times he'd been asked to go to the front of the class and introduce himself in his life. Military school kids were brutal.
"Not much. I play a lot of video games. I like to read, too," Nico said.
"What do you read?"
"Classics—Italian classics.
Jason nodded. Nico could've heard a pin drop right then.
"I'm terrible at reading. It's the dyslexia," Jason chuckled.
"I don't have it," Nico said a little flatter than he meant to.
"Like Frank?"
Nico chewed his lip for a second. "How about you? What do you like to do?"
"I like architecture. Not as much as Annabeth, but I think it's interesting. I like making little sculptures. Not just buildings, but other sculptures too."
"That's cool. I used to paint," Nico said, trying to relate in any capacity.
Jason tilted his head. "Yeah? What was your favorite medium?"
"Oil paints."
"You look like the type."
Nico laughed lightly. He hadn't felt himself smile in a while. He decided this wasn't bad.
"Is shadow travel fun?" Jason asked.
"Not really. I like being able to go wherever I want, though. Is flying fun?"
"Not really, I'm scared of heights. But, yeah, it is nice going places other people can't.
They both yawned at almost the same time, and Nico stood to take his leave and return to his couch. Jason's voice stopped him.
"You can sleep in here if you want," he proposed.
"I'm alright. Don't worry."
"I'll take the couch. You really should sleep in a bed. You've been on that couch for a week."
Nico shook his head. "I'm not taking your bed, you have to complete this quest. I'm just hanging out there."
"I can put up a little pillow barrier? Then we can just share it."
The bed did look really comfortable. Nico thought about saying no again, but then he felt the sharp pain in his back. Maybe he should take the offer. He did go to Tartarus, after all.
"Is that...ok?" Nico asked, hesitantly.
Jason waved his hand. "Yeah, of course."
He climbed into bed and set up a few pillows to separate where their bodies would be.
Nico padded over and cautiously got under the blankets. The warmth enveloped him like a warm hug and he was glad he took the offer.
"Goodnight, Nico. I'm sorry again, about what happened today. That must've been hard for you."
Nico smiled. "Goodnight, man. And it's fine, you didn't do anything."
Despite the barrier, after falling asleep, Jason's arm ended up draped over Nico. Nico jumped at first, then settled in under the pressure.
He was really glad he took the offer now.
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thethumpergod · 8 months
Cat Cafe (Lambert X Aiden, Modern AU)
Aiden was scrubbing the kitchen down after a failed cooking experiment. The souffle he was making had popped while he was sending an email. He had someone watch it while he was gone, but his sous chef was horrible. His little brother was at the dining room table typing on his laptop, being oh-so-helpful. Not willing to take this lying down, Aiden grabs a rag from the sink and wets it. With a quick twist of his hand, he wields his makeshift weapon.
There's a whacking sound followed by a yelp as Gaetan crunches up like a shrimp.
"Feel like helping?" Aiden gets a death glare from his brother, which only makes him smile wider. His eyes scan over the screen of the younger man’s laptop, then he frowns. “You’re supposed to be off.”
Gaetan was supposed to be on an involuntary break from work. After nearly being stabbed by a client, Guxart forced him to go on vacation. Even if Aiden didn’t agree with a lot of his decisions, the old man was right about this. Plus, it was nice finally seeing his brother again since Aiden moved up north.
"Ugh, I’m finalizing some documents; get off my back," Gaetan says, wiping his neck. "Ew." Gaetan's under-eyes were practically visible from a mile away; he'd been on this case for weeks now. While Gaetan is one hell of a lawyer, everyone has their limits, and the company he's with is quite demanding.
"Thank you," Aiden trills. The moment of victory was then swiftly cut off by his phone.
He can feel sharp, judgmental eyes on the back of his head. Deciding to finish cleaning, he ignores the sound of a notification. Knowing his luck, it's probably work. Or maybe it was Coen? He shakes his head, focusing on cleaning the dishes.
"So, anything interesting happened today?" Aiden asks.
"Same thing as always, a lot of reading, and Letho called to check on me," Gaetan says, smiling slightly.
It takes willpower not to groan about hearing Letho's name again. Ever since Gaetan met him, he had been drooling over that guy. Aiden already wasn't a fan of his brother's past boyfriends; he didn’t want a repeat of the last one.
Now there’s Letho, Gaetan's crush or possible new boyfriend. The older man was far too reserved for his liking. While trying to find information on Letho, like a respectable big brother, there was nothing. He had no social media, no police reports, and no old records of any kind; it's like the man never existed. The only thing he knows for sure about him is that he’s been in the military for a long time.
Aiden had never even met the man in person before. He knew Gaetan could handle himself and, more importantly, defend himself, but that still didn’t settle that feeling. "You’ve been going easy on yourself, right?"
"I'm fine. I’m still kickin’." Gaetan sighs, and he wiggles his fingers in Aiden's face to prove his point."
Aiden tries to bite one, and Gaetan quickly pulls it back with a small yelp. “I don’t think you need all of them.”
"Weren't you the one who said we needed to clean?" Gaetan points out.
"You're no fun."
"How am I-?" The younger man groans in frustration, turning back to wipe the kitchen countertops down.
After finishing cleaning, they both head for their phones again, sitting on the couch.
Shockingly, it was Lambert. If he were being honest, he thought his flirting scared him off. Part of him wondered if the other man even understood that he was flirting.
All Lambert starts with is, 'Hey, it's Lambert.'
The guy across the hall was something else. He had bright brown eyes that flashed under his dark eyebrows. He had a widow’s peak and a low-trimmed beard, which covered his dimples. His slightly hooked nose was still bruised, and a scar ran on the left side of his face. He’s hot; rouge-looking might be the best word to describe it.
He had met Lambert's type plenty of times. He’s just the usual snappish guy who acted all tough. There was only one thing that caught him off guard. He’s terribly cute. He didn’t expect how easily flustered his neighbor got, he turned damn near tomato red from just a little teasing. Part of Aiden would absolutely love to make him do that even more, but trying to fuck his neighbor is probably not the best idea…
"Is that a hookup or something?" Gaetan looks over at him on the other side of the couch. "You’ve got that look on your face."
"No, he’s a new friend."
"Oh, it's that guy you like, huh?" Gaetan looks at him with a judgmental stare. "Hooking up with your neighbor is a horrible idea."
Aiden sometimes told Gaetan more than he should.
"I’m not going to." Aiden huffs before curling into a spot on the couch. He quickly texts back, hearing Gaetan climb over to look.
AIDEN: Hey, Lambert! I'm still in town tomorrow if you want to grab some food.
"Oh, already going on a date?" Gaetan laughs. Aiden chooses not to reply, side-eyeing his brother. "Hey, he's texting."
Aiden whips his head back, and to his relief, Gaetan wasn't joking. Those three gray dots bounce around on the screen.
AIDEN: The House of Cats, maybe around 1?
LAMBERT: Yeah, that works.
AIDEN: I'll see you later.
He stops himself from adding a winky face at the end. Or, more accurately, Gaetan wouldn’t stop laughing until he did.
Lambert sits in a nook in the corner, drinking a cup of black coffee. He watches the light rain that runs along the windows of the cafe. It was spacious and quiet, aside from the soft music playing in the back. Most of the people there were women and children, and some couples too. No one bothered him about his still-healing nose. The only attention he got was from a skinny blonde waiter with many, many piercings.
The tables were made of light wood, with matching chairs. Ferns were hanging from the rafts, supported by a complicated string pattern. All the cats were wandering around, some friendlier than others. He could get the appeal of spending time with cats without the commitment of ownership.
His eyes keep moving around, refusing to stay in one place for too long. He wasn’t nervous as he fought his leg to stop tapping on the floor. He had no reason to be.
"Ow!" Lambert is brought out of his thoughts, looking down at the mass of fur in his lap. The cat was chewing and then licking his hand like a toy, holding him down with its tiny black paws.
He would roll him off, but the fuzzy bastard looked like he was having fun mauling his hand.
He never had a pet that belonged to him before. All the animals he took care of were normally Eskels, which were mostly forest or farm animals.
The closest Eskel got to owning a cat was when he let a skunk into the house when he was seven years old. He thought it was a cat, and when he tried to clean it, all hell broke loose.
Judging from the story, Vesemir probably still has nightmares about the smell.
"You've made a friend." A voice interrupts his thoughts. Lambert didn’t even hear or see him coming in.
Looking up, Aiden is on the other side of the table, resting his face in his hand. Aiden leans in to look at the cat, his hair spilling onto his shoulders. "That’s Jasper; he’s the friendliest cat here. They’re not sure what his age is; my guess is two years old. He's a bit of a bastard but in a lovable way."
To his relief, Aiden was wearing baggy blue jeans and some kind of flowy white button-up. His top buttons were undone, showing off the muscles of his neck. This time, the fucker didn’t catch him off guard. Lambert had on his tactical pants, which, if his ex-girlfriends weren’t lying, made his ass look good… Not like he wanted to show it off or anything, he just felt like settling the score is all.
"Hm. This place is okay," Lambert says as he strokes Jasper's head, trying to think of something to say.
"Thanks; my friend Dragonfly spent so long trying to buy this building. I decided to help decorate it for its grand opening to celebrate."
"My niece would love this; she would annoy the piss out of her dad to come here. It’s perfect."
"Pft, please do," Aiden giggles. "I’m guessing she’s a big fan of cats?"
"All animals, including spiders for some reason," Lambert shivers.
"Dragonfly is like that; she partnered up with the animal rescue," Aiden beams. "All the cats here are adopted." He smiled big and brightly, showing off his teeth, and his eyes crinkled.
"Uh. That's, uh, cool." Shit. Fuck.
“Nervous, neighbor?” Aiden teased him.
“What? No. So, uh, what have you been up to?" Lambert asked. He has no idea why the hell he's being so awkward, but making direct eye contact with Aiden is getting more and more difficult.
"Work and more work. How about you?"
Lambert snorts. "Same. I swear my clients are trying to send me to an early grave."
"I'm a private security guard."
"That explains the muscles."
"Thanks," Lambert nearly choked. Okay, it's just a compliment, no big deal.
There’s a long pause as Lambert does everything in his power not to squirm. The tension was broken when a waiter came to take Aiden’s order. The shorter man took this as a chance to focus somewhere else. He shifts to trying to drink his coffee as slowly as possible.
Aiden looks over, then cocks his eyebrow, examining his mug.
"It’s black coffee," Lambert says, letting his eyes drift around the café.
"I can’t stand the bitterness of that." Aiden scrunched his face, looking ridiculous.
Lambert simply rolls his eyes and asks, "So, what do you drink?"
"Mochas," the taller mews. "I've always had a sweet tooth."
Before Lambert could say anything, Aiden's eyes snapped to the floor as something caught his attention. "Oh, wait one second." Aiden makes a 'Pspsps' sound, but the silliness of it seems to be lost on the other man. Soon a creature trots over to Aiden and then jumps into his lap. It was kissed square on the forehead, which they didn't fight.
"What’s with the cat?" Lambert says this with a raised brow. The cat had a thin, long face, massive ears, and a skinny body.
Aiden snorts, "This is Milo. She's an oriental shorthair, they just look different. Don’t tell Jasper, but she’s my favorite." The man who kicked his ass was kissing the cat's foreheads and drinking expensive coffee.
"I promise I won't," Lambert says, smiling down at Jasper, who has fallen asleep in his lap… It’s nice. Maybe he should get a cat one day...
The waiter returns with two dishes, announcing, "Two white honey cakes."
One was placed in front of Lambert, causing him to blink at the waiter. "It's on the house," the blonde guy says.
"Thanks, Axel," Aiden said, corking his eyebrow at the waiter, who smiled devilishly. "This is one of the best cakes in the café; try it," he says gently as he puts Cleo on the ground. He waves her off like the cat would give two fucks.
"Uh, yeah, sure," He chooses not to think anymore, grabbing a fork. The man wasn’t fucking kidding, it was stellar. Lambert assumed the bitterness was from the tiny amount of burnt honey. It's just right in terms of sweetness. Aiden smirks more as he takes another bite.
"Good, huh?" he says, looking all too pleased. He keeps fucking looking like that.
"It's okay," is all Lambert bothers to say. The shorter man could feel his face burning.
"Hm, my favorite thing here is the carrot cake." The man says to him. It is confusing how this guy is so built when half his diet sounds like sweets.
"Is your blood made of sugar at this point?" Lambert mumbles swiftly.
"Your metabolism will catch up with you," Lambert says.
"I'm 35 and it hasn't failed me yet," Aiden says, smiling.
"You’re younger than me?"
Aiden playfully kicks him under the table with a grin. Lambert's eyebrows scrunched before he let out a small laugh. "Ow. My skincare routine must not be working." Aiden scratches his chin. "I’m going to have frown wrinkles like my dad."
Lambert just smiles and kicks back. "You'll survive."
Aiden cheekily nudges Lambert's foot with his, causing him to laugh. Lambert goes to kick him in the knee but his neighbor catches his foot. "Got ya."
"Fine you win! Now I would like to finish my cake."
They don't say much else after that, but both have a dumb grin on their face. Lambert watches Aiden finish the last of his cake, as he tries to balance a half-asleep cat on his lap. He wouldn’t admit this but the place was not that bad, especially compared to where he normally wasted his days away.
Once they were done, Aiden looked at his phone with a frown.
"I have to head back home; I need to pack for a work trip. Where did you park?"
"The Main Street parking garage," Lambert says as he moves the lazy cat on his lap. Jasper looked unamused after losing his newfound bed.
"Me too. Let’s walk there together."
Lambert doesn’t find himself arguing as the men go to the register and pay for their drinks.
A blonde woman wearing baggy pants, with her hair in a loose ponytail was standing near the front. She smiled coyly and said, “It’s on the house, Aiden.”
“Dragonfly, is there something I should know about?” His neighbor looks at her suspiciously.
“No, no.” Her face clearly said otherwise.
“Hm. Thanks,” Is all Aiden says before making the motion of I’m watching you.
The sidewalk had turned dark from the rain, and every step caused a small splash. The sun had begun coming out of hiding. Lambert tried to keep his eyes on the water pooling in the drains along the road; he did.
The feeling of sharp, almond-shaped eyes was hard to ignore. Aiden walked with a strut beside him, his chin held high—huh, he walked like a cat. Lambert huffed at the silly thought.
"Something wrong, Lambert?"
"It’s nothing."
"Are you sure? " Aiden’s voice has a smug flare.
He tosses his hair over his shoulder, letting the light kiss the now honey-looking strands. "You know, some people there were checking you out. Maybe you can get a number or two there? Assuming you don't have someone."
"I'm single, but I don't need help getting women." Lambert snorts.
"I'm sure you don't; you're handsome, Lambs," Aiden said.
' Did he call me handsome? Did he just call me Lambs?' Lambert thought to himself. His face twisted, trying to decide his reaction to what Aiden said. "Thanks." Lambert puffed out trying to avoid another awkward silence.
They step into the parking garage, then head up the concrete stairs. Lambert stops when he feels a hand on his shoulder, for some reason, Aiden had the balls to touch him.
"This is my floor; see you around," Aiden says as he walks away, winking.
Lambert sputtered, but by the time he thought of a reply, his neighbor was gone. "Uh, bye, Aiden."
That was … Gods.
Getting to his truck, he sinks into the driver's seat. Today was weird. It took him longer than needed to finally leave the garage; his mind was caught in a loop. Lambert had no idea how to feel about today…
Getting back to his apartment, he collapses on the couch, knowing work is in a few hours.
It was just him and the silence now.
The next few months went by differently.
Lambert was lying on his couch again. He tried to make it through a movie that was rapidly getting less interesting. He frankly has no idea why this became so popular on Netflix when ninety percent of it is sex scenes and arguing.
His phone goes off from the other side of the couch. This better not be Eskel complaining about paperwork again. Lambert would be more inclined to do it if half of it weren’t disclaimers and safety agreements.
He finally moves to grab his phone, it’s Aiden. Whenever Lambert bumped into Aiden while jogging, he would let him tag along, and they would shit-talk for the most part.
The playful flirting Aiden liked to do still messed with Lambert for whatever reason, but he knew not to take it too seriously. Then Lambert started messaging back and forth with Aiden. It’s just kind of boring with him gone. He was easy to talk to, that's all. Nothing seemed to bother him too much, he didn’t have to put so much effort into coming off as likable. Even if Aiden’s cocky face was annoying, there was a respectable level of confidence in the man.
They talked about silly shit, mainly revolving around whatever Aiden had going on. Sometimes he would even get photos of things Aiden thought were interesting. Lambert would even rant about the bullshit contract he had for the day or talk about babysitting Ciri.
AIDEN: [image attached] Check this out!
From what he could gather, Aiden was standing on top of a building, looking out over a massive city. Why is he in Korath?
LAMBERT: Why are you in the desert?
AIDEN: Aw. Miss me? ;)
Lambert snorted.
LAMBERT: You fucking wish
AIDEN: I’m visiting some family for a wedding
AIDEN: What’s my favorite neighbor up to?
LAMBERT: I’m trying not to die of boredom. How about you?
AIDEN: I'm getting ready, and I'm not sure If I’m overdressing. [Image attached]
The outfit wasn’t terrible. The suit was a velvet red, which complimented him nicely. The jacket hugged tightly to his chest, then tapered down to his waist. It made him look taller; it showed off his lean yet toned form. It had to be tailored to fit him so well…
LAMBERT: Meh. It’s a bit much.
AIDEN: Damn, it’s too late to change. Oh well, I’ll be here for two weeks, so I can’t dress to the nines all the time.
LAMBERT: Sweet, sweet freedom for 14 days!
AIDEN: Yeah, yeah. Such a kind soul
It is all up in the air where Aiden is at any given moment. Most of the time, his job sends him all over the continent. All Aiden told him about his position was that it had something to do with “information.” He gathered that it pays well from how Aiden dresses and the collections of rather expensive knives he likes to buy.
It wasn’t like it was his business what Aiden did with his life.
LAMBERT: Whatever. I’m going to sleep
AIDEN: Night Lamb
LAMBERT: Fuck off, ‘Aidey’
AIDEN: Lol! Wow, that’s awful
Lambert smiled to himself as he walked to his bedroom. Sure, he didn’t see Aiden a lot, but it was nice having someone around. It was a break from the hell he found himself in. He tried not to think about the quietness of the apartment or how repetitive his days were. He tried not to think about how he’d done this to himself. At least his neighbor liked him, for whatever reason.
Lambert wobbles up the stairs again; he swears they get longer each time he gets shitfaced. The world is unhelpfully swirling around as he tries to open the door to his apartment. After leaving the pub, he winded up dinging his leg on a fire hydrant, which fucking sucked. Thanks to the gods, he still had his keys and even went to the right door this time.
Today was the usual: a shitty contract, then coming home to be alone. That's exactly how he likes it. Aiden didn’t even text him today, not that he wanted him to.
The problem now is getting the fucking keys into the lock; his hands won’t stay still. After maybe six attempts at opening the door, he begins cursing loudly.
The door could be heard behind him—of course, Aiden shows up now. Lambert’s heart raced in annoyance, mentally saluting Aiden’s respect for him dying.
“Lamb, something wrong?”
“The key,” Lambert mumbles, feeling his legs nearly give out.
“Having trouble with the door again?” Aiden walks over to him, reaching for his key. “Can I help?”
The door wasn’t an issue for Aiden; getting Lambert’s legs to function was the problem. Aiden wraps his arm around him, getting him to his busted-up sofa. His bruised legs brush the side of the couch, causing him to hiss.
“You’re hurt?” Aiden squats to his level, eyeing his legs.
“I hit… my leg. I’m okay.” He fumbled with his boots, letting them fall anywhere.
“I want to check your leg, Lambert. Mind if I roll up your pants?”
“I don’t need your *hiccup* help.”
Aiden sighed. “Sure you don’t.” The sarcasm was thick in the air. Lambert peeks an eye out from the cushions, seeing Aiden again. Aiden gives him the sternest stare imaginable.
Lambert glared at him in silence, feeling his face burn. “Fucking fine.”
“Good, thank you.” He says, rolling his eyes. He moves up his pants legs, examining the damage. A finger follows along the lining of the bruise, gently touching it. Lambert's toes curl at the twitch of pain; he chooses to blame the noise he suppressed on the alcohol. “This will sting for a day or two, but you’ll be fine. Have you had any food?”
"No," Lambert said, pushing his face back against the couch.
"Stay right there," Aiden says as he stands up and walks out the door. Lambert would get up to lock it behind him, but the couch was too comfortable for that. It took twenty minutes for him to return with a plate in hand, and the steam from it was slightly coming off. “Here, waking up hungry and hungover blows.”
Whatever was on that plate smelled amazing. With a sigh, Lambert moved to sit upright. “You’re not poisoning me, right?”
“Unfortunately, no. My brother and I made this for lunch; he had to leave before he could eat it all.” Aiden placed it in his lap; it already had a fork.
It was salmon with a side of asparagus, and without further instruction, he began eating. Aiden disappeared off into the kitchen to get him water, then went back. The food melted in his mouth as the taste of the savory salmon combined with the orange sauce on top. Fuck, the guy can cook.
“Do you like it?” Aiden calls from the kitchen; the sounds of running water and dishes being moved fill the air.
“It’s fuckin’ good!” Lambert says with a mouth filled with food.
“Pfft, thank you. My mom taught me everything there is to know about cooking,” Aiden returns, wiping his hands on his pants.
“Were you washing my dishes?”
“I was cleaning the kitchen... You looked like you needed some tidying up.” The man notably keeps his eyes from looking around the apartment. He knows the place looks like shit, and his room isn’t much better; there's no need to beat around the bush. “Now, how did you get here? Did you drive?”
“Nah, I left my truck at the pub... I’m there all the time. The owners know me by now, so they don’t care.” That didn’t seem to ease Aiden at all.
"It's three a.m.; you get some sleep," Aiden says with a heavy sigh.
"3 am? Fuck, I was out that long?" He scoops his legs up on the couch to get comfortable.
"You're not going to sleep on that couch, are you? You should go to your bedroom."
“Yes s- sir. Of course, sir,” He groans as he tries to stand up, making seven steps toward his room. The world spun too fast, causing him to tumble; the only thing stopping him was Aiden.
"I've got you, Lambert," Aiden says as he pulls him into his chest and balances him. “Gods. You could have cracked your head on the staircase.” Loose strands of Aiden’s hair tickled him as they whispered across Lambert’s bare shoulder. That’s when a smell hits him, it’s something tangy like an orange mixed with a mystery spice. He stopped himself from leaning into trying to guess the unknown scent, knowing he was being weird.
It took a bit, but Aiden managed to toss him on the bed. He doesn't bother to remove Lambert’s jacket.
"Drink some more water in the morning, and only take pain pills when you're sober," Aiden says as he pulls the covers over him.
“Gods, are you going to give me a goodnight kiss next?”
"Perhaps next time," Aiden says dryly. “Good night, Lamb.”
“Mhn! Don’t call me that," Lambert says with a loud groan, rolling away from his neighbor. Being both drunk and full, Lambert found sleep quickly.
He woke up to a cleaner apartment and a note on his dining room table.
‘Drink some water, Lamb - Aiden’
It was a month later when Lambert decided to go on a jog again. When he opened the door to his apartment, he was met with Aiden trying to balance groceries while opening his apartment door. Is he still here?
"I’ll help," Lambert says, grabbing the gallon of milk about to fall. "I thought you were out of town this week."
"Thank you; work got canceled last minute," Aiden chirps, finally getting things in order. For the first time, his neighbor looked tired; his hair was quickly put in a ponytail. He was wearing a plain white shirt and black pants—no jewelry even. "I might just be working in town for the week. Were you about to jog?"
"I was thinking about it."
"Well, I was planning to make coffee; care to join?"
Skipping jogging to have coffee with his neighbor doesn’t sound too bad. He looks at Aiden's soft smile, then huffs. "Sure, I can kill some time."
He follows Aiden inside his apartment and is immediately hit with shame. The place was clean, for one. It looked like something out of those house magazines Yennefer liked to look through and sometimes whack him with. There was a Polo black leather couch facing a nice flat-screen TV. The walls were covered in abstract paintings that took up any parts that would have been too naked without them. The most eye-catching thing is the glass display of impressive throwing knives near the open kitchen. An expendable Kunai, a fighter knife, a Bowie knife, a Ridge runner...
"Plan on killing someone?" Lambert whistled. He'd seen a few of the knives Aiden bought over text but had never seen the display before.
"Thank you; Gaetan said it was ominous," Aiden says as he walks over to the kitchen island. "Now onto more pressing matters, coffee! Want it hot or cold?"
"I only drink it hot, like a normal person."
“Ever had it cold?”
"You sad man," The taller man shakes his head. "I’m making you my specialty."
"The fuck is your specialty? And do I get a say in this?"
"No!" Aiden laughs.
The thing Aiden called coffee was a mix of chocolate, milk, and whipped cream. It was a dessert with coffee flavoring. Lambert sat on the couch beside Aiden while he stared at the concoction he was expected to drink. The tension built as he brought the mug to his lips, and with one last sigh, he drank it.
He paused for a moment; it wasn’t awful, so he took a second sip.
"See, Lamb, new things aren’t that bad." Aiden beams, nudging him with his shoulder. He laughs when Lambert flips him off, sipping his drink.
Two weeks later, Lambert finds himself at a store, looking for something to pay him back. He found a cat mug in a cozy little shop near downtown since Aiden seemed to like stuff like that, and all he needed was one more thing to even the score. If Aiden liked chocolatey stuff, then he probably liked cookies. There’s only one way to find out. He moves to the display of sweets, picking the best-looking bag he can find.
"Hey, Lambert!"
"Ah, fuck me." Lambert turns to see Eskel for some reason. It didn’t make sense; he lived 30 minutes away from here, near the mountains, like Geralt. He had a bag of cornmeal over his shoulder, the nice kind. Chances are it’s for Lil’ Bleater; that goat was spoiled like a show dog. "Why are you here?"
"Love you too. I have a meeting at the office later. Now, what are the gifts for?"
"A friend," Lambert rolled his eyes. "They helped me, and I wanted to give them something, officer."
"Mm., that's nice," Eskel says doubtfully. "Are they a girlfriend?"
" I said a friend, dickhead," Lambert said as his brother followed him down the aisle.
"I'm sure you've heard the news about Geralt," Eskel says, looking down at his younger brother.
"About Yen's friend?"
Eskel pulls up a picture of a brown-haired guy who looked weirdly preppy for his brother's taste. "He is quite the character."
Jaskier was Geralt's newfound piece of ass. The fucker was even minor nobility. It wasn't unusual for Geralt to go out and find a dom, but he never kept them. The man would much rather live out in the woods for the rest of his life. The only thing stopping him from rotting in a cave somewhere was his daughter and them.
Ciri had spilled the beans about Jaskier, thank the gods.
"Maybe getting some ass will make him social again," Lambert grunts.
"I'll try to talk to him about it," Eskel sighs.
"Good luck with that shit," Lambert rolls his eyes.
He finally makes it to the checkout lane with a little more bullshit from his brother. Thankfully, the cashier was quick.
"Bye, Lambert. Good luck with your… friend."
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cosmicjoke · 6 months
I know you don’t really like JJK as much anymore (rightfully so) but I was curious your thoughts on fanon Gojo vs canon Gojo.
I see a lot of the your analysis on Levi which I think a lot of fanon Levi is because of people trying to change him for a shipping purpose (usually Eruri people) or just twisting him into what they want because he’s attractive. Seems they do the same to Gojo. I find interesting as they are both the most popular from their series.
Hey there,
Yeah, there's definitely a lot of the same thing going on with Gojo as with Levi, with people basically projecting what they want him to be onto his character, rather than just taking what we have in canon and evaluating that.
I also think people tend to take Gojo's character at face value, i.e. he acts childish and silly, and so they think he really IS childish and silly. But he's clearly much more than that, and I think it's pretty obvious that those traits of his are just a facade, a coping mechanism he's developed to help deal with his grief and isolation. Not to say Gojo isn't really a fun-loving person. I think he is. I think a lot of that, like his obsession with sweet things, and his hyper-active personality, is a manifestation of never being allowed those things as a child. So he's sort of living out the experiences as an adult he was always denied as a boy.
But I also think Gojo is extremely intelligent and, underneath it all, very serious, especially about his desire to restructure the Jujutsu world into something more supportive and nurturing for young sorcerers. His own experience as a youth was to be used and regarded as a weapon, not just by the higher-ups, but also by his fellow students. Nanami asked at one point "why can't Gojo just take care of everything", and that's pretty awful, I think. Like Gojo wasn't even a human being, but a tool to be deployed when things got too hard for everyone else. As if all the fighting and death wasn't also having an impact on him.
This notion that Gojo doesn't care about anyone but himself, or isn't impacted or affected by the deaths of his fellow sorcerers, or even just regular people, is wrong, I think (though given the way Gege character assassinated Gojo is the last chapter he was in, he sadly gave the haters plenty of fodder). But we saw how deeply grieved Gojo was over what happened with Geto, and how Geto's death continued to affect him up until the day he himself died. We saw Gojo do his absolute best, and work himself to exhaustion, trying to save as many people as he could in that train station before he was sealed. We saw how much Gojo went out of his way to give Yuji, and Megumi and Nobora actual, childhood experiences by taking them out for food, out to see the town, etc... He didn't want them to lose their childhoods, the way he lost his. He put himself in a position to be killed by Toji because he exhausted himself so completely trying to protect Riko, and spent so much extra time with her vacationing, all while never turning off his CT, because he wanted her to experience something good before giving her life up to Tengen. He also was willing to go against the higher-ups and Tengen and fight for her against them, if she decided she didn't want to be the Star Plasma Vessel. That doesn't strike me as someone who only cares about himself, or only fights because he "gets a kick out of it", (thanks again, Gege).
So, yeah, I think Gojo really cared deeply for other people. He just hid it well behind a facade of blase, fancy-free behavior. But actions always speak louder than words, and Gojo's actions tell the tale.
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beggingwolf · 9 months
29 for the fic asks :)
ah... yes... here's the opening scene from the geno/oksana geno/sid infidelity homewrecker!sid fic that wasn't working so I abandoned it like 30k in lol
Sid slams his stick into the boards so hard that it cracks.
Geno’s pulled away from his talk with the new assistant coach—Granato, he thinks the guy’s called—to glance across the rink. Sid’s mood is as dark as his jersey, and he stands at a bizarre angle near the net, pucks scattered across from him, the net empty. He’d missed the same angle in the dying seconds of the scrimmage, and though he’d given Geno a congratulatory whack on the arm in the handshake line, he’d spent the last four minutes hovering at that tight angle near the net, trying to chip the puck up high.
Sid skates to the bench, his bent stick clasped tight in his glove as he barrels down the hallway. He’s left a long, black streak over the big logo on the boards. Geno wonders if they’ll even bother fixing it. The Igloo—much like the Iceoplex, which they’ve been kicked out of for the week due to the roof leaking—has been falling apart for years. They’re so close to finishing the new arena and it seems like everyone, Sid included, is ready to let the Igloo go. 
“Damn, think Crosby wants to get started on the demolition early?” Granato asks Geno. 
Geno squints at the man. He doesn’t care for him much. Granato squirrels guys away to talk with them like it’s some kind of secret, always yanking players over to the boards or to a corner to murmur at them. He’s been trying to talk to Geno for five minutes already, and the sweat is starting to cool on Geno’s back. Geno twitches impatiently; while Sid is always happy to stay after practice and shoot pucks at imaginary goaltenders, Geno is most content when he’s first in and out of the showers. 
Mercifully, Sergei waves at Geno from the bench, and Geno spares a curt nod at Granato before skating off of the ice. 
“Are we getting food after this or not?” Sergei asks, following Geno as he lumbers to the locker room. Geno smirks down at Sergei’s balding head, enjoying the extra few inches his skates offer. “Ksenia only got the sitter until six.”
“Calm down,” Geno says as he heads for his stall, tugging his helmet off and dumping it onto its shelf. “We’ll have plenty of time. I shower fast.”
“You had better,” Sergei tells him. “She forgot her badge again. Security wouldn’t let her through until Ksenia got here.”
Geno lets out a soft curse as he tugs his white practice jersey over his head. He chucks it at the hamper Dana’s put out and misses it by a foot.
“Do you have any alcohol you can give her?” he tries to joke. Sergei just stands there, his expression flat. 
“Hurry, and then maybe we can ply her with drinks at the restaurant,” he says before abandoning Geno to wrestle with his chest protector. 
As Geno pulls off his equipment, he can’t help but look across the room to see where Pascal is speaking with Sid.
Sid sits back in his stall, his arms limply falling into his lap. Geno can see the dramatic rise and fall of his chest as he breathes; the stretchy undershirt he wears is falling to pieces and slivers of his pale skin peek through the dark fabric. His hat is tugged on low over his face and Geno watches the absent pattern he scratches onto his hockey pants. He can’t hear what Pascal is saying to Sid, but Pascal seems serious, his enormous eyebrows furrowed as he looks down at Sid’s shadowed face. 
Sid has never been loud in the locker room, but lately his eyes have been doing more talking than his mouth. After they rolled in for training camp, Geno feels like every time he looks up, Sid is watching. Observing. In his own head. 
Geno divests himself of his gear quickly, leaving most of it in a pile around his locker. He’s just in his compression pants when he skirts the logo rug in the center of the room and heads for Sid. 
Pascal turns his head just a fraction. His eyes meet Geno’s and widen, his mouth twisting down in a clear signal that tells Geno to stay away. 
Geno steps up next to Pascal and looks down at Sid.
“Hey,” he says.
“Hey, G,” Sid murmurs. He tilts his head up. It’s not enough for Geno to see his eyes under the brim of his hat, but Geno ignores both Pascal’s weighty gaze and Sid’s soft voice. 
“Can’t score with broken stick,” he tells Sid. 
Sid’s lips don’t even twitch. They stay stern, barely pursed, a silly little moue that makes him look petulant. 
“Tomorrow at game, if you get point, I’m owe you drink next time team goes out,” Geno tries to coax him. 
“Next time the team goes out?” Sid murmurs. 
“Yes, and if I’m get point, then you owe me,” Geno tells him. “Maybe we both score.”
Geno watches the corner of Sid’s mouth tic up in a barely-there smile.
“What happens then?” Sid asks. 
“Pascal buy us drink.”
Pascal lets out a sigh, and Sid turns his head to the side like he wants to hide the reluctant smile that tugs up his lips and exposes his pointy canines. 
“Geno,” Pascal mutters. 
“Deal?” Geno says with a grin, and he knocks against Pascal’s shoulder before he takes a step back.
Pascal’s watching him with a bemused expression, and his gaze flickers behind Geno towards the door for a second before he turns back to Sid. 
Geno leaves them, heading for the showers where he does his best to wash the stink of practice off as fast as possible. Sid’s still in his stall by the time Geno emerges, but that’s nothing strange. He sits around and marinates in his hockey equipment for longer than is healthy. Geno’s mama would make him eat soup for a day straight if he sat in damp, sweaty clothes as often as Sid does. 
“Zhenya!” Sergei demands, halfway through the locker room door. 
“I’m on my way, old man!” Geno calls back, but the door’s already been shut. 
Geno slips into his dark pants and a button-down shirt quickly, scrubbing his hair once more with the towel before he grabs his wallet and leaves the mess for the equipment staff to clean up. Dana owes him one after letting a chipped blade wind up on Geno’s skates at training camp, and the other guys have left worse messes anyway.
As soon as he’s through the locker room door, he’s wrapped up in the scent of her fruity perfume. Her arms follow moments later, and Geno catches her as she lets herself slump against him. 
“Oksana,” he grunts.
“Zhenya,” Oksana murmurs quietly, for his ears only, “they wouldn’t let me in.”
“You forgot your pass again?” he asks, and her manicured nails scratch sharply through his shirt, right up against his spine. 
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