#if anyone is curious is a ghost fanfic soooo
bees-book-buzz · 11 months
Currently writing a fanfic for the first time and idk how to feel about it.
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even-in-winter · 4 years
10 for 10 for 10
Rules: Answer ten questions, come up with ten questions of your own, and tag ten people.
Thanks for the tag @kissedbydragonfire , but wow, this was not easy
Question time
1.   If your OTP couldn’t be together, what other canon characters would you want them to be with?
Ow, help. This is hard. Uhm.... okay i will try
My OTP now is Garcia Flynn and Lucy Preston. So, if they can't be together I would let Flynn have Lorena back in a second. He deserves a happy life with his family and baby girl.
Lucy however, i doubt a lot. Im tempted to say Wyatt, but I didn't like every version of him in the show. Sometimes he did things that made me doubt. So i dont know. I guess I would bring them together, but more the fanfic version of them if that makes sense.
My alternative would be Jess, both strong women, but @letmetellyouaboutmyfeels made me ship Jess with Amy, so that doesnt feel right either. (Read the roommate fic, they are amazing together! "Even when we're hopeless, at least we're not alone" is the name if i remember correctly)
I'm not even trying to ship her with Denise or Connor. Not for me. Nope.
So that kinda leaves Rufus and Jiya as alternative. I would never break up these cuties, so I'm going to put Lucy with them. Why? Because I can. Lucy would be in good hands with them.
2.   If you could change one thing about your favorite fictional character, who is it and what would you change?
Lucy. I would make her a bit more confident in herself. Make her see just how much worth she has. She can be such a strong woman, she just needs to see it for herself sometimes.
3.   Is there anything that you consider to be a lucky charm for you and/or brings you luck?
I have. My grandparents gave me a little silver necklace with a clover shaped pendant. They gave it to me when I was in high school to bring me luck on my exams. I do not believe in this bringing me luck, yet i wear it every time i have an exam or when something important comes up ( job interview etc.). My grandfather passed away last year and this makes me feel connected still. So, I do not believe it brings me luck, but I do feel like it calms me down and makes me more "mentally ready" for situations I could use a bit of luck in.
4.   If you could live in any historical era (excluding the modern one), what would it be?
I would say modern times. All my favorite people are here, plus i would probably die after 2 days in any other time in history. I know how to handle swords, but thats a about it. I'm good in starting fires, but not when you need them. So i would burn down any camp i make within a day. I'm also very clumsy and daring a a but of 'je m'en fous', which is a horrible combination which leads to injuries more often than not. So no, better let me stay
5.   Do you prefer blondes, brunettes or redheads?
Hmmmm... I think I'm going to go with brunettes, but followed very close by the blondes.
6.   If you could save one beloved character from an in canon death by “moving” them to another show, what character would it be and what show would you “move” them to?
GARCIA FLYNN. I would move him to any show that can gives him the life he deserves. Ideally i would let Lucy or Lorena and Iris join him in this show, but I doubt thats what the question was about. I can not pinpoint a show right now, so I will gently place him in a show of his likings 😉
7.   If you could go back and change one historical event, what would it be?
Honestly, i would probably be like timeless and change a lot. So its hard to just pick one...
8.   If you were casting actors for a movie and you could select anyone, who is in your dream cast?
Abigail Spencer, Goran Visnjic, Henry Cavill, Maura Tierney, Rebecca Ferguson, Tom Hiddleston, and soooo much more.
9.   Do you believe in ghosts? 👻
I do not. I never experienced anything that convinced me they could be real. I'm very sceptical about them. I like the idea that people I lost are still arround, but I dont really believe in it.
Also, i would totally make fun of people for eternity as a ghost. So maybe better if they don't exist haha🤷‍♀️
10. What’s the one thing you can’t live without while you’re stuck in quarantine?
WiFi. I have online classes, papers to write and for entertainment. I miss my friends and family so keeping contact and organizing groupwatches for movienight and chatting keep me sane.
Normally I would have said books, but it's been 2 weeks of complete lockdown now and I read 7 books already. I will run out of reading material soon and we have still several weeks to go😅
My Questions for you:
Yes they are weird. Yes I'm aware. Still, I'm bored and now very curious to see what your answers will be🤣🤣.
So, here we go 😎
1) There have been lots of crazy weapons made, such as the "Lantern shield" or " Spring loaded triple dagger" or "Gun shield" What is your favorite 'crazy' or weird weapon? (Doesn't need to be useful, the weirder the better)
2) You are an inventor. Yup. This is your life now. You invent things. Big things, small things, weird things, ... . What are your top 3 inventions?
3) What is the weirdest compliment you ever got?
4) IT'S YOUR LUCKY DAY! Your favorite genie Winter fulfills your wish! You can now yell/swear/be angry for 20 minutes at the person of your choice, without consequences because they will forget it all after you are done or when the 20 minutes are over. Who do you choose and why? If you feel comfortable to share it with your favorite genie, what would you say?
5) If you could "kidnap" one historical person to stay 1 week in 2020 before sending him/her back to their time. Who would you choose and why? (To motivate, make them see what they did for our modern times or to hang out with. The choice is yours. Everything is possible)
6) SURPRISE! Loki, the Norse god of Misschief, has taken a liking to you. You can now pull one prank on a person/organization/country/whatever you like of your choice and nobody will ever know it was you, or if you want they will know it was you but you will NEVER be punished for it. What would you do? 😎
7) Post a picture of the most "ugly"or "useless" animal below. Like the MOST UGLY HIDEOUS OR USELESS animal you can find. Give the animal a name of your liking (Fred, Jeff whatever you want. Be creative) and explain, while using that name, why this is the WORST animal. (Post the real name of the animal in the tags so people can google this lovely thing afterwards if they want)
8) My condolances, your great-great-twice removed aunt has just died. She left you something, something very special. It's a box. You slowly lift the lid to see "...". (fill in blank, explain if you like)
9) ITS YOUR FAVORITE GENIE WINTER AGAIN! This time, i have a little dillema for you. In order to get a wish of your choice, you need to push on this bell. This cool little bell 🛎. If you do, 20 people die. You don't know for sure if they are strangers or not. Could be anyone. You even dont know if their deaths are peaceful or horrible. You don't know. All you know is that your heartwish will be granted and 20 people die. Would you do it?
10) WOOPS! YOU DIED! or better, people believe you are dead, but you aren't. What will you do now? Will you enjoy your newfound freedom or will you return to your normal life?
I tag: @ununpredictableme @kissedbydragonfire @mathgirl24 @celtrose-ish @garciaflynnanimal @letmetellyouaboutmyfeels @magnificentcowboypeanutpaper @princessamerigocreations @....
Anyone who wants to play, consider yourself tagged. No pressure, and if you don't want to answer all you don't have too. I'm just very curious to see some answers haha.
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ask-jackie-chan · 6 years
Ah, Valentine's Day
[[ The day people share love for one another, be it platonic, romantic or any other types of love. while I the mun do not really like Valentine’s Day like that, I want to just say a couple of things that deal with Jackie Chan Adventures, so this might be touchy-feely:
I want to start with my most talked about characters, the J-Team. I love their dynamic; teamwork, arguments, differences and essential character builds and how they grow to care for one another. The funny times are always the best kinds of times to me. While each member may not be blood related and come from different places and pasts, they are still able to get the job done and defeat the greater evil. There’s the caring attitude towards one another where they will fight to save the other and essentially put their own life on the line if anyone fights them i’m fighting them
Then there’s the Enforcers. They are one of my favorite ride-or-die cartoon buddies of all time. I love ‘em to death! They win and lose together and have great bonding moments. They grow and learn from their mistakes (sometimes through bruises). If one doesn’t like something, they all don’t like it. if a character tries to disrespect them i will fight them. They have flaws as villains and yet, still have some heroic qualities and aren’t as harmless as a demon. They aren’t the best fighters but will still attempt to do some damage if someone tries to come after one of them. Finn, Ratso and Chow have helped me see that villains can be cool people. They are like the middle men. Yeah they did bad, but I also kinda feel bad for them bc of how shitty a majority of their magical masters were to them. Like these guys have been through so much, they need a raise from life for going so far. That, and I’d totally hang out with them at the cafe for donuts and coffee. ^_^
Finally to the villains. I like Tarakudo and his respectfulness towards others, even if they aren’t on the same side as him. He is also a cool villain i wish there was more of him in the series, like a part two of Ninja Twilight. He’s pretty convincing on getting people to put on masks and have their own army of shadowkhan. Like if I had come across a mask and Tarakudo was there egging me on, I most likely would’ve done so XD. I love how calculated he is and how he knows what he’s doing, how to do it and the events that follow if things look like they will head south. I like how he doesn’t boss the Enforcers around as much as the other villains which honestly is a relief. out of all the main bad guys daolon wong and i are going to box That joke he made about the drums and cymbals was simply brilliant. His dry-humor is funny. Tarakudo is just so awesome man :)
My second is Drago. When I first saw him, I’m gonna admit it; he is attractive but practically everything else he did was a huuuge no for me and discredited him quite a lot. Over the years, I’ve come to realize how… clever and smart Drago is. He’s done some growing on me, so much in fact I enjoy teasing him sometimes a lot of times. Now don’t get me wrong; Drago still is a villain, has flaws and unanswered questions whos da mommy but still, he’s quite the formidable demon we still gotta to fight on account of the enforcers tho. I can respect him for that the only thing I wished for drago to do is to think ahead before marching in hands blazing and getting mad when his plan epically fails Before I didn’t think much of him, but now I see how determined he was to make a name for himself. He’s changed tactics so many times; went solo for a while, moved HQs, fired the Enforcers while i was sad at this if Drago wants to have a better chance of taking over the world he cant use them as henchman, got all the demon chi, attacked Uncle’s shop etc. The only thing that still gets me is Drago’s puns no like Drago why
Now on me.
Jackie Chan Adventures first premiered when I was waaaaay too young to remember much, so I’ll be speaking from the first time I re-watched it on Netflix in the summertime, when I was 12. Like what made me want to visit the show again was a short funny memory of when I was maybe 5 seeing a rerun of Jackie run down the side of the breaking building (Tough Break) on the Kids WB network and I remember I laughed uncontrollably at the TV. Somehow, this popped into my head when I saw the JCA cover for Netflix, which made me start the first episode.
At that age, I was pretty impressionable, naive and painfully shy. A good part of my life was spent being by myself because I got bullied a lot. It was pretty terrible. I didn’t know much about the outside world, how to interact with people and got culture shocked a lot. As a result, I was a pretty close-minded and ignorant kid fed knowledge about the world and the people from my parents (mainly mother) who are superstitious and biased about a lot of stuff and believed it. That all changed when I finished Jackie Chan Adventures (though it took a while for me to teach myself to unlearn the wrong things I believed). While I may have not learned about how to open up and how to interact with people, I learned so much like history, mythology, other countries and their cultures in it. This either came from the show directly, through my own research and sometimes both. My brothers were with me and dealt with similar issues when it come to school, so it was always fun to talk to about what one discovered from the show.
For me, watching Jackie Chan Adventures is kinda like how people describe reading; it was a new experience that probed me to ask questions about the world and be curious about the things I didn’t know, like other languages, countries, people and cultures. In a way, it made me feel proud of my own heritage, even though JCA and I have… different cultural backgrounds, I say. The mythology is soooo interesting to me. I would get lost in hours of surfing on the internet of chi, the Chinese Zodiac, the Bagua etc just because I wanted to know more! When I was younger, I used to read a lot of mythology but I got picked on a lot for it, so I stopped. But seeing JCA again has greatly re-awakened it.
Last but not least, I have a never-ending love for the friends and RPers I’ve met online, even the ones that have moved on and are long gone. You guys are literally the greatest! You guys put up with me in my bad times, my good times, when I went ghost and most likely all the annoying times of blowing up your timeline for no reason. It’s lonely being the only one in my real life into JCA, so it’s nice to see other people’s views, sharing brilliant ideas, the interesting theories, the OCs, videos, cool memes, great screencaps, RPs, jokes, amazing artwork, awesome fanfics and so much more across the Internet. I had honestly thought I was the only one who knew about JCA, so I can say that I’ve really hit the jackpot online! It’s so fun having Jackie RP with you guys and witnessing the shenanigans come from it. :D
Now it might annoy some how much and how frequently I talk about JCA and how it seems like I’m annoying and I never shut up about it but I don’t care! i mean this is an ask jackie chan blog which serves as my main soooo. If someone gotta problem with me expressing myself and what I love online, then they can come fucking fight me! JCA has saved a special place in my heart and I doubt it’ll ever go away soon.
That is all :D ]]
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ilgattopatata · 7 years
Tagged by @aftgonice YO! ty!!
Rules: Answer the questions for your work. You can use different fics, and even WIPs. Don’t hesitate to link your stuff for the curious ones :) And tag writer friends to play along!
 1/ Which scene/paragraph/sentence are you the most proud of?
LMAO It’s hard for me to say that there’s something I’m proud of but. This is from a /almost) finished thing that I’m gonna publish in a couple of days for Sheith month
Shiro’s lips were chapped and dry and they tasted like the desert. His hands burned on Keith’s cheeks. There had been a lot of things Shiro had not expected. He hadn’t expected to escape from the Galra. He hadn’t expected to become a paladin. He had not expected to fall for Keith, so hard that he had become his reason to push through everything, just to spend another day by his side.
And now Keith was there, and he loved him, and after a long, long time Shiro finally felt in the right place and, even just for a moment, free from his demons.
2/ For which work/piece of work do you get comments telling how marvelous it is, while you’re not that enthralled by that piece yourself?
Eeeeeh, I haven’t published a lot of stuff and there’s nothing that’s actually popular, soooo… I can’t really answer this question XD
3/ Which character highjacked the story they’re in?
Keith (from Voltron) in a one-shot I wrote a while back… I was trying to make it at least a bit Klancey, but Keith wouldn’t stop being devastated for Shiro’s disappearance lol
4/ Which sentence/kind of sentence do you overuse?
Is there something that I don’t overuse? I think my writing is pretty repetitive. I probably use way too many adverbs, smirks and cheeky smiles, hands resting on various body parts and the likes… The usual cheesy stuff, because I’m too boring to actually come up with something original
5/ Which work of yours would you be dying to get fanart for?
Definitely Lovely Ghost. If I had the skills to do it, I would personally draw a few scenes, but I can already barely write, so…
6/ Which work would you rather forget?
AAHAHAHH OH BOY a lot of stuff. But those are fanfics I wrote on an Italian site, so no one will find them. Honestly, I cringe when I think about my old writing
7/ Do you have a project you never got the nerves/guts to write?
Well, there’s a Yuri on Ice - Monster AU I talked about a while back, that is still sitting in my drafts, and I’m always like “one day… one day I’ll come for you”
8/ For which fandom have you written the most? (can be original fic, say if you count in terms of words, chapters or fics)
If I take into consideration the stuff I wrote for PJO, it’s probably a tie between that fandom and Yuri on Ice, but I honestly don’t want to check… I just want to forget those fics…
Buuuut I don’t know who to tag, so if anyone wants to do this, feel free!!
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