#if any involved have funny things to add go ahead
that-ari-blogger · 19 hours
Nothing To See Here (Knock, Knock, Knockin' On Hooty's Door)
Every story has that one character. The Tom Bombadil, if you will, the one who is mostly irrelevant to the plot and functions as a kind of in joke. In The Owl House, this is Hooty, and yes, I am aware of how many people I annoyed by linking such a seminal work of fiction with a The Lord of the Rings. (Go on, disagree, boost my numbers, I dare you)
Some series even devote an entire episode to this joke character and their antics. This usually involves clowning around and comedy to balance out the heavy feels of the rest of the series, and rarely furthers the plot in any way.
Knock, Knock, Knockin’ On Hooty’s Door is this episode. It’s a fun romp with the cast of The Owl House, and nothing important happens.
Nope. Nothing at all. No sir. That would be crazy.
Who am I kidding? This episode is the linchpin of the series and will be studied for years to come.
Let me explain.
SPOILERS AHEAD: (The Owl House, Legends Of Runeterra, One Piece: Whole Cake Island)
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The Owl House should have pacing issues, and “should” is the operative word there, because it doesn’t, really.
The series is trying to balance out themes of family, acceptance, identity, and freedom. As well as a ton of key arcs. Eda, King, and Luz, each have two, if you squint, as well as the overarching conflict with Belos.
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Eda has her struggles with the Owl Beast curse and her need to protect; King has his seeking of identity and the search for his father; and Luz is juggling her romance with Amity with a quest for the way home.
Including Belos, that’s seven arcs that The Owl House is trying to explore. Add in Hunter’s whole thing and we round up to eight, a nice even number.
This is an extraordinary number of plot threads for a season of television to handle, and get the feeling that most of these were planned for the hypothetical season three.
But people who treat art as a product that can be manufactured and sold made decisions, and for some reason, those people sit in high positions in institutions that make art, so The Owl House’s third season got canned.
So… why isn’t season two crippled by pacing that tries to bite off more than it can chew?
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This shot is a joke. It is a fraction of a second's long bit that doesn't come up again. They didn't need to put this much effort into it, but they did. There's even a Dutch angle to emphasise King's shock.
Well, because Knock, Knock, Knockin’ On Hooty’s Door discusses six of these arcs. If you’re keeping track, that’s most of the series getting developed in a single episode.
I’m not going to pretend that this episode is perfect. Personally, I read it as ambitious and barely managing to hold itself together. The fact that this episode works at all is astonishing, so I’ll let it go on the minour details.
But I can’t deny that this episode walks so that everything after can fly. The show doesn’t feel constrained because this episode takes all of the burden.
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Starting with the fact that this episode joins its themes rather well. Luz can’t work out the thing with the mouse because her mind is set on Amity, Eda is held back in her magical abilities because the curse, and King… well, I’ll get back to King.
The episode streamlines the entire series into manageable chunks, offering one arc as a pseudo reward for completing another. For example, Luz getting together with Amity allows her to speak with the mouse.
Before I discuss the nitty gritty of the plot, I do want to clarify something here. I’ve seen a ton of people say that Hooty is the perfect wingman and point to this episode. And, no. No, he’s really not. In my opinion, that’s kinda the point.
This is something that I like to call the Cyberpunk Dilema, in which the rule of cool affects the audience perception. Audiences will look at something that is entertaining to watch or funny and say, “I’d like to do that”, and miss out on the fact that it doesn’t go well.
Case and point, Hooty screws up being a wingman so badly that he pushes people into character development by accident. Hooty isn’t good at this, he’s just endearing.
Anyway, even with the condensation of the plot, this episode has three storylines, so talking in overarching terms can only get you so far. So, allow me to get into those.
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A screencap can't really do the dream transition justice. The music is eerie and unnatural and, at least to me, evokes the memory sequences from the Galbraith books, or rather, the film versions of them.
Eda gets a dream sequence, and as is the usual for such things, it gets weird. The audience sees the curse ruining Eda’s life repeatedly. We see her greatest shames, the attack against her father, and the inability to talk to Raine.
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I think it’s interesting that these two actions contrast each other. Eda’s father could have known better than to set off a party popper that close to a daughter he was aware would have such an effect. That was a predictable occurrence, and I blame him almost entirely for it.
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The think with Raine, however, is mostly Eda’s fault, and she says so in the moment.
“Just tell them, let them help.”
I also want to throw some shade at Gwendolyn and Lilith here, as well as the Boiling Isles as a whole, because Eda has absolutely zero healthy coping mechanisms. I’m not talking about the curse here; I’m talking about in the entirety of her life. She never learned how to deal with anything except by running. Or rather, she didn’t, until Luz rocked up.
Eda needed someone to help her and inspire her to be better, as well as being willing to hold her up when she is feeling low. Her mother didn’t offer her that, her sister caused the problems, and Raine tried, but got pushed away.
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I think these two moments in Eda’s memory guide her every move. Both as things she wants desperately to never do again. She tries to control the curse because it hurt her father, and she takes in Luz and lets her get close because she’s determined to never push anyone away again.
We’ll see how well those two resolutions go over the course of the series, but for now, she’s getting better.
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Do we not wanna talk about this? Eda meets the collector before everyone else, and doesn't even ask them about the Owl Beast. This could have been such a cool episode later on down the line.
The we get this scene, which was blatantly set up for a much longer season three, but ho hum. This sequence talks about the history of the owl beast, and has some brilliant Icarus imagery, serving to humanise the creature.
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Icarus famously drowned. More accurately, he aggressively discovered surface tension. But for those who don’t know, Icarus was the son of the inventor Daedalus, who made wings for them both to escape a tower. Icarus flew too close to the sun, and his wings melted, causing him to fall.
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As such, the owl beast has themes of freedom, as well as the limits of oneself. Notice how those are both things that Eda deals with on a regular basis.
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But yes, the obvious, Eda is accepting her otherness and deciding to stop fighting it and work around it. It is a part of who she is, and its not something worth destroying herself to “fix”.
You could read this as a queer metaphor, or a discussion of disability or neurodivergence. I don’t have a disability, so I can’t really comment on that, but I recommend checking out the opinions and readings of those who do and who have thoughts. @oakwyrm has several videos on the subject that I personally found rather enlightening.
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I do want to talk about the aurora imagery here, because on one hand, its an excuse for the animators to make something genuinely beautiful, but on the other, this is a blog about analysis, and I want to dissect as much as I can.
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The world fades out, rupturing as it fulfils its purpose, leaving Eda curled around the now much smaller curse, protecting it like a mother protecting a child.
The aurora itself symbolises hope and renewal, derived from the Greek word for sunrise and the deity who was the sister of the sun, according to space.com. But it’s also the colour from the greyscale beach returning.
Which leads me to Harpy Eda, and holy moly is that a character design.
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Harpies are weirdly dynamic mythological creatures, varying in appearance and thematic and powers across ancient Greece and a few close neighbours. This is usually what happens when a myth has either had time to drift, meaning it’s a holdover from a much older civilisation and mythology, or one on a trade rout. Harpies have a habit of pestering sailors, so I’ll let you guess which answer I think is more accurate.
I want to stress that I am talking about usual situations, it is possible that these Harpy myths sprung up due to a common stimulus, like birds that could mimic speech or something similar.
Ovid was also involved in evolution of the myth, and he was known for making stuff up as he went along, so there’s that.
In any case, Harpy Eda is a form that allows Eda control over her life, it gives her agency, and the wings that are a universal symbol of freedom. This is a person who can now go anywhere she wants. Combine that with the owl’s wisdom affiliations, and you get a symbol of power and a statement piece. Eda, when she has fully accepted herself, can do anything.
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King is looking for the missing piece of himself, so he stands in front of an incomplete hole. I'm definitely clutching at straws with this one, but
King meanwhile is going through a bildungsroman at a truly unsafe pace. For context, a bildungsroman is a coming of age story (technically, it’s a book, but I think that’s dumb), and part of that is working out who you are. Growing up means being given the freedom to choose, but none of the experience to make that choice educated. It’s telling you to pick two options, but not explaining what they are.
"I thought you had real answers."
No buddy. No-one has real answers like that, because they don't exist. I'm religious, and I don't have a clue either. Everyone else is making it up as they go along, buddy, same as you.
Also, Alex Hirsch needs a raise for the delivery of everything in this episode, especially this line.
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Then there is the stock advice that always annoyed me. “Be who you are.” It’s helpful at face value, but it doesn’t mean anything when you think about it. If you don’t know who you are or who you want to be, being yourself is really difficult.
“I don’t need you to tell me to love myself, Hooty. I want to know where I came from. What my dad looked like. What I’ll look like when I grow up. I don’t have any responses to my video yet, or my wanted posters. Maybe my dad is gone. Maybe there’s no one else like me. And maybe I’ll live my whole life without any answers.” “No! I didn’t want top make you mad.” “Well I am mad. At him, for not being here. He left me ALONE!”
Do I really need to explain this? King is forced by Hooty’s ineptitude and his own bottled-up emotions to actually say what he thinks and what he wants. He’s a comedy character who has dropped the joke and needs to release that energy that he has built up.
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Enter the roar, a power gained by reaching an understanding of oneself. Hooty and King were trying to ascertain what King was by focusing on the superficial. What type of creature is he? What can he be categorised as?
Hooty’s stock responses are designed to be aggravating, because they don’t work on an individual level. What King needed to work out was that he wanted to understand himself as a person rather than a thing. Who is King?
For the moment, that answer is “complicated”, in a way that he isn’t quite ready to be yet.
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If you pause at this specific frame, the background resembles the bisexual pride flag. I'm telling you there are queer undercurrents in this series. It's not obvious, but it's there. I'm not crazy.
Finally, let’s address Lumity, and I’m going to begin that by not talking about Lumity at all and instead the concept of shipping as a whole and what makes a good ship to me.
I think it is important to understand that fiction and reality are two different things, and so ships and actual relationships need to be judged on different terms.
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A ship, first and foremost, needs to be compelling, and interesting to watch. A real relationship needs to be healthy. This is why I think that the Stolas x Blitz storyline in Helluva Boss is a good ship but would be genuinely awful if these were real people.
Yes, there is a discussion to be had about what is presented as good and bad in fiction, but I trust you to have enough media literacy to differentiate the fantastical from the grounded.
So, what then makes a good ship?
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Well, to me, a good ship is compelling and inspires stories on its own. A good ship isn’t merely a reward for completing the plot, or an “x and y have a cute dynamic” or even an “x and y both have ice powers”.
Once again, I am talking about my opinions here. If you like to ship characters because they have the same colour palate or something, that’s great, go for it. There are no rules, don't let people tell you how to enjoy a story. This is simply what I like to read and write about.
This is the basis of some of my favourite ships in fiction, Leona and Diana from Legends of Runeterra, Zoro and Sanji from One Piece, and Luz and Amity from The Owl House.
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Leona and Diana are the two aspects of the sun and moon and have an on-off romantic relationship. This is strained by religious zealotry and indoctrination, which gives it that tragic air. But this ship also lends weight to their conflict and could have the power to sway Leona into doing the right thing.
Zosan is more complicated and needs some explaining. It’s a fan ship and it relates to the two secondhand men of the Strawhat crew. Sanji is brash and emotional; Zoro is calm and stoic. Sanji is a nerd; Zoro is an idiot. Sanji is well put together; Zoro is a mess.
The story comes from what they do for each other, because Zoro is, in a weird way, Sanji but better. I don’t mean this in a character standpoint, I mean this from the perspective of stability. Zoro is protective without being suicidal. He is affected by loss, but he’s motivated by it rather than being scared. He is calm, he can survive. Zoro is the rock that Sanji can use to secure himself.
Sanji has been traumatised to hell and back, and he needs a way of letting his emotions out in a healthy way. He needs to shout and scream and cry, and Zoro, by being that rock who can take anything Sanji does, becomes the constant.
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The above image is part of a comic by @dog-politics, and it shows my point. Sanji holding onto Zoro with tears running down his face while Zoro holds him.
I also want to point out that in this comic, Sanji is crying because Zoro is offering him affection, and he doesn’t know whether he likes it or not. He’s not used to receiving any affection at all.
But, what does Zoro see in Sanji? I give you @tea917339 and this post right here.
Zoro sees a type of hope in Sanji that he only saw one other place. Sanji reminds Zoro of Kuina, the one who inspired his own journey, and it tells him that it wasn’t the person who drives him, but her spirit, and he can see it even more so here.
Sanji’s spirit should be broken a million times over, and that’s how he presents, as a buffoon for whom romance is the only thing left in his life. But this comic shows Zoro that there is more going on beneath the surface, and that Sanji’s force of will is eternal.
Caitlin Seida’s poem, Hope Is Not a Bird, Emily, It’s A Sewer Rat, describes optimism, joy, and perseverance as diseases that hope can give you. The poem doesn’t do witty wordplay or fancy forms, it’s blunt and raw, and it should be the calling card of the Zosan ship.
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Lumity follows this formula, at least to me. Amity and Luz compliment each other and the ship makes the series more interesting by provoking stories. Most notably, the story of Amity being inspired by Luz to be a better person and to come into conflict with her family.
Luz shines a way for people, and she guides Amity towards happiness. Shenaniganry ensues then as Amity tries to work out what she values more, and what she is willing to sacrifice to keep the affection.
However, Luz’ angle of this has been relatively ambiguous, until now. Remember what I said about this episode streamlining things? Well, it also does that with Luz.
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Luz main flaw is in direct conflict with her greatest strength. She is original and unique, and defies definition. But she also wants the world around her to fit her expected storyline. She’s a perfectionist of plot.
This is also Belos’ main flaw as well, you may notice. He wants the world to fit his expectations. But Belos can only understand life through the lens of conformity. Either he will change to fit it, or the world must change to fit him. Luz starts with a similar mindset, but spends the series learning to accept the world and herself the way they are and let them exist peacefully.
From that angle, the story proposes its definition of good and evil as relative to how much a character is willing to learn and accept, which is a neat benchmark.
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The story overall has been teaching Luz to accept the world , but Amity teaches her to accept herself.
The date goes poorly. I cannot stress this enough, you don’t want Hooty as your wingman. But it also goes badly because Luz wants it to be perfect, she wants top try and compensate for her perceived flaws and hide things about herself that she deems unworthy.
Amity, however, has fallen for Luz in her entirety, good and bad. That kind of affection is what drives Luz to see herself in a new light, and it’s a core tenet of the story’s themes.
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So, the fact that the actual asking out on a date is so awkward is the point. It’s not perfect, because neither of these characters are perfect, and that’s more than ok.
The animation builds up to the question really well, keeping the tension high and then undercutting it for the sake of humour and catharsis. Because was Amity really going to say no?
You’ve got so deep in Luz’s muddled thoughts that you miss what she is thinking about. Obviously, Amity would say yes, anyone could see that.
If you want a clear metaphor for this, the floor shifts as Hooty carves a hole in it, and Luz and Amity find themselves on rocky ground. They don’t understand where they stand in relation to each other, but then the camera pans out and they were standing in a heart the entire time. These two were dropped into a relationship. They tumbled into affection. They fell in love.
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Before I finish up, I want to do something weird and discus the title of the episode. Because this episode, Knock, Knock, Knockin’ on Hooty’s Door, is a play on Bob Dylan’s 1973 song, Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door, coverd by Guns and Roses in 1991.
Mama, take this badge from me I can't use it anymore It's gettin' dark, too dark to see Feels like I'm knockin' on heaven's door
The song is about redemption and looking back at ones’ life to decide where to go now. It’s a sad song, and a weird fit in tone for the series, but it is a really good turning point for the story and its ideas.
From here on out The Owl House doesn’t slow down and doesn’t pull any punches. This show has finally worked out who it wants to be, and so the reference to the song says there is no turning back now. The fun hijinks are still here, but now we get serious.
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The episode closes arcs and sends the plot in a new direction as characters decide what to do. It is a turning point in the series.
The title also implies that Hooty and by extension the Owl House itself are heavenly in some form or another, which squares strangely well with Lilith’s letter at the start.
“Hello, Hootsifer. Your letter concerned me. You write of feeling unimportant while Luz, Eda, and King are off on adventures. But Hooty, you are the Owl House. You take care of everyone inside you. If that isn’t a worthy purpose, then what is?”
The Owl House is a place of sanctuary. Where people can go to be themselves. It is a place of freedom. It is the promised land.
The Owl House those who look upon it, and so does the series that takes its name.
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This guy looks important, I wonder if he'll come up again.
Final Thoughts
Like I said, boring. Nothing happens in this episode, nothing at all.
In all honesty, this episode is seriously impressive. It’s bloated, yes. It has a pacing issue, yes. Some of the jokes don’t land, yes. But oh my G-d, this episode carries the show, and that’s not even a hot take.
King’s Tide, Hollow Mind, and Watching And Dreaming don’t stand on the shoulders of giants, they stand on the non-existent shoulders of Hooty.
Next week, I’ll be looking at Eclipse Lake, which has Hunter in it, and I swear, if anything happens to my precious boi, there will be hell to pay.
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shiro-s2e2-erukinzu · 6 months
Anime only watchers and people who aren't caught up with the Manga, BEWARE... Cuz I'm about to discuss Spy X Family Mission 91... You have been warned...! 👌
This chapter was very interesting and quite informative...!! 😲
And though I was not too feeling well this morning (and I still feel a little unwell now), I still wanna discuss today's chapter...! So let's talk about it, shall we? 😊
This chapter begins with Anya heading off to school and Yor going to an event that her city hall job is helping with... And before they head off, they greet the Authens...! 😊
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And I just love that Anya calls Sigmund and Barbara "Grandpa Siggy and Granny Barb"...! 😆 It's both so adorable and continues their new found relationship from the previous chapter!! 🤗
And this might be a little off topic, but I've noticed that we haven't really seen Twilight go to work since the mole arc... 😲 I mean, it could just be that we aren't seeing him go to work, but this also makes me wonder if WISE actually gave him a break for once! 😅
Anyway, back to chapter...!! 😁
At the event, we see Yor's coworkers, Dominic (who we haven't seen since Mission 24 I believe, which was FOREVER AGO 😵) and even McMahon...!! 😁 The event is a charity event to help disabled veterans and the Lady Patriots Society is gonna be there... Hearing that, Yor remembers that Melinda is apart of that group:
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Yor tells her coworkers that she's met Melinda and is even her friend, but they believe her and Dominic even suggests that she might not even show up. Then...:
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We see that Millie has an issue with being here... But then, these ladies from the Lady Patriots Society started to butt in, even saying things like this:
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This saddens me because I know that there are people that are like this in real life that belittle others because "they had it worse"... Though not everyone has suffered through the horrors of war, it doesn't mean that what they've been through is less painful...
After that, Millie shares her thoughts...:
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...And those women start to berate her...:
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But my girl Yor steps in to defend Millie...!:
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Then one those horrible women were going to attack them, but Melinda steps in to stop her...!
Yor's coworkers see that Yor was telling the truth about her and Melinda being friends, but Millie gets upset by this... In Millie's eyes, since Melinda is the wife of Donovan Desmond, the man who started the war, then Yor is not a good person for being associated with her... But, McMahon refutes Millie's claims about Donovan...:
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This is a very interesting development... 🤔 If memory serves me right, we've never truly gotten confirmation about how started the war, but we knew that Donovan was involved with it... I feel like there's something else going on here, but my brain is really jumbled up today from being sick to really think on about this development for to much...! 😩
Melinda then adds this:
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Millie then apologizes to Melinda, and decides to stay and help out the event... Lastly, Millie thanks Yor for helping her out today and makes me hope that they'll become true friends in the future...!! 💗
And that was Mission 91, it made love Millie as a character more than before and even Melinda a little as well...!! 😄 This chapter was quite the serious one, so not that many funny moments time around, but that's what I love about this series...!! 🤗 Endo always seems to maintain a fantastic balance of serious and comedic moments in my opinion, that's why I feel that Spy X Family is unlike any other...!! 💗
I really wanted this review come out sooner, but I woke up feeling horrible... I know I don't have to release something about the new chapter on the day it comes out, but I have a bad habit of procrastinating projects, and these reviews are my way push out of that habit, by making myself write a review before it gets too late it the day...! I typically get mad at myself for missing the deadline that I set for myself, but since the next chapter comes out on Christmas Eve, I might postpone my review until Tuesday the 26th because Christmas is my favorite holiday, but we'll see...! 😉
Sorry for rambling about my personal stuff, but I'll see you all tomorrow when I talk about the anime because I should probably lay back down and try to feel better!! 😷 So until the next Mission, take care, be safe out there and be kind to one another...!! BYE!! 👋
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murkycran · 27 days
Misc. Vox Fic Rec List
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Welcome to my Miscellaneous Vox Fic Rec List!
Soooo after a lot of consideration, I decided to make a third rec list. This one will be for miscellaneous fics, which can mean anything from smaller Vox pairings to fics that are not strictly Radiostatic or VoxVal. You'll see what I mean.
I will keep updating this periodically as I read more fics, too, so feel free to check back every once and a while! I'll reblog it when I update it, plus make a note with the date at the top. Trust me, this is by no means a complete list; there's fics I still want to add to this that I just haven't gotten to yet. I just decided to go ahead and post it anyways, because if I kept waiting until I ran out of fics to rec I'd probably be working on this forever.
These are not in any particular order; I'm going by both my Bookmarks list on AO3 and my memory of fics I forgot to bookmark. I also tried to make notes on what fics were written before season 1 released, but I might have missed some, so keep that in mind.
Please let me know if any links don't work or are wrong!
✨Before you proceed:✨ read the tags on these fics if you decide to read them. Many of them have heavy material - no surprise given the fandom, but still, felt like this needed said. On that note, there's also fics with explicit material and some fics are straight up PWP. Again, read at your own risk/heed the tags.
Fic Rec List Masterpost
Radiostatic Fic Rec List
Staticmoth Fic Rec List
Alastor Makes a Porno by Charnel_Goat, spappest
Summary: Alastor interrupts Val and Vox's personal time to get his rut over and done with, and they're just going to have to deal with that.
Basically, Alastor and Val try to have a threesome, but they keep arguing, everyone's injuring each other trying to figure out the logistics, and nobody cares what Vox has to say about any of this.
Notes: This has Staticmoth, Radiostatic, and Valastor. It's not strictly leaning more towards any pairing (tho Val does make a pretty sweet comment at the very beginning about Vox lol), which is why it's going on the Misc List. Porn with an edge of hilarity that - despite the tags - made it pretty funny. Three terrible people being terrible to each other. Vox suffers. Heed the tags.
He's Visual, Alright! by dead_boy
Summary: For Valentines Day, Charlotte Morningstar— Lucifer’s brat— had announced the hotel would be hosting a sweetheart poll, allowing winners to vote for the biggest ‘sweethearts’ in Pentagram City! How adorable!
— Of course, when Angel gets involved, things get a little twisted, and hell treats it as a most-fuckable-celebs poll.
Vox isn’t the only one surprised by how high he scored, and how concerning the amount of votes he received was.
But there was no way in hell this “demand” was enough to make him give into Valentino and Velvet’s newest fixation: Making use of this fame and making Vox do some modelling!
Surely he won’t mind the lingerie and toys provided by Velvet and Valentino respectively, right?
edit march 2024: i can’t believe he just won the hottest hazbin character poll. literally manifested
Notes: Poly Vees. Funny af. Vox suffers, but in a good way. Written BEFORE the hottest HH character poll, can you believe that? Lmao.
stray by vol_ctrl
Summary: How Vox met Vark. ♥
Notes: No ship. Written before season 1 release.
After the Credits Roll by leftofrevolution
Summary: Everyone knew the Magnes sometimes liked to spice up their sex life by dragging another demon into the middle of it.
Vox maybe should have paid more attention to that particular tidbit of information than he did.
Notes: Lilith/Lucifer/Vox. Chapter 1 written before season 1 release, with Chapter 2 being released after season 1 release. I read for the crackship, ended up liking the Lilith/Lucifer/Vox dynamic and world-building a LOT. Lol. Poor Vox. Or good for him? Still has yet to be seen.
The Shopping Cart Test by spappest
Summary: Angel never expected Prince Charming to have a TV for a head, but when Vox kills Valentino and saves him from his abuse, well… Maybe Hell doesn’t have to be all that bad. With Val out of the way, everyone can have a happy ending. Angel’s safe, Charlie’s happy, and even Alastor finds love.
Oh, wait. This is Hell. It’s always that bad.
Notes: Angel/Vox. Started before season 1 release. First Staticdust fic I read. :)
Hold Me Up by Sameko
Summary: Vox has been in and out of a relationship with Valentino for years. Always breaking up. Always coming back.
Then one night comes the definitive crack at the expense of one of Valentino's employees, to which Vox never paid much attention other than for shits and giggles.
One night, one word too many, might be enough to shift the perspectives of two people once strangers to each other.
Notes: Staticdust. Pretty bleak and dark at times, but so, SO good. Two broken people trying not to cut each other with their edges while also trying to help each other.
Cruel Melody by Hiding_Behind_a_Pencil_and_Pen
Summary: A man hopelessly in love with a monster, despite how much it hurts.
A person chained to a beast he can never escape, no matter how hard he tries.
Vox and Angel Dust have given their body and heart to Valentino, and neither know how to free themselves from his lies.
But maybe, even if it never gets better, they won't have to suffer alone.
What if Husk was just a little too late to get to the bar in episode four? And a certain media Overlord helped Angel instead. They find out that they're not so different after all.
Notes: As of now, I think this is Queerplatonic Staticdust.
Revelations in Technicolor by Awesome_Possum
Summary: Velvette had been dead for six years, part of The Vees for four, and fucking Vox for a little over two. They had a good thing going.
On one of their bi-weekly Vox-mandated movie nights, Valentino put a plan into motion and Velvette learned something new and surprising about her business partner and part-time sugar daddy that made a shocking amount of sense.
It ultimately ended up bringing The Vees closer and if Valentino claimed that was his intention all along, no one had any reason to believe him.
Notes: The Vees are a V and Vox is the hinge, so he's in a relationship with both Valentino and Velvette. Interesting headcanons for Vox's human life. :) (What is the ship name for Velvette/Vox again?)
System Shutdown by Swoolie
Summary: Taking a leaf from Alastor's book, Vox goes on a small break from everything.
He doesn't stick around long enough to see the chaos that ensues after his sudden disappearance.
Notes: This is tagged with both Radiostatic and Staticmoth. It's too early in the story to tell definitively which direction it's going to end up, so for now it's going to be on the Misc list. I'll probably move it when it becomes more clear what the main pairing will be.
Dapple Rose by The_Penny_Tails
Summary: Everyone always assumes the same thing about Alastor and Vox's relationship: That it's one-sided, that it's based on fixation, and that the reason for their falling out was due to the obsession turning into something that couldn't be controlled.
All of those assumptions are correct. The only problem is, everyone gets the 'who is obsessing over whom' part of the equation wrong.
When Vox and Valentino end up stuck at the hotel, suddenly the entire relationship between the radio and television is put on display, casting it and Alastor in an entirely different light.
Notes: Tagged with both Radiostatic and Staticmoth. Due to both this and the entire story itself (you'll see what I mean when you read it), it's going here on the Misc List. I freaking love this story, because so far I've not seen another fic where Alastor was obsessed with Vox while Vox was not obsessed with him in return. :3 Everything Penny_Tails writes is gold!
Here I Come by Heliosolar
Summary: Vox contemplates his lackluster life as he stands over the edge of the city.
Or, the fall of Vox, both mentally and physically.
Notes: Written before season 1 release. No ships, just Vox. Heed the tags.
Entertainment for Two by Heliosolar
Summary: With the radio demon joining them for the night, Vox puts on a show the two overlords will never forget.
Notes: Written before season 1 release. Staticmoth and Radiostatic, at the same time. 😳
Proposition by Snorp_Lord
Summary: Alastor does not, strictly speaking, have a 'relationship' with the King of Hell. But they certainly have a something.
A something which does not include Vox. But Alastor is at least willing to indulge Lucifer in whatever this new idea is.
The new idea is Vox.
Notes: Contains Radiostatic, Radioapple, and Staticapple, but for this installment, Radiostatic is definitely the focus. Very intense, pretty sweet. 😳 Has 2 more parts in the series which are definitely worth the read, though they don't feature Vox as much.
meteor shower by spoondrifts
Summary: alastor, rosie, vox, and a study in non-traditional love.
Notes: QPR Alastor/Rosie/Vox. Very good! (What's the ship name for this?? Radiostaticrose?? Radiorosestatic?? Roseradiostatic?? Staticradiorose??)
spiraling down thy majesty by spoondrifts
Summary: “Okay, um, time out,” Lucifer said, because he felt like they were maybe losing the plot a little. “I feel like I should remind you that I’m not here because I was like, uh, overwhelmed with lust for you, in particular. I’m here because Husk said you were Alastor’s ex and I have poor impulse control and thought it’d be funny, but I’m realizing now that this is actually just really weird and you, my friend, have some serious issues that I am not equipped to handle.”
Or: Lucifer and Vox have a shared problem that starts with Al and ends in stor and has a in the middle—thankfully, there's a solution! (The solution is sex. It's just sex.)
Notes: Staticapple. Revenge sex. As in...they're both getting revenge on Alastor...using each other. Lol.
(Fic rec list to be continued as I read more)
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wordsbyrian · 2 years
The Owl and The Lioness - Alessia Russo x Reader
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Summary: Rugby player!R meets Alessia Russo and things go from there.
A/N: This is the fic I made you guys vote on me writing like a week ago. Also does anyone else feel like I'm writing these pretty fast because I have 3 other fics just waiting to be posted and a 4th in progress.
As a rugby player, you can honestly say that you do not spend much time thinking about football.
In all honesty, you can’t say that you’ve spent more than ten minutes thinking about it in the last 10 years, but that’s all about to change today.
Today, you along with the rest of England’s women's national rugby team are at St. George’s Park because apparently, it would look good if the Red Roses were seen supporting the Lionesses and vice versa before your major tournaments.
You’ve never been more uncomfortable than you are right now standing in front of these footballers in your training kit.
The two sets of captains and coaches are currently trying to figure out the best way to go about this faux joint training. They don’t take very long and before you know it, you and your fellow wings Jess, Ellie, and Lydia are standing with their strikers.
“I’m Beth. That’s Bethany, Nikita, and Alessia,” the newly identified Beth says.
“I’m Lydia and that’s Jess, Ellie, and Owl,” Lydia says, smirking as she purposely tries to wind you up by using your nickname.
“It’s Y/N,” you say, barely loud enough to be heard.
“Speak up Owl,” your teammates say at nearly the same time with identical eye rolls.
Taking a deep breath you try again, voice coming out at a normal volume, “My name is Y/N.”
Out of the corner of your eye, you can see Alessia give you a small grin, which you return despite the sound of blood rushing in your ears.
It’s then that the drills start and you find yourself silently showing her the correct way to pass a rugby ball and the correct way to tackle, chuckling softly as she and her three teammates struggle to bring you down.
In turn, she shows you how to do keepy-ups and how to use your laces to add some power to your shots.
The very last activity of the day is a foot race and it involves most of their team taking on the backs from yours.
“You’re all about to learn why we call her the Owl,” you hear Jess shout from somewhere down the line.
There’s a bit of laughter from your team and even a couple of ‘yeah rights’ from the footballers, but you’re not paying attention to any of that. Your eyes are locked onto the pole at the opposite end of the field, your finish for the race.
All you need is for their coach to blow the whistle and the second she does you’re gone.
Out of the corner of your eye, you can see that at least two of the footballers are slightly ahead of you but you’re not worried about that. 
Your only concern is beating your teammates, which you do by a lot. 
Upon turning around you see that most of the runners are still a good 15 meters back.
It doesn’t take very long before your teammates are circling you and ruffling your hair though.
“Way to fly Owl,” your captain shouts, hooking her arm around your shoulders, “Really did us proud little rose.”
“Thought I should show that we’re not all big brutes like you, boss,” you respond quietly, a small grin on your face.
She doesn’t find it as funny as you do though taking the opportunity to put you in a headlock.
You struggle against her for a while, not making any progress towards escaping until the coaches call the two teams back in front of them.
Neither of the coaches says anything important, not in your opinion anyway, and they release the two sides to mingle and get ready to go.
Not one for talking with people, you go to gather your stuff and are slightly surprised when a shadow appears above you.
Looking up, you're surprised to see one of the football players standing above you. You recognize her having seen her talking to Alessia earlier.
“Hey Owl, I’m Ella,” she says, “My idiot friend Alessia over there thinks that you’re cute but is too nervous to ask you for your number, so I’m doing it for her.”
“What,” you say confused, “You’re asking me for my number for your friend?”
Shaking your head, you pull a piece of paper and a pen out of your bag before writing down your number, accompanied by both your name and nickname.
Handing it over, you ask Ella to deliver a message for you, cheeks flush with embarrassment.
“Tell her that I think she’s cute too.”
Over the next few months, you and Alessia spend a considerable amount of time texting and getting to know each other.
When United make their way down to London for games, you take her on dates and show her all of your favorite spots, and the few times your team makes their way to the Manchester area, she does the same.
This of course garners some teasing from your teammates, who have taken to reminding you that most owl species mate for life every time they see you leaving a room to talk to her on the phone.
It’s during one of these phone calls, a facetime to be specific, that her phone gets hijacked by Ella and Mary.
“‘Lo there Owl,” Ella says, accent strong as ever, “I was wondering if you could solve an argument for me.”
“I mean, maybe?”
“Do they call you Owl because you’re fast like a bird or,” Ella’s cut off by Mary snatching the phone away.
“Or because you’re really quiet,” the keeper finishes.
“It’s both,” you answer, “Most owl species can average speeds of 20 mph but they can fly faster in certain situations. The crazy thing is that despite going so fast they make very little noise, virtually silent in fact.
The look on the two players' faces causes you to grin a little because you know exactly why they’re those faces: they’ve never heard you say so many words at once before.
They manage to say as much before Less takes her phone back telling them to  “say bye to Owl.”
You smile a little more as the two others rush off, already arguing about something else.
“What are you doing next month,” she asks when they finally leave the room.
After thinking about it for a moment you answer her, “Season ends this week so probably some recovery work and injury prevention to prepare for the world cup and next season.”
“Do you want to come to some of our matches during the Euros?”
“Do you want me to come to your matches at the Euros,” you ask back, watching as her cheeks flush before she nods, “Well if you want me there, I’ll come.”
A smile breaks out on her face and the two of you continue your conversation. 
Although you can’t seem to get a clear answer from her about what she’ll be doing for the rest of the week, which is weird.
You do your best to not focus on it and by the time your championship game comes around you’ve forgotten all about her squirrelly behavior.
Then when the final whistle blows, you’re too caught up in your exhaustion and excitement to even remember anything that happened before the game started.
When the whistle blows, you drop to the ground not having the energy to celebrate winning the game and becoming a champion.
You aren’t sure how long you lay there before your teammates come and dogpile on top of you screaming about your performance.
You then find yourself being hauled to your feet by your scrumhalf, Jane, who immediately pulls you into a hug that takes you off your feet.
The smiles don’t leave any of your faces as you shake your opponents' hands. They don't leave when you get the medals put around your necks or when you raise the trophy or when you approach the crowd that hasn’t stopped screaming since the first whistle.
It’s then that you notice a head of blonde hair and bright blue eyes that you would recognize anywhere.
Rushing to the crowd, you climb the barrier meant to keep fans off the pitch, ignoring the shouts of security, and sprint to the person you’ve been looking forward to seeing for weeks.
Pulling her into a hug, you speak directly into her ear, “You said that you wouldn’t be able to make it.”
“I lied, you played great today, baby. Three tries, congrats champ.”
Your cheeks heat slightly at her praise, so instead of responding, you press a kiss to the top of her head, content to just stand there holding her.
Eventually, she pushes you away, sending you back to celebrate with your team.
“We’ll be switching places at the end of next month,” you tell her before walking away.
And you’re right because, on the last day of July, you’re standing in a sold-out Wembley watching as your girlfriend (recent development) and her idiot friends jump around singing Sweet Caroline.
She eventually makes her way over to where you're sitting with her family in the crowd, climbing to the barrier to get a hug.
“I’m proud of you,” you say directly in her ear, not caring about the number of cameras on you. In your mind, if she cared she wouldn’t have leapt into your arms the way she did, so you continue with your praise of her performance, “You played amazing all tournament, Less.”
“Thank you.”
She pulls away and you can see the cogs turning in her mind, her eyes repeatedly flickering to your lips before she surges forward to kiss you.
You both end up smiling into it as the cheers of the crowd around you get louder at the sight.
Pulling back, you smile at her some more before sending her back to the field to continue celebrating with her team.
Pulling your phone out you send her a text that you know she won’t see until much later tonight.
It reads: I can see the headlines now, England’s Superb Lioness and Their Speedy Owl, An Unexpected Power Couple?
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yonderlyporcupine · 4 months
haha something I find hilarious that no one else seems to mentioning but I’m pretty sure the implication is that Alastor sabotaged that chandelier that fell right before Lucifer’s big musical number in Dad beat Dad. Hence why he wasn’t surprised when everyone else was and his really pissy expression right after it hits the ground without succeeding in taking Luci with it. 😂 he was trying to kill him 😂😂
on the subject of Al’s untoward beef with the king of hell: while I entirely understand and even agree with the sentiment that it is most likely related to his ties with Lilith, I can’t help but suggest in jest a simpler explanation. Has no one considered that he just might hold some contempt for the ruler and supposed protector of hell for folding his hand and agreeing to a mass genocide of sinners - of which, of course Alastor is a part of? Maybe he’s just a little miffed that he has to spend any amount of time contemplating his own survival once a year during an Angel blitz attack 🤷‍♀️
In all seriousness y’all know that’s why Lilith and Lucifer divorced right? Like Lil loved hell in that cute little story from the beginning. She adored her kingdom and it’s citizens and the fact that her husband just said (in simple terms bc it does seem like he fought a hard fight against heaven about it) “just go ahead and kill everyone” - that would break Lilith’s heart. And I imagine her trust in him too. I wouldn’t want to stay married to that. And if Lilith owns Alastor - and we know from experience that contractor’s beefs are transferable to the souls they contracted (the vees should have just as much of a problem with Husker and Nifty as they do with Al) then Alastor hating Lucifer makes perfect sense. And we know Al’s clever and manipulative, so the whole “your kid calls me dad” shit is 100% just him trolling Lucifer.
anyway, the flack I’m seeing that episode get is funny to me because it seems to be from the same people who like to cherry pick what Hazbinwiki facts they think are canonical and ignoring any of the rest 🤷‍♀️. I liked it, I thought it was very tongue in cheek. And I get a kick out of having the wiki trivia payoff but I didn’t feel it was necessary. For those of you wondering it is stated in his trivia that Alastor dislikes Lucifer because he finds him cloying - he thinks respectable men should act respectably and feels Lucifer does not. And he’s a word class troll so he had some fun. There is probably more to come if that as the story/show unfolds but that’s the context y’all are missing.
one more thing: Alastor was already furious when he got out to the parlor. He’s grumpy before he even sees the decorations. I would go as far as to say he even seems tired and stressed the whole episode (that sigh at “what is it” to Husk, my man was fighting for what little sanity he came to hell with). Who else do we know who’s a contracted soul who gets grumpy and trigger happy at certain times? Angel comes home from shoots usually ready to fly off the handle. Alastor is already pissed to high heaven to be involved in the hotel (or at least he seems to be at times), add a long night of working for his contractor… that temper is a trait he canonically keeps well under wraps usually. He definitely didn’t mean to let loose on Husk like that, only because he gave away far more than he meant to, not because he genuinely feels bad for Husk.
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lovebillyhargrove · 8 months
Wake me up when July is around
Chapter 14/?
They don't talk much after, the three of them still standing there, frozen, eyes glued to the place where the monster was burning thirty seconds ago.
Steve whispers out a question.
"Was it the .. what got Barb?"
"Yes, we believe so. It is also why Jonathan's brother went missing for a week right before Barb disappeared." Nancy answers quietly
"You can't talk about any of that with anyone." She adds
"Why not?"
"It's not that simple. Government is involved. Top secret research or something." Jonathan answers just as quietly
"Research ?? .. What kind of research is that ..?!"
"We are not sure."
Steve might ask a couple of follow-up questions later but right now he feels like he has reached his limit of absorbing new information for the time being.
They haven't moved from the same spot yet.
Steve's feeling a bit .. helpless. Like he needs some advice now, some guidance. What is he supposed to do with all of that?
"What do we do now?"
"You should definitely go home, Steve."
It's unfuckingbelievable. Nancy's major idea is still just for him to leave.
You know what, Steve might've been in love with her, but he's kinda glad it's over now cause the level of pressure? Constant disregard? Nancy sure is beautiful and smart and strong but Steve is so tired of her dismissive attitude
Since the imminent danger seems to be gone and everything is quiet, maybe it's really time for Steve to get going.
"Okay. I'm gonna go home. I guess."
He's reluctantly turning around and heading to the door when Jonathan speaks up
"We're gonna be right behind you. I'm bringing Nancy to her place."
Awww you lovebirds. How domestic. How sweet.
It's funny but it's like
It doesn't even matter now. Nothing matters anymore. There are real monsters crawling from ceilings.
Maybe there's gonna be one falling from the ceiling in Steve's room later, who knows?
Steve pauses near the door
"Actually, Nance, I initially came to apologize for the slut thing, so .. I'm sorry."
"Yeah .. okay."
Okay. Also ..
Steve's looking at Byers and holding up the bat that he's been clutching all this time
"Do you mind if I keep it?"
Jonathan nods
"Yeah, I mean .. No, go ahead."
"Steve! Uhm .."
What, Byers wants his bat back already?
"Thanks. For .."
"No problem. Yeah, and sorry for that shit I said once about your family."
Jonathan makes a gesture with his hand like it's all forgotten now.
Steve steps outside. The air is fresh and frosty. It feels nice after all the disgusting stench and the noxious smoke.
He's not wearing his jacket cause he left it in his car. He really thought the whole conversation that he'd been planning on having would take like .. five minutes.
It's January, but Steve doesn't feel cold.
In fact, he's unsure of what he's feeling right now. The adrenaline rush is only now starting to subdue, and Steve .. he needs ..
He honestly doesn't know anything anymore.
Steve gets into his beamer, starts the engine.
What is he gonna tell his mom?
"You can't talk about any of that with anyone."
Nothing, apparently. Hold on, his parents aren't even home. Fuck, FUCK, he doesn't want to be alone right now.
He also doesn't want to be here. He really needs to get home, lock all the doors, hide under the blanket. It's senseless but that's what he wants to do now.
Steve turns the car around, drives to the asphalt road and presses the gas pedal.
There's a little tremor in his fingers, so he grips the steering wheel tighter.
Maybe that's all just a super realistic dream.
Maybe he'll open his eyes soon and he'll be in his bed and he'll be like
Wow that was one fucked up dream
And he would tell Tommy about that during lunch at school tomorrow and he'd be like
That's sick, man.
And they'll smoke under the bleachers and everything will be like it usually is, and the world is still gonna turn around its axis and be the same.
No monsters.
Only in horror movies
Steve's looking in the rear view mirror to check for the lights of Jonathan's car
He's not so sure he's gonna be able to watch any horrors any time soon
Someone .. something ?
An animal .. ? A .. a person ??
All of a sudden
Without any warning
Runs or .. jumps .. fucking stands in front of Steve's beamer
Steve isn't even given a fraction of a second to hit the brakes
He doesn't have time to swerve sideways
He only hears the sound of his car hitting a body
And sees it crashing into the windshield
It rolls over the car
Steve steps on the brakes, they screech piercing the night
Oh my god oh my god
When is this night gonna finish?
It's too fucking late
He fucking ran someone over!
The beamer stops abruptly, somewhere on the side of the road, and Steve's looking behind
He can't see anything, it's too dark, this damn Kerley road has got no street lights
He has to get out of the car and go check
What if ..
Steve grabs the bat and jumps out
There are weak shrieking sounds, and the body .. the mass on the dark asphalt starts moving as if trying to get up
The sounds are just like ..
Oh my fucking god you have got to be kidding me
In the faint red light coming from his beamer taillights
Steve sees what looks like the monster with a huge flowerlike head
And inhales the smell of burnt flesh
As quick as lightning
Harrington is back in the driver's seat, drops the bat
The engine is still running
Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck
There's only one thing for him to do
He puts the car in reverse and floors the gas
Tires weep and squeal
The car surges back
The wheels roll over the solid mass
It's not enough
Harrington switches gears
And runs the body over again.
Reverse, backwards
Switch, forward.
He can't
He can't let the monster stay alive
He fucking can't
It's gonna come get him
It's gonna kill him, it's gonna kill his family, his friends and everyone in this town
If it stays alive
Reverse, backwards.
Switch, forward.
For the love of god, just fucking! Be dead already !!
Again. Again dammit !!
He feels like a psycho. His heart is beating so fast, it's about to burst his chest open.
There's one single thought on his mind.
What else is he supposed to do?
Call a fucking ambulance? Hold the monster's hand till it arrives??
With every time it's easier for the car to run the beast over
Put it in reverse, backwards.
Change gears, forward.
Enough ?
Is it enough ??
Steve's getting out of the car not forgetting to grab the bat and looks at the
Oh my god
It's not .. it's not even a pile
Not anymore
It's not a body
Or anything anymore
It doesn't have any form
It's greyish slimy shapeless, seemingly without a huge amount of blood
Grim something
Smeared on the asphalt
Practically leveled with the asphalt surface, like with a road roller
Steve hears the car approaching and turns around
The car stops
It's Byers' old ford galaxy. He and Nancy are opening the doors and
Steve's relieved to see them?
He's standing in the middle of the road in the beams of his smashed up BMW's bright headlights
"Steve, what is it?" Nancy's asking in disbelief
Steve wants to explain but somehow
He can't say a word
All sounds are stuck in his throat
Heart still trying to rip out of his chest
He's just looking at everything and still clutching the nail bat
Like a lifeline
He is ..
Jonathan is suddenly grabbing his shoulder
"Hey! Hey man, it's .."
Squeezing it.
"It's okay."
Steve wants to shrug Byers' hand off, he wants to run again, run the fuck away from here, wants to ..
Why did he ever decide to come to his house to fucking .. what?
Apologize ??
He also wants to laugh because it's insane
The world's insane
Who needs his apologies?
Who's gonna make everything alright now ??
He feels like screaming, it's too loud in his head, it's too fucking loud
He can't ..
Bear the screaming in his head.
Oh shit. There's another car coming, it's heading towards them, fast
"Is it .. the government?"
Steve's not sure if the question was only in his mind, or he actually voiced it
The car comes to a halt, and Steve sees now, it's the police, it's the Chief's truck
Is he supposed to be afraid of the police now, or are the police still good? He hasn't been filled in on all the rules of this new game yet.
Either way, Steve wants to .. confess.
When the Chief comes up to them, looking around and trying to understand the layout of the situation, Harrington starts blabbering
"I don't know .. I guess it was disoriented. Half-burnt. I didn't see it. It ran in front of my car. I couldn't stop. I didn't have time to stop. But it's also .. it's also .. it's not .. human."
Hopper gets on one knee and looks at the mess on the road. Steve shuts up.
There's a woman asking Byers questions.
The Chief looks up at Steve
"It's Harrington, right? Steve Harrington, the one from Loch Nora?"
He nods.
"Steve, do you hear yourself? You didn't run over a person, Steve. You ran over a dangerous monster."
Hopper is getting up.
"It has killed people before. It would've killed you, given the chance."
The woman comes up to Steve and hugs him. He doesn't hug her back or anything.
Who is she?
Oh, that's Mrs. Byers.
"Hello, Mrs. Byers."
"The poor boy is in shock." She addresses Hopper who continues with his speech
"You did good, kid. You did the only right thing in this situation. You've got nothing to blame yourself for. You did good, okay?"
Steve nods again.
He couldn't have possibly called an ambulance or something for .. the monster, really, could he? Tried saving its life? Let it go?
Like, he gets it. Why does he want to cry so bad then? Why is the world so scary? It wasn't perfect before but now there are also monsters and there's its blood on his hands ? If this kind of monster has any blood .. And on the wheels of his car, his car is totally fucked
"Do you have something to put on, Steve?"
Mrs. Byers' question makes him realize that he does, indeed, feel very cold
"Yeah .. in the backseat." Steve gets the jacket, zips it up. He only now notices that a January night is freezing.
"Alright, let's get this mess cleaned up then."
Hopper sighs and takes out two shovels from the trunk of his police truck. He hands one over to Jonathan and they scrape the monster's remains off the road putting it on a piece of tarpaulin.
While they are doing it, Steve overhears parts of a conversation
"Are you two out of your mind?"
"It could've come back for Will, for anyone, mom! You know how he's been lately!"
"All I've been saying and still am, you can't do something like that without telling the adults!You can't! What if it killed all of you?"
The sounds of metal scraping on the asphalt are harsh and grating
"I don't think it has any chance to come back to life, does it?" Nancy's speculating
"Don't think so, but uh .. it's better to be safe than sorry." - Nancy's comment makes Hopper reconsider something. - "Actually, we don't have to drag this body bag around."
He takes out a can of gasoline from the truck
That's an interesting range of tools the chief of police is keeping in his car
But Steve actually gets the idea why. Who knows how long such nasties have been running around Hawkins and Hooper has had to deal with this ghastly business.
"Let's do it right here, I don't think we'll be getting any company."
Jonathan helps Hopper to drag the tarpaulin to the side of the road. Chief generously pours gasoline over what's left of the monster's corpse, ties the tarpaulin up and again pours some liquid on the canvas.
He lights it up and
It's a jolly bonfire, hot and bright, sending sparks high up in the night air.
When it stops burning, there are only black ashes left, but Hopper stomps on them making sure nothing is left unburnt.
Steve's car has got massive dents - front bumper, the hood, the windshield is all fucked up, he has no idea why it still hasn't fallen to shards
It can still drive though, but the visibility is awful at night, especially when the windshield is all cracked. There's a patch of uncracked glass right on the drive's side, Steve will actually be able to see the road a bit.
"No, you can't get behind the wheel of that baby, Harrington. We'll tow it to your house."
Hopper digs around the trunk again and finds a towing rope. They attach it both to the police truck and the beamer.
Mrs. Byers hugs Steve again
"Thank you for saving them tonight."
And tells him to call if he needs anything. Their phone number is in the phone book every Hawkins household has.
Steve gets in the truck with Hopper, Mrs. Byers gets in her son's car and they set off in the same direction. The Chief is bringing Harrington to Loch Nora, and the Byers are driving Nancy to the neighbouring street.
The night doesn't seem to hold any more surprises.
Steve starts feeling jittery when he gets home and is left alone. He lies when Hopper asks him if his parents are home, yeah they must be sleeping already. He doesn't need any company. He's okay.
When Steve's inside the house, he makes sure to lock the door, runs upstairs to his room, locking its door as well, and gets on the floor near the bed waiting. The nail bat is lying near him.
No-one and nothing comes to get him. He sits like that through the night, unable to close his eyes for a second.
This is what you get for wanting to be fucking decent. For wanting to make up for your mistakes.
This is what you fucking get. Everything that you knew before becomes irrelevant, revealing one simple overwhelming truth -
No-one is safe. It's all an illusion.
Steve does get in bed close to six in the morning when the gray light starts creeping through the blinds. He shuts the heavy eyelids and falls into oblivion.
Steve doesn't wake up to to school.
When he opens his eyes, he's still feeling exhausted. The
This is crazy. The world is crazy. Everything is just so fucked up, it's crazy
is playing on repeat in his brain.
His parents are still away in Indianapolis, Steve remembers his mom told him something about staying there for the whole week.
At about four in the afternoon the front door bell rings, and Steve's contemplating whether to open it or not. If you think of it, monsters aren't gonna ring doorbells, right?
He opens the door, and there's Hopper, obviously, checking in on him
"Hey, kid. Just wanted to see how you are."
"I'm okay." Steve mumbles
"Where are your parents?"
"At work."
"I thought your mom doesn't work."
"Yeah, she's out uh .. shopping."
Technically he's not even lying. They might be doing these exact things at this exact moment, only not in Hawkins.
"Of course. You doing okay?"
"Been to school?"
Steve scoffs.
"And what if I haven't?"
"It's fine, just don't make it a habit."
Steve's nodding.
"Steve. Life goes on, okay? I'm sorry you got involved in all of that. We can't spread gossip around but the people who are in on that, we can talk. Remember, I'm just a phonecall away.'
"Yeah. Good to know."
He actually means it.
"Alright. I'm gonna get going, just uh .. don't do anything stupid, and if anything, contact me right away. Deal?"
"You got it, Chief." Steve salutes him and closes the door.
He skips school next day as well. Doesn't go out of the house. Lingers by the windows, looking at the empty swimming pool and the bare woods around their yard, awaiting another monster. Sits around holding on to the bat, staring at the ceiling and the walls
Steve remembers that blood chilling horror freezing him up, when he saw the ceiling in the Byers' living room .. fucking sagging - sagging under someone's weight, under someone's bony limbs. The ceiling itself was turning from a solid substance into .. fabric through which terrible sharp claws were trying to scratch their way
To this world. That used to be safe.
So that's the Big Secret. The one that Nancy and Byers have been so quiet about all these months. Every time Steve felt that Nancy was hiding something from him -
All the little misunderstandings, all the lowered glances and subtle changes in moods and conversation topics
All the lies -
All of it was supposed to hide this abominable terrifying secret.
Now Steve knows too. He sort of wishes he didn't.
Steve doesn't come to school for three days straight.
On the third day he gets three phone calls.
First, it's Mom.
"I'm fine, mom, just got a slight cold.. No, I didn't go to school today because of it. When are you coming back? I uh .. I kinda miss you. Yeah .. Also, don't get mad. I got in an accident. I hit a deer with my car. Yes, I'm fine. The car's not. I'll take care of it, yeah .. No, I don't need dad's help, just uh .. with the bill, yeah. What? .. Oh, the deer ? Uhm .. it died, Mom."
Second, it's his ex-girlfriend.
"I'm okay, Nancy, just uh .. how often do these things come out from another dimension? Is it possible to predict when and where it's gonna happen? Would be nice to be given a heads up, you know. Yeah, I'm .. No, I remember I can't talk about it with anyone. Okay. Okay, it's not a good idea to speak about it on the phone. Alright, I understand !! I don't know when I'm gonna come to school."
Then it's Tommy.
"I'm fine, I'm just sick, man, it fucking sucks."
"You coming to school tomorrow? Teachers are wondering where you are. You're gonna get a detention for skipping school, you know that, right?"
Tommy, my man, what are you talking about? What fucking detention? Who cares ?? We're all gonna die ! There are monsters falling from attics and jumping in front of cars
"It's fine, I don't care."
"No, but seriously? You don't sound that sick."
Steve's rolling his eyes. Tommy is worse than his mother sometimes.
"Yeah, I'm gonna come tomorrow. Hey, can you pick me up in the morning? My car's fucked up."
"Your car is what?"
"Yeah I kinda crashed it."
"You crashed it?? How bad? You know what, I'm coming over!"
And before Steve can protest, Tommy hangs up.
"Yo dude that's bad. Your dad's gonna be mad." Tommy whistles looking at the state Steve's beamer in.
"He won't. It was an accident. Wasn't even my fault."
"What happened?"
"A deer. I was driving late at night, and the next thing I know, there's this big deer on the road, and I wasn't even given the chance to do anything. It jumped right under the wheels."
Tommy slides his palm over the shattered windshield and purses his lips, thinking
"Take it to Hargrove, they say dude's a wizard at fixing cars."
"Nah." Harrington cringes
"Nah to what? To taking it to him or him being a wizard?"
"To both? I dunno."
Tommy's looking at Steve funny.
"Why not?"
Yeah, Steve? Why the hell not?
"I uh .. you know I don't like the jerk."
"Oh, come on, man. He's okay. He's actually very good with cars, gotta give him that. We can go together, I'll drive you back."
Tommy touches the windshield again and the whole thing comes crashing down on the dashboard.
Fucking hell
"Come on, Steve! Gotta get it fixed! How many days do you think I'm gonna drive your ass around for?"
"It hasn't even been one day, Tommy!"
"No, but am I picking you up before school tomorrow?"
"Yeah, okay."
Steve's flailing his hands in the air
"Whatever. Still don't understand why I have to take it to Hargrove. It's like we have only one repair shop in Hawkins." He keeps on grumbling
"Come on inside, I'm gonna get dressed."
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konoa-t · 8 months
I wanna talk about Mort more!! :D
Kinda long, so putting this behind a cut
[TW: Violence, mental collapse, torment, profanities, loud sounds]
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Ok so I took a screenshot from the document where I hold a synopsis of all my OCs current lore, and I’m gonna elaborate on all of these points cuz I thought it would be fun!! I’ll be addressing each point in this image (starting from the top-most one)
Ok so idk how this got started but for some reason Mort just loves pancakes. Like he can’t get enough of them. His favorite is blueberry pancakes, with classic buttermilk being a close second (Yes this is very important information).
I couldn’t decide on what military rank to give Mort, so I just made it unkown :o) On a mildly related note, I did think about making him the colony’s scientist :D
Mort doesn’t talk at all. Technically he is capable of speech, but his mind has been so broken that he has almost lost all motivation or ability to form coherent sentences. However, he has found a way around this. He uses sign language to communicate with others when he feels like talking. Occasionally he will have a translator with him (either Reuben, Ackley, or Cormick [another OC, I’ll reveal him at some point in the future]) to help those who do not understand sign language. He’ll also make grunting, growling, or snarling noises in response to certain things (caveman brain LMAO. Though he’s pretty smart so maybe just gremlin brain would be a better term).
Also to add on to the previous point: when mort is signing, he swears a lot. Example:
Opponent: If you don’t get over here and fight me…
Mort: 🤏✋🖐️✊ (Kiss my grape-colored ass.)
Ok so here I mentioned that he was tortured, but I never specified how, so I’ll go ahead n elaborate on that OvO;; so basically the dark essence creatures used their dark magic to try and corrupt him (believe it or not, they weren’t initially intending to hurt him; they just wanted to turn him over to their side). Mort’s body rejected the magic, which led to his body painfully distorting itself (hence why he has a face that looks like it’s literally melting off. This is also what led to his mind breaking).
Okay so this one is more of a reference, specifically to this audio (VOLUME WARNING). I once made a joke about Mort’s feral screaming sounding like the typical caveman scream and it was so funny to me that I decided to keep it. So, whenever he screams, it just kinda sounds like “RAAAAAAAAGHHHHH!!” (If I’m being honest, his snarls sound more threatening than his screams.)
Mort has a bad tendency of, well, being excessively violent. Like, DOOM Slayer levels of violence. Most people are terrified of him for this reason.
This is another thing that started off as an edgy joke but is kinda sorta canon now. He doesn’t always do this, but if he’s pissed off enough (or.. hungry… enough? Maybe??) he’ll literally just… take a bite out of his opponent. Like full on, edgelord Baraka main style, just… Nom. (Fun fact: Baraka was actually one of the inspirations for his design!)
Thankfully, Mort is pretty tolerant of people he doesn’t regard as threats. This includes established allies, animals, and children (even though he REALLY doesn’t like them). He won’t attack people who fall into those categories.
Even though the worst part of his life has passed, he still has to be tormented every day by dealing with the nonsense of his colleagues. They often get him involved in shenanigans, which he is always less then pleased to get dragged into.
…Yeah, Mort does NOT like kids. He can’t stand them. They’re very… screechy (ironic, coming from him) and he finds that annoying. He won’t harm them in any way, but sometimes he just gets the urge to punt them over a fence.
Mort has a horrible tendency to bite people on impulse. Anyone who makes sudden or violent movements towards him should expect to get some part of their body chomped off. Even Reuben has to be extremely careful when checking any injuries Mort gets. In order to prevent this habit, Mort agreed to having a metal plate placed in front of his mouth (its held in place with short screws). While this is mostly effective, it is not a failsafe, as Mort is still able to knock or break it off at will.
Yeah, Mort is very creature-pilled... He is violent and unpredictable. However, he is still able to be pacified and befriended. (And who doesn't wanna be friends with an absolute creature?)
Because of everything that’s happened to him, his mind is pretty much in shambles. He is still able to retain some of his sanity, though he mostly acts very feral o_O;;
This bullet point was mostly in regards to allies and such. If he doesn’t think you’re a threat, he’ll just kinda sit there and pay you no mind. If you wanna chat with him, you’ll have to initiate it. Otherwise he’ll just… stare at you. (NPC behavior indeed. He’s not a fully serious character if you couldn’t tell lmao)
While Mort will listen to direct commands, he often just does whatever he wants. If he wants to do something, then off he goes to do it. He still gets his work done though, so no one in his colony really complains.
Bonus: Mort's official ref image, provided for convenience :D
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I'm going to make one further post about this, then I'm done. I'm not going to change people's minds if they're already convinced otherwise. I've already been found guilty in their eyes.
Other people can make up their own minds on the matter.
I'm just gonna go in order of the issues addressed in the posts calling me out (this will not be as lengthy as that).
Yes, I started this fic, in part, because of Penny. I loved the film, the character of the Grabber. But there were not many fics that weren't based around the boys (which is…not for me thanks). Her fic Into the Black was brilliant, and there were a few more that really inspired me to write a grabber x reader. Most of the fics I read on AO3 are dark ones, usually involving the same sorts of themes as that. I'd been wanting to write for ages, and I thought I could add something here. I wanted to do a Stockholm syndrome type route as I find it really fascinating. That was always the plan. Obviously, that's a slow burn to do accurately so yes, those initial scenes are similar, but also similar to other Grabber x Reader fics. Grabbers gonna grab, you know?
So yeah, Penny's fic and others were a springboard for the idea, but not style. I don't know how to emulate writing style. I can't say it any other way- I write how I write. Sorry if you perceive it as similar.
Now I don't want this to come of as cruel, anything but. You've gone from nauseous to angry. I've gone from upset to genuinely incredulous, and find it quite funny. Sorry if the use of that word lessens it, but that's how I feel how absurd this whole thing is.
OK. Words. Vocab? In a 60,000 fic and counting, I shouldn't use words? None of these words are unknown to me. Penny's fic uses words I've had to literally Google. Every single word I've written has either come from my head, or my best friend thesaurus.com. And some verbatim phrases? I don't think I've ever used the word "wreak" without "havoc", "brute" without "force/strength". Words like particularly? Quite? Whilst? I no longer have words with which to retort. These are basic adverbs/conjunctions.
Scenes. Most scenes in my fic, and others to be honest, are quite literally a bingo cards of clichés. Bathroom scene? Check. Creepy stalker/watching asleep? Done. God forbid when I release my chapter of a candlelit dinner and slow dancing….
Some motifs within my story were planned well ahead. I've written 60K words in two months, because I have a detailed plan that took 2 weeks before writing Chapter 1. The rings? Always part of the plan. The unmasking, the same. When I read that part of Penny's fic I thought, shit, I'm planning that too. But I'm not changing something that's a major plot point of my story.
Agreed, most of these scenes aren't original because 1. They're based very loosely on what I saw of the grabber in the film and 2. All kidnapper x reader stories have these tropes. No one is as original as they think they are. I don't get the obsession of being original- this is FanFiction. It's based off others' intellectual property. No stories or art are ever truly unique. (By no means a confession that I've taken words out of anyone's mouth, but just a message I thought to share). It's not high art. It's a plotted, yet smutty story based on a popular horror film, adding in my own personal kinks. Why complicate things?
The other main thing seemed to be structure. I've talked about this- it's commas, colons, dashes, paragraphing and parenthesis (brackets). If I don't use these, with my run on sentences, it doesn't read well. Also, I like the style of long sentences, the way they flow, the way they contrast against shorter ones straight after. Like this. That's how rhythmic writing works.
And there it is. Likes and comments. If you think my work is ripped off yours, add my likes and hits and comments to your tally. I'm happy to get comments on my fic, and will always respond, but like I said, I started this fic for my pleasure. As an aside, many of the comments pertain to the stockholm syndrome element and how this affects the reader in the story. People like the trope, as do I. I'm also posting frequently which helps. The same happened over summer when Into the Black got a huge amount of interest from what I remember. And from what I can see, Penny's stories have, like, tons of likes and in-depth comments? So that seems a moot point. Again, sorry that you feel like you "deserve" the comments my fic has gotten.
I'm gonna say it one last time. I have never stolen or copied work. I'm a grown fucking adult with very few fragilities. I'm not pathetic enough to rifle through fics looking for phrases or ideas to copy. I'm proud enough to say I like my story and I think my writing has improved since starting this fic.
Read my fic. Read Penny's. Read both or neither. Make up your own minds, it's now out of my hands to convince anyone and I'm washing my hands of it, not throwing anymore fuel into this fire.
For all fans of all types of fanfics out there, happy reading! (Whatever it is that you wanna read)
P.s. I'm not reblogging this, reposting or replying here. Just spam me a message if you want to chat, always happy to talk! ✌️
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wuxiaphoenix · 11 months
Colors of Another Sky: Mending a Nation Follow-up
Some neat comments on that last bit! There were so many good questions I thought I’d put together a lengthy reply here, because it’s all connected and things get complicated.
First, let me give you the framework I’m building all of these plans off of. And that’s Jason Finn, retired historian (ahem encouraged to quit), 58, of Irish, Scots-Irish, and general American mutt extraction, who is an expert in Tokugawa-era Japan and a hobbyist in the Little Ice Age. None of this makes him any kind of expert on Joseon-era Korea.
(Which is just as well, because they’ve had a few centuries of oddly divergent history anyway.)
Jason does have a lot of patchy info on this time in Korea as it intersected with Japan (a major trading partner) and as the whole area was affected by the Little Ice Age (floods, frosts, baking heatwaves, droughts, dragons, locusts, horrible crop failures all over the place).
Outside of that, before he took this little trip, he tried to get down a basic vocabulary of modern Korean, plus all the hangul characters. And because he is from Florida he made sure he learned the word for shark, hoping he’d never have to use it. Oops.
Sure, he brought plenty of books... on an e-reader. Physical books are heavy. The e-reader may or may not be recoverable. Until he knows that he’s got maybe two physical books on Korea besides the dictionary, and they will be of limited use. He also has an (ahem, almost) fourteen-year-old fan of k-dramas.
...I can hear you facepalming from here. Go ahead and laugh. Even Jason thinks it’s kind of funny.
So. A bunch of points, in no particular order.
First, cotton is at this point in time already a major crop and fabric through the entire peninsula. Almost everybody wears cotton; even some yangban, in the summer. Though they tend to wear more ramie and linen.
So my best guess is that anything that made growing and harvesting cotton easier (not just the gin, there’s getting better seed germination, killing pests, keeping the soil fertile - a host of things!) would result in not more effort thrown into cotton, but more into growing silk. Everyone wants silk.
Silk-raising takes a lot of skill and care, to the point it pretty much requires workers get decent food, clothing, and rest. Or your whole crop of silkworms is ruined. Add that to, a large part of the thing about yangban owning nobi was not how much work they could get out of them, but the status of owning that many nobi. They have no need to work people into the ground, if they can make more profit setting nobi to other tasks.
...Speaking of silk, once Jason has a grip on where and when he is (and gets over the panic), he’s going to come up with a plan to rescue a particular town of silk workers in China. Famines are on schedule to wipe them out, and the few that in our timeline survived to flee to other regions couldn’t take their large and heavy looms. An entire style was lost.
While we’re on the subject of weaving.... powered looms and spinning machines were some of the first serious impetus for industrialization, often starting with water power. A steam engine can be put in a wider variety of places to be useful, but it requires fuel. Fuel is in short supply! Most of that available on the Korean Peninsula is wood, or charcoal. I’ll need to do research into nearby regions, but I can assure you Jason would have absolutely no clue where to look for fossil fuels outside of “I know Japan mines them, and that’s a bit far to ship....”
The existence of magic and how it works does allow for the possibility of steam engines. But it’ll take some creativity. And maybe a few booms.
About mass armies taking over versus small elite armies... I hate to break it to whoever didn’t know this, but Northeast Asia has had mass armies going at it since well before 600 A.D. The Imjin War involved lots and lots of gunfire!
Low interest loans to farmers would help. Interest could go up to something like 50% in this time and place, and bankruptcy doesn’t exist. Hence people ending up having to sell themselves to cover debts.
...And this circles back around to part of why I made Jason Irish. He has a personal historical connection to bad agriculture, bad leadership, bad debts, the horrible consequences of the Little Ice Age on food production (the potato blight was one), and people having to flee a system that would not let them pick themselves up and try again. He’s planning to make things better.
And yes, that’s going to include translating various concepts. The ones in the Declaration of Independence are going to be shocking....
As far as a reading list goes, I started from Everyday life in Joseon-Era Korea (ed. Michael D. Shin), worked my way through the Wikipedia bits on nobi, and started searching outward across the internet by way of people blogging on sageuks (historical k-dramas) and open access articles on JSTOR about Joseon, the Imjin War, and nobi. (thetalkingcupboard.com has a lot of good stuff on Joseon history and cultural setting.)
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rookie-critic · 1 year
Rookie-Critic's Film Review Weekend Wrap-Up - Week of 2/20-2/26/2023
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-Navalny (2022, dir. Daniel Roher) An incredible documentary covering the assassination attempt on Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny and the subsequent investigation done into the Russian state's involvement in it. This was a fantastic and very real look into just how far the Russian government is willing to go to make sure that people currently holding the power stay right where they are, which is probably something we all already knew, but now there is undeniable proof of it. Score: 10/10 Currently streaming on HBO Max.
-Magic Mike (2012, dir. Steven Soderbergh) I was really expecting this one to be way more fun than it was, which was a huge bummer. A lot of the acting was fantastic, from Channing Tatum and Alex Pettyfer specifically, but I thought Cody Horn, who plays Tatum's main love interest in the film, was incredibly wooden. Where the film really gets a lot of points is that this does look and feel like a Soderbergh film, which really makes for a visually intriguing experience. The scenes where the strip-dances happen are fun and it was interesting to see the objectification of the male body for a change, but all of the film's actual drama and plot fell pretty flat. For a movie about male strippers, it just seemed to take itself too seriously. Score: 6/10 Currently streaming on HBO Max.
-Magic Mike XXL (2015, dir. Gregory Jacobs) This was everything the first one should have been; just an absolute blast from beginning to end. The side characters from the first film (Joe Manganiello, Matt Bomer, Kevin Nash, Adam Rodriguez) get to take center stage, and they add an infinite amount of charm that was severely missing from MM1. Their camaraderie is so endearing, and cameos from the likes of Donald Glover, Michael Strahan, Andie MacDowell, Elizabeth Banks, and Stephen "tWitch" Boss (R.I.P.) are all welcome and so much fun. The only unnecessary part of the whole film was the Zoe character played by Amber Heard. It was a just a way to shove a new lover interest into the film and it wasn't needed in the slightest. The scene in which Manganiello's character performs a strip-dance, high on molly, to the tune of the Backstreet Boys' "I Want It That Way" in a convenience store to try and get the clerk to smile while the other guys, also stoned out of their minds on molly, cheer him on from outside was worth the entire runtime of the film alone. Score: 8/10 Currently streaming on HBO Max.
-Linoleum (2023, dir. Colin West) This is the first truly phenomenal film of the year. Jim Gaffigan, Rhea Seehorn, Katelyn Nacon, and Gabriel Rush all deliver near perfect performances in this Gondry/Kaufman-esque comedy/drama. I wasn't really sure what to expect going into this one, and it managed to blow my socks off in the best possible way, with a beautiful ending and many wonderful messages and moments throughout. I could consider this a 2022 film, as it premiered at SXSW almost a year ago, and I'm pretty sure it would make my Top 10, but as it didn't see a non-festival limited theatrical release until almost three months into the new year, I'm going to go ahead and consider it for 2023. The bar has been set, and it has been set high. Score: 10/10 Only in theaters on a limited release. Check your local listings to see if there any showtimes near you. FULL REVIEW FOR THIS ONE COMING SOMETIME TOMORROW.
-Old School (2003, dir. Todd Phillips) Before The Hangover, Todd Phillips delivered unto the world Old School, a film which has mostly been remembered for Will Ferrel's ass accompanied with the line "We're going streaking!" Which, to be honest, isn't even kind of the funniest thing in the film and it happens less than 30 minutes in. As is the case with most Todd Phillips films, as well as most comedies in general from the early aughts, there are large aspects of it that have not aged well at all. However, a good chunk of the film is still incredibly funny and reminiscent of the humor that would later make The Hangover such a beloved classic. I admit I had a lot of fun watching this one, and while it wouldn't ever be my first choice for a comedy film recommendation, it is one worth checking out should you be interested in watching it. Score: 7/10 Currently available for rent/purchase on digital (iTunes, Amazon, Vudu, etc.) and on DVD & Blu-ray through Paramount Pictures.
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griseldabanks · 2 years
100 Days of WIP
I've been bursting to talk about my main WIP, but didn't really know where to start. It's always easiest to start talking about something when someone asks you questions about it, but how will anybody know what to ask when they don't even know the first thing about what you're writing? I thought of running an ask game, but none of the ones I found really hit the mark I was going for. So I decided to go ahead and make one of my own. My goal is to answer one of these questions per day.
Please feel free to do this yourself if you like, modifying it as desired. I'm doing this with one big fanfic WIP, but you could also do it with multiple WIPs in mind, or alter it for original fiction. Turn it into an ask game, take out questions you don't like, add your own - whatever you want! The point is just to get you started talking about the projects you're excited about, and get other people interested too.
What is your WIP's title?
What fandom is your WIP for?
What is your WIP's primary genre?
What is your WIP's premise?
What is the first line of your WIP?
Is your WIP something anyone can just pick up and immediately understand, or will they need more context first?
How long do you expect your WIP to be in its final form? How many words/chapters?
Share a random tag (or make one up).
Do you have a summary for your WIP? Share it or make one up on the spot!
Share an example of dialogue that you're proud of.
Who is/are the main character(s) of your WIP?
What is/are the central relationship(s) in your WIP?
Are there any OCs among the main cast of your WIP? Introduce one!
What is a background relationship that could probably be an interesting story all on its own?
Share an example of a description that you're proud of.
What character is easiest to write in this story?
What character is hardest to write in this story?
What OC (or characterization of canon character) are you proudest of?
Whose characterization do you think still needs some work?
Share an excerpt of your WIP that is funny out of context.
Who/What is the villain or antagonist in your WIP?
What is the level of action in your WIP? Will there be lots of fighting and adventure, or does it involve a quieter sort of drama?
Does your WIP have multiple POVs, or just stick to one?
If your WIP has multiple POVs, are there any that you're intentionally avoiding? If your WIP only has one POV, how did you pick your viewpoint?
Share an angsty excerpt from your WIP.
If you had to pick a different main character for this story, who would it be?
If you had to pick a different relationship to be the main focus of this story, which would it be?
If you had to change your WIP's title, what would the new title be?
Change your WIP's genre and describe the differences in how you would tell the story.
Share a fluffy excerpt from your WIP.
Do you have an outline for your WIP, or are you making it up as you go?
Do you write your WIP from start to finish, or do you write the scenes out of order?
Do you have a regular time each day/week to work on your WIP, or do you work on it whenever you feel like it or find time for it?
How do you motivate yourself to work on this WIP when you don't feel like it?
Spoil something inconsequential from your WIP.
What was your original inspiration for this WIP? When was that?
Do you listen to music while you work? Describe what your playlist(s) look like.
What is the weirdest/coolest thing you've had to research for this WIP?
What is the dumbest or most obvious thing you've had to look up from canon (or your own previous writing)?
Pick a random page of your WIP and share an excerpt from it.
What scene are you proudest of that you've written so far?
What's the scene you've written that still needs the most work?
What scene are you most looking forward to writing?
What scene are you least looking forward to writing?
Share an excerpt of your WIP that makes it sound like a completely different genre.
What has been the scene you daydream about the most?
Do you edit as you go, or will you wait to edit until the whole thing is written?
Do you like to write the entire story before you post, or post as you write?
Do you use beta readers? If so, give them a shout-out!
Share the most recent paragraph you've written in your WIP.
What do you wish you could change about your WIP, but now it's too late?
If you could go back in time to when you first had the idea for this WIP, what would you tell yourself?
What work of yours (or someone else) does this WIP most resemble?
If - heaven forbid! - you lost all but one scene of your WIP, which one would you want it to be?
Share a "before and after" comparison of an excerpt of your WIP that you've edited.
If you had to end your WIP earlier than where you're planning to, where would it be?
Does your WIP have something for everyone, or does it appeal to a narrower group of readers?
Are you working on this WIP because it's a case of "no one else is writing this, so I guess I have to," or are you writing it despite how common the idea is?
If someone else wrote this WIP, and you saw it, do you think you would give it a try?
Share an excerpt of your WIP that involves food.
Explain your WIP's plot badly.
Give your WIP a clickbait-y title/summary.
Grab the nearest book and rewrite your WIP's summary in the same style as the blurb on the back/dust jacket.
If your summary could only consist of a single quote from your WIP, what would it be? If that's already what you're doing, pick a different one.
Pick up the nearest book, flip to a random page, and pick a random word on the page. Post a paragraph from your WIP that includes that word.
Make a meme for your WIP.
Make a meme for the process of working on your WIP.
Write a made-up review/comment on your fic (for the purpose of leaving tantalizing hints about what's in store for your readers).
Imagine your WIP becomes known as a prime example of a certain trope in the future. What trope would that be?
Write the first paragraph of your WIP from memory.
What scene or moment would you want to see turned into fanart?
If someone made a music video based on your WIP, what song would you want them to use?
What character in your WIP would you be most flattered to be compared to?
What character in your WIP would you be least flattered to be compared to?
Share an excerpt of your WIP that makes you smile.
Make a moodboard for a favorite OC/character.
Make a moodboard for a favorite scene.
Make AI-generated art using your WIP's title as a prompt and share it here. Does it have any relevance to your WIP?
Run your summary through several different languages in Google Translate, translate it back into English, and see how different it is.
Share an excerpt of your WIP that made you cry (or that you think will make your readers cry).
If your WIP was made into a live-action movie/show, who would your dream cast be? If it's already live-action, who would you pick to read your WIP as an audiobook?
If you were an extra in a movie of your WIP, what scene would you want to be in?
Who would you get to do the book soundtrack of your WIP? (Can't be the composer for the canon material.)
Link an instrumental piece that evokes the feeling of a scene in your WIP.
Share an excerpt of your WIP that involves singing or music (or that would have a swell in the background music if there was a soundtrack).
What flower(s) would you use to represent your WIP?
What season does your WIP take place in? If it spans multiple seasons, which do you think of most often when you think of your WIP?
What is an OC's/canon character's favorite color? Does this ever come up in your WIP?
If you had to pick a cover for your WIP that was just one solid color, what color would it be?
Share an excerpt of your WIP that includes your favorite color.
What has this WIP taught you so far?
What is one piece of writing advice that has been useful while working on this WIP?
What is a piece of writing advice you hope to implement in the future of this WIP?
Has working on this WIP changed your life in any way, besides improving your writing?
Share an excerpt of your WIP that you honestly think is beautiful.
What is the main theme of your WIP?
Give an example of a scene that demonstrates the story's theme.
Is there anything you're afraid your readers will misunderstand about your WIP?
What is one important thing you hope your readers will take away from reading your WIP?
What is the last line of your WIP?
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kariachi · 2 years
Radgit, because it's funny: 1, 14, 51
"Who would end a heated argument by defending their actions with ‘because I love you!’?"
Neither, they just are not that sort've pair. Rad comes closest with very strong 'you know damn why' vibes, but Argit will just let an argument hang in the air until eventually even he can't take it and generally that involves 1) a break from the argument followed by never bringing it up again, 2) a break from the argument followed by a random gift he found somewhere as sort've a reconciliation payment, or 3) just straight changing the topic and refusing to go back to it.
(why no, I do not write Argit as having healthy anything, I'm planning a post on it)
"How do their personalities compliment each other? How do they clash?"
Complimentary-wise, both are career-oriented so they're on the same page there (plus complimentary careers, always fun), neither's the type to just let themselves be steamrollered over- though Argit is moreso- which is trust me a good thing with them, both appreciate a good lie-in. Rad's never been good at de-escalating a conflict while Argit is a master of the art, even if it sometimes involves deflecting the problem onto somebody else. On the other hand Argit tends to just try to ignore shit until it's a tangible problem while Rad's the more proactive of the two of them. Both are seemingly allergic to properly vocalizing their emotions, which is a double-as-fuck-edged sword but on this side keeps either from pushing the other into a corner about it- and it would be into a corner. Their life experiences are similar, to a point (Argit's shit has been more extreme and Rad had a more-or-less happy homelife, but neither grew up in the best of circumstances) so there's a level of understanding there that neither would get from somebody who grew up more like the Tennysons. Neither has to really worry about the other (though both do even if they wouldn't say it) because they're both perfectly capable to taking care of themselves and while Argit is more likely to get into trouble he's gonna struggle with he also has a Kevin to back him up. Argit likes himself a man who gets shit done and whom he can feel mostly safe around, while Rad's a fan of a cunning mind and perfectly happy to have someplace he can feel comfortable just relaxing.
On the other hand. Like I said, neither of them is good with properly vocalizing their emotions so communication is, a mixed bag. Alongside Argit's tendency to let a situation boil over if it's not an immediate issue and Rad's issues with de-escalating things? They're far more likely to argue than talk something out. Talking it out means being open and vulnerable and that's just a bit too much for Rad and a lot too much for Argit. The end result being that disagreements or issues end in either one immediately giving way to the other or a full on fight with no real middle ground. Add in that Rad tend to be aggressive and Argit has his whole backstabby trust issues thing... Getting to a point where it's an entirely healthy relationship is slow going.
"What’s a non verbal way they say I love you?"
Neither one is a verbal 'I love you' type so non-verbal is pretty much all they do. It's in little things, like Argit getting him random gifts (I've mentioned in other headcanon stuff- Argit is horrible with dates but makes up for it with a tendency to just get people things at random because he was thinking of them), 'dragging' him to 'family' things, not actually holding a grudge against the man's inability to call him ahead of time, letting him stay at his place without any sort've teasing or expectation of rent. On Rad's side, meanwhile, it shows more in things like him letting himself get dragged to things, the fact he does stay at Argit's when he's in town rather than staying on his ship like he does when he's anywhere else that isn't his hometown, gifts every time he comes back to town because he as managed to learn at least one of Argit's love languages, and on at least two occasions he's gone out and threatened to blast a hole through a fucker for giving Argit trouble.
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smolchildlevy · 2 years
All I can say is when I saw your match up event I got so excited, I think you might be able to tell how hyped and nervous I was while writing this lol, anyway I love your content!
Copy paste from notes app: 
Hi can I get an Obey Me match up?
My name is Gio, I’m 4’10 with a horrific slouch (I’m working on it though-or I’m trying to), pretty average looking though (scrawny pale white guy, brown hair dark brown eyes) I’m non-binary he/they. To describe me physically more we can go off the 2 most common descriptions of me is “small and huggable” or “short and puntable”
For personality, I’d like to think I’m funny, but I’m not good at describing myself so going off what I’m told is that I’m funny, kind, caring, and either talkative or silent depending on the day, no in between.
For good qualities is I’m caring and I make sure to pay attention, I try to stay a few steps ahead but that doesn’t always work of course. I tend to subconsciously care for people I like, tbh I won’t usually admit it or realize and if said person points it out I’ll probably be embarrassed then try and cover it up with a joke about why I’m doing whatever for them.
I’ll always be your biggest supporter and maybe your worst enemy-jk just very big on the banter buddy role lol. (But I do love hyping people up and reminding them how great they are)
For a more negative qualities I’d like to say I try to keep my issues to my self and can neglect myself, then one day I might just kinda shut down and come off slightly cold. people I care about end up thinking they did something wrong and then they could get upset and before you know it everyone’s confused and not feeling very positive.
Another negative trait is I end up bottling things to myself or keeping things to myself because I’m always scared I’ll bother someone and become a burden, do to that I tend to get nasty scars from accidents because I get embarrassed and keep it to myself trying to hide it but I’m not a medical profession so I’m not sure what I’m doing so they can leave a nasty mark. (I do a lot of stupid things and I usually don’t tell people because I just couldn’t be asked to try and explain why I was climbing onto a random building or how I got stuck on a dock floating in a lake)
I have heavy anxiety, ocd, and depression which can get the best of me, but then on other days I can be more open with cracking jokes. I’m also a stereotype for ADHD with impulsive issues and doing random things, but it also helps me be ready to help anyone or get in trouble with anyone.
I also pretty much never sleep so literally any hour you need me for anything I am already ready to get into some trouble help you
Though I do always come off as really tired but I swear I’m all good I just physically can’t sleep and prefer working/practicing random things(or my favorite: over thinking)
I tend to have a hard time even tolerating myself but recently I’ve been working on that and things I’ve learned to love about me is my writings/stories about random things or sometime random characters I created, I also love drawing things usually related to those stories. I also play lots of video games and I’d like to make my own video game/develop one. I also am very musically involved, I play electric bass, drums, and Irish tin fiddle and I’m trying to teach myself the piano, violin, and guitar. Bit of a secret but I do musical theater, I usually try and keep that live separate from my social life because I’m a little embarrassed lol.
Sorry if this is to much, I wasn’t really sure what to add or what not to add
It’s just fine! I’m glad you like my writing! You’re too sweet <3
I match you with…
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-Hear me out.. he relates to you in a lot of ways
-Which makes for a good pairing
-He would love to just drop everything and have a stay-in day with you, just the two of you
-He would def ruffle your hair a lot, to the point where it’s a habit
-I will say though, you guys were the most clueless mfs before y’all dated bc neither one of y’all would admit that you liked the other-
-Mammon is a spectacular listener btw, the best person to rant to on a bad day bc he’s the type to be ranting with you
-And he’s so enamored by your talents <3
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venmoappsreview · 9 months
Venmo Transaction Declined - Why Does Venmo Keep Declining My Transactions?
Are you tired of having your Venmo Transaction Declined? Frustrated with the constant "Try Again Later" message popping up on your screen? We understand how annoying it can be when Venmo keeps declining your payment. But don't worry, we're here to help! In this blog post, we'll dive into the reasons why Venmo may be refusing your transactions and provide some troubleshooting tips to get you back on track. So sit back, relax, and let's unravel the mystery of the dreaded "Venmo Transaction Declined" message together!
What is Venmo? How to Use Venmo?
Venmo is a popular mobile payment service that allows you to send and receive money with just a few taps on your phone. It's like having a digital wallet right at your fingertips! Whether you want to split the bill at dinner, pay back a friend for concert tickets, or chip in for group gifts, Venmo makes it easy and convenient.
Using Venmo is simple. First, you'll need to download the app from the App Store or Google Play Store and create an account. Once you're set-up, link your bank account or credit card to add funds to your Venmo balance. You can also connect with friends by syncing your contacts or searching for their usernames.
When it comes time to make a payment, simply enter the amount and include a brief description of what the payment is for. You can choose whether your transaction is public (visible to others) or private (only visible between you and the recipient). And if emojis are your thing, feel free to add those too!
One of the most convenient features of Venmo is its social aspect. You have options to like and comment on transactions made by others in your network. It adds a fun element when celebrating birthdays, anniversaries, or even just sharing funny moments with friends through payments.
So go ahead and give Venmo a try! It's an efficient way to handle financial transactions while staying connected with friends all within one user-friendly app interface. With its ease of use and seamless integration into our daily lives - from splitting bills at restaurants to paying rent - Venmo has become an indispensable tool for millions of people worldwide.
Why is Venmo Saying Venmo Transaction Declined Try Again Later?
Why is Venmo saying "Venmo Transaction Declined Try Again Later"? If you've encountered this frustrating message, you're not alone. Many Venmo users have experienced transaction issues at some point. But what could be causing these declines?
One possible reason for a declined transaction on Venmo is insufficient funds in your account. Make sure to check your balance before attempting any payment. Additionally, if you've recently added a new bank account or credit card to your Venmo profile, it might take some time for the system to verify and update your information.
Another factor that may lead to declined transactions is security measures implemented by Venmo's fraud detection system. Sometimes legitimate payments can trigger these security checks, especially if they are larger than usual or involve unfamiliar recipients.
Network connectivity issues could also contribute to transaction declines. Ensure that you have a stable internet connection when using the app, as interruptions during the payment process can cause errors.
Keep in mind that certain activities or transactions may go against Venmo's terms of service and community guidelines. Engaging in prohibited actions such as illegal purchases or suspicious behavior can result in transaction declinations.
Remember, troubleshooting tips are available on the official website and help center of Venmo if you encounter any issues with your transactions.
Why Is Venmo Declining My Payment?
Venmo has become an increasingly popular payment app, allowing users to send and receive money with just a few taps on their smartphones. However, it can be frustrating when your payment is declined without any clear explanation. So, Why Is Venmo Declining My Payment? Let's explore some possible reasons.
It could be due to insufficient funds in your bank account or a debit card linked to your Venmo account. Make sure you have enough balance before initiating the transaction.
It's essential to ensure that the recipient's profile information is correct. Double-check the username or phone number associated with their Venmo account. An incorrect detail may lead to a declined transaction.
Another factor could be related to security measures implemented by Venmo. If there are suspicious activities detected during the transaction or if you're using a new device or IP address for the first time, they might decline the payment as a precautionary measure.
Additionally, if you've reached certain limits imposed by Venmo on sending or receiving payments within a given timeframe, your transaction may get declined until those limits reset.
Technical glitches can also cause payment failures. It's advisable to keep both the app and operating system of your device up-to-date for optimal performance.
Remember that these are only potential reasons why your payment might have been declined on Venmo and not definitive answers.
Troubleshooting Venmo Payment Declined?
Troubleshooting Venmo Payment Declined can be frustrating, but there are a few steps you can take to try and resolve the issue. First, double-check that you have sufficient funds in your linked bank account or credit card. Insufficient balance is one of the most common reasons for declined transactions.
Next, make sure that your Venmo app is updated to the latest version. Outdated versions may have compatibility issues with certain transaction types or security features. If an update is available, install it and try again.
Another troubleshooting step is to check if there are any connectivity issues with your internet connection. A weak or unstable network connection could prevent Venmo from processing payments properly. Try switching to a different Wi-Fi network or using cellular data instead.
If none of these steps resolve the issue, it's recommended to reach out to Venmo customer service for assistance. They will be able to investigate further and provide guidance based on your specific situation.
Remember, payment declines can happen for various reasons, so it's important not to jump to conclusions before exploring all possible solutions! Stay patient and persistent in troubleshooting until you find a resolution that works for you.
Contacting Venmo Customer Service
If you've tried troubleshooting your declined Venmo transaction and are still facing issues, it may be time to reach out to Venmo's customer service for assistance. Thankfully, Venmo provides various channels through which users can contact their support team.
One option is to visit the Help Center on the Venmo website or mobile app. Here, you'll find a comprehensive list of frequently asked questions and articles that cover a wide range of topics related to using Venmo. You might just find the answer you're looking for without having to directly contact customer service.
However, if your issue isn't resolved through self-help resources, you can submit a support ticket to the Help Center. Simply provide details about your problem or question, and someone from Venmo's dedicated customer support team will get back to you as soon as possible.
Another way to seek assistance is by reaching out via social media platforms such as Twitter or Facebook. Many companies nowadays have dedicated support accounts where they respond promptly to user queries and concerns.
Remember that when contacting Venmo Customer Service, providing clear and concise information about your issue will help expedite the resolution process. Be prepared with any relevant transaction details or error messages that appeared during your declined payment attempt.
Don't hesitate to reach out for help when experiencing difficulties with Venmo transactions. Their customer service team is there to assist you in resolving any issues so that you can continue enjoying seamless payments with ease!
In this blog post, we have explored the common issue of Venmo transactions being declined and why you may be experiencing this problem. We started by understanding what Venmo is and how to use it effectively for hassle-free money transfers.
We then delved into the possible reasons behind a Venmo transaction being declined. From insufficient funds in your account to potential security concerns, there are various factors that could lead to your payment being rejected. It's essential to be aware of these possibilities so that you can take proactive steps to avoid them.
To troubleshoot a declined Venmo payment, we provided some useful tips and solutions. Whether it's verifying your identity, ensuring sufficient balance, or updating your app, following these troubleshooting steps can help resolve the issue quickly.
However, if none of these methods work or if you encounter any other problems with Venmo transactions, don't hesitate to contact their customer service team. They are available to assist you and provide specific guidance based on your situation.
Remember that while occasional transaction declines may happen due to various reasons beyond our control, staying informed and taking necessary precautions can significantly minimize such issues.
So next time you're faced with a Venmo transaction decline message, remain calm and follow the steps outlined in this article. By doing so, you'll increase the chances of successful payments without unnecessary delays or frustrations.
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gimagesphotography · 2 years
Top Reasons to Consider Candid Photography for Wedding
People are now bored of those dull wedding albums. They want something that will allow them to stand out and have each of those special moments captured perfectly. More and more couples are now using modern camera work to captivate various moods, moments, and motions of the day. Candid photography is thus turning out to be a new cool adventure. You can easily look for a good candid wedding photographer for your big day.
Candid wedding photography has now refined the ways that people once looked at albums. No doubt the traditional camera work is all about formal photographs and those typical poses, but the modern shooting style is all about candid. The list specifies the reasons you need to consider candid wedding photography.
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1.         Essence of natural expression
Undoubtedly natural expressions will make the picture a lot better. The unpredictable feeling during the candid camera work will improve things as no one has ideas about when they are being captured. As the photographer will not ask to pose, things will be good. This will help capture the true essence of the subjects in a captivating manner.
2.         Full of surprises
The shots will be able to capture funny, emotional adoring, and all the loving moments with perfection. Once developed, photography will bring pleasant surprises for couples, relatives, and guests as they remain completely unaware of the pictures being taken. Therefore when the album comes, it will bring smile and surprise to faces. You need to find a good candid photographer in Delhi who will be able to provide you with the best pictures. But make sure you check their experience before deciding to hire them.
3.         True freedom of expression
In contrast to conventional camera work, modern-day photography will allow you to stay just the way you are without any need for special poses for the camera. This will be perfect for capturing those fleeting expressions and the moments which will add life to your photograph. This will be something original and natural. Also, it will give you complete freedom to be yourself. So if you wish, you better look for candid photographers near me and find someone with a good portfolio to capture those special moments well.
4.         Ideal photography style for marriage
It is candid photography that will be able to capture each of those memorable moments that happen off-stage and on the main stage. For instance, the groom's reactions when he first sees the bride, the expression of the bride when stepping out of the room, etc. Skilled photographers will watch each of these moments and will pay extra attention so that they never fail to capture any of these.
5.         Experiment with camera work
Things will be quite boring in a traditional wedding album. But when you choose to go ahead with the candid option, you will be able to experiment with various types and poses. Be it the pre-wedding shoot or the ceremony, the photographer will always be on the lookout for getting those perfect shot so that it makes a major difference to your wedding album.
Given how candid photographs will turn out, it is important that you look for candid photographers near me to find those experienced professionals who will provide you with a great time. No doubt the process involves a lot of research as you will have to compare the options and then see what will work well for you, but surely the results will be highly satisfactory, and you will be able to enjoy those precious pictures for a long time. You can trust G-Images to get the best. They have experience to handle the job with care. Their experts will capture every moment well and ensure you are happy with the end results.
Top Reasons to Consider Candid Photography for Wedding
Given how candid photographs will turn out, it is important that you look for candid photographers near me to find those experienced professionals who will provide you with a great time. No doubt the process involves a lot of research as you will have to compare the options and then see what will work well for you, but surely the results will be highly satisfactory, and you will be able to enjoy those precious pictures for a long time. You can trust G-Images to get the best.
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sullivanjohannessen · 2 years
Professional Advice To Become The very best Cat Owner
Few animals give the pet owner considerably more satisfaction than the particular feline. They are usually smart, funny in addition to have a degree of arrogance to be able to contend with some of the most conceded humans there happen to be! Most of just about all though, cats require love and focus. The next article gives tips on caring for your feline buddy. Be careful whenever treating your cat intended for fleas. Be positive to consult together with your vet ahead of using natural alternate options to control the cat's fleas. Felines are very hypersensitive to essential natural oils and several herbs. Your current vet will possibly recommend you utilize a prescription flea treatment, which is generally best for felines. Have a pet drinking water fountain. Cats may be vulnerable to lacks, and plumming excites them to drink. It is a good evolutionary habit of which developed because within the wild, plumming is less likely in order to be contaminated compared to a stagnant pool. Your pet will certainly enjoy this particular considerably more, and will drink more often. If your own dog and cat best friends, be sure to place them separate after flea treatment. Your dog's flea products happen to be very hazardous intended for cats. Cats of which come in touch with dog flea products frequently die. Be sure to work with only cat products on your cat and only dog products on the dog. Maintain dangerous chemicals away from your cat. Just like kids, cats need to be kept aside from items just like cleaning materials given that they could damage them. These chemical substances are basically killer and if the cats consumes several or gets some on them, they will could get quite sick, get burned up, or possibly die. Store these things inside a place where your cat cannot see them or employ a child-proof locking mechanism on their area. Keep your cat's coat healthy by giving them some sort of supplement of nutritional yeast. Nutritional fungus is an economical supplement that can be found within most health food stores. Basically sprinkle slightly in your cat's dry out food, or combine it in with their wet foods. Not only do they love just how it tastes, although it's full involving protein and nutritional vitamins that will bear them looking their greatest! Whenever you move your current cat from one particular house to a new, end up being sure to maneuver the cat last. Established a calm room with common items for the particular cat. Keep cat in the room and quiet intended for a couple days. Visit in addition to feed the cat in the room. After a new couple of days and nights, the cat can easily explore the relaxation of the house. If your cat looks to desire to avoid his food pan, try getting a diverse kind of dish. Plastic can often turn a cat off if it isn't cleaned continuously, and can keep certain scents. Consider glass or the metal bowl intended for best results, so your cat helps keep eating. Do you have more than one cat? If so, then you certainly should have more than one litter box as well. Getting one for every single of your felines will give all of them multiple spots in order to go. If the odor gets too much you can add a little baking soft drinks to the litter box to freshen it up. It is essential that you do not feed your current cat excessive meals from the desk. Cats do not necessarily digest human foodstuff not much different from the way that the does. It can also prospect to your cat becoming overweight. In case your cat is carrying around too very much weight, it can be hard to allow them to jump up upon furniture and find around. Do not consider to hold a new cat when these people are clearly attempting to get away from. This will not create the cat sense any closer to an individual and it may prompt them to be able to start avoiding you in the potential future. Select the cat way up gently and place him across your lap. If a person feel him wiggling to get away, let him move. Cats have a certain way about them which really can't be described with words. To possess one though, certainly is to love one! Hopefully this particular article has assisted you in the search for learn more about cats plus taking care of them. They can be amazing companions and you ought to enjoy yours for several years to come. best cat carrier
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