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I wanted to share this amazing fanart from chapter 2 of my fic Red with Envy!
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lividetyarchived · 6 days
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Luci's favorite game
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creepycat24 · 12 days
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nunalastor · 20 days
Idea: Radioapplestatic, but everything is onesided towards Alastor.
Vox is desperate and has a love/hate boner for Alastor. So he sneaks into the hotel to try to get some dirt on Alastor (and maybe steal his dirty laundry while he's at it).
Lucifer realizes that he has feelings for Alastor, and is trying to figure out the best way to charm him. Therefore, he sneaks into Alastor's room to see if there's anything they have in common/ anything they both like.
Naturally, Lucifer walks in on Vox going through Alastor's stuff. An arguement ensues, during which they both realize they're both here for pretty much the same reason. Thus their arguement turns into a fight for Alastor's affection.
Alastor happens to return to his room during the fight, just in time to get hit with a fireball/electric attack. He's fine, however his coat is now burned and there are two people he hates in his room. Not only that, he's hungry. Therefore, Alastor decides to punish them by quickly swallowing them both whole. I've made two vore drawings based on this.
you've made what-
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cookimint28 · 13 days
Me : i HATE radioapple 😡 but..! i LOVE staticapple and radiostatic ! Hmmmmm Oh ! got an idea 😈*take radioapple and put Vox in it* here ! Radiostaticapple ! Like i say adding Vox make everything better !
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murkycran · 28 days
Misc. Vox Fic Rec List
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Welcome to my Miscellaneous Vox Fic Rec List!
Soooo after a lot of consideration, I decided to make a third rec list. This one will be for miscellaneous fics, which can mean anything from smaller Vox pairings to fics that are not strictly Radiostatic or VoxVal. You'll see what I mean.
I will keep updating this periodically as I read more fics, too, so feel free to check back every once and a while! I'll reblog it when I update it, plus make a note with the date at the top. Trust me, this is by no means a complete list; there's fics I still want to add to this that I just haven't gotten to yet. I just decided to go ahead and post it anyways, because if I kept waiting until I ran out of fics to rec I'd probably be working on this forever.
These are not in any particular order; I'm going by both my Bookmarks list on AO3 and my memory of fics I forgot to bookmark. I also tried to make notes on what fics were written before season 1 released, but I might have missed some, so keep that in mind.
Please let me know if any links don't work or are wrong!
✨Before you proceed:✨ read the tags on these fics if you decide to read them. Many of them have heavy material - no surprise given the fandom, but still, felt like this needed said. On that note, there's also fics with explicit material and some fics are straight up PWP. Again, read at your own risk/heed the tags.
Fic Rec List Masterpost
Radiostatic Fic Rec List
Staticmoth Fic Rec List
Alastor Makes a Porno by Charnel_Goat, spappest
Summary: Alastor interrupts Val and Vox's personal time to get his rut over and done with, and they're just going to have to deal with that.
Basically, Alastor and Val try to have a threesome, but they keep arguing, everyone's injuring each other trying to figure out the logistics, and nobody cares what Vox has to say about any of this.
Notes: This has Staticmoth, Radiostatic, and Valastor. It's not strictly leaning more towards any pairing (tho Val does make a pretty sweet comment at the very beginning about Vox lol), which is why it's going on the Misc List. Porn with an edge of hilarity that - despite the tags - made it pretty funny. Three terrible people being terrible to each other. Vox suffers. Heed the tags.
He's Visual, Alright! by dead_boy
Summary: For Valentines Day, Charlotte Morningstar— Lucifer’s brat— had announced the hotel would be hosting a sweetheart poll, allowing winners to vote for the biggest ‘sweethearts’ in Pentagram City! How adorable!
— Of course, when Angel gets involved, things get a little twisted, and hell treats it as a most-fuckable-celebs poll.
Vox isn’t the only one surprised by how high he scored, and how concerning the amount of votes he received was.
But there was no way in hell this “demand” was enough to make him give into Valentino and Velvet’s newest fixation: Making use of this fame and making Vox do some modelling!
Surely he won’t mind the lingerie and toys provided by Velvet and Valentino respectively, right?
edit march 2024: i can’t believe he just won the hottest hazbin character poll. literally manifested
Notes: Poly Vees. Funny af. Vox suffers, but in a good way. Written BEFORE the hottest HH character poll, can you believe that? Lmao.
stray by vol_ctrl
Summary: How Vox met Vark. ♥
Notes: No ship. Written before season 1 release.
After the Credits Roll by leftofrevolution
Summary: Everyone knew the Magnes sometimes liked to spice up their sex life by dragging another demon into the middle of it.
Vox maybe should have paid more attention to that particular tidbit of information than he did.
Notes: Lilith/Lucifer/Vox. Chapter 1 written before season 1 release, with Chapter 2 being released after season 1 release. I read for the crackship, ended up liking the Lilith/Lucifer/Vox dynamic and world-building a LOT. Lol. Poor Vox. Or good for him? Still has yet to be seen.
The Shopping Cart Test by spappest
Summary: Angel never expected Prince Charming to have a TV for a head, but when Vox kills Valentino and saves him from his abuse, well… Maybe Hell doesn’t have to be all that bad. With Val out of the way, everyone can have a happy ending. Angel’s safe, Charlie’s happy, and even Alastor finds love.
Oh, wait. This is Hell. It’s always that bad.
Notes: Angel/Vox. Started before season 1 release. First Staticdust fic I read. :)
Hold Me Up by Sameko
Summary: Vox has been in and out of a relationship with Valentino for years. Always breaking up. Always coming back.
Then one night comes the definitive crack at the expense of one of Valentino's employees, to which Vox never paid much attention other than for shits and giggles.
One night, one word too many, might be enough to shift the perspectives of two people once strangers to each other.
Notes: Staticdust. Pretty bleak and dark at times, but so, SO good. Two broken people trying not to cut each other with their edges while also trying to help each other.
Cruel Melody by Hiding_Behind_a_Pencil_and_Pen
Summary: A man hopelessly in love with a monster, despite how much it hurts.
A person chained to a beast he can never escape, no matter how hard he tries.
Vox and Angel Dust have given their body and heart to Valentino, and neither know how to free themselves from his lies.
But maybe, even if it never gets better, they won't have to suffer alone.
What if Husk was just a little too late to get to the bar in episode four? And a certain media Overlord helped Angel instead. They find out that they're not so different after all.
Notes: As of now, I think this is Queerplatonic Staticdust.
Revelations in Technicolor by Awesome_Possum
Summary: Velvette had been dead for six years, part of The Vees for four, and fucking Vox for a little over two. They had a good thing going.
On one of their bi-weekly Vox-mandated movie nights, Valentino put a plan into motion and Velvette learned something new and surprising about her business partner and part-time sugar daddy that made a shocking amount of sense.
It ultimately ended up bringing The Vees closer and if Valentino claimed that was his intention all along, no one had any reason to believe him.
Notes: The Vees are a V and Vox is the hinge, so he's in a relationship with both Valentino and Velvette. Interesting headcanons for Vox's human life. :) (What is the ship name for Velvette/Vox again?)
System Shutdown by Swoolie
Summary: Taking a leaf from Alastor's book, Vox goes on a small break from everything.
He doesn't stick around long enough to see the chaos that ensues after his sudden disappearance.
Notes: This is tagged with both Radiostatic and Staticmoth. It's too early in the story to tell definitively which direction it's going to end up, so for now it's going to be on the Misc list. I'll probably move it when it becomes more clear what the main pairing will be.
Dapple Rose by The_Penny_Tails
Summary: Everyone always assumes the same thing about Alastor and Vox's relationship: That it's one-sided, that it's based on fixation, and that the reason for their falling out was due to the obsession turning into something that couldn't be controlled.
All of those assumptions are correct. The only problem is, everyone gets the 'who is obsessing over whom' part of the equation wrong.
When Vox and Valentino end up stuck at the hotel, suddenly the entire relationship between the radio and television is put on display, casting it and Alastor in an entirely different light.
Notes: Tagged with both Radiostatic and Staticmoth. Due to both this and the entire story itself (you'll see what I mean when you read it), it's going here on the Misc List. I freaking love this story, because so far I've not seen another fic where Alastor was obsessed with Vox while Vox was not obsessed with him in return. :3 Everything Penny_Tails writes is gold!
Here I Come by Heliosolar
Summary: Vox contemplates his lackluster life as he stands over the edge of the city.
Or, the fall of Vox, both mentally and physically.
Notes: Written before season 1 release. No ships, just Vox. Heed the tags.
Entertainment for Two by Heliosolar
Summary: With the radio demon joining them for the night, Vox puts on a show the two overlords will never forget.
Notes: Written before season 1 release. Staticmoth and Radiostatic, at the same time. 😳
Proposition by Snorp_Lord
Summary: Alastor does not, strictly speaking, have a 'relationship' with the King of Hell. But they certainly have a something.
A something which does not include Vox. But Alastor is at least willing to indulge Lucifer in whatever this new idea is.
The new idea is Vox.
Notes: Contains Radiostatic, Radioapple, and Staticapple, but for this installment, Radiostatic is definitely the focus. Very intense, pretty sweet. 😳 Has 2 more parts in the series which are definitely worth the read, though they don't feature Vox as much.
meteor shower by spoondrifts
Summary: alastor, rosie, vox, and a study in non-traditional love.
Notes: QPR Alastor/Rosie/Vox. Very good! (What's the ship name for this?? Radiostaticrose?? Radiorosestatic?? Roseradiostatic?? Staticradiorose??)
spiraling down thy majesty by spoondrifts
Summary: “Okay, um, time out,” Lucifer said, because he felt like they were maybe losing the plot a little. “I feel like I should remind you that I’m not here because I was like, uh, overwhelmed with lust for you, in particular. I’m here because Husk said you were Alastor’s ex and I have poor impulse control and thought it’d be funny, but I’m realizing now that this is actually just really weird and you, my friend, have some serious issues that I am not equipped to handle.”
Or: Lucifer and Vox have a shared problem that starts with Al and ends in stor and has a in the middle—thankfully, there's a solution! (The solution is sex. It's just sex.)
Notes: Staticapple. Revenge sex. As in...they're both getting revenge on Alastor...using each other. Lol.
(Fic rec list to be continued as I read more)
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voiarc-draws · 10 days
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when you start dating someone, their friends are legally obligated to vibe check (and intimidate) said someone.
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allastoredeer · 9 days
I see you like AppleRadio as much as RadioStatic, is there by any chance any good stories with them as an OT3 👀 (Look at me trying to take the easy way 😂)
It's time for me to come clean. It's time I was honest with myself and all of you 😔
Here is my truth.
I actually have a very hard time shipping OT3's. Unless my fav character is getting the most attention in the polyship, then I don't want it. I get jealous and offended on my pookie's behalf.
That's right. I'm the possessive, cringy tik-tok boyfriend. If my fav isn't the center of attention--if any other character slips between them and their partner and shows the other person more attention-- my little heart can't take it.
That being said, I have come across a few Lucifer/Vox/Alastor fics 👀 I don't think I saved them--they didn't fit my taste--but I gave them a try.
However, considering everything I just said, I'm not above giving the OT3 a read when I come across it. Really, I'm fine with any tropes, ratings, or concepts that are explored fanfics, and I like giving them a read, it's just a matter of how they're written that determines whether or not I bookmark the fic or click out of it.
If anyone does have any Lucifer/Alastor/Vox fics out there, both Anon and I would love to see them! If my cringy, possessive little ass can't handle my pookie not being the center of attention, then I shall quietly exit through stage left and try something else.
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Lost focus, came up with a radiostaticapple sexual romcom idea after listening to let's save the earth by nsp for 30 minutes straight
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manyminded · 2 months
alright doing this again cuz I fucked up the first time ✌️ also @onesidedradiostatic (sorry for the @ you’re just the most popular hazbin blog I follow and I think more ppl should see this)
if one of the last three are picked, I’ll do another poll. Also if you pick them give suggestions
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b1ackgh0st · 3 months
I'm looking for a 1x1 rp with any of the following ships:
Charlie x Emily x Vaggie
RadioStatic (Maybe RadioStaticApple)
I can play two characters at a time if needed! Characters I can play include:
Sir Pentious
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Working on Red with Envy, and I swear this is equal parts RadioStatic and StaticApple, but right now Alastor is just an asshole and Vox isn't having it, and RadioStatic is bleeding out on the floor while StaticApple skips happily into the sunset.
Don't worry, RadioStatic, you'll get your time.
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So, the next chapter of Red with Envy is either gonna be short and sweet, or will jump around to multiple scenes, and I can't decide which I want to do...
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manyminded · 2 months
alright fandom. I’m tired of searching billions of tags with three posts each. Let’s get this over with
*if any of the last three are picked, I’ll do another poll
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I'm Back???
Well, I haven't been on tumblr in years, but writing Hazbin Hotel fics might have gotten me back into it! Here are the fics I'm currently working on:
A RadioStaticApple fic featuring Alastor getting increasingly jealous as Vox and Lucifer get closer and realizing the feelings he'd once laughed at Vox for having weren't actually one-sided at all. So, Vox ends up with both men vying for his attention.
A dark RadioStatic fic where Vox gets Alastor's contract. Like I said, this one is dark, but Vox's feelings for Alastor mean that he does have some twisted limits/morals. And while Vox takes some of the worst possible actions to get there, it will end with the both of them happy together.
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