#idk. this is a dumb thing to be annoyed about but 🤷
smeegamae · 11 months
if anyone else feels like this lmk, if not, sorry for being a fun killer, but i have to speak my truth. i don’t find the safehand/nsfv jokes funny when putting stormlight characters in non rosharan clothes. like idk maybe this is just the autism but to me, when shallan is in like. a tee shirt or smthn there’s no point in making a joke about her safehand because of course it’s going to be out if she’s in a tee shirt? it’s a hand. and like i get it haha it’s immodest lol everyone point and laugh and it was kind of funny the first time i saw the joke made but now it’s dead to me. and this is actually something that has deterred me from drawing any more women from stormlight with their hands visible because i find that joke so annoying.
esp because in canon, vorin women cover their safehands as a form of separation between men and women, and as a form of separation between the upperclass and lowerclass (which is why lighteyed women wear the sleeves and darkeyed women wear gloves). it’s stupid and sexist and classist and i just want to draw shallan in cute clothes without ppl bringing up the hand thing but there will always be one of you out there… idk get a better joke i guess
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forcebookish · 6 months
15 people, 15 questions
thanks for tagging me, @djeterg19! i usually forget to do these because i get weirdly anxious about who to tag but i'm feeling frisky today 🤷
1. are you named after anyone?
my secret identity, no, but rum comes from kairumption which is a play on kai (exo) + kyrumption (angel), so... almost?
2. when was the last time you cried?
oh god this is so embarrassing... watching starlympics seeing everyone hug book dfjlsjlkg I JUST LOVE HOW MUCH EVERYONE LOVES HIM OKAY HE DESERVES IT
3. do you have kids?
just a cat, and she's adopted (ba dum tss)
4. what sports do you play/have you played?
as a kid i played soccer, basketball, tennis, and cross country "competitively;" gymnastics, volleyball, and badminton casually. i still have a volleyball/badminton net and a tennis racket but i never have a buddy to play with :( i'm also not very good :(
5. do you use sarcasm?
no (that was sarcastic) (and low-hanging fruit)
6. what’s the first thing you notice about people?
their outfit or hair probably? idk i never really thought about it
7. what’s your eye color?
8. scary movies or happy endings?
is it dumb if i say i like scary movies with happy endings? i know there are like... two out there. but fr i prefer vaguely frightening/disturbing and bittersweet (pmmm and other horror anime are the best examples). the typical horror movie gotcha endings annoy me, with a few exceptions like evil dead 2 and the first two re-animators. most of my favorite movies/books are sad and end with major character death actually D: BUT IN GENERAL i don't watch a LOT of scary movies and prefer happy endings, those faves are technically outliers. i just like to be moved!
9. any talents?
i can open doors by turning the doorknob with my foot. oh, and i guess i'm good at writing.
10. where were you born?
washington state, lived here my whole life :')
11. what are your hobbies?
yoga, books, writing fanfiction, making edits and doing other fandom shit, (vegan) cooking/baking, and video games
12. do you have any pets?
just the one these days (i used to have two since i was nine, but they both passed away in the last five years😢 they were angels🥲), and my "adopted" joke goes doubly because we're actually taking care of my aunt and uncle's cat while they're traveling the country in a trailer so she's technically my cousin haha
13. how tall are you?
5'8" which i don't consider very tall but anyone who hasn't met me in person is always shocked! i guess it's above the female average... literally everywhere, but most of my family, on both sides, are taller than me😅 my mom is 5'9" and my dad is 6'2"😅 my mom's brother was 6'4"😅
14. favorite subject in school?
english and japanese
15. dream job
successful novelist :')
feel free to ignore this: @forcebook @seatawinans @ellasaru12 @komari-maxx @forcebookbrainrot @bookishforce @cryptidcrysis @forcebookuniverse @retiredficwriter @thenewaromantic @fireworksgalaxy @jonginnation @monwillica (omg i actually got it to almost fifteen... ily... also IDK WHY I FELT WEIRD TAGGING MY IRL FRIENDS BUT IF YOU SEE THIS CONSIDER IT A TAG ok bye)
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brw · 11 months
If you don't mind me asking, what do you think of cerebro podcast episode about Hank?
Hi! It's been a while since I listened to it so some of my recollections may be off but I think for the most part I didn't find it too offensive? I think it felt disingenuous to me to write a character study of Hank without taking into account his non X-Men appearances because they are so big and give a very different perspective on the character but other than that it was okay, and I found the guest interesting. But yeah, I don't think it should be taken as an actual study of Hank if Hank's big appearances in Avengers and Defenders and New Avengers aren't taken into account because those comics are really quite important to him? Just a weird decision to do an episode on Hank if you're determined to not read those core characteristion issues because you have a weird loyalist issue.
Anyway, the things I remember agreeing heavily about was stuff regarding Charles, I remember feeling that that was an interesting perspective that despite Hank being the first to leave Charles and to be independent, he hasn't really had the big breakaway from Charles' politics the other members of the O5 have had and from that perspective is probably his favoured student as the one most likely to agree with him socially and politically, which obviously is going to be in tension with the fact that he could never REALLY be Charles' favourite student because he's visibly a mutant and as we all know Charles seems to project his own issues with being visibly disabled onto visible mutants. But I also felt it should have been stressed more that Hank was literally separated from what was a loving family by Charles. Like he wiped their memories of him despite the fact that they had been loving and caring to him up til then and he had various positive relationships with his schoolmates also erased. I definitely think if we're going to talk about Hank being the most loyal to Charles ideologically it should also be stressed part of that is because Hank was literally separated from his family and peers by Charles.
I think however the way it was stated that Hank's characterisation made the most sense in IvX annoying and I think the way there was clearly a feeling that Hank was a betrayer for being a mutant was really dumb bc like . idk I just dislike when people take things so literally in universe when the real answer is literally just that they needed some use for the X-Men now that that comic had ended and Hank just so happened to be picked up by the Avengers while Bobby and Warren ended up as Champions and Scott and Jean stayed when the series was brought back. it's literally not that deep and mutants aren't real and he was literally healthier better and happier as a person when he was with them 🤷 also if you're doing a character study on Hank and you come away with "he's the straightest xman" you're doing the character study wrong.
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asshole-rebel-psycho · 6 months
How to know you are being gaslighted p1.
Your power of free speech is completely destroyed.
For example:
You are watching a dumb reality tv show. You say something about it being fake and make a few jokes about it. ( no big deal, no personal attacks on the person u are watching with)
The person you are watching it with gets annoyed at you for talking during the show so they start screaming at you for talking telling you you're opinions are wrong and "shut up!" 😒 ( that seems a little harsh for making fun of a show right?) 😕 😳
You try to calm yourself down but it is very hard so you start to angry twitch a bit to calm down without words (obviously the mood is off now) ....the person notices this and they get even more triggered by it.
They say "why are you so angry?!" As if they weren't the one who started screaming at you for just talking during a dumb show.
Now if you try to defend yourself with speech and say
" I'm sorry for talking during the show"
They will say:
" Omg it's not just the TV show I'm angry at you for!, it's all the things you've said in the past!!" ( that came out of nowhere)
So now while they completely yell over you and your ability to defend anything you've "said" in the past...they will bring up every incident where you have "SAID" something they didn't like and instead of using exact quotes they will say:
"idk exactly what you've said but it was somthing like that" 🙄
So now you are playing emotional cat and mouse trying to do penance and apologize for a word you've said yrs ago. Even though both of you don't have any idea what it is. 😲 😱
When you try to fix the current argument that started for no reason its unresolved because this moment will probably be usable against you in the future. Lol
And in their own words your oh so "wrongdoing" of commenting on a TV show " is not the problem in the first place"...
so if they are mad at you for not even doing something wrong how are you supposed to resolve this? No redemption under Satan I guess 🤷 lol
How do you redeem something that isn't redeemable? Just like your past "words" lol they can't remember.
It's always YOUR "words" never YOUR ACTIONS that they have a problem with. You know why? Because words don't mean as much as actions! So they are easy to manipulate and change. It's easier for them to say you SAID something emotionally offensive ( when it can literally be anything!) Verses you bringing up them screaming at you or hitting you!) But if you bring that up they will say they were "going thru a hard time" as an excuse. But YOU are not allowed to say somthing like that. YOU are the monster, they are saints who excuse themselves.
Which brings us back to your current argument of commenting on the dumb TV show.
And now that I think of it, were the things you've said in the past even wrong to begin with? Or were they just using it as a trigger point to throw their kitchen sink dirt at you ? 🤔 like the current situation. " it's not about what you said to the tv!"
And now you are at the point of the argument where this person is yelling at you for 15 minutes and now you get so worked up that you actually do say something mean to them. Yes finally!! the reaction this person wanted comes out.
They have accomplished their task of breaking you down. Even if you said something about their bad actions like "screaming at you, or being physically violent towards YOU you lose because they will have this nasty thing you said to defend yourself out of anger, and put it in their back pocket for the next time they want to fight with you. ( just like a crooked politician using past quotes on twitter and not STATS and ACTIONS to defeat their opponent)
If you apologize they will get mad at you for not breaking down and crying and call you a "cold bastard" even though they mentioned that they don't even know what you guys are arguing about. Lol so now you actually start crying because they are stressing you out by starting a fight over NOTHING!
It's insanity. Stay away. use that only drop of silence they give you to remove yourself from them. For good.
( sorry tumblr for the rant, but this is a helpful ⚠️ warning to all of you)
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4shfur · 1 year
not really a vent im just talking about stuff so uhh no one feel obligated to look at this im just talking and its probably going to b extremely long and make no sense (because its late)
2022 is over honestly 2023 feels like its out of a dystopian film 😐 not very cool. i wish it was the 2010s anybody remember that? i loved that. stuff is changing a lot and idk if im ready for it. my new year resolution to do more stuff. like hang out with my friends more and do more things. idk about anything else. i want to do better in track but im not sure if i can. all my cousins are in track/cross country but theyre all better than me. my brother's only done cross country once but even hes better than me. its kind of petty to complain about it, idk i also wanna do better in school but i also hate school. its frustrating, i used to be really good at it but now im just average, it feels like. thats dumb to complain about too though because i know people who really struggle with school and im being sad because my brother got a better grade on the sat than me when he was my age. i think im a weirdo but not in a good way (transitioning topics) that sounds dumb but idk im not sure ive been thinking about it lately and i think maybe im actually really unlikeable. this isnt a weird internalized thing i think i might just be super annoying and idk how to fix it. its not on purpose. and idk how to ask my friends if they like me or not because thats super wierd????? and obv theyd say yes right bcs you cant just tell someone you dont like them. and im worriwd i come off as insensitive or pushy to ppl and they secretly hate but like?????? idk i dont ever know bcs i cant tell with people and i really dont mean to i really do like these people. i really dont wanna be that one annoying kid who keeps hanging out with people even though they clearly dont like them, but its not clear, and idk how to tell. also my new years resolution is to be nicer to people. bcs im kinda judgy about people (usually in my head but sometimes i talk mean about people) and i dont want to do that bcs usually im wrong and i dont have the whole picture and i just want to be nicer. (transitjon again) im actually doing better mentally i think, i guess i was just going through that whole "i hate my parents phase" everyone always talks about but i feel like i should be worrying about things more. idk its hard to explain but i wish i was worse. that sounds super fucked up 🤷 but im nostalgic for when i felt terrible all the time and hated myself, i guess. thats as simply as i can put it and idk whats up. i know people who are struggling and i want to help them but i dont know how and i hate that. ik this makes me sound super gross. but who knows. maybe ill get my wish and this year will be terrible or something. 21 days till for the future comes out though ✌️✌️✌️
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cartmankisser · 2 years
thwy did him so dirty in the post covid special thing :(
sammie i am so sorry this is from like december and was buried at the bottom on my drafts. just a heads up i am not doing full alphabets anymore (unless i really like the character so maybe give it a shot)
this is an old request please read my rules if u wanna learn more 🙏
putting it under the cut because it is long but no nsfw don't worry
Activities - What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
likes to go on flashy dates, or dates where a lot of people would see you two together, especially people he knows. if he's feeling lazy (or out of money) then he's cool with just chilling. he really likes watching horribly rated movies and making fun of them/mocking the actors. also i can see him being overly cocky when it comes to board games
Beauty - What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
he's not using you for your looks or anything, but damn aren't you hot. he's an honest man that can appreciate a pretty face, but personality wise he would have to say patient you are. a lot of people, including his friends, get frustrated at him so even if your upset or annoyed, you'll never actually leave him. he likes that a lot :)
Comfort - How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
he honestly doesn't know so has gonna give you a cheesy ass speech that he heard on a movie or something. you'll have to tell him how to help because homie's kinda dumb be patient he's trying his best
Dreams - How do they picture their future with their s/o?
probably something totally unrealistic like you guys are gonna be the next zendaya and tom holland. realistically if yall end up dating long term, it will be pretty much the same, but a bit less energetic and spontaneous
Equal - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
id say you two are rather equal? he doesn't really mind, but around his friends he gets a bit embarrassed so he likes if you let him be all manly and show off at school
Fight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
bringing this back from the beginning of my account if u remember what post this is from ily to death
Tumblr media
Gratitude - How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
oh he just adores everything you do for him. like you could pick him up his favorite soda on the way to his house and he would tear up at the fact that you remembered. it's kinda cute kinda dramatic 🤷🤷🤷
Honesty - Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?
he couldn't keep a secret if he tried. he's not really problematic so you don't have to worry about him hiding anything bad from you anyways
Inspiration - Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
he kinda lives inside his own little bubble,, dating you means that he gets to travel outside of his normal routine, even if it's just a little!! sleepovers on school nights, exploring where you shouldn't be, whatever! he loves doing in exciting stuff with you that he'd normally wouldn't
Jealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
jealous often and easily, but it's more in a petty way than him actually getting angry at you. he just gets whiny and uses it as an excuse to get attention from you
Kiss - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
mm average kisser i would say? he likes kissing you on the cheek a lot like idk he thinks it's super cute.
the first kiss was something spontaneous like you both were super excited and jumping around because of some good news and you both just looked at eachother for a second and leaned in i guess
Love Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?
he's a pussy i'm sorry he wouldn't make the first move unless he knew 100% that you were gonna say yes
that being said, once he knows you like him back, he goes all out, super flashy and obnoxious, just so everyone would see the confession and he could brag to them about how he's going out with the hottest person in school now
Marriage - Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?
i'm gonna skip this one because i can't stand clyde in post covid 😓
Nicknames - What do they call their s/o?
anything he can think of. he googled pet names to call your s/o
but usually just babe. he whines it a lot like
"but baabbbbeeeeeeee"
On Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
it's so obvious like he blushes and giggles like a schoolgirl whenever you're nearby,,,
PDA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
mostly likes to put his hand on your lower back or an arm around your shoulder, but he also likes holding hands and giving you kisses on the cheek
but he will do as as much pda as you will let him,,,
Quirk - Some random ability they have that's beneficial in a relationship.
easily agreeable. arguments don't really happen 🤷
i think it's because hes pretty empathetic (and stupid)
Romance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
he tries to be creative but mostly he likes small dates at either of your homes. like where you light candles and eat pizza and watch movies!!
besides from date, he's pretty cliche when it comes to romance, but it's super adorable
Support - Are they helping their s/o achieve their? Do they believe in them?
clyde is your biggest supporter
he would probably cheer you on if you wanted to kill someone
10/10 great cheerleader believes in you with all his heart
Thrill - Do they need to try out new things to spice out your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
i mean, your routine is constantly all over the place, but he likes the controlled chaos!!
he needs a high energy routine to keep him entertained, but other than that he doesn't need much to spice up the relationship tbh
Understanding - How good do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
ive said it before i'll say it again. so empathetic he's cried for you.
on multiple occasions.
he's such a sweetheart he's so understanding of your problems and always wants to help you out
Value - How important is the relationship to them? What is it’s worth in comparison to other things in their life?
dude you mean the world to him. i don't know how else to say it but your really important to him.
i don't think he would ditch his friends for you if they already have plans together, but he would think about you the whole time
Wild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon.
when he goes for hugs/cuddles, he will not let go. it doesn't matter if you're walking or if you have to pee, you aren't going anywhere 😭😭
XOXO - Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
yes read the one above this ^^^
Zeal - Are they willing to go to great lenghts for the relationship? If so, what kind of?
he wouldn't kill or anything, but he would sacrifice a lot for you.
you really keep him happy and shining when he can't get out of bed and he knows he won't be the same without you
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angxliquel · 2 years
The Main Four
The Main Four are all friends in this AU. In middle school, they were assigned as a group in RLA Class to do a dystopian free style story. Surprisingly, they chose to do theirs on a Zombie Apocalypse. Ironic. Ever since then, they've been friends. I like to think they all didn't like each other in the beginning because of how different they all are, but slowly grew together. Oh, Quint and Jack were friends before that though.
Individual Headcannons:
- He's still an Orphan lol. He moved to Wakefield in sixth grade and hasn't been shipped off anywhere since. Is it because he has loving parents now? No. They're just those type of people who are so busy that they forget they adopted him. He's mostly home alone while they're on business trips.
- Evie is his adoptive older sister. Idk about you guys, but they definitely have some younger brother- annoying older sister dynamic going on. They have different last names because 🤷
- He's in the NewsPaper club. And in this Au, he joined because he actually likes Photography and just thought it would be neat.
- Trans ftm. Also Bisexual.
- They use his Tree House as a Hangout. They have sleepovers every once in a while. Jack doesn't really like the sleeping part though, and it maybe because he's known to be prone to nightmares.
- Worries that his friends might not like him sometimes. He's been through a lot
- He takes French. Only French taker of the group. Quint already knows it, June takes Spanish because she just wants an easy A, and Dirk also takes Spanish.
- President of the Robotics club. And the chess club. And the science club. Somebody give him a break.
- Helps everyone with their homework. Also tutors.
- He wears his lab coat to school sometimes.
- He can draw. Really good actually. He claims it's because a good scientist knows how to document information is multiple forms, but it's really because he just likes drawing.
- When Evies using the treehouse, they'll all go to Quint's house since his parents are on vacation. They use this as a second option because every time they go there, they end up breaking SOMETHING
- The sensible one in the group. The other 3 will be talking about doing something dumb on the gc they have, and Quint will be like: " Guys please no you're gonna end up going to jail or dead."
- Dirk DID bully him in Middle School, but they've been mending their relationship and are actually really good friends now.
- Helps Jack with his French. He takes German because that's the language he isn't nearly fluent in yet.
- President of the NewsPaper Club. Constantly has to remind Jack to turn in his pictures for the Monthly Newspaper
- She still does sports. One of the bigger one's is fencing. ( Y'know, since in the first three books her weapon was a spear.)
- In Middle School, she was one of the Top Students. Think of like Amity from TOH. She was taught to be the best. She's learned a lot though, and she's loosened up.
- Knows how to Rollerskate. Like way too well. To the point that's how she gets to school. Probably wouldn't even get a car if she was able too.
- Bisexual
- Had a goth phase. 100% had a goth phase. If you mention it you'll leave with a few bruises.
- She actually likes to write stories. Her writing skills are really good and the class she does best in is RLA
- Still calls Jack " Sullivan." He'll call her " Del Toro" too in response. Won't admit this, but she MIGHT like him. might. very little chance though. ( she does.)
- She likes to collect stuff. Like really random stuff.
- She's in the Spanish AP class
- Has a knack for things like Home ED. Surprisingly, he's also on the Football Team.
- Isn't a bully anymore. Nobody in the school really brings it up
- the second most sensible in the group. Quint will be telling them not to do something dumb and Dirk will say: " Yeah, what Quint says." He has to stop Jack and June from doing dumb stuff when Quint isn't around. He's kinda like an older brother to them all.
- He's a good cook. A really good cook.
- Has to wear reading glasses
- Would 100% be the one to drive them to school if they could drive
- He'll sometimes help out the Newspaper Club. Jack tries to convince him to join but Dirks like: " nah."
- Western and Horror Movie Fanatic.
- Quint has to tutor him the most, but he's trying. His grades are slowly getting better and better.
- His Daddy issues are slowly creeping up on him
- He and June have a bond over collecting stuff.
And thats it for now lol. Currently waiting on my Ao3 account thing to get approved, but once it does ya'll are done for. Ik this is like super long but who cares.
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