#idk that whole sequence was unsettling
thewindbandit · 3 months
Just had a dream where I got stabbed
Rude >:(
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the pjo show’s cinematography is so warm and homey and clever and detail-oriented so i wanna compile a few of my favourite still shots because why not??
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^this one had me smiling so hard, not because it’s a particularly beautiful shot but the framing of the three is so well done. the focus is on sally who is talking to grover (both prominently in the front of the shot) while percy – who isn’t a part of the conversation but a listener of it – is still properly visible through the glass of the door and like??? i just think it’s a super cool way of having a passive character in the shot that i haven’t ever seen before, in a way that percy is both highlighted and still so clearly in the background that it doesn’t take away from the focus characters. also percy’s sweater matching the colours on the door is the cherry on top!!
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^next is this one. it’s so perfectly angsty and though not complete, the symmetry is still eye-catching. it encapsulates the feeling percy must experience in that moment–him, amidst destruction, knowing he’s the cause but not knowing how or why. he looks all of twelve with his haphazard hoodie and almost forlorn look. he is not gloating, he is not cheerful. though he doesn’t know the gravity of his parentage, it’s almost like the show is telling us that his powers–which cause the door to break, too btw–will always be a source of isolation for percy. he is a force of nature, a destructive one most of the time, and the fact that he is just a child who is confused will never matter because this world doesn’t care for childhood but godhood alone.
idk, this shot just evokes a very unsettling kind of sadness for me. i think it’s beautifully framed.
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^i absolutely love this one simply for the fact that the sheer struggle of the fight is so prominently visible. and yes, i cheated, this isn’t exactly a still shot but like an action sequence screenshot but whatever, it’s too good to not mention it here. the way percy is, honest to gods, bracing against the spear for his dear life, the evident and overwhelming rage on clarisse’s face, the blocking of the scene – it’s perfect. clarisse is not playing and percy is genuinely in danger and i love how this shot and the whole scene really sold us on that fact.
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^ i just think it’s extremely cool that we can see the minotaur howling in pain, percy having his mouth wide open as if he’s letting out a yell as he goes to plunge the horn and that as percy does this act–killing the minotaur–which is surefire source of safeguarding himself and grover, something that will get him to camp, we can see thalia’s tree in the background. there is no reason percy had to make the kill here, with the chaos of the fight, so the fact that this is the spot and this is the shot as he kills the minotaur makes me think it’s deliberate. having thalia in the background is so impactful because again, percy could have met a similar fate in some other alternate universe but here, he wins and he survives.
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^ do i even need to explain??? the shot is pretty and beautiful and almost magical. percy, alone with a tin of fire, burning blue food and talking to his mother. maybe one thing i can point out is that the sally-percy bond has been heavily indicated through glowing lights since the start. if you recall, the “you are not broken” speech by sally was given in front of the warm, glowing headlights of the car and percy’s face was illuminated by that warmth just the same way it is illuminated by the tin-fire in the forest.
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^ first, this is too fucking gorgeous. second, percy is wearing his red jacket again and this dream happened after he reached camp so in my opinion, this dream was initially a comfortable imagining of percy’s mind and was then hijacked by kronos but i could be wrong since i don’t clearly remember how they manifested in the books originally. nevertheless, it’s a great detail to have him wear the red jacket because even if he may not have it with him anymore, it’s still clearly something he holds dear – and might associate sally’s memories with.
also, the fact that percy seems to have alot of scenes with fire might be because as someone who can control water, fire can never truly be a source of danger for him and therefore, he can find comfort in its warmth unhindered, always?
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^ how could i not love this epic moment? the trident is perfect, big and blue and grand and majestic. half the screen is water, obviously. but what makes this good shot a great one is that there is literally no one else directly near percy except annabeth. the campers are all far away and in this shot itself only annabeth remains close to percy, though she is fittingly on the land, observing the scene before her. remember how i said percy’s legacy promises isolation but this shot tells me that despite that, percy will have someone who he can count on to be by his side (also cool that even in the bathroom, annabeth was technically still near him, even if she was, well, stalking him) and maybe this is my delusional ass talking, but annabeth being here is foreshadowing for me. i just think it’s a choice to have this epic revelation where they could easily have had percy standing alone in the middle of the lake but no, annabeth is also there and not only because she’s the one who led to that revelation but because she’s someone who isn’t intimidated by percy’s parentage and still can be beside him.
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^ i adore this shot because 1) it shows us just how young and tiny percy is and 2) it tells us that maybe that door is so fucking huge because it’s being inclusive of centaurs and other giants of their world. also, symmetry strikes again!!! the colours are so well balanced, not bright and vibrant but on the pastel side that indicates an aged feel to them.
and lastly,
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^ i just find it funny that a private academy like yancy has an official vehicle that looks as beat up and terribly malfunctioning as this. 😭 like this half van was so out of place i literally goggled at the screen when it first appeared.
okay, i’m done for now. i also really liked the faceless sally scene in the start paralleling medusa’s eventual beheading but i already made a post about it. this legitmately only covers about 10% of the shots i wanted to talk about but these might be my favourites. this was long af so if you read the whole thing, mad respect to you.
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little-cereal-draws · 2 years
ok so i've seen a lot of ppl hating on the new thor movie so i'm going to make a list abt what i liked abt it. spoilers obviously
thor rode stormbreaker like a witch on a broom
the hammer/axe jealousy and thor trying to make them both happy
valkyrie covered in ichor with a sword
the goats screamed every time they arrived someplace new/landed
when they put the goats in the guardians' ship and it's just pure chaos as peter is trying to organize everyone to check for distress calls
the music choices were on point!
the ridiculous opening fight scene that seemed a little too good to be true (until the end)
gore! he was such a creepy villain, just so unsettling. it really creeped me out when he smiled. he did an amazing job
"so how are you guys doing?" "we're stuck in a cage made of spikes."
this isn't really about the movie but i liked seeing kamala in the opening sequence
the visuals! it was so pretty! especially the space dolphins and whenever the shadow creatures were being made. it was really cool to see how they went from flat, 2D shadows to 3 dimensional monsters- like how they came up out of the ground. so cool
New Asgard already being half destroyed after the attack in the beginning and thor and jane keep blasting holes in the council room/breaking stuff anyway
valkyrie teasing thor abt jane
the whole last scene where thor's trying to get Love (that's what i'm going to call the little girl, idk her name) to eat pancakes and put on her shoes. felt like a conversation straight out of my family's dialogue
and then thor just gave her stormbreaker!! like sir,,, that ax is as big as she is
the child army!!! that was so cool! i was like 'is he really going to use these kids as an army? i'm confused but i'm here for it' and then he did but in a much more effective way than i imagined!
i also liked how they showed how the different kids fought. some of them with rocks and things that could be actual weapons and some of them with wands and stuffies. it was amazing
thor saying he didn't like meditation, it just made him angrier. i know meditation is a good coping mechanism but whenever i try it i feel like i'm doing it wrong and just get more upset. idk that was just a little thing since ppl don't usually say that in media
at the beginning, peter saying to look into the eyes of the ppl you love and thor just doing that stupid face while sliding into view
Darrel!!! He got a job at new Asgard
When they were fighting in the shadow realm and the only color was from the lightning bolt, stormbreaker, and mjolnir
Jane using all of mjolnirs pieces as an extension of the hammer
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razberrypuck · 9 months
an assortment of various fionna and cake finale thoughts :)
to start off: I did enjoy it a lot! it was a little bit underwhelming I will admit (I think just because it was way overhyped as this super ultra sad thing) and it did feel a little (lot) rushed towards the end but honestly I don't really blame them for that? they only had 10 episodes to work with and plenty of things to tie up, and overall I did enjoy the ending, even if it left some things VERY open.
THE NIGHTMARE SEQUENCE IN FIONNA WORLD HELLO??? that shit was genuinely unsettling I LOVE it
I enjoyed golbetty, I loved how intimidating they made her, but I wish we got more of betty as herself.
I liked seeing shermy and beth again. I like the nod to the audience that hey, this isn't an alternate reality betty sent simon to. this is their ooo, this book was written by this simon -- perhaps so he wouldn't forget what betty taught him. perhaps to cope, to explore what their lives could've been like, if he hadn't let betty sacrifice so much. I also did thoroughly enjoy the segments of casper and nova.
fionna should've lost her arm during the fight with the scarab I think. she's GOING to lose it one way or another. I feel like it would've been a nice way to make the scarab more of a threat towards the people living in fionna world and not just. idk. buildings.
ALSO THEY SHOULD'VE ELABORATED ON THE WHOLE ANTI-MAGIC TOUCH THING. it felt like that was building to something and then it just Didn't. it was not a factor in either of these episodes and that sucks a little bit.
I've seen a few people bring up "show, don't tell" in response to some of the episodes and I absolutely get where that's coming from. from a storytelling standpoint yeah, they could've shown more than they told -- but also, from a characterization standpoint, it feels like simon isn't the type to RESPOND to indirect approaches. if he was not told, directly, that casper and nova's relationship was horribly flawed despite the love they had for each other, the message wouldn't have gotten through his head. if he didn't keep talking about it, it wouldn't have stuck. look at his behavior jumping through dimensions; nearly every world they visited, the behavior of that world's simon was the inciting incident. farmworld simon died preventing the mushroom war from ever happening. winter king regained his sanity only by inflicting the madness on another. vampire world simon was killed before he found and raised marcy. in the case of farmworld and vampire world, it's like the universe is trying to tell him look at what happens when you die early. look at how much you matter. and in the winter kingdom, that there is no secret "middle ground" with the crown. you'll be stuck between forcing another to carry the curse or being ice king until the sun blows up. but he doesn't pick up on these lessons. he wasn't forced to look at the dead bodies of farmworld or vampire world's simons. he brushed the winter king off as just being a fucked up simon, and proceeding to say he could be cursed "the right way," as if there's any winning with that crown. hell, this even applies to his and betty's relationship! he never thought much about how much betty was sacrificing because it seems like she never brought it up. that obviously isn't an excuse, but my point is: simon is a man that NEEDS to be told things, not shown. he needs to talk about things to process them (also see his video logs of his descent into madness). also pointing loudly at casper's design he has bandages covering his eyes he CAN'T see. he CAN'T see the things that might seem obvious to other people. he CAN'T see how much nova is sacrificing. this bullet point got a lot longer than I meant it to be but that's my take on a lot of the "show don't tell" stuff in the finale, outside of, again, the episode feeling a bit too rushed.
the detail of the betty statue in fionna and cake's world turning into one of golbetty is one that I really like. it feels like. idk. acceptance, on simon's end. that's still the love of his life, now as she's chosen to be, rather than how he remembered her.
I feel like the open-endedness of a lot of the stuff we've seen is because the crew has said they're interested in making more spinoffs, but holy shit I wish we actually got to see how simon going missing EFFECTED people in ooo. I wish we got to see people, even just randoms that frequented his museum-house, growing increasingly concerned for the 20th century man that never missed a day of work. I wish we got to see finn, who knew simon was in an awful place the day he disappeared, maybe stop by to visit, only to find him gone. or marceline showing up because he wasn't answering her calls (he ALWAYS answers her calls) and being worried about him. I wish we got to see people looking for him, or assuming the worst, or finding the golb shrine he'd hidden away in his closet, or finding choose goose's fried corpse on the floor of his home. I wish we got to see the confrontation that came afterwards, or him going out of his way to find and apologize to astrid. but whatever. I guess.
scrabby being reduced to prismo's assistant bc prismo STILL put in a good word for him after everything. he really is everyone's friend. scrabby is legally mandated to chill the fuck out Or Else and prismo isn't even trying to get on his nerves he's a better man than me. not only did he "put in a good word" he GAVE scrabby what he WANTED, to some extent. he is a wishmaster (or rather, could become one) like??? prismo is the guy ever you could do anything and he could still chill with you.
the bittersweet ending to petrigrof has left a hole in my heart <3 they are everything to me and everything to each other but finally learning that it's okay to let go and move on despite the pain is the best ending their story could've gotten, in canon.
there's probably more in my brain that I could write about but its 6 am and I havent gone to bed yet so end of post <3
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deltaruminations · 2 years
i didn’t want to keep reblogging that ch.1 game over post over and over so here are some more comments from other users that i thought were really cool and wanted to share/expand on
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Gaster knowing personally of Chara when they died is something i hadn't really considered in any depth and it's SO interesting and i can't stop thinking about it now
my current (admittedly convoluted) line of thinking is that G originated in the Deltarune universe, and his strong desire to un-doom its timeline is motivated in part because it's his home and he feels a sense of duty (maybe because of past actions) to the people in it -- especially the kids, maybe kris in particular (again, for any number of possible Reasons). i think Egg as a symbol of young, vulnerable life being given out to teenagers represents a gesture of nurturing (even if a very weird/unsettling one from the recipient's POV lol), and when we consider the repeated references to eggs not hatching...
so from there, if we hold that G hopped over to UT at some point (maybe with the "followers"? maybe to flee the Roaring?), and was royal scientist when chara was still alive... holy shit dude.
given just the sheer similarities between kris & chara (and especially if we believe kris & chara to be instances of the same character "model"), the idea that he was able to see kris alive "again" in some form before having to experience their terrible death and the fall of "darkness" a second time... i could see that driving him to a point where he might just feel like he has nothing left to lose, you know?
idk there’s so much i’d like to say but i feel like i’m veering a little too far into speculative fanfic territory whenever i start getting into it. but imo the G/chara parallels definitely seem to be there thematically and i think there’s potential for narrative significance to it as well (is G maybe taking extra interest in Kris in Deltarune the game in part due to what he saw happen to chara in undertale, and/or his particular sympathy for chara because of how his own well-meaning past choices led to harm like theirs did, and/or how his own inaction/indecision in the Undertale universe factored into them making their big mistakes in the first place? is anything about that ethically fraught from kris deltarune’s POV???)
@abandoned-quiche & @torchiiko
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one of the things i find so interesting is that he doesn't just say they're wonderful — those statements are among the very few times he ever breaks from his "script." they’re among the only moments of spontaneity we see from him in the whole introduction sequence.
if you pick someone else’s name, even "sans" or "papyrus" or "asgore" or "gerson," he just says HM WHAT A COWINKYDINK. and if you give one of the kids’ names to the vessel alone, he responds similarly neutrally, as if he knows that because you’re giving that name to the "character," you already have some amount of meta knowledge and therefore have already "met" them as a character. he even said on twitter that he knew we were looking for him — he knows we’ve played undertale, and that might be why he’s seeking us out in the first place.
possible masking for personal reasons aside, if we consider that we’re participants in a "survey" or test case, that kind of neutrality is both polite & professional and necessary. whatever biases he personally has, he needs to minimize his betrayal of them, because that could influence the behavior he seems to be attempting to study. and if he’s aware of our (from his POV) tremendous metaphysical power and knowledge, then i think he might be just as skeptical of us as we are of him.
and yet, if you give yourself one of the main lightner kids’ names, he seemingly assumes it really is a coincidence and he just completely breaks. he is so excited for you to meet Kris, Noelle, and Susie for what he thinks is the first time that he can’t stop himself from telling us how very, very wonderful he thinks they are. it’s like he pauses from taking a note, looks up from his clipboard, and says, "NOELLE, YOU SAY. I HAPPEN TO KNOW OF A NOELLE MYSELF." he doesn’t just like these kids, he likes them so much that despite his best efforts he just can’t hide it.
the only other seemingly spontaneous moments occur when we give ourselves his name (discussed below) or when we give the vessel and creator identical names ("OF COURSE OF COURSE. OF COURSE THEY ARE THE SAME.").
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YES the name thing is something i’ve been thinking about a lot too.
to explain that more for anyone who’s unfamiliar: in the intro/"GONERMAKER," G ends the survey session as soon as the last letter of his name ("GASTER") is typed. he doesn’t wait for you to submit it, and he doesn’t ask you to change it to something else, he fully just takes the player out of the session. as soon as he sees his full name, he removes you (and, it’s worth noting, himself) from the situation.
this could be taken many ways, but i definitely think "startled" is accurate regardless of anything else. beyond that, it could be skepticism wrt your meta knowledge of him, as discussed before, but we’ve also established that he knows we likely know who he is. he knows we were looking for him. i also don’t think such spontaneity and haste would be expected to follow from skepticism, frustration, or fatigue alone.
PERSONALLY i believe that confronting his own name brings up deep discomfort for him (for, again, whatever Reasons). just seeing it causes him to panic. it causes him to break beyond affection for certain kids and even grief/disappointment after a game over. whatever it stirs in him makes him feel so exposed that he can’t even allow us to be present for it. note that while he doesn’t return us to menu/title after dying, he does that exact thing in response to seeing his name.
maybe interesting to note, "WINGDINGS" and the like don’t cause any particular reaction. it’s just "GASTER" that sets him off.
the survey sequence in general is very very interesting. why does G even give us a character creator in the first place? i know everyone’s already talked about "choices don’t matter" with the discarding from a thematic perspective but could there be narrative/characterization potentials as well? if G’s trying to help the player, his collaborator & participant, feel comfortable, what does the offer of a customized "vessel" say about what he values, what makes him feel comfortable or uneasy?
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thefudge · 2 years
a few (okay, maybe quite a few) scattered HOTD thoughts now that i’ve finally caught up: 
yay for having a sick day in bed to catch up 
the good: 
1. definitely a better written show than GOT even in its heyday, and that’s because a lot of the character moments are about showing vulnerability and conflict, not about seeing who gets to say the cleverest line. hotd falls into that sometimes too, but it pays more attention to character
2. the battle/action sequences - i rarely ever enjoyed them on GOT but they’re sparse and well done here, at least for now. the dragon scenes have also been pretty good
3. love the fact that we have so many unsettling/creepy/indefinable dynamics and that hotd dwells on them and doesn’t let you forget lol. i also think this show is doing a better job at depicting the “shades of grey” for every character in terms of morality. 
4. the acting is pretty solid all around 
the bad (up to this point):
1. that whole wedding sequence in episode 5. started out promising. loved alicent’s bad bitch entrance. and then...??? ser criston cole just went nuts??? and it was so chaotic and confusing and unconvincing. i assume that we will return to that whole mess at some point? because it was not explained or fleshed out and it makes no sense why they just let criston get away with it. sure, we could argue that the two houses might’ve been relieved to see laenor’s paramour die....but they’d never do that to poor laenor and they wouldn’t have left the culprit go unpunished. was that whole sequence meant to be confusing and dissatisfying? maybe i’m just dumb and didn’t get it 
2. ser criston cole. is just. a cartoonish 2-dimensional villain now? i don’t get it. they’ve shown they can write characters with enough complexity and deftness that we both understand where they’re coming from and condemn some of their actions. but i guess they just gave up for ser criston? and decided to turn him into a weird incel. and how is he not dead or exiled after what he did??? what sorcery did alicent pull.
3. laena’s death. how did a pregnant woman manage to run past everyone, including daemon, and get down to the shore? why did no one stop her? what a waste of a character. i looked up her death in the book....and the changes they made are strange. i like the idea of her choosing to die like a dragon-rider, but everyone’s absolute negligence of her, and her sudden desire to die felt out of left field. laena struck me as someone who wanted to keep fighting, not give up.
ship stuff: 
- daemon/rhaenyra is solid and have plenty of chemistry, but maaaan, she should’ve been way more angry with him after episode 4. i feel like he got off far too easy (which i guess is a running theme with all his pretend exiles). he struck me as pretty callous and calculating, even if he was also conflicted and drawn to her. i’m srsly waiting for her to put him in his place when they’re married. i need that to be a “rhaenyra is boss” family. in general, daemon is fun but also...kind of obnoxious. i think we’re maybe making too much of him, but matt smith does play the asshole type well, what can i say. i guess what i am trying to say is that i see them less as romantic soulmates and more as "we love each other and use each other” kind of targaryen flavor. which frankly makes them more appealing to me
- harwin strong/rhaenyra - very sad and cute and wholesome. would definitely read smut 
- alicent/larys strong - deliciously creepy vibes, but more in the vein of cersei and qyburn. on board.
- alicent/otto - god, i love the fraught & repressed father/daughter relationship. we had too few scenes with them!! love the toxicity, love the devotion, love how otto pretends not to see alicent’s misery, love everything about them
- alicent/rhaenyra - liked them better as youngins, i feel like the tension between them as older women is somehow...less interesting? idk. i still hope they have more interactions in the future. (i loved that montage in ep 4 where rhaenyra was having a blast and alicent was staring at the ceiling in boredom and agony as viserys did his business. the queer longing alone!)
 - alicent/daemon - that one rarepair/crackship i’m probably going to obsess over. i already have an elaborate oneshot in mind. i love ppl who almost never interact but who would have such interesting one-on-one conversations. also the fraughtness of daemon/viserys, and how much daemon probably resents alicent for “taking” his brother. anyway! 
- alicent/criston - i could be down for this in the scenario where alicent just steps on him repeatedly and he thanks her for it. ugh. really bleh about ser criston. 
- alicent’s targ kids have interesting sibling dynamics.....i assume more incest is coming from that corner too lol 
(sorry yall, most of my ships are alicent ships because olivia cooke <3333)
- laena’s girls! baela and rhaena! i want them to have ridiculously complicated subplots & romances, i want them to take center-stage! least they can do after wasting laena/daemon 
i think that’s everything for now. i’m kind of wondering why we’re doing all these time jumps and why we’re not taking our time. have we not learned anything from GOT? anyway, i’ll probably share my final thoughts after all episodes air.
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shinjaeha · 4 years
itsay ep 3 (thoughts + spoilers)
itsay ep 3 fucking obliterated me so here i am with some more thoughts on this episode (drama) in general. this is just me being an incoherent mess bc my mind is basically just one long !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! after having watched this (once raw and again subbed). this isn’t an analysis, it’s literally me just gushing over the ep as i watch it bc boy oh BOY.
WHAT DID I SAY ABOUT EVERYTHING HITTING DIFFERENT AFTER THE BOAT SCENE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! if i thought the tension in the boat knocked the breath out of me, this whole ep was that x10000.
they really started us off with a bang having continued straight off from last ep with teh smelling oh-aew’s hair, huh?? teh rubbing his face with the coconut paralleled with oh-aew smelling his coconut scented shampoo?? excuse me as i cry into my hands.
teh wasn’t willing to wake up early for tarn when she wanted to draw early in the morning, but when he sees that oh-aew wants to wake up early to study, HE’S the one that makes sure that oh-aew wakes up (and he stays up to keep oh-aew company, even if it’s just over the phone). then again when they’re at the resort...love that tarn realises that too. boy ain’t subtle. also, how is it even possible that they can have that much tension just speaking over the phone?? they’re not even in the same room and the tension between the two of them is so thick i can barely breathe.
the “let me know when you’re home”!!!!!!!!!!!!! BOYFRIEND BEHAVIOUR. as soon as oh-aew asked teh why he always asked tarn that, i KNEW they were gonna put that in there for him and oh-aew and i’m glad i wasn’t disappointed :))) the look on oh-aew’s face when he saw the text!!!!!!!!!!! the way he stopped in his tracks!!!!!!!!!
i already had a feeling that oh-aew was going to be the first one to properly realise and accept his feelings for teh based on the teasers (makes sense since he already knows he likes boys...he’s more sure of his sexuality, which would of course make it easier for him to accept based on that). seeing the way he used the ‘if you get close to him and he doesn’t move away it means he likes you’ theory that teh initially told him to try on bas with teh too was really cute. and the jealousy over tarn. i LOVED that we got to see a more petty side to him when he announced he was going to room with bas partly bc of how lowkey jealous/mad he was about teh and tarn talking over the phone. it left teh so unsettled and confused (the piano music was PERFECT in that scene), and is 510% something teh would have done too (based on the previous two eps). they really are a perfect match huh. but poor bas being caught in the middle of the two of them ;;;
i liked that a lot of this ep was from oh-aew’s perspective. i feel like we got mostly teh’s pov in the first two eps, so it was really nice to see things from oh-aew’s pov too. gave us all more insight into his personality and he’s honestly SO MUCH more flirty than i thought he was going to be omg. the potato chip scene where he just crawled over to teh and ate that potato chip all the while staring straight at teh, then lying on his lap?????????? teh was (understandably) flustered after that AND SO WAS I. i was not expecting that whatsoever. i was also really impressed with how honest oh-aew was about his feelings. i love that he’s stayed true to their previous heart to heart in the boat scene last ep where he basically told teh that he wanted transparency between the two of them. he’s sticking to that, and i admire him so much for being able to be that vulnerable and true to himself. i thought there might have been more confusion with bas, but it looks like as soon as he realised his feelings might have faded/that he was feeling things for teh now, he just went with it. i know in my last text post i said that oh-aew is usually the more cautious/pragmatic of the two, but i feel like when it comes to his feelings, he seems to be really in tune with who and what he wants (more so than teh). this of course makes sense bc he’s likely had more time to come to terms with his sexuality...which is what teh’s figuring out for himself now. on top of that, oh-aew’s feelings for teh are a lot stronger than the ones he has for bas. and since he’s also more certain that teh likes him back, he’s so much bolder in how he approaches teh. and teh, to his credit, returns that honesty too when oh-aew basically pushes him into acknowledging that there’s ~something between them (hammock scene). i was kind of expecting him to push away from that/deny it, but he didn’t. he’s obviously just a lot more confused with his feelings and still needs some time to understand them and process them fully. on a related note, hammock scene was so loaded and SO well acted by the both of them. the fact that they can move from playful in one scene too achingly intense in another always throws me for a loop.
another thing i really love about the two of them is how they push one another to be better. it’s that rivalry that makes their bond even stronger, but it’s also something that worries me for future eps ngl...
but i honestly feel SO BAD for bas...clearly, he likes oh-aew, and although oh-aew was initially confused with the two of them, he’s definitely more convinced when it comes to his feelings for teh. but when bas essentially asked oh-aew out, and oh-aew said let’s invite the rest of they guys?? he looked so sad and my heart kind of broke a little. it’s like watching the poor second lead in a kdrama. and tarn too :( i really hope that when teh accepts his feelings for oh-aew, he doesn’t keep her hanging on the way that most BLs tend to do. she deserves so much better than that. my heart really hurts for the both of them, but at the same time teh and oh-aew are just magnets being pulled together at this point. they can’t stay away from each other.
the scene where teh rubs the smell of oh-aew’s coconut scented pen (from what he’s written) all over his face bc he’s at his limit and can’t stand all those pent up feelings anymore, only to race out to their special meeting place on the beach????? the moment he sees that oh-aew’s there too and he chases after him entranced (and the smile on oh-aew’s face)????? the way the instrumental ost just swells the moment they see each other????? the way they tease and dance around another yet again?????  PURE ART. A CINEMATIC MASTERPIECE. THIS IS THE MOST BEAUTIFUL DRAMA I HAVE EVER SEEN. this whole sequence has to be my fave scene in this ep. god, that part where the camera closes in on them and they’re face to face before oh-aew steps away again had my heart trying to flutter its way out of my CHEST. THEY HAVEN’T EVEN KISSED IN THE SERIES YET AND THEY CAN REDUCE ME TO THIS. honestly, their power is something else. the fact that they can stir so many emotions in all of us just by the way they glance at one another, by the way they dart around one another barely touching...there are dramas/movies with multiple kiss/love scenes that can’t even create that tension and longing. it’s the kind of chemistry that burns you inside out. it’s so palpable.
the thigh massage scene had me CAPTIVATED (like all their scenes tbh) and then teh’s mum came to wake me (and the both of them) up haha. but for real, there’s just something so tentative about what’s happening. these feelings are new to them, and they’re easing their way into it. always toeing the line, but not overstepping it yet. it’s primal. they keep letting those feelings build up more and more and more. and you can always feel the way it’s leading to something else. and of course it leads into the next scene where teh’s tutoring oh-aew again but the atmosphere is so incredibly heavy, so tight, that they can’t contain it anymore (i mean, the fact that they contained it for so long when they’re teenage boys with feelings for one another is already astounding enough to me). teh tries so hard, but then the back scratch happens and...THIS ICONIC SCENE...i thought they were going to kiss then (before oh-aew turned around), but then we got something else entirely and the intimacy of it all. just wow. literally not a single kiss and it was one of the most sensual scenes i have ever seen in a BL. it’s just the way they get so caught up in one another. THE YEARNING OF IT ALL. this whole ep was just pure anticipation, and i have never ever wanted two characters to kiss more than i do these two. it’s the build up that gets me (idk if this can be considered slow build since there’s only been like three eps but it sure as hell feels like it!!!!!!!!!). then teh pulls away and it’s like a smack in the gut...but at the same time, i get it. he’s not ready yet. there’s so much for him to take in and he’s not there yet (not the way oh-aew is), and just like oh-aew, it keeps us all hanging on, so close but not quite there yet.
so much of this felt like this cat and mouse game between the both of them where one of them would advance, then retract...it makes the tension between the two of them even MORE overwhelming bc you keep anticipating something, and you get fleeting moments of it, but then it’s over by the time you blink. they keep toying with one another, but not crossing the line YET bc they know that that’ll change everything the moment they do. it’s such a testament to the writing AND the acting bc it’s the chemistry that bkpp have with one another that creates all of that push and pull dynamic, that yearning and desire. having to wait a whole week again is just devastating...i think next ep seems like it might be the climax?? i’m pretty sure it’ll be the ep where teh accepts his feelings (or at least won’t be able to hold himself back physically anymore), where all the build up finally properly erupts, but at the same time, i just know that the angst is going to start piling up and idk how to feel other than terrified bc i’m way too invested now tbh.
anyway, this drama is absolutely magnificent, and all i want to do is rave about how damn good it is. so high quality. it feels so fresh, like they’re reinvented the tried and true coming of age tale in a way, and we’re all just along for the ride. it transcends the typical thai BL story (and i now understand why they were hesitant to label this as BL when it really feels like it encompasses so much more than the usual BL tropes and story). one of my fave dramas of the year by far (BL or otherwise). it’s just a class apart from any drama i’ve watched before and ticks every single box for me. stunning in every way. down to every detail and every feeling and emotion. it’s so raw and real and i can’t praise what nadao and the team have done with this enough (and we still have 2 more eps to go!!). there’s just so much meaning in every little thing, and in all those little things you can see the time and care it’s taken them to make this.
#wait have i talked about the ost and how they use music and silence in this bc it's brilliant!! perfection!!#i told sunset about you#itsay#bkpp#text#oh and not to mention the chinese lyrics being translated to thai STUNNING#nothing else can compare to how this series makes me feel i could write essays upon essays of my thoughts and it wouldn't be enough#it's the headiness of the two of them that has taken my apart in every way#this has felt like the longest week ever and this next week is going to feel even LONGER until the day i get a new ep once again#i think i prob have more things i want to say but i can't think of anything else off the top of my head i just needed to rant somewhere#normally i would just leave my thoughts and feelings in the tags but this is just too much the way the both of them overwhelm us all#you KNOW i'm gonna rewatch this again bc i can't help myself i really can't#i have a couple feelings on how the end could go and it absolutely worries everything inside of me bc there's A LOT of foreshadowing#going around and it's just got me feeling :///#climax next week (i'm pretty sure it'll be next week) is gonna feel like a volcanic explosion after all this waiting#i can't wait till we get the other teaser and i know what's happening in the next ep preview one too#we're getting the infamous neck kiss in ep 4 and it's gonna scrape out my insides just you fucking watch#i will sob until there is nothing left of me#didn't billkin describe the neck kiss as just the sauce???????? fuck i'm not ready I'M NOT READY#the way this is the only thing i want to talk about for days months years decades#the feel of it def reminds me of cmbyn and yeah i totally see it#it's the authenticity of it somehow
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konglindorm · 3 years
Prince Lindworm: Version Comparison
Over the years, I have managed to find three different versions of King Lindorm—the one that appears in Svend Grundtvig’s Gamle Dansk Minder i Folkemunde, the one that appears in Andrew Lang’s Pink Fairy Book, and the one that appears in the Folio Society’s East of the Sun and West of the Moon. (There is no indication of where this story came from originally or who translated it, so we’re just going to call it the Folio version here.)
I’ve talked a lot before about the origins of this story; the earliest version, Grundtvig’s, is from Denmark. The Folio Society attributes theirs to Asbjørnsen and Moe, in Norway, which we know is incorrect as it doesn’t appear in any other edition of their work. Lang attributes his version to Sweden.
So today, we’re just going to work our way through the three versions and compare/contrast.
They all start the same way. Queen wants baby, queen can’t have baby, old woman tells her how to make it happen. Lang’s version deviates most from the others in the beginning. In the other two versions, the queen encounters the old woman while out on a walk; in Lang’s, the old woman comes to the palace and seeks out the queen specifically to impart her wisdom.
In both Gruntvig’s version and the Folio version, the queen is to eat only one of two differently-colored roses that will grow up overnight under a two-handled cup left in the garden. Very specific, perfectly identical. The lindworm comes because the queen eats both roses.
In Lang’s version, the queen is to take a bath in her room. Two red onions will appear under the bathtub afterwards, and she is to peel and eat both. Her mistake is that she eats the onions without peeling them. (Note that in this version the queen is not given the option to choose the gender of her child.)
Another little deviation in Lang’s version is that the queen apparently doesn’t know she’s given birth to a lindworm? Her waiting woman tosses the lindworm out of the window as soon as it’s born, and the queen doesn’t notice it at all.
Lang and Folio both feature a normal, human prince born after the lindworm. In Gruntvig’s version the lindworm is an only child. Since Gruntvig’s version has no siblings, he approaches the king directly to ask for a bride. In the other two, he waits until the prince goes out to find a bride, and then goes up to him and says, “Hey, I’m your secret brother, and since I’m older, I get to get married first.”
Here, again, Lang’s version deviates significantly. The other lindworms both marry (and eat) two foreign princesses, then a local shepherd’s daughter selected by the king. Lang’s lindworm marries and then eats an unspecified number of slave women before a wicked stepmother offers up her stepdaughter as a bride. Specifically, she tells the king that her stepdaughter would like to marry the lindworm, and the king apparently doesn’t question this? He for some reason finds it believable that a young woman would volunteer to marry a monster who’s already eaten multiple previous wives, without asking for any kind of compensation for her family or anything?
And, okay, Lang is going full German-Cinderella here. After the stepmom screws her over, girl goes to her mom’s grave, where she’s given three nuts. This is what happens in the place of her meeting an old woman and getting instructions in the other two versions.
Lang’s main girl goes through similar basic wedding prep steps to the others, with no indication of where she got the idea from; while the other girls have a tub of lye, tub of milk, whips, and ten gowns/shifts, Lang’s girl has the tube of lye, only seven shifts, and three scrubbing brushes. After they go through the whole take-off-your-shift-take-off-your-skin situation, Lang’s girl just, like, scrubs all the lindworm-iness out of him? She just scrubs until he turns into a dude.
The other two versions, of course, have the much more complex and disgusting transformation sequence of dip whips in lye, whip lindworm, dunk lindworm in milk, take lindworm to the bed, embrace.
The Folio version ends immediately after this, with the girl and the transformed prince living happily ever after. The other two stories continue.
In the second half of Lang’s version, the old king dies, the lindworm becomes king, the lindworm goes to fight in a war, and the girl’s stepmother steals a bunch of letters and tells a bunch of lies that result in the girl and her two young sons fleeing the palace until the lindworm comes to find them. During this time, the girl uses her magic nuts to save a man named Peter.
In the second half of Gruntvig’s version, the old king and the lindworm both go off to war, it’s a character called the Red Knight who switches the letters, and while she and the babies are away, our girl somehow uses her breast milk to help two other men who’ve been transformed into animals? IDK, I don’t have a full English translation yet, but what we do have to work with is seriously weird.
Lang’s version definitely deviates significantly from the others; it has no points in common with Grundtvig’s aside from the most basic plot—barren queen, ignoring food instructions=lindworm, brides eaten, transformation involving shedding/undressing and lye, heroine flees into the woods with children due to mail-tampering, saves someone else before reunion with lindworm.
The Folio version deviates from Grundtvig’s only in that it ends halfway through and includes a second prince.
Today is the first time I’ve read through Lang’s version in several years, at least, and somehow, despite its differences from the others, it feels the least unique? I was definitely first drawn to “Prince Lindworm,” as a child, because despite falling into my much-beloved Enchanted Bridegroom category, it felt very different from any other story I’d read. The beast as a snake-like creature, the brides being eaten, the unsettling transformation sequence—it was all just great. This was the Folio version, that I was reading as a child. But when I first encountered the second half of the story in Grundtvig’s version, it was also delightfully unique and bizarre, even if I can’t fully understand it. The lindworm’s mother—the girl’s mother-in-law, often a villainous figure—is 100% on her side, and the main person to try to help her through what happens next. And the milk situation is just—well, it’s something.
Lang’s version, despite being the same basic story, just feels bland and unoriginal. There’s an evil stepmother, which is just, sort of cliché, you know? The transformation sequence has been cut down and seriously sanitized. And then the situation where he marries an unspecified number of slave women in the place of two princesses—well, I have a number of issues with that.
Firstly, the number three is so often symbolic in fairy tales, and to replace the three total marriages with an unspecified number is lame, but that’s a dumb, nitpicky issue. The marriages to slave women indicate that this is a country that holds slaves, which I don’t love. But my big issue with this is that a significant part of the charm of the other versions is just the absolute, idiotic absurdity of marrying your monster son to a second princess after he eats the first. Like, you know what’s going to happen now—the same thing that happened last time. He’s gonna eat the princess and another powerful king is going to be rightfully angry with you. Marrying him instead to someone who won’t be missed lowers the stakes and raises the rationality in a way that bores me, and also implies that some potential brides are worth less? Like, with the first couple brides as princesses, we know they matter even though we never properly meet them, because their deaths put the threat of war over our heads—which is probably why the king and the lindworm go off to war shortly after the spell is broken in Grundtvig’s version. “A whole bunch of random slave girls died with no consequences and then we met our main character” just seems sort of…cheap.
So! While I did enjoy reading Lang’s version, I don’t think I would have fallen in love with this story if it was the first I encountered. I think the other versions are both more absurd and more meaningful.
Preorder my book based on this story here!
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sense8screencaps · 4 years
If you feel like putting into words everything that went wrong/made you dislike the finale, I'd love to hear it
plotwise, it’s under the read more below! and it’s more of a rambling i had 2 years ago + what i remember 2 years later now lmao. logistically, what went wrong i think i’ve answered before. basically if netflix didn’t give the show a tight timeline for filming the finale, i think things would have turned out smoother. if it took an extra year or two to release the finale, i think it would have turned out with much higher quality and more consideration with regards to like everything really
act 1: the plan
planning and subsequent rescuing of wolfgang in the first 30-40 minutes instead of the whole thing taking an entire goddamn hour. cut out wolfgang trying to kill himself. a waste of 5 minutes that should have directly introduced the chairman.
cut out lito’s meltdown and don’t have rajan show up at all. it was a lazy plot device to help jonas escape and a waste of 7 minutes
will and riley meet up with felix and bug instead of that French lady riley like can we get some more lito and kala instead
will fighting bodhi was absolutely pointless??? An excuse to have a fight for no reason like it wouldn’t have made bodhi trying to stab whispers in the club any different (it would’ve made it better imo coming out of nowhere)
the dani and amanita scene was good but a serious continuity error since the show is supposed to be from the perspective of one of the 8
river el-sadaawi was a completely useless character to introduce like it should’ve just been hoy and yrsa talking with riley
convo between hoy, Riley and kirsty was a solid waste of 3 minutes
act 2: the exchange
rajan should not have been part of the exchange lol just swap him out for Felix and it’s all good
Considering Whispers does nothing in this finale other than being a hot potato passed around by people if he died in the club when Bodhi stabbed him it would’ve made an interesting turn of events
hot take: mun shouldn’t have shown up and a more creative resolution to sun’s story could have been written better
I feel like puck should have been part of this scene somehow
everything else pretty much okay
act 3: the lacuna
instead of staying at rajan’s random friend’s place just say it’s riley’s friend? literally makes more sense that way
no lacuna or bodhi shit. it was all deux ex machina like something could’ve been written better by strictly having old man of hoy and yrsa without needing to introduce new mythology
The lacuna concept felt cheap and removed a lot of what I thought kept the sense8 universe grounded in reality.
The mother was pointless to introduce like they could have gotten yrsa or some shit to get them the info on lila being in naples with whispers or just simply have his damn blockers wear off momentarily for will and wolfgang to figure out where he is instead of some weird old lady telling them her son’s backstory and somehow omniscient power of knowing whispers’ location
If Bodhi really didn’t want to be complacent with her stance on Milton and BPO why only NOW did she bother to take action? Why did the Mother only contact them now when God knows how long this weird zombie shit has been happening?
Also why the fuck did Bodhi not even bother to go with them to Naples to kill Milton? She didn’t want to remain complacent and yet she remained so throughout.
act 4: naples
another hot take: they all should’ve sang “rather be” by clean bandit instead on their way to naples. also diego didnt need to show up lol
capheus, felix, wolfgang, kala in the car. rest is the same
this scene should have happened halfway through at the ~90 minute mark
exposition of talking with lila could have been more elaborate. i don’t like that they cut out lila interrupting their pizza party
The transition to Sun and Riley meeting Alphonse and Sutra was messy and badly edited. Everyone in the cluster suddenly is there too? Like at least give some sort of indication they all went to meet Puck
trojan horse/forcella was good but not written or executed well
Kala should have been with Felix and Wolfgang while infiltrating the Forcella. Capheus should have been driving Nomi, Bug, and Amanita and picking up the rest of the cluster along the way/during infiltration of the Forcella.
“My wife... you’re a killer! Teach me!” seriously uncomfortable with Rajan saying that as if he didn’t sound like some kind of sociopath
Kala shouldn’t have gotten shot anyways it was literally 5 minutes of screen time that could have been allotted to a more satisfying confrontation between Lila, Milton, The Chairman, and our Cluster rather than an attempt to get an emotional response from a shock moment.
Jonas’ last monologue went on for too long; for some reason he really had to explain things instead of just “showing” and letting the audience infer to figure it out (particularly the psychic ligature/psycranium stuff)
the bad guys died in literally the most emotionally unsatisfying way. i didn’t need the chairman in this. say shit about whispers manipulating everyone from the top. the chairman being the zombie of like whispers or lila would’ve been way more elaborate. seemed like the writers somehow wrote themselves into a pit where they couldn’t think of anything better. Will and Wolfgang not confronting Whispers for a final time detracted from the emotional and psychological impact Whispers had on their well-beings.
Also like the bloodbath overall was a bit unsettling considering we saw pretty much everyone we know from the show kill bad guys which wasn’t really justified? Like Sun and Mun just knocked people out and killed maybe 4 or 5 people but damn the rest of them not even the slightest hint of trauma? Idk it was weird and I didn’t like it
my queen lila shouldn’t have died
there was so much bad editing here especially with trying to make it look like miguel/lito wasn’t absent
act 5: wedding
if they just cut out a bunch of the bullshit i mentioned earlier we could have gotten a montage or at least some sequence of the sun, lito, kala, and capheus’ stories getting resolved. maybe even some shit with nomi and the guy.
Cutscene to talking about a penis joke with rajan and kala instead of updating us on Cepheus or lito’s lives? Yeah totally makes sense
Hernando should’ve officiated the wedding
Transphobia curing weed brownie? No thanks
rajalagang... cool motive but terrible execution for the most part? idk i needed more rajan and wolfgang being gayer with each other. but then again if rajan wasnt in all of this it wouldve not really made any difference other than probably having just kala and wolfgang kiss 
the orgy should have strictly been the 8 + hernando + amanita + mun + zakia. no one else.
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vecna · 4 years
So, yesterday I finally got around to watching the Witcher show!
I have a lot of complicated thoughts about it, but I’ll try to summarize them briefly:
On the positive end of things, I genuinely loved it. I had some serious issues with certain elements of it, but overall enjoyed it a lot, and will probably rewatch it soon.
On a shallow note, I loved a lot of the visuals -- the sets, the practical and special effects, etc. I very often expect “cheap” looking effects in fantasy TV series, but this one did amazingly IMO.
Also enjoyed seeing POC just casually out there, as everyone from important figures to fantasy races to just farmers and randos. I hope it inspires other fantasy series to follow suit.
Choreography was some of the best I’ve ever seen, sorry GoT and like every other fantasy series except for maybe LotR.
The acting was phenomenal. I still have some issues with some casting decisions (more on that later), but I don’t think there was a single person who didn’t bring their A-game performance-wise. Anya Chalotra, Freya Allan and Jodhi May kinda stole the show for me.
I haven’t read the books, but having spent a ton of hours on the wiki, I was impressed with how they adapted a lot of the stories. And while I wasn’t expecting a non-linear plot, I didn’t feel like I had a hard time following it. Some of the changes or expansions to character backstories I actually really liked, too. (Yen’s in particular.)
Favorite episode was definitely the whole Pavetta wedding sequence, oh my lord. It was so well done, I ended up watching it again after I finished the season lol.
However, I did have a number of major problems with it. I’ll put those under the cut.
I wholesale hated everything they did with Nilfgaard. I hate what they did with Cahir. I hate that they made them weird almost religious fanatics. I hate that they got reduced to near feral bloodthirsty conquerors, instead of the nuanced faction they are in the books and games. Just all of it. Hated it.
I also fucking hated 90% of the costumes? I felt like I was watching Reign at a lot of points? I don’t expect period accuracy, but many of the dressed looked like they came from a mall, and even the decent costumes had just bizarre fabric choices lol. And I talked about this a lot with @rosewaterhag but -- in the games, every nation and faction had a unique fashion and “look”, so you could tell where someone was from at a glance, and it was symbolic of how varied all the different cultures are in the series. The show had none of that.
Also, while I LOVED many of the cast members’ performances, I still had a lot of misgivings about the casting choices. I was never able to see Henry Cavill as Geralt, he was just Henry Cavill to me the whole time -- wish they’d gone with someone less known. Anya Chalotra delivered an absolutely stellar performance, but I never stopped being unsettled at the fact that she looks far too young, and it outright skeeved me out every time there was a romance scene with Yen and Geralt. And while I ADORE the diverse casting, it bothered me that nearly all of the POC sorcerers and sorceresses were antagonist characters. Fringilla, Vilgefortz, Artorius to a lesser extent, etc. It felt like they took two steps forward, and one step back.
Also why was Yen topless or naked more often than she was clothed?? Y’all.
Finally, there were many parts of the show that... didn’t make sense. And a lot of cool plot threads that seemed to go nowhere. One episode ended with Ciri having a vision of that otherworldly tree that spoke to her, then the next episode started with “Anyway...” and it was never mentioned or addressed. What the fuck happened to the doppleganger. Why was the last scene with Jaskier one where he got run off like a kicked puppy, and he was never seen again?? How does Jaskier not age??? He met Geralt shortly after Calanthe’s first battle, and then several decades pass and he’s still a 20 year old twink???? WHAT. And tbh I spent the last two episodes in a stupor because I was just like, “Well, idk what’s happening now, but it looks great.”
And I had to spend half the show with the wiki open, so I’m genuinely unsure how people who are new to the series even know wtf is going on lol.
Anyway, don’t let my complaints put anyone off. I really expected to hate this show, based on early promo stuff + my friends’ reviews, but ended up actually loving it.
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retrauxpunk · 5 years
sv 6.05
spoiler-filled recap post below the cut as per usual ~~~
i think i’m gonna maybe be starting every single recap post with
there’s only two episodes LEFT? OF THE SHOW?
part way through this i was like ‘oh this feels like a happy good/nice episode!!’ the way 6.03 (hooli smokes) was!! where there was conflict but it wouldn’t fucking kick you in the teeth (like 6.04 with ethan and jared’s problems etc)
but then I started thinking, oh they’re gonna maybe do the classic sv thing of everything being fine and then in the last 5 minutes or some shit it goes horrifically wrong?
yeah FUCK
my thoughts are all over the place so this recap won’t be like super chronological necessarily mmm........
how did the episode even start? oh yeah, russfest. god i was laughing out loud to myself during russ’s mad max sequence because it was SO over the top i was just like what is happening
how much of the budget went into russ’s ad!!! jesus
i enjoyed gilfoyle and monica’s camaraderie in the episode.
also during the meeting with those two and tracy, half of all i could think about was just how hot gilfoyle is. that voice. the hair/beard. the unsettling stare. uuuuuuuuuuuuuuugh
(i listened to Martin Starr’s interview on the Talk Easy podcast and it’s very unsettling at first because his gilfoyle voice is just .........his voice. the same.)
anyway yes gilfoyle is Fine
social engineering!! at first i thought he was just just being some kind of poser but it WAS social engineering! fuck!! nicely done gilf
poor tracy, trying to do her job........ gilfoyle’s such a fucking chaos unit omg
DINESH! poor dinesh. i feel sorry for him because he suffered magnificently bad luck but also............. he was being a dick with the lei hahahha so like. big karmic retribution.
i notice that for so much of this episode, he’s not with the rest of them ... i wonder if that has anything to do with kumail nanjiani’s schedule
WHY IS JARED BEING SUCH A CREEPTASTIC MOTHERFUCKER WHAT THE FUCK i ................................don’t........i don’t think i .....like this........ but it is interesting. i hope it goes somewhere. but where exactly it could go, in a satisfying manner, with two episodes left is ...... ehh.
oh well even if this ends up just being an unresolved garbage pile, the show was overall still very good if a bit patchy at times, i mean, i guess i shouldn’t expect it to be perfect (we can’t all be ... breaking bad or bojack horseman ...)
no time spent on those two’s relationship? (except in the form of jared being a posessive creepy asshole @ holden) ............. no scene in which they address his quitting, his coming back -- what is his role exactly?
i guess they had other stuff to fit into the episode
..........................................i swear to god if they completely drop the richard/jared plot and never do anything with their relationship beyond what we’ve seen so far as of 6.05 i’m gonna fucking implode
into a neutron star of impotent rage
holy shit
ok i’m gonna save the preemptive rage ............ and hope i never have cause to release it again.
two more episoded two more episodes!!
i swear to god when richard said to jared ‘thumbass’ and jared paused for a bit before laughing obligatorily ...... that pause was the First Moment when he Truly Doubted his devotion/admiration/love for richard
just for a fraction of a second a few neurons in his brain were like ‘this is the guy you think is a genius? ...................ok dude’
anyway back to gavin belson
this is hilarious for many reasons but also because at one point me and some friends made a joke about jeff bezos doing meth and someone called it ‘jeff meth’ and i then of course called it ‘jeth’
so to me tethics is like a weird surprise cousin of my own joke (sharing with it the traits of: unpleasant silicon valley tech billionaire, horrible awkward portmanteau, the ‘eth’ syllable...)
FUCK gavin belson!!!!!!
sure maybe he’d then do his disingenuous confession / call an attorney general investigation thing anyway but ... god idk i guess i imagine that if richard had exposed gavin’s plagiarism publically before telling gavin he was onto him, he might be too thrown to do anything ............... but i suppose maybe the investigation would’ve happened anway ....... okay this makes me feel slightly better
*batman voice* i’m richard hendricks
when richard was talking to ron in his office and slumped down in his desk (right before he says that pied piper’s dead), i feel like in that moment richard could plausibly just for a second have been considering having gavin belson just fucking assassinated
of course he’d come back, they wouldn’t have him in the opening scene just to be irrelevant to the rest of the show/episode
okay i really liked that russ gave richard an out? 
and the scene was comedically good
but part of me just couldn’t stop wondering what on earth those ‘horrible crimes’ were ... that you can have photo evidence of ..... like i’m guessing it’s not going to be something like child sex trafficking or something because i suspect richard would’ve been a lot more ruffled if it were something to that level
and then i’m like, well, what was it then? i guess they’re hinting at a debauched sex thing because, y’know, it’s russ. but now i’m like, what kind of sex thing could it be that it’s 1) illegal, 2) viscerally gross, 3) but not so morally reprehensible that richard is any more disturbed than he was in that scene which was .. not that disturbed
maybe it was some kind of arson or illegal poaching thing
anyway i recognise the point of this device is to never reveal what it is and have our minds go crazy, and it’s succeeded because i’m an obsessive neurotic
yeah i’m gonna headcanon gross poaching or something
the scene in the end of them in the desert .......... makes me think of breaking bad
that’s the second ending scene that was reminiscent of breaking bad (the first being the birds dying at maximo’s window. that was reminiscent in the whole thing, whereas this was only reminiscent aesthetically)
i think 6.02 made me feel actually insanely bugged out what with maximo... and 6.04 made me feel bad because of all the unfortunate shit that was happening for everyone ...
6.01 shocked me with how FUCKING jarrich it was, and 6.03 had me euphoric because it was so fucking thrilling and victorious
and what of this episode, 6.05? how does it make me feel?
it makes me want to watch the next two episodes!!!
i am a bit miffed about the complete lack of any kind of jarrich content given how MUCH of it there was in the first four eps, i am not really liking what they’re doing with jared and holden (though i don’t hate it enough to keep talking about it beyond this sentence), and i ..................... wonder what’s gonna happen next with russfest and pied piper o__o
my hope that jarrich may become canon has just, like, gone down by three quarters lol
it feels very much like the first five seasons now, i.e. it ain’t gonna happen
and that’s OKAY so long as they do SOMETHING GOOD with their relationship!! DON’T JUST NEVER TALK ABOUT IT AGAIN PLEASE
really kinda o_____o about how the series is gonna end.
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Hello! I've asked for a Kindle for my birthday which is in May, do you have any book recommendations? I don't know what I'll read first! My plan over the long months of summer is to take my Kindle out to the forests by my house and read for hours sat amongst the bluebells like a little Ravenclaw. :)
I mean I always find it kind of hard to just give ~generic book recommendations~ without knowing anything about what you’re looking for in a book or the type of books you like to read?
Idk I’ve made a list of just Good Books but let me know if you’re looking for something more specific and I can try to tailor it to you a bit more haha
The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid
This! Was! So! Good! It’s a story of essentially a fictionalised Liz Taylor (i.e. 50s movie star with a whole load of ex-husbands) who’s finally decided to write her ‘tell all’ book. It’s full of all the glitz and glamour of mid-century hollywood along with important discussions of LGBT+ and POC representation. This book was very different to what I was expecting but I absolutely loved it (also can’t wait to get my hands on Daisy Jones and the Six which is by the same author and is apparently about a band in the 70s)
The Power by Naomi Alderman
Here’s the pitch: one day girls all over the world discover that womankind holds the ability to manifest electricity and the world is never the same again. I’ll admit I was a little worried that the gender dynamics in this book might be oversimplified to ‘all of humanity’s problems could be solved if we had women in charge’ but this was actually such a well thought out (albeit unsettling) book. Yes obviously there’s a lot of examination gender dynamics but it also looks at the power of information, politicians, religious figureheads, and parents. It’s not as simple as men vs women, it’s a discussion on power imbalances and the effect they have on the world. Not necessarily a fun read but it’s a compelling and important discussion. TW for sexual abuse, child abuse, and fairly violent deaths
Three Dark Crowns by Kendare Blake
I’ve talked about this one before but hey I love this series. YA dark fantasy series, every generation on the island of Fennbirn the queen gives birth to triplets. Each has a different set of powers: a poisoner, a naturalist, and an elemental. The girls are separated in childhood to be raised by noble families and don’t meet again until their 16th birthday when the are given a year to kill each other off. The last girl standing becomes queen. I love this series so much. The first book is a little clunky so you do have to push through, but it’s a series chock full of great characters and unexpected twists and I can’t wait for the last book to come out in September!
Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe by Benjamin Alire Saenz
Just some great mlm teen fluff. A nice easy read that’s super cute and great for summer. A tale of Ari and Dante’s relationship with their families, their personal identities, and the long summers they spend together in Texas. A fun teenage contemporary that’s honestly really well written but also offers important LGBT+ and POC representation and just a lot of general cuteness
Dracula by Bram Stoker
It’s definitely worth getting into more classics if you’re getting a kindle since you can download them for free! I’ll be honest, I’ve had a pretty hit and miss relationship with classics and there’s been a fair few I’ve hated, but I actually really loved Dracula. Obviously the passage of time has changed the reading experience a bit (plot twist: Dracula is a vampire?! who would have guessed?!) but it’s still a lot of fun. It’s pretty readable for a classic (it’s all letters and diary entries which is fun), it’s got great imagery, exciting action sequences, and I was pleasantly surprised to get some badass female characters as well. Also I would die for Mina and Jonathon and their shared love of trains. So pure. Loved it. 
I also did recommendations based on your hogwarts house a while ago so you might be interested in some of those!
Or if anyone wants more tailored recommendations or my goodreads or something then just feel free to ask :)
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Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark
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So I may or may not be a little behind on reviews right now. But joke’s on you, there are a bunch of scary movies that have been released in 2019 (and very few being released in theaters this October) so you can enjoy some seasonally-appropriate spookiness right on schedule like I planned it that way and not at all because writing reviews for 119 movies is really hard and time-consuming. Everything’s going according to my master plan.
Hey, so do you remember the 90s? Between Goosebumps and Are You Afraid of the Dark?, kids in the 90s basically just wanted to have the bejeesus scared out of them. Enter Alvin Schwartz, who produced a couple of collections of folk tales and urban legends that were unsettling but fairly bloodless and combined them with the nightmare-inducing artwork of Stephen Gammell. BOOM - generation of kids traumatized. I know all my fellow #90skidsremember and probably have very high hopes for the spookiness of this movie. Does it deliver? Well...
Mostly, but it misses the mark somewhat. What’s worse, I think some different choices could have really propelled this into blood-curdling classic status. As it stands, those stories we knew and loved as kids have been roughly strung together into a PG-13 horror flick held together by a somewhat clumsy connective narrative about a young girl named Sarah Bellows (Kathleen Pollard), who was tortured and abused at the hands of her family, locked in a basement, and took her revenge by writing scary stories that came to life and killed all those who tormented her. Now it’s Halloween in 1968 and a group of teens (Zoe Margaret Colletti, Michael Garza, Gabriel Rush, and Austin Zajur) investigate the derelict Bellows house and find Sarah’s murderous book - and then start dropping like flies as Sarah’s stories start to come to life once more.
Some thoughts:
The movie theater we saw this in was an independent theater recently acquired by a big corporate chain, and as such, the employees could not figure out how to turn the lights all the way down. And we were in the biggest auditorium they have - think almost IMAX size - so the lights were those really strong spotlight kind recessed into the super high ceiling, but dimmed to about half strength. This is all to say that my experience was less Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark and more Scary Stories to Tell in an Office Building Past Nine.
The soundtrack is absolutely banging. I really, really enjoyed the extended intro sequence to ��Season of the Witch” particularly.
Ok, hard and fast rule - don’t throw things that are on fire into ANYONE’s car, even if they’re a bully.
How are all these walls of cobwebs not a deterrent even if a scary murder basement isn’t?
You know, I don’t think I had overbearing parents in high school by any means, but even my friends with hippie parents could never have come home absolutely fucking WASTED and just be told, “go deliver eggs.” In the middle of the night. On Halloween. Like people do.
Harold was always the scariest story in the collection to me, and Harold himself is not fucking around here. His character design is deliciously creepy, plus the fact that he’s isolated in a huge cornfield at night. Anyone who grew up in the middle of the country will tell you - one of the scariest things on God’s green earth is a field of corn. Listen to this and listen well - cornfields are full of blood and old magic. Don’t. Fuck. With corn.
Glad to see they’re not underplaying the racism that someone with the name Ramon Rodriguez would be experiencing in a small town like this in 1968. Or now.
I can’t help but feel this would have been a far better movie if it was A) rated R and B) about a half hour longer. I’m all for short and snappy when the movie calls for it! But things moved SO quickly that nothing had much room to breathe. There were entire plot lines that felt dropped, or completely breezed past. Example - there’s a whole subplot about our Final GIrl Stella’s strained relationship with her dad (Dean Norris) that could have carried a lot of the emotional weight and really underscored some themes of the movie about generational trauma...but Stella and her dad have I think 2 very brief scenes together? Maybe 3? It feels like a LOT was cut from their arc. Even small details that could have been fleshed out into something really creepy feel dropped or missing - like, the corn in Harold’s field? Completely green and thriving on Halloween night, dead and yellow the next day. It feels like a scene is missing or that lines illuminating this choice were cut - even something as simple as “What could do something like this to an entire field of corn?” and the answer is E V I L.
I’ve been around lots of teenage boys before, I’m not a nun, but seriously who eats stew of all things that 1) people told you they didn’t make (and that you know YOU didn’t make) 2) that is COLD and 3) when people you love are saying DO NOT EAT ANYTHING OR YOU WILL DIE. I’m willing to concede 1 and 3 through sheer stubbornness and stupidity but COLD? COLD STEW? Cold, chunky, brownish stew??? Disbelief unsuspended.
There are a number of Very Good Dogs in this movie, including a beautiful Doberman, some excellent police K-9 units, and a Very Good black dog named Trigger! And I’m happy to report all of the dogs make it out ok!
“You don’t read the book - the book reads you” might be the worst line I’ve seen in a film this year. What does that even mean?
Why did Chuck say “My sister’s gone” - based on what we see in the film, the implication is that she actually survived? Unless there was a scene establishing her death definitively that was cut. This is what I mean when I say that the brutal to-the-bone editing to keep it PG-13 really makes the plot and continuity suffer.
Why would you throw away that perfectly good clipboard? Hospitals aren’t made of money, young man!
But maybe this hospital is, because they own a fucking gramophone?? And for the record, it has never been that easy to find any hospital records in the history of ever, so maybe this is a magic hospital, idk.
In terms of the actual scary stories come to life, the red room lady (see gif above) is really the only one that feels the same way the Stephen Gammell’s original artwork feels. All the other scary stories embodied in the film either rely too heavily on CGI to look convincingly real (Me Tie Dough-ty Walker) and therefore lose their dreadful creepiness or the character design, while scary, doesn’t really resemble the look or feel of the original illustration (Harold).
Speaking of Me Tie Dough-ty Walker, that part really rubbed me the wrong way. He moves super fast, and is so violently in your face - it doesn’t at all fit the tone of the books or the creeping dread of Gamell’s art. I understand you need to escalate the action as you’re heading into the climax of the film, but this move felt completely wrong to me, like it came from a totally different (and lesser) B-horror movie. He’s loud and gross and terrifying looking, like The Toxic Avenger doing parkour and shit, and that is not at all the vibe that any of these urban legends have.
Did I Cry? I teared up a teeny bit during Stella’s phone call with her dad. Dad-daughter stuff just gets me, ok?
It feels weird that they’re so clearly trying to set up a sequel, especially when the scariest story the movie tells is that Nixon wins the election and Ramon is drafted to go to Vietnam.
Overall, this could have been something pretty great. The acting and characterizations are solid, and there’s some rich thematic material to make this feel less like an anthology collection cash-grab. There’s even some pretty profound messages about trauma at the heart of Stella’s confrontation with Sarah Bellows - Stella understands that Sarah is only a monster because she is lashing out in pain, but she’s hurting innocent people. All Sarah wants is for her trauma to be heard, acknowledged, and remembered - all she wants is her story to be told. And while it doesn’t always reach its highest potential, Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark is still certainly a story worth listening to.
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rationalisms · 5 years
have you seen it chapter two yet? thoughts?
it ch. 2 spoilers
yeah i saw it last weekend. i was... not impressed to say the least
even on a like... purely objective quality level it was a complete disappointment. the fact that they switched screenwriters between chapters was rly painfully evident. (so was the copious use of bad CGI.)
half the scenes in the film could have been cut with little to no impact on the story which makes you wonder why they felt it had to be three fucking hours long. and the supposed "scary" bits.... idk man.
i'm not generally someone who gets spooked by horror films; i can count the number of films that scared me on one hand. but it (2017) is among those. maybe it was a mistake to have similarly high hopes for the sequel, idk.
by the time the third CGI creature runs at the screen while yelling i was bored out of my mind. the scenes i did truly find unsettling all had one thing in common: they used the physicality of real performers. case in point: the old lady was way scarier before she hulked out. also, skarsgard is great as pennywise and it was disappointing to see how little they actually made use of him.
don't get me wrong, i'm not against CGI as a rule. i think it has its place and its uses, but this film vastly overestimated both.
also rly starting to think that this would have done way better as one film with time skips like the book but that never would have happened under the hollywood franchise money machine so lol.
as for the actual reason why you probably asked me in the first place: lmao.
having read the book i thought i was prepared for all kinds of nonsense but man i rly wasn't.
how graphically and voyeuristically the hate crime scene was framed alone raised my eyebrows but i was willing to write that off as part and parcel of the film genre. but by the time the credits started rolling all i could do was sit there and fume.
it's not even that eddie, as the obviouly gay coded first love of the canon gay character, dies at the end. i would have been willing to put up with that.
it's the fact that we have richie recarving the R + E while stanley tells him to "live proudly" over narration that was so bile inducing. like, he was miserable all his life because he was in the closet, the first real love he ever felt just died in front of him, he didn't even get to come out to his friends at any point, but sure. live proudly. cut to beverly and ben literally riding into the sunset on a boat.
fuck off.
the original was written in a very specific context during a very specific time. that's not to say it was ideologically flawless lol but it does mean that if you're gonna transpose it to a modern context you're gonna be faced with certain choices and this film bulldozed right past all of them and did so with a smugness that was deeply infuriating.
that's not even getting into stanley arguably also being queercoded (what WAS up with that whole sequence), mike being a complete non-entity and them never at any point considering that they shouldn't go with the Magical Black Man and Native Legend nonsense, or like. everything about beverly.
it's just. it's a bad film. for so many reasons. also literally everyone but hader was absolutely phoning it in. chastain and mcavoy especially were so bad it was hard to watch.
rly disappointing because i hold a lot of affection for the first film and book, but o well. i should rewatch the mini series.
(also can we talked about eddie and richie opening a door marked "extremely scary" and it literally leads into a /closet/ and how fucked it is that this very likely wasn't even intentional i swear to g-d i hate straight film makers)
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itspileofgoodthings · 6 years
Infinity War reactions/thoughts
I freaking lOVED IT honestly.
It had so much weight to it and the storytelling and the way they handled juggling that many characters was beautifully done.
I loved that they failed and that Thanos won. I LOVE IT YESSS. YES. YES.
I’m so glad they killed off Loki and I’m glad that he died doing a GOOD thing and didn’t go back to his old tricks and I’m glad that Thor was there. YES.
(I’m realizing now that all of my glee will sound harsh to true marvel stans but I don’t mean “YES” in that I hated the characters or wanted any of them to die. It’s just- the choices in this movie made sense to me and added real weight. I was invested. I cried. That means something to me.)
Thanos is a WEIRDLY COMPELLING VILLAIN WHAT THE HECK I WAS NOT EXPECTING THAT. I was fully expecting a one-note, flat villain to match his looks but he was so compelling ??? And his ultimate goal made sense and is the perfectly logical and natural end to the kind of thinking that sees survival and the elimination of pain as the highest goods and will have them at. any. cost. Thanos believes he is completely justified in stepping over every moral line (he commits massacre after massacre after massacre) in reaching this goal. And like just wow. That is terrifying.
The fact that he actually WON, that he did the thing he set out to do and that we had to SIT THERE in the theater and WATCH THE RESULTS was so strangely, grippingly satisfying because it shows you- literally shows you- the utter moral desolation of his choice and how wicked and evil it is to wipe someone out of existence in that way. Peter, Strange, Wanda, T’challa (sobs- a long list!!) everyone who died didn’t die the way they would have wanted to, going out in a fair fight, defending someone they loved, even just dying at the hands of a villain who beat them fair and square. What Thanos did is incomprehensibly awful on a literal cosmic scale, obviously, but it’s also just so deeply unfair too. They didn’t stand a chance- no one did. Because they were given no choice. They were just wiped away. I- wow. I’M STILL SHOOK. 
I loved Gamora so much in here- my whole heart broke for her and I LOVE HER SO MUCH. It’s so unsettling and truthful and cruel that Thanos loved her and that in her own way she loved him?? Yes, she hated him but also she loved him. And that’s the heartbreak, that’s the tragedy. I loved seeing that in a marvel movie. It felt so Human.
Peter hugging Tony and saying “I don’t want to go” made me bawl like a baby.
Plus the callbacks to the beginning of the movie, to Tony wanting kids and a family with Pepper and I *clutches chest*
I love Tony and Pepper btw. They are the most married out of any of the marvel love stories. (The MOST MARRIED.) And they are perfect and I love them.
Thor is deeply beautiful in here, in all ways. He has endured so much and he is so endlessly kind and good- not without struggle or pain, but because he chooses every time to keep loving and keep fighting. I LOVE HIM I LOVE HIM SO MUCH HE IS SO GOOD. 
I enjoyed a lot of people I’ve been meh about. I really liked Dr. Strange, I thought Vision and Wanda’s romance was beautiful and convincing. 
WAKANDA FOREVER and also the battle sequence there reminded me of lord of the rings/narnia battles and I WAS HERE FOR IT. 
The whole theme of people killing someone they love in order to save a greater number of people echoes all over this movie- in its twisted form in thanos, and, to varying degrees, in the purer forms exemplified by everyone else. I just?? Love and death. Idk even what to say at this point but Love. And. Death. There isn’t really anything else that superhero movies are really about, but this one felt hauntingly so. 
Cap was strangely silent in here but as my friend pointed out today he’ll probably have more to say in the next one....
Yeah, I just. I loved it. I loved seeing all of them fall on their faces. I loved that their plucky attitude didn’t save the day. I love watching them fail and fail and fail and fail and then ultimately fail. that’s really important to me and it doesn’t change the fact that they were still right to fight. 
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most memorable fanfic scene: honestly the first one i thought of was the one where mike goes to get jaylen back and there’s the sequence of him standing off to the side watching the endless blur of the games, and how that’s both familiar and distinctly eerie and scary, and the deterioration of the hall as seen through derrick’s loss of voice and jaylen being just a blip. like that whole thing is perfectly dreamy and unsettling and i love how it culminates with mike hitting jaylen with a pitch i think that’s just like. sharp. idk what i’m saying anymore hopefully this makes sense
also, most memorable writing scene period: this isn’t a scene but i enjoyed lacrimosa so much i made several of my friends read it. there is such a specific tone between the tension and the resignation and the guilt and i still think about it a lot
AH there's a lot in that og mike fic that i would do differently but i am still really pleased with that bit yeah...when the group of people behind the null twitter originally started posting we tossed around the idea that the null team was still playing the game just in an especially broken and time-dilated way and that sort of became the seed of how it ended up looking in the fic!!
also lacrimosa is still one of my fav things i've written maybe ever and i'm so glad other people like it as much as i do :3c i originally wrote it as a short story for a writing workshop class but i think the pacing actually works better in twine format
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