#idk sont look into it all that much
pristine-rose · 1 year
im gonna send alice a thirst bc why not‼️‼️
ok so candance am i right?
candance is hot as shit imo i would be ridding her abs anyday i swear or her thighs
small hc i think her thighs and abs r so toned from fightingin the dessert and just watching you get off and moaning into her ear or sobbing while trying to look all pretty for her whiping your tears away is her favourite
candance also defo drfo DEFO hates seeing her baby cry shes not mean even if your a bit bratty she will punish you just for a but tho i mean how can she treat her darling like that unless shes cryingfrom all the pleasure your getting from her
and then theres dehya heheehehhe
dehya 🫶
dehya loves watching you trying to shut your mouth in a campsite as she fucks you inside the tent with her trusty strap she brought along.
now now dont be loud!! theres people around you and this is a tent if you moan loud enough their gonna hear you and maybe dehya will fuck you on display for all of them to see or maybe she’ll share you the possibilties make your stomach churn and fill with butterflies
another hc for dehya‼️‼️
dehya loves being gentle with you at the start but she cant help herself when shes so desperate sometimes she’ll just scissor you for hours just to fele you against her she’s fast n rough she doesnt care how many times you cum she just needs you :(
“shh i know my lady just enjoy the feeling of being bittled by a dessert dewewller..heh? your into that idea sweet guess i dont have to hold back my lady”
god when she sakd that to dunhyzard my stomach was just AAAA TAKE ME
for my last brainrot of the day to you alice is my favourite purple and pink haired duo (ik this is long but ive been bored all day and ive nearly finished writting a fic that too forever)
miko just loves pranks especcially if shes executing it ei however is 50/50 if she finds it cute shes giving you small neck kisses with a smile if she doesnt your getting fingered for hours under a table untill you can cum
this gave you the perfect idea
as the two hot and influencial woman of inazuma spoke to eachother of the future of inazuma and protection you just get the perfect idea to get close to their left and right ear and moan as erotically as you could just begging their names out
miko was very turned on afterall her fox ears are sensitive and it felt as loud as you both actually having sex while ei is there blushing like crazy too your smirk and try to leave but “uh oh little one! seems my prey has been caught” you could feel the chills and sharpness of her nails against your wrist
As ei starts to manhandle and fondle your chest while miko bites your neck her fangs leaving small blood spilling marks to lick off
you can take both of their hands
“cant you pretty girl?” miko chuckles from the side. Shes very experimental she enjoys the pleasure of it and then feeling it from her two lovers afterall your not the only ones who love being fucked like crazy
ei smirks as she drawns into your neck as miko leaves her lipstick stains on your cunt thighs and face as a symbol of whats hers
they arent gonna punish you afterall!! they loved the prank infact they loved it so much you can cum how many times you want and control whatever just dont moan too loudly wont you dear?
-🤲 alice if u sont get this jst know my life was poured into this fr
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spottys-rathole · 6 months
HI HELLO les asks sont fermés sur ton art blog donc je me pose dans le coin :3c
Love love love your Team du Lundi designs, and I’d love to hear more about Zera’s specifically!! Why the non-human look, why’d you make him a hologram? 👀
Also this is a free space to talk about any of the other designs I want to know everything please and thank you
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J'ai 84 ans pardon normalement c'est réglé hiiiiiiiiiiiii ty so so much raaaah
So why not draw him as human ? :
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Back from when I used to play on online multiplayer Minecraft servers when I was like 14, there was only two genders : catgirl with the exact same bang of hair that hid one eye and the most mathematically accurate gradient hair & gamer boy with headphones and who's colour palette was strictly black combined with one single very primary colour (/lh my brother and I ironically fell exactly in that very binary scale)
And Zerator's skin. Is exactly that Which makes sense, he claims to have started playing minecraft in 2012, and according to Name.mc he's never changed his skin since (he updated it once but the design stays the same)
My headcanon is that he is some self aware autonomous AI bound to a drone which projects a hologram to communicate with people for a better body language understanding
The idea is that he was programmed a decade ago and hasn't gotten an update since. So the design of his hologram's never changed and has thus remained that typical nostalgic look
Since he does not have a biological body = he does not have any needs apart from charging up his batteries every now and then which is my justification as to why he was not as present as everyone else on the server
I like to think that he used to be some sort of robot assistant and that old habits die hard Canonically people call him "the public services" a lot because he would spend most of his time on the server lending a hand to people either with their own building projects or while they were out adventuring. I just like the picture of him dropping whatever he was doing upon being called for an emergency and rushing in sirens all out just to find Baghera stuck in a pit with a horse (fOr ExAMpLE)
Also I'm sure there's something to dig with him being a black and green hovering computer, you know just something something his friendship with Etoiles and Etoiles' blind trust towards something else specifically (actually idk im not up yet to date with that guy's lore lol)
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Also @massivefanmilkshake wrote
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"I think your Zerator kind of has the same vibe as Vector from Despicable Me and it really fits him"
and I haven't stopped giggling since
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zeldabecameaqueen · 3 months
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inspired by BadBoyHalo's stream "Sweet Dispair" (18th/02/2024)
↓ description below ↓
disclaimer :
• i'm only talking about the characters here, not talking about the admins or ccs behind them
• also it's clearly my opinion, my pov, not a fact nor the official feelings
🍄top part : last goodbye for Richas. Richas on his boat for his last goodbye to his tio, blowing into his horn. I'm really sensitive to sounds and it felt to me like the last goodbye, even though i knew bad was addicted to qsmp and would never leave us alone at that moment. Also, it felt heartbreaking because Richas acted somehow distant, even though he still was there for his uncle and siblings, but i think he lived so much heartbreaks with his family that the fact that an immortal being like bad was getting deadly sick felt for him like: for every person i love, for every bit of myself i give to them, no matter how strong this person is, i'm going to lose them (my pov oc). So here he is, back to the sunset, blowing the horn of another life that ends, another adieu. Idk i didn't expect to hear that and it just felt, like angst
🦋left part : no sleep for Pomme. Bad put Pomme to bed that night, but we all know she's a no-sleeper, she's insomniac and i really don't think she found sleep that night, except maybe by crying herself to sleep. She's in her bed, holding the last plushy her dad gifted her, her new backpack named 'hope' just below, and gazing at the ceiling. I mean... she can't see the ceiling because she has blurry eyes caused by the tears, she only sees her nightmares pinned with blood just above her. She never had the chance to be a kid, day one she was buried between four walls of stone, and ever since she felt like she had to put herself in danger so that the others may live. Her insecurities, her worries, her traumas but also the very best and sparkling memories ran before her eyes that night. It was angst over again. But she had hope so i guess she could sleep.
🪻right part : the Halo's flower field. The flower field + the arch of heaven. I know it's non-canonical, it's two completely different places but it was my way of depicting the purity of the Halo's family's love, and its strength. A lot of people on Tumblr already said that but turning back on heaven/peace/apparently what he was looking for for so long but couldn't get to get back to your kids who need you, despite the risks of living with more pain and losing those you came back for, i mean... he's the most angelic demon. and a priceless father/tio. This flower field was chosen for them by them, it represents their diversity and their unity, flowers are for friendship, family, love, hope, regret, pain, and death, but it's also the cycle of nature, it'll always come back one way or another
🔔center part : the bell of spirits. Ghosties were put in this bell by Bad, they always followed him and have been a part of him, they are multiple lost souls, caring creatures of the underworld, they came and went as Bad lived his adventures, and as the eggs were growing. They were always there, always following. When Richas blew in that horn, it was like the wind carried his despair indirectly to the bell, and Bad dying was the final release for them to be free. Yet, free was more like lost, without guidance, panicked and afraid. They stayed together though, like they were one being, one connection, because they lived so much together, and went finding a familiar face. They gained strength in the material world to the point the kids could sense them when they never did before. (the 'honk' is for Richas' horn but in my imagination the bell didn't make a sound in the material world)
french translation:
inspiré par le stream de BBH "Doux Désespoir" (18 février 2024)
description en-dessous
• je ne parle que des personnages ici, je ne parle pas des admins ou des ccs derrière eux
• c'est également clairement mon opinion, mon point de vue, ce ne sont ni des faits ni des sentiments qui ont été partagés officiellement par les ccs/personnages
🍄haut : le dernier adieu de Richas. Richas est sur son bateau lors de son dernier au revoir à son oncle, il souffle dans la corne. Je suis très sensible aux sons, et j'ai eu l'impression que c'était comme le dernier au revoir, même si je savais que BBH était addict au qsmp et qu'il ne nous laisserait jamais seuls à ce moment. C'était également déchirant parce que Richas était distant d'une certaine manière, même s'il était toujours là pour son oncle et ses adelphes, mais je pense qu'il a eu tellement de peine avec sa famille que le fait qu'un être immortel comme BBH devenait mortellement malade, c'était comme si: pour chaque personne que j'aime, pour chaque part de moi que je leur donne, qu'importe à quel point cette personne est forte, je vais la perdre (bien sûr ce n'est que mon opinion). Donc le voilà à présent, en contrejour par rapport au coucher de soleil, soufflant dans la corne pour cette vie qui se termine, pour ce dernier adieu. Jsp, je ne m'attendais pas à entendre ça et c'était juste, horrible et à glacer le sang
🦋gauche : pas de repos pour Pomme. BBH a mis Pomme au lit cette nuit-là, mais on sait tous qu'elle est insomniaque, et je pense vraiment qu'elle n'a pas trouvé le sommeil cette nuit-là, sauf peut-être en pleurant jusqu'à s'endormir. Elle est dans son lit, tenant la dernière peluche que son père lui a offert, son nouveau sac à dos nommé "espoir" juste en dessous, et elle regarde au plafond. Enfin... elle ne peut pas voir le plafond car elle a la vision floue à cause des larmes, elle ne voit que des cauchemars épinglés avec du sang juste au-dessus d'elle. Elle n'a jamais eu la chance d'être un enfant, dès le premier jour on l'a enterrée entre quatre murs de pierre, et depuis elle a l'impression qu'elle pouvait risquer sa vie si ça permettait aux autres de vivre. Ses insécurités, ses inquiétudes, ses traumas mais aussi ses meilleurs et plus étincelants souvenirs défilaient devant ses yeux cette nuit-là. C'était à nouveau l'angoisse. Mais elle avait de l'espoir et j'imagine qu'elle a réussi à s'endormir.
🪻droite : le champ de fleurs des Halo. Le champ de fleurs + l'arche du paradis. Je sais que ce sont deux endroits complètement différents mais c'était ma façon de montrer la pureté de l'amour de la famille Halo, et leur force. Beaucoup de gens sur Tumblr l'ont déjà dit mais le fait de tourner le dos au paradis/à la paix/sur ce qu'il cherchait depuis longtemps apparemment mais ne pouvait pas avoir pour retrouver ses enfants qui ont besoin de toi, malgré les risques de vivre avec encore plus de douleur et celui de perdre ceux pour qui tu es revenu, je veux dire... c'est le démon le plus angélique. et c'est un père/oncle sans prix. Ce champ de fleurs a été choisi pour eux et par eux, il représente leur diversité et leur unité, les fleurs sont là pour l'amitié, la famille, l'amour, l'espoir, le regret, la douleur, et la mort, mais c'est également le cycle de la nature, ça reviendra toujours d'une façon ou d'une autre
🔔centre : la cloche des esprits. Les Fantômes ont été placés dans cette cloche par BBH, ils l'ont toujours suivi et font partie de lui, ce sont de multiples âmes perdues, des créatures bienveillantes du monde souterrain, elles allaient et venaient au fur et à mesure que BBH vivait ses aventures, et que les oeufs grandissaient. Ils ont toujours été là, toujours suivi le mouvement. Lorsque Richas a soufflé dans cette corne, c'est comme si le vent avait porté son désespoir jusqu'à la cloche, et que la mort de BBH avait été la libération finale pour eux. Mais plutôt que livre, ils étaient surtout perdus, sans repère, paniqués et effrayés. Ils sont restés ensemble, comme s'ils formaient un seul être, un seul lien, parce qu'ils ont beaucoup vécu ensemble et ils sont partis à la recherche d'un visage familier. Ils ont gagné en force dans le monde matériel, au point que les enfants pouvaient les sentir alors qu'ils ne pouvaient pas auparavant. (la "corne" est celle de Richas, mais dans mon imagination, la cloche n'a pas fait de bruit dans le monde matériel).
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blueempty · 7 months
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Ya know I may not always have insightful stuff to say but I have posted on here every day so far
Today was pretty chill, played Barony, took a nap and then played FF14. We had a lot of unsuccessful Barony runs but we finally got out of the mines with me as an insectoid hunter, and my friend as a succubus monk I think. Its going pretty well but the real test will be if we can get past the Baron cuz idk man. Some jobs just dont do well in there and I'm nervous about my bows fire speed. The hunter's boomerang seems like garbage also
The ADHD has been at debilitating levels for quite some time now and I still dont feel up to looking for new work, but I'm gonna try to go to the store tomorrow cuz I know I'm being a pain in the ass to live with. Everything is just really tough man. Sometimes it's enough to be an alive cowboy. If consumption were ethical under capitalism I think I would be much less of a pain in the ass to live with. But I constantly have to be that asshole who's like we shouldn't eat there or buy that because it supports bad people, or like, we shouldn't go do this thing because its not worth risking covid. And I feel annoying being like that even though I dont think I'm wrong. Like in an infinite money situation theres a lot of safe and ethical things to do in the world but its tough being poor and ethical. Its almost like you have to be unethical in order to become wealthy, or something. Idk
But yeah, even though it feels silly to treat fast food boycotts as activism, it's the least any of us can do ya know? So I'll keep being that guy, since I dont feel like I'm geared for real activism at this time. I should probably look into that whole getting my brain checked thing
All that aside, I'm sure I sound negative again but like I'm chillin for the most part. I watched the first bit of a Mario Wonder speedrun and uh, I would like to adjust my run to the glitchless category should I pursue that cuz I sont wanna do that out of bounds shit lol. It's really cool though
No night sky so heres my new haworthia baby
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Live Long and Prosper
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spiked-mall-goth · 8 months
1 3 5 7 9 for the dvd / vhs ask!
its long ! sorry !!
1 'first dvd i ever bought' okay, my memory is very very splotchy, but i think the first dvd that i bought for myself (not a gift) was the muppets (2011). i remember working my middle school ass OFF to buy it. mowed lawns did extra dishes etc. i still have it and watch it often <3
3 'most valuable edition to my collection' god i wish i had a better answer. but its the backyardigans on vhs. i bought three of the only five releases for $1.50(USD) not realizing that they sold for upWARDS OF $80(USD) A PIECE. wild wild day that was, i really just bought them bc i watched to watch the backyardigans lol
5 'favorite dvd in my collection' wuff, idk man. i love them all. the muppets (2011) is def on the list, OH WAIT ACTUALLY. its the first two seasons of buffy the vampire slayer!! bc when i found them i screetched a lil. so i happily go up to the counter, not realizing i was short on cash. so i tell the thrift employee that i'll go put of them back and ill be right there. and she looked at me and said 'darlin its only short three dollars, sont worry about it.' and then rang me up for an even ten bucks. thanks random lady i cherish my dvds very very much!! (those were also some of my first tv box sets!!)
7 'when did i start collecting?' tbh my whole life. my dad was really into movies and stuff, plus they made great gifts from relatives. affordable and easy! my vhs collection started in 2017, after i was helping a family friend clean her house. she had loads of em! so i was like.... can i take these home?? and she was like yeah ofc i was just gonna toss em. and now look at me.
9 'have you inherited any of your collection from family?' yes! not too much, but my granny gave me the tapes we used to watch at her house as kids! what really kills me though. i mean bloody bloody massacre, do you know what i wOULD have about now? the entirety of twin peaks s1-2 hand recorded by my dad on vhs. EDITED. this man fucking edited his tapes. do you know how HARD THAT WAS???? but this fucking art school nerd man, anyways my mother him toss them when they moved in together <3 (MURDER MUDER MURDER MURDER MURDER MURDER MURDER MURDER MURDER)
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winking · 5 years
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#yes i only come here to complaij#im kinda mad for various reasons but THE ONE IM MAD ABT IS CAUSE I FEEL SO FAT AND UGLY LIKE#ik i talk abt this always#but ill dress cute and have cute makeup and hair but my face still ugly like wtf#and ill feel cute ??? but then i take a pic and im like alright i look like this always#and i feel like im in the road of self love and ive gotten so much better at loving my face#but its just a mess#i think why this has been bothering mkre is cause i see elly next month and i feel ugly like ....... i dont wanna be uncomfortable#bruh idk if she reads my shit on tumblr dont read this#but im like .#its jot like i dont wanna meet her i wanna see her already like i wish i could meet her tomorrow all i wanna do is hug her#but im so scared of coming off as a catfish ik that sounds ridiculous but like . i know what i look like from certain angles and its not#cute and shes never seen parts of me u feel JBSDJS ?? like WTF SHES FONNA SEE HOW UGLY I RLLY AM AND ITS SCARY#i get so sad cause i see pics my cousin takes and im like dam why am i so fucking fat ill kill myself right now#then ill think too hard abt it and im like haha what if we just sont ever meet what if we break up so i can just avoid being percieved LIKE#FUCK OFF ... for even thibjing that ....#the second i start thinking i dont deserve anything good in my life is when everything good in my life is gonna leave me#i feel like a liar#ik everyone tells me like jackie ur so pretty haha ur gf will love u like ya sure but IM STILL A LIAR#BRUH IT SHOULDNT BE THIS DEEP#WHY DO I HATE MYSELF
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pebblysand · 2 years
12, 18!
12. Do you have a word/phrase that you overuse in your writing?
omg lmao yes so many. "raised eyebrows," "often," "always," "stare," i mean those are the ones that come to me off the top of my head but i'm sure there are others. i think the beauty of writing fanfiction is that you don't have to worry about those too much. i think i would be much more careful trying to get rid of them if i were professionally writing but for fanfic i'm like "eh, whatevs" 😆. there's something kinda freeing about it.
18. Show us a piece of dialogue you really like.
idk if it's specifically the dialogue but i've always loved this Bill/Fleur scene from ce ne sont que des cailloux that goes:
‘You think I am doing this for you,’ she says.  
It is a statement of fact rather than a question. Bill looks down to the floor. ‘I’m sorry,’ he says, again, and this time, she thinks: you better be. It is their first and only row, the only one she ever tolerates. ‘I didn’t mean it like that.’
A breath escapes her and she crosses the room again, picks up her wand from the table and zips Gabby’s suitcase up with a quick spell. ‘Don’t you ever bring this up again.’
i just like the tension there and all the unsaid things between them. i think Bill and Fleur have this sort of relationship where words aren't always needed, and i just love how cold and strong Fleur can be.
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chibifatou · 3 years
hi hi my angel 🥺 ✨ + mystuff but that’s like Everything i make so u can ignore the random fics and shitty photography in there aksjjfjfjsj
HI MY ANGEL💓 I’m so happy to hype my wife up lets gooo
1. fragments of touch (I really love how u capture all details and gestures. The cropping here is so so good, I’m obsessed)
2. ELU + LES DIAMANTS SONT ÉTERNELS (This gifset is top tier content idk how to explain it. The quote, the coloring and shots u chose look so good together,,,it’s perfect)
3. the whole sheet music series and especially the ones with wheel of emotion and wildfire (The most magical gif series ever. The concept is amazing and ur talent and devotion make every gifset look so wonderful. Still can’t believe u dedicated one of them for me, i love u so so much)
4. hands x evaks (Welcome back to me screaming AAGGHHHHAAAAAAA angel it’s so soft and warm and awake so many emotions in me)
5. eliott demaury as harry styles songs (this gifset is just so you!!!! radiates with sunshine energy☀️ colors and background for the second gif look so smooth)
* woensdag 16:36 art (not just beautiful gifsets and fics but also art,,,the most talented lil bean. This one is my fav as im cuddle clip stan first human being second and ALSO the colors u chose are amazing)
** rotten work (i love ur writing so much and it’s so so well done🥺 need to reread it)
creators send me ✨ + your creations tag and I’ll answer with my top 5 fav edits of yours!!!
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thinkthinkt-think · 4 years
today i let my thoughts go free again
since the start of the year i always tried to go with somw super not healthy diet, where i would eat like only fresh fruits and veggies for like ig 4 month? slowly adding some ither things but it would go like this most of the time
i remember the first time i was so excited cuz i really liked the idea, i mean at that time everything was like super new:
i got my own flat
i had my own job
my own money
I got out from my kinda toxic parents
everything was perfect
so one week in (started it with my best friend ) we kinda got weak cuz now we had the opportunity to order foods over ans everything
so we did it
and it was kinda yummy (not the best tbh) and idk we thought we could just start over (it was like the begin of thw year had all the time uk)
but it happened again
after one week
and again
sometimes there woulsnt be one week just a few days
i REALLY was upset and angry at myself
i even felt how much weaker i got everytime we failed
it got harder and sometimes i remember that i rlly couldnt focus on somwthing else exept food
even today i sit here with food i dont wanna eat
junk food
even normal food
idk if i ahouls feel good about how i currently feel about food
cuz everything looks disgusting
like im not hungry
i juat eat cuz i dont want it here
i would love to just throw everything exept my fruits away and just start over
thinking i would succeed this time
but i dont wven know why i want to succeed
like wow yes i feel disgusting but this time its not like my main feeling (?)
i feel so bad
i cant even put a finger on it
nothing makes me feel good or only foe a short period of time
when i ask myself why i sont want to eat
my mind wanders
and there i keep thinking
is it cuz i feel like i wanna disappeare again..?
like wait wow
this is super strange
cuz this feeling is so strong
i push everyone away like wow and im not even subtle about it
(tbh ig i can cover it good with "im tired" or people thinking im a ass haha.. ha.)
but no literally when i keep thinking back
the past days could have been good days
i dont know why i behaved like an dick
like to everyone
i hate this everyone was doing their best to brighten the mood and ahh me beeing so ungrateful I-
i dunno
i wish i could to one of the thinks correct
to live
to die
ig would suck on both if i rlly tried
i wish i had someone i could share these thoughts with
like i dont want to talk to someone
it would always go with this "oh no look at chu" look
or maybe a weird out look
omg no
I mean
soon there will be a appointment like next week
where ig some " specialist " will talk with me? omg that rlly sounds strange
rlly since april im thinking about this appointment
it got postponed once and i rlly didnt want to go there a 2nd time
my best friend told me once "u shouls be glad that ur doctor diagnosed u so u can have this appointment, enjoy it" or something like that
but idk if i can enjoy something like that
i mean its strange cuz i wrote here that i rlly want to talk to someone about it right?
but im scared tbh
there is nothing different
if i talk with someone about it i will always feel judged
and i hate it
everyone does it
i hate it
i try to act so nobody will judge me bad
i want everyone to feel good
to think im good
to think im doing good
im not even doing it much
im getting bad at it
but wven these few times
they make me feel weak
i feel weak
i dont wanna feal weak
i dont need help
i dont need
i dont need help
no help
i dont need it
just want to be alone
i cant bare the thoughts
thinking its normal
thinking everyone has to live
to work
to be happy
i cant
its useless
i am...
it stresses me out
i sont see me there
in the future
my heart wont stop beating
can i stop
can it atop
dont be loud
can u stop
u too loud
dont worrie
give it a few hours
maybe a day
some days
and everything will be fine again
seeing these old faces
looking at them like before
but i sont want to
i dont want to talk about me
why cant i just be
be here
isnt that enough ?
cuz its hard
its so hard
just beeing
beeing there
and here
oh yea
u wont belive
u wont belive how hard
it rlly feels heavy
uk when as a kid sombody just sit on u so u cant stand up
it feels like this
so why should i
why should i resist
im so sleepy
i hope today
there wont come nightmares
i sont wanna be chased
i hate it
i feel horrible.
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togechomps · 4 years
maybe im just actihgn how i am bc im trying to cope with how i cant function properyl but i wish my parents would understand that they werent perfect
maybe i was just fooling myself all this time by trying to justift how much abusr they gave me in the past but idkidk
i dont have the resources i dont know what to do i just keep thinking about dying everyday i just look stable and sound stable but every single fucking night i stay awake trying to think or get away from killing myself the thoughts wont stop they wont stop i really wish the thoughts would go away and i wish my parents would stop assuming shit about me because it really hurts but im not allowed to get hurt because they give everything i meed but idk i never asked for this and idk why idk why im not allowed to make mistakes i jus t want to rest forever i want to sleepnbut at the same time i dont i want to keep living andbshit idk idk idk i dont know and i have to act nornal.later fpr mother's day i dont know i sont know anymore i dont know anymore it hurts haha idk
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bagilgulhaze · 4 years
God sometimes I feel like a dnd character with 20 charisma and 0 int and that's how I'll get by in life. I'm third year law school and I'm completely failing like all and every exam, dont attend single class etc, hadn't been functioning through the end of last year really. And yet I just..... meet people that are relevant and they keep getting so charmed by me they give me phone numbers with connections. It's insane.
I already had a chat with a lawyer I met late at night in a cafe as I was studying for exam who works closely with the committee against torture, my ideal internship place that rarely have any intern spots at all. He was so impressed by me, my legal understanding and opinions, that hes been fighting for me to intern there personally vouching for me making all connections for me from one conversaction.
Now I was sitting in cafe to study, and people walk in with cameras clearly following a man and a woman who are conversing. I hear they're discussing law cases, but I mind my business continue writing my assignment and let the camera people know: I can easily move if you need me to be out of frame! They assure me not to worry etc they're fine as long as they dont bother me I say not at all. After few minutes they change their mind, apologize and say can we please ask for you to move. I say of course, and casually ask what they're filming. They point at the people and say those two lovely people our prosecutors/attorneys and they've agreed for them to film them sitting for dinner after work. I say oh, I'm a law student haha. The man looks at me and say really? You should consider us, or something along those lines...... I make a comment about how ideologically would not work in the public sector especially not for the prosecution (obvious anarchist + prison abolitionist + no.1 hater of the criminal "justice" jstem and the legal system in general reasons lol no need to explain ) and this developed into a 20 minute conversation with me because they enjoyed talking to me so much, all filmed ?! And at the end they gave me their number they were like, you wouldn't want to intern with us, but we'd still like you to see us closer, and there is someone you should meet because she is lovely - it's an organization of ( accompanying? Escorting? Like the legal term) Victims which is something I'm super into..... so I mat have a job lol.... and maybe even internship idk....... what's on the table. They told me they hope I speak in class because I'll be making it more interesting and enriching to everyone for sure bc I speak so well (lol I truly can in hebrew when I want to when I'm in the zone sounds fake right but I can be EXTREMLY coherenentnt5) and I said like I dont speak in class much (DIDNT WANNA SAY I NEVER ATTEND CLASS LOLLLL) the conversation was mainly about change from within/from outside like they're prosecutors but you could see they're good people I'm glad if anyones doing that job in our fucked up system jts people like then despite not agreeing . Like you see they fare about their job and have some sort of nuance etc so like . It really was interesting talking to them and they were extremely understanding and respectful to my opinions which were a polite way of saying your work is shit, so that was nice of them.
Anyway. I just left the cafe and the prosecutors were like. But CALL us we weren't joking! Dont forget. And well connect you with (x woman who escorts victims of crime) and I said I will dont worry tyvm and the crew was like. Can we use the content you appear in and I said..Haha yeah sure ofcourse if you want and said kinda like thank you? Sont know why also bc I forgot my umbrella and they gave it to me and they said . No thank you the entire crew here is lawyers and you gave us hell of a content you dont understand what you just did this is so excellent for us. And I was like I'm glad 😁 and then the prosecutors were like, you will change your mind yet abt us ;) and I was like well see! And the woman was like. You should come visit us once and well take you on a court, you should go with him for one of his cases. And the man said with what looked complete seriousness "I'd let you speak at court even I have a feeling you'll do a wonderful job".
Zjkkdkwmfkazkmwmdmwmrkekdjwmekckxkwjdkekfkemkfd hello!? Hello I'm a failing student I got now officially half of my internship chances through like. Meeting people who are incredibly impressed by me lolll
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milkslimepearl-tea · 6 years
🎧🎶French Songs Masterpost🎶🇫🇷
French native here ! I absolutely love french in music, especially as it comes in such wide range from political songs to kindda nsfw one. French is a language where you can really play around to write interesting and/or funny songs. This is what I listen often and like ! Ill give a youtube link to every songs, but you can probably find better quality on deezer and stuff, especialy for the old one. I'll also try to sum up each song so you can grab them a lil better, hopefully ! Charles Aznavour - Emmenez moi (1968) A classic. I love it. Makes me wanna travel and have a break lol. Summary : Aznavour want a BRAEK. 🎵 Emmenez-moi au bout de la terre Emmenez-moi au pays des merveilles l me semble que la misère Serait moins pénible au soleil Cyril Mokaiesh - Communiste (2011) Political stuff ; its trashing big companies and capitalism/liberalism. Summary : Mokaiesh talks about all the thing he doesnt like etc. and if it does link him to communism, then he's communist and whatev. i love it. 🎵 ça les perdra De mondialiser l'injustice D's'en asperger de bénéfices Ça les perdra Anne Sylvestre - La faute à Eve (1986) Feminism ! heck yeah ! hard take on how everything is blamed on women, thanks to 🎶christianistics traditiooon🎶 Summary : ève does her best but Adam is a piece of shit ungreatful fuck. 🎵 "Moi, je vais me mettre en grève J'irai pas au paradis Non, mais qu'est-ce qu'Il s'imagine ? J'irai en enfer tout droit Le bon Dieu est misogyne Mais le diable, il ne l'est pas POLO & PAN - Canopée (2016) sweet love song ! my fav. one of my fav groups actually. wonderful lyrics. this on has quite the complicate vocabulary, but you Should Definitely check their other stuff ; its marvelous. Summary : Two ppl living their best in amazonia. the birds are singing, the sun is shining, the trees are tall and green ! 🎵 Des oiseaux nous chantaient leur mélopée Et nous vivions heureux dans la canopée Dartek - Les Kassos this one is very nsfw LMAO hard dubstep i think ? the lyrics comes from a french cartoon, Les Kassos. U can check it out too if u like trash humor. Uh, im not especialy fond of it, but if its ur thing ! the song is still dope af Summary : uhh. hallucinations ? mention of sex and drugs ? uhu Edith Piaf - L'homme à la moto Would who i be if i didnt put miss Edith Piaf in here ?! Not one of her most popular tune tho ! and what a shame. I absolutely love that one and never miss a chance to yeLL IT OUT in the forest w/ my bff. a blast. Summary : A motorcyclist scares the shit out of the country side with his bike. One day he hits a train and THE END ! 🎵 Il portait des culottes, des bottes de moto Un blouson de cuir noir avec un aigle sur le dos Sa moto qui partait comme un boulet de canon Semait la terreur dans toute la région. Rufus Wainwright - Complainte de la Butte Who would i be if i didnt throw Moulin Rouge in there ? bitch see me CRYFIN. Summary: im sad. everybody is sad. The girl is poor. They take shelter in the moulin. Also there is the moon and she's ginger. I love it. 🎵 Les escaliers de la butte sont durs aux miséreux Les ailes des moulins protègent les amoureux Les Fatals Picards - Djembé Man (2007) they sing REALY fast. but god i love les fatals picards. its just so heckin funny igzerhg. Summary: theyre just making fun of ppl who plays djembé at the end of a party and disturbs everyone. 🎵 Si on classait ton bordel sur l'échelle de Richter, Djembé Man c'est vraiment sûr : il manquerait des barreaux Patricia Kaas - Mon mec à moi IM JUST YELLING THE LYRICS EVERYTIME I LISTEN TO IT, I CANT HELP IT. I LOVE IT. also super lyrics. Summary: the boyfriend is telling her fake stories and she's totally into it bc he's cute while he does it and she loves him. its just So Catchy. 🎵Mon mec à moi Il me parle d'aventure Et quand elle brille dans ses yeux j'pourrais y passer la nuit
Oldelaf - La Tristitude I love oldelaf :( check out his other stuff, its amazing (le café really got me goofing around when i was little lmao). he's very smart with his lyrics Summary: "something is as sad as ..." The tile is a joke, triste = sad, so la Tristitude would be, Or a smash between Triste and Solitude, Or a ironic way of saying To be sad. 🎵 La tristitude, C'est quand tu viens juste d'avaler un cure-dent, Quand tu te rends compte que ton père est Suisse-Allemand, Quand un copain t'appelle pour son déménagement, Et ça fait mal Odezenne - Souffle le vent My. fav. Rap band. i love them. theyre total genius. Like really. Their texts are absolutely Wonderful but they are awefully not known enough foR MY TASTE. plz listen to them lmao. check their albums out ; if i would advice one to start, maybe Dolziger Str. 2. but theyre all so great URGH. their songs might be hard bit to understand tho, so u can not comprehend what theyre talking about, but theyre Frickin good if ur looking for good french immersion. Summary: life 🎵 Allons plus loin ! En autarcie. Voir comme c'est beau les ciels pluvieux, Qu'un jour plus vieux, je puisse dire comme tout est beau avec le sourire. La Femme - Nous étions deux electrooo !! YEAY ! i love that one. u can check Elle ne t'aime pas, Sphynx, and Tatiana. its bit hard to understand the singer even for a french person lmao but its Great Material. Summary: a guy cheated on his girlfriend and his trying to find excuses. 🎵 L'autre nuit encore un inconnu étendue allongé dans la rue Il pleurait la vie, il pleurait l'amour il attendait la mort L'autre nuit Angèle - La Loi de Murphy always makes me laugh lmaooo. also the clip Is Real Cute. Summary: what can happen badly, will happens badly ! 🎵 Puis, là, c'est trop parti en couille, y'a d'abord eu la pluie La Loi de Murphy a décidé d'enterrer mon brushing Un mec me demande son chemin, gentille moi je le dépanne En fait, c'était qu'un plan drague, ce con m'a fait rater mon tram Pomme - De là-haut I LOVE POMME. with my whole SOUL. she's so cute. beautiful texts. lesbians texts. love. also her clip are So Artsy And Cool. She's so cool. Listen to ... everything she makes, basicaly, please lmao Summary : She's dead, and its sunday. Les mots qui sortent, qu’on ne disait pas Le vent les apporte jusqu’à moi Tout paraît si limpide, si limpide, limpide Vu de là-haut salut c'est cool - Des fleurs MORE ELECTRO ! funny text, wonderful clips, theyre just so funny. easy going song. check out Crocosmaute and Techno toujours pareil too zieohiorhg please for your own GOOD. Summary : youre a pretty flower. you smell good. we're all flower in the same bouquet. 🎵 Je suis une fleur Je suis une très jolie fleur Je suis plus jolie qu'une rose et je sens meilleur qu'un lila Qui suis-je ? Je suis toi Carmen Maria Vega - J'ai tout aimé de toi. love song. lesbian. trans ! sweet. beautiful. Summary: love song, how her s/o transitionned, and they broke up (i think) 🎵 Tu te rêvais femme tu te disais maudit Je te disais je t'aime Eu étais beau et tu étais belle aussi Te l'ais je dit? Vald - Eurotrap RAP ! RAP ! RAP . my second fav. his songs are doope af. a bit nsfw tho, a bit rude lmao. check out Ma meilleure amie, Désaccordée too ! He talks fast tho, but great for french immersion ! listen with the lyrics its great 🎵 J'ai l'regard dans l'vide comme Joe Budden Comme je m'enrichis, je prends d'la bedaine Dose de méga shit pour qu'je la reperde Dominique Grange - A bas l'état policier (1968) basicaly: acab lmao Summary: the government send the police to beat up the people manifesting on the streets on may 68. this song was made ! 🎵 Puisque la provocation Celle qu’on a pas dénoncée Ce fut de nous envoyer En réponse à nos questions Vos hommes bien lunettés Bien casqués, bien boucliés Bien grenadés, bien soldés Nous nous sommes mis à crier HONORABLE MENTION : Boris Vian (La complainte du progrès), Orelsan (idk, i dont really like him that much ? a lot do tho. maybe Défaite de famille, or La Terre est ronde), Eddy de Pretto (Kid) , Camille (Ta Douleur, Je ne mâche pas mes mots), Woodkid & Louis Garrel (L'aérogramme de Los Angeles), Kathleen Fortin ( Les Moulins de Mon Coeur), Stupeflip (A bas la hiérarchie, Nan si ...) etc. etc. ! ANYWAY french music is awesome ! beautiful ! vast !! PLEASE HAVE FUN ! I LOVE U FOR LIKIN MY WEIRD ASS ELITIST LANGUAGE ! KEEP UP UR DOING GREAT WORKS ! happy listening yall ! ❤️
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anatraart · 6 years
When You’re Gone Part 2
Read it on AO3 HERE
Alexander awoke the next morning to a knock on the door. Groaning, he rolled out of bed, slipping on his sweater before opening the door. Nobody needed to see his scars yet. He didn’t want anyone to know that much.
When he opened the door, he was greeted by an equally tired-looking John. “I was chosen to come let you know to get ready. George figured we could all go out to breakfast, then go shopping after.”
Alexander nodded. “Alright. I’ll be down in 15.” John nodded in response and wandered off. Alexander went over to his bag and grabbed his only other set if clothing, walking in the bathroom to take a quick shower and wash his face. Alexander ended up throwing his hair into a messy bun, letting a few stands free so they framed his face.
He did one last onceover, deciding to keep the sweater on in hopes to keep the little respect he had from these people. When he decided it was okay, he left the room, shitting the lights off. Alexander made his way downstairs, recalling the few times he had been through these halls. It was so odd to think that this was his home.
That’s when it hit him. This was his life now. He’s probably be kicked out sooner or later, either from his sexuality or all the medication he takes. He’d be with another family soon enough. Everyone said it always happened.
Alexander took a breath to calm himself before heading down the stairs and making his way to the voices he heard, which happened to be coming from the living room. When he entered, all eyes turned on him, so he decided to look down.
The first person to speak was Martha. “Dear you know it’s warm outside right now, right?”
Alexander nodded. “Mhm.” he didn’t want to deal with it. They couldn’t know. He had to be careful if he wanted to stay.
Alexander watched nervously as John and Lafayette gave each other a look, almost as if they knew something. Lafayette whispered something to John, who nods and stands up, walking to Alexander. Without warning, John grabbed him by the wrist and dragged him out of the room, earning curious looked from George and Martha.
As soon as they were out of earshot, John let go of his wrist, arms crossed. “Would you like to spill the truth?”
Alexander stopped and stared at him. John’s face and posture held no real anger or aggression. “Not exactly.”
“Look, I know I shouldn’t have snooped, but I saw you were on antidepressants. Now sure, it said nowhere it was an antidepressant, but unlike everyone else here I know one when I see one.” Alexander’s eyes widened, and he admitted defeat.
“I just… You shouldn’t have…” John shook his head.
“I won’t say anything if you tell me. Please.” John looked at him with pleading eyes.
“F-fine…” Alexander shakily pulled up one of the sleeves. He closed his eyes, waiting to be yelled at, but without a moment’s notice he felt someone pull him into a hug. Warily, he opened his eyes, noticing it was John, who had hugged him.
“Hey, It’s okay alright?” Alexander nodded, and John pulled away from him. “Please though, come talk to me if you feel like doing this again? I know how it feels more than you’d know.”
Before he could ask what he meant, John walked off, back into the living room. Pulling the sleeve down and wiping his face to make sure he hadn’t spilt any tears, Alexander followed him back inside, plastering a smile to his face.
“Alright, well if everyone’s ready let’s get going.” George said when Alexander walked in the room. Alexander nodded and quietly followed everyone out.
Alexander ended up being next to John in the far back seat of the car, choosing on sitting there and enjoying the quiet over conversing, only speaking when someone would ask him a question directly.
When they arrived at the mall, Alexander let himself be dragged out by an overly excited Lafayette, followed by a smiling John. Alexander wanted to complain and ask where they were going, but seeing how excited Lafayette was, he let it slide.
The first place Alexander was dragged into was a Macy’s. It started out okay, but once Alexander looked at one of the price tags he begun to freak out a little, constantly asking if they were sure they were fine with spending so much on him.
Considering he had grown up with barely enough money to eat, he was appalled at the prices. 40 dollars for a pair of jeans seemed excessive to him. The entire time, John and Lafayette kept telling him not to worry about it. At one point, John even felt the need to pull him aside to remind him that it wasn’t an issue for the Washingtons. Alexander decided to just let it go, figuring it couldn’t be that bad. When they were done, Alexander, Lafayette, and John were able to get away, deciding to go get lunch.
They went to a place called Panda Express, which confused Alexander as he had never heard of the place. It turned out, it was Chinese food, which Alexander also discovered was delicious.
“So, I’m kinda curious. Someone mentioned you had an older brother. Where is he?” Lafayette asked while they are, looking genuinely curious. Alexander wanted to yell at him for asking about James, but ultimately decided against it. Lafayette probably doesn't know what happened.
“He… he died in the hurricane.” Good. It wasn’t rude, and it hopefully will shut off all questions.
“What was he like?” John gave him a small smile. Shit.
“Oh… He was amazing. When our cousin committed suicide, he was the only person I had left. He actually convinced someone to keep it a secret as to keep us out of the system.”
“The… system?” Lafayette looked at wim with a mix of confusion and curiosity.
“Foster system.” John answered for him. Alexander shot a smile at John, who returned it with a nod.
»»————- ————-««
John wanted to scream. He was trying so hard not to flirt with Lafayette’s new foster brother, and it was so hard. He didn’t even know if Alexander liked guys.
He has mentioned his little dilemma to Lafayette, who had thought he was joking. But holy shit the little immigrant was adorable. He was trying, and had hoped Alexander hadn’t noticed the looks Lafayette would give him whenever he would say anything that could remotely be seen as flirting.
He felt bad when Alexander’s brother was brought up during lunch. He had noticed the brief flash of sadness overtake him, assuming Lafayette didn’t as he continued the conversation.
John was grateful when George and Martha came up to them, quickly extinguishing the conversation. Turned out they had added Alexander to their phone plan, telling him they needed to be able to contact him. Alexander kept telling them they didn’t need to, despite George being insistent.
Alexander ended up giving in, and John added his number into Alexander’s phone.
“I’m so adding you into the group chat.” Lafayette said, smiling deviously.
“Oh my god Laf, no. Not the big one. Let’s not kill him with everyone’s bullshit yet.”
“It’s fine, John. I’m kinda curious anyways.” a few minutes later his phone dinged, and opening up the notification he wanted to scream.
Baguette has added Hammy to The Squad™
TurtleBoi: Oh god Laf. you're going to kill him. Pegs Play nice
PegLeg: I haven’t said anything yet!
BurningThings: Wait, Laf is this the new foster brother you mentioned?
Baguette: Yep!
MyPantsAreHot: Ahh. So you’re the one John mentioned.
Hammy: Wait, what?
TurtleBoi: Nothing. Don’t worry about it
NeverSatisfied: Guys stop it. John was right. You’re all gonna kill him.
BurningThings: Aww.
PegLeg: I think we should all introduce ourselves.
MyPantsAreHot: Ang, Liza is Peggy alright? She just said something smart.
NeverSatisfied: Idk might be sick
PegLeg: Hey!
Baguette: I agree with Peggy though. Alexander has no clue who anyone is.
TurtleBoi: Alright. I’m sure you’ve figured out Laf and I.
Hammy: Yeah.
NeverSatisfied: Angelica Schuyler
BurningThings: Eliza Schuyler
MyPantsAreHot: xD omg Peggy.
Hammy: I’m kind of confused what ‘omg’ means
TurtleBoi: Wait, have you ever had a phone before?
Hammy: Never had the money. Plus there were only like, 3 phones in my village.
PegLeg: Wait, ‘village’?
NeverSatisfied: Peggy be nice or I’m going to come and steal your phone.
Hammy: It’s fine.
MyPantsAreHot: So like where are you from?
Hammy: Nevis. Small island in the Caribbean.
BurningThings: damn.
Baguette: Je suis curieux de savoir s'il parle un français Angie.
NeverSatisfied: Ce serait bien. Je crois que l'espagnol est parlé dans les Caraïbes.
Hammy: Le français, l'espagnol et l'anglais sont parlés d'où je viens.
TurtleBoi: English. Nobody else speaks French.
Baguette: John parle aussi l'espagnol
PegLeg: English!
Hammy: Aunque ahora no tengo ganas de hablar en inglés.
NeverSatisfied: Shit. How many languages DO you speak?
Hammy: Three.
TurtleBoi: Finalmente alguien que habla español aquí. Laf y Angie tienen su francés.
Pegleg: Herc, Eliza, I guess it’s just us speaking English here now.
Baguette: Oui! Get Thomas in here and we have 4 French speakers!
NeverSatisfied: Laf, no.
Pegleg: Don’t kill him with Jeffershit yet.
BurningThings: Please, leave Thomas out of this group chat.
Baguette: Mes amies, come on. He’s not that bad.
MyPantsAreHot: Laf, this is the one time I have to disagree with you. Please don’t add Jefferson.
Hammy: What did Thomas do to make everyone hate him?
TurtleBoi: He’s a pretentious fuck who thinks he owns everything.
Baguette: Better he meets him here before dinner.
TurtleBoi: Fuck. I forgot Martha and George wanted him to meet everyone.
PegLeg: Oh, that’s tonight?
BurningThings: Yes, Peggy. I told you this an hour ago.
NeverSatisfied: These are not my sisters. I am not related to them.
Baguette: Fine. He’ll meet Thomas tonight.
TurtleBoi: Pegs you’re on glue duty.
PegLeg: Alright. It’s going to be amazing tonight.
Baguette: Now, as much as I’d like to continue talking, we’re pulling up to the house. Ttyl!
TurtleBoi: Bye
John turned off his phone and decided it safer to ignore the continued dings. He looked over to Alexander, who had started ignoring it long ago. As soon as the car stopped, John was out of the car, dragging Alexander along with him.
Alexander seemed to not mind being dragged around, and John was grateful for that. He felt bad enough as it is, even more so at the thought he was going to have to meet Thomas fucking Jefferson and most likely his even more pretentious parents.
“Well tonight is going to be interesting.” John said once they got to Alexander’s room.
“What do you mean?”
“I mean, if Jefershit is going to be here, at least one of his even more pretentious parents will be as well. I mean, the Schuylers will be fine. They’ll adore you. But the Jeffersons? They’ll tear you apart.”
Alexander sighed. “I guess, but I mean how bad can they be?”
John wanted to smack some sense into him. If he didn’t know Alexander wasn’t used to these kinds of things, he would have done so long ago. “Look, they already talk shit about me because unlike their perfect son, I don’t like going to all the events and shit. Nothing against you, but they’re going to be talking so much shit about you.”
“What do you mean though?”
“They only talk to ‘their kind’ such as families who come from old money, and who have their perfectly behaved kids.”
“Oh…” Alexander looked like he felt bad, which made John feel like shit.
“Look, I’m sorry come here.” John pulled Alexander into a hug. “Plus, they’re like, super homophobic. Literally, 80 percent of our little group is gay, bi, pan, or something similar. I think Angie is the only straight person, to be honest.”
When John spoke, he wasn’t thinking. He still had no idea about Alexander’s views on that kind of thing but feeling Alexander relax into the hug, he hoped he had said the right thing. Before either of them got a chance to speak again, there was a knock on the door. John pulled away, noticing how much more genuine Alexander’s smile seemed and went to the door.
Opening it, he saw Lafayette, standing there with a smile on his face. “I was told to tell you guys to get ready. The Schuylers are going to be here in an hour, since Peggy and Eliza wanted to meet Alexander before Thomas comes.”
“Alright. Thanks for the heads up.” John smiled and closed the door when Lafayette walked off, presumably to get ready. He turned around to Alexander, smile spreading. “Time to get you ready to meet the Schuyler sisters.”
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pilferingapples · 6 years
Theo Gautier on Theo Gautier (1/?)
a little bit of a bio by Gautier on himself. Translation by me (and google and wordreference>_<)-- IDK how long it will take to get through it all, and corrections are welcome! 
I have accepted, perhaps a little rashly, to write the few lines that must accompany my portrait, drawn by Mouilleron after the excellent photography of Bertall. At first glance it seems easy to write notes about your own life. We are, so we believe, at the source of the information, and it would be difficult then to complain of the habitual inaccuracy of the biographers. "Know thyself" is good philosophical advice, but harder to follow than you think, and I discover to my embarrassment that I am not as informed about myself as I imagined. The face each looks at the least is his own. But in the end, what I have promised, I must do. (1)
Various notices place my birth in Tarbes, August 31, 1808. This is not important, but the truth is that I came to this world where I had to copy so much(2) , August 31, 1811, which gives me an age still respectable enough to satisfy me. It has also been said that I began my studies in this city, and that I entered in 1822, to finish them, at Charlemagne College. The studies that I was able to do at Tarbes  were very limited, for I was three when my parents took me to Paris, much to my regret, and I returned to my birthplace only only once to spend twenty-four hours six or seven years ago. 
A singular thing for a child so young, the stay in the capital caused me a nostalgia intense enough to bring me to ideas of suicide. After throwing my toys out the window, I was going to follow them if I had not, fortunately or unfortunately, been restrained by my jacket. I was only able to fall asleep when I told myself that I had to rest to get up early and go back there. As I only knew the Gascon dialect, it seemed to me that I was on a foreign land, and once, in the arms of my maid, hearing soldiers passing by to speak this language, for me kindergarten, I cried: “Let us go with them; those are our people! " (3)
translation notes and French under the cut!
J’ai accepté un peu étourdiment, je m’en aperçois en prenant la plume, d’écrire les quelques lignes qui doivent accompagner mon portrait, dessiné par Mouilleron d’après l’excellente photographie de Bertall. Au premier coup d’œil cela semble bien simple de rédiger des notes sur sa propre vie. On est, on le croit du moins, à la source des renseignements, et l’on serait mal venu ensuite à se plaindre de l’inexactitude ordinaire des biographes.  » Connais-toi toi-même  » est un bon conseil philosophique, mais plus difficile à suivre qu’on ne pense, et je découvre à mon embarras que je ne suis pas aussi informé sur mon propre compte que je me l’imaginais. Le visage qu’on regarde le moins est son visage à soi. Mais enfin, j’ai promis, il faut que je m’exécute.
Diverses notices me font naître à Tarbes, le 31 août 1808. Cela n’a rien d’important, mais la vérité est que je suis venu dans ce monde où je devais tant faire de copie, le 31 août 1811, ce qui me donne un âge encore assez respectable pour m’en contenter. On a dit aussi que j’avais commencé mes études en cette ville et que j’étais entré en 1822, pour les finir, au collège Charlemagne. Les études que j’ai pu faire à Tarbes se bornent à peu de chose, car j’avais trois ans quand mes parents m’emmenèrent à Paris, à mon grand regret, et je ne suis retourné à mon lieu de naissance qu’une seule fois pour y passer vingt-quatre heures, il y a six ou sept ans. Chose singulière pour un enfant si jeune, le séjour de la capitale me causa une nostalgie assez intense pour m’amener à des idées de suicide. Après avoir jeté mes joujoux par la fenêtre, j’allais les suivre, si, heureusement ou malheureusement, on ne m’avait retenu par ma jaquette. On ne parvenait à m’endormir qu’en me disant qu’il fallait se reposer pour se lever de grand matin et retourner là-bas. Comme je ne savais que le patois gascon, il me semblait que j’étais sur une terre étrangère, et une fois, aux bras de ma bonne, entendant des soldats qui passaient parler cette langue, pour moi la maternelle, je m’écriai :  » Allons-nous-en avec eux; ceux-là, ce sont des nôtres!  »
1.-The original of this sort of feels like a quote? if so , I have no idea from what.
2-” faire de copie “ --- maybe he means “repeat so much” or similar?  I can’t find anything that feels quite natural here, and I Suspect a Pun 3- ...I actually know this anecdote from other reading, which helped considerably with the translation >_<
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languageaddict044 · 7 years
Les Misérables
Hey guys! I’m done with “The Miserables” since a few days ago and i totally forgot to wirte a post about it! I don’t know what to say anyway - it’s been such a beautiful experience!! I really enjoyed reading it and going through its pages, although it is true it sometimes gets a bit heavy and boring like in those times i was all like ughhh i wanna know what’s gonna happen stop depicting the whole first half of the nineteenth century paris sanitation system i don’t fucking care what about Marius?!?! Alright i already knew what was going to happen since i’d already watched the musical, speaking of which… meh. i still love the film but man, they did change a lot of things from the book, even the way they make you see the characters??? Like before reading the book i really liked éponine and i used to thought she was cute, and the Thénardiers looked just a little creepy but they are actually bastards and really mean and éponine is much more of an egotistic teenager. however, i especially enjoyed all the coincidences the author has planned for them, like all the characters know each other for different reasons and each of them build the others up by interacting with them and by making each other develop
idk it’s been a pleasure reading this book even if it has taken me a long time, and i feel it’s helped me with my french a lot too, so my final balance is definitely positive :D
Salut les gars! J’ai fini avec “Les Misérables” quelques jours d’auparavant et j’ai totallement oublié d’écrire un affiche sur ça! Je ne sais pas quoi dire  de toute façon, il a été une jolie expérience!! Je ai vraiment aimé le lire et traverser ses pages, bien que c’est vrai que quelquefois il se tourne un peu ennuyant et lourd, dans ces moments-là j’étais comme aïeee je veux savoir ce que va se passer arrête de décrire tout le système d’égouts du paris de la première moitié du dix-neuvième siècle je m’en fiche qu’est-ce qui arrive à Marius?!?!? bon je savais déjà ce qui allait se passer puisque j’avais déjà vu le musical, et par rapport à ça… meh. j’aime toujours le film mais on a changé beaucoup de choses en rélation au livre, même la façon on nous fait voir les personnages?? avant de lire le livre j’amais vraiment éponine et je pensais qu’elle était mignonne, et les Thénardiers semblaient-ils un peu bizarres mais ils sont en fait des connards et complètement mauvais et éponine est en réalité une adolescente égoïste. de toute façon j’ai espéciallement jouit toutes les coïncidences que l’auteur avait planifié pour eux, tous les personnages se connaissent les uns les autres pour de diverses raisons et chacun d’eux construit les autres en interactuant avec eux et en les faisant se développer
je ne sais pas il a été un plaisir de lire ce livre même s’il m’a pris trop de temps, et je sens qu’il m’a beaucoup aidé avec mon français aussi, donc mon opinion finale est définitivemente positive :D
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jackymedan · 7 years
I was tagged by @theniftycat
rules: answer all questions, add one question of your own and tag as many people as there are questions.
1. coke or pepsi: coke (cherry coke specifically)
2. disney or dreamworks: disney
3. coffee or tea: tea, I tried several times but I really don’t like coffee
4. books or movies: I definitely prefer the books over their movie adaptations 80% of the time, but sometimes I don’t have the spoons to read and movies are ‘easier’ and some movies aren’t based on books so :)) idk
5. windows or mac: never tried mac, I’ve been used to windows all my life so I don’t think I could switch to anything else even if I wanted to (I don’t like change)
6. dc or marvel: neither.. I don’t care about comics in general tbh, nor about action/superhero movies..
7. x-box or playstation: I’ve only played some games on a playstation 2 but never used an x-box in my life.. I pick nintendo :))
8. dragon age or mass effect: I haven’t played either, I’m not much into games anymore
9. night owl or early riser: night owl all the way
10. cards or chess: idk.. I kind of like chess but I’m really bad at it.. so cards I guess
11. chocolate or vanilla: chocolate, but depends on which kind of food/dessert tbh.. sometimes I prefer vanilla (like a muffin is already heavy enough on its own, chocolate muffins always make me kind of nauseous)
12. vans or converse: vans (but actually I prefer Globe shoes)
13. Lavellan, Trevelyan, Cadash, or Adaar: ?????
14. fluff or angst: Fluff all the way (I tend to avoid angst as much as I can)
15. beach or forest: forest, I kind of hate beaches.. especially in summer.. there’s too much sand and too little shade
16. dogs or cats: cats
17. clear skies or rain: clear skies.. rain is too wet
18. cooking or eating out: I hardly ever go out to eat, I don’t trust the menus, they always put ingredients in it I hate or don’t want to eat, also eating in public makes me nervous.. the only exception to this is Subway, I love Subway and will go to it every opportunity I get.. but yeah.. I don’t like cooking either but I prefer it to going out any day
19. spicy food or mild food: mild, I legit love Bland White People Food(tm) ok, I have sensory issues and don’t like strong flavours in general..
20. halloween/samhain or solstice/yule/christmas: we don’t celebrate halloween here but I don’t like christmas (although dsss makes me actually have something to look forward to that day) so I still pick halloween
21. would you rather forever be a little too cold or a little too hot: I am already perpetually a little too cold.. but my body doesn’t like it very much.. does this mean you can still put on warm clothes or do those not help against the cold either?
22. if you could have a superpower, what would it be: idk being invisible or telekinesis (or slowing down time, it goes way too fast tbh)
23. animation or live action:live action
24. paragon or renegade: what
25. baths or showers: showers are already enough of a hassle for me, baths aren’t worth the trouble
26. team cap or team iron man: I haven’t seen civil war but team cap I guess
27. fantasy or sci-fi: idk both..?
28. do you have three or four favourite quotes, if so what are they: why three or four specifically wtf, I like quotes from Amélie but they’re in french: “Si Amélie préfère vivre dans la rêve et rester une jeune fille introvertie, c’est son droit” and “Les temps sont durs pour les rêveurs”
29. youtube or netflix: I don’t have netflix
30. harry potter or percy jackson: never read/watched percy jackson
31. when you feel accomplished: whenever I finally finish a drawing and I’m happy with how it turned out.. or when I’m otherwise productive in a day compared to usual..
32. star wars or star trek: I love Star Trek TOS (haven’t seen any of the other ST adaptations).. I don’t care for Star wars.. 
33. paperback books or hardback books: depends, sometimes paperbacks are cheaper and easier, but if it’s a very big book it’s easier to read/keep it neat if it’s a hardback..
34. fantastic beasts or cursed child: haven’t seen/read either
35. evans, pratt, hemsworth, or pine: idk evans or pratt I guess
36. tangled, frozen, or moana: haven’t seen any of these
37. opera or ballet: ballet is pretty :) I can never understand any of the words in opera and I don’t really like that type of singing in general tbh..
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