#idk she's still dating Jonathan at this point isn't she???
findafight · 1 year
i agree w all of your r*nance thoughts. i also think a big issue for them would be nancy never being robin's Person bc of steve; i do not think that's something nancy could stomach. tho at this point, even if i had liked it originally, i would despise it bc of how often ppl have robin or nancy or both do absolutely sick and twisted things to steve. like the amount of fics where robin doesn't tell steve/actively lies to him about it for extended periods of time then he just has to be okay w it or they have robin just start putting nancy above steve in every aspect of life is ridiculous. then there's the really bad ones, like the fic i saw where the entire premise is r*nance fucking in steve's bed w/o his knowledge (and robin specifically doesn't feel bad at all which ???? like they have nancy feel bad but not robin? i will never understand) or the ficlet i saw where robin asks steve for sex advice then either 1) tells him it's nancy and he makes the advice specific (wtf) or 2) doesn't tell him but he figures it out later bc nancy thanks him since she realized the advice came from him (demonic). like what the actual fuck. sorry i had to complain about the things i've been forced to see against my will by tumblr.
so many things to complain about having seen on the hellsite. carry on fellow soldier 🫡
dsakjhfaksdhkf ya like. the concept of either of them starting to date someone they like and not immediately busting the other's door down like candace_momholyFUCK dot jpeg is just absurd to me. Robin would kiss a girl for the first time and as soon as she gets home she's dialing Steve up and twirling the phone cord around her fingers and kicking her legs, giggling. They were having boobie talk in the car at 7am. they def share if they actually get a date with someone they have a crush on!! (the exception being if that person didn't want to come out, like I could see Steve telling Robin he kissed a guy or had a boyfriend but not saying who because the bf wasn't ready for other people/people he didn't know well to know? but robin would still know he had a bf and details about what they do, just not personal details.)
I find it actually laughable that people would consider Robin would put some romantic interest above her most specialest boy in the whole wide world. Like. She was obsessed with him when she held her tammy and bagel crumb grudge and hated him! Now she loves him? Do people thing she isn't obsessed with him now?? Absolutely not she's worse and she steals his shirts to prove it.
Which I agree with you. Nancy obviously wants to be her romantic partner's priority and number 1. Jonathan's priority is his family and we saw in both s3 and s4 that this causes strain in their relationship! To the point they kinda break up in s3 about it! Robin and Steve both can no longer give that to their partners, because they have each other, scoops troop, and, by extension, the Party. Which is wild because s2 Nancy was Steve's priority.
idk whyyy people have Robin be mean to Steve :( stopppp that's her special little guy. her sweet cheese. her rotten soldier. She might say or do something that hurts him but she would try to apologize as soon as she realizes!! Just like he would for her! I think it might come from people still prioritizing romo ships over platonic ones and trying to have those be the most important and special and deep relationship the characters have.
lldkfjlakdflkajlfdj anon those are WILD fics wow. I think some are trying to acknowledge past st4ncy, but neglect all the hurt that happened at the end of that relationship, and that for the characters, in s4, Steve and Nancy broke up less than a year and a half ago! very messily and hurtfully! (once again, regardless of whether or not steve knows Nancy cheated) that is so short between the end of the relationship to be hooking up with your best friend's ex! that he has expressed romantic feelings for recently! or trying to emphasize robin and steve's weird little qpr comfortable in one another's space and oversharing relationship but missing the mark. like. it's one thing to sleep in a friend's bed with a different friend. it another to have sex in a friend's guest bedroom. it's another level to have sex in your friends bed? that's bonkers.wild.
I do think it'd be funny for Steve and Robin to exchange sex tips/stories but the first time i think Robin asks and Steve just blanks and goes "cut your nails. watch your teeth." which like. yeah. Robin figured. They're weirdos who live inside each other's pockets and brains but they probably do have some levels of comfort to work up to (they've been friends for less than a year! even if it feels like they've known each other forever)
(also. there is a weird thing sometimes where Nancy is closer to Steve/cares more openly about him than she would. I think it might be a bit of a backlash to people pointing out that she cheated on him in s2 and then seemed to not talk to him at all between then and s3 and again between s3 and s4? hmm...)
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thegeminisage · 7 months
ok we watched the tng pilot. let's get into it
data is my best friend on this show and i love him
i liked riker but jonathan frakes looks like a baby without facial hair. he's gotta grow that in. also, at one point he asked someone a question and i got really excited. he should ask more people more questions i think thats what jonathan frakes was born to do. that and sit in chairs with style
also liked geordi even though we only saw him for 3 seconds and worf even though same.
the sections with q draaaaaaagged. ik people like q and whatever he has going on with picard but i'm just not there yet. this "humans are NOT savages anymore" plotline has been played out in tos many times to better effect
actually shocked picard was such a dick. idk why i was expecting him to be more kind maybe i was projecting professor x onto him?? but he kinda sucked lol like what was EVEN going on w his little pissing contest with riker
love and light, there should not be children on a starship. space is fucking dangerous. they're literally boldly going where no one has gone before. these kids could get hurt
the ship??? splits?????????? IS THAT LEGAL????
ok, furthermore, sorry, speaking of kids, not to be a misogynist but out of the 3 ladies (troi, crusher, and yar) i dislike 2 of them. love and light to deanna troi but i really hope she gets something to do besides emote and go OH THE PAIN...her look was slay. i understand completely how she turned women gay. give her something to do. give her a chance. i know she could be good.
i didn't mind dr crusher until she let her kid on the bridge even though you're not supposed to do that and they told him to touch nothing and he proceeded to touch everything and then she got mad when picard got mad. picard spent 70% of this episode being a dick and the one time he was justified she was like :/ wow you're such a dick. lmao. girl come on he literally said don't touch anything he was already being nicer than he had to be. the child was in the wrong children shouldn't even be on this ship
also they talk about wesley like he's their affair baby. idw if its true but nobody tell me. let me believe it. wesley crusher destined to suffer through male pattern baldness
also, i can see now why you're not supposed to date your ship mates. dating them is fine but being exes with them is excruciating and we had TWO PAIRS this pilot
anyway. tasha yar was rad i DID love her.
it's weird though how many of them use first names...in tos sometimes they didn't even use last names, only titles. spock called bones "doctor" almost exclusively. so riker calling geordi geordi after like 5 minutes of knowing him was a little weird
i cried when bones showed up. sue me. his prosthetics were terrible and i already miss him so much.
SPACE JELLYFISH. that part was good
overall both the adventure and the interpersonal stuff was a little ????? which is like. you can flop on one or the other. i DO have faith it will get better but i feel kind of lukewarm on it so far
there's a lot of direct counterpoints to tos, but it's shuffled JUUUST enough so it feels like it isn't copying tos's homework word for word but rewording it to trick the teacher. for example, data is like spock in that he doesn't understand emotions or whatever, but it's actually the inverse because spock understands and pretends not to, while data truly doesn't understand but wants to. then you have deanna troi who's sort of filling in for the other thing spock used to do, which is give us general impressions about unknown alien life, but she SPECIFICALLY does it through emotions so she doesn't resemble spock too much. the captain and first officer have a lot of scenes together but they're tense so it doesn't look too tempting to the slash fans. the doctor is still a bit grumpy but she's a woman this time. they don't use tricorders but geordi's special prosthetic helps them see all that shit anyway. it's tos but shuffled. lmao that it took 2 people to replace spock <3
anyway my favorite part, aside from the part bones was in, was when riker and data talked in the holodeck. and riker was like actually yeah the fact that you're a machine DOES make me uncomfortable. and data is like well i am superior but i'd like to be human actually! and you could see the little gears in riker's head turning and later he called data friend. i liked that and i love data. i love data he's very important even though the pilot wasn't good i think i would keep watching no matter what for data. and i knew it would be like that.
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lesbianrobin · 1 year
ok but if you HAD to write r0nance, how would you go about it?
fun question! i have actually thought about this before and i've had two ideas for awhile now but one of them is unrequited and the other is steve centric so i'm gonna combine them sorta!
if i had to write a ro/nance fic i would write it from steve's pov. i'd open with nancy confessing to him that she has feelings for robin and steve comforting her about any fears she may have, being a supportive friend re: the gay part, but he'd be internally having an absolute crisis because he's pretty sure robin likes nancy back and the thought of them dating makes him want to throw up and die. nancy would ask if he thinks she might have a chance, and he would lie and say he has no idea (he knows robin would say yes), but that robin would definitely be supportive if nancy told her she likes girls. he would leave this conversation wanting nothing more than to go straight to robin and talk through it with her, but it's ABOUT her so he can't and he just has to try and figure out what to do on his own.
the whole point of the fic would basically be steve spectating as robin and nancy kinda inch closer to a relationship and him realizing he is Not as over the cheating thing as he thought because every time they flirt in front of him he just wants to grab robin and wrap her in a protective little hug and keep her away from nancy forever. like i think the thought of robin getting hurt like he did literally makes him feel like he's dying and he's living in fucking dread of the day something happens between them. meanwhile nancy is maybe confiding in him periodically and he starts to think like okay she seems to genuinely like robin more than she ever liked me so this could be okay....
ultimately robin would cave and be like steve i have a confession to make 😔 and he'd be like you like nancy. and she'd be like I'M SORRY I'M THE WORST BEST FRIEND EVER 😭😭😭 and he would be like no no rob it's fine okay i get it obviously! and robin would be like i know nothing will ever even happen with her but i still felt so guilty because i REALLY like her i just had to tell you. and steve feels so guilty that robin's in this turmoil because of him and he's like well idk if it's as hopeless as you make it sound! and robin would brush it off yknow? but she seems upset about it and steve realizes these feelings are a bit more serious than a crush and he's like fuck. FUCK okay. and he goes to talk to nancy.
and i think he just flatout asks her why did you date me and cheat on me when you never even loved me in the first place? and she's like :( steve... and he's like listen okay this isn't for my sake humor me for a minute and just tell me the truth whatever you say i won't hold it against you. and i'm a bit conflicted on nancy's response here because i do think her being like "well i think i'm actually a lesbian and i was just trying so hard to be straight and when we fought i panicked and went to jonathan" could be in character and it would probably put steve's mind at ease a bit but it also feels like a bit of a copout to me personally? so i would probably go another route and have nancy be like "honestly i don't really know why i did it i think i was just still fucked up from losing barb and i needed somebody to make me feel less alone and keep my mind off of her... and then with jonathan i think us hooking up initially was partially just because murray got into our heads and partially because i was lonely and i couldn't stop thinking about barb and it kept my mind off of her which i know is evil it's terrible but it's the truth."
and steve would be like okay. do you think you're over that? and nancy would be like her death? and steve would be like no i know that's gonna be something that stays with you but like are you over needing to distract yourself. can you actually like think about what you're doing and stop yourself before you hurt someone. and nancy would be like steve what's- and he's like nance. just be honest. and nancy would be like well... i think so. i think i'm in a better place now. i don't try and push away the thoughts of her yknow i just let myself think about her and it hurts less. i wouldn't... i won't do it again. i know it wasn't fair to you. i'm sorry, i was selfish because i was hurting and i know i can't do that shit to people.
steve would look in her eyes and make a decision. and he'd say okay then. if you hurt robin i'm gonna have to kill you and i'm not joking. and nancy's like wait what and he's like you heard me and she's like wait oh my god so you think i have a chance??? and he's like nancy for a smart person you can be kinda stupid sometimes obviously she likes you too have you even been paying attention? and she's like oh fuck you oh my god. oh my god what should i do. does she like bowling? no bowling alleys are gross we should go to the movies. and steve's like yeah robin loves movies and nancy's like yes okay perfect!! ...thank you. and for what it's worth i promise you i won't mess up like i did with you. and steve says i know. because if you did like i said i would have to kill you. it's in mine and robin's best friend contract. and then he and nancy would hug and i think for the first time since their breakup steve really feels like nancy is someone he can trust.
and i'd end the fic with a little flash forward of robin telling steve about how she accidentally pulled the arm move on nancy in the movie theater because she was actually just stretching but then nancy snuggled up to her she SNUGGLED steve oh my god she's so tiny and then she kept whispering little facts about actors and i felt like the luckiest girl in the WORLD!!!! and steve would be so happy for her and suggest that she ask out nancy next time and he knows a restaurant that she really likes 💕
btw some people might argue this isn't really a ro/nance fic because it focuses on steve but i will argue that all three of my steddie oneshots are from outside perspectives kinda focusing on the mindset of that person and nobody's ever argued those aren't steddie fics SO i think it counts. anyway yeah 💖 thanks for asking!
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truessences · 2 years
My Opinions on the Stranger Things Ships
No one asked me of course but we all share opinions that no one asked for lol. So I'll be sharing my quick thoughts on ships that I see people mention. Everyone's opinions are valid I just may not agree and you don't have to agree with me. I said what I said and I will not be arguing about it.
I'm not going to be rude to anyone and if you are rude while sharing your opinions, I will block you. Simple.
This isn't in any particular order except going from adults-teens-main party.
Jopper (Joyce and Hopper) - They're fine lol. I like them. In the first season, I don't think I thought much about it. It wasn't really until maybe season 3 but I thought Hopper was being really yelly and mean. But her thinking he died and then their reunion in S4 was really sweet. Them kissing and all that, I was like yeah, I think this is a natural progression.
Older Teens
Stancy (Steve and Nancy)- I thought they were okay early on except for when he got mad without talking to her and letting his friends slut shame her publicly. But I think them breaking up was a natural progression because Nancy and Jonathan had chemistry and it seemed like they were gonna lead into that anyway. In S4, they're really trying to push on us that they might be thinking of each other, Steve particularly, especially since Eddie was like blatantly telling him that that's true love lol. I don't think they need to get back together.
Jancy (Jonathan and Nancy)- I like them fine. What he did in S1 was creepy and personally I can't say I'd even talk to him after that. But they did kind of trauma bond so sure I guess. I don't mind them. But at this point, if they break up, Nancy needs to just go off to college and be bad ass. I know Hawkins is basically split open but whose to say that stuff will happen now or that Vecna will wait while he heals (maybe Eddie can return?? *Cries*). I think there should be a time jump anyway, so if that's the case, Nancy should be single. Maybe she met some other young man while in college.
Vobin? Ribickie? (Robin and Vickie)- I wish we got to see more of them interacting but I want Robin to get her girl lol. Their scene at the end of S4 was cute and I hope that if Vicky/Vickie shows up again that they're together. Maybe not publicly but for each other, together. Or I want Robin to be with someone she loves and loves her.
Ronance/Steddie (Robin and Nancy/Steve and Eddie)- These are fan ships. I personally didn't read them as couples and it's fine if you did. For Robin and Nancy, I liked that they seemed to become friends after that bit of major awkwardness in the beginning. Nancy hasn't had a close girl friend since Barb was murdered (that she still feels guilty about and I even thought that Nancy might be feeling super protective of Robin and Max) and Robin may not have many friends in general. So that's what I was thinking. As for Steve and Eddie, meh lol, I'm not the biggest Steve fan so... I'm indifferent but idk if I think that Eddie would be with Steve if he chose to date a guy. Some of the fan comics are really cute though. The one where Eddie works at the renaissance fair is cute lol.
Hellcheer/Edissy (Eddie and Chrissy)- They were cute and I'm mad we didn't get more of them. Joe and Grace had natural chemistry and that scene in the forest was a masterclass at introducing new characters to fall in love with in 3 minutes. I was unsure about both of them, Eddie more than Chrissy but that scene made me like them both. I was distraught with her death and then with his later (also for other reasons). I feel like if they got to live, they would have became easy friends. Even if it wasn't romantic, which I'm fine with that too, I just wanted them to have more scenes together.
The Main Party.
Byler (Will and Mike)- So I’m not gonna touch on this too much for the sake of arguments. At this point, it's clear that Will has feelings for Mike but there hasn’t been anything to me that shows that Mike knows or feels the same. I think a lot of posts for this ship have been extremely dishonest and manipulative of scenes and situations. I think it’s weird. You don’t need to do that for your ship. You see something that others don’t and that’s fine but I find that the people become the problem with this ship than the ship itself. You don't have to make it seem like Will reacted to Mike telling Eleven that his life started the day he found her in the woods when that screenshot wasn't from that part AND Will disappeared the day before. That's dishonest. Also seems to me that y'all want Mike to say and do the things he does for El for Will but are mad when he does it for El and say that he's lying to her? Wouldn't that be fucked up that he's lying to El, with his acts of service, with his clear emotions because he suddenly decides that he loved Will all this time? That's fucked up to me. That's all.
ElMax (Eleven and Max)- I've only seen this a few times and I think it's cute when people talk about it lol, but I also view this as a friendship. They became friends in S3 and while we don't really know if they contacted each other much during the time between S3 and S4, I think they love for each other is there and I love that in their party of boys, they have each other to lean on. Even if I found Max to be annoying and overbearing in S3.
Dusuzie? (Dustin and Suzie)- We haven't seen them interact in person but I think they're so sweet. The Neverending Story sequence is easily Top 10. I like that Dustin found someone who is just as smart and nerdy as he is but they're both cool in their own right. I hope in S5 that we get to see them actually be together more.
Lumax (Lucas and Max)- I've liked them enough as they grew closer in S2. I thought it was clear pretty early that Max was gonna choose Lucas. While we didn't get to see them be boyfriend and girlfriend that much in S3, what we did see was cute and funny. The first episode was great stuff with them. In S4, we get a more serious and emotional Lumax and while they're not together, you can tell that Lucas still cares for her and that's she's trying not to show she cares. This is shown in Dear Billy and how he doesn't leave her side from then on (sounds familiar hmm *glances at Mileven*). He saved her knowing her favorite song and then to tell her that he also loves Kate Bush now for saving her... top tier boyfriend material. Then in the finale episode, just the way he's trying to protect her but also allow her to try and go through with her plan. Ugh, it's just so good. Caleb and Sadie also have so much chemistry. I watch interviews with them and they just work really well together. I really hope that if Max wakes up in S5 (since they didn't kill her the way I think they just should have), that she and Lucas get to talk and grow together and if it's a time jump like I want, that they'll either be together or still be close. If they officially break up again, I think it'll still be a very good and amicable break up. But otherwise, top tier couple.
Mileven (Mike and Eleven)- I really could go on and on but I'll try not to. They have been our main couple and our main characters since S1. I know Mike has been sidelined a lot and I don't like it but that doesn't negate that he's technically the lead boy on the show. Anyway, they met each other the first time and Mike immediately was taken with her, this is clear when the camera panned from Eleven to the boys and then zoomed in on Mike's face. It was clear to me at least. Love at first sight even if it had to develop over time. Mike goes into caregiver mode and literally does everything he can to keep her safe and make her comfortable. He shows her his toys and everything lol. In S2, this boy called her every day because he was sure she didn't die and it was his plan to lure the demodogs so that Eleven and Hopper could get in to close the gate. Now in S3, he's afraid of losing her, afraid of being apart from her and yeah they totally get too attached at the hip which was something they had to learn (though let's not forget that Hopper threatened him leading to the decisions he makes in the beginning). But he's attentive to her regardless and he's trying to be so protective because while everyone is okay and pushing her to find the Flayed, he's the only one worried about her pushing herself too hard, "I love her and I can't lose her again!" Like come on. He was always the first into action, when Billy attacks Eleven, he goes in with a pipe (while everyone else just stood there), and then later when the Mind Flayer attacked them in the cabin, he was the first one to try and save El when it grabbed her leg. He even ran at Billy when he attacked, Max, Mike and Eleven in the mall. Then one of my fave scenes is the one in the store when he's trying to tell her that he loves her but he's babbling and can't get out (this is a character trait as he did the same thing in S1 and then later in S4 in the pizza place). He reassured Eleven that her powers will come back at some point. Then this boy spends the entire S4 dealing with his own insecurities which we FINALLY get to see him talk about with someone (but ya know he's actually lying and talking about Will)... then we get his confession and regardless if you found it cheesy or not, I felt that shit and so did he and Eleven. At this point, whether or not they last as adults, they are endgame for the show.
But these are just my thoughts on the ships I see people talk about. I'm not gonna argue about them either. I'm too old for that shit lol.
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qprstobin · 1 year
I enjoy the dad jokes to an extent, especially because the fucking hip pose is so parent coded of Steve, but fandom's need to make everything into the nuclear family, especially when writing queer found family fics is just.... it drives me nuts.
Like people have already made posts about how the mom jokes about Steve can kind of leave a bad taste in people's mouths, especially when he's written as queer. I don't feel the need to reiterate that, other than that like, you can call both male characters who are dating the Party's dads you don't need to make one mom and one dad.
But also, the fact that this always ends up having the other teen characters getting relegated to often like joking "aunt" or "uncle" roles is also just as weird. Especially when you consider that: Jonathan is definitely the most parental of the group, Robin is the one who most consistently makes jokes about parenting the Party (see her making the curfew/bed time joke to the teens in the lake scene), and while I do think Nancy isn't super parental she's definitely been shown to be extremely protective of Mike in the past, especially during Upside Down incidents.
Like not only can you make jokes about them both being the dads, you can also have more than the two parents in your jokes. Idk! Like the whole point of found family is that family isn't just your blood, isn't just the families you see on TV, with a mom, a dad, their kids, and their dog. You can still make jokes about certain characters occasionally being overbearing or doing the soccer mom pose without like, just recreating heterosexuality.... again.
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rainbownixie · 2 years
being annoyed at nancy for her thought process being "jonathan who?" is completely valid and not misogynistic at all.
like, i agree. a lot of people do hate nancy for the mere fact of being a strong, independent girl. but... this situation has nothing to do with that.
we aren't even mad at nancy, we are mad at the duffers for brining (unnecessarily) stancy back. and most of the time we are jokingly calling nancy out (the way we call mike out for being oblivious. it's all jokes) because, well, it's HER pov and it feels... like a betrayal to jonathan. but we are aware that it's the duffers' fault here. and it feels pretty out of character having in mind the way they love each other and the way everything ended with steve. like wtf is that, really. they just wanted to keep the love triangle alive because they don't know what to do with steve's character anymore and it shows.
the thing is that we aren't saying nancy doesn't deserve jonathan, but we are just pointing out that nancy's thoughts leaning towards stancy is weird. it makes us mad because she's still dating jonathan and "jonathan who?" only confirms that there's a possibility of her breaking up with him. and it's not like she owed him anything, of course. if she actually likes steve and wants to break up, that's valid. but the way it's phrased during all the script... it's as if she just forgot about everything they've been through and everything jonathan's done for her just because what? she's with steve now? it looks as if she wasn't trying to fight for jonathan. and it's kind of shitty because we know for a fact that he would do anything for her.
it's not about her being a girl (although i agree that some people are using this to shit on her for only existing), it's about the sadness of it all. jonathan would do anything for her but we are doubting if she would do the same. after everything she has gone through with jonathan, now she's seeing her high school boyfriend as an option? and they haven't even spent all that time together, anyway.
the way jonathan reacts to nancy talking lovingly about steve at the end of the season is completely valid. especially if we remember how jonathan still pictures steve! it's not only because he's nancy's ex, but because for jonathan he's the guy that made fun of his family. i would be mad too if my gf showed signs of liking the guy who talked shit about my missing little brother.
idk it's weird. i'm not mad at nancy, i'm mad at the duffers. and everything we jancy shippers say jokingly about her ("nancy this isn't you", "no nancy stop" etc etc) is just that. jokes. stop trying to make us seem like we hate her because if we did we wouldn't even ship her with jonathan.
and if there's people mad at her for clearly showing interest in steve while dating jonathan that's also a valid opinion tbh. because we can't see if she actually feels guilty about that. and she really should because, in theory, she's in love with him. she's dating him. not steve. and her thought process obviously makes her look like the bad guy when i'm sure she still loves jonathan, it's just that the duffers don't know how to handle this.
nancy deserves jonathan just as much as jonathan deserves nancy. however, we gotta accept that her showing interest in steve without thinking about how much it would hurt jonathan feels... mean. at least show us that she feels bad for that, idk. she doesn't owe anything to anyone but after everything jonathan's done for her i think he deserves to know how she truly feels. nancy needs to communicate. her boyfriend deserves it.
anyway, with "nancy this isn't you" we are not saying "nancy you have to stay with jonathan because you owe him". we are saying "nancy, you looked so in love with jonathan?? what happened?? this is out of character! girl don't confuse your feelings and end up hurting the guy you love."
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What also annoys me about Robin being the first to understand Nancy and help her is the implication that neither Jonathan, Steve or hell even her family wasn't there for her when canonically that's not true.
Steve might have not had the best approach to trauma,for her, but she still went along for a year. And to say Steve surpressed her emotions or never allowed her to talk about it, is also wrong. Them going to Barb's parents implies he is supportive and aware of the trauma, they would have to discuss it at one point. He also only shut her down when Nancy wanted to be self destructive and endanger her family and his by wanting to expose the lab. We never saw them fully together, s1 they just started dating and in s2 it was the end of their relationship. I also hate when ppl blame him for not listening after Nancy drunkenly told him she doesn't love him and that he's bullshit. What would you do in that situation when the person you love insults you. He had every right to be hurt and remove himself from that situation. Like what do people want him to do ignore that and focus on the part where she accused them both of murder? He probably would have come around later, after processing it, they both could have talked it out if Nancy hadn't run off with Jonathan already, I mean he already took the steps to make it better.
Jonathan is still her boyfriend, yes they do long distance and have communication problems, but still the whole thing before R//nance came along was that Jonathan understood Nancy's grief better than Steve. Again it's complete erasure of that relationship. I'm not even a huge Jancy shipper but to say Jonathan wasn't understanding of her struggles and Nancy again was just alone with her grief/problems is wrong.
And Karen might have flaws, but she tries. Yes Nancy probably couldn't talk about everything UD related but Karen knew about Barb missing and then her ending up being dead a year later. If Nancy wanted to, she could talk to her about it, she just needs to omit some things. A huge point in s1 was Karen wanting Nancy to open up. Plus Mike and her have similar trauma, they could have talked if they wanted to. The problem is that Nancy struggles with her emotions and not wanting to open up. I doubt Robin would be any different from Steve or Jonathan if Nancy doesn't communicate with her properly. To say nobody understands her when there are so many characters who canonically are there for her problems (not the other way around btw) is just infuriating. Idk you don't have to put others down for Robin being put on a pedestal. It leaves a bad taste in my mouth when people bash her boyfriends when they did everything they could. If Nancy doesn't want to talk then nobody could have helped her in those situations.
Yes you are so correct about all of this like Nancy has other people! also it seems to just come from this place of "well you only need one person to depend on," and the romanticism of that. like i dont mind if people have that trope and etc with people in shows and etc but just ACKNOWLEDGE that it isn't a good thing! it's called co-dependency and usually it just isn't good. but yeah it also erases how nancy does have other people!
Yes about eveything in this paragraph! like you said steve may not have the best approach but also we have no clue how they genuinely talked to one another with their problems. like the one sscene where they do talk about their trauma THEY ARE IN PUBLIC AND IT IS ALSO A LIBRARY! like they're in a place where they are supposed to be quiet in the first place where people would be able to hear their convo because it is a quiet place. and they were told not to talk about this in public because the government would come after them and these places could be rigged. the government had every house rigged in season 1 - who's to say they don't have the high school rigged too? it could be a very high possibility - also it's so wild to me how people use this one convo as "steve not caring about nancy's problems," because he does end up calming her down and comforting her slightly. also if they think that i would love to see how they would react to all this shit. also steve legit isnt a therapist - HES A TEENAGE BOY! so it's even more absurd that they just want him to act like a therapist.
YES! like jonathan is still her boyfriend and he would also be there for her. and like talk about their struggles and etc. like you i'm not a huge jancy fan but it's kind of insane how they just want the same thing to happen with jancy where nnancy doesn't love him and then before fully breaking things of goes with nancy - it's just a repeat of history what happened with steve nancy and jonathan and somehow people don't realize this?
and yeah like nancy also did have karen to talk to and like you said karen did know some thins about barb going missing and etc. and she could have helped after season 2 when the town finds out that barb did die. like nancy can't talk about the UD but she can talk to karen about enough to have support from karen. and like you said mike and her could have also talked!
i feel like people don't often realize that nancy is often just not communicating with people so they just blame it all on everyone around her. like everyone tries to be the best they can for her and yet she doesn't communicate with them so it's so frustating whrn everyone will blame it on every single character instead of seeing that nancy doesn't communicate the best. anyway this got hella long but anon you are so correct about everything here!
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okaybutlikeimagine · 2 years
anyway I finished Stranger Things 4 and all I’m saying is Billy taking one of those oars and smacking the shit out of those demobats with his (albeit very old) baseball skills and being pissed that they came in handy would have been.... very good.
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