#idk maybe that's just me
unicornpopcorn14 · 16 days
Rewatching the skk reunion scene is so weird. It almost plays like a fever dream.
Like,,, it doesn't even feel like a reunion after four years, you get me? The fact that they have been previous partners is more said than it is shown, to the point where I had depicted their dynamic in a shallow 'oh someone Dazai previously knows that he's outsmarting/tormenting? Yeah, that checks. It's like his dynamic with Kunikida but more hostile because they're enemies' way
Que my jaw dropping so hard to the floor once I find out that they've known each other since they were fifteen.
So yeah, maybe I'm just stupid, but Chuuya's introduction didn't really seal the skk dynamic for me (still doesn't, btw). I consider the Lovecraft fight to be the true introduction of what skk really is (read: the true reunion), giving them an aura of immense power via Mori's speech then finding them bickering about random freaking things, till Lovecraft shows up and their compatibility shows with it. So you get the idea that yeah, they were clearly partners.
Besides, it makes more sense given that Chuuya first speaks of what he'd done when Dazai left, because you'd figure out that this is one of the first things he'd mention at a reunion, you know?
But my feelings aside, you know what the in-universe explanation for how weird the dungeon scene is would be?? That this isn't their reunion at all. They've been meeting in secret these past two/four years, only saying otherwise aloud because there are cameras in the torture room or smth dgdgdyehe
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vampirocrota · 10 months
This is a kind of queer media I don't relate too
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knightmareaceblue · 2 years
This feels like a Polythreat song
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I love the sentiment expressed by this song. Wounded in the past, feeling afraid to trust again, but desperately wanting to. I'm going to give this one to Ellie, I feel like this is an expression of her feelings.
Thanks for the rec, I like the song!
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radio-heads · 2 years
abigail: violence isn't the answer.
laura: you're right.
abi: *sighs in relief*
laura: violence is the question.
abi: what?
laura, bolting away: and the answer is yes.
abi, running after her: NO-
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mothdruid · 10 months
i've been thinking heavily about this and think it might be for the best if i turn all my series into one-shots/anthologies. but i want your guys opinions on it.
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treacherouswar · 9 months
Teenage dream feels like such a perfect way to close this chapter of her life though?
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traumxrei-archive · 2 years
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niallschesthair · 2 years
i'm about to sound mean but i really don't think taylor has the right music catalogue for a halftime show. like, obviously she has a handful of really catchy pop songs but those aren't the ones she's the best at and i don't think the NFL is all that interested in having her sitting on a piano singing a ballad.
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mausolealdrift · 7 months
its baffling seeing people on here being all shocked about how other ppl didnt have sex or do drugs or drink or go to parties etc etc in high schools like. sorry i was too busy getting bullied to do all of that stuff i guess. why are you surprised that there’s losers on the cringe loser website
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robo-bozo7125 · 12 days
would it be an unpopular opinion to say normalize making all of your points in one post instead of reblogging a post several times to add points and then getting mad at people for not reblogging the version with the reblogs
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imaencuru · 1 month
Always strange to me that people think the Brotherhood is glorified in FO4, when it's very much an invading force that has total disregard for anything anyone else in the Commonwealth has going on.
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shay-creates · 9 months
Apparently, my decision to be silly and make fanart of someone's writing (because I genuinely enjoy the story the person is writing and I was struck with inspiration upon reading a particular scene) has benevolent and wildly unforeseen consequences.
I apparently gained a bit of control of the canon because said writer really loved the art and decided what I drew/draw is canon.
2. Writer put said artwork into the document of his story right below the scene, so now it's IN the story where people who read the story will see it (with a link to me)
3. He sent the artwork to all his friends and people he knows because he was so excited
Wholesome interaction and I watched him do all that in real time, good stuff. However...there are two more consequences I was notified of today...nearly a full week after I gave the artwork.
Seeing the artwork caused his friends to become interested in reading and hearing about his story, which means more people are reading what he's writing and giving him critique on the story (which he actively asks for).
Apparently, upon seeing the art, his writer friends got a sudden second wind to pick back up writing they'd abandoned for a few months. Because, I quote, "seeing that someone enjoyed {his} writing enough to take the time to make art of it gave them the motivation that maybe THEY can write something that will inspire someone to also create something." I have accidentally caused a writing frenzy among his writer friends and my silly idea to make art for someone has had a butterfly effect for people who I don't even know.
Uhh...I'm pretty sure there's a moral here but I am tired and have a great deal of emotions about this.
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kayawolfhorse · 3 months
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coastaltowned · 2 months
the manuscript ending the album on the utter jawdrop moment that neither of the muses of the actual album were the first men to fuck her up with promises of marriage and babies, and that first heartbreak so long ago laid the scene for the woman she would become and the ways she would approach love and how we all watched her life like scenes in a show but she kept coming back to the manuscript of the first torrid affair that ruined her, to bookend an album about two love affairs that destroyed her utterly in almost the exact same way, because all her muses are acquired like bruises........ it's bone-chilling
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danielcalmdown · 4 months
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early morning, on the way to Martinaise
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stoopidstapler · 11 months
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