#idk i think its fun im workshopping
vigilskeep · 1 year
so tempted to canonise arthur & josephine politically betrothed as children before arthur was sent to the circle
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oflgtfol · 6 months
i have like zero christmas spirit anymore after years of depression and years of working in retail where christmas starts in september. but this year ive really been going crazy about like dressing up all festive and doing fun things for it - not out of any genuine holiday spirit, but just because ive learned the simple joy in breaking the monotony of everyday life and being a little sillay. i am the only one in my store who will actually enjoy wearing the santa suit and so i will because it makes everyone laugh whenever they see me and so it makes me laugh too. i will wear my stupid ugly light up christmas sweater with a matching headband because people say i look cute with them but then i say “wait just watch this” and then i turn the lights in my sweater on and it makes everyone lose their minds. its fun! its fun to be a little sillay and its fun to be silly by making a bit of a fool of myself and right now december is giving me the perfect socially acceptable way of doing that and so by god i will dress up as santa today for my entire 8 hour shift and i may even continue to wear it on my break as i go pick up my tropical smoothie order because i think waltzing into tropical smoothie dressed as santa claus is fucking hilarious
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irrigos · 2 years
fanfic update: i am bored with nanowrimo and probably wont be really actively trying to write every day. i have like. 2-3 things left to write and im still gonna try to get it done before the end of the month, and count that as a win if i can do it
(2 of those should be pretty short and one might be. quite long. or it might not if i manage to actually make a montage that doesnt feel SUPER awkward and unnatural)
but i copy-pasted everything ive written so far this month into my actual Scrivener document and we did it!!! we officially broke 100k!!! current wordcount is 103,146 words. wowie!!! thats so many words. thats so many more words than anyone needs to read. and yet. here we all are.
anyway i wanted to take a break from just working on writing so i could work in the art project i have been picking at for ages
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wildcatfourteen · 2 months
how do you come up with such interesting composition? your pieces are always so captivating 💗
thank youuuuuuuuuu <33 and the truth is. idk. i am kinda just winging it and making a lot of adjustments as i go.... im not very orderly about it and have my thoughts kinda all over the place. heres some examples under the cut w what process pics i could find
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direction process goes >>>
first did a pencil sketch for big shapes. was just placing stuff down. i wanted to make ref sheets for an art trade but didnt want to make a traditional type bc i hate drawing ppl standing full body (bc im bad at it 👍) also i did not have specific outfits in mind and was going more for a reference of the general vibe of the characters, so i just wanted a full body pose + face close up. to avoid having to show specific details. bc i was cheating. was originally going to have multiple text bubbles around for the character facts
did like two sketches digitally. messed around a LOT with placement. the little emote heads came out of me feeling like it was empty and boring on its own and they are fun to draw so why not include them. the multiple text bubbles seemed like a bad idea now so i took them out and just did one text wall.
i actually dont like the text wall now and think breaking it up wouldve been more fun visually but that would've required effort i didnt wanna put in LOL
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^ i lost the pencil sketch for this one (i always do a pencil sketch) but it was actually just the two half body drawings at first with none of that shit at the bottom or the close ups until i was like fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk i gotta add smth around to make this look like theres stuff happening..... the idea was to draw the two main characters of the labb novel in some kinda comic format w panels around and i then. kept adding things until it seemed like i was getting somewhere. thats kind of my process for everything TT i think it helps to stay in a workshopping stage for longer if needed to get somewhere but i often get impatient LOL
im putting a stupid note abt this here bc im still annoyed at myself but in this novel, there was a bit about a crossword puzzle related to a murder case and i only thought of it afterwards that it would be kinda cool to put the sugar cubes in like a crossword puzzle formation....... why didnt i do that......
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^ and heres some of the process for this one, but i lost a LOT of the steps for this. the beginning was totally different. the character wasnt as pathetic and scared looking at first but then i was like uhhhhh lets draw him that way :)
the first pencil draft was from a different perspective and it was gonna have a mirror composition to it kinda? but i wasn't able to make that look appealing so i deleted it. it still had the curtains tho but then i also included stuff with framed mirrors + other frames around
i decided to instead make the curtains be the focus of the whole piece to not make it so cluttered. character's pose was so different at first it was so bad i dont even wanna remember it. i took out the frames entirely bc i didnt think they added much to the piece in terms of the atmosphere. since like. the more i worked on it w the character's + the goat's expressions the more it gave a 'being hunted' feeling to it and portrait frames dont fit that vibe. which feels funny bc u look at it and thats all u can think abt but i wasnt even gunning for that when starting out. BE FLEXIBLE. TRUST THE PROCESS.
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shinakkyo · 9 months
kinda sad that sugar apple fairy tale finished its season today, but i did enjoy the finale ♥ i wish they had one more episode to work with so the finale didn't look so rushed— i wish we had at least seen the journey back to the paige workshop or some other transition between rafael's defeat/the fairies gaining back their wings to anne being back at the workshop, but overall i thought it was a good ending!
i'm particularly happy about the anne and bridget moment bc that's what i've been thinking about for days, how much i wanted them to be friends and to see bridget grow and i think it was done beautifully! to learn that bridget finally found a middle ground with her father, that she finally has a role other than wife-to-be, and the happiness that it brought her... what an amazing character arc.
i also enjoyed anne and shall's talk a lot... granted, i am a fan of angst and yearning, but even if i wasn't, i had the feeling that somehow that was a confession in itself? anne saying that if she's ever to be truly, perfectly happy, then shall would be free from his promise and do what he wants too, it's not only a "if you love someone, let them go" moment, but also implies (to us, the audience) that it's kinda impossible for her to be ever truly, perfectly happy without him by his side. a troublesome promise, indeed. and when she thinks about the late fairy and human kings friendship while looking at shall, that was so tender and hopeful, too? idk i really enjoyed that moment (but i understand that it was also heartbreaking)
and finally, the scene with the sugar confections on display inside the church was SOOOOO pretty, it really made it all feel worth it in the end :') and it was just so very symbolic that there were all these humans and fairies celebrating together under a ceiling painting depicting the fairy and human kings, like their wish has started to come true just then... it was a really special ending to the season i think! i really hope that we get to have another season some time, but if not, im pretty satisfied with what we got in these 2 cours ♥
gonna miss my weekly rambling about this series tho :') it was fun interacting with people every friday!
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oatsareyummy · 1 year
out of all the really good farming games I've played, and the farming games i wouldn't recommend (sun haven), nothing has come close to the feelings i have playing stardew valley except coral island. the game isn't even out of early access yet and i cant stop obsessing over it. ive played the game since alpha, and I've loved watching the world grow and expand.
it feels almost like a marriage of a bunch of farming/life sims, executed really well.
i adore the way the game looks, everything from the character designs to the environments, to the building layouts. its just so cute.
i can't wait to delve further into decorating, bc all the furniture is so cute!! im hoping that with time, there will be tons more furniture. it already looks like there's a bunch.
i like the bug catching, and museum completion, feels like a nice twist on the animal crossing mechanics. the mines feel like an interesting spin on stardew's mechanic with descending floors. the fishing mechanic is a bit annoying, but I'm not sure if it will get easier the more you fish/level up the skill/get better gear. i have not been able to delve much into the library but i believe you'll be able to return books there. the town ranking system reminds me a little of the workshop ranking in my time at portia. i like it.
pufferfish is such a chilling and direct villain, reflective of real world issues. i really enjoy cleaning up trash, being able to recycle/make things with it. i know eventually we'll be able to restore the recycling center, but im not sure if that's been added into the game yet.
the farming is nice, so is the ranching. i cant wait for the next update with the last of the ranch animals. i also can't wait for pets!!
the characters are really fun to talk too. they all seem to have interesting stories, from what I've been able to see so far. also all the romanceable characters are hot, and mayor connor seems much less... menacing? than lewis does in Stardew valley. to me, anyway. maybe he's for a secret backstory, idk lol.
the seasonal outfits for the characters (only spring and summer are out right now) are so cute!! asleep all the clothes for sale are ridiculously cute.
i can't wait for the merfolk to be a really fleshed out feature. yes, i want to marry a mermaid princess. that's cool as hell
the game is still in early access, and can be a bit buggy, but i don't think any farm sim has enchanted me like this since stardew valley
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dogstarblues · 8 months
20 Questions
got tagged by @artemis-devotee. seemed like fun! ty botan!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
i have 11 works and i can tell you four of those are poetry.
2. What’s your total AO3 words count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
on ao3? used to write for the ch**tiverse, still write for Victoria Goddard's Nine Worlds. well, okay im on hiatus from participating in fan stuff bc i got too much going on and i have complicated feelings abt fandom. but. on ffnet? naruto, inuyasha, bleach, fairy tail, danny phantom. i think.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
we have time (love this one - much needed natural hair content in that fandom, much needed)
you can't even see how much you're mine (i'm really proud of this one)
before we have time
just for now
gazing at the sun
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
i respond to everyone's comments if i can remember LOL
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
you can't even see how much you're mine. really exorcised my polyamory baggage with that one LMAO
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
mmmmm none of them end poorly but they end heavily, if that makes sense? but also they don't. like most of my fanfiction as an adult in my 30s is discussion of wants and needs in a relationship and hashing out things that need to be talked abt
8. Do you get hate on fics?
i have on ffnet when i was a teen and giving every naruto character in my biopunk fanfic like 4 codenames SDKVDFLVMS
9. Do you write smut? If so what kind?
yuh. "just for now" is smut (old man yaoi). and there's another i think. i wanted to really confront my sex repulsion and explore my own boundaries around what i write.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
naur i never understood crossovers v well. i love an AU tho
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
probably not. on ffnet it was SO goth edgelord and now it's extremely poetic prose. (and when i say POETIC prose i mean it tend to be concise and abstract, not that its purple) who wants that LOL
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
yes! my first fanfiction was with my childhood friend Sunshine and we posted a double-self-insert absolute MANIC fanfic set in the world of Inuyasha posted to ffnet. one of my fondest memories. i dictated, she wrote.
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship?
i don't have one these days but i shant say what it used to be only that it made me insane from the time i was 14 to the age of 25.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
i had an old man yaoi urban fantasy au wherein a character who used to be the chosen one had been imprisoned and was surviving the trauma of that as a music teacher and i read a ton of prison literature for it and watched documentaries and watched interviews and spent WEEKS researching trauma from incarceration and what it means to be incarcerated (part of this was because my birth father was about to be incarcerated and i was trying to write through my understanding of what he'd be going through) and researching what town councils do. and then a (now former) friend had torn apart the fic paragraph by paragraph during beta and wrote how boring parts were and no one wanted to hear abt me talking abt poetry in the fanfic and it was my FIRST fanfic since i was in my early twenties and i basically deleted the whole thing out of embarrassment and hurt. iykyk who it was. idk if i can ever go back to that. i just don't. i want to but. even strangers in workshops aren't that cruel LOL
16. What are your writing strengths?
i'm a pretty/poetic writer good at relationship shit i think. i'm good at grounding the reader in a sense of place and my writing is very tactile. it's embodied.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
i am a pretty/poetic writer
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
i know some spanish and a little french and even less russian (i'm like learning that one through osmosis) but it's not v applicable. hmmmm i wouldn't try unless i was fluent.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
20. Favourite fic you’ve ever written?
either the naruto biopunk fanfiction on ffnet (i turned that one into a fanfic from a biopunk short story i had written in high school it's v close to my heart even if edgy) or "you can't even see how much you're mine" bc i put a lot into that or "we have time" because your partner doing your natural hair IS a love language.
if yall wanna hop in i'm tagging @toopunkrockforshul @cadencekismet @markeyverse
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bandidodododo2 · 1 year
ooc: this blog is dead for now BUT im gonna reboot it when i feel like it
hihihi! you can call me B ! I use he/they and any neos (especially ones that like are jewel or magic or nature or night related !!) and I have a meowscarada he name is Boots :3 i also recently adopted a purrloin named Kyle! i also also have a Joltik named Shocker ! And i hatched a Rowlet named Mr Hood ! And a Hisuian Zorua named Ms Marshmallow !!
I am a magician ! me and boots and kyle do magic tricks together !
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my carrd ↑
aaaaaand that's about all I can think of for an intro post bye bye !!
ooc under cut
Hello I have made yet another pokemon irl roleplay account!
My main account is @thatonegaybastard
im a minor irl so if you don't want to interact with minors or something then turn back now (B is not a minor though he's 19)
im okay with interacting with non pokemon irl blogs (mostly my mutuals) but I'd like to keep the amount of interactions to a minimum. this is a pokemon irl account after all
I'm also good with interacting with like sentient pokemon and legendary blogs those are fun
magic anons are also on!!!!!! theyre also fun
thanks to magic anons b has a couple of powers! idk if hell get more but they feel important to list! b powers
understand and talk to pokemon
if someone he knows tries to hurt him lopunny tunes shit will happen to them and they wont be able to 👍 (might workshop it a little so its not op)
warnings for:
unreality: we are pretending pokemon are real
high stakes pokereality stuff: mostly involving stealing objects and illegal activity- probably not stealing any pokemon (yet)
their backstory involves child abuse and familt members dying in fires . why didnt i add this earlier wtf
idk what else to add I'll probably add onto this later
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unrelated but how do you as a writer like REALLY get in ur element and focus, because im pretty sure i have adhd and it makes it hard to focus and everything i try besides classical music (sometimes) doesnt work
and my second question how do you get people to view your work/participate in it, i've been writing for 3 years in the fandom and a few people notice, and i know im supposed 2 be writing just for myself and i am, but i wanted it to kind of be a whole family thing like everyone being excited for updates and its a whole thing... idk if maybe no one cares anymore or no one really knows me
anyways sorry for my REALLY long winded ask, tysm if you read it
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also here's this larry gif for you're troubles
all the love, louiscarrotsxoxo
thank you for reaching out and asking me this! I'm going to try my hardest to answer the best that I can (I thought I'd answer it before I left so I could help <3)
Getting focused and into the element
So I have ADHD as well and I know that getting focused can be tricky. Things that I do/have to help keep me focused are:
Writing Sprints - I sprint in Discord Servers with my friends and we all keep each other motivated and encourage each other
Discord Servers - So I'm in some really wonderful servers where we're all happy to cheer each other on writing wise (I'm going to link them in another part)
Inspiration- So, for most of my fics, I have a playlist that suits the theme and I try my hardest to make moodboards for them to get the feel of the fic. I'll also plan dialogue or even the layouts of flats/houses so I feel inspired to write about them.
I asked some friends in my Discord Server for help as well and this was their responss:
@chai-hat-tea said:
I don’t know about others, but usually having a deadline freaks me out enough to make me wanna complete my fic, even if it’s on the day of posting. And for that, I join fic fests. How that also helps me is because I also tend to tell myself that I owe it to the mod to complete the fic or else they’ll feel disappointed (and not tell me), so for their sake I need to complete fics. Joining fic fests also helps in the viewership of your fic, so once you have participated in a few fests, you might find it easier to build a somewhat decent enough crowd that enjoy your writing and want to read your stories. So once that happens, you can plan a long chaptered fic and then post chapters as and when you’re done and ready. So then you can guilt trip yourself by saying that now you have those people who are waiting for your story and you delaying is just making them wait longer and feel more disappointed lol
@loveislarryislove added:
Yeah I think a lot of it is building community, to pump you up or keep you accountable or help circulate things etc.
Getting people to view your work/participate in it
The first thing I'd like to say here is that you shouldn't define your work by statistics/interactions (a bit like what you said). Having said that, there are a few ways to try and increase your circle:
Make mutuals - There are some amazing people on this site who go out of their way to support each other. Try and get to know new people and interact with them.
Join Discord Servers - The servers I am currently in are amazing servers. My two main ones are @1d-library (ran by @larrysballetslippers and @larry-hiatus ) and @new-writers-discord (ran by me, @red-pandaaa @larrysballetslippers @hellolovers13 @babyhoneyheslt and @rockstarlwt28 ). 1D Library is a place for readers and writers to hangout, discuss fics, writing or day to day life. The New Writers Discord is a recent Discord server where we have New Writers, Writers and Mentors who write all types of stories (fics, original works, etc.). We have sprinting parties, workshops and are always there to help if need be.
Tagging Systems - this post contains all the tracked 1D tags where certain accounts will reblog posts with those tags. This is extremely useful for people who make things in the fandom.
Have fun - Try and enjoy yourself in the process. Interact with new people and make friends, create things for yourself as well as others.
I really hope this helps! I am not going to be online after today, but if you do have any more questions, feel free to email me on [email protected].
(and I love that gif 💕)
Ash <3
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megacarapa · 2 years
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new needlepoint - i want to live here so fucking bad
this is wiehler needlepoint 2317 "es klappert die mühle am rauschenden bach" (the mill rattles by the rushing brook), which i actually just now learned is named after a german children's song - its pretty cute!
i was gonna put the process pics at the end of the rant but then the rant ended up too long so here they are at the beginning, i also added the dates each picture was taken =)
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this is my first wiehler needlepoint out of 5 i got from the mentors at the embroidery workshop (originally 4 but i got another one just this week), FOR FREE, which is crazy to think about since the kits for these things arent that cheap to buy, but they gave them to me bc they were just sitting around with no one planning to actually make them
needlepoint used to be more popular over here back in ye olden days and it even used to be taught in home ec class, so both my grandmas, mom and even DAD used to make them in school, which i never knew about bc by the time i was going to school home ec classes were long gone from the curriculum, which sucks because it would have been awesome to learn stuff like this as a kid
out of the 5 kits i got, this was the smallest so i decided to do it first, the rest of them get progressively bigger and bigger until the last one which is kind of mind bogglingly huge, will i really be able to finish all of these? im honestly not sure, but i dont mind the idea of having something to work on that could take me my whole life (or like, 5 years)
these needlepoints are also different from the ones ive done up til now cause instead of the picture being printed onto the cloth, here you get an empty cloth with only counting squares printed on it and you need to follow the pattern from a paper, which i already got practice for by working on that llama cross stitch and got used to with no problem
there was one thing though, this is the only kit out of the 5 that didnt actually have the standard cloth with the squares on it (there was also some string missing, so i think the thing is that someone else had already made this kit before and what i got was the leftovers), bc of that i simply bought some new needlepoint cloth and drew the squares on myself, which led to....
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honey i shrunk the needlepoint, SO YOU SEE THE THING IS, i didnt check what the squares on the cloth i did get for the other kits actually looked like, i simply assumed the squares would be normal 10x10 squares like in the picture, so thats what i drew by hand, but theyre actually supposed to be 20x20, and youre supposed to do a specific stitch called gobelin stitch where 2x2 of space is considered 1 stitch, idk if im explaining any of this well but basically if i had known this and done it correctly the finished work would have been pretty much the same size as the pattern on the picture
i know all of this now and the next needlepoint ive started since then will be the correct size, but either way i think the tiny one has its own charm and looks great anyway, its adorable!! im kind of obsessed with it, the green frame also looks great and ahh i just love it sm😭
heres the back
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and size comparison with my previous ones
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its a little bebe needlepoint🥺
it keeps happening that at the very end when these have finally been framed, i always notice one or two squares which i forgot to fill in, but i dont really mind it, and its fun asking people to try and find them🤣 (but dont bother trying to find them yourself bc they cant really be seen in these pictures)
i also accidentally swapped the two shades of green for the tree but the shades are so similar you literally cant see it, and i also ran out of the darkest blue shade and had to buy a new one, but couldnt find one that was similar enough, so you can actually see on most of the pics that the dark blue part to the left of the tree is a darker shade than on the right, but again, who cares, i just like jotting down as much of the process as i can remember in these posts🤣
thanks for reading!!
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cody-apexart · 1 year
Day 9
i did not travel half way around the world to hang out with NPR white people!! story slams are not my thing, i had to do a moth workshop for another fellowship a couple years ago, and damn, i don't rly like that shit. i got to be a judge tonight though. it was the first slam they have hosted. these people were honestly really awful. super brash annoying american man vibes, but its always kinda fun to talk shit with people you'll never see again. I was one of the last folks to leave cause people kept buying me drinks. the last time i traveled like this, with really no personal agenda, and time to just chill and see where the day takes me, was 10 years ago, i was still underage. its fun. i never thought i would have this luxury again. this fellowship is like adult summer camp and i'm not complaining tbh. it feels so surreal. overall, today was almost boring. i went to the post office but was not too impressed with the architecture or the postcards available for sale. I found the only cute one (the only studio ghibli design and the last one at that), wrote a note to my partner about how I didn't eat anything yet today, and sent it off to brooklyn. Im curious how long it will take to get there.
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since I had some free time, for sunset I went to what i think might be the saigon equivalent to Domino Park or some other type of privately owned waterfront pier, idk if its publicly owned or not, but its behind the complex of lux apartments I see from my apartment, and is cut off from the rest of the waterfront. I counted 14 cranes around the skyline, like building cranes, not birds. But there of course were some nice birds and tons of fish as well. Also turns out it was a full/nearly full moon. the moonrise was a nice treat.
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i got home drunk from the story slam and took down the shitty canvas' in the room that say "home" and "home is not a place it's a feeling." they're just so ugly, and i don't need that type of motivation or encouragement. cant look at them for two more weeks.
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origamiyoda · 2 years
3, 6, 21, 27, 30 🦇
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OH there's. quite a bit. 5-8 grade was when I made up most (and I mean most) of my ocs/storylines and ive just been tweaking them and workshopping them over the years and developing the characters and stories as I go!! At their core theyre very much the same weird set of guys from middle school lol
Theres a couple like. Fandom OCS that come from my like. 3rd grade self that r still kickin around (see: Warrior Cats OCS)
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Ohh um. Damn. This is maybe cheesy but my friends?? Just their interests and artstyles and the way they move or hold themselves or their mannerisms??? Like idk I love my friends so much and I love making art so I think parts of them find their way into the stuff I make?? Thats super dumb but yeag :]
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idk how to describe it but like. That kinda 2000s esque sparkledog style with bright colours and is kinda weird but in a good way is just SUPER fun and I'd LOVE to draw stuff like that?? I can never make it work but its super cute
Painterly styles that use big broad strokes and bright colours and aren't super detailed
heartsl0b on twitter I believe??? Just absolutely >>>>>>>>>>>>> their stuff is gorgeous
on the opposite end I really like sketchy/pen styles. Really fast and loose stuff thats kinda painterly with cool angles?? Along the same line like line work stuff that looks like it's straight out of an old book, especially when they draw creatures and dragons, that kinda stuff is really beautiful and really really itches that v specific part of my brain.
Tony DiTerlizzi's stuff is so wicked its epic especially his creature design
Like very polished character pieces but theres so many little details in the characters design and outfit and its just. mesmerizing to look at.
Sorry that got rambly I just. Love cool artstyles.
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looks into the camera
ummm. lol I dont. warm up. Head in hands. I'm just constantly drawing like all the time that part of my brain is like. "Well youre always warmed up! Go for it!" Plus like if I warm up I get distracted and lose momentum for the actual big thing im doing 😔 its awful ik JDKFJFN
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I know its traditional art and I know its tmnt and I know its 2012 tmnt and I KNOW it's fuckin 2012 Leo who nobody seems to like but :( I really really really like how it came out :( hes my little guy and I have lots of thoughts about him :( v sad this one didnt get a lotta attention :(
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musherum · 2 years
For the ask meme: primes?
who is/are your comfort character(s)?
i dont really know if i have one anymore. sometimes, when im upset, i'll imagine kim kitsuragi from disco elysium shit-talking people im mad at, or him telling me that im doing okay. but i dont know if that really counts?
i used to have lots. but ive mostly moved out of that stage in my life. idk, i guess it felt in a way slightly infantile, and not like a great way to engage in media - and also like it was kind of a flattening of myself, if that makes any sense.
2. lighter or matches?
matches are soooo tantalizing. i love striking a match. but they disappear so quick! so i prefer a lighter, generally. the flint mechanism is also fun to play with, though i understand that is pretty unsafe to do.
3. do you leave the window open at night?
yes, usually. i like to keep fresh air flowing in, to keep myself from overheating or starting to wheeze. and i get to hear the crickets :)
5. what color are your eyes?
a fairly unremarkable blue. looking into them sometimes reminds me of looking down through the water at the beach, into the sand. but mostly they are fairly poetically uninteresting.
7. hair-ties or scrunchies?
hair-ties, usually. scrunchies are fun and cute, but i usually put my hair back for utility, and not for fashion or to look cute - i dont have a good relationship to the shape of my forehead and brow, or my jaw or chin, so if im trying to look nice ill generally leave my hair down. so cute scrunchies arent really something ive invested in.
11. favorite extracurricular activity?
i dont think i did many extracurriculars as a kid. i was in cross-country for a bit. i liked it okay, i liked going fast. but my asthma got too bad, and i started collapsing and not being able to finish races.
i was in a writing workshop in middle school, but honestly despite me always getting good grades in english, and despite me always being my english teachers favorite, i simply was not and am not a very good writer, at least not of fiction. idk, maybe i just need to practice more and stop judging everything i make like its the thing that will make or break my worth as a person. either way, i didnt attend the workshop for long, because of life-ruining depression
13. when was the last time you ate?
a few hours ago? my sister was over to do laundry, and i defrosted the veggie shepherds pie filling i had in the freezer, and made us both little shepherds pies in some ramekins.
it was pretty okay. i mixed the mash with some goat cheddar because i was out of parmesan, and it turned out nice. browned well, light and puffy. the filling was missing something. maybe it just needed some acid or something. idk
17. are you farsighted or nearsighted?
im nearsighted. thats one of the biggest reasons i dont wear my glasses very often - keeping them on, when im doing tasks that involve my face being just a few feet away from my point of focus? gives me a headache.
19. imagine we’re at a sleepover, would you paint my nails?
i could try? im not very good at it though :( i cant even paint my own nails without making a mess of it.
23. how do you feel about chilly weather?
already answered!
29. how do you like your shower water?
depends on the weather, and what would feel most refreshing. in the summer, i usually let my shower water run slightly cooler. but then again - after a hard day, when im full of aches and pains, nothing hits better than hot, hot water pouring down on me. so i guess it depends on the weather and how tiring my day has been.
31. what type of music keeps you grounded?
i usually listen to more energetic electronic music, but when i need to ground myself or bring myself back from the brink, i usually lean towards something slower and singable and maybe a little bit sad or morbid. half the time i wont even listen to it - ill just sort of wail along to it.
37. someone in your life, other than a relative, you’ve known for 10+ years?
this is a tough one. aside from some family friends?? ummm. drawing a blank here, i stopped communicating with a lot of other people from earlier in my life a long time ago. the closest thing i can think of would maybe be a couple of tumblr mutuals? and even then, theyre maybe, like, 8 or 9 years, tops.
41. how do you take your coffee?
already answered!
43. what’s your take on spicy foods?
already answered!
47. what was the last message you sent?
i asked my youngest sister if she was coming over tonight to do laundry, and if she wanted me to make her something to eat.
thank you for the questions :)
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acadarnia · 1 year
hi!! i was just going through the pobaw tag and saw a post you made in sept of last year (i was going to link it, but i cant seem to be able to) but it was about relating to jude from a little life (which im yet to read, unfortunately, so i cant comment much) and hoping that a group of extroverts will take you in, like sam and patrick did for charlie.
now, i dont know you at all (i literally only saw ur post bc i was going through the pobaw tag) and my context is probably completely digferent from yours, but i just want to say i hope that now, over half a year later, you have found uni to be okay, or even good. fun. i hope youre doing well and you have some friends, even if its just people you say hi to in class and people who come to sit with you in the workshops/tutorials/labs etc. i hope that you know that making friends in uni is really hard (im in my fourth year of uni and i just started a new course - and making friends is still so terrifying) and (in my experience) its different to highschool in so many ways but its okay. you'll be okay, even if right noe you feel like your anxieties frim nack then were right.
obviously, there exists the possibility that you arent even in uni now - you might have changed your mind, or something might bave happened - but whether or not you are or arent in uni, whether you have a whole class of friends or just one or none, i hope its okay for me to send you a bit of love.
tbh i dont think what i intended to say is properly communicated through this ask, but i just wanted to.. kind of reach out? im not following you so if you reply to this (heck, idek if youre still on tumblr) i probably wont see it but idk, i guess i just wanted to send a bit of love. i hope youre well <3
thank you so much <3 fortunately life started going well, so well for me, i started to put myself first, i made some friends and i hope we'll stick together after uni too. it got better. it had to 💕 i appreciate the thought and the effort to write to me. love you, take care, kisses.
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sirensunrise · 1 year
Thank you for responding to my ask with such depth. Cannot believe I didn’t consider changkyun and taemin. Ludacris oversight.
Would love to hear about what genre you see idols slotting themselves into with producing.
Idk if you like much non-kpop music but even trying to think of western bands/groups idols would fit into is kinda fun. Like yuta in 5sos, dawn in 1975 (still workshopping that), soyeon in paramore… I know that is an entirely different tangent to the original ask and what you said your tangent was.
First off, I LOVE music outside of kpop. I’ve grown up surrounded by mostly alt music (punk, rock, indie) (and also a lot classical) but branched into emo and then some pop, rap, and just all music like i just Love music so much.
Ok so also, to preface this, I just came back from a hockey game where I had one more drink than i normally have (they also were overpouring... like a Lot these things were essentially doubles lmao) so im a lil tipsy so whoops. 
(as i’m writing this i am having more drinks this is fun)
Also bc I’m drunk (I’m writing this while halfway thru answering sorry) I’m gonna continue my og train of thought. Apologies. I will reblog this when I’m sober perhaps and actually do the secondary tangent. Also This isn’t necessarily what the idols would choose, but its what i see them doing if they were in that like alt universe discussed before. Where they are all rock/rock adjacent artists. Also might not include all of them. Literally if you want anything specific. Ask. I will answer. I love being asked shit like this. 
What originally had started this was me thinking about yuta and taem and how yuta especially gave me hyde vibes. Which like duh, that’s his fuckin dad right there. They literally did a drunk insta live together and it gave me my whole life. Hyde was Super androgynous in the 80s and 90s which is huge taem vibes, also the cross mic stand and some christian imagery idk. it gives. plus hyde has a very distinct voice which both taem and yuta have. Yuta has such a japanese voice. idk how else to put it. its just So japanese rock. Yuta is a man built for that shit. lowkey im sorry but 5sos is pussy shit compared to what i see for my boy yuta. (who has such impeccable music taste like. yuta, hmu i know some jp, all my host sisters are from osaka, i love one ok rock. i like that you’re a perv) Also throwing in some X Japan style for taem just bc he would go to that extreme. If he did rock of course. idk the man is an enigma. 
JK, im so sorry baby girl you give me mgk vibes every now and then. If not solo shit he would be in a band like as a drummer or bassist with amazing back up vocals/secondary lead. Kinda like how pete wentz operated but like. More. Jk would be a sleeper hit. I don’t think he’d be lead singer if in a band. But he’d do some fuckboy shit if he were solo. Probably do really intricate shit tho if he played an instrument. The boy likes muse, go watch him do that baseline and tell me otherwise. I DARE YOU. 
ok the next person i can immediately peg (ha) is jjong. that man gives me classique warped tour vibes. I’m talking early 00s rock. Taking Back Sunday, Thursday. That vibe. Not screamo. Not metal. but not quite emo. More life than brand new. Solid like young people rock. lead guitarist. obviously. backup/secondary vocal. maybe even lead. That era. (i hope yk what im talking about lmao. rock is my shit. I just saw taking back sunday open for mcr in like nov and ive seen geoff from thursday open for frank iero (quick sidebar thats fun that they both were with mcr/mcr members ha) but yeah im getting Specific. and it’s not a lot of current shit. we goin Back a bit,)
Hongjoong is obviously muse/linkin park. the theatrics of muse. the intricacies. the showmanship. That man is Built for it. I saw muse a few years ago and they had a blimp flying over the audience. you know the next time i saw smthn like that? ateez’s rhythm ta performance on kingdom. Coincidence? yeah. but it MEANS something to me. muse is in his VEINS. BUT the linkin park comes in w the like kinda rap. like linkin park had some kinda rap. joong would prob do real rap. literally just his solo lil cover songs like its all there babey. ateez is essentially already what he would do on his own bc he is so involved in the creative process but idk, the muse vibes exist. a cool hybrid between the two. 
The other ones didn’t get like fleshed out immediately and my brain is mushyymushy rn like whoooo im more drunk than i thought this is pure stream of consciousness rn so i couldnt truly tell you about the rest. most of them didnt have obvious rock counterparts i suppose. idols are lowkey weaksauce most of the time. like punk to me is dead kennedys that type of shit. they type where u tell the govt to fucking shove it and call reagan hitler and scream and bash shit. idols, by nature, don’t get to do that. and the type of people who become idols are probably not the type to do that. except hongjoong. hongjoong and suga are like the most outspoken mfs about that. i respect them so much. they pussy poppin on that punk attitude in an industry that expects perfection and obedience. they get their dicks sucked for that one fr.
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thetypingpup · 2 years
are you in the mood to talk about f&s!au...? 😗 bc i'd love to talk about it but idk what specifically. if not, any other au you want to workshop...? i still think about the cute hybrid pairings now and then (bunny!jaem/fox!reader, fox!renjun/beagle!reader)
Ok i was just thinking about f&s and the two milliseconds it was a college au. I was listening to some of the music I bopped to in college and was just like "damn...I have got to write a proper college au". And I mean write one my way that truly speaks to my college experience which I havent really done on here. By that, I mean meeting people in the financial aid line and getting to know them bc you were both there for three hours. I mean forming a comradery with the people in your class groupme. I mean going to sports games just to see the band perform. I mean the party games like hot seat and paranoia and king's cup. I mean smoking at a remote spot on campus in the middle of the night or sneaking it in your dorms. When I changed f&s to a mythology!au, I kinda scorched earthed all the college!au notes which I now regret bc it truly wasn't even that bad. There were already party scenes and games of paranoia and descriptions of some characters getting high for the first time which was fun as hell to write. I actually had a good thing going and now that shit is gone, so I'll have to redo most of it from scratch.
I do still have one scene with fwb haechan with that where you were sad about some shit, so he comes over, smokes with you, and y'all fuck. I actually really like how it's shaping up bc it may or may not be based on true events so I might just spruce that one up and publish it bc I actually fuck with it quite a bit. I would add it to the other fwb haechan fic I have in the drafts its more strangers to lovers but shhh, but I'd have to change too much about that dynamic so maybe not. For that one, that's the semi euphoria inspired one where I wanted to focus on playing with light and shadow in different ways with prose.
And bc im me and always gotta be on my bullshit, I already starting curating a playlist and it's a supernatural au (referring to the fwb/strangers to lovers idek what to call it anymore). Usually I really don't like when supernatural aus involve human characters, but it actually makes sense in this instance and gives more of a reason for you two to be drawn to each other. So haechan is a vampire and the reader is a mermaid, and this is where those aphrodisiac blood ideas I talked about a while back would come in.
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