#idk how to tag non fanon things
flowerxguts · 1 year
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silly trio doodle after this post just because
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detectivebambam · 2 months
For the choosing violence thing.
I curious about your thoughts on 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24, and 25
(Your thoughts make my day tbh)
lol i gotchu pinky
the character everyone gets wrong: Dan. she's not a badass. i mean she is, but she's not. she's a scared little girl who had to raise herself and has no idea what she's doing at any given time and i love her for it
why andrew would never top or bottom: actually he does both, and tends to enjoy it. kind of an agressive top but Neil likes it, and sometimes likes to follow orders when he bottoms 🫣 i think they do anything and everything with each other. Neil could be dominant or submissive at any given time, which gives Andrew space to learn about what he actually enjoys. He finds that as long as it involves Neil, he doesn't mind
worst tumblr take I've seen: that Andrew was a misogynist because he doesn't like being manipulated, and "manipulation is a woman's weapon" like how is THAT not misogynistic be so real
why did you block that annoying person?: kept saying that Kevin abused Riko as much as Riko abused Kevin. don't know how far they had to reach into the depths of their asshole to find that one, i just hope they didn't get stuck
i don't have discord
which ship fans are the most annoying: y'all are going to absolutely murder me for this but kevaaron. 1) where did it come from? 2) what's wrong with Katie?? 3) no hate ship what u want but also, i can ship what i want? and it's fine it's literally fine
what character did you start to hate because of fanon: i hate to say it but Thea. i adored her when I read the books originally, but after 4 years of exclusively fanon content i didn't like her. but i did a reread recently and adore her again so it's all good
common fandom opinion everyone is wrong about: Andrew being a sex god. Neil is his first consensual sexual partner. like yeah he knows how to suck dick like a dying man, which he learned in juvie (when he was 13-16?) but in terms of sex? he doesn't know what he's doing and he's probably really scared and nervous
worst part of canon: kevin and thea turning their daughter into a mini Raven 😔
worst part of fanon: Renee erasure 😔😔
fandom related words you've filtered: as of currently? anything tsc related because I don't have access to it yet and people aren't tagging properly. but I also have Rinee (rixo x renee) blocked because,,, what do you actually mean
unpopular character you like and why people should like them: Aaron. yeah he's an asshole and a little homophobic but he was raised that way and he's getting better
worst blorboification: if this means what i think it means, fucking riko. like wdym "he serves cunt" he needs to serve time
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you can't understand why this is popular: kevaaron, any riko ship, riko himself, ichirou x neil, andreil breaking up in fics ?
there should be more of this: fic: oral fixation. sexual or non sexual idc but let's Freud these bitches. fanart: ANDREW WITH LONG HAIR PLS PLS PLS
you're mad/ashamed/horrified you actually kind of like: i don't feel guilt I'm Presbyterian
part of canon you found boring: anytime they were in class like wdym
part of canon you think is overhyped: this one is going to get me in trouble so i wanna start off by saying that yes, Riko was a victim of abuse. I'm not disputing that at all. but the part where he got beat by Tetsuji and "was more blood and bruise than skin", while being horrible, was also because of Kevin leaving due to Riko breaking his hand. Tetsuji lost one of his biggest investments because of Riko's petty ego
fav part of canon that everyone ignores: Stuart Hatford man
ship you've unwillingly come around to: Kandreil lol. i didn't like it at first but idk the more fanfic i see I'm like yeah that could be cute
topic that brings up the most rancid discourse: picture this, if you will: Nora Sakavic says something about her own damn characters. yeah that's all
common fandom complaint you're sick of hearing: "it's poorly written" it's not. if you can get over the first chapter of The Raven King, the rest is actually written very well and it's so so beautiful and depicts traumatized characters in a way I haven't seen before that is very refreshing
ty for the ask pinky ily
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enbyboiwonder · 5 months
any combo of these for the fic writers ask? ❤️👻🏷👓😎💛💌 (also, hope you're doing well!)
I think I’m doing probably so-so (though I was doing better before this disgrace of a website reloaded the tab when I was 95% finished answering this and I had to restart from scratch—I am salty). I dunno how long it’ll last, especially since it’s not simply a periodic downswing, but oh well. I think playing Neverwinter Nights (and fantasizing about if not always writing Hero/Tomi fic) might be helping though, or at any rate, it ain’t hurting.
Send me fanfic author questions!
❤️ What is your favorite line that you’ve written in a fic?
The reason it took me so long to answer this—at least, before this sorry excuse of a website decided to delete everything I’d written because apparently autosaving to drafts is a thing for every type of post except ask responses—was that I had to go back and reread all (well, almost all; some of them I’d rather like to pretend don’t exist and either A. I’m still undecided on whether to orphan or not, or B. I can’t orphan them because they’re part of a series) the fics on my account. Is it weird that my fics don’t really stick in my head that long? Even when I don’t all but block them out. Anyway, it might be…
He feels safe—god, he feels like home.
from Don’t Tell Me Where the Road Ends (MacGyver 2016, macdalton). It’s not anything fancy or eloquent or anything, but idk, I still like it.
Or maybe…
He watches with poorly concealed amusement as Chika seems to work his way through all five stages of grief and back in the span of about two seconds.
from The Shape of Soup (2.43, yunichika)
(Yeah, I had difficulty choosing, so the rest—and the rest of the questions—will be going under the cut for length vvv)
Or even…
Somewhere along the way, his admiration has turned from jealousy to want—from wanting to be him to just wanting him.
the line that birthed not to remain as just a wish (2.43, odaoki)
Or possibly, since I feel like I should have one that is imagery-type/more poetic/(would it be conceited to call it eloquent?)…
His whole body is alight with the fizz of cider close beneath the surface of his skin, overflowed from the cavity of his chest to spill down his limbs and climb up his throat, pooling and sparking in all the places that Mao touched him like senkou hanabi, like miniature fireworks all their own, the brightest of all where Mao's fingers are still tangled with his, and it's wonderful and overwhelming at once.
from candy-apple red (Girls Blue, kisaragi/mao)
👻 What is your wildest headcanon?
I don’t think I have any tbh? My headcanons all tend to be more the run-of-the-mill type and/or generally accepted fanon and/or stuff extrapolated from them being clearly ADHD and/or autistic. They’re small things, like Yuni liking spicy foods but being unable to handle sour stuff while Chika loves both, or Nao liking space but not particularly caring for sci-fi, even sci-fi that’s set in space. In fact, both of those I came up with while writing the fics they show up in lmao (Lemon Squash and 流星群, respectively. Though, technically, Chika liking lemons—with the sort-of implication that Yuni doesn’t—showed up in The Shape of Soup, but that was just lemons.)
🏷️ Is there a tag you like to search for when looking for fanfics to read?
I don’t think I’ve ever gone into a content tag outside of when I was trying to see how to do something while attempting to write smut. It’s never really worked out. Even when I think I’ve figured something out, it all flew out of my head as soon as I opened my own fic. At least I prefer writing non-smutty fics, or this would be a much bigger problem than it is lmao
No, usually what I’ll do is just go into a ship (or character) tag and filter out any tag I come across that I don’t want to read.
👓 What helps you focus when you write?
Music, though that’s also just a general thing. Typically I’ll just listen to whatever I’m already listening to (which for the past few years has mostly been the 2.43 OST), but if I’ve got a specific song or set of songs in mind for a fic, I’ll generally listen to that instead. Sometimes when I’m rewriting a canon scene or writing something that includes one, I’ll just leave the show playing in the background once I’m done with it. (That’s actually how one of my 2.43 rewatches happened lmao, though I guess it only half counts.)
Of course, sometimes my brain will focus on that instead…
Yeah, I haven’t figured out how to reliably hack my ADHD. Mostly I just hope I’ll slip into hyperfocus (and then hope I’ll manage to finish it while I am, but that only very, very rarely happens. Normally I’ll come out of my daze to find I’ve added like 1600 words and I’ve got no idea how to write the missing bits).
😎 What fics do you prefer on a scale of canon compliant to wildly original?
It depends on my mood tbh. Also how much I hate canon (though it can make for some delicious angst, depending on why I hate it). But most of my fics end up being canon compliant, or at least not canon uncompliant, so I guess when it comes to writing, it would be that? Though I do also accumulate my fair share of AUs (but then, most of those are Canon AUs of one sort or another…)
💛 What is the most impactful lesson you’ve learned about writing?
I’m not so sure I’ve learned anything, and certainly not anything impactful, except that I have zero idea how to describe emotions. That, and it’s obnoxious af when people use epithets for the POV character. I can’t believe I used to do that. It makes me what to crawl into a hole and die in shame. Like, what someone/something is referred to in the narrative is how your POV character thinks of them! Your MC can’t be “the other man”—he’s the man! Everyone else is “the other” in reference to him! (That’s probably also why I’ve gravitated more consistently toward referring to the POV character by their given name, though I’ll still use surnames sometimes—and not just when we never learned their given name.)
💌 Is there a favorite trope you like to write?
I tend to prefer writing Pre-Relationship/Feelings Realization/Getting Together/First Kiss stuff over Established Relationship stuff, but I’m not so sure any of those are tropes. Wait, what does count as a trope. Cuz I also love Fluff (particularly the sappy stuff—I’ve had several turn out way sappier than originally intended) and Angst and Hurt/Comfort about equally, but I feel like those are closer to genres than tropes…
Hmm, well, I do love Character x Their Significant Annoyance (A finds B annoying/frustrating/exasperating/baffling/etc. but is still inexplicably fond of them anyway), and I feel like a lot of the fics I’ve written are for pairings with that dynamic, so let’s just go with that, shall we?
I’m also a sucker for tropes in the Fake Dating to Real Dating/Didn’t Realize They Were Dating/Practice Kissing area, though I haven’t finished very many of those, and I also love Crossdressing (particularly sticking unfeminine men in women’s clothing and/or guys just casually wearing women’s clothes), but I haven’t finished any of those, either. Granted, some of those involve smut, which could explain it, but it’s not like all of them do. Half or less.
Plus there’s The Italicized Oh, and I love sticking those sorts of moments into my pre-relationship fics, even if there is no actual italicized “oh.” Just—the yearning. I’m an absolute sucker.
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noelledeltarune · 6 months
least favorite thing about fanon submas ??!?!?
literally every single thing in the tag barring maybe 4 people's posts makes me feel like this
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but with regards to non-au stuff and fanon characterization in general i think i just disagree with a lot of the common interpretations and headcanons. nothing is a huge slight against anyone but yknow
idk if i'm a huge fan of the uncle drayden hc. i don't think people in-universe find ingo to be "the approachable one" and emmet to be "the creepy one". i don't think they have a serious older brother-younger brother dynamic. (<- this is probably the most egregious i just cannot stand it and that is a little more of a me problem than a fandom problem because they do act somewhat like that in canon but good LORD if you called someone born on the same day as you your "baby brother" in any serious capacity they would kill you.)
i think people give them too much of a dichotomy that isn't really there? like "ingo is the [x] one emmet is the [y] one" for everything LMAO. like yes they wear opposite outfits and have contrasting mannerisms but they're still just like. 2 people who are siblings yknow. they're not opposite people they're just 2 different people with a motif. i also think a lot of people get the impression that emmet is a mean guy because of this which makes me kind of sad because even if he is overly blunt sometimes (especially in the manga LOL) he's still a very kind individual and wants people to strive to be their best just like ingo does. they're not a good cop - bad cop routine.
i also don't think ingo is a dad in any capacity or father figure like he is not adopting akari as a father or uncle (this is also a huge problem i have with how people write akari because she is NOT as bubbly as people write her at all but that's not here nor there) (<- i say akari because i've never really seen this as much with rei. ANYWAYS) and it's just an IMMEDIATE bucket of ice water for me immersion-wise when people write him as one. like even if he's in his 40s he just doesn't seem like a parental guy. he literally addresses the protagonist in the french version with the formal "you" LMAO (not that there's strict rules with when to tutoyer vs vouvoyer someone but it comes off as a little weirdly formal to me as an adult talking to a child) (though in my head that could also have to do with how the pearl clan treats age as much more separate from status than people normally would) (not canon but that's what i'm going with) (also not here nor there LOL) again not that i mind them being friends but i just think it's odd that "father figure/uncle figure" is the relationship label people give them. i just feel like no 15 year old would call a guy they met AS a 15 year old "dad"/"uncle" under almost any circumstances
in general i think there's just a lottt of common fandom interpretations that i disagree with (not all listed here but in general) and since a lot of people share a lot of common takes i disagree with it just almost all rubs me the wrong way. like it's just a big amount of little things that bug me. so i just stay in my little bubble
this being said this is about the stuff where it's just like the actual characters in the actual canon games. none of this applies to some of these aus i swear to god people are almost sans undertale-ing these poor men. it's miserable
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lemonhemlock · 6 months
i have to say, you guys are relentless, i only need to post one helaemond-related ask and it inevitably brings all the boys to the yard :))
don't get me wrong, i enjoyed reading your takes & i'm posting them under the cut for anyone who wants to read such rants, but, at this point, with so little content, i feel like there's not really a lot more i can personally add to fandom critique that i haven't already said (discourse and metas anyone can find if they go through my designated tag).
so i hope you won't feel offended & this is 100% a helaemond blog but i am going to pause the shipping wars topic for the time being unless something fresh hits our port or we get some kind of news / additional content (maybe like scripts? would love to see those!)
it's been more than a year since the season ended and we've made all the arguments we could possibly make, but we can't control if there are users who still rehash the same three talking points over and over
Anonymous asked: The kids theory was always a long shot and to be fair, their paternity doesn't really matter for the ship to happen. Helaemond can still have romantic feelings to each other without the kids being his, but like you said, if the ship doesn't get confirmed as canon antis and Aemondwives will all be like "We told you so!!! You were all delusional and you should've stopped shipping it!!!!"...okay? It still doesn't change the fact the writers most likely played with the possibility. Setting up potential storylines and not picking them up in a later season is something that has always been happening in TV especially when the team behind the show changes in between seasons like it happened with hotd this time (maybe those who speculated that Sapochnik came up with the idea of Helaemond were right?). Idk how many chances the ships still has if the leaks about B&C being at the end of episode 1 or in episode 2 are real (I doubt there can be a romance after the event), but whatever happens people won't stop shipping it. Non-canon pairings have always been a thing in fandoms and sometimes they may even be more popular than canon ones. It's still baffling to me how hated this ship has become in the fandom though.
Anonymous asked: it feels very obvious because a lot of these fans won’t bring the same “it’s non-canon/made up/etc” vibe to something like Aegond or Daemond, but they will to Helaemond bc they fear it might actually happen in canon. Which, if it does, has nothing to do with the shippers and comes from the writers 😭
Anonymous asked: Some antis are now making up crap about Helaemond shippers hating on Ewan. One of them even made a list and they were listed as his top haters (they also included TB stans and L*cemond shippers but...Alicent and Aegon stans for some reasons as well lmao) while another one claimed Helaemonds are currently bashing Ewan by generally making fun of him and of his looks because of the ship not happening???? I don't know whose comments made them angry but I've yet to see one Helaemond bullying and actually hating on him. Not saying nasty H shippers don't exist but why claim all of them are doing something like this when it clearly isn't the case? At most I've seen people making fun of some of the things he says in interviews but this is not hate. People are allowed to joke.
lmao, people lightheartedly joshing around and pointing out some cringe statements is not hate, dictionaries exist!
Anonymous asked: The funniest thing about the crowing reaction all of the Ewan-obsessed twitter fans had to this supposed leak is when it comes to what canonical "confirmation" Helaemond shippers as a whole most often discussed it was a type of courtly love; probably unconsummated feelings between the two. The kids theory was a niche fun fanon theory mainly used for fics and headcanons, and most people who are still participating in this fandom had little to no "expectation" that we would see that on the show. Funny to point out that expectation isn't even the correct word to use here, as Helaemonds by and large were completely fine with no type of canonical confirmation, and were mainly excited for any Aemond and Helaena interactions we may get in the new season. It's a non-canon ship, people are drawn to all of the potentials they personally see in this dynamic, and how it can be explored in fan content. Shippers like this very rarely care about canonicity - not to say they wouldn't welcome it of course on the off chance it happened, but that is not a priority of their engagement in fandom.
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enneamage · 7 months
More corespondance from Poppy Lurker Anon under the cut.
hi sfw fic poppy anon again. re the tags yeah i really only cared about the bench trio (admittedly i did in fact center tommy). that’s actually one of the things i find interesting about my time on poppytwt. idk how common of a experience this was but the divide between the people who only really cared about bench trio (and co like purpled, bill, etc) vs the people who shipped them with the adults was a big thing at the time. idk i just remember it being a thing where people who like mained the members of bench and only shipped amongst them were against the people who shipped with the adults. i know that wasn’t like universal but i think that divide is one of the things that like really strikes me as strange like how both of those sides were labeled as equally problematic in the eyes of main. like the core of poppytwt was going against boundaries and i get why that’s problematic but i think it was treated as too black and white. switching gears i wanted to also touch on Tommy as like a character just because you mentioned c!Tommy. i think the thing that happened was Tommy as a character within sbi fic wasn’t c!Tommy from dsmp and also wasn’t irl streamer Tommy so people were more free to give characteristics as they wanted. (tho to an extent people also treated irl fic as free reign specifically with tommy because of how much his persona was clearly a persona and how people would say he was really different irl) and certain traits like making him soft or meek (or like depressed or bullied) was popular because people could use it as like self insert or vent. then if there’s a lot of those fics and/or they’re popular more people write him like that and eventually it just becomes popular as fanon and because there’s no real canon with this Tommy then fanon kind of becomes law. i think that’s also how crimeboys/tombur got to the point it got. if they’re not in dsmp and they’re not in irl then it’s kind of free reign to write them however you want and from there it’s a game of telephone until eventually you get wilbur telling tommy he’s going to keep him trapped in his bed because he ignored him for a bit (actual thing i read in a non poppy crimeboys fic. worth noting it was a hero villain au and it was literally like keeping him in bed for cuddles. again we are like half a step removed from just like a smut fic in this case like that scenario just screams this is a smut fic without the smut to me. dark sbi was a wild tag)
Lot of good observations anon, I'm pretty sure I agree.
Boy that fic mention hit me-- I've seen 'forced cuddling' (so much to unpack) around sometimes and it's just. It wraps me back around again to my initial concern of 'we need a more honest understanding of what could be sexual because too much is sneaking under the door in potentially harmful ways.' Things people dont know to dial back or think twice about if the weight of them are masked are dangerous.
Sometimes I think about the way that Tommy's Real Life Grief was kind of burned as fuel by the fandom in a way that's intense to really unpack. People were really, really invested in his sadness and grief and victimhood as a character, which is typical for a character but is a bit off-center when that character is so tied to a real guy and some of the lines were blurred. As you mentioned, SBI fic was half c! and half irl and eventually mostly headcanon in your example, and that boy just could not have living or non-abusive parents-- he came with pre-installed grief that always seemed a bit bigger than a plot device, the sadness was the point. Blonde Sad Self-Insert Woobie is well a loved inter-fandom pattern, but this wasn't Dave Strider or Hunter Owlhouse, this was a real guy who would go on to be a real man. Having him serve as an audeince proxy for sadness or being loved or 'sensuality' was a whole different, heavier moral question that got hand-waved by a big number of people.
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vinmauro · 1 year
what kind of Cheerscoops Mutual:tm: would i be if i didn't ask you about them?
when I started shipping it if I did: i really do not know. it was sometime summer/fall 2022. someone made an edit and i was like alright. according to my tag the first post is from october.
my thoughts: i love this idea of them being in the same circles but not really ever having the chance of being closer. actually i'm going to tell you bc i have 3 cheerscoops aus to write from my follower event and it's going to be centered around this idea of wrong time, right person. that maybe it could have started in 83 but steve met nancy and/or chrissy had jason. and maybe something in summer 85 but chrissy had jason and steve was sad boy scoops. it's going to be fun i think bc i love the idea of them genuinely being so right for each other but always with the wrong timing. and obviously i love a good rarepair, i love to operate in au, so there are a lot of possibilities with them. i'm also obsessed with the fact that shut up and dance by walk the moon is them. idk if i ever told anyone that. but my tag for them in bookmarks on ao3 is my discotheque juliet teenage dream.
What makes me happy about them: i feel like they'd be really good for each other in terms of understanding parental issues, the implied abuse with chrissy's mother, the implied abandonment from steve's parents. i think they could such bright spots in hawkins for each other.
What makes me sad about them: well. chrissy died. and they never interacted. and we must operate in aus.
things done in fanfic that annoys me: i have only read 2 so far and neither did anything to annoy me. i should read more but ya girl(gn) cannot focus on fics right now. but i think a lot of steve fanon annoys me to no end so i'm very selective about how people write him.
things I look for in fanfic: happiness!!! they both fucking deserve it.
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: i've said it before but i'm a whore. i ship both with multiple people. but happiness over all.
My happily ever after for them: they get the fuck out of hawkins, away from their family, and have the family they deserve. (whether or not it comes with nuggets, that's up to chrissy)
who is the big spoon/little spoon: oh it's so classic but steve's big and chrissy is little. unless steve is sick. bc you know he's a baby when sick if his guard is down with someone.
what is their favorite non-sexual activity: baking/cooking. i'm deep in the headcanon that steve can cook and cooks well and i like this idea of chrissy baking a lot when she's not under her mother's thumb.
send me a ship, character or 5 to rank
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kikidoesfanfic · 2 months
Not che asting fic - because I neeeeed to know
Ah yes, not che asting
This is hard cause idk how much detail to go into, oh well have all of it
So, in the show Steve does get cheated on, and before that he also has a bit of a conclusion jump and THINKS he's being cheated on (which yikes it was the person she later cheated on him with but I digress) and popular fanon is that his father cheats on his mother and that's why she follows him on business trips instead of staying home, so it's clearly a very easy to press button for Steve.
So in this fic there *isn't* actually any cheating because I'm a messy bitch with angsty fic but I just... idk it's not something I like to try and redeem in a fic cause it's a hard line, I'm not about that life, but there's so many little things that add up until Steve thinks he has connected the dots when something less explain awayable happens, he hasn't connected them, but he thinks he has.
It doesn't help that this is post canon, they've only been dating for a few months and someone from, I'm thinking maybe past hellfire (dnd) club member that graduated, but that's open to change, comes back into town and sort of slots back into the CC boy's (the band, also in the dnd club) orbit easily.
Steve is all polos and sports, Eddie is all non conformity and metal, the other guy likes their nerdy game and knows about their music and knew Eddie *before* all of the Upside Down stuff, when he would not have been caught dead supporting Jocks or Jock Shaped Interests. He just fits in ways that Steve doesn't.
Of course, Steve's not gonna be insecure about a friend, or not enough to jump to something going on between them, even with the added little comments. But the guy is touchy, and flirty, and he clearly doesn't like Steve. He seems interested, even if Eddie doesn't seem to be picking up on it.
Queue small incidents that, by themselves, Steve continues to rationalise away. Eddie stays over less, has less time for date shaped activities? The band is getting more popular he has a busier schedule, he's just tired. He hasn't been inviting Steve to their gigs/rehearsals, but the other guy has been at every one? Eddie probably just thinks he wouldn't have a good time or something, it's fine, it doesn't matter that the time he DOES sort of insist and tag along Eddie seems cagey and distracted. Eddie has been more secretive, he's changed subjects or hidden his notebook or little things like that when Steve walks into a room? It's probably just... well people can have their secrets! The guy shows up wearing one of Eddie's rings? Okay that one does give him pause Eddie is SO protective of those but it's... they're friends, he's being friendly. Etc etc etc.
The bigger catalyst is Eddie saying he can't come over and cancelling date night, that CC booked a little studio time to record their demo, but lo and behold the other three go into the video store where Steve works to rent something for a movie night. Eddie and the guy are notably absent.
This is where Steve draws conclusions.
There's more but this is where I'm gonna cut it off or I'll keep going and going until the end of the fic lol.
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brucbannr · 2 years
Prev anon here
I also have a hard time with shipping non canon stuff for some reason. Idk it's really hard after s4 because I'm just bombarded with ships. My fav is Steve so every other blog I follow is all about St*ddie and I just don't see it and I feel low-key bad for not shipping it because majority of the fandom acts like this ship is canon. Same with Ronance, I can't go through the Nancy tag because 90% of the stuff there is about it, not even her now relationship is discussed.
Like you said I always think about the characters first and if that relationship makes sense for them (both in canon and fanon) and right now Ronance doesn't make sense because it wouldn't be good for Nancy, just like Stancy is crap for both parties involved. Nancy needs a friend not a romantic another partner, this going from relationship to relationship is not healthy.
I like Jancy for the reasons you mentioned, I can see them work through their issues together as soon as the two stop lying to each other. However a large part of me just wants Nancy to be single because after s4 she just confuses me as to what she truly wants and idk her finding herself will be better in the long run for further relationships. I can see Jancy taking a break but getting back together in the future, stronger than ever.
I don't think you should feel bad! It's all about personal opinions. If it makes you feel better, I don't ship it either, I just don't see it. I also have a friend who's a big Eddie fan who doesn't like it, so some people don't ship it. I'm kinda hoping in season 5 that romance in general isn't at the forefront of the plot. In a show like this, it's such a sub-sub plot to me. There are bigger things going on, you know?
Jancy seems endgame to me just because breaking them up in the last season makes no sense. Especially because Jonathan's whole character development is about him opening up to more people. He's learning how to have relationships because he's been secluded his entire life by choice. He's been learning to put himself first after sixteen years of putting everyone else before himself. If they break up because of this college fight, he will end up staying with his family and again, ends up putting his family before his own needs. As harsh as it sounds, they don't need him as much as they used to. Hopper is now in their family or will be since he's with Joyce. Will is in high school and he'll be independent soon. El has Joyce and Hopper and she's also getting older. He does not need to stay with his family as much as he thinks he does. My point is, if they break up because of this, then his character development goes out the window. If someone talks to him then he can understand that going to whatever college he wants is okay. His family will be okay if he goes. He needs to go to college and learn that it's okay to do things for himself. I just think Jonathan needs to go and be "selfish" for once in his life and Nancy can encourage him to do it.
There are so many other reasons why I believe it's endgame. In reality, taking a break makes sense or even breaking up. I don't want to put real-life expectations on a fictional couple though lmao. Jonathan is my favorite character so as long as he and Nancy are happy (together or separate) then I'll be happy.
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esther-dot · 3 years
Jonsa is cute and all but we all know jonrya is the real deal. Like his dying thoughts were of her, twice. And then he died trying to get to her with the words I want my bride back. Not to mention Varys describes his ideal queen as Arya.
😂 Arya is currently shaved bald, wearing someone else’s pretty face, and is obviously a prepubescent child to non-pederast adults (Raff is one of the pederasts). She simply doesn’t have the time to mature into a woman if the books’ timing stays at a similar pace as before.
“Like his dying thoughts were of her, twice.” This is blatant lying. Jon’s dying thoughts are of getting stabbed, Ghost, and the cold. Unless they mean this?: Stick them with the pointy end.
Wait. Wait! Is this referencing when Jon gave his 9 year old sister a sword? I know they symbolize it as a metaphorical penis 🌭, but at this particular moment in ADWD, Jon has been slashed and stabbed by his own men, and his thoughts are incoherent.
“And then he died trying to get to her with the words I want my bride back.” That’s another lie. Look, Idk if that anon is lying on their own or perpetuating a lie told to them, but it’s false.
Jon didn’t “die for” Arya, either, which I often see touted by the shippers when they post in the main tags. Jon knew Ramsay was marrying his supposed little sister for months, but it’s actually Jeyne Poole. He didn’t do anything besides send Mance. Only when Ramsay threatened the Night’s Watch itself and a bunch of people under his protection was Jon compelled to take arms against him.
“Not to mention Varys describes his ideal queen as Arya.” Arya isn’t any character’s ideal queen. Arya 👏🏼 will 👏🏼 not 👏🏼 be 👏🏼 queen. Sorry not even vaguely sorry.
Darn it, anon! I went through that interaction without mentioning the penis sword and here you are making sure we’re all traumatized again! Every time I remember that/think about how they reinterpret everything about Jon and Arya’s relationship in a sexual way I just:
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I thought the first ask may have been a joke, you know, a Jonsa sending me an ask mimicking a jonry@ because it was so silly, but your explanation that they’re just repeating what they’ve been told makes a lot of sense. There are lines that I’ve heard so much I think they’re canon, but no, it’s just fanon. I’ve been trying to be conscientious and look back at specific book quotes to avoid that.
And yes, I don’t know why people insist on talking about queen foreshadowing for Arya when apparently that was never Martin’s endgame for her. I think the fandom needs to consider the possibility that they’ve misinterpreted things rather than, you know, insisting Martin is going to do something he’s indicated he isn’t going to do.
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nico-drives-badly · 3 years
Where did Vitale come from for V's name?
I missed something.
I don’t really know, honestly. Something about “vital stars” being a thing in previous games and people somehow linking that to V back when they were speculating his “real” name? Idk, I literally joined this fandom when DMC5 came out so I have no idea how any of the games worked before that lol, but that’s what I’ve heard anyhow.
I personally just like using the #dmc vitale tag because:
It’s a nice alternative to #dmc v that helps keep dedicated V content separate from general DMC5 content (sometimes people call the game “DMCV” instead of DMC5) and Vergil content
It helps distinguish non-canon “V is his own person” content from the more canon-compliant “V is actually Vergil” content. My good friend @beanswithbones honestly described it best: Vitale is the “fanon version” of V, while V himself is the canon version.
The name Vitale is just really freaking cute
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meggie-stardust · 3 years
Tagged by the always lovely @myletternevercame. Thanks babe < 3
how many works do you have on AO3? 57
what’s your total ao3 word count? 18,2645 (dang!)
what are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Acts of Man | Merlin | Merlin/Arthur
Nightmares | PJO | Jason/Percy
Looking for the Things We Lost | Teen Wolf | Peter/Stiles
Here I Am (Stuck in the Middle With You) | PJO | Jason/Percy
The Legend is True | Teen Wolf | Peter/Stiles
do you respond to comments, why or why not? I try to as often as I can. When I first post something and I get an influx of comments, I try to do it once a day. But when I get random comments on old stuff, I often forget to go back and reply, but I read every single one, and I do try to remember to write back.
what’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending? Oh man. Most of my fics happy endings... But the happiest?? Probably Acts of Man, since it's a Christmas fic and it has this kind of storybook coda on the end of it.
what’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending? Hmm. My older fics tended to be a little more angsty and open ended... probably this old Sterek fic Those Who Hunt Us or this Isaac Lahey study Bygone
do you write crossovers? Not much anymore, but I did a cool 3 sentence fic challenge back in 2014 and each prompt (from tumblr folks at the time) were things like MJN air + Supernatural or Sherlock and John work at Mooby's. I also have a soft spot for this Sherlock/Cowboy Bebop xover cleverly called 221Bebop: Honky Tonk Woman. And of course, there is the abandoned HP/Sherlock crossover bestie and I started and will never finish, so IDK why I even bring it up. Actually come to think of it, I also had the Sherlock Monstrumologist one... I just wrote a lot of Sherlock xover fic back in the day, huh.
have you ever received hate on a fic? Not on AO3 comments. I haven't gotten some odd reviews/comments, but I have been very fortunate to have not experienced much of this in my 20+ years in fandom.
do you write smut? if so, what kind? Yes. All of the kinds?? I remember thinking it was such a big deal to write a "lemon" back int the day, and now it's old hat. Of course, I can't really write PWPs (I think I have one maybe??), I always have to write a giant backstory just to get to the good stuff (see my 18k GW beast of a fic for a lemon/smut fest. smhd)
have you ever had a fic stolen? not that I'm aware of...
have you ever had a fic translated? Yes! And it's such an insanely wonderful honor. I've also had fics written that are inspired by mine and I just... blanket permission to anyone who wants to remix, translate, art, whatever my work. It's so flattering.
Most recently, I had Black Sails in the Sunset translated into Portuguese.
have you ever co-written a fic before? Yes, but it was abandoned. I would love to do something like that again. Or something slightly different, like a comic *cough*@bettertasting*cough*
what’s your all-time favourite ship? How does one even answer that? Heero/Duo was the ship that got me into fandom; Harry/Draco is something I will still occasionally return to when I want like nostalgic comfort; Merlin/Arthur has some of the best fanworks I've ever consumed and they feel more like canon works than fanon; I've been reading and writing Stiles/Peter for like 5 years now... So, this is my non-answer. IDK man. I have a whole fleet and I'm ok with that.
what’s a wip that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will? I had this idea for a Stranger Things OT3 fic at the end of Season 1, and then I wrote the first chapter and never posted it or wrote more before Season 2 dropped, and meh. I'll never go back to it. I loved the idea, but the characters have changed so much, I don't think I could capture what I wanted anymore. Maybe I'll post my WIPs I'll never finish someday and clean out my WIP folder.
what are your writing strengths? I think I'm funny and can inject that well into characters? And I like to think that I am good at writing in the character voice.
what are your writing weaknesses? If I need a "real" plot. Like, I cannot write case fics or mission fics or anything like that. I spent ages reworking my last fic so I could "Kevin Smith" the action by only have characters talk about some stuff that happened to them, and never see any of it on screen.
what are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic? I think I would take the easy way out and do it like: "blah blah blah" she said in French; or "she let out a rant in French" but never actually worry about translating anything.
what was the first fandom you wrote for? Gundam Wing! And back at it 20 years later!
what’s your favourite fic you’ve written? Hmmm. I really do like the last fic I wrote, my reentry to GW:
Our Love Keeps the Things it Finds | Gundam Wing | Heero/Duo/Trowa
And on the other end of the spectrum, and short 500 word fic that I really, really love:
A Slow Deep Panic | PJO | pre-Jason/Percy-ish
ok tagging: @punchedbymarkesmith @gatesofdisorder @lolahardy @pineappleglazedham @gentleranium @theheadgirl and you! Yes, you! Do you write fic? Are we mutuals? Do you want me to tag you in things? Let me know by doing this and tagging me!
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antikinnie · 3 years
How I feel about this character: ok so i know i joke about oikawa all the time bc he’s an easy target but i genuinely think he’s really fun :) i like how determined he is
All the people I ship romantically with this character: no one. im not huge into shipping
My non-romantic OTP for this character: him and kageyama!! their dynamic is so so interesting
My unpopular opinion about this character: i dont think this is like super unpopular but hes a high school boy. please just let him act like it instead of whatever weird fanon interpretation is going on in the haikyuu tags
One thing I wish would happen/had happened with this character in canon: idk im pretty happy with how his character arc went
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alexandrablake · 3 years
end of year creator tag!
RULES: it’s time to love yourselves! choose your 5 favourite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought into the world in 2020. tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works <3
(thank you for the tag @hurricanejjareau !!! i don’t have that many works so i’m sure this was much harder for you!)
1. Long Story Short (it was a bad time)- it’s brand new, but i love it. i never write canon divergence (other than a non-canon ship getting together) so this was a whole new experience for me. writing from hotch’s pov was a whole experience i actually was not prepared for, just because i write more omniscient, but i actually enjoyed it a lot. the idea of hotch leaving and then returning much later is just something that had been swirling around in my head for a while and for once i feel like i actually wrote something i would want to read
2. Love, JJ- y’all this is my magnum opus, like i am so proud of this. i’ve never written anything like it and i’ve never really seen anything like it either? idk. i was just so proud of how it came out. i really think i actually captured jj in it which is just a feat in it of itself because she is super hard for me to write
3. A Happy Ending- you guys didn’t like this one as much as my other reid fix-it fic (which i still like, but just not as much). i don’t really know what about this fic i like so much, but i am just insanely proud of it. that’s really all i can say, honestly.
4. Hogwarts AU- okay look this is pretty much locked away in a dark closet for neither red or i to work on for a while, but i think it still is worthy of a spot. i wish you guys could have seen the work and the time and just the fervor that she and i created content for this thing. like i’m just grateful that for two, three weeks this au was an escape for us and it brought us that much joy.
5. La Jolla- i am forever pissed that we lost emily like that and we didn’t even get to see the date from the s7 finale. i actually think i wrote both characters really well here and that i didn’t just focus on dialogue? and i think that i did a pretty good job with the hotch/emily dynamic, making it more ambiguous so it could actually fit the canon or the hotchniss fanon
tagging (i have no idea if any of you have been tagged, so if you have, i am so sorry!): @greenaway-lewis, @goldenxreid, @sunlightgalaxy and anyone else who wants to do it (and seriously i know people always say that, but i mean it. and tag me!! i want to see what you think are your best works!)
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dansiere · 4 years
fill out & repost ♥ This meme definitely favors canons more, but I hope OC’s still can make it somehow work with their own lore, and lil’ fandom of friends & mutuals. Multi-Muses pick the muse you are the most invested in atm. tagged by: @breselin, & @citialiin; thank you for the tag! I was planning on stealing it. tagging: @rosiqe, @noirtux, @goldgliitters, @ndeavor,  @reminiscentsky, @battleshell, @ettards & whoever else wants to do this. Just steal it & tag me. -- go wild.
My muse is:   canon / oc / au / canon-divergent / fandomless / complicated [loosely affiliated mainly due to the fandom’s size. I am quite open to crossovers of any kind, really even if it takes me a while to open up.]
Is your character popular in the fandom? YES / NO. [she is one of the deuteragonists; has been around since the pilot & while she has been sidelined during the epilogue, she was usually at least around with her story arc / actions having a huge impact on the overall story as such.]
Is your character considered hot™ in the fandom?  YES / NO / IDK. [I guess so? Then again, that’s an objective statement so I am just? Assuming? I personally find her general aesthetics to be quite amazing; she is a dance battler, graceful & elegant; a ballerina with a classical theme that runs through her design & attitude like a red threat. I have a weak spot for stuff like that.]
Is your character considered strong in the fandom?  YES / NO / IDK. [surprisingly, Pearl is considered to be the strongest non-fusion Crystal Gem according to the show (until Lapis Lazuli comes around). -- I assume prowess wise Pearl is high up next to Garnet & Rose whenever she can actually get her crap together due to having fought countless battles &, most importantly, survived the war in which she fought & shattered opponents thrice her size.]
Are they underrated?  YES / NO / IDK. [partially yes, partially no. She is controversial for sure but just as popular. At some point, the show delved deeper into her issues & actually had her mess up quite severely; the fandom’s reaction was so harsh that the showrunners had to interfere by “apologizing for making her human”. Pearl has always been a target for extreme criticism; some of it justified, some just straight down ridiculous.  -- It’s easy to forget what kind of complexity a character can offer when her resolution arc happens literally ten episodes before the show ends.]
Were they relevant for the main story?  YES / NO.
Were they relevant for the main character?  YES / NO / THEY’RE THE PROTAG. [Pearl becomes Steven’s guardian / mentor after the death of his mother Rose Quartz & can later be considered his stand-in mother alongside Garnet. It is safe to say that her actions have influenced Steven the most, both negatively & positively.]
Are they widely known in their world?  YES / NO. [she earned herself the title ‘The Renegade’ during the war for being the first (& arguably only) pearl that broke out of her conditioning; she used to be a wanted criminal / traitor to her own kind for 5000 + years until her record was cleared upon the beginning of Era 3 (aka official end of the Gem War). She is still being referred to as ‘The Renegade’ now & then; while she used to be proud of the title she has grown to resent it a lot these days.]
How’s their reputation?  GOOD / BAD / NEUTRAL. [it depends on who you ask; Homeworld Soldiers? Well, they despise her; she is a defective Gem & a war criminal. She stands for all that is wrong with the rebellion; I mean a pearl who refuses to serve & calls herself an individual? a warrior? THE SCANDAL!! Some soldiers are afraid of her, call her ‘Rose Quartz’ terrifying renegade’, even. However, in her ranks aka the rebellion, she is being seen as a silent heroine. A celebrated war hero, Rose Quartz’s right hand & sole confidante (some even whisper that there is more between them).]
How strictly do you follow canon?  — uh... well. Not really but... kinda? Steven Universe’s canon is messy & occasionally QUITE inconsistent. -- while it gives you vague details, some lore can best be compared to a gaping void. Thus my reason for partial divergence isn’t lack of good character writing (because Pearl is very, very complex even on screen), but rather inconvenient lore holes & SU’s habit of leaving important facts uncommented, “unshown” or just stuck between the lines. While I don’t mind deep analysis, some of those “buried facts” fly other people’s heads which leads to terrible, terrible fanon takes. -- in order to distance myself from that, I usually take canon & expand it with my own headcanons & metas based on lore / show analysis. I often alter / cut what does not fit my narrative BUT I always root my stuff in actual canon occurrences.
     Sometimes, I just straight down change certain things that canon messed up in my pov. For example, in order to make it explicitly clear that she fell in love & rebelled on her own volition (even if it has been confirmed like ten times by now), my Pearl is around 1500 years older than the original & (in)directly served White Diamond before being handed to Pink (not the only reason for that change but well I will elude on it eventually). She was a default pearl with no customization & usually spent most of her time with organizing matters in the palace until Pink accidentally broke her customized pearl; Pearl was then 'poofed’ & handed over; she possessed a more sensible personality & a strict rule protocol that was supposed to help her “raise” Pink Diamond into the ranks of a ruler. Most other changes are rather minor but very important or essential to my portrayal (for example whenever “A Single Pale Rose” is concerned: Pearl suggesting the “sealing of the secret”, her not wearing the dress from the beginning, her not calling Pink “my diamond”, her arguing with Pink long before the fake-shattering took place, etc etc.); the epilogue series is another can of worms I will get to eventually but lemme just say I didn’t really like the way Pearl behaved / the plot-bound ooc-ness she sometimes yielded to & other stuff. 
SELL YOUR MUSE! Aka try to list everything, which makes your muse interesting in your opinion to make them spicy for your mutuals.  —  well, she is a lesbian space rock from a strange universe; whose body is basically a manifestation of light? She is probably the most passionate being you will ever meet. -- if you are looking for a speedrun through human history, she is your gal. If you need someone to beat up some bullies, she will gladly come & smack sense into people; if you want to learn everything about Gemkind, sit down & listen because she won’t stop talking any time soon. 
     By definition, Pearl is a good person; the extreme loyal kind, absolutely & helplessly dedicated to a cause. She wears most of her emotions on her sleeve, comes off as genuinely caring, protective & trustworthy. She is empathetic & observant, she will always be there for you in one way or another. She is smart, loves to read & indulges in the higher arts such as (romantic) poetry, singing, painting, music (violin, piano, bass) & dance (predominately classic ballet / waltz but she has grown rather fond of jazz lately). Her knowledge about Earth & all that lays beyond is vast & if you ever want to see whatever is out there, she is the type to take you on a space tour with no questions asked. She fences, has learned to wield a lance, can engineer very well, has a very peculiar but... sorta adorable kind of humour that can either be hella obnoxious or super funny. There is no in-between. Pearl loves science, baking, housekeeping, ice-& roller-skating & is more than willing to take people along whenever she visits the rink. If you ask her for advice, she will gladly give it; if you need help, she will be the first to raise her hand. Pearl is orderly, has a strong sense of justice & a fierce, dedicated kind of resolve. 
Now the OPPOSITE, list everything why your muse could not be so interesting (even if you may not agree, what does the fandom perhaps think?).  —  Pearl. Is. A. Mess. No questions asked. She is an introverted, nervous, neurotic, grief-- & trauma riddled mess who loves to pretend & rationalize things to death. Her self-esteem is abysmal, she is extremely jealous, obsessive & possessive [to the point where she straight up murdered men just because they dared to be around her girlfriend]. Her mind is a compartmentalized mess of repressed memories & heavy, untreated cptsd woven into it; Pearl lives too much inside her head & gets overwhelmed by her emotions far too easily; she feels too much all at once & lets her temper get the best of her. 
     She is self-centred, does not seem to understand that words & reckless actions hurt people, believes that only she deserves to grieve Rose & willingly destroyed relationships just to soak in her own misery; self-destruction is her forte & she will indulge in it no matter the consequences. She is often high-strung, judgemental, always has to be right, overachieves & overdoes whenever a chance is given. -- she can be petty, arrogant & desperate for validation. --  Needless to say, Pearl is the kind of person that pretends to be fine for years but once she cracks she reveals that she is anything but. -- she cannot move on, hates men, & just is a lot to deal with. Getting in touch with her means you run the risk to get dragged into her mess, whenever you want it or not. 
What inspired you to rp your muse?  —  first & foremost, my love for complex, purpose-driven female characters. I am a sucker for the “introvert, plagued lady” type & once parts of Pearl’s past were revealed during Season 1 I was sold. Pearl seemed relatable to me, extremely human & raw in her behaviour. While I love most of the SU cast equally, Pearl just wouldn’t let me go. Her aesthetic is amazing, her past intriguing. -- her connection to ballet & classical music, her elegant & graceful design just spoke to me. 
What keeps your inspiration going?  —  music. music. oh, and music. Poetry, long walks (I am not kidding), analysis, meta & hc writing, discussions with writing partners or my rl partner @rosiqe.
Some more personal questions for the mun.
Give your mutuals some insight about the way you are in some matters, which could lead them to get more comfortable with you or perhaps not.
Do you think you give your character justice?  YES / NO / I SINCERELY HOPE I DO? [ despite my emo peculiar take on the character, I do hope that people hear her voice whenever they read my replies. ]
Do you frequently write headcanons?  YES / NO / SORT OF? [ I wish I could post more but I am very, very slow & a perfectionist at heart. -- I try to compensate for my lack of actual hcs by rambling in my tags. Most part of the time said ramblings include personal headcanons or analyses of specific scenes that include personal takes on pivotal situations; while I gather & write them down eventually, it can take me a long time to get stuff done. -- it is easier for me to jus blabber on & on in the tags. ]
Do you sometimes write drabbles?  YES / NO [ all my ask replies are drabbles, ngl. ]
Do you think a lot about your Muse during the day? YES / NO
Are you confident in your portrayal?   YES / NO / SORT OF? [... a sore topic. While I love my headcanons & have gotten quite proud of my writing over time, I constantly doubt myself regarding the “ic”-ness of my responses. I like to believe that I am doing rather well, but I am not confident, no. ]
Are you confident in your writing?  YES / NO. [ it took me a long time to develop my style; while I always struggle to believe in my portrayal I am quite confident in my writing as such. I know it’s not everyone’s cup of tea but in general? I am proud of it. ]
Are you a sensitive person?  YES / NO. / SORTA.
Do you accept criticism well about your portrayal?  —  Well, yes. As long as it is the constructive kind. I love receiving feedback, may it be negative or positive. I will most likely try to discuss criticism with you; aka if you (i.e) tell me that Pearl shouldn’t have (C)PTSD, I will deliver canon proof & state my reasoning for my decision to implement it in my canon, etc. What I will not do is tolerate character hate or unreasonable hate towards my writing. Be assured that I will never headcanon something that has no solid footing in canon.
Do you like questions, which help you explore your character?  —  ABSOLUTELY. Send me random hc / meta asks, I beg you.
If someone disagrees to a headcanon of yours, do you want to know why?  —  sure. As stated above, I will probably discuss stuff with you. The chance of me dropping a headcanon however are rather low.
If someone disagrees with your portrayal, how would you take it?  —  Hm... it depends on what they don’t like. If it’s my writing, well, why are you following me to begin with?? If it is my take on things... well again, why are you following me? I stated in my rules what you should expect & that I will not water down specific aspects of a complex character. Disliking my portrayal is fine since I know that my kind of writing / analysis isn’t necessarily everyone’s tea but... again, why would you keep following me?
If someone really hates your character, how do you take it?  —  um. Not... well? While I will never excuse my muse’s actions, I dislike groundless bashing. In regard to Pearl... well. As stated above, I expected backlash the second I created this blog. Pearl is one of those characters the fandom either loves or hates; her canon relationship to Rose was branded toxic by a ton of people, people call her uncaring, salty, insane & straight up manic, she seemingly has no redeeming qualities, she is a bitch, too perfect (LOL) or arrogant & apparently has no character? I love it when people say stuff like that because... did we watch the same show? Is there a version of SU I don’t know? Please tell me, I wanna see it for myself! Some hot takes in this fandom are atrocious & make me want to commit a crime. 
     -- but I digress. I have spent too much time in her tag in 2014 + & I have seen quite the fights over the most ridiculous things; Pearl, in particular, got quite the flack for stuff that eventually got resolved in season 5 [which, again, was way too late but well]. In the end, clowns will be clowns, no matter what you do. I just don’t get why you would follow someone if you hate their character to begin with.
Are you okay with people pointing out your grammatical errors?  —  yes, but please don’t be rude about it. I am German, English is my second language. I am currently learning Swedish / improving my Swedish so mistakes can always happen. Additionally, I am someone who posts her replies in the middle of the night & while I proofread a lot & most likely fix posts after I posted ‘em, some mistakes can still slip through. 
Do you think you are easy going as a mun?   —  ... I like to believe I am but I know that I am overly passionate & I can come off as too strong or too fierce sometimes. I can be too much, I can be too excentric (I’m a Scorpio, Karen); I have strong opinions in regard to my characters & I will not hold them back. I criticise shows mercilessly & I will plough through canon as much as I please. Stans & I usually don’t get along. HOWEVER, I am a meme. I love lame jokes, I am awkward, & sometimes very, very insecure. In the end,  I just wanna talk about my favourite characters & develop sth wonderful. I keysmash unironically, I use old memes unironically. I mean I have been writing for ten + years & I am about to smooth sail post the 24 age border aka I will turn 25 soon which renders me old according to tumblr standards. I am just here to have fun before the staff comes to lock my account down due to my status as an rp-senior. -- yeah... that is the kind of stupid ass humor I mean. I digress but... please, I am an awkward, rambling mess, just hit me up via dms & you will see what I mean. 
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twilightofthe · 5 years
sw asks: 1, 2, 5, 7, 9, 13, 14, 15, 16, 24
Which era do you find most compelling?  It’s gotta be the Prequel Trilogy for me.  It’s got Obi Wan and Anakin in it and all of the other characters that I love and ugh, I just adore how Lucas wrote Anakin’s tragedy in three acts and it was beautiful (TCW made it even better) and I’ll always love the artful and creative and heartbreaking story and its political commentary and pretty actors and amazing saber duels and EVERYTHING BLARGH, idc what other ppl say, it’s the best
Whose wardrobe would you steal?  Idk what other answer there could possibly be besides Padmé Amidala, every outfit she wears in the movies is stunning and if I could have even one of her pretty dresses I’d wear it every day for the rest of my life (I am not including her TCW outfits, out of all of them I think they designed like one non movies-based one where I didn’t find something about it I didn’t like, I am disappointed in them -_- )
What’s the worst headcanon you’ve ever seen?  Oof ouch I don’t really like to put down other people’s headcanons...
That being said, I’ve made it known that I despise with my entire being the fanon-turned-possibly-canon about Anakin not being a Force Baby and was actually just a Dark Side creation made by Plagueis and Sidious
I don’t like it when people say that Han and Leia were bad parents
I really don’t like it when people headcanon Anakin and Obi Wan as having this cold, uncaring, cruel relationship between them and put other side characters as being closer with them than each other canonically are
This is silly, but I get ridiculously worked up over that popular Tumblr post going around about “Oh Leia is OBVIOUSLY a Slytherin” and I’m just stomping my feet because are you kidding me???  She’s the Gryffindor-iest Gryffindor there is!!!!  Star Wars has Slytherin heroes, but Leia isn’t one of them.
What’s your favorite fan art/work? (bonus: reblog and tag the creator if you can) Ooooh there’s so many good SW fanart and works, how could I possibly chose one?  It’s flat out impossible for me to choose a favorite, per say, but I guess I can say two works that were instrumental in getting me back into the Star Wars fandom were: 
The World Undone by @writegowrite (lilyconrad on ao3), that fic got me full on into the prequels as well as convinced me to start writing fanfic again, it’s an AU Obikin fic with some of the most gorgeous writing I’ve ever read (all their works are superb 10/10 recommend)
No specific work in particular, but all of the Rebels comics and art pieces done by @lotldraws, Rebels was my first forage back into SW land and I found their art fast and it’s just some of the funniest, charming stuff, it really makes you love the Space Family and I still look back on their art when I need a smile!
Most interesting force power?  Hmmm that one’s tough!  I honestly gotta go with being able to manifest as a Force Ghost, since there’s just so much we don’t know about it and it’s really freaking cool
If you could swap places with any character for a day, who would you swap with?  That’s not fair, everyone in Star Wars has an awful life xD  I guess I’d say Anakin?  Pre-Vader of course, so then I could legit go up to the Council and be all “hey fun story so Palpatine’s a Sith Lord and the clones all have murder chips in their heads, have fun taking care of that I’m just gonna be off far away from here so I can’t get corrupted ok bye!” and then I guess I’d like lock him in somewhere he couldn’t escape if they failed to take care of Palpy in a day
Who would be your best friend?  My prequel faves are all intimidating as hell, so I’d probably say Luke!  I think if I met him on Tatooine we’d end up getting along pretty nicely!
Funniest moment in Star Wars:  All of it???  I’m sorry, I’m a loser and if I’m not crying over Star Wars for being so sad, I’m cracking up over it because all of the main characters are ridiculous drama queens and their antics amuse me endlessly
Saddest moment in Star Wars:  Revenge of the Sith from the moment Order 66 is executed (oof TCW is gonna make it hurt so much worse) till the end of the movie, Mustafar hitting the hardest Anakin why?!?!?!?
If you could make one thing from the Star Wars universe real, what would it be?  Look, I understand that the world already has enough issues with dangerous weapons in the hands of those who don’t need them and shouldn’t have them, and I also know that I would have zero reason to actually use one, but god DAMN IT I WANT A LIGHTSABER xD
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