#id just like to say. id just like to say i dont know how snow works i live in a country where it is hot all year round
inspired by!!
"...Arataka. What are you doing."
Your tone is flat; unimpressed, as he slides one arm out of his coat, leaving the other in.
"...Making sure my beloved employee doesn't freeze her little fingers off, that's what."
He grins at you, a mischievous glint in his eye as he lays the side of the coat he isn't wearing onto your shoulder, shoving your arm in.
i havent written anything for a while so this. might not be up to par with my usual stuff
edited to change reigen to arataka because reigen is his surname i. think
★ ★ ★
Snow pelts against the window as you gaze out the glass, watching the white snowflakes fall to the ground and add to the growing white blanket. The tree's frostbitten branches adorn the sky, their black branches a stark contrast to the almost pure white of the freshly fallen snow.
You can't really focus on the view, though.
Arataka sits at his desk, his legs propped up on the wood. the fading light of the setting sun backlights him, casting a golden rim of light that traces the outline of his body. One leg crossed over the other as he takes slow drags of his cigarette, and his eyes, half-lidded, aren't fixed on you — though yours is fixed on him — as he reads a newspaper, the grey paper crinkling each and every time he adjusts his grip.
You can barely keep yourself from stealing glances at him, trailing your eyes from his shiny leather dress shoes up to where his fingers delicately grasp the cigarette, held close to his mouth.
Thank god he doesn't notice; you're practically drooling over him like some dog.
Arataka calls your name, and the way it flows off his tongue makes your heart skip a beat.
"You can go home now," he says plainly, not looking up at you. He rolls up his newspaper with a hand, setting it on the desk as he brings his legs down.
Not so much as a "how do you do"...
You bring your gaze up to meet his, smiling politely despite your disappointment.
"Thank you," you say to him, beginning to pack what little things you brought.
"Ah... It's snowing quite heavily outside, though..." He mutters to himself, cradling his chin in a hand.
You hum in response as Arataka brings his gaze to look at you, watching as you slip on your jacket.
"Mmm, I suppose I wouldn't mind...
Shall I walk you home?"
It's nothing more than an act of politeness, but it makes your heart flutter. He's usually so... Indifferent to you.
Sure, he's brought you out to eat with him — alone, a few times, but you doubt that really matters to him. Maybe he has heartfelt conversations with you occasionally, his laughs twisting your stomach into knots, but that's just a way of paying his employees.
He's not interested you or anything. He clearly doesn't care, what with how he behaves around you.
Though you can't see it — too preoccupied in wearing your jacket, which is definitely not going to be enough to shield you from the cold — Arataka's scanning your face, analyzing every little feature for some kind of reaction.
Please react in some way, he's screaming to himself. Please tell me that you love me, too.
People are so easy to read! Why are you so hard?!
You finish off buttoning your jacket just as Arataka's done securing his scarf around his neck.
You step out the door, Arataka opening it for you like a gentleman. Your cheeks flush, and it seems like his do, too — but that's just the change in temperature! There's no way he's blushing, right...?
...The walk is relatively quiet. Neither of you really initiate conversation, the both of you more than content to be together in a comfortable silence.
You can't help but steal glances at your employer every now and then. His blonde hair is a wonderful contrast to the pure white of the snow that coats the ground; his eyes, not really taking much in (you're not surprised; he hasn't really expressed much interest in anything) seem to almost... Sparkle, when those dark irises reflect the shimmering white of the snow; his cheeks are flushed from the cold, a lovely colour against the cooler tones of the pathway you both walk on.
You only realize that you've been staring for a few moments too long when his eyes meet yours. Your face heats, and you cast your gaze to the pavement in front of you, trying to ignore the loud beating of your heart in your ears, focusing on the way your boots crunch the snow.
...Out of the corner of your eye, you can still see Arataka. His cheeks seem to... Redden, slightly, before he quickly shifts his eyes to the buildings to his side.
...That must be your imagination, right? There's no way he just... Blushed, right?
You hug yourself slightly, the cold getting a bit much. You really wish you hadn't brought just a thin jacket to keep yourself warm.
Rapidly clenching and unclenching your fists, you can feel your fingers almost fall off regardless of the mittens you wear.
You risk a glance at Arataka.
He seems to be doing fine, based on how he's acting: his hands in his pockets, his gait even... You gaze longingly at the thick coat he wears, and he notices this, grinning smugly.
"Finally regretting your choice of winter clothes, huh?"
You blush, huffing in annoyance as you shove your hands in your jacket's pockets.
"Oh, come on. I'm fine."
He hums uncertainly at your words, fixing you with a worried look for a moment before it's wiped off his face, replaced with indifference, maybe even annoyance.
"You should plan for the future more often. You need to think of all the ways things could go wrong, so that you can prepare for them before they happen and take you by surprise."
You roll your eyes at his words. Of course he'd use this as an opportunity to lecture you. He's always doing that.
"...I'm fine, Arataka," you repeat, flashing him what you think is a reassuring smile. Arataka just frowns slightly, his eyes searching yours for some reassurance.
...He doesn't fine any.
He's quick to hide it, though. What if he's overstepping his boundaries? What if he's being too concerned about you? What if you don't like him back?
He sighs in feigned exasperation, beginning to undo his coat.
"...Arataka. What are you doing."
Your tone is flat; unimpressed, as he slides one arm out of his coat, leaving the other in.
"...Making sure my beloved employee doesn't freeze her little fingers off, that's what."
He grins at you, a mischievous glint in his eye as he lays the side of the coat he isn't wearing onto your shoulder, shoving your arm in.
You scowl, but find your cheeks flushing. The warmth of his body pressed up against yours comforting, serving as a means to hinder the frigid cold that bites at your extremities. This is definitely a step up from just now.
It's not like he's deliberately pressing himself against you, he's just trying to share the coat, thats all. It's not like he's deliberately snaking his arm around your waist, he's just trying to keep you warm, making sure you're comfortable.
...It's silent again, the two of you walking together as one.
Your gaze is trained on the snow, the ice turning gold with the light of the setting sun as you crunch the snowflakes under your feet.
When you steal glances back to Arataka, you see his face disinterested. His eyes are empty, his expression neutral as he walks alongside you on the empty sidewalk, not meeting your gaze.
It's a little... Disheartening to see this, especially when he looks so attractive — the golden light of the sun reflecting in his dark brown eyes, half lidded; the dirty blonde of his tousled hair settling nicely above his eyebrows; his skin, almost glowing in the setting sun's golden rays.
He brings his eyes to meet yours as you stare at him, and you quickly avert your gaze, blushing.
You keep your eyes off Arataka once he notices you staring at him for the upteenth time, though it's hard to not cast brief glances back to him every once in a while.
You're getting a little more used to feeling his body pressed up against yours under the thick coat, your expression neutral, the blush gone from your cheeks — now only there because of the cold. You can sort of say you've calmed down now, your heart beat normal, your breathing even.
Arataka, though he appears to be calm, is freaking out.
He struggles to keep his breathing even, fighting to ignore the rapid beating of his heart, trying to ignore the butterflies he feels in his stomach.
You played along when he teased you, you didn't argue when he started to share his coat, you didn't say anything when he put his hand around your waist—
...Should he try... It, now?
You reach your little flat, and you thank Arataka for walking you back as you slip his coat off your arm. You're more than a little disappointed to leave his side, missing the body heat already as you begin to climb up the stairs.
...Before you can get too far, though, Arataka is following you up.
You arch a brow at him when you reach your floor.
"Oh, come on," he says, a grin in his voice as he leans in close, close enough to feel the warmth of his breath ghosting on your face.
"You're definitely still cold."
He tilts his head slightly, and as his half-lidded eyes fall to your lips, he speaks in a voice smoother than a heated knife through butter.
"...I could help you with that."
Your cheeks flush. He's not... Asking to kiss you, is he?
You nod in response.
Arataka's grin widens, and he leans in...
Before abruptly pulling away, quickly undoing the scarf around his neck and throwing it in your face. It falls into your hands just as he's sprinting to the stairs.
"You should plan for the future more!" He calls from the stairwell, his voice echoing as his heels click with each step he takes.
"You'll catch a cold!"
You stare at the green scarf in your hands, the fabric soft as it tumbles between your fingers.
Arataka's scarf.
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kcrossvine-art · 3 months
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Hi fellow adventurers!! A few weeks ago i caught wind of "Delicious in Dungeon". I'm not really an anime person, but I am a TTRPG, CRPG, and cooking person- . And holy shit. It is so good i  convinced my partner to binge read the whole thing. I'm caught up on dungeon meshi, the anime, and just yesterday i also finished dungeon meshi, the manga.
Its rare to come across a serialized story that is so thematically cohesive and knows its characters so well. All of the bonus content like the artbooks and monster tidbits are just the icing on top.
So, inspired by Ryōko Kui's writing and illustration I'm going to attempt to create a recipe for every single Delicious in Dungeon recipe!-
Today that means Huge Scorpion and Walking Mushroom hotpot is on the menu!
(As always you can find the cooking instructions and full ingredient list under the break-)
SO, “what goes in to a Huge Scorpion and Walking Mushroom hotpot?” YOU MIGHT ASKThis is one of the pricier dishes until we get to the kelpies and dragons of the menu-
Rock lobster tail
Porcini mushrooms
Shiitake mushrooms
Snow fungus
Small potatos
Fensi (glass noodles)
OPTIONAL: your choice of dipping sauces
There was a crossover/promotional event in Shibuya which featured various realworld dishes from the series. They had one for Huge Scorpion and Walking Mushroom, but they used prawns.  while those cook better in a hotpot, they also didn't look enough like the scorpion for me, they also used udon noodles for the slime and a seaweed/kale(?) mixture for the algae. If you're looking for substitutes due to price or availability i would start with those ingredients.
AND, “what does a Huge Scorpion and Walking Mushroom hotpot taste like?” YOU MIGHT ASKI hope Senshi would forgive me for technically cooking the lobster outside the pot, once he tastes it.
Okay im always partial to veggies but wowowowowowowoowowowow the snow fungus and the mushrooms tasted soooooooooooo good in the lobster stock
A nice delicate layering of different flavors
Try to get a bite with the lobster meat and shiitake together, dip in butter then chili- trust me
Its up to you what texture you prefer if you want to put the noodles in at the end or put them in halfway through the meal. Either way dont go for eating those first as theyre very filling
I think this would pair well with a citrus drink, something light and clarifying
This would also pair well with being extremely high and hungry (if you feel safe cooking while inebriated lol) very calorically dense
For the trial run I did one lobster tail in the pot with everything else, and one lobster tail off to the side to be picked apart. The former is more in spirit with a hotpot, but it got rubbery as the meal went on and lost its nice taste. The latter may be a bit more work but all you have to do still is boil it and set it aside. I found it held up much better. It was also easier to get inside the shell.
. If you have hardshell maine lobster available, i think it would be superior to rock lobster (keep in mind crustaceans will get rubbery if cooked too long in the pot) . Green onions and/or lotus root would make excellent additions
From getting the ingredients out to sitting down and eating, id say it took maybe 30 minutes max? It'd vary on how fast you can prep vegetables and get the various implements heated.
Hotpots are not something i do very often as i'm usually just feeding myself. I think thats why a hotpot makes perfect sense to start the series off. If you want to set the tone of "take care of yourself, eat food with others, and use what you have" (generally speaking) there is nothing more simplistic, flexible, and defeats-the-purpose-if-you-eat-it-alone than a hotpot. Gather around and let your friends bring ingredients to the pot if you want to fill your heart up extra full <3
I'm doing something different here because unlike previous recipes where i used a bunch of different sources and made my own recipe out of hodge-podging it, or just used another persons recipe entirely if they did it really well, i made this more whole-cloth based off of what i had available, what I could discover through research, and my existing knowledge. Instead of the recipe being 50/50 original, this one is more 20/80. So. I'll pass the final verdict off to you guys :D 
What would you rate this recipe out of 10? (with 1 being food that makes one physically sick and 10 being food that gives one a lust for life again.) Did you love it, did you hate it? What're your thoughts on what I could do different, and what would you have done instead?
2 Rock lobster tails
3 Porcini mushrooms
2 Shiitake mushrooms
Snow fungus (a good handful, should rehydrate in the hotpot)
2 Small waxy potatos
Fensi (glass noodles)
Water/lobster stock
Lightly rinse all of your vegetables beforehand and let them dry.
Vertically slice the porcini mushrooms. Cut off and dice the stems of the shiitake mushrooms. You can slice the tops if youd like.
Peel and cube the potatoes, roughly an inch each.
For the lobster tails; Boil a pot of salted water. Keep the shell on. Weigh the largest tail and add 1 minute of cooking time for every ounce of weight.
When done, strain the lobster from the water. Pour the water into your hotpot as the base. Serve the lobster on the side so people can pick the meat out to dip into the hotpot.
Bring the hotpot to a simmer. Add the potato cubes, snow fungus, mushrooms, and noodles.
OPTIONAL: this wasnt in the show, but its fun having sauces on the side :) i had oyster sauce, dry seasoned chili dip, melted butter, and soy sauce available
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youredreamingofroo · 1 month
This is inspired by @acuar-io !! Thank you for doing this and THANK YOU FOR THE TAG!! (even tho it didnt tag me properly 🤧)
Tumblr is silly and while I will tag ppl, I know not everyone will be properly tagged, so if u see this, skim thru the list for your name ESPECIALLY if your my mutual ! 🫶
To start off, I just wanna say that Fae (acuar-io) has some absolutely STUNNING sims, it's hard to exactly word it, but their sims are SUPER recognizable, and their saves (Snow flower, Cozy save, etc) are SO nicely edited, so aesthetically pleasing to the eyes 🫶😩
@oshinsimblr is the reason why I started storytelling (even before my simblr time) and why I try and find a story-related reason on why my sims/characters do certain things, her videos are also SO comforting and i love her lovesick series!!! and of course, @minimooberry the whole inspo for this simblr and why I render in blender!
@mattodore and @cinamun are AMAZING simblrs if u want rich storytelling and/or well-thought out characters, River has inspired me to really tear into my characters and give them more personality, and cina just genuinely makes such realistic characters and the tea is ALWAYS hot and simblr aside, she has very good takes >:P
@groovetrys and @circusjuney have been around on my blog and as my mutuals for a LONG time and they really are some of my biggest hype people, lori has an AMAZING legacy going on with her sim, Melody, and u should DEF check it out, and june makes the most amazing clown sims 🥹 theyre always so pretty and STUNNINGGGG
-> To add onto the above category, id also consider @miralure as one of my biggest hype ppl!!! Although they havent been around as long as june and lori, they always hype me up and it makes me stupid happy 😭 they make REALLY good lookbooks and i love their sim style SMMMM
if u dont know about @rebouks what are you DOING with your simblr-life, bc becca has some of the most human-feeling story/dialogue, i always get a stupid sappy smile on my face when i read her story posts
@jarakio has an AMAZING story called Girls with Guns and its prolly my fav story that ive read on simblr, the dialogue? amazing, the poses? amazing, the vibes? AMAZING, i'm ALWAYS hooked in whenever i see GwG pop up on my dash
@stellarfalls just HAD to be on this list are u kidding me????? Bree has a PHENOMENAL save called Valley, even tho there's no dialogue, each image and gif speaks more than words could, she's inspired me to kick up the quality of my posts and also start making gifs, I also consider her to be one of my biggest hype ppl, she always be coming in with the best compliments 🥹🫶
@torissims !!! She makes BEAUTIFUL posts, her blog is very yellow and orange and i LOVE IT, she pulls a lot of inspo from Studio Ghibli and even tho ive never seen any SG Movies, I can just see and feel the inspo, shes def underrated af 🥹
@amburgundy has BEAUTIFUL builds, and they dont just do TS4, they also make builds in other sims games!! (u did a phenomenal job with Madi's legacy house amber 🤝) I LOVE the clutter and they always looks so cozy 😭
@flovoid is another one of my hypemen LMFAOOO bro you and your tags literally make me so happy, i LOVE reading them. Flo makes AMAZING SIMS, and you should check out literally ALL of their sims, especially their sims Roo and Norman from Majima Land (first post under my Roo tag is me reacting to one of their posts with Roo and Norman, funniest introduction to a blog ever), Also their sim, Draco Almond??? He's got me tucking my hair behind my ear... 🫦🫦
@elderwisp has some of the most immaculate editing ive ever seen, the lighting, the vibes, the dialogue, the poses, the expressions, i be eating those posts up like im fine dining 😩😩
@changingplumbob is so chill, I love how much passion she has for her rotations, and her love for cats?? Perfect mutual to have, I also literally LOVE reading her behind the scenes posts, they're literally so funny 😭😭
@tricoufamily and @dejasenti99 make absolutely phenomenal renders, like if theres any renders on simblr that im gonna recognize immediately, its these two's renders, they're genuinely more HQ than my fucking eyes 😭😭
-> Also Nat (Missatan) makes incredibly HQ renders as well, these three are like... my biggest blender render inspos...
@buttertrait @missatan @virtualfolk @pearlean @claudtrait all have BEAUTIFUL sim styles, butter's is very unique, i know they arent really a sims 4 blog anymore but i ALWAYS recognize butter's sims when i see them on my dash and I genuinely love their sim style sm. Nat (Missatan) has SUCH a gorgeous sim style, you've heard of them hips dont lie, well her sims' lips dont lie 😩🫦 Virt (Virtualfolk) and Sam's (pearlean) sim styles are SO animated (if that makes sense), they're like eye-candy. Den (claudtrait), like Nat, has a sim style with the most luscious lips and poutiest faces ive ever seen and are just SOO pleasing to look at, like i just feel blessed in the eyes when i see their sims
@yukikocloud 's Apricot save and storytelling is incredibly reminiscent of Bree's posts, and I just LOVE looking at and reading her story posts, this post in particular just absolutely captivated me, I was drawn in and just get so giddy seeing the Apricot save pop up on my dash 🥹
@alientown @venriliz @nefarrilou @druidberries @machinegrl make STUNNINGGGGG occult (or cyber/robotic in Baja/Machinegrl's instance) sims. Nef always makes beautiful sims for their Cryptid "series", im just in AWE when i see their cryptids... Ven and Ana (alientown) both always make absolutely gorgeous alien sims and they also just have very unique/beautiful sim styles 😍 Baja's cyber girlies are just >>>>>>>>>>>>> I love her whole dystopian/cyber theme, its literally so good and so cool, and her Deadstars series? SO good. Alexis' (druidberries) elowen is so pretty, and her sim style, especially with occults, is just MWAH chefs kiss, literal eye candy
@swallowprettybird is just one of the sweetest people on simblr, I love reading what she has to say about mine and others' posts, and she makes amazingggg posts, I loved that one national geographic inspired post with the zebra, it was so well done
@softle0 makes some absolutely stunning builds, they always look so lived in, so cozy and I would ABSOLUTELY live in pretty much every single build they make
and honorable mentions to @droolski @felysline @pamsimmerstories @swiftviolets @weirdosalike @mushbop @calicosimgirl @shadowtrait and @seriallovertrait because I feel like they're all SO underrated, they're all passionate about their own stuff and I just love seeing their posts, and if you're seeing this, FOLLOW THEM 🫵🫵
Thank you Fae (acuar-io) once again for starting this train up, I love seeing stuff like this and it's so sweet to see what everyone has to say about one another, I may have spent 1 or 2 hours doing this, but it was INCREDIBLY well spent to be able to admire and appreciate all these people, them and every other simblr person, whether i follow them or not, deserve every last drop of love and appreciation genuinely
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biggiedraws · 1 year
WHO was gonna tell me theres a fucking soukoku snow white scene in dead apple. who was gonna fucking tell me. i didnt watch dead apple the first time i watched the show (anime watch orders will be the death of me i swear) but i finally got around to it and im losing my goddamn mind. its like a one minute scene but it has SO MUCH. chuuya uses corruption even though ango told him dazai was probably dead??? dazai knew to keep the antidote in his mouth because he knew chuuya would come find him and punch him in the face??? the level of mutual trust is UNREAL. and then dazai wakes up and touches chuuyas face to undo the corruption and they like halfheartedly tease each other because theyre IDIOTS who cant ever be genuine with their feelings..... "you used corruption, believing in me? how beautiful. [i knew you would come for me]" "yeah, i did. i believed in your disgusting vitality and craftiness. [enough to stake my life on it]" "that was a somewhat violent way of waking snow white. [thank you for saving me]" "youre the one who hid an antidote in your mouth, knowing id punch you. [im glad youre alive]" theyre so affectionate i am going to throw up
and thats not even mentioning chuuya landing face first in dazais crotch and dazai HOLDING HIM THERE????? i dont even have anything to say about that whole exchange. who wrote this fucking movie i just wanna talk
anyway look at this official art. the snow white parallel is making me insane i cannot believe this is actually canon. yeah they didnt kiss, but did snow white intentionally let herself get poisoned because she knew the prince would save her??? its literally more romantic this way change my mind
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sheepispink · 3 months
A Pearl (1/2)
based on the song by mitski because i love mitski and hot traumatised men
Summary: Years of horrific memories still weigh down on him even as he promises to let you help him move on. All you want to do is help, but its not enough.
Part 2 Masterlist
tags: Leon Kennedy/Reader, Hurt/No comfort, Angst, fem! reader, mentions of re4 (no specific spoilers dw guys), mentions of ptsd, heart wrenching angst 😘
other notes: for clarification, the timeline goes— after the raccoon city incident, then he goes on the re4 mission, then it’s like the smaller missions like damnation etc. Towards the end and next chapter it’s basically vendetta. But theres no actual spoilers bcus tbh.. i haven’t watched any of the movies except id 💀
Ch1: Before it Ended
Like a dream is how you’d always describe it. His coworkers, your friends —anyone who had heard of his name— would come up to you, fawning over your pretty looks and lovely personality. They’d ask you every time, “How did it happen?” And always, you’d replay that memory in your head.
“It was winter,” You’d begin by recounting the snow that fell upon your face that day, the breeze that bristled your bones, and the way his hair looked frozen in place. You’d remember the laughter that bubbled in your throat when you saw that and how his lips curved ever so slightly for what you believe was the first time. Some of the soft strands of your hair had itched your skin; It was messy from having been shaken from the depths of sleep, and now your fingers tuck the rogue locks behind your ear. Eyes like a pretty lake, hair like wheat, with his random strands and dirty blonde roots you would soon learn to run your fingers through. He stood before you, only the dim porch light illuminating him on that winter night. “Why are you out so late?” You had asked him, your hand reaching forward to tug him into the warmth of your apartment. Little did you know that’d tug him into your life as well.
The refusal was clear; he shook his head, puffs of warm air escaping as he explained that he had something to tell you. His clothes were dirty, scratched in places, and his combat knife was only hastily put away—just work, he explains, desperate to leave a good impression on you. He had finished, and he was sure that now that he’d have time, he’d be free from the shackles of the years that would creep up on him. Cheeks flushed and Adam’s apple bobbing—you still aren’t sure whether the cold or a blush caused that. “I know I’m always gone, and we dont see each other as often anymore, but I swear- I’ve sorted everything out. I’ve fixed it.” He says his words rushed and mumbled, like his heart was spilling out then and there.“I know this is sudden- i know, but- i just.. Will you marry me?” He blurts out and every puff of air that leaves his mouth feels like another log added to the fire you didn’t know was built in your heart for him. A campfire, as you’d always describe it, is comforting and warm, the perfect reassurance in cold times. Perhaps you should’ve chosen something detrimental to life, but you preferred the romantic speech.
Everyone loved the tale as you did, enamoured with how you managed to get the stoic agent to fall head over heels with you. He’d walk over right then, slinging an arm around your waist, giving you a tender kiss to your cheek, and plastering a smirk on his lips. “Still telling everyone that story?” He’d tease as his fingertips gently rubbed your side, the silver band on his ring finger twinkling with the same light his wine glass did. “As usual.” You’d reply, that same bubble of happiness rising in your throat again as you tilted your head upwards, waiting for the small peck that always came.
A year would go by, and you’d been learning more and more about each other. Nothing seemed to be too big of a step for you. Opposing voices, loud huffs, doors slamming shut until the other would open it quietly, apologise, crawl into the warmth of their shared bed, and work things out with sweet reassurances. Work was tough; he was on more missions than ever, being considered one of the greatest men to serve your country. Warmth that you always described as adoration filled your heart whenever you heard that phrase; you couldn’t be more proud of him for it.
Besides, not even that could tear you down; nothing could break the delicate encasing that surrounded the pair of you. A greenhouse, you’d say, because it held all the things that grew only with a person’s own nurture and care. Like your relationship, crafted and melded by your kind words and your soft voice. It’s a shame greenhouses are made of glass.
Weekends were quieter now, something you had decided to take in stride; you decided to plan something nice for when he returned. The he anniversary he had missed too. It’s been so long since you’ve seen him now, resorting to spraying his cologne on the pillows in that cold bed to retrieve some imaginary warmth. Then it came—the day he’d return. Open arms is what you welcomed him with; he had always loved to hug you, and holding you close was a remedy for his mind, he’d say. But those words stopped forming after some time. You ushered him into the shared bed that night, your arms curling around him after the nice surprise you had set up earlier had gone well. Perfect, you had thought. The bed was still cold, though. You thought about bringing it up with him but decided against it; the warmth of his arms was enough for you.
You should’ve brought it up with him, for the time would have entered where he couldn’t handle it. He had awoken with a jolt, sweat trickling like beads down his temples. Eyes wide and chest pounding, he sat there with eyes darting for a threat and hands searching for yours. Your fingers would intertwine with his, warm against his cold palms, as you sat up beside him. It’d be over soon; thats what you promised— you’d do this together.
Nights like those started occurring more often than ever, until one day, he’s awoken with a sharp jolt again. His movements are much more frantic, his hands searching and searching.
Though, this time, it doesn’t find itself in yours.
It’s tightly wrapped around your neck, his mind screaming to murder you. Bloodshot eyes and prominent streaks of black down your arms— the horrors he had tried so desperately to push away— return to his mind. Your breath wont come. No sweet words, and he looks down to see his hand contaminated with that same murky colour. The sink of his chest feels like a knife as he sees your arm grab out at him, like they did everywhere he went. Those creatures who would grab him, claw at him, and still threatened to take his life. They had destroyed his mind instead.
But there is no mutant, no bloodshot eyes and no streaks on your skin. All he sees is what he’s done to you, his body weight pressing on you as his hand keeps a firm grip around your neck. Your mouth begs for air, denying the sweet reassurance he needed as he sees you turn pale, your eyes flickering with tears. There’s no threat in here; not even the cold breeze from the open window chills his bones. Nothing can hurt more than the desperation in your eyes as your hands claw—No—plead at him for relief. He immediately lets go, scrambling to the other end of the bed as he watches you pant, his heart filled with fear. Fear of himself. You quickly turn to him, mustering out your honeyed phrases through choked breaths. But they’re just letters dancing about, barely going near his ears in the walls he had built between the two of you. Ignorance is bliss, but he can’t break his gaze when he sees the deep streaks of scarlet he left on your neck. Frozen in regret and shame, you tentatively wrap your arms around him to comfort the pair of you. But he feels your tears on his neck; the fear you felt eats at his gut and his conscience. You had never felt so cold before.
The days he had left for missions were the worst nights of your life, you’d say, having been away from your heart for so long. But even as you see him drinking his morning coffee, those eye bags prominent, you think your heart might be buried in Spain, infected with the plagas of love that died out.
Unspoken was what had happened that night— a silent promise between the pair of you with small random affections to bandage up the wound he had inflicted. He was still going on the small missions, but they were shorter, and he was back to fill the bed every night. The flowers in the vase never died—a different shade, flower, or even scent every week. A different kind of love.
This continued for weeks, up until you were out with some friends, each talking about their love lives, which was always a topic between the three of you. One of them gushes about how their husband’s love language is gift-giving, describing each and every homemade affection they receive on the daily. Soon it gets around to your turn, and when you speak about his love language, physical touch comes to mind again. Whether it was playing with your hair, rubbing your hands as you walked in the cold, or leaning on you after hard days, he always wanted to be near you. Your mouth fails to respond; no words form yet no examples are recalled in your brain either. You laugh sheepishly, trying hard to wrack your head for something sweet he’s done, until you just laugh it off and talk about how you love him again.
The bed’s empty when you slip inside it; he hasn’t returned yet and he won’t be back for another hour or so. The ceiling accompanies you as you desperately try to remember an act of affection in the last few weeks. It’s only now that it finally hits you, like a tonne of bricks through your skull—
He’s been distancing himself from you.
Knowing that you get caught up in little things, he occupied your mind with flowers and sweet notes. Not once have you actually heard him say any of it or felt his touch, if not accidental. He sleeps at a distance at night, and even when you shuffle closer somehow, you wake up further apart than before. You havent had a meal with him in weeks and you haven’t actually heard that raspy voice you remember as he complains about his day. You cannot remember the last time you felt warmth, and you can’t remember when you last cried this hard.
You’re in the bathroom, wiping away the stray tears as you look at yourself in the mirror. A heavy ache that still scrapes against the walls of your heart, unsure if you feel better or worse after coming to terms with this. Every pump feels like it’s dragging you down instead of keeping you alive. The rush of blood is like-
The front door clicks open.
You almost freak out and you’re not even sure why you would. Why are you scared of this? Why are you suddenly scared of him? Your feet hurries you back to your shared bed, settling under the covers once more to try to play it off as just tiredness. You still can’t figure out why you’re doing all this or why you start to form excuses for your behaviour in your mind. He never does. So why would you? The footsteps draw closer; they’re just slightly heavy, much softer than when he wears his boots. You hear the bedroom door unclick and your shoulders tense with every second.
But you dont see him enter. Slow breathing and closed eyes— you’re even lying on your side as you pretend to be asleep.
Leon breathes out a heavy sigh, his chest sinking to drain out all his exhaustion from today. There’s a rustle of clothing as he undresses, pulling on some random sweatpants and a spare shirt for the night. Why should he even care if its clean or not? He walks over to his side of the bed, rummaging around the bedside table for something. Then he pauses, his eyes catching onto something in his peripheral view. Tear stains?
You hear the creak on the bed as he leans half his weight on it, about to reach out to you. Your heart beats faster. Is it because you dont want to worry him with your tears, or are you afraid of him? You don’t know. His fingers brush your cheek ever so gently, his voice echoing out your name so, so softly.
“Hey.. you awake?” He asks, and even though your heart is melting into a little puddle so easily, some stubborn stick clogs your throat. His sigh fills the room again and he pulls the blanket over you, tucking it snugly over you before brushing the hair out of your face. Maybe he’s just tired these days, you think. He’s been through a lot after all; it explains all of it. Really, you shouldn’t have been so upset at all—his work and life are on an entirely different level for you.
You’re about to open your eyes, pretend you woke up, and give him a sleepy smile. Images of him giving you a tight hug and one hand rubbing the small of your back as he tells you to fall asleep again fills your mind.
Then he speaks again, the bed creaking as he steps back off of the bed, the warmth leaving as fast as it came. “She’s really knocked out.? Phew.. I do not want to deal with some stupid tears..” He mutters out, his raspy voice much lower and breathless—almost exasperated. A low groan leaves him as he dumps his work clothes somewhere. Then, the bed screams again as he lays his weight on it before he shuffles himself to the end of the bed. He looks back at the space between them, another huff of air leaving his lips.
“That’s good enough. I fucking hate being woken to push her away from me..” Eventually, his breathing evens out, and his shoulders are still tight and tense as his body relaxes into the bed. The night falls quieter, and your mind feels blank.
You don’t know when you fell asleep or if he saw your fresh tears when he woke that morning.
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hella1975 · 3 months
hello, friend :) random question that i am just genuinely curious about:
if you could have any ability from bsd, which one would you want most and why? (or you can do top three if that's too hard, haha)
HII COREY OMG HOW ARE YOU HOW ARE THE KIDS <3 this is such a fun ask ooooo okay let me think. it's gonna be a top 3 bc im indecisive and have to put too much thought into things:
black cat in the rue morgue (poe) - as a writer this ability would be INSANE to have. im working on the assumption that if i had this i also would be able to enter my own books, bc i dont think it's every been clarified if he can/can't do that. either way, being able to literally put people into my stories and experience the world directly is bonkers bananas. my worldbulding would be insane id go in there for a few hours to take notes on how the economy works and then leave again. locking the tbosutuals in burnos until they treat me better
rashomon (aku) - im basic idc im susceptible to a stupidly overpowered ability what can i say. initially bc of said susceptibility i was leaning towards my wife (chuuya) bc gravity manipulation FUCKS but there is quite literally nothing good happening with him and corruption and i already suffer enough. rashomon though? she's my babygirl and in particular i absolutely adore fics that actually personify the ability in more of a demon snow 'protector of their wielder' kind of way, so i think that would be cute and rashomon is just SO HANDY. like he can weaponise ANY CLOTHING into something downright demonic it's crazy to me he's crazy
no longer human (dazai) - i debated this bc it seems pretty boring and i KNOW my pick me ass would be apoplectic if i was in a magic society and my ability was No Magic In Fact The Anti-Thesis Of Magic Lol Get Fucked but idk. there's a kick to it i think it would be fun and id be UNFUCKWITHABLE. like some cunt shows up with a nuclear missile ability and im like 😋 nope 😋. also chuuya would need me
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starythewriter · 6 months
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KINKmas 14 elijah x you
TW: this is for mature audiences only minors LEAVE.
you woke up feeling amazing because you were in a gigantic mansion with elijah he was your handsome man. you loved him more then anything and of course you also couldnt deny his great skills in bed. it was snowing outside, but you didnt care, the snow to you was the best part of december.
elijah was still asleep you however were ready to spice things up with him. a lot of the times you felt very unsure about your relaintionship to the mikaelson brothers, since they would share you. one time youd be in the hands of klaus and another in elijah sometimes in kol's.
you were not upset at this tho you enjoyed it, but sometimes it was a little hard considering whenever you saw elijah youd see a little bit of kol in him. he was smart and noble, just so sexy. the way he would talk and the way he eats you out elijah felt the same way about you however he also had a strong sexual desire towards you.
elijah loved everything about you especialyl the fact that you were a witch he found it very sexy. you got up to light some candles and set a cozy but sexy mood. as you wanted to ride elijah it had a while since the two of you engaged in any type of intimacy because he was away with klaus on a special mission.
you went down stairs to find klaus, painting it was a potrait of the two of you hugging. it was so cute. "you look very handsome klaus" "shouldnt you be with elijah?" he replied, "well… lets just say im waiting for the ambiance to be right…" you said, you trailed your fingers across his cute vest. klaus was very cute despite his rage and constant pain/ regardless you loved him and he was just so sexy. "lets dance" you both put on some christmas music and began to dance graceful turning around, he lead the way.
occasionally he would surprise you with a kiss which you were not mad about. you stared deep into his eyes. he was entranced by you. "klaus help me with something what gets your brother infatuated?" "well apart from being a sexy witch, using oils on his body, also he likes self pleasure… so id recommend getting off by yourself. trust me itll do the job" he said with a whisper.
you kept dancing, you anointed some oils for klaus. "dont be naugthy darling" "what if i want to be" you smirked, he kissed you as the scent his him hard. you kept dancing the song had ended. "im gonna go now, hes gonna wake up." "no… I- i want you here" "since it is the season of giving, how about you watch us" you smirked.
"fine" he said. you entered as elijah just woke up. "you look and smell sexy… lavender?" he said "yes handsome. relax" you poured some lavender oil onto his chest, rubbing it. "darling what are you doing" he said. "giving you a gift" "klaus is watching" you whispered klaus started to slowly jerk off.
elijah took off his clothe, as did you. you got ontop of his large dick and he pinned you aganist the wall. he quickly started to fuck you. "fuck… I didnt know these oils would work llike this" he said. "relax" "i cant Y/N I need to fuck you" you moaned loudly. he sped up, giving you kisses, at the same time you rubbed oils on his biceps. slowly klaus groaned as he became closer and closer to his peak.
you were enjoying this to much as you were the one in control of 2 of the most feared men. you kissed elijah, "your just so fucking sexy, I feel like i need to breed you till you are filled with my cum" you moaned louder, you both shivered as you were close to reaching your peak.
you grabbed his hair yanking it, he groaned as you held onto him tightly. you were both sweaty, this rough sex was intense but lovely. you stared at his facial features his amazing jawline, his facial hair, his eyes. you also were drawn to his biceps.
he flexed with his right arm and held you with the left. "kiss it" you did just that, he groaned louder as you planted hickies on his large arms. klaus stood to side closer then ever to peaking.
after you finished leaving elijah's arm brusied, he fucked you with vamp speed, "can I… use the both of you… I need to suck that energy…" both elijah and klaus said "yes" as you all reached your peak, you shivered moaning loudly with elijah, as you held eachother tight. klaus came grinding his teeth as he released all over his boxers.
you consumed their wonderful energy as you reached that peak. you felt amazing. elijah set you onto his bed. klaus joined in, you all took a moment to catch your breaths and the two rested, "your both so hot…" you got onto klaus kissing him" the both of you stared at eachother. shortly after, you all took naps.
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we-are-inevitable · 11 months
snow angel by renee rapp but it’s a young, scared david jacobs curled up in his bed instead of going to the party he was getting ready for because he was hit with a sudden panic attack and extreme social anxiety and he doesn’t know why and he’s just lying there, shaking to his very core, whispering ‘it’s okay, you’re okay, everything’s fine’ over and over again as he shoves down the bile-tasting self-hatred while tears are forming at the corners of his eyes and there’s just. a hole where his heart is normally beating. to him, this is hell. to him, this is a dark nightmare. to him, this is life.
ok so i normally am not a fan of davey who is reduced only to his anxiety but this is an example of doing it RIGHT. davey who leads a normal life, davey who enjoys going out and having fun with his friends and underage drinking. davey who is wild and fun and having the time of his life with his new friends because they’re loud and different and davey finally feels like he can be a normal teenager around them, instead of always having to be Responsible Older Brother or Perfect Eldest Son.
davey being so excited to go out. it’s a party in brooklyn that some of jack’s friends are hosting, and everything is fine until jack sends him a text that says he just left medda’s apartment and is walking to get davey so they can walk to the train station together. and that’s when davey feels it first- the tremor in his hands, the pit in his stomach, the quickening heartbeat deep in his chest- and all davey can think is no, not now, please not now, but the world doesn’t listen to his words, so why should his body?
and it’s only a ten minute walk from his place to medda’s, so jack will be here any minute, and davey was supposed to meet him at the street corner so his parents dont ask any questions about where theyre going or what they’re doing but now he hears the doorbell ring and hears his mom’s footsteps through the apartment and oh god jack is here jack is here jack is going to see him like this and then there’s a knock on his door.
jack walks in to see davey, dressed for a party yet curled in the corner on the floor, tears streaming down his face, having to force himself to take breaths and stifle his sobs and he feels awful because this is supposed to be a good night. this isn’t even his first time going to a party. it won’t be his first time drinking, it won’t be his first time smoking, he smooth talked his way into a club last week with just a smile and a fake ID— he has no reason to be panicking like this, not when parties have become an every-other-friday event for him.
just ,, jack helping him calm down, jack walking him through the rest of his panic attack until he can breathe properly again, jack sitting next to him and holding his hand and letting him figure himself out. walking around davey’s room and finding him a big sweatshirt and some shorts to change into bc jack wants davey to be comfortable right now and that panic attack clearly left him drained— and left him with some crescent moon nail marks on his thighs and scratches on his scalp because of how hard he was trying to ground himself and how often he would pull his hair just to try to pull himself back. letting davey change and sitting on his bed with him, their backs to the wall, hands clasped together, jack’s feet hanging off the bed while davey sits with his knees to his chest.
“you don’t have to say,” davey says. “i didn’t want to ruin anything. you can still go.”
“you didn’t ruin a damn thing,” jack replies. “i just wanted to see ya tonight. doesn’t matter where.”
so they stay there. they watch some random anime on netflix. they share a joint on the fire escape and pretend that esther and mayer aren’t going to have a serious talk with davey over marijuana use the next day. they raid the cupboards and eat snacks and talk until three am, when they finally fall asleep together.
i think the biggest thing about davey’s anxiety is that it has a mind of its own. sure, general anxiety is kind of always there, but davey is strong enough and trusts himself enough to push it down and live how he wants. but when it sneaks up on him, it packs one hell of a punch. it makes him question himself, his friends, his life— it makes him feel like he’s a failure for having fun, like he’s ruining his life for such a small joy, and it’s not something he’s able to control as easily.
emme i adore this. thank u sm
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hcvenue · 10 months
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doie is beautiful, exquisite, precious, perfect, elegant, fantastic, stunning, world changing, alluring, the best person in the world, outselling all these flops, jaw dropping, amazing, impressive, noble, exquisite, beautiful, gorgeous, angelic, soft, graceful, marvellous, feet kicking, making my heart go cherry bomb, awfully addictive, admirable, fascinating, soothing, comforting, underappreciated, loveable, revolutionary, mesmerising, classy, captivating, my sugarpop, my pookie, my muffin, my angel, my dear, my darling, my sweetheart, my honey, the loml, my one and only, the only person i see, my comfort person, my home, my everything, my universe. but most importantly, my kdy. hes making me shed so many tears, dreamy, out of this world, making me feel something i never felt before, the person that showed me a new side of myself, making me emotionally attached to it, amazing which you can’t explain in words. he ended wars. solved world hunger. his voice is ear blessing, such an eargasm, my fav ever, sweet like cotton, smth that i would die to hear 24/7, indescribably amazing, unique, making me weak and much more that i cannot define.
i love doyoung hes my comfort person istg. everytime i dont know what to do with life, i go watch his vlogs. they are really comforting to me aaa. i appreciate doyoung and his talents soso much that i can’t explain in words. like im new to nct but still am so amazed how he can be such a great person ☹️☹️ sure, there are more people out there that love doie more than i do and i’m by far not the best doiezen but that doesnt stop me from loving him right? (not in the delusional way dw) everytime i look at him my heart aches. how can someone be like him? last my 3 months were amazing because of him! hes so incredibly talented and comforting. nothing matters more than he does. i genuinely dont know what i even did before stanning nct and doyoung. gosh the man he is. i hope that he knows that us nctzens appreciate him really much and hope for the best <3 oh my god hes the reason of my joy and happiness how could i ever survive without knowing that kim dongyoung exists. whenever im not in the mood for anything, doie is the solution. not only is he just an idol to me, no, hes also my everything that i’ll love beyond infinity. his words are like a melody in my head that is never going to go away. sometimes i do wonder if future june would still adore doyoung as much as my current self does rn. me rn would be so devastated if i would not ult doie. id have more to say but yes. for now, we can live, laugh and love thanks to my lovely star doyoung!
i love you with all of my heart, body and soul. nothing will ever stop my love for you. distance may be keeping us apart but remember, you will always be embedded in my heart! something about you makes me fall deep for you ml. you’re the main character in my masterpiece labeled life. i dont get how anyone could not be obsessed with you. its so unbelievable that we live under the same sky. my undying love for you is deep to the core, doie. nothing feels better than seeing you my dear. your lively eyes remind me of the freshly fallen snow on a glacial winter day. the cheerful smile that i’m dying to see daily, that pleasing look, your presence and those adorable habits arent enough to define your astonishing existence. you inspire me sm. something about you makes me want to achieve things. i need you love. kim doyoung, my eternity, my only one, my universe and beyond, please don’t ever stop being the way you are.
remember the first time i saw doyoung? the memories are amazing. it was clear from the start that i was meant to be a nctzen. i just cant comprehend that one clip of my bae would be the start of a beautiful journey that is going to blossom to a greater extent! my whole life was dry and boring until you came into it. not even sunghoon was enough to make me feel as good as you do. youre special, kim dongyoung. doyoung you will always be iconic!
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olfoartz · 4 months
I’m deciding to do a “get to know me” type post, it will cover the name I want to be called, my bday, what I support and don’t, what I like, online info, and a little bit of irl me.
If anyone does wanna make silly art of my OCs / Fursonas my art tag would be Olfo Artz -will be on this post-
So I wont do sing request since I cant draw all the characters (rn) but I can do fursona requests as long as they are a cat, fox, wolf, tiger, lion (basically any wild cat and canine) and maybe even moths. Idk about insects because I can’t even draw a simple spider but I can always try.
I could try moon requests but I am very limited on what I can draw, but examples are poses, eating, food, drinking, cups, bowls, basically every object, and a few other things related to those.
Name/names, pronouns, and sexuality.
I mainly like being called Olfo as it’s the name I put in all my usernames but I also have the names of Snow and Alpha. I used to mainly use Alpha -it was only used as a name not a role- but I don’t use it anymore (unless someone wants to) because the rude kids in my grade found out about it and kept calling me that. They know I’m a furry as well so it made it worse 😭 some people call me Snow Alpha which is cute and a lot of adults im friends with call me Snowy or snow ball which I find funny
For pronouns and sexuality -w- I use she/him and I’m straight (possibly bi) and asexual :,]
March 7th
Do and don’t support
I support ALL LGBTQ+. No, that does not mean I support Zoophiles, Pedophiles, and anyone like that as they are not apart of any community.
I support all fandoms except the ones involving the 2 things i just mentioned.
I do NOT support the pro-life stuff. I am pro-abortion.
I am fine with the anime community as long as you don’t like lolis. I dotn support people who age up characters so that their ships work or so that they can draw their character how they want unless said character is already an adult.
I do support therians and people who do Quadrobics ^w^
Online Information
This one might be long QwQ
All my online names have Olfo in them.
I have Twitter but I DON’T use it. Ima list the apps I use and the names I have on them
Instagram: olfo_artz
Here: olfoartz
MinecraftPE: OlfoShadow
MinecraftJAVA: OlfoArt(s or z I forgot)
Steam: olfo_steam
Clash of clans: Olfo #LR9U0PJ2P or O if 0 doesn’t work -rarely play-
Wildcraft: zAlphaYT and my alt is zAlphaAlt
Deviantart: OlfoArtz
Roblox: JJneeder-Olfo_Artz
|| I do play Bloodline hero but idk how to find my information ||
YouTube: olfo_YT-olfo_artz with my wolf fursona as PFP
Pinterest: Olfo_Artz -I dont upload-
Discord: realolfo_artz and alt is olfo_artz
Brawl Stars: Olfo #RR8C992YQ
Kitty Cat Resort: Olfo with black cat PFP
Wolf Online: I also dont know how to find my info for this game
Wolf Online 2: I am not in a guild -yet- and I mainly use a White wolf named Olfo
Sky: If anyone wants to be friend on Sky you can always DM me and I can send Invite
I do INFACT play Genshin Impact but I don’t use my account rn because of low storage
Do and Don’t like
For Animals ide say it goes from Koalas, Wolves, Cats -of any kind- and any type of wild canines including foxes.
For games I like Open world ones mostly. I like any with animals in it even if they can only be pets.
A little about the apps I use / me
I draw wolves, cats, foxes, and characters I like if I can find a way to draw them. You’re probably gonna see a resemblance in my drawings no matter the species. (Specifically the top of the head)
Some communities im in:
Furry, sing, FNAF, Quadrobics, art, gaming, LEGO movie and the community itself, Bobs Burgers, and Pokemon.
I love / have a SHIT tone of stuffed toys and I will continue to buy them. They are all stuffed animals -w- my aunts boyfriend doesn’t want me to even have toys because he thinks I’m to old and that toys are stupid so I have to keep them in a bin in my closet. I have little figures of wolves, lionking characters, MHA MC Deku and some wolf stuff.
I do paint, crazy. But I hate painting so it’s rare.
I use IbisPaint for my drawings :}
I am indeed still in high school so if you have beef with me just remember you are beefing with a child 💀
I do traditional and digital drawing.
I read fan fics of the shows I like and when doing so I specifically look for angst / drama hehehehe. I do NOT read smut. Imo smut ruins the story, anyone who reads books just for the smut are in fact PORN ADDICTS.
MUSIC‼️‼️‼️‼️🤤🤤🤤🤤 here are some people / Bans I listens to :>
Twenty One Pilots
Boy With Uke
My Chemical Romance
Pierce The veil
CG5 -fnaf songs-
Imagine Dragons
Two Door Cinema Club
Nessa Barrett
BlackLite District
Billie Eilish
Madilyn Mei
Sam Tinnesz
Songs from the show “Bobs Burgers”
Darren Rita
Olivia Rodrigo
Elvis Presley
The Hoosiers
Zack Callison
Tally Hall
Ricky Montgomery
Sub Urban
Tame Impala
Oliver Tree
That’s all -w- I can answer any questions in comments and add them to the list. Also if anyone listen to any of those artist PLEASE recommend me some songs or artists QwQ I need more
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athielive · 2 years
hiiiii!!! i absolutely loved your snowed in mischa x reader, the concept overall is really cute and you’re a really good writer :)) i was wondering if you could please write a similar fic except with noel x male reader? if not that’s okay but there is not enough x reader content for him lmao
YES ID LOVE TO. i started writing it earlier and i got half way through but i cant recover it im so upset im about to restart.
I dont know if it’s that good but I hope you like it <3
also thank you for requesting one :)))
French had always been your least favourite subject. No matter what you couldn’t understand any of it.
Luckily you had Noel, the top of the class.
You met in the choir and had known each other for years. He was your best friend and the only person you were truly comfortable with.
After knowing him for a few months you ended up developing feelings for him and questioned your sexuality for a while before coming out to him as gay. He was the only person who knew.
Noel had always been fairly open about being gay, because of this he faced years of bullying. More recently it had died down because everyone had grown up, but seeing it all happen and comforting Noel through the state he was in brought along a fear that it could happen to you as well.
Turning the corner, you saw his house in the distance. Layers upon layers of snow covered the ground as more flakes fell every second. There was a snowstorm warning but you would most likely be back home at that point.
You walked up his driveway and knocked on the door three times.
The door swung open to reveal Noel still in his pyjamas but with his hair styled how he always has it.
“Bonjour, Bienvenue en France.” He exclaimed. You hesitated for a second trying to process what that meant.
“That’s basic French Y/N… you’re so lucky you have me.” He smiled.
Truly he didn’t know how lucky you really felt.
“Come in then theres snow all over you, Mom won’t let you in if you’re soggy.” He grabbed your arm pulling you inside and up to his room.
Noel went straight over to his desk chair getting a folder labelled ‘French Lessons for Y/N’
You slouched down on his bed looking over at him. “How long did it take you to make that?” You asked.
“Oh uh… not long. Maybe a few hours… every night for a week.” He began rambling.
You felt yourself becoming flustered, “It means a lot that you would do all that for me Noel.”
“I’d do anything for you, you know that.” He smiled.
You walked over to him and sat down in the chair next to him. He began to flicker through the pages to find what he wanted to teach you today.
It was colour coded with beautiful layouts and calligraphy titles. This must’ve taken him ages. All the examples he had in it of sentences were things that had happened with the two of you, things like: ‘Nous avons regardé des films ensemble toute la nuit.’ ~ ‘We watched films together all night.’ and ‘Y/N est très beau.’ ~ ‘Y/N is very handsome.’
All that was going through your head was ‘This has to mean something; Does this mean something; What if he actually likes me back’ You had to do something.
“I can’t do this Noel.” You started.
“I know it’s hard but don’t worry I have faith in you and I’ll-”
“No it’s not about the French I need to tell you something.” You inhaled deeply, there was no turning back now. “Listen you have to promise me that what I’m about to say won’t ruin our friendship.”
He laughed, “Of course not you’re the best friend I have.”
“Okay uhm, you know how much you mean to me, right?” He nodded, “Well even when I first met you I was intrigued by you, I guess you always felt more special to me then any other friend had. I always assumed it was just that we were platonic soulmates or something but um..”
“What are you trying to say?” Noel asked, shuffling his chair closer to yours.
“I love you Noel and not just as a friend.”
His shoulders dropped as if a wave of relief had washed over him. His cheeks began to flash a bright red and a smile crept its way onto his face.
“I love you too.” He grinned, “In more than a friend way but I figured you already got that.”
You both laughed and hugged each other tightly. This is it, all you wanted. It’s moments like this that make people want to freeze time and stay like it forever.
“What does this mean for us?” Noel asked, still not pulling away.
“I don’t know.” You said. “I’m not ready to come out to everyone yet, but I’d love- only if you want, to be your boyfriend?” You smiled hopefully.
“Of course I want you to be my boyfriend you idiot, why else would i make a folder of French for you?” He laughed.
“Oh my god I actually have a boyfriend. We can like watch movies together and have sleepovers and then go with each other to choir practice after those sleepovers then spend more time together!” He continued.
You chuckled, “Don’t we already do that?”
“Well yeah but it’s different now because you’re my boyfriend. We need to watch a movie together now as a celebration.” He got up and began to walk over to grab a DVD off of his shelf.
“As long as it isn’t one of those French ones.”
“You know it will be.”
You both cuddled together watching the movie, Noel recited his favourite lines and you had never felt happier.
When the movie ended he had already taken your hoodie and requested a different one that you had at home.
“Noel, I still stand by what I said about not being comfortable coming out to everyone. But if you’re okay with it I want to tell my family and the choir about us.” You asked turning to him.
He agreed and you began discussing ways to tell them. Suddenly there was a knock on the door and Noels Mom came in.
“Y/N the snowstorm has started and your Mom called asking if you could to stay here for a few days until it all clears up. She said to give her a call when you can.” She smiled then left the room.
“It’s like a honeymoon for us.” Noel exclaimed.
You laughed lightly, “No I’ll take you to Paris for our real honeymoon, thats a promise.”
He tackled you into a hug, life was perfect.
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ranpd · 2 months
56: How many people have you fist fought? 57: Do you believe in true love? 58: Favourite weather? 59: Do you like the snow? 60: Do you wanna get married? 61: Is it cute when a boy/girl calls you baby? 62: What makes you happy? 63: Would you change your name? 64: Would it be hard to kiss the last person you kissed? 65: Your best friend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do? 66: Do you have a friend of the opposite sex who you can act your complete self around?
heheh. hehe. I'm too nosy
its ok sakkie im self-obsessed i love answering questions
56: How many people have you fist fought?
- ive never fistfought anyone except my brothers lol, we grew up with wwe so
57: Do you believe in true love?
- id like to believe true love exists! (coughs)(sage)(coughs)
58: Favourite weather?
- EASILY 70 degrees and sunny w a nice breeze. it was like that today i swear i was outside and didnt wanna kms
59: Do you like the snow?
- i dont know what snow is like☹️
60: Do you wanna get married?
- shutup i do wanna get marrieddd😭😭 rlly bad
61: Is it cute when a boy/girl calls you baby?
- SHUT UP SHUT UP DONT MAKE ME ADMIT IT AGAIN. yes. literally worlds hardest yes.
62: What makes you happy?
- my friends!! my partners!! my partners again!!!!!
63: Would you change your name?
- like legally? yeah. from my chosen name? idk. i use del irl and like. i know that’s just the last hosts name but it feel right. shrug
64: Would it be hard to kiss the last person you kissed?
- oh shit yeah😭 cus i broke up w her
65: Your best friend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do?
- opposite sex? so like a dude? iont swing that way🤷
66: Do you have a friend of the opposite sex who you can act your complete self around?
- again, opposite sex??? weird wording but im just gonna go gender on this and say yea. penny my bff penny🫶🫶🫶
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73 yards thoughts from while watching :)
-hehe theyre in wales
-"wait, what year are you from?" Actually love that the doctors forget that.
-ohhhy the doctor's gone :0
-locked tardis?? Man thats insane how does that happen
-wow that old woman is scary. How is she next to the tardis now.
-very pretty shots :) like lookint at them. Not as overwhelming/fast as most morern who stuff. Loving this.
-susan twist???
-wait ruby asks her if she knows her. Are they realising??
-question is does susan twist know she keeps reappearing or is it a clara thing where shes unaware
-oh shes running :(
-"well apparently next week were getting christianity"
-absolutely terrifying score 10/10 for murray gold once again
-semperdistans :)
-actually the welsh pub people making fun of ruby having an absolute blast pranking her was great
-"i would love to see you again" man that made me SAD :(
-shes going back to her mum?? Wow
-"I mean i dont know. ive never had a garden, never had a shed. Ive never had a man! but thats what they say. And your intergalactic nutcase is doing it on a cosmic scale! But hes still, essentially, inside his shed. Pottering! He must be."
-mrs flood hello :)
-the call idea is really good. I love rubys mum. Wait a second oh no rubys mum COME BACK CARLA NO-
-locking ruby out?? Telling her to go away?? Telling her shes not her daughter? VILE.
-the shot with ruby sitting outside the door was really pretty but still sad af
Wait since when is she introducing herself as lethbridge-stewart? I mean I love remembering her connection to the brigadier but is there any narrative reason? Shes made a point back when she was introduced thar shed rather just be kate stewart.
-its been a year?? Her mum put an INJUNCTION against her?? Vile. Absolutely vile. Poor Ruby.
-and more and more the supernatural? So theyre acknowledging the genre shift from sci-fi to more fantasy. Funky.
-"And you work with the doctor?" "With him, despite him, against him sometimes."
-73 yards is probably going to be relevant and not just a random number right (terry youre in for a blast)
-"does that sound mad?" "Sounds wise"
-how long has it been what the fuck
-there is something sort of lovely about her toasting the scary woman :) on christmas
-2031, the great russian war, Id rather not
-something something hes the worst prime minister and a monster something something master
-somehow thought ruby was gonna kill him. This makes more sense. Day saved :)
-wait why is she still here. Shes old now. What.
-the overgrown tardis and the flowers remind me of the mural painted on it back in hell bent. Just me? Okay Ill go back into my cave.
-no one ever told ruby that her mum died?? Thats so sad oh my god. And it never snowed again?? Love you need a great big hug
-"And I think, at the end, I have hope. Because thats very you, isnt it, my old friend? I dare to hope"
-hospital??? Shes dying??
-"i could make it snow once upon a time" -if I had a drink I wouldve spat it out that was so bloody funny
-woman in corner of the room is scaring me. Please go away.
Oh no shes coming closer
OH NO THE MUSIC IS TERRIFYING I didnt sign up for a horror movie-
-rubt is the woman??? Is she??
-shouldnt that get them into paradox city cause old ruby warned her but she couldnt if it didnt happen. Nah whatever
-this was it?? But thats not a conclusion?? I mean I LOVED this ep absolutely captivating but did they really now have another 5 minutes for an actual ending?? Please explain
-ohhh next ep preview :) reminds me a little bit of the happiness patrol somehow
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june is beautiful, exquisite, precious, perfect, elegant, fantastic, stunning, world changing, alluring, the best person in the world, outselling all these flops, jaw dropping, amazing, impressive, noble, exquisite, beautiful, gorgeous, angelic, soft, graceful, marvellous, feet kicking, making my heart go cherry bomb, awfully addictive, admirable, fascinating, soothing, comforting, underappreciated, loveable, revolutionary, mesmerising, classy, captivating, my sugarpop, my pookie, my muffin, my angel, my dear, my darling, my sweetheart, my honey, the loml, my one and only, the only person i see, my comfort person, my home, my everything, my universe. but most importantly, my kdy. shes making me shed so many tears, dreamy, out of this world, making me feel something i never felt before, the person that showed me a new side of myself, making me emotionally attached to it, amazing which you can’t explain in words. she ended wars. solved world hunger. her voice is ear blessing, such an eargasm, my fav ever, sweet like cotton, smth that i would die to hear 24/7, indescribably amazing, unique, making me weak and much more that i cannot define.
i love june shes my comfort person istg. everytime i dont know what to do with life, i go watch her vlogs. they are really comforting to me aaa. i appreciate june and her talents soso much that i can’t explain in words. like im new to dodo farm but still am so amazed how she can be such a great person ☹️☹️ sure, there are more people out there that love june more than i do and i’m by far not the best yeri toe but that doesnt stop me from loving her right? (not in the delusional way dw) everytime i look at her my heart aches. how can someone be like her? last my 3 months were amazing because of her! shes so incredibly talented and comforting. nothing matters more than she does. i genuinely dont know what i even did before stanning dodo farm and june. gosh the woman she is. i hope that she knows that us yeri toes appreciate her really much and hope for the best <3 oh my god shes the reason of my joy and happiness how could i ever survive without knowing that june exists. whenever im not in the mood for anything, june is the solution. not only is she just an idol to me, no, shes also my everything that i’ll love beyond infinity. her words are like a melody in my head that is never going to go away. sometimes i do wonder if future ky would still adore june as much as my current self does rn. me rn would be so devastated if i would not ult june. id have more to say but yes. for now, we can live, laugh and love thanks to my lovely star june!
i love you with all of my heart, body and soul. nothing will ever stop my love for you. distance may be keeping us apart but remember, you will always be embedded in my heart! something about you makes me fall deep for you ml. you’re the main character in my masterpiece labeled life. i dont get how anyone could not be obsessed with you. its so unbelievable that we live under the same sky. my undying love for you is deep to the core, june. nothing feels better than seeing you my dear. your lively eyes remind me of the freshly fallen snow on a glacial winter day. the cheerful smile that i’m dying to see daily, that pleasing look, your presence and those adorable habits arent enough to define your astonishing existence. you inspire me sm. something about you makes me want to achieve things. i need you love. june, my eternity, my only one, my universe and beyond, please don’t ever stop being the way you are.
remember the first time i saw june? the memories are amazing. it was clear from the start that i was meant to be a yeri toe. i just cant comprehend that one clip of my bae would be the start of a beautiful journey that is going to blossom to a greater extent! my whole life was dry and boring until you came into it. not even sunghoon was enough to make me feel as good as you do. youre special, june. june you will always be iconic!
- @yeritos
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calkale · 1 year
Hey, i was wondering how your slimav mw2 au was going, if you lost interest no worries!
Omgomgomg i was thinking about this earlier today!!! ill admit i did lose interest for a little bit but i do really wanna do more with it. Ill post what i have of the fic here cause knowing me itll be months before i finish it since i havent worked on it in months and im still working on the character designs i like giving them scars and giving those scars meaning and I wanna make up little backstories for them too
ill post what I have under the cut and if you have any ideas id love to hear them too
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this is like the outline I made while playing the mission so I wouldn't forget lmao plus some little details about them
this is all I have of the fic so far:
“Its kinda beautiful isnt it?”
Slider turned away from the view of the snowy, Russian mountains to look at Maverick. They had been sent here to this russian air base to retrieve **idk think of something** and decided to stop for a break just before reaching the base.
“Yeah, but theres a prettier view right next to me.” Slider winked at Mav.
“Oh shut up!” Mav playfully slapped him on the shoulder. “Come on lets get going before another MiG takes off and knocks us off this cliff.”
They both stood up from where they had been crouched down and Mav made his way towards the ice wall they were about to climb. They both had their ice climbing gear attached to their boots and wrists, they were bundled up in white winter gear to blend in with the snow storm that was rapidly approaching. Mav had a M24 sniper rifle and his ACR, both white in colour, strapped to his back along with a pistol and a few knives attached to his thighs. Slider had the same but with a pistol on each thigh and a heartbeat sensor attached to his ACR. They both carried small backpacks, in Sliders he had a few packs of C4 which they planned on using as a distraction if needed, and it would most likely be needed knowing them.
They were an efficient team, they worked together more often than not and got along really well. Thats part of what lead them to their relationship.
Maverick swung his icepick into the ice and jabbed his left foot into the ice.
“Watch my six.” He winked at Slider.
“Yeah im watchin it alright.” Slider said, mostly to himself while staring at Mav’s ass, which still looked amazing even under a layer of snow pants.
Mav laughed and started to climb up the wall, swinging his icepicks into the ice and digging his feet in with every step. He was almost at the top when they heard the roar of a jet engine overhead.
The only way up this part of the mountain was near the runway, they had tried to time it so they could get up in between take offs but apparently there had been a change in the schedule.
The snow started blowing off the edge of the mountain, right above Mav, and the ledge slider was standing on started to shake.
“SHIT!” Mav yelled as the jet passed right above their heads.
Slider looked back up and Mav was only holding on by one icepick, both his feet had come off the wall along with the other pick in the seconds Slider was looking down.
“Shit, Mav, dont fall!”
“I dont really have much of a say in that Slider!”
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thueenz · 6 months
🦙🐱🔥 for the minecraft asks :3c
🦙 (llama) give us a list of your favourite Minecraft mobs! Why are these ones specifically Your Little Guys?
hmmm id say for my favourite mobs itd be foxes, llamas, sniffers, skeleton horses, snow golem, and slimes! i dont have a great reason for any of these tho other than i just think theyre cute hehe. i always have a bunch of foxes and i love dressing up the llamas tho i wish they had more use. i will always have a little pet slime in every world and im just weirdly attached to skeleton horses:3
🐱 (cat) do you have any Minecraft pets? What are their names?
in my current modded world, the only named pets i have so far..are these guys!
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i have others but they are UNAMED..also just a peek at the fishtank lily is in. i used to have a big catfish named spinach voted by friends but uhhh spinach kept dying every time id get a new one so. RIP SPINACH 2023-2023
i have another fishtank in my house too in my enchanting room thats still kinda a wip but i like the fish
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🔥(fire) unpopular opinions? Anything you don’t like about the game you’ve been wanting to rant about?
UNPOPULAR OPINIONS... acacia is cute/a good wood everyone is just haters and doesnt know how to work with it, like i said in the other one i think pigstep is kinda overrated, and my general gripe with the game is that i dont like the mob votes much anymore and also feel like a lot of the new features added feel incomplete/very shallow. i think mojang should flesh out updates more
link to the ask game
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