#i've been planning to read the name of the rose but cant really get to it
whaledocboi · 5 months
For sleepover Saturday: top 3 books (probably already asked you but fuck it)
you might have asked something similar but not exactly this so whatever
i used to read a Lot when i was in like uhhh elementary school 4-5th grade, the fantasy book brainrot, but that sort of died out with time, which is kinda sad, i should definitely read more, but i always feel like i dont have the time for it. anyways
1. is probably the master and margariata by mikhail bulgakov, i just really love this book with the actual satan and his little goons causing problems in moscow on purpose, which obviously isnt the real point, but still. also just the "anna has already bought the sunflower-seed oil" line, iykyk
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(the only thing that wasnt as entertaining for me was the bulgakov self insert subplot but fortunately that takes up a relatively small portion anyways)
2. the death of ivan ilych by lev tolstoy, for this alone
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lives in my head rent free. cant really elaborate on this tbh, you can read it in like an afternoon, and i think most people might have, very standard russian realism, but i still really like it
3. this ones a bit more difficult, but i'll have to say a feast for crows by george r.r. martin. sorry guys, but it has cersei pov chapters and cersei pov chapters are probably my favourites of them all. it might not be the most exciting book in the series, that'd be storm of swords or clash of kings probably, and i initially kinda disliked affc as well, but rereading them all really changed my mind on that
im not a very. poetic person so apologies that im not being too elaborate and profound here, i hope it was still like, comprehensive though
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pesterloglog · 7 months
Rose Lalonde, Jade Harley
Act 3, page 838
TT: I require a font of frighteningly accurate yet infuriatingly nonspecific information.
TT: Do you know where I can find a wellspring of this sort?
GG: hahaha yes ok but we cant talk for long!!!
TT: You have plans?
GG: well yes i do but its just that you will lose your internet connection soon!!!!!
GG: and we wont talk again for a pretty long time
GG: not until you enter!
TT: Enter?
GG: yeah!
TT: This is what I was talking about.
TT: This was the itch that needed scratching.
TT: My avarice for the inscrutable. It is limitless.
GG: lol what did you want to know?
TT: You've been insisting today was the big day.
TT: We would all play a game you didn't know the name of.
TT: A game you said I'd get in the mail, and did.
TT: One that would help me answer some questions.
TT: But Strider is being obtuse, I can't catch John at his computer, you don't even have the game yourself, and on top of all that, my internet is unstable.
TT: So are you sure today is the day?
GG: there sure are a lot of challenges but yes i am sure!!
GG: dave is cool, you know he will come around when the time is right
GG: he just has a lot of work to do first
GG: and so do you!
GG: youll need to keep searching for a stable signal and power source, it will be hard but dont give up!!!
GG: and dont worry about me either, focus on playing with john first
GG: it all starts with you two!
TT: Is there nothing else you can say to prepare me for this?
TT: I'm sure you think little of blithely upsetting dark forces with Grandpa Moreau over there on Hellmurder Island, but honestly I've only read a few books on it.
GG: haha dark? thats ridiculous!
GG: i dont really know what to tell you other than its not going to be what you think it is
GG: and most importantly you will have your questions answered, but they will be the ones you havent thought to ask yet!
GG: just be patient and be brave youll see
GG: it will be fun!!!!!!
GG: uh oh looks like youve got to go
GG: take care rose! <3<3<3
-- tentacleTherapist [TT] ceased pestering gardenGnostic [GG] at 12:54 --
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rosina-lang · 1 year
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Description: British Rose meets Korean Seungcheol. However he's not just your average guy, he's a kpop star. Can they cope with the long distance and being in the limelight?
Category: Teen fiction
Mature: Yes, Minors under 18s do not read
Copyright: All rights Reserved
Book one of the series 'my kpop boyfriend'. This book is based on Seungcheol of seventeen.
Chapter Four
It's his eyes and the way he stares at me. My reactions are not my fault. He knows exactly what he's doing and he knows how much I like it.
  To be fair to him, he really acts older than his age. I was justifiably concerned that four years younger is too young for me but I feel like we're the same age or at least he acts like guys I know my age.
    'When do you go home?' I ask, keeping my composure as best I can but I know his confidence has turned my cheeks slightly pink.
    'Wednesday.' He replies, leaning back again. 'What's your favourite food?'
    'Oh, uh, I don't really have a favourite. I like a variety of food. Pasta, meat, noodles, burgers, salads, sandwiches...'
    'What about what you do not like?'
    'Fish.' I reply grimacing and he smiles and leans forwards again. 'Liver and kidney, big no no.'
    'All fish?'
'No. I like cod and salmon. Tuna and crab but that's about it.'
'I've never tried it.' He nods. 'What about you? What food do you like and dislike?'
  He sits back again then says, 'Favourite? Tonkatsu, kimchi stew, pickled radish, pork cutlet. I not like too spicy or sour food... Lotus root.'
    'What's that?' I ask.
'So, I best not order us hot curries for our next date then.' I smile to show I'm teasing him.
'You won't be ordering anything, I will be paying.' His lips turn into a pout.
'Is this a cultural difference here? Do the men pay for everything in Korea? Because I don't want to offend you but in England, we tend to split the bill after the first date or at least take it in turns.'
'Hmm... men normally pay for dinner or activity and then women pay for coffee or cake but... I pay for all.'
'Will you let me pay for something then? Can I bring the drinks?'
'No.' He shakes his head at me.
There's a knock on the door and Seungcheol turns to look in that direction and grabs his phone out of his front pocket, checking it. Pushing it back into his pocket he jumps up and walks over to the door.
  I hear the door open and then Korean conversation. Soon after the door closes and Seungcheol appears again.
    'Some of the members and managers are tired and not used to time difference yet. It's 5am to them.' He says as he walks towards the beds and sits opposite me again.
    'Oh gosh that must be difficult. Are you coping with the time difference?' I ask.
    'As long as I can sleep in tomorrow, I will be fine.'
    'Are your managers staying up because I'm here?' I ask and Seungcheol nods. 'And Mingyu can't sleep because I'm here.' I grimace, 'Should we call it a night then? So your managers and Mingyu and you!...' I smile, '...can get some sleep? What time is it?' I ask as I reach to my bag and grab my phone and check.
  It's just gone nine thirty. Earlier than I thought for a moment then. I've been here for what, two hours.
    'I'll order a taxi.' I tell him. 'What's the name of this hotel again? I'm not sure I even looked when I arrived I just followed Younghwan in.' I look up and Seungcheols just watching me, concern on his face. I stop and just look at him. Concerned that he seems concerned.
'I want to see you tomorrow.' He tells me simply. His eyes have gone wide and he's pouting again.
I can't help but smile, 'I don't have any plans.'
'Younghwan will drive you home.'
'Oh no, he doesn't need to worry. I can get a taxi.'
Seungcheol shakes his head and stands up, 'No. I would drive you if I could and walk you to your door, but I cant so I want Younghwan to.'
I look up at him and he hovers above me. His eyelashes looking even longer at this angle. Oh dear, I'm in trouble.
I nod and smile to which he smiles back and then grabs his phone out of his pocket and starts typing.
When he stops typing, he looks at me again. I catch his eyes as they quickly drop to my mouth and then back to my eyes again.
The look he's giving me sends excited nervous energy all around my body.
Then he holds out his left hand, palm to the side, at me. I look at it, then his eyes then back to his hand again before I take hold of it and he pulls me up to standing.
We're almost chest to chest. Our hands entwined are the only things keeping the distance between us.
I'm caught in his eyes and I can't look away. This excited nervous energy is now going double the speed and I swear I can feel that he's feeling it too.
'I will message you when I wake up tomorrow and we will make a plan.' Seungcheol says.
'Okay. Make sure you lay in though.' I say and I manage to make my voice sound steady even though I swear my legs are shaking from the energy buzzing though me right now.
Seungcheol gives me a smile and a nod and then bends down slightly to grab my bag with his right hand then turns and starts to walk, keeping hold of my hand and leading me towards the door.
He opens the door with the hand holding onto my bag and starts to walk through, holding it for me with his arm as I follow him.
In the hallway Younghwan is waiting by the lift. He notices us then turns to face the lift and presses the button to call on it.
We walk towards him, Seungcheol walking on my right, still holding my hand.
When we get to the lift, he stops, looks at me and gives me what I can only describe as a cute smile then hands me my bag.
'Younghwan, make sure Rose gets home safe.'
'I will.' Younghwan replies still turned towards the lift.
Seungcheol grins at me and squeezes my hand.
The lift makes a bell noise then the doors open and Younghwan walks in.
'Goodnight Rose.' Seungcheol says staring at me.
'Goodnight Seungcheol.' I reply as he lets go of my hand. I turn and walk into the elevator.
Younghwan nods at Seungcheol who nods back then as the doors start to close he looks at me and winks. I can't help but giggle which he laughs and then the doors close shut.
My stomach drops as the elevator starts to descend. The smell of his aftershave is no longer all around me and I miss it.
Younghwan stays quiet as we walk to the car. Simply opening the door for me and closing it again.
Half way through the drive as I'm staring out the window my phone vibrates in my bag and my heart races thinking it's Seungcheol.
However it's not its Chelsea checking on me. I reply that I'm on my way home and will be home in less than five minutes. She replies with shocked emojis.
When we pull up outside, Younghwan jumps out and opens the door.
'Thank you for driving me home Younghwan.' I tell him as I get out.
'You are welcome.' He replies and starts walking towards the door. 'I have to walk you to your door, Seungcheol orders.'
I smile at Younghwans back and follow him.
Letting myself in with my key I step in and bow at Younghwan. He bows back and walks back to the car. Jumps in and starts the engine so I close the door.
When I let myself into our apartment, Chelsea is waiting and ready to pounce.
'It went that badly hey.' She asks as she stands in the hallway watching me take off my shoes.
'No. It went well. They're not used to the time difference yet. He was tired.'
I walk into the open plan living room and kitchen and head straight for the sink to get a glass of water. 'Yes. It's 5am or something for them.'
'What did you end up doing then for... two and a half hours?'
'Food and talked. Like a proper first date but just inside a hotel room.'
I take a sip of my water and then turn to look at her, 'I'm seeing him tomorrow. They don't leave until Wednesday.'
'Oh.' She walks up to me and then takes a breath in dramatically. 'You smell like him. Are you sure that's all you did?'
'Yes.' I laugh, 'his aftershave is strong. I really like it though.' I smell my T-shirt and smile when I do smell him.
'Oh no. That look. You really like him.'
I look at Chelsea as I take a sip of my water, contemplating what I want to say but I decide with the truth, she knows me to well anyway. 'Yeah.'
'When you seeing him tomorrow? I thought we had pilates class in the afternoon?'
'I'm not sure yet. He said he would message me tomorrow.' I shrug and head towards the hallway again. 'I'm going for a shower.'
When I get out the shower I check my phone and there's a message from Seungcheol.
Are you home safe? Younghwan just back and said you were.
I leave it on read for a minute whilst I dry myself and get into my nightclothes.
Yes. I've just had a shower and ready for bed. Are you in bed?
I put my phone down on my bed and go over to my TV and grab the remote control, taking it back to bed with me I turn it on and climb in.
Yes I am in bed. Mingyu to.
I smile when I read his message and flick the tv onto a channel showing a movie. It's one I've seen before but I doubt I'll be focusing on it.
Say hello to Mingyu for me and sorry for kicking him out of his room!
I click out of messages and onto his profile page but I'm still not accepted as a friend so I can't see anything. I'll have to ask him tomorrow if I'm allowed to see it now. Maybe I have to gain his trust first?
Goodnight Rose
Goodnight Seungcheol
Sunday 6th March
My night sleep is staggered. I wake up just after two and think of him straight away. So I check my phone and re-read his messages from last night.
  I wake up again around five and again at seven. I can no longer smell his aftershave and so I go to my laundry basket and grab out the outfit I was wearing but it no longer smells like him either.
  I lay in bed and load up Google and type in Seungcheol and he comes up straight away. I click on various links and read various articles about him and his group.
  His fans seem to have a pretty clear idea about who he is as a person and I've seen a lot of these sides of him so far over the last two days.
  When I come across a fan blog that dedicates writing fictional stories about him, majority of them X rated, I decide that's enough and close the search down.
  One thing I noticed was that there seems to be little to no information on his family. I know he said to me he likes to keep that side of his life private and it's obvious he's managing to do so.
  I decide to look up information on idol lifestyle. Any dos and don'ts or just general information about what his career is like. Once I've done that I look up information on South Korea and dating culture. Anything I may need to know for our next date.
At nine, I get out of bed and jump into the shower. I get myself ready in preparation for a date.
Soon after there's a message from Seungcheol.
Good morning Rose. How did you sleep?
I can't help but smile at his message as I reply: Disruptive sleep. Woke up a few times. You?
I sit at my dressing table staring at my phone, waiting for his response.
Same. Were thoughts of me keeping you awake? 😝
I laugh to myself then reply: No Mingyu actually
Then quickly send a: 😉
Followed by: Why didn't you sleep well?
His reply’s come in quickly: 😱
Time difference and thoughts
When can I see you?
I smile to myself as I type my reply: Ready when you are 🙂
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authorofdanger · 5 years
Reason Of Survival Part 1
Warnings: Mentions of abuse, violence, kidnapping, and death.
Stray Kids Mafia AU
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My breathing was ragged as I took another blow to my chest. It was another losing fight for me this week but what was the point in winning? Another day having the shit beaten out of me? To possibly having a full meal once a day and two smaller ones to try to motivate me more? Some clean water? A fucking shower? I dont have a good reason to keep fighting so I kept taking all the hits from my opponent. It felt like hours before I was on the ground with a broken wrist, fractured nose, bloodied face, cracked ribs, and bruises littering my entire body. It's not the worst I have endured in a fight but it's not my best either.
I was tossed back into my cell like a piece of meat and I could barely let out a cry from the pain of the impact. My hair was pulled up harshly which forced me to look my boss in his eyes. "The fuck is wrong with you? You were my top fighter for years and now you cant even win a single fight! And for what? Some cell mate you had for only a few months? Pathetic." My cell mate, Libby, died last week after losing her tenth fight. Boss decided she was no longer useful and.... well you can guess from there. She was my only friend in this hell hole and the only person I wasn't forced to fight. We took care of eachother and became eachothers motivation to keep going and keep winning. At this rate I'm not too far from joining her.
"I'm warning you. Either start winning or I will find better use for you," he warned before releasing my sore scalp and slamming my cell door shut. I crawled over to my personal first aid kit and cleaned myself up the best I could without water or a mirror. My wrist was going to have to wait until my weekly body check from my cell section's nurse. Leaning against the cool concrete wall I listened to the fights continuing the floor above me so I could have an idea of which cells would need to be cleared tonight.
"Let me fucking go," a voice boomed down the hall which ripped my attention away from the fight. I glanced over through the bars and saw a boy being dragged this way by two guards. He looked young, possibly still a teen, but he was well built and looked to be a perfect candidate in the ring. His red hair was messy on top of his head and his clothes were ripped and bloody. He had to be new though because if he wasn't I'm sure I would have fought him by now. I pulled my legs to my chest to make myself small as the three of them stopped in front of my cell and the boy was tossed inside with me and locked in. "I swear to God your going to regret that when my team gets here," he yelled but the guards only laughed before leaving the hall.
I kept silent as I watched him curiously. Nobody in their right mind speaks to the guards like that unless you are a top fighter. A boy like him could get killed here and the boss wouldn't even bat an eye. He ran his hand through his hair before turning around and jumping at the sight of me. I relaxed my legs a bit when I saw all of the violence in his eyes be replaced with concern. "Are you okay," he asked. I let out a small painful laugh. "You're kidding right?" His eyes scanned around my body and stopped when it hit my wrist. "Its not nice to stare you know," I scoffed before shutting my eyes and leaning my head back, "you a new fighter or something?"
"Prisoner. I was captured while on a mission with my team." Prisoner? We dont have prisoners. We have fighters, sex workers, and the guards but not prisoners. "So a fighter? You look too innocent to be a guard and the boss doesn't typically want a baby faced male sex worker." My eyes shot back open in fear as I felt a hand gently grab my wrist but I didnt pull away. "I can wrap this. It might help." Without an answer he had a hold of my first aid kit and made a good makeshift cast. The entire time I kept my eyes on his face which held a sense of focus and care that kept me calm most of the time of contact. "You know it's not nice to stare," he mocked while finishing up. I rolled my eyes but chose to ignore his comment.
"What's your name?" "Y/N. Yours," I asked as he put up the kit. "Jeongin. How long have you been here?" To be honest I'm not too sure. One day I just woke up in this cell with no recollection of my past and I've been here ever since. "Years," was the easiest answer I could give him. I could see his shoulders tense up a bit but his face remained calm and held little emotion. It's odd seeing a newbie so relaxed after being brought in. Normally they would be screaming, fighting, and finding any way to escape. Jeongin on the other hand seems to accept his fate or maybe he has a plan that is bound to fail, either way it's too hard for me to read him quite yet.
"How old are you? I'm seventeen," he asked. He was probably trying to relax any fears I have of him and truth be told it was working but seventeen? And he was talking about a team and he is holding himself together? Something isnt quite right about him but how can I judge in a place like this. "I dont really know anymore. The boss has a file on me somewhere but I had a serious head injury a while back and all I remember is my name and a few scattered memories here and there. It's all a bit of a blur. Hey you said something about a team right?" His eyes shined at the question. Whoever this team is he must hold a good amount of fondness to them. "They're like brothers to me. There are nine of us in total and we run a pretty well known mafia group if I do say so myself. It's a tough job but it gives us all the thrill we have craved since birth. I'm their hacker, I can crack any passcode and hack any electronic device in minutes. Been doing it since I was about fifteen." His hopeful look dimmed as he trailed into a deep thought.
"I wonder if they know where I am." Against my better judgement I reached my hand out for him and led him to sit beside me and laid his head on my shoulder. I dont quite understand what he is feeling right now but I have a good idea. "I wont let anything happen to you Jeongin. Your brothers are coming and they will get you out of here, until then I promise I will keep you alive." Now the question was how was I going to do that? How was I going to protect another person when I can barely protect myself?
The next morning we were woken up by the sounds of sobs and screaming, the usual sounds the morning after fighting matches. Today is the day where cellmates discover that their best friends, lovers, and family members are gone. Today is also the day where if we have any weak links we either move them to the sex worker section or they get killed off. It's always hard to hear no matter how long you have been here and I feel that these sounds will haunt me until the day I die. "What's happening," Jeongin whispered as I watched people being ripped from their cells and new people being added. "They're cleaning out cells. Removing weak links, adding new people, and moving people around. Dont think to much about it." He only nodded his head before taking his body weight off of me and looked around. He mentioned before that he was in the mafia, shouldn't this not bother him at all? "There's kids here too?" Does he expect the boss to have morals? If they can be of any use he will keep them. "Some were born here and some were taken. Again dont think to much into this stuff. It only adds to the depression." He turned his head and looked at me with an unreadable glare. "I'm going to get you out of here," he said more to himself but I only gave him a small smile before fear rose in my chest. I quickly got up and pushed him behind me as the boss opened my cell and slightly chuckled at my protectiveness.
"Well looks who is finally up and moving again," he said darkly while pulling a remote out of his suit pants pocket. I prepared myself for the electric shocks that were about to hit me through my shock collar but refused to stand down, he is testing me I know it. "So I see you have gotten to know our new little addition. I figured he would bring something out in you." I ticked my eyebrow up at him and listened carefully at every single word he was saying and being prepared for any questions he may ask. "I was thinking of adding him to this unit but maybe he would be better as-" "You wont take him," I interrupted boldly, "you want me to win then fine but you cant have him." I know his games and he has done things similar before. He wants his best fighter to win him big bucks in the ring and this is a sick way of doing it. A grin found it's way on his lips as he pressed the button on the remote, nearly bringing me to my knees if Jeongin didnt grab me by the waist to hold me up.
"How about we make a little deal then pet," he laughed before turning off the collar, "as long as you keep winning in the ring he doesnt have to even lift a finger. You continue your little stunt and your losing streak then I trade you two out. Maybe he can do better then you." Jeongin's grip on me tightened and he whispered in my ear "I can handle this. Dont do it." Closing my eyes and shaking my head I felt like there wasn't much of a choice. If I can help it I dont want anyone else in that ring even if it means I have to work myself to death. "He wont be in the ring? Or a part of the sex group," I asked as bravely as I could. "No. You will take up any and all of his jobs I would have pinned him to do. His whole life will depend on your actions." Could I handle that? The extra fights, possibly be in the sex ring as well, any and everything he would have to go through plus my own schedule? "Deal."
"You didnt have to do that," Jeongin sighed while cleaning the dried blood off my face and body since we got our cleaning bucket. "You dont want to be out there. I've been doing this long enough to know what to expect. You just have to trust me on this." I let in a sharp inhale as the soaked rag swiped over my nose which definitely was broken. He mumbled out a few apologies but continued on until most of the blood was off of me and in the bucket. "We should be getting showers tonight for the selections," I explained as he examined the bruises and other various injuries I had. "Selections?"
"Other bosses from other districts come and decide who they want to pin against their own fighters. They also discuss which prize they want if they win. Sometimes its money and sometimes it's the losing fighter. Most of the others here I had fought at one time or another and my boss claimed. I could be fighting about four fighters if I'm lucky in the next three days."
"You call that lucky?" "Lucky as in minimum. Usually on my own I get between two or three and now that I add on your count," I began but stopped myself. I dont need him feeling bad about something that isnt his fault. "You wont be fighting. Chan and the others will find us by then," he assured quietly after a guard passed our cell. I could only give him an assuring smile. How long will it be before he gives up hope? I've been here for years and after a few months I gave up on the thought of escape. Once you end up in a cell there is no leaving, you are no longer a human in a sense but like an animal. Nobody really cares about you as a person anymore and you might as well be erased from the outside world.
"I bet Seungmin has already tracked my location by now," he added "and Chan is probably calling either Sungjin or JB! Oh or Woojin could be calling Jungwoo! It would be a mess if all of NCT came you know," he continued. At some point I zoned out of what he was saying so I myself wouldn't get my hopes up. I thought back to Libby and how right now she would be playing with my hair or how she would be trying to learn fighting strategies from me. Maybe she would have punched Jeongin in the face by now because of his optimism levels, she never was one to see the glass half full.
"Are you even listening to me," he chuckled which pulled me back to the present. "Kinda. Hey Jeongin can we not talk about escaping right now? Maybe you can tell me more about your friends in general?" As if he understood what I was getting at he nodded his head and began to ramble on about all the adventures he has been on through the years. Though he may be a little too hopeful and cheerful he is the perfect amount of light for this dark situation, and in my mind I vow to never let anything happen to him.
Even if it kills me.
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