La Stagione Nuova 2 Stagione 27 Puntata Conduce Marcella Pappiani Regia di Tiziano Gallo Iniziamo a conoscere "I'm a mess" brano appena uscito dei Rumba de Bodas. In questa puntata Marcella Pappiani Intervista la frontwoman di questa band, Rachel Doe, sempre e solo su www.radioflyweb.it Radio Flyweb Ludwig Sound .
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onyx-nightmare · 4 years
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【im dead inside but i have a cat so what is there really to complain about?】
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star-date5 · 4 years
David (date 3)
This week has been a shit show. Between lack of sleep and the stress of looming finals, I was a mess. Let me paint this picture for you. I woke up 30 minutes late and realized Aunt Flow decided to pay me a visit. Well, there goes my sexy panties in case idea. So I throw on my standard “booty” shorts. They’re more like shorts than underwear, but whatever. I then get dressed. For some reason, I forgot about my date and dressed like a bum. My holiest jeans, a terrible fitting and unflattering crop top, and these business flats with Tinkerbell duct tape on the heel (a story for another time). Luckily, I did my makeup because my face looked like I was some sort of horror movie monster and I didn’t want people to get scared while I walked from class to class. Then I roll out late and it’s pouring down rain and I look like a wannabe sexy beach bum from Cali, only without the sexy. I was like screw it, I’ll be fine. Then while I’m sitting in class I get a text from David and I think FUCK… After the sexy panty idea, I completely forgot about my date. So there I was 20 minutes before meeting him thinking well it was fun while it lasted and maybe he should be rating me instead. Today I’ll be rating myself and my date. 
Conversation: **** (talks too much, but entertaining)
Style: ** (looks like a hot mess without the hot)
Attractiveness: *
Personality: *
On to the date... David got off of work early and met me near my school. He went for the handhold nearly instantly but after the steamy makeout session from last time, I expected at least a peck. Although the conversation was great I was starting to feel a lack of chemistry. I couldn’t tell if he wasn’t feeling me or I wasn’t feeling him. I mean I did look terrible, so maybe he was disappointed that I actually look like the above description on the regular. We hung out for an hour and then agreed to meet later in the evening for a comedy show. Upon meeting later I almost felt like he had lost interest completely. During the show, I made it a point to touch him discreetly to see if that sparked anything. On another note, that comedy show was hilarious. Someone did a bit on dating tall girls that had me in tears. Someone also did a bit about Diva cups that almost made me pee myself because it was such a horrifyingly accurate description of the product. After the show, we went outside the bar to decide what to do next. He grabbed my hand again which caught me by surprise since I was positive he wasn’t interested anymore. We then proceeded to do the most interesting thing I had done on a date. Go shopping for a pint of ice cream to split. While we were sitting there we discussed our likes and interests mainly hovering around comics. He would grab my hand and hold it on occasion. He then proceeded to walk me to my car where we acted like rated R high schoolers. The deed was not done because Aunt Flow decided she had to be in the middle, but it was still a fun end to the evening. Honestly, during some of the conversations, it really sounded like he wanted to start moving into the boyfriend stage. I don’t if I would move into that stage with him. I’m looking for something specific this time around and I’m not sure he’s it. For now, it’s fun. Date four is in the works.
Date Originality: ****
Style: *** 
Conversation: *****
Chemistry: **
Adult Stuff: ***
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ponmod · 5 years
I always wanted to try and find cool kh roleplay accounts, or just people to roleplay with. But no matter what I either don’t find any, or are just too scared to do so. Help me.
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sageandzola-blog · 6 years
My words are like the drops of an ocean - many, but never acknowledged.
                                                                                                     ~ Sage
“Don’t tell it to anyone“ She whispered to her ‘trustworthy’ friend.
“Don’t tell it to anyone“ Told the ‘trustworthy‘ friend to his ‘trustworthy‘ friend.
Everyone knew the secret, but would not tell it to anyone.
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izzygizzydrawings · 6 years
friends- Hangs out with bf and goes out on weekends
Me an intellectual- Stays inside on weekends and stresses about doing work the last second  
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Hey, so. I’m a huge mess.
https://www.youcaring.com/sarahmain-951530 I’ve got a crowdfund thing going because of what a mess I am and I know it seems. I dunno.I don’t want to make it into a sob story or whatever else, but every bit helps and even if you could just reblog it or whatevs, I would really appreciate it.
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sadlyicannotfly · 7 years
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Ignore last nights make up from my lazy morning.
Until the moon sets on the ocean and the tides no longer turn,
Until the sun sets in the east and takes the fire from my eyes with it,
I will feel honored to have known you.
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t-lostinworlds · 3 years
Props to the Reader in "Revenge is sweet". I would've instantly blocked Tom's persistent contact. My reserved ass can't. Like hell no. Don't even bother. I am physically and mentally not ready to be this close to another human. #singleforever #I'mamess
oh yeah she’s one brave soldier for sure and that’s because she ‘knows’ she can handle him and keep a safe distance nd i think you’ll see it more in part 5.1 & part 5.2 also, having written all of it already especially part 13 i’m just here like 🤐🤐🤐 alskalskkask i don’t wanna spoil but trust when i say there are reasons 👀👀
⚽️ Revenge Is Sweet (Series Masterlist)
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xireanaprime · 4 years
We interrupt your scrolling for another Sad Weeb Rant
So I’m up at like 3 am and listening to music while I fix the settings on my Nook so I can read the 1000+ fanfiction I have download in the last decade.
While listening to Dermont Kennedy’s-’Power over me’ I feel the urge to bawl my eyes out. Now I embody the Mr. T wannabe from Cloudy with a chance of meatballs and force myself not to cry.
I think this quarantine if finally getting to me or i’m just that weak.
I mean the only thing I had going for me was college and now i’m bomb my statistic classe cause of my inability to understand a math lesson unless there is a person in front of my to explain its riddles.
i’m 27 and my older sisters had their masters by this time and i’m only now finishing up community college. 
Each day i’m trying to see myself in a better light, but lately all i’ve been feeling is that i’m unsightly and have no purpose in this world. I’ve been trying to online date but it’s been mostly creeps who want web sex or have kids thinking their adults while hitting on me.
In my town i’ve had a stalker, and drunks ask me out.
At this point and time I’m bound to be a spinster... with like 17 cats... I don’t even have cats.
My only solace lately is writing ocXcannon fanfiction till the void in my heart patched with enough bandaids and cover up that i can ignore it. 
It’s gotten so bad my therapist has upped my meds.
Lets not forget I have the memory of a goldfish and unless I have multiple alarms I will forget to take them. 
I’ve felt the need to avoid everyone and just want to hide in my bed with a plethora of fuzzy blankets and eat copious amounts of junk food. My insomnia has gotten bad. I could go to bed the other day until I looked up one of those indoor bed tents.
And to top it off i have this weird hard spot on my side and I know it sure as hell isn’t muscle. I’m 50% squishy-10% muscle-30%weeb-and 10%-dead inside.
I don’t even know if I can go to the doctor for it cause of the quarantine.
God I just want some one to cuddle me and tell me they appreciate me...
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someguyinsomelife · 6 years
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Đúng,nhiều khi anh còn ghê tởm chính bản thân của mình.
Từ tận sâu bên trong,anh biết rằng con người của anh không tốt đẹp gì,nhiều khi anh còn sợ chính bản thân mình vì không nghĩ rằng anh là người như vậy.
Nhưng thế thì còn chuyện của chúng ta? thế những lần " anh và em sẽ khác " những lần " dù anh có ở đâu em cũng sẽ tìm anh " , cả những lần " vì anh giống em đến lạ kì nên em hiểu cực rõ con người anh, em sẽ không buông anh dễ dàng đâu " những lời đấy đối với em nó là gì? là những lời khi yêu người ta sẽ nói với nhau lúc mặn nồng như để khẳng định tình yêu dành cho nhau ?
Với anh, nó còn hơn thế.Những lời em nói nó như cái phao,gần như là cái phao duy nhất anh có thể đu bám vào mà hy vọng rằng cuối cùng cũng có người trao cho anh cái chìa khoá để anh được giải thoát.
Trao cho người bất lực với chính mình một hy vọng rằng họ có thể có một niềm hạnh phúc nhỏ nhoi nhưng sau đó lại đạp đổ cái hy vọng đấy, tước đi cái hạnh phúc mơ hồ mà họ gần như đã có thể chạm tay với tới được.
Đấy là điều độc ác nhất mà một con người có thể đối xử với người khác, em hiểu không em...
Là lấy đi cái hạnh phúc duy nhất của một con người.
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I'm a Mess
I'm a Loser
I'm a Hater
I'm a User
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Song's https://youtu.be/LdH7aFjDzjI
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mvslimahh-blog · 7 years
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Image via We Heart It http://weheartit.com/entry/295411963 #alone #depressed #dying #hurt #poetry #sad #tired #worthless #pathetic #helpme #inpain #can'tbreathe #i'mamess #spilledink #mywriting #2amthoughts #mywriteups
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fromm3towho · 6 years
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chxrnas · 7 years
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#doggos #outside #nature #trampoline #I'mAMess
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