#i'm..... bad with compliments
noxtivagus · 2 years
i was just talking to my mom abt how i find both chemistry n physics very interesting n she said 'maganda ka anak' (filo for you're beautiful) WHAT 🥺
#🌙.rambles#i'm..... bad with compliments#i get..... shy#bruh that caught me off guard bcs my mom was just looking at me while i was rambling#n she mentioned i cld try out bangs next time#i look in the mirror n my baby hair is messy so it's on my forehead rn#my mom basically said i'd look good with bangs hehe#n then other than that#said my beauty is with my smarts 🥺#mom spitting facts fr tho i know B)#😭 nah there's still so much i don't know#but sometimes when i think abt how i ramble about life#many out there don't have quite the passion i have for learning#bcs while taking medicine i really just randomly thought#how do they make this . like step by step process n all the ingredients#n the trial n fails they may have had#i love my curiosity#children are inherently curious n creative#but as we grow up there's a lot of things in life n society that just. yeah#so i'm really happy to be able to hold unto that aspect of myself#maybe i'm weird at times n i don't exactly fit in w the majority#with how i think and feel and perceive the world n life around me#but i love myself.#I REALLY GET SO HDJFJSJ WITH COMPLIMENTS THO#when i'm not shy i'm open with saying nice words n openly loving the ppl in my life#when i give you a compliment i genuinely do mean it. even if i say it a lot it is true. m#i think a lot so don't doubt the good way i see you#when. that gets returned tho ;;;#wnvr my friends tell me how they see me or what i mean to them#honestly i realize i'm so weak for that wtf
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aroaceleovaldez · 6 months
they girlbossed Sally Jackson
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miguxadraws · 17 days
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turqrambles · 4 months
I keep thinking about this really cute and heartwarming scene where someone tries to make a homemade apology dessert to repair his relationship with his vegan girlfriend and, even though they got into a big fight, he's still honoring her dietary needs and is super stressed out because the house he's staying in is filled with animal products. Like they could've had him be spiteful and mean and go "well screw you, I'll just lie and use milk" but instead they take the really thoughtful approach.
...said scene was in a game called Strong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive People.
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Sometimes it's the little things.
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larkoneironaut · 9 months
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My wood elf bard Nyctea who likes to donate blood from time to time 🖤
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maxsix · 8 months
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Chasing That Feeling: Inkigayo 231015
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tradingjack · 8 months
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trigun panel redraws from the first 5 chapters
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tending-the-hearth · 1 year
listen i am a weak weak woman
if at ANY point two characters have a moment where character a is holding onto something that they are going to be lifted up to someplace higher, and they pull character b close and say "hold on", i am automatically gone
and the fucking newest episode???? are you kidding me????
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like wtf is this romantic shit these two are NERDS and they are MADE FOR EACH OTHER and i will NOT be hearing any arguments
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running-in-the-dark · 3 months
okay I've been working on this damn painting for approximately five million years so I need to show you guys what it looks like right now to get scared enough that I don't stop before it's done (sharing things is scary, sharing unfinished bad bad bad things is so much scarier so I need to at least add the finished painting in the end so I don't die of shame)
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so there he is. Jenkins making a 🤨 face.
yes he's missing a hand, yes I've had to paint over those damn suspenders a bunch of times, yes the desk in the background is just ?? but. that's what it looks like right now 🙃
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Being a perfectionist with a horrible impostor syndrome means that when you wake up to less than 100 Tumblr notes your first though is "oh my god I really suck at this, I was so delusional thinking I could run a Tumblr blog".
Because you know you have to be hella qualified to have a Tumblr blog, otherwise tumblr police will come to your home and take away your Tumblr license. And obviously number of engagements is always the best indicator of quality.
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subsequentibis · 10 months
must say again that mgs3 ocelot is so so compelling to me. in my head he's the perfect little prodigy boy who has his position as a major at just 20 yrs old thru a combination of nepotism and real skill, real gifted kid who's excelled at everything he's ever tried, triple agent fooling absolutely everyone, trying out combat techniques he's only read or heard about in the field bc he knows he'll just Get it right away, and it's like partially true that he's very good but he's not That good, there's people pulling strings behind the scenes to get him there, but he doesn't see them and thinks he got this all by himself. and i need to put this smarmy little man in my mouth and shake him like a dog with a toy.
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the-aprilfools-bitch · 2 months
Fools is pretty shut up
Fools is not pretty <3
# lulu is delulu
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amanitacurses · 3 months
you keep tagging some of the vidow art with “bad end” au, i’d love to know more about the story there!! also beautiful work just in general, thank you for drawing them :)
The short of it is that it's an au in which Vio is the only remaining member from the Four Sword split and Shadow is more of his own existence; he has Red's sword and Shadow has his own, the other two pieces are "missing"
It's called bad end because it's basically the worst case scenario
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hamartia-grander · 4 months
so my general paranoia has always been pretty bad (hi ocd) but I thought it was more manageable the past few years as I've matured and gotten better at catching myself before I spiral, but recently (as in the past three weeks or so) it's been so bad that I do things impulsively as I'm spiralling without even realising it and it's been negatively affecting the way I perceive how friends think of me which I do NOT want to start happening again because that sucked. Idk why it's happening but I'd be grateful for any advice idrk what else to say about it.
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dootznbootz · 4 months
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(Ian Johnston, Book 10)
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osameowdazai · 7 months
hey I dying to know more about rimlaine I think ur the best person to come to for it wanna rant abt stuff for a while and or lemme know some hcs ! :3
Waking up to this ask was like getting a present first thing. It did take me all day to write this though cause I'm slow
Gosh ok so reading Stormbringer for the first time (it's the first bsd light novel I read cause Chuuya is my favorite character) and going through this book and seeing the journal entries Rimbaud wrote. Reading that they EXCHANGED NAMES? Verlaine being like 'I didn't like him though' like excuse me??? And. just Rimbaud saving his life at the end? Becoming his literal heartbeat,,,,, Verlaine realizing too late how he felt,,,,
They kill me
Anyway, headcanons for you:
They're both also lonely people, but not in the same way which is where they end up misunderstanding one another
Rimbaud is much more romantic of the two.
Verlaine gets flustered with affection, but always, always Tries to play it cool.
While Rimbaud may have been the one to teach Verlaine how to dance, he likes when Verlaine leads (who doesn't like to be spun and dipped come on)
They're both probably touch starved
I can't help but associate them with vintage radios (thanks cou)
Rimbaud can probably play some sort of instrument but doesn't very often. Maybe the piano.
Since the piano is just sitting around, Verlaine ended up learning how to play it and sometimes plays for Rimbaud (or rather, he just happens to play it when Rimbaud is around, it's not actually for him despite playing songs he knows he likes. Whatever you say, you silly man.)
I like the idea of Verlaine wearing reading glasses.
In the beginning, Rimbaud would give Verlaine books that he'd annotated so now they both annotate books and trade them back and forth
Verlaine will read his favorite books over and over until they're falling apart
They steal books from places while working jobs, especially Verlaine. Does that target have an interesting-looking book? His now tyvm
They spend so much time together that they pick up one another little habits and Verlaine hates it when he realizes he's done this.
They're both very observant people and I refuse to believe they aren't fully aware of everything their neighbors are up to all of the time
They're probably gossipy with one another about it, too
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