#i'm just spicy!
apcomplexhq · 6 months
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Com o final do dia se aproximando, era notável a falta de névoa pelos ambientes, enquanto os calafrios, que já se tornaram quase comuns, também cessavam, como se nunca estivessem presentes antes. Seja pelo perdão dos pecados cometidos pelas divindades ou, talvez, como o ato de decretar o fim definitivo de uma época turbulenta, para que novas memórias doces e recheadas de felicidade e ambição pudessem surgir.
Netuno, Demeter, Saturno e Ártemis retornavam para suas verdadeiras representações físicas, voltando a reinar sobre o ambiente gregoriano com determinação e livrando cada bloco das criaturinhas levadas que faziam questão em fugir por aí.
Tudo estaria de volta ao normal.
Entretanto, o forte cheiro de gasolina junto delas diz que algo BEM diferente está por vir...
Para aqueles que participaram das competições da decoração de abóbora e estabelecimentos, iremos montar o formulário hoje e, amanhã, dia primeiro de novembro, o síndico disponibilizará o link através dos grupos de moradia. A votação durará até o dia 04, onde será apresentado o resultado através do twitter do Sr. Park.
Sobre A CAÇADA DAS BRUXAS, para receberem os prêmios IC, vocês podem mandar mensagem para o síndico da seguinte forma:
"Mimikyu: (número de aparições); Pumpkaboo: (número de aparições); Duskull: (número de aparições); Espurr: (número de aparições)."
Para os prêmios OOC, nós anunciamos como o destinatário... PARK JOHN HYUNWOO (@MO96PH)! Você, agora, possui 1 reaplicação extra, totalizando TRÊS REAPPS e você pode acessar o título de seu personagem buscando na masterlist e, também, vendo o final da ficha.
Menção honrosa ao segundo e terceiro lugar: KIETTAWA CHAIWONG (@AM01KC) e PARK JIHYE (@AM91PJ).
Aqui, vocês podem checar a pontuação final de quem conseguiu entrar na tabelinha, damos um agradecimento e parabéns especial pra cada um:
✦ 1. Park John Hyunwoo (@MO96PH) - Quantidade: 16 ✦ 2. Kiettawa Chaiwong (@AM01KC) - Quantidade: 11 ✦ 3. Park Jihye (@AM91PJ) - Quantidade: 10 ✦ 4. Yoo Sehan (@EF00SH) - Quantidade: 06 ✦ 5. Uemura Kohana (@TT97UK) - Quantidade: 04 ✦ 6. Bae Yangmi (@AM00BY) - Quantidade: 03 ✦ 7. Kang Hana (@HA00EF) - Quantidade: 03 ✦ 8. Kwon Hyunbin (@EF93HB) - Quantidade: 03 ✦ 9. Ono Soojin (@AM97OS) - Quantidade: 02 ✦ 10. Kim Taeri (@MO00KT) - Quantidade: 01 ✦ 11. Nam Garam (@AM90GARAM) - Quantidade: 01 ✦ 12. Jung Chaeyeon (@TT02CY) - Quantidade: 01
Voltamos ao normal, não apenas em nossos mascotes, mas também a central inteira, a adrenalina se foi e a comunidade vai retornar a calmaria cotidiana, sem tanta informação sendo jogada pra vocês! Sabemos que eventos e atividades excessivos pode ser cansativo, ainda mais pra quem possui uma rotina corrida, então, esperamos que consigam descansar agora e fazer as coisas com mais tranquilidade!
Queremos saber de vocês, agora, opiniões sinceras do que acharam de tudo o que fizemos durante esse mês e de todo o funcionamento da comunidade, termos as opiniões dos nossos players é muito importante então, por favor, não hesitem em expor opiniões, sejam elas negativas ou positivas, a gente precisa saber onde erramos pra ver o que, onde e como devemos melhorar, somos sempre sinceras e transparentes com vocês, então sejam com a gente, para podermos tornar a comunidade um ambiente mais confortável pra cada um. Nós não temos como resolver nada sem termos os detalhes tragos diretamente pra gente, muito se vê por aí de comentários que "não fizemos nada sobre reclamações" sendo que, de verdade, nós não recebemos essas reclamações. Não queremos que encham nossa bola, queremos sinceridade dos nossos players. Se forem elogiar, que seja com motivo, não só pra tentar agradar, ok? Caso forem reclamar, que apresente os porquês, nos mostre o seu lado, como vamos buscar resolver se sequer sabemos como a situação é pra você? Por favor, se abram!
Agradecemos imensamente a todo mundo que participou de todos os nossos eventos e dinâmicas para esse mês, aos que nos deram dicas para melhorar e nos ajudaram quando tivemos algumas confusões, é sempre importante lembrar que mesmo sendo "a moderação", ainda somos seres humanos que erram e estamos dispostas a aprender com os erros.
Nos divertimos muito vendo cada um participando dos eventos, jogos, plotdrops, especialmente da caçada das bruxas, que nos rendeu muitas risadinhas sinceras e esperamos que tenha sido divertido pra vocês também!!!
E a propósito... Sobre a TASK OBRIGATÓRIA, nós resolvemos alterar a data final dela, devido a algumas surpresinhas. A data final agora é para o dia 25/11 (novembro, sábado).
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deadmomjokes · 2 years
PSA: tomatoes are not spicy. Tomatoes and tomato products should not be spicy. Pizza sauce isn't inherently spicy. Tomato-based pasta sauce is not spicy. Ketchup is NOT spicy.
If tomatoes are spicy, you have an allergy to tomatoes.
This announcement brought to you by my almost 29-year-old husband learning for the first time in his 2.8 decades of putting food products into his mouth that spaghetti and saucy pizza aren't spicy foods
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n30draws · 6 months
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You make my crooked heart do freaky little flips💘
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nadiasna7 · 1 year
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Yes, I think sleeping on somebody's shoulder is the most intimate thing ever, don't look at me like this...
I drew this to get back into the habit of well... Drawing. I think 85% of their time together Leon spends being fondly exasperated, skjdks.
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meaeris · 1 year
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asking for consent is fricking sexy
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kotofeden · 2 months
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Happy Valentines day from my fav blorbos
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mis4dv3nture · 3 months
so, we all agree, Phantom has a praise kink
poor lil bug just wants to be good :(
desperately trying to please his partners in order to hear those damn words
"good boy"
he used to don't care about anything else, just wanted to be good
until, while he's riding Rain, the water ghoul just stares at him in total admiration and, with the whiniest dreamiest voice he tells him
"you're so beautiful"
oh, rainy, he's so stupidly in love
Phantom cums so hard he almost blacks out
yeah, maybe he doesn't just wanna be good
he likes to be praised
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noodlesarecheese · 2 months
Full disclosure I'm a couple episodes behind in WWW, so I'm not 100% on every thing that's being discoursed about, but I've seen enough that I just want to remind people/beg people to remember:
You are watching The Nuance Show, DMed by Mr. Philosophical Nuance and played by Notable Lovers of Nuance.
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ghostwhogallopedaway · 10 months
Some KimChay Post-Happy Ending Things
Okay but like imagine with me for a moment if you will:
Kim being unable to keep his hands off Porchay for more than five seconds when they’re alone (he’s not one for PDA)
Kim shyly reaching for Chay’s hand when they go on a walk
Kim smiling like the biggest idiot on Earth the first time Chay calls him his boyfriend
Kim making Chay blush any chance he gets cause he’s so darn CUTE
Kim telling Porchay at every turn that he loves him so he’ll never have any doubts ever again
Before a concert - “I love you, Porchay.”
In the morning - “Chay. I love you.”
While Chay’s cooking dinner and Kim hugs him from behind - “Hey. I love you.”
Before Chay goes to school - “Oh by the way. I love you.”
And of course during lessons - “You went a little flat there. Also I love you.”
Kim and Porchay spending countless hours jamming on their guitars together and composing so many songs on the spot they have stacks of binders full of them
Porsche to Kim - “If you break my brother’s heart again I will hang you by your lovely cheekbones” :)
Also Porsche - “Thanks for always protecting him when I can’t. I’m glad he has you.”
Kim rescuing Chay from Khun
Porchay borrowing Kim’s jackets
Kim dyeing Porchay’s hair and going with him to get his first piercing
Kim going Mafia Prince when some other guy gets too close to Chay - “He’s mine.”
Kim teaching Chay some self-defense and not at all trying to seduce him because he’s definitely going to need it now, as well as the basics of shooting a gun
Kim and Porchay working as a lethal team when faced with mafia shenanigans.
Because while Chay is still a noodle, he’s learned to be quicker on his feet, a little speed demon if you will
He can run to do the important thing while Kim kicks ass and looks hot
Always ends with Kim hugging the shit out of Chay cause he’s an idiot for wanting to stay with him but he loves him so much and doesn’t know what he’d do without him
Kim cradling the back of Porchay’s head with one hand and kissing his neck, then the cheek, then his lips
Kim holding Chay’s face, checking to see if he’s hurt anywhere and Chay’s just smiling at him all in love and stuff
Sexy times, soft and passionate (Porsche - “PORCHAY NOOOOOO”)
Sweet fluffly pillow talk with lots of kisses
The forever running joke between them:
“I love you.”
“I’m hungry.”
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secretariatess · 2 months
People say that northern food is bland when in reality, northern food done poorly is bland.
Northern food relies a lot on the flavor of the ingredients instead of spices to get its flavor. Just a hint of seasoning, like salt and pepper. The point of it is to let the ingredients stand out. If it's not cooked to respect the natural flavor, it's going to taste bad.
So no, we don't cover or laden or dishes with spices. It stems from the fact that the north doesn't provide a great environment for spices. But we found how to make our food taste good without it.
Case in point:
I made a clam chowder earlier this year with a recipe that was more orientated for my state. Salt and pepper were the only seasonings- the flavor came from the clam juice and bacon. It was good.
I've made Dublin coddle several times, which is an Irish dish. Salt and pepper are the main seasonings. It gets its flavor from the sausage and bacon, and the vegetables. It makes a delicious gravy to mop up with the right kind of bread.
Northern food isn't bland. It needs to be cooked right.
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sodafrog13 · 2 months
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missed these guys. take some doodles + a silly hlm au that i'm not gonna do anything with <3
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georgevilliers · 2 months
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taydaq · 3 months
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you call the shots, babe i just wanna be yours
@imabillyami, @romoxsquad, @moxleys-tits, @jackforshort, @cookiethewriter, @catboymansion, @chatterskull, @harmshake, @usosthetics, @shanie-the-komania-toyaddict, and @ambreiqns!
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prismatic-starstuff · 8 months
have anal sex with the Emperor; call that entering Baldur's Gate
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mis4dv3nture · 4 months
raintom thoughts 3,2,1
rain and phantom being so in love with each other that it's disgusting
them spending 99% of the time hugging and mindlessly chuckling as they kiss
them cuddling under a blankie together
them sneaking into a closet just to make out for a few minutes
THEM having soft lazy sappy sex when they wake up together in the morning
them knowing each other's soft and sweet spots when they make love
rain giving phantom the best orgasms he's ever had in his entire life
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kit-williams · 1 month
Cuckoo Anon
Firmly assuming this would be non Canon but this popped in my head and I Must spread it!
Everybody Here is 21+
You know those kinda cheesy romance novels you see in the book/magazine sections of stores?
With handsome, sometimes shirtless, men holding collapsing women in long silk gowns? With titles like The Highlander's Woman or Drowned by Temptation.
...You have to turn your eyes away with a blush as you walk past the book section in your local grocery store.
Astarte romance novels, a Whole new genre has popped up over night and you are Not coping well.
They range in subject and Marine type, Taming the Chaos, Renegade Revelry, His Loyalty Abounds.
Oh lord you are So embarrassed but you can't look away! Or rather you keep flitting your eyes trying to not look, only for them to get pulled back.
The photography for them was honestly immaculate, and that makes you both respect the artist, and loath them all at once.
Good lord, you should just hurry up before Your Astartes gets back from finding his items.
Then again...a quick peak wouldn't hurt. Just for curiosity! In fact you'll Only read the description! Not actually going to read about...that kind of stuff with a Space Marine.
You reach for the shelf.
"Eep!" You jump at a familiar grumbling greeting behind you. Whipping around you see your Astarte, with him is a cart full of items he'd set out to retrieve. His posture portrays confusion at your sudden outburst.
Your embarrassment doubles, and your blush erupts filling your face and neck with heat. "Ah h-hey b-buddy! Don't sneak up on me like that! You almost made me jump out my skin! Hahaha." You try to play it off, while blocking his view of the shelves that must not be named.
Your Astartes still looks confused. He tries to peak around your body.
You move to intercept. "Ah hey! Did you find all you stuff?? Great! Great! Let's head home I'm pretty ti-ERD!" You yelp as you big fella gently picks you up and places you to the side.
"Wait No No No! Don't look!" He holds you back just using one arm as if blocking a pet trying to snatch something off a plate.
You can't bear to watch and cover your face with your hands. Maybe he won't understand the titles? Oh please let him not understand your written language! He has eyes doesn't he? He'll clearly be able to see you were eying books about handsome space marines sweeping mortals off their feet. You're pretty sure Astartes can understand Context Clues!
"Hrm..." Your woken from your dooming as your marine grunts again, and you peak through your hands. He's  straightening his posture, and he's-he's got something in his hand.
He'd plucked one of those FORSAKEN romance novels off the shelf, then without another word, places it in the cart.
He then sets the cart in the right direction, and with an exceptional gentleness brings his ceramite clad arm behind your person to usher you foreward.
Curiosity, though baneful to you already, bids you look at which one he'd grabbed. Perhaps he thought you wanted it and were too embarrassed to ask. The thought makes want to melt into the floor.
Until what you see surprises you. The book in question doesn't feature your marine type on the cover, not even a similar faction. But the human model does share some physical qualities with...you??
You glance up at your Astartes as you walk. He glances to you, and...the arm behind you moves from simply nudging you along, to being gently but tenderly wrapped around your form, bringing you closer to him.
You blush for an all New reason, as your space marine continues to proceed to the checkout.
Maybe...maybe those novels aren't so bad after all.
I like to think a lot of these are penned by either people fucking/getting fucked by their Astartes OR are written by Astartes themselves. Oh sure you'd expect the far more SPICY novellas to be written by either noise marines or Chaos space marines dedicated to Slaanesh right but then there's one or two that's being written by a Black Templar with a pen name and a whole god damn author persona because he would rather flog himself publicly naked then let anyone know he's the one writing those erotica level novellas about a Chaos Space Marine seeking redemption and using the power of love as a way to heal, and of course the other series he writes about some mortal and a Black Templar.
Of course I also see the grocery store romance novellas also sometimes being set back home usually just either sticking to a single location but given the scale of 40k that either single fortress monastery or battlecruiser is large enough to contain the plot. Also you bed your britches that for those photography ones that got some battle brother from that specific warband/chapter/legion to pose because if you're going to have a trashy cover and use photographs and not god damn paintings that they use to have then its going to be accurate. (Its the Emperor's Children... both Loyal and Chaos who handle this)((Occasionally the Blood Angels))
As for you dear reader... how cheesy some of these stories can be though sometimes they have a habit of veering off into borderline horror at times with how grim and dark some plot lines can get. Sure if you pick one up about and probably written by a Chaos Space Marine there might be a likely hood of casual sacrifices being mentioned though bless the editors and publishers for making sure those stories are properly tagged. However, even the darker novellas tend to follow the 'power of love' trope, the guy gets the gal, etc. (For better or worse in the case of Night Lord stalker and/or yandere romance/erotica novellas)
Goodness me what started out as one or two books has amassed into a collection... and you don't think you can find anymore to add to it when you clearly get ahold of a story written for an Astartes verses a human. How can you tell? Well besides it being written in gothic and from what you've been able to translate how it is written in a very different style... but far more focused on the mortal. Perhaps like with the different types of marines they've got stories that focus on the mortal?
You can't say only speculate as your Astartis refuses to answer you. But how are you to know he's been writing about you and all the filthy things he would love to do to you. Basing the pair in his books, for both mortals and Astartes, off of the two of you. But who can say... its only speculation.
Tag list: @bispecsual @egrets-not-regrets @moodymisty @bleedingichorhearts @liar-anubiass-blog @thevoidscreams @barn-anon
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