#i'm calling out to the raffles fandom on this
okay so idk if this is like a new idea but
raffles as a metaphor for illegal homosexuality
like i know it's already about crime
but do you see it okay
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microcomets · 8 months
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Hi folks, today we're announcing the Rally for Palestine Raffle, a cross-fandom charity raffle to raise funds and awareness for Palestinians in the Gaza strip. (Reblogs appreciated to spread the word!)
Why donate?
Some background on what’s going on in Palestine and how you can help:
There is an urgent need for awareness, solidarity, local action and donations regarding the current genocide and ethnic cleansing occurring in Palestine, led by the Israeli government. After weeks of bombing and military attacks — and decades of displacement and occupation — Palestinian civilians in the Gaza Strip are currently in need of aid that has been blockaded, as well as solidarity and local action from global citizens.
Palestinians have most immediately asked us to put pressure on our local governments to end the ceasefire and to end the blockade to humanitarian aid. Please find action links below:
For US citizens, call your reps and demand a ceasefire and an end to the current blockade on humanitarian aid: https://www.usa.gov/elected-officials
US call script and petition: https://act.uscpr.org/a/callforgaza#:~:text=%5BREPRESENTATIVE'S%20NAME%5D.-,I'm%20calling%20about%20Palestine%20and%20Israel.,funding%20to%20the%20Israeli%20military
For UK citizens, email your MPs: https://palestinecampaign.eaction.online/stopthewarongaza
How to enter and donate:
You can win a fanwork from an amazing crew of cross-fandom creators, and one bid is only $10. Rules for how to enter AND the bidding site are here: https://rallyforpalestineraffle.site/
Please donate directly to the org FIRST, then send your donation receipt to [email protected] to verify your number of bids before checking out on the site!
Links to Donate:
Doctors Without Borders
Medical Aid for Palestinians (MAP)
Palestine Action
Palestinian American Medical Association (PAMA)
Save the Children
If you are a US citizen, sign the ceasefire petition HERE: https://actionnetwork.org/letters/tell-congress-ceasefire-now
Here is our incredible first lineup (with several amazing creators waiting to be unlocked in stretch goals!). Bid on them right now!!!!!
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The more we raise, the more mystery creators will be unlocked!
You have until Friday, October 27 to bid. Matches are highly welcomed; see the site for more details.
Let's get raffling!
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theleatherdragon · 28 days
Sorry for the ramblin
Welp, I guess it's time for another dumb journal from me. I've been really dealing with a lot of things and changes these last couple years and I think I'm finally starting to realize my life is shifting.
It's hard to like, I dunno, but when you've been online for 20 years it's kind of wild. For me, I guess it felt like I had to keep doing the same things and the same ideas and be the same person, but that's impossible.
My brain cannot words right now lmao
Anyhoot, I guess what I'm trying to say is that I really need to just change and not be scared to change. The things I did 10 years ago, I don't have to keep forcing myself to do them just to appease others. I've let my art suffer so much trying to do what I think people want me to do between raffles and fanart and all sorts of things, challenges, etc.
This past month has been the worst month of my entire life, I literally thought I was gonna die a couple times because of how my body reacted to medicines and stuff. Still don't know what's wrong with me, thyroid stuff, but I think it really kick started my mind into looking back at things.
Like, why did I miss out on so many things because I tried to do projects I had no time for? Then, when I didn't do them in the time I wanted, I guilt tripped myself over and over and put on even more new projects in hopes that I'd do those instead.
I am rambling lmao I don't even care though. I guess I just want to get it all out there, to whoever, why you're reading this who knows. Life is funny that way, ain't it?
But yeah, I just need to start actually letting go of things and move on to new things. I'm tired of trying to pretend I'm into the Skylanders fandom this much. Like, I love the charaters and I love the memories, but this current state of the fandom is so toxic and it really shows. I don't want to be so involved anymore. I'm tired of running my AskSkylandersCynder blog, if you can even call it running anymore. I made that thing 10 years ago and the last 4 years I just don't have any interest, even though I force myself to. It really was the best thing I did at that time but I just need to let it be.
All those challenges and Inktobers and other things, I tried to force myself to do those for other people, not for myself. I just need to stop doing this man, I miss just drawing just because. I guess from the constant moving around in life and being around terrible people irl made me want to hold on to the ideas that I'm helping others online with my art when it probably didn't even do anything.
I'm just tired. And I'm done being tired, I dunno what this second wind is that I got this month but I'm not gonna lose it this time.
I'm still into all my fandoms and stuff of course, and I'm still going to make art for other people. Don't even get my started on Art Fight lmao you better believe I'm aiming for 100 pictures this year. But I'm done forcing myself to feel like I HAVE to do these things. No more to do lists, no more holding onto old projects, no more trying to keep up with things that should have just ended by now.
I just wanna live my life man, I just wanna draw. I never cared about the numbers, hell I've had pageviews and stats adblocked for years now, I really don't care about those. What I care about is making people happy by drawing their characters and drawing their favorite characters. I don't want to be famous, I don't wanna be tied down, I just wanna draw. And I wanna see your art too. I love all the characters and concepts and just ugh I love it, I don't know why.
I wanna be what I wanna be.
I'm definitely done rambling now. Usually I feel bad about it but I just don't care anymore. I'm gonna go work on art now lmao I hope you guys are all doing awesome, and maybe you can figure out life too. Edit: I had some more thinking after posting this while cleaning the house. I also realized that this mindset I put on myself is what made me get so distant from people too. I got too overwhelmed at trying to keep up with so many things that it made me essentially start time travelling where I didn't even consider things existed until they were in front of my face. I've lost touch with so many people out of shame between not remembering and going "tomorrow, for sure." I want to change that too. I shouldn't have let a few bad people ruin everything for me. I got scared of commenting on art because of a few people that didn't deserve my time, lashing out at me for not saying what they wanted to hear. I also got scared of just not fitting in. I have so many compliments and things I wanted to tell people for years but I was just too scared to and I hate that. I'm going to start being more social again with that. I feel like that made me look stuck up or something, I dunno. I'm just so afraid of hurting people about anything when in reality I bet it doesn't even bother them at all. Like how messed up did I have to become that me giving someone a compliment terrifies me into thinking I might ruin their day lmao help
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thdramas2 · 13 days
to the anon who sent in a vent but then put a toyhouse at the end of the post
i am not going to post it in its entierty! i am however gonna post the rest minus the th user!
There's this user (N) who keep on trying to do everything better than my mutuals (A and B) in the most subtle ways (A opens a ych- N does too and get more sales; B gets involved in a specific fandom - N does too out of nowhere and themes their whole personality over it (Now currently an irl?); N makes specific bulletins calling out specific behavior from not just A but more than one person and then copes in private bulletins about why they don't have that much interaction.... okay)
N deadass more than just a person copycat and copy people's artstyles + try to carve their artstyle to be more "marketable" for their minimal audience and cut off like a lotta friends and then does raffles for subs which. I never understood?
Mutual A (along with unmentioned B and C) are all getting bitten on their skin one by one for this shit but we can't just block them cuz we all still have owed art + longtime previous friendship but we should prolly cut them off after cus N doesn't talk to us anymore either
This has been at it for months and I'm kind of involved just wanted to get this off my chest because its petty.
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vtforpedro · 6 months
long life update - TWs in tags
It feels like it's been ages. I'm so exhausted and in a lot of physical pain. Going on two months of it being the worst it's been right after a couple of months of the best it's been. Chronic pain + grief + trying to get help from doctors who should have their licenses revoked + dealing with a shit relationship with my mom + a good, decades-long friendship ending + the ongoing disability process with the SSA + LAW FIRMS.
I'm so fucking tired. I don't remember if I updated that the appeals council decided not to review my case because the 'judge followed the law' except that he didn't. So, as it turns out, my original attorney (and he did not tell me this) before he left, wrote that if they denied me, it should go to federal district court.
I'm now working with a NY law firm to take my case to federal court because my current law firm believes it has merit, and I guess they do, too. That's how fucked the decision was, and I'm glad my initial reaction of bewilderment and anger was spot on lol
The good news is, it should only take another year! ._.
My neurologist is the worst doctor I have ever come across and I'm quite literally stuck with him with nowhere else to go. I wish him upon no one. I'm so tired of calling the SSA, getting documents to them, signing things for law firms, contacting law firms, getting no responses, and contacting them all over and over again. I am in incredible physical pain, like this actively makes my neuro stuff worse. Everything makes it worse. I have autonomic testing in a few days, and idk if I'll get through it b/c I have to stop the meds that keep me out of the ER two days prior, and it scares me.
My relationship with my mom is fractured and I don't feel like family therapy is actually helping. I had to end a friendship with someone I love and care very much about but who was growing too comfortable mistreating me and I was giving them too many passes 😞 I've known them for the better part of two decades.
It's been over seven months since my cat Isis died. I don't know how. It feels like she was here just yesterday. Yet, all the nights I've sat and talked to her and wept are all too real. I miss her more than I can say. She was my soul cat. I keep thinking about tomorrow and how she'd be so nosy getting into EVERYthing when gifts are opened at Christmas. Having to stop her, move her, laugh because she was just so n o s y and it was hilarious. And she's not gonna be here for that ever again.
I'm having a really fucking hard time tonight. It's just hitting me how god-awful this year has been and how I have a bad week to look forward to before even getting to the new year lmao I have to stop taking so many of my medications 48hrs before 1.5-2hrs of testing to see if we can find out Yet Another Thing Wrong With Me but knowing my luck it'll be 'no findings' and the mystery of why my core body temp plummets to 93.9 in the blink of an eye won't be solved until I have suffered juuuuust enough.
It never ends. Never. I want to give up. I'm so tired of doing this. I don't want to anymore. It never. fucking. ends.
I absolutely cannot say it's all been bad, though. I've met incredible, warm, welcoming, giving, kind people this year. Y'all have helped me more than you know and I'm so so so lucky to be able to call you my friends. This year has sucked for so many of us, but I want to say I'm proud of you, and I love you all very much.
My fic is gonna be printed in a hardcover zine early next year. I participated in a Big Bang for the first time and that'll also go out early next year. I'm hosting a tiny event in my tiny fandom server that I'm super excited about. I have a raffle prize to write (bagginshield !!!! SO EXCITED to revisit the og otp) and a Valentine's gift to write for another fandom.
I posted 401,000 words this year and wrote many more unfinished wips, plus a long one (90k) that I am very invested in finishing.
I painted and drew so much this year. I improved a lot, too! I got a couple of portraits printed from inprnt to see how they looked, and it was MY art, and they were GORGEOUS. I thought I would hate seeing my art professionally printed, but no! I almost cried. They looked so lovely.
My cat Lilly had health issues almost immediately following Isis's passing, but she is doing so well right now. She's blossomed into another cat, and while she's not my constant companion, she is with me so much more than she used to be. When she walks onto my desk I am to stop everything and hold her like baby in my arms until she decides that's enough (or I really need to move) lmaaao she's such a goober. My heart cat. <3
I'm not doing well right now--my MH is bad. Especially tonight. But it felt good to write the good things.
I'm sorry for my lack of replies and kinda disappearing. I'm running on fumes. I hope next year will bring physical relief so emotional relief can happen.
For those of you facing difficulties of any kind, I am holding your hand in spirit.
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cairoscene · 4 months
fic writer meme
thanks em @uhuraisgay and lore @megafaunatic for the tag <3
How many works do you have on Ao3?
between my accounts, a nice tame 18 total
2. What's your total Ao3 word count?
217,330 lol
3. What fandoms do you write for?
i definitely write for fewer fandoms than i'm in, so in the past it was mxtx danmei novels and now it's batman (current obsessions pending fic...)
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
what else is there? (mdzs)
2. you'll know, you'll fall (tgcf)
3. send to all (batfam)
4. one word from you (mdzs)
5. to recollect and long for (mdzs)
the wangxian monopoly....
5. Do you respond to comments?
not anymore :( i used to respond to every comment i got, but it ended up being too much stress. so i read and appreciate every comment i get, but i only really respond if someone asks me a question or needs clarification on something
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
i don't really write unadulterated angst and i'm a lover of a happy ending, so i guess it would be bring the ashes to me......... my fic which famously has no ending at all...........and in fact leaves xie lian in a Pretty Bad Place.......... oops
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
probably you'll know, you'll fall, which i briefly reread not too long ago and. well. to those who continue to enjoy it, i treasure you. i will say i tied up every possible loose end in that fic including?? giving xl a job at sqx's hotel management firm????? let's just say i would do it differently now
8. Do you get hate on fics?
honestly no, never, just the occasional rude comment. i delete and move on
9. Do you write smut?
with varying degrees of success, yes. i like to think i've gotten better over time. writing porn is an aspect of craft that really fascinates and interests me, figuring out what i like to read vs what i like to write, balancing titillation with characterization and finding where the two lean in and kiss. half of my private bookmarks are random fics where the sex scenes just worked for me and i must squirrel it away to study under a microscope to figure out Why
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you have written?
not really, and i don't tend to read them, either. i think they're really hard to pull off successfully and generally my brain isn't on board with reconciling irreconcilable world-building aspects just for the fun of it
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
i don't think so? there was definitely...... a trend of let's call it Unattributed Inspiration in the mxtx fandoms, where any fic or tweeted idea or headcanon that got passed around would inevitably show up in the tag without attributing it to the originator. i remember reading a fic and enjoying it and then suddenly being like Wait...... why is this familiar? and discovering it was very clearly inspired by one of mine lol. i wouldn't call it plagiarism bc let's just all calm down, but it isn't a phenomenon i've encountered outside mostly mdzs fandom, let's put it that way
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
yes!!!!!! mostly russian and mandarin. i feel like being asked if someone can translate my fic (or podfic it) is the highest possible praise and i'm always very flattered
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
i was going to say no at first but then i remembered that @bluecrystalrainingdaggers helped me write a charity fic back when i wasn't really feeling wangxian but needed to fulfill on the charity raffle we ran. she basically gave me the outline and i wrote it and i would never have survived without her
14. What's your all time favorite ship?
i am a fickle creature, so i don't have one. i have ships i return to over the years when i crave a specific dynamic, like kirk/spock and wolfstar and damen/laurent. in general my ships fulfill a specific need i'm looking for, hualian for the comfort and care, ghostbat for sustainable toxic soulmates, [redacted] for the angst and misunderstandings, vashwood for the doomed clowns etc etc etc
15. What is a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
bring the ashes to me. sorry
16. What are your writing strengths?
i think i can write a good sex scene
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
plot :( dialogue :(((( sitting down to write at all :(((((((((
18. Thoughts of writing dialogue in another language in fics?
i feel like i don't have strong opinions on this front. it seldom bothers me but when it's done well it's a really great element
19. First fandom you wrote for?
on ao3, mdzs. on fanfiction.net the musketeers (2014) and that wizard one
20. Favorite fic you have written?
i'm really very fond of lover be good to me. it's one of my least accessible fics on account of the rarepair but i had a lot of fun writing it and i think the final product is pretty satisfying. i feel like i was able to say and explore everything about the ship i wanted to, which is really fulfilling
tagging @englishsub @vinelark @eggmacguffin @90kon @yuebings @floofyfluff @deadchannelradio and anyone else who wants to do it
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incarnateirony · 2 years
Will has said multiple times that he didn’t pay $5000 for that script like Kelios did. ScriptHunt got the same deal you and your server did for the digital copy. That’s partly why Kelios got so mad and was able to get her money back.
Incorrect. Kelios openly raged that 2po tricked her into it. wigglebox was not working with 2po at that time. Wigglebox was the one with the 400 dollar deal. I know the group.
If Wigglebox was secretly also working with 2po then, she was lying to multiple groups, AND 2po was actively lying to her *and* Kelios, so that makes a nice clusterfuck.
I don't care what they claim now to cover their own ass. "Scripthunt" claims that because Wigglebox did the 400 dollar stunt. She tried to back us fucking down from it. 2po onboarded to the stunt after we already alerted having distribution on standby, because Wigglebox tried to back us off of it for a second physical copy.
So, fucking no, they're all liars. Kelios lost her SHIT about 2po lying to her and telling them to get it, because SHE thought *I* was working with 2po to trick them into it because The Hellers Got It Already. But no, he was going to try to use Kelios for the physical script, and used their fundraising. And Wigglebox was trying to chase down a second copy that didn't exist for 400. And she had her posse come at my fucking server and try to back us off the digital deal.
Literally. WE, not scripthunt, released the digitals, OUR SERVER bartered the deal. ANDROMEDA (rebranded to Scripthunt) fought us because they thought they found a second copy for 400 and said not to chase the digital. We wouldn't back down. 2pO got Kelios and the wincels autobidding. Once we secured the 25 digital deal, we giggled and price spiked them. Kelios thought 2pO did it to them on purpose and that it was a great heller plan and we had the 25 deal the whole time.
So. no.
Any people that got banned after the fact and ran salty there saying "we got it too" forgot the * of "before we got banned from Min's server."
Like, fun fact, scripthunt server was Wigglebox's then, and called Andromeda, which is where they got kicked to after being banned for triangulating jensens colorado on trees after pretending to be investors buying properties didn't work; over what was supposed to be a misha filming hunt, and 2po they at least PRETENDED was a separate unit, because he was busy fucking over Kelios. Then the final wave that became scripthunt is, when the arrogant kids in my server building a dev pitch got big heads and started harassing general users, I told them to stop, and they said it was their right, and tried to hijack server permissions to delete shit in revenge, and got banned, and ran over there, and are salty as fuck about how everything is unfolding.
Great squad over there, 10/10
even their fundraising model is a ripoff of polol's old ones. I'm kinda boggled they haven't hit 2K yet with that many good scripts up for raffle and that few entrants. The Whitewalker campaign got like 4K in a few days without offering anything but social justice. We just stopped doing those after 2po and his cronies in scripthunt battered us down under attack dogs. I guess they wanted the spotlight. Because they see it as spotlights, and not actual acts of social good, which is why I had to yell for MONTHS about the tens of thousands 2po had grifted out of fandom before they did a charity.
So idk, maybe people are noticing. unfortunate that the one time that group chooses to give back to society after being held to the fire about their tens in thousands of monetary gain from fandom in scripts... that it might be trevor project that feels it. So like. I'd still say support that. Let them do one good thing as they burn out.
but that's why 2po's had a childlike attack fixation on my server for several years. The server bullies got thrown out, the jensen stalkers got thrown out, and among them were several pitch devs even. But that last detail aside, he's literally just shrieking on behalf of the fandom stalker psychos wanting a gold of their own and telling people to not go to the other treehouse they aren't allowed in.
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thetwstwildcard · 2 years
Hey Lizz, as an artist can you please please share this to spread awareness ?
Oh um... Wow... That's.. Disappointing??? I have no idea who they are(the tracer, apparently they're in twst but I don't see their stuff-) but I feel for the "base" artist... I'll tag this as discourse in case people want to ignore it but I'd be dishearted and hope you will never have to worry about stolen art. I'm gonna rant (as I often do) in an artist's view but I'll put it under the cut.
But important. Don't attack the tracer!!! Be decent human beings!!! But do tell them to not trace bases that need to be paid for. Using bases is fine but PLEASE only use free to use bases and/or credit the artist. Just follow artists wishes.
Also I generally hate "drama/discourse" but art theft is a serious issue in the art community so I have choice words. Especially with them apparently being big????? But this is more to all art thieves. Yes stealing a base is art theft (if against the artist's rules)
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Let me make it clear that it is fine to use bases, hell I have used bases. However, it is only okay to use F2U bases. Please do not steal P2U bases. I know a lot of artists on here, I think we all would be devastated to see someone trace over our art and call it their own. Tracing art is a valid step of the art journey BUT say that you traced or used a base. Follow an artist's rules and respect their craft. If you use a base say that, or link it. There is no shame in it. But there is shame in stealing art and claiming it's yours. Those line up too well to simply be referencing. That's traced.
It's disheartening to see that apparently this has gone on for a while (art style changes) but no one has realized or if they have they kept silent. If I was the original artist I would feel betrayed. I have had ocs stolen before and I have friends who have gotten their art traced. It sucks!!!
Also apparently this person also copied raffle prizes, I get raffle prizes can be hard sometimes but for the sake of supporters please only use art you've made (or F2U bases if the artist allows) as your supporter can get in trouble for using traced art and you never want to harm people who support you. If you do, YOU AREN'T SOMEONE WORTH SUPPORTING. CARE ABOUT YOUR FOLLOWERS BEFORE YOU CARE ABOUT YOUR CLOUT!!! (sorry... It annoys me when people will put others in possible danger for self satisfaction).
Besides the tracing, the art has potential??? The person seems to have skill but stealing from others isn't okay!
Ugh, I'm so often disappointed in this fandom but this is something that genuinely pisses me off. Artists work hard and fans treat artists like shit. I reached out to the actual artist and they're looking into if they can see if the person paid for the bases to use (and if they paid then its fine. But if not, that is theft!!)
I won't say don't follow this person because that's rude and controlling. However, support them in changing. Don't support an art thief. They look like they have potential, but stealing art will stunt their artistic growth.
Bases are important to use, references are important to use, you can even use actual people as references for drawings. All that is part of making art. But say that you used a reference (if it's done by another person) or that you used a base (especially if that's all the original artist asked for)
I feel even worse because the artist seems very nice and they are also from the Ukraine... They need the money and support. They don't deserve to have their hard work stolen only to have someone else get the attention.
Be a person worthy of a following. Set an example. Be a decent human being.
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catholickabuto · 6 years
Seeking LGBTQ+ fandom roleplayers for my thesis project! (low-commitment, paid, deadline 5/6/18)
Hey y’all! So I’m currently in the process of writing my senior thesis, which is on the relationship between fandom roleplay and LGBTQ+ identity/processes of becoming. Specifically, I am interested in (what I see as) the increasingly widespread phenomenon of queer/gay/trans/nb folks navigating their gender/sexuality through fandom RP, using established characters as a way to work through and/or express their identities. I would like part of this to involve a photo project, juxtaposing RPers and their player characters to explore ideas of identification and (dis)embodiment. Which is where I need volunteers!!
Specifically, I am looking for LGBTQ+ volunteers (esp POC, disabled folks, etc.) who are able to provide photos of themselves, along with a short piece of writing about the character that has the most personal significance to their relationship with gender/sexuality. Some more details/specifications on that:
Participants MUST be 18 or older. This is for IRB reasons, sorry! Reflections on past experiences are A-Okay, I just can’t include folks who are currently minors.
I am giving a lot of leeway about how folks choose to present themselves in photos—portraits, full-body shots, shots in silhouette or of parts of the body, etc. The latter option is mainly for people who wish to participate but want to preserve more anonymity. (More visibility is preferred, but I am more than willing to accommodate people.)
What I AM requiring: high-res photos, ideally with good lighting, taken with a digital camera OR a really good phone camera (iPhone portrait mode is more than acceptable). I’m also asking that photos be SFW, but some sensuality is okay if that’s how you’d prefer to express yourself. Color photos are also preferred, but again, use your judgment!
I am also not imposing strict guidelines for the piece of writing you submit—only that you tell me which character you are writing about and include some discussion of how RPing that character relates to your experience of gender and/or sexuality. Anything between a paragraph and a page is perfectly acceptable. Feel free to be creative with both content and form—I will accept both prose and poetry.
If you happen to reside in the greater NYC area and would be willing to meet up for an in-person photo shoot and/or interview, please do let me know ASAP!!
On publication and anonymity:
This project will be for my thesis course, and I will be publishing the finished product on a WordPress site that I will be creating for this purpose. I am more than happy to give further details on my college and the course to anyone who reaches out to me privately, especially if that would make participants more comfortable! (I only ask that my privacy also be respected, as this blog is obviously not affiliated with my school/work/etc.)
I am willing to grant as much anonymity as each individual participant prefers—you may choose to be listed by your full name, first name and last initial, just first name or just initials, a pseudonym, simply “Anonymous,” etc. I may also request demographic information to help contextualize each submission, but no one is obligated to disclose anything that they don’t feel is relevant to this project.
On compensation (aka $):
I am currently offering a $10 payment (USD) to all participants! PayPal is strongly preferred, but (for US residents only) I can also send money through Chase QuickPay, Venmo, or the USPS (please note that I am not liable for any issues that may arise with this option). I know it isn’t much
Because of my limited budget (I’m a college student in NYC who makes minimum wage), I can only send payments after submissions have been received, but I will be sure to do so within 3-5 days! With that said, please contact me first so I can confirm I will be able to pay you within a set time period.
If I am somehow deluged with participants, I might lower the compensation amount, but rest assured that if you contact me when I still have the amount listed as $10, that will be what you get!
THE DEADLINE FOR THIS PROJECT IS SUNDAY, 5/6. I will edit this post if that changes, but for now, please try to get your submissions to me by that time!
Message me here on this blog!
Email me at [email protected]!
Feel free to ask me questions prior to submitting if you’re uncertain about the guidelines/what’s involved!!
I’ll conclude with a short personal appeal: this project is the culmination of things I have been thinking about for most of my undergraduate career, but more importantly, it involves subject matter that has been a major part of my life since I was 14-15. I want to collect the testimonies of other folks for whom fandom RP has been vital in shaping their concept of self, as it was for me as a closeted teenager. (Anyone who knows me well knows how much RP accelerated my processes of discovering that I’m queer and nb.) I know that my experience is far from uncommon, which is why I am looking for people who are as passionate as I am about the relationship between 1) the stories we consume, 2) the way we use these stories, and 3) how they fit into and shape the narratives of our own lives.
Thank you for reading this far—please reach out to me if you are interested or have any questions, and please rb and spread the word!!!!
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gravegroves · 3 years
For the prompts/headcanon thing:
Billy trying to save for a trip back to Cali and Steve raising money for him by doing a sexy carwash service except Billy turns up. Steve would be all like, 'I'm trying to raise money FOR you, get lost' and Bills would be like 'listen Bambi, I want my car ✨gleaming✨, not one spot missed, now hop to it'
Steve happens to be wearing the most obscenely short booty shorts, just saying...
(and omg your art is just *chefs kiss* stunning, welcome to the fandom 😊)
May I suggest a slightly altered version?
Maybe it's tradition for graduates in Hawkins to organise fund raisers for the kids going off to college and this year, Steve's year, the girls have decided to do a raffle of some kind while the boys decide to do a car wash. Now, Steve might not be going to college, but he really could use the money and say what you will about Steve and his dwindling popularity, but none of the guys can deny that he pulls in some serious bucks from the desperate housewives willing to shell over a whole five fucking dollars to have their car washed by a guy in cut-off jean shorts and a crop top.
They organise the fund raiser to happen over a whole weekend and they luck out with the weather, the sun is absolutely baking and most of the boys are down to just their shorts by late morning already and business is booming. Steve is fairly fucking sure that Mrs Wheeler's car is the cleanest vehicle in the county by now considering that she's paid to have her car washed three times in just two days. And it's late afternoon on Sunday, the fund raiser only has a few hours left and Steve's hands are wrinkly and a bit sore, his soaked clothes had been a nice way to cool off during the day, but are now starting to chafe uncomfortably and the tips of his ears are sunburnt of all the fucking places... so Steve is ready to call it a day already. Then the familiar, deep rumble of a car approaching makes at least a dozen heads turn to look, but Steve freezes in place because he knows that engine...
And of course it's Billy. Of course the dickhead would have heard about this and jumped at the opportunity and of course Steve is the one who's just finished up and ready to take on the next customer. And Billy gets out of the car, wearing those red life guard shorts that've haunted Steve's dreams all summer and nothing else, tips his sunglasses down his wrinkled nose, complains loudly about how he thought this was a sexy car wash, but still drives the Camaro into the free spot and grins at Steve when it becomes obvious who's gonna be washing his car.
He planned this. Steve fucking knows it.
And they might be on good terms now or whatever, but Billy's still an extraordinary dick when he wants to be and Steve can see it written clearly over the guy's face that today is gonna be one of those days. Some of the other boys snicker at his predicament, but quickly avert their gaze when Billy turns to look at them with his eyebrows raised.
"Get to it, Harrington." Billy smirks and pulls a fold-out chair out of the trunk. Flips it open with a flick of his wrist and sets it down with a clack on the bitumen like the show-off douchebag that he is.
Not that he ever gets to sit in it. Because Billy hovers. He calls out suggestions and approaches Steve from behind to lean down to make sure Steve is getting into every nook and cranny and giving his baby a good scrub, all while breathing sarcastic encouragements into his ear. All round being an absolute pain in the ass, as Steve had suspected he would be. And Steve could probably deal with all of that just fine, except Billy keeps touching him. Keeps accidentally knocking their hips together or glancing his knuckles over Steve's thigh where no one can see or breathes warmly over his sunburnt shoulders and neck when he leans in to get a better look, making Steve shiver involuntarily.
And Steve is a mess. He tries to keep himself angled away from Billy's stare, keeping covered with buckets and rags as much as possible because by the end he's definitely getting hard and his shorts aren't doing much to hide it. And he suspects that Billy knows exactly what he's doing, okay, but there's a small chance that he doesn't and that's a chance too great for Steve to dare say or do anything about it.
But when Steve is finally done and the Camaro is shining in the warm, late afternoon sun, Billy leans in to tuck a five dollar note into the waist of his pants like he's some kind of stripper and says, low and intimate, "I might need someone to help clean the back seat, too, of you're interested Harrington?"
And Steve, idiot that he is, looks through the window into the perfectly tidy interior and says "Looks fine to me."
And Billy throws his head back and makes that breathless chuckle Steve has come to learn is real amusement and not that crazed hyena cackle he makes when he's two seconds from flipping his lid. Billy leans in again once he gets a hold of himself, this time leaning one hand on the roof of the Camaro and all but trapping Steve against the sun-warmed window, "Well, wanna help me get it dirty first, then?"
And oh!
Steve can definitely do that.
I just got the most vivid image of Steve scowling at Billy over the hood of the Camaro as he washes it, probably yells at him to fuck off for half an hour so he can get some work done and Billy just grins, sucks down a slushie through a straw with maximum slurping sounds and stays put, keeps yelling directions and being a menace. I'm definitely gonna put this on the list for potential art prompts!
(And thank you so much, for both the prompt and the welcome!! 🌼)
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logicalstansadvice · 3 years
So Seb didn’t actually show up to race but he did show up with his favorite food:
- What's with his face? He looks weird.
Anon 2: ////// Well he is starting to behave as the antis describe him... I don't know what else to say. Except that he also looks drunk or stoned? I am shocked tbh. I defended his ass since Ibiza until now, but....
Anon 3: //// This is a little bit fucked up actually. The raffle said he would race, did it not? And why does he look drunk?
Anon 4: // It's people like this who make me sick. Not Seb, the anon who said this. They should get tattoos on their foreheads: Here to hate!
Vamp: Some people in this fandom have obviously never been around high people.
Le Chef: And explain to me why he's clearly "high". Bc he just looked his reg swk and goofy self.
Heroine: I’m so confused. What are they seeing that I’m not?
Lady Danger: Nothing - he does something unexpected or no real consequence (unlike the COVID travel last year) and they rake him over the coals for it.
Gemini: They're making this a bigger deal than it is.
Ruby Woo:
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They do not know the meaning of the word/verb "chill".
Le Chef: 😂 Did Seb actually say he'd run or that he'd be present for the race? Wasn't the raffle based on a cash prize? Did the person who won pay?
Lady Danger: He said he was gonna run but he didn’t make it because of work. The raffle was donation to charity and the call was the prize.
Le Chef: And he's an actor we all know his career. So I mean? He showed up. He took pics. He engaged with the crowd?
Lady Danger: And he did the call:
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Vamp: Some people have never had to stay late for work and it shows.
Le Chef: I'm not seeing the problem here. Man's showed up. Brought pizza. Hung out. Did his call. Went home.
Vamp: Exactly.
Le Chef: "this is a pr disaster" lol no it's not. Do these ppl realize that not everything Sebastian does is career oriented? This was an off the books situation.
Vamp: I need them to explain to me how Seb showing up late messed up this carefully constructed PR campaign. (But first they need to show me this carefully constructed PR campaign cuz I don't see it)
Lady Danger: And none of this is due to his GF being in town FFS 🤦🏻‍♀️
Ruby Woo: Exactly! They're just grasping at straws for reasons to hate on her.
Lady Danger: 💯- she isn’t someone I like at ALL but she has nothing to do with this.
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incarnateirony · 2 years
like acting like motherfuckers are gonna spy on you rewatching spn on netflix or some shit skdfjSDFJSKDJF YOUR BREATHING AND AIR SPACE IS NOT SACRED OR CONFIDENTIAL DUDE ANY MORE THAN YOUR LITERALLY IDENTICAL SCRIPTS ARE BETTER
jesus CHRIST the megalomania is OFF THE CHART
genuinely "I'm gonna be a semantic asshole AND arrogant at the same time about WHICH dumbfuck gave me an identical script, because it's too embarassing to admit all we have is identical scripts and the one thing ferrying my way, because we've conned people into giving their shit to me so I get the attention" is all you got, dude?
If you're talking about me talking about what wigglebox said, the dipshit said it ON TWITTER. IN PUBLIC. admitting she wanted to hide the script.
people are gonna realize sooner or later they don't need you. And probably sooner, since your last 4 scripts have been repeats. just like gayle and suzanne and jules are about to realize sooner or later, they don't need you either, since you love tweeting out identifiable information about who's leaking or breaking their NDAs, and they can get any idiot mouthpiece that at least won't assfuck them.
hell, scripthunt would do better without you, because now fandom is pretty widely aware you're an overt liar AND associated with violent people, but you refuse to call them out and they refuse to act about you. So you know. Cool. That's their ethics. Stealing thousands from fans to repost dupes for their own glory and chilling with people threatening to cut and kill other fans.
But a raffle tho!
btw, pat? not a meltdown. In case you can't read, I addressed the color variation before. But you know full well this is your last stand of relevance, all you have is repeat scripts from a dead show, if you were an *actual* archive you *wouldn't* delete other draft copies, and ultimately, this is just like. IDK. Honestly if I was one of your idiot contributors ever I'd be pissed at any resources going to something that stupid.
Notice your 18, 19 drafts didn't get far? it's because it's old news, dude. We've all seen them. Remember when I dropped them they went viral by the thousands? What'd you get, a dozen hits?
it's legit lame dude, even if you and your BFF send yourselves anons telling yourself it's not lame.
Like dude. IDK how to tell you but 1000>12 so before you go patting yourself on the back any harder than you already are with your Origin Stories and Dupe Scripts, maybe you should take a course in perspective.
but nah i see it. I figured it out. You been grifting free scripts and cash flow from people and your purse is drying up so you're just slapping in whatever to look relevant. How much you guys been skimming off the top? Or is it all just for 2po to shove script copies in his closet on someone else's dime here?
I should have figured it out earlier. The amount of money they turn over in that server, while accusing fans that do their shit for absolutely free (scripts included) of grifting. Like I get it. He needed to protect the honey pot he siphons money out of fandom with so he can't tolerate people giving scripts for free.
It is cute that you always convince yourself that anyone is melting down, or angry. Things like people laughing so loud at you that they have to use all caps to illustrate how absurd it is is not the dunk you seem to think it is. But I forgot that deep down you're an Evangelical white woman that clutches her pearls if someone uses strong language just as badly as if the gays get too rowdy on your screen
Speaking of dunks, the way you reacted to that anon does actually show that you aren't an archive account. You aren't even a script hunting account. You're literally just trolling trying to get a reaction. And you thought you got me angry so you felt accomplished because that was your goal. Rather than there being entire servers of people laughing at you for your desperation and the fact that SPN script Hunt is clearly dead at this point
Way to just continually discredit anything you touch dude. But I get it now. I get why you would lie for 8 months about the Winchester pilot. I get why you would even start recycling Scripts. I thought it was just about you wanting to save Clout but the longer I look at this the more I realize you have been conning people in this fandom out of thousands of dollars for your own material benefit that it's probably sitting in your closet right now and looking like a pretty nice retirement fund. No wonder you think about people grifting all the time
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