#i'd love to talk a bit more about how dazai is actually quite helpful but also equally presumptuous about what will help people
When discussing or analyzing Dazai, one thing I hope you will keep in mind when reading anything I write about him is that from my perspective, he is always, always both.
What do I mean by this? Well, I find there tends to be a general split among people who hold the opinion that "he's a manipulator and will always be manipulative" and "he's doing his best to be good and helpful and live up to Oda's last wishes for him", of which, neither is completely right - because he is both. But even among the people who hold to this dual-nature interpretation, I find that his individual actions and motivations still tend to be thought of in a dichotomous manner - is it manipulative, or genuine?
Again, I think it's always both.
Dazai has a very pragmatic view on a lot of things - he is always looking for the usefulness of things and people so that the situation turns out in his favour. He's incredibly adept at this, and his prediction and placement and careful reveals are all manipulation tactics to get his allies and enemies doing exactly what he needs them to. I don't think anyone can contest this since we see it over and over in the series.
But that's not all there is to it. He's not solely manipulative and he does, to some extent, sympathize with others - I think there are several instances of this in the series, but I want to stress that this has been apparent since Chapter 1!
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For context, Dazai is recalling what Atsushi said to him a few minutes earlier, but it's very interesting that it should be this specific part of the conversation. He could've flashed back to the part where Atsushi said he had nowhere to go; no money, no food - he is about to trick him into joining, after all, and this is the key piece he uses to basically force Atsushi into the Agency. But instead it's Atsushi's self-deprecation that catches his attention, and it really does, because even during the conversation, he turns to look at him after he says this with an odd expression.
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You could say that this makes Atsushi easier to manipulate, if that's your angle, but that can't be solely it, because in the later conversation with Hirotsu, we know Dazai was planning to bring Atsushi into the Agency and set him up as one half of the new Double Black the moment he met him. The panel shown there is the riverbank, set much earlier in the day than this scene. He was already planning to pair him with Akutagawa since he figured out he was the tiger, so what's with this reaction?
Well. Sometimes the simplest explanation is the best.
He manipulated Atsushi into joining with the intention of utilizing him in his future plans. He also helped him and gave him a place to belong, and importantly, he likes this kid! It's both.
I think much of it might be that his brain just kinda works way too fast - he's such a natural at crafting these elaborate plots and seeing how things connect and gathering useful people like resources that it's practically automatic - though this is not a great means when you're trying to be a kinder person. There's an omake, I believe, that has him saying "I like using my head for justice", i.e. using these underhanded means to act for the better. Not great, but those are the kind of gifts he has. He's way more suited to exploitation, but is choosing to use these tactics to save people now, which is quite reminiscent of what he tells Kyouka. Kyouka's talents lie in killing people - when what you're good at isn't who you want to be, what do you do? Well, I expect you use what you have, even if it's not ideal.
Now, about the current situation with Sigma - I think he definitely likes him, and is intrigued by him and his situation. We did get a little thought bubble where the guy amusedly compares him to Atsushi, and you can't tell me he doesn't care about Atsushi (listen to the onsen drama cd, or read 55 Minutes if you somehow don't believe me). But also, it's undeniable that Sigma is in a very vulnerable position of being homeless and having had no one be genuinely kind to him before. His trust is very easy to earn, and with the latest chapter, Dazai has now saved his life multiple times. There is, as always, a practical purpose he needs him for. And I have to be somewhat amused because Dazai is quite literally telling Sigma everything he ever wanted and needed to hear. It's a brilliant means of quickly endearing himself to Sigma - but I don't think that's all it is.
Look. The most honest moments we get in this series from Dazai are, interestingly for an expert manipulator, when people are at their most vulnerable. In spite of every pointlessly cruel act he inflicted on Akutagawa, his first meeting with him was open and transparent; much like the orphanage director, it seems he thought this treatment would make him strong and adaptable (he's wrong but that's not the point of this). He cuts Kyouka off in irritation and says "don't give me that" when she implies that she would fail the entrance exam. He tells Atsushi it's normal to cry after losing a father figure and to feel however you feel, even if that person caused you nothing but incredible pain and cannot be forgiven. He refuses to entertain Sigma's assumptions that Dazai sees himself as a superior being to him.
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Selective honesty can also be utilized to great effect; Mori does this, and undoubtedly it serves this purpose for Dazai too. But I want to stress that I do sincerely believe this is all still honesty from him. Manipulation, or genuine?
Both. It's both.
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demyxdancer · 7 months
Anime Summer 2023
Overall I thought this was an enjoyable season with quite a few high quality shows in it and a few surprises.
Here's my thoughts on Summer 2023 anime, from most favorite to least.
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Bungou Stray Dogs Season 5
How could anything else be at the top? While I think overall this was a little weaker than S4 for me -- I really like some of the character work in S4, particularly Ranpo and Yosano's pasts -- this was an absolute roller coaster ride from start to finish. I can't help but admire BSD's ability to throw absolutely ridiculous and over the top plot points one after another and still make it all work. It came to a reasonably satisfying conclusion as well. BSD in general has shot up to become one of my favorite anime of all time and this season didn't disappoint at all.
Highlights: Ranpo saving everyone's asses. Sigma just wants a home. Bram just wants tunes. Aya is the MVP. Chuuya and his Spirit Halloween vampire fangs. You can't kill Dazai in a way that matters.
Complaints: I can only hope we're getting some light novel movies or else we're going to be waiting a long time for more BSD.
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My Happy Marriage
Romance in anime tends to be hit or miss, but this one was incredibly refreshing. Far too many romance stories just don't do a good job of showing how the leads are meant for each other, but this show was delightful whenever the leads were on screen. I loved how they were able to talk to each other sensibly and how gently Kiyouka treated Miyo's trauma. Plus, it was beautifully animated.
Highlights: Kiyouka burning the Saimori house the fuck down. Any time Miyo wore a new kimono. The exchange of the hair cord and the comb. Miyo finally getting to protect Kiyouko.
Complaints: The first arc was stronger than the second. The abrupt turnaround by the Usuba family was a little strained.
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Jujutsu Kaisen
The art change has made JJK more beautiful than ever. The production values and the OP/EDs of this show don't miss. The Hidden Inventory arc was so intense and featured some stunning fights. While I think the last few eps have been a bit rocky, I'm looking forward to seeing what's going to be cooked up.
Highlights: Pulling on our heartstrings with the girl's sudden death. Gojo's revenge rampage. Geto tormented by the clapping of hands. Yuuji's friends teasing him about a girl.
Complaints: JJK's commitment to never slowing down means we never get to spend as much time in the character moments as I'd like. I think this hurts arcs like Hidden Inventory where Geto's turn to the dark side would be better done if they slowed down a bit.
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Undead Murder Farce
This season's big surprise for me. This show was incredibly entertaining and had everything you could want. Vampires! Werewolves! A phantom thief! Sherlock Holmes! Lesbians! The supernatural creatures in an alternate history late 1800s Europe thing did a little bit to fill the Vanitas-shaped hole in my heart. I really appreciated how solid production values and creative visuals spiced up episodes that were really mostly just talking. There had better be another season of this. The story's just getting started!
Highlights: Phantom Thief Lupin and his dramatics. Literary characters showing up one after the other. Vampire murder mystery.
Complaints: The second arc was definitely the best one, and the following werewolf arc dragged a bit and couldn't quite compare.
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Saint Cecilia and Paster Lawrence
This show just doesn't work as a romcom, which it ostensibly is trying to be. Lawrence is just too dense and the development is excruciatingly slow even by anime romcom standards. Thankfully, this show does work nicely as a charming slice of life. It's consistently cozy and heartwarming even if nothing ever actually happens. The village full of supportive townsfolk looking after these two reminds me almost of Stardew Valley.
Highlights: The trip to the city where we actually inched along the plot a bit. Cecilia's outfits -- she really does look cute in anything. The scene with Cecilia and Lawrence in the attic.
Complaints: Nothing ever happens. Ending on Lawrence confused about whether or not he thinks of Cecilia as family was kind of a downer.
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Sunshine in the Mirror
I haven't watched Love Live! Sunshine (which this show is a spinoff of) but I did watch Superstar and it's not like it's difficult to follow a Love Live show. This one started out promising with a cute enough premise, but kind of fell apart halfway through. The cute slice of life content wasn't bad, but the plot itself was poorly done with unclear stakes. The magic badness engulfing the town was primarily shown as fog with a few angry deer in it. That's just New Hampshire, I'm not scared of that.
Highlights: While all idol music sounds a little samey to me, this one was on the higher end of enjoyability. Cute outfits and consistently colorful and fun to look at. Lailaps plot was cute enough.
Complaints: The overarching plot was really badly written, and that killed a lot of the momentum of the series.
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Bang Dream! It's MyGo!
This show has one thing going for it compared to Love Live, and that is willingness to show actual teenage drama and teens being petty and selfish. I loved the lead singer character and her awkwardness and her bandaid collection and wished the show were more about her, but I guess not all shows can be Bocchi the Rock. While the writing had its good points, I ended up dropping this due to pointless drama overload and the fact that I couldn't tell the girls apart.
Highlights: Lead singer character was endearing when she got to be on screen.
Complaints: CGI animation was stiff and poor. Characters impossible to tell apart. Teen drama maybe a little too realistic and hard to watch as a result.
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Zom 100
This had an outstanding first episode but quickly went down the tubes for me. I'm not a big fan of zombies in the first place, so bouncing off the show is probably on me. I dropped it after the first handful of episodes.
Highlights: First episode is well worth watching on its own. Colorful animation.
Complaints: Unfunny humor. Production quality drops significantly after the first episode. Treatment of female characters made me uncomfortable. Guilt over watching an anime about exploitative companies knowing how many production delays this has had and that the people making this are also being exploited.
Fall 2023
Fall 2023 is looking absolutely slammed! Dr. Stone and Spy x Family are back. Frieren, Apothecary Diaries, I'm in Love with the Villainess and Tearmoon Empire are high on my list of shows to try. And we'll have the second cour of Jujutsu Kaisen.
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ssamie · 3 years
seven. “pretty boy”
kozume kenma x fem dazai!reader
(bsd x hq)
tw: mentions of suicide
masterlist.           suicide freak!
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"and why did you disappear for two days straight?!" kunikida exclaimed "what could you have possibly been doing all those times you've skipped work?!"
she simply smiled as she hummed under her breath, blatantly ignoring the man. "i told you i had school, kunikida-kun" she said with a soft chuckle
"i know that. i've already let that go since the president approved of it, but your absence is always messing up my schedule!" kunikida grumbled in annoyance as he slammed his hand on her desk.
"you are my partner and you have to work with me and not slack off all the time!"
"are you even listening?!" kunikida shrieked
"of course" she answered mindlessly. she simply stared at the phone she was holding with a cutesy grin and a small blush on her cheeks. "kenma-kun is so adorable! i truly couldnt ask for a better suicide partner!" she gushed 
kunikida irked a brow while atsushi simply sighed. 
"are you seriously following the poor guy around?" atsushi asked "that's kind of wrong you know" he said 
kunikida gritted his teeth and grasped her by the shoulders. "that is what you waste your time on rather than doing your work?!" kunikida exclaimed angrily 
he started shaking her violently, though she still had the same dumb grin on her face as she sluggishly chanted kenma's name 
"oya? would you look at the time, kunikida-kun!" she chimed. she pointed to the wall clock, displaying the time. 7:30. "i have to get to school! bye-bye!" she waved 
suddenly, just before she could exit the door, she turned around to look at him. her eyebrows furrowed as a look of concern painted itself on her features. 
"hey, kunikida-kun" she called out
kunikida glanced at her with gritted teeth, but didn't respond. 
"you should ease down, you know?" she cooed "i heard if you're too neurotic, you'll get lots of wrinkles and your aging becomes accelerated" she said with a hum 
kunikida calmed himself down as he sent her a curious yet wary look. "is that true?" he asked 
"oh, you should take notes" she urged him 
complying, he pulled out his notebook and began writing down. "if you're too neurotic..." he voiced out as he wrote "your aging will-" 
"im messing with you" she admitted nonchalantly 
a loud snap could be heard, emitting from the pen he was holding which was now broken in half.  "bastard! stop ridiculing me!" kunikida exclaimed 
just as the heel of his shoe could hit her, she skillfully dodged and stepped out of the room.  "hehe, see you later~" she cooed as she waved them goodbye 
as kunikida went back to screaming and whining about his good-for-nothing partner, atsushi could only watch in dread and confusion 
atsushi sweat dropped, hesitantly lowering his head on his desk as he muttered under his breath. 
"i really wonder why those two are partners" 
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"oya oya. you sure are late, ms. manager" kuroo mused 
she simply laughed in response and waved him off "sorry. i had some things to take care of" she said  "has fukurodani arrived yet?" she asked as she fiddled with the bandages on her neck 
"yeah, they're in the gym. we were waiting for you so we stayed out here for a while" kuroo said 
kenma sent her a longing glance, though he stood still while clutching his PSP in hand.  call him dramatic, but a minute has passed and she hasn't greeted nor tried to convince him on a double suicide yet. 
it was unnerving. 
"oya? you look peeved, kenma" kuroo whispered to him . the bedhead captain smirked teasingly as kenma huffed in annoyance. 
"shut up, kuroo" kenma whispered back 
then finally, she noticed him. she shot him a loopy grin and a wave
"oh, kenma!" she beamed "i have a pretty funny story" kenma smiled and nodded, urging her to continue with her 'funny story' 
"so last night, i tried to put the toaster in my bathtub!" 
noticing her loud and distinctive voice, and her ever so lovely suicidal tales, nekomata let out an amused chuckle. he lead fukurodani's two managers over to the girl. 
"but my power got cut off." she sulked, though kenma just listened along, completely unbothered 
"so i tried again this morning! but ranpo-san stole my toaster-" 
"this is y/n! she's nekoma's newest manager. so far, she's been doing a pretty good job." nekomata chimed in "hi! we're fukurodani's managers!" they greeted 
she excused herself away from kenma, much to his displeasure 
she sent the girls a smile and a wave "hey, i.." she trailed off. the girls look at her curiously as her eyes seemed to follow a certain dark haired setter. 
"i..think i have found the most beautiful boy i've ever laid my eyes on!" she exclaimed. her eyes seemed to sparkle as she studied each inch he had to offer from head to toe. 
"oh, akaashi-kun?!" one of the managers squealed excitedly
"you have good taste, y/n-chan! wanna talk to him?" the other girl asked 
"oh boy, do i?" she grinned as she prance around happily "i have a very important question to ask him!" 
as she and the two managers made their merry way over to akaashi, kuroo and kenma stayed behind watching them. kuroo chuckled and nudged the pudding-head. "heh. looks like you've been replaced" he said 
"y/n found a new boy to- um.. kenma?" kuroo sweatdropped 
kuroo grinned nervously as he watched kenma scrunch his face up in distaste, looking quite agitated as he gave akaashi a nasty glare. 
kenma gritted his teeth as he watched his girl-friend getting hyped up by the girls to talk to the setter. 
"oh no.. is y/n gonna pop the question to their setter?" yaku said as he caught sight of the girl creeping up behind akaashi 
"i think she's just saying hi.." kai intervened with his usual kind smile 
"no.. most likely not" yaku hummed 
she bit back a grin as she tapped akaashi on the shoulder. the setter perked up as he put away his bottle. he looked back to meet sparkling (e/c) colored eyes. 
"oya? can i help you with anything?" akaashi asked 
"akaashi-kun, this is y/n-chan! she's nekoma's manager!" the girls said 
akaashi nodded and bowed politely "nice to meet you, y/n-san. my name is akaashi keiji" 
she wordlessly took his hand in her bandaged ones, much to his surprise. though akaashi still managed to keep his stoic expression despite the soothing touches she left on his skin. 
"i have finally found a reason to live.." she started off dramatically "a reason to live? no! a reason i've kept living until now!" she exclaimed 
she looked up at him with sparkling eyes, filled with endearment and admiration. "that's right! i've lived to this day so i can go on a double suicide with you!" 
akaashi raised his eyebrows in surprise, while the entirety of nekoma simply bowed in apology from behind her. 
"i-is that so?" akaashi asked, a small chuckle emitting from his lips "yes! im sure of it!" she said "ah, mon amour~" she cooed 
"double suicide?" akaashi muttered in confusion "feel free to do it on your own..?" 
"well, maybe don't do it at all, actually" akaashi said with a soft chuckle.
"a double suicide is not possible alone!" she countered 
akaashi blinked and looked up at nekoma, who were still silently apologising. the dark haired setter looked at her in concerned and asked, "are you in need of a therapist or perhaps someone to talk to, y/n-san?" 
"why would you ask that, mon amour?" she smiled nervously 
"im quite concerned for you." akaashi said "and if you don't, i'd be happy to refer you one." he offered 
she silently stared at him with a smile, him doing the same. his hands were still in hers as they looked at each other in silence. she then flushed a soft pink as she dramatically covered her face with her hands. 
"ah! your vitality is blinding!" she exclaimed 
akaashi simply laughed and nodded along, slightly amused by her crazy and bubbly persona. 
"AKGAAASHII!" bokuto's loud voice called out 
"bokuto-san.." akaashi responded, looking back to meet eyes with his overly energetic friend running towards them 
"oh my" she said with a hum. she simply watched as the gray haired boy slapped his hand on akaashi's back. 
"hey hey hey!" bokuto cheered "did you see my totally awesome spike just now, akaashi?!" bokuto asked, followed by a loud and booming laugh 
"im sorry bokuto-san, but i didn't" akaashi said in his usual monotonous voice. almost instantly, bokuto's mood dropped. his hair drooped as a frown etched itself on his face. 
"r-really?" he sniffled with a pout 
"i saw it." she chimed in 
bokuto then grinned, successfully breaking out of his dejected mode. his head snapped towards her, a proud and happy look on his face. 
"is that so? so you saw how i broke through those blocks?! did you?!" bokuto asked eagerly 
she laughed softy, covering her mouth with her hands, as she nodded. "that's right." she said "i don't think i've seen anyone spike that hard. so far, atleast" 
akaashi sweat dropped as he watched bokuto cheer happily, repeatedly chanting his 'hey hey hey' catchphrase as he does so. 
"you shouldn't butter him up so much, y/n-san" akaashi said "though im very grateful. i'd have to resort in not setting to him until he snapped out of it, once again." he chuckled 
she grasped his hands in hers again and sighed dreamily "ah! your decisiveness is even more blinding!" 
"ehem. y/n." kenma chimed in. he fake coughed as he sneakily glared at their hands. "we need you back on our team." he said 
"right, right" she sighed 
"well then, hopefully, i'll see you both later" she said as she waved bokuto and akaashi goodbye 
"it was nice to meet you, y/n-san" akaashi smiled at her
she blinked rapidly as she studied the angelic boy infront of her. "ah! your beauty is truly blinding!" she exclaimed, dramatically holding out her hand to touch his face 
though, before her skin can make contact with his, kenma was already pulling her away. 
"you shouldn't waste your time of day flirting around with guys you see." kenma said in a quiet voice. he kept an emotionless expression as he guided her back to the bench. 
"hmm. i see" she said. she smirked as she studied his tense shoulders and the agitated aura flowing out of him. 
"ne, kenma-kun" she called out "what made you think i was flirting with akaashi?" she asked tauntingly 
kenma stopped in his tracks and side eyed her "huh? well you were-" 
"or better yet.." she cut him off "why are you so bothered?" she smirked "are you perhaps jealous, kenma-kun?" she asked with a teasing hum 
kenma flinched and looked away to avoid her eyes. "no.. why would you say that?" 
"its not like i have any reason to be, anyways" kenma said 
she smiled knowingly and shrugged. "well, i guess you're right." she mused "after all, you're just a friend. i can look for many more and ask others to join me on my goal of a double suicide." 
kenma furrowed his brows at her awfully unfiltered and hurtful words. he stared at her back as he watched her walk away. 
"why.." he muttered 
"hm?" she hummed, sparing him a glance as she took a seat on the bench. 
kenma walked up to her, his hands laying limp on his sides as he lowered his head.  "why would you say that?" he muttered 
she softly smiled as she leaned back on the seat. "why wouldn't i?" she mused 
"b-because!" kenma exclaimed, it was a bit louder than he had intended. the boys of nekoma looked at them from the other side of the gym. 
kuroo chuckled in amusement while the others look at him in confusion "what's happening?" yaku asked  "dunno, yakkun. maybe a lover's quarell or something" kuroo said jokingly 
"ooohh! they're lovers?!" lev asked excitedly 
"idiot." yaku muttered 
kenma racked his brain for the right words to say while she simply watched him with a smile. 
"yare yare, don't beat yourself up about it" she sneered "after all, im just messing with you" she said with a small chuckle 
kenma pouted at her. he stuffed his hands in the side of his shorts and turned away. "you're so mean." he said with a frown 
"eh?? i was just joking!" she exclaimed as she pulled him back by his arm, forcing him to sit next to her. "after all, i'd never replace you!" she squealed loudly as she latched her arms around him. 
"never never never!" she chanted repeatedly as she nuzzled her cheek along his hair 
kenma groaned as he felt himself getting tossed and tugged around like a doll, once again. 
"i won't let you go until we both drop dead!" she exclaimed loudly. she had a blush on her face, paired with a dreamy smile "ah! imagine dying alongside each other!" 
she squeezed kenma even tighter, possibly crushing his ribs and windpipe. "ah! i wouldn't have it any other way!" she exclaimed with teary eyes
"o-okay, i get it!" kenma wheezed 
he pushed her away and gently massaged his aching body. "geez. keep doing that and you'll kill me before you can have your awfully anticipated double suicide" he said 
he then walked away, back towards the team by the court. as she fully registers his words, she blinked in shock and looked at his retreating figure. 
"does that mean you'll go on a double suicide with me?" she asked 
"dont get your hopes up." 
leaving her behind, kenma walked up to the team, ignoring their painfully obvious stares. 
"what." he spat out, sending his teammates an irritated look. 
"oh, nothing. nothing at all~" kuroo mused, a small smirk grazing his lips 
kenma sighed and picked up a ball, blatantly ignoring kuroo and yamamoto who were now hovering over his shoulder 
"nice job, kenma! you finally snagged a girl!" yamamoto cheered "please go away" kenma muttered 
kuroo laughed and slung his arm around him. "don't worry kenma, no other boy will be taking up your lady's attention" he mused. kenma sighed and turned away from them. 
"again, please go away" 
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it was the end of the day, and fukurodani was settling in an Inn a block down from nekoma. "wanna eat out today? i can call over some people from the other team" kuroo asked them 
"yeah! im so hungry!" yamamoto whined 
"are you coming, y/n-senpai?" inouka asked her 
she simply smiled and nodded. "sure, i'd love to-" 
though she cut herself off as she felt some minimal movement and a pressure nearing her face. she quickly grasped whatever it is in her hand just before it could fully pierce her skin. 
"oya? what’s this?" she muttered with a hum 
"e-eh?? y/n-senpai is that a knife?!" lev shrieked in fear, making the others look her way. 
sure enough, she was standing there, holding a dagger by the hilt. the said dagger pointed to her face. 
"why do you have that?" kenma asked, a hint of panic and worry in his tone 
"well, i was sure it came from nowhere, really" she replied nonchalantly. she pulled the blade away, revealing a small shallow cut on the side of her cheek. a lone drop of blood dripped down from the wound.
she wiped it off with the back of her hand, causing the white bandages to stain a crimson red. 
"what do you mean?" yaku asked, now also worried. 
"well, it came from that direction-" she stopped herself as another dagger came flying towards her. though she used the one in her hand to skillfully block it before it could hit her. 
"oi! who the hell threw that?!" yamamoto exclaimed angrily. the boy looked around the empty street, trying to see who would dare try to hurt their friend. 
"hmm." she hummed thoughtfully, twirling the dagger in her hand. 
"plotting as usual?" a voice called out 
the boys watched in confusion as she perked up from the sound, a look of dread and agitation looming her features. 
"that voice.." she muttered, her face slightly scrunched up 
"its been quite long, and seeing you like this.." he said "soft, vulnerable, wounded.."
"its quite laughable. won't you agree, y/n?" chuuya sneered
she simply gagged and threw the dagger away. "gross! man, gross!" she whined out 
"i like that reaction" chuuya replied nonchalantly "it makes me wanna strangle you." 
she simply gritted her teeth as she watched him in agitation. her eye twitched every so often as he walked towards her. 
kuroo butted in, a look of confusion in his face. "um, sorry but who the hell is this?" he asked with a scoff 
kuroo looked down at chuuya, who simply ignored him and made his merry way towards the girl. 
"did you miss me, you suicidal brat?" chuuya spat out with a laugh 
she simply groaned and hugged kenma's arm as a way to scurry away from chuuya. 
"ugh. ew."
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chocolate-parfait · 3 years
Hi! Congratulations for reaching the milestone!! 💖💖 i don't know if you've reached 15 requests or not but i thought i'd just send this in, just kindly ignore this if you've reached the number though! 😆
For the platonic prompts, may i request letter B,H,I,O,W for Dazai x Isaac?? I love their relationship dynamics and these prompts looked so interesting! Thank you so much 💜
Thank you lots! I almost never see anyone talking about Dazai and Isaac’s relationship so it’s only right for me to take this matter into my own hands✨
Isaac & Dazai (platonic)
Bond (what kind of - platonic, obviously - relationship do you have with each other?)
They are a bit like siblings; the ones that always tease and annoy each other whenever they have the chance to, but also the ones that help the other out whenever they're in need. Probably if it wasn't for Dazai, Isaac would've never formed such a bond with anyone in the mansion (well, aside from Arthur maybe? Though I personally think Dazai acts more like a big brother to Isaac than Arthur does; also, I feel like Napoleon acts more like a dad to Isaac that anything).
Dazai always wears a soft smile, and it's difficult to find malice in his actions, despite how annoying they may be. Oftentimes he acts like he does because he wants to push Isaac to be more open and relaxed, he wants him to challenge his own boundaries and encourage him to step out of his comfort zone.
Isaac doesn't dare to say it, but he actually appreciates Dazai's attentions, to an extent. It's only a matter of short encounters throughout the day, but they are a way for Isaac to escape his loneliness and vary his day a bit, even though it always ends up with him being at the center of the other's lies and tricks.
Help (how do they ask you for help? how do they help you when you need it?)
I don't really see Dazai asking for help, because if he ever found himself in a troublesome situation, he would find one of his original ways of solving it; that's his approach to things. Isaac, on the other hand, has a stiffer and more scientific approach to life, which ends up clashing quite a lot with other people's feelings in social situations. If he ever finds himself in need of help with anything, Dazai is always there to hear him out and offer him some advice. Sure, he might throw in a joke here and there, but the vampire actually takes it very seriously and tries to help him to the best of his abilities.
Injured/Ill (how would they act if you got hurt or sick?)
If Isaac was sick, Dazai would visit him daily, always bringing an apple with him. “Ara, ara, Ai-chan, when did you fall sick? Do you perhaps need me to nurse you back to health?” Cue Isaac yelling at him to get out of his room.
If Sebastian is particularly busy then he and Arthur will take turns to keep him company and make sure he takes his medicines. It will be another occasion for Dazai to torment the poor guy, but he will definitely tone his teasing down by a couple notches. If Isaac falls asleep, then he will remain by his side while reading a book or just minding his own business. It's a quiet form of affection and any outsider can see the tenderness of the whole scene.
In those rare situations where it's Dazai to get sick, Isaac will lower his walls down and show genuine concern for his personal bully. Despite the fever, the Japanese vampire will not let go of his occasional jokes, thus causing a bright blush to appear on the scientist's cheeks.
Isaac will mumble to himself, wondering how in the world he was so foolish as to worry for that clown. Nevertheless, he will come back to his room the next day, and the one after that, each time promising himself that it was the last time.
Worry (do they worry about you? how often?) 
Special situations aside, they don't really worry about each other. Sure, Osamu wishes for the shy boy in Isaac to come out of his shell and enjoy life a bit more, wishing him all the happiness in the world, but aside from his stinging jokes and words of advice, he feels like he has nothing to worry about, especially if his friend has someone like you by his side.
On the other hand, Isaac thinks that the fool would be able to handle even the most disastrous of situations without losing that characteristic smile of his. Probably, he's just trying to convince himself that everything's fine, but there is always a nagging feeling at the back of his mind. He had seen how the novelist's gaze would darken every now and then, and that, along with the heaviness of his words, told him that there was more to the eye. Sure, Isaac may struggle a lot with the emotional sphere, but that much even he could see. Since he has no courage to face the issue head-on, he can't do anything but wish for someone else to reach for his heart instead.
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crossroadsimagine · 5 years
(1/?) Hi could I please ask for a male matchup for Bungou Stray Dogs? I'd say I'm a polite and quiet person to people I don't know but really talkative and affectionate to my friends. I love reading, writing, drawing, and playing video games. One of my my weird interests is I really love horror movies? I'm a total scaredy cat but I just love watching them anyway. I'll also read any fictional book. I dislike people who are rude without reason other than to be a dick.
��� This ended up being a bit longer in length than most of the match ups I do, so it took a bit longer to finish but the amount and type of info you gave was Great!♥ it really let me be pretty detailed with it. Thanks~♥
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☰ Matched with Dazai
Dazai takes a romantic interest in you almost immediately when meeting you which means he can come on a bit strong at first, but even to the extent that you could doubt that he’s actually serious. But if you don’t take him seriously, he can tone down his approach a bit but that doesn’t mean he won’t be pretty flirty and suggestive towards you from time to time, but he will try to develop a friendship with you. 
He can pester you quite a bit to get to know you and it’s not so much that he tries to pressure you to talk to him or spend time with him, but it’s just that he is so persistent about getting to know you and win you over to date him, almost how a child can pester their parent by constantly asking the same question over and over. 
This means the time and place for when he asks you out and you agree to it really depends on you, if you accept the first time he asks or one of the many other times he’ll ask if you decline the first time. Though every time he asks you out it’s kind of just whenever and where ever he can turn a conversation to ask you out, he doesn’t plan it out or plan anything special for asking you out. 
In fact, he can even seem a bit surprised or caught off guard when you agree to go out with him, especially if you have declined his advances before and then he’s kind of curious as to what happened to change your mind and agree to go out with him now. He is immediately happy and enthusiastic about you agreeing to date him and he is very loving and affectionate with you right from the start, he won’t mind PDA much at all and really tends to encourage it and you’ll have to be pretty firm with him if you dislike PDA. 
He does understand if it embarrasses you, makes you uncomfortable or you just don’t want to be touched, and generally he is respectful of how you feel but at the same time he can forget at times and move to hug you or hold your hand. He can also try to instigate some physical contact any where the two of you are if you seem upset, sad or distraught but it’s more as a means to comfort you, like if he meets up with you after work to walk you home and you seem sad or like you’ve been crying he’ll hold your hand or pull you near him for a hug, even a kiss on the forehead or the top of your head. 
He won’t pressure you to give him and be affectionate if you don’t like PDA but can also occasionally seem hurt, sad or just give you a sad look if you reject a hug or refuse to holding hands. He loves you and likes showing it and can struggle if you don’t want to be affectionate when he does, though typically he doesn’t seriously get hurt or upset about it and lets it go easily. 
However, you do love being physically affectionate so there isn’t much of a problem when it comes to be affectionate it’s just a matter of how you feel about affection when the two of you are around others and in public, plus he doesn’t always take situations seriously so he can be wanting to hold hands when it may not entirely seem appropriate to you. 
He also tends to have a rather dark sense of humor and can just talk kind of dark or morbidly at times where he’s more serious and you may wonder if he’s joking or not, but if you seem concerned, he’ll play it off as a joke. He does talk about suicide or a lover’s suicide as well but usually doesn’t actually sound serious about it which can tie into his dark humor. 
You are a very polite and quiet person to people but you’re actually really talkative and affectionate with your friends, which he usually also comes across as pretty polite and kind to most people especially if he’s trying to make a good impression like if he was to meet your friends or family. But he’s also not always polite and friendly and can be really rude and mean to some people, though usually well deserved. 
He’s protective over you and your feelings so he will step in and say something to tell someone off or to stand up for you if he knows you’re not going to, if you are being teased or criticized and he does have a sharp tongue when he wants to and isn’t afraid to tell off a stranger, acquaintance, friend or even one of your family member if he feels like they are treating you badly or unfairly. 
Dazai does show a genuine interest in you, your hobbies and interests and is all ears when you want to talk, he can pester you a bit to learn more about you particularly at the start of the relationship. But really doesn’t press for you to open up and talk to him about more sensitive things like your past, your childhood, insecurities, fear etc. He doesn’t want to press these things and really prefers for you to come to him on your own and open up about it all whenever you are ready. 
Though he tends to deflect a lot of personal questions about himself especially when it comes to his past and certain topics, he can change the subject, distract you with other things and do whatever to just avoid the question/s really. But that doesn’t mean he’ll never open up and talk to you about these things he just needs to be with you for awhile and really feel comfortable with you and trust you, and it can just take time for him to really let you in and trust you. 
Once he does trust you, he trusts you completely and will do anything for you and will protect you at all costs, even in a rather selfless way at times that can get him hurt. You love reading, writing, drawing and playing video games and he will show an interest in all these things especially because they are things you like. Because of that he will ask you about your hobbies like when he sees you drawing, he’ll ask you what you’re drawing and will want to see it if you’ll let him, he compliments your drawing skills and will even push you to draw him something. 
Which if you do draw him something he will be thrilled and hang it up in his room, some of the smallest things you can give him or do for him will make him the happiest, especially any hand made gifts you give him. He’ll also enjoy reading books with you or reading the same books then talking about them whether chapter by chapter or after finishing the book. 
He’ll love playing video games with you or watching movies even horror movies, though he can typically find horror movies amusing or funny rather than getting scared, and if he does seem scared by any horror movies its more likely that he’s joking or playing rather than actually being afraid. He finds it cute however that you are a total scaredy cat when it comes to horror movies and especially like to watch movies if he can cuddle with you because you get scared. 
You really try to be kind to everyone and do your best not to judge anyone, Dazai isn’t always as kind as you are but also usually won’t go out of his way to be mean to someone, though he can tease and seem rude to friends at times but is rarely actually mean to anyone he knows, he can even tease you a bit but lightly and in a way that he’s clearly joking. 
He also compliments you pretty regularly for things you do, say or how you look and he adores how you look but really, it’s your personality that won him over in the end. He is observant though so if you change something about your appearance he’ll notice and point it out or ask, like if you cut your hair, wear a new perfume, try new makeup, wear a new outfit, particularly finds it adorable if you tilt your glasses down or put your glasses on your head. 
Really tends to love anything you wear but really likes seeing you in casual around the house clothes, but he’ll certainly tell you how beautiful you look if you dress up though he can find baggy clothes or clothes too big for you cute because you’re on the small side, like if you wear his jacket or wear a baggy sweater or t-shirt. 
Over all he is very supportive, encouraging and comforting towards you especially when you are going through rough times or doing something new, he’ll cheer you on and help you however he can. He is also incredibly protective, loyal and dedicated to you and really does take the relationship seriously even though he doesn’t see like it and can joke around quite a bit. He will do anything for you and anything to keep you safe he’ll have your back through any tough times and help you put the pieces together again any time something falls apart, holding your hand and loving you through everything.
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☰ Headcanons between the two of you
■ Does give you space but can become pouty if you need a lot of time to yourself, and he can make it pretty obvious that he wants to be around you and spend time with you again but won’t force it. He’s also observant so he will notice when your feeling down or depressed and will refuse to leave you alone unless you really insist.
■ Likes reading books with you and really encourages you to recommend books to him because he’ll like seeing what you enjoy reading, if the two of you do read books together he’ll like bouncing between you picking a book and then him picking a book for the two of you to read. And any genre is on the table, fiction, fantasy, history, adventure, mystery anything.
■ You are a bit short compared to him (about half a foot shorter) which he finds amusing and tends to touch your head and hair a lot if you don’t stop him, and even if you do it becomes a habit to him and he’ll continue to pat your head, tousle your hair, play with your head or kind of touch or hold your head when he pulls you towards him for a hug.
■ Thinks it’s cute when you are shy or afraid and isn’t afraid to tell you how cute you are, but he also takes your fears seriously particularly if confronted with one of your fears like if you see a spider, he’ll take care of it for you but can gush over how cute you are after the fact.
☰ Other Possible Matches
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◐ Kenji
Is very kind, caring and attentive to you and really enjoys being affectionate and likes having your attention, talking about a lot of different things though he is very respectful and will give you space and time to yourself if you need it. Especially if you tell him you want some time to yourself otherwise, he may wonder if something is wrong or bother you a bit making sure you are okay and that you aren’t sad or upset and isolating yourself. 
He is very loyal and takes the relationship seriously, he supports your choices and things you want to do and accomplish, he compliments you a lot and can shower you in attention and affection especially if he feels like you had a tough day and need cheered up.
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◐ Atsushi
He is loving, caring and even pretty selfless and has a tendency to always try and put you first and take care of you, and that doesn’t mean he neglects himself or anything like that he just really wants to make you happy and can worry about your well-being. He can even worry about you a little too much particularly if you can be clumsy or reckless and tends to make a big deal out of small incidents or injuries, treating small cuts or wounds like they are far more serious then they really are. 
He is protective over you and can become nervous or uncomfortable when he’s not around you or doesn’t know where you are, he loves talking with you and listening to you talk about the things you enjoy and also shows a genuine interest in your hobbies.
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Could you write a sweet scenario where Dazai and s/o are on a mission together but none decided to make a move yet? And they're in a big fancy party they had to infiltrated and both are taken away by how the other looks that night? And a slow song starts playing and Dazai takes s/o to the dance floor and he can't help but place a gentle kiss on s/o's cheek, who gets all flustered? Idk how this could end. That's up to you lol Ok I'd love to read sth like this. Thanks for running this blog 😍
((ahhhhh this was such a cute request I can’t. I hope this is deemed worthy and not too cheesy.))
Oh god how you hated this dress.
You mean, the dress was gorgeous and fit your figure perfectly. It was a long, one shoulderer black dress but it hugged your body’s every curve and knew it would be bound to catch many unwanted eyes. But you knew you had to wear it for the sake of the mission.
You heard a car honking outside and as fast as you could you put on a necklace and bracelet before rushing outside to meet with your partner, Dazai, who sat inside the car.
“Here I was thinking I was going to get bored to death waiting for you!” He joked as you stepped into the car. It was rather dark in the car, so neither of you could really see what the other was wearing all to well, but from what he saw you looked quite nice.
“Oh come on, it didn’t take me that long!” You laughed, trying not to be too awkward. It was the first time you were headed to a formal party, and it didn’t help that you were going…well…with him, whom you found you were well…more fond of than most people. Of course, you’d assumed he didn’t feel anything towards you. He didn’t seem to see you any differently as he did other people, and quite frankly, why would he?
The car ride was rather decent however as you quickly managed to calm down as he teased you and made you laugh. Of course, he went over details about the mission as well. “This is the Port Mafia after all,” he reminded you. “There’ll be many people there so it won’t be to hard for me to hide in the crowd, especially since I’m used to these events. As for you, you’ll stick right out if you don’t act like everyone else.”
You nodded at that.
As soon as you two reached the destination of the party he helped you out the car. It was then that you first got a good look at him, and my god that man looked amazing in a suit.
“See something that you like, my dear~?” He said teasingly, noticing you observed him a bit too long.
“W-what? No,” you said quickly, your cheeks flushing red as you got out the car and let him guide you inside, looking down to try and hide your blush.
“Oh, so you mean to tell me I don’t look good?” He pouted. “And hear I actually tried to look nice for once…”
“Oh stop it!” You couldn’t help but giggle at the adorably cute face he made, his cheeks puffed out a bit. “That’s not what I meant. You look great.”
He gave a genuine smile at that. “Why thank you~”
“Aren’t you going to compliment me back?”
He chuckled, leading you inside to the party. The room was filled with life, music playing in the background. Some people were dancing while other’s sat and ate or enjoyed a drink. While parties amongst the higher mafia members weren’t uncommon, mafia parties this grande in which mafia members of each level were invited usually meant something big had happened or was planned to happen. What that thing was, well…that’s what you two were there to find out, and to make sure it was nothing too bad.
He quickly led you over to a small table away from the executives’ line of sight, sitting across from you.
“There’s nothing much for us to do until Mori or one of the executives makes the announcement,” he said,“so do feel free to eat or have a drink in the meantime. May as well enjoy the time we have.”
And so naturally, you both did. Neither of you ate very much but you did share some glasses of wine, talking and laughing as the night went on. Only you occasionally you found it hard to focus on his words as you would find yourself distracted by how amazing he truly looked, the suit he wore fitting him perfectly.
And quite frankly, you weren’t the only one being distracted by looks, as he was equally distracted by how beautiful you looked that night. It was the first time he’d seen you dress so formally, and he found that it was a look he liked seeing on you. The way you had styled your hair and done your make up. Usually those were things he didn’t quite pay attention to, yet tonight they all caught his interest.
“How about a dance?” Dazai suddenly asked, cutting you off mid-sentence, not having actually listened to a word you said.
“What?” You asked, surprised.
“A dance!” he beamed. “Come on (y/n)~! Just one dance!”
You were silent for a moment before answering,“I…well, I don’t really know how to dance…”
At this he let out a dramatic gasp. “Whaaaat?! How shameful! I can not let this be. Come along now, for tonight I shall teach you how to dance.”
You didn’t even get the option of refusing as he went ahead and pulled you right on your feet, leading you to the floor but making sure to keep the two of you concealed from any whom might recognize him.
“Alright…” he began, wrapping an arm around your waist and holding your hand with the other. It was impossible not to notice how close you two were, and it took all your might to stop the blood from heating your face. He took his time in leading you and explaining the simple steps to a slow dance, teasing you whenever you stepped on his toes. And surely enough, you soon found yourself getting the hang of it.
“See?” He said once you finally seemed to get it down. “Not too tough, right?”
“I guess…” you said with a shy smile.
He chuckled before twirling you around, admiring you as he did. There was an even wider smile on his face when he brought you back in, arm wrapped back around your waist, this time even closer than before.
And that was when he finally decided to do it.
Not taking a moment to hesitate, he suddenly pressed a kiss to your cheek, lingering there for a moment before backing away. “You look beautiful tonight, (y/n).”
Your heart fluttered and your cheeks became flushed with color. “T-thank you,” you began to stutter, having been caught off guard. He laughed, finding it completely adorable.
“Oh look, there goes Mori,” he said, changing the subject as suddenly a man stood in front of the room, urging everyone to be silent so he could have a moment to speak, but naturally, you wound up not hearing a single word he said.
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ssamie · 3 years
five. “team manager”
kozume kenma x fem dazai!reader
(bsd x haikyuu)
tw: mentions of suicide
masterlist.      suicide freak!
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"this is the girl from yesterday" kuroo muttered 
it's been a day since the shrooms incident, and it's safe to say she's left a very weird first impression on the boys 
"hi~" she cooed with a wave 
today, she was looking more presentable. wearing the nekoma girl's uniform, with bandages framing her body, all except for her hands and face.  "i couldn't shake her off" kenma said with a sigh as he tried to wiggle his arm free from her grasp 
she simply chuckled and hugged his arm even tighter.  "sorry for the rather strange interaction we had yesterday" she apologised with a sheepish grin  "there was a small flaw in my plan, which led to that.." 
kenma rolled his eyes at her words.  he was the one that had to make sure she didn't accidentally jump off a cliff in her state yesterday.  he had to get her calmed down, and ended up calling a man called kunikida for help since he was in her emergency contacts. 
"what's your name?" kuroo asks with an amused grin 
"l/n y/n. nice to meet ya" she answered 
"so l/n-chan~" kuroo mused "anything we can help you with?" 
"i wanna be team manager!" she exclaimed with a dumb smile on her face 
some boys perked up at the mention of a manager, some pondered over it, while kenma simply let out a loud groan. 
"hah? you? manager?" kenma scoffed and pulled out his PSP  "you'll just try to kill yourself with the nets or something" he muttered with a huff
"eh? do you really have no trust in me kenma?" she sulked  "i mean, i probably would but still!" she huffed 
nekomata stepped forward and smiled at her "why would you like to be our manager, l/n?" he asked. she blinked and pondered over it for a while "hmm, volleyball is something i wanna try i guess." she said 
"but i don't really wanna play. i'd rather manage from the sidelines" she hummed  "so it would be a pleasure to work with you all" she said with a sly smile
she then looked at nekomata and tilted her head to the side, sending him a close eyed smile and holding her hand out for him to shake. 
"if you'll have me, of course" she added in a polite and soothing tone 
nekomata studied her, then her hand, as well as the bandages that ended just a little bit past her wrist. the old man chuckled and shook her hand. "well then, welcome to the team" he said with a laugh 
she smirked and nodded.  "glad to be here" 
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"have i ever told you how incredibly intricate looking your fingers are?" she asked out of the blue.  kenma glanced at her as he drinks from his bottle, brows furrowing from her rather strange observation. 
"um, no?" he answered hesitantly 
she simply hummed and studied them even further, making him gulp. kenma looked at his hands, feeling slightly anxious. he then shoved them in the side of his shorts. 
"stop looking at them. it makes me nervous" kenma complained sheepishly 
she chuckled and pulled his hands out of his makeshift pockets. "dont be" she cooed with a smile "you hands are so.. delicate, so soft" 
kenma blushed as she started tracing circles over his palms, whispering sweet words and nothings as she does so. 
"so.." she trailed off, looking at him through lidded eyes, a flirty smirk etching itself on her lips. "s-so..?" he questioned 
"would you strangle me with these fragile, delicate fingers?" 
"ha? 😃" 
kenma stared at her while she stared back. she simply smiled at him as she continued to draw shapes on his palm.  "what the hell are you talking about?" kenma deadpanned 
"I CAN'T TAKE THIS!!" taketora shrieked. they all looked over to him as kenma raised a brow "can't take what?" he asked 
taketora ignored him and sprinted straight to y/n "l-l/n-chan! why him?!" he shrieked  "why not me?! i can give you my love!" taketora cried "let me love you!" 
she simply stared at him as she drops kenma's hands on his lap. "love..me?" she questioned with a blank smile 
taketora rushed over to her and showed her his hands "i have hands and fingers too!" he exclaimed  "i can-" 
"i don't think she meant she wants kenma to choke her during sex, yamamoto" kuroo intervened 
"yeah. she wants me to kill her." kenma bluntly spat out 
"hai!" she exclaimed "but either one is fine." 
kenma's brows shot up as he snapped his attention towards her. "huh??"
"hm? is there a problem, kenma-kun?" she chuckled “yes. there's a problem, and it's a big one." kenma said "im not gonna choke you during se-" 
"l/n!" nekomata called out, effectively cutting off kenma 
the (h/c) haired girl perked up and walked over to the man "yes?" she asked "so? did you jot down anything while watching?" nekomata asked. the older man patted the spot next to him on the bench, urging her to sit next to him. she hummed and pulled out a notebook. 
"well, may i just say" she started "these boys are very impressive." 
"i don't usually have the motivation to do these type of things but i wrote down everything i've observed" she said "i do hope it's enough" she chuckled as she sat down next to nekomata 
"well then, let's see it" nekomata said as he ushered the boys over to them. "well then, these are my observations, as well as teeny tiny little advices" she says
she handed kuroo the notebook. the captain skimmed through the pages with a look of interest. "okay let's- eh?" kuroo sweat dropped "this is never-ending, l/n-chan" he chuckled 
kuroo flipped through the whole notebook, laughing as he saw each page filled from front to back. "that's a crap ton of info!" taketora exclaimed 
"how'd you even get all of that over a silly practice game" yaku asked, a look of amusement and curiosity lacing his features. 
she shrugged nonchalantly and fiddled with her hair "dunno" she cooed "i guess it comes naturally" she said "i have a job quite similar, so breaking down your attacks and the way you move or play is quite easy" 
nekomata hummed in delight "ah, so we're you a manger before as well, or..?" he asked 
"nope! i'm a detective!" she grinned 
the team stared at her and smiled, same as you would when a child says something crazy or stupid. she immediately snapped her head towards kenma, smiling excitedly as she awaits his reaction 
"are you impressed? will you go on a double suicide with me now?" she asked with a grin. kenma stared at her, unmoving, as he looked her up and down. 
"no." he answered 
she immediately deflated and sulked beside nekomata. "i-i see." she sniffled "i understand" 
"that's nice, l/n-chan!" yaku exclaimed, obviously unconvinced that she was a detective "really nice. it's good to have dreams!" he said as he patted the girl's back
she blinked as she looked down on him. "eh? no, i mean like im actually a detective" 
"i mean i get that you don't think so" she laughed "i may not look much, but im an operative of the armed detective agency" she said.  her playful smile dropped, and was replaced by a stoic look as she showed them a badge 
"eh? seriously?! that's so cool!" lev says as he excitedly jumps up and down 
"heh. right?" she grinned as the other boys starts freaking out 
kenma simply narrows his eyes and clicks his tounge in distaste. "so what about it, kenma-kun? won't it be cool to die with someone like that?" she asks cheekily 
"no- oh." 
"you'll fit right in, l/n" nekomata said with a laugh. he waved then goodbye before stepping away. kuroo approached them, fanning himself with the notebook as he slung his arm around her shoulders 
"so, l/n.." kuroo said "whyre you so obsessed with having a double suicide with our kenma?" he asked.  kenma sighed and pitched his nose bridge with dread "please don't ask that. she'll-" 
"oh my! i thought you'd never ask!" she said dramatically as she waved her arms about
"committing suicide alone?" she started "oh my, that's so passe kuroo-san!" 
"i've come to realise, that if i were to die.. i will die alongside a beautiful man or woman!" her eyes sparkled as she gawked over kenma, who was looking very unamused at the moment. 
"and i found the most beautiful boy there is! what else could be better than this?" she exclaimed with teary eyes 
"ah, double suicide.. what a sweet ring it has!" she exclaimed "in comparison, it feels so empty to bid this world farewell all by my lonesome self!" she hugged kenma and nuzzled her cheek into his pudding-like hair. 
kenma merely froze as he felt his arms and body get squeezed by her. she was surprisingly strong and had a vice grip on him. "please let me go." kenma muttered 
the boys watched the whole withing with varying reactions. most of them were worried for her mental state and well-being, while the others were amused. the 'others', being lev. it still kinda hadn't hit him that she was a suicidal psycho. 
"hmm, you're right, l/n-senpai! it'll be sad to die alone" lev agreed with a thoughtful hum 
"see! he sees the problem with it!" she said 
yaku immediately intervened by kicking lev in the back of his knees, making him fall forward. he also snatched kenma away, making her whine. "give him back!" she yelled. “take me away" kenma said 
yaku huffed and lightly flicked her in the forehead. "the real problem here is the fact that you wanna commit suicide!" he exclaimed 
"double suicide" she corrected. 
"that's not any better!" 
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