#i’m scared of what i might find in there XDDD
springbon-t-art · 11 months
Hello! I was wondering if we have your permission to do fanart of Aurelia? She’s so lovely! also, do you know the Relationship charts? do you have one for her as well? so we could understand her connections with the neighbors better! have a nice day!
Hi :D
Of course you can! i’m so happy people like her design ^^ although i wish i didn’t draw her with so many details LOL but yes you can c:
…Oh the relationship chart! i completely forgot about it, here it is:
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(template by @/cloudysunflowr)
Is this what you meant? i hope i did it correctly XD
This is fun! i have never had many questions about an OC of mine, i will try answering all of them whenever i got a bit of free time again 💖
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babu-haitani · 3 years
Hello again the great amazing Babu!!!!!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ I feel bad and annoying when I bother you with my dump questions.
But since your requests are open I’m excited to request this to you.
Can I request a shinobu kocho reader that looks and acts like her. Soft gentle personality plus scary and being a cheerleader for toman. She has the same thing with Mikey when losing someone that they loved
Shinobu reader x kazutora, Mikey, Baji, pah-chin, and Hakkai.
I’m saying pahchin bc it funny how he fears insects and he’ll probably fear her
Something like this
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I think people might hate me because of this XDDD
This headcanons are basically TOK REV SLANDERS. LMAO...but I hope you would like? what I did for your request.
Slander (Tokyo Revengers)
Genre: ??Tbh...I don't know what genre this is XD
Pairings: Kazutora, Mikey, Baji, Pah Chin, Hakkai x FEM! Reader
TW: This contains some spoilers for non-manga readers AND! this also contains some Character Slanders.
P.S I do not hate these characters. In fact, I love them! This content is just for humor purposes?
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If he's scared of Mikey...what do you think would he be feelin' if he met you????
And you weren't even physically strong as Mikey!
You nearly made this boy cry when you insulted Hanma once and it wasn't even directed to him.
He will mentally take note to not piss you off. Like FR...
He's in charge of 'WARNING' the newbies to never have any connections with you.
He believes you can make anyone cry just by speaking.
The first time you ever insulted him, he nearly wanted to cry and just hide in his room. You completely destroyed his ego.
"You want to defeat Mikey but you can't even accept the fact that you killed his brother? I pity you so much, Hanemiya-san"
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The only common thing you both have is that you both have dark impulses...That's it...
You were his childhood friend thus you always hang out with toman and also resulting in you being their...uhmm...
Cheerleader?... I can't say Emotional support cause that would be a lie...
Mikey only sees you as someone who likes to smile and he thinks you're really sweet, so when he got amounts of complaints from the captain and vice-captains about you beating the shit out of them. He doesn't understand.
Oh boy did he understand once he turned out to be the victim himself.
Mikey was feeling tired that day and decided to cancel the meeting after everyone arrived and that made your blood boil.
Mikey wanted to ask Draken for help that day but to be honest...Even the infamous Draken can't do anything about you.
And what scared Mikey, even more, was that you were smiling while scolding him...
"You wasted everyone's time by calling them out to hold a meeting, yet you can't even attend it. Are your balls really that heavy that you can't lift a single finger? No wonder why you need Draken to always help you. You're pathetic"
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I see Baji as a simp, Okay?!?!
He hates the idea of someone looking down on him but if it was you, he wouldn't mind.
Baji has had eyes on you recently ever since you joined Toman.
He's well aware of you being a..."FOUL MOUTH" woman...
He looks up to you because of your intelligence and confidence in speaking your mind.
You weren't even afraid if someone cuts your head off because of your foul mouth! and he admires that!
He asked you to help him with his assignments that day.
Actually, he couldn't care less about the assignment, he just wants to make an excuse so he can have time with you and as much as you love spreading knowledge to every person you know. You hate the fact that you can't teach Baji and it's making your ego boil.
"I always thought you were stupid, Keisuke but I didn't expect for you to be this stupid...I mean, what would I expect of someone who thinks wearing glasses makes them smarter?"
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This man avoids you at all cost!
If he sees that signature butterfly bow, he would fucking RUN!
If he finds out you're attending Toman's meeting, he would turn his bike around and stay inside his home.
You scared this man...just because of one incident.
Remember that time Pah Chin, punched Takemichi because of the Kiyomasa incident? Yeah, you were there and you hate stupid unreasonable arguments that don't make any sense.
Peh Yan had comfort this man during your scolding while the other Toman Captains had to hold you down and make sure you were relaxed cause you nearly made Pah whine out a cry.
"Oh my...punching someone and blaming them because of their member's mistakes? That's so low and stupid of you. What? Can't accept the fact that you can't handle your members that's why they almost dirtied Toman's Name? Pathetic..."
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I feel like Hakkai would even ask his brother for help because you made him cry and destroyed his ego.
Hakkai is kinda like Giyuu in this one...He would try so hard to deny what you said was true but then, later on, accepts it.
Yuzuha had to beat your ass to make you shut up but you also destroyed Yuzuha's Ego...
Oh did I mention that you also made Taiju--Yes, Taiju Shiba. You made him feel bad about himself.
Basically, you just shot the Shiba siblings in the chest.
"You beat your younger siblings because you say that it's love and you care about them? talk about manipulation. Don't you think it's kinda hypocrite of you to be wanting to beat my ass when all I did was tell your brother how much of a coward he is?"
"What do I expect of someone baby-ing their younger brother, Don't get me wrong there is nothing wrong with that but to the point they always rely on you? I pity you so deeply"
"Lying about you protecting your sister but in reality, it was the other way around? Wow, I know you were a coward but I didn't think you were also this pathetic to the point you would lie about your sister protecting you. Kinda feel bad for her even more..."
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mseirtaku · 2 years
HELLO! I hope you don't find this weird but I would just want to say THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU FOR CREATING PHI!! A friend recommended me to watch it during a very bad period of time in my life last summer since we were talking about hetagames and I've never been a fan of horror really but PHI made me sit still and watch of kyo's playthroughs and even gotten me to download it to play it myself!!
Its soooo good and and! I love it so much! The storytelling is super good and the game itself made me super invested about thailand mythology and culture as a whole!!!! the whole russia trying to eat thailand is just a bonus for me XD BUT ALSO- CAN I JUST SAY- THE TRUE ENDING?? MAGNIFICENT!!!!!! YOU'RE SUPER SUPER AWESOME AND AND YEA!!! XDDD!! JUST WANTED TO SAY THAT!!
a friend 🤺 told me that maybe I should tell people that to their face rather than me going off about how I really like people's creation but im shy XD so I hope you don't mind this ,,, !! I just really like PHI! the only horror game I probably finished all by myself and alone XD since i was just that super invested about whats gonna happen than worry or not something might fall down from the ceiling XDDD
Hello! I have a feeling I know who is hiding behind that anon mask 👀 The true ending is definitely my favourite too ehehe~ Gotta love horror and fucking people over in the process!
On a more serious note, thank you so much for the kind ask, I’m extremely happy that you like PHI so much and that it helped you cheer up at that time in your life. I hope things have gotten better for you since then 💕 Believe me, I am also scared to play any proper horror games myself lmao (Ironic, right?)
It’s good to be encouraged to express if you like someone’s creation to their face! Lots of Hetagame developers don’t get much direct contact from someone who loves the games they’ve made and I highly encourage you tell more people if you like their creations! Spreading positivity is always a plus in any Hetalia space or subcommunity! Even just a few words can brighten someone’s day.
Anyways, thank you so much for your lovely words, it’s really flattering to hear how invested you were in my game~🫀
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neighborhood-goblin · 3 years
Lmao remember that COF College AU
Finally decided majors and details for some of the characters I plan to include XD
My first time using a cut lol
Business Major 
Cassian absolutely wants him to inherit the family business
Tris isn’t so thrilled by that
Sev and him are roommates
Neither of them can cook anything other than ramen or pizza rolls
Sometimes they order pizza
Disaster bi on so many levels
Went to one GSA club meeting but then noped right back into the closet
Not out to Cassian or most of his friends yet
The only person who knows is Sev
Has a brown tabby cat named Rex
lmao going back through there’s like nothing here
they def got longer as they went on
Linguistics, Interpretation, and Translation Major
(In HOF she is really interested in the Pyrean language and lore so I thought it fit)
Was homeless for a while
Ran away as soon as she graduated high school
(She couldn’t be around Val any longer)
Applied for a lot of scholarships and was able to gather enough money to attend college
Roommates with Sparrow
Helps Sparrow get to her classes sometimes
Elliot, Riella, and Kade come over to their dorm a lot
Elliot cooks for them
Probs gonna be bi and genderfluid in this au
Has a calico cat named Xephyra 
Phyrie for short 
Is a part of the GSA club
The GSA club consists of Anders, Elliot, Sparrow, and Kade
Fine Arts Major
Is really good at drawing but also likes painting and sculpting, too
Roommates with Tristan
Would rather die than ask Tris to get something off of a high shelf for him
He’s 5′3″ (160.02 cm)
Def petite
Tris put a whiteboard on the fridge to write shopping lists on but now they both just use it to write notes to each other
“Saw u staring at Nyk earlier HMMMMMM”
“stfu like you weren’t ogling that dude she was with”
Disaster gay but everyone just assumes he’s straight like ????
After his parents died he bounced around a few foster homes but was adopted by a doctor named Hestia when he was fifteen
He loves his mama and visits her on weekends
The food he brings back to the dorm is the only good stuff he and Tris ever eat
Knows Kade but only a little
All of my modern Sev hcs still apply
Veterinary Medicine Major
Shares the same major as Sparrow and they’re decent friends
He helps Sparrow get to the classes they share when Nyk can’t
Loves animals and is planning to adopt a doggie soon
Roommates with Elliot and Riella
He lived in a really crappy place before he became friends with Riella
The sibs invited him to move in with them (Kade also obviously helps with rent)
Became good friends with Nyk and he and the sibs spend a lot of time at her/his dorm
Used to shadow Hestia at the clinic (before he decided he wanted to be a vet and not a people doctor) and she gushed all the time about her son 
He met Sev and def thinks Sev is adorable 
Has also seen Sev around campus but hasn’t worked up the courage to talk to him yet
Demi and gay
Is a part of the GSA club
Thinks Anders is funny
Almost no one agrees
Culinary Arts Major
Idk it just came to me and I was like “might as well”
Cooks for Riella, Kade, Nyk, and Sparrow regularly
Has a golden retriever named Jax
Jax is crazy
He gets the zoomies
Jax is usually wary of strangers but he’s warmed up to Riella, Kade, Nyk, and is close with Sparrow
Attends GSA
Regularly tells Anders where he can shove his musical numbers and snide comments
Roommates with Riella and Kade
Took online classes until Riella graduated so they could move together
Met Kade through Riella
Can’t handle spicy food and is appalled by the fact that Kade, Riella, and Sparrow are all fueled by eating the spiciest things possible
Refuses to eat anything with pepper on it, but keeps a shaker for his friends and sister
Nyk and him bond over being unable to tolerate anything hotter than a hot tamale candy
Likes driving
Owns a minivan
It’s unclear as to why he needs a minivan he just has one
He named it Elliot jr. as a joke once but now no one lets him forget it
Is super ultimate BFFs with Sparrow
Helps her around campus when Nyk and Kade can’t
Veterinary Medicine Major
Nyk, Kade, and Elliot help her around campus (still blind and thriving)
Owns a parrot named Chirp and guide dog that everyone is 95% sure is just a wolf that Sparrow illegally bought a service animal vest for
No one knows the name of the dog
Sparrow claims that Chirp can talk but only does it in front of her
Sometimes Elliot will also claim that he’s heard Chirp talk but no one can tell if he’s telling the truth or not (He’s not even sure at this point)
Lesbian ace and is highkey dating Riella 
Elliot pretends it annoys him but secretly he’s thrilled because he adores the both of them (he’d never reveal this but Sparrow knows anyway)
Attends GSA
Brings her animals
Chirp usually just sits on her shoulder, and the dog at her feet
Has super unruly hair
Only a select few are permitted to touch it: Elliot, Riella, and Nyk
Nyk will braid it sometimes, but Sparrow usually likes to have it free 
Roommates with Nyk
Nyk decorated their room super cute, fairylights strung all around it and polaroids on the walls (though I guess she can’t see them rip)
Nyk loves Sparrow’s animals, and the animals get a long great with Phyrie (except for one time that Phyrie attacked Chirp but that doesn’t happen anymore)
Dance Major
Not much is known about Riella but I just thought this’d be a cool major for her
idk she gives off ballerina vibes for some reason
Sapphic and dating Sparrow
Roommates with Elliot and Kade
All three of them share a bookshelf and love talking about books
They also play video games a lot together
Minecraft is not a competition but do not play with the three of them they will win
They share an ACNH island on the switch they pooled money for
Loves having her hair in french braids
Nyk usually braids it for her before classes
Ig Nyk just braids everyone’s hair smh
Wears rompers everywhere
Met Kade when a creepy dude approached her on her way to a class and Kade pretended to know her to get her away from the creepy dude
He started walking her to that class just in case and they became friends
Performing Arts Major
Super dramatic and way into theater
Has been out of the closet for years as genderqueer and pan (Prefers he/him pronouns; he’s used them all his life and he’s used to them)
Goes to GSA club and loves telling obnoxious stories
Has hinted at being in a relationship but no one knows who it is, and the club tries to find out sometimes (It’s Latham)
Grew up with Latham and they started dating when they were seventeen
Latham isn’t out of the closet yet, so he asked Anders to keep it a secret
Anders doesn’t mind at all, he’s just happy to be with the boy he loves :)
Was a part of marching band in high school, and still practices his trumpet in his free time
Regularly texts everyone a gross amount of emojis 
Latham and him moved in together when they graduated and started going to college
Latham does all the cooking
The last time Anders attempted to cook anything, the pan caught on fire (the cooking pan not Anders) (XDDD) (I think I’m hilarious) 
He’s not allowed to cook anymore
They each have their own beds but usually sleep in the same one when they don’t have guests (they are both huge cuddlers) (Anders is the little spoon)
Has a pet snake because he lives to be extra (It’s a ball python)
(I can’t remember what Anders’ phoenix is named so the snake is nameless for now)
Pre-Law Studies Major
Wants to become a lawyer
Absolutely talks crap about everyone he knows with Anders
Identifies as queer but is closeted
His family are all very religious and anti-LGBTQ+ so he’s scared to come out to them
The only person who knows is Anders
His father in particular scares him
His dad really doesn’t approve of Latham being ‘friends’ with Anders, ever since Anders came out publicly
Is decent at cooking (nowhere near as good as Elliot)
Doesn’t have a lot of friends
Kind of knows Tristan and Elliot but not really
Has a Pomeranian named Xane
He’s obsessed w/ little dogs 
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midnight-in-town · 4 years
I am interested to start reading chainsaw man, but I am afraid, that I wouldn't really understand the content. I have heard there are very bizarre scene, which you are pretty hard to follow
Hello Anon! Well, I only have one answer for you then: give it a try. :))
Starting a series is in no way a pledge to keep on with it until its end, but if you already have that little spark of interest, then I’d say it’s too bad not to act on it!
Overall, I think that reading the very first chapter should be a good hint for the tone of this series and whether you might like it or not. 
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However it is definitely true that it is indeed full of bizarre imagery and some parts are hard to follow as far as worldbuilding goes sometimes...
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...but still in my opinion, it’s actually a good reason why you keep up with it, always wanting to know where this is going exactly. :))  
Also most characters are crazy as hell and that’s also a reason why I need to know what happens next. xD
It’s definitely a shonen series with all its usual tropes, but Sensei remains quite unpredictable as far as battle outcomes & incredibly weird but mad universe go. You don’t have to like it, but you won’t know till you try by yourself. ;)
Good luck, I hope you’ll enjoy it!! Have a nice day!
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Hello! Hmmmm, well, it’s an interesting theory, but honestly I don’t think so? 
Fundamentally, I find they are more opposing than paralleling each other, because Kobeni is introduced as scared as hell of her job, while Denji is shrugging because he has nowhere else to go. Furthermore, Denji has no family left while Kobeni has like 8 sisters...
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and Denji isn’t one to give up on people whereas Kobeni was ready to sacrifice him from the moment she learnt he was a devilman, so I see them more as kinda foiling each other.   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
It’s indeed interesting that Kobeni found herself getting along with a devil like the Violence Devil (I just don’t think he’s supposed to be Arai at all though, because they don’t look similar + now that the Violence Devil is dead, it’d be too anticlimatic to reveal that “btw it was dead!Arai”), especially after being scared of Denji so much, because it might just be what keeps her on this job.
I mean, maybe I’m wrong since she apparently gave her resignation in the latest chapter (we shall see), but Kobeni hates this job despite being good at it (whoever she’s contracted with made her quite skilled) and getting along with some devils working with them, which is why she was still around in the story.
Meanwhile Denji is starting to walk the opposite path: he used to shrug about this job and putting his life in danger, because it at least gave him the life he could only dream about until then. In fact, I don’t know if you noticed, but the “contract” he passed with Pochita about showing him his dreams is full of “ordinary” ones:
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That’s why now it does feel like he’s starting to realize that he’s actually seeking a more “normal” life, rather than spending it working as Makima’s devil pawn or pet (for example by questioning his humanity while going on a date with Makima, by trying to run away with Reze despite learning who she was, or even by refusing to go on a trip with Makima to take care of Power). 
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So that’s kinda why I see Kobeni and Denji as indirect foils, because Denji has for now no choice due to his nature as a devilman despite slowly seeking a normal way of living, whereas Kobeni can indeed quit whenever, just as she always said she wanted to do from the start, yet never managing it ‘till now (and I’m not even sure it’s for real this time either, lmao). 
TL;DR I am not sure what Sensei intends to do with Kobeni’s character, because she’s skilled enough to have survived when many other characters died, despite claiming that she wants nothing to do with this job. 
Is she still going to be a part of the story? We shall see. 
However if she remains in the story, then I’m going to die laughing if Sensei plans to actually make her gain ranks like crazy and manage a unit, eventually becoming the bureau’s best devil hunter or something, with her still trying to quit after every mission (while Denji just keeps on trying to run away). xDDD
This was way too long! Sorry Anon, but Sensei is still a bit too unpredictable for me, haha. Have a nice day!
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neonwizardheehee · 3 years
since today seems to be a day of  rants have another one:
I don’T know why I still can’t bring myself to work.
am I just too lazy? in my mind all will be fine when in reality i haven’t written smth good.... thought it might be bc i don’t have ANY pressure. with my thesis i had smth at least and my sis and irl friends to keep me up. and now i obv dont. idk why it doesnt work online as well as it used to. mayeb I’m too goot at tricking my brain? have i come too accustomed to doing nothing?  i thought about shutting down my phone for a few hours but... insta is still on my laptop accessible T.T and it feels weird to not have it open. but i guess that’s smth i can work on - to be present in going “offline” and work. as much as i love being online 24/7.... i cannot focus properly like this i have to acknowledge that and focus on fixing that. bc i know i love uni ... so why am i not doing it? it’s not even that i have too mcuh stuff going on ... so it had to be the fact itself that i’m being “online”. 
- > be THERE for going offline
next thing is food...again i know and i hate it
i thought i had put my ed behind me.... learned better ways and accepted my body as it is. well.. joke’s on me bc as of now I’m at my lw for 7 years or smth. and i didn’t even diet. but i know that I’m eating shitty. bc of my t1d i don’T really have an appetite anymore (meaning i don’T pay it any attention) but now i don’T even get hungry. I can’T eat as much as i used to...which was a low normal amount i’d say. so yes it’s bad. and usually it fixes itself once i recongized this and figured out how to not do that anymore. not this time tho????? I’m tired all the time, I don’t have motivation or strength to do anything. I’m afraid to do sports T.T i don’t want that!!! last year it took me half a year to healthily loose 3kg and now when i think... i might’ve even lost more in the last 2 T.T that is so so scray T.T i wanted to do research and one tiktok kicked me even more back into that ed fear. tbh i just want to cry. i don’t want to loose my energy! why am i so afraid of doing sports? idk why i just can’T bring myself to eat - i fucking love eating???? coffee and sometimes cheese is the only thing i look forward to sometimes - the rest is just “ugh i gotta eat” T.T that is not me - that never was me T.T why now huh? T.T  shit is so personal i dont even know who and what to ask tbh... i’m so scared and i don’t even know why T.T maybe it’s a mental thing? 
the last month kicked me really mentally with the semester ending, me missing my friends, me recognizing how bad 2021 will be and how much of my usual self i lost bc i can’T bring myself to do the things i used to love. T.T 
tbh the only thing that keeps me happy is talking to my girl and making memories with her. altho the missing is real - that’s new for me too and maybe i’m reacting more badly than i thought. or i just got too much into my head with all the ffs i’m reading as a coping mechanism. maybe watching gotham fucked me up more then i imagined. who knows. not me.
today i downloaded and food tracker app again and i already want to cry. bc i wanted to hurt myself more i checked the history of that app and wow I’m sad again. idk why IDK WHY this is happening. pls let me just work on my papers and enjoy my time with my girl???? why do i have such sad thoughts? T.T 
when i tried to explain my uni problem to my parents they said to make myself a schedule and goals - and i wanted nothing more than to cry bc i know i cannot do that.
i think i’m slowly realizing that for me life before was better - before everyone cared about mental health - u only had to be a functioning human and be the best . that was smth i liked to do and i was good at it. now after the issues kept piling up and got names.... it get’s more scary for me since i find excuses to be not-functioning. whether it’s uni, t1d or sports .. practically anything T. T
now everything seems like a chore i can do but don’t have to do. and thus i don’T do it T.T how did i become like that? how can i change back? 
thing is idk what my problem is. so i cannot ask for help even tho i want to and i know sb would help me. but idk what to ask since i became too good in downplaying......everything???
the other thing is... i have so many good things in my life?????? why can’T i focus on them? why do i feel the need to be miserable? that doesn’t make sense to me!
so another idea i have to fix this is give myself a new task. and not a task i do for myself (like make myself food to eat) but to do smth for others again! seeing it as i work better when others have expectations for me and i work around them to fulfill that - i want to do that again. instead of putting off posting o insta i should bring myself to post again and good content at that. so tell me to cook u smth for dinner or bring wine for a night out - i can make sure to do my uni work before and have brought wine and food! even dressed up bc it’s smth for you! bc even if i don’T care - you do and i should use that for myself. 
i want to be powerful and cool again - and i want to be really proud of my achievements and not bc i got lucky or know the right people and are manipulative enough to make people say what i want to hear :P
(fun fact: while writing this i had “my demons” had been playing in the beginning and in the end it was “when you’re evil” so that prob explains a lot hahahah XDDD no I’m onto Alaska Thunderfuck so HELL YES BIICHES)
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muthaz-rapapa · 4 years
Rewatch: Mahou Tsukai Precure Ep 2
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For the record, I am always going to be that little girl excited to go magic school for the first time.
You won’t take that away from me, EVAH!
Hello, hello again and welcome to episode 2 of our rewatch marathon!
Unfortunately (or fortunately, hahaha), I couldn’t make it shorter since I have to talk about everything but I did finish it by Sunday so yay~!
Oh, and I’m going to switch to using the terms “witch/wizard” in place of “mage” from now on. The rough translation of “魔法使い” (mahoutsukai) is literally “magic user” but it can also be exchanged with words like “mage”, “sorcerer”, “magician” so technically, it’s not wrong. “Witch” and “wizard” can also have more specific translations ( (魔女, majo & 魔道士, madoushi, respectively) but I still feel they’re more appropriate for MahoPre’s setting. It just depends how you interpret the context, I guess.
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Starting with the Snailiner.
I mean, it’s a giant snail train transporting you between worlds.
That’s so friggin’ awesome!! *squees* xDD
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And here are our Muggle newbies, taking in the inter-realm sights for all its worth.
But that’s not as important as OMGERD, Mofurun’s lil’ tail twitching in wonder and curiosity! KYAAAAA~!!!
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Mofurun smooshing her nose to the glass to get a closer look~!!
(੭ु ›ω‹ )੭ु⁾⁾♡
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Riko, however, is eager to get down to business and tries to get an answer on how Mofu-chan came to life...
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But these two are just too happy that they can talk to each other now that they don’t really care about the whys or the whats of the hows and UGH!
My heart! *clutches chest* 
God, we know Mirai has probably been talking to Mofurun since she could first utter words (and likely baby gabbled to her before that, too) but imagine how long that wait must have been for Mofurun! Never knowing if there will ever be chance for her to tell Mirai know how much she loves her and everything!
I’m so happy Mofu-baby got her wish in the end! <3
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Oh, Riko...
You’re in for a lot of these non-answers, I’m afraid. (^ ^ ;;)
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Next is Mirai’s turn to ask the questions and of course, she wants to know what Precure is.
We already know how this goes as a yearly tradition but it’s interesting how centuries/extensively long periods of time can embellish a legend so much that it differs significantly from how it was originally told or what it actually means.
The way Riko explains it, it’s as if Precure has appeared in the world before when in reality, Mirai and Riko are in fact the very first Precure (in this universe).
The conditions match up because (WARNING: SPOILERS AHEAD):
1) The “magic” (Precure) Mother Rapapa mentioned before her passing will occur when the two worlds come together again. Cue a person from the Mundane World (Mirai) meeting and teaming up with a person from the Magic World (Riko) to fulfill that prophecy. Also note that before these two, no pair like them has ever showed up since Mother Rapapa’s death even though the Magic World has already found ways to travel to the Mundane World and back long ago.
2) Mother Rapapa’s powers are implied to take on the form of Linkle Stones. That said, they disappeared when she did...until they reappeared with the arrival of Precure. We can take that to mean that Precure are the inheritors of Rapapa’s will, to reunite the separate worlds.
3) The birth of Ha-chan, Mother Rapapa’s reincarnation, happened after Mirai and Riko became Precure together.
So really, if I’m getting this right, we might have three versions of this legend: the one that is the most commonly known but not exactly correct [Riko’s version]; the one which is told by the oldest fairies/magical beings who lived in the time when Mother Rapapa was still alive and the world was still one [the original]; finally, the one that’s happening before our eyes where the connection and bond forged between Mirai and Riko can bring about miracles, such as the return of Mother Rapapa through Ha-chan [the true version].
The fact that Deusmast’s revival coincides with these events are anything but coincidental. Mother Rapapa knew she was going to have to face it again so it’s not a stretch to say she might have planned for her own rebirth in the present day to prepare for that.
Two girls who can bring the two worlds together will become Precure, wielders of Mother Rapapa’s powers. Said two girls will also raise and look after her future self, Kotoha, before she’s ready to face her true purpose. When the two worlds are in sync again and Kotoha accepts her role as a divine existence, then, combined with the gathered Linkle Stones and the extra support of Precure and every living being on planet earth, the reborn Mother Rapapa can finally be summoned in her full might to confront and defeat Chaos once and for all.
......or at least, that’s how I’m interpreting it as of this moment. I may have gotten few details wrong but see, this is why I need to do a rewatch. To find out how on or far off the mark I am.
I’m really liking this theory, though, cuz it just makes too much sense! compared to the crazy ones I normally make anyways, lol xD;
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Erhem, alright a break from the wall of text.
Mirai is like “Wow, that’s pretty cool!” because it’s not every day you’ve acquired abilities only found in stories and tales while Riko is like...
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“Wait...wut?” *PROCESSING*
And then...
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Proceeds to probably have one of the biggest revelations of her life and goes all creepy smiley about it.
lol, oh, Riko. You’re scaring me, darling. (^ ^ ;;)
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But jokes and laughs aside, you can see the differences between their personalities in these few seconds.
Riko wants to be recognized and respected so badly as a proper witch that she’ll even settle for using a shortcut through the Emerald or simply bearing the title of Precure to get there. Despite the fact that neither of those are synonymous with the credit and skill earned from hard work. In other words, she’d only be a witch in name and nothing more. It’s not truly her magic.
However, from Riko’s standpoint, you have to understand why she’s desperate. She’s got poor marks in the most essential subject for magic users and thinks something’s wrong with her because of that. She can’t handle her embarrassment from that ineptitude and if she’s tried everything already and nothing works, then she’s going to have to resort to more outrageous methods to get out of the dilemma she’s in.
This logic is filled with flaws and it’s terribly worrisome but Riko, if anything, is determined to make something of herself. She may have fallen down more times than she can count but she always made herself stand up.
It’s hard not to cheer for her and want her to succeed.
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Mirai, in comparison, seems more naive and simple-minded.
Riko’s excitement is not something she can comprehend right now because for one thing, she’s never had to shoulder the angst that comes with not being able to fulfill expectations that is, until the epilogue.
But rather than see this as a bland aspect of her character, we should appreciate that Mirai is a very stable, positive and warm person.
When Riko couldn’t deal with the frustration over her own perceived failures, Mirai never judged her for what she could or couldn’t do. She still wholeheartedly accepted Riko, unfailingly believed that Riko can achieve great things and still saw Riko as the most amazing witch she’s ever come across. Yes, even though there were more accomplished magic users she’s met since coming over to the Magic World, the one Mirai continued to admire and wanted to get close to the most was Riko.
It’s true that for a majority of the season, Mirai played more of supporting role to Riko at times and didn’t have any personal wish other than wanting to stay together with her beloved friends. Nevertheless, she’s always immensely cherished by the people around her for who she is. Especially Riko, who really needed someone like Mirai in her life. That Mirai places those she loves above any great ambition and later goes on to chase a dream of rejoining the two worlds so everyone can be happy together, it really proves how purely wonderful she is as a person.
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That’s cute. 8D
I’d be lying if I wasn’t reminded of Harry Potter when I saw this because it did.
But this is a magical girl anime where almost everything is cutesy-fied so I’m obliged to scream when I see something I think is cute! xD;
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This time, it’s Riko’s turn to treat Mirai to food!
Awesome! I like to believe they do this all the time. Riko takes care of everything when they visit the Magic World and Mirai provides when they’re in the Mundane World.
A part of their relationship that’s always balanced no matter what.
Ha-chan and Mofurun don’t have to pay, though, cuz they babies and it’s okay for their mommies to spoil them~ <3
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Shivery Mofu-baby~
lol, she even goes to touch it a second time like “Brrr~, this is chilly, but one more cuz it’s gives me the tingles, bRrRrRr~!!”
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That looks sooooo cool!
I love mandarin oranges and I’ve ate them slightly chilled before. They’re great. 
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But eating one in this manner? I wanna try, I wanna try!
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( ☉ω⊙)
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(๑ˊ͈ ॢꇴ ˋ͈)〜♡॰ॱ
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Mirai’s so enjoying every moment of this impromptu trip and Riko’s quite satisfied that she can impress someone for once.
But then there’s that dreaded crunching noise and, well...
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The mouth can’t lie while eating, after all, lol.
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Ok, Riko’s faces are the best.
She went from “Are you serious, don’t make me look bad, plz” to “Shoot, these are hard as rocks, oh no, how do I protect my vulnerable image in front of this Muggle?! *sweats*”
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In the end, she dodged it with tsun, hahaha
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So they finally arrive in the Magic World and frankly, it’s a beautiful place. Is every piece of land a floating island?! I want to live there! :D
Also, yes, while StarPre did take extra steps in worldbuilding, there are few things you gotta remember:
1) MahoPre aired before StarPre did, so it should be expected for later seasons to improve on what their predecessors brought to the table. Seeing as MahoPre and StarPre had the same series coordinator, Isao Murayama, I’d say he definitely got better when it came to this topic.
2) MahoPre only had one foreign world in its setting while StarPre had many planets since it dealt with space.
3) MahoPre still did what a lot of other Precure seasons opted not to do: give the main characters free access to explore and learn about other worlds. 
Seriously, the “fantasy land seized by darkness/evil and needs to be saved by girls from another dimension” plot is present in almost every installation of this tv franchise that it’s just refreshing to not be restricted by those limits for once.
I could go on but I think I’ve made my point. :P
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Riko said the Magic Academy is at the center of the Magic World. So does that mean it’s the highest authority on all matters regarding magic? Because I don’t recall anything about the Magic World having an actual government.
Well, anyways, I suspect that all the students’ wands are registered with the school otherwise that’d be a huge security risk if anyone can just open the gate with a simple spell. (o_o ;;)
Oh, and look, it’s the kitty from Riko’s metro pass! :D
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Same, Mirai.
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Here’s MahoPre’s version of McGonagall. Strangely enough, we never got a name for her. Same for the Headmaster. They were always addressed as just their faculty names.
Anyways, she’s as stern and strict as you’d expect of any teacher but even so, I don’t find her disapproval towards Riko’s actions to be too unfair or too harsh.
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I mean, c’mon, if you were in her position and found out that one of your students broke a bunch of rules overnight only for them to come back with an outsider and this explanation, wouldn’t you react the same way she did?
The lady’s just doing her job.
Plus, her anger is justified because not only did Riko break the rules and exposed their kind but she could’ve really gotten hurt out there all by herself as well. Riko didn’t even bring any money with her for food, for crying out loud.
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I’m sorry, Riko, as much as I’d like to give in to those puppy dog eyes (aaaahhhh, don’t look at me like that, you cutie~!), the professor’s right about this one.
Still, all things considered, she doesn’t outright expel Riko. Not because she doesn’t have that authority, I don’t think (that lies with the Headmaster), but it seems to me she might’ve wanted to find an alternative punishment as expulsion might be too cruel. 
She even gave Riko fair warning not to leave the room until she found the Headmaster to discuss what to do next and when she saw Riko running around campus later despite that order, she freaked out in concern. 
“Do you want to be expelled, Riko-san?!”
So yea, I’'d like to believe the Deputy Headmistress, at least, didn’t want to send Riko packing for home if it could be helped.
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That done and said, it probably hit Mirai just how much trouble Riko’s in right now. Sure, Riko leaving school at night without permission is her own responsibility to bear and the same goes for bringing Mirai back to the Magic World with her when she shouldn’t have.
But still, Mirai being here is a violation of the Magic World at large. If she were aware of that, maybe she wouldn’t have gone with Riko in the first place (noooo!) so that Riko wouldn’t have to face possible expulsion.
Fortunately, Riko’s a sensible girl and knows Mirai isn’t in the wrong. It was she who wanted to prove herself, after all. She was just too blinded by her hopes to think about the consequences.
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And so she revealed to Mirai that she’s actually a remedial student.
Like, Riko’s quite upset about the circumstances as it is but she still has it in her to be decent and honest with Mirai on her reasons for going to the Mundane World. It’s the least she could do for getting Mirai involved in magical affairs and taking her all the way here.
The search for the Emerald, suddenly becoming Precure, all these things were to show everyone that she can use magic effectively.
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Riko’s pretty much reiterating what I said earlier in the post but I don’t think she really understood the full extent of it. At least, not yet. 
She still wants the Emerald, of course, because her wish to be a great witch hasn’t changed.
She just realizes that yea, she broke the rules and no Emerald is going to excuse her out of the scolding she’s in for.
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Then Mofurun decides to rolypoly on over to poor, depressed Riko and goes “SO WHAT? LOOK AT ME, I’M ADORABLE!!”
lol, j/k, j/k, she really said “I smell something sweet!” which was followed be this...
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Riko and Mirai’s Diamond pendants glowing~
...honestly, they should’ve just let Mofurun do the explaining to the Deputy Head cuz it seems that every time Mofurun is within range of a Linkle Stone and announces its presence (“A sweet smell!”), they automatically start shining and voila~, the legend is real!
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Ah, but really, Mofurun seems to be telling the girls to not sweat the small stuff.
Why? Cuz...
......lol, yea, Mofurun knows Mirai and Riko are in for something greater than this little snag in the road and just wants to let them know to cheer them up.
And hey, she’s right. :)
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It got Mirai motivated, at least, to go and explain things to the Headmaster herself. Maybe if a Muggle can prove she performed magic as Precure, they’d let Miko off the hook because then they’d realize she was telling the truth.
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Again, Riko is surprised by the lengths Mirai’s willing to go for her. They can’t really be called strangers anymore after all that’s happened but they haven’t known each other long enough (it hasn’t even been 24 hrs yet!) that they can call each other friends yet either.
So why Mirai’s doing this, when there aren’t a lot benefits for her, simply baffles Riko.
*whispers* That’s what a best friend is, Riko-chan~
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Meanwhile, Mirai, of course, doesn’t know her way around the school, much less who the Headmaster is or what he looks like, but that’s okay because she’s sooooo cute! x3
And maybe it’s a good thing this happened during spring break? Otherwise, she’d be catching the attention of the other students and faculty and she’d have a hard time getting to where she needed to go.
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Like this when a breeze just drifted through the air and she suddenly got a feeling that she’s gotta go THAT way.
Humuhumu...yea, I don’t think it’s just the Precure powers that’s at work here. Mirai does have innate magical abilities of her own.
I’ve got a theory on that based on some MahoPre trivia I read, about the scratched concept of her having magical ancestors, but I’ll save that for another time.
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Right, where were we? Oh, yes, the wind led her to a tree.
It looks like any ordinary tree but by judging by the way Mirai gazes up at it, something tells her it’s really more than that.
See? That’s her intuition. The magical side of it, anyways.
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And whaddaya know, the wind led her to the person she wanted to find, too!
‘Course she doesn’t think he’s the Headmaster at first glance and who can blame her when he’s wearing a face that young.
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But she’s not even thinking about the Headmaster at that point because did he just say wands? He said wands, right?
Yep, she’s got her priorities sorted out, haha~
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Back in the classroom, Riko’s lost in her thoughts and can’t really forget how Mirai’s been nothing but friendly to her since the moment they met.
So even though Riko finds this devotion weird, she still can’t help but worry about her and decides it’s not good to just let Mirai wander off by herself when she doesn’t even know her way around.
Kyuuu~, I love it when Riko shows her soft side, especially when it’s about Mirai. She’s always like “まったく ...” in an exasperated way but gives in because she knows she can’t win against Mirai’s niceness and that just brings out her own niceness, d’aww~ <3
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Now back to Mirai where she’s getting quite a fascinating lesson about wands. How every time someone is born in the Magic World, a Wand Tree immediately grows one out to give to that baby, how that’s the wand they use for life, etc.
That’s such a cool birth certificate! Can I trade mine in for a wand of my own?!
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I’d hold that thought, Gramps.
A Muggle isn’t just drawn to a specific Wand Tree for no reason.
Maybe the reason why it hasn’t generated any new wand for ages is because it was waiting for someone like Mirai, a resident of the other world, to show up.
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But as expected of the Headmaster, he could immediately tell Mirai’s not from their world and asks what she’s doing here.
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Mirai tells him she needs to find the Headmaster and the way she holds Mofurun tighter to her (KYAAAAA~!!!) when the subject turns over to Riko says a lot about how she can’t let Riko’s life get ruined just because she broke a few rules.
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Not when Riko saved what was most important to her. To the world, it might have been nothing but a small gesture of kindness but that same gesture is what meant the world to Mirai.
That’s why she has to return the favor to Riko. Riko helped her and now it’s her turn and that means...
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Please take a moment to squee at rolypoly Mofurun part 2 first.
We good? Okay, back to regular programming...
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These are Wand Trees so I’m sure they’re sentient and can sense the sincerity in Mirai’s words along with her magic potential.
For that...
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She gets her very own wand!
*gasp* And oh my, what a pretty wand it is! It suits my baby very well!
I am very pleased! 8D
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Not only is Mirai sincere, she’s well-mannered as well.
And Mofurun, too. What good children they are. :D
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The magic tree just granted her something meant to conjure magic with.
What do you think she’s going to do with it if not that? Use it as a back scratcher?!
That aside, I forgot about this. So it was the supernatural forces that dictated Mirai should be allowed into the magic realm and not because of the Headmaster’s decision.
I like that.
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Then Batty shows up and starts destroying everything in search for them and Mirai immediately leaves to go find Riko.
I’m not sure if it’s because she knows she needs to be with Riko in order to transform into Precure or if she’s simply worried about Riko or both or what. But Mirai doesn’t even think twice about the dangers of facing Batty alone when a person she cares about is somewhere in the crossfire.
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And it’s so clear that Mirai cares about the world Riko comes from. Not just because it’s Riko’s school and home but also because she has great respect for magic users in general. 
She’s dreamed of meeting them for a long time and though they’re hesitant to welcome her because she’s a normal human (aka not like them), that doesn’t stop her from doing what’s right. When Batty tries to order her around, she defiantly (and G-ratedly) flips him off for all the havoc he’s making.
Yep, she’s not afraid of the bad guys, my brave little girl~ <3
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Riko’s timing and aim are impeccable as always, lol
She’s almost like a human missile! xD;
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That’s right you did, Riko! And you did a splendid job, bravo! *clapclapclap*
Mirai’s just relieved that Riko’s unharmed.
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I mean, if Riko’s still giving tsundere service, then she’s definitely alright, ahahaha~
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Riko can’t win against Mirai when she smiles at her like that~
Blushy Riko is so...too...adorable for words! x3
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Then they hold hands and yea, you know what happens afterwards.
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Frankly, the fight in this ep wasn’t any better or different than the first one and only a few short moments are worth mentioning.
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Like Miracle trying her best to not let any more damage come to the school and crashing to the ground because of it.
Even though things will go back to normal, with no signs of a battle ever happening there, after they get rid of the Yokubaru and all (but then again, they didn’t know that...did they??)
She’s too nice, jeez...
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Magical checking if her partner is okay and Miracle brushing it off like “Whoopsie!”
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And Magical getting irritated again but whup, no time for that, gotta protect Miracle!
Haha~!! xDD
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Anyways, the biggest moment that needs to be discussed is this one when Magical’s almost doubting whether saving the school’s worth it since she’s in for expulsion anyway because she disobeyed the Deputy Headmistress.
Hmmm, I’m not criticizing her or calling her self-centered or anything. It’s just that it’s obvious Riko has weighed herself down with too many negative thoughts that it’s hard for her to see there’s still something she can do.
She’s Precure now so regardless of whether she gets expelled or not, she’s one of the only people there who can stand up to that monster.
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And like Miracle said, nothing has been decided yet. They can still persuade the Headmaster to let Riko stay at school.
If they don’t at least try, then it’s guaranteed they’ll only get nothing out of it.
And that’s hardly the ending anyone wants, right?
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Whatever the outcome may be, Mirai’s determined to do her best for Riko. If it’s too much for Riko to bear alone, Mirai will be there to support her.
Riko calls Mirai a busybody for this but you can tell by her expression that she’s really grateful Mirai talked her out of giving up.
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Even Mofurun’s happy, perched up on high~
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Then they get their Linkle Sticks and perform Diamond Eternal for the first time and blow the monster away, yay, all’s well that ends well.
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Well, almost.
Thankfully, the Headmaster witnessed everything that transpired, sparing them from any need to explain.
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And not only does Riko get to stay at school (whoohoo~!) but now Mirai will be attending classes with her as well!
I guess there are endings where all’s well that ends better, after all, huh? Hehehe~
And that’s all for this week. Will try to get ep 3 by next Sunday. Bye for now~
19 notes · View notes
This is gonna be a really weird one, but could you maybe do a scenario or headcanons for Marco and Law having an “impotence” spell put on them by a witch they pissed off? And how their witch S/O would handle it?
I had no idea how to name this sorryXDDD Also I wrote it as a bit more comical so there isn’t really anynsfw in here in case anyone is worried xD
When a witch curses your wiener butyour gf is a witch too headcanon
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„Haha, I wish, but no (Y/N). I’mreally not joking-yoi.“
how did he piss off a witch? His hair.That was all. When that witch saw his head from far away, confusionspread through her mind. A stack of bananas? A pineapple? Justlooking at it was making her mouth water already…
then she sees the body attached tothese ‘fruits’. Goddamn it, it’s a man! How dare he make her hungryby having weird hair like that?! This guy deserves to be cursed!
and bam, that’s how everything started.Of course Marco didn’t notice the effects straight away but as soonas he wanted to get intimate with you things turned awkward ratherquick
okay, maybe he didn’t have a good daybut stuff like that usually doesn’t happen for no reason… so he does someresearch and even though he has a hard time believing it…that witch actually gave him an erectile dysfunction.
at first he’ll try to deal with theconsequences by himself and wonders if things will go back to normaleventually, but… they don’t. And now he needs to tell you
it’s a bit embarrassing and he’s notreally sure about your reaction… but when you start to laugh asMarco tells you of his problem, he simply joins in, happy that at least someof the awkwardness has gone away
no, he doesn’t know about you being awitch, originally he simply wanted to tell you of his problem so youmight understand why there won’t be anything intimate happeningbetween you two for now, but when you tell him that you have thepowers to reverse the curse, Marco’s laughter will cease down and heshakes his head in relief. What a fortunate coincidence.
but since when do witches even exist on theGrandline…? Now that he knows of your true identity, Marco can’t waitto learn more about you and your origins!
okay but first things first. If youdon’t mind, would it be okay for him to watch as you… uh, literally ‘work yourmagic’ on him?
Trafalgar Law
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„What’s so funny about this,(Y/N)-ya? May I remind you that this ordeal affects you just as muchas me? …or how else do you expect me to keep you up at night?“
he never believed in supernatural things like witches, even when he was little. Magic doesn’t exist,and neither do people who use it…
well, but all that changes when hetells that to a woman who claims to be a witch herself. All she didwas ask if he wanted to try her magical potion, but as soon as Lawheard 'magical’ his eyebrows rose like never before
long story short, fromthat day on Law knows better than to insult someone who claims to bea magical. Because as soon as she finished chanting her curse, he couldpractically feel how something inside of him changed and it made himslightly uncomfortable…
on his way back to youhowever, there was no sign of him being cursed or something. All ofhis organs are working normally, his skin doesn’t feel itchy… seemslike that old lady just wanted to scare him, but failed miserably
…and then it wasbedtime. Law and you are trying to get sexy. But what is that? His'scalpel’ won’t respond. Things go from sexy to awkward within asecond.
seeing how Lawimmediately tries to get away from this uncomfortable situation,he’ll excuse himself and go to the lab to do some research
why. Just why. Okay, hegot cursed, but why his dick??? And why can’t he reverse it with hisPowers or skills as a doctor??? It makes him feel kind of helpless tobe honest, and he hates this feeling of not being able to fullycontrol his body…
and just when he’s aboutto prepare himself to sail out and find that witch, you approach him.And when you tell him that you’re a witch as well, his eyeballs almostfall out
JUST A DAY AGO Law wasthinking about how ridiculous all this magic talk was and now he gotan erectile dysfunction because of a witch while his girlfriend, whoalso turns out to be a witch, can miraculously solve it? Is he even awake rn or isthis a messed up dream?
138 notes · View notes
astargatelover · 5 years
Watching The da Vinci Code for the first time - A documentation
-  About to watch The da Vinci Code for the first time. It’s about 3AM. Back of the DVD says the movie’s almost 2h30 long. Will approximately be going to bed at about 6AM. I gotta be crazy.
- Back of the DVD also says (translated from German): In the middle of the night the (…) is (…) Langdon (TOM HANKS) in the (…) director was murdered. His (?) (…) that of the Vitruvian Man (…) is the first horrible clue (…) and symbols. At the risk of his life (something something) Langdon – and from then on it’s a normal description, it’s just that that part is obscured by the library stamp. So I can confidently say I totally know what’s going on in this movie! *serious nod*
- Third highlight of the back of the DVD: Ian McKellen, grumpy-looking monk dude and a guy looking like Palpatine. And the Louvre.
- Also in the movie: Some German I don’t know (but yay!) and Paul Bettany. He’s cool; I really liked him in A Knight’s Tale.
- Let’s get this show on the road!
- …gotta update my media player. One sec!
- There we go. …where’s the always-on-top button? Ah, found it! Light’s off in my room; cinema time.
- Music’s already nice in the menu.
- Audio: English. (More nice music.) Subtitles: (Hey, they have Turkish on offer!) Off.
- (They even have subtitles for the trailers. But no extras. Am miffed. What kind of bare-bones DVD is this?!)
- 20 minutes after the first “about” up there: Play movie.
- Fancy title cards.
- Dude running. He’s gonna die; I know that much.
- Paul!
- *sigh*
- Oooooh, it’s Robert. That’s a lot of applause.
- (Btw, in case you didn’t know: I have watched Angels & Demons because I love Ernesto Olivetti a crazy amount.)
- I like Robert. Awesome presentation.
- Also like Tom Hanks. He’s great.
- Accents, y’all.
- Latin? Latin. Italian? No, definitely Latin.
- Ouch. Self-flagellation. Ooooooouch. Some religious people are crazy.
- Dude, you can barely stand. I’m a sadist and I don’t want you doing that to you.
- We’re only 10 minutes in, my goodness.
- Claustrophobia! I relate to that.
- Just let the dude take the stairs.
- Wow.
- Priests.
- Have I mentioned I’m not a big fan of catholics? Nothing personal.
- Also: Autistic Langdon, symbology special interest.
- French.
- Sophie! Heard of her.
- Strange happenings.
- Oooooooooh.
- French lady. I don’t speak French.
- *window jump scare*
- We don’t trust the police guy.
- Conspiracies!
- Fuck.
- “Once he starts, he doesn’t stop.” He’s like Javert.
- Climb out the window?
- More French.
- Oooooooh! They’re so tricking them, aren’t they? They’re not dumb.
- Bye bye!
- I’m sorry for Sophie.
- (I saw that part where her grandfather got shot years ago.)
- Here we go with the anagrams.
- Eidetic memory (pretty much) - firms up my autism headcanon.
- Can you even get that close to the Mona Lisa irl?
- Tom Hanks has a really nice nose. xD
- Langdon’s so good with anagrams.
- It’s like a scavenger hunt.
- Ooh, Musketeer symbol.
- Chase music!
- Flashback with crazy meetings.
- A smart! I get to bop someone now.
- Ooh, Les Mis.
- Backwards! That’s impressive.
- She’s so gonna make it.
- She made it!
- Bye bye, mirror.
- Paul’s looking angry.
- Someone got stabbed. I sense guilt.
- More dead people.
- Holy water.
- A nun.
- A rose line.
- Is he gonna kill her? She seems nervous.
- Red light zone.
- (It’s raining outside. Kinda sets the mood.)
- You stay away from that dude, nun.
- Saving a junkie?
- (Sophie’s a really nice name, btw.)
- He rambles when he gets the chance so much. Really reminds me of special interests. (And in case anyone takes issue with that, I should know. I’m autistic. I have them.)
- My parents just watched Knightfall. Now I know some about the templars’ fall.
- Sophie didn’t know they were supposed to protect the Holy Grail? Really? Huh.
- Moooooore French.
- Please don’t die, nun.
- That’s some scar under his eye.
- Those look like some anger issues.
- It’s the grumpy-looking monk dude.
- Seriously, I understand more Latin than French.
-  “Blood is being spilled” as he’s spilling wine, that’s great.
- Freeeeeeeeeench.
- “I don’t think he liked me very much. He once made a joke at my expense.” I relate to this guy so hard on the autism level.
- It’s the German dude.
- That’s some system they’ve got at that bank.
- You call that a rose?
- I’m with Langdon here. Safe passage?
- Aww, poor guy. I’ve got claustrophobia, too, and I haven’t even got a traumatizing event behind me. (I read that somewhere.)
- I like the driver.
- A lot. Nice one with the watch.
- Langdon, you look sick. Please don’t die, y’all.
- Poor Sophie. </3 Woah.
- How tf did that truck get there?
- That bullet. Smaaart move. *thumbs up*
- Ouch.
- Bye bye again.
- Do I like the police captain? I don’t know.
- The tea convo. xD
- Is Langdon like this in the books? I hope he is.
- How old is Sophie? *googles Audrey Tatou* (Ooh, Amélie!) *checks when movie was made* ‘bout 30.
- Yaaaaaas, Ian.
- Also please don’t die.
- (Both my faves in Angels & Demons die. I’m vorbelastet and can’t find a good English word for that.)
- Jesus was cool.
- Those helmets. Feathers!
- “Not even his nephew twice removed.” xDDD
- Is that paisley? *googles* It is. Nice!
- Just in case you’re wondering, I am typing this as I watch the movie. I’m not saying I’m not missing anything, but I like multitasking.
- *googles The last Supper* Wow, no cup.
- Genital symbols.
- Wombs open towards the ground, though. People with them aren’t constantly doing handstands.
- Have I mentioned one of my favorite movies is Dogma, which postulates that Jesus had siblings? I’m liking this conversation.
- “Companion meant spouse.” My gay ass likes this.
- If that is Mary Magdalene, though, which apostle is missing? Been wondering this for years.
- Scions. I like this.
- I’m all for sex positivity.
- Your time’s kinda running out, guys.
- Almost halfway through, now.
- Do you seriously believe they’re murderers?
- Why do you wear your police thingies like a blind man’s band?
- Was overall expecting a bit more running in this movie, I guess.
- Poor Sophie. This is a lot to take in.
- Beating someone up with crutches! Yas!
- Like, ouch.
- Do you happen to have a secret passage under your house? Would come in real handy.
- Oh, Zürich! Man, accents. Barely understood that.
- Frehehench.
- In my personal experience claustrophobic people aren’t generally fans of planes. That might just be me, though.
- Still don’t know Paul’s character’s name.
- We are leaving the country.
- That haircut. On the dude with the grumpy-looking monk.
- Does Jesus having a family beside his parents somehow make him less holy? *shrug*
- Police brutality?
- “Please”? Seriously? I understood that much and you’re a dick.
- This is, like, some Order of the White Lotus stuff.
- You need a mirror? You can’t read it otherwise? Huh. Well, I guess it’s just easier.
- I really like Lee.
- How many more ways can I angrily write French? (I don’t have anything against the language per se. I just don’t understand what they’re saying and that irks me. There aren’t even subtitles for that. I feel like there are supposed to be subtitles.)
- (It is nice, however, that they’re sticking to the languages they’d actually be speaking. I wonder if it’s all German in German.)
- Yo, police. Be more subtle. You could have laid a trap.
- “You can start with him.” Hm! xD
- “I could run them over.” !! Man, this is great.
- This is like a fucking magic trick.
- You know what, I wanna watch that again.
- The DVD did not like that, so now I get to look at the “pick scene” menu. At least there’s more nice music.
- Just out of curiosity… *checks* There are 24 chapters and I’m at the 16th.
- I can understand more French when I concentrate on it, but I’ve been too annoyed about it so far.
- Never had French at school, btw. But have a bit of a talent for languages. When it comes to those I can sometimes cobble meaning together from context and existing knowledge.
- “The French cannot be trusted”, sounds so ominous.
- As a fan of Angels & Demons, I am very interested in what the Vatican has to say about all this.
- Told ya we don’t like planes.
- Naww, Sophie. Arm pat, yas.
- How do you accidentally fall into a well feet first? Hmm…
- Saved by pigeons, wow.
- Paul’s eyes are super blue.
- Is he gonna get killed?
- What an old-ass phone.
- I’m worried about that newspaper.
- How they’re keeping the identity of the teacher secret is A+, shooting-wise.
- “Your identity shall go with me to the grave.” Did he know he was gonna die?
- Nice one!
- Is the second movie this long? *checks* Not quite.
- Seriously. Unnaturally blue eyes.
- Shoot-out.
- I can kinda see where Lee’s coming from. Don’t agree with the method, but…
- Did a shoulder-shot really kill him?
- See? Nope.
- I think I do kinda like the police captain.
- Have I mentioned my attraction to side characters?
- Oh, that tiny wound on her neck. I like the attention to detail.
- And those stained glass windows! Pretty.
- His mind! Wow.
- I wanna see this scene without music and special effects, though, to see what Sophie and Lee see. Must be pretty weird. xD
- Dramatic musiiiiic.
- Police captain coming through! Yas.
- Robert’s like “What is happening?”
- Man, those poor policemen with the screaming dude in the back of the car.
- Can’t resist a challenge, can you?
- It’s hecking dark behind that doorway.
- Can they get away with getting rid of all the villains half an hour before the movie’s over?
- Now she’s all Ghost Whisperer-like.
- I like the way it sounds when she calls him Robert.
- (Doing some more googling. Ah, it’s Leigh. I see.)
- Who are these guys? Something bad’s happening.
- Flashbacks and MORE FRENCH.
- Wonder if Robert and Sophie use the formal you in German. It wouldn’t fit.
- Sophie’s world is kinda falling apart.
- (She’s like Bethany in Dogma. Don’t know if anyone here even knows Dogma, but I love it.)
- Family reunion! Who put those onions here?
- See? Robert and I agree. Why should a family make Jesus less holy?
- I really like this friendship. I hope they’ll meet again.
- Checking if she can walk on water. xD
- Hey, it’s the Eiffel tower! And it’s playing light house.
- Blood.
- What? What is it?
- Wow.
- This music is real nice.
- 7 minutes of credits.
- Again, though: The music is nice.
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isaaccecilbryant · 4 years
In Honour of Valentine’s Day, here’s how I hurt my leg! (there will be blood)
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((So, I hurt myself on the 12th, who wants to hear (read) the story and see pictures! (I promise not to share the gory one mom keeps sharing with everyone). Buckle in, this will take a bit!))
So I’m down in the states this week, staying at my parent’s usual place on this side of the border, and the other morning we decided to head out on the hiking trail we always hit while here. I’ve done this trail nearly every time I’ve come down here, it’s a hour and 15 min hike for us usually so not a big one. So it seemed like a normal day for us three, plus our dog (my brother stayed at home that day). Our hike is going normally, we’ve reached the top of the mountain, mom and I took a picture together with the “pass this point at your own risk”, and we’ve started down the mountain again. Again, all seems normal, we’re being careful and were patting ourselves on the back for getting up the mountain so quickly this time. Then we reach the part of the trail that feels more like rock climbing than hiking, and we carefully make our way over this boulders of granite that are sitting right next to a sheer cliff. I have one leg up on one and go to take my next step when my foot catches. A lot happens in the next 2 seconds. 
My first thought is “no I dropped my water bottle it’ll fall off the edge!”
My second thought it “I’M GOING TO FALL OFF THE EDGE!”
My third thought, once I’ve realized I’m not falling forward anymore is “my leg hurts” and that’s when I see the blood. Not just red blood. No. Take what you pictured and add some black. It was DARK and it was flowing. I didn’t even know blood was supposed to be that dark. I see it pouring from my leg and getting soaked up by my sock and shoe. In my head I knew I needed to cover the wound, but with what?
When this all happened my dad was ahead of me and was just thinking “Gee, I hope Stacie doesn’t fall.” And right then I fell. Oops.
I’ve got what looks like a deep puncture wound on my right shin with lots of scrapes, and more scrapes on theleft leg, just under the knee, with a small puncture wound. Don’t get into a fight with jagged granite guys, granite always wins against human skin. So, short of being injured up on a mountain with fully equipped paramedics, I think my parents were the next best choice, despite our lack of first aid supplies.  Between the three of us, plus our dog, we had 3 used Kleenexes, 1 clean one (mine), and an unused poop bag for Karl’s bathroom break. I’m leaning against one of the rocks, with my parents having to direct me to sit down and where to sit, because I’ve started to loose my head. I’ve seen blood, I had a deathly scare, and I’m probably going into shock a bit.  Once I’m sitting parents have me drink what’s remaining of my water (the mountain got a good drink while my bottle was toppled over), and get me to put my sweater on. Mom starts digging for a tissue she can use and finds one of her’s that not terribly snotty and I pull out my clean one. Now we need to tie up my leg. I’m thinking one of the sports shirts I have on, dad’s thinking one of his socks, mom grabs the empty poop bag. She rips it open to have enough length to tie it around my leg, and after wrestling with the Kleenexes to stay in place, I now have a makeshift bandage.
Now I’m told to stand up. I do, and a head rush hits immediately. The mountain starts to float, and there’s dark patches in my vision. I sit. I can’t get down the mountain I say. Mom and dad let me rest a  bit more, drink some more water and tell me, I had no choice. We were over half way up this mountain. The only other way down was via helicopter. Seeing as we’re in the US, and an ambulance alone costs and arm and a leg, we’re noting getting me airlifted down. 
I take a few deep breaths, hold back the tears I so badly wanted to cry, and head down the trail. We proceeded with dad first with me clinging to his shoulder and mom behind me, holding on to my shirt. They were not going to let me fall again. We go slow, with dad helping me over any rocky parts of the trail, with me wondering just how long this will take. Eventually we hit the half way point, marked by a set of stone stairs, and I start to feel better. The poop bag is holding pressure on the wound and keeping it from bleeding for our trek down, and I know the path is going to start leveling out soon. I’m still telling myself to not cry and hold myself together, but I’m able to joke with my parents about it, though I probably apologized 4-6 times on the way down. At long last we make it to the car. I’m loaded into the front seat and we head home to clean me up, while mom starts googling where we should go for a doctor, because we all can tell this needs medical attention. 
We stop briefly at home to prop me up on the side of the bathtub with dad trying to clean out the right leg injury, and I’m to attend to my left leg. Cleaning your own wound is hard because it HURTS. Thankfully the left didn’t need much cleaning out. My socks are changed because the one got decently bloody, and mom takes me to a walk in medical clinic nearby. Mom says the wait wasn’t bad, but when you’re the person with a bloody leg and potential infection and all you want is for a doctor to clean it up a normal wait time feels like a life sentence. Mom made sure I’d have something to keep me distracted, so I brought my 3DS and played some Fire Emblem: Conquest since those maps will easily chew up an hour. I’m feeling decently unnerved at this clinic. The waiting room is too...sterile and professional looking to make me feel welcome, and having to fill out my whole medical history, plus my parents’, plus my siblings, plus this that and the other thing is stressing me out.
Finally I am called to the back. My weight is taken (and it’s brag worthy 😎) along with my temperature with is up to 100 degrees, but I figure I’ve been hiking with 2 sweaters on plus my body possibly wanting to fight a possible infection. Mom and I then sit in the doctor’s office and wait some more. Thankfully there was a TV in there was a very exciting car chase on to watch (50 min to catch a criminal who seemed to have jumped right out of a Grand Theft Auto game). Then my doctor comes in, Dr. R we’ll call him. He is pleasant and asks what I did, and later tells me he did the same a week before his wedding and boy was he in trouble with his bride for that. So after he spends an agonizing year (mom says it was only 5 minutes) of his shooting me with saline solution to clean my cut, he dresses it and wraps it up neatly and tell my mom what kinds of things to buy because I will need my dressings changed about 3 times a day. Then he leaves and my nurse comes in.
I have a deep cut on my leg.
A deep cut from a slab of granite.
Granite that people have been hiking over every day for god knows how many years.
I needed a tetnus shot.
Nurse has me flop onto my stomach and pulls down part of my pants. I warn her I usually need a baby needle when I get the flu shot and likely will be the same for my glut. She is wonderful and complies. She then asks if I’d like to know when she’s going to poke.
“No, don’t. That’ll make my clench.”
So, I hold mom’s hand, take a deep breath and then feel the poke. It took me a second or two after the needle came out to realize I was still crushing my mom’s poor hand and let go. 
“Sorry mom.”
“Just don’t make me do it when you have kids.” Mom teases, quite surprised by my grip strength.
I fix my pants, we gather the things the doctor gave us, settle the bill of $100 for the visit and $40 for the needle in my butt, and head out to the pharmacy to get the other things we need. Finally, I can sit at home! I make camp on the couch facing the TV with my 3DS and phone, and get cozy. I got to enjoy being babied for a bit, as when mom decided that listen to grown adults argue like children on TV was annoying, I called out “put on Gravity Falls” as dad flipped through the TV listings.
Mom made him put on Gravity Falls XDDD
So if you want, here’s a picture of my left leg and my covered right let:
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That right wound is still pretty grisly and even I don’t want to look directly at it more the necessary, so I’ll spare you all. Only down side of all this is 1) I can’t sit in the hot tub here because that’s too great of a risk for infection and 2) this little monster chewed up my bloody sock, so now he has a taste for human blood. He might eat me some day soon...
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wintryethereal · 6 years
Reviewing Brea's Stuff - BTS Soulmate AU (2/2)
PART 2/2 (Rap Monster, Jin, J-Hope, Suga)
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HI! \(OwO)/
I want to draw ya'll's attention to one of my friends: @jimin-jungshook-over-literalbae. She's a k-pop reaction/scenario/text writer, and not only have I missed her as a friend so much during my long hiatus, I've also missed her writing. Thankfully, there's a lot for me to catch up on! She asked me to give my opinions on her BTS AUs, and with her permission, I've turned my reviews it into a bit of advertising! If you wanna read the stuff I did, ya'll don't have to scroll super far to find it all. I'll be reviewing each AU from a Reader's Standing (silly, sometimes improper sentences; sO MUCH swearing; caps lock) and from a Critic's Standing (second reading; at least one paragraph).
Yes, that was copy-pasted, but you never know, someone might stumble onto this and be wondering why I'm doing it.
Let's get into this again! >o<
Rap Monster (Reader's Standing):
Back-up back stage manager Y/N while the official person is sick, interesting
'His voice, though muffled by the door, is attractive and masculine'—Yes, yes it is.
Shaking hands with soulmate warmth/fire, ooh, wow, that's really cool! I love that, Brea.
'You could feel when he was getting closer, that warmth growing within you'—Is Y/N therefore hot or cold? Hot, definitely hot.
Yes, Namjoon is gorgeous.
Y/N is secretly OCD while sweeping, I just know it.
Fated finding of Namjoon's phone is fated.
Intensifying level of heat to a bonfire was really nice to read, good metaphors, ooh.
He backed Y/N into the dressing table liKE A MONSTER. Yeah all right I need to chill. Brea, do you have some water I could drink, right quick?
*Oh no there's a typo, it's 'breathe' instead of 'breath'. I'm fine. This is OK. :D*
Ooh, Namjoon sensing where Y/N is with heat is such a cool thing!! I love that so much?!
'His fingers burn against the cool skin of your cheek'—*Hisses to add affect* OK wow that was hot. >:)
Y/N confessing their attraction to Namjoon is a win
Ooh yes, slightly possessive Namjoon is treat
Evenings spent together? Yes to a classic romance trope.
Fire becomes uncomfortable when Y/N or Namjoon is upset and Namjoon even dispelled a situation, bless that twist
Namjoon's little speech at the end was so beautiful and ugh
Also thanks for the small kisses across the knuckles and—
Oh god it's 'breathe' instead of 'breath' again. Brea I know autocorrect is a bitch, you're not to blame, just leave the typos. XDD
Rap Monster (Critic's Standing):
The scenario for this AU was interesting, and how Brea made sure to remember Y/N's job throughout the story. This review is going to be far shorter because I'm literally taken away by how fun and romantic this was? Fire is such a classic writing tool, and Brea used it so well, in this AU, I just loved it so much. I'm pretty sure this will be my favourite, when I'm done reading Jin's and J-Hope's, 'cause I'm sitting here and I can't find anything I would want to improve on this scenario, in terms of how it played out. Brea, this was perfect.
Jin (Reader's Standing):
I wouldn't be just sitting outside relaxing, I'd be on the look out for sp00ders.
But good solid first paragraph, in other words
Our boys are here and they're disturbing Y/N oh dear
Scared by Seokjin, oh Y/N, he wouldn't hurt a fly. ;w;
Ooh. Soothing soulmate feeling, that's so nice, it's like, the opposite of Namjoon's. Wait, that was your plan, wasn't it? 'Cause it worked, I'm so blown away by how nice this is, so far.
Wait 'figures over yours' Brea you missed the word 'stands'. You might want to fix that, some time. No pressure, relax, my girl. Wait, that was awkward for me, probably for you too, I'm sorry for being a millennial. XDD
Very surreal paragraph as Seokjin helps Y/N stand
Breeze from Seokjin disappears and suddenly Y/N feels stressed again, poor Y/N. :(
Good puppy for apologizing, he's so soft.
Yes puppy smiles that blessed my afternoon thank you Brea
Yes, Kim Seokjin is alluring.
And yes he has a beautiful face
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA he knows right away when you hold hands!!!!!!!!!
Sorry for the amount of !'s but wow that was so romantic and I loved it
'I can't leave the children unattended'—Agreed, they're all children
Actor Seokjin is accurate, too
Heart emoji was cute oh my Lord
Good summary of Jin in one paragraph, demonstrates what Y/N learned about him
He dresses so softly though, ah
Loud laugh and mischievous, yep
Feeding Y/N food, thank you Brea, oh my gosh it's all so cute and just ugh
Aw they fell asleep on the couch
Jin (Critic's Standing):
This one had such a sweet aesthetic to it, it was so Seokjin, I enjoyed it so much! The guys messing around and disturbing Y/N's rest was on point, and Seokjin shielding Y/N from a baseball ball (try saying that ten times fast) was so princely of him. Timid Y/N was cute, too, and Seokjin again being a prince and helping them stand up. Not to mention the introduction of the calming wind soulmate cue that Y/N and Seokjin have, and how he immediately knows Y/N is his soulmate, that was just so... soap opera-esque, so well done and I loved it. Also, Taehyung apologizing and then smiling like the puppy he is was a bonus.
The first date was fun and pleasant to read, and as I said in the Reader's Standing, I really liked how you included things about Seokjin that Y/N know that ARMY already knows, it was a very nice and natural addition. Jin feeding Y/N was also a win, and the two watching movies and cuddling, then falling asleep on the couch, and Seokjin calling Y/N 'princess' before he left was just so smooth. I'd have to place this one as my current third, after Jungkook's and Namjoon's, who's still in first. Such a romantic and casual scenario, Brea, well done!
J-Hope (Reader's Standing):
Y/N is super busy in this one, hoo boy
Drink carriers are also called cup trays! I love how words can be called different words. :D
OK I need to drink some water hold on... yeah I'm good now, damn I'm getting tired of reading so much romance, my emotions aren't used to this much softness.
Bright red haired J-Hope is great thank you
Love hurts, hell yeah :D
Y/N works for advertising, neat
Ooh look, it's 3/4 of the hyung line!
Dancer Hoseok is accurate as hecc
Realistic company, very nice
'You might be blinded as if the sun were to glint off that smile'—Well, he is our sunshine.
Hello, 'taking a deep breathe' typo, nice to see you again.
And on opposite arms ooh
Whoa dang that was a long bow and dang Y/N straightened him that was a nice touch
Ye boys and girls it's a dinner date
The tattoo reminds Y/N that this isn't a dream, good catch there Brea
Hoseok admitting that Y/N looks cute was indeed cute
SHINE HOSEOK SHINE oh boy that car ride would have been fun
All the boys are here bless you Brea
Cute kiss is cute
And he kisses back of course, aww
AWEUROUEWI Hoseok's hands through Y/N's hair
Such a strong ending, Lord, bless this AU
J-Hope (Critic's Standing):
Y/N in this scenario is so relatable, they're a hard worker and—oh wait, there's Y/N's soulmate and it burns again. I'm serious, I'm not used to reading this much romance, I'm a little tired, want to take a nap but MUST FINISH, c'mon Faith, you've only got one left. That meeting J-Hope on 'accident' (it was fate, we all know it was fate) went together so well, it was very pleasant to read. Then they formally met and Y/N brought him to their office to review the proposal for footage, and Hoseok prompted Y/N to discover their matching flame tattoos, except each was on a different arm, and I thought that was a cool little feature. Not to mention that Hoseok bows low and for a prolonged amount of time before Y/N makes him stand because they think they're equals, that was a really nice touch. The car ride was fun to read, I could totally see Hoseok doing that. And we see the guys again—Jimin first, 'cause that puppy was so excited to see his hyung, apparently—and they seemed to have a really nice time. The fluff at the end was so sweet, and I just... it was so cute, I loved this one. Wouldn't change a thing.
Suga (Reader's Standing):
This one is probably going to dethrone Jimin as my bias someday because BOY IS SUGA R00D BUT CUTE AND IT FRUSTRATES AND PLEASES ME SO MUCH ugh, I love men
What a relaxing first paragraph...
Good reflexes, whoever saved Y/N
Ooh, icy cold soulmate. That suits Yoongi a lot, somehow.
'staring at him hand at shock'—When the 's' is an 'm' and you can't help but chuckle.
The 'hot' finger across the ice was honestly breathtaking to read, wow
He said 'holy shit' lmao thank you Brea I almost laughed out loud that would have been the end of me having a laptop XDD
Hoseok is here!! Hi sunshine!!
Casual phone number giving is casual and I liked it
This one is aesthetic too wow
Aw Y/N and Yoongi are both nervous about the whole soulmate thing that's so cute
'His outfit is casually sexy'—Bless you Brea that's such a concept
Speaking of smiles that pull at heart strings, that paragraph pulled at my heart strings.
Very pleasant and casual conversation between Y/N and Yoongi was really nice
The ice spreads oh my Lord that's so cool
The ice also might melt into Y/N's skin wow
Hello Jungkook and Taehyung nice to see you again
Awkward with words Taehyung and then apologizing real fast Taehyung was funny
'I'm glad I'm wrong'—Brea where is the 'I was'??
I thought the dog was Holly but nope it's Yeontan, my bad
Lmao at Yoongi's reaction to Jungkook's comment on how Y/N makes Yoongi happy
Soft kiss to the cheek garners more cool chills, nice
Dinner and movie with Yoongi was very relaxing. Uwu
Literally a very cool kiss, damn
WHY IS THERE NO MORE I'm a little sad now
Suga (Critic's Standing):
Never mind Namjoon's, this one was my favourite. I love how their meeting was so laid-back and romantic but had that literally icy cool soulmate twist to it, I absolutely loved this scenario. It was just a little more sweeter than the others because of how you portrayed Yoongi, and everything he did with Y/N. It was nice to see Hoseok, Taehyung and Jungkook again, and we even got an appearance by Yeontan! The way the ice spread and melted was so pleasing to read, and the little dinner and movie date Y/N and Yoongi had at his apartment was cute. I'm glad this was the one Brea started with, it was so so good!
I really hope Brea does more of these. I'd personally love to see Got7 or Monsta X (though Monsta X a little more, because Wonho has taken over my life). That's it, I'm out of here. >w< Go follow Brea. Do it.
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agentkatie · 6 years
Ok, gotta tell you: a parenting drabble/one shot written by you with Cullen and Shepard would be hilarious and priceless xDDD
You (and @kagetsukai​) are the best/worst influences :P I got incredibly carried away, but here it is!
Sunday Lunch
Shepard and Cullen play host to their daughter’s new boyfriend. It goes, predictably, terribly.
2989 words, Cullen x Shepard (also: Baby!ShepRutherford x Baby!FenHawke), featuring fluff, teenage angst, questionable parenting, and a hint of NSFW at the end.
“I refuse. I categorically refuse, Moll.”
Shepard sighed, abandoning her dough to face her pouting husband. Many things about Cullen had softened over the years; his clipped accent had surrendered to its broad Fereldan roots, his formerly rigid hair had been overrun by curls, and his once-toned abdomen had tragically lost its war against pastries - but his stubbornness had remained, hard and unyielding. She would have preferred he kept the abs. “You’re getting worked up over nothing.”
“She is sixteen,” Cullen huffed. “She is too young to be involved with anyone - least of all with him.”
“He’s just coming to visit for a few days; they aren’t getting married.”
“I know they will not get married; they are just going to— to fraternise. Is that what you want? Our future grandchild, the Hawke?”
Shepard bit her lip, trying her best not to laugh at her husband’s petulance. “If that’s what you’re concerned about, I gave her The Talk last year.” Cullen huffed again, his weathered brow wrinkling further as he glowered out the kitchen window. “Does this have something to do with the Hawke family being full of mages?”
“It has something to do with the Hawke family being full of Hawkes.”
“Maybe Marian’s the black sheep; Bethany turned out alright. And Fenris is pretty level-headed.”
He looked towards her once more, one eyebrow arching in scepticism. “He used to rip out people’s hearts.”
“Yeah, he’s really cool,” Shepard said, unable to keep the dreamy lilt out of her voice. “Kinda hot, actually. Pity Hawke got there first.”
“Now you are just trying to provoke me,” he grumbled, though there was a twinkle of humour in his eyes. “Why are you being so calm about this?”
“Because, my lion, I have a plan.”
“Indeed?” Cullen asked, the corner of his mouth twitching upwards. “What do you suggest?”
“There’s no point in forbidding it; that’ll only make them want each other more. We’ll have to scare him away. I propose a very dignified Sunday lunch - during which I show him that, whilst his dad might be able to rip out hearts, Cassie’s mom can turn grown men to dust.” To prove her point she picked up her rolling pin, bringing it down against the kitchen counter with such force the wood splintered. “Any questions?”
“One,” he said, placing his hands on her waist as he smiled properly for the first time that afternoon. “Have I told you I love you today?”
“Only twice,” she grinned, pushing onto her tiptoes to kiss him. “You’re slacking.”
- - - - -
At the age of twelve Mal Hawke’s heart had been captured by a cascade of golden curls - his breath stolen by a fervent smile stretching freckled cheeks - and he hadn’t looked away since. It had taken two years for him to speak to Cassie without stuttering, another three to kiss her, and sixth months for his mother to stop laughing about it, but through it all he’d been unwavering in the conviction he would marry her one day.
His parents were less convinced. When Cassie’s letter arrived it took two weeks to convince his father it wasn’t a trap; a further two were spent persuading him not to accompany him to South Reach. When Mal eventually departed, his mother gave him a new sword as a parting gift, and bade him goodbye with the reminder that if Curly gives you trouble tell him I’ll kick his ass - and, like a fool, he ignored her, believing with youthful naivety the former Commander would soften on seeing Mal’s love for his youngest daughter. He spent his trip south scouring through her letters, committing facts on her family to memory; that her twin sisters could be differentiated by a cluster of freckles at Rory’s left eye, and that it was best to address both her parents as Commander, and not to question who was the senior officer. He’d even acquired a potted Prophet’s Laurel for David, who at thirteen years old was already an avid botanist, abandoning the family trade of hitting things for a peaceful life amongst dirt.
And his parents had been right to prepare him for Cassie’s father, who greeted him at the door with a glare and a handshake that almost broke his fingers. But they’d neglected to warn him about her mother.
“Moral of the story,” Commander Shepard said cheerfully, wrapping up her fifth consecutive tale of bloodshed with an unsettling smile and a manic glint in her eyes. “If you’re trying to stay incognito, don’t punch someone so hard you actually decapitate them. I ruined the evening and a perfectly good dress. Anyone for seconds?”
Mal glanced down at his barely-touched plate of food, his stomach churning as the congealing gravy turned to rivers of blood in his mind. “No, thank you,” he said as he pushed his plate to one side, offering Shepard a smile that was more like a grimace.
“You’ve hardly eaten a thing,” Shepard said, her voice sincere and brow puckered with concern. “Are you feeling alright?”
“Probably not, because you keep talking about decapitating people,” Cassie grumbled.
“He asked!”
He hadn’t asked; he’d merely enquired if she’d ever visited Starkhaven, after which she’d launched into a tenuous tangent about the time she’d attended a masque hosted by the Prince of Starkhaven. After an entire meal of such stories, he was beginning to suspect she’d never been to an event and not killed someone.
“Tell a nicer story, Ma,” Nova said, winking at Mal from across the table.
“Yeah,” Rory agreed. “Tell him how you and Da met.”
Nova pressed her lips together to stifle laughter as Rory nudged her indiscreetly, and with a sinking feeling Mal began to suspect the twins were setting him up. “An excellent suggestion,” Shepard nodded. “It was just outside Kirkwall, actually - right after I destroyed an entire race of killer machines, but that’s a different story. Cullen had been cornered by a band of Tal-Vashoth; they’d already killed the other Templars, but Cullen was still going strong.” She placed a hand on her husband’s arm, a soft smile blossoming across her face as she regarded her partner; it would have been romantic, if Commander Rutherford wasn’t silently glaring at Mal - as he had been for the past forty minutes. “Cullen is very strong,” she said emphatically, her smile tightening as she looked back at Mal. “He’d already killed four Tal-Vashoth by the time I arrived, but they had him pinned down. Luckily, the eight remaining weren’t much of a challenge for me. Have you ever fought a Qunari, Mal?”
She knew full well he hadn’t, but he found the courage somewhere inside himself to talk about a person who had. “No, but I know they’re tough. My mother says defeating the Arishok was the toughest battle she ever fought.”
“Oh, yeah; I remember reading about that. Something about her running a figure of eight around two pillars whilst chugging health potions.”
Shepard raised her hands in surrender as footsteps sounded just outside the room; David burst through the kitchen door, Prophet’s Laurel tucked under his arm and a wide grin on his face. “Bull’s here!”
Mal didn’t know who Bull was, but judging by Cassie’s expression he didn’t want to find out; her eyes narrowed to slits as she glared murderously at her mother. “You didn’t. Ma, you promised—”
“Oh, look; it’s The Iron Bull!” Shepard exclaimed, pushing up from her seat to greet their new guest. “Feared mercenary leader of Bull’s Chargers!”
Mal swivelled in his seat, the colour rapidly draining from his face as his eyes landed on the man she addressed; a heavily-armed, war-beaten Qunari took up the entire doorway, his one eye scanning the room as if scoping it for enemies. “Commanders. Kids. Hope you don’t mind me dropping by.” His gaze landed on Mal, and his eye narrowed infinitesimally. “You’re new,” he noted; with two strides he closed the distance between them, pulling out the chair next to him and sitting down heavily. “Finished with this?” he asked, grabbing a chicken leg from Mal’s plate before he’d even answered and stripping it to the bone in one bite. “Killing people always works up my appetite.”
“What have you been killing today, Bull?”
Every fibre in Mal’s being was itching to run, far away from Cassie’s homicidal mother and terrifying family friend; it was only Cassie’s hand on his under the table that kept him rooted in the situation, and stopped him from making a break for it through the kitchen window. “You said you wouldn’t do this!” Cassie yelped, her hand tightening around Mal’s.
“Do what?” Shepard asked, her voice so innocent Mal very nearly believed her. “I think it’s nice to have friends drop by unexpectedly.”
“Do you really think I’m stupid enough to buy—”
“I was in the area,” Bull shrugged, leaning in far too close to Mal as he scooped a dumpling off his plate. “Top secret mission for the Divine. You know how it goes.”
“I don’t believe you. Da, please—”
Cassie’s appeal to her still-glaring father was cut off at the sound of more footsteps, and her eyes flashed as she scowled at her mother once more. “Who’s that?” she demanded, but Shepard merely shrugged. “Who is it?”
“I actually have no idea; I’m just as intrigued as you,” Shepard said, her eyes lighting up in the next moment as she looked over Mal’s head at their latest visitor. “Seeker Cassandra Pentaghast!” Mal knew that name; he turned in his seat once more to face the woman who’d threatened his uncle Varric a lifetime ago, and though twenty years had elapsed since then she looked just as formidable as he’d imagined. “Right Hand of the Divine, Hero of Orlais, dragonslayer and all-round badass! What a lovely surprise!”
“I hope you do not mind me dropping in,” the Seeker said, her sharp jawline flexing as her gaze fell on Mal. “I am on… important business,” she offered, much less believably than the Qunari. “For the Chantry.”
“Perfect,” Cassie threw her hands up in exasperation. “Who’s going to turn up next; Divine fucking Victoria?!”
Commander Rutherford finally spoke out at his daughter’s outburst, his glare directed away from Mal for a glorious moment of respite. “Cassiopeia Shepard-Rutherford! Language!”
“Ma says it all the time!”
“In my defence, I try really hard not to,” Shepard said. “Cassandra - would you like some chicken?”
“Maker, what is wrong with all of you?!” Cassie exclaimed, furiously pushing up from her seat - although at five foot tall, standing hardly made her seem more threatening.
“There is nothing wrong with me,” Commander Rutherford bristled, eyes boring into Mal’s in a way which sent a shiver down his spine. “All I wish to know is why a man of nearly twenty is consorting with a child.”
“I’m not a child!” she protested. “I’m almost seventeen!”
“And I’ve actually only just turned eighteen—”
“Are there no eighteen-year-olds in the Free Marches?” he demanded. “Is there something wrong with women your own age?”
“We’re women his own age,” Rory pointed out as her twin fell apart in silent laughter. “What are you saying about us, Mal?”
“I hate you all!” Cassie screeched. “I’m quitting this family and becoming a Hawke!”
And with that she turned on her heel, storming from the kitchen and slamming the door behind her with such force the whole room seemed to shake. And following her to her bedroom would undoubtedly have him thrown out of their house, but the alternative - staying around the dinner table and quite possibly becoming the next course of their meal - seemed like an even worse idea.
“Oh, dear,” Commander Shepard sighed, shooting Mal a sympathetic smile. “That’s the Shepard women for you; an unstable bunch, the lot of us. Best steer clear.” She stood once more, busying herself with clearing the plates from the table and, once she was done, pulling a covered tray off the windowsill. “Would anyone like dessert?” she asked. “I made blood orange loaf cake.”
“That depends,” The Iron Bull grinned, leaning back on his chair and winking at Mal. “Did you use real blood?”
“No,” Shepard smirked back. “But I can probably find you some, if you need it.”
- - - - -
“I think we went too far today.”
Cullen glanced up from his book as his wife readied herself for bed, her silver-streaked curls free from her ever-present braid as she scrubbed the remnants of makeup from her face. And, loathe though he was to admit it, he agreed with her, so much so that guilt had prevented him from reading even a line of his novel. “It will get rid of the Hawke boy,” he told her, attempting to reassure himself as much as her. “That’s all that matters.”
“He didn’t seem very… Hawkeish.” With a sigh she flopped down next to him on their bed, propping her chin on his shoulder as he placed his book to one side. “He actually seemed like a good kid. I swear the last time we saw him he was trying to beat up a tree.”
“I think that was Hunter; he’s the older one.”
“She called one of her kids Hunter Hawke?” Shepard asked, scrunching up her nose in derision, and Cullen shrugged.
“You named all of ours after planets.”
“For the thousandth time - they aren’t planets,” she bristled - completely predictably - at his teasing. “A nova is an astronomical event, an aurora is a light display—”
“I know, Moll,” he chuckled, cutting off her grumblings with a kiss to her temple; she made a disgruntled noise but yielded to him as he pulled her closer, one arm stretching out across his chest.
“Plus, Mal is literally Orlesian for ‘bad’. Who names their baby ‘bad’?”
“Whilst I do agree, Malcolm was her father’s name.”
“Oh,” she mumbled, wincing slightly. “Well, now I definitely feel mal.”
Cullen let out a splutter of laughter, and she smiled up at him. “I suppose we may have gotten carried away,” he conceded. “We were a little harsh on him.”
“We put the fear of God into the kid. We were a lot harsh on him.” She sighed again as she absentmindedly weaved her fingers through his chest hair. “By the way - inviting Cassandra? A stroke of evil genius; I’m very proud of you.”
Cullen frowned. “I didn’t invite her; I assumed you did.” Shepard shook her head. “Hmm. She must have heard about it from Bull.”
“Or she has a sixth sense for protecting her namesake.”
Their bedroom door creaked open, and they both groaned at the sight of an empty doorway, knowing full well what it heralded; Mairyn lept onto their bed, wedging herself firmly between Cullen and Shepard with a contented bark. Mairyn was still little more than a puppy, Calenhad having died of old age some time ago and Shepard only just recovered enough from the loss to agree to another; whereas Calenhad had quickly grasped the concept of personal space, Mairyn favoured being as close to her masters as possible at all times. Cullen hoped it would be correctable with training; Shepard, on the other hand, firmly believed the dog was wilfully ignoring their commands. “Ugh, you’re such a third wheel,” Shepard grumbled, half-heartedly trying to push the dog off of her; she merely barked again and planted an enthusiastic lick on Shepard’s cheek.
“What do you think, pup?” Cullen asked, scratching Mairyn behind the ears. “Were we too mean to the boy?”
Mairyn whined, fixing Cullen with a look so reproachful he almost left to beg Mal’s forgiveness there and then. “I guess that answers that,” Shepard mumbled. “We should apologise. Tomorrow.”
“I agree,” Cullen said, and then to Mairyn; “go keep Cassie company. If she tries to run away in the night, let us know.”
“And if Mal tries to sneak into her room - go for the balls.”
“He can go into her room to console her,” Cullen clarified the command. “But anything inappropriate - then yes, go for the balls.”
Mairyn barked in confirmation, launching herself off the bed and then, tail wagging, stalking towards Cassie’s room. Shepard stood to close the door, blowing out the candles in their room before returning to their bed; he expected her to curl up next to him but instead she slung one leg across his waist, and even in the darkness he could still make out her mischievous expression as she straddled him. She leaned in to kiss him, her lips treading the first steps of a dance they were both experts in now; with practiced hands his fingers teased along her waistband, rocking her hips back and forth with just enough pressure to make her moan.
“I still think it is a mistake for them to be involved,” he muttered against her lips, needing the final word before his mind became too fogged by her to think rationally.
“Maybe,” she agreed, her talented mouth trailing lower now, pressing soft kisses to almost-faded scars across his shoulders and chest. “But maybe we need to let her make her own mistakes.” She paused and looked up at him again, her face suddenly fierce. “Although if one of the twins shows up with Hunter, I reserve the right to kill him.”
“What if Hawke comes after us?”
Shepard smirked, leaning back to pull off her shirt; as the garment fluttered to the floor she sparked up a soft mass effect field around her, glowing blue and ethereal and beautiful in the moonlight. “I’m fairly certain I can take her.”
Cullen chuckled, the force of it rumbling through Shepard as she sat astride him, and it felt like the perfect embodiment of their marriage; firstly that it was never boring, and secondly that they laughed. “So am I, my love,” he told her, before leaning in to kiss her again.
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tumblueberry · 6 years
It’s Tuesday, babey! Roll for story!
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Today in Serena’s adventures I’ve learnt that I should really prepare some one liners for my Vicious Mockery spell. I think that when one of my fellows said between laughs “dude, you had 6 days to think on something better!” he ment it. Now I feel guilty for not preparing enough despite the fact that I do my best not to fuck up and understand how to use roll20 dot net, to be fast and not being a burden, to remember how things work despite my lack of knowledge and experience. But I’m not an agile person when it comes to talking, words tangle in my tongue, I forget how to speak, I’m blank. But he’s partially right. If I know I’m bad at coming up with shit on the spot I have a week to get some ideas, so I’m going to look for one liners I can use instead of saying random words in primordial. I hope I can translate this stuff properly to spanish because in my own language I can’t find anything worthy, and Spanish is a good source of insults but man, nobody records that shit xD not the real good stuff that’s not calling women bitches and men faggots, which is NOT okay and will not use. SO, ANYWAY, THE ADVENTURE. We went down the corridor the duergars sent us to and explored the bare minimum until we soon found a big room with a well and lots of bodies. All long dead people. We are like, okay, whatever, these are dead-dead not undead-dead, so let’s keep moving. And we find a room, and in the room there was a girl, and the girl was like oh no the dwarves kept me here captive help meee! And we’re like: I don’t trust this woman but we can’t see where the poop is so let’s check the room out. So the girl says that she’s afraid to be left alone, that there’s a ghost outside, and the new member of our group says OH A GHOST? I’M OFF TO SEE THAT BYE, so he goes to the big room full of corpses followed by the gnome rogue and the cleric so I think they’ll be okay. WRONG. The ghost shows up and attacks, then the girl TURNS INTO A DARN SUCCUBUS?? The lizardfolk almost shoots me an arrow but we hit her hard in the end, COULDN’T KILL HER THOUGH because she ran away and swore she’d find us again. WHAT. Serena didn’t give it much credit and thought she was just saying to make them scared. Lizardfolk was freaking out though. Apparently fiends did something very bad to his kind and there are no more like him, he’s the only survivor, he said. Then he started kicking shit off and I let him be. Meanwhile the other gnome was helping from another little room where he found shit from the people the monk who died a few episodes ago was looking for. But he didn’t say shit so *shrug*. At the same time all this went down, pirate-halfelf-gnome team are facing the ghost and they kick its ass but... he curses them and they age THIRTY YEARS. For the half elf is nothing, for the gnome is a bit bad because he was already kinda getting older. But the human was 32 apparently. He turned 62 all of a sudden and he was so shocked and sad he lost all his sass in a blink. I feel bad for him, I can’t imagine losing 30 critical years of my life I mean... what happens 30 to 60 seem like really fucking important things before you die? xD Holy fuck. Anyways, we get together, we try to think on what to do and then move on. We want to find a cleric to fix this shit, we want to get out of this place asap. So we go down the next corridor and don’t open any more fucking doors xD I hear stuff behind a few doors but after I tell my companions they prefer to just go right to the big ass door at the end. We reach the big door, we go there and, to noone surprise, from the one body that is in that chapel like room, a ghost rises. There’s the tomb we needed to find to basically take everything we could from, and at its sides bones that turned into zombie ogres xd Luckily, we beat them up real quick and save our asses. I’m so proud to say that, after all this fights the only time I got hit was when I basically died xD I wasn’t touched by the succubus, the ogres or the ghosts B) My cloud of daggers is AWESOME, did 14 with it once (it’s 4d4 hohoho). Anyways, I went to the tomb and took everything from it and gave my companions what they asked: -1200 gold pieces - forge hammer - big hammer although i was told it was not a war hammer but it was for the cleric lol - really pretty axe for the pirate. We were supposed to give the hammer to the duergars as part of the deal we made but honestly... I aint killing no dragon what.the.fuck. So might as well not keep the rest of the deal xddd
Also, we got the ring we were supposed to take back for our employer! I really want to buy Serena one pretty new instrument and maybe new pretty daggers and also lots of alcohol. Lots of alcohol my dudes, she wants to throw a party to celebrate SHE’S ALIVE BABEYYY. If we can get out without the duergars noticing lol.
And so, we are in the chapel now and need to plan how to get outta this place asap. We’ll see how that goes!
And I will look for a list of that good stuff to kill people with insults!
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mook-pooltable · 6 years
Spaz Henry AU
ShouldProbablyStartTakinMeds: au where henry is joeyish but still the protaginist
unhealthily talkative skittle:he's completely reckless
he would want to see what would happen if he ran towards the monster instead of away from it
to see if he could scare the monster
ShouldProbablyStartTakinMeds-:he licks the record when he finds it
and tries to use norman as a jungle gym
bendy; kills norman in front of bendy
henry, waving both arms to catch bendy's attention; HIIIIII
literally every other henry; why are you like this
Halfus: hdjdddks
ShouldProbablyStartTakinMeds: once he tried to draw bendy in a flame design hawaiian shirt
yknow like the kind guy fieri wears
unhealthily talkative skittle: oh god
Lili: He still drinks all the soup that's the same
unhealthily talkative skittle: he drinks ink instead
regrets it instantly
tries to drink thinner
to get rid of the taste
ShouldProbablyStartTakinMeds: jeufebeh
Lili: Drinks ink again to counter that
ShouldProbablyStartTakinMeds: he tried to dive headfirst into one of the flooded hallways
Halfus: He smashes all of Sammys instruments and axes his way to his sanctuary(edited)
Lili: He breaks the axe faster than in canon because he just swings it at everything
ShouldProbablyStartTakinMeds: y es
he just keeps getting axes
unhealthily talkative skittle: yeah
ShouldProbablyStartTakinMeds: from who knows where
unhealthily talkative skittle: out of nowhere
Lili: The organ groans at him and he smashes it
Halfus: Mango
He wanted to dive into the one where Inky appears at the end of 2
ShouldProbablyStartTakinMeds: y es
Halfus: and he ends up on Demons head
ShouldProbablyStartTakinMeds: ironically enough, he DOESN'T immediately smash up bertram
he tries to play on him instead
Halfus: free ride
Lili: He tries to play with Bendy like he's a cat
ShouldProbablyStartTakinMeds: yes
Lili: He thinks Bendy is adorable
ShouldProbablyStartTakinMeds: laser pointer and all
when THIS henry is high on paint fumes, he's comically serious and does a batman voice
unhealthily talkative skittle: yeah
that is
the oldest joke
ShouldProbablyStartTakinMeds: yes exactly
unhealthily talkative skittle: but he would say something similar
ShouldProbablyStartTakinMeds: (he was the blacksmith all along)
unhealthily talkative skittle: “WHERE'S THE JANITOR"
ShouldProbablyStartTakinMeds: ncjsndi
unhealthily talkative skittle: “CLEAN THIS SHIT UP"
ShouldProbablyStartTakinMeds: y e s
this henry is just
unhealthily talkative skittle: the worst
ShouldProbablyStartTakinMeds: if markiplier was the protagonist of batim
Rosie: He's a spaz-case.
He would have markiplier's voice and (mostly) his personality.
Lili: XD he's the best I love him
Now the real question is: What's Joey like in this AU?
Rosie: Stone-faced serious.
ShouldProbablyStartTakinMeds: batman serious
Lili: (Rosie you better document this for Mook-Pool)
Rosie: Feck, what's the name of that steel faced guy from Fantastic 4?
He would be like him.
ShouldProbablyStartTakinMeds:he refuses to swear ever and is a ridiculous dork when caught off guard
Lili: What's his motivation
ShouldProbablyStartTakinMeds: the first thing that comes to mind for this dynamic is henry as deadpool and joey as cable
Rosie: OMG YES
ShouldProbablyStartTakinMeds: joey's motivation would be to revolutionize the animation industry
Lili: Oh my god
But... Murder
unhealthily talkative skittle: ohhhhhh god
oh god
oh fucking god
henry as deadpool
ShouldProbablyStartTakinMeds: henry is obviously less killhappy
but still as reckless
unhealthily talkative skittle: since he can't die
Rosie: Joey would be the pefectionist guy who has power to control metal (I think that was his power) with the metal mask. The one who's the arch enemy of the fantastic 4.
Why the fork can't I remember his name?!
ShouldProbablyStartTakinMeds: magneto?
no doctor doom
ShouldProbablyStartTakinMeds: magneto is against the xmen
Rosie: Joey is frigging doctor doom.
Henry is Squirrel Girl
ShouldProbablyStartTakinMeds: jdjxjsndn
Rosie: He's a masculine Squirrel girl
Squirrel girl is canonically the most powerful and undefeated hero Marvel ever created. Henry is the guy version of her
Lili: I don't know where this is going anymore
Also what the fuck
Rosie: She's defeated Doctor Doom with Squirrels.
unhealthily talkative skittle: the joeyest henry
ShouldProbablyStartTakinMeds: its himmm
Rosie: http://marvel.com/universe/Squirrel_Girl#axzz5GMqiHWGt
Lili: Okay what happens when he meets Alice
unhealthily talkative skittle: he calls her pretty
ShouldProbablyStartTakinMeds: he flirts with her
unhealthily talkative skittle: all women are queens
ShouldProbablyStartTakinMeds: he calls alice a thot when she steals boris
unhealthily talkative skittle: “that freakish, misshapen eye is looking lovely today"
[gets smacked]
ShouldProbablyStartTakinMeds: boris is his precious bean and he loves him
Rosie: “If anything happened to him, I would kill everyone in this building and then myself."
ShouldProbablyStartTakinMeds: yes exactly
ShouldProbablyStartTakinMeds: how does he react to sammy
unhealthily talkative skittle: I drew it in thirty seconds what are you talking about
ShouldProbablyStartTakinMeds: (also if this joey were to be stuck in a room with all of our other joeys, he would be In Suffering)
Halfus: HES G R E A T
unhealthily talkative skittle: if this hen were in a room with the other hens, they'd be in hell
and same with joeys
ShouldProbablyStartTakinMeds: yes
unhealthily talkative skittle: someone would pick them both up and switch their places
Lili: What do we call this AU
unhealthily talkative skittle: boss swap?
ShouldProbablyStartTakinMeds: Hyper Henry and Serious Joe
Halfus: dick aura swap
ShouldProbablyStartTakinMeds: jdjfnskd
unhealthily talkative skittle: impulsivity
ShouldProbablyStartTakinMeds: I like boss swap
Lili: Boss Swap!Henry and the Lost Ones
unhealthily talkative skittle: for once, he might feel bad
ShouldProbablyStartTakinMeds: the one time hes actually serious for real
unhealthily talkative skittle: he'd try and comfort them
he might be very dadly for a while and gather them for some Wholesome Human Interaction Time
ShouldProbablyStartTakinMeds: yes
hed try to adopt them all
unhealthily talkative skittle: story time with henry
Lili: :) yes
unhealthily talkative skittle: the lost ones would like this happy, giggly man
ShouldProbablyStartTakinMeds: henry; guess im just tough
joey; just yesterday you were crying over the lost ones
unhealthily talkative skittle: he's actually really soft on the inside tbh
ShouldProbablyStartTakinMeds: hes soft but hyper
hes still henry after all
unhealthily talkative skittle: yeah
Halfus: my joey would be super into that henry like oof
Lili: He's just as much a dad as any Henry
Rosie: He's a cross between Markilpier and Squirrel Girl.
ShouldProbablyStartTakinMeds: y es
unhealthily talkative skittle: oh god
Lili:He adopts everyone but aggressively
unhealthily talkative skittle: “I LIKE HIM! HE'S FUN!" - Halfie's Joey
ShouldProbablyStartTakinMeds: yes
Halfus: XDDD
Lili: “I’m your dad now"
ShouldProbablyStartTakinMeds: this henry is the henry of the chair saga
Lili-: Holy shit YES
unhealthily talkative skittle: “I’m your dad now"
"what did i just fucking say"
Halfus: c h a i r s
Lili:I love him so much
Rosie: Squirrel Girl may seem silly, but she can actually be very serious at times and she's very intelligent. So is Spaz Henry.
ShouldProbablyStartTakinMeds: boss swap henry would absolutely play with chairs for actual hours
unhealthily talkative skittle: I actually can't
i gotta go home
i'll draw him on paper when i'm there tho!!
ShouldProbablyStartTakinMeds: home in saaafe
lfls hen scolding spaz by dragging him around by the ear
Lili: I don't know that acronym
ShouldProbablyStartTakinMeds: like father like son
Lili: Ah okays
ShouldProbablyStartTakinMeds: aka rp henry
hen; you could get yourself killed!
spaz; yolo
Lili: When Spaz sees all the pentagrams he demands to know why he wasn't involved
Why did he leave anyways?
ShouldProbablyStartTakinMeds: he left because he and joey got on an argument and he overreacted
Lili: It was over something small but Hen just escalated the argument beyond reason before shouting "I QUIT" and Joey is just left completely confused
ShouldProbablyStartTakinMeds: y es
Rosie: That, or Joey lost his patience with his flighty friend.
ShouldProbablyStartTakinMeds: or both
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shiroekoyuki · 6 years
it’s not a fashion statement, it’s a fucking death wish & Give 'em hell kid~☆
it’s not a fashion statement, it’s a fucking death wish: Do you hold a grudge or let things go?
It really depends.
(lame storytime warning lol)
Like, there was this student when I was in elementary school and he was really annoying. It’s not like he bullied me horribly but whenever things happen (papers or pens go missing, etc.) he would always say it’s me just so he could enjoy making fun of me. I used to hate him a lot that time, but now that I think about it, I kinda forgive him for that. Yah, he might be a jerk, but he was still young so he could have simply been childish. Heck, I have done a good amount of things I regret when I was young so it would be really stupid to hold a grudge against that.
But there are instances where I do hold grudges. Now, for example, I’m having a real hard time letting go of a grudge against someone I’m living with. Yah. Living with. All my life. My mother finds it stupid and I totally understand why, but at the same time, I just can’t let go. Maybe I can try to not hate him, but I definitely won’t feel any kind of family love towards him. I just can’t.
And yes, I’m related to that person. No, I’m not being abused. I am just someone who can’t really let go of what happened. Someone petty.
I mean, it scarred me, ok?
Give ‘em hell kid: What are your biggest fears?
In no particular order because I’m a scaredy cat whose scared of everything:
Most bugs (cockroaches, spiders, beetles, bees, wasps, etc.)
People I care and love dying
Dying a slow and painful death
No more WiFi
… And I guess that’s it?? There’s probably more that I can’t remember. Ha. Even I lose count of what I’m scared of LMAO XDDD
Thanks so much for the ask!! Sorry if the reply was too long XD
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jagarledsen · 3 years
I have not addressed my tumblr in quite a while. Let’s go over today’s findings. 
“I get exhausted from overthink” 
* easily “distracted” It feels a lot like how I would imagine ADHD in myself if I had it. I know that I have traits from multiple mental health diagnosis, and my depression is supposed to mend those as well, but I am starting to think that the depression is lifting up and allowing me to express who I am and I might be someone with ADHD. Which is okay. There is a long history of zero tolerance for mental health issues in my up-bringing. To “admit” to having ADHD is like admitting I failed as a human and mental illness makes me feel like my dad thinks he failed as a parent. 
I struggle to find the line between “my father is” and “my father isn’t” the source of my trauma. I do not understand when I became so scared of him. Why his opinion mattered so much to me that my reality twisted into my entire life being to please him. It’s exhausting and tiring trying to live in a way that is acceptable to him but I can’t ever successfully live on my own because my depression was/is heavy and I can’t hold down a fucking job or keep relationships with any of my friends and it causes any live-together situation to go south and then bam I’m right back to dad’s. Every failed relationship and sour attempt to run away so I could breathe became a battle between who I wanted to  be and “LaKota”. I do not want to be her because she is literally depression. She is negative and hateful, has no empathy and gets off to the thrill of other’s suffering. She’s angry and careless. Gives no fucks to maintain anything about herself. All she wants is to get lost from reality. Part of me always wanted to go off and have a bunch of wild sex, do a shit ton of drugs, experience the darkest holes of society and have a true “human experience” but that freedom I desired was ripped away from me by my father at a very young age. I was not capable of digesting his intentions when he said “Only good/bad people do *this* and *that*” - For example;
“Young ladies wear underwear and bad girls don’t.” “Bad people smoke cigarettes and bad people drink beer.” “Bad people are always late. Good people are on time.”  This constant narrative that only bad people could do those things, and. I honestly think that... the reason I did all that shit I did when I was younger was because I thought I was bad. I sincerely believed that I was a worthless piece of shit that was completely undeserving of all things good and it spiraled out of control. I lost my mind. Something in me broke. 
I did the things I did - drinking, smoking, drugs - because I saw people who I thought were good people doing it too, and it made me curious - are the people who do those things bad, or are the things what make the person bad? LIke “good people can make bad decisions” - good people could smoke cigarettes. That would be the case if I thought I was a good person, but they only added into the depressing reality which became my life. When I started drinking, when I started smoking, when I started smoking weed - everything. Every major life event has lead me into another substance abuse issue. The thing is - when it was time to quit, I quit. I quit  I asked Wife if I could ask her questions. I want to know how our conversation went when she confronted me about my drinking and poor decisions.  I feel so guilty. How could I have done the things I did? How could I have ever thought any of my actions were okay? But that’s literally the point. I was a child lost in a world of adults I couldn’t trust and my only support system was other fucked up people. Except Rylan and Wife. They were the only two constants in my entire life and I think it’s because they are sincerely good people.  Wrote Rylan a message. Will post it after.  ------------------- “by remembering everything. its like utilizing the “voices” in my head which are basically just me/one me now but two constantly.  It isn’t like I’m thinking of extreme random things that have no relation. It’s, “I need to do task A but in order to do that, Tasks B and C need to be completed. I cannot complete C without first finishing H which requires two people--” and so on. Or - “I’m going to look up a leash walking video. This video promotes another video unrelated to leash walking, but a good video to watch along with leash guide. Open link - watch non-leash related video. See another video about dog tricks and training next level commands. Wait is that a hamster trick video?! Oh hamsters are so cute, I miss my hamsters. Now I’m going tot hink about my hamsters and go to facebook to look at old photos which takes me to replying to messages and the whole thing starts over when I start to google things I talk about with other people to educate myself and have information to bring forward XDDD 
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