#i’m on firefox
sevens-evan · 7 months
anyone else getting a 406 error on tumblr desktop
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deer-butch · 2 years
hey instead of bullying or scaring you into switching to firefox, let me tell you why i LOVE firefox and how my online life has improved significantly since installing it
- the setup process is easy, and even fun! if you’re using tumblr rn, you can handle it, and if you’re the kind of tumblr user who likes customizing your blog or tinkering with xkit, you can have a lot of fun personalizing really granular settings and picking themes and extensions and everything, it’s very customizable and i happily spent like 2 hours getting everything perfect.
- you can use a command line entry tool to change specific settings right from the search bar! i did this to make firefox stop auto filling my email information since i use a different password locker (which you should too! try bitwarden!), and it was easier than digging through a bunch of submenus for a setting i wasn’t sure existed. you can just turn shit off!
- there’s a preset theme called aurora that’s purple and VERY pretty
- once you get ublock origin and as many other blockers as you’d like set up, no ads, anywhere, ever! streaming sites, youtube, all the basics, totally no stress and no compatibility issues for me
- in browser screenshot and picture in picture functions!! holy shit i use these every day, the PiP is especially helpful, it replaced an extension i used to use on chrome and it’s leagues better and works on all video content pretty much
- overall better downloads management imo, it’s a lot easier to get to your downloads and find them later
- better bookmark system, with the ability to organize your bookmarks with searchable tags and assign them a shortcut you can type into the search bar to go to
- containers! you can have two accounts to the same website open in two different tabs and switch between them without having to switch accounts. also gives firefox the ability to contain facebook and their trackers, so you can click that party invite link without feeling like you just let mark zuckerberg into your house
these were just off the top of my head, i love firefox a lot and actively enjoy using it, which i never felt with chrome! please download firefox!! you will not regret it!!! where’s your fucking rage!!!!!! go!!!!!!!!!
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katabay · 4 months
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haccho and goro :)
there are so many things in this show I'm obsessed with, it's an absolute cake that has everything I want to sink my teeth into and I cannot stop eating it (literally, I think about it all the TIME) and someday I'm going to get my hands on the comic. but. until then. these two have some kind of hold on me
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underfell · 5 months
google chrome
Okay yeah I’ll give it to you, you got me
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artwheat · 1 year
Artists if you ever worry that your process is weird I HAVE to watch the hades 2 trailer every time I sit down to work or my brain will not let me do a fucking thing
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parasitoidism · 3 months
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I need to lock in on this poster man
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ozcarma · 11 days
If all the AI fragments could each take an animal form what animals do you think they’d take?
furries of the fandom help me
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hidekomoon · 11 days
tumblr’s ads literally open links ON THEIR OWN what the fuck
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the-raging-tempest · 3 months
Good news is I’ve been spending today setting up a new gaming laptop. It’s technically my partners old gaming laptop which is still an improvement. But it means no longer using a battery expanding danger computer LMAO YAY
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If I had to describe the way I feel about Mozilla in the tech space, I’d say they’re like American Democrats in the political space.
Like, I don’t choose Firefox because it’s the perfect choice. I choose Firefox because it’s the least bad choice.
Mozilla makes a lot of questionable choices. Their pro-ad stance is certainly one, and paying their CEO millions of dollars a year while their products and engineers struggle with funding is bad. Also, them leaning so hard of Google’s search engine money to keep themselves afloat while their CEO continuously gets raises is pretty shitty.
But like, I don’t exactly have a choice. It’s Mozilla or no more web privacy, just like its Democrats or no more human rights.
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>finally get into a solid DnD group after like two decades and finally join in on the ongoing campaign after sitting in on three sessions
>”oh shit now I have an actual reason to dick around on Hero Forge time to flood people’s dashes with new stuff, I still have stuff from early 2022 I never posted too”
>Hero Forge apparently no longer works on Safari on an old iPhone
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starheirxero · 9 months
wait genuine question. how does one make a wiki on a site that ISN’T the fandom wiki? like. i wanna make a wiki for a fandom, but not on fandom wiki. so how do i do that
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flyin-shark · 11 months
Are you more a brick-through-the-window or a cutting-breaklines kinda guy with cop cars?
Wouldn’t you like to know, Firefox user? >:3
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god-u · 7 months
the opps found out my tea omg…
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zoomire · 1 year
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I think Macy being the nervous angry wreck she is deserves a little jokester of a partner to keep his head up
And Aaron deserves a head strong partner to keep him grounded when their shenanigans get out of control
Their designs are based on future/next Gen concepts of Macy as the queen and Aaron as the Royal guard captain
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shibaraki · 1 year
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