#i wish to write a fic but im not a good english speaker
unknownhomosapien · 9 months
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Godryn felt a strange tremble inside the amulet. Or it was his own hand? Could have sworn that there were voices, but it was hard to understand what they said.
He also remembered, that masked man gave him the same one in the dream few nights ago. It was a type of situation, when Godryn had no idea what to do.
His foresight powers got unusually stronger since arrival to Vvanderfell.
He got too much attention from the people, like they afraid of him.
Masked man actually helping him to understand, who is he really are.
And damn amulet, that was thrown away, because voices are too loud in his head. Because its new question with no answer.
Au, where everything was the same, except Voryn and Nerevar got different endings in the battle of Red Mountain. Godryn Ovathur, the incarnation of Voryn Dagoth, decided to start a new life in Morrowind, a motherland of his ancestors, but he did not expect WHO they were.
•Nerevar being sharmat, but he is not identify himself as god actually, more like being blessed to save people of Morrowind from traitors
•House Dagoth actually awake only because Dagoth' descendants. Its them being capable to spread coprus
•Nerevar "recruiting" only Dissident Priests and ashlanders. Instead of nightmares he shows what could be if Tribunal and Empire wasn't in rule. Yea, basically roasting them, lmao
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thewarriorspecial · 6 months
A long post on writing and languages and insecurities
I went ahead and started in the translation project because I’m excited for it but also I’m seeing a pattern developing in the poll and I like to deliver.
the amount of colloquial expressions that I use for tone and dialogue just…don’t translate. This will be my biggest hurdle. I’m far from fluent. I’m leaning on online translation tools to get the noun or verb I need and then conjugation charts to try to match the tense of the story.
if you’ve politely not mentioned that I cannot spell or conjugate in my mother tongue, thank you, but take solace that I know and I’m so much more aware of it now lol. I feel like I’m better at English by trying to learn other languages. Hm that’s a sad thing to type. Moving on.
I think I’m going to be brave and try to make friends with the French and Spanish speakers at the new job and maybe like talk to them to learn. My skills always degrade because I watch stuff or read but I don’t actually speak so it’s like there’s this enormous downed tree in my mind and I just don’t have the ability to jump it so instead of responding in the target language, my tongue goes all gooey and I just go ummmmm. But I’ll get there one day.
I read something once and I wish I could find it where the author was describing how their voice changes and they “feel” different as they spoke in different languages. I was fascinated by this concept and I feel like I’m seeing it as I translate some of the GLs dialogue in my fics.
Hal and Guy especially are so so much more cool and sexy in Spanish I have to say. I can’t quite explain the change in the tone but I am rewriting a little bit to accommodate my lack of slang and accents to characterize. As I was writing for Kyle, he feels less cool and authentic and it inspired some little WIPs where I have him talking about feeling like he doesn’t know himself or wishes he was more a part of his own heritage. So that was interesting. John always comes off as just slick and natural no matter what I do with him. In my head he just is unflinchingly honest and himself and he applies himself fully to everything he does. He’s passionate without all the show and pizazz of the others. But I also haven’t read him as much as I wish I had. I mostly know him from the Justice League animated show. I adored him and I hated Batman lol. I didn’t feel any love for Bats until Kevin Conroy, go figure. I had a subscription for the DC comics app for a bit and the nearest comic shop to me is over an hour away. I just don’t make it out often enough to read the way I wish i could. For all my love of Green Lantern and space operas and Star Trek and the Lensman series and all that I’m actually not that well read. I feel like less of a fanatic fan and more like a Tik Tokker on a parade float; waving at the real fans and tossing the occasional, unsolicited WIP that’s promising but never finished.
Is it the imposter syndrome getting to me or is it the glaringly weak characterization im delivering staring me in the face? Eh. I enjoy writing. My amateur yet passionately created half-works be upon y’all.
To quote my fave, good old Henry (Rollins): “My mind is like a ball of Teflon; coated in obsidian and impervious to the uptake of ka-nah-ledge.” I feel that in my soul, i really do. Henry and I read and forget so much because it keeps the brain demons busy.
And so the reading/writing hour bell tolls and it’s time to get out of bed for another shift. Off I go!
as always, thanks for reading
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Hey I hope it's not too late to share some thoughts on the latest Risk chapter...? I absolutely adore everything about it and the story as a whole (though I have this sinking feeling that we can't just have soft boys being soft and that there is some plot creeping up on us as we read) but what I love most is Alpha!Billy. I mean ofc Omega!Steve (especially in his Rudolph jammies) speaks to me on a spiritual level but Billy..? Sweet and protective and just tiny bit asshole-y and just about perfect? I want to cradle him in the palms of my hands and just never let him go. (I told you once that the way you write Alphas has absolutely ruined me. I refuse to fall in love unless it's with and Alpha written by you.)
Also, I'm very pro-murder when it comes to Neil Hargrove but also I'm kind of... not??? Because yeah killing him would be satisfying and it would remove him from the boys' lives forever but also it'd be too easy for him. So don't kill him. Instead strip him of control. Make him small. Make him watch as everyone he used to control lives on, happy and fulfilled, without him. Make him forgotten. I know it might not be a universal experience but having personally seen both sides of the [emotional] abuser-abusee relationship (and isn't that an awful confession) there is nothing worse than being ignored by those you used to control.
Whew that got long! Anyway, thank you for this chapter, it has given me *a lot* of thoughts. Oh and also! I've seen you apologising (here on tumblr or on ao3, i cant remember exactly) for writing long chapters (sic!). Honey, we looove long chapters. We survive only thanks to them. They are beacons of soft light in this cruel cold world. My time is no longer measured by weeks or days but by mail notifications that NCTS updated a fic.
Have a nice day! (Night? Depends on when you'll read this but anyway I wish you all the best!)
(I'm sorta new to the whole tumblr thing, how do "asks" work?? Is it polite to write so much crap to someone?? Someone pls help me
Also im sorry if i made any mistake/typos. English is not my first language so I'll appreciate any tips on how to use it as a native speaker would!)
So first of all, FIRST of all, it is literally never too late to share your thoughts on anything I've ever written. I don't care if its a fic from five years ago or from last week, by all means PLEASE share your thoughts I am 100% motivated by comments and interaction with my readers so I'm always happy to hear from you guys!
Also? No comment is too long. I have one reader that literally screen shots parts of the story she likes then texts me exactly why she likes it in excruciating detail. Sometimes there's 30+ text messages on a single chapter. So trust me. No comment is too long. I love all of them. My readers are the only people I get to talk fandom things with so bring it on!
RE: The softness of Risk. I can actually promise that there... isn't? any plot or sadness to this story. Other than the already in verse issue of Neil and the aftermath of one of those scenes that is hard to read (but ends in the softy softness so its okay) there isn't much going on in this story besides BillySteve falling head over heels in love with each other!
I love LOVE Alpha!Billy. There are some characters that completely fulfill the 'Alpha Checklist' without needing to change in the slightest and Billy is one of those characters. Wade Wilson/Deadpool is another one of those characters. Literally all I did was add fangs to Billy and PRESTO he's the worlds most in character Alpha ever.
And you're right, Omega!Steve is all things actually wonderful but there is something very very good about Alpha!Billy and specifically Alpha!Billy alongside Omega!Steve. The way that biological and secondary gender influences their moments is *chefs kiss*.
There is definitely a Fuck You Neil moment in this fic. Yeah I'm still leaning towards straight up murdering him but for several reasons I'm pretty sure I'm going to stick to the original plan for it to be less murdery and more of a metaphorical and probably literal middle finger to him cos you're RIGHT sometimes its so much better just to make that person irrelevant and small and ignored.
The next chapter will probably (hopefully?) not be as long as the last few but it's ultra ultra soft so if it gets long, so be it.
Thanks for the comment!
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samplingmoonsters · 2 years
You response made me feel so wholesome! I feel so warm inside (i hope that's not weird to say) I was actually realy nervous about sending my ask.
The next chapter of man say hello sounds realy exiting! I already know it's going to be a joy to read.
You are actually the person that made me interested in reading stories that heavily feature second-hand embarrassment. I always though they were too embarrassing to read. But the feeling enhances your works.
It made me crave for more fics like yours. I don't know if you read slashes and ampersands by jirolicious but it realy reminds me for your writting! Top notch utilization of cringe
I'm sad to hear you had difficulties in the fandom. I tend to stay at the outskirts of most fandoms im in but i have heard the dsmp fandom can be an especially difficult environment.
It must be especially hard to deal with as a creator. In a fandom filled with young people that are in their first fan comunity and twitter puritans being a nsfw artist must be hell.
But your works really touched me, and I'm sure they touched others as well.
When i saw that English is not your first language under one of your fics it made me so motivated to work on my own stories. It's also my second language and i often worry that the fact I'm not a native speaker may be holding me back.
I'm the most comfortable writting in English but i worry i word things poorly. And reading your stories made me feel so secure. You write so beautifully.
Your works made me laugh, and the way you write second-hand embarrassment is so good i often have to put my phone down because i felt it so strongly.
It makes me think i can create too, and you also being a visual artist shows me i don't have to choose between the two crafts i love the most.
I hope you experience as much joy from creating as i do from experiencing your work.
(I hope the essay long asks aren't coming off as creepy, i just have so many words in my head)
Hello dust-anon!! Sorry for the late reply! I've been busy as always haha! I read your message before going to an oral exam, it really gave me strength and confidence, and the feeling of being part of a community scattered around the world but still sharing a close kinship of some kind. Thank you again for your kind words!
Please don't worry about sounding creepy or off putting! I really value communication with my readers and I never found any of you creepy! It doesn't matter if people just ramble their ideas to me or write me a heartfelt message, I appreciate everyone's words :)
I'm happy to hear that u are looking forward to the next chapter! If it's done right, second-hand embarrassment can be weaponized perfectly to create an exciting chapter! Sadly I didn't read Jirolicious' story yet! But I will keep it in mind, and will make sure to check it out when I have the time 👏
About the whole twt drama and co... It's been somewhat annoying not gonna lie. As u said, it's the first fandom for many people and they don't know or care about the "fandom rules". I never have been in a fandom where there has been so much drama. Before this fandom I've also been more of a lurker, I'm not used to being in the spotlight like this. Kinda miss just being an unknown anon like u sometimes. But I guess I would have never met all those amazing people if I didn't have the courage to post my art and writing so I don't regret being here.
And I hope you also find the courage to post your stories or art! Create what makes you happy! There is no need to be bound to just one medium, spread your wings and try different things!
Thank you for praising my English! Yours is also very good from what I could tell through our messages :) Don't feel discouraged to write just because English is your second language!
Keep your head up and I hope we will talk again sometime! I wish you all the best! :) <3
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foryouthegays · 3 years
hallo have a full enbyctechno timeline w/ some other stuff. taggin @cryptoidfuxer​ bc pog seems to like ect juuususttt a bit /s
also im sorry abt the weird capitalization i just do not care enough. also also it becomes kinda fic-y at the end instead of a full timeline but i do not care
and before anyone gets mad at me for this....the entire au is called enbyctechno because it is a nonbinary character technoblade au. i am in no way saying that the actual person (or canon character) are nonbinary, im just doin some good ol projection onto a comfort character
ill be usin xself pronouns for techno most of the time
ok so first, some things about language.
in standard piglish, there is no ‘he’ or ‘she’ pronoun, theres four pronouns: respectful singular they, standard singular they, plural they, and it. RST is mostly used for piglin brutes and other fighters, but anyone who’s undergone any hardship or has some power over the speaker can be called it. SST is for younger people and pretty much everyone else, PT is for multiple piglins, and it is for objects and theoretical concepts (ex, ‘i wish a hero would come and save us from these hoglins, im sure it could take its out easily!’ (and hoglins/other animals are referred to as it as well) (and when i say it, i mean in that language, ‘it’ doesnt directly sound like ‘it’)
‘overworld common’ is the most common language spoken by people, mobs, and villagers in the overworld. it’s a mix between english and galactic, but most of the english structure stays, including ‘he’ and ‘she’ pronouns. the writing is completely galactic. neopronouns are a bit more common in overworld common. not as common as singular they is in our english, but common enough so that most people have at least HEARD of them
so! techno is a piglin (not piglin brute) who lived in the nether until x was eight (human) years old (which is...about 10 in piglin years). when x was eight, xs parents were killed, and x was banished from the colony because x had challenged the brutes, as they hadn’t protected xs parents. x wandered until x found a nether portal.
x went through it and found xself in the coldest place x had ever been. it was freezing, and things were falling through the air, almost like a Basalt Delta. techno shivered, not used to the temperature, and started walking away from the portal.
techno walked, and walked, and walked, and eventually found a town. no one was outside, and x could see smoke billowing from the homes, probably to heat the home to a reasonable temperature. techno kept walking, and found a small barn. it was fully covered, and the creatures inside would keep x warm, so x decided to stay there until x could find a way to communicate with the people.
days came and went, and x slowly began to understand the overworld language. they greeted with a ‘hello,’ their food was called ‘bread,’ and they yelled ‘GET OUT’ whenever they saw techno in their yards. x started to recognize the villagers, including a kingly person who walked around with baskets and baskets of food, distributing it to the poorer people. techno was intrigued by this generosity. why would someone willingly give up their food, x thought? food is power, why give it up?
and so, x started getting in line for the persons food. at first, the person was hesitant, quickly throwing the food at x before moving away, but they started to warm up to techno, and eventually asked...someting.
“where do you live?”
phil stared at the little piglin. it had been asking him for food for a while, almost a month, and phil was getting concerned. he was sure that piglins shouldn’t eat bread, they had to be carnivorous or something, but it seemed happy with the small amounts of food phil was giving it.
the piglin was small, only coming up to around phils waist, and the clothes it was wearing were not suitable for the freezing antarctic storms he could feel forming. phil looked around, and finally decided to take the piglin home.
techno watched as the person, who had pointed to itself and said ‘phil,’ started to walk away from x. ‘phil’ turned around a few steps down the road and waved their hand wildly. techno slowly walked toward them, and phil bared their teeth. techno returned the threat, and the persons eyes widened in slight fear. techno nodded, satisfied, and followed ‘phil’ to their house.
it was warm inside. not as warm as the nether, of course, but warm enough that techno was able to start feeling xs hooves again, and the breath that came out of xs snout didnt cloud in front of x.
‘phil’ pointed to themself again and said the same word, ‘phil.’ they then pointed to techno, who responded with a soft snort, tech, a deeper grunt, no, and sharp intake of breath, blade.
seeing phils blank stare, techno pointed at their sword, and did the same intake of air.
the same deeper grunt. no. x paused, and tried to remember the villagers body language. they...shook their head for no, right? techno tried it, and phil smiled
x did the other head movement, a nod, and phil smiled again. techno could go by blade until x figured out how to speak in those strange words
techno slept as close to the fire as x could get, finally feeling close to home and safe again.
techno woke up to phil saying ‘hello.’ so it was a greeting, techno figured, and x responded with a soft headbutt to phils elbow. phil tenses, and techno steps back. was that not a thing in this world? x tries to imitate phils ‘hello,’ and gets...somewhat close. nowhere near the word, but phil could tell x was trying.
over the weeks, techno got closer and closer to sounding like overworld common. x couldn’t have full conversations, but techno was able to ask for basic things, like food, water, warmth, and, strangely, potatoes. there was a lot for techno to learn, but for now, x was content tending to phils farm, brushing the horse, and slowly learning the written language of Galactic. in time, x would be one of the most feared fighters, rule the world, and have wars over pronouns, but for now, x could rest, away from the nether and in a new home
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clare-with-no-i · 3 years
Hey Clare , hope you are well ☺ I wanted to tell you that your fics make me sooo ridiculously happy and I always get so excited when you post a new one !! You are so talented and I wish I could do more than just thank you for sharing your immense talent w us 💙
As a non native English speaker, I wanted to ask if you (and other ff writers) have an extensive vocabulary that comes in handy while writing or use some thesaurus? How do you find the exact word that's necessary? I hope its ok im asking this! It's just genuine curiosity ! I have made a word doc. for words I've learnt from the fanfics I have read and I was just going through it and it got me wondering 😄
hi hi hi!! wow - firstly, this is just such a sweet message! the fact that my fics bring you any small amount of joy makes my heart soar. THANK YOU! this lovely ask was more than enough of a thank-you💖
so, for your question - that is a great question! I really like using “word of the day” apps, which give you a new word each day that you can incorporate into your vocabulary! Very helpful - I started using them in high school. other than that, whenever I’m looking for a word to use, I usually think of the closest synonym I can find, and then place it into an online thesaurus! That is SO helpful - it often gives me so many words that I’m inspired to fit the sentence to make use of a particularly good one.
your word doc idea is SO cool!! I need to do that for Spanish and French, lol. It is so amazing that you’re able to read fic in a second language - I’m so jealous! Multilingual people are just elite.
thank you for your question, sweet anon! I hope this helps :) xx
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mightyhemsworthy · 4 years
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Pairing: John Wick x Reader (AU - ish?)
Summary: John Wick lives a different life before his "retirement". He becomes a sort of vigilante, who is taking out the bad guys. His next goal is to catch a drug dealer who mainly distributes in Y/N's college. However, after meeting Y/N, not only Y/N's life turn upside down but also John's.
Word count: 8281
Warnings: ugh, so many. But it's John Wick, so... blood, swearing, college, anxiety, panic attacks, loneliness, shyness, angst, slow-burn, age gap, smut, DIRTY SMUT, fluff. 
Author’s note: GUYS!! I've found this fanfic deep down in my-never-posted-writings and I was re-reading it when I thought, this is just utter shit, let me post that (lol), I hate myself. 😂 I was cringing at some part, but I managed to write them over, so it is a little bit bearable. I don't know if you'll like it, but I hope you do. I wanted to post something to cheer you up in this hard time. I wish the best for all of you. ♥️ The inspiration came from some many places, but mostly from "calling teachers by their first name" videos. You'll see why I got the idea from it... After that, I've given some thought about "fake" teacher John and gosh... let me tell you, it got me hot and bothered. Also inspired by 21/22 Jump Street. Please, please, leave some feedback.
P.S.: Sadly, I don't know any Italian, so thank you for Google Translation for "sponsoring" this fic lmao.
This was your very last year of college. More specifically, your last semester. Thank God. You could not be happier as you thought about it. Even though you enjoyed studying, you were overwhelmed with your lectures as you were a maximalist and wanted to give 100% in everything. You enjoyed learning and finding new topics but the assignments, the presentations, and the exams stressed you out incredibly. You did not apply for any further study at least at the moment as you wanted to rest a little bit and work somewhere till you find out what you really wanted to achieve in life. 
The first week went by quite easily, as the teachers mostly talked about the syllabus and what you can expect from the rest of the semester. Thankfully, everyone seemed kind of nice except your Italian teacher and his lesson, which you took up as an optional course in the first place since you wanted to earn some extra credits. Now, it seemed like a bad decision. The teacher was old, who did not enjoy his teaching at all. It was difficult to follow and boring, not to mention that he continually talked in Italian even though it was a beginner's course. When the others tried to tell him, he became mad and gave out even more assignments for next week.
So now, that you were sitting in class and waited for him the nervousness which you felt was understandable. You were chatting with one of your classmates who sat behind you. You could not say that you had any friends. You were mostly alone in your whole life, which sometimes was a curse, while other times it was a blessing. You opened up for so many people who disappointed you and let you down that this was the safest way of living your life now. Just talk to someone if necessary, otherwise living your life as you wish. Sometimes it was really depressing as there was basically no one to talk to, you could not share any interest with someone, not your desires, your goals, nothing. Even when you did, you became the focus of mockery.
Suddenly everyone became silent as most certainly, the teacher approached into the room. However, when you turned around your last week's grumpy teacher was nowhere to be found, instead of him, you meet with a totally different man. You looked straight him into the eye as you took up his presence. He was tall, he had a skinny physique but you could certainly see that he was muscular, even though the black shirt and jeans he wore covered his entire body. He had dark, semi-long hair which was slicked back, while he also had dark stubble, which was framing his face aesthetically. Now, his dark brown eyes laid on you and it was like it burned a hole into your soul. He had some characteristic which you could not explain, but you were sure that he was attractive. Very much. And exactly your type. Not to mention that he was older than you, around his mid-30s - early 40s, which you thought was the perfect age as you were always fond of older men.
"Uhm... hey everyone" he started as he finally looked away from you to gaze at the others as well. His voice sent shivers down your spine. It was deep and husky. "I'm John Wick and I'll substitute your last teacher, who became ill. He will turn up as soon as he feels like it, but we don't know when that will happen," he stated. Maybe, the previous teacher would have been better. Now, it will be really hard to focus and now you wanted to study even more just to impress him, which is sounded insane. You immediately started to curse yourself in your head because what you did was completely silly.
"I'm not by any means an Italian teacher, but I'm fluent in Italian, as I've lived in Italy and since this is a beginner's and optional course I thought I will be just as good for this short time as Y/LT/N would have been." as he finished he clapped his palms together, facing towards the desk which now became his. "Firstly, let's start with an introduction and what your goals are, and from that on we can move with the rest of the lecture," he said and turned and pointed towards you. This gesture was unexpected for you and you immediately felt that your cheeks burned up as you tried to collect yourself. You were a great student but you were dealing with anxiety when you had to speak in front of others. Your mind and desires were totally different that you could actually manage out from yourself, and this was true in every situation.
"Uhm..." you started as you cleared your throat. "I'm Y/N and I'm a final year student here. To be honest, I don't really have many goals at the moment, because..." the way he was looking at you completely took your breath away. It was like he sees all of your secrets. "...I want to take a little bit of break from studying after I've finished. I want to work somewhere, see the word. Just those cliché things that usually everyone says." he started to chuckle and honestly, it was the best thing ever.
"Thank you, Y/N" the way your name rolled out of his tongue was beautiful. "I hope everything turns out great for you and one day you even get to Italy as well." he smiled and turned to the next person, so the magic moment you felt completely disappeared within a second. He was just nice. With everyone. He listened to everyone's word with actual interest and wished something friendly before turning to the next person. How could you think that he sees something different in you?
The course actually ended sooner than you would expect, the time flew with him. He gave you a short assignment for next week, collecting all those things you would like to talk about in Italian. On your way out you glazed at him once more, however, his eyes were glued to the paper in front of him. You left out a soft sigh as you left the room.
This was the first time in your college years that you really waited for a lecture but at the same time, you also dreaded from it. You could not wait to meet John again or you could say Mr. Wick, but this just fueled your fantasy about him even more. You were sitting in the front row with your classmates, whom you talked about your new teacher. They were eagerly fond of him, but not as you did. Even though they find him attractive, he was just a teacher for them. However, for you, he started to become something else. You could feel something different from him and you thought that he should not be a teacher because it was just not his field. Not that he was a bad teacher or anything, but he was not that teacher type that you could imagine. You felt something which you could not explain. You were always a curious person, and this case was like a puzzle that needed to be solved.
"Buona sera a tutti! (Good evening, everyone!)" he greeted, his eyes lingering on you. You did not want to look away, so the two of your's gaze intertwined with each other for a few seconds. You managed to smile a little bit, but at that same time, he turned away. He was just as good looking as the last time, wearing a light grey t-shirt, regular jeans, and a leather jacket. How could he be this handsome?
"Okay, let's go through those things which you like to learn about, and then we can build the lecture from there." everyone nodded as he said it, preparing their notes on what they would be interested in learning in this course. Your eyes were glued on your paper, your head tilted down trying to avoid eye contact with him when you heard your name.
"Y/N" he stated. "Let's start with you just like last time." you were quite shocked. Nobody managed to remember their students' names in the first weeks. Hell, sometimes not even at the end of the semester either. You looked up at him, seeing his face focusing on you, slightly furrowing his eyebrows in concentration.
"Ordering food..." you breathed out and you started to blame yourself immediately.
"Ordering food in Italian in a restaurant?" he helped you out, stating as it was a declarative sentence, but he shifted the tone in the end. You were grateful for his help. You nodded and he returned a smile to ease your frustration. "Nice, good idea," he said. "Let's move on."
The first months of the semester went by rapidly. The first two weeks was just a warm-up, but after that assignments came after assignments as so did exams and such. You could not fantasize about Mr. Wick anymore in your free time as you were loaded with anxiety to finish every task just in time. However, you always waited for the class, even though your mind wandered somewhere else. Thankfully, about two weeks spring break will come.
"You can handle your assignments on your way out. That's the end of the class. Thank you everyone." he said and at that point, you realized that you completely forgot about your essay which you should have written for today. You thought that is due next week. Well, fuck. Basically, everyone handled in their assignment, as you approached John you became very nervous. You did not really know what to say.
"Jonathan" the words fell out of your lips without thinking. You realized that what you said was rude and you just tried to make the situation better, even though your teacher's expression did not change. "John... I mean Mr. Wick." you cursed yourself, trying to get out of the situation somehow.
"Yes, Y/N?" he asked, as he was looking down at you. He was so much taller than you, the way he looked consumed your whole being.
"I'm so sorry but I forgot to write my essay for this week. I thought it was due to next week. I'm sorry." you jabbered, looking at your feet to ease your nervousness.
"It's okay, Y/N," he said calmly. "You can handle it next week as well." when you looked up at him he was slightly smiling. That damn smirk made butterflies in your stomach, causing your heart rate to quicken.
"Really?" you asked back. "No punishments?" without thinking, the question just rolled out of your tongue.
He turned his head a little bit, trying to hide his ever-growing smile.
"Would you like to?" you started to blush at his deep voice, thinking about something inappropriate when he clearly was just talking about the assignment.
"No..." you answered. "Not for an essay, no." you just started to make everything worse. You wished that the ground would swallow you on the spot.
"Periodt then," he said to ease the tension a little bit. "Or whatever slang you use these days." You genuinely started to laugh, and it was really good after a long time. Nobody made you laugh these days and it was really nice to talk to someone besides listening to lectures all the time.
"Wow, I'm impressed" it was just absurd to hear this word from his mouth. But you really felt this way.
"My goal is accomplished than" was all he answered. Was he flirting with you? You just wished that. But the whole situation was just weird. Just the way you felt like before. He is not in the right place, something is off with him. You learned these few signals over the years just to protect yourself, still, something keeps attracted you to him.
"I'll try to write it as soon as I can and bring you in your office hours." you smiled shyly.
"It's okay, Y/N, don't worry about it" he smiled back and that smile made you go crazy. You turned your back to him to leave the room. You were standing in the door when you suddenly turned back towards him once again. He was still watching you.
"Thank you, Mr. Wick," you said, waiting for no answer when he said:
"You can call me Jonathan or John. Whichever you like." you were just standing there, completely in shock. This never happened to you before. None of your previous teachers of yours allowed to call them on their first name. To be honest, you did not even try but with John, it just slipped out. You did not know what to say so you just nodded, leaving him standing there watching after you.
The rest of the week was awful. You could not wait for the weekend when you could rest a little bit. You were extremely overwhelmed with work and it seemed that nothing wants to work out for you. It was Friday morning, thankfully you did not have any classes left so you finally could work on your assignment for Mr. Wick. You meant, Jonathan. Thinking about him and the way he said that you can call him on his first name made your heart beat faster. Since that day you could not stop thinking about him, which is why everything became harder than it should have been.
It was around 11 in the morning, but you already did a lot of work. You went to the store, then you cooked something for you for the weekend, you cleaned the house as well as doing the laundry. Your roommate was not home, as usual. Since she got that boyfriend of hers, they always spent the time together. At least, you were alone and nobody could bother you. You always did the house chores anyway, as she not usually cleaned up. After everything fallen from your hands and you basically had to clean up twice, the last task was taking out the trash. You somehow managed to take all of her and your trash into three bags. You were already on your way out when you realized that something from one of the bags was leaking. You started to become really angry and mad. At the edge of crying and breaking something, to say the least. You tried to hold back yourself together, taking a deep breath and hoping that the bag will hold on till you reached the bin in front of the street. As it was mentioned before, this was not your day.
Half of the stuff fallen on the ground just when you dumped the rest of it into the trash.
"FUCK" you cried out, hitting the top of the trash and also kicking into it to release those pressure which started to build up in you.
"Y/N" you heard a deep voice behind you. When you turned around you realized that John was there. Who probably watched the previous scene when you freaked out. What was he doing here? "You need any help?"
"Mr. Wick" you started but he interrupted you.
"Yes, John." you started. "This isn't my day. Could you please wait here as I get another bag?" you asked. You could just said that everything was fine and he could go on his day. But no. Because you did not want him to leave, even though you had no idea what was he doing here.
"Don't worry, I got some," he said while reaching for a plastic bag from his pockets. You lifted your eyebrow while he handed one to you as well as ripping one for himself. "I have a dog, so..." he said, while the two of you collected the rest of the trash. Well, this was not romantic at all. Your cheeks started to burn as you felt the situation kind of humiliating.
"What kind of dog you have?" you asked, trying to pick up the stuff as fast as you could.
"A blue English Staffordshire Bull Terrier" he breathed out when the two of you finally dumped away the rest of the trash.
"Oh, those are really nice dogs even though everyone seems to be afraid of them" you started the conversation and you could swear that his eyes lit up at your compliment.
"Oh, totally. They are super nice when they are raised well," he said smiling. "There are no bad dogs just bad owners." you just nodded, did not know what to say. A few seconds passed by just looking at each other, none of you said anything or moved.
"I should get..." he started, but at the same time, you started as well.
"Would you like a coffee or something in return?" you asked.
"Yeah, sure" he breathed but turned away from you to his car. Which you only realized just now. "Can I park here?" he asked as he gesticulated towards his Mustang. Your jaw just dropped.
"Wow. She's beautiful," you said coming closer to his car. You did not realize what you did until you actually did it. You reached out to touch the roof and at the same time approach John incredibly close. You just recognized that you did not answer his previous question. "And yes, I think you can park here but I'm not sure though."
He said nothing, just looking at you and monitoring every movement you made. He appreciated how your eyes were shining with excitement. Your fingertips which caressed his car so gently. Your hair, which slightly fallen into your face, framing it beautifully. You took his breath away.
"Would you like to try it out?" you did not really comprehend his question, as you were still focusing on his car. When the question finally hit you, you turned towards him with furrowed eyebrows.
"Is this allowed?" you asked. At this moment you wanted nothing more than him taking you out for a ride.
"Why wouldn't be allowed?" he asked back, kind of confused.
"Because you're my teacher." you simply answered back. At that moment you could swear that the smile frozen to his lips, like the reality hit him or something. Something was off. Just like you suspected before. "If you're a teacher at all," you added carefully.
"Who else would I be?" the confidence which was radiating from him started to slowly fade away. He was nervous, you could see that.
"I don't know, you just not seem to be a teacher type of guy." you started. "You don't look like it... and, surely, teachers cannot afford cars like this." you pointed towards his engine. In that second, he moved closer to you, which is why the air stuck in your throat. You looked up at him, his eyes were dark with some emotion which you could not read. You have not seen this side of him yet.
"Maybe, I got it as a gift" his voice comes through your fast heartbeat which was throbbing in your ear.
"I doubt it" you had no idea where this bravery was coming from, even you were surprised. Before he could manage to say something his phone started to ring. He pulled away from you to answer it.
"I'll be there," he said shortly, hanging up the phone. "Sorry, Y/N. I have to go." he was fast. Before you could realize he already got into his car. "Maybe next time," he added, and before you could realize he was already on his way leaving you on the sidewalk alone.
The next time you meet him was after his Italian class. You did not attend class, but you managed to arrive at the end of the session to give your essay to him. He was looking good as always, wearing dark clothes highlighting every muscle on his bare skin which was not covered.
"I'm sorry John that I couldn't come for today's class, but I had some family issues" you breathed out which was kind of true. You had family issues, anxiety issues, university issues, and just issues of issues. On top of that, you got a lot of anxiety attacks lately, which did not help you at all. Your hands were shaking as you handed your essay to him. "I know I said that I can manage to finish earlier but I couldn't," you added and he did not say a word. He did not even look at you as he took away the essay. You were heartbroken.
As he did not say anything else you just left the room completely taken aback, trying to suppress the tears which you could feel that going to burst out. When you arrived in the hallway, it was harder and harder to suppress it. You quickly went to the bathroom and when you closed the door behind you everything just came out. All of those tensions were building inside up you. Those feelings which constantly taken up your mind. That you're never good enough, that you have no one to rely on, not even a friend, not family. Nobody. You had nothing and no one. Besides that, you were constantly under stress because of the university. You wanted to perform as the best version of yourself, but you just could not hold back anymore.
After the tears came out and your breathing became a little bit better you went to the basin to wash your face with cold water and to make yourself a little bit more presentable as you still had class. You took a deep breath and got out to the next lesson. Everyone was waiting at the door as the room was not open yet. At this moment, one of your classmates who was kind of nice to you touched your arm.
"Hey, Y/N" she started. "Are you okay?" she asked.
Even though you appreciated her question, you did not know what to say.
"Yeah, sure. Why?" you lied, but it was enough for her to completely change the topic.
"Will you come to the party next week?"
"I don't know" you started. "I haven't really thought about it." as soon as you finished one of the other classmates of yours spoken up.
"She doesn't know because he is waiting for John. I mean, Mr. Wick," he said, bursting out into laughter. You did not know how he found out but your cheeks started to burn up.
"What did you just say?" you asked back, almost shouting at him when you heard the others whispering.
"Oh shit, here he comes," said one of them. When you turned back John was standing next to you. You were sure that he heard the whole conversation. When he looked at you his eyes stuck at your red ones. You were sure that he knew that you were crying. Even though the cold water helped, you still looked like a mess.
"Is there a problem?" he asked using his deep, "discipline" teacher voice. His voice was dangerously low, which sent a shiver down your spine and a feeling to your core which you tried not to think about.
"Not at all" smiled back the douchebag who started everything in the first place. John lightly grabbed your arm, turning his whole body towards you.
"Y/N, can we talk?" he whispered, but the others still managed to figure out the situation. As you answered, they started to chuckle, but at that point, you could not care less as John guided towards his office.
When there were just the two of you, he looked at you with concern on his face.
"Is everything all right, Y/N?" he asked but you just could not look at him. Your eyes were fixated on your shoes. Why would he care? He did not even look at you half an hour ago. You did not answer. You did not know what to say. He was your teacher. You could not tell him your problems even though you wanted to. "Y/N?" he asked again.
This time you looked up at him. His arms were crossed in front of his chest, waiting for your answer.
"I'm fine, thank you, Mr. Wick" you stressed his last name. A sudden expression went through his face which you could not read. "Why would you care, you're just a teacher anyway," you said without thinking of the consequences as you stormed out of his office.  
The last week before spring break went quite quickly even though you felt like a zombie. You did not attend your class with John, even though you desperately wanted to. You just skipped that class, while you were attending the others. You were hiding in the hallway, trying to avoid anyone. Just arriving at the beginning of the course and coming out as soon as you could. In this way, you could survive university. Now, thankfully you had a free week when you could charge up your battery and just rest a little. Your mind wandered at the party which your classmate mentioned to you, wondering if John would be there. A few teachers had to be there, because it was a university party and they were still responsible for you somehow.
You really wanted to go. To dance, to drink and to forget all of your problems.
That is why you were standing in front of your mirror trying to soothe imaginary creases on your black dress. You kept finding mistakes on yourself, about your makeup, about your hair. But at the same time, you kept reminding yourself that this is just a party and the main goal is that you should enjoy the night without constantly thinking bullshit about yourself.
This is what you kept saying in your head on your way to the party. The place was already buzzing with music and people's voices, radiating a certain kind of heat as well. As you step inside, you were already washed away by the crowd, seeing people who you never saw before.
As you looked around you saw a giant plaque that said that it was a retro vs. modern age night. All night, songs from the 80/90s were played, after that came a piece of current music and the whole mass went insane. Everybody moved as a whole in perfect sync swaying to the rhythm of the music. Sadly, you could see that a lot of people were high and drunk, which you could never do, but you still wanted to dance. You just started to move your body alone, when your all-time a favorite song started to play from the speakers.
Sweet dreams are made of this
Who am I to disagree?
I travel the world
And the seven seas,
Everybody's looking for something
At that point, your eyes stuck at a dark figure which you could recognize even in your dreams. John Wick was standing there, looking at you. He was wearing a full black suit with his hair slicked back. You were constantly gazing at him. Even though you wanted him to be here the whole situation was absurd and unbelievable. However, he still managed to surprise you all the time.
Some of them want to use you
Some of them want to get used by you
Some of them want to abuse you
Some of them want to be abused.
Looking at him and listening to these lines hit you. Hit you really hard. As you looked at him, all of your desires and hidden fantasies started to take over your body. Your nasty hidden feelings. All of those things which you could never share with anyone. You wanted to be used, you wanted to be abused. But you wanted these in a good way. You wanted this as a thing, where the two of you want this not just you. You wanted to be safe, you wanted to feel appreciated, you wanted to feel special, you wanted to be WANTED. You wanted a man, who makes you feel things you never felt before. Who does things to you and touches you like you never experienced before. Maybe, just the daddy issues were speaking from you but looking at John you could feel that he could fulfill all of your wishes and desires. Not to mention that he would be there for you as a friend, as a lover, even as a soulmate. And as someone, who just genuinely cares about you. At least, you hoped so. But it could never happen because he was just a teacher and you were just a silly student.
However, the way he was looking at you consumed your whole being. You did not know what happened to you but you started to sensually move your hips, turning your back to him to kind of show him what he can get.
After a few seconds, you felt a muscular, hard chest pushing against your body.
"Mind if I join?" a deep voice asked and you could recognize this tone everywhere. You did not even answer as you did not have to. You just turned back towards him, getting as close as possible. He was even more handsome up close, taking your breath away.
"Is this allowed?" you shouted, but it sounded like a whisper in the crowd.
He pulled you closer to him, resting his hands on your waist and tilting his head down to bury his face into your hair.
"I don't even care anymore" he answered, his breath caressing your ear as well as the side of your neck. This sent a shiver down your spine, causing your thighs to rub together to ease the sensation which was building in your core deep down. He could feel that your body tense up between his palms, but he kept you steady with his strong and firm hands.
"What does that mean?" he looked up at you, with some expression on your face which you could not read. He wanted to tell you something, you could see that but something changed as he looked at your side.
"Stay here," he said and suddenly his touch disappeared causing you to shiver as he was not there anymore.
You could barely react, but you still managed to see where he went to. Without thinking, you started to follow him.
 You looked at him everywhere when you find him outside the field of the campus. To be honest, you could barely see him but you could hear him grunting and... fighting? He was the last man standing with someone else, besides them, there were laying bodies. You could never dream of being a situation like this. You did not know what to do. You were completely frozen and could not move. Your panic started to take over your mind and you could barely manage your breathing.
"John" suddenly you cried out. He immediately looked at you, which the opponent took as a chance and hit him right in the gut. He sunk into his knees, while the other man started to approach you.
"Y/N run," he said but you could not even lift your finger. You could see as the other man was getting closer and closer to you when John grabbed him from behind and started to choke him. The other man started to run out of the air and suddenly collapsed into John's arms. John did not even think twice, he dropped the enemy onto the ground. Before you could realize, John grabbed your arm, dragging you across the field into the parking lot where you saw his car.
"Get in the car!" he ushered you, but you could barely move. You were completely frozen which was insane thinking that your body was on fire just a few minutes ago.
"Why?" you managed to push this word out of you when he started to yell.
"Get in the fucking car!" he said and that predatory look on his face with some bruises and blood made him look like a totally different person. You got in the car, slowly breathing out that air that you did not know you were holding. He started the engine and drive at a very high speed toward somewhere which you could not recognize.
"Where are you taking me?" your throat was dry. It was hard to speak, but this was the only sentence which you dared to ask after minutes.
"Home. To me," he answered shortly.
"Why?" you whispered but he could hear it. After minutes, you finally looked at him. He was holding the wheel so damn strong that his knuckles went white. He was angry, you could see that. His whole expression changed as he was not looking at you, just fixating his eyes on the road.
"Because you fucking messed up your goddamn life" to hear him swearing made you sense that you are truly in deep trouble.
"What did I do?" you asked softly and suddenly all of his muscles started to loosen up at your tone.
"I was taking out a gang when you just showed up, risking your whole life just to look after me." he started.
"So you..." you started softly as you could feel that the ice between the two of you started to melt. "You're not a teacher." was all you managed to say.
"God no," he answered, and before you could realize you started to laugh. It came from the bottom of your heart. He looked at you the first time, furrowing his brows. "It's not funny, Y/N.," he said and before you could stop yourself the following words just slip out of your mouth:
"Thank God, 'cause ever since I saw you I've kept telling myself that I can't fall for a teacher" as soon as you said it your cheek started to burn. He looked at you with piercing eyes.
"I'm not a teacher, but I'm way worse," he said in a dangerously low voice. And thinking back to those guys around him finally hit you.
"Who are you?" you whispered. He looked back at the road as he could not bear to see your expression when he told you the truth.
"I'm a ..." he started, but he did not want to say assassin. Because that was just too much the handle. "I'm the one who takes out the bad guys." you nodded, did not know what to do with this information. You have always known that there is something wrong with him, but you could not explain why. Now, this was the reason and you wished that you did not know. Still, you fell for him even more.
"Did you kill them?" you asked.
"No." he answered back. "I didn't have my gun." suddenly you felt that breathing becomes heavier.
"Have you killed someone?" you barely dared to ask this question but the heavy silence which felt on you told more than words.
 You did not say a word until he finally stopped at his garage. His house was beautiful, so big that it was unbelievable that it only belonged to him.
"Wow..." you whispered and he smiled.
"Y/N" he started and you turned towards him. "I'm sorry that I disappointed you. I just wanted to protect you. You'll stay here until I finish this business and make sure that no one harms you. After that, you're free to go." you did not know what to say. You wanted to say something, but you could not. Your mind wandered somewhere else, constantly thinking about what the two of you talked about in the car. You told him about your feelings and he did not even say anything. "I have a room for you here," he said and ushered you to a room, leaving you alone.
You could barely get some sleep. Your mind was constantly thinking about John and his life. How dangerously he lived and how he managed to keep his camouflage at the university. Honestly, you even cried that night as well. You did not know what to do and how to react, even though you wanted him. Your mind could not be silenced after you saw him in action and what he did you still thought about his arms, his hands, and his body as he pulled you closer to him at the party. Not to mention that you felt his goddamn intoxicating perfume in his whole house as well as in the sheets.
After being up all evening, you woke up late in the afternoon. It was already 5 when you looked at the clock on the nightstand on your left. You left out a sigh, focusing on sounds. But you could not hear any. You slowly got up and opened to the door.
“John?” you cried out but no answers came. Instead of that, you heard something which was running towards you. Then you saw John’s dog. “Oh my God, you’re so cute” you kneeled to the ground to pet the dog which was in its early months. It was still small, but you could see the strong, robust figure which started to form underneath its skin. “Where were you last night?” you asked as if the dog could answer you. However, after petting and talking to it all of your stress and doubts left the mind.
You went to the kitchen, where on the counter you found a note. It was written by John and he had beautiful handwriting.
“Make yourself at home.” was all it said. Straightforward. Just like John.
 After taking a shower and finding a long t-shirt in John’s wardrobe you finally sat down onto the sofa when the front door opened. John came in, the dog immediately cheered him licking and panting all over him. You watched the scene with a smile on your face. After John returned the same excitement as the dog, he finally looked at you. You were wearing one of his t-shirts. And that was it.
“What are you wearing?” he demanded. You stood up immediately, trying to explain yourself.
“You said that make yourself at home, so I’ve showered and searched for something to wear because the dress was really uncomfortable,” you said quickly. John left out a soft “oh” as he could have thought about this in the first place. Even though he did not want to admit, but he really liked the way it looked on you.
“Everything is clear now,” he stated simply. “I’m taking you home. Are you ready?” he asked and you were just standing there as if your legs got stuck into the ground.
“You don’t want to talk about it?” you started carefully, hinting to your previous unfinished conversation last night as well how he “cleared everything up”.
“No.” was all he said which felt like ripping and turning up your insides. You just nodded, turning away to suppress all of your emotions. That’s it. All of your fantasies about this man ended. He did not want to do anything with you. This was just business after all. And he finished it.
“I’m grabbing my stuff” you whispered, your throat was dry you could barely speak.
 After collecting your dress and purse you were standing in front of him again. “Take me home,” you said firmly when his form started to loosen up.
“Y/N” he followed you as you were heading into the garage. His beautiful car was there, standing next to another one.
“Just take me home.” was all you said before he grabbed your wrist, pulling back to him and pushing his lips against yours. The kiss was not a soft one. It was passionate and hard. It took a few milliseconds to react, but gosh… it was desperate. From the two of you. Teeth clicked, tongues rolled against each other as the two of you started to express which words could not. He was cupping one of your cheeks, pushing you closer to him as much as he could. Your hands started to explore his body, caressing the soft material of his suit. You could feel as he started to harden beneath your touch, basically… everywhere. Just like in a second, which made you even more insane. He wanted you so much, he could barely hold himself back. He was rucking up your shirt with his other hand, grabbing your waist strongly which sent goosebumps all over your body. His touch was just like you imagined. No… it was even better. It took a side of you which you did not even know you had.
You could feel that you started to wet your panties even though he did not even touch you there yet. He was now kissing you a little bit softer but still passionately, sucking your bottom lip into his mouth. You started to moan as it did whole new sensations to your body which you never experienced before. He lifted you up from the ground before you could realize, to make you sit on the hood of his car. At that exact moment, you hooked your legs around his legs, pulling him closer to you. It was insane how the two of you moved in sync. It was like a perfect dance and choreography, even though you have not done this before to the other. But still, it was like you found a long lost piece from yourself. And he felt the same. The two of you did not stop kissing until his hands reached up to your neck, softly squeezing it to make out a moan from you which you could not even stop. John immediately stopped looking at you with concern on his face.
“Did I hurt you?” he asked softly looking at your neck if he caused any injuries. He did not even know what he has done until you moaned.
“Gosh no,” you started to laugh and blush. “It just… felt really good.” his eyes lit up with lust. It became even darker than it already was. He was looking at you, constantly holding his gaze when he reached again to your neck. He squeezed it a little bit harder this time, but it was even better. Your eyes rolled back as your core started to throb with desire.
“Fuck, Y/N” he breathed at the sight. “You’re making me insane.” was all he said before sinking to his knees. He pulled you closer to him, making you lay on the edge of his car. He looked so good kneeling between your thighs. And he looked even better when he started to stroke your clit through your underwear. He sharply sucked the air just by the sight of it.
You were laying on his car in your black lace panties. This was even better than he could ever dream for. He was holding himself back, but he was about to burst out.
“You look so good,” he said as he pushed your panties to the side to insert one finger slowly into you. You laid back all the way on his car as he started to finger your inside with one hand and your clit with his other one. You bite your lip to hold your moans back, but it was a really difficult thing to do. As he was so freaking good with his hand. You could barely hold yourself back when suddenly he pulled his finger out of you. Before you could realize, your panties were on the floor, and John grabbed your thighs to draw you closer to him. Now, he used his tongue instead of his fingers to play with your wetness, causing you to arch your back pushing your backside closer to his face. He grabbed your ass firmly with his hands, he wanted to control and drive you insane. He could not let you chase for your own pleasure. He wanted to make your pleasure. He wanted to make you lose your mind. He wanted you to scream his name.
He was flicking his tongue, constantly changing position between your clit and inside thing, delving his tongue deeper and deeper. You were moaning, making sounds, saying his name with some curse words as well. You were right. He truly made you feel things that you never felt before.
Suddenly, your most intense orgasm ever washed over you out of nothing, clenching all over John’s hands and tongue as he was still fucking you mercilessly with it to help over your after wave. Your hands were still grabbing his hair, rocking your hips against his face.
“Jonathan,” you said after a few seconds when he stood up, looking at you laying on his car finally satisfied. You sit up to push a soft kiss against his lips, which on you could feel your juices. Which caused you to be even hornier. As it was possible.
“I love when you say my name” he chuckled which made your stomach flop from happiness. “That is why I can’t wait to hear you screaming it,” he added with a dangerously low voice.
“Can I ask you something, Jonathan?” you said carefully, pulling him closer to you.
“Anything, doll” he answered.
“Then, fuck me” you whispered shyly. You did not know where this bravery was from, but John truly made you feel things that you never felt before.
“You don’t even have to ask,” he said as you started to undress him. His expensive suit and tie dropped onto the floor and the same time he removed the t-shirt and bra which you were still wearing as well.
He took your whole body in and admired every sight of it.
“You’re beautiful,” he said before pressing another urgent kiss to your lips. He grabbed your hair, making you moan into his mouth at how good all of this felt. At that exact moment, he thrust into you and your whole world rocked. He stretched you all the way up, cause you to cry out his name louder than you anticipated.
“Tell me if it hurts” he added and you couldn’t form a single word because the pleasure mixed with all the pain, caused to build your second orgasm and he was restlessly fucking you. You were a moaning mess, so is he. He was grunting and cursing as the two of you started to reach climax.
“Ah, fuck-“you cried out as your walls started to clench. “Let me cum, Mr. Wick” you added and you could actually feel that Jonathan is twitching inside of you. He suddenly stopped and grabbed your neck, ushering you to look at him.
“Say that again,” he demanded.
“Which part?” you asked shyly, thinking that it was a mistake and you’ve ruined everything.
“All of it.”
“Let me cum, Mr. Wick,” you looked straight into his eyes when you said it. The fact that you’re biting your bottom lip didn’t help him at all.
“Gosh…” he huffed and continued to mercilessly pound into you, deeper and deeper each time. You were overwhelmed with the new sensations and your whole-body shake, when the second, but most intense orgasm of the night hit you. John was approaching his own climax as well, every thrust of his became a little bit sloppier and out of pace. He kissed you so softly, when he reached his own pleasure, moaning into your mouth which sent a vibration down to your body. You tensed your legs around his waist, taking him in more while lying down on the top of his car.
“I’m sorry we made a mess,” you whispered and he started to chuckle.
“Don’t worry about that, especially that we’re only getting started,” he said in a dangerously low voice. And oh boy, he was right…
This is it. It was the end of suffering. End of your university years. As for now. You couldn’t be happier as you’ve left the building and saw a beautiful mustang parked on the driveway. It was from John Wick. You were quite surprised as he said that he has to leave the town for some… business. You didn’t expect him to be back this soon. Now, you’re smile grew even bigger.
“Here is my graduated girl,” he smiled at you and pressed a soft, loving kiss to your lips when you got next to him. You gave him a half-hug in this position, laughing into his shoulders.
“I did it.”
“Yes, you did,” he said, looking straight into your eyes now. He took out an envelope from his jacket. “I brought you this,” he said softly, and you were surprised.
“John, you shouldn’t…” but he cut you off.
“Just open it!” and you did. You carefully ripped off the edges taking out two flight tickets to Italy. Tears started to gather in your eyes.
“John…” you started but you didn’t even know how to begin. He also became emotional, as he looked at you.
“At our first Italian class, you’ve said that you want to see the world. I hope this will be a good start.” you didn’t know how you got a man like John, but it was more than you deserved.
“I love you, John,” you breathed out and this was the first time you’ve actually said this. He looked at you and his whole expression changed, suddenly his body tensed up. You suddenly became afraid that you said something wrong. Maybe it was too soon. Maybe…
“I love you too, Y/N,” he said finally and he pressed a kiss into your lips which told more than words. This was just the beginning. The very beginning of your life and also the adventure, which you continued with John Wick till the very end.
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sukirichi · 3 years
Okay, I chose to make the fonts smaller because I feel like my asks are taking so much space 😅
I'm glad that you finally moved to a warmer room! And thank you for understanding, i don't think you are scary but just the idea of talking to creators in this site directly is just intimidating? In a way it feels like I am also talking to a celebrity? Idk. 😅 Ohhh i'd definitely join your server if ever you make one and idc a lot about the name.
And omg? You are asian? OMG you're writing is so freaking good that I thought you're a native speaker. If it's okay to ask, what country are you from? I'd probably lose my mind if we're from the same country agdhffllglg.
Anyway, I just read a fic with that premise, I sent it with my other recs last time and it's called Expecting by j0succ. You can find it in the tags if you'll search and in ao3 too. Yeah, I feel like he'd be very possessive and protective but imagine if it's unrequited at first and he simply hates you and then suddenly, you're pregnant with a child and a son no less? I can see him slowly just melting at the idea that you're going to give him an heir and probably someone who'll further cement his place as the next Zenin head. And I also hate having kids but if it's Naoya (or Toji), I'd be willing 🤤.
Ohhhhhhh!!!!! Fratboy senpai Sukuna's going to be v toxic for sure! Maybe you are a freshie or a transferee who just wanted to socialize in their frat party and you just caught his eye? And he's the resident fuckboy in the uni and he's tired of all these old students and he just wants some new blood to corrupt? But ugh, another college au I'd like to read is bestfriend's brother?
OH MY GOD, i am sorry if this is very long!!!! I decided that I might send the other recs through google docs instead because I don't want to annoy your other followers because my asks are taking too much space in the dash. But it's also very tempting to just come out of anon and dm you because you're so nice 🥺. I'll send them soon, I think maybe within this week? I'll be having my paper defense on Wednesday so I'll be busy. 🌸
FLOWER ANON! AH YEAP BUT I CANT STAY IN THE WARM PLACES FOR TOO LONG CUZ I HAVE LOW HEAT TOLERANCE AND I WILL PASS OUT IF I DO 😭 Oh I see, I understand that bb! I cannot speak for others but as a content creator, I do not mind at all if people talk to me! I just take long to reply but I hope that doesn’t make people think that I hate them or somth 😭 Oh yea, we’re setting the server up rn, I think we’ll be adding people soon but uhhh I would need you to dm me if you wanna join because it’s invite only, only if you’re okay with it tho! No pressure at all!
Well I’m half-Asian! I’m also European so yea lol, but my asian mother mostly runs the household so I would say we applied more Asian cultures than our European counterpart. And aaa so sorry, I don’t tell people where I’m from 🥺 I MEAN, IM FROM THE ZEN’IN ESTATE LMAO. LMAOOO I ACTUALLY DONT SPEAK MY MOM’S ASIAN LANGUAGES VERY WELL I am quite a disappointment since I studied 6 languages in language school but I can’t really communicate well with her mother tongue. My first language is actually English!
And UGH YESSS NAOYA GOING SOFT AND MELTING ONCE HE REALIZES YOU’RE CARRYING HIS CHILD AND HE GROWS PROTECTIVE AND EVEN CARING 😫😫😫 PLEASE WE GON BE CARRYING THEIR WHOLE LINEAGES AH 😫😫😫 omg thats such a good idea too! Like you’re the “fresh meat” and Fratboy! Sukuna is sooo interested in you like you are such a curious, innocent person and he just wants to show you around 😏 CORRUPTION KINK IS MASSIVE WITH THIS ONE. BEST FRIENDS BROTHER!!! Sukuna as reader’s besties older brother and her bestie is like UGH my brother is the worst dont get involved with him and reader is like “no worries, i have no interest in frat boys” but then they meet Sukuna and they go like UHM 👁👄👁
And awww bb don’t apologize, its really okay! I’m the one you’re talking to and not my followers, they can unfollow if they're annoyed by this 😛 awww bb whatever you want, I would be cool for it! Your comfort comes first! My DM’s are open though I take forever to reply tho 🥺 Oh okay okay, good luck on your defense paper bb, I wish you the best of luck! Remember to drink water and take plenty of breaks! Lots of love bubs 😘😘💕💕💕
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tetrakys · 4 years
Im the anon of the monsterfucker, thank youu for the links cause i couldn't find them xd I'm new to ao3. I wanted to also write but I'm so insecure about my english :/
You’re welcome anon and, believe me, you don’t need to feel insecure about your english if you wish to write. Firstly, maaaaaany people who write there are not english native speakers, people are aware, but you could even write in the description that english isn’t your first language if it’d make you feel better, so people would know and take it into account when they read it. Second, you don’t even need to write in english at all, once you post your fic you have to choose the language you wrote it in from a list, you can find fics in pretty much any language on the website.
Happy reading and let me know if you find something good ^^
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deanseths · 7 years
@bemoxxish replied to your post:
this was better than what i had in mind honestly. also have you notice that tyler black’s gear had butterflies in it? lmao what a cutie
i wish the fandom could see the potential those two havel, seriously tyler was like the good kid? idk that could get really crazy sometimes and mox… well… we know how mox is and i have these au’s in my mind and i wish my english were good enough to write them myself but anyway, thanks for your always important answers♡
also…. what do you think about teen!seth having the hots for his neighboor, who is a police man… you know dean in lockdown akjsvdnd
lmao im done bye
LOL I must be honest, I’m not a fan of age gap between Dean and Seth, but don’t think I’ve never thought about Seth having a huge crush for policeman!Deano Lockdown style ahahaha
But Tyler... yes he was the good kid but also he had that sexy dark shade that could totally drive Mox crazy.  And btw believe me, not being a native speaker I have your same problem with fics, that’s why I’m not comfortable writing them u.u
Oh yes THOSE GAY TRUNKS. They were glorious. But let’s take a minute to admire THIS too lol ⬇
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icyhobi · 7 years
Thank you so much! And btw everyone, i’ll be answering all the asks i have in my inbox rn, since i don’t wanna let it pile up even more. So beware, this is a long ass post! (and idk if it will show up on mobile properly :(
fullydecaffeinateddinosaur said:AHHHHHH I love Forgotten, I hope you’ll make a part two (but if you don’t that’s okay). DONT LET THE HATERS BRING YOU DOWN!!! You’re an amazing writer.
thank you so much for liking it!
Anonymous said:Don’t stop writing! I think that a non was just jealous and if that persone doesn’t like smut well she don’t have to read them! Don’t let anyone to drag you down because I love your stories! 😘
lool dw, i definately won’t stop writing!
umm, i’m still deciding if i should or not… i just, idk...
Anonymous said:Is forgotten supossed to have a second part? :) Sorry if my english is bad
no, don’t be sorry your english is perfectly fine! and im still thinking about it!
Anonymous said:Omg forgotten was soooooooo good!!! Please do another part!!
thanks! and maybe ;)
Anonymous said:Forgotten made me shed actual tears 😭 are you going to be continuing it?
did it really? was it too harsh? and im still not too sure if i will
Anonymous said:will their be a forgotten pt 2?
who knows…
Anonymous said:Guuuuurrrrl i read your fic (forgotten) and i looooved it soooo much that i wanted to re-read it (its that a word? Sorry spanish speaker here hahah) but i couldn’t remember your nameee and i spend the entire day looking for you (cause i only rememberd the “mochi” part) and i finally fouuuuuuund youuu!!!!!! So pleeeeease keep it up with the good work! Please make chapter 2! Loveeeee yaa! Saludos desde el fin del mundo!
yaaay you found me!!!
Anonymous said:I LOVE FORGOTTEN AHHHHHHHHHHH ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Anonymous said:I need part 2 of forgotten now because like I’m crying and omg the feels
Anonymous said:I was wondering if you’re ever going to continue forgotten! The ending was such a twist and I cried while reading it LMAO i think it would make a good full fanfic!! Pls at least make a part 2 I’m dying RN
Anonymous said:will there be a pt2 of forgotten? 
Anonymous said:Wow forgotten got me fucked up!! I loved it I loved it I loved it!!!!! Do you think there’ll be a part two for this or is it the only one?
Anonymous said:MOCHIIII I love you and your an amazing writer but Forgotten gave me da feels man!!!!!! I finally found someone I hate (Tae’s cheater of a wifu) XD. Is there anyway you might continue the story though with a happy (revenge on the witch as well 😈) ending????? 
Anonymous said:Holy moly forgotten is so good!!! I hope you do a part two❤️❤️❤️
Anonymous said:Part 2 of forgotten plz omg I loved it it was so good💙💙
Anonymous said:omggggg your Taehyung uni story defos needs a part 2!! i loved it!!
figureinglifeout said:Omg pls tell me forgotten has a sequel. Tae can’t do OC dirty like that
Anonymous said:Will there be part 2 of Forgotten? I really hope there will be more it can’t end like that! That bish can’t win!
Anonymous said:OMG!! I really liked Forgotten a lot even if it did break my heart at the end :’( Are you thinking of making a part two or something like that cause that was really good and I just want Taehyung x reader to be together even though that’s unlikely 💔😅
Anonymous said:Is Forgotten going to be a series?
Anonymous said:Ah also forgot to ask: is Forgotten a one shot? - moose anon
Anonymous said:I’m sorry but Forgotten has me yelling WTF. Like, I knew something like that would happen, BUT I STILL WASNT READY. UGH MY HEART. FUDGE MUFFINS. - moose anon
xsnapplex said:Mochi!! I really hope you make Forgotten a series, because classic you out a cliff hanger in it… T-T I almost lost my mind at the end. But it was sooooo goood
ahh okay, so i decided to answer these asks all together since they are basically asking the same thing. first of all, THANK  YOU SO MUCH FOR LIKING IT!!! xoxo im like so happy you guys enjoyed it! and to answer your questions, im still not to sure if there will be a second part unfortunately… we’ll just have to see!
Anonymous said:Lol I think you made me a sucker for hybrid ffs 😂 but i love “take it like a puppy” so much. ❤️😊😘😍
aww thank you! lmao i really like hybrid aus too!
Anonymous said:😭😭😭😭 I wasn’t ready for it. I’m a crying mess now after forgotten it was soooo good. If it’s a oneshot it’s beautiful and really sad but if there’s gonna be another part… *fingers crossed*
thank you sooo much!! and nooo dont cry!!
sanha-ii said:Okay right, the story Forgotten got me tense as! The cliffhanger at the end is actually making me shriek due to the amount of theories I’m getting, will there be a part 2 by any chance or is this a story where you let the readers suffer forever😂😂
ikr? it was such a twist lol. and idk, maybe i’ll just be mean and let you guys suffer…. *insert even laugh*
zara-zaza said:Forgotten was so good!!! But if it was me I would have slaped the shit out of Seulgi the second time I saw her 😂😂 but just a question does Tae really don’t remember her or was he just mad at her?
loool it was so shocking thoo. and well…. i cant say… ;)
Anonymous said:Ahhhh I’m so freaking hooked on “Forgotten”!!! Ugh I kinda wish that the reader moved on from Taehyung but it soooo good either way! I love the way you write and I can’t wait to see what happens next ♡♡♡♡♡
ikr poor reader! :( And thank you for liking it!
Anonymous said:Oh my god! A second part in forgotten, please! Y/N deserves to be happy and Seulgi SHOULD DIE! I’m sorry, I’m just being really over dramatic 
But is Seulgi really the bad guy here? I mean maybe was hurt because Y/n left… but Seulgi clearly leave him tho… ;)
lool thank you! and im sorry bby, but tease was only meant to be a two-shot :(
Anonymous said:uM, eXCusE U?! How dare you write something as good as forgotten and LEAVE US ON A CLIFFHANGER LIKE THAT?! iT’S LIKE pURusaSION BTS style!!!!!
loool my style is usually ending things off on cliffhangers!!! 
Anonymous said:Please do another part of tease I can’t take the ending please my love
srry bby, but i won’t :/
Anonymous said:i just finished reading the taehyung x reader, forgotten and im crying at how you ended it. you’re a great writer, bless you.
loool it was so mean right??? BUT THANK YOU!!! xoxo :”)
Anonymous said:omg Forgotten was sooo good and sad it legit brought me to tears 😭❤️ and the plot twist at the end got me so fucked up I was expecting a happy ending :’D
aww sorry bby!! i didn’t mean to make you cry
ohhhh are you threatening me???? LOOOOL im so cruel, right???
Anonymous said:OMG how… how could you end Forgotten just like that pls have mercy on yn …. i can’t believe you …. oh god
hmmm we’ll see… ;)
Anonymous said:Fanfic request: Could you write a fanfic about Min Yoongi (x Reader) where he was a mass murderer or gang leader/criminal that fell in love with you on a job of his. (Something like that at least. I don’t really know. But I thought that we should start recommending stuff that wasn’t just the mankae line lol)
thank you for requesting! but unfortunately i not taking in requests since i have too much stories to work on atm! srry again!
Anonymous said:Forgotten.. I’m literally about to die now.😫😭 WHYYYYYYYYYY!?! UGHHHHHH. Getting my heart attacked and stomped on was not how I wanted to end my night.😭😫😂 Anyways, it’s beautifully written! I love your fanfics (even if they do bring my heart an enormous amount of pain)!💕😘
aww im so sorry! i didnt mean to hurt your guys! i just wanted to write something very angsty!! but thank you so much for reading it!
Anonymous said:There is a part of me that wants to kiss you but another part of me that wants to ask you ‘why?’ Also why does everyone use Selugi as 'that girl’ in fanfics? I like I am getting into R.V and I am starting to like her. ~Edgy ❤❤ (Kiss part spoke louder that was amazing also I am a sucker for angst it fuels my soul. Love u)
loool aww edgy, your soo funny!
Anyways, this took a long time to answer, but thank you eveyone who sent me an ask! i seriously love you guys!!!
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megafaunatic · 7 years
do you have any favorite fanfic tropes? any pet peeves (when reading)? tell me about your favorite character to write :)
THIS GOT PRETTY LONG so im sticking it under a readmore!! 🌝🌝🌝
YA.. when im reading im a HUGE sucker for structure tropes like 5+1 fics. every time i read a 5+1 fic im like OMG.. WOW.. THIS IS WHAT LITERARY INNOVATION LOOKS LIKE… GIVE THIS GUY A PULITZER… i also like more general stuff like enemies-to-friends-to-lovers, hurt/comfort, ppl cooking together, stuff like that. My Kinks Are Emotional Intimacy And Trust
i assume ur here for the jojos so heres a thing i want out of more jojo fic: CASE FICS!!!!!!!!!!!! as of RIGHT NOW, there is only ONE fic in the jjba tag on ao3 that’s tagged “case fic”, and it’s the one I WROTE. give me more case fics!!!!!! jjba is basically an ENDLESS STRING of one-off enemies + cases – i wish there were more plot-heavy fics out there :’0
im easily frustrated by fics that could be MUCH improved with a quick round of copy editing– like when the IDEA’S all there + the rough shape of the writing is good, but there are just. typos and grammatical errors and poorly constructed sentences that you can tell.. aren’t like that on purpose. just get a pal to speedread it before publishing!!!
it also takes a really convincing writer to get me to tolerate a lot of internalized homophobia from the characters… not necessarily bc it’s unrealistic but just bc i feel like it’s rarely coming from a place of sincerity on the writer’s part? like, frequently it comes across as weirdly condescending, even when it’s ostensibly thoughts coming from the chara. like, “A had never done this before… two girls? really? she had always wondered about… people like that. was it really okay that A wanted to.. KISS B??” idk like im having a hard time emulating That Voice but it happens occasionally and im always a little 🙄
similarly theres.. TRULY not very much sbr fic that treats johnny’s disability in a respectful/sensitive/Generally Not Horrible way. not to name names but theres uhh A LOT of really fucked up shit out there… sbr canon treatment wasnt GREAT but that’s …………… NOT AN EXCUSE…………… !
ANYWAY thats some negativity so heres more positivity: i really love writing… everyone!!! THATS A COP OUT but i really do love all the different characters’ voices. i think mista and rohan are particularly fun though!! i like them because they’re both REALLY genuinely self-confident. they love themselves! i don’t buy Secret Self Hatred Rohan– i think that’s too easy. part of why they’re both so interesting to me is that i DO think they’re both genuinely Like That. mista is FREAKISHLY well-adjusted, frankly, and that’s super weird!! i love them…
i also really love writing all the italians speaking english. i love thinking through the ways english causes problems for non-native speakers– it’s an interesting puzzle, and i think the language barriers between jojos are WOEFULLY underexplored in canon.
THNX FOR ASKING!!! i am, like rohan, extremely up my own ass about my Writes so i’m always up to talk about em!!!!!!
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kwanfairy · 4 years
Quarantine Asks: Questions You Usually Wouldn’t Think of Asking But You’re Bored AF
Here is the link to the original post in case you wanna do it too ! also: @stitchzmile i want you to do it too :D <3
Animated character that was your gay awakening? jesus.. i actually dont know. as a kid i thought jessie from pokemon and kim possible were super hot LOL but i dont think they were my gay awakening.. 
Grilled cheese or PB&J? grilled cheese
What show/YouTube video(s) do you put on in the background when you when you don’t have anything to watch but you want something on? i actually dont do that but i love to put on some “relaxing celtic music” in the BG whenever i write!
Your go-to bar order, if you drink? that depends as i dont really like alcohol. if its about enjoying it, probably baileys, if its about getting hammered, jägermeister or other shots.
What’s your favorite pair of shoes that you own? i dont own enough shoes plus i dont really care about them lol but the new ones i bought are really comfy so i guess it’s them?
Top three cuisines? i like heavy/greasy food so german/austrian, asian, italian
What was your first word as a child (that wasn’t a variation of “Mom” or “Dad”)? no fucking clue but im super curious now and will ask my mom later!
What’s a job that you’ve had that people might be surprised to find out you’ve had? working as a language assistant w/ american students as im super anti-social and introverted
Look up. What’s directly across from you? my black wall (that ive painted myself!!) lol
Do you own any signed books/memorabilia in general? eventho i cant think of any i should have some, right? doesnt everyone have something thats signed??
Preferred way to spend a rainy day? on my ps4 or writing with my balcony door open so i can hear the rain
What do you get on your bagels? What WOULD you get if you had access to anything you wanted? we dont do bagels here or sandwiches and ive only been to subway once, was totally lost, amde a fool out of myself and never went to one ever again lol
Brunch or midnight snacks? brunch! eventho i love eating midnight snacks, my tummy doesnt react well to them....
Favorite mug you own as a none-coffee drinker, i dont have one
What coffee drink would you describe yourself as? probably milk-coffee? im super white and most people dont like me ^^
Pick a song lyric to describe your current mood (and drop the name and artist!) ive been anxious for the past week cause we have to do a presentation for work and my anxiety riddled brain is freaking out. but ive been trying to remind myself that, while its a struggle, its also an opportunity to show myself what im capable of! “I will never ever know, if i quit now” - Mess by Jasmine Sokko
Fruity or herbal teas? i do like both but prefer fruity ones
What’s that one TV show that you’re a little bit embarrassed to watch but you still like nonetheless? motto ojamajo doremi - its just really cute!
That book you were forced to read for class but actually ended up enjoying? The wave
Do you match your socks? yas
Have you ever been horseback riding? yup during sports-week at school, but i was terrified all the time and had no idea what i was doing LOL
What was your “phase” when you were younger? (i.e., Mythology Nerd, Horse Girl, Space Geek, etc) if loner counts, then that ^^
Have you ever been to jail? nope, but i kinda really wanna see one from the inside smh
What’s your opinion on Lazy Susan’s (the spinning tray in the middle of tables)? i only know them from chinese restaurants and they are quite handy if ya do food sharing but otherwise i dont really see the use
Puzzles? need to be in the mood but haven done one in yeeeears
You can only have one juice for the rest of your life, what is it? orange juice for sure
What section do you immediately head for when you walk into a bookstore? i rarely go to a bookstore rip i know but when, i usually check their manga section first (rip x2 lol) and then the thriller one
What’s one thing you’re trying to learn/relearn in your downtime right now? im on day 382 on my duolingo japanese course! also, the fic im currently writing has taught me a lot about not over editing and paraphraph-ing (whetever that is actually called)
Who’s your go-to musical artist when you’re feeling upbeat? not into musicals
Where could someone find you in a museum? that depends which museum it is. but im usually trying to follow a path that brings me past everything
What’s that one outfit in your closet you never get the chance to wear but want to? the super duper emo-like red plaid pants a friend of mine gave me years back.
Rainbows, stars, or sunset colored clouds? pink louds!
If you could own any non-traditional pet (dogs, cats, fish, rodents, etc), what would it be? while im quite wary of birds, emus look kinda cool. oh or a wombat maybe? or an axolotl!
Do you have more art on your walls or more photographs? art that either i or my mom has drawn
You have to get one meme tattooed on your body, what meme is it and where does it go? as embarrassing as it is i LOVE memes so i cant choose just one.
Pick a superhero sidekick to hang out with im not really into superhero stuff so i dont really know any sidekicks.. if ron from kim possible counts then him id say lol
Lakes, rivers, or oceans? lakes for sure, oceans are just too wide and deep and scary
Favorite mid-2000s song im totally blanking now but the only 2 that came to my mind were britney - toxic and baby bash - suga suga
How do you dress when you’re home alone? pyjamas
Where do you sit in the living room (we all have a preferred spot, and you know it)? in front of my comupter lol
Knives or swords? knives
A song you didn’t think you’d enjoy but ended up loving bewhy - gottasadae
Pick an old-school Disney Channel Original Movie is camp rock one? i dunno we didnt have disney channel
Are you a “Quote that relates to the photos” caption-er, an “explanation of where I took the photos” caption-er, or a no caption kinda person when you post pictures online? i never post pics online lol but i guess id be more of an explanation kidna gal
Name a classic Vine god there are so many good ones but the first that came to my mind was “stop! i coulda dropped my croissant!” and the “ok :D” guy in the jungle
What’s the freezer food that you stock up on when you go to the grocery store? veggies! i love veggies so my freezer usually is full of it
How do you top your ice cream? ew, i dont!!
Do you like Jello? non-native english speaker here. wtf is jello. is is this clear wobbly shit? if so, then no, gross!
What’s something that you don’t have a picture of that you wish you did? well ok i do have pics, but like, actual photographs of my dog but i wish i had more and digital ones as well :( i really fucking miss him even after all this time and it would be so nice to have more quality pics of him...
How are you at climbing trees? as someone whos scared of heights and abso-fucking-lutely grossed out by bugs... take a guess :)
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