#yeah im lazy sorry
unknownhomosapien · 10 months
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Godryn felt a strange tremble inside the amulet. Or it was his own hand? Could have sworn that there were voices, but it was hard to understand what they said.
He also remembered, that masked man gave him the same one in the dream few nights ago. It was a type of situation, when Godryn had no idea what to do.
His foresight powers got unusually stronger since arrival to Vvanderfell.
He got too much attention from the people, like they afraid of him.
Masked man actually helping him to understand, who is he really are.
And damn amulet, that was thrown away, because voices are too loud in his head. Because its new question with no answer.
Au, where everything was the same, except Voryn and Nerevar got different endings in the battle of Red Mountain. Godryn Ovathur, the incarnation of Voryn Dagoth, decided to start a new life in Morrowind, a motherland of his ancestors, but he did not expect WHO they were.
•Nerevar being sharmat, but he is not identify himself as god actually, more like being blessed to save people of Morrowind from traitors
•House Dagoth actually awake only because Dagoth' descendants. Its them being capable to spread coprus
•Nerevar "recruiting" only Dissident Priests and ashlanders. Instead of nightmares he shows what could be if Tribunal and Empire wasn't in rule. Yea, basically roasting them, lmao
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demigod-of-the-agni · 4 months
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Former SOLDIER, actually
The Cloud Strife version of this drawing I did like. a day ago?
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7roaches · 8 months
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not canon at all but i had a vision
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muninnhuginn · 2 months
In Defence of Qiao Ling
I've been musing on several threads relating to Qiao Ling in the last few weeks and have seen a few posts going around that have pushed me to actually try and put all my Qiao Ling thoughts into words and in one place.
Despite the title, I don't fully agree with the show's handling of Qiao Ling, but I do think she has been provided with a clear ongoing arc and so that's what I'm going to be focusing on here.
This got quite long so most of it is under the cut, but shout-out to @lizzieonka and @oceaniche for their previous posts on Qiao Ling, which definitely ended up inspiring some parts of this.
So, let's start with: what do we actually know about Qiao Ling?
Qiao Ling's Background
She's first introduced as the "landlady", for all it quickly becomes apparent that her relationship with Cheng Xiaoshi isn't quite that simple. Her family "took Cheng Xiaoshi in" but there's always been some distance and that's reinforced by the whole "rent" deal. (The fact that Cheng Xiaoshi is still adamant his parents will return likely also factors in to this.) Still, Qiao Ling herself clearly sees Cheng Xiaoshi as her younger brother and is willing to stake her claim on him as family to near-strangers (we've seen it both when she met Lu Guang and Li Tianxi).
Qiao Ling's social life is clearly contrasted with that of Cheng Xiaoshi. Where Cheng Xiaoshi's first "proper" friend was Lu Guang, Qiao Ling has her own circle of friends and is fairly sociable in general (she literally found a client by befriending a stranger when she came to learn martial arts). Xu Shanshan, for instance, is very much Qiao Ling's friend despite hanging out with the collective group at uni. Qiao Ling also spoke of Cheng Xiaoshi's childhood as something that happened to him specifically, implying that she herself was spared the bullying (which makes sense considering the fact that she wasn't the one with missing parents) and so had a more "normal" upbringing. Whether she spoke up back then or stayed quiet isn't fully clarified (not speaking up against adults is one thing but what about classmates?), but Cheng Xiaoshi doesn't seem to hold it against her either way.
Nowadays, Qiao Ling's role in managing the photo shop's side-business has her interacting directly with most clients. She's the most customer-facing of the three, relaying information between clients and shiguang. This is despite her not actually knowing the full details behind shiguang's diving process until season two, which in retrospect makes it more impressive. Qiao Ling taking on the managerial role (and what is also implied to be social media advertising) also has the (unintended?) effect of obscuring shiguang's roles in the business from the public, as it's Qiao Ling who earns the nickname of "witch". It took until Xiao Li saw Cheng Xiaoshi in the CCTV footage during the Doudou case for anyone to see through this.
Key Character Moments
In terms of Qiao Ling's key moments, we have four main ones.
In Doudou arc, Qiao Ling admits she saw Doudou being taken three years ago;
In season two, at the hospital, Qiao Ling asks for some trust and to not be shut out anymore;
Qiao Ling bonding with Li Tianxi and using their shared aspects to bring her out of her shell so she would help the investigation;
The revelation that Qiao Ling did, in fact, receive some form of Lu Guang's memories from Tianxi and her dismissal of their implications.
The main thread behind all of these scenes is that they are about information and what you choose to do with it.
My thoughts are two-fold here. First, how these scenes connect with Qiao Ling's arc specifically, and secondly, how they connect with the broader themes of the series.
Qiao Ling's Arc
Let's begin with Doudou arc. In this arc, Qiao Ling reveals that she saw the kidnapping of a child several years ago. She hadn't told anyone about this for three years and likely would have continued to have kept it to herself if not for Doudou's father approaching the photo studio. In this arc, there is the following exchange:
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Qiao Ling's main regret is that she didn't do something or say something as she saw Doudou being taken away. That her inaction may have ensured that Doudou's kidnapper was able to get away with him. And she specifically says "I didn't even have the courage to step forward and provide any information." (Tangent: Funnily enough, Lu Guang is the "star of courage" in the Star Warriors later in the episode, not Qiao Ling. Qiao Ling is "star of wisdom" who is meant to "light the way". Still fitting, but in a less straightforward way.)
Now, to me, this is clearly setting up an arc, not resolving one. Qiao Ling wouldn't have offered the information if not for the circumstances. And it tells us that for all Qiao Ling has friends and is sociable, she still holds certain cards close to her chest. She doesn't want to confront the past so instead she will hold her guilt tight and not say a word. Though, as this exchange shows, she does want to have that courage. And I'll get onto this later, but this ties in very clearly with the information she later holds regarding Lu Guang.
Hospital confrontation
Throughout this entire scene, even before it becomes a "confrontation" Qiao Ling is clearly feeling guilty. She runs after Cheng Xiaoshi when he tries to leave to help the police so that she can *do something*, make up for it the best she can. Guilt and avoidance are key traits for her and they both manifest here. They're still holding her back.
And, of course, there's her statement to Cheng Xiaoshi: "You're always trying to protect me. I really appreciate it. But what I need more is your trust." Qiao Ling knows what it's like to be locked out of the loop. She didn't know the specifics of diving for months (possibly years?) and it didn't really seem to bother her (or at least she didn't give the impression it bothered her when "Xu Shanshan" asked her about it). But she has her limits. And being locked out when the situation is actively dangerous? That's clearly past those limits.
Li Tianxi
Grouping together the final two scenes, because the first Li Tianxi scene is more a demonstration of character traits as well as digging in those sibling parallels between LTC-LTX and CXS-QL. Anyway, the first scene adds more evidence to the idea that Qiao Ling is more sociable and a people person. That she could could get Li Tianxi to open up by taking a more understanding approach and showing that she gets it to some extent. She's in the same boat.
Which means when we get to the final scene, this is what ties it all together. Qiao Ling has inherited the memories Li Tianxi saw from Lu Guang. She has seen Cheng Xiaoshi's "death". She has information now. But her first instinct is to dismiss it. To avoid it and refuse to confront it because the implications are too much.
But, see, she's been in this situation before with Doudou. She's had information and done nothing with it and regretted. She wanted to have the courage to do better. This is her goal.
And the implications of these memories? Do they mean Cheng Xiaoshi is in danger? Wasn't danger her red line in the sand? Didn't she tell him that "protecting" people and "trusting" them aren't mutually exclusive?
And finally, Lu Guang isn't Li Tianxi, but isn't the scenario here at least somewhat similar? Isn't Qiao Ling in the same boat as him here, wanting to keep Cheng Xiaoshi safe? Hasn't Qiao Ling shown she can connect with people through their shared experiences?
Qiao Ling isn't a confrontational character. She's avoidant. She will wallow in her guilt and not let on until it gets too much. But she wants to do better and isn't this her chance to do something? Say something? To not just be a passive observer and be left with regrets? I don't think it will be immediate by any means, but I think for her arc to conclude properly, she will have to conclude for herself that she needs to be open with the information she has and share it. If she's pushed into it, then it's just Doudou again. But if she chooses to share the information, then that's the pay-off set up back in season one.
Broader Themes in the Show
Broader themes regarding information and withholding of it. We see time and again in this series, that characters withhold information from others.
Liu Xiao and Lu Guang with Li Tianchen and Cheng Xiaoshi respectively, both holding more information than their "partner". Refusing to share it so that they can control them. Their reasons may differ, but the dynamics mirror each other in that respect. Unhealthy dynamic number one.
Li Tianchen and Li Tianxi, never addressing what Li Tianchen is doing with their powers. It allows Li Tianchen to pretend to himself that he is protecting Li Tianxi and carrying out justice. Li Tianxi is heavily implied in her telling of their backstory to know more than she lets on with regards to Li Tianchen's actions. But the refusal of both siblings to broach the topic eventually leads to Li Tianchen going where Li Tianxi cannot follow in his pursuit of vengeance and puts Li Tianxi in the very danger Li Tianchen wanted to avoid. Unhealthy dynamic number two. (There are more than this but I'm just sticking to these to keep this from getting any longer)
To go back to the hospital confrontation, when Qiao Ling says: "You're always trying to protect me. I really appreciate it. But what I need more is your trust." When she says this? It's a direct hit against the idea that protection should involve keeping people out. And in this case, Cheng Xiaoshi does start to let her in. They do manage to have healthy communication here now that Qiao Ling has been let in on the dives and is allowed to do something to help. She doesn't want to be passive.
She knows what it's like to be locked out, to be "protected" without having her own agency respected. But now, as of end of season two, she's on the other side. She has the information and Cheng Xiaoshi is locked out.
When Qiao Ling was assigned as the "Star of Wisdom, to light the way" in the Doudou arc, that's because it's her role in the show overall. Lu Guang certainly isn't going to push forward with healthy communication; he's too committed to his path for that. Cheng Xiaoshi meanwhile doesn't have the information needed to even start a confrontation. Qiao Ling is the only one in the position to lead the way with her knowledge. To provide the route to healthy communication once more.
She is the catalyst.
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sonechyo · 2 months
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Got tired of this mid-way and did the rest out of spite, big Broseph looks shitty. Anyway
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mugentakeda · 1 year
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sketchy samcham trio portraits after a long time
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takitori67 · 1 year
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(Chants) Cats... Cats... More cats... More more Cats...
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tangledinink · 1 year
Okay I'm back with another ask. I was thinking about when the boys do discover they're turtles, but at this point there's no way any of them have turtle instincts. So my brain immediately went to somerandomdudelmao's series and how they get Casey to learn to hide in his shell and I just... you figure you'll do something like this? I'm asking because this is hilarious to me haha https://www.tumblr.com/somerandomdudelmao/712616797795418112/part-8-mikey-is-having-a-great-time-lmao-part-1?source=share
LMAO. Yeah ofc, I love their work! Yeah they're gonna have a hard time connecting with some of their turtle instincts at first, since they've been kind of ignoring/unaware of them for so long. But for some reason I'm kind of imagining TMWN Mikey running into the opposite problem...?
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kesharik · 5 months
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Francois meet Nosramus in present be like
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chiquilines · 8 months
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Mina costume redesign!! Hate her original costume so so much like actually what the fuck was horikoshi thinking
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echo-goes-mmm · 7 months
Old Friends (Oneshot) #1
Warnings: briefly implied non-con, off-screen torture
Ugh. What happened? The team… the warehouse… the explosion…
Oh god, the explosion!
Hero bolted upright, his head throbbing. He groaned, screwing his eyes shut. He fumbled for his lamp. But there was no lamp.
He opened his eyes.
He wasn’t in his bedroom at home base.
He was in a dim cell.
Hero was in a dim cell, stripped of all his equipment and chained to a stone wall. In Supervillain’s base.
Steps echoed down the hall. 
But instead of Supervillain, a small-framed man limped down the hall with a tray. He looked… vaguely familiar. Or maybe it was a concussion talking.
The man turned to unlock his cell. It was a hand scan opener, which was interesting. Very classy.
He definitely had a concussion. 
The man had dark eyebags and even darker hair. He looked like shit, a bruise on his face and his eyes dull. They were purple, so he must be Powered. Still, somewhat familiar.
“Hey,” said Hero, as the man sat down the tray, “Do I know you?”
The man shrugged. He shook two pills from a bottle, and offered them to Hero.
He eyed them. “What are they?” 
“Painkillers,” he said, voice hoarse. “Master wants you to take them.”
“Master? You mean Supervillain.”
“Mhm.” He jostled the painkillers in his palm. What the hell? Supervillain was involved, he didn’t have a choice.
He took the pills, and the man handed him a bottle of water. Thank god.
“Are you two enjoying your reunion?” Hero jumped at the voice. He looked up, and Supervillain was just inside the cell, smirking that horrible grin at them.
The man stood up with the tray, eyes downcast. He moved to stand next to Supervillain, who placed a hand on the back of his neck.
“Aw, you don’t remember? Little Laith? Of course, he’s just my dog now. Speak, pup.”
“Woof,” said the man, staring at the floor.
Laith was a snarky, arrogant thief, Hero’s first Powered arrest nearly a decade ago. He could literally disappear into shadows, and occasionally teleport through them. What did Supervillain do to make him so… lifeless?
“I- I thought he was in prison.”
“Anything’s possible when you grease a few palms, sweetheart.” Laith flinched.
“You two have fun.” Supervillain pushed off the wall, waving them off. Hero watched him go.
“I’m sorry.” 
“If- If I knew you’d end up here- I wouldn’t have arrested you.”
“It’s okay.” Laith turned and left, sealing the door behind him.
“My team will come for me,” he panted. His entire body was an open wound, pain searing into his nerves.
“No they won’t, sweetheart.”
“Of course they will, there’s a tracker in my equipment, genius,” he spat.
Supervillain laughed. “You mean the one I had my pup plant on the body in your place? You’re dead, my dear, and all those gadgets are in my hands to study.”
“What- that’s not-” his head spun. Supervillain lit up a cigarette, as if he was enjoying a smoke after getting laid instead of after a torture session.
“Including your comlink. Congratulations on helping me take down your team, Hero. I’m sure you’ll see them soon. You’ll be cell neighbors! How fun.”
There was a commotion down the hall. Hero peered out past the bars. There was a yelp and a firm voice, but he couldn’t make out the words. Eventually the figures came into view.
Supervillain was dragging Laith by the hair, his heeled boots stomping across the stone floor. Hero shrank away from the sight.
Supervillain tossed Laith into the cell across from him, which had to be on purpose. But he didn’t stop there, pulling out a remote and a cattle prod. Supervillain pressed a button, and the hallway and cells lit up with floodlights.
They drowned out any possible shadows Laith could disappear into. Hero had used the same technique to catch Laith all those years ago. He felt sick watching his own strategy used for torture.
Supervillain pocketed the remote, and the cattle prod sparked.
Oh god.
“My dear pup,” he sighed, “you were doing so well.”
“Please, Master,” begged Laith, “I’m sorry!” 
It was the most energetic he had heard Laith in the week he spent in this hell hole. And it was spent begging Supervillain for mercy.
Hero screwed his eyes shut and covered his ears. It didn’t help cover up the screaming.
Laith brought him lunch, after. Just like usual. As if nothing had happened. Laith trembled, the cup of water rattling on the tray.
“Remember when you disappeared just to taunt me when I chased you? You’d make some comment about how I was an idiot or looked like crap.”
Laith sat the tray down in front of him.
“I remember.”
“What did he do to you? You used to be stealing diamonds and Rembrandts and now you're helping that monster.”
Laith glanced behind him. He sat down next to Hero. He tapped at the black choker around his neck, but on inspection it wasn’t a choker at all.
It was a slim metal power-dampener, a model he’d never seen before. A red light blinked at him. The only bulky part was a small box on the side, and Hero knew what it was on sight. A shock component.
“You can’t leave, can you?” Laith shook his head. 
“He hasn’t let me teleport for so long… I don’t know if I can anymore.” Laith was thin and ragged, bruises and burns up and down his face and arms. He shouldn’t be doing anything, much less using his abilities.
Hero didn’t have powers, he relied on his tech. Tech that Supervillain now had. He examined the collar. The lock was obviously in the shock component, and was a clear design flaw.
“I could get it off,” he said, “I’m sure of it. A minute with a piece of wire, and we could get out of here.”
Laith jerked away from him.
“It shocked me when I tired,” he said, despair in his voice. “I can’t take it off.”
“No I- we- could do it. C’mon Laith. You never hurt anyone back then, even when you could. Even when it was easier to than not. Don’t let Supervillain use you to murder innocent people.”
“I can't.”
“Please Laith,” be begged. “People are going to die.”
“He’ll kill me if I fail. Or worse.”
“How much worse can it get?”
Laith came to him a few days later, outside of the normal meal time.
He opened his palm to reveal a paperclip.
“We don’t have much time,” he said, tilting his neck. “He’ll know I opened your door, and he’ll know once it’s off.” Hero set to work.
“What made you change your mind?”
“I- he- he made me have sex with him again.”
“What?” Hero paused.
“Just work!” he snapped.
“What about my com?”
“What about it?” hissed Laith.
“Supervillain can’t have it.”
“It’s in the office, but-” the collar sparked, and he gasped in pain.
“-I don’t know if I have two teleports in me,” finished Laith.
“Okay, fine, we’ll just tell the team when we get back.”
“Wha- ‘we’?!”
The collar popped off, but they didn’t have time to celebrate before the hall lit up in floodlights.
“Uh oh,” came a voice over the loudspeakers, “did my little doggy forget his collar?”
Laith whimpered.
“Laith! Focus!” said Hero, grabbing his arm.
“There’s- there’s nowhere to go! I can’t-” Laith gasped for air, hyperventilating.
Hero searched around. Surely there was something the floodlights couldn’t reach. But the whole place must have been designed around it, because- 
The collar lay on the floor, casting a tiny shadow.
“Laith, look!” His face lit up, as if he was seeing water in the desert. Laith grabbed Hero’s hand and reached into the sliver of shade.
A coldness overcame them both, and Hero immediately felt nauseous.
They landed in an office, clearly Supervillain’s. Laith snatched something small and white off the desk, and they were off again.
They wound up in the middle of an empty lot of overgrown grass.
“I thought,” panted Hero, doubling over. “You didn’t have two. Guess you’re still an adrenaline junkie.” he joked.
It was right up his alley, but Laith didn’t laugh.
Hero glanced over. Laith lay sprawled out, face down on the dry grass.
“Oh god,” Hero turned him over, and checked his pulse.
He was alive, barely, and still clutching the com.
Hero pulled Laith towards him, cradling him close. He put the com back in his ear. Thank god for secondary trackers.
“I need medical!” he shouted into the com.
“Hero?! You’re alive? Wha-” God, he’d never been so happy to hear that voice.
“Just get here, fast!”
Laith whimpered in his lap, twitching. His head lolled, and Hero shifted to support his neck.
“It’s gonna be okay, buddy. I promise, it’s gonna be okay.”
taglist: @paintedpigeon1
Bonus: Laith, because I can't stop thinking about him
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porcubus · 2 months
Something i'd like to point out
We can assume the final part of p2 of the canto was not only from heathcliff's perspective but dante's as well, considering we know they can look directly into their memories when resonating with them.
we did not get a new cg for carmen's appearance. This is something you could chalk up to time on the artist's part, and wanting to focus purely on "main" story cgs perhaps? But for this im gonna assume it was purposeful
For those who aren't aware or need a refresher, this CG is from ayin's perspective, from ayin's memory of laying with her in the grass in the past, in the first game
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its personal, and there's only one body who could have this image in their mind.
when viewed this way, the lack of even a redraw feels more intentional 😀...?
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s0urfangs · 11 months
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Top 10 Art Tricks: If you are struggling with a design you can just. turn that guy into a chibi. shrink the bastard.
Fedsys EoD and onward design. He has a lil bit of a moment (violence, creature, oh no,) after icebrood, but I like to think that post EoD he's gotten the entire vampirism situation under control.
He is built for climbing, treetop ambush and perhaps for eating nice fruits <3
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esttillie · 9 months
I absolutely loved those Gerry headcannons!!! do you have any Michael ones?
'Michael' absolutely adore birds. Especially the ones who are not able to fly. He thinks these are the ones who deserve the most love because the earth has already robbed them of what would rightfully be theirs (the sky) without them even suspecting. They're not even aware of it. 'Michael' sometimes 'cry' (as much as the things that roll out of his eyes can be called 'tears') when he sinks too deep into this thought. (You're welcome, Radium & Percy)
Michael is usually a really patient person when it comes to other people messing up tasks, or just having a hard time doing anything in general, but they can get really frustrated when the same thing happens to him and WILL need some quiet time to process his feelings when it does.
He has blood pressure issues and will faint if he get's up too quickly (projection)
He has a little spiral-sun tattoo on the back of his neck :)
As 'Michael' Distortion, it can change it's form indefinitely, but more often then not it will do it unconsciously when some very strong emotion hits it (like anger, joy, fear or embarrassment)
He really loves the sea and beach-related things. One of his hobbies before being consumed by the distortion was collecting shells that he found in the sand and giving them as jewelry to those he cared about. Gertrude has 2, Gerry has 7... until now.
Michael is a humanitarian activist and used to participate in several NGOs for various social causes and was part of the Greenpeace UK for several years.
Cried several times reading The Song of Achilles and still can't bring himself to read it again even after The Distortion got him.
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missygoesmeow · 1 year
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Captain Copia's true form not really but I did it for the bit
full NSFT here
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henriiiii-1001old · 1 year
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i finally drew him <33333333 I LOVE HIM SM MAN I WANNA HOLD HIMB!!!!!!!!!!!!
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