#i will die for Apollo Olympic
king-nyx · 2 months
Because of Ara George's depiction of Apollo (Apollo Olympic, my beloved, my babygirl, my one and only), I sometimes genuinely forget that the actual Apollo was the god of knowledge. This man is meant to be super fucking smart.
Damn. That's tragic for me, ngl lads.
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kitkats-and-kittens · 3 months
Spoilers for Pjo.
You know I feel like people should acknowledge how fucked up camp halfblood is more often.
Like everyone always makes fun of New Rome for being uptight and sticklers for the rules, but low-key living at camp halfblood sucks.
The barrier wasn’t even up for a decade before it was broken and before that literal children were sent out to fight monsters despite being promised safety (Ik Talias protection made it slightly better, but still) and during sea of monsters they are once again required to fight as literal kids!
Unlike New Rome there’s no university for the Demigods to go to. Year rounders get tutored by Chiron (presumably) and then what? They have no actual credentials or any records of them graduating from school. Since no one knows about Camp they technically don’t have an address either which sucks if your parents are dead or don’t want you.
We see hardly any adult demigods around camp and I don’t know if they choose to leave or not, but either way they are set up for failure. Chiron tells Percy about the success stories, the people who go on to be Olympic athletes or celebrities due to their half godly nature, but it’s more than likely those are far outweighed by the failures.
Those who died hungry on the streets with no way to get a job and no home to return to. Those who were torn down by monsters without the protection of the camp. Even those who made it constant live with the terror that one day they’ll be found and killed. And what if those people have family’s? Will the monsters hunt them too? And what happens when they get too old to fight?
That’s not even mentioning the trauma they’ll be stuck with their entire lives.
No wonder so many end up joining the Emperors in ToA.
And you know what. Chiron need to take some damn accountability for being a shit mentor. He fucked off for most of the books but even when he talks to Percy about how much he cares he does quite literally nothing about Luke. How did a child manage to manipulate an immortal centaur for years without anyone catching on?
And he doesn’t improve after the war either. Will is made Head of Apollo Cabin at 13. He has two younger siblings and is essentially expected to act as their parent despite still being a child himself. Not to mention he’s the camps head doctor. He’s performed surgery! Which is exhausting and long and something no child should be dealing with. Especially since we know Chiron must have some healing abilities since he literally raised Asclepius.
Will is not paid either. None of them are. He doesn’t get a salary, so free child labour (cough cough exploitation) and after he leaves camp he’ll have no way to prove his medical training to anyone and no way to pay for medical school or even to get in without the appropriate documents.
I don’t like to rant about books but Rick Riordan did not go dark enough with this series and I will say this about his books until the day I die. The light comedic writing style means fucked up shit like this simply slips through the cracks.
There’s still so much I haven’t touched on.
What about the Hephaestus cabin and their curse. How did Chiron just stand by and watch as these kids continually blew themselves up?
Fighting in two wars?
The Romans are a little more fucked up there because we know there are adults who can fight and are simply choosing to send children in their place.
Octavian being quite literally brainwashed into dying for his land.
Jason’s entire backstory.
The fact that most demigod children probably die before ever reaching camp is very much not touched on and it should be.
The fact that camp halfblood is hidden with the mist means that no one knows where the year rounders are. Which is weird when you think a lot of the reason people become year rounders is too many monster attacks or horrible home lives which further implies out in the real world there are genuine missing posters for these kids. Some might even be considered legally dead so what happens when they rock up in their early 20’s attempting to rejoin society?
In conclusion Camp Halfblood is fucked and Chiron is not some innocent fun loving centaur dude. His lack of action had a very big and very real impact on these kids.
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cosmicfan776 · 5 months
after having now finished last olympian, my official sorting of the olympic gods
-poseidon (when grading on a curve, pretty good dad and he is silly and also hot)
-Dionysus (king, would have won pac man if it wasn't for pierre. also seems genuinely chill/cares about his kids
-Aphrodite (has never done anything wrong in her life absolutely did not curse any women for serving more cunt than her. only thing she did in books was be cool and ship percabeth. Queen shit.)
-Artemis (actually does shit. like she just goes out and does things and i think that's cool)
-Hermes (he was mean and lashes out at others for his own mistakes, but also hes not all bad)
-Apollo (continues to grumble about how i "do not fuck with apollo anymore")
-Hades (show hades is awesome, but in the books hes just an asshole, and also never figured out how prophecies work even tho its been like millenia, complete imbecile. could have taken nico/bianca out of the casino? considering zeus clearly forgot about them by the time of books/thought they were dead, so like, they were only in there so you could release them from cryofreeze in time for the prophecy.)
-Athena (cannot laugh at funny, good natured prank. so leaves her child to die for what their friend did. cringe. also did i call her a nerd yet. because she's a nerd. Absolute four-eyes athena over here.)
-Demeter (has done nothing but be an asshole and try to make people eat wheat. i don't want your fucking wheat lady.)
-Hera (asshole. they all gotta stop cursing people frankly.)
-Zeus (just kinda evil. like he took out an entire hotel to kill his targets, who were also innocent children. and then still broke the pact twice despite that. and also all the swan shit that wasn't chill.)
-Ares (ares.)
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wrongcaitlyn · 2 months
need more apollo and darren lore to see if i can relate them to back to december
you can ONE HUNDRED PERCENT relate them to back to december if you just ignore the tiny detail of them not breaking up in december (but like, who cares because it’s the VIBE that matters and in this case the vibe is definitely accurate)
i will definitely be adding more apollo and darren lore…let’s just say… archery world championships happening soon…. olympics in one year…. kayla’s an icon mastermind…..
but! some little notes in specific relation to back to december
i know you may think this is apollos pov, but after looking over the lyrics again to refresh my memory… it’s from darren’s perspective. 100%
I'm so glad you made time to see me / How's life? Tell me, how's your family? / I haven't seen them in a while
apollos family!! not referring to his dad. duh. but darren’s prob just talking abt like the 1-2 times he met will and austin as babies, he hasn’t seen them since so “a while”…. sure darren, that might be a bit of an understatement
You've been good, busier than ever / We small talk, work and the weather / Your guard is up and I know why
small talk is SO real with them. they’re so awkward esp rn. they don’t know how to talk to each other. apollo says “nice weather we’re having” completely unironically and darren responds “oh yeah it’s nice”
cue silence for like 2 minutes until apollo asks how his coaching is going and more and more stilted conversation
AND!!! they’re both busier than ever!! apollo returning to being employed (kinda? i mean, he has a job so) and darren with olympics being next year
Because the last time you saw me / Is still burned in the back of your mind / You gave me roses and I left them there to die
i don’t wanna spoil exactly how they broke up… bc me and wronghuntress had like an hour long convo abt pollen lore a few weeks back and. guys. when i tell you i am SO fucking excited to write it‼️‼️
HOWEVER. this line. is very. very. very. fitting. from darren’s pov that’s all i’m saying hereeee
bc ik in one of the other chapters i said that apollos like “i ruined his life” and he DID but also like. it’s messy. it’s so very messy.
So this is me swallowin' my pride / Standin' in front of you sayin' I'm sorry for that night / And I go back to December all the time
not technically in front of him but!! the phone call!! abt kayla!! him swallowing up his pride, and there wasn’t necessarily an apology for the… things that happened, but it’s a step forward
It turns out freedom ain't nothin' but missin' you / Wishin' I'd realized what I had when you were mine / I'd go back to December, turn around and make it alright / I go back to December all the time
change it to march and make darren a singer instead of an archer and this would be one of his songs😭😭
These days, I haven't been sleepin' / Stayin' up playin' back myself leavin' / When your birthday passed and I didn't call / Then I think about summer, all the beautiful times / I watched you laughin' from the passenger's side / And realized I loved you in the fall
god… this timeline is actually SO real. if anyone’s making a pollen playlist out there (i should probably do that when i have timeHDKDJD) THIS SONG‼️‼️‼️
anyway ofc apollo is associated with summer in darren’s brain… and also apollo def thinks of summer too when thinking of darren :)
and oh yeah, ofc apollo’s in the passenger seat. bro probably grew up with drivers and doesn’t have his license.. rip sun chariot!!! (he gets his license eventually, ofc, but only bc it’s to drive will to school)
I miss your tan skin, your sweet smile / So good to me, so right
But if we loved again, I swear I'd love you right
i mean, do these even need to be explained? well darren, i can assure you that you WILL love again. it’s what we all need
okay so. i can’t really. explain the rest of this stuff. but here are the lyrics that stand out to me SOOO much because of how they broke up. that is all i can say for now!!
And then the cold came, the dark days / When fear crept into my mind / You gave me all your love and all I gave you was goodbye
And how you held me in your arms that September night / The first time you ever saw me cry
thank you so much for the ask!! it’s been a while since some pollen content but i swear it’s coming soon :))
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tsarinatorment · 1 year
If you really think about it both Nico and Will have a very high chance of achieving godhood cause they are both their dad’s favorite child or one of their dads favorite children. Both are very accomplished demigods that have little to no life experience in the mortal world. I think if they both got offered godhood when they were a little older and confident that they were going to be a forever couple neither would be particularly opposed to becoming gods. Will would probably be the god of surgery or something cause he’s a healer like his godly brother but he’s more of a trauma surgeon then a medicine maker. And Nico could be a stellar god of skeletons or shadows or something. Cause Summoning Skeletons is like his main attack thing.
There are two different points here, anon. Point one is could they be gods, and point two is would they want to be.
The answer to point one is certainly a resounding yes - but not because of favouritism on behalf of their parents (despite the fandom's apparent insistence to the contrary, Apollo doesn't have a favourite child; he very clearly loves them all equally if you actually pay attention to how he acts with them all. Will gets spotlighted more because he's in the books more, but the ratio of appearance to Apollo's gushing is about the same for all three kids we get to know in TOA). They are, however, both easily powerful enough to ascend - Apollo directly compares Will with Asclepius, and I don't think I need to talk about Nico any further on this topic.
The answer to point two is where I disagree with you wholeheartedly, anon. I don't think either of them would ever choose to be a god. Neither of them are actually interested in gaining more power, unlike the famous examples of Dionysus and Hercules*, and also being a god really isn't all it's cracked up to be.
For starters, these are two kids who have spent most of their preteen/teen years in the middle of various wars, in positions of responsibility that would be tough for adults to handle and should never, ever have landed on the shoulders of kids. We see this with Percy as well - he was so tired of it all by the end of the series that he's literally done his best to turn his back on all of it. Being a god is, first and foremost, a responsibility. It's a full time job with no time off, no holidays, no nothing, for the rest of eternity. Why would two people who have been trapped in nothing but that for their mortal lives willingly choose that when they could die and spend eternity together in Elysium, doing only things they find fun with no overarching responsibilities hanging over them? At this point I'd say it's a no brainer that both of them will get Elysium when they die, whatever happens from now on, and also with Nico being the son of Hades... the rules will get bent in his favour even if that wasn't the case, let's be honest.
Also, if they did ascend, they'd be mostly separated - Nico would clearly become Chthonic and remain based in the Underworld, while Will would be one of the Olympic gods on Olympus/the Overworld. They would be able to interact occasionally, I'm sure, but for the most part they'd actually be separated from each other. Again, not really what they'd be going for, I don't think.
So no, while I agree both of them could ascend to godhood, I disagree that either of them would ever choose to.
You do make a good point about their general lack of mortal world awareness/skills, but with the existence of New Rome there are clearly options for adult demigods that don't involve returning to the mortal world - personally I headcanon that Will will go to New Rome University, get his doctor qualifications, and then return to Camp Half-Blood as an adult head of infirmary to take the pressure off of his younger mortal siblings, while Nico will continue with general Ambassador of Hades/Pluto things - so responsibilities while they're still alive, but ones they can shed once they die!
*No, I have not forgotten Asclepius' existence, but Asclepius was never given the choice. He was killed and then ascended all on Zeus' whims - we have no idea if he would have wanted to ascend if given the option.
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domsaysstuff · 2 years
Kinnporsche God!Kinn Mortal!Porsche ideas dump post
Also known as Foreigner's God Au.
So I would like fto start off with thanking @kin-kinn @bestiesincrime and @yilingbee for being my soundboard at the beginning stages of forming this idea (and that's why they lovingly get the access to the doc with all the ideas)
Secondly it's greek/roman gods inspired but I do not have an excessive knowledge of mythology to simply follow it, no, I have it to mish mash it for my favorite gay blorbos so some myths and gods will just work different™
Who is who and why do I think it fits.
Korn - Zeus, which i don't think i have to explain i guess?? King of gods, big asshole, we all hate him
Tankun - Demeter, because I would love for my boy to decorate the whole world and also he is dramatic enough to say no flowers for y'all if i don't get to keep Pete, losers 
Gun as Poseidon bc of his yacht outfit in the last ep at the showdown, like my dude just vibing with the beach
Pete - Persephone (for obvious reasons)
Vegas - Hades, like c'mon again for obvious reasons, also Khun Spikes as Cerber i said what i said
Arm and Pol are nymphs in service of Khun 
YOK AS DIONYSUS again this queen just deserves that, love that for her
Kim is either Artemis because he's sharp and deadly and also removed from gods and very pretty and also asexual Kim agenda™, then also Athena because again information and knowledge and pursue of it, also there is a little merge with Kinn's role*
Kinn is more like Helios but meant to be Apollo(still got the healing stuff which is important for plot™) which like backstory the merge with Kim stuff, will get to it later*
Big might also be Hermes bc he's my little errand boy™ but he lacks the mischief so he's Ardestia (thanks to Niv), goddess of harmony and equilibrium of good and evil in battle and is associated with Artemis (Kim) 
Ken (thanks to Niv again) is nemesis, goddess of rivalry on the battlefield and retribution and revenge
Macau as Ares but I give him the mischief that Hermes should have, like I would make him Hermes but he just screams Ares to me, the short temper says it all
Tay and Time are naiads 
Jom and Tem are simple humans
Porsche and Chay are humans in like ¼ because I think Aphrodite should be their grandmother, so they are mortal but incredibly beautiful which checks out 
*I think Kim like Artemis had a responsibility of taking care of the moon but he wanted to make music and he didn't want to have anything to do with Olymp and so Kinn took his role and takes care of the sun and the moon, while also stepping out of his role as the guardian of art, which hurt him to do because he just loves art and music and poems and he shines with it sometimes, but Kim is clearly made for music and arts and he can't take that away from him and he pretends that it's fine, that he's glad he gave it up but sometimes when he hears a particularly beautiful melody he yearns
Plot things.
The prophecy, Kinn, Tawan and "you're not a hero Porsche"
All gods when reached a certain age need to go to meet with the fates that will share one prophecy with them that will dictate their lives. 
So Kinn when reached his right age, still a fairly young god come to the fares he heard; ["You're going to love a hero, (and here are few options how that sentence might end but) and he's going to die for that/that love won't stop him from dying"]
And it breaks him. But it's fine, he's young and love isn't on his mind yet. But then he meets Tawan. And like Tawan being a human hero like well known between people as a soldier.
So Kinn thinks it's about him. So the betrayal and the fact that he has to kill him hurts so much more. 
After that Kinn is sure to not fall in love again. 
Enter Porsche.
Who's not a hero deemed by society, he is just a common man. Just a normal human. And Kinn falls deeply.
first meeting
Chay is sick, really, really sick and there is nothing human medicine could do 
Porsche is desperate and convinces Yok to take him to the god of healing (Kinn) and Yok is like "i can't take him to him but i can tell you where he always starts and ends his journey through sky but I'm not sure if he'll listen to you"
Yok doesn't know kinn personally but shares Porsche's weariness of main gods even if she is goddess herself, she is removed from olymp and its affairs enough
So there Porsche goes.
And at first Kinn says no.
But Porsche is stubborn and desperate
So he waits up another day.
And then another.
And sometimes they stroke up a conversation
Sometimes they just watch each other
(Just imagine Kinn watching Porsche being beautiful, laying under the sun, waiting for him, Kinn being stunned by all of that Porsche is and mesmerized by him but convincing himself that it's nothing because Porsche is human)
It's been two weeks and Porsche is going restless, he doesn't know how much time Chay has left
Kinn hears him talking to Yok when she comes to deliver news about chay's wellbeing and he thinks about™ he heard the pain and hurt in Porsche's voice when he talked with the goddess, he heard the "if he doesn't survive this Yok, I have nothing more to live for" and so he decides to heal Chay
But since he waited so much to say yes, Chay's illness is way more advanced to heal just in one go
So he needs to do this in repeated visits
And the short story is that Kinn swore to never fall in love with another human after Tawan, his last human lover, because they die. And Kinn can do nothing about it. But also because they are greedy and starved for the thought of immortality. Or at least that's what he knows of because of Tawan.
Tawan was Kinn's human lover that he had to kill because of plot reasons™ that I will not be revealing yet.
I would also like for Vegas to taunt Kinn sometimes about the fact that he has Tawan in the underworld. 
But enter Porsche who is just making it impossible to not fall in love with him. But Porsche hates the main gods bc of his mother.
Anyway they fall in love slowly, I am saying slow-burn!! And then they are in love and it's so bittersweet because Kinn knows that Porsche will die but loving him is so sweet, so good, so fulfilling. The problem also arises with the fact that Porsche doesn't want infinity, not if he has to take ambrosia.
Plot related things.
Chay, Tem, Jom and Porsche are followers of Yok bc Yok just like Dionysus deserves to have her own cult but more in a found family way then the actual cult. 
Porsche meeting Pete at spring when he's  with Tankhun and befriending the god only to see everyone to let him go in the fall and being like "i was right that gods don't care about anything, how can they just let him go to the underworld and NOT fight for him to stay" and it sits heavy with him throughout the whole of fall and winter and modulates his relationship with Kinn.
A nice image is also Kinn telling Porsche about Sappho and then speaking the "mother i cannot weave" poem into his skin, as if pressing the words to stay there in graved
Porsche lazy and satisfied under the sun while wearing an olive branch wrath and one of those white togas?? delicious™
"Here coated with sweat Kinn felt alive. Pressed into Porsche's body, his own felt almost human in its wanting. He didn't know which craved Porsche more, his body or his soul but what he was sure of was the fact that it felt like something human. This feelings. No godly sins could taint it and Kinn was as scared by it as amazed." (I will change the wording of this but I like the vibe™)
And then on an unrelated note but do not read if you don't want spoilers for the end of circe by Madeline Miller.
"Kinn heard of Circe becoming human. Everyone on Olympus did. It made him think. Let an intrusive thought into his head, he started thinking what if he could become one. For Porsche he could, for the chance to grow old with him, spend his life with him as Porsche deserves. He ached with that thought, he knew he had responsibilities as a god, knew that what Circe did was never available to him and yet he couldn't stop thinking, what a beautiful thing it would be to be human with Porsche."
And lastly some myths I thought about when thinking of this Au.
Persephone and Hades ofc for our VegasPete, there is just no other options and no getting out of it
Okay so listen at first I was like Hyacinth and Apollo myth for KimChay??? But I couldn't do it to Porsche, like Chay ain't no way is going to be turned into a fucking flower.
But Namphung? Like imagine if Porsche's hatred for main gods is because he's mother got killed because she was loved by one and then she is turned into a flower as she dies and Porsche tends to a whole garden filled with that flowers (after he and Khun bond, Khun blesses and enhances the garden even more which warms Porsche's heart)
So for Kimchay actually Orpheus and Eurydice but successful and different
Like just get this. Chay is obvs Orpheus but in a broad sense but instead falling for Eurydice he falls for Kim and Kim the god of music falls for the prettiest and most skilled singer and player. And then Chay somehow dies and Kim has to go to the underworld to save him.
So yeah that's all that's I'm willing to reveal. This will be probably like two-four chapters with a KimChay interlude along the way. I hope you all will go crazy over this as much as I have been going lately and that heavens will sent me time and motivation to actually write this.
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daisychains111 · 3 months
live "tweet" books with me (via the goodreads progress bar) pt.2: Lore by Alexandra Bracken
idk who the narrator of the first part was, but I'm very confused...if he's not a god anymore is her love interest...or maybe her dad?
who is gil...how did he die?
her grandfather? wasn't gonna guess that
potential love interest spotted..hey masked dude
oooooo does she know him? intrigue
potential love interest #2...van hello
I cannot stress enough how happy I am that her name isn't actually lore
wait nvm it is actually her name...that's stupid
Annabeth come get you mom, this is embarrassing
Percy come get your namesake ancestor...this is embarrassing
they are saying a lot of words that mean absolutely nothing to me?
happy to report that her name isn't actually lore...thank God...gods? whatever
"the Olympics but with murder" Nothing better happen to Miles bc I love him already
HAH poseidon and perseus reference
(I'm gonna spend this whole book talking about pjo just fyi)"
I get this feeling that apollo let Castor kill him
nooooo not the doggg
castor out here with the Olympians shittiest moments highlight reel to remind athena that he's cooler than her
oooo are miles and van gonna be a thing..that would be cute
athena deciding to keep miles around like he's a puppy is peak comedy
just because you're pointing out that the names are getting stupider doesn't mean you don't lose a point for continuing to name your characters stupid things
van and miles going on a secret special side quest together? mmmmhhmmm checks out
don't get me wrong I love a good enemy's to lovers but istg destiny if she gets with the guy who killed her family I will never forgive you
I am directly halfway done with this book, and there has yet to be one single ounce of romantic subplot...This is extremely disappointing"
I asked for romantic subplot but idk if this is what I wanted...however I'm a suckered for childhood best friends to lovers so we'll see"
"do that again when you mean it golden" period you tell her castor (I 1000% agree)
also him calling her golden is cute...even if I'm not sure why he does it"
hehe miles and van bonding time.. thats a romantic subplot I can get behind"
"oh so you're in love with him" YOU TELL HIM MILES
throwing away the necklace as if it's not extremely likely it's the thing you need...aces move lore, stop pouting and think
istg if you kill castor rn I'll never forgive you
ATHENA YOU MOTHERFUCKER...I should've know better than to fucking trust you
it doesn't make sense that she's had aegis the whole time and wasn't even thinking about it enough to hide it from readers...im sorry thats just lame"
this book lacks interesting romantic subplot but " I was born knowing how to do three things: how to breathe how to dream and how to love you" is the smoothest shit ever"
him calling her golden? cute...her calling him big guy? really fucking weird
istg don't pin with a couple separated by mortality, I can't handle that rn
HEHE lore calling van out for staring longingly at miles
lore and miles bestie vibes only
I get the sickening feeling castor will not be making it out of this book alive
holy shit she killed athena"
holy shot did athena just redeem herself
apollo let castor kill him CALLED IT
This book wasn't bad but after the literally masterpiece that is the darkest minds series I expected more from miss bracken...the only reason I was able to read this as fast as I did was bc I had to finish it to read iron flame LOL
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sleepykittypaws · 3 years
Celebrate the Olympic Spirit
Sure, the Olympics aren’t a holiday, per se, but the every-four-year, or two if you count both Summer and Winter editions separately, massive international sporting events sure seems like a reason to celebrate, especially given their recent, unprecedented delay. And what better way to get into the Games mood, than by watching a sports movie?
Here are my favorite motivating, inspirational, and aspirational tales of athletic derring do…
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Favorite Sports Movies
The Cutting Edge (1992) - This figure skating romance was released around the 1992 Olympics, and actually name-checks that year's winter host city, Albertville, more than once.  It's not good in the traditional sense of great storytelling or athletic veracity, but I loved it so very much I saw it three times in the theater as a teen. Watching it at some point during every Winter Games is a tradition for me so, yeah, I can’t help it, I love this silly sports movie/romance, which also features a bit of holiday feels.
Wimbledon (2004) - It's a rom-com. It's a sports movie. It's a rom-com sports movie that really should be better known. Notting Hill but set at tennis' best-known event. Paul Bettany and Kristen Dunst have surprisingly great chemistry, and there's more sports-related tension than you'd think.
Friday Night Lights (2004) - A football movie for people who don't really like football. a.k.a. 🙋‍♀️. The TV series it spawned is also brilliant (”Clear Eyes, Full Hearts,” indeed), and well worth a watch, but the original movie, starring Billy Bob Thornton, is, honestly, a masterpiece. Definitely Peter Berg's best work and the original book, written by Berg's cousin, Buzz Bissinger, is a great read.
Muriel's Wedding (1994) - You mean you forgot this Australian export, which made Toni Collette a star, was a sports movie? Yep, one of my all-time favorite movies, of any genre, this absolutely brilliant, ABBA-soaked comedy is not only a girls-night go-to, but also a stealth Olympic sport classic.
Remember the Titans (2000) - OK, football isn't in the Olympics, but it sure does make for a good sports movie setting. Even if this early 1970s-set story is most definitely Disney-fied, Denzel Washington, Will Patton, Ryan Gosling and a baby Hayden Panettiere really sell this sort-of true story.
Invictus (2009)-Rugby isn't an Olympic sport, or even one most Americans know much about, but this Matt Damon-led, Clint Eastwood-directed, based-on-a-true-story tale made me care about a sport I'd only tangentially knew even existed before watching.
Hoosiers (1986)-I grew up in Indiana so, by law, I have to include this basketball classic on any "best of" sports movie lists. Also, it actually is really very good.
Rudy (1993)-Ditto the above. But, again, it's hard not to root for Sean Astin (and Jon Favreau!) in this love letter to the Fighting Irish. Plus, there’s no better scavenger hunt task or TikTok challenge than going into a bar and convincing a patron to allow you to put them on your shoulders and march around chanting, 'Rudy, Rudy, Rudy.' 
Miracle (2004) - Given how much more popular the Summer Olympics are, it's weird that the Winter Games seem to get all the good movies made about them, but this Kurt Russell-led true tale is another Disney sports movie classic.
McFarland, USA (2015) - Disney, and Kevin Costner, just really know how to make a sports movie, damn it! This movie made me care about cross country for which it, too, could have carried the title Miracle.
A League of Their Own (1992)-The best baseball movie ever. Yeah, I said what I said. Tom Hanks, Geena Davis, Lori Petty—even Madonna and Rosie O'Donnell are making it work. 1992 was a weirdly great year for sports movies.
Moneyball (2011) - A movie about baseball, and math, and yet it's also great, I swear. In addition to all of the above, it's also a stealth Christmas movie and maybe Chris Pratt's best non-Marvel, movie role.
Creed (2015) - This surprisingly effective Rocky reboot starring Michael B Jordan as Apollo Creed's illegitimate son has spawned its own movie series which, in many ways, exceeds the original Rocky franchise.
Rocky Balboa (2006) - Maybe it's because I was a toddler when the original Rocky came out, so only saw the ever-worse sequels as a kid, but this mid-aughts return to the character for Sylvester Stallone, as both writer and actor, is a triumph.
Eddie the Eagle (2016) - That Hugh Jackman features in as many movies (spoiler alert) on this list as Kevin Costner surprised me, too. This story of the English ski jumper who became infamous for being, well, less than golden, is one of those non-Olympic triumph stories that really works. If you're going to watch one underdog-at-the-Games movie, I definitely prefer this this to the more ubiquitous Cool Runnings.
Love & Basketball (2000) - Only because I'm an anglophile is this great, chemistry-filled Sanaa Lathan and Omar Epps college basketball romance not my favorite sports-movie-meets-rom-com.
I, Tonya (2017) - Margot Robbie and a nearly unrecognizable Sebastian Stan are perfectly cast in this sarcastic, highly stylized look at the Tonya Harding scandal.
Pride (2007) - Apparently I like this swimming movie, which I think almost no one saw, better than critics, but I found this 1970s-set, Terrence Howard-Bernie Mac-starring story of inner city kids excelling in the pool emotional and entertaining.
Field of Dreams (1989) - This Kevin Costner magical realism baseball classic is often goofy and imminently tease-worthy and yet…It also works. Maybe it's no surprise that someone who loves cheesy Christmas movies as much as I do would have a soft spot for Field of Dreams.
42 (2013) - Chadwick Boseman is absolutely fantastic as legend Jackie Robinson. One of those movies that's ostensibly about baseball, but is really about so much more, except not in a pretentious way.
Race (2016) - Before Jason Sudeikis was Ted Lasso, he was famed track coach Larry Synder in this Jesse Owens biopic that is far from perfect, but still important. Plus, I honestly don't think Stephan James got enough credit for his relatively nuanced portrayal of Owens.
Goon (2011) - This overlooked gem starring Sean William Scott as a semi-pro hockey player whose main skill is his ability to take, and dole out, a beating, is surprisingly great.
Real Steel (2011) - This is a robot-boxing movie starring Hugh Jackman that is basically Rocky meets Over the Top—and yet it's actually really good. Yeah, I was surprised, too.
Forget Paris (1995) - OK, so maybe Billy Crystal playing an NBA referee doesn't really make this a sports movie, but it does begin and end (spoiler alert) at real NBA games, and I will die on the hill that this rom-com co-starring Debra Winger is wildly under-rated.
Bend it like Beckham (2002) - This girl-power sports movie has some highly questionable romantic dynamics (the coach is their love interest???) but this Parminder Nagra-Keira Knightley movie is also a heckuva sports movie and an inspiring immigrant story.
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Bonus Pick: The Apple TV+ series Ted Lasso is one of the best things I watched in 2020, and I'm sure of that, because I watched it twice since, just to be sure. Jason Sudekis is absolutely perfect as an American college football coach taking over a UK Premier League team. This sweet show with a heart of gold is smart, funny, and absolutely impossible not to love—even for a cynic such as myself.
More Sports Movies Worth Watching
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For someone not very into sports, I am, apparently, into watching movies about sports, so while not a comprehensive listing of the entire, vast genre, here are a few more suggestions I personally think are worth watching.
The Miracle Season (2018) - This movie about high school volleyball champs whose star player dies suddenly stars Helen Hunt and is a lot better than you'd think based on its tiny budget and, honestly, fairly small story. Just missed making my Top 25.
The Way Back (2020) - This Ben Affleck as a drunken high school basketball coach movie is a lot better than expected. Released just as the pandemic kicked into high gear, it was overlooked last year, but worth seeking out.
Fighting with My Family (2019) - Does it count if it's a show, not a sport? Either way (but that's why this isn't in my Top 25), this stealth Christmas movie/love letter to the WWE is a lot better than it ever needed to be thanks to some really great performances from Florence Pugh, Lena Headey and directer Stephen Merchant. Even The Rock reins it in.
Warrior (2011) - You couldn't pay me to watch an actual UFC bout, but this Tom Hardy story of (literally) battling brothers is incredibly compelling and well done.
Win Win (2011) - This movie isn't really enough about wrestling, even though its ostensibly centered around the sport, to make it into my Top 25, but it's still really good, and Amy Ryan gives an outstanding performance.
Fever Pitch (2005) - Drew Barrymore and Jimmy Fallon star in this remake of a UK film whose ending they had to shift when the Red Sox unexpectedly won the World Series.
Fever Pitch (1997) - This Colin Firth-starring, Arsenal-centered original is much smaller, more realistic and arguably better than the big budget Barrymore-Fallon redux.
We are Marshall (2006) - A real-life sports tragedy made into a sports-movie tearjerker starring Matthew McConaughy. And my tears were very much jerked by the end.
Coach Carter (2005) - Samuel L Jackson plays real-life basketball coach Ken Carter and, because it's a Disney movie, doesn't use the F-word even once. Now that's a feat worthy of its own sports movie.
Invincible (2006) - Yes, it's Mark Wahlberg, and another based-on-a-true-story, Disney sports movie that hits all the cliches, but dang it, that works on me. It just does.
Glory Road (2006) - If you're sensing a theme with me and Disney sports movies…Well, you're not wrong. This look at the first all-Black starting lineup at the 1966 NCAA Final Four does, unfortunately, center white coach Don Haskins, played by Josh Lucas (though I always mis-remember it as Josh Charles), making the important story it tells less than what it should be, but it still mostly works.
Million Dollar Arm (2014) - Admittedly one of the lesser Disney sports movie entries, and another that centers a white guy in a film mostly about people of color (not a great look), this Jon Hamm movie about a scout seeking an Indian cricket star who can make it in the Major Leagues still mostly worked for me.
The Mighty Ducks (1992) - One of the few movies on this list aimed directly at kids, this beloved peewee hockey saga actually is cute, and mostly does hold up.
Cool Runnings (1993) - Kind of shocked this movie that is part White Savior-movie and part-wacky kids movie essentially making fun of a real group of athletes of color came out in 1993 and not 1973, but the earnest charm of John Candy and a general Disney gloss keep this from being totally unwatchable and mostly just mildly, rather than extremely, offensive. Not really recommending, but feels like it belongs on an Olympic movie list.
Nadia (1984) - This made-for-TV, mostly true biopic, starring Talia Balsam as Nadia Comaneci, was a Disney Channel staple in that network’s early days. 
Munich (2005) - It's a movie with the Olympics very much at its heart—namely the 1972 Israeli athlete hostage tragedy—that isn't really about the Olympics at all, but this Steven Spielberg-directed movie about national revenge is compelling, if problematic if you think about it for too long.
American Anthem (1986) - Is this Mitch Gaylord-Mrs. Wayne Gretzky (a.k.a Janet Jones) starring movie good, realistic and/or well-written? No, no and none of the above. But did I still watch it 8,000 times as a kid on HBO? Yes. Yes, I did.
Men with Brooms (2002) - Once, on a business trip to Canada, my husband was stuck in a hotel that only got three channels, and one of them always seemed to be showing curling, which actually got him weirdly into this obscure sport. This movie wasn't quite as fun as I hoped, but it's still a mostly charming, if slight, Canadian classic.
Unbroken (2014) - The harrowing and incredible real-life story of Louis Zamperini deserved better than this Angelina Jolie-directed movie delivered, but it's still a serviceable version of a worthy tale.
Chariots of Fire (1981) - I remember being bored out of my mind by this movie trying to watch this movie on cable as a kid, but no denying that, if nothing else, the score is iconic and indelibly linked to sports-movie magic.
Without Limits (1998) - Jared Leto’s Prefontaine beat this one to the theaters, but this Billy Crudup-starring film is the better of the two movies about the life of running pioneer Steve Prefontaine. There’s also a 1995 documentary, Fire on the Track: The Steve Prefontaine Story.
Personal Best (1982) - Mariel Hemingway’s story of ambition at odds with love, is a sports and LGTBQ+ classic. 
Olympic Dreams (2019) - The story of how this small, meandering movie was made during the 2018 Winter Games is, unfortunately, more interesting than the movie itself, but there is some charm in watching Nick Kroll as an Olympic dentist making his way through the real Village, while interacting with real athletes.
Foxcatcher (2015) - This excellently-acted story is more true crime than sports inspiration, but if you're seeking a look at the dark side of the Games—and don’t want to turn on a doc like Athlete A—this is very dark tale indeed.
Seabiscuit (2003) - Every great athlete deserves to have their story told.
Any Given Sunday (1999) - Oliver Stone and Al Pacino take on pro Football. 'Nuff said.
The Replacements (2000) - I mean, the movie isn't amazing, but Keanu Reeves is super charming and Gene Hackman is always worth a watch.
The Program (1993) - Another bit of a dark-side-of-football take, worth it if only for the fantastic cast: James Caan, Halle Berry, Omar Eps, Joey Lauren Adams.
Everbody’s All-American (1988) - Not a movie I particularly love, but this Dennis Quaid-Jessica Lange football story that spans decades has always stuck in my memory.
Bull Durham (1988) - Just let Kevin Costner play actual baseball already.
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greekbros · 3 years
"greek-Bros: The Return of an Old Enemy"
Chapter 12: Matters to Attend To
After a rough night of sleeping in the tough dirt with roughly 15 or so big cats, Dionysus prepares to leave for Olypmus. He was waiting for Apollo to pick him up, feeling as if he'd been gently shoved into a small box to sleep in while dogpiled by his own pet big cats. He drinks in the scenery of the morning, wondering what the day shall bring. Feeling the top of his head feeling a little bit warmer, he looks up to find Apollo riding above. "Ah there you are!", he shouts to his brother in the sky. Along with the ball of fire trailing behind Apollo's chariot, it's golden embellishments shined bright enough to create a blinding glare, leaving Dionysus to shield his eyes for a short second.
Riding down to Dionysus's position, Apollo waved back, "Good morning. How was your night?", he asked softly. Apollo also looked a little sleep depraved as well, after Dionysus's afternoon celebration, he had his own issues to deal with. Apparently, there had been issues around the coastal areas around mainland Greece that weren't related to wolves....but a bizzare influx of dolphins harassing the locals.
Dionysus yawned loudly, streched his arms and gave his back a good crack, "let's just say it's easier to imagine sleeping with big soft animals than it is to actually put into practice.". He groggiingly climbed onto Apollo's chariot. ".....so is there any seatbelts on this thing?", he joked.
Apollo shook his head and snaps the reins, off they went to Olypmus. "Well, hang on then, time is of the essence.", he chuckled. He snapped the reins and off to the clouds above the two went, the clouds at first felt like cool mist but slowly thickens into a softer fluff that opens to a sea of soft white and blue. Off in the distance, Olypmus stood proudly like an island.
Meanwhile, Zeus had returned to Olympus with the growing concerns that had become prevalent throughout the Mediterranean; the wolf attacks. Pacing back and forth, Zeus was pondering what to do about such an issue. "Wolves of all things", he though. Did he need to talk to the other gods about this? Was Hades responsible for this, inspite of his lack of evidence that Hades has yet to be responsible for any surface issues. He hadn't the foggiest idea what is causing it. "oooooh....where is that girl....I know she's the greatest huntress in all of Olypmus but she shouldn't be taking this long.....and Athena....my goodness with all her wisdom and intelligence....a little empathy wouldn't hurt once and a while.", grumbling on while rubbing his forehead, oddly enough even mentioned Athena's name gives him a mild headache. Inspite of this, Zeus still worries for all his daughters.
Hermes could only watch as he was growing more entertained by the hole in the floor Zeus had created. Hera was more disgruntled at Zeus because now the nice marble floor now have sizable divot. "..... Zeus can you PLEASE just sit down. You're not the only one here with a headache, how am I going to find a stonemason at this time in the morning?", she groaned. Spectating the whole issue, she really had become curious as to how Zeus could be blaimed for this, maybe its so bad that he would be banished and she would be made Ruler of the Sky, but she doubts that.
"I understand my dear, but there are more important matters on our plate.", as Zeus says this the sound of Apollo's chariot. "Oh thank goodness.". Zeus hoped with Apollo and Dionysus now present, there would be a few more heads working together. "Ah good morning boys.", Zeus urgently greeted them.
Dionysus slid down the marble floor for a dramatic entrance, while Apollo calmly walked in. "Good morning father, good morning Hera you look absolutely radiant today", Apollo greeted back. The two placed themselves on their designated thrones.
Hera wasn't too flattered but she appreciates the greeting with a head nod. "Morning... Apollo. So what has your father done this time?....". She has been watching over both Olympus and the earth while Zeus had been flying around. Tapping her perfectly sharpened nails on the arm of her gold and marble throne. "Well?", she inquired again.
With the rough sound of clearing his throat, Zeus interjects to answer for Apollo. "Well Hera, it seems we have a pest control problem, 'wolves'...........'wolves' have been seen doing such strange things .....but others say it's really not wolves. If memory serves me, we did not create wolves to act like this......boys, have any of you found any new information?", Zeus inquired.
Dionysus and Apollo looked at each other, remembering the day before and what had transpired during the Dionysian Games. Dionysus glances away, trying to deter any responsibility in being the first to tell anyone, Apollo is given the unceremonious task of explaining what had happened on Delphi. "Well.....let's just say, while Dionysus was having a...day time event, it seems that there was some semblance of a sighting. No one was harmed thankfully....", as he finished he looked at Dionysus, hoping he was going to going to fill in any details.
Dionysus, pretended that he wasn't paying attention. Apollo continued to stare at him until he took a coin from his pocket and aggressively flicked at Dionysus. The coin hit Dionysus's head with an audible tunk as it bounced off, "Ow! Fuck man what the hell?!", Dionysus rubbed the currently forming lump. He looked around as he saw Hera, Zeus and Hermes were looking at him, clearly knowing he knew more than he was willing to share. "Ugh....yeah....someone saw a dog thing? Yeah but as Apollo said, no harm no foul...", he hoped his flimsy confirmation would suffice.
Zeus obviously took this as a sign something was wrong and that these creatures were indeed becoming more and more brazen but he wasn't going to pry Dionysus anymore for obvious reasons. He was still wondering where Artemis and Athena were, probably assisting mortals or actively finding more information.
Zeus than turned to Hermes, usually his energetic messenger was more talkative, yet right now he was rather quite. "Hermes....is there anything you would like to share? Any news that would ....at the very least help us... Artemis told me you witnessed one of these creatures yourself?", Zeus asked. He could see Hermes looked a little anxious, in fact Hermes hadn't taken his encounter very well since he first saw it. "My boy, do you have something to say?", Zeus again asked.
The wings on his hat emoted his sudden alertness much like how a dog would, he was mentally elsewhere but quickly came back to planet Earth to put it 'mortally'. "Oh well.....it wasn't too bad.... Artemis shot it in the mouth...hehehe, but....I'm more use to things staying dead.", he rubbed the back of neck, "The creature came back to life shortly after she killed it. I've never seen something like that in my life.", Hermes responded somberly. He felt silly being scared of something that wouldn't be out of place in the Underworld, but he knew that it wasn't something he had experienced in its controlled chaotic environment. "Outside of that, it seems they're very sturdy and very fast.", he continued.
Off in the hall, Artemis and Athena had finally arrived, although both were empty handed, Athena had come with her pride humbly swallowed. The two sisters entered the throne room unannounced as to not disturb Hermes's story.
Dionysus went from playing with his curly locks to glancing past Zeus and seeing Artemis and Athena. "Oh cool, you're here!", he exclaimed with a smile. Artimes waved back, but Athena stayed stone faced.
"Ah there you two are! Where have you two been?", Zeus bellowed.
Artimes walked towards her barely used throne next to Apollo, slumped onto her seat, surprisingly exhausting. It was obvious Artemis had been doing most of the leg work of investigating what has been happening, meanwhile her brothers decided to have fun with their fake Olympics. ".......ugggh....", she groaned and turned to Apollo, "so....did you look over Delos like I asked?"
He had been so occupied with Dionysus that he had COMPLETELY forgotten to check if the island of Delos was untouched. Apollo struggle for a few seconds, as he was about to say something.
"You didn't fucking check didn't you?", Artemis interrupted. Lucky for her, she had checked Delos and the island was currently at the bottom of her list worries.
Apollo couldn't help but give an embarrassed half smile and immediately points to Dionysus and whispers, "this is your fault". Dionysus of course couldn't help but give an identical smile.
Athena stood in front of Zeus, "Father....I believe I owe you an apology for doubting your judgement....it seems.... Athens has come under a terrible affliction....the city has been relying on outside trade these past few days because the farmlands have been savagely ravaged by unknown forces. On top of all that......Theseus hasn't helped much politically, considering he is off on some pointless quest with the rest of his demi-brethren, the state executives have been scrambling for answers to the myriad of metropolitan issues. Disappearing blacksmiths, sightings of creatures in the night and hordes of food, metal, and wood supplies have disappeared over night. I seek your your guidance, for this is genuinely a force I have never experienced.", she was at a loss for words with her situation. Athens has had many terrible lows in its long history, but nothing of this supernatural sort.
He looked at his children, he shook his head. "Your apologies are always accepted my dear Athena. Laps of judgment always happen.", Zeus said with a smile.
She held her head up high, "If I may ask. Is there explanation to.our plights?".
Dionysus stretched his legs a little, "it's wolves I think....but they're kinda funky. Hermes says that THESE wolves can get hit with arrows and like...not die....it's kind of weird. Oh and apparently they like destroying food tents.", he interjected.
Hermes turned to Dionysus, "This thing wasn't a wolf! I know a wolf when I see it, this thing had hands! And it stood on two legs and was fast on them!", he corrected Dionysus was short burst of annoyance.
Obviously, Hera was about to toss herself from the top of Mt. Olypmus from all the sweetness of Zeus's love for his children, the destruction of anyone's food tent or anything, she couldn't care less about it. ".....Can we go on?", she strained. "Frankly Zeus, I just want to know what does all of this has to do with you.", She paused as she was just speaking at suddenly thought had dawned on her. ".... Zeus.......this "wolf" business doesn't have anything to do with Lycaon does it?....You DID say the problem was taken care of....right?", Hera spoke with a tone of ripe displeasure.
Zeus couldn't deny it any longer. An unnatural wolf, Athens in social chaos and the constant bickering between his children had to stop. "Children........it's time I told you the whole story....do you remember when I've told some of you the story of how I defeated the most evil man in the world?", he asked.
The other gods became curious, what did an old bedtime story that their own father had to do with all of this? Hera let out a long and disappointed sigh, it really did have something to do with him, but she had secretly hoped he wasn't responsible for it.
He continued, "Many decades ago, it should be a century or so....if memories serves me correctly....I was invited to a feast in Arcadia by King Lycaon himself. In the story, I told that I defeated him by turning him into a wolf and destroyed his desperately sons for serving me a feast made from the flesh of man..... however.....I may have left out a few.... important details....I did turn him into a wolf....but I left a small semblance of humanity in him so that he may suffer ridicule and hatred for the remainder of his life......that...may have been the greatest regret....I should have ended him when I had the chance.... however, I cannot contest for how he has managed to live for so long....but I do fear it maybe my power is what helped with his longevity.....I doubt he's alone too....", he solemnly ended his story.
The five Olympic offspring sat there in disbelief, the rumors were true and their own father had direct responsibility over the situation. Hera in the meantime, felt a little sorry for Zeus, if she was responsible for such a blunder she would no doubt feel an eating guilt in her heart. "Zeus, listen, what's in the past is done....you fucked up and honestly that's no surprise.....", she put it bluntly.
He turned around unamused but not surprised that his wife would take a swing at his ego, yet all he could do is agree. "Now..... children, we must spread ourselves around and look high and low for Lycaon...no matter the cost.", he declared.
A low crashing noise could be heard from halls, alarming everyone in the throne room. The boys screamed, Artemis was too tired to care and Athena raised her shield and spear ready to defend everyone in the room. Zeus and Hera were worried but there was a likely suspect on their minds. "Ares!", the two said in unison. If anyone would regularly break urns and vases in Olypmus, it was Ares. Whom oddly enough did not come to the meeting. Apollo, Dionysus, Hermes and Athena were the first to charge towards the noise while Artemis had no intentions of moving for the moment.
In another room, Ares was trying to help Ajax use armor and play with a wooden sword for the first time. Turns out, after a few hours of roughhousing with his own war hounds, Ares realized Ajax could use his paws to hold things. So one silly thing led to another, and Alex accidentally broke a vase. "Nice swing Ajax, you'll lead your own army in no time!", Ares chuckled with enthusiasm. Ajax wagged his tail and adjusted his ill-fitting helmet. "You know what, I'm hungry. Come on Ajax, let's go get something to eat", he gestured to Ajax to follow him to the kitchen. The pup's tailed wagged even more enthusiastically, he gently removed his helmet, placed his shield and sword down and followed his new devine friend.
As the two miscreants went to the kitchen, the rest of the Olympians just missed them by a few seconds. Apollo and Athena were armed and ready while Hermes and Dionysus were reluctant to have followed them.
Apollo and Athena both look at the obvious mess of broken urns and damaged marble along with the instruments of the crime. "Hm...It definitely looks like Ares may have been here....but what would he want with set of juvenile training armor?", Athena questioned.
"Hmmm....maybe he's taken up another Amazonian student?.... after all it's not like he's done it before.", Apollo speculated.
"Well I'm not cleaning up after his kids again.", Dionysus groaned brushing away a piece of broken pottery with his foot.
Hermes looked around and started to hear more clattering coming from the kitchen. "I think we'll get our answer shortly.", he pointed to the direction of what at this point sounded like a dog playing with its food.
The four than slowly cornered the entrance way to the kitchen, Apollo and Athena on opposite sides of the door. Dionysus, summons his thyrsos, to protect himself and Hermes who's just behind him. Athena motioned to Apollo to get ready to bust into the kitchen, he agreed with a stern nod.
Zeus and Hera have just arrived, spectating the mess of a hallway and had just about enough this. "OH FOR GOODNESS SAKE.", Zeus bellowed and opened the kitchen door to fine Ares mid bite into some meat and Ajex sitting on the counter, peacefully chewing on lamb chop.
It was a standstill for the ages.
"Son.....what is that?", Zeus asked calmly and sternly.
"Lamb chops.", Ares replied.
"....no.......I mean....what...is....that?.", Zeus pointed at Ajex.
Ares hadn't thought so quickly in his life and drew out his sword and pulled Ajex closer to him. In a deadpan tone and a blank stare, "Take one more step Dad I will wreck everything.". Ajex obviously was completely clueless and just innocently looked at everyone.
Everyone from Zeus and his children all armed themselves. "ARES I NEED TO YOU STEP AWAY FRO. THAT ABOMINATION.", Zeus commanded him.
Athena raised her spear, "Ares you dimwitted buffoon! That creature's kind has cost us all dearly!", she hissed at him
Ares still expressionless knew he wasn't going to let his family hard a single fur on Ajex's head.
The Olympians were all shouting and tried coaxing Ares to give the wolf pup but the god of war wouldn't budge.
Hera, finally pushing Apollo and Dionysus aside, "ARES! What is going on?! And why is that thing on the counter! You have no idea where it's been and I thought I told you no snacking before meals!", Hera shouted with a wag of her finger.
"Oh I gave him a bath before we started training.", Ares replayed.
"TRAINING?!?", everyone shouted in unison.
"FUCKYOUDADYOUCANTTELLMEWHATTODO!", Ares defiantly shouted back.
As the quarreling between the gods continued, Hermes at was fearful at seeing this kind of creature again until he started to get a closer look. "Wait a minute..... isn't this the dog with tattered clothes your thespian friend told you?", he turned to Dionysus.
As if a candle was suddenly lit, Dionysus than remembered the joust. "Hey it's that dog thing that cost you the joust you know the one you lost and got very very VERY humiliated in?!", he hoped reminding Ares about his loss would make him relinquish Ajex due to anger.
"Oh really? Well ok than accidents happen I guess. I guess little Ajex here had places to go. Ain't that right buddy", Ares said with a smile basically forgiving Ajex for costing him the joust. Ajex let out a little yip with glee.
"Damnit. I thought that would do it. Sorry guys I tried.", Dionysus shrugged.
Hera was distraught and disappointed, "Oh my gods you've named it too. Now we'll never get rid of it.", she said breathlessly.
"Come on mom, it's just a dog. I mean sure he's really misshapen for a dog but he's managing pretty well with me.", Ares still had no idea that what he was holding close to him....was more closely related to a cursed human.
"Son....that is no hound....that....is what I had turned Lycaon many years ago....I turned him into a part wolf monstrosity for the purpose of punishment! That right there!.....could be his very offspring! Or worse!....an innocent child who was transformed into wolf.", Zeus gravely explained.
Ares looked at Ajex, "....oh...so that's why he has thumbs.".
The rest of his siblings couldn't believe that Ares had just realized this and collectively groaned. Zeus could only nod in minor disappointment while Hera shook her head.
Hermes on the other hand stepped a little closer to Ares and Ajex. "....Well....thus one DEFINITELY isn't the same kind of beast me and Artimes saw.", he than started to feel extremely silly for being so afraid of this small and somewhat cute looking creature.
"That's because it's a wolf cub!", Artimes had finally caught up with everyone. "I mean seriously, you guys got worked up over a pup? I mean seriously it still teething.", She pointed at Ajex who was still chewing on a lamb bone.
Ares looked at Ajex, "you mean like how babies do?....cool. That explains why he bit me when we first met.", he fondly remembered.
Zeus went pale. "Son....did....did ugh...Ajex you called him? ....well....did he draw blood when he bit you?", he deathly asked.
Ares looked at his arm and saw no marks, then he looked everywhere else that Ajex had teethed on and still no marks. "Nope. Little guys' gonna have to grown into his big teeth later.", he knew that dogs had their own set of baby teeth much like humans did, so considering Ajex's lineage, there was a good chance he still had many of his baby teeth.
A deep sigh of relief was let out by Zeus.
Apollo than asked, "Father, why is it such an issue that it bit Ares, it's not like as if gods could die of an infection....even so I can fix it.".
Zeus shook his head, "Because I've seen what happens with mortals who survive an attack from these monsters....they become them.", the others became visibly worried, expect for Ares and Hermes. Hermes of course could always outrun them and Ares simply assumed he was impervious to injury.
Ares than realized if he hadn't been so physically hard to chew on he would be a half-wolf half-war god. "WAIT A MINUTE I COULD HAVE BEEN A WOLF WAR GOD THAT SOUNDS EPIC AS FUCK!", He shouted.
Apollo, Athena, Artimes and Dionysus looked at each other in clear worry, the idea of a beastly war god even more so vicious than what he currently is now is a far more unfathomably terrifying idea.
Hermes was still looking at Ajex with mild curiosity. Suddenly Ajex looked at him a tilted his head with equal curiosity. A sudden urge to do something Hermes wanted to do when discovered he could perform a neat little trick. He than raised the wings on his hat upwards in an alert position. Ajex's ears did the same thing. Than Hermes switched to a 3 o'clock position, Ajex than followed through and mimicked with his ears.
The rest of the gods looked at this strange display and went silent, surely something important was happening.
Ares however was starting to get jealous, "dude da fuk can you stop that's super fucking weird.", he asked but Hermes continued with different wing positions as if he was giving signals. Ajex was oddly enough having fun with this activity and let out a yip.
"I can't believe it.... we're completely in sync! You know what this means?", Hermes exclaimed at his wings alternated with Ajex's ears. "This could be like a secret handshake or something."
His brothers were obviously was confused, "Ugh...is this going to help us? I mean it's a cool trick but how is this going to solve anything?", Dionysus asked.
Hermes chuckled a little and replied, "oh no there absolutly nothing useful about this it's just fun to see if another animal would do it.". Another collective groan from everyone could be heard.
Athena rested her spear, "This has been a waste of time! All that's happened was the discovery of this creature infiltrating our ranks through Ares's pure ignorance and we still have no clue where to find these b-", she suddenly stopped mid sentence and looked at Ajex and started to formulate an idea "....... surely....this...Ajax has a family...I mean for such a young pup, he has to be missing his parents...", She glanced at Ares whom was still keeping Ajex close. He didn't want to part with him.
Zeus knew what Athena had been implying, he agreed with this plan but he didn't want to lose anymore of Ares's trust. "Athena, as much as that sounds like a wonderous strategy, I believe we can achieve our goal in finding Lycaon.... without harming the young creature.", Zeus walked up to Ajex, no matter if this creature had fangs, claws and fur, it was still in a sense a child.
Scoffing at Athena's attempt to gain her favors by being "tactful", she couldn't help but sense Athena was simply trying to be a little bit insensitive to Ares considering the two have had it against each other for years. "Or....I can just track down trail where me and Hermes found the first wolf. I mean, if I remember correctly there IS a complex cave system in Mount Parnassus.", she concluded.
Ares was relieved.
Zeus had than remembered what Athena had mentioned about Theseus and the rest of his half-born children. "By jove I've got it. BOYS! You're off to find Lycaon.", he announced.
Apollo, Dionysus, Hermes and Ares all looked at Zeus in mild disbelief. "Wait what?", they all murmured in unison.
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brookstonalmanac · 3 years
Events 7.21
356 BC – The Temple of Artemis in Ephesus, one of the Seven Wonders of the World, is destroyed by arson. 230 – Pope Pontian succeeds Urban I as the eighteenth pope. 285 – Diocletian appoints Maximian as Caesar and co-ruler. 365 – The 365 Crete earthquake affects the Greek island of Crete with a maximum Mercalli intensity of XI (Extreme), causing a destructive tsunami that affects the coasts of Libya and Egypt, especially Alexandria. Many thousands were killed. 905 – King Berengar I of Italy and a hired Hungarian army defeats the Frankish forces at Verona. King Louis III is captured and blinded for breaking his oath (see 902). 1242 – Battle of Taillebourg: Louis IX of France puts an end to the revolt of his vassals Henry III of England and Hugh X of Lusignan. 1403 – Battle of Shrewsbury: King Henry IV of England defeats rebels to the north of the county town of Shropshire, England. 1545 – The first landing of French troops on the coast of the Isle of Wight during the French invasion of the Isle of Wight. 1568 – Eighty Years' War: Battle of Jemmingen: Fernando Álvarez de Toledo, Duke of Alva defeats Louis of Nassau. 1645 – Qing dynasty regent Dorgon issues an edict ordering all Han Chinese men to shave their forehead and braid the rest of their hair into a queue identical to those of the Manchus. 1656 – The Raid on Málaga takes place during the Anglo-Spanish War. 1718 – The Treaty of Passarowitz between the Ottoman Empire, Austria and the Republic of Venice is signed. 1774 – Russo-Turkish War (1768–74): Russia and the Ottoman Empire sign the Treaty of Küçük Kaynarca ending the war. 1798 – French campaign in Egypt and Syria: Napoleon's forces defeat an Ottoman-Mamluk army near Cairo in the Battle of the Pyramids. 1831 – Inauguration of Leopold I of Belgium, first king of the Belgians. 1861 – American Civil War: First Battle of Bull Run: At Manassas Junction, Virginia, the first major battle of the war begins and ends in a victory for the Confederate army. 1865 – In the market square of Springfield, Missouri, Wild Bill Hickok shoots and kills Davis Tutt in what is regarded as the first western showdown. 1873 – At Adair, Iowa, Jesse James and the James–Younger Gang pull off the first successful train robbery in the American Old West. 1877 – After rioting by Baltimore and Ohio Railroad workers and the deaths of nine rail workers at the hands of the Maryland militia, workers in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, stage a sympathy strike that is met with an assault by the state militia. 1904 – Louis Rigolly, a Frenchman, becomes the first man to break the 100 mph (161 km/h) barrier on land. He drove a 15-liter Gobron-Brillié in Ostend, Belgium. 1907 – The passenger steamer SS Columbia sinks after colliding with the steam schooner San Pedro off Shelter Cove, California, killing 88 people. 1919 – The dirigible Wingfoot Air Express crashes into the Illinois Trust and Savings Building in Chicago, killing 12 people. 1925 – Scopes Trial: In Dayton, Tennessee, high school biology teacher John T. Scopes is found guilty of teaching human evolution in class and fined $100. 1925 – Malcolm Campbell becomes the first man to exceed 150 mph (241 km/h) on land. At Pendine Sands in Wales, he drives Sunbeam 350HP built by Sunbeam at a two-way average speed of 150.33 mph (242 km/h). 1936 – Spanish Civil War: The Central Committee of Antifascist Militias of Catalonia is constituted, establishing an anarcho-syndicalist economy in Catalonia.[3] 1944 – World War II: Battle of Guam: American troops land on Guam, starting a battle that will end on August 10. 1944 – World War II: Claus von Stauffenberg and four fellow conspirators are executed for the July 20 plot to assassinate Adolf Hitler. 1949 – The United States Senate ratifies the North Atlantic Treaty. 1952 – The 7.3 Mw  Kern County earthquake strikes Southern California with a maximum Mercalli intensity of XI (Extreme), killing 12 and injuring hundreds. 1954 – First Indochina War: The Geneva Conference partitions Vietnam into North Vietnam and South Vietnam. 1959 – NS Savannah, the first nuclear-powered cargo-passenger ship, is launched as a showcase for Dwight D. Eisenhower's "Atoms for Peace" initiative. 1959 – Elijah Jerry "Pumpsie" Green becomes the first African-American to play for the Boston Red Sox, the last team to integrate. He came in as a pinch runner for Vic Wertz and stayed in as shortstop in a 2–1 loss to the Chicago White Sox. 1960 – Sirimavo Bandaranaike is elected Prime Minister of Sri Lanka, becoming the world's first female head of government 1961 – Mercury program: Mercury-Redstone 4 Mission: Gus Grissom piloting Liberty Bell 7 becomes the second American to go into space (in a suborbital mission). 1969 – Apollo program: At 02:56 UTC, astronaut Neil Armstrong becomes the first person to walk on the Moon, followed 19 minutes later by Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin. 1970 – After 11 years of construction, the Aswan High Dam in Egypt is completed. 1972 – The Troubles: Bloody Friday: The Provisional IRA detonate 22 bombs in central Belfast, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom in the space of 80 minutes, killing nine and injuring 130. 1973 – In Lillehammer, Norway, Mossad agents kill a waiter whom they mistakenly thought was involved in the 1972 Munich Olympics Massacre. 1976 – Christopher Ewart-Biggs, the British ambassador to the Republic of Ireland, is assassinated by the Provisional IRA. 1977 – The start of the four-day-long Libyan–Egyptian War. 1979 – Jay Silverheels, a Mohawk actor, becomes the first Native American to have a star commemorated in the Hollywood Walk of Fame. 1983 – The world's lowest temperature in an inhabited location is recorded at Vostok Station, Antarctica at −89.2 °C (−128.6 °F). 1990 – Taiwan's military police forces mainland Chinese illegal immigrants into sealed holds of a fishing boat Min Ping Yu No. 5540 for repatriation to Fujian, causing 25 people to die from suffocation. 1995 – Third Taiwan Strait Crisis: The People's Liberation Army begins firing missiles into the waters north of Taiwan. 2001 – At the conclusion of a fireworks display on Okura Beach in Akashi, Hyōgo, Japan, 11 people are killed and more than 120 are injured when a pedestrian footbridge connecting the beach to JR Asagiri Station becomes overcrowded and people leaving the event fall down in a domino effect. 2005 – July 2005 London bombings occur. 2008 – Ram Baran Yadav is declared the first president of Nepal. 2011 – NASA's Space Shuttle program ends with the landing of Space Shuttle Atlantis on mission STS-135 at NASA's Kennedy Space Center. 2012 – Erden Eruç completes the first solo human-powered circumnavigation of the world.
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sitorrothekitsune · 4 years
This short story is dedicated to my grandfather. “Life is a game of Choice, Chance, and Will.”
The story is based off of the following prompt from @writing-prompt-s: After years of praying to Lady Luck and winning every game you played,  she finally gives you a visit. The goddess confesses she hasn’t had a  hand in it at all and your perfect winning streak baffles even her. With  a curious smile she asks, “Would you like to gamble on a planetary  scale?”
Like all my posts, feel free to add on or change parts of it yourself, just make sure to give credit to me on the parts you didn’t change when you do!
“Golden Game”
I entered the arena, sitting down at the table in the center. I bowed my head, praying. I’ve prayed before every game I played, and I’ve won every game in which I prayed. I looked at my opponent, who had just sat down in front of me, and shook his hand. Henry Conqord... good at games, but not the brightest bulb in the box... he was often off in his own realm, talking non-sense about the Greek Gods or whatever. The referee asked if we were ready, and when we both said yes, started the clock in the center.
“It depends on your terms.” I said, looking at the self proclaimed goddess in front of me. She was shorter, around 5’3”, and rather pretty. From the past hour I had learned 4 things. One, Lady Luck was just a formal nickname among the gods because of her last name. Her real name was Luminella Luck, and she was not, in fact, the Goddess of Luck, rather, she was a messenger God, an ambassador between the humans and the gods. But she was known for having phenomenal luck herself, having earned the title of Goddess by participating in the war between the Gods and Titans as a human and winning. No one knew how, except Luck’s preference for humans, and their sheer refusal to die, but win she had. And that is why she had been assigned to me. To recruit me to the God’s tournament, because against all odds, I had done something worthy of the title myself. Because, as the second thing I learned, I had won against the disguised form of Apollo; the Greek God of Knowledge. I am not sure when, it may have been the Olympic Martial Arts tournament, or it might have been that Olympic Chess tournament, but I had, supposedly, beat a God that not only knew every move I would make, but also knew the reason I would make it. The next thing I learned was that even the Goddess of luck reported that she didn’t play any part in my winning streak, not that I didn’t win by luck, just that it hadn’t been boosted in any way. Apparently, no god knew how or why I won. Apollo, who had scouted me, reportedly said “It doesn’t matter how much you know if you don’t know strategy, at least not against that monster.” And the last, she said, she could not tell me here, and asked if my week was free. I told her that I planned on quitting my job and living off my earnings from games soon, so yes, it was free because I wasn’t going anyway. She nodded, and put a hand on my shoulder. I felt faint; and my surroundings had changed, greatly. I was in a room, filled with people, and a gold clad figure was sitting on a throne in front of me. I panicked, unsure of what to do, and prostrated myself. He was sitting on a throne, so definitely important. “Rise, mortal.” The figure said, and my body stood on it’s own.
“I am God, the one who oversees all. Whether they be a human or a diety, they answer to me. Introduce yourself, you may speak.” The bubble in my throat dissipated, and I steeled myself. “Ah... uhh... hello... I-I am Richter. I am the human who has never lost. Whether it be a game of strength, brain, or will, I will prevail.” W-what did I just say...? Crap, I just made a huge mistake. The figure chuckled. “That bravado will either be your domain, or your downfall... answer me, do you have any family back home?” I answered, quickly. “No sir; my father is jailed, my mother died of cancer, and my sister found a loving husband in Egypt. I haven’t seen her since the wedding.” The figure looked to be in some sort of pain. “I see; that is unfortunate. Well, no matter. I had originally intended to ask you if you wanted to play our game of the gods, and I still intend to do so, but I will give you a new purpose. You are no longer Richter, son of Oliver and Angie Madden. You are Richter, an ambassador to humans and the Diety of Games. You may still return to the human realm if and when you wish, I will also allow you other abilities so you may do your job properly and dutifully, but mortal you are not.” I felt a euphoria wash over me as a golden light enveloped my body and lifted me up. “W-wait!” I said, panicking. “I- I appreciate the offer, my Lord, but I don’t want to be a God! Or... I do, but I want to work for it!” I said. And then I realized the mistake in my words.
The figure stopped, and then laughed. “Don’t say that, I might have to make you the God of Jesters instead!” He laughed some more, and the rest of the room broke out in laughter as well. “I-I don’t understand... did I say something funny?” I questioned, sheepishly. The figure composed himself. “No... I apologize. I was just confused why you thought you hadn’t earned it yet. You beat Apollo; do you mean to say that you won easily?” He laughed while speaking, thinking about the implication. “N-No, my lord. I have never had a clean game. I’ve only ever just barely won. Even when pitted against the worst player you could think of, I win by the skin of my teeth. I don’t even know when I played him. I was told that he was not in his godly form, so there is no way for me to know.” God chuckled. “He was your so called ‘rival’, Henry Conqord. You played against him a total of 329 times, in games ranging from chess, to mancala, to tennis. You won every time.” Wait what? Henry? He was pretty good, but he never struck me as the knowledgeable type. “Really?” I asked the figure. “Indeed.” He replied. “Are you sure?” I asked again. “Indeed.” He said, chuckling. I sighed. “I do not know if I am worthy for the offer you have given me. I do not even know if I will be able to serve you properly, but I will try.” The figure nodded, appreciatively, the golden light filling me with euphoria once again. The figure congratulated me on my ascendance. “Now... Richter, would you like to participate in our so called Game of Gods...?” I looked over myself... my... clothes had changed? I now wore a futuristic set of armor, and a visor over my eyes flashed various spouts of information. I took the visor off for now. Probably best to look the literal god of the universe in the eye. I snickered. “Is that even a question...?”
<-<-<-<-<-<-<-<-To be continued...->->->->->->->->
And now a poem because I feel like it.
I have won every game I’ve ever played; I have won every bet I’ve ever made. I have won the hearts of women and men alike, and I have won at the game of life. But that doesn’t mean I cannot lose; lose myself in what I choose, for after all is said and done, I won’t enter heaven from the games I’ve won.
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my-name-is-apollo · 4 years
There is still a meter of snow outside. It makes me think- what is Hyperborea like? What do we know about it? When did Apollo return?
Apollo has mostly likely returned from Hyperborea already! The Theophania at Delphi was celebrated in the month of Bysios - which roughly extends till mid - March. So sunny boy is back, though he might be taking his sweet time to make it warm enough for the snow to melt.
We know quite a bit about Hyperborea actually. You will be amazed by the amount of details we have about the people, the land, the lifestyle - all from canon sources. You ready?
The topography
Hyperborea is a mystical relam of eternal spring, where wars, diseases and deaths never occured. It's sort of a continent, surrounded on the North by Oceanus (the earth-encircling water), and on the south by the peaks of the Rhipaion mountains, which are said to be bitterly cold and impassable. These peaks are guarded by the Griffins (this why they're sacred to Apollo), and in the valleys live a tribe of one eyed men called the Armisapi. And beneath the slopes of Rhipaion, there is another realm called Pterophoros, the land of eternal winter, which is the home of Boreas. It is said that Atlas stands holding the world in or somewhere near Hyperborea, and the garden of Hesperides (sacred to Hera) was also situated there. The distance to moon was significantly less from Hyperborea.
The main river of Hyperborea is the Eridanos. You know, the same river which was formed when Apollo cried his eyes out after Aslcepius died. The river contains ambers, because Apollo’s tears are ambers, and also because the riverside is lined with amber crying poplar trees (remember Phaeton, the son of Helios who died? Yeah, those trees are his grieving sisters, the Heliadae). These trees give out shirll cries during the night time. Hyperborean swans lived in this river. Into Eridanos flows another river called Rhodanos, which rises from the ends of the earth where mansions of Nyx stand. One end of Rhodanos joins Oceanus, and another end of it flows to the mortal world, into the Ionian sea and the Sardinian sea.
The people and their lifestyle
The Hyperboreans are the children of Gaia and hence immortal, unless they wish to die. They have their own language, which was unknown to the greeks. And even though they're described as "brutish beasts", they are said to be quite friendly. Most of them are singers and musicians, and the maidens there are dancers too. Even though 2 harvest crops are cultivated every year, most of the countryside is filled with beautiful, dense forests that are called the "gardens of Apollo". The inhabitants mostly live in woods and groves as well. Games are also conducted regularly. It might be the Pythian games or the Olympic games. Or both. The land is ruled by 3 priests of Apollo - the gigantic Boreades (children of Boreas), who live in the Riphaion peaks and come down only when it is time to make sacrifices for Apollo. Shamans also lived in Hyperborea, and were followers of Apollo.
Apollo in Hyperborea
Apollo is said to visit Hyperborea every winter and stay there for 3 months. He came to the place riding on swans or griffins. The capital of Hyperborea had a very beautiful circular temple dedicated to Apollo where sacrifices to him were offered. Music was played using flutes and lyres and different kinds of instruments, and it is said that songs and dances praising Apollo were performed almost all the time there. The swans would join the people during the recitation of the hymns and sing melodiously along with them. Hecatombs of assess were sacrificed to Apollo, and Apollo is said to have enjoyed the "rampant lewdness" of these beasts. (one translation says "arousal" instead of lewdness so take it however you want.) And every 19 years (year of Meton), when the stars return to their original position in the heavens (whatever that means), Apollo himself is said to give a special performance by playing on his cithara and dancing for a few hours, starting from spring equinox till the rising of the Pleiades (which most probably means heliacal rising of the stars).
And that's the basics of Hyperborea! It was considered by many as an actual place rather than a mystical realm, but historians have failed to locate it accurately. It's such a well detailed realm, shame that people are sleeping on it. Anyway, there's more about myths related to Hyperborea on theoi.com page, where you'll also find all the details which I collected from the various passages written by various authors.
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jflashandclash · 5 years
Tales From Mount Othrys
             The Versatility of a Guitar String
 Warning: Depictions of Violence.
           “Forget your family.”
           Flynn’s melody murmured in my dreams like the silkiest spider threads rocking a slumberer’s hammock. “You deserve to enjoy this: the start of your new life. Let yourself forget.”
           Her words cradled my mind in a tranquilizing solace. At the time, the only response I could utter was, “What other family? You’re all the family I need.”
 --Memoirs of a Talking Head[1]
         When Jack agreed to tear down the gods, he didn’t think it would involve him snorkeling in a toilet.
         It did.
         Jack thrashed and twisted, barely getting a gulp of air before being submerged again. His orange converses squeaked uselessly against the bathroom’s floor tiles.
         The girl shoving his head into the water bowl was much stronger and larger than he, despite being several years younger. Between dunkings, her and her friends’ laughter reverberated off the walls.
         This, unfortunately, wasn’t the first time someone had forced Jack to be well acquainted with the most vital part of a restroom. Last time, Ms. Daisy Blackwell, one of the prettiest girls at his church, had taken Jack behind the church after his solo at one of their concerts. She had said she wanted him to sing to her. When Tommy Higgles, her boyfriend, found out that she asked Jack to do more than sing to her, he and his friends cornered Jack in the boys’ bathroom at school.
         Last time, Tommy had emptied all of Jack’s medication into the toilet bowl. “That straightening out your memory, freak!” Tom had shouted.
         This time, the water was cleaner. Or, at least, it wouldn’t give him an overdose as he choked on it.
         Last time, Jack had no idea it was going to happen. Ms. Blackwell had heard Jack “confused” things a lot, and that he was “confused’ about her relations with Tommy. But, afterwards, Ms. Blackwell wouldn’t acknowledge him in public, or that anything had happened between the two of them, like the other boys and girls that had taken an interest in Jack at his small high school.
         This time, Luke had warned Jack that it was a Camp Half-Blood hazing ritual, one from which Luke could not spare him. Jack had to either fight off a hulking daughter of Ares or get humiliated.
         Despite the warning, Jack felt himself thinking the same thing he had before: I’m going to drown.
         The water seeped into his lungs during his squirming. Pressure mounted in his chest. There wasn’t enough time to cough. Panic made his heartbeat thud inside his head. His head smacked into the toilet bowl with each thrash.
         The worst difference surfaced as he forced his limbs to stop fighting. Last time, Jack knew he would reach eternal salvation if he died the humiliating death of a toilet warrior. This time, as Jack willed his body to give up, he wondered, Do half-bloods even have souls?
         The fingers clenching his hair pulled his head back, stretching his body in a strained arch.
         He sputtered and coughed out the water.
         Clarisse La Rue’s sneer loomed in his peripheral. “Had enough of a swim?”
         At least there was a toilet directly in front of him, so no one would have to clean up the content of his lungs and stomach. That would be rude to any godly janitorial staff. He hacked, unable to talk for a moment.
         Clarisse released him.
         Jack barely missed cracking his head against the toilet bowl. Blurrily, he searched around, trying to prop himself up on the cool, slick floor.
         The laughter echoed around the room. The massive girl stood.
         “Why?” Jack finally choked out.
         “To show you the pecking order,” Clarisse said. She and her friends got up and left the bathroom stalls.
         Jack trembled. The first time he tried to get up, his legs felt like jelly. Finally, he got to his feet and stumbled to the sinks. He turned one on and dunked his head under, reminding himself that he was in control of the water rinsing him off.
         The monsters on the Princess Andromeda had been way nicer on his first day. They at least ignored him or said he smelled good.
         Someone shook Jack’s shoulder.
         He flinched.
         “Hey, we’re not really supposed to be in the girl’s bathroom.”
         Jack tried to look through the water at his escort: a thirteen-year-old child of Apollo named Ryan. He had tan skin and an athletic build. Once he got Jack’s attention, he crossed his arms and raised his eyebrows.
         After a few more moments of feeling the water against the back of his head and his neck, Jack shut the sink off. He let his dripping bangs plaster onto his face and soak his flannel shirt. The top was already drenched. As it turned out, toilet water: not refreshing.
         “Why didn’t you help?” Jack asked. To still be there, Ryan must have stood by the entrance the whole time, watching.
         Ryan’s expression was skeptical. Like everyone else who had commented on how old Jack was, Ryan seemed disappointed by what he saw. “You think I can put a dent in a child of Ares?”
         Jack shrugged. “You could have run to get help.”
         “No one is going to help against Clarisse.”
         No wonder Luke hates Ares and his children.
         Although the room felt warm with the climate control, Jack hugged himself. It took every ounce of control not to tug at his hair and to, instead, dig his fingers deep into his ribs. He promised himself he wouldn’t mess this mission up and that meant acting as normal as possible.
Mission? Quest? Had Kronos called it a quest?
         This was the exact time Jack should be asking Ryan questions. Phil and Luke both said Jack was perfect for this type of quest, because he was so unassuming and genuinely curious when asking questions. Charming and harmless, as Ms. Blackwell had teased him.
         “Doesn’t that bother you?” Jack asked. “Were you dunked?”
         Jack tried to imagine coming in here as a young kid, before he met Flynn and knew Greek monsters were real. He would have thought this was whole place was a cruel prank or a bad dream.
         “All new people get dunked,” Ryan said. He looked impatient. “You get over it.”
         Jack felt like his tongue was four times too large. That didn’t seem right, but he doubted saying so would get him any points with Ryan.
         Only twenty-four hours, Jack reminded himself. Twenty-four hours before Luke, Lucille, Lou Ellen, and I need to get out. You can be normal for twenty-four hours.
         He hoped.    
Summer solstice was a day away. From what Luke got out of a quick Iris Message and a dream vision with Kronos, some kid named Percy Jackson should be starting some massive war with the gods. Percy should have been be dragged into Tartarus with something called the Master Bolt. Then, this camp wouldn’t be safe. It would crumble into a battlefield between the gods.
         “Just remember when Clarisse dunks you that she’ll be killed in the crossfire. I’ll make sure of it,” Luke had said.
         Jack didn’t want Clarisse and her friends to be killed in the crossfire. He just wanted her to be less mean. Seeing her in person, the former seemed much more likely.
         Ryan sighed. “Come on. Let’s see if you you’re as bad at horseback riding as you are with archery.”
         Jack shuffled forward. He guessed Ryan didn’t intend to sound so critical, but no one at camp could believe Jack had survived on his own for so long, being a son of Apollo. Although Phil immediately stated that Jack had been claimed—he hadn’t, whatever ‘claiming’ meant—whispers went around that maybe he was supposed to be in the Aphrodite cabin instead.
         “At least he’s good for the girls to look at. Don’t think he’ll do much in the coming war,” he had heard Lee Fletcher, his cabin counselor, muttering when Jack accidentally elbowed Chiron in the chest during their archery lesson.
         Jack knew he wouldn’t have survived on his own, but Luke had him under strict orders not to mention Flynn or Luke or anything about Kronos. As for that day, they didn’t know each other, which was a real shame. Jack wanted Luke to show him Thalia’s pine tree.
         The rest of the training was similar. Fortunately, his cabin mates—is that what they were called?—and Chiron were too distracted by the fights that kept breaking out between the children of Athena and Jack’s siblings. Something about Poseidon being in the right to take a stand against Zeus? Jack had only recently learned the gods and titans were real. He couldn’t keep the internal bickering straight.
         Most people were too distracted and tense to pay Jack much attention for the rest of training, which was a problem. That meant he couldn’t complete his mission either. He hoped Lucille was having more luck in the Aphrodite Cabin and Lou Ellen in the… where had Luke said she’d go?
         Luke’s words haunted him. “Either we turn them or we consider them sword fodder. Anyone on the Olympic side will need to die, so you’re doing them a favor if you can show them how corrupt the Olympians are.”
         Flynn, Jack’s girlfriend, understood immediately. That’s why Luke had sent her on a mission to a place called New Rome. Luke said that would be too difficult for Jack to tag along.
         This quest was a test for Jack, Lucille, and Lou Ellen: a way to prove they were worthy of Kronos’ next world.
         Like introducing people to Jesus, Jack mused. He remembered walking through the sterile halls of Botin’s Hill Hospital, how the sick welcomed him inside to hear him sing church songs. Pity he didn’t know any about our savor, Kronos.
Jack frowned. Luke and Phil kept saying he could heal people with his song. But, the sick people didn’t always get better when he sang. Sometimes…
         “Jake, right?”
         Jack flinched. The Apollo cabin was setting up for the campfire. He’d zoned out, watching as the Hephaestus campers stoked the flames. Everyone else referred to the cabins by numbers, but Jack couldn’t keep those numbers straight, so he tried to catalogue everyone by the few gods he did know.
         A friendly, blond nineteen-year-old stood beside him. The familiar scar made Jack grin, despite his feelings of being a failure. He shouldn’t want to talk to Luke. That would mean reporting that he’d had no luck converting any of his siblings, or even seeing if they could be converted down the road. The children of Apollo seemed to love their—his—dad wholeheartedly, though Jack hadn’t gotten any specific person’s story yet.
         Luke squeezed Jack’s shoulder. “How’s your first day going? You came in at a rough time.”
         Jack knew that Luke had to pretend they’d never met before, but the convincing, detached quality of Luke’s voice was demoralizing, especially with how he got his name wrong.
         Jack managed to nod at him. He hadn’t realized that, when he sat down on the log, he’d pulled his knees up and was rocking.
         Almost frantic, Jack straightened out his legs and stopped rocking. Normal for one day. Normal for one day. He repeated to himself. Then, he could tell Flynn that he’d done a quest, right? He could show Luke that he’d be worthwhile in his army. Besides, the campfire was all about singing. This is where Jack could shine.
         Jack gave Luke a much more confident smile.
         “Just keep it together, buddy,” Luke said, his grip on Jack’s shoulder becoming uncomfortable. “I’m sure the rest of your night will be a success—”
         Another camper, an Athena boy, raised his voice in middle of a discussion, drowning out Luke. “—maybe because someone needs to keep order in this camp—”
         “Oh, can it! You’re still pissy at Poseidon for a rivalry that you won. Get over it! There’s no reason you’d be on Zeus’ side otherwise!” one of Jack’s siblings shouted at the Athena camper.
         More shouts broke out. The campfire flickered uncomfortable, dark red. The flames looked too low on the wood to still be lit.
Jack felt like something was about to go wrong, something important.
         One of the Ares campers shoved the Athena kid—Malcolm? He stumbled, barely dodging around the fire. He slammed into another camper to keep his balance. And—
         The movement was too fast for Jack to dodge, not that he would have thought to.
         One of Jack’s siblings toppled backwards.
         Pain flared in Jack’s throat, as the kid’s—Will’s?—elbow smashed into Jack’s windpipe. Will hadn’t meant to, he’d been trying to pinwheel to keep his balance—
         Jack flopped backwards, clutching at his neck. He coughed. Each breath rasped painfully.
         Hands gripped Jack’s shoulders. They dug into his skin, dragging him away from the campfire. Another member of his cabin went to pummel Malcolm, even though the incident hadn’t been Malcolm’s fault.
         The yells were jumbled. The bodies crashed into a scuffle—they looked more like a random mob of strangers than cousins and siblings. All Jack could think was, My throat—Dear God—can I still sing?! What if they crushed it? What if they crushed my windpipe?
         A more logical part of him said that his windpipe would be fine. He needed a few minutes to recover. That would be it, right? What am I without a voice? That’s my only useful trait. Would Flynn want me anymore?
         He wheezed.
         Whoever was dragging him pulled him up onto his feet.
         The pain lessened, but the panic made Jack clutch at his neck. He tried to talk. His voice came out a squeaky rasp.
         He expected Luke to be his savor, to be chastising him for over-dramatics.
         The person beside him was a foot too short.
         “Come on. We have throat lozenges in the cabin,” Ryan said. He released Jack and started walking back towards the housing.
         Jack pointed frantically back to where the campfire had become a battle zone. The Ares and Apollo campers teamed up against Athena. A centaur already stood in the fray, pulling teenagers off each other.
         “Chiron will take care of it,” Ryan said, “We plenty outnumber Cabin Six and you’ll be in the way if you stay.” This time, the irritation in Ryan’s voice was unmistakable. “You’re really not cut out for this, are you? You had plenty of time to move.”
         Jack trembled. He reminded himself that Ryan, like other kids that had mocked him, was a child of God’s and that all God’s children were…
         Something flipped in Jack’s head. They weren’t equal, were they? And God—the gods—didn’t love them equally. Luke said that Percy Jackson—the son of Poseidon that Luke had framed for the thievery of the Master Bolt—that kid could control water. Thalia had been able to shoot lightning. These gods, the Greek gods, didn’t treat them as equal, else Thalia wouldn’t be a pine tree.
         By the time Jack got enough of his voice back to talk, they approached the golden exterior of Apollo’s empty cabin. “You seem like such a natural,” Jack said. His voice was raspy, but functional.
         A tightness squeezed Jack’s stomach when he examined his little half-brother. Throughout all the training that day, Ryan had excelled.
         Ryan sighed. Tension released from his shoulders as he opened the cabin door. He paused. After a moment, Ryan held the door open for Jack. “My mom told me I was a half-blood when I was very little. She knew Apollo was a god, so she set me up with archery lessons as soon as I could pull back a bow. She was a pediatrician and let me play with all of her college text books.” He shrugged. “The other campers think I’ll surpass Chiron with a bow one day, and I’m already a better healer than Will, but I had a head start.”
         This is was it! What Jack was supposed to be doing all day! Getting his new cabin mates to open up: about themselves, their feelings about being demigods, their opinions of their parents. For some reason, Jack didn’t feel better about the success. The tightness in his stomach squeezed until he felt his breath going short again. He wanted Ryan to shut up.
         “You knew the monsters were real,” Jack said. He hadn’t realized that would be an option. He stepped inside.
         “Well, yea, we all did,” Ryan said like it was obvious. The cabin door shut behind them. No one else was around. Ryan walked past the corner stacked with instruments to the medicine cabinet. He withdrew the lozenges and handed them to Jack.
         Jack frowned, examining the packaging: ambrosia coated. Even with simple things like pain killers, he always checked ingredients in case they conflicted with his medication. Jack popped one in his mouth and bit down hard.
         Everyone knew that you were supposed to suck on lozenges; but, Jack wanted a sharp sensation in his mouth. Cinnamon spiked his taste buds.
         Ryan gave Jack a wary look. “Listen, Jack, maybe you’d be better off at home with your mortal family,” he said. “It’s not that we don’t want you here, I just don’t know if this is the safest place for you with this war brewing. Tomorrow, Summer Solstice, this camp might be about to explode, and you’re not really trained for combat yet…”
         Ryan looked genuinely concerned. “We can loan you a weapon from the armory. Since you’ve made it so long without any help, I doubt your aura is that strong or ever will be strong enough to attract monsters. It’s not that we don’t want you here—or that Dad doesn’t want you here. I mean, he claimed you. That’s a big deal. It means he loves you and all, but—”
         Jack bit down harder on the lozenge, wanting to crush it. He hadn’t been claimed.
         “How soon were you claimed?” Jack interrupted. The twisting in his stomach kept getting tighter. He felt like he was on the cusp of something important and that something would make all the tension disappear. It had to do with what Ryan was saying, but he wanted the kid to stop talking.
         “As soon as I stepped foot into camp,” Ryan said. He rocked onto his tiptoes, like he was getting impatient to go back outside. His gaze shifted back to the door as though the eye motion could shove Jack back out.
         Jack hugged himself. “Apollo… Dad. You speak really highly of him.”
         Ryan glanced at the door again, then back at Jack. He sighed, rolling back onto his heels. “Yea… I—I owe Dad. He’s kinda awesome.”
         These campers seemed to know so much more about him. How could you say that a Dad you’ve never met was awesome? Had Ryan met him?
         At Jack’s silence, Ryan got a sad smile on his face. “I guess I can tell you about it. My mom never fell in love after him. She said it was impossible after she had a full summer with him—”
         A one night stand. A one night mistake, Jack remembered his mother assuring Steve about his conception, when Steven got nervous about the guy before him. They thought Jack hadn’t come downstairs for a nighttime snack. His Mom had never held that one night stand against Jack, had she?
         “—so I was raised with my cousins like they were my siblings. My older cousin, Cindy, she was diagnosed with leukemia. Mom and I prayed to Apollo every night and I sang to her every night for a week. She… she got better. Way faster than medicine by itself should have allowed—”
         The package slipped from Jack’s fingers.
         The individually wrapped lozenges scattered across the cabin floor.
         “Wow—you okay, dude? You look like you’re about to be sick,” Ryan said. The smile vanished from his face. He knelt down, plucking some lozenges from the ground.
         Jack should have apologized. He should have knelt down to help. Normal for one day, echoed in his mind. The thought couldn’t penetrate his other ones. It couldn’t stop his hands from clutching at his hair.
         What would it have been like? To grow up with a family that knew what was happening to him, to know he wasn’t crazy. Not to be medicated. Or outcast. No “you’re just confused, sweetie.” No, “All children are equal in the eyes of God.”
         In that instance, Jack realized something. People treated life like it was a living thing that chose to be fair or unfair. It wasn’t. It just existed. People were made unequal. They would be treated unequal. These gods, their gods, played favorites.
         “Ryan…” Jack whispered, trying not to hyperventilate. “You saved your cousin with your singing. Could you kill someone with your singing?”
         His vision had tunneled. All Jack could see was the smaller boy, crouched under the instrument table, gathering a lozenge from a guitar. There were spare strings on the table. When Ryan put his hand on the table for balance, he knocked them to the side.
         Then, Jack couldn’t see Ryan.
Shelby was the worst. Her body was sprawled in the middle of the hallway, on top of Charger, their German Sheppard. The other bodies—those Jack could easily pretend weren’t real. But, Shelby, had face-planted in a pool of her own vomit. The bile plastered her black hair around the wooden floor like a drowned victim’s hair splayed into a water halo… She was impossible to ignore. Jack had to carefully edge his way around her and Charger’s bodies, hoping the real one would show up and tell him to stop being silly, and terrified the real one would show up since they might increase his medication.
The day after they found his family, Jack had been too scared to tell Luke and Flynn why he thought their deaths were his fault.
He had been singing in the shower. He was thinking about how angry he was at his family while he sang. Then, they were dead, just like some of the patients at the hospital died as soon as he finished singing to them.
         Why could Ryan save people, his loved ones, with his voice, when Jack could kill?
         The pressure in Jack’s stomach made him feel like he’d throw up. That tension was wound so tightly, Jack knew it would snap. It was about to snap. He couldn’t stop—
“I guess, in theory,” Ryan said, beginning to rise from under the table, “I’ve never heard of someone—”
         There was a loud thwack.
         Jack didn’t know he’d cracked Ryan’s skull into the table. Not until the second time he did it. Ryan’s hair felt silky under his fingers. The head under his hand resisted the first time. Not so much the second.
         Jack’s heartbeat thudded in his head, deafening. He didn’t hear the noises Ryan made. He didn’t feel Ryan’s head slip from his hands or how Ryan kicked backwards—how Jack’s leg gave out under the kick so Jack was level with the instrument table.
         He saw Ryan’s mouth move, to sing to heal or call for help. Some autopilot took over, shut him up. Shut. Him. Up. We’ll make the two of us equal. We’ll play favorites the way that gods do.
         A dull ache nagged at Jack’s knee, where he’d collapsed behind his little half-brother. He fumbled for something in the room to gag Ryan. His fingers snatched up something thin, metal, and pliable.
         Jack didn’t remember shoving Ryan back to the floor; he must have. The intention was to wrap the guitar cord between Ryan’s teeth. Just to soften Ryan’s screams.
Then the metal cord pinched the skin around Ryan’s neck. The small kid bucked and thrashed. Ryan’s nails dug at metal. Those fingers fumbled backwards, swatting at Jack.
         None of his attempts reached Jack. Jack’s knee now pressed into the small of Ryan’s back. The guitar cord was long enough that Jack could pull it taught at such a distance that Ryan couldn’t touch him.
         The way Ryan squirmed, Jack’s own screams, the pain in his bruised knee as Jack simultaneously kneed the back of Ryan’s spine while jerking Ryan’s neck backwards: it felt distant, muffled.
         Until someone covered Jack’s mouth.
         “Be quiet!”
         The words brought Jack back into reality. So did the hands that dragged him backwards.
         “Holy Hera!” another familiar voice said.
         There was a clop of hooves on the wooden floor.
         Until that someone removed the hands from his mouth, Jack didn’t realize what he’d been screaming over and over.
Why does Dad love you more?
         Ryan wasn’t moving.
         Dad couldn’t love him now.
         Jack trembled. He stared at his hands. Cuts lined his palms, where he had wrapped the guitar string to anchor them. Bruising would follow. His breath tightened. That tension inside him had snapped. He didn’t have any energy left. No anger. Just a sense of queer calm.
         That same autopilot took control. Guilt nagged at his consciousness the same way pain nagged at his knee.
“No,” Jack said, “No—no. I—I’m sorry. I’m so sorry—”
“Shut up,” Luke repeated, slapping Jack upside the head. He sounded terrified.
Jack clutched at his hair. The strands felt slick with sweat. A sob caught his throat. What was happening to him? Had he just—
“Watch it, Luke.” Someone stepped around the two of them. Phil’s furry legs blocked off Jack’s view of Ryan’s body. “Flynn isn’t going to like it if she hears you’ve been smacking around her Jackie-boy. Now, let’s see. It’s been a long time since I needed to sneak a corpse out of a cabin. You sure like to keep me young and spry, don’t you, Jak-Jak?”
Phil’s comment was light.
No answer would come from Jack’s lips, at least, not beyond a whine.
Phil turned towards Jack and knelt down. Those dark eyes glittered with something that made Jack nauseous: compassion. He put a hand on Jack’s shoulder. “Kid, I need you with us. We gotta move fast. Which blanket won’t be missed if we wrap Ryan in it?”
My betatester was very angry at me for the deficit of hugs and happiness for Jak-Jak. Don’t worry. Part II is more lighthearted. Okay, PHiL says it’s more lighthearted, though that guy could probably say that at a wax clown museum.
Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed! Stay tuned next week for the last part of this short! I hope everyone had an awesome Halloween! :D
[1] I’m going to write this one day.
9 notes · View notes
dendre · 5 years
2019 első felének legjobb lemezei, szerintünk
Idén év elejétől elkezdtem havonta megosztani, hogy milyen lemezeket hallgattam meg és azok mennyire tetszettek. Részben azért, mert így számomra is több emlék marad egy-egy albumról, részben pedig azért, mert remélem, hogy másoknak is hasznos lehet, tud tippeket adni. Ahogyan nekem is adnak tippeket mások listái. Szóval ahelyett, hogy csak a saját félévi hallgatásomat összegeztem volna, megkértem néhány zenerajongó barátomat, hogy ők is tegyék meg ezt. Itt vannak az összegyűlt listák, reméljük mások is találnak rajtuk olyan zenét, ami feldobja egy-egy napjukat! Köszi mindenkinek a közös gondolkodást!
És persze reblogban jöhetnek a további félévik.
A sajátomhoz még annyit hozzáteszek, hogy ez a 75 lemez mind tényleg eléggé tetszett. A havi listázás miatt sokkal jobban tudtam, hogy mik tetszettek idén eddig. Amik nagyon tetszettek, azokra sokkal jobban emlékeztem, többet hallgattam vissza őket. Meghagytam az eredeti havi gyűjtések pontszámait és leírásait. Ez jelzi azt is, hogy mennyire relatív ez a műfaj, van egy jelenideje aznap, amikor hallgatok valamit, van havonta egy másik aktualitása és persze mondjuk öt év múlva biztosan máshogy értékelném 2019 első felének jó részét. Fura az élmezőny, de most így gondolom, és az is van, ami persze mindig igaz, ezek nagy része nagyjából egyformán tetszik, a sok jó lemez együtt erősebb, mint kiragadni három “legjobbat”. 
Csada Gergely
Altin Gün - Gece Cass McCombs - Tip of the Sphere Combo Chimbita - Ahomale Hania Rani - Esja Hayden Thorpe - Diviner Isaac Birituro & The Rail Abandon - Kalba Jessica Pratt - Quiet Signs Mac DeMarco - Here Comes the Cowboy Mayra Andrade - Manga Nicola Cruz - Siku O Terno - <atrás/além> Sessa - Grandeza Solange - When I Get Home The Comet Is Coming - Trust in the Lifeforce of the Deep Mystery White Denim - Side Effects
Dömötör Endre
1. Default Genders: Main Pop Girl 2019   9.0 (future pop) The Sonic Dawn: Eclipse   9.5 (pszichpop) Tyler, The Creator: Igor   9.0 (experihip-neosoulhop) Mattiel: Satis Factory   9.0 (garázsyéyé-lofisoul) Kokoko!: Fongola   9.0 (kongói afrohouse) Holly Herndon: Proto   9.0 (kísérleti elektronika) Special Request: Vortex   9.0 (hardcore breaks techno) The Caretaker: Everywhere At The End Of Time - Stage 6   8.5 (dark ambient) PJ Harvey: All About Eve   9.0 (színpadi zene, de úúdeszép) Ot to Not To: It Loved To Happened   9.0 (mark hollis of experimental r&b)
11. Hand Habits: Placeholder   8.5 (slowfolk-dreamtweepop) Andrew Wasylyk: The Paralian   9.0 (instrumentális pasztorál) Physical Therapy: It Takes A Village: The Sounds Of Physical Therapy   9.0 (posztminden) Rina Mushonga: Into A Galaxy   9.0 (pop) Hayden Thorpe: Diviner   9.0 (szofiszti-artpop) Kornél Kovács: Stockholm Marathon   8.5 (housepopdeepoutside) Rev Magnetic: Verses Universe   8.5 (electro shoegaze) Nivhek: After…   9.0 (ambient-dreampop) Sharon Van Etten: Remind Me Tomorrow   9.0 (dalszerzőpop) VC-118A: Inside   8.5 (elektro-techno)
21. Minor Poet: The Good News   8.5 (00’s indierock) Little Simz: Grey Area   8.5 (uk hiphop) Vampire Weekend: Father Of The Bride   8.5 (indiepop) Ohtis: Curve Of Earth   8.5 (folkamericana) Joose Keskitalo: En lahde surussa   8.5 (finn psychfolkpop) Yak: Pursuit Of Momentary Happiness   9.0 (pszichrock) Y La Bamba: Mujeres   8.5 (latin alt, indiefolk) Yves Jarvis: The Same But By Different Means   8.5 (neopsych-folksoul) Helado Negro: This Is How You Smile   8.5 (bossa-indiefolkronica) Rap: Export   8.5 (experi-elektronika)
31. Sessa: Grandeza   8.5 (brazilpop, mpb) Nilüfer Yanya: Miss Universe   8.0 (gitárpop-pop) 96 Back: Excitable, Girl   8.5 (nu-electro) Georgia: Time   8.5 (absztrakt elektronika) Angel Bat Dawid: The Oracle   8.5 (jazz) Rustin Man: Drift Code   8.5 (posztjazz-artrock) Dave Harrington: Pure Imagination, No Country   8.5 (artrock-postjazz) Billie Eilish: When We All Fall Asleep, Where Do We Go?   8.5 (pop) DJ Healer: Lost Lovesongs / Lostsongs Vol. 2   9.0 (ambient-broken beat) Fire! Orchestra: Arrival   8.5 (experibigbandjazz)
41. Nkisi: 7 Directions   8.5 (future techno) Denzel Curry: ZUU   8.5 (avanttrap) Megan Thee Stallion: Fever   8.5 (traprap) Rico Nasty & Kenny Beats: Anger Management   8.0 (hiphop) Callum Easter: Here Or Nowhere   8.5 (szellemjárta, másvilági lofipop) Stats: Other People’s Lives   8.5 (gitáros groovepop) Bassekou Kouyate & Ngoni Ba: Miri   8.5 (mande) slowthai: Nothing Great About Britain   8.5 (uk rap, grime) Fennesz: Agora   8.5 (ambient) Agent blå: Morning Thoughts   8.5 (indie-dream-posztpunk)
51. Henning: Natter Utan Dagar   8.5 (softrock, “markknopflerwave”) Tayla Parx: We Need To Talk   8.0 (pop) Feels: Post Earth   8.5 (lofi-posztpunk) Fling: Fling Or Die   8.5 (indiepsychpop) Isaac Birituro & The Rail Abandon: Kalba   8.5 (ghánai xylofon, folkronika) Junior Brielle: Tampa   8.5 (80s electropopsvédesen) Pixx: Small Mercies   8.5 (artsynthpop) Lafawndah: Ancestor Boy   8.5 (keleties altr&b, deconstruct tribal glitch bass) The Comet Is Coming: Trust n The Lifeforce   8.0 (ambient-electrojazz) Woman’s Hour: Ephyra   8.5 (dream-szintipop)
61. Lemonheads: Varshons 2   8.5 (feldolgozáslemez) These New Puritans: Inside The Rose   8.5 (posztpop) Special Request: Bedroom Tapes   8.5 (ambient techno) Durand Jones & The Indications: American Love Call   8.5 (chicago soul, retrosoul) Black Pumas: Black Pumas   8.5 (psychsoulrock) Jamila Woods: Legacy! Legacy!   8.5 (neosoul, alt r&b) Emotional Oranges: The Juice Vol. 1   8.5 (nudisco, szofiszti r&b) Anthony Naples: Fog FM   8.0 (outsider house) Sister John: Sister John   8.5 (szép gitárzene) Bill Callahan: Shepherd In A Sheepskin Vest   8.5 (americana, altcountry)
71. Piroshka: Brickbat   8.5 (indierock) Bigwave: Romantic   8.5 (japán future funk, disco) Methyl Ethel: Triage   8.5 (indie-szinti-pop) Injury Reserve: Injury Reserve  8.5 (experihiphop) Tree: We Grown Now   8.5 (hiphop)
(Havi listáim:  Január    Február    Március    Április    Május    Június)
Fábián Titusz
Carson Coma: Corduroy Club
Judák Bence
61: Mac Demarco – Here Comes The Cowboy 60: Clinic – Wheeltappers And Shunters 59: Billie Eilish – When We Fall Asleep, Where Do We Go? 58: Aldous Harding – Designer 57: Beirut – Gallipoli 56: HEALTH – Vol.4 :: Slaves Of Fear 55: Panda Bear – Buoys 54: Pom Poko – Birthday 53: Stephen Malkmus – Groove Denied 52: Ex Hex – It’s Real 51: Bad Religion – Age Of Unreason 50: The Sonic Dawn – Eclipse 49: James Blake – Assume Form 48: Káryyn – The Quanta Series 47: Piroshka – Brickbat 46: Ladytron – Ladytron 45: Stella Donelly – Beware Of The Dogs 44: Weyes Blood – Titanic Rising 43: King Gizzard and The Lizard Wizard – Fishing For Fishies 42: Sleaford Mods – Eton Alive 41: Fat White Family – Serf’s Up! 40: The Twilight Sad  - It Won’t Be Like This All The Time 39: Deerhunter – Why Hasn’t Everything Already Disappeared? 38: Sharon Van Etten – Remind Me Tomorrow 37: International Teachers Of Pop - International Teachers Of Pop 36: Flying Lotus – Flamagra 35: Sunn 0))) – Life Metal 34: Helm – Chemical Flowers 33: Tyler, The Creator – IGOR 32: Tiny Ruins – Olympic Girls 31: Baroness – Gold & Grey 30: Girlpool – What Chaos Is Imaginary 29: Foals – Everything Not Saved Will Be Lost, Pt. 1 28: Kornél Kovács – Stockholm Marathon 27: Bob Mould – Sunshine Rock 26: William Tyler – Goes West 25: Julia Jacklin – Crushing 24: Jamila Woods – LEGACY! LEGACY! 23: Cate le Bon – Reward 22: The Claypool Lennon Delirium – South Of Reality 21: Sigrid – Sucker Punch 20: PUP – Morbid Stuff 19: Caroline Spence – Mint Condition 18: FIDLAR – Almost Free 17: Fennesz – Agora 16: Vampire Weekend – Father Of The Bride 15: Amyl & The Sniffers – Amyl & The Sniffers 14: Bibio – Ribbons 13: Rina Mushonga – In A Galaxy 12: Stats – Other People’s Lives 11: Better Oblivion Community Center – Better Oblivion Community Center 10: Sunflower Bean – King Of Dudes EP 9: Adia Victoria – Silences 8: Sundara Karma – Ulfila’s Alphabet 7: Nilüfer Yanya – Miss Universe 6: bis – Slight Disconnects 5: Holly Herndon – PROTO 4: Chai – Punk 3: Steve Lacy – Apollo XXI 2: Fontaines D.C. – Dogrel 1: SOAK – Grim Town
Kollár Bálint
Anthony Naples - In The Fog Big Thief - U.F.O.F. Holly Herndon - PROTO Inter Arma - Sulphur English James Blake - Assume Form Jessica Pratt - Quiet Signs Lingua Ignota - Caligula Mannequin Pussy - Patience Rina Mushonga - Into A Galaxy Sunn O))) - Life Metal The Comet Is Coming - Trust In The Lifeforce Of The Deep Mystery Tyler, The Creator - IGOR Various Artists - Kankyō Ongaku: Japanese Ambient, Environmental & New Age Music 1980-1990 Weyes Blood - Titanic Rising Yellow Eyes - Rare Field Ceiling
Lékó Tamás
01. Billie Eilish: When We All Fall Asleep, Where Do We Go? 02. Fidlar: Almost Free 03. Bring Me The Horizon: amo 04. Vampire Weekend: Father Of The Bride 05. Charly Bliss: Young Enough 06. Anderson.Paak: Venture 07. HEALTH: VOL. 4:: Slaves of fear 08. Steve Lacy: Apollo XXI 09. Local Natives: Violet Street 10. Cage The Elephant: Social Cues 11. Foals: Everything Not Saved Will Be Lost Part 1 12. King Gizzard And The Lizard Wizard: Fishing For Fishies 13. Nilüfer Yanya: Miss Universe 14: Little Sims: Grey Area 15. Clinic: Wheeltappers And Shunters 16. Ladytron: Ladytron 17: Jenny Lewis: On The Line 18. Lizzo: Cuz I Love You 19. Chemical Brothers: No Geography 20. Deerhunter: Why Hasn’t Everything Already Disappeared? +1 Prince: Originals
Németh Róbert
Sharon Van Etten: Remind Me Tomorrow Cass McCombs: Tip Of The Sphere Deerhunter: Why Hasn't Everything Already Disappeared Foals: Everything Not Saved Will Be Lost – Part 1 Billie Eilish: When We All Fall Asleep, Where Do We Go? Weyes Blood: Titanic Rising Vampire Weekend: Father Of The Bride Jamila Woods: Legacy! Legacy! The Raconteurs: Help Us Stranger Thom Yorke: Anima The National: I Am Easy to Find Aldous Harding: Designer Bedouine: Bird Songs Of a Killjoy Big Thief: UFOF Julia Jacklin: Crushing
Salamon Csaba
Floating Points - Late Night Tales Tyler the Creator - IGOR Little Simz - Grey Area slowthai - Nothing Great About Britain Synkro - Images Loyle Carner - Not Waving But Drowning James Blake - Assume Form Flying Lotus - Flamagra Rosie Lowe - YU Steve Lacy - Apollo XXI Jai Paul - Leak 04-13 (Bait Ones) MC Pinty - City Lights EP sabw - Missing Out EP
Szabó Benedek
Aldous Harding: Designer Jessica Pratt: Quiet Signs Deerhunter: Why Hasn’t Everything Already Disappeared Malibu Ken: Malibu Ken Meteo: Hayline Dylan LeBlanc: Renegade Vampire Weekend: Father Of The Bride Chris Cohen: Chris Cohen Julia Jacklin: Crushing Kankyo Ongaku: Japanese Ambient, Environmental & New Age Music 1980-1990
Szabó Csaba Kedvenc 2019-es számai. 
Varga Zsófia
Billie Eilish: When We All Fall Asleep, Where Do We Go? Melii: Phases Anderson.Paak: Venture Denzel Curry: ZUU Aldous Harding: Designer Andrew Wasylyk: The Paralian Big Thief: UFOF slowthai: Nothing Great About Britain Holly Herndon: Proto Tyler, The Creator: IGOR
Velkei Zoltán
96 Back - Excitable, Girl Bad Bunny: X 100PRE Billie Eilish: When We All Fall Asleep, Where Do We Go? Caterina Barbieri: Ecstatic Computation Croatian Amor: Isa Denzel Curry: ZUU Flume: Hi This Is Flume Flying Lotus: Flamagra Freddie Gibbs & Madlib: Bandana Homemade Weapons: Gravity IVVVO: doG J-Zbel: Dog's Fart Is So Bad The Cat Throws Up Luke Slater: Love Remixes Mikron: Severance MSYLMA: Dhil-un Taht Shajarat Al-Zaqum Nivhek: After Its Own Death / Walking In A Spiral Towards The House Placid Angles: First Blue Sky PTU: Am I Who I Am RX-101: Dopamine slowthai: Nothing Great About Britain Thom Yorke: Anima THUGWIDOW: Ultraspirit Tyler, The Creator: IGOR VC-118A: Inside Yagya: Stormur
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taeyeonsb · 5 years
greek god!changbin and human!felix bc anna asked
@chenle this is for u ily
im sorry it's Long
masterlist if u want it
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changbin is the god of being a cute baby the night
and magic and stuff (kinda like nyx and hecate idk)
bc he loves DARK
all the other gods make fun of him bc mortals headcanon him as all scary and sinister and creepy but in reality hes a cute baby
it's not easy for mortals to get him all petty and stuff bc he just doesnt care
ugh we love an unbothered king
he wears a long black cloak embroidered w pretty silver designs because he can
he doesnt rly go onto earth to interact w humans, but he likes to randomly appear in cool places and ppl watch just bc ppl are dumb and it's hilarious
he isnt a playboy like some gods (cough cough zeus cough cough) and always kinda disapproves when they play around w mortals but yknow what can u do when u disapprove of the king of the gods
nothing that's what
besides ,,, there was one (1) time a while back where changbin got a little ,,, attached to a mortal 
and yall know when binnie gets attached he gets Attached
,,, like ,,, immortality-granting level attached
but he didnt get to the immortality part in time
and now he has resolved to not love mortals!!!!!! 100% foolproof plan, considering he has the option to ignore their existence forever
in greece hes not a major god so he aint too popular but he does have his lil fan group 
a lot of the ppl who sacrifice to/worship apollo also do the same for changbin bc when theyre throwing together som herbs and hoping for the best (aka making medicine) they need some magic!!! and guess whos the god of magic!!!!!!
that's right lads it's changbean
so ya he may not have 294857839 temples within a 1 mile radius like some gods (cough cough zeus cough cough) but he doesnt rly want that either so
it be like that sometimes
and he has his lovely healers who always think of him and that's enough for him :,)
felix is a healer!!!
his best friend jisung got rly sick a lil while back and felix was Clueless abt how to help him BUT with a lot of prayers 2 apollo and changbin and basically everyone up there on mount olymp and so so many books he saved his jisungie!!!!!
thank the gods!!!
and now he is a practicing healer and always sacrifices the best of his meal to apollo and changbinnie
I'm gonna hc that prayers to gods are like notifications because I can
so if ur like popular and gettin spammed u can turn them off/choose not to hear them
but changbin likes hearing them, and a lot of the time if he can help by doing smth small he will!!! ugh ur god could never (zeus stans cant relate)
most of the voices are off and on, he'll hear a mix of people he might recognize and people that remind him of someone two thousand years ago
but he does, without fail, hear one voice every night
guess whomst
THATS RIGHT it's felix!!!!!!!
ofc he doesnt know that but he knows the voice; and it's nice :,,) to be thought of, every night
when his voice wishes for rain tomorrow, because 'I'm getting a little worried about my crops, haha,' changbin mentions offhandedly that he misses the rain to demeter, who agrees, eyes widening, "yes, my crops are DYING of THIRST" before she kicks poseidon as he passes by and demands rain
changbin hears a small, delighted thank you the next morning and pretends hes not smiling like an idiot at it
he fools a grand total of absolutely no one 
but no one comments either bc they cant be bothered or dont wanna face an in-denial binnie
and it's all going well!!! felix's crops are T h r i v i n g and his patients are recovering!!!!!!!
then one day, felix prays to changbin AND minho
minho is aphrodite bye
it's not like felixs not happy with the way things are going, it's just ,,, sometimes hes a lil :( u feel
,,, a lil ,,, lonely 
sue him for wanting a bf bye
yes he loves jisung more than anything in the world and Would Die for him and all that ,,, but he wouldnt mind a bf too ,,, so he prays to minho too!!!
changbin hears it (and knows minho doesnt- minho doesnt like doing things for people if they ask)
so he very very casually strolls over to minho where hes lying upside down on the couch, petting his cat who's sprawled across his chest, purring loud enough that changbin can hear it from outside
he comes in anyway (after knocking, of course, because he is not Rude)
minho knows smth is up but lets changbin ramble
and finally he gets 2 the point
"theres someone praying to me, and he also asked something of u"
"that's nice"
"well would u mind granting his wish"
changbin is Surprise
"y not"
"dont feel like it"
"why dont u"
"just dont ig haha"
changbin is this close || to slappin him
they go on for a lil while ,,, cb tries to coax minho into it without saying why it's important
minho, the smug bastard, just laughs
finally cb gets Ticked Off and is all fine guess I'll do it Myself
uh oh last time that happened didnt end well
"uhhhhh changbin that's not a good idea, remember last time?"
"nope this time'll be different, and since u wont help him guess I gotta do it myself"
"nononono changbin I'll do it!! I'll make smth happen just dont get involved ok"
but changbin is Stubborn and minho is Too Late
it's been a while since changbins disguised himself as a mortal but he walks down, and into the rough area he knows the voice always comes from
beyond that tho? he doesnt even know the guys name for goodness' sake
hes so engrossed in Concern over his situation what he forgets hes literally walking down a mountain
he trippe and falle yike
there are ppl walking and standing about but none of them seem v concerned
changbin guesses lots of ppl fall down this mountain
he has to remember to make his blood appear red not gold and try to limp when he gets up (is that what happens when humans get injured? he doesnt know)
and to his luck
theres a voice behind him
a very familiar voice
hmmmmmmmmmmm who could it be?
"oh my god, are you ok?"
changbin can almost hear minho laughing at him from olympus
the boy has soft brown hair and little dots across his cheeks and big doe eyes and he offers changbin his hand (what is changbin gonna do? say no?)
"are u alright? looked like a pretty bad fall"
"no, I'm ok!!! just got a lil scratched up," changbin says
"oh no!!! ur cuts could become infected if u dont bandage them!!!! here I'm a healer lemme wrap them up for u ok"
changbin is. SHAKING
so the boy leads changbin away, through the dusty streets
3 important things occur: 1. changbin finds out his name is felix, 2. felix doesnt let go of changbins hand, and 3. changbin discovers felix is taller than his mortal form
felix bandages him up, and hands him a mug of wine 
it's nice; changbin doesnt often indulge in mortal food and drink, bc he doesnt need it
they talk!!!
felix is so friendly and welcoming changbin forgets where he is for a hot minute
and felix is just. Intrigued. (he knows practically everyone in the village; maybe changbin's a traveler? hes also a lil confused by the fact that changbin shares the name of the god he prays to every night but those things happen n what can ye do)
so felix asks where changbins from, and hes a traveler!!!! that makes sense!!!
"do u have a place to stay? do you know how long ur staying for?"
"nope and nope!!!"
so felix does the obvious thing: "u can stay with me!!"
and yeah this is a guy he met twenty minutes ago so maybe that's not the safest thing to ever happen
but hes also heard stories abt ppl who refused to offer hospitality to ppl who were gods in disguise and met Unfortunate Ends, and changbin is also sweet and handsome and felix thinks this couldnt end too badly, right?
so changbin stays, and he looks around for people he could pair up with felix
the boy wants a bf and changbin is going to get him a bf!!! it's the least felix deserves
but with every time felix cooks him breakfast, every time he brings changbin along with him to the market, with every time the boy smiles, the more changbin wants that bf to be him
felix plays the lyre, and sometimes he sings along with it too
(the first time changbin found this out it was an accident; felix'd been practicing outside so he wouldnt disturb the peace but changbin had heard through the ajar window and for a second thought it was apollo)
every time felix's small tiny adorable little hands start absentmindedly playing at the strings of his lyre, changbin has to stop whatever hes doing to be able to hear 
whipped culture if u ask me
the songs felix sings are all lovely; some are light and cheerful and others are a little darker, sadder, lonelier, and with each one of the latter that felix plays changbin gets the urge to hold him
and one day he does!!!!!!
it's a darker, sadder, lonelier song day, changbin can tell it from the start 
felix acts as lively as ever though, smiles as bright as ever (it's still beautiful)
but felix makes a fire in his fireplace that night and curls up, the light flickering across his face, and he looks so uncharacteristically small that changbin walks right over to him and Gathers Him tf Up in those arms
"hey, what's wrong"
"omg nothing haha"
but changbin is Not Having It, and all he has to do is give felix that look before felix sighs, completely relaxing into changbins arms
"just ,,, kinda feel alone rn"
and then he Panicc "omg that sounded so rude I mean I dont feel alone alone I have u ofc but I mean in a romantic sense of the word I just wan some1 to hold me and never let go u know and"
he takes a deep breath and cups felix's face tilting it up so their eyes meet and felix stops his rambling
"I'd never let go, if you asked me not to"
the good thing abt bein a god is if cb gets rejected now he can just yeet himself right back onto olympus and shut out all his emotions!!
but hes still so nervous for felix's response somehow bc this has grown to be important to him
but!!! turns out!!!!! he has Nothing to Be Nervous About!!!!!
felix's face almost splits with the force of his smile, and he looks so happy that changbin's heart is melting in his chest, and he whispers "I'd like that," before they both move at the same time and then they're kissing
when they break apart, foreheads leaning together, changbin whispers into the space between them "I'm a god, you know. I'm your changbin, the one you've been talking to since jisung got sick. I'm immortal,"
and felix looks at him, looks at the now-dying firelight reflecting back at him in changbins beautiful eyes. it doesnt seem to matter, not right now.
"are you gonna break my heart?" felix asks, and he kind of knows the answer
but changbin takes his hands and says so earnestly "I'm gonna try my best not to" and that's enough for felix
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uneminuteparseconde · 5 years
Des concerts à Paris et alentour
Mai 13. Foals – Bataclan 14. Romain Berteau + Claus & Clausen + Borja Flames + Ambeyance (fest. Switch) – théâtre de Vanves 14. Erikm & Anthony Pateras + Dieb13 & Burkhard Stangl – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 14. Ramona Cordova + Charlène Darling – Mains d'oeuvre (Saint-Ouen) 16. Saudaá Group + Orgue-Paysage – Fondation Cartier 16. Voiski + Myako & Basses Terres + Marylou (RA Paris) – Silencio 16. Franck Vigroux & Antoine Schmitt : "Chronostasis" + Quatuor Impact & Giani Caserotto + Open Women Orchestra (fest. Switch) – théâtre de Vanves 17. Crave + Zaltan & PAM + Full Circle + Low Jack + Oko dj + Clara3000 (RA Paris) – Dizonord (gratuit) 17. Ujjaya + Archétype – Salle Icare|Médiathèque (Vélizy-Villacoublay) (gratuit sur résa) 17. Philip Glass : Études pour piano – Salle Pierre-Boulez|Philharmonie 17. Jacco Gardner + Chris Cohen + Eerie Wanda + Tonn3rr3 + Discovery Zone (Le Beau fest.) – Trabendo 17. Hen Ogledd + Faune – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 17. Inigo Kennedy + Möd4rn + Stephanie Sykes – Rex Club 17. Polar Inertia + Dement3d + Ninos Do Brasil + Lokier + A strange Wedding + Full Circle – La Machine 17. Surgeon + S.Y.R.O.B + DJ Jee + Cénile Technorama – NF-34 18. Bruce Brubaker & Max Cooper : Glasstronica – Cité de la musique|Philharmonie 18. Eliane Radigue : musique (diff.) pour "Continuum" de Félicie d'Estienne d'Orves – Centre Pompidou 18. Planningtorock – Gaîté lyrique 18. Thurston Moore +  HAHA Sounds Collective + L'Éclair + Luis Ake + Domotic + Pantin Plage (dj) (Le Beau fest.) – Trabendo 18. Croatian Amor + Re:Ni + dj Sacom + Hanah (RA Paris) – Badaboum 18. Brandt Brauer Frick + Collectif sin ~ + Axel Rigaud (fest. Switch) – théâtre de Vanves 18. Orphx + Konkurs (Blush Response & Sarin) + Blush Response + O/H – tba 18. Function + dj Deep + Lewis Fautzi – Concrete 19. DJ Sundae + Crystallmess + Betty + Toma Kami (RA Paris) – Concrete (gratuit) 19. Julien Claus – Ancienne Brasserie Bouchoule (Montreuil) (gratuit) 19. Commando Koko + The Soft Rider + We Will Woo ! – L'International 22. Housewives – Supersonic (gratuit) 23. Lots in Kiev + Thot + Brusque – Petit Bain 23. 1919 + Guerre froide + Pest Modern + Warum Joe – Gibus 24. Beak> + TVAM – Gaîté lyrique 24. Shonen Knife – Petit Bain 24. Antichildleague + Corps + Geography of Hell – Les Voûtes 24. Othello Aubern + City Dragon + None + Graal – Espace B 24. Felix Kubin & Hubert Zemler + Phuong Dan + RVDS & Best Boy Electric + Ron Morelli – La Station 24. Codex Empire + Dimitri Rivière + Nari Fshr + Sina XX b2b Munsinger – Petit Bain 25. Sydney Valette + Blind Delon + Ruines – Supersonic (gratuit) 25. Xeno & Oaklander + Automelodi + Void Vision – Petit Bain 25. Rebekah + Schwefelgelb + JKS + Regal + Parfait – tba 26. Jérôme Poret – Ancienne Brasserie Bouchoule (Montreuil) (gratuit) 26. New Berlin + Euromilliard – Pointe Lafayette 27. Me Donner + Somaticae + Nani ∞ Guru – Espace B 27. USA Nails + Dead Arms + Cohaagen – ESS'Pace 28. Alice in Chains + Black Rebel Motorcycle Club – Olympia ||COMPLET|| 29. Flotation Toy Warning + Raoul Vignal – Petit Bain 29. Unit Moebius + Scorpion violente + Prettiest Eyes (fest. Ideal Trouble) – La Station 29. Pizza Noise Mafia + Laz (Air Lqd & Lost Sound Bytes) + Bear Bones, Lay Low + Summer Satana + Tav Exotic + La Souris & l'éléphant + DJ Athome (fest. Ideal Trouble) – Centre Wallonie-Bruxelles 29. Big Brave + My Disco + Tu brûles mon esprit – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 30. Cuntre (Lionel Fernandez & Nicolas Mazet) + Couloir Gang (fest. Ideal Trouble) – Le Zorba 30. AnD (dj) + Dyen + Parfait [Blawan + ABSL : ANNULÉ] – NF-34 31. François Bonnet + Knud Viktor + Jim O'Rourke + Florian Hecker (fest. Akousma) – Studio 104|Maison de la Radio 31. De Ambassade + Beau Wanzer + Anna Funk Damage + Le Matin + Bernardino Feminielli + Unas + Fiesta en el vecchio (fest. Ideal Trouble) – La Station
Juin 01. Eryck Abecassis & Reinhold Friedl + Hilde Marie Holsen + Anthony Pateras + Lucy Railton (fest. Akousma) – Studio 104|Maison de la Radio 01. Millimetric + Phase fatale + Terence Fixmer + Dersee + Raffaele Attanasio + 14Anger + Arnaud Rebotini & David Caretta – Studio de Lendit (La Plaine-Saint-Denis) 01/02. Metronomy + Laurent Garnier + Ricardo Villalobos + Mr Oizo + Bonobo (dj) + Yves Tumor + Marie Davidson + Pond + Sleaford Mods... (fest. We Love Green) – Bois de Vincennes 02. Bernard Parmegiani + Jean Schwarz (fest. Akousma) – Studio 104|Maison de la Radio 02. Vanishing Twin + Eye (fest. Ideal Trouble) – Lafayette Anticipations 04. Kurt Liedwart + Billy Roisz + Julien Ottavi + Eryck Abecassis – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 05. Shellac – La Maroquinerie 05. Institute + Last Night + The Cherry Bones – L'International 05. Otzeki – Safari Boat 06. Tim Hecker & Konoyo Ensemble + Mondkopf + Kelly Moran (Villette sonique fest.) – Cabaret sauvage 06. Umwelt + Falhaber + VII Circle – NF-34 07. Danny Brown (Villette sonique fest.) – Périphérique 07. Constant Mongrel + Computerstaat + Warm Swords – Espace B 07. Kuss + HDN – La Plage|Glazart 08. Julia Holter + Cate Le Bon (Villette sonique fest.) – Trabendo 08. Deena Abdelwahed + David August + Ross from Friends + Objekt (dj) + Apollo noir (dj) (Villette sonique fest.) – Grande Halle 08. Thurston Moore Group + Modern Men – La Maroquinerie 08. Nova Materia + Maria Violenza + Aïsha Devi + Belmont Witch + Black Midi + Coucou Chloé + Front de cadeaux + Juan Wauters + Krampf (dj) + Musique chienne + Nyoko Dokbaë + Novelist + Shanti Celeste + Szun Waves + Wiki (Villette sonique fest.) – parc de la Villette (gratuit) 09. Fontaines DC + Crack Cloud + Efrim Menuck + Bracco + Mdou Moctar + Corridor + The Messthetics + Warm Drag + Borja Flames + Myako + Zaltan & Oko + Tiger Tiger + Sinkane 09. Stereolab + Jonathan Bree + Anémone (Villette sonique fest.) – Grande Halle 12. The Soft Moon – Safari Boat 12. Rouge Gorge – L'International 12. Matmos + John Wiese – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 13. Minuit Machine + Hørd + Marble Slave – Supersonic (gratuit) 13. Christian Death + Little Nemo – Gibus 13. Fat White Family – Élysée Montmartre 13. The Horrorist + Poison Point + Melania + Philipp Strobel – NF-34 14/15. Jessica 93 + Year of No Light + Hangman's Chair + JC Satan + Vox Low + White Heat (15 ans de New Noise) – Trabendo 15. Karen Gwyer + Gudrun Gut + Dorit Chrysler joue Laurie Spiegel – Gaîté lyrique 15. Ensemble Citrouille + Félicie Bazealire + Foxtrt + Delphine Dora + Manolito + Anna Serra + Sophie Agnet & Olivier Benoit + Trans Aéolian Transmission + Hippie Diktat (fest. Les Oreilles libres) – Théâtre Les Thénardiers (Montreuil) 16. Siglo XX + The Arch – La Maroquinerie 16. Plaid – Petit Bain 16. Vomir + Straub Mocky + Achille + Strie + LV2 + Trans Kabar + Club Sieste (fest. Les Oreilles libres) – Théâtre Les Thénardiers (Montreuil) 18. Simon Whetham + Estelle Schorpp – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 19. Stephen Malkmus & The Jicks – La Gaîté lyrique 21. Anne Clark : perf. pour "Ocean 21" de Maggie Boggaart – Auditorium Saint-Germain 22. The Intelligence + Flatworms – La Maroquinerie 22. LA Witch – Black Star 23. La Pince + Leon + Howdoyoudance + Polar Polar Polar Polar – Cirque électrique 26. Magma – Salle Pierre-Boulez|Philharmonie 26. Cannibale – Safari Boat 26. Caterina Barbieri + SKY H1 – La Gaîté lyrique 26. Pigalle – La Maroquinerie 26. Daniel Menche + Point invisible + Tzii – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 27. Plomb + Perm36 + Pour X raisons – Cirque électrique 28. To Live & Shave in LA + Carrageenan + TTTT – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 28/29. Rammstein – La Défense Arena (Nanterre) ||COMPLET||
Juillet 02. Interpol – Olympia 04. Cat Power + H-Burns (fest. Days off) – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie 05. Klimperei, Sacha Czerwone, David Fenech, Denis Frajerman & Christophe Micusnule – Chair de poule (gratuit) 05. Pantha du Prince + Scratch Massive (fest. Days off) – Cité de la musique|Philharmonie 05. I Hate Models + Jardin + Mount Kimbie + Oktober Lieber + Rodhad + Mor Elian + Olivia... (The Peacock Society fest.) – Parc floral 05. The B-52's – Olympia 05/06. The Psychotics Monks + La Jungle + Yachtclub + Zombie Zombie + Frustration + Fleuves noirs + Bruit noir + Le Singe blanc + Le Sacre du tympan + Enablers + Os Noctambulos + The Scanners... (fest. La Ferme électrique) 06. Jonsi & Alex Somers jouent "Riceboy Sleeps" (fest. Days off) – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie 06. Helena Hauff b2b DJ Stingray + Jon Hopkins + Motor City Drum Ensemble + Len Faki + Robert Hood + Octavian + The Black Madonna + Clara! + Nicola Cruz... (The Peacock Society fest.) – Parc floral 07. Jonsi, Alex Somers & Paul Corley : "Liminal Soundbath" (fest. Days off) – Cité de la musique|Philharmonie 07. Ministry – La Machine 07/08. Thom Yorke (fest. Days off) – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie 08. Gossip – Salle Pleyel 08. Melvins – La Plage|Glazart 11. Full of Hell + The Body + Pilori – Gibus 11. Masada + Sylvie Courvoisier & Mark Feldman + Mary Halvorson quartet + Craig Taborn + Trigger + Erik Friedlander & Mike Nicolas + John Medeski trio + Nova quartet + Gyan Riley & Julian Lage + Brian Marsella trio + Ikue Mori + Kris Davis + Peter Evans + Asmodeus : John Zorn's Marathon Bagatelles – Salle Pleyel 11. Flamingods + Warmduscher + Triptides (Garage MU fest.) – La Station 12. Tomaga + Утро + Tôle froide + Society of Silence + Sharif Lafrey + Elzo (dj) (Garage MU fest.) – La Station 11>13. Kraftwerk (fest. Days off) – Philharmonie 13. The Will Gregory Moog Ensemble (fest. Days off) – Le Studio|Philharmonie 13. Chloé & Vassilena Serafimova : "Sequenza" + Apparat (fest. Days off) – Cité de la musique|Philharmonie 13. La Récré (Garage MU fest.) – canal de l'Ourcq 13. Metz + Bo Ningen + Ashinoa + Die Ufer + Panstarrs (Garage MU fest.) – La Station 17. Grand Blanc – Safari Boat 18. Neurosis + Yob – Bataclan
Août 18. The Driver – But Mortemart|Bois de Boulogne 23>25. The Cure + Aphex Twin... (fest. Rock en scène) – parc de Saint-Cloud 26/27. Patti Smith – Olympia ||COMPLET|| 28. Arnaud Rebotini – Safari Boat
Septembre 05. Oh Sees – Bataclan 12. Blawan – NF-34 14. Clan of Xymox + Plomb – Gibus 14. Danny Elfman & le Grand Orchestre d'Ile-de-France : cinéconcert sur "Alice au Pays des merveilles" de Tim Burton – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie 20. Spiral Stairs + Canshaker Pi – Olympic café 23>25. John Cale – Cité de la musique|Philharmonie
Octobre 05. Nuit de l'orgue avec des œuvres d'Éliane Radigue, Arvo Pärt, Olivier Messiaen, Phillip Glass, Nico Muhly, Jonathan Fitoussi... (Nuit blanche) – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie (gratuit) 06. Daughters – La Maroquinerie 08. Sleep – Bataclan 09/10. Ty Segall & Freedom Band – La Cigale 11. New Order – Grand Rex 14. King Gizzard & Tle Lizard Wizard – Olympia 17. Puppetmastaz – Trabendo 18. Dream Syndicate – Petit Bain 19. Sisters of Mercy – Bataclan 19. Pixies – Olympia
Novembre 08. Bedroom Community – Cité de la musique|Philharmonie 08. Boy Harscher – Trabendo 10. Amiina : cinéconcert sur "Fantomas" de Louis Feuillade – Le Studio|Philharmonie 10. Ôlafur Atnald + Hugar – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie 17. Nitzer Ebb – La Machine 24. The Young Gods + Les Tétines noires – La Machine 26. Wardruna – Olympia
Décembre 06. Phillip Glass Ensemble : cinéconcert sur "Koyaanisqatsi" de Godfrey Reggio – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie 07. Phillip Glass Ensemble : cinéconcert sur "Powaqqatsi" de Godfrey Reggio – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie 08. Phillip Glass Ensemble : cinéconcert sur "Naqoyqatsi" de Godfrey Reggio – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie
Janvier 04. Rokia Traoré + Ballaké Cissoko & Vincent Segal – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie
Février 16. Orchestral Manoeuvre in the Dark – La Cigale
Mars 07. Ensemble intercontemporain joue Steve Reich : cinéconcert sur un film de Gerhard Richter – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie 20. Ensemble Dedalus joue "Occam Ocean" d'Éliane Radigue – Le Studio|Philharmonie 21/22. Laurie Anderson : "The Art of Falling" – Cité de la musique|Philharmonie
Mai 08. Max Richter : "Infra" + Jlin + Ian William Craig – Cité de la musique|Philharmonie 09. Max Richter : "Voices" – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie 10. Max Richter : "Recomposed" & "Three Worlds" – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie 24. Damon Albarn – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie
en gras : les derniers ajouts / in bold: the last news
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