#i wil cry
scribbleclipse · 1 year
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Did I make yet another new fursona? Of course I did X) I didn't really know what to call this creature, I just borrowed the word "alicorn" from my little pony, because it was easier than saying "single horn winged cat" .. with a lion tail XD So I'm just calling it an alicorn eclipse kitty X) cuz it's vaguely catlike, features a singular horn on its forehead, and a pair of floaty wings. Calling it an alicorn probably doesn't make sense, cuz that refers to a creature that's both a unicorn and a pegasus XD and this is different cuz it's a cat X) BUT I'M DOING IT ANYWAY ✨ Because I didn't know what else to call it X)
I also baked some personal symbolisms into this design uwu The black, white, grey, different symbols for the paw pads, the sun and the moon, eclipse symbol on the belly, all sort of are references to the importance of balance in a summarized nutshell X) the four card symbols on the paw pads are also references to the four elements, which can be used to✨ Make Stuff ✨ (sorta XD) which is mostly just an extra roundabout way of saying I like art X) In a way the light/dark themes are also related to art, because you need both of those to be able to see anything else. The brown is there pretty much just cuz my actual hair color is brown XD and I also thought it looked neat with the silvery grey X) it's also a neutral color though uwu which is relevant because it's like, aside from grey, one of the most "in between" colors ever ✨w✨ and that's relevant because balance X) woo
I was tempted to give them devil horns to pair with the almost angelic wings X) but I thought the unicorn horn looked cuter XD so there isn't really any fancy symbolism behind that X) I just wanted one (though it also references one of my favorite pokemon, Dragonair)
OH, I also put the "club" symbol on the left hand cuz I'm left handed X) this is relevant because in tarot, the club symbol is the same as the "wands" which has to do with fire and creation uwu I'm also a fire sign, and creative hobbies is my passion X) The creativity metaphorically shooting out my finger tips. Boom, pow, art X)
This was a kinda rambly post XD but I don't know if I've ever really broken down the silly symbolisms I usually repeat in the designs of my own personal fursonas before here X) I'd been making new fursonas over and over again, sort of trying out new things and experimenting with different symbolisms and designs until I found the pattern I felt suited me the most X) Through trial and error I think I've made a design I'm satisfied with, finally XD It's taken me a good while though X)
Anyway ^^ Here's my silly fursona X) I also included some little doodles in funny colors because I CAN uwu doing those reminded me of those funny little rainbow scratch papers I used to get all the time, but with the power of art program, I can now do these... Whenever I want ✨w✨ be prepared for rainbows 🌈
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sangonohyuka · 2 years
i still dont understand how t4gg!ng works here 🤕 like why r my p0sts not sh0w!ng up ...
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lover-of-mine · 11 months
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Probie Buck 🫶
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missycolorful · 1 year
There are posts I've seen flittering around like "q!Phil is a better parent than c!Philza" aaaand... I don't know, it's kinda funny because q!Phil's parenting is actually how I pretty much always imagined c!Phil parented c!Wilbur when he was young. Like, the accuracy is astounding.
Just, an immortal who would destroy the world for this child placed in his care. But every character of Philza's seems to be centered around being a survivalist. And c!Phil is no exception, so he'd want to teach his child how to protect himself, fight for himself, as well as others. The only difference being that Chayanne and c!Wilbur are drastically different characters. Chayanne was ecstatic to learn to fight and wield a sword, one of the reasons why q!Philza enabled that behavior. He wants to be a warrior, to be like Technoblade. However, c!Wilbur didn't want to resort to violence. He didn't want to learn how to master the blade to fight and kill others. Instead, he wanted to use his words, his charm to survive and protect those he cares about. So Wilbur left to make a name for himself using what he views as resourceful tactics in survival. And neither father nor son is in the wrong for their views; it's just different ideals clashing in a familial space.
(Obviously, things get more complicated when we get to canon dsmp stuff, but I don't think we can compare parenting toward your adult kid to parenting an actual child; that's such different fruit we're holding.)
And yeah if people don't want to see a connection to c!Phil and q!Phil, that's totally fine. It's your interpretation, have fun with your perspective! But personally, I cannot help but look at some of q!Phil's actions, responses, when caring for his child, and see sparks of a different yet somewhat similar character.
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justewil · 1 month
luke my boy :(
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skitskatdacat63 · 8 months
Lone Ranger Gunslinger! Fernando (context)
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thresholdbb · 7 months
In true Star Trek fashion, Lower Decks poked fun at Tom Paris and Nick Locarno’s uncanny resemblance but did not explain it
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shego1142 · 2 years
So in an interest to defeat the potential influx of celebrities and or brands, along with blocking them as they crop up, I suggest we return to our tumblr roots in another way:
URL Hoarding.
For anyone who wasn’t here at the time or doesn’t remember, urls used to be as valuable as gold here on tunglr dot net
Getting the url you wanted, pristine and unhyphenated with no numbers added to it (like tumblr user pizza for example) was a battle only the stubborn dared to take on.
Because it was notoriously difficult.
Why was it difficult?
Because you can’t just message staff and say “Hey! I’m important and powerful and I want that username now!!!”
No you have to message the blog that owns the url.
And haggle.
And it wasn’t even some money making scheme half the time! A lot of the time the person wanted like art commissions!
So what url hoarding was, was making a bunch of sideblogs with every version of the url you could imagine someone wanting and then sitting on them and waiting. You can make 10 sideblogs a day and some people did this like it was their job.
Do you see where I’m going here now? Do you see how funny of an idea this is???
Imagine. Imagine a “powerful” “influential” corporation wanting to barter and trade with us tumblrinas. Only to realise we want sonic the hedgehog porn or a $100k donation to ao3 in our name.
Or to realise that we absolutely can not be haggled with whatsoever.
I don’t know about you but I think the absolute funniest option is to just refuse to haggle with them.
Use their coveted url to reblog complete nonsense.
Watch them cry and squirm when they realise their powers don’t work here.
I mean as long as you rinse them for all their worth (IE don’t settle for $10k from a multi billion dollar company) if you do go making bank off of some determined corporate jerk then like, more power to you.
I just love the idea of a celebrity or a company coming to tumblr and having to have a ridiculously unofficial looking url.
“Wal-mart-1982-official-real” because tumblr user Walmart already exists or something
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shizenyumi · 5 months
Have you ever cry just because a new Toumyu announcement .... bcs I have
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sadmages · 1 year
[sweating with tears pouring down my face] thesis film about lesbian ghosts who find companionship after death and escape their respective loneliness and work together to scare the shit out of some ghost hunters and then absolutely get it on which is captured on camera by a ghost hunter who politely deletes it out of respect for their privacy. also they will tie in to my ghost bar. to me. is this anything
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lil-vibes · 10 months
every chapter sukuna fans are fighting for their LIVES 😭😭 bro really pulled out the fire hydrant smoke grenade and a whole new homie for gojo to beat like 😭💀
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bangobeep · 1 year
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WE SHOULD ALL COLLECTIVELY TALK MORE ABOUT THE CYBERPUNKS. they're all gay for each other btw (and i guess poly's just. fourth wheeling lol)
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youdontloveme-yet · 1 year
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n. the state of not knowing how you really feel about something, which forces you to sift through clues hidden in your behavior, as if you were some other person—noticing a twist of acid in your voice, an obscene amount of effort put into something trifling, or an inexplicable weight on your shoulders that makes it difficult to get out of bed.
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justewil · 1 month
is the our shared past and our lost future line Different in the other version .... it probably is right
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seventhcallisto · 6 months
Need a bf and a gf or two bfs or two gfs or one gf and one gf and one bf or maybe even two gfs and bfs or—
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sadistpet · 2 months
discord drop cause im eepy :3 you can add me at syrentide !
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