#i wasn't actually fine with him being redeemed
lillithhearts · 4 months
Redeemed!Sir Pentious x Reader ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥
Not proofread!
Unestablished relationship, first meeting
The idea sounded.. Bizarre, people in hell wish to get better? Your shocked and confused face caught up to Emily as she laughed loudly before quickly shushing herself, clearing her throat.
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You died decades ago and lived a good peaceful life in Heaven with friends, one of them being Emily! You over the years growing close to hyper Seraphim and being her first person to go to when something was on her mind; negative or Positive it didn't matter she'd drag you to a Café and talk your ear full. So imagine the surprise when she came to you a month ago talking about some Hotel in Hell, made to rehabilitate Sinners so they can enjoy life in Heaven.
"the princess of Hell, it was her idea!"
So not an actual sinner..got it alright suddenly it made a lot more sense but you wondered if such an outrageous plan was even possible.
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A month later the same Seraphim you call your friend stands in front of you, an extremely nervous and wary snake looking guy fidgeting with his hands next to her.
"this! Is Sir Pentious, He's a rehabilitated sinner!"
Oh, OH! Your face lit up with excitement, sure you hadn't believed the plan would work but he's the living proof right in front of you and you almost snapped your head to him; your energy catching up to him as his eyes snapped to yours a nervous smile as he laughed and waved
He held out a hand for you to shake, quite polite for a sinner, but you supposed he wasn't one any longer so you grabbed it and shook it; your cheeks aching from the smile you held, you wanted him to feel welcomed
"Y/N! Pleasure is all mine, Sir Pentious"
He laughed as he seemed to loosen up, the tension in his shoulders seemed to fade and his hood unflared, Your smile softening watching him; he was quite cute for someone who seemed to live in hell, his look seemed unique too, you quickly cleared your throat upon realizing you still held his hand; a nervous chuckle escaping your lips as you glued your hands to the sides of your body.
"oh please! Pentious is just fine—"
Without getting another word in Emily chimed in, pushing Pentious towards you and clapping
"I thought you two would get along! And he needs to get settled in so why don't you take him?"
You smirked and raised a brow, looking passed the now flustered Snake
"take, him?"
Emily nodded insistently with a huge smile on her face
"yeah! He needs to get used to heaven and I thought you'd be great for the job"
"isn't that your job"
The girl deadpanned at you,placing her hands on her hips while pouting, quietly begging you to say yes a smile and cheer coming from her as you sighed,giving in
"fine, But only this once because he seems like good company"
Pentious's hands were getting sweatier by the second, his panic shooting up as you grabbed his hand and dragging him away; before his eyes settled on the serene look on your face and the cheerful look of everything around him. This would be fine, he'd be fine, you looked nice, This will be fine.
He followed you around for the day, smiling from ear to ear
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A/N : UGHHHH idk if I like this...... Anyway my baby sir pentious, do I make a pt2 with an established relationship???
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doe-eyed-fool · 4 months
Fallen {Chapter Three}
Alastor x (fem)Reader
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Warning: Very ooc Lucifer (I made the first few chapters before the series came out)
"Redemption?" I wonder aloud. "Yes! This is my hotel, and here, me and my staff help sinners better themselves for a chance of being redeemed!" Charlie says enthusiastically. But it didn't make much sense to me. Why would sinners care about being redeemed? Could they even be redeemed?
That sounded impossible, unheard of even. But held my tongue, clearly this was a passion project of hers. I wouldn't want to spit on her dreams.
"How...nice." I say with a smile. "But may I ask why you would do all this?" Charlie's eyes lit up at the thought of me being interested in knowing more.
"I believe that everyone deserves a second chance to be good. Everyone has good in them, even if they don't believe they do. And I think, with a little help, we can shape them into the best versions of themselves as they can be. Then they can get into heaven after all their hard work on improving."
I almost couldn't believe the words coming from her. She seemed so kind, so, not demon-ish at all! I couldn't help but wish her luck. She really believed that the sinners and demons of hell could be better people. In some ways, I agreed. I do believe people can change and be better. But, a lot of those creatures out there were here for a reason.
"So, are you here to check in?" Charlie asks me. "Uh, I-" I was cut off by Alastor. "Why yes, she is!" I shot a concerned glance at him. "Wonderful!" Charlie claps excitedly. "Come on, I'll give you a tour and introduce you to everyone!" Before I could protest, Charlie grabbed my hand and began walking.
Before she left with me she turned to Alastor. "I'll be back to help. We mainly just need to fix the place up from our last extermination." Alastor nods his head. "Of course my dear. Take your time." Charlie gives him a thumbs up before walking me away.
What was Alastor up to? Charlie showed me different areas of the hotel, and even introduced me to the staff and guests. First I met Vaggie, who turned out to be Charlie's girlfriend. She was pretty abrasive, but Charlie told me it wasn't anything personal towards me. Other than that, she was a fine demon and she clearly loved and cared about Charlie.
Next I met Angel Dust, a spider demon, he was uh...Something else. Smug too. I tried to keep my eyes on his and not his skimpy clothing. Apparently he was a porn star. I felt bad for him. Mainly because I was concerned for his safety. But he looked like he could handle himself, hopefully.
Then there was Nifty. She was nice, and very hyper. Excited to meet me and become friends, her singular eye looking me up and down frantically.
Before I could finish talking with her and move on to the next person, she picked some lint off of my dress. A clean freak I suppose. I said my goodbye before meeting the last person on Charlie's list. His name was Husk, a cat demon. And a rather rude demon at that.
He had no interest in meeting me or even spare a glance my way. Charlie apologized for his behavior before leading me back to the lobby.
"We can work on getting you a room shortly. I just have to make sure everything is all set first. Things got a little out of hand after the extermination. Then we had some demon attack us right after, thankfully Alastor got rid of him. In quite the horrifying way..." She laughs weakly before clearing her throat. "Anyway, I hope you'll enjoy your stay with us."
I only offered a false smile and nod. "So, I've been meaning to ask." Charlie begins. "How do you know Alastor? I mean, everyone knows him, but you seemed to actually be friends with him." My mind blanked for a moment as I tried to think of a explanation. "Uh well, Alastor kind of helped me out a bad spot." That seemed to have caught Charlie's attention.
"Really? What happened? If you don't mind me asking." She asks. Darn. "Well, he...Uh, I was lost. Yeah, I got lost and, he helped me. I'm sure you know how hell is. So...dangerous and and all that." Charlie nods. "Trust me, I know." She chuckles. "Being the princess of hell, I'm aware of a lot of things that go down on a regular basis. But not everything, my dad knows way more than me." My eyes go wide for a second.
Did she just say princess of hell? Does...does that mean her father is...
There was a knock on the front doors of the hotel. "I'll get it! Excuse me for a moment Y/n." Charlie says before heading for the front door. She straightens out her suit before opening the doors. "Welcome to...Oh, hey dad." Standing before Charlie, was a demon.
But not just any demon. This demon was known by all, in heaven, hell, and earth alike.
This demon, was none other than Lucifer himself. But could that really be him? He looked nothing like how I thought he would. For one thing, he was much...shorter, than I picture him to be.
Charlie's takes after her father's looks, as he had the same pale white skin, blonde hair, and rosy cheeks to bring it all together. They even shared the same eyes. When he spoke, it only sent more surprise and confusion through me. "Charlotte! How have you been?" His voice was a higher pitch than I imagined.
Not deep and masculine, but not feminine either. Somewhere right in between. "I'm fine." Charlie says with a weak smile. "What uh, what are you doing here?" She asks carefully. "I just wanted to check on my daughter. This year's extermination was no joke! The angels were relentless, I haven't seen so much carriage in a while." Lucifer walks past her into the hotel lobby, he looked around. "So, this is the hotel you've been working on."
Charlie follows after her dad, nervously fidgeting with her hands. "Yep." Lucifer chuckles. "Adorable." He says with a shake of his head. Suddenly his gaze fell onto me and I froze in place. "A new guest of yours?" Lucifer glances at his daughter for a moment. When she nods he looks back to me before approaching me. My breath was caught in my throat, my hands began to tremble.
He was but a step away from me, he looked at me with a grin. "What might your name be, little demon?" He asks. I couldn't bring myself to speak, my cowardice only seemed to have amused Lucifer. "Well? Are you going to tell me?" He smirks.
I glance over at Charlie, I don't know why, but I was hoping she could help me somehow. But she only kept her gaze on the floor, holding her arm close to her side with a nervous expression. I turn my attention back to Lucifer, who was still waiting for me to give him my name.
Finally I swallowed the large lump in my throat and speak. "Y-Y/n." I murmur. "Y/n." Lucifer repeats leaning in closer to me. His eyes bore into mine, his grin dropping slightly. "Strange..." He narrows his eyes. Suddenly Alastor's voice caught our attention.
"Lucifer, my good fellow! I had no idea you would be stopping by!" Lucifer looks over his shoulder before his grin returns to his face. "Alastor. Always a pleasure." He thankfully moves away from me and towards Alastor.
I could finally breath normally again, my heart wouldn't calm down as it thumped harshly against my chest. "I thought I might pay this place a visit. After all, it means so much to my daughter." He was far shorter than Alastor. Though, Alastor kept his same respectful demeanor when talking to Lucifer.
"Of course." Alastor nods. "It's quite the hotel. Very...Unique." Lucifer laughs at that. "You're right about that my good man."
Lucifer glances back at me as still talks with Alastor. "I thought this place would be in shambles after that extermination. Turns out my daughter can fend for herself after all." Charlie's expression fell at his words. "Anyhow. I should be on my way. Lots of work to be done, and business to attend to." He walks past Alastor and back towards the hotel entrance. "Oh, I almost forgot." He stops just before the door.
"Alastor? You haven't seen anything out of the ordinary lately have you? I ask because I know how attentive you are when it comes to anything new and unusual."
"Hm. Afraid not. Why? Has something occurred that I should know about?" Alastor asks. Lucifer shrugs. "I can't be sure. But I could have sworn I saw something quite strange fall from the sky early this morning." I noticed that Alastor's smile tightened slightly. "A new sinner?" He asks.
"Perhaps. Though, I've yet to see a sinner with such unordinary wings." Lucifer said lowly. My heart dropped down to the pit of my stomach. "But then again, I am so very overworked." He sighs. "Must have been my imagination."
"Maybe so." Alastor says calmly. Lucifer's smile turned sinister. "I'll be seeing you around, Alastor." He says before stepping out and closing the door behind him. I stare at the door unblinking, my hands trembling.
I look over at Alastor, despite his smile, I could tell he was upset. I would have asked if he was alright, but Charlie walked over to me and placed a hand on my shoulder. "I'm sorry about that." She sighs. "I didn't know my dad would ever come here. He's never been interested in my project, I guess I shouldn't have let my guard down. Are you alright?" She asks me.
I nod my head. "I-I'm ok." Charlie offers me a small smile before taking my hand. "Let's get you to your room. You can relax for a bit."
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al1fers-haven · 2 months
Platonic hazbin hotel cast and gn!teen!reader with the personality of loona from helluva boss 👀
It could be a list of hcs or a oneshot. Either way is fine ^^
Hazbin Hotel x GenZ!Reader Headcannons
Imma do this as headcannons because...I can't really find any storyline for this lol CHARLIE
one of the things that Charlie seemed to actually figure out the most was why you were so moody lol, she went through that emo phase too but...yours was sticking a bit too long to be a phase.
She had mentioned a couple times that they were going to focus on your issues separately to keep you from feeling bad, but she never actually went for it. Scared it would set you off a bit.
outside of that, she thought you were adorable, treating you more like a younger sister than a normal hotel attendee.
Sees more of herself in you than she would like to admit, and doesn't truly understand why you are in hell but...she doesn't push.
Oh god, you and vaggie DO NOT MIX. It's one thing to put two demons together, but Vaggie already acts like a depressed teen at times.
She doesn't really...demand respect but she tries to act motherly towards you and just fails miserably.
You think she is trying to be controlling because you are younger and don't know as much.
Genuinely thinks you can be redeemed, and that if anyone has shot at it, it would be you.
Despite the fact you two don't get along, you come to her for some issues that you know she would be good with, like trying to get better and maintain friendships. that doesn't happen often tho.
You and her mixed is awful for boardgames too, talk about competitive.
You and her definitely got a lot of bad blood on, especially if you get all mean with charlie and yell.
Oh god, it's a beautiful friendship.
You and angeldust get along more than needed, despite both being assholes at times, you both love each other and think a lot of one another.
You are usually the one taking care of him (along with Husk) Whenever he gets too rowdy at clybs, not only that but he takes care of you when you are unstable as well.
You don't do well with men, or any sort of family figure that is a man so as much as you try you always blow up.
You deeply care for the spider porn star but sometimes your personality makes it harder than you'd like. And he is one of the people inside the hotel that understands this the most, it's what you guys bonded over.
He thinks your absolutely hilarious and wishes that when he was your age he had half the courage to say the shit you say. Watching you tell Alastor he was a braindead prick? Oh it made his day.
But that worried him a little bit, while he was happy you hadn't been roped into any sort of deal or contract, he was worried you'd say something to the wrong person. And if you ever did he would be there in a heartbeat
you two usually get drunk together since he doesn't want you going to any bars alone (Which you hate, but understand) So he won't help you with the hangover, but he will be right next to you throwing up in the sink as you throw up in the toilet :) HUSK
If you had to have a father bond with anyone? It would be Husk. He refuses to give you drinks for no reason and even has late-night talks with you.
scolds you for not being careful and respecting yourself, and usually just sits there as you yell at him till you say something truly horrible to him.
(Which isn't a lot, this guy can take more than he admits.)
But at the end of the day, he's there to give you advice and let you ramble on about the shitty stuff going on in your life,
hell he even lets you drink if it's truly bad
he's more scared of you ending up like him than you getting drunk young, you are in hell.
definitely helps you to bed and takes care of you when you are drunk or after you are drunk. Seems like the type to have a soft spot for emotionally troubled drunk teens. ALASTOR
Oh god, he hates you.
if it wasn't for the fact you were a part of the hotel or one of Charlie's favorites. He would have killed you by now due to the comments you threw at him.
He couldn't tell who he would rather be in a room with, velvette? Or you.
Despite all of that he had an open mind to your behavior, understanding you were an emotional teen.
but that did NOT make the whole 'fossil' joke suddenly funny to him.
You two have bonded over a couple things, suits, food, and your insomnia. At the end of the day you still hated each other.
But he would totally cover you up if you fell asleep on the couch or something like that.
If you listen to his radio show he actually might start being nice to you, he's a sucker for teens as well. Especially if you are a girl.
"So what's it going to be? Mean comment? Or long sullen silence." "....you got me in a corner here." NIFTY
you two were an odd duo, usually, you sat through her horrible roach puppet shows and tried to hype her up, but in the end, you just couldn't.
she still appreciated you watching them and not booing.
Definitely tries not to get on your bad side, but ends up being annoying on accident,
you can't be mad at her though... SIR PENTIOUS (or however you spell it.)
This man obviously had cried multiple times because of your attitude and yelling.
He is a softy at heart, and you try to feel bad but he just makes it so easy.
the snake jokes are never-ending, especially if you two decide to form a bond? but I doubt that would ever happen...man is sensitive.
Didn't catch him during the trust fall, instead gagged about how slimy he was and called him a rude name.
Might make a part 2 to this, it's adorable
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akiizayoi4869 · 11 months
If there's one part about Vegeta's arc that I absolutely love, it would be this:
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His regression in season 8 was very well done. It wasn't shoehorned in and it made sense. I remember seeing on Reddit years ago people complaining about this specific part of his arc, saying that it made no sense for him to regress the way he did when he was redeemed at this point. But consider this. It makes perfect sense when you factor in one thing: he wasn't redeemed yet. He was still going through his redemption arc by this point.
Vegeta wasn't raised to be a family man. He was raised to be a killing machine. He was raised with the idea in mind that he would one day be the king of the Saiyan race. All of that got taken away from him. His belief that he was the strongest Saiyan alive was taken when Goku became a Super Saiyan and defeated Frieza, and again when Gohan became a Super Saiyan 2 and killed Perfect Cell. And then Goku makes the choice to stay dead instead of coming back to life via the dragon balls. So now, Vegeta's one rival, the person who he swore he would one day surpass and defeat is gone for good. So all Vegeta has left at this point is the family he created with Bulma. Something that he most likely never envisioned for himself. So he decides to live a life on earth with her and their son.
Everything seems to be going fine for Vegeta....until the World Martial Arts Tournament happens. And Goku decides to return on this one day so that he can participate. Suddenly, all of the feelings that Vegeta bottled up over the last 7 years since Goku's death comes rushing to the surface. Finally, after all this time, Vegeta could finally prove that he's better than Goku. They even get matched up to fight each other in the tournament! How lucky is that, right? And then this guy happens:
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And just like that, Vegeta's chance to fight Goku is now shattered thanks to this new threat to Earth. Instead of his attention being on him, Goku has his sights set on defeating Buu before he can be revived. For the entire time Vegeta, Goku, Gohan, and the Supreme Kai are in Babidi's lair, Vegeta is angry. He's waited 7 years for the chance to fight Goku again, and now that he finally gets the chance to do so, this happens. We see Vegeta's mood get worse and worse throughout the time they fight Babidi's minions, and it's gets so bad to the point where Babidi is able to get Vegeta under his control. Now, as Vegeta pointed out later on, he actually could of fought off Babidi's mind control. But he chose not to. Why? Because he saw how powerful Babidi's minions were while they were under his control. So Vegeta figured he could use some of that power to do this:
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Fight Goku without any interruptions. Which is what he wanted from the start. Even though he knew that fighting would give more energy to Buu and thus revive him, Vegeta didn't care. So long as he got to fight Goku. Keep in mind that this is the same guy who let Semi-Perfect Cell absorb Android 18, despite the fact that he knew it could end up being a bad decision. But Vegeta didn't care because he wanted a good fight.
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Now there's one line that Vegeta said to Goku during this fight that always stuck with me from the moment I heard it back when I was a kid. When Goku asks him why did he do all of this, Vegeta responds with "Because I wanted him to reawaken the evil within my heart. I wanted him to return me to the way I was...BEFORE!!! I WAS THE PERFECT WARRIOR! COLD AND RUTHLESS! I LIVED BY MY STRENGTH ALONE! UNINHIBITED BY FOOLISH EMOTION!!! But slowly...over the years... I became one of you. My quest for greatness gradually giving way to this life of mediocrity. I awoke one day to find that I had settled down and formed a family. I had even grown quite fond of them. Would you believe, I almost started thinking that the Earth was a nice place to live. Do you understand now, Kakarrot? That's why I needed Babidi! To set me free! By releasing the evil within my heart! He has freed me of these petty attachments. And I have to say it feels pretty good."
That entire speech he gave to Goku summarized PERFECTLY the internal conflict that Vegeta had going on within him. On the one hand, he wants this. He wants to feel strong again. He wants to defeat Goku and prove that he's better than him once and for all. He wants the life of a warrior back, because for so long that's all he knew. But on the other hand, he knows that the way he's going about it is wrong. Like he just admitted to Goku, there's a small part of him that loves the life he made for himself, and that he loves his family, too. Which is why Goku then says to him "Do you really believe what you're saying?". Now, Vegeta doesn't respond to this, but he doesn't have to. His silence is his answer. After that, the long awaited fight between these two begins. And after a while, Vegeta does come to the realization that he fucked up big time, and that he needs to do something to make up for it. Which is why he does this:
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He knocks Goku out while his back is turned. Why? Because he wants to fight Majin Buu alone. Because if it hadn't been for Vegeta's desire to fight Goku, Majin Buu probably wouldn't have gotten the energy he needed to be revived. So Vegeta decides to take full responsibility for everything and take on Buu himself. To me, this is when his redemption arc comes full circle, because of his sacrifice. He knows that he can't beat Majin Buu through normal means, so what does he do? Blow himself up in an explosion that he's certain will destroy Buu along with him.
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Vegeta even says in his mind that he's doing this for Bulma, Trunks, and even Goku. Something that I'm pretty sure a lot of us never thought we would ever hear him say. That he's doing something for other people. That he's not doing this for himself. I'm pretty sure that he saw this as his way to atone (hence why this move is called "final atonement" in the video games) but the fact remains that he did it anyway. Sure, we see Vegeta get angry when Perfect Cell killed Future Trunks, but still. That moment can't compare to this one. All in all, Majin Vegeta is the best part of Vegeta's redemption arc and the way how it's written really did an excellent job in wrapping it up.
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candyhoiic · 3 months
Okay so hear me out what if when a soul went to heaven, they would still remember a majority of their previous life while other memories would be forgotten almost instantaneously. However, the longer they exist in heaven, the more they will inevitably forget until they can only remember the basics of their past. Like they know who they are, but they're not sure how they exactly became that person.
I like to think that if this were the case, some memories would vanish faster than others in order to make it easier for the soul to be happy and move on with their (after)life. Like the more traumatic memories would be erased from their mind while the happier memories would linger. And to some extent I feel like this would also pertain to people they knew as well. For example, say they had a lot of happy memories with someone who went to hell instead of heaven. Well the good news is they won't remember them for long! /sar
It would actually be so messed up if this were the case like they just wouldn't remember the person one day. Even though they would still know that they must have been close to someone in their life on Earth, but whenever they try to remember they just end up with a headache. So, they decide it must not be that important anyways.
I feel like in that case the only way this effect would be reversed is if the winner/angel was directly face to face with the person they had previously forgotten about, which is unlikely considering how closed off heaven is to hell. Which would also make sense why Sera isn't exactly thrilled with the idea of sinners being redeemed because well wouldn't that just be another way of showing how unperfect heaven actually is. Instead, of them treating the problem, they simply hide it. Sounds familiar, right?
Anyways I want you all to imagine this happening to Adam. Imagine him coming up to heaven, and as the first human soul to enter, he was sort of a heaven's guinea pig leading to the effects being stronger on him than it would be on others since at that time heaven wasn't exactly fine tuned for a human soul to exist there. So, instead of having most of his memories in tact, he basically has none. He doesn't really remember Eden or what went down there. He knows he's the first man and that he lived there at one point before something bad happened, but that's basically it.
He doesn't remember his first or second wife nor does he remember Lucifer much less how he was betrayed by him because honestly, there's no doubt in my mind that these two knew each other and were at the bare minimum friends back in Eden before everything went down. I like to think he doesn't even really remember much of his life outside of Eden. Cain and Abel, who? He just remembers that his life had been better in Eden then it was outside of it.
With his lack of memory as to who he is, he's stuck grappling with the little he does know. Which would justify why he holds onto the title of the first man so hard throughout the series. Because in the beginning that's all he had. Anything else he knew about himself was told to him by Sera and the other angels. Of course, this would lead to him feeling unsure of what to do with his afterlife, and very much like before in Eden he was mainly left alone to just stumble and learn things for himself.
The lack of supervision didn't do much good for him, and I can imagine he was feeling quite lonely not having any other human souls to interact with. It made him feel alienated, and left him with time to wonder about all the things he must have forgotten because he knows he had people he loved back down on earth. Knows there's so much of himself missing that he has no hopes of recovering. It leaves him frustrated and what should be paradise feels like a prison.
Honestly, he might have ended up going crazy if it weren't for him discovering music, and using it to express himself even when he had no one to really share it with. Until one day he was playing a random string instrument and then there was suddenly clapping, and that's how he met the second human soul to ever enter heaven. He instantly clung to their presence, and probably would have hoarded them all to himself if it weren't for Sera and the other seraphim showing up.
When he first saw the angels again, his first instinct was to cling to the other soul for some reason. His body just kind of reacting on its own as if angels had taken someone away from him before. He didn't let go of the other human soul until Sera reassured them, that this soul would be staying in heaven with him. However, even then he didn't stray far from the other's side, but Sera simply moved on.
In celebration for the second human soul finally making it to heaven, the angels gave him the privilege of naming what human souls would be called once they entered heaven, explaining to him how he had been in charge of naming all the animals in Eden beforehand. And when they told him this, he couldn't deny how right that sounded. It brought warmth to his soul to have this little piece of himself back. He felt like he won something in that moment, and thus human souls would be called winners.
Anyways flash forward to years later and well Adam was doing better. He still didn't remember much of his life on Earth, but with more and more winners showing up he stopped caring as much. It was still in the back of his mind, but for the most part he was happy with his place in heaven.
He may have even gotten a little bit too complacent with his new life of being the first human soul to make it to heaven. He let himself go some since the winners would dote on him, making it so easy to simply let them do things for him. Although one thing he never stopped doing was playing music. Any and all instruments just felt right in his hands like music was an important part of him.
Life was good until he started to notice the new amount of winners coming into heaven started to slow, and how Sera grew worried with each passing day. Eventually he asked her what was wrong not really expecting an answer, knowing how secretive she could be. Although it seemed like even she had her limits because for better or for worse she told him about hell and how their population was rising faster than heavens. She unloaded concerns on him that she really should have known better than to burden him with. He may be the first man but he was still just that a man.
When he heard about this, he felt an urge to know more about hell. He felt like hell had answers he couldn't find in heaven about his life, and again he really shouldn't have been allowed to, but he was able to convince Sera to let him see hell. He reasoned he had a right to see where his other descendants were going. Besides maybe he could put some of her worries to rest by spying around what was currently happening in hell.
So, that's how he found himself heading down to hell to simply go down there and scout out the place nothing more, nothing less. Sera had even given him a mask similar to his exterminator mask we see him wear in the show so he could blend in better with the demons who lived down there.
If only he realized that even a quick visit to the dwellings of sin could still corrupt the soul. It wasn't as much as it would have been if he were cast out of heaven without his heavenly aurora to shield him from the brunt of hell's oppressive environment, but it still effected him more than one would think. It made him more sensitive to the the temptation of sin. Made him feel less pitiable towards the plight of his fallen descendants, but even then the trip would have gone without incident.
He probably would have even completely recovered from the surface level tainting his soul was experiencing if not for the fact he would catch a glance of Lucifer and Lilith of all people. Thankfully, he saw them at a distance, but a look was all it took for all his memories with Lucifer and Lilith to come slamming back. All the good and bad of a whole life time was remembered in a matter of minutes. Leaving him feeling rage and betrayal that he wouldn't know what to do with because well emotions and him just don't mix.
These already strong feelings were amplified by hell's atmosphere tainting his soul, which in turn would worsen the extent of harm his soul would go through. Thus, this mere instance would eventually lead to the development of exterminations, and developing Adam into the character we see in the show.
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acourtofthought · 4 months
I'm going to try to make this the last post where I address this but I'm starting to get frustrated with the narrative that Elucien's should just accept Az and hold in him high regard because "we're on the same side".
Yes, Elucien's and Gwynriel's both share a common goal of being Anti E/riels and we often create posts both sides like because of it. I think it's very clear to both groups that Az with Elain is a ship that exhibits major red flags.
But that's not the reason I ship Elucien, just because Az is bad for Elain so Lucien wins by default.
I actually like Elain and Lucien as individual characters. I think they'll be fantastic together but standing alone I still love them.
Just because I see that Az is setup to be healthier with Gwyn, that does not make up the sum total of his character. His interactions with Gwyn or Nesta are minimal compared to how he is with everyone else.
I think it's safe to say that a good number of Gwynriels support Elucien but don't necessarily like Elain. I joined a FB group that was Pro Gwynriel / Pro Elucien and ended up leaving for the vitriol that was spit Elain's way. It did not feel like a safe place to ship Elucien when I was constantly seeing others drag her.
And I think some in the fandom forget that Elucien's have witnessed this behavior for YEARS, even outside of E/riels. Some Gwynriels have thought nothing of the Elain slander or dislike they participated in and Elucien's have had to sit and just accept it.
Though this is a character SJM herself created and said shares her real life energy. Though this is a character SJM spoke of having a book long before Az was ever discussed as possibly getting his own, we were still forced to listen to her character be torn apart.
And now the Az getting a book chatter has increased tenfold and some Elucien's have started to speak out against Az's behavior.
SJM wrote it so that neither Elain or Lucien has ever said anything negative about Gwyn or Az.
But she did write Az as being problematic towards both Elain and Lucien.
If Elain and Lucien are someone's favorite ship and they genuinely have love for their characters, do Az stans TRULY believe we're supposed to show Az the same respect we do for Lucien?
When Az said Lucien wasn't good enough for Elain?
When Az said Elain couldn't handle the darkness of the Trove?
When Az didn't care whether Lucien murdered Graysen or when Az was fine being arrogant over defeating Lucien in the Blood Duel?
Please take the time to consider why Az's behavior towards Nesta or even Gwyn doesn't erase away Az's past behavior towards everyone else for some of us? Towards his own High Lady? The way he acts towards Helion? Please understand why not all Eluciens would care to see Az getting his own HEA with a female he JUST met and has shown no romantic inclination towards yet as he's fixated on Mor and Elain while Lucien continues to suffer with his unfulfilled bond and Az believes Lucien isn't good enough for her anyway.
I understand why Az stans are pumped for his book but please do not act like we should all be on the same side just because we are both Anti E/riels. Don't act like we're suddenly trouble makers because we're calling Az out for the wrongs we'd like to see righted and for what would be justice for Lucien's character, if Az did have to see him happy with his own mate before Az was granted the gift of his own.
Az could get his own book next and Elucien's will have to deal with it but stop acting like Elucien's who have been waiting for their story to be told since 2016 and whose favorites are constantly being belittled within the fandom (Lucien from E/riels and Elain from some Gwynriels) aren't well within their rights to be a little irritated by Az at this point.
This isn't even an Anti Azriel post because I realize that he will be redeemed and get his HEA. But let's not pretend there's not valid things he needs to atone for.
For us, it's not just about proving E/riels wrong but for Lucien's suffering to finally come to an end. For the Elain haters to finally reconsider.
After nearly a decade, you'd think there'd be a little more understanding for Elucien's and why they're not mooning over the possibility of an Az book being the next book.
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iknowshocker · 22 days
The downfall to kai was he was more popular than damon if he was a matt or Enzo type they would have kept him around redeemed him and let him date bonnie
you're right and you should say it louder 👏🏼
it sucks because i do like both damon and enzo, but so much of s7/8 became hypocritical around how we're made to feel about them compared to how they expected/wanted us to feel about kai and it's just silly.
damon backslides so horrifically that it's exhausting watching them jump through hoops to pretend he's redeemable and epic, instead of just ... actually allowing him to be redeemable and epic. he was 👉🏼👈🏼 so close !! to just !! being decent !! and that wasn't enough he had to go back to being terrible and selfish, cause where is the fun in watching a character grow and mature i guess ?? if he actually evolved and stayed even just slightly more consistent i don't think he'd lose so many of us. but i can only take so many scenes of watching him go through the exact same arc again and again only to never truly change.
enzo is my #3 TVD man (because i, like bonnie, have a type lmao) but i'll be the first to point out that he was !! eating people !! while being a part of the mfg. like did bonnie just ?? not know about that ?? is it fine because the people are strangers and he's a vampire ?? y'all remember when he just killed fake sarah to one up stefan ?? yes, he grows and starts acting like he's got some sense but it's only really after he falls for bonnie. she never addresses his behavioral changes enough, because if she did, they'd have to admit how hypocritical it sounds. it sucks, because objectively i like them together and i think especially the cabin arc is precious.
but like ... if we'd isolated bonnie and kai in say, a prison world, for more than a cross country trip to portland i think we all know what would have happened. which would mean no red wedding, no caroline incubator gate, enzo isn't dead, the heretics get a chance at being coven members, tyler doesn't have to turn by offing liv and they can be happy, stefan probably also isn't dead because if we had two witches someone could deal with the hellfire in the armory and someone could freeze katherine in place with magic, like !!!! so much could have been different if those two just figured it out lol
bonnie and the witches in general get snubbed a lot, and i know it's the vampire diaries, but don't give me these stupidly interesting people and then be upset when i love them.
i've never recovered from accepting enzo's death to suddenly having kai back within the span of an episode. i was like oooh alright, so you really are just laughing at us this is a game to you isnt it plec lmao
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skayafair · 3 months
John's Relationship with People Outside
There's an interesting thing with John and his relationship with others who aren't Arthur.
Ultimately his knee-jerk reflex is... not to care. He cares about Arthur, the rest of the world means very little. Usually if they are helping someone, it's Arthur's initiative: the wraith, the policemen on the boat, the old woman in Harpers Hill, Cana, Marie, Hatty, Oscar. But there were some exceptions, and his attitude is evolving, so I wanted to look into this in a bit more detail.
The first time he expressed the desire to help was when they found the abandoned car on the side of the road. I can't tell why - mostly it was a way to improve Arthur's mood to make him go along with what John wanted of him, a manipulation, but there clearly was a genuine will to help, too. Especially when they found the baby. This was the first of the few non-personal cases.
Lily. She didn't need helping, but she's the first person in the outside world who picked John's interest and gained his affection, the first personal connection that wasn't forced onto him.
The woman in the tunnels on the island. This was more about John's "any creature can be redeemed" - if Arthur considered a woman who was likely a victim of the circumstances (in John's POV, at least) a monster whose death was justified, what was he going to think of John.
Lily the Dreamlands creature. A debatable one since initially it was Arthur who decided to interact with them, but John got sympathetic later on his own accord.
People in the mines. Again, debatable. John would have been fine with leaving them to their fate (and he expressed as much when he came to his senses) unless he wasn't fresh from the Dark World's horrors and yeeted straight into Arthur's corruption ark. His desire to save them had to do more with saving Arthur's humanity than people themselves (not saying he didn't care at all tho).
Noel. Now, this is an interesting case. Because this is the second time John got attached to someone other than Arthur, and the first one when he could actually interact with the person. And this did wonders to his character. No more being too posessive, instant understanding of how much he fucked up with Oscar, tons of regrets, just as many happy moments. Noel was the closest thing John had to a friend other than Arthur, and the first one "on the outside", the first one he and Arthur shared friendship with. I think that's why John was so desperate to save him that he even manifested and beat Yellow. Noel might have become a bridge between John and other people, help him see them as, well, people rather than unimportant background characters. That's why I think Noel is a very important character. He gives both John and Arthur a whole new spun on their character developement that is probably going to last.
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dragon-cookies · 4 months
Episode 7, here goes nothing
You are literally too perfect for this show sir
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Why does Alastor have more screentime in Charlie's room than her literal girlfriend
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He's so fucking happy listening to her trauma dump I hate him /pos
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Oh yeah the whole "angels can be killed" was a plot point wasn't it lol
Damn Charlie why so bitter about Vaggie being an angel. Like I understand being upset she kept such a big secret from you but it's not like she didn't have her reasons? Vaggie probably just figured it'd be safest to pretend to be a demon since she couldn't return to Heaven
"Come now Alastor she's much too young for you" S T O P
OH SHIT actual verbal confirmation Alastor's ace?? I was NOT expecting that
Cannibal Town is lovely design-wise but the characters dressed in red on a background is getting hard to look at
Rosie's design is pretty nice too, her design isn't too overly complicated
Carmilla: *makes it clear she doesn't want to help Vaggie fight angels* Also Carmilla: *immediately starts teaching Vaggie how to fight angels* Make it make sense ma'am
"It's not like you've ever failed to inspire before" Al I don't think Charlie's managed to inspire anyone once but okay
I also just realized, wouldn't you think Vaggie would know something about how to kill an angel since she is one? Or at the very least know their weak points?
Oh okay so Vaggie didn't even know she herself could be harmed, fair enough I suppose
Wait so the angels' main weakness is their own weapons? And no one has figured this out until just now???
Carmilla's design looks way better with her hair down imo
It is honestly a crime Vaggie has such little screentime as she does, because the more I see of her the more I like her. It's also so frustrating Charlie basically just cut her off the second she found out she was an angel when her whole goal is redeeming people?? Charlie why are you fine with every other character calling you a bitch and Alastor literally owning peoples' souls but completely shun your own girlfriend because she (understandably imo) kept a secret from you??
And even after Charlie shunned her Vaggie is STILL 100% dedicated to supporting her cause and is willing to fight to keep her safe. Vaggie you deserve so much better
Aw Al giving Charlie his mic is sweet, what can I say. Characters trusting another character with a prized possession of theirs gets me
Hmmmm Al and Rosie's duet sounds a little sus. Sounds like Al wants to shape Charlie into something specific. Maybe in order to take over Hell or something??
Charlie why you making that face about your girlfriend's wings, what are you thinking about
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Also really kinda wish these two actually sat down and had a talk together, but we already know this show has zero down time, so onto the finale I guess. So, so much of this show's pacing could be fixed if these characters just sat down and talked to each other. Charlie specifically should be spending more time with all the characters she claims to care about, but I'd be willing to bet money she's not Viv's favorite character lmao
I feel like this show was really scared it wasn't going to get another season, so they just crammed as much stuff as they could into 8 episodes. Which, now that it's been renewed for another season, what exactly are they planning on doing going forward? Ease up on the lightning-fast pacing or just keep the same momentum? If it gets more than two seasons I honestly have no clue what they're going to do story-wise because pretty much everything is being wrapped up neatly. Ah well, I guess time can only tell
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olderthannetfic · 6 months
RE: people being uncomfortable with ACTUALLY morally grey characters: It frustrates me to NO END the way the Ace Attorney fandom REFUSES to acknowledge the fact that Edgeworth did some very, very fucked shit in his career before he was redeemed. I mean, it's not said aloud, but it's 100% alluded to that he sentenced innocent people to prison or worse, because the death penalty DOES exist in the AA universe. When we first encounter him he's 100% willing to use any means necessary to attain a guilty verdict, and he is convinced that he's justified in this. He has a perfect win record after 5 years of his career, and it's statistically improbable that ALL the people he prosecuted were actually guilty. But that makes people too uncomfortable and their precious pure baby MUST be totally innocent so they either ignore it it or use the "he was abused by von Karma" defense And that's true! He WAS! But he was 24-25 when we first encounter him and in ANY OTHER CONTEXT people would agree that that is too old to not know better. 25 is old enough to be morally responsible for your actions even if you were abused. It's entirely possible he would've just continued on that path and ended up in Von Karma's position too and then what? At what age WOULD he be morally responsible for his actions? I LOVE Edgeworth and his character arc is genuinely one of the best in any series ever - it is a PERFECT study in how to transition a morally grey character to a definitively good character without sacrificing their core character traits. But I so desperately wish more people would acknowledge that this part of Edgeworth even exists at all. What frustrates me the most is that many people like the IDEA of Edgeworth as morally grey, and write angst fics where he feels bad about what he did, but many of them end up at the conclusion that what he did wasn't actually all that bad. They want him to be morally grey but only to the point that he feels UWU sowwy about what he did but it wasn't actually all that bad and Nick can comfort him and then they kiss. They love the idea of a morally grey character but not the reality. It's not like I want him to suffer forever, but if the moral was "you're not defined by your past" it'd be different than "well you didn't know any better and you were a poor widdle defenseless baby so ackshually it was all fine and dandy :)"
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thewiglesswonder · 1 year
I'd be hard pressed to say I don't enjoy collector at all (I have merch of him after all). But my feelings towards him are complicated, he was great in s2, but in s3 I couldn't help but feel like the crew felt like they couldn't redeem him as is. That they felt they needed to absolve him of doing anything actually wrong so all his potential crimes are either nonexistent, blamed on other collectors/belos, or pretty much swept under the rug.
When we saw that collector back in KKKOHD it was like " Oooo this is intriguing, who is this and whats their deal?". Dana even showed off her half of collector's face during the charity event and saying "you've technically already met them" . So it was like "oooo the collector who caught the owl beast!".
And then it keeps ramping up, we have Philip find him, he's introduced as childish but sinister, he has a murder cult who worships him, he slams belos into a wall and angrily forces king to stay with him from luz.
And then-
Nah, he's unaware of death, misunderstood, hates said cult, and not even the same collector we met who caught the owl beast.
It felt like we were building up a very different kind of collector then what we got. This child who played with his food and didn't care who got hurt unless he was having fun, who caused the curse and pissed off the titan so much he hid his son away, and then everything that made him more grey just.... was not his fault at all.
And then on top of this there are just things between ep2 and 3 that don't make sense or are dropped, he doesn't understand death but crosses out a whole chapter in his book explicitly about genocide, which implies he does understand death? Belos tricks him into thinking King wants him dead and collector litterally gets over it by the next episode that i kinda don't see what the point was? He is shown to feel jealous over luz and angry about her arrival, but by the next episode he litterally starts the episode claiming to want to be her friend? How does he know about the cult but not know about death given they KILL titans?
Heck, FTF ends on him sinisterly saying he wants to play a new game, but WAD claims the dream sequence was belos's idea, not his, so its extremely misleading.
I'm not even opposed to the idea of a character being built up to be sinister only to reveal they never actually were and it was just a lie built on misunderstandings and paranoia. But it didn't feel nearly as well built up as it could've been.
And then on top of this, collector cries over luz dying as if its the first time he's felt this way, despite knowing her as a friend for a few hours max? He's never cried before? Not when the titans who were his friends were killed or when he got locked up? And then despite this being here to teach him about death being permanent, luz basically instantly comes back.
And after all of this, after what he did to the people on the isles, he just....leaves. he doesn't stay to help repair the isles that he partially damaged, and despite the show having a found family message and collector not wanting to be alone....he leaves....to be alone. So his redemption rests on a few hours of life lessons with luz, luz's not permanent death, and then thats enough to change his whole world view so its perfectly fine if he goes off on his own now I guess.
Collector pretty much goes out entirely unpunished for anything, the isles shows no lasting anger to him, he keeps his friendship with king, luz didn't actually die, so there's really no strong consequences for what he did. He feels bad for the draining spell and stuff but thats really it, he doesn’t stay to repent or anything. I know he's a child but he might be the child character who got off the easiest for his actions this entire series, and what he was responsible for wasn't light either.
I like the idea behind collector, but I don't understand entirely the love surrounding him because the writing surrounding him and his arc is confusing and it read to me like they were bending over backwards to erase any trace of him doing anything bad of his own violation or just not taking it as seriously as they should of.
Trying to redeem a collector who did intentionally hurt others , who does work hard to repent, and who learns over a longer period of time, would of felt more satisfying and would've been more interesting.
I hardly have anything to add to this, you've summed up pretty much every issue I take with the little guy! I'm not denying that he's a bad concept or a bad character, the execution of his supposed arc and intensely conflicting information we were given about him through the course of the last half of the show, coupled with the fact that he's always kind of felt like he appeared out of nowhere to me, I hate to say it, but he really hurts the narrative more than he helps it as-is. More energy, time, and really thought put into him would soothe a lot of these issues.
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deadgit · 1 month
Okay, here's the post I promised based on @ocean--grey 's poll! So if anyone randomly finds this and is confused, the poll was a question about who makes Lister feel the worst about himself: Low Lister, Sebastian Doyle, or the brain-in-a-jar from "Out of Time." I went tag crazy in my reblog, and this is just what didn't fit 🤣
So, Lister was ganged up on and victimized by all of the Lows in a scene that has to have been one of the most disturbing things that ever happened to him. But one small, probably unintentional detail that I'm going to emphasize is this: all of the Lows were working together, and reasonably well. They all teamed up against him, a solid team, 4 against 1.
And so, I find it FASCINATING that this episode directly follows "Terrorform" and "Quarantine," two episodes that heavily emphasize the everyone vs Rimmer dynamic.
Social patterns can be brutal. At the end of the day, there's very little that makes people feel more together than disliking the same person, especially if they can feel justified about it. And Rimmer is extremely easy to dislike, justifiably.
But unlike Cat and Kryten, who have fairly simple relationships with Rimmer (they know they need him there, and he has a couple redeeming qualities, but they genuinely dislike him), Lister actually sees Rimmer as a human being, with feelings that matter. He wouldn't have chosen to have this guy play a huge role in his life, but he does care about him.
And, sometimes, he treats Rimmer terribly.
It's usually not just him. It's him, the Cat, and Kryten playing off of each other, having Rimmer be the odd-man-out. And he gives as good as he gets, so it probably feels fine, mostly. You can't say that Rimmer doesn't deserve to have his own terrible actions thrown into his face, now and then.
Rimmer was exhibiting some horrid behavior in "Quarantine." His treatment of the rest of the crew before the virus set in was vindictive and petty in really destructive ways. But it was also a direct reaction to his peers talking about shutting him down. (Notably, this was right after an episode where they all pretended to like him, then threw it back in his face.) He probably saw that as a genuine threat to his life, and responded to it the way he's been conditioned to, since he was a kid: weaponize rules, use every scrap of power you have, no one else will help you.
Lister has come to understand Rimmer pretty well by this point in the show. He understands that "the wrong parents" doesn't just mean that Rimmer is ambitious and vain; he knows the guy survived some genuine, serious abuse. (Notably, he's the only character who looked disturbed at Rimmer's Uncle Frank story. Even Rimmer didn't recognize how messed up that was.) Everyone has seen Rimmer at his worst, but Lister has seen him at some of his best, like in "Marooned" when he waxes poetic about friendship and sacrifice, and wants to mirror what he saw as an act of selflessness. Lister knows how badly Rimmer craves acceptance and respect, and knows that he's actually capable of being decent under the right circumstances.
But he doesn't exactly keep that knowledge at the front of his mind. Very understandable, when your bunkmate, say, locks everyone in a room for weeks without entertainment or decent food. And it's especially easy to forget about when you're with two other people who can't stand the guy.
But I think sometimes, when the others aren't there, he remembers that Rimmer is a very miserable, lonely person, who faces almost constant antagonism from everybody in his life. He brings it on himself, but I don't think Lister wants to be a person who enjoys teaming up with his buddies to pick on the group misfit.
And yet, in series 4 and 5 especially, he kinda IS that person.
And I can't help but wonder if his treatment at the hands of the Low crew (ganged up on, having his autonomy taken away, being bombarded with everything he hates about himself) wasn't, in part, a reflection of the way he feels about all that subconsciously.
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doe-eyed-fool · 4 months
Fallen {Chapter Nine}
Alastor x (fem)Reader
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"Alastor, that dress was way too expensive! I could have found a cheaper one!" I tell him after we teleported back to the hotel. "Yes you could have, but you said you liked this one, no?" He opens the hotel doors for me, we walk inside and began to head up to my room. "Well yeah but, that doesn't matter. I feel bad for making you spend all that money on a dress." I argue.
"You didn't make me do anything. I never do anything I don't want to do dear." Says Alastor. We walk inside of the elevator. "And if money is what you're worried about, then I assure you, it's rarely a problem for me. Being an overlord does come with it's perks." That didn't make it much better.
Whether he had a lot of money or a little, I still didn't feel right having so much money spent on me. I never did like it. Of course I was always grateful and appreciative of gifts or even just simple things being bought and given to me, no doubt about that.
However, always felt the need to repay such kindness in some way. But I had not a dime to my name down here, there was no possible way I could repay him with cash. But, how else could I? What would he want in return?
That wouldn't result with something at my expense that is...I turn my head to face Alastor, his eyes locked on ahead at the closed elevator doors ahead of us. I finally bit the bullet and asked. 
"Alastor? Is there some way that I can repay you? I mean, I know we have that deal between us. But, you had just spent an ungodly amount of money on me just now. And you really didn't have to, so, what would you like?" I asked.
Alastor laughed and shook his head. "My, aren't you kind? I don't need anything, dear. All of this, is just tiny steps into helping you get back into heaven where you belong. You'll show up at the ball, looking ravishing, and the others will see that this hotel isn't a total waste of time after all! If Charlie can reel in someone so soon, then perhaps there is bound to be something useful about the hotel, surely. That's what they will think."
He continues as the elevator slows to a stop, it's doors opening for us to step out. "And when your god sees that you had a helping hand in redeeming sinners, surely then, you'll be granted entry once more." He finishes explaining just as we get to my room.
"Still, I can't wait until then. I'd like to do something for you sooner. Please? I won't feel right about it unless I do." Alastor rolls his eyes before sighing. "Alright. Let's see..." He pauses for a moment before a smirk falls onto his features.
"How about, you accompany me to the ball, as my date?" My mouth fell agape slightly. My shock quickly disappeared as I noticed the amused look in his eyes. Oh so that's it? He's doing this for as a joke? For a good laugh huh? Fine. Two can play at the game.
"I'd love to." I say with a false smile. I take the dress from him, trying to hold back a giggle as I saw a look of shock cross his face. "I'll see you then Alastor." I stepped inside of my room before shutting the door behind me. I laugh softly as I went to hang up my dress in the closet.
While I did like that I managed to somewhat stun Alastor, I was beginning to regret actually saying yes to his offer. I kind of hoping that he was actually joking. I mean, he was the radio demon, an overlord. There was no way he would ask someone beneath him, to a ball as important as the one coming up.
A week had passed and the ball was only hours away. My anxiety was through the roof, my heart pounding out of my chest. I pace back an forth, trying to calm my nerves as I take deep breaths in and out. But nothing seemed to work. I sigh shakily, stepping in front of my mirror.
I move a strand of hair back into place, and smooth out my dress of any wrinkles. I wasn't wearing my necklace, I had to say, the red of the dress really complimented my skin tone well. However, my wings is a complete contrast to the dress. 
The sudden knock at my door, caused me to quickly grab my necklace and put it on. My formed changed from angel to demon as fast as I hooked the lace around my neck. I hurried to the door and opened it, not much to my surprise, Alastor stood on the other side.
And I had to admit. He looked pretty handsome.
His tuxedo matched my dress, his cologne was near intoxicating, his hair tied back into a neat short ponytail. "Good evening my dear." Alastor greets me with a charming grin.
"Are you ready to go?" He offers his arm. I smile as best as I can before linking my arm with his. "Of course." So, I guess he wasn't joking after all. The walk was in silence, I wasn't sure what to say, as for Alastor...Well, I could never read him so I had no idea what he was thinking. My anxiety hadn't calmed any though. I was minutes away from entering a ball that would be full of overlords and demon royalty.
"Your heart is racing dear." Alastor's voice set me back to reality. I look away from him. "It is not." I muttered. "You underestimate my hearing then. It sounds like it's about to hop out of your chest and run away."
"I hate how accurate you are." I sigh. "What am I suppose to do? Or say? I don't want to look foolish in front of such important people." I admit. "Important people." Alastor repeats with a light laugh. "Dear, not all of those overlords are uptight, proper, distinguished folk. You don't have to pretend to be someone you're not for the likes of them. Of course, you'll want to be respectful. Otherwise, they'll probably kill you without hesitation."
Wow. What a way to relax and yet stress me out all at once.
"The only I can consider decent is Rosie. Now she, is actually worth talking to."
"Is she a friend of yours?" I asked. "A dear friend. I've known her for quite sometime." Alastor explains. "If you're worried about looking foolish, it should be with her. She's a very classy lady, highly respectable." I nod my head. "The others though." Alastor shakes his head. "Bunch of degenerates if you ask me."
Well, this was hell after all. I expected that much. But they were still powerful, they were still to be feared and respected. I didn't want to get on any of their bad sides. God help me if I ever do...
"You really shouldn't worry. They wouldn't dare lay a hand on you, so long as you're on my arm tonight." Alastor tells me. I guess that made me feel a little better. But could I really trust that he'd keep me safe from those guys? Before I knew it, we were right outside of the doors of the grand hall. Alastor looked down at me.
"Are you ready to make an entrance?" I look up at him warily. "Can we keep the entrance minimal? I don't want to attract anymore attention than I have to." He chuckled before opening the doors.
My eyes went wide at the sight before me.
Wow, Charlie really went all out on this ball. I never thought such gorgeous scenery could come from hell, and yet, here it was in all it's beauty. The hotel was already huge, so I assumed Charlie wanted to make the ball look as grand as possible. Alastor walked further in, leading me as he did so. Immediately we were greeted by Charlie. "Hey guys!" She looked magnificent.
She wore a white and red dress that hung from her shoulders, the sleeves stopped just at the end of her forearm. White lacy gloves covered her hands. Her hair let down from it's usual ponytail, framing her face just right to show off her soft features. "Welcome! Im so glad you're here!" She says with a bright cheery smile.
"Wouldn't miss it for the world." Alastor tells her. I nod and smile gently. "Well, I'll leave you two to enjoy yourselves. Oh but before I go, Y/n, I wanted to ask you something."
"Yes?" I prompt her to continue. "I'm going to give a speech later on tonight, and I was wondering...if you would like to come up and say a few words?" My stomach twisted at her request. "Only if you want to though!" She adds quickly, after noticing my anxiety. "I just thought maybe, this would be a great way to promote the hotel further. I want everyone to know that sinners really are interested in being redeemed. Of course I'm very passionate about the hotel, but people hearing it from a patient themself? It's sure to really hit home!"
I can't believe this. There was no way I could do that. Speaking in front of crowds was never my strong suit. But speaking in front of overlords and the king of hell himself? No way. There was no way in literal hell I could do that. "But like I said, you don't have to. Just an idea." Charlie reminds me.
I wanted to say no. I really, really, wanted to say no. But how could I? After everything Charlie's done for me so far, it wouldn't be very nice of me to deny her this. I sighed before speaking.
"Sure. Why not?" Charlie squealed excitedly before pulling me into a near nine crushing hug. "Thank you, thank you, thank you! I owe you big for this!"
I laugh weakly before hugging her back. "Don't mention it..." Charlie squeezed me one more time before finally parting. She said goodbye to Alastor and I before stepping away to join her girlfriend. I groan as I bring a hand to my head.
"Why did I say yes?" I whine. "Don't worry, you'll have some time to prepare before speaking. Until then, just try to enjoy yourself." Alastor tells me, bringing me out further onto the floor. "How can I now that I have to speak in front of everyone? I'm going to mess it up, I just know it." Another voice cut in just as Alastor was about to speak again.
"Finally got yourself a friend Al?"
I could see Alastor's grin tighten, his brows furrowing, expression turning into one of annoyance. He turned to face whoever was speaking, I did as well. I was met with the sight of a tall demon with a TV screen for a head.
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musicfeedsmysoul12 · 7 months
Honestly, thinking about how the fandom grotesquely overlooked or excused Bakugou telling Izuku to kill himself with "Bakugou was only 14".
But it was never "Izuku was 14 when Bakugou told him to kill himself".
It's always "Bakugou was failed of society". But it's never "Izuku was failed by society".
I never had a high opinion of Bakugou to begin with, but viewing Izuku as an allegory for disabled people makes Bakugou look even worse. He bullied a disability coded kid for something he could control, basically beating into his head for 10 years that he was worthless and doesn't deserve to be anything more. This gives the same vibe a someone being bullied for their race or using a wheelchair. Bakugou is prejudiced and a bigot. His hatred of Izuku (and other people) is rooted in quirkism, which can be an allegory for any -isms in the real world.
His stans don't want to see him that way though.
Honey you're preaching to the choir here.
I've said it before my biggest issue with Bakugou is consistently his fans who refuse to hear anything bad. I've seen some say his antis are just as bad, and sure there are maybe a few who are loud but I've had the worst luck with his fans.
He was fourteen yes, and as you said: So was Izuku. Bakugou is a victim because society put him on a pedestal yes. But Izuku was also harmed by society. It's just for some reason Izuku is an MC that people hate for multiple reasons and I've never understood them. Every bad things he's done is pradaded around while Bakugou gets a pass.
I can understand the draw of an asshole character becoming a good person. I can. It's just Bakugou is someone who has not actually redeemed himself. He hasn't changed in a way that shows he wants to be a better person. His apology is one I firmly think was lip service now, after Bakugou continues to fail to show he's changed.
I will argue against him targeting Izuku purely due to being Quirkless, but that's because I've been rewriting the series and know Bakugou has bullied Izuku constantly since he was a child. Deku the nickname came BEFORE the diagnosis. The bullying came BEFORE the log.
Bakugou has never been a good friend or person. And it's his family and society that are at fault. But he wasn't raised in a vacuum. He knows better, just look at him being worried about getting caught doing shit. He KNOWS better.
And yet… he doesn't do it because he's never been told no. He's never been given actual consequences. I highly doubt the LOV kidnapping him counts because he got told he wasn't a bad person oh no, and then he got to learn about OFA!!
So you're preaching to the choir: I may plan on redemptions for him in some stories, but it will never just be a slap on the wrist. It will never be him still being in 1A. It will always be a redemption he has to work for because that is redemption. It's not ‘oh just anger management and he's fine’.
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purplehalnw · 1 year
Whenever I see people express dissappointment that Belos's past wasn't mentioned in the finale at all despite the show doing all of this buildup for it, I always see people arguing "well it's meant to show that your past doesn't excuse the bad things you did".
Well if that was the case then they should've mentioned his past and then been like "sorry but that doesn't change shit" rather than just ignore his past and complexity and act like he's just some 1-dimensional basic ass power hungry villain who was just born evil.
Like have one of the characters say something like, "Maybe a few centuries ago I could've felt sorry for you. But whatever happened in your past doesn't change what you did, not anymore, not after all this. It's too late for you now. You've lost whatever's left of your humanity. We're more human than you'll ever be."
It's like at first they were writing Belos as an irredeemable version of Catra from She-Ra but then they just turned around and said "naw he's just fucking Horde Prime".
Like instead of getting messages like, "anyone is capable of becoming evil", "someone can be both sympathetic and irredeemable", or "someone can be redeemable if they are open to change" we instead got:
"some people are just inherently evil and irredeemable"
Wow really groundbreaking stuff here guys, definitely not something that we've seen in almost every single fucking Disney movie ever.
Also, people argue that his death being anticlimactic is fine because he doesn't deserve a grand ass ending. Which sure that would work for your basic ass power hungry villain like Kikimora or Odalia who don't really matter all that much but it doesn't work for a villain as complex and built up as Belos.
Like... just remove the curb stomping bit and how he died would've been fine for me. Have him melt from the boiling rain and then have Luz burn his goopy remains.
The tone of the scene when he was melting was great and the background music was amazing but then they had to fuck it up by adding the curb stomping as a sort of joke.
Hell I probably would've been more satisfied if he had actually died when the Collector slammed him in the S2 finale because at least there his possible death was treated fucking seriously.
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shizzlesisntevenaword · 7 months
2 burning questions
How did Evangeline survive Jacks’ kiss?
Why wasn’t he more curious about it?
Now I’ve actually answered the former in a reblog but I want more people to read and discuss with so here we go.
If you’ve read that post, please stick ‘till the end anyway cause I wanna talk about the latter as well.
Eva can kiss Jacks because they love each other... more precisely, because Jacks loves her. That's what makes her different from all the other girls before her who died from his kiss. It's not enough for a girl to love him in order to survive the kiss. He has to love her right back.
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Jacks never loved any of the previous girls: he came close to it, sure; he was even falling for some of them, but he wasn't in love with them when they kissed.
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It's always the girls and their feelings for him, not him and his feelings for them. Because he didn't love any of them.
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He didn't even love the first fox. He was starting to fall for her, but he wasn't in love with her when they kissed.
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Notice how the prophecy doesn’t mention anyone else, just a Fox. Eva, and only Eva, is the girl Jacks is prophesied to fall for. Except Aurora mistook her for the First Fox.
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As Evangeline herself says, true love is powerful enough to break any spell - that's the kind of love that both of them have been searching for their entire lives. And now they finally have it.
Which brings us to the next question.
I understand that Jacks doesn’t seem too fazed about the whole thing - this is a curse that has been plaguing him for literal decades, after all; it’s finally broken and he’s got naught to say about it?
In my opinion, Jacks has always known that real, true love is powerful enough to break any spell. Recall: as he said himself, he has seen it happen before. He saw Tellalegend’s true love prevail over and over again.
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Yes, he has never been in love before. But he’s come close to it. Multiple times. Had genuinely cared and believed some of the girls he kissed could survive it. All those times he thought it would be it. And it never was. If there was even the slightest chance Eva could die, he loved her too much to risk it.
Besides, Jacks knows what he is. From his point of view, he’s done so many monstrous things - a happily ever after just isn’t in the cards for him. He doesn’t deserve it. That’s just fine. But Eva doesn’t have to get swept up in his temporary moments of delusion. She doesn’t have to, can’t die just because he foolishly fancies himself worthy and redeemable sometimes. In fact, he’d make sure she never would - even at the cost of never feeling anything ever again.
In what I consider to be a lovely parallel, Apollo believes that he loves Eva the most in the entire world and exactly because he loves her, he can sacrifice her.
Jacks actually loves Eva, so much that he just can’t risk being wrong and kissing her even though exactly because he loves her, his kiss can’t kill her.
Isn’t that just poetic?
I am still disappointed we didn’t get a lot of evajacks and I just wish we’d gotten descriptive kisses - I know how sweet and tentative it is is supposed to contrast his kisses with Tella, whom he didn’t love, but come on. Three books. We waited three books. Three books for that?! Please, please, let us get a novella at least!
Anyone wanna talk about ACFTL?
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