#i was sure he was 16 or 17???
theriverbeyond · 4 months
in another universe TLT is a coming of age fantasy YA tragedy about Silas having to leave home with his nephew/guardian at the age of 16 to seek glory for his house and then not only LOSING that guardian in a terrible mistake, but also losing faith in his culture/religion as a whole as he rejects everything he has been taught to stand for and want. And as he stands up for himself in his final moments and realizes his terrible miscalculation he is KILLED by the shambling, posessed body of his guardian only for his soul to be then swept away and thrust into a confusing dreamscape where nothing is real and once again he must reject his world in order to chase after something new. the universe does not forgive but maybe he can force its hand
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lildoodlenoodle · 11 months
We agree Ding Ding is named after the fact she either sounds or functions like a doorbell right? We also agree she, maybe unintentionally, functions as an ESA for Noir to help in dealing with his trauma after EVERYTHING.
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moeblob · 2 months
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Surgery is at 9:45 (finally, thank the heavens cause I'm going insane here at how bad hospital communication is) so! Pen doodles before I'm drugged up on anesthesia.
OCs of mine as a comfort in my suffering (and it's easier in pen bc they're boring designs unlike fanart I'd want to draw).
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God. This is so heartwrenching.
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rubywolf0201 · 4 months
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I think it’s all sorts of hilarious that Matakara was originally a short and scrawny kid, but then when his brother got taken away to juvie for some crime he committed (?), dude started beefing up and even cut away his messy hair.
And just a reminder that he did it in a span of probably around 3-4 years.
Let’s just hope a future episode can give us a clear timeline on how the heck did he manage to get this tall lol
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nogitzune · 2 months
you know what, california laws be damned!! stiles is 15 in season 1 and 2 I Do Not Care anymore.
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Just finished rereading The Host for like the 100th time in my life. And honestly it's a good book. The pacing is excellent in the sense that something or multiple somethings is always happening which means there are no parts where I'm hust skimmimg whole chapters trying to get to the good stuff. But there is still super cool world building and character development.
Not to say they're aren't problems with it but ngl it's definitely my guilty pleasure book. And I think Smeyers has a wonderful take on gender that is always shocking to read about knowing she's a Mormon.
Lastly, she did the whole, "Would you love me if I was a worm" thing before it was cool and made sure the guy was like not only would I love you if you were a worm I'd tell you that you were beautiful.
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jorrated · 5 months
something funny about charmy being 16 in STC
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digirainebow · 10 months
you're telling me olivia might've been 12 when cyan and marigold died
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fanatics4l · 2 years
if you, as a child, have to practically raise another child who is in no way biologically related to you and is only around because your biological mother abandoned you, therefore resulting in the marriage between a random woman and your abusive father, you would be pissed off at everything too.
if you, as a child, have to look after some random kid who barely listens to you and constantly gets you in trouble with your harmful father, you would be an asshole too.
if you, as a child, are forced to babysit another child when you can be spending that time doing your own teenage shit, you would dislike that child too.
if you, as a vulnerable child, are raised by a terrible father and have to witness a mother being loving towards her daughter every day when you don't have that anymore (especially when said mother turns the other way while your father hits you), you would be bitter about everything too.
if you were moved miles away from your home, away from your mother and everything you love, and are tossed into some random town in the middle of nowhere with a woman you never wanted as a mother and a girl you never wanted as a sister, you would act out too.
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salamanderapocalypse · 2 months
Ouuughhhhh I'm having emotions about Eridan Ampora as a character again. Like some kind of fourteen year old.
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bahrmp3 · 4 months
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musicalchaos07 · 2 years
Me trying to do the mental gymnastics required to calculate Jonathan and Nancy's birthdays based on the information the Duffers have given
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garystits · 2 years
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sonknuxadow · 2 years
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am i supposed to feel bad for geoffrey here. i literally dont care i still hate him and want him to die
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hanna-lulu · 1 year
i know there’s a huge percentage of this website that talks about their siblings and the cain instinct and having a love/hate relationship with those who experienced the same parental units as you
but i’m just gonna say that, as an older (basically oldest) sibling, i absolutely ADORE my younger sibling
we’re a little under 4 years apart, and for the first 16 years of my life (minus the almost 4 years before they were born) they were my best friend
yes we had our differences, yes i don’t rly remember the first 5 or 6 years properly
and i am sure we had moments of feeling separate and lonely
but i’m 22 now and my baby sibling is 18
and for most of my memory we have been so close
i can recall off the top of my head maybe 2 times we have been angry/annoyed enough at each other to yell
and our arguments lasted a day at most
we have pictures from when we were children and in so many i am holding this infant
then as a baby
then as a toddler
then as a child
some nights when they said ‘maybe i don’t need our mom to lie down with me to help me fall asleep’ they would ask me to stay with them until they fell asleep
and i would lie next to them
we would stay up absurdly late for 9 or 10/6 or 7 year olds
i don’t rly know why we were so close, or why we stayed that close
but there are still so many things i will say to them that i will never say to my parents
i trust them to keep my secrets
and while i may bonk them over the head with a wrapping paper tube on occasion, i will always have their back
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