#i want his reading recs
astriiformes · 1 month
[Guy who placed a bookstore order for one annotated version of Dracula and Inter-Library Loan requests for two others today voice] I'm being so normal about my interests right now. So normal.
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petricorah · 2 months
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scenes i loved from Real Enough to Get Me Through by @marriedzukka <333 [ids in alt]
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milkbreadtoast · 2 months
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doodled Stayn from living with magicians webtoon... I like him :) (just felt like drawing random webtoon characters fsr lmao)
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13eyond13 · 4 months
love it when a character that's hard to read intuitively for you has like a dedicated fandom interpreter who can just glance at their blank face in a panel and then give you a 3k word essay on their innermost thoughts & desires & fears and neatly tie it back into the themes & whatnot as if it's the most obvious thing in the world
#im talking about griffith btw#guts i feel i get intuitively - maybe because i have some personality traits in common with him#and we get more about his life concretely told to us in canon. so he is a bit easier to pin down as a character and feel attached to for me#but whenever i was reading the manga i just kept wanting more insight about griffith's actions and feelings#like ok yeah its fun to have mysterious antagonists and suspense /tension etc but its also fun to feel like you deeply understand them too#and i felt like that was a bit missing from him for me in canon#so reading about him in analysis and fics is the most fun for me rn#he always felt kinda half unreal to me- which maybe was the point of him - but i wanted a bit more about his childhood or something?#and wished we had more stuff explicitly from his pov in the story to read or explanation about his transformation or wtv#and now he's so much more closed off to me even than he was in the golden age. i keep waiting for him to explain stuff and he does not#ANYWAYS all this rambling to say some people out there are very good at interpreting him and making his like. insecurities#more obvious to me bc i didnt really get that side of him from canon intuitively well#also im really enjoying reading the first few berserk fics ive read#there may not be a ton of them out there but there is def writing talent in the fandom#i'll share some recs once i'm done sifting through most of what's out there to read#also (not to tie everything back to death note but it IS my home fandom after all)#i feel griffith is obvs the more light-like character here and L maybe a bit guts-like? but unlike berserk in death note#light is the one you get to know best and L is the mysterious / unreal one you don't get a lot of concrete insight into#and in the DN fandom I can read the more mysterious character intuitively but had to warm up to the less mysterious one instead#and the mystery of L makes sense to me and doesnt bug me as much due to like - he HAS to hide a lot about himself or else he will die lol#so some similarities there but also some opposite feels as well#berserk spoilers#p
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stealingyourbones · 1 year
Bruce isn't the best parent, but a chunk of the issue is that he's an only child. Should he stop Jason and Dick from throwing Damian back and forth like a human ball? Is Tim threatening to bite Cass an issue? Are those death threats serious or not? The poor man is an only child trying to run herd on at least a half dozen feral siblings. He exists in a state of constant confusion.
This isn’t to be mean, but that is simply not the case.
I keep getting bad parent bruce takes and it sucks because all of them aren’t even proper reasoning for his character.
I’m just using you as an example, but hear me out.
Bruce is an extremely smart person, Homie has watched movies and read books, he can learn from situations around him that things are sibling things. Sure, he was excluded as a kid, but that isn’t nearly the main issue why he isn’t the best parent.
homie has so much shit wrong with him, he’s emotionally just not there, he keeps himself stuck in a perpetual state of grief and mourning for his parents of a thing that happened when he was a child, he has been trained by assassins and has experienced loss and pain to an insane extent, he has such an insane extent of paranoia and trust issues that it affects his daily life, is definitely autistic, and has issues with social cues.
I’m trying to properly articulate just why that’s not the case but my brain isn’t working with me so I’m handing this over to my twin @bonebrokebuddy who is far more articulate than me.
Hi, it's Billy, Bones's twin writing because Bones had a hard time putting this into words and I'm more of a canon nitpick than her.
Uh- have you ever. And I mean even once, met an only child.
I promise, if you read even a singular comic, you could tell this take is incredibly out of character.
Bruce isn’t a good parent. He’s also not a bad parent. He loves his kids. He literally could not stop them from pulling dumb shit if they tried and putting themselves into danger.
Bruce is the worlds greatest detective. He knows how to spot and detect emotions and trouble in his kids. He’s The Worlds Greatest Detective.
His issue with being a parent likely comes from having Alfred as a father figure. Imagine having a dad that you can fire at any time, you pay so they can stay with you, and can just leave at any moment if they don’t approve of the person they work for. That will severely fuck up a kid.
His issue isn’t that he’s an only child, it’s that it’s every Robin’s god given right to go against and defy Batman’s orders whenever possible because kids are viscous little buggers who don’t like being told “you can’t do that” even if it’s for their own health, they’ll do it anyway.
After you’ve taught your kids how to exist in deadly situations, they think they’re invincible when it’s because Bruce is doing all he fucking can to make sure his kids don’t get hurt. If they feel like they can make the world a better place, they’ll do it, regardless of the risk because they’re inherently self sacrificing and good people.
Bruce’s issue with parenting is due to his relationship with his kids. Again, it isn’t that he’s an only child, it’s that the kids he adopted are their own people and they are even more stubborn and bad at communication as him.
Even more so, it’s due to the dang narrative.
Conflict between Bruce and his kids that cause them to separate has been the backstory for plenty of solo batkid runs to endure Batman isn’t as involved or the main focus of the run.
Narrative tension is literally the cause of all the bad parent decisions for Bruce, because conflict drives narrative or miscommunications cause the story to lengthen and complicate itself
it’s not as easy as “Bruce is bad dad” because he’s Not. Bruce is good with kids! He has a pouch in his utility belt specifically with suckers for kids!
But Bruce isn't a great world star dad either. He definitely inherited his ability to communicate with people outside crisis situations largely from trainers around the world and his arms-length-distance-at-all-times distance relationship with the butler who raised him.
Despite him being good with kids, his kids have lives of their own with morals and opinions of their own that conflict and clash constantly. It’s not a simple case of “Bruce is a bad dad.”
It’s a case of “everyone has slightly different opinions and approaches to situations so occasionally conflict happens when they clash or interfere with each other” because it’s a comic that tells a story!
Anyways, my recommendation? Pick up a comic. And preferably? Read it. Or watch BTAS if it’s more accessible to you. either works. This opinion isn't your fault most likely, just the quality of the DC fan-content you've been consuming that are incredibly removed from the comics. If you want, DM me at @bonebrokebuddy and I can send you some good quality DC fics with in-character Bruce.
Bones here again,
That basically sums up the exact stuff I couldn’t properly describe. I was using you more as an example because I have dozens of bad parent bruce takes in my inbox and I am 90% sure that the cause of them is that they simply haven’t read anything about the character.
Read a comic, read some strictly DC fanfiction, watch some of the many many TV shows and animated movies, there are even motion comics free online to watch that have voice acting and everything!
Being an only child doesn’t make you a bad father.
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mothric · 7 months
I missed about half the Linnell interview due to connection issues but I nevertheless have a handful of highlights:
Q: Where's a good place to have a little private cry in New York?
JL: Oh! You can cry right on the sidewalk. Nobody will bother you.
JL (after some more thought): Between 49th and 50th, and between Broadway and 6th, there's a little pedestrian walkway. It has a tube to pass from one way to the other. You could probably use that [...] but you'd probably have to plan ahead.
Q: I've failed my practical driver's test four times. What's the most fantastical way you've ever failed at something?
JL: I also failed my driver's test once, [immediately after] my mom said "don't worry John, only an idiot could fail this."
Linnell's favourite Monkee is Peter Tork, whom he's personally met (and whose daughter is a TMBG fan!), but Mike Nesmith gets an honorary mention; he highly recommends his autobiography Infinite Tuesday.
He also went into detail about the logarithmic timeline of the universe he'd drawn on the walls of his house, spanning the house's entire length. His wife and son also contributed, before they ultimately painted over the whole thing. Affectionately, that's an insane thing to do. Go off, Linnell family.
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carlyraejepsans · 1 month
NEED to find more good toriel fic
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stiltonbasket · 7 months
Chapters: 3/3 Fandom: 陈情令 | The Untamed (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Lán Zhàn | Lán Wàngjī/Wèi Yīng | Wèi Wúxiàn Characters: Wèi Yīng | Wèi Wúxiàn, Wēn Níng | Wēn Qiónglín, Wēn Qíng (Módào Zǔshī), Lán Zhàn | Lán Wàngjī, Lán Yuàn | Lán Sīzhuī Additional Tags: Accidental Baby Acquisition, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Sentient Burial Mounds (sort of), Golden Core Reveal (Módào Zǔshī), Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, No beta we die like wei wuxian
"Wei Ying sits back from his labour and looks at the product of his work with satisfaction. She could use a face and some clothing, but her proportions aren’t too bad. All in all she’s a convincingly sweet doll. Mostly, anyway. He smiles, a little wry, down at the little figure resting on his worktable; she’s as uncanny as anything else that came out of the soil of the Burial Mounds, really. That just means she’ll fit right in."
Wei Ying makes a meimei for A-Yuan. Things progress differently from there.
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flickeringflame216 · 4 months
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xskyll · 8 days
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Any Lightning Struck Heart fans out there? I recently finished the fourth book in the Tales of Verania series. I decided to take a crack at drawing Sam and Ryan’s wedding in commemoration. I felt bad not including Tiggy, but I’m not creative enough to imagine what he looks like. So instead, I figured I’d just draw Sam’s mother best friend Gary and his step-dad soul-bonded sort-of-familiar Kevin. I figured they’d be appropriate inclusions since it’s their son’s friend’s wedding.
If you’re unfamiliar with the series, I highly recommend it! The humor is very early 2000s, especially in the first one. I described it to a friend and she said, “So like gay Shrek?” which I guess is accurate in a certain sense. Anyway, I loved Prince Justin’s development in the series, so I’m excited to read the final book, since it centers on him.
Fun fact, I couldn’t remember if Ryan’s hairstyle was described in the book, so I just Googled “douchebag haircuts” and went from there. If you’ve read the series, you get it.
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zuzuzuko · 14 days
wish people would chill with these fanon characterizations. like Tim being obsessed with coffee is actually adding nothing to your story. why are you writing Dick as this ditzy ray of sunshine character?
like obviously you can do what you want but like. i just think it's disappointing because sometimes the fanfic concept will be good and the actual writing will also be pretty good.. but then the more you read you're like jump-scared by the fanon bastardization of a character i love and it becomes pretty clear that the author has never actually read about any of these characters
idk man i just want people to read comics....
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notyourwatermelon · 3 months
I think the essential part of the perfect nagito characterization for me is making him always sound like. the most sarcastic motherfucker ever. smarmy and high-horsey and passive aggressive af. like regina george levels of insincere flattery. except he is being 100% SINCERE (most of the time) and has NO IDEA how much of what he's saying comes off as him Being A Dick
this only makes it harder for him to make jokes because his sense of humor is so dry already that it kind of just blends into the way he naturally speaks so it just makes him even less comprehensible which is ALSO an essential part of a peak nagito characterization. make this motherfucker inscrutible
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kaesficrecarchive · 24 days
[mo ran x wanning]
here is my heart (coming 'round the bend) by martyrsdaughter (1/1 | 5,912 | E)
“I’d never put you out of your bedroom,” Mo Ran argues. His voice has dropped. He can’t help it. He would dare anyone to try thinking pure thoughts after being invited into Chu Wanning’s bedroom. Chu Wanning crosses his arms. “I wouldn’t be leaving, either.” (or: Chu Wanning's pull-out sofa breaks just as Mo Ran needs a place to stay, but his bed is big enough for two.)
(sharing a bed)
Dream of the Red Chamber by heartbeatangel (1/1 | 10,369 | M)
Mo Ran's one-night stand wakes up, takes one look at Mo Ran before bolting into the toilet and locking the door. “Get out,” comes his one-night stand’s muffled voice.
Mo Ran keeps running into his one-night stand.
(fwb au, enemies to lovers au, roommates au)
if your heart’s still open by fakeplasticlily (1/1 | 21,201 | M)
“See you around.” “Yes.” Another ache. Where’s around for you? Mo Ran doesn’t know anymore. He hasn’t seen him at all this past year, for all the times he’s whipped around to double-check every lean, dark-haired figure in white crossing the periphery of his vision. “Do you—” “We’re heading out,” the nurse calls out, cutting him off as they start to wheel the trolley towards the exit. “Yeah,” says Mo Ran. “See you,” he says, tearing himself away before he asks him something ridiculous. He doesn’t look back. (When first year orthopaedics resident Mo Ran sends a cardiology consult for a patient one morning, he isn't expecting it to reach the one person he's been trying all year to forget.)
(medical residents au)
Wide awake with a smile by XiaoSev (1/1 | 24,942 | M)
It seemed like the beautiful stranger from before had wandered into his room. It was almost too good to be true. But the little stain of his syrupy coffee was still stamped on his otherwise pristine sleeve, and he carried with him the same sweet, flowery scent that Mo Ran only caught a whiff of before. Plush lips, bitten a cherry red, a cute flush on high cheekbones and a pair of phoenix eyes, staring at him intently. It was as perfect as it could ever–
(office au)
sticky fingers by fakeplasticlily (1/1 | 26,734 | M)
The man tosses the towel unceremoniously back at Mo Ran’s chest, like he’s personally offended by it. And the fact that his hands had just been all over said chest barely minutes earlier, maybe.   “Please pack a box of egg tarts with extra custard filling, a box of red bean paste buns with extra syrup, a rice pudding with extra candied fruit garnish, and a box of osmanthus cakes with extra sweet pear jam.”   Mo Ran’s eyes grow progressively wider as he lists the items.    It’s him.   Not the suburban mother of four, not the elderly guy dealing with a midlife crisis, but quite possibly the hottest guy he’s ever seen. Who also happens to have the highest sugar tolerance Mo Ran has seen in a human being in his two years of running this bakery.
(bakery au)
boundaries of the body, confounded by lesbianspirals (3/3 | 26,753 | E)
It is in this moment, with Chu Wanning writhing and begging beneath him, their bodies slick with more than just sweat, that Mo Ran has to wonder how he got so lucky to have been given this second chance.
In which Chu Wanning is Mo Ran's T.A., they butt heads and things end disastrously, but years later they meet again unexpectedly. Hindsight is 20/20, and this time, there is something between them that is impossible to deny.
(modern au)
you can love me, if you really want it by devilsoupe (3/3 | 33,359 | M)
Chu Wanning comes to Sisheng Peak to try and fix the thin barrier to the ghost realm. He is assigned Mo Ran as a bodyguard. Neither of them are thrilled about it.
(bodyguard au)
Something Gold Can Stay by AcrossThePage (this_vulnerable_one) (10/10 | 51,090 | E)
Chu Wanning thought to himself, where was the sense in yearning? It was far more dignified to accept one’s loneliness than to hope for the impossible, to hope that something good would stay. As he stood, lost in his own thoughts, Chu Wanning heard the soft click of his apartment door opening. His breath caught in his throat. “Laoshi, Chu-laoshi,” Mo Ran called out, “I’m back.” Chu Wanning closed his eyes, his long and elegant lashes fluttering against his fair cheeks. OR Mo Ran is a lonely food science major. Chu Wanning is a lonely sociology professor. Food brings them together. As they cook, eat, and get to know one another, they slowly fall in love. I affectionately refer to this as “the caramel fic”.
(slow burn)
mutual agreement by tagteamme (1/1 | 66,696 | E)
Mo Ran falls into an unexpected arrangement with Chu Wanning.
Mo Ran knows for certain that Chu Wanning doesn’t like him, and never has. At most, he’s probably tired of being a repressed virgin in his thirties and Mo Ran just happens to be the most convenient and friendly person available. Or the best at wrangling his desire and taking control. Either way, he’s not quite sure what’s brought the two of them to this intersection.
(fwb au)
casually acquainted by tagteamme (2/2 | 75,786 | E)
Chu Wanning knows what he is and what he isn’t. And where he lacks in pleasantries and outward appeal, he makes up for in untouchable grace and dignity. It threatens to unravel once he meets a familiar face in an unfamiliar city.
“So quick to run away from me, Chu-laoshi,” Mo Ran says, voice gently teasing as Chu Wanning refuses to make eye contact with him. “After you came all the way from…” He trails off, waiting for Chu Wanning to let him know, but he sees the map open on Chu Wanning’s phone and grins wider. “You want directions?” Chu Wanning clears his throat, and shakes his head. He should say something— instead, he stays silent as he looks down at his phone and punches in the hotel name again. Happily, his phone tells him to try again when he has signal.
(escort au)
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mermaidsirennikita · 5 months
I’m intrigued, but do you have any as you put it “put a baby in me” books mostly Historical’s You recommend? ☺️
Yes, I love books with breeding vibes! Some books are more "the sense of breeding" whereas others are actively like... elevate your legs we're doing this.
The Courtesan Duchess by Joanna Shupe has the heroine actively trying to get pregnant, but her husband never even consummated the marriage and hasn't seen her for like six years. She learns the ways of a courtesan and visits him in Venice made up, wearing a wig, introduced as a courtesan........ and you're off to the races.
Lord of Darkness by Elizabeth Hoyt is another unconsummated marriage deal, but the heroine and hero married because she was pregnant by another man and her lover had died. Right after the marriage, she miscarried and went to live elsewhere, but now she's back a few years later because she wants a baby. It'll be all business!
Waking Up with The Duke by Lorraine Heath is obviously one of the most notable historicals with this vibe. The hero is best friends with the heroine's husband, and he got the husband into an accident years ago that left him impotent. The husband asks the hero to get the heroine pregnant so that he can have an heir and she can have a baby, and the hero and heroine reluctantly agree.......... And it goes from there. Super emotional and super hot.
Untamed by Elizabeth Lowell is a medieval with an arranged marriage plot. The hero is initially suspicious that the heroine had a lover before they married, so he wants to wait until after she has her period to have penetrative sex. But once they get going lol.................. they get goin'. He REALLY wants an heir.
The Duchess Deal by Tessa Dare. The hero is super scarred, and his fiancee ditches him right before the wedding. The heroine made the wedding dress and shows up in it for payment, and he's like ".... so I need an heir......." They're married and the entire point is for her to get pregnant.
Private Arrangements by Sherry Thomas has a married couple who's been separated for like a decade, ever since the day after their wedding. She reaches out because she wants a divorce so she can marry her lover, and her husband is like "listen, I need an heir, give me a baby stat and I'll give you your divorce after it's born". So they... get to it.
Scandal's Bride by Stephanie Laurens has a heroine who's like, a mystic, and she receives a vision that the hero is meant to father her children. But she doesn't want to marry the hero or marry at all, so she decides to have him get her pregnant without realizing it. This DOES mean she drugs him so he thinks he's dreaming the first time, and yes this is very bad, I'm not condoning it, on a fictional level it is kind of great. After the first night she tries to drug him again but he catches on beforehand and is like "why is she trying to have sex with me" and just like. Goes to fuck her anyway to try to figure out The Truth lmao because when that redhead starts getting kooky something about him feels alive inside
If you're open to something not historical:
Mafia Virgin by Mila Finelli has a couple forced to marry; they're supposed to conceive a baby within six months. They get REEEEEEEEEEEALLY into it. Like "I'm gonna give you a baby"/"give me every drop of it" into it.
Lush Money by Angelina M. Lopez. This one has a billionaire heroine seek out the prince of a small nation that is financially collapsing. She basically offers him a bailout for the country if he marries her for a year and gets her pregnant. INSANE. Great. They literally start trying within the first few pages, though he haaaates her lol.
The Winter King by C.L. Wilson is a fantasy romance modeled on medieval Northern Europe culturally, so you might still get the vibe. The hero and heroine marry to cement a truce after a big war, and she needs to get pregnant within the year.
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sapphicstacks · 10 months
Do you have any recommendations for wlw works similar to your style or any that have inspired you?
I am incredibly new to wlw fanfic and I found your writings to be incredibly well written, moving and beautiful. I read all 3 of your works in about a day and tbh I’m respectfully obsessed haha. I would love to get into reading more works similar to this and I didn’t know where to ask or where to even begin to look.
Thank you for creating such a safe, welcoming space with your writing and I look forward to everything you continue to create! I apologize if this isn’t the right space or person to ask a questions like that. Hope you have a good day!
don’t mind me, i’m just going to 🥹🥹 okay, i’m good!
wow, what a beautiful and kind thing to say. to know someone found welcoming and safety in my fics… i don’t think i will ever be able to find the words for how much that means to me.
as for recommendations!
@snowandwolves is a dear, dear friend of mine who i adore with my entire being. i will never stop singing their praises because not only are they just an all-around generally wonderful human being, they are so incredibly talented! that obsession feeling you get is the exact feeling i get when i read their fics! you can find all their fics here! (also… keep an eye out here for the future… 👀👀👀)
@yashastrongarms (puppybusby on AO3) also has some amazing fics to be found here! love thy neighbor was the fanfic that made me write my very first fic. and if you want a “slow burn”, healthy relationship/personal healing vibe similar to my actors au (i say slow burn in the sense of they are slowly become more comfortable not will they/won’t they), their snapshots series is top tier!
there are so many more wonderful works and authors out there but i don’t want to overwhelm you so, start there! let me know what you think!
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stereknation · 13 days
Even in the Dark by tee_tee 
Summary: In which Stiles is a (very) morally ambiguous mischief demon, occasionally helping out a rag-tag pack of werewolves. Derek is a little bit (very) hung up on him.
"At night Derek thinks of white skin and high cheek bones. A smile that can only be described as sinful. Power and darkness, and eyes that see right through him. He jerks hard and quick, the way he imagines Stiles would do. Sometimes his hands tremble all night."
Rating: Explicit 
Main Character(s): Derek Hale 
Additional Character(s): Stiles Stilinski, Cora Hale, Eric Reyes, Vernon Boyd, Isaac Lahey, Lydia Martin, Scott McCall, Allison Argent, Jennifer Blake, Peter Hale
Pairing(s): Derek Hale/ Stiles Stilinski 
Tags: Alternate Universe, Demon!Stiles, Creeper!Derek, Angry Sex, sub/dom themes-ish, Masturbation, Blow Jobs, Biting, Anal Sex, fluff disguised as angst
Words: 7,424
Chapters: 1/1
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