#i wanna draw and design mechs...
jonny-b-meowborn · 11 months
girls will be struck by god's divine inspiration and come up with a mechanisms au that's so angsty and edgy
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yalikejazz9 · 2 months
Some designs for future characters I have in my (Animorphs Related) animation project!
If all goes well, we have some bad guys right here.
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astranauticus · 9 months
the rwd season 4 qna inspired me to start thinking about college au headcanons except a lot of these are gonna be really specific to my school and y'all are just gonna have to deal with that <3
Kyana feeds some of the school cats. she would feed all of them if she could
Dani smuggled Plug (the scrawniest black cat you've ever seen) into her dorm room illegally and somehow management hasn't caught her yet (based on a true story) (Kyana visits to see Plug all the time)
Finbar keeps an updated tier list of every canteen in the school with breakdowns of the best stalls/dishes for each
A senior from the school of engineering once said to me 'all the engineering people dress like rats cuz our classrooms don't have aircon' (context: tropics) anyway that's Dani
Kyana would probably be involved in a lot of freshman orientation events from second year onwards. she just likes talking to the new kids and giving them advice like she would be the kind of orientation group leader who'd get messages from her freshies asking about all kinds of random nonsense because she's made sure they know they can always contact her with questions
VR-LA is The Guy you go to for textbook pirating resources
(this is more of a 'wouldn't that be funny' but VR-LA is just Veerle's discord handle)
Docent is the name of VR-LA's old laptop that broke down so he gave it to Cassimere (computer engineering major he met once at a networking event) to fix except Cassimere got everything off the hard drive and then somehow managed to fuck it up Even More so he had to get a new laptop (and named it Emi)
Roy has gotten food poisoning from his dorm meal plan at least once (based on at least one true story)
The heap trio + Mandy would be those friends constantly playing majong in the dorm lounge and if all the majong tables are taken they just play in one of their dorm rooms on a towel to dampen the tile shuffling noises (it was Mandy's idea)
Every morning Dani goes to the drinks stall at her faculty and orders one iced coffee to the point where the stall owner starts preparing an iced coffee whenever they see her approach (based on my true story)
Roy would be one of those people who goes clubbing every other week and every time he tries to drag the rest of the heap trio and Egan almost always goes and Dani would go if she didn't have a good excuse but always begrudgingly. anyway Roy would always be the only one having a good time until Egan gets drunk enough to start having fun
Finbar actually uses the dorm kitchens instead of just buying canteen food and it always makes the hallways smell really good
Vhas also uses the dorm kitchen sometimes but like. one time i walked into the pantry on my floor and someone had left cut sweet potatoes and 2 eggs in an inch of water in a pan on the stove. that's Vhas
Kyana's constantly applying for overseas exchanges and international summer/winter school programmes. the world is large and she wants to see it!
Maxim's the definition of a hall phantom. you know he lives on your dorm floor because you pass him by in the hallways sometimes and literally nowhere else. sometimes you're not convinced that he actually exists
VR-LA and Maxim's friendship stems from them being from wildly different faculties (VR-LA's in STEM, Maxim's doing anthropology so arts/social sciences) but also having lots of weird interests they cant really bug anyone in their home faculties about
Elyse is in student government and every once in a while Finbar receives a series of angry texts about the newest idiocy she's had to put up with
MR-SN and AS-TR start a stargazing club together. other notable members include AS-TR's girlfriend E-DN, MR-SN's friend C-RA (the one who always volunteers to carry the heavy ass telescopes) and MR-SN's friend K-LB who he pestered into coming to fix one of the wonky scopes even though K-LB's actually in electrical engineering but he's the only engineering person MR-SN (an arts student) knows
oh and of course VR-LA joins because he genuinely just likes space (developing a crush on his club chairperson was not on his bingo card)
Kyana and E-DN were MMA sparring buddies at one point which is how she found out about the stargazing and joined immediately
honestly i can probably think of more but this post is fuckin long LMAO
#rolling with difficulty#'do not let the internet turn you into an american' i say as i make posts that can be understood by me and me only#i mean im not sorry about it this is my house#like my experiences are just gonna be extra incomprehensible because my countrys fuckin tiny so the target audience really is me and me onl#too bad! you think its hard to read my posts? i gotta live like this!#if i sound extra confrontational i got 5 hours of sleep for the whole week unfortunately so just know its all /lh more or less#really tempted to make some kind of business major joke for roy even though obviously the heap trio would all be in engineering#bc its just common knowledge in my school that business majors are the ones with the most free time to go clubbing all the damn time#and *also* theyre the faculty that dresses the best which also tracks??#didnt really nail down specific majors for everyone (besides the obvious ones like food science for finbar and mech eng for dani)#but i kinda like the idea of cs for VR-LA because of that 'programmers are real world wizards' joke and also.. projecting#cs with focus area in AI would even make sense bc of docent and emi. if i want to make the projecting Even Worse!#also if i ever do human designs for the old crew (doubtful cuz i find drawing robots more fun than drawing humans)#look up sally hansen hypnautical nail polish bc i wanna give human AS-TR that as a nod to her original design#didnt really get into the fashion of it all bc again i live in the tropics so nobody really dresses well here#the goal is to dress to not sweat more often than it is dress to look good#hands down my favourite line in the cqna was noir's i thermoregulate through my forearms#so in the middle of summer i still wear all black and just roll up my sleeves#like thats ME. except its summer ALL YEAR ROUND#walao#asto speaks
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v-exian · 11 months
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Fanart for @thegoldenshi-shi !! Hope you like it :’D
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cuppajj · 1 year
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designing mech suits is hard actually 💀
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frameshiftworks · 1 year
Off-Kilter Explorations (I)
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It’s been a long while since I’ve drawn Off-Kilter and tbh I kinda missed it, Frames are so fun to draw and for some reason I always forget that fact. But, anyhow, I’ve been churning a slight redesign for OK for a while now, which is- dog-like ears! Haha! I think they’re gonna be massively useful for expressiveness, something I’ve struggled applying to Offy in the past. I’m hoping this’ll add just a touch more cuteness to the murder machine :D
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steelthroat · 6 months
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For my wonderful @vivificanousprime
So Prime Shockwave is now stuck in G1 dimension because of some weird experiment, and he bonds with the only slightly smart mech he finds, Soundwave, of course... his G1 counterpart is too goofy to be engaged with.
They are trying to make their new relationship work, and they start listing things they have in common... then they make out (don't ask how, we don't wanna know)
(fear not this is far from finished... but I underestimated both Shockwave's design and how hard it is to draw digitally. So here'sa sneak peek of a small comic)
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arrow90-art · 6 months
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If you wanna make this guy more of a dragon you’re more than welcome! He’s a weird sinewy mech, but I also get if you don’t wanna deal with him lolol. Simplifying the design is Absolutely Okay. I don’t know how I’m gunna do a repeat drawing of himself myself- even tho I love him
Oh, his name Sisyphus, a 4th dimensional being who lives in the machine to affect the tangible world. made previous pilots melt in the die way. But current pilot is having a sweet time with him
Anyways! I hope ya have fun with the arts in general and that life is treating you well!!!
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Hiya good morning! Here he is!! Hope I didn't do him wrong ;3 I had a ton of fun drawing him!!!! Your design is amazing and I'd LOVE to know more about your ocs!!! I'm super late happy birthday!! Hope you have a wonderful day ^^
OC Sisyphus belongs to @mossywizard, and I'm stealing your tags xoxo
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magnuficent76 · 9 months
Jealous of how gracefully you draw mecha stuff,,, do you have any... Advice or tips or?
Howdy-do ! I can certainly try to explain my process !
With mech, I always start with an idea first, and I draw it how I usually do it— Like say, Mephisto's prosthetics ! The first step is to just draw regular limbs first and figure out the individual parts. This is the "it does not need to look good it just has to exist first" stage, and you're basically just doing what you know. [Four limbed Mephisto jumpscare]
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Now, you're gonna take these shapes and try to see exactly how they join together and bend. I like doing it by taking everything apart in 3 groups- The big shape (The "flesh" if you will, basically everything you see on the outside), the lil shape (Articulations for the big shape, basically what allows it to move) and the connectors (The skeleton for how your big shape is going to be structured ! it defines how lifelike or how robotlike your character will feel depending on how bendy or stiff). The simpler everything is, the better for stylizing !
Looking at ball jointed dolls and other such puppet characters has really helped me understand anatomy as a whole, but it's been especially helpful to robots since it has that certain natural stiffness to it, which I personally find crucial in robot designs. Here it is applied to the diagram !
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Then, you're gonna wanna refine these shapes into something more cohesive ! Really string everything together with the same principles, but a little more stylization. These still look like limbs, but you can see exactly how they bend and stay in place through the exposed articulations. Just remember to keep it all relatively straight-edged and using of the skeleton to make sure you don't get too organic looking ! Mech is about geometric designs most of all !
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And finally, once you feel it looks good, you go back in again and carve out your detail ! Add some stuff to that guy ! Make him look more interesting !
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AND you still get to follow principles ! How fun is that !!!
The best way to practice this method imo is to just trace over robots you know and love. Transformers especially is a really good source of inspo for me, since they're made with toy features in mind and therefore allow for greater range of movement. You can do it to basically anything though ! Even more humanoid looking bots ! Here's two I did on Optimus prime and Fl4k from BL3!
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A really good tutorial on this stuff is How to think when you draw: by TheEtheringtonBrothers on DA. Seriously, their stuff is highly informative, and they do a better job explaining than I ever could ahaha. They've got a bunch of tutorials with really good breakdowns of fundamentals and all that stuff up on their pages too, so I highly reccomend you check em out !
But yeah, most of all, practice is your friend. Observe how other people stylize machines and try to replicate it, read up on tutorials, see real life machines, get inspired by your favorite cartoon robots— It's all part of the process ! Like with anything in art, you need to crack a whole lot of eggs beforee you finally learn how to make an omelet you like, but whats most important is that you make an omelet at all. Some stuff is gonna burn or turn out not how you wanted it, and that is also normal, so you need to learn to embrace it and keep on going !
Happy drawins ! Here's a peepaw seal of approval just for trying :]
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anon-e-miss · 5 months
The Desert Blooms - 9
“Where’d ya find the moonstone,” Ricochet asked. He and Jazz had not spoken about it but they seemed to be on the same wavelength so far as their “matches” were. Ricochet could not disagree with Ori’s subtle manoeuvring. The prince would suit Jazz better than the hot-helm and Ricochet supposed the hot-helm would suit him better than the stoic prince. Discovering Barricade’s interest in carving was a boon.
“A scrap heap,” Barricade replied. “Someone got a long way in carving a brick before they found a fissure.
“Barricade is forever searching scrap heaps for useful stones,” Prowl replied.
“Ya carve the table ‘n chairs?” Ricochet asked.
“Yes,” Barricade replied. “The Duke sent the granite from Praxus.”
“Did ya wanna see where ya can find some bigger pieces to work wit?” Ricochet asked.
“The private hoard Punch mentioned?” Barricade asked.
“Ori’s been tellin’ tales,” Ricochet exclaimed, with a chuckle. “Ain’t really my hoard. ‘M sure ‘m not the only carver that goes down there.
“Down where?” Barricade asked.
“Caves,” Ricochet said. “Most Polyhexian cities are mostly underground, outta the elements, except for businesses o’ trade ‘n the like. Ya seen how Darkmount is sorta in a bowl? That’s cause the walls o’ the main cavern collapsed. The smaller ones were abandoned outta... convenience? Who knows.”
“I do have something big I’d like to work on,” Barricade confessed.
Ori beamed and Ricochet rolled his optics behind his visor. Barricade was already standing before Ricochet thought he out to offer him a servo. He had been raised in camps and caves cut into the cliffs, not the court and he had no courtly manners. Jazz came to it naturally. His charm would make up for any misteps. Ricochet was rougher around the edges and with none of the charm. It would be Jazz who would lead the way when, eventually, envoys came to call, Ricochet thought he would do less damage if he smiled and nodded. Barricade may not have emerged to the Duke but he had been raised in his home a long time. Though how Praxian manners really translated in Polyhex’s court, Ricochet did not know. He tried to think of something to say but empty prattle had never been his thing.
“This way,” Ricochet scowled to himself as he realized these were the first glyphs he had spoken in the breams they had been walking. Barricade’s red optics narrowed. “Y’re fine. ‘M just thinkin’ I ain’t been much o’ a guide.”
“Oh?” Barricade asked.
“Well I outta be tellin’ ya where we’re walkin’,” Ricochet said. “What all this ‘n that is.”
“I don’t mind silence,” Barricade replied. “I grew up with Prowl.”
“He ain’t chatty?” Ricochet asked.
“He can be,” Barricade said. “If something interests him. You’ll see how he is eventually. When he gets into his own helm, he goes down deep. Whether he’s gardening, painting or just sitting at the same time, he only comes back up in his own time.”
“Ya don’t mind it,” Ricochet said.
“It’s how he is,” Barricade replied. “Enough mecha hate him for drawing breath, I figured as his brother, the least I could do is work with him.”
“How’d he react when the Duke brought ya home?” Ricochet asked.
“He took care of me,” Barricade replied.
“They did not even wait for the rent to come due,” Barricade peered up from under the box he was using to shield himself from the rain and saw an elegantly armoured mech, wearing a heavy velvet cloak looking down at him, sitting amongst the trash in the alley next to the boarding house he and his origin had lived, where his origin had died. Barricade scowled at the well-spoken stranger. The way his armour was cut reminded Barricade of his progenitor and he hated this mech on sight.
“What do you want?” He hissed. The stranger knelt in the puddle in front of him and pulled back his hood. Like Origin, the stranger’s faceplates were gold, though his optics were blue.
“I am designated Camshaft; your progenitor was my consort,” the mech said. Everything amount the mech, down to his accent, was so fine, unlike Barricade. “I found the letter you wrote him, telling of your originator’s death. He has passed as well. I am here to take you home, Barricade.”
“Home?” Barricade asked. “They kicked me out.”
“So I see,” Camshaft replied. “I will send someone to collect a refund on the rent remaining for this quartex. No, Barricade, I am taking you to my home, yours now as well.”
“I don’t understand,” Barricade said.
“I will explain,” Camshaft said. He took off his cloak and wrapped it around Barricade before picking him up. “My carriage is close.”
Origin had always told Barricade to be weary of strangers, even well armoured ones, but origin was gone. Barricade wrapped his arms around Camshaft’s neck and his legs around his waist. He shivered, the rains had soaked into his protoform. The strange mech crooned to him as he carried him down the block. Rain drenched Camshaft but he did not seem to care. He only paused a moment to pull the hood better over Barricade’s helm, shielding his faceplates from the rain. Barricade heard a scandalized gasp. Camshaft made no sound at all. Head heard doors creak as they were pulled open. When Camshaft set him down, Barricade pulled back the hood, far too big for his helm and looked around as the stranger climbed into the carriage with him.
“Take us home,” he ordered the coachmech. He turned to Barricade and gave him a soft look. “You are soaked to the struts, poor thing. Turn up the heat.”
“Where are we going?” Barricade asked. Hot air blasted all around him and Barricade was warm.
“To my home,” Camshaft replied. “I live on an estate in Petrex with my mechling, Prowl. You are his brother and thus you are mine so you will live with us now.”
“But... I’m just a bastard,” Barricade said. “I’m not even your bastard.”
“The only bastard in all of this was your progenitor,” Camshaft declared. Barricade could not argue that point.
At first, Origin had just had a little cough, something he had said, he figured, he had picked up backstage. But then the coughing had gotten so bad Origin’s armour rattled with the force of it and at the same time as he had spiked a fever, a rash had appeared on his chassis. His vocalizer had swollen so much he could not speak. Barricade had tried to fetch a medic but Origin had not been paid for his last performance. He had gone to the hall but the manager had said he had deducted fees because Origin had failed to appear for the last few shows. Only after exhausting these avenues had Barricade written to his progenitor, a mech he had only seen three times in his whole life. He had only answered once, to tell him his whore of an origin was not his concern. No matter how much Barricade had begged in letter after letter, he never sent a shanix, or another glyph. No medic had come, no matter how much he had begged them, no priest either, not even when Origin had ventilated his last.
“I am so sorry, Sweetspark,” Camshaft said as he wiped a tear from Barricade’s faceplates.
“They wouldn’t give him Last Rites,” Barricade cried. He wriggled out of he cloak so he could climb off of his bench and into Camshaft’s arms. “They didn’t want to catch it.”
“We will build your originator a shrine,” Camshaft promised as he stroked Barricade’s helm. “And we will light his path to the well.”
“Promise?” Barricade asked.
“I promise,” Camshaft said.
Barricade believed him. There was something about Camshaft, something different than his progenitor, that made Barricade feel like his glyphs were true. He set his helm on the stranger’s shoulder and closed his optics. Camshaft hummed and the lullaby, along with the rocking of the carriage, lulled Barricade into recharge. Sometime later he woke to the carriage rolling to a stop. Camshaft stroked his back and hummed a reassuring note. Soon the carriage was on the move again and Barricade looked out the window to see that they were riding down a long drive. Fields covered in wild blooming crystals stretched further than Barricade could see. When they came to a stop again, Barricade could not see the habsuite but he imagined it was huge. The doors opened and a coachmech stood in the opening.
“I’ll take him to the servants quarters,” the mech said.
“You will not,” Camshaft declared. “Barricade will live in the nursery with Prowl.”
“But that is... scandalous...”
“I am the Duke of Petrex,” Camshaft replied. “This is my estate and my household. I will manage it as I will. Let it be known to my staff, Barricade is equal to Prowl and should I find out he is being treated in any way less, there will be Pit to pay.”
“Yes, Your Highness,” the coachmech said, bowing low. Barricade looked up at Camshaft... highness?
“Good,” Camshaft said. “Come along, Barricade. It is time for you to meet your brother.”
“Yes, Your Highness,” Barricade replied. Camshaft smiled down at him.
“You do not need to address me as so,” he replied. “I am Camshaft. I am your caretaker. I am not your lord. Do you understand?”
“No,” Barricade replied. He really did not.
“That is alright,” Camshaft said. “You will.”
“You are back, Originator,” a new voice spoke. A mech Barricade’s age with a silver face and the Duke’s blue optics stood on the steps of the grandest home Barricade had ever seen. It must have been as long as the whole block Barricade had lived on.
“Yes, Prowl, I have brought you your brother,” Camshaft explained. “By your progenitor. He is designated Barricade.”
“Hello Barricade,” Prowl greeted Barricade. He had a funny tone. His accent was similar to Camshaft but different... almost flat. Barricade stood very still as the Duke’s creation walked down the steps at stops in front of him. Prowl looked Barricade up and down and then looked up to his originator and back down again. “You were caught in the rains, Barricade. I will draw you a bath and fetch some tea.”
“Just like that?” Ricochet asked.
“Camshaft said I was his brother and so in Prowl’s processor, it was so,” Barricade explained. “There were servants, of course there were servants but Camshaft mostly had them barred from the nursery. He, we, kept it up. The only servants allowed in were tutors and Camshaft kept a close optic on them.”
“Why?” Ricochet asked.
“Because he could never be sure who might be one of his brothers’ or originator’s assassins,” Barricade explained.
“Assassins?” Ricochet gasped. “They wanted your brother dead so bad.”
“Fratricide is the family business,” Barricade explained. “The first time Camshaft’s elder brother tried to kill him, he was a first tier sparkling and his brother a second tier. It did not get better as they got older and more brothers were added.”
“Fraggin’ Pit,” Ricochet gasped. “The Emperor is okay with this?”
“It’s tradition,” Barricade explained. “The strongest and smartest survives over his brothers to become emperor.”
“That’s insane,” Ricochet declared. “Ain’t sorry to say that… That’s just crazy.”
“It is,” Barricade agreed. “Camshaft stayed in his dukedom, he still does, versus court. It’s been a long time since they tried anything.”
“They don’t think he’s a threat?” Ricochet asked.
“No, they’re all terrified of him,” Barricade explained. “The last time he had to dine with them, he put every one of them into stasis with a bit of poison. When they came back on line, all hungover as Pit, he warned them to leave him be or the next time they wouldn’t wake up. The Emperor was furious.”
“Why?” Ricochet asked.
“Because poison is the coward’s way,” Barricade said. “And if he was going to go and do it, he should have at least done it properly and wiped them all out.”
“But he didn’t,” Ricochet said.
“He doesn’t want power,” Barricade said. “Not anymore than he has as Duke of Petrex. He loathes the court, loathes the tradition. He would have had a whole gaggle of sparkling but he only had Prowl because he didn’t want his creations pitted against each other.”
“He probably thought bringin’ ya home was a blessin’,” Ricochet said.
“That’s what he told me,” Barricade replied.
“He sounds like a good mech,” Ricochet declared.
“I’ve never met a better one,” Barricade replied.
There was love there, as deep and as loyal a love as Barricade had for his brother. Ricochet did not understand why he would not go home but then he supposed in their situation, nothing could convince Ricochet to leave Jazz’s side. Barricade and the prince might not have been twins or even full brothers, they had a powerful bond. It was something Ricochet could respect. He took Barricade’s servo and guided him over the rubble that partially barred the mouth of the cave. Barricade was sure of ped, the doorwings probably did not heard so far as balance went. He clicked his glossa as they descended into darkness, with only their headlights to light the way. Having evolved for low-light environments, Ricochet saw as clearly in the tunnel as he did on the surface, once he retracted his visor. Barricade clicked his glossa and walked along at Ricochet’s side as sure of ped as ever.
“Click,” Barricade clicked his glossa and walked along.
“What’re ya doin’?” Ricochet asked.
“Echolocation,” Barricade said.
“I didn’t know Praxians could do that,” Ricochet replied.
“Most can’t,” Barricade replied. “Camshaft taught us.”
“Sounds like the two o’ ya got an eclectic education,” Ricochet replied.
“That’s a good way to put it,” Barricade said.
“Here we are,” Ricochet replied.
“What am I looking at?” Barricade asked. “Since I don’t actually see anything.”
“Roots,” Ricochet explained. He lit a lamp and held it up. “From the trees that topped the oasis that used to sit above the cave.”
“Nice,” Barricade said. He ran his servos over a broken crystal root. Barricade took the lantern from Ricochet and studied the roots all around him. “Hmm.”
“What’re ya lookin’ to make?” Ricochet asked.
“A cradle for the bitlet,” Barricade said. “So if you have optics for something for a loftier project just tell me now.”
“I don’t,” Ricochet replied. “‘N anyways, makin’ a cradle seems like a pretty worthy purpose for any o’ these crystals.”
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iheartpeppino · 1 month
I'm bored, so I'm just gonna write what I find most attractive or appealing about each Pizza Tower character!
Peppino Spaghetti - His superhuman strength and speed is extremely impressive, and watching him in action is immensely satisfying. Also, the fact he takes the time to save the bosses from the crumbling Pizza Tower shows he has a caring heart. I'm also very fond of how expressive Peppino is, and I'm also quite fond of his design in general; he's a middle-aged, balding overweight man yet I find him very handsome.
Gustavo - Admittedly, I find Gustavo quite handsome and even cute. I also like that he's supposed to be a Mario expy whose partner is Rick the Hamster instead of Yoshi; it's an interesting spin. It's also nice Gustavo cares enough about Peppino that he's willing to help him take on the Pizza Tower, even if it means facing giant rats. I found out not too long ago that Gustavo has a son... but he's not married? Is he divorced? WHO IN THEIR RIGHT MINDS WOULD DIVORCE GUSTAVO!? HE'S SUCH A NICE GUY WHAT THE HECK!?
Brick - Just like all the Stupid Rats, Brick is super adorable. One look at those eyes and I'm done. He's too cute. I love him. I want a Stupid Rat plushie and I want it NOW.
Mr. Scott Stick - This bald, skinny twig of a man... is admittedly handsome in my eyes. He's a jerk who scams desperate people for money, but GOSH... I've said it before, and I'll say it again, Mr. Stick can get it. He's a cutie. Is it the suit? I dunno, maybe. That, and he's apparently a huge dork when he's not scamming people... which I find endearing, oddly.
Phil Pepperman - This pepper is an absolute unit with a big grin and striking blue eyes. I wouldn't call myself a simp, but I understand completely why some people find Pepperman attractive. Personally, I find his pseudo-intellectual personality off-putting, but he is quite good-looking for a pepper.
Vigert Ebenezer Lantte - He's an older guy with a cowboy motif and a great sense of justice and responsibility. How can you not find that attractive? Yes, I know he's a cheese slime, who cares! Don't think I haven't seen people simp over this guy and draw him as a human, either!
Theodore "The" Noise - I'm not a Noise simp by any stretch, but if there is one thing I can say that's attractive about him... it would be his youthful spirit. Yes, The Noise is a manchild, but that's not always a bad thing.
Noisette - She's a very silly little lady whom I find very cute. I appreciate that her design is just as goofy as her boyfriend's, too.
Fake Peppino - What can I say? He's a monster, and I'm a monster lover. I like that he's adorable, silly, AND super deadly! I wanna kiss the frog man, if he'll let me.
Pizzaface - I've seen people draw this mech with a big, beefy body. I get it. Pizzaface's design is appealing, why wouldn't you give him a beefy body to match how powerful he is...?
Pizzahead - HANDSOME UNHINGED SILLY-ASS PIZZA CLOWN MAKES MY MIND GO BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR. The sheer autism I have for this guy is unreal. His laugh, his design, his obsession with Peppino, his weird motivations... HE'S NUTS AND I LOVE HIM SO MUCH.
Pillar John - Uh... I like his hat? I mostly find John intimidating due to his sheer size and that damned Meatophobia music that plays when you go near him...
Gerome - He has a neat design. I've seen some interesting fan art of him hooking up with pretty girls who are much taller than he is. Good for him, honestly.
BONUS: Maurice Spaghetti - He looks like Peppino but with more hair and facial hair... in other words, handsome. Too bad his personality is utterly abysmal!
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puxcom · 2 years
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Alright as always click for quality,
here’s more of the cervitaur au, featuring the og team phantom in its entirety! Trying to make a goth deer was very difficult. I wanna start working on some designs for Vlad, Valerie, Jazz, and Dan at some point soon. I wonder how I’m gonna do a mech suit on a deer.
Sam Manson
Dyed her fur, frequently had to redye it and decided it was too much effort so she does the tail only now
Based her off of a deer I saw when I was a kid that was a kind of cherry color
Pierced her little deer ears
No antlers, but she is the most likely of the three to headbutt you
All of the cervitaurs I draw have a kind of keratin shell over their fingers to mimic hooves, that’s still flexible enough to act as fingers. Sam’s are slightly longer, it varies person to person.
Tucker Foley
Long antlers, struggles DAILY to get his hat on and refuses to stop or alter the hat to accommodate them
Fluffy. The fluffiest of the three excluding Danny’s second form.
Floppier ears that are very expressive, he moves them around a lot, especially when he’s excited
His glasses use plot to stay put on his head.
Both Tucker and Sam are taller than Danny, and neither have their spots anymore
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Okay firstly, I love the idea of the biomechanical mechs and a manufacturer devoted to them so much, good job on that
Secondly, is there the full suite of systems (6) attached to each of the frames or is it only the frames themselves
Thirdly, will there be a way to see these frames I really wanna look at how they work
Hello! We are pleased that you find our vision of adhering to nature's perfect designs inspiring! We strive every day to improve our designs so stay tuned for more news in the future.
Every Sineuna license comes with its own associated systems, allowing the frame to operate at maximum efficiency. For example, the Redwood contains many systems allowing it to reposition on the battlefield to protect its allies. Many of these systems are still under active development, as we want every Sineuna product to be the best it can be.
Currently, Sineuna frames are only available to those on Hemoth due to the sensitive nature of our technology. However, we aim to make our products more widely-available in the future! Below is a list of the six frames that are currently in use:
Redwood: a Defender frame oriented around battlefield positioning, self-healing and redirecting damage towards itself while in the Danger Zone.
Arrowroot: a Defender/Controller frame whose extreme speed and agility allow it to dodge attacks while drawing the ire of nearby enemies away from its allies.
Pando: an Artillery/Controller frame specializing in slowing targets and picking off weakened prey from a distance.
Mahogany: a Support frame designed to cure the status effects of its allies by passing said status effects off to itself whereupon they can be healed.
Hemlock: a Striker frame whose overwhelming power and ferocity make it unmatched in hand-to-hand combat where its Overkill weapons can truly shine.
Alder: a Striker/Support frame designed around manipulating the flows of Heat on the battlefield, passing Heat off from its allies onto its enemies with great efficiency.
Thank you for sending us messages! Soon enough, these frames could be yours.
Sineuna Biotechnical
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gollygeedash · 1 year
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I’m open for commissions!!!
I’m currently on the hunt for a job, but I could really use some help in the meantime! Art Fight is coming up, and if you’re in need of refs I’m more than happy to supply! (For a price, anyway!) Or if you just wanna get some fresh art from me I’m also down for that! I specialize in retro-looking cartoon art!
I WON’T draw NSFW, mechs, or ship art! But I WILL draw your OCs (be that human or anthro) or fanart! Commissions might take ~1-3 weeks (depending on the complexity of the commission!)
Please message me if you’re interested! Or email me at [email protected]! (Reblogs are very much appreciated!!!)
* “for design” meaning if I’m designing the character.
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for-lovely-things · 1 year
domicofo commissions | OPEN!
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I would be really happy if you would commission me or signal boost this post!💕 Please read the following rules!!!!
What I WILL draw:
Your OC
Canon characters
Real people
Pets (only together with person/character)
NSFW & SFW, nude
Preferable fandoms: Cyberpunk 2077, Winx Club, The Witcher, Dragon Age, but I can draw on every other fandom you’d like ^^
What I WON’T draw:
Mechs, hardcore gore (blood & injuries ok), furries
Inc*st, r*pe & anything else that feels weird (kinks are ok)
Some ships, which make me uncomfortable
NSFW art rules:
price on NSFW drawings from now on is indexed on 10% from full price
nude doesn't count as NSFW, I love drawing naked people
masturbation (1 char) and sex (2 chars) count as NSFW. Kinky stuff too
And some more things you need to know:
Every additional character +75% to the price
+5$ to the price for detailed clothes and tattoos (I won’t charge extra for Kerry’s tattoos, but if any other char has complicated tattoos you:
a) give me their tattoos as flat png images so I can slap them on their body;
b) pay extra for me to draw them by hand
c) don't pay, but I simplify them)
+10$ to the full price for complex background (I won’t do something too complex like complicated perspective, only nature, rooms, blurry townscapes etc.)
The style of fullcolor may vary from lineart+color to color-no lineart (you can request the preferable one)
Line art can have one/two spot colors
I'll send you a sketch of commission if I won't be sure about composition
I can draw you traditional art commission too, if you want it :) It will cost the same as digital one though (i do watercolors and pencils)
I accept payment by Boosty, 50% of the price no refund ahead, the rest 50% after I finish. FOLLOW THIS TUTORIAL ON HOW TO USE BOOSTY or WATCH THIS STEP-BY-STEP VIDEO
Tell me, if I have any deadline to which I should hurry up, but usually commission takes me 2-4 weeks
Price can always be negotiated ;)
NEW! Character sheet
Consists of one character full body, 8 quick sketches of outfits (OR sketches of poses OR sketches of facial exressions)
Can consist of more elements like turns, rendered face and etc, but the more you add the more it will cost
PLEASE let me design you an OC from zero (moodboard or description) I can do that!!!!
If you wanna commission me please DM me here on this blog, write to my e-mail [email protected] or contact me via Discord - Domicofo#0080 . I’ll need descriptions of what you want to see and as many references as you can provide~ Would be perfect if your references would be collected in one Google Drive folder beforehand.
DM me or leave a comment below this post if you still have more questions. You can see more examples of my works by the #my art tag, for more examples of NSFW works stop by at my Twitter
Stay tuned, gonna announce more fun stuff soon ;)
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reegis · 10 months
Hi!!! I love your mechs art so much, it's the cutest shit ever, it's everything to me, putting it all in my mouth
Especially I love your creaturified Jonny, he's such a lil gremlin. Is it. Okay if I also add pointy ears and perhaps a lil tail to my Jonny design? Thought that I should ask, I don't wanna like, steal ideas, but I really love it n wanna see if a beastie Jonny looks good in my style :3
aaaa please do 😂 i gain +10hp every time i see people draw him with pointy ears/a tail ahah
and thank you!!!!!
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