#i think of lyle being a dad so much
kondensaduhhh · 1 year
inspired by @dirtytransmasc ‘s Spider Te Suli Tsyeyk’itan AU
where, since because this Spider grew up being fully adopted and loved by the Sully family, the ‘son for a son scene’ where Neytiri holds a knife to Spider doesn’t happen, what happens instead is a ‘if I can’t have him, no one can’ scene with Quaritch, where instead of Quaritch getting a hold of Kiri, it’s Spider.
Everyone is frozen.
Kiri is holding Tuk, Jake being torn between shooting Miles, but risk shooting his son too, and obeying his demands. Lo’ak and Neteyam are there, a few scrapes, cuts, and bruises on them but otherwise whole. Jake holds out his arm in front of his other two sons, knowing his mate’s burning desire to protect pumps in their veins, ready to lunge.
And Neytiri is prowling.
That demon has her son, her firstborn under his sharp knife, already cutting his delicate skin, she sees his blood smear with each struggle, causing a growl deep within her throat. Every bone in her body aches to lunge and attack the monster hurting her baby, but her mate’s arm stops her, she sees the pleading look in his eyes that yells, ‘please, think clearly’. She wants to scream, she needs to do something, but the situation is much too delicate to take such a risk.
“What will it be, kid?” Quaritch says, knife still against Spider neck, “The Sullys, who left you, abandoned you for months?” cries of protest from his siblings at the words spoken, “or me? who took care of you after they left you for dead?”
With no breath of hesitation in his voice, “Them! They’re my family! Not you! Never you!” Spider screams. Irritation pinches Quaritch’s face, he sets his jaw, “Then so be it.” and he cuts.
He cuts through Spider’s jugular, leaving to fall, blood sputtering through his fingers as he tries to add pressure. Everyone screams, scrambling to help Spider. The demon walks away with a limp in his step.
“Lyle, blow this pla-“ short, rapid fire gunshots, cut through everyones eardrums, the Sullys’ attention snapped to the cause of the beast’s death for a second. They were met with the image of Neteyam, gun in his arms, tears in his eyes, he drops it immediately and rushes to Spider’s side.
“Neteyam…” Kiri holds her hand out to him, her voice watery and scared, he takes her hand, and inches closer towards his brother, Tuk tucks herself onto him, wailing onto his chest, Lo’ak has both hands pressing on Spider’s neck, their dad is speaking softly to him, stroking his hair, while their mother is begging for Eywa to keep her son alive, to not take him away from them, from her, no, not yet
Spider is apologizing and they don’t know why, they just hold on to him and their siblings, “im sorry, im sorry… i love you, im sorry,” he coughs, blood splatters on his mask, dripping down the sides of his lips, “i just wanted to sa-…” He closes his eyes. The it’s like the world stopped spinning, everyone is silent, waiting for Spider to keep talking, because he always does, he always has something to say, but Jake has hung his head already.
Kiri was the first to talk Spider, “Monkey boy? Spider? Spider, what is it? Spider! What were gonna say?!” her voice gets shakier as she talks, her voice breaks at the end along it is her, curling into Spider’s chest.
“Spider? Wake up! C’mon, you’re scaring me!” Tuk, oh, little Tuk-tuk, she pleads, “Neteyam, do something!” She sobs. Neteyam can’t fix this one, he can’t lead them on this one, Neteyam doesn’t know what to do, instead her cries, not quietly, like Lo’ak, who is staring at his hands, covered in Spider’s blood, tears just running down his cheeks, but also not loudly, like Kiri, who demanding answers from the Great Mother, he just… cries. Holding the rest of his siblings in his arms.
Jake is on the opposite side of his children on Spider’s body, he wants to wipe away the tears and blood off of his son’s face, to remove the mask and clean his face off, he tries, but his daughters’ panicked screams of ‘Stop! He can’t breath with out it!” broke his heart further. Lo’ak cries like him, quiet, almost catatonic, a contrast to his mate who has screamed and wailed for it to not be true, sobbing for Eywa to not do this to them. With no protest fro Kiri, and little from Tuk, Neytiri holds Spider, sobbing louder when his body that was always warm, especially compared to their na’vi bodies, was starting to cool. Kiri and Tuk held onto their mother as they cried.
Jake neared his mate, gently pulling her towards him, as their remaining sons was held by their father, both boys leaning on Jake.
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onskepa · 5 months
Can we get a neteyam x human reader?? She's lyle's daughter, also human and made friends with spider. When lo'ak comes to save him, he wants to take her with him but she can't just leave her dad here
You can end it however you want
Hellooooooooooo sweetie~!!
So I hope you dont mind this being a short one, but its a good one! Enjoy~!!
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“Do you ever think we might see them…?” Young spider asks his sister at arms, Yewn. The young girl thinks about the question and shakes her head. “I don't think so, they are dead for a long time. It is like Jake said, good riddance” she replies. 
Both lay down on top of the old lab shack, staring up at the night sky. 
“They were bad guys, and killed a lot of the na’vi…” Spider says, convincing himself of certain feelings. 
“Exactly. So stop thinking about our dads, I bet they won't even care if they do come back from the dead” 
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“Kid, you won't last another day if you don't eat, '' Lyle Wainfleet says. He bends down looking rather tired and slightly annoyed. 16 year old yewn just stared at him as if he was the worst shit on the entire planet. To which he is in her eyes.
“Fuck off” was all she says time and time again.
“Shut up, don't call me that. You have no right to call me that!” yewn yells at him in anger. A lot was happening in such a short time. Her friends were attacked and held hostage, went to help, spider’s mask broke, stayed behind to help him, only to be taken and be separated from him.
The room is cold, colder than the labs. Everything was so lifeless. She hated it.
But there is nothing more she hates, than the man, or dreamwalker in front of her.
“If you don't eat, you will die, '' Lyle tells her again. And again, yewn just hisses at him.
“Good, I would rather die than confess anything to you or that old bitch!”
Lyle rolls his eyes, hopefully quaritch has better luck than him.
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Her plan was cut way too short. Spider took the lead in showing the recoms how to climb, run, and jump through the big vines and floating mountains. Spider was a true expert in that field, so yewn stayed a little more behind. By adding more pressure to the weak points of the vines, the goal was to tear some down but the recoms would step on them by their own body weight. Spider was doing the same, the plan was to have them all step in a weak vine so that they can fall to their deaths. 
Obviously that didn't work. 
Lyle was quick to catch what she and spider were doing. While he did not report to Quaritch what they were quietly doing, lyle took it upon himself to straighten the kids out. 
“If you want us dead, it will take a lot more than that” he tells Yewn. And yewn would take note of it. Next time, she will do better. 
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“Getting the hang of it now” Lyle says as he flies on his ikran with yewn. The girl missed flying up high in the sky. The thrill of doing amazing tricks, how nete-
No, while Yewn is still in the human's custody, no thoughts of him will appear in her mind. Anything can happen and they can use whatever she accidently shares against her. 
Besides, there is something else occupying her mind and her full attention. 
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“Come on bro! We have to get them, they are still on the ship!” Lo’ak pleads to neteyam. It didnt take much to convince the older brother, nodding eagerly, both head deeper to the ship to find their friends. All the while trying to avoid enemies all around. 
Quietly they climb up some pipes and hide, lo’ak points downwards to see spider and yewn being shoved somewhere. 
“We get it! We are going, fucking bastards” spider cusses at the humans behind him. Him and yawn look really annoyed, but oddly compliant. Taking the chance, the brothers jumped and began to attack the humans. 
Yewn and spider were surprised to see them but quickly catched on. Fighting as well, the four managed to take down the humans around them. Taking the weapons, neteyam, lo’ak, spider and yewn were armed and ran for the edge of the ship. 
“Come on, come on! We are almost there!” neteyam yells, shoving yewn forward until bullets were being shot. 
“GO GO GO!” spider yells, he and lo’ak jump first into the sea. But yewn and neteyam couldnt in time. 
“Yewn get back over here!” 
Neteyam turns to see a false avatar, his gun pointing at him. 
“I won't tell you again, come here now!” the fake shouted. Neteyam looks down and sees yewn shaking. Was it fear? Hesitance?
She was close to taking a step forward but neteyam stopped her. 
Yewn looks up at him, ready to cry. 
“Are you insane!? Lets go, he won't hurt you again” neteyam burgers her, shifting her closer to the edge but yewn fights back. “No no! You don't get it! I can't just leave him!” Yewn shouts. Her fear and desperation growing. 
“Yes you can, he hurt you!” neteyam shouts back. But yewn only looks back at lyle, their eyes making contact. Yewn knows he is silently pleading to go to him. That part yewn is afraid of. To go back to lyle means to go back to those horrid conditions the general had her go under. 
“No! I just cant leave him like this-” 
“And why the hell not?!” 
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“Hey lyle-” 
“You know, you can call me dad if you like…” recom lyle informs yewn in an awkward way. Yewn looks up at him, almost in a disapproving look. There was a few seconds of silence before Yewn walked on the other side of the room, not continuing what she was going to say. 
Lyle walked over to see what she wanted to tell him. “Hey, im sorry, I thought that it-” 
“Would be easier for me? Think again, you are just forcing yourself. I will never call you dad. You don't deserve that title. Not now, not ever fuckface” Yewn states with disgust in her tone. Lyle sighed, hanging his head low. Just when he thought where was progress, he took 5 steps back.
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“He is my dad….and I just cant leave him….” Yewn cries out to neteyam. This was massive news to him. But he concludes that staying in the massive prison was messing with yewns mind. Making her think things that are not true. 
If they weren't in such a situation, lyle would hug her and say sweet words in her ear. Finally yewn accepted him, but now there is a problem that lies between lyle and yewn. Just one bullet should be enough to take down that savage boy of Sully’s. 
“YEWN!” he calls to her, his daughter turns to look at him, her eyes distraught, not knowing what to do. 
“Please yewn, we are so close! Come on, he is not your dad! He is dead! I won't let you be surrendering to him or any evil sky demon!” Neteyam shouts loud enough for Lyle to hear. And it is ticking him off. 
Neteyam guide yewn close to the edge, their hearts racing. To calm her as he leads her to the edge, he places his hand on her shoulder, urging her more to jump. Neteyam can finally save her!
Yewn was looking down at the sea, her ears ringing. Could she go? Could she leave lyle and-
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Aaaaaaaaaaand that is it for this one! Hope you all enjoyed this one! Until next time! See ya!
Yewn = express convey (a thought or feeling)
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I am going to start making Avatar Skits using gifs.
Scoresby explained how the serum he transferred to the syringe in his hand can stop human aging worth 80 million dollars.
The said man peeked at Spider in amusement. "With your Grandfather's inheritance, you can easily afford this shit." But he pursed his lips. "But, you don't need this. Thanks to your mother's mutant genetics, you won't age pass your prime. Lucky bastard."
Spider clenched his jaw and said nothing. He hated when anyone mentioned his late Grandfather and how is mother was considered a traitor. Spider saw pictures and videos of the trillionaire thanks to the internet and did some research on him.
He wanted to meet him but fate was not kind. And yes, thanks to you, Spider was much taller than the average twelve year old, his body wounds would immediately heal and judging how you look like a teenager despite being a middle aged woman, he knew he will never grow old.
"Maybe I should sell you to the labs back on Earth?" Scoresby cheekily grinned.
That's it. Quaritch cleared his throat and glared at Scoresby and he shut up.
Spider wondered what his dad was thinking. He knew the Colonel was looking for his mom and other two siblings. Ironically, your mom was looking for you.
After some talking here and there.
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"Think fast!"
Spider flinched. The old jerk began to laugh.
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Quaritch rolled his eyes. An old man acting like a stupid kid. And rude to his son. Well, no one but Spider and the squad knew about the Navi Quaritch's realtionship with you. He could not blow his cover. It was eating him alive to wait till he gets you back into his arms.
"So..." Scoresby asked. "Does the young prince have any questions?"
Lyle, Quaritch and Doctor Garvin all turned their heads down to see Spider looking disgusted at how the Tulkuns were murdered.
"Yeah." Spider nodded.
Quaritch raised a brow.
"What's your wifi password?"
Spider knew he missed many calls from you.
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naavispider · 4 months
What would Spider's life have been like if Lyle had been given custody of him after Quaritch was locked up in the Cat in the Cradle ?
That's a super interesting thought, and it probably deserves its own oneshot. If Lyle had raised Spider since he was a kid, things would have been a lot different. First and foremost, Spider would have grown up believing his father was innocent. He probably would write to Quaritch and visit him often in prison (unless the judge forbade it). If he wasn't allowed any contact with his father still then I'm sure Lyle would have done a great job explaining what really happened to his dad, and Spider miss him a lot, counting down the days till he got out.
I reckon Lyle wouldn't raise Spider alone. He'd have to prove he had the means (both financially and emotionally), and I think he'd draw on RDA resources quite heavily. His best friend Z-dog would help out a lot and I really like the idea of those two co-parenting despite the fact neither is interested in the other romantically. Z-dog is a strong lesbian and Lyle (after getting custody of Spider) wouldn't be interested in chasing his own romances anymore.
Lyle would be a good uncle to Spider. I can see him sending Spider to a good private boarding school when he gets older, which Spider enjoys. When he was younger Lyle would struggle at first but eventually prove to Spider that he can give the kid what he needs. He's goofy and sympathetic, but he knows when to rein it in to be there emotionally for Spider. (On another note, I think he'd still be called Spider as a result of Lyle's jokey personality).
Quaritch would make sure that all of his funds were transferred to Lyle so that Spider never yearned for anything. They'd probably live in a semi-modest house, and Lyle would be too soft on Spider on the rare occasions Spider missed chores. Spider wouldn't get in trouble too much because he develops a close relationship with his uncle, borne out of mutual respect. If Spider ever stayed out too late though, Lyle would be super overprotective (maybe more so than Quaritch would have been) because he knows it's not his child he's looking out for. He'd be terrified to do anything wrong and so if Spider caused him to worry then Lyle would not take it well. That being said, Lyle is also Spider's biggest defender whenever the kid does something stupid at school (which is not often). He'd also play the whole 'kid misses his dad' angle at the principle and then later he and Spider would smirk at each other as they made their way out to the car.
Overall, Spider would be well rounded, respectful and happy. Lyle would be content with his life (he'd probably have given up the RDA) and not be able to imagine life if he hadn't been the one to raise Spider. Whether Spider was allowed to talk to his dad in prison or not, Lyle would keep Quaritch well informed and show him pictures of how Spider is getting on etc.
This was super interesting to think about because I'd never really considered it properly before. This is just one AU though but I'm sure there could be more angsty alternatives. I'm surprised there aren't really any fics that depict Lyle raising Spider because I'd love to read one!
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undercoverpan · 1 year
Scary stories
"It was sometime in June when it happened."
Lyle said, holding out the kebab that he and Spider had made together over an open flame, slowly roasting it.
"It was uncomfortably hot, even at 2 PM, so I kicked off my covers and took off my shirt and pants. It was still too hot." 
They were sitting around a campfire. Them being Spider and the recoms. It'd been a long day of looking for Jake; which thankfully had been unsuccessful. As Alpha Centauri A slowly lowered past the heavens, they opted to make camp. And thankfully, they hated RDA food just as much as he did, so they hunted and cooked their own food.
"I couldn't sleep, I was sweating like a pig in that room. So I decided to get up and get a glass of water. No big deal, right?" 
They all listened to his tale intently. Spider did too, from his position between the bald Na'vi and Quaritch. He'd never really heard stories about earth, so this was something new. He'd also never really been invited to stay and listen to the Na'vi stories when the elders would sit with the youth and regale the most thrilling stories of history with them, complete with puppets and dances and the works. He hears them secondhand from his friends, and that's good enough.
"So I get up, and I start heading to the kitchen. The hallways are pitch black, but I know my own house well enough to navigate it even in the dark. It's still so hot, and I'm genuinely considering just sleeping naked that night."
He chuckles, and they all have a laugh at that. Of course Lyle would sleep nude. Quaritches ears flicked at the idea, a little too excited by it. Lyle smirks and winks at him, and Spider gagged beneath his mask. Lyle flicked his head, to which Spider responded maturely to; by slapping at him. This barely affects the laughing recom.
"As I'm walking, I keep hearing this noise, like glass being moved around. I try not to think about it, I figure I'm just tired and imagining things. So I get to the kitchen, but someone is already there. They're standing in front of the open fridge, and I can feel the cold air pouring out of it. I thought it was just my dad or my mom, but the figure is too small. Keep in mind, I was like 10 or 12 when this happened."
He tried to imagine a young Lyle in his head, but everytime he tried, he just got a half naked, small bald man. Lyle being a child was just not something that made sense. He figured he sprouted from the ground, fully grown. Would explain why he tried to fit his entire body in his ikrans' mouth though, the man didn't have any formative years.
"So I end up just kinda standing there for a hot second, then I'm like 'hey, who are you?' And they don't respond. Instead they close the fridge and step to the side. I can't see their face, they're standing with their back turned to me, but I can see that they're holding something."
"So at that point I'm kinda freaked out, so I try to go back, call my parents or something, but I can't. It's like my feet are glued to the ground, and I can't move no matter how hard I try. Then the figure starts walking closer, and I get a better look at em; small, brown hair, brown eyes, light skin. It stopped right in front of me, and then I was looking at my own face, but wrong. The mouth was too wide and the eyes were too sharp, like someone tried to draw me from memory."
He leans towards Lyle subconsciously as the man speaks.
"The thing put its hand up and I finally saw what it was holding. It's got this big ass knife in its hands, and its holding it right up to my throat," he says as he brings up his hand and runs his thumb across his throat in threatening manner, "and it drags it right across. As it's doing this, it's looking me right in the eye with this big smile."
Lyle leans towards the group, and Spider just now notices that he's gripping onto Quaritch. The man has his arm around his shoulder.
"It starts speaking with this horrible voice, like its vocal cords had been ripped out and dried in the sun. It said, 'Lyle. Lyle, I'm going to kill you one day. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but one day. It doesn't matter where you go or what you do, you cannot escape me. You'll live the rest of your life in fear of me. When you hear the trees rustle or the wind howl or footsteps behind you or tapping on the glass, that's me. I will follow you to the ends of the earth.' And I just remember this blinding fear. Like lightning through my veins, willing me to do something."
"But before I can do anything, it disappears before my very eyes. Since then, I've seen it everywhere, even on Pandora. It left me alone when I died the first time, but I think it knows I'm back. I hear it in the trees around us, getting a little bit closer every day. But it's probably nothing."
He finished, like that wasn't the scariest story he's ever heard. A creature that wears your own face trying to kill you? And it's on Pandora now? Good Eywa, why hadn't Jake or the scientists noticed this! Since Lyle came back as a recom, was the creature now a recom too? How could Spider defend himself from it then?
Lyle laughed when he saw Spider's face. "Don't worry," he said, ruffling his hair, "You're safe." 
Spider obviously didn't believe him, so he wasn't surprised when he couldn't sleep that night. Every sound had him flinching, wishing he had some kind of weapon so he could defend himself. 
In the end he woke up Quaritch. "I'm scared." Was the only explanation he could force himself to give to the half-asleep man. "Because of Lyles' story? Really?" He muttered, and Spider immediately regretted his decision, feeling stupid and embarrassed. He wasn't a child, and Quaritch wasn't his dad, he shouldn't have–
He squeaked in surprise when Quaritch held out his hand to him, an offer being extended. With hesitance, he curled up beside Quaritch. The warm arm around him made him feel safe. Distantly, as he drifted off to sleep, he thought about the last time someone held him when he was scared. He couldn't remember.
Finally getting rid of unfinished drafts (will do my best to give em some kind of ending tho) so get ready to eat some tasty whatever was in my fridgeeeee. Btw i love all my drafts and will be trying to trick myself into thinking that I'll finish em properly so its a slow process.
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navibluebees · 1 year
hi. i've come bearing requests.
spider x reader when y'all just enable the WORST of each other. you guys literally SCREAM at each other, just bringing out the absolute WORST in the other person. but then you guys have a job/punishment together and you can decide the rest.
ily <3
Welcome! I love to see ya~ Also playing off of the reader being Lyle's kid just for *parental bonding moments* aka suffering at the hands of teenagers 😂
Also, my loves, please see this post. I'm very serious about it. I don't want any minors on my page & I don't want empty blogs either. 💙
All ageless & empty blogs will be blocked. No minors!
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"Shut up!"
Another day, another quarrel. You and Spider were screaming at each other from across the table. It had been going on for so long that you forgot what you were even arguing about in the first place, but you refused to back down. He slammed his palm on the table and leaned in close to your face, a snarl curling his lips into a threatening expression. A giant blue hand shot up and pushed him back from the table. Quaritch stood up, putting himself between the two of you.
"Enough! This is unacceptable. You two, clean up the table."
You opened your mouth to snap back and he held up a hand. "I don't wanna hear it. From either of you. Get it done."
He signaled the recoms to get up and leave their empty plates on the table. They filed out, your dad bringing up the rear. He turned and looked at you meaningfully, trying to get the message across to behave. You rolled your eyes and looked back to Spider.
"Way to go, genius," you sighed.
He scoffed. "If you'd just calm down and shut up, there wouldn't be a problem."
"I was calm!" you screeched.
He side-eyed you and laughed. "Yeah, clearly."
You started to growl and lunged for him, pinning him against the table and poked him in the chest.
"If you'd just kept your mouth shut, we wouldn't be here."
He jerked away from you and snatched a few plates up. They clattered in his arms as he walked over to the return slot for the plates, sliding them in their spot. The dining area was quiet except for the clinking of utensils. Finally it was time to wipe the tables down.
You filled a small bucket with warm, soapy water, already familiar with the routine as this was not the first time you and Spider had been stuck with this cleanup duty. You slapped your cloth on the table and the water splashed up, getting soap on Spider. He grumbled in annoyance and splashed you back with his own cloth. You squealed and flung bubbles at him from the palm of your hand.
He chased you around the table, water and bubbles splattering the floor. Alerted by the noise, your fathers came back into the area and yours hissed as he slid across the floor. He grabbed a chair and his nostrils flared in annoyance as he stared you down. You and Spider halted in your movements and stared right back at them.
You both burst into laughter, leaning on the table for support. Lyle and the Colonel looked at each other, irked but of the same mind that at least you were cleaning and getting along somewhat. They looked pointedly at the bucket and turned to leave, not uttering a word.
You hurriedly finished up wiping the table and dried the wet places on the floor. Exhausted, you slumped into chairs and leaned against each other. It was so natural by this point with him being the only person who really understood you. It's probably why you got on each other's nerves so much.
"I'm sorry," he muttered.
"Me too," you said with a huff of laughter. You linked arms and sighed deeply as you took comfort from each other's presence.
"What do you think they're doing?" mumbled Miles.
"Who knows?" shrugged Lyle.
Miles paced. "It's been too long. I'm going in."
Lyle hopped off and followed him. "You worry too much, sir. I-"
Miles stopped him with an arm across his chest. They looked on at the two of you asleep and slouched together in the chairs. Miles moved forward and around the table, trying to figure out the best way to pick Spider up. He looked like he was about to attempt a fireman's carry when Lyle waved his hand to stop him.
"Easy, Colonel. They're little. You have to be gentle."
He crouched and slid an arm around your shoulders and the other under your knees and carefully picked you up, slowly untangling your arm from Spider's. Miles reassessed and copied Lyle's movements. He lifted Spider, held him close and took him back to their shared bunk.
Lyle followed right behind and held you close to him. As he walked, he looked down at your small face, scrunched up in sleep. He shifted you, holding you with one arm and used the thumb of the free hand to smooth out the crease between your brows. When he saw you relaxed and cuddled against him, he softened. His chest warmed with affection and he clutched you tighter.
@ikranwings @sweetirilly @drinking-tea-and-be-obsessed
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What do the members of Deja Blue think about this whole kidnapping and about Spider in general? I wonder what would happen if Spider say Zdgog that he is unhappy - would she help him escape?
I love this question! Let me break down my thoughts.
I'll start off by saying team Deja Blue features a lot more in the endings I'm working on. I'm writing the scenario where Spider gets really sick forcing Quaritch to take him to a hospital. I've seen the idea flouting around that Ja is the teams medic so I'm running with that. He's actually going to feature pretty heavily and I'm debating weather I want him to have a crisis of consciousness or not (it'll probably depend on the ending you choose)
But my thoughts on the whole Deja blue Quaritch dynamic is that they are extremely loyal to him. He's their commanding officer after all. He's led them through war. They've been through so much together. They're practically family. I actually wanted to write more scenes with them in it in the prologue but they ended up just not fitting in, taking attention away from the Paz/Miles relationship I was building up (before you know- brutally killing Paz off). But they all went to there wedding. They were all in the waiting room when Spider was being born just waiting for Quaritch to burst out and announce the arrival of his healthy baby boy. They spent holidays together. They are all Spider's aunt and uncles and they love and care for him as there nephew. They all saw first hand what a good dad Quaritch use to be. and they were all equally devastated by Paz's death. They all definitely supported Quaritch after he nearly murdered Paz's killer and Lyle and Z-dog, who are Spider's godparents applied for custody of him when Quaritch went to jail, they just weren't granted it.
All this to say Deja Blue is pretty much entirely on Quaritch's side. They think he's completely justified in taking his son back after there family was so unjustly ripped apart. I think some of them, like Z-dog, would take issue with some of Quaritch's "tactics" for getting Spider to come around, but as long as they look the other way....well what the don't know can't hurt them.
And to the question "would Z-dog help Spider escape if he told her he was unhappy" yeah she would. I think of Z and Paz as being best friends. Again I didn't expand on that to much because it wasn't my focus but I think? i mentioned in passing in the prologue that Lyle and Z are still caring for the Quaritch/Socorro house while Quaritch is away. Z keeps Paz's old garden alive, and now that Quaritch is 1,000's of miles away, Z tends Paz's grave for him, keeping it clean and leaving her flowers.
Because they were such good friends Z would have a good sense of what Paz would have wanted for Spider. And while Paz would have been totally on board with just taking Spider back and running off and living in seclusion in the mountains she would not be on board with a lot of the stuff Quaritch does to him. Z turns a blind eye to it out of loyalty to Quaritch but if Spider said he was truly unhappy, if he had begged Z for help, she would have turned Quaritch in like that 🫰Because Z knows damn well that while Paz loved Quaritch if he hurt there son she would have beat his ass in seconds.
I hope all that answered your question 😅 Thank you so much! 💞
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dabruzzy · 1 year
Probably the best thing about Brainy and Lyle's rivalry is that it feels almost completely one-sided on Brainy's part, which makes sense because so much of his self-worth depends on his intelligence. I got the impression that Lyle just wanted Brainy to stop underestimating him, but didn't feel the need to prove that he was better than him. He openly admitted to Kon that Brainy was the smartest Legionnaire, he's impressed by his inventions, has no problem asking him for help and he's the one who tried to put an end to their rivalry in the first place. I think he would've liked to work with Brainy had he let him, rather than compete against him. When he's antagonistic towards Brainy it has more to do with the fact that Brainy is being an asshole, it's not really jealousy.
It's like Timmy Turner's dad with his neighbor.
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dirtytransmasc · 1 year
How do you think the rest of the recom squad feels about Spider? They also spent months with him along with Quaritch while he was showing them around .
Or what do they think about how he is treated differently from others by the colonel?, do they really think about it or feel any particular way about how much he seems to care about the kid
at first they're annoyed, not only are the being pestered and slowed down by this little kid, who's already receiving special treatment from their leader, but they're being schooled all the while.
but as they get to know him, they all start to fall for his childish antics, and he becomes the squads kid. Z dogs practically his mother, Lyle is the fun uncle, mansk is the unofficial step dad (the sunglasses are giving stepdad vibes, like, in the best way possible, he has young gravy vibes, and I can elaborate no further), and so on and so forth.
by the time they have to report back to Ardmore, they're all pretty defensive of him.
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shallowseeker · 1 year
Thinking about the SPN finale ghosts again, and how it echoes through each member of TFW.
(I think about this a lot. But it was all spawned by @angelcasendgame's additions to this post about how Sam really likes books). And...my recent pajamas obsession.
I went looking for this, and sadly, it isn't a meta so much as it is a collection of unrelated motif-thoughts. :(
Cas stuff
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Cas almost never wears sleepwear, but when he does it's the dark dad robe of failed familial protector. He's the specter of always-working-dad. When he's not that, he's the homeless veteran, veteran-turned minimum-wage-civilian, or veteran-as-mental-patient. (images from smiledean)
In the finale, Cas (and his parallel) were both positioned as sentries of the door. Cas is the barrier-shield to protect the house.
Cas almost never sleeps and rarely wears pajamas. Instead, he's usually depicted in full-military or working/office "gear." Cas is, symbolically, the overworked father, "always working, even drained," as the finale drains the dad.
As motif of working father, he only is shown resting when he's dying or severely weakened--"ill." He rests only when he's dying or dead. As is his "duty."
He's always trying to protect them, even when he's failing miserably at it. Ironically, other family members resent his protection as much as they appreciate its security.
The finale-dad (Lyle Crowther) dies in front of an open door, when his back is turned, just as Cas literally dies in front of the door to another world.
Cas's deepest wants (12x19 The Future) were depicted as Sam running in a field of freedom and Dean being (ahem, very close) relieved, thankful, and free of burdens. (He perceives Dean's "distress," and he knows that he "adds to it," but he does not fully understand it.)
Cas patrols the bunker like a guard, and in his downtime, he indulges in the escapist fantasy of Saturday Evening Post + TV.
In his dreamscape, he sits at the table watching TV, notably not performing any sort of duty or chore as he basks inside the hearth of home (kitchen).
He often lectures Jack from this position at the kitchen table. (And sometimes from within Jack's room as well).
Dean stuff
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Dean likes to nest, and he crows happily about that when they first find the Bunker. He quickly decorates his room, finds a "homey" gray robe, finds the shower and sings its water pressure praises, and takes over the kitchen. Other people don the dead guy robe. First is Chuck, who apes the "performing Dean" and overfocuses on his porn collection. (This is how Chuck sees Dean, after all--purely in a surface-level, sexual sense.) Other wearers include Mary and Jack, both of whom Dean wraps in gray robes as he welcomes them into the kitchen to eat a hardy meal of bacon and/or burgers. (images from TheFamilyBusiness.com)
Dean (borrowing from @scoobydoodean) is the hearth of the home, the heart.
(He's even referred to as "Tin Man" in 9x03 Slumber Party.)
He's the one in the family who wears the male version of the Dead Parent, "dead guy" robe -> dressing gown, in the form of the gray MoL robe. This robe is like the gray duster of his finale counterpart, the horrified warrior-caretaker.
He also wears cute, silly pajamas as the series goes on, revealing more of his actual personality in stark contrast to the sexy Malboro Man Chuck wanted to portray him as.
In later seasons, Dean wears hot dog pants, novelty socks, Scooby Doo boxers, and the lavender Scooby-Doo outfit (Dickens-style "dad" dressing shirt + nightcap).
In 14x10, Nihilism, Dean's dreamscape depicts him retired and waiting for his family to come home. Even at his failing roadhouse (Rocky's Bar in 14x10 Nihilism), he wants to provide rest and nourishment--drink and merriment.
When trouble comes to him, he can even help out as a distinguished warrior from his stable, stationary position.
Importantly, in his dreamscape, Dean does not brave the storm outside. (Pamela does that for him.)
Dean longs to be the safe harbor, the stop on the road, a destination to return to.
He embodies the warmth of the kitchen.
Likewise, he too delivers mentorship to Jack from the kitchen.
Occasionally, he enters Jack's bedroom and is the first member of TFW to be shown siting on Jack's bed as he mentors.
Sadly, in the finale, after the shield falls, the caretaker-warrior can only flee to higher ground as the hearth is breached.
Eventually, the caretaker falls, too, and is rendered mute as the tongue is brutally ripped out. (Just as Dean "cannot speak" in 15x19's script, as Jack disappears.)
Sam stuff
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Sam is typically up early, wearing running gear or soft, modern pajamas. To my knowledge, I never saw him wearing a robe, but I'm happy to be corrected.
Sam yearns for safety, but he enjoys the academic rigor of "brainiac" career living.
He is usually positioned inside the library, surrounded by books, even in Gadreel's mindscape (9x09 Holy Terror).
Sam seems to genuinely love pouring over ancient books, examining the minutiae of cases, and throwing his weight towards a cause/career.
(Prone to perfectionism, Sam can be a little obsessive when it comes to filing literature, exercising, and "clean" eating.)
To Jack, Sam usually delivers mentorship from the quiet of the library, though occasionally comes into his room to attempt to give him pep talks.
Thus, Sam is the keeper of the books, the historian, the legacy.
Witchcraft is a natural outcropping of Sam's Solomonari-like thirst for knowledge.
And yet, his ghost-in-the-finale is shown cowering under the bed, yearning for safety, and so afraid of the loss of the loved ones that have always protected him (Cas and Dean). It's as Chuck coos in 12x09 The Trap, "You think Dean n' Cas are gonna come charging through that door just in the nick of time. You still think you can win."
As the shield is destroyed and the hearth is breached, the war spreads to the bedroom, creaking open the door. This is the safest space. (The symbolic nursery.)
Notably, Sam wears distinctly modern pajamas at all times, usually a simple tee + tracksuit bottoms. NEVER old-style or retro button-ups and never a nightgown over it.
Even his hoodie in the final, speaks of a "modern teenager," free to take on the world and live freely in the garden (field) of the Earth.
Jack stuff
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Jack wears Cas's overcoat, because he's under Cas's protection, and a MoL robe because he's under the Winchesters' (specifically, Dean's) care.
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Like Sam, Jack often wears the garb of a modern teenager around the house. On occasion, unlike Sam, he has a (vintage-ish) set of pajamas in gray and blue, as well as a little apron he wears in the kitchen.
Jack is triparted chimera of all three of his father-figures, from their best selves (courage, heart, knowledge) to their worst shadow selves (tyrant-god/frankincense, sacred executioner "the law"/myrrh, and martyr-king/gold).
Jack is typically shown inhabiting the domains of the other three (kitchen, battlefield, inside cars, the library), but he's often shown in his own bedroom.
Often, he is shown associated with family fun (family game night, Connect-four, Mouse trap), just as the younger boy in blue from the finale (Brady Crowther) is depicted playing checkers with his brother.
Jack dons the MoL nightgown after coming back from the dead, and thereafter is depicted in old-style blue/gray, "little boy," button-up pajamas, representing the responsibility of the angel/God he has always been expected to grow into.
But if we take Byzantium at face value, Jack just wants to be small--to shirk the insurmountable duty and destiny he was (seemingly) born into. Not a child or a boy, "just me."
He longs for the little moments, like fishing or spending time together.
His Heaven was a simple roadtrip--being together.
Somewhat paradoxically, he ALSO wants powers and strength to be able to protect everyone.
Unlike Sam, Jack is not cloaked solely in modernity but as Son of Heaven (red blood, blue sky).
He is veritable HEIR to Heaven, and as such, he is not actually free to inhabit the garden of the Earth.
He cannot escape his Heavenly father's "robe," that of God.
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heyitsbramgreenfeld · 2 years
So, I rewatched Love, Simon after not seeing it for a while last night. And I have some thoughts. They changed a ton of stuff from the book, which, okay, some changes are fine. You can’t fit hundreds of pages into 2 hours. But a lot of the stuff they changed didn’t make much sense, and didn’t impact the running time. Here are just a few:
1. Blue’s personality. In Simon vs., Blue is shy, and takes a while to open up. He’s quiet and nervous, and isn’t super outgoing. But in the movie, Blue is super popular, super outgoing, and not nervous at all. There’s nothing wrong with this at all, but I did miss the quiet, nerdy Bram that we were blessed with in the books. Although movie Bram was cool, and absolutely slayed with his halloween costume.
2. Martin’s Tumblr post. In the book, Martin did have screenshots of Simon’s emails, just like in the movie. However, he didn’t post them. He just posted the blurb that was like “Simon’s gay, contact him for gay sex” or whatever. He made a slight mention of Blue (he said something about blue balls), but he didn’t post the screenshots, so no one found out about Blue. And Blue didn’t even find out who Simon was until a while later, because he didn’t look at the Tumblr. But in the movie, Martin posted the screenshots, which made everyone aware of Blue. This led to Blue deleting his email. In the book, Blue didn’t, but they just sort of stopped emailing for a while.
3. Simon and Blue’s meet up. In the movie, like I mentioned, Blue deleted his email. So to reach him, Simon made a public Tumblr post, asking Blue to meet him in a public place. Honestly, I hated that. Simon put Blue in a position where, in order to talk to Simon, he had to out himself. I mean, Simon didn’t have much of a choice in reaching out to him publicly, but he didn’t have to ask Blue to meet him in a place where everyone would watch them. In the book, Simon emails Blue privately, and they meet and figure things out on their own.
4. Simon’s friends reactions. Simon’s friends, in the book, are super supportive of Simon. Abby does find out about Simon trying to set Martin and her up, but she’s much more forgiving. She takes a couple days to process, but ultimately decides Simon was in a tough spot and he didn’t really have a choice. In the movie, his friends give him no chance to explain, never try to understand him, and ditch him even after he got outed.
5. Simon guessing who Blue is. In the movie, Simon guesses it’s Bram, then Lyle, then Cal. In the book, for the entire time, Simon thinks it’s Cal. He makes mentions of Bram, so we know who he is, and we know Simon thinks he’s cute, but he doesn’t guess it’s him. I kind of loved this, because Simon is canonically very clueless, and the love of his life was right in front of him. I didn’t love how, in the movie, Bram was caught making out with a girl. It just doesn’t seem like him.
6. Judaism. Bram and Nick are canonically Jewish, and it’s mentioned a lot. It’s not exactly problematic that they didn’t talk about it in the movie (except for the one mention that Blue spends Hanukkah with his dad), because that may take too much time, but I love how Simon becomes sort of interested in Judaism because of Blue. Idk, maybe it’s just because I’m Jewish and crave Jewish characters, but I really missed that aspect.
7. Leah’s crush. All throughout Simon vs, we think Leah likes Nick. It’s never resolved, but she definitely doesn’t like Simon. As we find out in the sequel, Leah on the Offbeat, Leah actually likes Abby, and she doesn’t know what to do with those feelings, so she’s sort of surly towards Abby through the whole book. In Love, Simon, we find out she actually loves Simon, and she and Abby are besties with no drama.
8. Leah and her situation. So, I know that Leah on the Offbeat was written while Love, Simon was being filmed, so they couldn’t really have a super accurate Leah in the movie, but in the book, she’s seen to be a bit moody sometimes, and in the movie, she’s very calm. It’s not too much of a difference, though. The bigger difference is Leah’s financial status. In Leah on the Offbeat, it’s made known that she has a single mom and lives in a smallish house, and feels off with everyone because she’s not as rich as most people in Shady Creek. In the movie, it’s shown that she has a giant house right next to Simon and Nick, who we know have rich parents. Again, I know that this was only mentioned in Leah on the Offbeat, and so they couldn’t have really done that, but I would’ve loved to see the characters not living in almost-mansions (seriously. the house that was used to film simon’s house recently sold for over 2 million dollars).
9. Privilege. Yes, in the book, Simon is still privileged. But he acknowledges it. He knows. I feel like in the movie, Simon has a sort of “I’m not privileged because I’m gay, and anyone who acts more gay than me (like Ethan) is asking for whatever harassment happens to them”. I just didn’t love that non-self-awareness.
Comment if I missed anything!
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Final part (6 I think?)
It’s not just Doof moving in with the Murphy’s and becoming part of their family. It’s the fact Melissa was already part of the family, invited to birthday parties and such that others dare not attend. Family events did not necessarily exclude her. Milo Murphy’s Law makes a point of closely relating the ideas of friends and family to Milo. Milo has few friends who are all the more precious to him because of the difficulty simply hanging out with him is. Melissa and Zack are deeply appreciated by all the Murphy’s and let in on Murphy family events. Game Night is a fantastic example of this, as Milo has a game night with his friends, his parents and dog. Milo’s parents, his friends, his dog, his sister and her boyfriend. The Murphy’s invited Zack and his dad out, then all three families ate together at Christmas, showing a growing intersections in the kids family and social lives. 
But while I think it’s strongest in Milo, it’s very present in Phineas and Ferb and Hamster and Gretel too. I’ve already spoke on the fact that Candace acts as a big sister to not only Phineas and Ferb, but Buford, Baljeet and Isabella. They bicker with each other. They will go after Candace without hesitation. It’s not even just Candace and the kids. Stacy is Candace’s friend for the long haul. They were friends at 5 and will be friends at 35. They look out for each other, are unconditionally friends. As such, Stacy is a constant in Phineas and Ferb and their friends lives too, as seen in Putt that Putter away. Stacy, Isabella, Buford and Baljeet to varying degrees are often invited along on Flynn-Fletcher family vacations. And I already mentioned how they stated this directly in Us Against the Universe.
Bailey for all that she’s Gretel’s friend, the Carters on the who are family friends to the Grant-Gomezs. Fred and Bailey are acquainted with each other, Roman gives Kevin a copy of his video game for free, Kevin attends a “murder mystery” with the Carters and his parents. The family connection does not begin or end with Bailey and Gretel’s friendship, and their friendship isn’t so easily broken not only due to their own bond, but the bonds between the others in their lives which hold it in place while it mends..
It’s a prime example of how characters aren’t just incorporated into families, but how characters families intersect. Almost all main characters have some sort of seen family, and is often important to the show.
Lyle and Lauren are some of the reoccurring villains in Hamster and Gretel, and clearly foil our main protagonist team, being siblings given powers by the aliens, but told to do evil instead. While often annoyed with each other and their rivalrous behavior has backfired on them, they do care for each other, much like how Gretel and Kevin do.
The other main recurring villain in Hamster and Gretel is Professor Exclamation, whose son Nordle, is a friend of Gretel's and is a source of drama in the show. He also has an as of yet unseen wife who works at the Cemetery as a groundskeeper, and mentions Nordle having an uncle and cousin who make model trains. I think its fair to say its not a coincidence that the major recurring villains are the ones who have a seen family. (Though many of the more minor recurring characters also have a mentioned family such as the Luchador, the Rat burglar, and the Ear Worm.
Even in Phineas and Ferb's superhero themed episode, the "villain" Khaka Peu Peu had a tense relation with his wife and his recruitment of Candace, someone the boys cared about, was a major plot point.
The plot twist of season 2 of MML is not just that the aliens are abducting Milo as an attempt to fight fire with fire and save their home planet, but that the leader of the aliens has a personal motivation, her daughter is like Milo. And unlike Milo’s family, friends and community who have learned how to handle it their planet was in over their heads. She has a personal, familial connection to the  And the Pistachions, while irredeemably villainous, are a family who loves each other.
The Johnson family, despite not being as important as the Flynn-Fletcher family, is also pretty extensive. Jeremy's mom has the nickname "Hawkeye" and has a degree in Zoology and plays in a band with Linda and Vivian. His dad works at the space laboratory. He's got a little sister who has a rivalrous relationship with Candace, loved Ducky Momo and has a pet poodle. He's got a grandmother, who was Candace's grandmother's roller derby rival way back, an Uncle who runs a restaurant, a cousin from Australia and a long lost cousin who had amnesia, and her husband. The two families have brunch together one time. Word of God has confirmed that Candace marries Jeremy, (though, its pretty obvious if you look at their future kids), so they are ALSO Candace's future in-laws and many episodes featuring the Johnson's, often involve some sort of tension between Candace and a Johnson.
While the Monogram family doesn't get nearly as much focus as the Doofensmirtz family It certainly foils. Monogram has a wife, and a son and a  "father", with whom there is some unknown drama. Like how Doofenshmirtz was driven to evil by his family's abuse, his family expected him to become a Major, and so that's what he became despite wanting to follow his own dream which he then projected onto his own son.
We often see Isabella's mother Vivian, occasionally her grandmother and we have seen other members of her extended family in the background (including her father). Baljeet has had two uncles shown in addition to his parents, grandfather, and great grandfather (a long line of men who could not finish a bicycle race). Buford is mentioned to come from a "Broken home" and we only ever see his mom, who he named his pet fish after. But he makes a lot of statements about the "Van stomm family" in "Bully Bust", and makes references to other extended family members on occasion and we know what both his grandmothers smell like (One like ant pheromones and the other like daffodils), and other members of his family appear in the background of an episode. Melissa just has her dad, but also has a great grandmother that she admires. Bailey also has a grandmother who taught her to make lemonade. Irving's brother Albert is a reoccurring character and their mom while unnamed has made a notable appearance. We meet Carla who is implied to be related to Carl and part of a whole family of unpaid interns. Elliot has a mom we meet. Anthony mentions a little sister which is why he and Kevin bond. Paul the Delivery guy even has a dad who facilitates his plot even if there was no real need to make it about a guy and his dad.
A big part of understanding the Dwampyverse lore on an advanced level is about knowing certain characters are related even if they haven't been seen as such yet. For instance, before Season 4, Ginger and Stacy had never interacted in the show, but were known to be siblings via word of god. But the Brown siblings, Django and Jenny, while both featured in the first two seasons stopped appearing later on and thus were never shown interacting with each other despite word of god confirming they're siblings. Zack Underwood states he has "little brothers" in one episode, but some behind the scenes info has revealed they were going to appear in a flashback in Lard World before the flashback was reworked. But he still has them and you can find art of them.
Though, speaking of the Brown siblings, we get an episode specifically about Django and their dad. Along with occasionally Ginger and Stacy's mom. And Ginger and Stacy's grandmother and cousins ALSO featured briefly in an episode. Even these more minor families are still fully fledged families who occasionally have episodes focused on their family drama. If you have a named character, they more than likely have a family member listed on their wiki page (and even if they don’t they probably have one mentioned at some point or another). I mentioned at the beginning how these families weave a web of connections. The Doofenshmirtz and Flynn-Fletchers are the most notable, though Vanessa, Monty, Carl, Doof and Monogram have this whole complicated Romeo and Juliet blackmail thing going on. Jeremy taught Heinz Doofenshmirtz guitar, while his cousin considered buying his house, and his mom shot him in the butt with a dart. Cavendish and Dakota met Milo’s ancestor while time-traveling. Kevin and Gretel’s aunt helps fight one of their villains as a fellow wrestler.
In real life, families are an omnipresent facet of life for most people. The people they consider family, and friends, and the people their friends and family consider friends form a web that spans the globe. The dwampyverse takes advantage of the multifaceted way that familial units interact with other families to form whole communities that all look out for each other. It takes a village and all that. Family is utilized as a way of developing characters, who they are and how they spend their day to day by showing how their families showcase that. A way to showcase the value of community. As an easy way to interconnect plot lines and characters to make the world feel lived in connected. It's an important piece to why these shows have so many iconic characters. These characters are iconic because they have strong senses of identity which is demonstrated with how they interact with different people, including their families and how they grew into who they are. They use families as sources for conflict, hurdles to overcome, but also sources of support and resolutions. Family is used to it's full potential in these shows, and in general just really important to the stories being told.
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vintagelacerosette · 1 year
Interview tag game ✨️
Made by the sensational Lemon @depressedstressedlemonzest & I was also tagged by these dazzling sweethearts Evie @energievie Willow @ian-galagher Jay @surviving-maybe Nosho @creepkinginc Lyle @milkovetti Bri @y0itsbri Carolie @shinygalaxyperson thanks so much 🥰
What are some movie/tv quotes that you quote often? My brain has blanked lol but one thing I noticed I was sing YMCA to my niece, then I immediately when to Do you really wanna hurt me to Stayin Alive & this is all from the Sherk karaoke sing along from the 1st movie lmao
What is your favourite flower?
All flowers bring me joy but one i think is super cool is the bleeding heart
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If you were in Avatar the Last Airbender what element would you want to bend? Earth, fire, water or air? I've always found controlling wind appealing even tho I'm a fire sign haha but prob makes sense bc my moon is an air sign
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What was your first job? Retail at the Christmas section 🎄
What is your favorite breakfast?
There's this meal called the Alex Breakfast as this local cafe which has sundried tomato, sauteed mushroom, pesto risoni on toast & it's sooo yuuumm
What's a meal from childhood that you love?
Crunchy rice a dish my dad made where you cook old rice in butter & salt to your liking. Then slow cook to make a crunchy crust on the bottom. I made it recently for nostalgia & boy did it hit the spot 😋
What's your favorite joke to tell?
Can not think of any haha but here's one from a nye cracker I got.
What music do planets like to listen to?
Neptunes ba dum tis 🥁
What's your favorite animal to see at the zoo?
Kangaroos, red panda & penguins
What's your go to quick meal to cook/make at home?
Crispy omelette
What's your go to meal to cook someone to impress them?
Brazo de Mercedes which is a traditional Filipino meringue roll with a condescend milk custard filling. It's making the meringue rolls which is impressive haha i accidentally made it hc i was trying to make marshmallow instead but it turned out to be this 😆
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What's something you want to do better?
Get more active, sticking to plans, driving & at chatting in discord group chats. (I can find it a bit overwhelming with so many ppl 😅)
If you're working do you like your job?
I'm a month & a bit in my new job & am enjoying it so far & my team is great, but there are some tough transactions that get me nervous to do on my own
Do you collect anything? What?
I've started to collect these cute sanrio blindbox toys, anime figures, crystals, hardcover books, fanfic on google drive, art supplies, eyeshadow palettes, plush toys & pins.
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Newest collection 😆
If you were trapped in a kids tv show, what show would you be okay with being trapped in?
Ohh maybe same as Lyle with Steven Universe just so aesthetically pleasing & I'd so be friends with Steven! Or maybe Avatar as a bender or Cardcaptors bc I could be wearing cute outfits made by Tomoyo with a magic staff wand
An adults tv show?
Ohh this one was a hard one! Maybe Reign for the fashion, Roswell New Mexico to be friends with the pod squard or maybr in Firefly
What kind of job did you want as a child?
I have an amazing memory of going on the train for the 1st time & asking who drove the train & was told it was the train driver! I then exclaimed "I wanna be a train driver" My mum protest bc they apparently didn't make a lot of money lol. Also a GP bc i admired mine growing up haha
Do you follow any sports? What team do you root for?
No ❤️ but i think i could be fun if i did lol
If you could be any animal what would you be and why?
Otter or chinchilla i just wanna be something cute
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If you could be any mythological creature what would you be and why?
Totally a fairy 🧚‍♀️ having fun in nature, causing so mischief, have pretty wings to fly with & having so many cool abilities like maybe shape shift into animals
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What's the most obscure thing you've had to google for a fanfic you were writing/reading?
I was double checking in to power ranger characters types with their suit colours for a power ranger au I'd love to write one day bc I realised I have a lot of power ranger lore i could put to use lol ☺️
What Milkovich do you identify with most?
Mickey with his unwavering loyalty & his ability to love fiercely
Which one are you actually like the most?
Honesty no clue lol
What Gallagher do you identify with most?
I think Ian with his big heart & self doubt
Which one are you actually like the most?
Maybe Ian which makes sense why i can get so frustrated with some of his actions bc like that could me too in that situation lol
I'll tag these dearhearts if they wanna play @mrsinistertype @sleepyfacetoughguy @xninetiestrendx @heymrspatel @squidyyy23 @auds-and-evens @jomilky gardenerian @celestialmickey @gallawitchxx @suzy-queued @rereadanon @darthvaders-wife @gallavichgeek @sickness-health-all-that-shit @shameless-notashamed @howlinchickhowl @gallavich-headcanon @stocious @bravemikhailo @crossmydna @chicanomick @whatwouldmickeydo @bekkachaos @deathclassic @suchagallabitch @beebabycastiel-main @iansw0rld @ianandmickeygallavich @greggster @messedwithmandy @friend-bear @mishervellous @mmmichyyy @lalazeewrites @very-sleepy-head @ psychicskulldamage @captainjowl @abundanceofnots @look-i-love-u @imikhailotakeyouian @mikhailoisbaby
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mayzi33 · 1 year
Alright, alright...
So, I've had this crazy TMM theory for a long time now, but I've been afraid to share it cause I thought it was uh- too weird.
But since @ackarcue convinced me, here it is.
I don't really have a name for this theory but uh- basically
Where do I start-
So we all know how Carter's parents vanished, and we unfortunately didnt get an explanation for that- Tho I do feel half of the fandom has a silent mutual agreement that it most likely has something to do with Kalagan
So think with me
In book 3, when Mick told the misfits about the fire, he said that Kalagan didn't ONLY hold a grudge agaisnt Dante, but also against Lyle. Because he, Dante, and Sandra, escaped through the tunnels and left the others behind. So he holds a grudge against the cousins, but not against Sandra since- well, he's obsessed with her.
But waaaay back in book 2, when Sandra gets introduced to Carter and they start talking about his dad, Mr. Vernon says smth about how "friends" wouldn't be the way he'd describe Sandra's and Lyle's relantioship- And she gets all flushed. Hitting that, they probably had uh- a sweet little relantioship.
And giving that Kalagan had a crush on Sandra, no doubt that would set him off.
We know that Carter's parents vanished when he was a little kid. We're not sure how old, but the book says it was when he had "few years of age", and he seems to have some clear memories of his parents, so lets ASSUME it was around age 3-6 (I'm guessing that it was probably 5 since in the beggining of book 1 is mentioned that Uncle Sly used Carter to steal from that couple on his 6th birthday so-)
We don't know who Leila's father is. The only thing we know, is that Sandra left her at the orphanage due to not being able to take of her. Now, who convinced her to do that? Our favorite pshycopath, Kalagan.
Ok this is really weird but
What if
Lyle really is Leila's father?..
Now, I'm well aware that Sandra says she has a husband and that he is a miner in book 2. BUT SHE NEVER SAID **HE** WAS LEILA'S FATHER...
WHAT IF... Sandra and Lyle had an affair after all these years? AND *THATS* WHAT DROVE KALAGAN TO MAKE LYLE VANISH?
Hear me out. If you pay attetion to Leila's hair in the colored drawings, you can see *blonde locks*. Sandra's hair is darker, while Leila's is lighter. A light brown going to blond to the hair ends...
We know that the reason why Lyle left Mineral Wells was to protect his wife and son from Kalagan. But it never said he was a loyal husband... So maybe, after he had an affair with Sandra resulting in Leila, he did it with his wife resulting in Carter. AND ONLY LATER ON, KALAGAN FOUND OUT.
Lets assume that the Locke family was way too well hidden, so it took Kalagan some time to find them.
And when he did, it was poof with Carter's parents
In the end of book 1, Mr. Vernon says he has always been looking for Carter. Kalagan KNEW that Dante would come after him after the news of the Locke couple going missing spread; So he took Carter away, and kept him hidden.
Hidden from Dante, his family, Mineral Wells... And I believe it might have been not only to hurt Dante more, but also to sort of "mock" him. I feel like Kalagan wanted to make Carter suffer as much as possible during those years with him, so he could show him "the crulety of the world" and corrupt him. And also how he'd constantly force Carter to help him steal from others... H wanted to make Carter his assistant, a thief, a criminal, just as bad as he is. So then when he dragged him back to Mineral Wells, he could show him to Dante and be like "yo Dante, look what I did to your cousin's kid I made him emo lol"
Ok, that's it delulu is done.
So... what do yall think?
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ao3gobi17 · 7 months
I would like for Drunk Spider would just tell them what he really feels is He trusted Quaritch and Lyle but not anymore he don't trust any of the other recoms.He has some Resentment and hurt because he basically lost his mom and then his Dad too.He trust that they will all protective him but that about it. He may tell a little bit of his past life with the McCosker and the fact that they were never even parents to him.
That is that all horrible staying with Them (Quaritch &the recoms) he like them but more Respect them.Then about how he feels about the events that happen in Chapter 8. He finally got his dad back but then also almost lost him again.and he is still scared to his is Dad.I also think he doesn't known how process the events in Chapter 8 and 9.And he may even tell them that It is effect him more than he would admit. But I also think he may start to cry and either Quaritch or Lyle would try to comfort him I think at first he would try to push him away but eventually stop trying to then probably fall asleep afterwards.
Love your story and I'm excited for the next Chapter.
I thought I'd combine your other message since it's all the one message! ⬇
"I also think drunk Spider would maybe apologize for some of the things he say or did.
Like lying about his asthma and getting them in trouble.What he said to Mansk in the last Chapter. Maybe even that drunk guy in the chapter where he tried to escape and steal car keys."
So this could be a play Spider could do, but it would be a play. He's made up his mind that these people are all villains and he wants them arrested, so he's definitely not looking to reconcile. (I do think deep down he does want to reconcile with Q but that thought is SO buried.) So if he was going to go ahead with this in terms of a confession/expressing how he feels/being vulnerable in front of them it would be a play to make them drop their guard and trust him. Which could be effective but also would be a real challenge to pull off because it is such an emotional topic for him and he doesn't know how the recoms will react.
I will grant that if he gets more drunk, he could really spiral and start saying all of this but he's so hyper focused on getting them arrested right now he's going to be avoiding getting too drunk.
Also if he completely abandons the LAB idea (which, given Delgado seems to have had a better idea, seems possible) he might then reference his life with the McCoskers, but if he's keeping that idea in his back pocket then he doesn't want to imply the McCoskers didn't put much effort into raising him if he's going to sell the 'Nash McCosker is the new Jake Sully' vibes to Quaritch later ;)
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wetbloodworm · 1 year
i forgot i was going to make a post on what i know about cian b/c he's not a very developed character and i want to lay everything out to see what's there. so here's the cian post
the obvious one: this boy is irish
i don't think i ever figured out where in ireland he's from? i don't know enough about ireland. obviously anyone can be from anywhere and this doesn't matter too much but i like to know these things
wait found an old post, i guess he's from galway?
he has two older brothers (shea and flynn) and one younger brother (eamon)
eamon dies young in gta au but i think that's the only au where he eats it. otherwise he's fine
cian's got 2 nephews via shea and a third nephew (lyle) via his cousin grant
he's not super close to shea and flynn, he's real close with eamon, and pretty close with grant
cian's parents divorce when he's a teenager. his dad kinda sucks and they don't maintain much of a relationship after the divorce.
his mom moves to the states with eamon and cian to live with her sister
they move to the st louis metro area. i should know where specifically but even though i lived there most of my life i don't know the area GREAT. i can just make him live in st. peters where i grew up. send him to my high school while i'm at it, why the fuck not. go bulldogs or whatever
cian's family situation can vary depending on the au, since sometimes arthur is his brother with kyle being his nephew. cian's age in relation to others also varies based on this.
his age is so nebulous to me in general lmao
in some AUs, cian is a doctor! mostly gta au. only gta au? i think only gta au
i don't have a profession in mind for him outside of that so maybe that's his default? idk if i'm ready to commit to that though. the only other au i can think of where he has a distinct role is firefly au where he's the pilot so that's another option.
cian loves dogs and has a hideous crested terrier named kevin. kevin is a well-behaved sweet little dog who loves to sleep and he's just so ugly.
oh god. do i know anything else about cian.
he's careful about his alcohol intake b/c alcoholism runs in his family and he's wary about that.
he just swears so much
he's a pacifist
he was raised catholic and kinda still is, mostly he considers himself christian vs catholic specifically. he always wears a crucifix necklace his grandma gave him but usually tucks it under his shirt.
he's one of my very few allocishet characters. gotta sprinkle them in there sometimes
he's a very positive force and just a good boy
i think that's it??
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