How to safely and effectively use an Instagram automation bot Many people use Instagram bots to automate their tasks. Even though using a bot seems to […]
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Instagram Hashtag Generator – Another Instagram automation tool by Instavast Positive feedback about our first free tool, Searchable list of Instagram banned hashtags, encouraged us to […]
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The best tools to grow on Instagram!
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Things you should know about Instagram bots
What is an Instagram bot?
It is a software that could do whatever you do on Instagram. Things you can do on Instagram are: like, comment, follow, unfollow and send a direct message.
An Instagram bot is not anything complicated, just a tool which does these actions for you automatically. So you are interacting with people on autopilot if you connect your IG account to a bot.
How might this tool be beneficial?
Many people aspire to have more followers on Instagram, including individuals and businesses. The most natural way to grow your following is interacting with users, especially the ones who are related and interested in your niche.
These interactions push notification from you to them, and as a result, they will check out your page and probably follow you.
A bot could make all the process of interaction automatically, and at the maximum possible speed, so it is like you are introducing your page to the others as many as possible, and you are inviting them to have a look to your gallery.
Does a bot interact with random people? How the bot finds users to interact with?    
No, the bot does not choose people randomly, you should specify a source for the bot, and according to that, the bot starts to interact with users. Sources could be Hashtags, pages or location.
If you choose a hashtag as your source, the bot finds users who have published a post using that hashtag, and it contacts them in the form of like, comment, or follow.
When you define a page as your source, the bot will be interacting with users who are following that page.
Finally, you can set a location, and the bot works on the accounts which have shared a post or more posts in that specific place.
Is it good to use an Instagram bot?
There are other solutions which yield better results regarding growth but for all of them, plenty of time and money are required.
If you can assign 3–4 hours a day to your Instagram, I recommend you to forget about bots and do everything manually. Because manual interactions are more effective and in the long run you will get better results in comparison to automated options.
However, many are busy and cannot spend that time. For those, a bot would be a hero because, for a small amount of money and time, it will take their Instagram to the next level.
Which is the best Instagram bot?
I have tried several bots, and I can confidentially say that most of them work the same.
Despite this fact, I would like to mention only the bot which is cloud-based, so you do not need to host the software on your PC or VPS, and you can use them easily. 
Instavast: Since I have found this tool, it has become my favourite one. Instavast is a new service which I have found recently, and so far I am amused by their quality. It is fast, effective and easy to use. Also, the pricing is the lowest on the market, $10 monthly.
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Is it safe to use an Instagram bot?
There's very little risk using Instavast and most of the automated follow/like options out there, as long as you use em properly.
Bans come from causing a negative experience for genuine users. spammy links, too much tagging, hashtag manipulation, spammy commenting, that's what'll get you "banned"....
The auto-follow/auto-like options will only pose an issue if you try to do too many things at once or do things too fast, and then you'll at most get a temporary stoppage of being able to follow or like (1-3 days usually, I had one for a week once).
Auto commenting can cause problems if you don't use it right. You could accidentally post the comment "congratulations" on someone's Cancer announcement.
Basically: TL;DR there are quite a few automated IG options out there that work well. I haven't used Instavast, I've used several others. In an oversimplified explanation: These automation apps/services are pinging IG and sending a command "follow this person", "like that pic", etc. It's not a concern to IG. Sure, it's against their terms to use automation, but if it doesn't negatively impact anyone else, IG doesn't care and doesn't know.
Getting reported by others and spamming people is how you get banned. Oh, also, don't be a bot. You can get banned if you're a robot.
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