#i think maybe that's why i like linda a little bit more lmao
cherryidol · 2 years
So I was listening to some late 60′s / early 70′s Japanese stuff and after Linda Yamamoto’s Kuruwasetai No Chiyo Okumura’s Koi No Dorei came up and the difference between Linda’s “If you keep hesitating like that I'll be someone else's good girl“ and Chiyo’s “Please hit me if I behave badly” is 😳
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Hiii bestie I'm here to share my ideas for a Phineas and Ferb au :] (tried not to make this too long ee)
Wally: Phineas, Barnaby: Ferb, Julie: Isabella, Frank: Baljeet, Eddie: Buford, Poppy: Perry, Sally: Candace, Home: Linda/Lawrence, Howdy: Doof
Ages: Wally, Julie, Eddie: 10. Barnaby, Frank: 11. Sally: 16, Poppy: 17, Howdy: 29, Home: 42
Wally has lots of ideas and is less talkative than Barnaby but he does talk. he and Barnaby are inseparable.
Barnaby (contrary to Ferb) talks a lot. He's the one explaining what they're doing and is there to help Wally make his idea a reality
Julie is the energetic girl next door! she can either have no crush, a crush on Wally, or a crush on Barn. idk man
Frank is a nerd but isn't afraid to get dirty. catch this kid digging in the dirt and climbing trees for science! loves bugs still ofc. in denial about a possible crush on Eddie.
Eddie isn't a bully, but does have personal space issues. he'll pick up his friends, etc without asking. this especially annoys Frank bc he's usually the victim of this. by hypothetical mid season 2 Eddie gets some character development and learns to respect personal space more. he has a crush on frank
Home is Wally and Barnaby's guardian. He adopted them separately. doesn't believe Sally and thinks she's exaggerating their shenanigans for Dramatic Effect.
Sally is their next door neighbor and Poppy's best friend. she's at Wally's house so often bc she's nosy and is determined to prove to Home that these kids are building rollercoasters in the backyard.
Poppy "doesn't do much" but is secretly a young secret agent and the most anxious one. she's good at her job tho! she's the other nextdoor neighbor and Sally's best friend.
Howdy is,, an evil inventor/capitalist? he's got Big Ideas and Inventions but they always end up evil. he doesn't get along with his family except for his nephews. He and Poppy are nemeses
Wally and Barnaby having the Phineas and Ferb dynamic but switching the talking roles is so cool. Wally has too many ideas and Barn is happy to help!
Julie being their friend and not having a crush is honestly how I can see it, maybe she feels a little left out in the neighborhood and that’s why she’s constantly hanging around them? Gives her more motivation to stick around besides Isabella’s crush in canon
Frank and Eddie having crushes on each other but being in denial is adorable. Eddie likes Frank and is super physical about it, which annoys Frank but probably also makes him happy knowing Eddie’s comfortable enough to be doing that- they’re in love your honor
Home being Wally and Barnaby’s guardian makes me so happy idk why. Him just being a parent who goes along with his kids’s wacky ideas and ignores the neighbor girl constantly telling him about the inventions they make every day is great. I can totally see him knowing about it and keeping it secret so his kids can enjoy themselves
Sally seriously wanting people to know about the kids and their inventions makes me laugh so hard. She’s trying so hard and no one believes her besides Poppy
Poppy tries her best even if she’s nervous. I think if she’s taking Perry’s role, she can sometimes be Wally and Barnaby’s babysitters just for the “hey, where’s Poppy?” bit
Howdy as an evil scientist my beloved, I’d marry him <3
Howdy and Poppy beefing is so funny to me because I can totally see Poppy being terrified every time it happens but still defeating Howdy through either his own incompetence or some crazy circumstances
Blud is 29 beefing with a 17 year old lmao
Howdy, successfully putting Poppy in a trap: hahah u die now
Poppy: no I have an English test tomorrow I need to study-
Howdy: oh shit my bad
I adore this, it’s actually super cute. Just a nice wholesome au of everyone being silly and having summer fun! What’s not to love!
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br1ghtestlight · 8 months
love how bob seems to be completely out of it for this entire episode. like gene and tina are barely following along with linda and louise's insane reverse psychology game but bob is GONE like he's not present at the dinner table he isnt even part of the family. he just grumbles when linda tells him to but he isn't saying shit 😭😭
TINA AND GENE ARE SO SILLY IN THIS EPISODE LMAOO head empty zero thoughts. they are nothing more than pawns in louise's game
bob is correct for wanting to bribe them with candy that would literally work. like they are simple people
WHAT IF THEY TURN INTO LITTLE DELINQUENTS WHO DONT LISTEN TO AUTHORITY??? linda do you know who your kids are they are already WELL past that point especially louise. kinda funny that linda in this episode has the exact opposite viewpoint to how she was w/ louise in amelia. not a criticism of the episode its just ironic
gene is SO BABY in this scene im gonna need to take screenshots later bcuz he is the smallest boy. in the world or maybe ever
back when we were children?? says the nine year old child
love how this episode is told through a bedtime story its very creative formatting and kinda unique feeling compared to the three story type of episode :)
MR FISCHOEDER APPEARANCE thank god we always need more fischoeder in our lives. i was worried we would have to wait weeks or even months to see him again
love big g. is that perhaps Grandma or Gloria
ZEKE AND JIMMY JR this is the big win for people who like seeing secondary characters. this episode already has more of them than like the Entirety of season 13 zeke and gene are so cute. their friendship is everything
THEY SEEM NICE TO ME AND LOVING I WANNA SAY AND WISE LIKE THEYVE GOT ALL THIS WISDOM TO PASS ON ABOUT LIFE AND THE WORLD 😭😭😭 lmao zeke saying that bob and linda are loving and kind is kinda sweet even though i know its technically bob and linda saying that about themselves. i do think zeke has a positive view of bob and linda Tbh
new jimmy jr lore: he has a small bladder?
rudy AND jessica spotted
AAWWWW ITS OUR JOB TO PROTECT YOU they love their kids so much :(
MARSHMALLOW APPEARANCE WTF??? new voice actor too :D i thought if she was gonna be in any episode it would be the bachlorette episode but its kinda funny she's just randomly in a western. its where she belongs
wait did i die?? no you were just being dramatic :/
I DONT KNOW WHY I THOUGHY MR FISCHOEDER WAS GONNA SERIOUSLY SUGGEST TO USE REAL BULLETS mf just shoots a bunch of kids. i mean he would do that honestly
everything i do i do it for you 😭😭💕
LINDA ACTUALLY CRYING THIS IS GONNA BREAK MY HEART wtf i wasn't expecting this episode to actually get sad. what the hell </3 louise making her mom cry.....
"even though its really cool for moms to get angry and frustrated and cry in front of their kids"
this is weirdly reminding me of mother daughter lazor razor?? linda saying that she wished louise liked her and then louise saying wait you think i dont like you. their relationship is so weird and complicated but louise DOES love and respect linda and thinks she's really cool and fun!!! i wont hear otherwise idc
ONE OF OUR CHORES WAS TO LIGHT GRANDPAS CIGARS LIKE IN OUR MOUTHS??? LMAO WHAT THE FUCK LINDA why is this getting like weirdly serious is every episode gonna be like this now. are they just a little bit traumatic to watch every single time (also john roberts did A GREAT job voicing in this episode especially this ending scene)
MOSTLY BECAUSE OF TINA RIGHT AND GENE why did i literally start laughing loudly when she said that. god i love louise so much
aww they're babies <3 their relationship is the sweetest. you'll the toughest little cutie in prison
LIKE I SAID CANDY WAS LITERALLY THE SOLUTION those kids will do anything for some candy we all know this. we've seen the show before
gene its not even a question you WILL play coachella someday baby boy. you could probably do anything you wanted
GLORIA APPEARANCE i mean i dont like her but its been a few seasons since she was around. hello gloria is al dead
wait why does gloria have big ass badonkadonks..what who said that
aww the babies all asleep <3 little sweethearts
THIS EPISODE WAS SO FUN AND CUTE??? like genuinely a great episode that was heartfelt AND funny and had a really interesting story element to it as well. louise and linda episodes are always great and i love linda talking about how hard it is to raise good people and how much pressure is on them (and it makes sense that she would be more stressed about making them do chores vs bob because it was her mom who was pressuring her. big bob doesnt give a FUCK) a very fun start to hopefully a great season!!!!
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Hi I rewatched episodes 4&5 tonight, so…
Rewatch Thoughts (I have had many of these thoughts before but I’ve never written them down):
Episode 4
- Kristina holding Wille’s hand makes me want to cry every time.
- Everyone is crying and it reminds me that Erik was literally 21 years old like what?
- They’re the royal family but their meal does not look appetizing in the slightest.
- Simon is the only one who laughs at his joke. It was a good joke, a great one even. A bit morbid but you know… still a good joke.
- Felice is the realest friend there ever was, but did she forgive Sara because Wille forgave her? Was that like a switch in her brain that was like “hey he forgave you for kissing him out of nowhere, maybe you can forgive Sara for telling your parents the truth.”
- august may have a crush on Nils lmao. Everyone at the society party is bashing on him for not owning anything and for being nouveau riche, and August is just like “Nisse is Great 😃!”
- “Just hold onto me” “yes please” WILLE YOU HORNY SAPPY LITTLE SHIT
- Simon’s little laugh as Wille proceeds to go down on him is something I will simply never recover from.
Episode 5
- do you think anyone noticed Wille making a sandwich and then just not fucking eating it?
- Why do they change it to “he threw up this morning” in the English version? Like “he ordered a pizza before breakfast” makes way more sense I do not understand.
- Why is literally every society member except August blonde? He stands out like a sore thumb and I hate it. You’re telling me there isn’t one more of them that could have been brunette? Or not white? Or mixed?
- Fredrika voted for herself and I support that decision. Self confidence is key babe.
- I take it back, fuck the fish scene. The lake scene is the best one.
- I love that Felice said they all dressed up and then proceeded to be the least dressed up of them all.
- Malin fucking knew exactly what was happening and so did Linda. “Gaming” my ass did you see that look? Simon was eager to get that coat away from Wille. He wanted the clothes off.
- I love Simon forgetting how to speak when Wille is around. I adore it. My favorite detail even.
- Eye contact was never once broken.
- I love that they tagged August. Like EVERYONE knows now.
- Vincent is my favorite character. He wears bright colors and makes out of pocket comments and that is all. I love him.
- Fuck you august
- I hope Maddie and Simon get to go in their shopping trip
- “I’m not a drug dealer.” Yes you are. You dealt drugs. By definition you are a drug dealer, Simon.
- Why does August have so many picture of just wille on his phone?
- They saw Erik for a second. Each and every one of them.
- The headmistress did not believe a word of that bullshit
- Samurai Swords is such an underrated song tbh
- Fuck Micke. Fuck August.
Thank you and goodnight.
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prince-simon · 2 years
Hi friend, long time no see! 😊
Not too sure why it took me so long to share my thoughts on the last two chapters cause I read them just after they were posted but somehow didn't take the time to write down thoughts and then life kind of happened... But here I am! (Better late than never, right?)
So let's start with chapter 11, shall we?
- Not me thinking we were done with the worst of the angst 💀 this chapter definitely hurt as well, maybe even more than chapter 10 but for different reasons I guess
- As much as it hurt, it's good that Wille did what was best for him and only him this tiem, he really needed that and I'm really glad he has Nova to talk to and he doesn't hold back with them. And it's great that he reached out to Erik and Wilma and is talking about things™ with them as well
- Santiago being the king that he is again and again. I love him, he deserves a raise and a holiday!
- Also loved Linda and Wille spending time together. It's beautiful to see how he's just part of their family now and it's so natural for everyone
- Sara seeing Wille naked, I laughed so much 😂 It was also so nice to see Simon being a little shit again and teasing Wille, I'd missed that (I'm sure Wille had as well)
- I love how no matter how shitty things are and how hard it's been for them, they can't even think about being apart for a bit and it really shows how much they love and care for each other
- Great suggestion from Sara! I'd say I can't wait to see what their little trip away brings but I already know cause I've already read the next one..... So onto chapter 12!
- I read Prince Simon in a day anon
hiii!!! i finally get around to this!! also no need to apologise for taking so long!! i appreciate so much that you still found the time to share your thoughts!!
i think we all thought we were done with the worst of the angst lmaooo unfortunately then wille needed to cope as well lolol. i think this chapter hurt me even more than ch 10 bc it was a lot more personal
wille taking care of himself and reaching out to nova, wilma and erik makes me sooo emo. like that's character growth right there and i'm so proud of him!!
santiago deserves the WORLD he's honestly so fucking Good i love him so much
the linda and wille bonding time made me so emooo i love them and their relationship!!
lmfao the sara and wille situation. i remember when i wrote that i was like.. can i do that??? but my betas were very supportive of the idea lmao (and yes wille has absolutely missed seeing simon so carefree)
they love and care for each other sooo much!!!
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roseposts-stuff · 3 months
hello dear people!!! i ranked series 1 of doctor who a few days ago and decided now it's time for series 2!!! as i said previously, my reviews are like 98% based on Vibes and im also a pretty positive person so it's probably like 90% "!!!! I LOVE THIS!!" lmao. anyway, lets go!!
1. The Girl in the Fireplace - this was great!!! i loved reinette and im ALWAYS ready for timey wimey bullshit, drunk ten gave crowley vibes i lived for that and also im a fan of the random horse go king, and ofc the story overall was rly interesting
2. School Reunion - SARAH JANE SMITH SARAH JANE SMITH!!! need i say more? i LOVE this episode i liked having mickey back and meeting sarah jane and love a tiny bit of doctor angst and like the general Vibe of this episode is so good its one of my comfort episodes i would do ANYTHING for this episode y'all!!!!!!
3. The Idiot's Lantern - listen folks listen i LOVED the boy he was sweet and i loved the story and im always down for humbling bigots i loved rose and 10 sm and the setting was cool and i loved the way it's shot this is also such a comfort episode for me man i love it
4. Fear Her - listen i think this is kinda controversial BUT I LOVE THIS EPISODE its also a comfort episode, i love rose's characterisation and i loved the family it was sweet and i think the importance of the song was beautiful and i liked the idea of drawings coming back to life and i loved the mundane setting sm, also im not a timepetals fan but this episode was so cute man
5. The Impossible Planet/The Satan Pit - this story is SO GOOD the side characters are great and like my interpretation of the "satan" is that it's not necessarily like the _satan_ but a creature that is the idea for that like they say in the episode and like to me that's such a great thing, if i try to explain how i think about that, this post will become way too long so i won't, and i loved how 10 really was like i love humans and kinda reminded how everyone is amazing it was great
6. New Earth - I LOVE THIS EPISODE cassandra-rose and cassandra-doctor were great and i loved the story and the hopefulness and happiness of the ending i just love it so much
7. The Christmas Invasion - i rly like the story, it was great having harriet jones back and i loved how much mickey and jackie were in this, i liked the introduction to ten like baby, my son, you silly guy why are you quoting the lion king i absolutely adore you you silly little alien
8. Army of Ghosts/Doomsday - it was great having mickey back and the story is great, it had some funny moments i had a great time, visually i wasn't too much of a fan so that's part of why this is so low, like to me one important thing is the visual aesthetic, the ending was rly sad and i need people to talk more about the doomsday theme it's SO GOOD it's so haunting and beautiful i'm going insane fr
9. Rise of the Cybermen/The Age of Steel - i like this story but tbh i'm not a big fan, somehow the overall Vibe™ is just not slaying for me, like somehow im a huge cyberman hater i'm not sure why, and idk i'm just not the biggest fan of this
10. Tooth and Claw - idk i'm not a huge fan of this episode, it's enjoyable and i like it while watching but overall i'm not a fan of the story, i'm not one for werewolves so maybe that's why, rose's outfit ate tho slay queen i loved it
11. Love & Monsters - even tho this is the last one, i do like it on some level, LINDA was SO ADORABLE and if we had followed them being silly this would 100% be a story i really like and also jackie tyler was great, but i don't like the absorbaloff. i just dont. also the ending 😁 you do what 😁
there we are then!!! here are my opinions:D
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ff-imagines · 3 years
Can i request some nsfw headcanons for mantis shrimp? I read through your blog and let me just say: I'm a big fan. Btw if you dont wanna do them thats fine as well
Salt and pepper shrimp: nsfw alphabet
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I did the whole alphabet bc? Why not! Side note I rly wanna write a fic going off my thoughts ab his experience level >:)
A - aftercare
Look, getting him to release you from his hold to go to the bathroom on a regular night is a battle enough. After sex? Phew I wish you luck. Might wanna just put some water on your night stand beforehand. You would be able to convince him to take a bath with you pretty easily though, he likes how the warm water feels very much. Make sure to cuddle him in the bath still, he's in a very vulnerable state right now and he really needs some good old tlc.
B- body parts
he’s got a weird fixation with your hands. He likes to compare hand sizes, whether your hands are bigger or smaller isn’t what he likes, he just likes to admire them. He loves sucking/biting your fingers while he’s got you in his lap. Lacing your fingers with his with one hand while bringing the other to his cheek, nuzzling into your hand while he bounces you on his cock.
On himself, there is tragically little that he genuinely likes. He views himself as a weapon, getting him to unlearn that will not be an easy process, trust me, Boston has tried. Complimenting his eyes does seem to make him a little more flustered than other praises, and he has a hard time staring you in the eye during sex…. maybe we can start there.
C - cum
His cum is pretty thin but there’s a shit ton of it. Enough that if he cums inside you swear you can feel the warmth as his cock pours rope and rope of his seed into you.
He doesn’t actually care where he cums, just ask him and he’ll comply.
inside you? sounds good.
On your back? Say less.
On the floor? You’re cleaning it, but sure.
He did discover he’s got an affinity for watching his cum on your tongue. I don’t know how you’d be able to swallow it all, but any attempt you make will be met with shrimp getting hard all over again.
D - dirty secret
He secretly thinks it’d be really hot for you to dom him. It’s gonna take a very long time before he’s comfortable letting you have that Linda control over him, just the thought of being tied up, hands behind his back while you praise him for being such a good boy, its a fantasy he’s visited on many sleepless nights.
E - experience
Nope. Nada. To be frank, I think he’s the definition of Demisexual, and he has yet to meet anyone besides Boston and the anti-human gang who he genuinely wants to get to know better. He definitely hasn’t met anyone who wants to get to know better for romantic reasons.
He doesn’t know enough about human customs to know that it can be embarrassing for someone to be inexperienced, but he does feel very very nervous the first few times. He’ll need a lot of reassurance, give him praise and he’s putty in your hands.
F - favorite position
I'm gonna be boring and say missionary. It’s simple, easy, and since he’s brand new to all of this it’s the least mentally overstimulating. He very much likes that he can see your face.
If he’s feeling extra spicy he might grab onto the inside of your knees and push you into the mating press, though he really only does this if he’s upset or jealous.
If you ask nicely he might let you sit in his lap, as a treat. Bouncing on his cock as he litters your chest with bite marks, what a treat it is <3
G - goofy
…. yea for sure definitely. He’s a real jokester.
On a serious note, he himself is not a goofy person whatsoever, but he would actually like it if you were. Outright making fun of him or harsh teasing is an immediate turn off, but light jokes to ease his nerves is for sure welcomed since he’s very tense the first few times.
Give him time and you might even catch him cracking a small joke himself, all the while giving you a weak, nervous smile.
H- hair
He doesn’t trim or shave anything lmao. He’s busy, and also doesn’t care literally at all. He’s got a thin happy trail that can be easy to miss since he's blonde.
He’s got the same energy with your body hair, he doesn’t care. If you do shave he might ask why, just out of curiosity. If your reason is insecurity, he’ll probably suggest you let it grow, he doesn’t care and he’s the only one who’ll ever see it lmao
I- intimacy
It’s an awkward “i hope to fuck I’m doing this right” kind of intimacy. He fumbles and messes up a lot, he might even accidentally miss when thrusting and end up just kinda rubbing himself on you but he’s really trying. Just from the fact he’s willing to try this at all with you is a big sign that he’s really trying his best to be as intimate as he can with you.
J- jerk off
Before meeting you, not a lot actually. He mostly just did it if he ever woke up from a wet dream and knew that if he didn’t take care of it now he’d never be able to get back to sleep.
After your first time together, his first time, he thinks back the immeasurable pleasure a lot, finding himself in need of relief a lot more than he ever did before. You are the catalyst to his drive, and you are also the only thing he can think about that can help him cum. It’s kinda sweet in a perverted way.
K- Kinks
He will bite you. It’s just so easy to bruise you and it makes your relationship status to others so obvious, he can’t just… not bite you.
Marking, going along with the biting kink. This goes both ways, he’d love for you to scratch at his back enough to leave red marks, to bite as his collarbone, grip his hips tight enough to bruise. He likes looking at the marks later, they remind him that he did good, he made you feel good, that’s all he really wants.
He doesn’t exactly have a breeding kink as much as this goes along with the marking aspect. Suggest to him that he cum deep inside you to mark your insides… he might give you 2-3 loads just to make sure you're nice and full, completely claimed.
He also kinda likes to make you cry. Overstimulating you to the point of tears gives him a sense of pride he hasn’t really felt before.
He really likes temperature play as well, dragging ice cubes and hot wax across your skin and watching you flinch and squirm just does something to him.
And of course, light bondage. He probably found out it was a thing after reading some kinda erotic fiction and immediately went to you like “why did you not tell me about this?????” He adores how to look all tied up and stuck, right in the palm of his hands. It makes him feel emotional as well, that you’re willing to give him such a powerful amount of control over you.
Last but not least, please praise him. During sex as well as day to day. Let him know he’s so pretty, he’s doing so good, he’s cock feels so so good, he might cum on the spot.
L- location
The first time he’d really need it to be in a secluded, safe area. He’s gotta feel comfy if he’s gonna get into the mood.
Every other time? Babes you’ve awakened a beast, he’ll get random spikes of “if I don’t at least try to fuck them I will scream”. You could be in the middle of a forest running from an axe wielding murderer and this horny bastard would still find a way to pull you aside and rail you against a tree.
There most likely isn’t a spot in your home that he hasn’t fucked you against.
Peaceful moment of washing dishes? Think again, he’s plopping you on the kitchen counter and diving to mouth at your neck.
Writing some papers? Just sit on his lap, you’ll feel much less stressed with his cock buried to the hilt, won’t you?
Doing laundry? Might have to rewash them cause now he’s using the clothes as a bed to fuck you on. He’ll apologize and help you fold them after they’re rewashed bc he feels bad lmao
M- motivation
Like I said, he’s set off by the smallest things. A little stretch, wiping some water off on your pants, humming a song, all of it can randomly make him feel the need to fuck you.
The most intense and quickest way to rile him up is either playing with his hair, or massaging his back. It starts out innocent but he just can’t take the thought of your pretty hands working so lovingly and not at least trying to reciprocate and make you feel good too.
N- no
No sharing. He doesn’t want someone else to see you, and he doesn’t want someone else to see him. It’s just not something he likes.
He also hates humiliation. He… would tolerate it if you asked for it, even if he doesn’t get why you’d want him to outright insult you. But for himself? Fuck no, he hates it so fuckin much. He’s a sensitive insecure puppy that wants your attention very badly, pls don’t hurt him like that :(
O- oral
Oh please give him oral. He’s begging. Well, he’d never outright beg but the way his eyes fixate on your mouth a lot is his way of silently pleading for you to wrap your lips around his cock. His soul ascends a little every time he sees his cum dribbling down your face, he might be even willing to make out with his cum still on your tongue.
As for giving, he’s got no clue what the hell he’s doing but he’s nervously eager to try. Guide him as best you can, he’s good at measuring your reactions so he can handle the rest. Tug on his hair a little bit if you wanna drive him crazy.
He’ll get a lot better with time, his eagerness to please however, does not leave him in the slightest.
P- pace
The first time? Slow and unsure, then he realizes “oh fuck this feels stupid good” and his pace becomes almost punishing. He doesn’t really know what he’s doing, he’s unknowingly going deeper and harder than you've ever been dicked down in your life. If you want him to, somehow, go harder? Grab his hand and place it over your stomach to make him feel his cock enter you through your skin, his hand slides down to grip your hips and slams into you, wiggling his hips without withdrawing to gain some of his sanity back before he’s back to a punishing pace.
Q- quickies
Oh hell yea. He lives for them. Sudden moments of horniness come to him all the time and since this spike in desire is brand new, he hasn’t really… learned to live with it yet. He pulls you aside into closets and alleyways all the time, he can’t help that you feel so warm and snug :(
R- risk
He doesn’t exactly enjoy the thought of a voyeur, he really doesn’t want to share you with anyone. But… there is a deeper part of him that finds a sense of pride if someone were to hear you getting absolutely pounded by him, desperately crying out and whining for him to go deeper, even better if they were someone who pined for you….
S- stamina
Well, to be frank he cums pretty quickly. It’s all so brand new to him, he really can’t help it. Lucky for you, his refractory time is crazy low. He can cum once, watch you do some mindless motion you always do and he’s right back to being hard again in minutes.
T- toys
Not against it, but is again, brand new to all this shit. He’s very interested in using your own toys against you though. Would definetly use a vibrater to edge and overstim you. He’d be interested in a cock ring, only if you were willing to endure a vibrator while he fucks you, he doesn’t wanna be the only one struggling lmao
U- unfair
He can be, yea. He kinda likes edging you, but not as much as he likes overstimulating you.
He loves to hear how you beg under him when he’s pulling you so close to the edge, keeping you just far enough to drive you insane.
Overstimming though? The way you twitch and beg, how your chest heaves and your mouth hangs open into a silent scream, eyes shut tight and watering, now that’s the good shit.
V- volume
Doesn’t talk much, but for sure gives out a lot of groans. This is something he’s never felt before in his life, the first few times you're going to get a lot of whines and surprised yelps, check up on him and make sure he’s still doing alright, he’s just very nervous.
As he gets more comfortable, he gives you quiet praises and promises to make you feel good. He also groans quite a lot, but since his voice is deeper it can be hard to catch.
W- wild card
He really wants to try using his prosthetic arm for temperature play, he’s just not at all confident in himself enough to bring it up. He likes the thought of you jumping and squirming under his touch, for now he can just stick to wax play.
X- X Ray
Mans is actually pretty fuckin big. He’s got no idea how big he is though. If you were surprised and a little nervous about his size he’d be pretty confused, is there something wrong? Did you change your mind? The concept of him being well above average is something you’ll have to explain later. It boosts his ego quite bit, even if he’d never admit it.
Whine about him being too big and you can just see the pride swelling in his chest, giving you no mercy with his thrusts.
Y- yearning
Often. Very very often. He’d fuck you multiple times every day if he had the time. However, you’re both busy, and you’d probably get a UTI with how many times this man wants to dick you down lmao. He’s got his cock buried in you at least 4-5 times a week.
Z- zzz
Actually pretty quickly. Even if he prefers being in control during sex, he kinda likes being the little spoon as he drifts to sleep. Give him some soft praises about how well he did and he’s turning into jello in your hold.
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nelavili · 3 years
I'm still processing Season 6 and as an unpopular opinion I'm not too happy about it as a whole. I feel horrible for not enjoying it as much as the Cast/Crew would like me to, but I just can’t change this feeling I have.
Just to clear my head I'll write the things down that irked me. I don't want to start any discussion, they're only my thoughts on stuff ‘n thangs. Huge spoilers ahead, please don’t read if you haven’t watched.
I admit it, I have probably more sympathy for the bad twin than I should. And after the whole S5 I thought we get a bit more closure with him. I didn’t expect a redemption arc, after Michael killed Remiel, Dan and Chloe it would have felt wrong. But after the “Everyone deserves a second chance” the dude is down in hell, scrubbing the floor with a toothbrush. Really, Lucifer? That’s cruel after such a righteous line.
When Luci realized he could help everyone, even if he hated them, I hoped for a dive into the twins’ relationship but it was like Michael didn’t even existed anymore. And if someone needed therapy it would be the twin with the huge inferior complex. That could have been so interesting. (I had hoped that he'd sat on the couch at the end, but noooo we get the Frenchman.. such a disappointment.)
Maybe Tom Ellis didn’t want to play 2 roles again, or there was no time, but I feel that was a huge opportunity wasted.
What even was the plan of Michael? To get God to retire and wreck havoc on earth to get Dad back, so Mickey can take over as the new God? And then what? Wipe out humanity? I see no endgame here.
I liked Ella’s Story so far. But she stole the personal file of Carol and even broke into his house.. and everybody is cool with this? Carol might be crushing on Ella pretty hard but if somebody tells you they broke into your house, because they feared you were hiding something bad, You run for the hills. But the dude isn’t even phased.
I’m glad Carol is a good guy, though. Even if he’s kind of bland.
Ella finding out the truth on her own came out of nowhere. I would have found it better if they would have her act a little suspicious over the whole S5. But since they wrote S6 while S5 was shot, a little to late for this.
The scene at the wedding was amazing. I had so much fun with her outburst there.
Ghost!Dan was my favorite by far in this season. And I really liked how he wanted to help and tried to find out what he still felt guilty about.
I am so glad he got to spend his afterlife with Charlotte and I laughed so hard with the pudding. Didn’t expect that, in a positive matter. :D
The scene with Trixie killed me. Bawled so hard as soon as Kevin got teary eyes. That really gripped at my heartstrings.
But how could he go to heaven while in a body of a killer when his daughter stands right next to that killer?
Comedy-wise Dan is top notch
I missed her so much.
It felt like she was an afterthought with everything. She recently lost her Dad and Chloe spends most of the time with Lucifer. I really missed the scenes with her and Luci, they always were so adorable.
They explain it later that she’s at a science camp, but I honestly thought Chloe chooses Lucifer (and later Rory too) over her.
She wasn’t at Chloe’s deathbed but here I’m not sure if the scene with Rory isn’t placed somewhere at the threshold to heaven where only celestials are able to enter. But if she wasn’t there because Chloe sidelined her in favor of Rory, then I can understand her absence.
I love Linda, she always gives good advice but nobody’s ever took it.
Her book probably would fly under the fantasy tag if she ever published it. Still, it felt cringey.
It was so sad that she thought she was a bad therapist.
Apparently she wants to keep helping celestials because it’s better than helping humans. In the end, celestials have the same problems as humans just on a bigger scale. But okay.
Amenacop was good, and a nice nod to Dan who put in the application.
It made him realize that he only can change things when he has more power. I’m white and no american so I don’t know if the BLM theme there was well enough executed. Got me wondering.
The apocalypse just being Angels who are incompetent was a letdown. Like this whole season.
I really like him as god. And I am glad he took the position in the end. Even if he could have decided this a bit earlier.
I like her sarcasm and her character.
Didn’t like the whole time travel, time loop and daughter spiel. I’m not a big fan of time travels or couples getting a kid just for the sake of a happy end or to add extra drama. I could have lived without a Deckerstar baby. Instead they could have focused on Trixie for a change.
The time she spent with Lucifer on the 4th August was precious though.
How in hell did the Frenchman capture her? How did he even know how she looked? IIRC Dan hasn’t seen Rory while in that body. Dan just went over to Trixie that’s why I thought he’d capture her and not Rory.
He found his calling to help the souls in hell only because Rory traveled back in time? No man, he already took the step with Jimmy Barnes in preparation to take over as god. I don’t think it’s far fetched to believe that he would have the same epiphany without Rory there.
But without Rory, he wouldn’t have been helping Ghost!Dan to go to heaven. Though, before Rory traveled back in time, Lucifer was already trying to help Dan. They probably would have needed more time to figure out about what Dan felt guilty about, but figure it out anyways.
How did he even got Chloe pregnant? Was it his subconscious deciding he was ready to be a father? Amenadiel had to believe that he was human to get Linda pregnant. Or maybe it’s because they always thought they couldn’t impregnate a human and self-actualized it that way. Anyways, it’s a tiny hang-up I have with it.
Somebody else besides me thought that the scene in the panic room was awkwardly long? I know they thought Lucifer would vanish somehow, but it seemed too much to me.
His singsong while the magician talked about the trick. :D
I don’t want to even get into the whole time loop thing because I think it’s ridiculous(ly bad).
It took a lot of time for him to realize that he didn’t want to be god, after he put it on hold for a second time. Even Chloe could have asked him if that is really what he wanted. Could have spared us an episode or so. Why is the communication on this show so bad? Q.Q
I loved that he helped Maze with Eve to get the wedding back on after their fight.
He didn’t say goodbye to Trixie  - again. What a nice step-devil..
It’s been Chloe, Rory and his family since he found out she’s his daughter. Not even mentioning the one kid who probably loved him before even Chloe fell for him.
For someone who is all about free will and led a rebellion against God for it, he was quick to accept that he has a “fate”. I thought he’d find another way, or at least try to. Nope, he just did what his child wanted. And they disguised it at his “choice”. Doesn’t look like a choice to me if your daughter begs you for it and you have to promise it. Just getting along with what your child wants.
Why does everyone need to shoot him? Just cut him until he bleeds. The Americans and their fixation on guns. Nice parallel to Chloe though.
Lucifer trying to fix the relationship to Rory with gifts was so cringey. I don’t know why but I couldn’t watch him sing/dance in that scene.
Both him and Amenadiel didn’t want to become like their Dad because of the reasons stated in S5, yet Lucifer exactly did. Another letdown.
As soon as she knew Rory was her and Lucifer’s daughter it was all only about Lucifer and Rory. No thought of Trixie? I understand she was worried about being a bad mother to Rory, but come on, you’re being a bad mother to your first child right now.
She was ready to go to heaven with Lucifer. And Trixie does what exactly without her parents? Living with her Grandma because one of her parent died and the other one is abandoning her? It’s like the writers forgot about Trixie while forcing Rory on us.
The addiction to the necklace got old pretty fast.
And that whole fight against Lucifer felt unnecessary just to add more drama.
She gets mad at Lucifer for not telling her everything while not telling him that she went back to the LAPD. It’s Lucifer, he always has things on his plate. Double moral, pretty much.
She looked so gorgeous at the wedding, oh my god.
Most of the Deckerstar scenes were good. I got tired of the obvious naked cuddle times, surprisingly. Somehow it felt not like the ones in S5 and it bothered me.
I thought Chloe would finally get to know about everything Lucifer did for her, but I didn’t expect her to read it in Linda’s book. And that she only took away that he left her every time they had an emotional breakthrough.
They spend Lucifer’s last day at the beach and once again, no thought of Trixie. I’m sorry I repeat myself here so often. But this whole season wronged Trixie so much.
They face the baddie without any backup.  At least get Amenadiel with you.
Other things
The use of music between scenes was too much for me. Got annoying at some point.
I appreciate that they wanted to show us snippets of past Deckerstar scenes but here too, I felt like it was too much.
Couldn’t really follow the timeline. Maybe it were the cuts.
What’s been the point of bringing Adam into the mix? Just to wrap up Maze and Eve’s story? For Linda having another celestial to therapy?
The animation in the Jimmy Barnes Hell loop was AMAZING. I laughed so hard.
I’m not saying that Deckerstar shouldn’t have sacrificed everything for the time loop to stay intact, I say that the whole daughter-time travel plot shouldn’t have had happened. They never even talked about having kids, and then ignore the whole existence of the one kid that’s already there.
I really need all the Michaella fanfics, please. My first ship that’s actually a raft, because they never officially have met. RIP lmao
The acting was great as usual, all my problems come from the writing and the plot.
In the end, I really feel frustrated, underwhelmed and disappointed by the whole season. I didn’t have high expectations other than the same writing quality like S5. My excitement for that Season died as soon as Rory told Lucifer that she’s his daughter, to be honest. I waited for a plot twist that never came. Then the whole time loop shit.  I’d rather have waited one more year for S6 if the plot would have made more sense, since this felt like a first draft of a whole other show. And now I wished that S5 would have been the last season. If I could travel back in time, I’d rather not watch S6.
I can honestly live with the fact that Luci and Chloe are in hell, trying to help souls to get to heaven. (But hello, not the murderers perhaps? Or I want Michael sitting on that couch right now.) But the fact that both “chose” to sacrifice their time together with their family and friends just because it’s fate now and parents have to make sacrifices for their children; and anyways there’s an afterlife because (human) life is just a blip in our existence… nah thank you. I do not want it.
I’m probably not gonna rewatch S6 anytime soon.
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If the boys got another secret agent pet, I think they'd act as a foil to Perry: while Perry is serious-minded and professional, the other pet is silly and smiles more often; while Perry is antisocial around other agents, the other pet is chummy with them; and while Perry prefers to act as mindless as possible around the family, the other pet tests the limits of how much intelligence he can show. For the sake of the argument let's just give them a capybara due to meta reasons (I'd call him Coby)
oh my goddd sjdfhsdkjhkjs if someone wants to write a fanfic about this I would so read it
Okay this was originally gonna be like a brief headcanon and it lowkey turned into a whole fic outline but here's my take on it: Perry and Coby meet at OWCA HQ and Perry basically decides right off the bat that he can’t stand this guy. He’s loud and obnoxious and overly social and why is he so fucking happy all the goddamn time? And he’s new to the agency so Monogram is still working on finding him a host family, and Perry is just praying that the family that takes him in moves away immediately after the adoption goes through because if he gets lucky, that will mean they take Coby with them. 
But for some inexplicable reason, Coby finds Perry fascinating. Most of the agents tend to be wary of him, and that goes double for the new guys, but this little fucker is determined to figure him out. Perry likes to stay away from HQ on a normal day, but with Coby around, he’s avoiding it with a newfound intensity that shocks even Monogram and Carl, and they’ve dealt with his antisocial ways for years. 
But all in all, it’s just a minor annoyance, and in the grand scheme of things, it doesn’t affect Perry’s life too much. And then Coby just happens to be walking by the Flynn-Fletchers’ just in time to see Perry take off his hat and rejoin his family, and, being the ever-social agent he is, Coby decides to head over and check out what’s going on. It doesn’t take a genius for him to figure out that this must be Agent P’s host family, and that he really shouldn’t be here with them...
and that just makes him want to stick around more, because the adrenaline rush that comes with unnecessary risks will never get old.
Ferb is the first one to notice him lurking by the gate, and, because the Flynn-Fletchers have never been the type to ignore an animal, he crouches down and holds out a hand, which is all the invitation Coby needs. He trots in, and now all the kids want to hang out with him, and Coby is in paradise. Even when Perry gives his warning growl, Coby just snuggles closer to Isabella’s hand because wow, this girl can give some good pets (and hc that there’s a Fireside Girl patch to thank for that lmao). 
Linda realizes that none of the kids followed her inside so she heads out to see what they’re doing that could possibly be more important than eating pie, and when she sees everyone petting this mysterious wild animal that would very easily have rabies... she doesn’t care because let’s be real, she let her boys get a platypus and she didn’t even bat an eyebrow when she saw Dennis in the house, so Coby isn’t gonna bother her in the slightest. But the reminder that there’s pie inside draws the kids’ attention away, so they head inside, Perry at their feet and Coby following not far behind. Phineas decides to ask if they can keep him since he clearly wants to stay anyway, and Linda gives the okay because that’s just the kind of responsible parent she is.
And then to make matters worse, Coby reports this to OWCA, and Monogram decides that this is the perfect host family for him. It’s not easy to adopt out an animal like a capybara, but the Flynn-Fletchers are no stranger to weird animals. Plus, he’s sure having Agent P around will help Agent C become the best version of himself.
Now poor Perry is stuck on damage control, because Coby is making a mess of everything. He’s messing up the house. He’s messing up their now-shared lair. He’s messing up Perry’s sleeping arrangements because now that Coby is sleeping on one bed, Perry can’t get up and switch beds when he can’t sleep. And, as you said, he’s getting very close to blowing both their covers because he's an adrenaline junkie with no common sense, and Perry cannot let that happen. 
Perry is pretty defensive of his relationship with the boys, and Coby picks up on that really fast. Perry can’t step in without blowing his cover, but he does his best to subtly give Coby the boot and take the snuggles for himself, which proves a little difficult because the boys love this new capybara because he’s new and he’s exciting and he’s everything Perry’s not and it almost starts to feel like he’s being replaced. And if that’s not bad enough, Perry knows Coby, and he knows Coby only “joined the family” because he wanted to see what Perry was up to and he gets off on annoying the guy. He’s not family; he never has been and he never will be.
And then maybe something goes wrong on a case or something and puts the Flynn-Fletchers in danger, and Coby saves their asses in one way or another without even coming close to blowing his cover, and Perry gets to see it happen. That’s the wakeup call he needed that even if Coby is a bit reckless, when it comes down to it, he’s going to do whatever it takes to keep this family together, and that maybe he and Coby have something in common after all. 
From there they start becoming semi-friends, and it still annoys the hell out of Perry that Coby is so bright and bubbly and reckless, but at least they get along. And now everyone at OWCA is shook because how did this Coby guy befriend the Agent P? But they have been known to come to work together every now and then, and Perry does occasionally give him the time of day at HQ, which makes Coby even more popular around the agency. He tries to get Perry to join the social circle, too, but tbh, they all know that’s never going to happen so Coby might as well make his peace with it now lmao
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immortalled · 3 years
Man... going through Simon’s official Twitter again was a mistake. I’m having feelings about him all over again. What a poor, lonely guy. So here’s some trivia and quirks that I like (even if some are sad):
- Simon not only styles his appearance and dance moves (such as they are) after Ian Curtis, but he travels to Macclesfield, presumably to Curtis’ gravesite, and listens to Joy Division’s “Ceremony”.
- He believes no one should mess with time-travel, but he makes an exception for Gallifreyans. (I’m telling you, he’d make his own version of LINDA if those universes collided. He WOULD.)
- He says his biggest inspirations are Stephen Hawking, David Belle, and Rorschach from The Watchmen. 
- One of his favorite films is Alfred Hitchcock’s Rear Window. Hitchcock may be one reason why he loves filming. It’s implied that Simon hopes to get into filmmaking by starting out as a film editor.
- He seems to have a little bit of a crush on Kelly. This is backed up both by his Twitter and the scripts. He says Kelly calling him “smart” makes him feel sick in a good way, he wants to take more photos of her, and in a deleted scene, Simon asks her if she’s single after she suggests that he find a nice girlfriend.
- Simon struggles a lot with looking at people directly. He says he sometimes can’t handle eyes or faces, and distresses about it on his Twitter and on his Flickr. This seems to make him feel “less human”. Poor guy. Maybe it’s easier for him to deal with looking at people if it’s through a camera lens?
- He’s had asthma since childhood, his skin is very sensitive to chemicals and has to be careful about what aftershave he use. It’s also implied that he might struggle with severe panic attacks.
- Simon seems to think a lot more about death than his healthy. Depressed? Or just a morbid fascination?
- Simon is astonishingly empathetic toward his bullies, even though their tormenting has clearly harmed him in more ways than just physical. “Maybe they were sad inside”.
- Has really big crazy conspiracy theorist energy and does not trust the government.
- Simon thinks Nathan has “good bone structure”. I’ve mentioned this before but it just makes me smile. What a compliment. I mean he’s right, but what a compliment.
- He plays World of Warcraft. A lot. 
- He says he tries to live his life by the rules of Warhammer 3. I don’t know what that’s supposed to mean, but at this point I’m afraid to find out.
- He likes zombie films and is a self-proclaimed “zombie purist” lmao
- Simon likes anime and manga. One of his favorite manga series is Battle Royale; he owns the entire collection.
- Simon prefers Star Trek over Star Wars. He’s especially fond of Star Trek: The Next Generation.
- He likes Captain Picard more than Captain Kirk because... he disapproves of Kirk cheating on the Kobayashi Maru?? Okay, Simon.
- PlayStation over Xbox. He’s also probably played Red Dead Redemption and wants to play Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare.
IDK I just really these little things. They make Simon feel more like a whole person. Not that he felt necessarily unrealistic in the show (Misfits is surprisingly good at making characters feel like they exist despite rarely taking them seriously), but it’s the tiny details that really add to characters. I genuinely hope that the official social media accounts never get taken down. They’re a fun read. It’d be cool if more shows did this.
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wexhappyxfew · 3 years
HELLO LIL BEAN 💛 you already know who I’m here for eheh Death please!
LINDA AHHHH HELLO!!! :D Sorry that I’ve just been able to FINALLY get to this! My schoolwork load today was absolutely insane if I’m being quite honest and I already get distracted so easily, so the snow outside and just the everyday distractions of life aren’t that great either LOL!! But I AM FINISHED AND THE NIGHT IS MINE SO -- let’s get into it! In this post, we’ll be digging into Natia + Death’s relationship, and everything essentially surrounding their connection which, out of everyone and everything in the book remains ENTICING and one of the strongest - quite strange for someone like Natia and this personified being like Death right? ;) 
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I really liked the way this moodboard turned out, because just about every aspect encompasses a bit of Natia + Death’s relationship with one another AND SO - I will be going through each photo to discuss their relationship and bring it to life a bit! I thought this would be a fun way, to not only have a reference image, but also a description as to WHY I decided on the images for the moodboard that depicts their relationship so vividly! But let’s get a few things hit right off the bat first!
(1) Not once do Natia and Death communicate through words - one of the most powerful things about their connection with one another is simply that. They never speak one word to each other yet, they have one of the strongest relationships throughout the entire book because of simply the deep-seeded connection they hold with one another.
(2) This deep-seeded connection is really rooted in Day 1 after Natia witnesses the death of her parents - though not a scene in the book, it is referenced a various amount of times and is a moment Natia tends to think about more often than not in her time. It’s sort of my play on when Death comes to her and begins to pity her. Oh yes....there is a whole lot of pitying - and Natia HATES pitying...we know this ;)
(3) Agent Mortem is literally Agent ‘Death’ or the Agent of Death. I specifically chose Mortem as Agent Mortem’s codename simply because he really is this perceived Agent of Death in Natia’s eyes. I’m also a Latin Nerd and well, Latin nerds like this stuff HAHA! But truly, weaving that in and showing that not only is Death extremely important to Natia, but so is Agent Mortem (quite literally Death in his own way) has been super fun for me to craft and explore!
AND (4) I want to bring up Death’s connection with War. War is not a very prominent figure I decided to personify within the story, though he is basically the main center of attention lurking in the foreground as this is based in simply WAR! But War makes important appearances and almost in ways you maybe would’t quite expect him to. Number 1, War and Death dislike each other from the start and that’s just my own personal view on this entirely in my own story telling way. Number 2, Death says plenty of times how War makes all these decisions without second though and he has to clean up the mess yet he can’t pull himself away from someone (ahem...Natia) who essentially does much of the same. It’s a load of dramatic irony twisted with wordplay and phrases with double meanings that I LOVE! 
(can you tell I’m such a nerd with this LMAOOO!!)
OKAY! Now that those are out of the way, let’s jump under the cut I have inserted to dissect the 9 pictures above - they won’t be super detailed (okay they kinda are lmao), just some reasons why those pictures are important, just for time’s sake! Let’s get into it!
PICTURE 1: “ can we act like we never broke each other’s hearts...” I really, really loved this aesthetic quote photo for many reasons as - not in a romantic sense - but more in it that 2 broken-hearted people are trying to mend one another and obviously fail at it....that sort of thing, and it’s quite interesting to craft. Natia can’t help but feel attached to Death, yet she is so immersed and surrounded by it and it has brought such an immense amount of pain to her being - but she can’t help but let His feeling remain, only letting her heart break further and His the same - he can’t pull away either. 
PICTURE 2: “ two people, male and female, standing on the edges of cliffs, with an abyss in the center - darkness coming from the male’s side and light on the female’s “ WOW WOW WOW can I just say this is literally one of my favorites?! Before the war, Natia was not the Natia all the readers know and love currently - she was happy, she played PIANO, she was a CHILD, she was simply a little girl. There was light. Death always was darkness - darkness and sadness and grief and pain. And so, this picture really shows the beginning of their relationship - he brings he darkness and she lets him, she doesn’t fight it - BUT WAIT WHAT’S THAT??? AN ABYSS BETWEEN THEM??? Oohhh yet - you didn’t think I’d leave that one out now would ya? BUT THAT COMES FOR MUCH LATER - to a time in Bastogne particularly that is a spoiler - time will tell though!
PICTURE 3: ‘ I’m not even a whisper in your thoughts yet you’re the screaming in mine.’ All I gotta say is one word - Bastogne. Shit goes down in Bastogne and let’s just say a good portion is between Death and Natia - good or bad who knows, but it goes DOWN. I can’t elaborate much as it is spoiler-filled, but come back again once we hit Bastogne, we can chat again on this picture - I got a whole LOAD of info on it!
PICTURE 4: ‘ Cloaked figure ‘ I am actually delving deeper into Krysta’s ask with this picture, BUT when creating Death, I actually created a picture in my mind - from the beginning I wanted to make it a man, just for the dynamic that would be between Natia and Him and to show Him in a different light! But let’s just say (you’ll find more on the ask I answer for Krysta when I post it) cloaks are a MUST for Death - why might you ask? Why must he be portrayed in a cloak AHAHAH - you’ll see! 
PICTURE 5: “Courage meets Death” I LOVE this entire picture aesthetic so so much for Landslide. In a way, Natia, in my eyes is Courage and Death is well Death. It relates back to picture 2 big time with the whole light v dark contrast that I discussed, but it’s not an overpowering of the other quite here - more of an agreement like you can vibe with me and I’ll vibe with you and we’ll leave it to that for the moment. Like Natia fighting Death - connections perhaps?! ;) They’re equals here and equals is what they’ll always be - never more, never less - Death and Natia or in this sense Death and Courage remain equals.
PICTURE 6: “black, grey and white female + crying image” This is more of a representation of Natia - showing the world she sort of sees - not exactly color, but not entirely black and white - more grey, sort of like her character in a sense OR IF WE LIKE TO VIEW IT THIS WAY - the morally grey character that controls her....ahem Agent Mortem....who quite literally sees the world in grey. Just a little play on an idea like that, which is super fun! 
PICTURE 7: ‘I broke my rules for you.” OH BOY THIS ONE JUST SCREAMS DEATH TO ME! I reference quite a few times for Death this sort of rule book he has for himself, a bit later on in the book and he says quite a few times as well that even He broke his rules for Natia - he kept her from Death more than once and kept her safe. He is simply DEATH, yet he goes and protects another from it? From HIMSELF? Yet he drifts so near? .....yep that’s exactly how it is. He broke her rules for her - nearly everyone - to protect her from Him.
PICTURE 8: ‘Death’s hand holding a mortals clenched’ So I really played around with perspective on the moodboard here and purposely made the strip down the center show Death’s side as the left and Natia’s as the right and meeting in the center! This image portrays the control Death seems to hold on Natia at times - her mind consumed and intoxicated by him and in the most recent chapter (Weapons Don’t Weep - *26) we seen right at the end, that admist the chaos, there stands Death, the shutting of his eyes as a way to attempt to silence the chaos for her - yet he is the reason for her having to bear all this chaos. It’s quite an intense dynamic, but very true their relationship!
PICTURE 9: ‘flirting with Death’ Okay, we all know Natia is confident in her own capabilities and who she is and let’s just say, she brushes a little too close to Death’s touch for many of her friends and family’s liking. In no way is this portrayed in a romantic sense, but more of in the sense that Natia’s ‘flirting’ with Death is almost a clear want from it, no matter how much Death tries his best to protect her from him. Yet they draw so close to one another which complicates things. It only adds more to the complexity of their connection with one another but is truthful in so many ways! 
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bonesgadh · 5 years
My thoughts on the final season of Orange is the New Black:
Obviously, some heavy spoilers below:
If you ask me, Piper’s storyline outside Litchfield was, for the most part, a complete waste of time. Instead of having her getting stoned with her brother or going to that pointless retreat, why didn’t they have her doing something productive like helping other former inmates or writing her book?
Speaking of the book, I’m high-key disappointed they gave the memoir storyline to Judy fucking King. Call me cheesy but I was looking forward to the show ending with Piper writing her book just like she said she would in season 6. Such a missed opportunity.
I really, really wanted Taystee to be cleared of Piscatella’s murder. I don’t understand why they gave so much importance to Suzanne writting what really happened and Taystee showing the text to her lawyer if it wasn’t going to make a difference in the end. Chekhov’s gun, anyone?
I’m so relieved she didn’t kill herself. I guess as long as there’s life there’s hope fucking Cindy will confess the truth and justice will be served. In the meantime, I was happy Taystee found a new meaning to her life and decided to help other inmates have a better shot at rebuilding their lives after prison.
Daddy’s death caught me by surprise. That said, I didn’t notice her absence at all for the reminder of the season. I guess she was a one-hit wonder character.
I have the feeling they had no idea what to do with Frieda so they just had her do weird stuff like accumulating trash. 
Thank Christ they got rid of Badison so early in the season. Cringiest, most annoying character in the history of television.
Aleida is so stupid lmao. I get she wanted to protect her daughter from that pedophile but she fucked up. I was rooting for her to rebuild her life and I was disappointed at her.
I liked Suzanne coming to terms with her sentence and being more comfortable around people and making new friends. It’s what she deserves.
Why is Cesar out of jail? Didn’t Aleida say he was supposed to stay there until he was an old man?
So Yadriel isn’t Pepa’s biological father?
Shani, man. Her relationship with Nicky was so cute and you could tell she was different from Nicky’s other flings. She didn’t act like a stallion around her, she was sweet and considerate with her and her backstory was very sad. I’m pissed they weren’t endgame because they made such a good couple.
There was no need to kill off Lorna’s baby. That was unnecessary roughness.
What happened to Maritza left me devastated. That final sequence of her getting into the plane and all the other women who were deported as well slowly disappearing until there was no one left gave me fucking chills. It was tough to watch but it had to be done to make a point of how a good portion of the immigrants who get deported are young adults who have never lived anywhere else besides the US, but still they are not considered citizens.
I absolutely adore Fig. Her character development was one of the best in the show. Also I LOVE HER RELATIONSHIP WITH CAPUTO OMG.
Piper’s sister-in-law is annoying af. I bet she is one of those anti-vaccinations freaks.
Alex looked so damn hot in her flashback oh my god. 
Goodall is adorable! For real, what a gorgeous baby.
I was not expecting CO Fischer to make a comeback.
Healy is still a piece of shit.
I can understand why Piper developed feelings for Zelda. She represented the potential life she could lead now that she was a free woman, the opportunity to start over and leave prison behind (like Sophia advised her to). However, there wasn’t anything exciting about being with her, it was way too safe and that’s the exact opposite of what she had with Alex. 
Polly is even more annoying than she was before but Larry didn’t get on my nerves this time around, which surprised me. Maybe because his little prep talk is what pushed Piper to follow Alex to Ohio or maybe it was the nostalgia. Idk, but they brought him back in a nice way.
I felt really bad for Vinnie. He wasn’t only grieving for his son but he also had to see Lorna fall into that complete state of denial.
Sophia’s comeback was everything. She looked like a goddess and she seemed so happy and in control of her life. I thought we wouldn’t see her again after she got released from prison but I’m glad they managed to bring her back even for a couple of scenes.
Totally random statement but Piper looked very attractive at the benefit gala and the morning after. I don’t know if it was the hair or the way they did her eyes but she was smoking hot.
Danielle Brooks is the best actress in the show. Don’t @ me.
McCullough is the archetype of the psycho ex. I legit thought she was going to shoot Piper when she confronted her at her house.
Alex knows Piper so damn well. She is aware of the fact that Piper tends to run away from stuff when things get complicated and her choosing to have an affair with McCullough was her way to try to protect herself. Then again, I really thought they had moved on from that phase. 
Fig lying about being pregnant to help that woman get an abortion was such a strong moment. Also her calling out the double-standard of the guard who was opposed to the woman aborting but wanted her to get deported? Legends only.
Lorna is such a racist but I can’t bring myself to dislike her. If anything I’ve always felt a bit sorry for her.
Linda is such a bitch.
Tamika was the only warden who actually cared about making a difference. I’m sad she got fired because of something that wasn’t even her fault but her good deeds made a profound impact.
McCullough is so damn unstable but I can’t blame her for developing such strong feelings for Alex. She’s quite irresistible.
Alex acting all unattached and cold as she was breaking up with Piper was painful to watch. I knew it wasn’t real but for a hot second I thought that was it for them. 
The ICE storyline was out-of-this-world amazing. So powerful and brilliantly done, quintessential OITNB.
If you had told me six years ago I would cry like a baby with Pennsatucky’s death I would have laughed at you.
But for real, POOR PENNSATUCKY. I’m sorry she had to die for Taystee to stay alive.
Because of the ‘a fan-favorite character dies in the final episode to mark the end of the show’ trope I had the feeling they were going to kill either Red, Alex or Taystee. I was legit surprised when the final death was revealed to be Pennsatucky.
That Poussey flashback had me in tears.
Alex and Nicky’s goodbye scene was so sweet and I love they talked about eventually reuniting. They were my brotp.
What Larry told Piper when she visited him at his place was very interesting. When Piper told him she loved Alex he told her he believed her, but that he also thought she loved what Alex represented. I believe that was true at some point—well, for most of the series—and, unconsciously, Piper believed that as well. But, if anything, what they went through in season 7 helped Piper realize she did want to be with Alex. The extra limb analogy was amazing and I don’t think Jenji could have picked a better way to explain their relationship.
Hellman is the new warden? Gross.
My favorite part about the old inmates’ cameos was that they were shown doing the same stuff they did in Litchfield: Boo being tired of everyone’s bullshit, Yoga giving the mandala talk to new inmates, Gina feeling exasperated and Norma calming her down, Watson running and Alison checking her time, Angie and Leanne being stupid, Brook mooning over stuff.
I only missed two characters making a cameo: Sister Ingalls and Miss Claudette. I know most fans wanted to see Bennett again but fuck that coward.
Also wtf happened to Bayley? I kinda wanted to know.
Karla’s story broke my heart. I’m glad they included her character because her story is the story of millions of immigrants that are separated from their children, forced to return to their home countries and endure harsh conditions while trying to make their way back to the US.
Blanca really went out there and said “fuck it” to the american dream, didn’t she? In my opinion she had the best ending out of all the characters. I’m so happy she reunited with Diablo and is ready to live her life with him at last. My girl deserved it.
Maria’s storyline was so ‘meh’. It was way too similar to her season 6 storyline.
My mom Gloria had the second best ending. I was afraid they were going to punish her because of the phone thing but thankfully asshole Luschek finally did something right. I was rooting for her to have a happy ending and I’m glad she got it.
Also was that little girl living with Gloria and her kids her granddaughter? Because she was definitely younger than her sons but Gloria’s flashback stated her daughters are older, so I’m confused.
I really need to know if Aleida killed Daya. I hate it was left so open.
Flaca choosing to help immigrants was so sweet. I bet one of the reasons she did it was to stop them from suffering Maritza’s fate.
Fig and Caputo are adopting!
Cindy did not deserve a good ending after she ruined Taystee’s life. That made me so angry. I was really hoping she would confess the truth.
In the end, McCullough made Alex a favor by having her transferred to Ohio. She went back to minimum security, she was with friends and people she knew and far away from all the crap in max.
What happened to Red and Lorna was devastating. Red losing her identity and her memory was so tragic because of what a badass she was. Also I knew Lorna would lose it after her son’s death but it was heartbreaking. They deserved better.
It sucks balls Nicky lost every person who was important to her but despite that I liked her ending because, even though she suffered heartbreak after heartbreak, she found a way to keep herself sober and now she will help others the way Red helped her. It was the best way she could honor her.
Despite literally everyone around Piper advising her to leave Alex behind and forget about her (from her parole officer to her dad to Larry to Sophia) the fact that she chose to follow Alex to Ohio was a pleasant surprise to me. It showed her growth and how much she really wanted to be with Alex, and that she was not a mistake in her life but her life. I was never a Vauseman shipper but even I knew they had to be endgame, any other ending wouldn’t have made any sense. I feel bad for the shippers because it was a very tough season for them but love prevailed, so congrats.
I didn’t catch the Piper Kerman cameo until I saw someone mentioned it on twitter. That was so cool! Also I don’t know if this was intentional but I liked the visual parallel between Larry Smith & Piper and Piper Kerman & Alex. Larry waited for Piper for as long as she was in jail and never abandoned her, so I choose to believe Kenji and Co. are hinting at Piper doing the same thing for Alex.
It was a good decision to show us a glimpse of Piper’s new life. She has a stable job, a new home, she is studying about criminal law and using her time in a productive way, and also she looks happier than we ever saw her.
In conclusion, I liked the season very much. Orange is one of my favorite shows and I think they ended it in a very nice way. It was very well executed and, unlike other final seasons I have watched over the years, it never felt rushed to me. It was the best season in at least a couple of years and I’m in love with the series finale, I stand by my original statement that it is the best one I have ever seen.
I give it a solid B+, four-out-of-five stars, 8.5 out of 10.
Orange forever, indeed.
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bigsnzstanacct · 4 years
Kn/ives Out - R/ansom Fic
Inspired by these posts, although I went a liiiiiiiiiiiiiiittle overboard with it, as is my wont. This may or may not be the first of a five-or-six part series, a sort of “Five Times Ransom Pissed Off Everybody By Sneezing, and One Time He Didn’t.” Or it might just be the one little story. You know the drill, over-the-top sneezing ahoy lmao.
    “Do we have to talk politics?” Joni asked, her fingers tensed, her eyes rolling as she walked rather briskly to the drink cart. “It’s not that I’m not willing it’s just it’s so contentious and I’m a little concerned about that kind of energy—”
“No, no, no Joni,”—Richard cutting in now, his words stretching longer in the way all of him seemed to extend and elongate when he was drunk, as though he forgot Linda and Harlan were watching and expecting—”No, Joni, you don’t get to throw stones and then hide your hand, if you say something about our President, I’m gonna say something back.”
“Now, now, Richard,”—The aforementioned Harlan—”I think we can all agree the President—”
“Our President, Harlan, our President, I’m not saying I like him but I’m saying he’s our—”
“N-now… now come on Richard”—Walt, briefly, before being steamrolled by—
“Richard, I think I’d like a change of subject now—” Linda, ordinarily authoritative enough to end the line of inquiry altogether, but apparently not tonight.
“Well I wouldn’t, Linda. I wouldn’t like a change of subject, and for that matter...” (Richard, elongated as though he forgot Linda and Harlan…)
“How boring,” Ransom said in an aside. Marta happened to be walking by, picking up Richard’s emptied drink, and Joni’s recently downed one. It wasn’t actually her job to provide maid service for these people but they seemed to expect it and Harlan encouraged it and they really were so generous.
So it was to Marta that Ransom delivered his aside, though it wasn’t really to her—it might as well have been to the drink cart, or the grandfather clock, or the nonexistent camera over his shoulder. Ransom was the sort of man who walked around as though there could always be a camera over his shoulder. In fairness, Ransom was also the sort of man cameras commonly followed around. He’d very nearly committed to at least two reality tv shows, mostly to annoy his family. He’d gotten his current sports car upon backing out of a reality tv show. It was too bad he was too old to start a YouTube channel. He was still waiting to see what he could get out of revealing Jacob’s channel to the family, whether it would be better to threaten Jacob with its reveal to his parents, his parents with its reveal to to the family, or perhaps the family as a whole with a leak to… whatever random book-related website might find that gossip interesting. Maybe just Reddit.
Marta was just about to respond, to perhaps engage Ransom in conversation. She had it on good authority--Harlan’s--that she could be good company to a Thrombey or a Drysdale. Everyone seemed rather wary of Ransom, but aside from his aversion to the dogs, Marta had no reason to think ill of him, and so tried to assume the best of him. And---she could admit somewhat blushingly---he certainly wasn’t unattractive. She could see how, in her younger, sillier days how she might nurse a bit of crush on him, the wealthy prince charming and the maid---although she was not a maid, no matter how they treated her, she was a well-trained professional, dammit---
But before she could speak, Ransom’s face suddenly underwent some sort squishing, snorting motion. His long nose scrunched up short as he took in a sharp sniff, nearly a snort. His eyes closed for a moment, and a smile played on his lips. “This’ll be fuhh-hun,” he said in half a whisper, airy breathing infusing and interrupting his murmur.
Marta tilted her head to the side, curious what Ransom could be referring to, until she saw his nose, which was twitching: once, then twice. A heavy sniff, then another, then two in a row, then a long one, for all the world like fanning a flame (a flame, as she would come to realize, to light a fuse, to burn down to an explosion...)
It was around this moment that Ransom abruptly stood, and she could not help but notice how broad his shoulders were, as his eyes fluttered, and his chest began to swell. His nose was starting to pinken around the nostrils, the flaring and scrunching continuing, his arms falling slack. The creak of his chair as he stood brought everyone’s attention towards him, and as they noticed the bizarre ritual Ransom was performing or enduring.
“Oh, god, Ransom, not this again…” (Linda, eyes rolling)
“Ransom, Ransom buddy, Ransom please...” (Richard, hands waving)
“Is he going to do that screaming thing again, I’m leaving the room---” (Joni, hands raising towards her ears)
“Leaving the room won’t do her much good.” (Harlan, with a bit of a snicker in his voice)
Ransom was starting to vocalize now, little “hehhhH… hEHHHhh…” sounds that sounded as though they were either being dragged out of him or as though he was dragging them out himself, perhaps both. His head was tilting back, that chest looking larger than ever as it stretched and air flowed in and his long nose scrunched and his mouth hung open in a tall O and his back arched and hands went over ears and then one last voiceless gasp in… “huuuUUHH!”
Ransom sprang forward, giving vent to what was plainly a titanic sneeze to begin with, let alone his leaning into it, relishing it, and then on top of that, as the sneeze went on it seemed to turn into a pure, guttural yell, his voice roughening in an obviously voluntary way. It sounded as though the sort of scream one might hear on a hardcore metal record was riding the rails of an involuntary, massive rush of air, and Marta couldn’t help but frown as a visible spray was ejected from Ransom’s face along with the helter skelter noise, but she could hardly notice the spray since, standing closest to the blast, her ears were assaulted worst with Ransom’s screaming sneeze or sneeze-flavored scream, whatever it was, and she dearly wished she’d followed the family’s example and plugged her ears.
The sneeze tapered off at last, and Ransom--who’d doubled over with the blast--bounced back up, face reddened from exertion, practically beaming. Or at least he would have been beaming, were his nose not already scrunching…
“Whew! Big wuhh-hunn…” He was presumably celebrating his sneeze, congratulating himself on a “big one” although the urge had not yet left him entirely, and it seemed another sneeze was one its way. Joni was just walking back into the room as he went into his sniffing routine again.
“Jesus! Ransom you’re gonna give your grandfather a heart attack…” she huffed, before seeing him building towards another sneeze, spinning on her heel and promptly marching out of the room again.
(Harlan, for his part, was chuckling.)
“S-suhh… sorry guys, think I gotta sn-sneeze again…” he warned, breath catching as he actively tilted his head back, presumably seeking some sort of light to look into. His eyes were tearing slightly as he fanned one hand in the general direction of his nose, perhaps… attempting to spark another sneeze by fanning dust at himself? He smiled as he could the whole way, clearly enjoying this performance.
“What the hell, kiddo, didn’t we tell you about your whole yelling routine…” Richard grumbled, making a move to walk towards Ransom but clearly thinking better of it as Ransom’s breath caught yet again.
“Ransom!” His mother interjected. 
“You’re not a kid, you get allergy shots, I don’t know why you put on this whole production…” (Richard again)
“Ransom stop that this instant, you know the neighbors called the police last time they thought someone was in here being murdered.” (Linda)
“Shh, shh, shh, you’ll make it go away… ooh, I can feel it…” (Ransom, giggling)
The rest of them were rolling their eyes, plugging their ears, shuffling away from the scene---Marta heard a door slam, clearly Joni wasn’t risking being within the house for Ransom’s next explosion.
Meanwhile Ransom seemed to have clinched the sneeze, no longer trying to coax it out but surrendering to it, preparing for it, getting ready to ride the wave and rattle the rafters… he held up his hand, and put his fingers down one by one, his giggling nearly putting him off his sneeze again as he counted down to the sneeze: five fingers, four, three, two... and just as he had one finger left up, he gave another of those great airy voiceless pulls with his flared nostrils and slack mouth and…
This one was less a heavy metal growl and more a pure scream, perhaps inspired by his mother’s mention of murder, as it bent higher pitched towards the end, and Marta couldn’t help but think she wouldn’t have imagined such a large man could reach such a high pitch.
Once again Ransom pitched forward, staying bent over, hands over his face this time as he pushed out the sneeze, dragging it out beyond all necessity, but clearly enjoying it. He popped up again, “whew! Think I got the itch out that time!” He said, beaming like a child pleased to have gotten away with something naughty, before he screwed his face up again, “W-well, I think I got it…”
“Ransom, stop it, I know you’re just putting it on this time, I can tell.” Linda said, although this time she was chuckling a bit. Harlan was outright laughing, although he rolled his eyes as he said “you’ve outdone yourself.”
Marta had prepared adequately for this one, fingers plugging her ears, but she was still rather distracted by the whole affair. She’d never seen anyone sneeze quite so dramatically. Still, he seemed to have some measure of control over the whole affair; standing behind him, she couldn’t help but notice the sheen of his hands, practically glistening with the moisture from the sneeze, before he wiped them roughly on his pants. Clearly this sneeze had been much… juicier, she thought with an alarmed frown. Ransom must have anticipated that, ergo the hands tented around his nose as he’d howled out that last sneeze. 
“You done yelling at us, buddy?” Richard asked, clearly irritated. His son had managed to take up even more space than he did, after all. Practically took up all the space in the house; certainly there wasn’t a room in the house (or on the grounds altogether, practically) that Ransom’s sneezes couldn’t be heard. 
“Yeah Dad, sorry.” Ransom said, his childish grin replaced with a more adolescent smirk, his eyes cutting over towards the couch where his father sat. “Just had a tickle in my nose.” His voice grew brighter, though no less mocking, as he looked over at Marta, who once again could have been a drink cart, a grandfather clock, a camera for all it mattered. He tilted his head at her, and adopted what might have been a boyish pout (if his face weren’t so smug) to say:
 “Allergies, you know. I can’t help it.”
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jenhrding · 4 years
dead to me season 2; a review
hello, i need to write about this because i woke up at 4am to watch season two and i have soooo many feelings that i need to vent even if nobody really cares
this is gonna be long so i divided it by episode and i'm doing a summary at the end if you don't feel like reading the entire thing
if you follow me on twitter you may have seen a lot of my comments on the season, as i needed to tweet about it while i watched it, but this is more of an organized type of thing
> i'm a die hard judy/jen shipper so if you liked michelle this might not be for you, i'm sorry
okay, the season picks up on the morning after ted's death and that was something i really appreciated. i usually hate when tv shows skip things and only mention what happened, not showing us how it happened
judy and henry's relationship warms my heart. they have a really strong bond and i'm glad we got to see more of them together throughout the episodes.
but, as we can't have everything, it hurt me a lot to see the way jen was treating judy. i love them both equally and because of that i can clearly see their mistakes without being biased, or at least i hope i can. i get that she was hurt with everything that judy did, and i loathed steve deeply, but still, the guy was his ex-fiancee, and she loved him to death even if he was a toxic piece of crap. the way jen said she was just there to pick up stuff and then told her she burned everything without even looking at her made me so sad for judy, and her dropping judy off saying they would never talk again was very cold, but that i would've seen coming from jen.
i was constantly feeling bad for judy because she didn't have time to mourn steve or abe and there she was, broke and without a place to stay. and let's just say, abe was an angel in her life even after he died. props to him for treating her like she deserved to be treated.
the thing with michelle started and it seemed a bit forced to me, like they just wanted to shove judy to someone else so we would stop asking for jen & judy being together.
and then jen called judy and i just KNEW that was happening, that scene really made me happy and it felt like they were taking a step forward in their relationship. jen worries about judy so much, even if she's not the best at showing it.
"like an excuse to see me again." "did it work?"
steve's twin thing was 100% so they wouldn't have to kick james out. it was very predictable and unnecessary. i guess it added a bit to the plot but his presence really annoyed me. but, i need to say, james did a nice job because ben didn't have any of steve's traits (i know that's what actors are supposed to do but i felt like he needed a compliment).
diana was irritating me from the beginning, and i'm glad i got to like her more by the end of everything.
i didn't get the deal with nick. i know breakups are hard but he looked depressed af. maybe it had to do with his history, everything with his friend and him losing his job and stuff. but i'm not really interested in that so it didn't bother me.
and may i just add? the scene with judy and the bird, she truly is a princess, i can't with her. also, i liked the subtle hint when jen told ben not to climb on the freezer because it was too low, and we would come to find out later that steve's body was in that freezer.
episode two had a lot of fun moments and it was a lighter one, maybe to prepare us for the chaos that was coming next.
"you look beautiful. i wish you would love yourself more."
judy hugging the freezer got me ????? i know she's an espiritual person but was she really acting like steve was feeling anything? i was confused, honesly, but i don't blame her "she will never do anything wrong :)"
the rats scene was funny but i hated how long they took to solve the freezer thing and just showed jen going there and crying sooo many times it kinda got tiring.
jen was being so nice to judy, touching her and hugging her and i had my hopes up for a little bit (only to get played again but i'll talk about that later).
the scene with michelle was cute, kinda necessary for judy to realize things about her grief, but sincerely speaking she just makes me very bored.
the breakdown scene in the garage was GREAT, linda and christina did an amazing job and i want to give them all of the awards.
"just wanted to tell you that i forgive you."
this episode had so much potential to be gay lmao, i could actually picture jen trying to comfort judy and end up kissing her and then they would've been together and all, but liz really doesn't want to give us what we want.
the scene at the bar was one of the best scenes in this season. they finally TALKED about their feelings. about how they still cared about both of the men who hurt them even if they were still mad at them for being shitty guys, and that was so important, love really does weird things to us.
and the dancing scene was EVERYTHING!!!! plus, they slept in the same bed even though there were two beds in the room, so...
judy hugging henry because of his bird = my heart cried they really are mother and son
jen telling judy that she could say goodbye and LINDA's SINGING!!!!!!!! a big yes for me
"will you be my person?" "yes, i will be your person."
hated this one. jen telling judy she needed space was hurtful, specially because judy was planning a day to make her feel better.
i just really hated this one. jen and ben is a NO, and judy with michelle was bothering me.
the highlight of it, for me, was when jen called judy to help her with charlie because, well, he is his mom too.
plus: the car burning scene was hot.
judy and jen talking to charlie like his moms was sooo nice i liked that scene a lot.
the voicemails steve left judy were disgusting. i hate that guy so much and i'm glad he's dead (sorry) and not able to hurt her anymore. we only want happy and safe judy here.
jen was jealous when judy mentioned her "new friend" you can't change my mind on this one.
i actually thought judy and michelle were gonna kiss in the car, but i appreciated that liz dragged it a little bit more.
i loved most of the arcade scenes, specially the ones with their family. i liked how they portrayed jen's relationship with the boys getting good again but didn't drag it on for too long, i think it was quite nice the way they did it.
and no, i'm not here for judy and michelle even though linda looks very hot while kissing another woman.
um, judy and michelle slept together and i was not happy. in fact, i made a lot of tweets complaining about it and twitter actually put me on limit for a few minutes. her saying "i love you" felt so forced and fake, i don't know, maybe it's cause i just don't like them together.
i was really appreciating scenes with jen and charlie, even if i don't like him very much. it felt good to see their relationship developing and getting better again because i do love a mother-son plot.
"of all the lesbians in lagoona" (jen included if i may add). this scene really showed a trust between them that i missed, jen telling judy she couldn't see michelle anymore and even though judy was upset she agreed with it because she knows jen only wants what's best for her.
it really hurt me to see that girl pregnant, because i know how much judy wanted a baby and for her to have five miscarriages and have to see that other woman pregnant with steve's baby must've hit her hard.
hated jen and ben together. honestly, it felt so weird to have jen kiss the guy who looks so much like the guy she killed, so, i did not like that.
judy's speech to diana was really important. it really showed more of who she is, really, a person who just tries all the time to do everything right and keeps fucking it up (like myself, i'd say), and i liked that scene a lot, specially when she goes to pick up the plastic bags hahaha.
this one showed a bit of why we should've been prepared for episode nine.
jen and judy's first scene was really good. they started it fighting but the ending was so lovely and just showed us how much they love each other and the things they'd give up for the other one to be happy.
i really hated how michelle treated judy on this episode. judy didn't have to tell her anything right away, they were together for five seconds. (or maybe i'm overreacting because i love judy way too much and hate seeing her being mistreated).
the end of this episode showed a lot of phone calls that made me confused and it had a few cliffhangers that i found to be a bit unnecessary. the show is interesting enough and i think liz overdid the cliffhangers a bit in this season, but it wasn't something that deeply bothered me.
i have a lot to say about this one so just take a deep breath before i vent lmao.
jen and ben fucked. which i thought was unnecessary and out of character for her. i really didn't see jen sleeping with a guy who has the same face as the guy she killed, and the scene where she looks at ben and remembers steve's dead body was so weird.
plus, i wish they would've gotten deeper into jen's mastectomy story. the only mention to it in this season was when she was in the bathroom, and she couldn't even bring herself to look in the mirror. it was unlike her to sleep with some stranger after that, since she's so ashamed of it, and it made me sad that the first person to see her naked after surgery (besides ted) wasn't judy, who she actually trusts. i didn't need jen to talk about it, because i know her character doesn't like to talk feelings, but the scene where she was alone could've been longer and showed a bit more of her story.
they showed so much of judy's background in the last two episodes and i loved it! i like how they were slowly revealing why her character acts the way she does. we knew she didn't like to be alone, but now we know that it's because she was alone most of her life, and because of that she clings to anyone who shows a bit of interest in her. therefore, why she didn't like nick that much and still tried to make things work out with him, and when steve showed her a little bit more of compassion, she went back to him. and now it's michelle, who she started seeing right after jen told her she needed space. judy is codependent, and i liked to understand her relationship with her mother so i could understand her relationship with others.
jen's scene at city hall was so important and powerful. first, i was afraid she might embarrass herself but she was incredible. the way she called andrew out not even scared if all the white men sitting there wouldn't believe a woman's harassment story, the way she talked about ted and ugh everything was great.
then, things started to go downhill. jen's relationship with the boys started declining again and it broke my heart (but i liked how henry asked for judy because he was sad and wanted to see her). and this anticipated what i elected (as if i have any room to say anything) to be the best scene of the show.
the garage scene. i have so many feelings towards it but at the same time i don't know how to express them.
first, judy said she was going to take the blame for charlie and that right there is what a mom would do (and finally they talked about judy's s*icide attempt). besides that, judy said that jen had a family and she couldn't lose that family, and then we realize how much it hurt her when her mom said she didn't have a family of her own (even though, in season one, jen said she was a part of their family).
linda and christina were brilliant in this bit. linda's expressions send me every time, and personally, i love it when she curses because it shows a side of her character that only comes out when she's really nervous and stressed, since she's always trying to see the good in everything. the way she raised her voice and said a lot of "fucks" really brought a different tone to the scene that we hadn't seen during the season.
jen had a lot of breakdowns during this season. but none of those were as exceptional as this one. ted fucked up her mind badly, and steve saying all those things triggered her to do what she did. imagine being married to a person for eighteen years and finding out, after his death, that he was cheating on you for a year and a half, that really must mess up with your self esteem and how you see yourself. jen is constantly thinking that everyone that she loves hates her and she ends up hating herself (as judy said "i wish you would love yourself more."). she is an extraordinary character and there's so much i still need to know about her.
now, here's something that bothered me. this scene was great, but i think jen was a bit out of character when she said "that's because you love anyone who just gives you a morsel of fucking attention, even if it's abusive. it's like you get off on it or something". honestly, the jen i know and have grown to love would never blame a woman for being abused, even if she was out of her mind for being upset. she saw how judy was mistreated by steve and she always knew he was toxic, but she would never say that to judy, as if she had any guilt on it.
this scene was so raw and chaotic but it was breathtaking, in a good way. judy's "i'm not like you" and their fight in front of the house, also judy's screams, everything was on point.
and then, jen got to see something we've been noticing for the past season and this one as well. when judy's stressed or hurt, she starts self-harming. it was never brought up before but it's something to watch out for. how many times did she curse at herself and hit herself in front of mirrors? and in the car she starts hitting herself really strongly when she's asking jen to stop. now, i don't know which part of her history this has to do with but i'd really like for them to get more into this, as it seems like a great storyline.
jen watching judy sleep and putting her hair behind her ear was so gay pure and i loved this scene so much.
what jen did for her family was beautiful, even if it didn't start that well. now, about her letter to judy, i sobbed so much reading that one.
this episode said a lot about diana's humanity. her and jen's talk about their mothers showed another side of her that i really liked. and i'm a sucker for motherhood storylines, so i cried a lot during that scene.
i liked this episode a lot too. loved to see charlie so worried about his mother for once in his life, and how well judy handles things as a mother.
now this is where i get mad. the scene where jen and judy are talking outside was the perfect setting for them to confess feelings. michelle felt like something that judy needed to replace steve, so it wouldn't last anyway (me hoping that she's not showing up on season 3), and because she had that experience, now she could love jen in a healthier way, in a way that maybe she couldn't before. there were so many 'i love you's and so many hugs and touches and no kiss and i was sad.
i loved the way jen said that judy needed to learn how to say no (and also, can she please stop saying sorry all the time? she's always making herself sad to make others happy-- i can't stop seeing myself in her). and it was genius how they used this thing to make her say no to her mom, who only wanted to see her to get out of prison, it showed her strenght.
the way they picked up jen's grief for her mom was really nice, i'd also like to learn more about that in the future. we could really understand where her anger comes from and why she despises herself so much.
and, baby, let me tell you, judy hale is a GENIUS. the money inside the paintings? i never saw that coming and i was so happy watching that scene! specially when she showed jen and they held hands. :(
charlie found the letters and he's finally getting to know what actually happened to his father (i'm guessing), and i wanna see his reaction. and i'm so here for their vacation! "talk to me like lovers do!" she really just keeps playing with my heart. (and jen calling judy "judes" was really cute.)
the last scene was something. them talking about the sign and then ben hitting them because he was drunk? i wasn't expecting that. and, as i said before, liz likes a good cliffhanger, but this one didn't seem that harsh. if she wanted to, she could've just left us in the dark about whether jen was alive or not, but she didn't, and i appreciated that.
i still don't know if this leaves room for another big storyline, maybe this should be something to be solved in the first two episodes of season three so they could jump into something more exciting, i don't know.
"i love you more than wine. thank you for loving me and our boys."
i liked this season a lot. it felt a lot different from season one, the settings, the air. it was a bit more chaotic, i must say, and i do think they could've maybe chilled for a little bit and left the high point of stress being only on episodes 9 and 10. literally, everything was happening, all the time, and the only time they had to breathe was when they went dancing that night.
there was a shift in my feelings, for sure. last season i picked up on a lot of judy's mistakes and things she did that bothered me. this season, i did that more with jen, but i still love them so much istg i'd die for them (not to sound dramatic or anything lmao). it's just that last season i identified a lot more with jen's anger and behaviors, and in this one a saw a lot of myself in judy, and that might've prevented me from criticizing them as much in their respective moments.
i love this show to death, and i'm just waiting for award nominations that i'm sure will come. let's just hope that, this year, they also acknowledge linda's brilliant acting and even give both of them some awards.
this is me, (im)patiently waiting for a season 3 confirmation and i'm sure i'm just gonna rewatch everything for the next year like i did with season one.
i needed to talk about this season, and twitter doesn't give me enough space to do that, but this is not something i usually do. if you read all of this, you're brave, and i'm thankful for your attention.
now, can liz please make judy and jen girlfriends?
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casimania · 4 years
Lucifer AU where Dan and Chloe made it to their early 40s (or late 30s or watever age they are in the show) so far deep in the closet they barely even acknowledge it to themselves... Until they meet Lucifer and Maze, hot messes from Hell. Lucifer is still 100% a Chloe Decker Stan and they still end up Partners and bff eventually but... he has a HOT ninja bartender friend who does weird things to Chloe’s libido. And Dan’s like “fuck this dude” but also “FUCK, this dude” the minute he meets Lucifer.
Lots of shenanigans with Maze being Chloe’s roommate while being highly inappropriate but also slowly growing to care for both Chloe and Trixie but Chloe barely even notice because she’s too focused on freaking out internally. Every time they have a little moment Chloe chalks it up to her being wishful and Maze being... Maze, like she probably just means she’d shag Chloe. And Maze doesn’t know how to deal with Human Feelings and thinks maybe if they just fuck things would go back to normal? But Chloe seems to be “nope” about it and Maze isn’t even upset about it and so she keeps stomping around the house and feeling weird. Also, they call each other when Maze is away on bounty hunts, Maze shrugs off Chloe’s worry but still talks with her for a while, sometimes she talks until Chloe falls asleep and sits still a few moments just listening to her breathe softly. She also has at least one pretty big fight with Lucifer over Chloe getting hurt while with him. Neither understands why she’s getting so worked up at first, Linda intervenes and tries smoothing things over. Maze goes in denial. Dan probably still beats people up occasionally with Maze and tries breaching the subject while they go for drinks after, Maze nearly suplexes him. She probably starts having lots of Human Feelings in general and tries blaming Chloe for it but she can’t bring herself to properly hate her for it, it does make them both step back a little because she spins out of control for a while because of it, she feels like her very nature is changing, probably leads to a face reveal and Maze running off. She has a drunken night out with Linda too and she basically says the same thing as Dan (a little more tactfully and subtly) and Maze atually starts reflecting on it and realizes she totally blew in Chloe’s face. I wouldn’t object to a little tearful reunion under the rain where Chloe tells Maze whatever she’s going through she’s there with her all the way if Maze will have her, she doesn’t want to see her suffering, if she needs support Chloe will give it to her, even if she doesn’t understand what she’s going on fully (she probs talked with Lucifer while Maze talked with Linda). They walk on eggshells a lot, Maze is worried Chloe is kind of afraid of her and angry for being worried then goes back at being worried. Chloe is also worried that her scared reaction to the face hurt Maze and that if she’s too forward with her feelings she’ll destabilize Maze who’s still having an existential crisis. There’s lot of baby steps. At some point Maze starts doing some adorable digging for information on Chloe with Trixie (trades it with stabbing lessons). Leaves her some probably both cute but also slightly threatening gifts around (army knife in her favourite color, brass knuckles with her name engraved on the inside etc..). Like some sort of courting. Chloe keeps them all in box she goes through sometimes while Maze is away. She then decides to do the same
And Lucifer still pokes and prods a lot at Dan who might be a little into it. Though they probably work out even slower than Chloe and Maze on account of them being... themselves. Also Palmetto and Dan being super shifty and Douchey at first and Lucifer being a bit of a lech if well intentioned with Chloe. Things start to smooth over later. And they don’t even realize they’ve grown to care for each other at first. They have a kind of a “He’s terrible I hate him but don’t you dare lay a finger on him” thing going on. Like Dan starts ranting about Lucifer and talks about all the stuff he hates about him and Chloe is a smart cookie so she just joins in and Dan slowly start unconsciously backpedaling and counters what Chloe is saying with slightly nicer things, or makes excuses until he kind of has this dreamy look in his eyes. After he realizes what’s going on he shoots Chloe the most betrayed look ever but she’s like “You did it all yourself”. Same goes for Lucifer, he rags on Dan and openly makes fun of him but starts getting personally offended when anyone else does it, wouldn’t be able to explain the difference “I just do it right!” he thinks. And he probably joins Dan on cases when Chloe isn’t dealing with one sometimes (the excuse is that paperwork is boring), they both pretend they don’t like it but they’re actually getting along like a house on fucking fire, like they come back to the precing and Lucifer’s shirt is a torn mess and he’s got an arm slung around Dan’s shoulders (he has a split lip) and when they notice Ella and Chloe staring like :)c they awkwardly shuffle away from each other. And then he asks about him to Chloe when they’re on sepate cases (”Is he ok??) and she tells him to use the phone he definitely has to talk to him, so Dan receives criptic emojis while out on cases and after a whole understands it’s Lucifer checking on him, he starts answering half in emojis too.  Also Lucifer talks about Dan a lot with Linda, like among all the Miracle Chloe stuff and self-loathing he just goes absolutely off about Dan. After the Devil Reveal, when Dan knows everything, Lucifer probably makes some joke about both of them being on a path of redemption and Dan vehemently (and aggressively, he probs straight up grabs Lucifer and starts shaking him) insists HE fucked up big time and hurt people and needs to atone, Lucifer doesn’t need redemption and Dan will kick anyone’s ass who tells him anything he went through in the past is something he needs redemption for. He’s probably a little tipsy and says a lot more than kick ass (he makes a lot of colorful and gruesome descriptions, swings his arms around and makes all the motions) the only reason he shuts up is that Lucifer grabs his face and just kisses the shit out of him. Lucifer also does the digging for information stufff with Trixie, except the stabbing lessons are substituted by money.
Also Chloe is the first who opens up to Dan cause she’s got a little more of a grip on her feelings that him. He comes around later and they freak out over their feelings together. Both about Maze and Lucifer and like, what being closeted for so long meant to them, just how much stuff they never talked about while being married a decade, labels and what the fuck is up with the whole Demon/Devil thing?? They bond in a completely new way (cue Lucifer and Maze getting jealous at some point and then nope nope denial time, Linda has a field day in therapy with Lucifer and as friend over drinks with Maze). They also sometimes go to gay clubs and bars in secret and fool around a little when they still think their infatuations with Lucifer and Maze are purely “Those two are hot”. Just hang out there to have fun gush/mope while drinking when they catch the Feels for real.
(Also, since I already have the one weird OT4 going on with Chloe/Dan/Lucifer/Pierce..... smashing them all together too would also be cool. I just love throwing canon storyline to the winds lmao. Starts with Maze/Lucifer who grow apart while they deal with being in contact with humanity so long and suddenly having personal ties and caring for some humans and Dan/Chloe who still divorce because of all the shit around Palmetto but none of them can’t quite let go properly (both relationships). And then their paths also interlock and it’s a big fucking mess. Somehow it works out though).
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missile-silo · 5 years
More headconons because I feel like it
* They adopted a cat and called it Schrödinger . He’s a Maine coon cat (they think, he was found in a box). He’s an old cat, about 10.
* They also have a little Russian blue (again they’re not sure, he was found near an airfield)cat called Yuri (after Yuri Gagarin) but they only got him a year before the show started. He’s only a year and a half old.
* Alya comes to Marinettes apartment one time and is complaining about getting a low score on her science test. Mendeliev is marking papers while banging her head on the table saying “they’re so f**king stupid” and Alya starts screaming.
* Marinette learns how to bake through Gina, so she still makes things for class gatherings.
* When she was first taken in Marinette ate a lot of pizza. Like a lot. She can’t stand it now.
* The morning routine consists of: coffee, breakfast (cereal, they go through so much), get dressed and leg it because Mendeliev forgot she had a meeting.
* Marinette finds out about Mendeliev and Bustier by walking into the apartment to see both of them chatting (flirting) in the couch. School was bare awkward.
* The above has also happened to Alya, Nino and Adrien, but Nino saw them kissing so he’s scarred.
* Mendeliev smoked. Marinette poured water on her when she did. Mendeliev no longer smokes (she has an juul instead)
* “Ms I haven’t done my homework, what should I do?” 
* Marinette purposefully tells Mendeliev about trends in the hope that she’ll pull some weird crap in class. So far, she’s heard three screams from Mendeliev saying “oh wig?” to people not finishing work.
* An incredibly distraught Mendeliev asking Damocles for help to learn how to raise a kid (I feel like she’d be 27 when she got Marinette, so she would have been teaching for 6 years). Damocles doesn’t know Marinette is Mendelievs kid, but knows she has one.
* Jagged Stone being involved with Marinette in more of an uncle/godfather way after finding out about her being adopted. Offers to look after her during holidays and after school when there’s parent evening. Not over the top, but he has definitely been called into school (during school hours)when Gina couldn’t make it.
* The bro relationship Adrien and Mari have. They act like siblings because they can relate about parents being gone and the trouble with that. They get put into groups for science classes with another random person (they good at science minus biology) and the bickering would be real.
* Nino and Adrien are also like bros, but they’re like best friend bros.
* Alya and Marinette have a healthier and more positive relationship, with Marinette being blunt about relationships. Marinette helps Alya with physics and chemistry homework in return for biology homework. The dynamic duo have lots of fun together, and neither end up third wheeling because the group ends up getting pretty close.
* Alya still falls for Lilas lies at the start , but Marinette talks her into publishing the video in a sort of speculation/public opinions based column. This would save the reputations the ladyblog when all comes to show.
* When Lila comes into the class, she lies about knowing ladybug first and Maris like oh dope. Then she says about the miraculous and Maris like “ookay bit weird” but nothing comes out of the volpina episode that damages Marinette (Adrien voices concern about her not taking being rejected well, but Marinettes like “you should be able to reject who you want bro”). Mari mainly doesn’t like her because of the lies and her ignoring Adriens attempts to get away from physical contact.
* Then comes the bull crap about the bakery girl being her best friend and Maris like “lmao what no mate” and Lila puts on crocodile tears. People react with hostility, but Alya runs her mouth and says that Mari is the bakery girl. She later gets thanked for this, but admits she wasn’t thinking straight.
* Some people are hostile to Marinette after that, with Lilas tinnitus. At break time Marinette admits she didn’t manage to get any work done. This is where Marinettes head injury rears it’s head, because she has difficulty with focusing in class because of it (I do my research this is a real thing I think). She asks why Lila didn’t move to the front row replacing Nino or Adrien (or even Chloe and Sabrina). There’s a bit of owopsie and Adrien moves himself to the back (leaving Lila with marinette, much to Lilas dismay)
* Lila tried to claim that Marinette wanted to keep her away from Adrien, to which she’s like “yeah, you don’t respect his boundaries despite his clear dislike for you touching him”. There’s a whole woe is me part, but then Alya and Nino step in like “tf dudette, thought you weren’t interested”. Then Lila cries to her mum and...
* They are “revealed” when Lilas mum demands to see Marinettes mother (to talk about how horrible she is and why she shouldn’t “bully” her kid) and despite the school offering multiple times to call Gina she refuses saying “I’m lilas mum, I should talk to Marinettes mum” and Mendeliev just sort of says “oh yeah let me get her” and she spins around and is like“hi you wanted to see me?”
* There’s a big oh feck.jpg moment in the class, but it explains a lot about Mari (why she despised Lila for using her parents death for fame, why she was so big about Adrien being able to choose if people touch him or not. Ms Mendeliev raised her that way)
* People are surprised that she doesn’t get favouritism from Mendeliev, but they both explain that they hate that (miss bustier is making notes)
*Sabine and Tom were once Ladybug and Chat Noir (for like a week) and Gina sees ladybug and chat acting like bros and is just like :,) cod they act like Sabine and Tom but less romantic and more familial.
* Marinette and Kagami just... end up together. Only Nino knows why. It does involve a can of squirt cream, a kitchen knife, three packs of blu tac and a whoopee cushion.
* The group happily integrating other people (Aurore, Mirelle and Marc) because the power of a found family is just THAT strong.
* Weredad doesn’t happen (obviously. Unless I wanted to douse this with ridiculous amounts of angst in which I would have Toms ladybug ghost being akumatised because he missed so much in his babies life)
* Marinette isn’t obsessed with Adrien, so she just has obscure sci-fi references on her walls like from “The cone heads”
* Mendeliev used to have a mild heart attack whenever she saw Marinette trip or fall down the stairs, but now it’s like “oh ya....there she goes”.
* One of the office women (receptionist?) taught Mendeliev little tips and tricks about raising the gal. Ended up being one of those people you call auntie but really isn’t related to you. (Her name’s Linda and she knows everyone’s name)
* Marinette found some heelies in a charity shop when she was about 6, and just sort of clings to Mendelievs jacket when she walks because that woman is fecking tall.Whenever she outgrows them, someone from her extended family gets her a pair. This carried on for years. Almost gave Chloe an aneurism when she first saw them do it on a school trip.
* The group all does it now. Sometimes Alix tags along, but grips onto Kim instead.
* Someone (Rose) asks Marinette whether she has an adoptive Dad and she’s like “no but I might get another Mum if she ever learns how to flirt” and Ms Mendeliev is embarrassed but Bustier is deciding if she’d want a daughter
* Post “reveal” Lila runs to the media and now the class has a daily game of finding out who are Marinettes illegitimate parents that week
* “Who am I related to this week?”
“You’re Jagged stones and... Adriens’ Mums kid now.”
“Damn, I always thought I’d be Jagged’s and Audrey bourgeois’ kid”
* Someone gets akumatised because they think they were a bad parent.
* It’s probably Astruc.
* One of Marinettes favourite childhood toys is a furby but Mendeliev is terrified of them so if Mari gets annoyed at her she just whips out the furby
* Marinette tried to be all cool about her Ma but she does say the occasional cursed thing like “She sleeps in her lab coat. What you don’t know that scientists shed their coat once a year? Wack”
* The phone conversations that consist of other cursed things:
“No you can’t eat cheesecake. Why?! It literally has cheese in the title. YOU’RE ALLERGIC TO MILK! Why did you do that? Yes I’ll tell school to get a supply in, just try not to puke on your phone. Please don’t do this every time you have a meeting you don’t want to go to. ”
* Marinette has a lot of extended family past her own, but doesn’t get to see them often cos Mendelievs family all live in Eastern Europe.
* Max gets Marinette to help with Markov (working out how to get him to hover idk I haven’t seen the episode)
* Buffinette is real. But not from fighting or weights. It’s from dragging Mendelievs’ student’s books up four flights of stairs to get to the apartment.
*Theres no balcony scenes because having a balcony increases rent and Paris is already expensive.
* Marinette has heterochromia (an eye for each parent) because I’ve been playing overwatch and I like Moira’s design. She’s definitely more obviously half Chinese, and her hair is more a warm black (incorporating Toms hair a bit). What, this is my Au I’ll design Marinette how I want to.
* Although realistically Marinette should have green eyes after Tom because that’s how google says alleles work but idk. God maybe powerful but I’m a tired Brit who’s results day is far too close.
* Ladybugs outfit is more than just spandex. It’s modelled after Chinese martial arts and roman gladiators (the armour).
* Marinette tends to struggle to empathise with people but is compassionate. If someone cries infront of her she’ll comfort them but won’t really get why until it’s explained.
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