#i think i don't have to talk about pokemon that's self-explanatory
darkdragon768 · 8 months
Nintendo games have become too easy...
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frontierpodiatrist · 5 months
clubroom interactions i wish we'd gotten
arven & katy or kofu (self-explanatory) brassius & tulip (expanding on their beef) penny & iono (you cannot tell me she isn't an iono fan) nemona & larry (it would've been funny for her to scold him like geeta) penny & ryme (giacomo stand-in) nemona & rika (mimicking her hair, i assume she's a fan) clavell & arven (disappointing we don't hear more about arven's mental state and thoughts on his parent after ruminating for a few months, clavell seems the most likely to check up on this) clavell & nemona (lets go student council president) nemona & jacq (why the hell doesn't SHE interact with her homeroom teacher but the other two do???) penny & miriam (i feel like she would've skipped a lot in the nurse's) arven & miriam (headcanon that he saw her about mabosstiff at one point) arven & drayton (he and carmine i think would have similar reactions to drayton of getting extremely peeved and annoyed) arven & lacey (i think it'd be funny if she was interested in him for liking cute things like his phone case, etc. and being friendly and cutesy much to crispin's chagrin, and was endeared by him not being scared by clay; not realizing it's bc he doesn't know who that is and bc he's jealous she has a protective dad) penny & amarys (i think since amarys apparently likes painting they could talk about mela or something) nemona & drayton (she would totally want to battle him) jacq & kieran or carmine (WHY DOES NOBODY BRING UP THE FACT HE WAS JUST IN THE WOODS IN KITAKAMI? it would've been so funny if one of them was like HEY WAIT A MINUTE I SAW YOU IN THE WOODS)
anyway i enjoyed the epilogue and the post-game conversations, but i wish that the big three had gotten a lot more than just two outside of one another and carmine and kieran...left me wanting more especially because i wasn't completely satisfied thinking they all moved on immediately...real life doesn't work like that, but i have to accept pokemon isn't going to delve into the real-life process of grief
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ayup mates, its me (that one fucking guy that shows up in your fever dreams to offer you garlic bread then fucks off into the void) (i think you need to get a therapist btw)
Call me dots or dot (not correct but when saying something belongs to me you use "dot's". idk why don't ask me)
My cara page (for art): https://cara.app/ihavedotsinmybrain
They/them she/her it/its ( welcome to the mad lab we do experiments with the funny goofy hjinks with the genders here)
TAG GUIDE : my art (self explanatory), dot's thoughts (mad ramblings) (extra note, there are two versions of dot's thoughts, the other one is with the phone version of ' so you can go look for that if you wanna see me posting from outside the comfort of my room and computer), dot’s travel journal (me on holiday), my persona (obviously just my persona) *prone to updates
dumbass who likes to draw ocs and shit. (posts like there is no tomorrow but also like i have all the time in the world) (oc x canon stuff also) (some fanart ig)
if you wanna find my (mostly serious) art, check out @dots-in-my-head (send me asks and dms on this blog) also i have started putting fandom stuff there too so if you want to get my fandom doodles you can look to there as well
still questioning sexuality but currently aro/ace? (idk i'm not in a rush lol) (i WILL dabble in the arts of questioning me sexuality on internet if you got problems with that shoo)
my loveley husband (@octoxxt, pls ignore this blog dude its embarrassing)
why do you need to know my age, ‘you a cop?
will not draw smut or NSFW bcs i will start howling with racous laughter and melt. (i don;t even read smut in fic dude what do expect me to be able to draw im a cartoonish obviously anime style inspired semi-realism but not really shitty doodle artist you put your hopes too high if you think i can draw a dick without making it look like a piece of middle school desk graffiti)
i've got a bit of a dirty mouth but everything is pretty vanilla . (i make edgy dumb jokes sometimes, but it's not my actual personality peace 'n love on planet earth okay) (any time i say i wanna kms IT IS A JOKE) (most of my posts are /srs i will mark it if its a joke i know the pain of not knowing if it was a funny joke or not i gotchu other autistic peeps)
please talk to me god i am lonely (i am serious about this i love it when people rb and scream in the tags it genuinely makes my day) (send me asks send measkssendmeaskssendmeasks—)
Absolute art machine(whether the art is good or not is a big question that i am not ready to answer) makes shitty animations sometimes idk.
Uses lol too much. Chinese, knows mandarin (translate the random messages for maximum brain damage) i don't know simplified but i do know traditional (please talk to me i need to practice my chinese reading skills) am i a furry? idk but if you're mad about it you can fuck right off (i have a couple ocs and my darling fursona)
am currently inbetween fandoms, fandoms i am (kind of) active in are hetalia, scp, dnd, genshin, pjo, bg3, apothecary diaries, jrwi riptide and csm (list is prone to updating because fandom is my support system) (you wont see my art for most of them but the brainworms are there and sometimes i let them take over)
old fandoms or the fandoms i lurk in (i visit them often): eddsworld, demon slayer, pokemon, vocaloid and wof. (also prone to updates as i remember stuff)
note : i am still in school and have a life outside the internet so stuff will be delayed (which is why i am only kind of active) (i go missing sometimes i am not dead life is just lifing for me)
Do not say anything about how cringe I am I know trust me (it’s a coping mechanism lol)
if you're concerned, you're very right to be. I am very incoherent (most of my life updates have actually devolved into cries for help, please talk to me)
also if you don't like my art or ships just leave(any critique about anything i make shoots a bazooka straight into my heart and behind the screen i crumble into a cartoonish pile of ashes and bones as i stare at the screen blurred by tears) (unless I ask for critique then i brought this on myself and i’ll walk it off don't worry)
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(Both of my personas)
My flags (might be updated)
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cursed-rattatas · 18 days
-- Hello! Im just your local tumblr user who makes fanart of mentally ill children on side.
Ask box is always open! And DMs i dont mind :3 Also im really awkward so sorry in advance. also if any moots want my discord feel free to just ask me mwaha.
-- My pronouns page: https://en.pronouns.page/@cursedrats
-- Name: L, Rat, Bozo, call me whatever I really don't care
-- it/they/he
-- also uhm please use tone tags around me? dont have to though it just helps teehee
-- #rattatas.txt :random ramblings and text posts (pokemon related obv)
-- #mental illness (art tag) :self explanatory i think
-- #sona shit :my sona!! not actual art but just random doodles of him reacting to things
I really like Zorua. And Kieran. And Penny. And Carmine. And Rika. And Espurr. And just the Pokemon franchise in general.
Mostly fixated on Kieran, his mentally unstable swag appeals to me. I post a lot about him. (edit: I lied penny took over someone help Kieran he is TRAPPED)
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pjunicornart · 3 months
Random Thoughts About Cornelius/Lewis I think about way too often
Title is self explanatory. Mostly headcanons under the cut.
I wonder what else he's picky about? Why would he make a PB&J gun? Because he's like me. Portions on certain foods need to be EXACTLY TO MY SPECIFICATIONS otherwise I'll break down. So if he's picky about a simple PB&J, what else is he picky over? I think he doesn't like a lot of spaghetti sauce on pasta, or he just orders butter pasta. He probably never has any kind of liquid/creamy based thing on subs, like mayo or dressings. Also can't stand coconut. Just a vibe.
I don't think Neil tolerates heat very well. I feel like on really hot Summer days, the last thing he wants to do is go outside... unless it's to a pool. Because he gets heat sick very easily, and he feels like he's gonna puke but he knows he's not but because he feels like he is he's just in an eternal cycle of suffering. I'm not speaking from experience what are you talking about...
Loud/sudden loud noises are probably a sensitive thing for Cornelius. I feel like when he was younger he'd hate the sound of blenders, mixers, rumble strips on roads, lightning, etc. As well as shrill/cringe inducing noises such as styrofoam rubbing against styrofoam, crinkling/ripping/rubbing plastic, squeaky markers on whiteboards, buzzing from flies and bees, and squeaky shoes on linoleum floors.
Do you think Neil ever goes into one of those little travel bubbles and just kinda floats through the air? Like to be in a calming environment.
I think besides dogs, he also wants a pet snake. It was like that when he was a kid, and as an adult, he still wants a pet snake.
Cornelius has a very specific way of doing things, and if you mess up that system by cleaning his mess for him, you're dead!
I think in general he has sleep issues. Especially when Neil is on business trips. He's only comfortable (and used to) sleeping in his own environment, so any other environment messes with his routine enough to make him toss and turn.
In case it wasn't already obvious, I think Cornelius is autistic. Self diagnosed later on down the line. I feel like the physical symptom he displays the most (aside from fidgeting) is toe walking.
Let's face it... Lewis in the movie is kind of an irritable jerk. But I think this is explained by his past. He always keeps his guard up and he never wants to get close to anybody because they always leave him. Hence why he scolds himself for letting himself think Wilbur was a friend, rather than scolding Wilbur for lying after he found out.
He didn't like frogs at first because "Ew, slimy."
He was definitely the type to always get picked last in gym class. Neil can't catch a ball to save his life... but he is a pretty fast runner.
Another vibe I get, but I feel like there were those times when he wished Mr. Willerstein could be his dad. He was essentially the only thing close to a father figure he had in his life before he got adopted. We don't see much screen time with them interacting, but it's clear Lewis and Mr. Willerstein had a pretty good teacher-student relationship. Hell, I even feel like Lewis would prefer to spend his lunch hour with his teacher instead of in the cafeteria with everybody being loud and annoying.
If Neil is gonna play any game, it's gotta have good puzzles. So what I'm saying is he probably played a lot of Professor Layton. But because he grew up during the DS, Wii, and Gamecube era, he's probably nostalgic for those Zelda games (Twilight Princess, Ocarina of Time, Skyward Sword), Mario games (New Bros. Wii, Mario Kart Wii, Galaxy 1 & 2, Mario Kart DS, Mario Party DS, Double Dash, Sunshine, Paper Mario), as well as the Metroid and Megaman games which would've been in circulation during that time period. For some reason, I don't think he was ever interested in Pokemon. I feel like that's more Franny's schtick.
Cornelius does NOT like horror games. Unless it's FNaF, because it's not actually scary most of the time.
He either sleeps in the softest blankets known to man or he ain't sleeping at all.
Neil may be one of the smartest men on Earth, yes, but he still has his dumb moments. Like when he's trying to find the syrup in the pantry for his pancakes, and he can't find it so he asks Wilbur for help. Then Wilbur proceeds to find the bottle of syrup that was right in front of Neil's face the whole time, and he somehow didn't register its existence.
Lewis prefers longer socks to normal length socks, because he blisters easily. But also because there are more fun varieties.
Frogs he can learn to love. But small, spindly spiders? NOPE NOPE NOPE. Tarantulas? He loves them because they're fuzzy and the perfect petting size! But the minute the spiders get smaller he is OUT. He hates bugs in general, really. The minute he finds a spider, ant, bee, or any bug in his house he will bomb the residence then move to Mars.
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askleaderscrest · 7 months
Something About Stars
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Clarent: A gift giving event? That seems... Odd, but nice! We don't tend to give much around here, other than the occasional shared hunt. We're not really ones for material items, nowhere to put anything, after all! Though, I suppose if anyone hears this, I can think of a few things that could work?
A bitter tasting treat?
One of those odd discs humans use on their partner Pokemon. Preferably one of the Fighting type.
Something interesting from another part of Paldea, or even overseas.
Wishful thinking, but maybe just... Someone around my age to talk to.
Or maybe something for my son, Gladius? I think he deserves a kindness.
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Gladius: Huh, gift giving? Have I ever really wanted anything? Like a thing thing? I don't think I have? I'm pretty happy with what I have now, y'know? Though uh, I guess I can think of something?
Some training lessons would be nice, if that's manageable?
Something sweet! Berries are nice, but I've heard there's something sweeter out there!
Maybe a nice sharpening stone?
A way to see the ocean. I've heard of it, but never seen it.
Something nice for my mom? There's only so much I can offer her, and I think if anyone's deserving of a gift, it's her.
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Sabre: You really expect me to believe Pokemon will just give things without payment? Well, I'm not buying it! This is some sort of tactic to get me to trust someone so it's easier to get me while my back is turned, isn't it? If you're oh so generous, than let's make it more difficult to get me, I want battle items!
Rare candies. EXP candies. Any of that.
Something to teach me a new move. I could use more variety.
An Eviolite. Preferably the one off Vel's neck. Hate that guy.
A Covert Cloak would also be helpful.
An easy way to get Gladius out of the Crest before he gets himself killed.
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Capricorn: Wait, now why am I here? I ain't about this gift giving nonsense! I've hardly got any need for most things, but I guess I can think of somethin'?
Some human-made healing items.
Lessons on sign language.
Some human-made books for my daughter.
Advice on how to apologize to someone.
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Morris: Oh, you didn't think you'd be getting way without mentioning me, now did you? And right after ignoring me on my birthday too? Rude. I'm participating in this, whether you like it or not, and I'm not gonna be easy about it!
A sewing kit.
An uncarved grave stone.
A Flying Gem.
And now for a fun one: A feather. And I don't mean something off your average Pidgey, I mean a Lunar, Rainbow, or Silver Feather.
A Prison Bottle would be cool, we need a new one.
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Mod Note below:
(So most of these are pretty self explanatory, I think! Since most of the characters are feral/wild Pokemon, physical trinkets and such are pretty useless to them. It was actually pretty hard to think of options! So be as creative as you like with gifts! Also, elaborations just in case:
Clarent's list is pretty straight forward, I think. A bitter treat can be something akin to say, dark chocolate, since it's something she's never had. 'Someone around her age to talk to' can apply to pretty much any character who's been a parent, as she doesn't talk with many others except her Pawniards, Gladius, & Sabre!
Gladius' list is also pretty straight forward, he likes sweets and he wants to be stronger. Fulfilling a piece of Gladius' wishlist fulfills the final piece of Clarent's wishlist, and vice versa.
Sabre just wants to be stronger. Candies must be limited to a small handful and no, you can't actually take the Eviolite from Vel, though your character is free to try, they must fail to do so.
Capricorn... Is actually here on the chance my Star Sender is an artist who would rather not draw a Bisharp! His primary concern would be the first 3 listed items, but also lists a couple of story-relevant bonuses! Please note that since Capricorn hasn't been properly introduced, I unfortunately do not currently have a ref of his daughter done!
Morris serves the same purpose as Capricorn, being an extra on the chance you're an artist who would rather draw someone else. His legendary list is absurd at best and unfeasible at worst. But that's okay, because if you choose him, your character is allowed to fail miserably!
Have fun!
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drizzileiscool · 8 months
new pinned new pinned new pinned
yo!! welcome to my blog!!
I'm just a regular drizzile. nothing out of the ordinary. no eebydeeby stuff going on here I was never a human to begin with (although it is weird that I never remember being a sobble)
My name is Azure, btw! a human who I'm friends with gave me this strange rock thing called azurite and decided to name me after it since I didn't already have a name before meeting her
also the pokedex is a liar I am not smart at all lol
Anyways this is also a drizzile propaganda blog because for some reason people don't like my species. why is that. what is wrong with you humans
but that's not all! this is also an ask blog now (as of october 26th 2023)!!! because I really want to talk to people but find it really hard to start a conversation
Feel free to send an ask about Literally Whatever! as long as it's not nsfw I will answer your ask!!
I'm hoping that this blog will make people realize that us drizziles are indeed cool
ooc/tags/more info under the cut
hello again thanks for clicking the read more thing
I am the owner of this blog, I go by either drizzile or sig (drizzile is preferred if we aren't twitter mutuals)
fyi, for any irl friends that manage to find this blog, please do not use my real name on here! just call me drizzile or sig instead! I don't like having irl information about me online
I'm bad at talking to other people sorry!! if you want to talk to me then you're either gonna have to @ me or respond to one of my posts
info about Azure:
Azure is a drizzile. I don't think they're good at being a drizzile though /j but they sure as hell are one!
they're basically just me if I were a drizzile. that also applies to the things like gender and pronouns. so both me and Azure are non binary and use any pronouns
the world that Azure lives in is also basically just the real world. only instead of the different continents it's the actual pokemon regions. also yes tpc exists in their universe and so do the pokemon games and anime and other pokemon related media
Azure lives in galar! specifically galar mine 2 (though they occasionally make visits to hulbury, spikemuth, and ballonlea. what are they doing there? I have no idea. they just like the Vibes™ I guess)
Azure has not been outside of galar
And y'know how I mentioned that they don't remember being a sobble? that's because they were born as a drizzile! they haven't actually experienced being a sobble. also they can't evolve for some reason but they don't mind since they don't really want to
They're also a shiny drizzile! But they like to keep that a secret since they think humans will try to catch them if they find out. Feel free to ask about that as well. Make them suffer /j
these were all created before I gave azure a name and it was still Drizzile and im too lazy to change these to say azure instead of drizzile
not drizzile - things that are ooc (as well as things that aren't drizziles)
probably drizzile but not at the same time - posts that are both in character and ooc because this happens alot for some reason. feel free to interact as either in character or ooc, either is fine
ideas of drizzile - some ideas I have that I think could be really cool
drizzile tagging tag - the tag I use when I create a new tag. ironically this tag wasn't created by me lol. created by thatoneguy031 (sorry I'm too shy to actually tag you lol)
drizzile is liveblogging - liveblogging random stuff, such as games and anime. will probably clog up your dash
azure lore - random lore/facts about azure
hey future drizzile you should draw this - things I want to draw but currently can't due to my drawing abilities and time
tw suggestive - suggestive or slightly nsfw posts. feel free to blacklist this tag if you don't like seeing that kind of stuff
important - things that are important to this account, like announcements
vent - self explanatory I think. all vents are ooc if I ever forget to tag one as ooc or just don't feel like tagging it btw
carrd (has more info about me)
twitter (currently private but will gladly accept follow requests)
this is the end of the pinned post
if anyone wants to talk to me, feel free to add me on discord @ sigpuyopuyo
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dreamislandliving · 10 months
about me!! 🦇
new pinned because i haven't used this account in ages but i really want to meet and talk to more selfshippers!!
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🖤 it/its
🖤 20
🖤 lesbian
🖤autistic and plural, mentally disabled
🖤i have lots of f/os ranging from different fandoms. the ones i will probably be posting about most are from object shows and pokemon, since those are my special interests and what i'm hyperfixating on right now...
🖤my interests mainly include pokemon, object shows, digimon, total drama, bee and puppycat, dragon village, petsites, music and seals
🦇 my tag list:
this list will be updated as i add more to this blog! for now, here are the basics:
🦇squeak : general tag
🖤 lovemail : for lovemailing, posts specifically about my f/os
🔮art : for art. self explanatory
🌙writing : for writing. self explanatory
☔️venting : please feel free to mute this tag if you don't want to see any vents i might make on here
my f/os don't all have tags right now, i'll probably just leave them all in the tags on this post. however, my main f/os right now are:
🎒 liam (hfjone)
🥤 bryce (hfjone)
🌾 airy (hfjone)
🍭 lollipop (bfdi)
🍩 moully (bee and puppycat)
🐈‍⬛ my partner's fursona lmao
🌧 five pebbles
if you don't like any of these characters, you're better off not following me. i'll probably post them a lot. i am okay with sharing my f/os, i love talking about them with people who share them!
i also selfship with many of my partner and friends' ocs. i will post things about them here if given permission.
some of my f/os are platonic/familial (my pokemon) i will post about them here too.
❌️ DNI:
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this is a safe for work blog so i will not post any nsfw!!!
i think that's it :") if i forgot anything i'll add it here later. feel free to message me or send things to my inbox, i love meeting new people.
my f/o tags will be below (to be updated)
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OCCE - Sol Overview
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So I talked about her briefly when I posted those portraits, but Sol was the first OC I ever made (not that I knew what an OC was at the time)
She's from Pokemon bc I spent my entire childhood tearing through the pokemon adventure mangas and eventually started daydreaming about it. None of this was ever written down anywhere btw so have a fun recollection of my memories.
Sol is what's known in pokemon as an Aura Wielder. It seems pretty self explanatory, but Aura Wielders are able to sense and manipulate the energy of all living things. This allows for several neat abilities like the power to form barriers and projectiles, resistance to certain frequencies, the ability to transfer energy to others, sense one's surroundings, and telepathy with other beings sensitive to aura abilities.
If you're unfamiliar with pokemon, the main character Ash Ketchum also canonically has this ability and it's typically how Sol communicates with him (especially initially bc Ash didn't know sign language)
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Sol is also a child of the Viridian Forest, which is a concept from the manga where every 10 years the Great Spirit of the Forest blesses a child born in the forest with the ability to read the minds and memories of pokemon, heal them, and use a small degree of telekinesis (because why not. I was 8. Rules don't exist)
Sol woke up near Pallet Town injured with a bout of amnesia where Ash found her while he was out training for the Indigo League.
After getting her help, Sol stayed with Delia (Ash's mom) and began helping out around Professor Oak's lab while she recovered. After a while, Professor Oak eventually gifted Sol with a mysterious egg that hatched into a Ralts.(He hoped that Ralts natural ability to feel its trainers' emotions would help cheer Sol up after she became frustrated with her lack of progress regarding her lost memories.)
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After Ash returned from venturing across the Johto region and Team Rocket attacked the lab stealing all the pokemon (as they do episodically), Ralts evolved into a Kirlia and was able to use its psychic powers to free the pokemon.
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After Ash declared he would be traveling to the Hoenn region, Professor Oak suggested Sol go with him to see if anything on their adventures could help respark her memory. 
Sol became pretty good at battling and eventually gained a team consisting of Gardevoir, Luxray, Sableye, Dragonair, Charizard, and Starmie.
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She continued traveling with Ash up until the end of the Kalos League when Sol decided she finally had enough confidence to travel on her own and wanted to try to take on the gym challenges in Kanto and Johto.
Professor Oak went with Sol to Johto initially on his way to the Goldenrod radio tower where he regularly hosted his own show when they met a boy named Gold. Gold claimed to have had a newborn pokemon stolen from his grandparents' day care just down the road, and that the thief took off towards Violet City.
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Plot shenanigans ensue and through the power of rivalry and friendship the Sol, Gold, and the thief, named Silver become friends (Silver a bit more begrudgingly than the first two) I have no more details on this part. That's all I remember. I think it just follows the plot of HeartGold/SoulSilver from that point forward.
If there was some sort of resolution to the amnesia thing I don't remember it (oh irony). It was maybe a failed teleportation attempt? And parents didn't exist? Idk. I didn't understand how kids came into fruition then so it's entirely possible I just pictured Sol spawning into the world from a tree.
If you want some sort of closure then take comfort in the fact that Sol made so many new memories that they felt that the ones they lost weren't nearly as important anymore.
Also that Sol, Gold, and Silver start dating when they're older. Courtesy of 12 year old me having a crush?(squish is probably more accurate) on Silver, but also shipping him with Gold and accidentally stumbling across the concept of polyamory through trying to figure out which ship to go with.
Example of my internal monolog:
Me (projecting my feelings onto my ocs as you do): I really like Gold x Silver, but also I want to date Silver
Also me: Okay, but you also like Gold.
Me: Yeah, but not as much as Silver
Also me: But why don't they all just date each other? Problem solved!
Me: I don't think that's a thing
Also me: Why not?
Me: Idk. I just don't think that's a thing
Also me: But you're making it up. What does it matter? None of it's real. No one can stop you.
Me: Good point.
Part 2 for the Stardew Bit
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beehive-sys-sus · 1 month
If you could relive any of your memories, which would it be?
THIS is the blog we were expecting it for. /gen nm typing quirk Right. This'll probably be a long one, because this isn't specified for any one alter, so under the cut will just have every alter with source talking about memories they'd like to feel again. I'll organize them as best I can, but you know how it goes.
Damocles (Glitchy Red Ryan) - Right. Well. I have--a lot of source. I am based off our main timeline version of our Glitchy Red, Ryan (not the host, he stole the name before I arrived.). A memory I'd like to relive is...both a lot of them, and also none of them. I try very hard to stay separate from my source, so really the things I remember SOLIDLY are the bad stuff that give me phantom pains and make me just. Not have a lower jaw for a bit. That being said, I can think of a few. I remember once in source, Character Steven as it were took me out to see the sunrise one morning. Nothing happened, we just sat in silence in the chilly morning. It was...nice. The other, less romantic one would be when I was a professional Pokemon Breeder. My southern ass was so content telling people to fuck off with my 800 dogs it was GREAT. Doomsday (Houndoom)- BARK! Gambit (Jolteon) - pbfbtbtbtbt
Gold (Self Explanatory) - Aw, jeez, uhm. I guess winning the champion match was cool! I really miss that. I miss battling in general :( I DONT miss mt silver tho that place was CREEPY n cold. Not a fan.
Mewtwo -
KILLING THE MEN WHO MADE ME. Mike (Mike Strangled Red) - Sorry, I just got here, and most of the source I remember right now is uh. Dying. That being said, I really enjoyed completing the Pokedex (before THAT) as a whole project. Me and Bill worked on it together--simpler times. Steven (Steven Strangled Red, Custom Story Source)-
I miss feeding Miki breakfast, both the Charizard and the fat calico cat. Does that count? I liked my pokemon....god. My friends...I want to see my pokemon one more time.
Pyrrhic (Demon Possessing Steven)- CONSUMING THE SOULS OF THE INNOCENT. And also my human life before the cartridge, I suppose. I miss that...feeling. The things I did in that world. Rocket (Team Rocket Character Ryan Who also got horribly mauled by his Steven) - I miss my timeline before the distortion world. Yeah, Samson was bad, but at least everything wasn't. AS horrible. My timeline SUCKS, doesn't it. Shit. Uh. I guess I don't have anything specific in that case. Void (Character Ryan that killed God to take his throne) - I don't miss being a God much, I won't lie. There isn't much there for me to talk about in this case. I miss being HUMAN, more than anything. As much as I am TECHNICALLY human NOW, It doesn't FEEL like it. And I kind of miss--knowing. How to be human. In a weird way, I miss watching the fragment of my humanity learn and grow as a real, normal human. Unharmed by the sins of our father. Perhaps something like that.
Alexander (Custom World, Pathfinder 2E Wizard Psychic Gnome) - I wish I could see the Eldars one more time. I wish I could make up for the mistakes that I made. But Reliving is not the same as ALTERING. Aegis (Savage Worlds RIFTS, Lyn-Srial Techno-Wizard) - I would like to see my Warband members one more time, like that night before I became a coward. Drinking and Laughing before the ceremony--like nothing bad could ever touch us. I wish it was that simple. I wish I could rewrite what I did before. Despite what I've seen, I struggle to not see the humanity that has followed as Lesser Beings, sometimes. And I wish that was a mindset I could stop at will like so many other thoughts that cloud my mind.
Phantom (1) (Traveller, Resident/"Noble" of Drinax, Psionic) -
Dude that timeline SUCKED. Never ate, never slept, always on drugs, and THEN I became psychic? Fuck. I do miss performing live, though. I was a popular rockstar back then, you know! Or. In that timeline, I guess. That was always fun! Then the voices got me. But, hey, who's counting!
Dark Arts (Traveler, Vargr) - I miss slaughtering my enemies and stealing what was MINE. And perhaps the Passenger Princess who "Employed" me in the end was fun to tease. She was so ballsy, for a rich human! We went gambling, one time! Rigged it. My friend J-Dawg went and purposefully got his ass beat before wrecking someone when all bets were on the other guy and we bet TONS on him! So many credits! Enjoyed Princess. Enjoyed J-Dawg. Enjoyed Crime.
OTHER SOURCES (Youtube CUs, ULTRAKILL, Ace Attorney, Detective Grimoire, Metroid, FNAF, "Dice, Camera, Action!",)
Anti (Antisepticeye) -
I miss being able to be a menace LET ME OUTTTT LET ME FRONTTTTTTTTTT--
Dark (Darkiplier, custom RP universe) -
I miss my husband tails. I miss him a lot. I'll be back. /ref
As "funny" as that joke answer may be, it's not much of a real one. I miss my wedding night. My husband, John, was always antisocial, to say the least, and neither of us have a lot of real family we'd want to see at a "REAL" wedding. Being what we were, being married in the eyes of the law or "God" meant nothing. So instead we stayed home. We watched movies with the kids and ate snacks. It was a lovely night. I miss them.
Phantom(2) (Phantom NWTB, Custom RP universe) -
I miss being a DRAGON more than anything these days. Yes, I miss my husband and my children, but that ship has sailed and I have moved on. The wound may sting, but it will heal in time. I do miss being able to sit in lava baths and breathe fire, though. And being good at fighting. And being able to change my gender at will. I miss being a demon/dragon, how about that?
For specific memories, I guess I miss being able to flirt freely. Beyond, of course, relationships in reality being what they are, I cannot do that, nor is a traumatized 19 year old female body the IDEAL place to start flirting with anyone I find interesting.
V1 -
I miss being so athletic! I enjoyed being able to jump and run so freely. In that world, nothing mattered but Objective. Is it wrong for me to say it was so freeing?
Of course, not that morals ever played into what I did. I was a machine made for war, after all. That simplifies those things quite a lot.
Gabriel -
There is not many memories I would want to relive. There is many memories I am FORCED to relive, forever. Like a beast hunting me. Stalking me. Safety is never assured, but it never strikes to its fullest power. Always watching.
Phoenix Wright -
I miss being a lawyer dawg
Miles Edgeworth - I want to relive a time in which there WASN'T "ALMOST CHRISTMAS MEANS IT WASN'T CHRISTMAS" floating around as a "meme" constantly. /sar
Grimoire -
The literal first day I showed up as an alter our partner systems host explained Yaoi to me instantly. It's not relevant but I have to get it out there. Anyways as far as "reliving" memories go, I guess I want to relive when I was a detective, yes, but for less...grim, cases, pun not intended? When it wasn't about murder and crime and revenge. Susie -
I should be at the club, bestie. I want to be at the club. /ref
Hawkshaw - I wish to relive a time when my reputation was not tarnished by some murderous hag who used my image to forward her scheme. Does that suffice?
Metroid - My source is a joke I won't lie. Uhhh. I miss Gron, my metroid brother, does that count? I wanna relive fucking around with him and being annoying to the rest of the swarm.
Michael Afton - Uh. Have you seen my source? None of it is good. None of the above.
Paultin Seppa -
I miss my wife tails. I miss her a lot. I'll be back.
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a-tale-of-legends · 8 months
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The Lillie team I was talking about :3
My mindset was this: 1. Lillie probably prefers being on the support side. Not saying she's just that - I gave her a Dragonite and Magearna for a reason - but given lillie's nature, I feel she's most comfortable making sure everyone is healthy enough to battle. 2. I honestly think Lillie is more of a double battler, so I decided to look at vgc stuff for ideas for her team. It's why I decided to go against the grain and have Lillie not evolve her Clefairy, since Clefairy is a really good support pokemon in double battles, more so than Clefable. Alolan ninetales is also really great with snow warning + aurora viel. I don't want to go too long breaking down her entire team, cause I personally am not a competitive player so I just looked at stuff and thought " okay that would work" and slapped onto her team. Of course I was using game logic, but I think within the pokeverse, the strategy within the games can be applied to irl battles in some way shape or form.
Of course, I gave her pokemon that I thought would make sense to her. Clefairy, Ninetales, Ribombee,and Magearna are all kinda self explanatory. Clefairy and Ribombee are from the games, Ninetales and Magearna are inspired from the anime. Vaporeon was from an Eevee that Bill gave to her ( could have gone with Sylveon for the fairy typing but I wanted to diversify her team a bit lmao) , and Dragonite cause why the hell not, she deserves it. Also I think Dragonite's warm personality would really fit well with Lillie.
I already mentioned that I think Green ( leaf) takes Lillie under her wing while in Kanto, but maybe when she gets back to Alola, Blue can give her more tips on double battles.
Tbh, there's a lot that could be done with the movest of each pokemon, but I overall like what have so far. Besides, I don't think pokemon would really be restricted to 4 moves unless it's an official match or something. They don't remember every move they have, but definitely remember some key ones.
Okay, that's all, I don't want to go on too long. Hope you like her team!
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dziedznuts · 1 year
uh intro ig??
you can call me maggie or maggs, whichever one you prefer :)
i use she/her pronouns!
i am quite literally brand new to tumblr and i have no clue what i'm doing
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Basic Info n Boundaries!
i'm 18 yrs old and i'm bisexual
i’m a cis woman but i really couldn't care less about gender/pronouns/terms/whatever
my dm's are open if you wanna chat, just don't be creepy please n thanks!!
my ask is also open!! pls talk to me i prommy i don't bite
honestly just don't be weird or creepy. also no political or discourse heavy ppl please, but other than that i'm probably chill with you :))
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i have a lot of interests that i will never stfu about so very very sorry if you came here for anything in specific but my main interests are:
youtubers/streamers/content creators? (jschlatt, jack manifold, scott the woz, etc etc)
music! my favorite bands/artists are: Arctic Monkeys, TV Girl, Foo Fighters, Los Campesinos!, Glass Animals, and more!!
video games (especially nintendo games omg i love nintendo so much fdjkfdjfskl)
sports but ESPECIALLY hockey (let’s go red wings!!)
books n reading
crochet and crafting!
under the cut: other info and tagging system :)
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Other Info!
i'm always open to talk to ppl, especially about shared interests!!
i tend to use gendered terms (i.e. girl, dude, bro, babygirl, etc.) pretty gender-neutrally. please let me know if i call u something that you are uncomfy with!!
i don't use sideblogs or anything, so this blog will be very random and unorganized and will probably change over time as my interests change :))
uh yeah i think that's it!!
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Tagging System
Personal Tags:
#dziedz thoughts - literally just... random posts that don't really connect to anything el oh el
#dziedz irl - posts about my irl life, venting or sharing or just showing cool pictures i take :)
#dziedz liveblogs - self explanatory hahah
#dziedz jamz - music + vinyl collecting posts
#fluffernutter! - pictures of my lovely cat, fluffy :3
#dz's digital hugs - positive/mental health focused posts :)
Gaming Tags:
#dziedzcraft - posts about minecraft
#nintendziedz - posts about nintendo games (usually mario or pokemon heheh)
Other Tags:
#dndziedz - d&d posts
#dz’s theatre - posts about theatre… mostly me complaining about being a stage manager el oh el
#dziedz wings - hockey posting
0 notes
ticktockclockedits · 2 years
======================== Welcome to Ticktockclockedits!
Info under cut! ========================
Hiya! My name is Lemon! =]
I use too many pronouns to list them off so you can find em all here! Not stating my age for privacy, but I'm a minor. If that makes you uncomfy, feel free to block me! I'm both fictionkin and otherkin. You may find my kinlist on my Carrd, or on my PluralKit, which gets updated more frequently. The way I talk tends to fluctuate sometimes. Sometimes I talk more formally, sometimes more casually. If I'm talking "weird", I'm not upset or anything! I just kinda do that =] I'm not that great at communication, so if I seem to "ignore" you, I'm probably just thinking of a way to respond, or busy! I only reblog donation/commission posts sometimes, especially if we're not mutuals. Sorry. Main blog is @lemon-3ds The photoshop software I use for these edits is Photopea! ========================
LGBTQ+ exclusionists (Transphobes, homophobes, acephobes, etc.)
Anti neopronouns
Anti xenogenders
Anti he/him lesbians and she/her gays (or think that pronouns = gender)
Sexists (Misogynists/misandrists, "kill all men", etc.)
Right-wing supporters
Anti-endogenic systems
Anti kin
Proshipper, anti-anti, MAP, pedophile (or whatever label they're going by nowadays.)
Support abusive relationships (both real and fictional)
Support incest (both real and fictional)
Discourse blogs
Kink/NSFW/18+/“minors dni”
Support problematic content creators (JK Rowling, Dream, YandereDev, Etc…)
Dream (the Minecraft Youtuber) stans/supporters [Note, this only applies if you support Dream. Fans of Dream SMP are fine if you don’t support Dream.]
Fruitverse/i-give-[thing] blog haters (This only applies if you make a big deal out of it. if you just have them blocked then you’re fine.)
Anti gimmick blogs (OSHA, bus drivers, shower thoughts, etc.) Please do not start discourse with me. Although I'm open to others' opinions, I don't want to argue. If you don't agree with me or like what you see, feel free to block and move along. I don't mind! =] ========================
Tagging info
Trigger warnings: I trigger tag things as "#[trigger]//" for example, "#bread//". I mostly tag common triggers like swearing or text in all caps, but will tag other things if asked. Organizational tags: Here's a list of tags I currently use for my own posts!:
#edits: Tag for all of my edits! #not edits: Self-explanatory, anything that is not one of my edits. #request: For both requested edits, and answered requests. #rejected requests: Also self-explanatory, requests that I reject. #ask: Ask tag. Edit types: All the tags I use for each type of edit I make!:
#headers: Tumblr headers
#pride flags: Pride flags color picked from characters
#gender coining: Xenogenders I've coined
#banners: DNI banners
#icons: Profile icons
#pronouns: Themed pronouns ========================
Anything to do with Five Nights at Freddy's.
Problematic media (Homestuck, Hazbin Hotel, Hetalia, Harry Potter, etc.)
BTS and other kpop bands
Irl people.
Anything to do with Dream SMP.
Repetitive requesting/begging me to do anything on the blacklist will result in a block. ========================
Paper Mario, Portal, Super Mario series, Splatoon, Pokemon, A Hat In Time, Cookie Run, Animal Crossing, Luigi's Mansion, The Legend of Zelda, Danganronpa, Doki Doki Literature Club, Animal Jam + Feral, The Property of Hate, Magical Starsign, The Mitchells Vs The Machines, Sky: Children Of The Light, Gravity Falls, Polybius, Inscryption ========================
Requesting Rules
Do not request if you fit the DNI (Obviously)
No requesting blacklisted media. (Doing it once accidentally is understandable, but doing it repetitively or on purpose will result in a block.) no exceptions.
If you wish to use one of my edits, please credit me properly!
Do not repetitively send the same request on purpose. (Sending in similar requests is fine, as long as they are not the exact same.) (Sending me the same requests multiple times is only fine when Tumblr glitches and result in multiple asks being sent, or if the ask isn’t received.)
I will not use art for icons unless it was drawn by the requester, me, or the original artist has given permission for it to be used. ========================
Requesting info
I Will do: icons, headers, pride flag edits (anything to do with pre-existing pride flags), DNI banners, edits of OCs. More to possibly come in the future.
I'm trying out doing: themed neopronouns, pronoun checks, blog themes [includes icon(s), header, and hex codes), and xenogender coining. These may not be a permanent addition to my list of things I do, but in the meantime, you're free to request them!
You are allowed to send in requests of things that are not on the whitelist as long as they are not on the blacklist!
All requests are to be sent via asks!
If you are requesting an edit of a character, please specify what media they come from!
Whitelist requests will most likely get done quicker because I like to pick favorites <3 Other requests will most likely be done in order of when they were requested, and complexity.
If you are requesting an edit of an OC, please provide a photo of them! Photos with transparent backgrounds are preferred, but not necessary. Picrews count as art made by others, and will not be used unless the description states that they can be edited.
If you would like to, you can send in photos you would like to be used in the edit! It will help me get it done quicker and make it more like how you want it!
Including details in a request is not necessary, but can help me make the edit more like how you want it! (ex: “Star or space themed green Luigi Icons” is better than just “Luigi icons”.)
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viulus · 3 years
Heyo, I'm Viulus, or Vu for short. I post just about anything here... Although, I do have a lot of side-blogs for certain topics (mainly fandom stuff). I really like cats, and I have two kitties who are my children :) I also like sewing, embroidery and succulents.
Age, edad: 20+
Pronouns, pronombre: He/him, él
Languages, idiomas: English, Español
Current fixation: Hollow Knight
Interests of mine, and my main side blogs
My main blogs:
@lgbtqstuff-va4 -Pretty self-explanatory, but this is where I post LGBTQ stuff I like (or that I think is important)
@purringbabs-va4 -Most all animal content I post is here
@eattherich-va4 -Basically where all my anti-capitalist sentiments will be :)
@aaobjectionposting-va4 -My Ace Attorney blog
@hades-shadeposting-va4 -My blog dedicated to both Hades games
@dekineemaposting-va4 -My Disco Elysium blog. Currently it's under construction, so it looks a bit ah... Plain. I'm working on it though!
@personashitposting-va4 -My Persona blog. I mostly just talk about P5 here, but yeah
@vuscreativepile-va4 -If I see art of any kind that I like (but it feels weird to share it to any of my other blogs), this is where I'll send it. I also post creative advice that I come across here
@hkpogoposting-va4 -My Hollow Knight blog! Currently it doesn't have many posts, but I AM in the process of sharing every HK post from my main, to this blog
@pkmshitposts-va4 -My Pokemon blog
@plants-and-gardening-va4 -Anything related to plants, gardening or environmentalism will be posted here
@jakanddaxtershitposting-va4 -My Jak and Daxter blog
So here's some stuff that I'm not gonna put up with, and if I feel like someone I interact with on here falls under any of this then they're likely just gonna be blocked
Generally speaking, just don't be a bigot.  I.e. no transphobia, racism, ableism, sexism or queerphobia.  I could go into detail on all that this entails, but essentially if you're asking yourself, "am I being [blank]-phobic/[blank]-ist?", then the answer is probably a yes.  I'm just gonna use my best judgement here and I encourage you all to do the same
Truscum and transmedicalist sentiments are unwelcome here
Pro-cop and anti-BLM sentiments aren't welcome here
STOP demonizing things like psychosis, BPD and NPD.  For gods sake not everyone who's mean is a "narcissist" people.
Any sentiments of "lol being attracted to men/being a man is such a tragedy" are NOT welcome here.  Christ.  Being attracted to men isn't bad.  Being a man isn't bad.  Like yes men benefit from patriarchy and often act like they're entitled to everything because of it, but there ARE men who try to unlearn these things... Just quit acting like being a bad person is inherent to being male. It's not.
Exclusionist rhetoric is also unwelcome here.  No I'm not gonna read your arguments about how being aspec/bi/pan/nonbinary are somehow "bad".  Maybe send your essays to someone who doesn't understand or care about nuance
"Queer is a slur" sentiments are unwelcome here.  Context and nuance are a thing, and literally EVERY queer label gets used as a slur in certain contexts (e.g. I still hear people using gay as an insult TO THIS DAY)
Proshipper sentiments are also not welcome here.  No I don't care about your pedophilic/incest ships and how "cute" you think they are
Alt-right/conservative alignment people go away challenge. I also have no respect or patience for centrists or people who are "apolitical"
Anti-vaxx sentiments are unwelcome here
Anti-choice sentiments are also clearly not welcome here
Obviously I didn't cover everything that I won't put up with here, but that's not really possible to do in a single Tumblr post. Just use your best judgement and TRY to be a decent person.
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mandelene · 5 years
19, 21, 40, 58, and 68, if you don't mind :)
Thank you for the ask!
19. sleeping position?
Most nights, I sleep on my side with my legs stretched out. I’ll put part of the duvet or a blanket between my legs. I also like to hold something when I sleep, so I usually hold a small pillow. 
If I’m unwell, I’ll sleep in the fetal position. Idk why lol. Maybe to make myself smaller/feel more secure. 
21. Obsession from childhood?
40. weirdest thing to ever happen at your school?
Ooh, there are lots of weird things depending on what era of my life we’re talking about. I can’t really say anything about my grad school because I just started. I don’t think anything too crazy happened at my undergrad university either. Public high school and Catholic elementary/middle school were insane though. In high school, someone set fire to a toilet during midterms week to postpone their class’ exam (it worked). I remember it was a whole big thing. The NYPD, FDNY, NY Daily News, and ABC 7 Eyewitness News came. ABC even brought their helicopter xD I was also in high school when Hurricane Sandy happened, and that was insane. Our school was one of the shelters, so we didn’t have class for almost 3 weeks. Then there was the drama of when Stuyvesant was caught in that whole cheating scandal involving the Regents exams. I didn’t go to Stuy, but I went to another NYC specialized high school and everyone was talking about it. On a grim note, my high school had a teacher in the aerospace engineering department who was sexually involved with several female students. Fortunately, I never had to take his class. 
As for Catholic school, I think that’s pretty self-explanatory. No matter what Catholic school one goes to, everyone ends up with wild stories lol. 
58. four talents you’re proud of having?
Ugh, don’t make me talk positively about myself. >:(
I guess these aren’t talents really -- more like qualities. I’m proud that I’m really stubborn, determined, have a good work ethic, and feel empathy for people. 
68. worst flavor of any food or drink you’ve ever tried?
I think cherry Coca-Cola is disgusting. I mean, all Coke is gross and diabetes/cancer-inducing, but cherry Coke is just extra offensive. 
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